2020年中考英语语法选择限时训练 (2)

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In the 1600s,Isaac Newton,an English physicist, discovered some laws that still apply(适用) to the things you do,see,and feel every day.He is often __1__ as the scientist who has greatly influenced the science and is most famous for discovering the Laws of Gravity(万有引力).
In 1687,a book written by Newton __3__ out to explain how objects move in the physical world.The English scientist expressed his ideas in three rules,or laws.Newton's first law of motion(运动) says __4__ no acceleration(加速) can happen without an unbalanced force.Here , acceleration means “change in motion” and force means “a push __5__ pull”.
( A )5.A.and C.or
( )6.A.them C.their
B.that D.who B.but D.besides B.they D.themselves
( B )7.A.up A C.on
( B )8.A.a C.the
( )9.A.in C.by
B.down D.to B.an D./ B.of D.with
Newton did experiments to understand how objects behave in nature.He wanted to know more about what caused an object to start moving or to change its __2__.
Another way to say Newton's first law is this:Objects which are at rest don't move unless an unbalanced force acts on __6__.Objects in motion don't slow __7__,speed up,stop or turn unless a force makes them do so.
( A )10.A.to keep C.keeps
B.keeping D.kept
( C )1.A.praise D C.praised
( A )2.A.director C.direct
( )3.A.came C.comes
B.praises D.praising B.directly D.direction B.was come D.coming
( B )4.A.what C C.which
Newton's first law describes inertia(惯性).Inertia is the tendency( 趋 势 ) of objects to resist( 抵 抗 ) a change in motion.Suppose you are riding in a car.The driver is driving the car at __8__ high speed.If the car turns suddenly in one direction,your body feels pulled to the other side __9__ the car.Your body is trying to continue moving in the same direction as it was before the car turns.When the car stops, your seat belt and friction(摩擦) from the seat provide the unbalanced force needed __10__ you in your seat.