
8%28.8%0%2%0%0.6%16.7%1.2%打印保存文本复制检测报告单(全文标明引文)№:ADBD2014R_2014032309410020140323103723600961456550检测时间:2014-03-23 10:37:23检测文献:w322博士论文1361595996_吴敏作者:吴敏检测范围:中国学术期刊网络出版总库中国博士学位论文全文数据库/中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库中国重要会议论文全文数据库中国重要报纸全文数据库中国专利全文数据库互联网资源英文数据库(涵盖期刊、博硕、会议的英文数据以及德国Springer、英国Taylor&Francis 期刊数据库等)港澳台学术文献库优先出版文献库互联网文档资源个人比对库时间范围:1900-01-01至2014-03-23总文字复制比:去除引用文献复制比:8%去除本人已发表文献复制比:7%单篇最大文字复制比:1.4%(纳米材料的发展历史,现状及-百度文库)重复字数: [ 3397 ]总字数: [ 42574 ]单篇最大重复字数:[ 578 ]总段落数: [ 7 ]前部重合字数:[ 2552 ]疑似段落最大重合字数:[ 2552 ]疑似段落数:[ 5 ]后部重合字数:[ 845 ]疑似段落最小重合字数:[ 29 ]跨语言检测结果:0%指标:剽窃观点自我剽窃一稿多投过度引用整体剽窃重复发表剽窃文字表述表格:0脚注与尾注:0(2552)w322博士论文1361595996_吴敏_第1部分(总8853字)(0)w322博士论文1361595996_吴敏_第2部分(总7171字)(74)w322博士论文1361595996_吴敏_第3部分(总3784字)(0)w322博士论文1361595996_吴敏_第4部分(总6828字)(29)w322博士论文1361595996_吴敏_第5部分(总4803字)(658)w322博士论文1361595996_吴敏_第6部分(总3940字)(84)w322博士论文1361595996_吴敏_第7部分(总7195字)(注释:无问题部分文字复制比部分引用部分)剽窃观点(1)w322博士论文1361595996_吴敏_第1部分1.综上所述,量子尺寸效应、体积效应﹑表面效应﹑宏观量子隧道效应和介电限域应都是纳米微粒和纳米固体的基本特征。



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中英文摘要等(总4854字) 第1章绪论(总5213字) 第2章广播认证中的关键技术和典型方案(总6454字) 第3章WSN中一种基于身份的短签名广播认证协议(总7569字) 第4章WSN中基于短周期公钥广播认证协议的改进(总9141字) 第5章WSN中一种防御广播认证中的DoS攻击策略(总10445字) 第6章总结与展望(总1549字)
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№:ADBD2008R_2011120209245020111208095925700014744895检测文献杨露 Nhomakorabea作者
中国学术期刊网络出版总库,中国博士学位论文全文数据库/中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库,中国重 要会议论文全文数据库,中国重要报纸全文数据库,中国专利全文数据库,互联网资源,英文数据库(涵盖 期刊、博硕、会议的英文数据以及德国Springer、英国Taylor&Francis 期刊数据库等)
中英文摘要等 总文字复制比:0.6%(28) 总字数:4854
1 ·电子商务安全中间件设计与实现
马琳 - 《湖南大学硕士论文》- 2007-09-14

关于做好专业技术人员申报高级职称“代表作”评审工作的通知各有关单位:根据天津市教委《关于调整高等学校专业技术人员申报高级职称“代表作”评审办法的通知》(津教委职称[2013]2 号)文件精神,现将2017年申报高级职称“代表作”评审工作具体事项通知如下:一、对“代表作”的要求申报人应以任现职以来,能够代表本人学术最高水平的论文或著作作为“代表作”,提交专家进行评审。

的目的。教学大纲规定大学 英语教学分为基础和应用提 高两个阶段。基础阶段的教 学要求分为基本要求和较高 要求两种。应用提高阶段包 括专业英语和高级英语两部 分。 专业英语课程的设
由此我们也可以看到我国的英语教学体系没有形成连贯性, 基础教育和高 等教育在课程目标制定时出现脱节现象, 同时也由于其制定时没有进行实 际性的了解而重复基础阶段的教学目标, 由于《基本要求》 对高职高专英 语课程教学具有的导向性
15 56.72% 有 70字相似 ESP教学实践对高职大学英语课程改革的启示 胡军;钱律伟;- 2013
和较高要求两种。应用提高 阶段包括专业英语和高级英 语两部分。 专业英语课程的 设置是大学英语教学中不可 缺少的一个组成部分,它可 以有效地保证学生完成从学 习阶段向使用阶段的过渡, 并明确规定专业英语是必修 课程。我国高校在英语课程 的设置上,一般仅限于基础 阶段。应用提高阶段
在这种灌输式的教学模式下,教师的讲解占去了课堂的大部分时间,语言环境 的创造也不丰富,这在相当大程度上影响了学生学习英语
18 55.84% 有 83字相似 信息技术环境下高中地理教学现状与对策研究 吴佳佳
检测报告由CopyCheck论文相似度检测系统生成 仅对您所选择的检测范围内检验结果负责,结果仅供参考
1-6. 3.改进对策与建议 [5]龙芸.学术英语课程在大学英语应用提高阶段的定 位研究-网 3.1 提高专业英语教师教学水平 [J] 络环境下的 EAP 课程实践 . 外语界, 2011(5):48-55
17 60.87% 有 53字相似 高校英语教学的现状及改进措施分析 余娜
பைடு நூலகம்
读、写、译基本功的训练和 能力的培养基本上是围绕精 读课进行的。由于是“精读 课”,不少教师唯恐学生不 懂,讲解占去了课堂的大部 分时间,学生没有机会实践, 抑制了学习的积极性。在教 学手段上,虽然大部分学校 都配备有相应的现代化教学 设备,但

文本复制检测报告单№:ADBD2008R_2011103123224920121127205345600085418874检测文献综合实践活动课程中学生能力目标的培养作者检测范围中国学术期刊网络出版总库,中国博士学位论文全文数据库/中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库,中国重要会议论文全文数据库,中国重要报纸全文数据库,中国专利全文数据库,个人比对库,其他比对库检测时间2012-11-27总文字复制比:43.7% 去除引用:0% 重合字数:2174 文献总字数:4970 总段落数:[1 ] 疑似段落数:[ 10 ] 疑似段落最大重合字数:[ 311 ] 疑似段落最小重合字数:[ 121 ]综合实践活动课程中学生能力目标的培养总文字复制比:43.7%(2174)总字数:49701· 浅谈中职生人际交往能力的重要性及培养刘萍等 -《中国科技信息》- 2010 6.35%是否引用:否2· 初中生社会活动能力的培养——以上海市民办进华中学为例潘婷婷 -《华东师范大学》- 2006 6.35%是否引用:否3· 初中社会政治课学生合作意识的培养孙伟等 -《考试周刊》- 2008 6.35%是否引用:否4· 初中几何教学中动手操作的几点浅见马桂华等 -《理科爱好者(教育教学版)》- 2010 6.35%是否引用:否5· 浅议初中数学课堂生活化教学王铌等 -《新课程学习(社会综合)》- 2009 4.76%是否引用:否6· 中学语文综合性学习浅探黄军等 -《读写算(教育教学研究)》- 2011 4.76%是否引用:否7· 初中生自我概念培养的行动研究黄玉芬 -《浙江师范大学》- 2010 4.76%是否引用:否8· 浅谈初中生数学兴趣的培养韩家兵等 -《中国校外教育(基教版)》- 2011 4.76%是否引用:否9· 巧妙设计小学数学课堂练习陈立生等 -《读写算(教育教学研究)》- 2011 4.76%是否引用:否10· 让数学课堂充满魅力与活力陈波等 -《数学大世界(教师适用)》- 2010 4.76%是否引用:否11·HTML版-《 》- 6.2%是否引用:否12·开展综合实践活动加强爱国主义教育 -《 》- 1.7%是否引用:否13·谈综合实践活动课程实施过程中的有关误区问题及对策 -《 》- 3.6%是否引用:否14·HTML版-《 》- 5.1%是否引用:否15·我国基础教育课程改革研究-北京市中小学教师网 -《 》- 5.5%是否引用:否【摘 要】综合实践活动课程的设置不仅意味着一种新的课程形态的诞生,更重要的是标志着现代新课程观念的形成。

文本复制检测报告单打印保存№:ADBD2008R_2011111716040220120321140828700764953508 检测文献李介作者检测范围中国学术期刊网络出版总库,中国博士学位论文全文数据库/中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库,中国重要会议论文全文数据库,中国重要报纸全文数据库,中国专利全文数据库,互联网资源,英文数据库(涵盖期刊、博硕、会议的英文数据以及德国Springer、英国Taylor&Francis 期刊数据库等)检测日期2012-03-21 可能已提前检测,检测时间:2012-3-1 9:38:29,检测结果:23.7%文字复制比:23.7% 去除引用文字复制比:5.5% 重合字数:1569 文献总字数:6619 李介总文字复制比:23.7%(1569)总字数:66191 开发课程资源,实行教育创新- 《网络(/article/lunwen/xueke/200703/74.html)》- 12.7%是否引用:否2 ·中学地理地方性课程资源的开发研究——以银川地区为例田红霞- 《西北师范大学硕士论文》- 2004-05-20 12.1%是否引用:否3 ·论课程资源及其开发与利用徐继存,段兆兵,陈琼- 《学科教育》- 2002-02-25 12.0%是否引用:是4 ·幼儿园园本课程资源开发利用研究李应君- 《西北师范大学硕士论文》- 2004-05-01 11.6%是否引用:否5 ·论课程资源开发与教师专业成长段兆兵- 《西北师范大学硕士论文》- 2003-05-01 11.6%是否引用:否6 ·语文国家课程校本化实施研究姬升果- 《首都师范大学硕士论文》- 2005-05-01 10.8%是否引用:否7 ·论中学历史课程资源的开发与利用李雪萍- 《云南师范大学硕士论文》- 2006-06-27 10.8%是否引用:否8 ·甘肃少数民族地区小学体育课程资源开发利用研究兰雷- 《西北师范大学硕士论文》- 2003-09-01 10.5%是否引用:否9 ·农村生物课程资源的开发与利用黄建军- 《河北师范大学硕士论文》- 2009-03-15 10.3%是否引用:否10 ·中学生物课程资源开发与利用初探 10.3%陈智博- 《东北师范大学硕士论文》- 2003-05-01 是否引用:否- 《网络(/kcsz/sgz/llyj/200807/6194_2.html)》- 是否引用:是席广涛- 《广西师范大学硕士论文》- 2005-03-01 是否引用:否谢羡- 《广西师范大学硕士论文》- 2006-04-01 是否引用:否杨翔- 《西北师范大学硕士论文》- 2006-05-01 是否引用:否常淑红- 《山东师范大学硕士论文》- 2006-04-08 是否引用:否唐海燕- 《湖南师范大学硕士论文》- 2006-09-01 是否引用:否黄新民;董文军;张沁文; - 《教育与职业》- 2007-09-11 是否引用:否刘沂江;王颖; - 《贵州警官职业学院学报》- 2011-09-15 是否引用:否吴振民; - 《教书育人》- 2007-05-01 是否引用:否傅建明- 《教育研究》- 2001-07-17 是否引用:是农村中小学教师课程开发能力研究*李介(陇东学院教育学院甘肃庆阳745000)[摘要]农村中小学教师的课程开发能力将直接影响农村基础教育课程改革的实施效果。

科管系统文本复制检测报告单(全文标明引文)去除引用文献复制比:46.4% 去除本人已发表文献复制比:单篇最大文字复制比: 指 标: 剽窃观点自我剽窃一稿多投 过度引用 整体剽窃重复发表剽窃文字表述 (注释: 无问题部分 文字复制比部分 引用部分)剽窃观点 (1)46.4% (2495) (1)诚信管理系统研究中心行政管理专业(本科)毕业论文(设计)题目: 浅谈渭南市潼关县食品药品监督管理工作专业层次: 行政本科级别: 11春学号: 1161101206450姓名: 周芷亦分校(工作站): 直属二分校指导教师: 王军福2013年 4 月 30日浅谈渭南市潼关县食品药品监督管理工作周芷亦(西安广播电视大学二分校11春行政本科,陕西省西安市710100)摘要:近年来各级食品药品监督管理部门在当地政府领导和有关部门配合下,坚持以监督为中心,严厉打击制售假劣药品的违法犯罪行为,坚持维护食品安全,取得了令人瞩目的成绩,但仍面临着诸多困难和问题。

论文理系文本复制检测报告单(全文标明引文)去除引用文献复制比:8.3% 去除本人已发表文献复制比:单篇最大文字复制比: 指 标:剽窃观点 剽窃文字表述 自我剽窃一稿多投 过度引用整体剽窃重复发表9.9%(1639) 6.7%(1109) 8.4%(418) (注释: 无问题部分 文字复制比部分 引用部分)中国知网”大学生论文管理系统学号:12345678910 本科毕业论文商务英语会话的语用分析Pragmatic Analysis on Business English Conversation 姓名: 王晓慢 专业: 英语 指导教师姓名: 孙健 指导教师职称: 讲师 2016年4月 摘要随着经济全球化的发展,商务英语的应用领域越来越广泛,商务英语交际在商务活动中越来越重要。
关键词: 商务英语语用意义商务英语会话 AbstractAlong with the economic globalization, business English is widely used in many fields. Business English conversation is becoming more and more important in business activities. Business English conversation also is a kind of intercultural communication, which is“中国知网”大学生论文管理系统always used in ceremonial reception, business negotiation, and business claims, etc. Due to different cultural backgrounds of business staff, it is easy to give rise to pragmatic failure in the process of business English conversation. The reason for this phenomenon may be that business people do not thoroughly understand the pragmatic factors affecting business English conversation. To solve this problem,this paper makes an analysis of the characteristics and applications of techniques in business English conversation from pragmatic perspectives. Based on abundant references related to the pragmatic analysis of English conversation, the paper makes comparisonthrough concrete business examples and summarizes some problems in current applications of pragmatic skills in business convers ation.This thesis also gives some suggestions to solve these problems. Business staff should apply flexibility cooperative principle in thepractice of business English conversation in line with the specific business circumstances, and choose the appropriate speech strategy so that the conversation can be conducted more politely and properly. Through the study of this paper, Business people can better make use of business conversation features and pragmatic skills to improve the business conversation, which are conducive to business activities. Key words :business English pragmatic meaning business English conversation Contents摘要 (I)Abstract ...........................II 1. Introduction (1)2. General Introduction of Business English Conversation ...........................2 2.1 The Definition of Business English (2)2.2 The Definition of Business English Conversation ...........................2 2.3 Features of Business English Conversation ...........................2 2.4 The Definition of Pragmatics (4)3. Pragmatic Factors Affecting Business English Conversation ...........................5 3.1 The Purpose of Business English Conversation ...........................5 3.2 Cultural Background ...........................6 3.2.1 Language Differences ...........................6 3.2.2 Ways of Thinking (7)4. Application of Pragmatic Techniques in Business English Conversation ...........................9 4.1 Pragmatic Application in Conversational Principle ...........................9 4.1.1 The Maxim of Quantity ...........................9 4.1.2 The Maxim of Quality ...........................9 4.1.3 The Maxim of Relevance ...........................11 4.1.4 The Maxim of Manner (11)“中国知网”大学生论文管理系统4.2 Pragmatic Application in Politeness Principle ...........................12 4.2.1 Pragmatic Euphemism ...........................12 4.2.2 Pragmatic Vagueness ...........................14 5. Conclusion ...........................16 致谢 ...........................17 References ...........................18 原创性声明 ...........................19 版权使用授权书 (19)1. IntroductionBusiness English conversation is used as a tool of trade. The words that are communicated are often not only its literal meaning. In 1967, a principle of speech act was put forward by American philosopher Grice who thought that of all the language communications,there must be tacit understanding between the speaker and the listener in order to achieve specific goals. This principle is calledcooperative principle. However, sometimes business people often violate this conversational principle by putting emphasis on implicative connotations rather than on lateral meanings in business English conversation. Business English conversation is different from common English conversation in terms of its purpose of business English interests and the parties involved from different cultural backgrounds.Both of the speaker and the listener will act according to the needs of the objectives and proceedings in business English conversation.However, whether in business negotiations or business claims, many speakers may not fully understand the pragmatic factors affecting business English conversation, and they may make pragmatic mistakes. So the analysis of pragmatic application in business English conversation can be quite a challenging task. This topic has attracted more and more researchers’ attention. The research of thecharacteristics and pragmatic applications of business English conversation can help business English learners to be aware of the role of pragmatic principle in business English conversation, to understand how to apply pragmatic principles and techniques properly toachieve the purpose of business English conversation, and to improve the applying pragmatic skills of business English conversation in business activities.This paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter One gives a brief introduction to the whole content of the thesis. Chapter Twodescribes general concept of business English conversation, and the definition of pragmatics. Chapter Three discusses pragmatic factors affecting business English conversation. Chapter Four analyses application of pragmatic techniques in business English conversation.Chapter Five gives some suggestions for English learners in analyzing business conversation pragmatics.2. General Introduction of Business English Conversation 2.1 The Definition of Business EnglishBusiness English is a kind of language used in business occasions to meet the needs of business transactions. Business English course is not only simply emphasized on the improvement of English language level, but also on passing on advanced enterprise management concept to students. To some extent, business English is included in the cultural concept. In order to basically meet the needs of different business occasions, business English has its own vocabulary and sentence structures. Its contents involve all aspects of the business activities. Practicability and specialty are two main features of business English. With the increasingly frequent inter national business activities in the world, business English are being used in many fields, including technology introduction, foreign labor contract,insurance, international tourism, etc. therefore, business English content includes not only the general English language, but also business background knowledge.“中国知网”大学生论文管理系统2.2 The Definition of Business English ConversationBusiness English conversation is a kind of spoken English for special business purpose, which is used in business activities. Business English conversation is to meet the needs of the business people for the purpose of economic benefits. It covers the whole process of business communication. Business English conversation also involves many fields such as foreign trade, international finance,international travelling, and overseas investment and so on. Oral English competence is one of the ability that business manager must be equipped with, because it determines the success or failure of business conversation.English as a commonly used language all over the world has made substantial progress for hundreds of years. Business English conversation is also attracting more and more people’s attention. 2.3 Features of Business English ConversationBusiness English conversation is a dispensable communicative method for various countries. Business English conversation is different from common English conversation. Because of the purpose of business English conversation is specific, while common English conversation is pay more centered on its individual purpose. So business negotiator should understand the features of business English conversation well.First, business English conversation has a strong purpose and objective. The application of business English conversation is aimed at completing communicative task. Whether in business meetings, telephone calls or discussions, the most important feature of business communication is the business purpose. The application of English language is to achieve a specific goal. The success of a language application depends on whether the transaction or event has a good result, and the speaker’s purpose of the conversation is to persuade others to act in accordance with their own opinions. The goal is to get what they want.Second, business English conversation has unique industrial characteristics, which is highly professional and uses a large number of business terms. For example, in order to reflect the macroeconomic dynamic factor, there are two terms to describe such as “gross domestic product, GDP”, “gross national product, GNP”. In the import and export practice, the terms of the document include “commercial invoice”, “bill of lading”, “draft/bill of exchange”, etc.Therefore, the language form, vocabulary and content of business English conversation are closely related to the specialty. Business English is the carrier of business practice and theoretical knowledge, so it is necessary to understand the meaning and connotations of business English.Third, accurate expressions are often used in business English conversation. Many people prefer to use more intelligible, clear and logical language to express their own ideas, and more concrete language to transmit information to each other. Business Englishconversation needs to be expressed accurately rather than exaggeratedly, and the content should be realistic in particular to ensure the accuracy of the data and the terms. To limit the misunderstanding to the lowest degree in conveying information, at the same time, to spend little time as much as possible, clear thinking and strong logic is required, and it is best to use logical words such as “as a result”,“for this reason”, etc.Fourth, polite expressions are also frequently used in business English conversation, Practical English is a kind of bilateral activity,which is participated by both speaker and listener. This kind of communicative activity is focused on certain goals at a specific time and place to proceed with the negotiation. Only when the speakers have common understanding of the conversation background will the purpose of the conversation be achieved. In order to save the meeting time and build good relationship with each other, business people should be acquainted with the culture of different countries. Making use of polite English will help to establish a good relationship such as “thank you”, “would you please…?” These words are more polite, business negotiators should stand in partner’s position to consider their various requirements, and show the respect to the partner. Understanding of the politeness feature of business English will help business people have further understanding of the functions of business English conversation.2.4 The Definition of PragmaticsPragmatics is a branch of semiotics, and it has been widely regarded as an extremely important branch of linguistics. Pragmatics is devoted to the study of language comprehension and application of human language. It studies the specific meaning of words in a“中国知网”大学生论文管理系统particular situation, and how to understand and use the language through the context. Due to the purpose and value of pragmatics,pragmatics is different from the study of grammar, which is the study of human language itself. As Qian Ya Feng (钱亚丰, 2013)states “ the human world is a world full of implication, there is no implication in the world is impossible”(p.137). In the use of language, the speaker often does not simply express the static meaning of language components and symbolic units. To understand the actual intentions of the speaker, the listener usually go through a series of psychological inference. To truly understand and properly use a language, it is not enough to simply understand the pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar of the language.The core concept of pragmatics is significant. In numerous definitions of pragmatics, there are two basic concepts; one is significance,and another one is context. The development of pragmatics is the result of the development of semantics research.So pragmatics is a kind of study for language meaning. The significance of linguistics research is different from semantics research.Pragmatics is research on the specific meaning in certain context. 3. Pragmatic Factors Affecting Business English ConversationBusiness English conversation is widely used in business negotiation, which is different from common English conversation. It is very important for negotiator to understand the pragmatic factors affecting business English conversation. 3.1 The Purpose of Business English ConversationConversational purpose is an important element of speech context. Under the control of a certain purpose, people will have speech desire and motivation, and then turn them into the concrete behavior of verbal communication. As far as purpose is concerned, business English communication is different from common English conversation. The purpose of business conversation is actually the result of the speaker’s desire to achieve or initiate the exchange of information and conclude a transaction. For example, business staff need to express thought, announce the conclusion, and comply with the commitment. The ultimate purpose of business English conversation is to make a deal and establish a good partnership.First, the purpose of business English conversation is to exchange information with the partner. A business participant pays more attention to maintaining good relationship with business partners. During the business English conversation, humor helps to ease the tension, so that the atmosphere of the conversation suddenly turns active again. Even in the fierce competition bargaining, when both sides are in an awkward or unpleasant atmosphere, at this time, they can use humorous language to thaw the atmosphere, thereby achieving the purpose of business English conversation. For example,(1) A: Would you sell at a discount of 35%?B: Yes, but you can get only 65% amount of your former order. (2) A: The price of your sweater is top. B: Yes, our sweater is top.In this sentence, speaker A asks for a discount of the sweater. In order to break the conversation from the deadlock, B uses humorous strategy to smooth the atmosphere. Another example is taking in a claim conversation, the buyer claims the problems of the soybean deterioration. The buyer can use humor strategy to say “You know we were to buy beans not stones.” The purpose of using humorous language is to continue the negotiation.Second, business English conversation is to meet company’s economic interests. Business English conversation is combined with direct and indirect purposes. For example,(3) A: Your company’s goods are not as good as described. Our company will take action.“中国知网”大学生B: Sorry, our company’s goods will much better than before.In sentence A, the speaker points out that the goods are not as good as description in explicit words, and use the vague word “action”to maintain its own interests. In other words, the implication of meaning is that the company will resort to legal means to sue them. All in all, the purpose of business conversation determines the differences between common English conversation and business English conversation. 3.2 Cultural Background 3.2.1 Language DifferencesBusiness conversation is not only an economic cooperation, but also involves kind of cultural exchange. The role of culture is very important. After entering into the WTO, China’s enterprises are facing a growing number of international business negotiations, thus the cultural conflicts are getting more and more people’s attention. So it is necessary for us to know the cultural difference of different countries and on this basis business people is supposed to formulate reasonable conversation strategies.A nation’s language is related to its culture. Differences from different cultures have obvious influence on style of businessconversation. The United States is a typical low-context cultured country. Most of the information is delivered in concrete language and words, because they think that if they don’t use precise words to express the ideas, they will not be understood correctly. American negotiators like to use direct wording to communicate with partners. In addition, the words always are being confrontational. On the contrary, China belongs to high-context cultured country. Most of information is carried in indirect language. The reason is theinformation conveyed is to achieve euphemistic purpose. For example, if a Chinese negotiator doesn’t agree with the clauses of contract,they will not say “no” directly, instead, their wording shows much more respect and courtesy to business partners than their western counterparts, who usually find it’s hard to get accustomed to such indirectness in Chinese pragmatics.Another example occurs in business reception. Once an America company’s manager picked Chinese businessman up in the airport,and the same situation has brought opposite effect of the two parties. For example, “A” represents America manager, while “B”represents Chinese manager.(4) A: You must be very tired, right?生论文管理系统B: Not so bad. (5) B: Are you tired?A: Very tired, I have never been tired before. I have been sit 24 hours on the plane and in waiting room. I’m afraid my legs are paralyzed, my eyelids are fighting now.In this conversation, in fact, the condition of B’s eyes and a long journey has told everyone that he is very tired. But B’s expression is more indirect and euphemistic, while the America manager used the concrete words to express he is too tired to stand up. This example shows the language difference between the high-context and low-context country lies in the expressing means of their emotions.3.2.2 Ways of ThinkingThe ways of thinking is a kind of long-term culture, which can influence people’s social life subtly. Eastern and western cultures have their own features. First, eastern culture lays stress on deductive reasoning from general to specific. Western culture pays attention to inductive reasoning from specific to general. Second, eastern people focus on unity, while westerners focus on contrast. They pay more attention to the analysis of individual research, highlighting the logic thinking. Chinese people like to use uncertain, ambiguous words to realize interactive purpose. In business English conversation, if westerners don’t agree with the idea that you put forward, they will deny the idea directly. For example,(6) A: Through three days of sales, your company’s product will have a good“中国知网”大学生论文管理系统market prospect.B: To tell you the truth, we don’t think our product will have a good record in China’s market.Ways of thinking is a kind of reaction of cultural connotation. Chinese negotiator focus on its semantic meaning, while most of the English speaking countries put emphasis on rational analysis. When two sides disagree in business negotiation, although Chinese businessman is not satisfied with the terms, they will not correct it directly. They will use implicit expression instead. But America businessman will point out his true estimation that the term will damage their company’s interests directly and list the reasons clearly.Look at another example,(7) A: I am afraid this term is too hard to follow, a little change would be appreciated.B: This clause damaged my interests, because……..So pragmatic factor can influence the failure or success of business conversation, and business negotiator should be familiar with the different ways of thinking of different countries, and combine the ways of imagination with the logic. 4. Application of Pragmatic Techniques in Business English ConversationPragmatics is applied in many fields. Business English conversation is no exception. Only through the analysis of the pragmaticapplication in business English conversation can business people see the importance of understanding the conversational code in business English conversation.4.1 Pragmatic Application in Conversational Principle 4.1.1 The Maxim of QuantityQuantitative criteria defines when we communicate with others, the information that we provide must be sufficient. Business activities are very particular about the efficiency of the work and pay attention to the actual effect. In order to save time, in business letters and negotiations, the businessmen generally go straightforward to express the theme. In the eyes of the businessman, time is money.Therefore, in business English conversation, members of all social and cultural groups have reached a consensus, in other words,business English words must be concise and avoid wordy expressions.However, the strict compliance with the quantitative rules may lead to the embarrassment and unhappiness of the two parties.Therefore, in order to successfully complete the communicative activities, it is very important for the company to adapt to the changing circumstance. For example,(8) A: What about the shares of your company?B: For the shares of our company, you can refer to the stock market, and our stock is known to all.In this negotiation, A wants to learn the situation about the shares of B’s company. If we observe the quantitative criteria, the answer “for the shares of our company, you can refer to the stock market” is enough. However, B adds another sentence, “our stock is known to all”. B provides redundant information to A. Obviously, B runs counter to the quantitative criteria. But this violation has a special purpose to show that it is obvious that B’s company is well-known in the market. So in business negotiations, sometimes the company provides redundant information to others, making others know more about its situation, with the purpose of increasing each other’s sense of trust.4.1.2 The Maxim of QualityThe maxim of quality can be defined when we communicate with others, the information that we provide must be correct and have“中国知网”大学生论文管理系统enough evidence.According to Fu Lan (付岚, 2012), “the second maxim requires talking honesty, however, because of many reasons people may violate this maxim which means that not all the words are true” (p.142).Cooperation between the two parties must be sincere, and telling the truth is the foundation of the two parties, otherwise the sales can not be reached. When the two companies want to sign a contract, which always contain different terms of payment and delivery, if the contract is concluded, it is necessary to enforce it strictly. The quality criterion provides the authenticity of the person, so it can not be ambiguous. For example,(9) This is the lowest price for our goods FOB NINGBOAs we all know, besides “FOB”, the way of delivery also has “CIF” and “CFR”. In this offer, one uses “FOB” to express his true conditions, which are the most important expressions for the two parties.In some cases, if people observe the quality criterion strictly, it will lead to the termination of communicative activities, making both sides of communication unpleasant. In order to avoid conflict of two parties, and better to achieve the communicative purposes, it is clever to violate the quality criterion in business conversation. For example, (10) A: What is the result if you can not deliver the goods on time?B: We shall deal with the matter according to the contract we had signed before if any side can not implement the scheduled time. A: Since you have delayed in delivery, what are you going to do?B: Sorry, Mr. Wang, things are not like what you said, I will show you the contract letter.In this conversation, A makes an assumption, “What is the result if you can not deliver the goods on time?” And B answers the question “We shall deal with the matter according to the contract we had signed before if any side can not implement the scheduled time.” the reply of B causes A’s misunderstandings, for A thinks B may have the habit of delay in delivery, so A asks the secondquestion deliberately, using a violation of the fact to observe each other’s reactions to prove their inference. B knows that A runs counter to the quality criterion, B should via the lateral meaning and infer the true intentions of the discourse, and give the right statement. In business negotiations, this kind of way for asking questions is very common. One party often asks some questions that do not accord with the facts to observe the reaction of another party. If people do not pay attention to that, these problems will hinder the process of business English negotiations.4.1.3 The Maxim of RelevanceThe maxim of Relevance is fully reflected in English commercial advertising, as advertising discourse is consistent with optimal relevance. Customers understand the implicit content of discourse through reasoning, finally they will take actions. Relevance criterion requires appropriate association.As for practical business English communication, in some cases, if we observe the relation criterion strictly, it will lead to the termination of communicative activities. For example,(11) A: Mr. Wang, what do you think of our design for your clothes? B: I know your staff work hard and they try to satisfy me.In this conversation, A asks B a question about the design of the clothes, B goes against the relation criterion. “I know your staff work hard and they try to satisfy me” is an answer without expressing his real meaning. It is obvious that B’s words have no business with the subject, and B’s purpose of the conversation is to avoid the disagreement, actually he is not satisfied with the design.“中国知网”大学生论文管理系统 4.1.4 The Maxim of MannerThe figures in business English (weight, quantity, amount, time, etc.) are all expressed clearly and without ambiguity. The concept of time must be specific and accurate. July and August have 31 days, so the latter part of the two months are always expressed with “the last 1 day”. Zhang Jie (2009) said “The contract is very strict for both sides, and the word must be accurate and avoid ambiguity” (p.57).However, in some situations, the strict compliance with the manner criterion will lead to the embarrassment of the two parties. In order to successfully complete the communicative activities, the proper use of manner criterion will ease the atmosphere in business English conversation. For example, A is a foreign trade salesman, and B is a trainee. Now A introduces operation to B.(12) A: Dealers in the commodity exchanges can either use immediatedelivery (spot or cash), or forward delivery. Forward delivery is known as a future contract.B: Well, what’s that for?A: That is for P-R-O-F-I-T.A doesn’t use the word “profit” to answer him directly, but use the obscure language deliberately by spelling the letter one by one.This runs counter to the manner criterion, but it represents the meaning of emphasis.4.2 Pragmatic Application in Politeness Principle4.2.1 Pragmatic EuphemismPoliteness principle includes two parts, one is euphemism, and the other one is vagueness. Euphemistic language is a kind of common linguistic phenomenon which also exists in business English conversation. When people talk about those unhappy things, they will apply politeness principle. Euphemism is a good or favorable interpretation of a bad word. In English it is mainly limited to the range of taboo words, while in Chinese euphemism is regarded as a kind of rhetorical device. As a matter of fact, euphemism is limited to interaction or influence of conversational situation, to express a mental need of the communicative subject. Negotiators who apply it wouldn’t express their ideas directly, but select an indirect expression with the same meaning. For example, we will use “pass away” instead of “die”.Although there are many kinds of explanation of euphemism, the listener or the third party can grasp the deep structure through the surfacial structure. So euphemism has the functions of taboo, politeness or disguise, for instance, in business conversation, the word “depression” usually is a substitute for “economic crisis”, whose usage can help to avoid the embarrassment in some occasions.There are three methods of euphemistic expression. First, people often use implicit expressions to convey information. For example,(13) A: What do you think of the speaker?B: He is a good CFO.It is quite clear of his negative meaning, in other words, he is not a good speaker.Second, negative signal euphemism is an important method for transmitting the speaker’s purpose, for example,(14) A: Would you mind delivering the goods at the end of May?B: No. of course not.Although The word “mind” has “negative meaning”, the speaker here use “mind” which is equal to send the refutable signal to the listener, and remind the listener to respond “No”.。

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二、表格填写 1.个人照片上传:非必填,按格式要求上传个人照片; 2.基本情况:必填,按要求填写个人基本信息; 3.继续教育经历:非必填,按要求填写个人继续教育经历; 4.工作经历:必填,按要求填写个人工作经历; 5.学历资历情况:必填,按要求填写个人遵照条件符合的学历 资历情况;
三、关于教学质量评价 按我校《教学人员职称聘任中教学质量评价办法(试行)》(校 办〔2010〕18 号文)执行。 四、关于学术相似性检测。 代表作送专家鉴定前要求先进行学术相似性检测,检测结果 (代表作文字复制比检测结果一览表,见附件 1)作为评审时重要 参考。请各申请人将代表作以 PDF 或 word 文档提交至各学科评议 组,各学科评议组须于 9 月 10 日前送聘任办集中进行检测,逾期 不候。聘任办不接受个人提交的材料。 五、关于代表作鉴定 (一)为全面衡量、评价教师的学术水平,我校今年申请副 教授及以上职称的代表作鉴定同时要求学术综述报告随代表作一 起送审。综述报告的有关要求见我校聘任办法(安工大〔2010〕 48 号)附件 1 第二十四条(十一)款。 (二)各单位须严格审查申请高级职务人员是否符合规定的 任职要求及教学科研等条件。经学校审查后,办理代表作鉴定事 宜。

4、高度存在抄袭(总文字复制复制比在40% - 55%比50% - 59%学位论文或段落),反馈学院,学院学位评定委员会指定的2个专家评审,并作出对抄袭的高度存在的书面确认,假如专家高度抄袭,这个时候假如没有提交;专家同意修改提交,然后转变在指定的时间后重新检验,假如检验结果符合1或2的条件下,进入正常审核,讨论报告的书面记录(芯片)。
扩展:硕士论文选题攻略1. 选择自己感爱好的几乎所谓的领域都可以写出优秀的论文,选择一个你感爱好的,情愿投入全部热忱来讨论的领域和问题,远比追赶时髦问题和时髦理论要重要的多。