不可能任务情报局(IMF)探员简、崔佛汉纳威和计算机高手班 吉· 邓恩出一场任务,目的是要找到一名运送核弹发射密码的信使,然 而很不幸地,他们的任务出错,密码落入毒蝎美人杀手莎宾· 莫露的手 中。 同时,队长伊森· 汉特(汤姆· 克鲁斯饰)逃出莫斯科监狱,这群人接下 来的任务是要潜入克里姆林宫,获取一个关键人的信息,这个人的代 码是“钴蓝”,他企图买下这组密码。不久,钴蓝发现伊森和班吉的 秘密行动,于是在红场引发一场大型爆炸事件,幸好两人及时逃离, 不过伊森发现自己和整个不可能任务情报局已成为代罪羔羊,使得总 统启动“幽灵行动”,彻底解散情报局。 这个团队后来又加入一位新成员威廉· 布兰特(杰瑞米· 雷纳饰), 而伊森也发现他出任务以来第一次跟一个他不熟悉的团队合作。表面 上,布兰特看起来像是坐办公室的分析员,不过他其实有着更复杂的 过去。在逼不得已的情况下,伊森和这个新团队只能合作,而且由于 不可能任务情报局已遭废除,他们失去任何支持和支援,不过他们必 须替自己洗刷污名,并完成任务以避免核弹引爆。
壁虎的脚上有些看似小钩子一样的刚毛末端,实际上是开叉的,每根刚 毛都分成了100-1000根更细的绒毛,这些绒毛极大的增加了壁虎脚掌的 面积,特别是当壁虎攀在那些粗糙的物体表面时,这些绒毛更能填满那 些细小的坑洼。 壁虎实际上是利用了范德华力,也即分子间的作用力,使自己爬在墙上
本片充满了刺激与精彩兼备的场景。 ——《娱乐周刊》 布拉德·伯德在第四部《碟中谍》身 上完成了真正的“不可能的任务”:让 这个已经有15年高龄的系列焕发出了崭 新且令人窒息的活力与能量。 ——《今日美国》 这是一部精彩绝伦的动作片:它的动 作场景几乎就像是一场动作戏的诗篇。 ——《芝加哥太阳报》 本片的可信度基本为0,但却妙趣横 生。
国籍: 美国 出生地: 美国洛杉矶 出生日期: 1975年12月05日 职业: 演员 毕业学院: 南加州大学 代表作品:《时空线索》《碟中谍4:幽灵协议》 主要成就: 黑人电影奖突破女新人提名 2012全球最美女性第八位 身高: 163cm 星座: 射手座
西蒙· 约翰· 佩吉(Simon Pegg)
国籍: 英国 职业: 演员 作家 制片人 导演 歌手 毕业学校: 布里斯托尔大学 代表作品:《僵尸肖恩》《热血警探》 《碟中谍4》 出生日期: 1970年2月14日 出生地: 格洛斯特郡 英国
杰瑞米· 雷纳(Jeremy Lee Renner)
职业: 演员 音乐人 代表作品:《拆弹部队》 身高: 175cm 出生地: 美国加州莫德斯托城 出生日期: 1971年1月7日
汤姆· 克鲁斯(Tom Ciuise)
美国 职业: 演员 星座: 巨蟹座 身高: 172cm 原名: Thomas Ciuise Mapother IV 出生日期:1962年7月3日 出生地: 美国纽约州锡拉丘兹
宝拉· 巴顿(Paula Maxine Patton)
特工汉纳威(乔什· 哈洛威 Josh Holloway 饰)执行任务时 遇害,核机密文件被女杀手莫伦(蕾雅· 赛杜 Léa Seydoux 饰)截获。为了找回文件,特工班吉(西蒙· 佩吉 Simon Pegg 饰)和特工简(宝拉· 巴顿 Paula Patton 饰)从俄罗 斯监狱救出了伊桑· 亨特(汤姆· 克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)。 他们接受的幽灵协议任务便是从克林姆林宫盗取核军事密 码。然而,当他们接近目标时,却发现被恐怖分子亨德里 克斯(迈克尔· 恩奎斯特 Michael Nyqvist 饰)捷足先登, 抢走了核军事密码。在爆炸中,亨特受困医院,遭俄特工 的追捕,幸好他身手矫捷,才化险为夷。不过,亨特的上 司也在混乱中丧生,只剩下其助手布兰德(杰瑞米· 雷纳 Jeremy Renner 饰)与亨特死里逃生,加上班吉和简,逼 上绝境的四人开始了最后一搏,从迪拜到印度,他们出生 入死,与恐怖分子斗智斗勇……
你是怎么开门的?HeP,howdidPouope nPourcelldoor? Default,,,,,,HeP!你在干嘛?whatarePoudo ing?把第二区的门打开!Open Sector!你怎么出来的?HowdidPougetout?回去你的房间Getback in Pourcell.警告你,回去你的房间!ltoldPou,getback in Pourcell!再给你几个朋友来玩Let'sgivePouafewfrie ndstoplaPwith.抱歉啦SorrP.快派警卫进去Sen dsomeguards in.已经叫了rm trPi ng.我准备好了,下面情况如何?OkaP,l'mset.How'sthi ngsgoi ngdow nbelow?你觉得呢?我在下水道耶HowdoPouth ink?l' mi nasewer.门打不开!我们被锁住了!Thedoorsw on 'tope n! we'relockedi n!发布警报!Soun dthealarm!已经失控了!we'velostc on trol!队长!Capta in!我就定位了「min positi on.进入第二阶段Movetophase.你在干嘛?你在干嘛?WhatarePoudoi ng?WhatarePoudoi ng?怎么了?发生什么事?what'swro ng?what'shappe nin g,Benji?他不去撤离点Oh,God.He's no tgoi ngtotheeGtractio npoi nt. 专心,他知道要去哪里StaPfocused.Hek no wswherehe'sgo ing.不,我不干No,l'm not.lwo n't.我不会开这扇门的Iwill no tope nthatdoor.请到撤离点,伊森PleasegototheeGtractio npoi nt,Etha n.lk now. 我懂你手势的意思Ikno wwhatthismea ns,可是不行,我未经授权…butlca n't.l'm no tauthorized...去撤离点,伊森GototheeGtractio npoi nt,Etha n.快去撤离点!GototheeGtractio npoi nt!你要等我吗?Oh,Pou'rejustgo in gtowait.大家来耗吧,我有的是时间we'regoi ngtowait.Great.lca nwait.好啦!好啦!OkaP,fi ne.Fi ne!Fi ne!这样我们就可以搞砸整个计划There.we'lljustscrewthewholethi ngup on purpose. 珍?进度会有点耽搁Jan e?we'rego in gtohaveaslightdelaP .你进去那里干嘛?whPdoPouwa nttogo in there?包格丹!Bogdan!包格丹!Bogdan!塞吉?Sergei?该闪人了!Timetogo!现在?Now?对,现在!Pes ,now!我不知道他在干嘛?Idon 'tk no wwhathe'sdoi ng,我也莫名奇妙在帮他an dforsomereas on ,1'mhelpi nghim.只要歌播完前他到定点Asl on gashe'swhereheshouldbewhe nthes ongends. 我们多了个伴wehaveapasse nger.塞吉!Sergei!把门全都打开!Open allofthem!天啊!OhGod!天啊…天啊…OhGodohGodohGod...塞吉,别说计划到此为止Sergei,pleasetellmethere'smoretothispla n!快走Let'sgo...韩特探员?Age ntHu nt?你是?An dPouare?卡特探员Age ntCarter.好OkaP.你的朋友是谁?who'sPourpal?等一下告诉你l'lltellPouo nthewaP!点火吧Lightthefuse.塞吉,怎么回事?Sergei,what'sgo ingon?别担心,包格丹lt'sOK,Bogda n.我并不想多嘴…Idon 'tmea ntobri nguptheelepha ntin theroom, 但这个像大猩猩的俄国佬是谁?butwhat'swiththebig,hairPRussia n?包格丹?他是我的线人who,Bogda n? Hefedmei ntel.如果我丢下他,他们会杀了他lfllefthimthere,thePwould'vekilledhim.所以我们会让他走Sowe'reg onn agivehimhisfreedom.你有没有安排清洁小组?DidPoucalli nthesweepers?正在路上OntheirwaP .好,很好Good,good.班吉…你怎么会在这里?Benji,howisitPou'rehere?我通过外勤测验!Oh,lpassedthefieldeGam.很瞎吧?CrazP,right?对,很瞎Peah.CrazP.DNA测试-是我啦-DNAtest.-lt'sme.我必须确认-你真仔细It'sprocedure.l'mjustco nfirmi ngit'sPou. 塞吉?-Pou'reverPthorough.-Sergei?你不是俄国人?ArePo un otRussia n?别紧张RelaG.清洁小组接近中!扫帚出动了!Sweepersapproach in g!Broomsareout!了解-Rogerthat.-Sergei.你不是…塞吉吗?ArePo uno tSergei?你会没事的Pou'llbefi ne.包格丹Bogda n.我一向很照顾我朋友lalwaPstakecareofmPfrie nds.朋友…MPfrie nd.刚才他差点坏事MessPbri ngin ghimalo ng.我认为进行得很顺利Ithoughtitwe ntratherwell.能告诉我为什么你在俄国监狱?Min dtelli ngmewhatPouweredo ingin aRussia npris on?能告诉我为什么你帮我逃狱?Min dtelli ngmewhPPoubrokemeout? 这不是营救任务?Thiswas n'tarescuemissi on?我这样说好了LetmeputitthiswaP .如果局长要我出来IftheSecretarPwa ntedmeoutofthere, 外头的事一定很大条itmustbeprettPbadouthere.我们在追查一份档案wewereafterafile.结果弄丢了welostit.“我们”?谁弄丢的?你?"we"?wholostit?Pou?汉纳威探员AgentHanawaP .汉纳威在哪里?where'sHa nawaP?那是个取件任务Itwasaletterdrop.机密档案Classifiedfile.原本是一次简单的拦截Itshouldhavebee nasimple in tercept.我们知道目标在哪列火车Wek newwhichtrai nthecourierwas on.目标预计分钟后抵达ETA,twomi nu tes on thecourier.可是我们不知道…Buttherewas on ethi ngwedid n'tk now.山猫,你的列车还有分钟进站Bobcat,Pourtra in' ssiGm inu tesout.…他是谁Whothecourierwas.快来不及了,山猫lt's noworn ever,Bobcat.带着档案的信使…他的名字?Thecourierdeliveri ngthefile,what'shis name? 你尽管开枪Goahead.Shoot.Goahead.Shoot.我们没时间了weareoutoftime.我需要名字In eeda name,folks.我无法同时追踪所有人lean 'ttrackallthesepeopleat on ce.马瑞克,史蒂芬斯基,饶了我吧!Marek.Stefa nski.FortheloveofGod!听到吗?Pougotit?马瑞克史蒂芬斯基MarekStefa nski.我正在找Searchi ng.“目标确定” {\r}接下来看我的l'lltakeitfromhere.老兄,你还好吧?HeP,Pouallright,buddP?汉纳威麻醉了目标,取走背包Han awaPdroppedthemarka ndgrabbedhisbag. 坐着休息一下吧Sitdow n.CatchPourbreath.。
为了找回文件,特工班吉和特工简从俄罗斯监狱救出了伊桑·亨特(汤姆·克鲁斯T om Cruise 饰)。
不过,亨特的上司也在混乱中丧生,只剩下其助手布兰德与亨特死里逃生,加上班吉和简,逼上绝境的四人开始了最后一搏,从迪拜到印度,他们出生入死,与恐怖分子斗智斗勇……【选段台词】Ethan: IMF now believes this man, Kurt Hendricks is the nuclear [w]extremist[/w], code name Cobalt. Today he was seen leaving the [w]Kremlin[/w], with what is likely a nuclear launch device. Two days ago, Sabine Moreau killed one of our agents in [w]Budapest[/w] and relieved him of Russian nuclear launch codes. Intel indicates she will check into the Burj Hotel in [w]Dubai[/w] in 36 hours. Marius Wistrom is a known operative of Cobalt. Wistrom is currently enroute to Dubai. For the launch device to work, Cobalt needs the [w]activation[/w] codes. He's sending Wistrom to buy them from Moreau. The Secretary is dead. The president has [w]invoked[/w] Ghost [w]Protocol[/w]. We're shut down. No satellite, safe house, support, or [w]extraction[/w]. The four of us and the contents of this car are all that remain of the IMF. And as of this moment, any action is [w]unsanctioned[/w]. So if you want out, speak now.(silent)Ethan: Our mission is Hendricks. We're all that standsbetween him and his goal. Nothing can be left to chance. Everyone connected with this man is considered an asset with valuable information about our target. No one can know we're still on line. We lost Hendricks now, we lose him forever.Jane: So, what's the play?Ethan: Wistrom will take delivery from Moreau in 36 hours. Now we cannot let the launch codes leave the hotel, but we need Wistrom to lead us to Hendricks.William: He'll only do that if he has the codes.Jane: Or if he thinks he has them.Ethan: Our objective is to [w]intercept[/w] the sale, replace the authentic codes with counterfeits and follow Wistrom to Hendricks.Benjinmin: Well, that's simple enough. We snatch the codes, we gin up some fakes. Jane, you double Moreau, and sell the codes to Wistrom and Bob's your uncle.William: And how do you propose we just snatch the codes from Moreau?Jane: You take her out.Benjinmin:Yeah, we take her out. But, you know, [w]discreetly[/w].William: Discreetly?Benjinmin: Yeah. Right, she's an asset. Right.Ethan: I get it.Benjinmin: Nothing is left to chance. He said... I'm spitballing. It's not all gonna be gold.Ethan: We don't touch Wistrom.Benjinmin: All right.Ethan: Or Wistrom. She'll answer for Hanaway, but it has to be when I say. After we hit Hendricks. Only pack what we need.Benjinmin: Yeah, absolutely. Only pack what we... You never know.【重点词汇】1. code name意为“代号”。
If we measure the film Harry Potter with the technological vision: 除你武器—次声波攻击
摄魂取念---催眠术 Harry potter---X-Men (X战警)
They promote and complement each other . They are inter-being. Science and technology is unceasingly updated magic.(科技是不断翻新的魔法) Science and technology is the power to make the imagination come true.
早在1960年代,就有人研究这种光学隐身法了。对此 比较有建树的是东京大学的馆暲教授。不过,他的隐身衣 可不是一件可以穿上去出门显摆的衣服,它的全套装备比 影片中的隐身屏更复杂。 首先,衣服是用高反射材料制成的,交警的背心上的 反光条就来源于此。其次,需要带上一台相机、一台性能 不错的电脑、一部投影仪和一个既能反射光线又能透过光 线的半反射镜(类似于贴了膜的汽车玻璃)。当然,电源、 数据线什么的也必不可少。 这件隐身衣的原理如下:穿了隐身衣的人站好,背后 特定的位置架好照相机,拍一张照片。照片经过计算机加 工处理传给投影仪,投影仪将图像投向半反射镜,这样图 像就会照到“隐身人”身上。这时,“隐身衣”就会完美 地把这个图像再反射回半反射镜,并穿透它。如果人此时 恰好站在半反射镜后面一个恰到好处的位置,就会看到隐 身衣好像是透明了。如果人没在那个“恰到好处”的位置, 就会看到一个穿着银色衣服的人呆立在那里。要是屏后面 站了几个人,那么这东西肯定要穿帮。
Main Idea
Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol is a 2011 American action filmபைடு நூலகம் It is the fourth installment in the Mission: Impossible series .
可能很多人没有意识到,《碟中谍4》背后隐藏的正是美国军事工业复合体那庞大而又若有若无的影子截止到2012年2月16日,《碟中谍4:幽灵协定》(Mission:Impossible 4)(下简称《碟中谍4》)在中国内地总票房已经超越5亿,成为继《阿凡达》、《唐山大地震》、《让子弹飞》、《变形金刚3》、《功夫熊猫2》、《金陵十三钗》、《龙门飞甲》之后第八部内地票房过5亿的电影。
碟中谍4观后感英语碟中谍4观后感英语The sequel to the movie this year than in previous years, but several are overturned the sequel will certainly not as good as before stereotypes. For example, the speed and passion in summer5, in front of more than four sets will have to be good-looking. This mission impossible four, the scene is absolutely better than the previous set difference. Of course, the previous sequel is originally not a sequel heart, just the front saw sell well, take a set out of money again, now already is the media giant movie on a chain link, the shooting was a sequel to the plan.I think IMAX morning show, although a very early in the morning, arrived from school in Tsim Sha Tsui, non working also in the subway was jammed in a complete mess, and spent 100yuan, but the absolute value of money and energy. Climax happen frequently, spectacle island. The film has two sites rarely seen. One is to blow up the Moscow Kremlin in a corner, really hurts, but that the artifacts. Another is the Burj Dubai, appears to be the first time I see in the movies. This year how many special large ah, bombarded down can also have this effect, it is not easy, especially in regard to the case of no destroying the earth, some flesh and blood in the world to jump, not at all than the Decepticons and the death eaters difference. And I see with a friend always to want to have no interest, she seemed pretty excited, he politely asked how she, didn't expect her to be profuse in praise, that scene was not only beautiful, but the plot is advanced, as she did not grasp the bad guy why to launch a global nuclear war. I was petrified, the sister usually literary piece look much, hunk, bad guy why will destroy the world, it also causes? Become frenzied. Civilization only enemy is crazy, it can make the least taboo.About the cold war was a bad guy, looking for more easily, ah, ah, what the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe, China, Vietnam, catch a big. Later, the end of history, the universal value of one world, the world also includes a film to sell to all over the world. Never let the Russians saw American heroes themselves also happy to buy them, so what the Arabia terrorists, North Koreans also when a bad guy. But still a little sensitive Johnny English, the latest episode of basically cannot be performed in china. Catch catch, of course is mad to do the best, andthe madman is often high IQ, is a scientist, research and advanced knowledge, such as the film is quantum physics -- Shledon you lie also shot. Another hall are Reying detective Holmes villain is astrophysicist, it must be a time sounds the most profound knowledge. But high IQ is not, must skill or, also think about, that Sheldon man and Tom had lips, use Wii to battle. Of course, think, scene of the movie are mostly science fiction, if it is not science fiction, such as mission impossible, the gadget also has the color of science fiction, science fiction, villains ever mad scientist. I think if Hollywood to take Liu Cixin's novel, Ding Yi will certainly become a villain.But theoretical scientists is the big bad wolf right, but make specific technology but good in the core, Hollywood in the movie thereis always a person, especially cattle, knocks two keyboard, it was taken over by others, all the obstacles that empty sweep. But the episode, those lovely gadget is no longer an otherworldly sci-fi, but Iphone,Ipad and Mac, the ad is really big, I am just curious those software in APPLE STORE can down to, if not, they can't escape? Or APPLE andmilitary relations are very good.The movie is good, is read only remember Apple and Burj Dubai. Goodis similar, but the bad guys have all sorts of strange things. Of course, the spy film is black and white, who explores the villain psychological ah. Of course, some viewers at home movies, especially love on thispoint entangled, do not appear to be a human villain is sorry Vinda and Voldemort.PS: I was most excited when not see Tom hangs in Burj Dubai, butthey just to Red Square, Russia music to up to that moment.。
《碟中谍4》观后感王赟婷美国大片《碟中谍4 幽灵协议》又名《不可能完成的任务》。
Mission Impossible 碟中谍英文介绍
Ethan Hunt acted by Tom Cruise . He is the heart and the soul of the movie. He is an outstanding actor and he gained many prizes of performing arts. Tom Cruise plays an important part of this series .This is a fabulous movie ,I hope all of you can enjoy this movie.
Welcome to IMF , an agent organization . ent about agent Ethan Hunt.
Mission: Impossible
Today I will introduce Mission Impossible 4. I think this is the most exciting and adventurous
In order to let Hunt have complete autonomy, the agents organization in the United States let Hunt and three of his partner
escaped from prison. They travelled to Dubai , searching for terrorists. Burj Khalifa Tower(迪拜
car to stop the criminal launch of the bomb.
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星球大战全系列介绍英文和译文Star Wars is a popular science fiction franchise created by George Lucas. The series is set in a distant galaxy and features a rich and expansive universe filled with diverse characters, planets, and conflicts. Here is an introduction to the entire Star Wars series:1. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977):The original film that started it all, it follows the adventures of Luke Skywalker, a young farm boy who discovers his destiny as a Jedi Knight and joins the Rebel Alliance in their fight against the evil Galactic Empire.2. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980):The sequel to A New Hope, it continues the story as Luke Skywalker trains under Jedi Master Yoda while the Empire relentlessly pursues the Rebel Alliance.3. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983):Concluding the original trilogy, Luke Skywalker and his allies launch a final assault against the Empire, culminating in a confrontation with the Sith Lord Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine.4. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999):Set before the events of the original trilogy, this prequel introduces Anakin Skywalker, a young slave with extraordinary abilities, as well as the political turmoil in the galaxy and the rise of the Sith.5. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002):Anakin Skywalker continues his journey, now as a Jedi apprentice, as tensions rise between the Republic and the separatist movement, leading to the creation of a massive clone army.6. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005):The final prequel film depicts the fall of Anakin Skywalker to the dark side, his transformation into Darth Vader, and the tragic events that lead to the rise of the Empire.7. Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008-2020):This animated television series expands on the events between Episode II and Episode III, exploring the Clone Wars conflict and featuring various characters and story arcs.8. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015):Set approximately 30 years after the original trilogy, a new generation of heroes and villains emerges as the remnants of the Empire, now called the First Order, seek to regain control of the galaxy.9. Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017):The sequel to The Force Awakens, it follows Rey, a young scavenger with a connection to theForce, as she seeks guidance from Jedi Master Luke Skywalker while the Resistance faces the First Order's relentless pursuit.10. Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019):Concluding the Skywalker saga, the Resistance engages in a final battle against the First Order, with Rey confronting her destiny and the return of Emperor Palpatine.11. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016):A standalone film that takes place before A New Hope, it follows a group of Rebel spies as they embark on a mission to steal the plans for the Death Star, a superweapon capable of destroying planets.12. Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018):Another standalone film, it explores the early adventures of Han Solo, the charming smuggler, and his loyal friend Chewbacca.13. The Mandalorian (2019-present):A highly popular live-action series set after the events of Return of the Jedi, it follows the adventures of a lone bounty hunter in the outer reaches of the galaxy.14. Various spin-offs, novels, comics, and animated series:Star Wars has an extensive expanded universe that includes additional films like Solo and Rogue One, numerous books, comics, and animated shows that explore different characters, time periods, and stories withinthe Star Wars universe.译文:星球大战是乔治卢卡斯创作的一部流行科幻小说系列。
碟中谍4英文观后感碟中谍4英文观后感1even taking into account the summer hot" speed and passion5"," ghost Protocol" is still the best action movie, without controversy. " Speed 5" last car chase while perfect incapable of further increase, but the former pine stamina structure than" disc 4" climax after all, still owed so little aggressive. " Speed 5" really fun, but" disc 4" at this point not to lose, bursting point in this department has been enhanced, whole series is recreational the highest episode.2of the fifteen old series of films are very emotional, even more than the" Bourne" series. Because from 96years up to now, this series not only marked the Tom 's acting career, as well as I marked several particular point in time. Although time is very long, but I still remember 96 years with my mom go to see the" disc 1", with a junior high school go to see the" disc 2", when the university with a look at the" disc 3", not forgetting the last week with XXX and XXX to see this latest collection" disc 4".3Brad found. Bird directed the film is also considered a coup, bird director evident in the action drama arrangement has a mind of its own, at the same time the joke 's use is also quite bovine X ( perhaps with his animation director background about ).The 4said joke, must talk about Simon Peggy. In front of three set no matter how to change the team lineup, providing technical support to all the raimes. This set of substitution is purely jokes about, Simon. Peggy is playing this role even in almost natural, completed without difficulty.This 5set plot complexity ranged from 2, between 3, that is to say there is no plot is complex, but also did to the second kindof not essential. The nuclear crisis, stealing passwords, the last second bomb, listening to all greasy askew. So a conventional story to be so exciting, that would be capable of.6" mission impossible" series with the007 and other series of movies, play by their own formula : the beginning of a failed mission, in the middle of a clever dive, ending another fully and delightfully action, to end the fighting. This set has an unsuccessful dive start, is to say to this should be placed in the middle of the" dive into play" with the first" fail" combined together. Then make a action drama, dedication of the fantastic Dubai to climb the building!7with 007From Bourne, playing on close-quarters combat, Ethan hunt, against the tide began to use novelty small equipment. Both climbing gloves, or tracking eye screen projector, is an impressive design. Always think007unreal, Bourne is too realistic," mission impossible" in this balance best (second episodes except).The 8set of movies a lot on the first Movie Tribute: such as the beginning of fuse lit it, is cut up the positive content, this kind of practice in" disc 2" and"3" were not used in dish, see there is an indescribable feeling. And I also fear of spoilers, because the trailer was almost. Another end pub conversation, watching is associated with the first set is like. What surprised me most was to see the men with long hair, smiling again took out the head cover in Ethan hunt head. Although the flash, but I think that" disc 1" in long hair lighter male. This point please see help when I confirm. I thought the next scene MAX will also appear in the movie, but not her.9the first three sets play an important role in the changing face of link does not appear in the" disc 4", but the villain play aface.10speak of this set of villain, really weak point, often feel the presence of the villain. Especially compared to the" dish" in3strong villain is not weight. This tension is caused by the environment, rather than from the villain.11the first three films were a traitor, only this set.The 12Dubai world's tallest building, the play, before the trailer will be used as the first point. Very good, the key is the design is also very clever. But the dust car chases I was like, I don't know what a love myself more. That can not see the road, and take the sense of speed, loudly shout satisfies a craving, was an inspired passage.Compared to 13, but the last action cookie cutter bit.14" disc 1" is a helicopter explosion as the climax of the play. " Disc 2" although the film is the worst, but has left a very good tradition, is the climax of the play does not end in a claof the big end of blasting action, but to do. The continuation of this tradition.15of Tom Curise's muscle droop.16 Paula. Barton isn't saying," from temporal cues" began to like the actress. This film is stunning, but do not burst point: that is not hit, but did not give the film.17" mission impossible: Ghost agreement" to choose a good schedule, except for" Holmes 2", the same schedule no PG-13film, the" Holmes 2" also entered its second week, and its reputation," disc 4" to make enough space to. Add on Austrian film in this schedule big spread, an excellent quality of the pure natural favored popcorn movie. (" the girl with Dragon Tattoo" R," Alvin and the Chipmunks:3" G class", the" PG grade )。
必看英语电影影单1. 复仇者联盟3:无限战争Avengers: Infinity War (2018) 动作/ 科幻/ 奇幻/ 冒险8.12. 小偷家族万引き家族(2018) 剧情/ 家庭/ 犯罪8.73. 007:大战皇家赌场Casino Royale (2006) 动作/ 惊悚/ 犯罪7.44. 爱你,西蒙Love, Simon (2018) 爱情/ 同性8.35. X战警:逆转未来X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) 动作/ 科幻/ 冒险8.26. 英国病人The English Patient (1996) 剧情/ 爱情/ 战争8.57. 真爱至上Love Actually (2003) 剧情/ 喜剧/ 爱情8.58. 起跑线Hindi Medium (2017) 剧情/ 喜剧/ 爱情7.99. 天才枪手ฉลาดเกมสโกง (2017) 剧情/ 悬疑/ 犯罪8.210. 碟中谍4 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) 动作/ 惊悚/ 冒险8.311. 摘金奇缘Crazy Rich Asians (2018) 喜剧/ 爱情6.212. 大侦探福尔摩斯Sherlock Holmes (2009) 动作/ 悬疑/ 惊悚/ 犯罪/ 冒险7.515. 记忆碎片Memento (2000) 剧情/ 悬疑/ 惊悚/ 犯罪8.616. 冰血暴Fargo (1996) 剧情/ 惊悚/ 犯罪7.917. 致命魔术The Prestige (2006) 剧情/ 悬疑/ 惊悚8.818. 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士The Dark Knight (2008) 剧情/ 动作/ 科幻/ 惊悚/ 犯罪9.119. 盗梦空间Inception (2010) 剧情/ 科幻/ 悬疑/ 冒险9.320. 毒液:致命守护者Venom (2018) 动作/ 科幻/ 惊悚7.321. 哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)剧情/ 悬疑/ 奇幻/ 冒险8.722. 神奇动物:格林德沃之罪Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)奇幻/ 冒险7.223. 头号玩家Ready Player One (2018) 动作/ 科幻/ 冒险8.724. 黑豹Black Panther (2018) 动作/ 科幻/ 冒险6.425. 这个杀手不太冷Léon (1994) 剧情/ 动作/ 犯罪9.426. 黑天鹅Black Swan (2010) 剧情/ 惊悚8.527.人类之子Children of Men (2006) 科幻7.528.第25小时25th Hour (2002) 剧情/ 犯罪7.929.拆弹部队The Hurt Locker (2008) 战争7.730.迈克尔·克莱顿Michael Clayton (2007) 剧情/ 悬疑/ 惊悚/ 犯罪7.131.潘神的迷宫El laberinto del fauno (2006) 剧情/ 悬疑/ 战争/ 奇幻7.832.血色将至There Will Be Blood (2007) 剧情片8.233.少年时代Boyhood (2014) 剧情/ 家庭8.534.四月三周两天4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (2007) 剧情片8.235.旧梦Old Joy (2006) 剧情片7.836.暖暖内含光Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) 剧情/ 爱情/ 奇幻8.437.饥饿Hunger (2008) 剧情/ 传记8.038.我办事你放心You Can Count on Me (2000) 剧情7.539.老无所依No Country for Old Men (2007) 剧情/ 惊悚/ 犯罪8.140.我不在那儿I'm Not There (2007) 剧情/ 音乐/ 传记7.941.少数派报告Minority Report (2002) 动作/ 科幻/ 悬疑/ 惊悚/ 犯罪7.742.敦刻尔克Dunkirk (2017) 剧情/ 历史/ 战争8.443.泥土之界Mudbound (2017) 剧情片7.344.聚焦Spotlight (2015) 剧情/ 传记8.845.索尔之子Saul fia (2015) 剧情/ 战争7.346.我们讲述的故事Stories We Tell (2012) 纪录片8.147.战争迷雾The Fog of War (2003) 纪录片/ 战争8.248.天才一族The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) 剧情/ 喜剧/ 家庭8.149.千与千寻Spirited Away (2001) 剧情/ 动画/ 奇幻9.350.哈利·波特与死亡圣器(上) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010) 剧情/ 奇幻/ 冒险8.0。
碟中谍4影评篇一:碟中谍4 影评《碟中谍4》影评《碟中谍4》正式全称为《碟中谍:幽灵协议》(Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol),是一部20xx年末上映的影片。
经典影视服饰赏析《碟中谍4》女主角Jane Carter
《碟中谍4》服饰赏析——女主角Jane Carter 在《碟中谍》系列影片中,这个英文缩写名与“国际货币基金组织”英文缩写名相同的小组,全称是“impossible mission force”,意在表明该小组往往承担极度困难、极度危险,看起来不可能完成的任务。
这次的服装造型设计师是大名鼎鼎的Michael Kaplan。
Kaplan,这位各大电影的御用服装设计师, 2012年正在开始指导新一集的《星际迷航2》,而2011年的《碟中谍4》,则又成为了他的又一代表作。
同时也体现出了Kaplan 一贯的设计风格。
今天,我们着重来看一下其中的一位女主角,散发着一种法式的优雅和浪漫的Jane Carter。
Jane Carter作为小组成员之一,决定了她不能时常穿着华服。