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《英语语言学导论》(第四版)课件Chapter 2 Phonetics

[v] and write a short paper on the problem in the acquisition of [v] and how to solve it.
Phonetic features and natural classes
Teaching Aims
The Study of Speech Sounds
1. To make students familiar with sound production mechanism, the transcription and description of English sounds. 2. To make students understand the differences of consonants and vowels, the nature of phonetic features and natural classes. 3. To cultivate students’ cross-cultural awareness and research interests in discovering the regularities of speech sounds.
2.3 Phonetic transcription of sounds
Transcription of sounds
2.3.1 Unit of representation Speech is a continuous flow of sound with interruptions only
《英语语言学导论》(第四版Chapter11 Second Language Acquisition

11.2.2 Learner’s factors
• Learner’s factors mainly cover the following aspects:
• Motivation • Language aptitude • Age • Learning strategy
11.2.1 Social factors
Discussing Task
Group work: Have a discussion on the following questions.
1. How does (second) language acquisition take place?
2. How is foreign language learning different from second language acquisition?
The Symbolic Function of Words
Teaching Aims
1. To know what SLA is, and how the theories account for SLA. 2. To understand different factors affecting SLA 3. To know how learner’s language is analyzed 4. To cultivate students’ research awareness and innovative spirit in discovering and solving problems by analyzing the different kinds of errors and individual differeneces in SLA.

《英语语言学导论》(第四版)课件Chapter 7 Pragmatics

world; 3) the relationships between linguistic forms and the users of
1 Introduction to Pragmatics 2 Deixis and Reference
3 Speech Acts 4 Pragmatic Presupposition
5 The Cooperative Principle and Implicature
Apply PP to teaching in future Politeness
7.2.6 Social deixis
the encoding of social distinctions, or the use of deictic expressions to indicate social status of the interlocutors
● honorifics e.g. tu/vous (in French) du/sie (in German) nǐ/nín (in Chinese)
--- the addressees being audio-visually present during the utterances to be able to understand these expressions
e.g. I like that one, not this one.
7.2 Deixis and reference

7. ASK:
(1) Can you identify the most likely order (from least to most advanced) of these samples?
3. ASK:
(1) Do you think the two statements are equally probable, and if not, why not?
(a) is more likely than (b), because the word as the basic unit of meaning that can occur independently in language is finite in number, whereas the sentence as composed of words, though almost infinite in number, is made possible by our knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. We can always produce and understand sentences that we never come across before. In that sense, no sentence is really new.
(2) What if there were only one language the world over?

英语作为一种语言具有以下几个特征:1. 音位学:英语的语音系统是非常复杂的,包含了多种元音和辅音的组合。
2. 词汇学:词汇学是研究语言中的词汇和词汇的组合方式。
3. 语法学:语法学研究语言的句法规则和结构。
4. 语义学:语义学研究语言的意义和符号之间的关系。
第二部分:英语语言学的重要理论1. 生成语法:生成语法是描述语言结构的一种理论框架。
2. 语言变化:语言变化研究语言在时间和空间上的变化。
3. 语用学:语用学关注语言使用的背景和意图。
1. 跨文化交际:英语作为国际语言使不同文化之间的交流更加方便。
2. 语言教育:英语作为国际语言受到广泛学习者的关注和学习。

练习题一:语音学1. 描述英语中的元音和辅音的区别。
2. 列举至少五种英语中的双元音,并说明它们的发音特点。
3. 解释“音位”和“音素”的区别,并给出例子。
练习题二:形态学1. 定义“形态学”并解释其在语言学中的重要性。
2. 举例说明英语中的派生词和复合词。
3. 描述英语中的不规则动词变化,并给出几个例子。
练习题三:句法学1. 简述句法研究的主要内容。
2. 用树状图表示一个简单英语句子的结构。
3. 解释“主语”、“谓语”和“宾语”在句子中的作用。
练习题四:语义学1. 定义“语义学”并解释其研究范围。
2. 描述“同义”和“反义”的概念,并给出英语例子。
3. 解释“语境”如何影响语言的意义。
练习题五:语用学1. 什么是语用学?它与语义学有何不同?2. 描述“指示语”、“礼貌原则”和“合作原则”在交际中的作用。
3. 举例说明如何在不同的社交场合中使用不同的语言风格。
练习题六:社会语言学1. 解释社会语言学研究的主要内容。
2. 讨论语言变异与社会身份之间的关系。
3. 描述双语现象及其对语言使用者的影响。
练习题七:心理语言学1. 心理语言学是如何研究语言的?2. 描述“语言习得”的过程及其理论。
3. 讨论“母语”和“第二语言”学习之间的差异。
练习题八:历史语言学1. 定义“历史语言学”并解释其研究目的。
2. 描述英语的发展历史和主要变化。
3. 讨论语言接触和借用对语言发展的影响。

英语语言学导论第二版课后题答案这篇课件介绍的是英语语言学导论第二版的课后题,也就是 predictional node,可以说是很多英语学习者学英语的入门。
如: go up with not a london’s a doing; to was in the way for the doing; was the doing of this will with london; but as that way so that in the denim; proposition of that to that dots等。
这种结构式还可以用不同形式表示宾语、代词和不定冠词等等;也有一些句子仅在主句之间使用谓词介辞方式而不运用动词主句的时候会用谓语短词组替代原句主句中未出现过的或不需要过多动词介辞元素(如 frontiers、 state等)而不用宾语或非宾语修饰动词和介词短语等。

一、D: language acquisition device 语言习得机制2. Displacement: Displacement is that language can refer to the contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker. 移位法3、cultural transmission:文化传递性Animals call systems are genetically transmitted. Human languages are culturally transmitted.4. Interpersonal function: 人际关系Interpersonal function is the most important sociological use of language, by which people establish and maintain their status in a society. In addition, the ways in which people address others and refer to themselves indicate the various types of interpersonal relations. Finally, language marks our identity.5.Linguistics: Linguistics is defined as the systematic (or scientific) study of language 语言学6、Applied linguistics: Applied linguistics is a branch of study which apply linguistics to the research of other areas. 应用语言学7、Syntax: Syntax studies the rules governing the combination of words into sentences. 句法学8. morphology: Morphology is concerned with the internal organization of words. It studies the minimal units of meaning-morphemes and word-formation processes. 形态学二、1. Language acquisition and language learningLanguage acquisition is to get a language subconsciously and naturally with no great effort. Language learning is to get a language consciously with great efforts and usually under the teachers’ instruction.For instance, for most Chinese, their knowledge about their mother tongue-Chinese, is language acquisition, while their knowledge about English is language learning.2. Foreign language and second languageA language has gained official status in certain region or country is called second language, while foreign language has not.For example, for most Indians, English is their second language since English has gained official status in their country while English is regarded as foreign language in China.3. Expressive function and Evocative functionExpressive function is the use of language to reveal something about the feelings and attitudes of the speaker. In this function, language is used to evaluate, appraise and assert the speaker’s attitudes, etc.Evocative function is the use of language to create certain feelings in the hearer. It aims to amuse, startle, anger, soothe, worry or please.4. Phonetics and Phonology.Phonetics studies speech sounds, including the production of speech, that is, how speech sounds are actually made, transmitted and received, thedescription and classification of speech sounds, words and connected speech.Phonology is the branch of linguistics which studies the sound patterns of languages.5. Semantics and PragmaticsSemantics studies the meaning of languagePragmatics is the study of meaning in context.6. Synchronic and DiachronicSynchronic description takes a fixed instant as its point of observation. Diachronic linguistics is the study of a language through the course of its history.7. Langue and paroleLangue is the linguistic competence of the speaker. It refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.Parole is the actual phenomena or data of linguistics. It refers to the actualized language.Langue is abstract, stable, systematic and not actually spoken by anyone. Parole is specific, personal, subject to personal and situational constraints and always a naturally occurring event.petence and performance(语言能力和语言运用)A language user’s underlying knowledge about the system of rules iscalled his linguistic competence.Performance refers to the actual use of language in concrete situations.简答题:1. What are the design features of language?Arbitrariness任意性Duality二元性Creativity创造性Displacement移位性Culture transmission文化传递性Interchangeability互换性2. What is morpheme? Morpheme is the minimal unit of meaning. For example,“purify”consist of “pur” and“ify”,and the noun“disappearance” consist of three morphemes: appear, dis and ance. They all have meanings, and cannot be divided any more.3. What is phoneme? Example. Phoneme is the smallest linguistic unit of sound that can signal a difference in meaning. E.g.:/b/ /p/ /k/ /g/.4. What is the performative function of human language? Supply example s to illustrate.The performative function of language is primarily to change the social status of persons .It can also extend to the control of reality as on some magical or religions occasion .For example ,language is always used in the sentencing of criminals, the blessing of children and the naming of a ship at a launching ceremony.5. What are the basic three branches of phonetics?Articulatory phonetics, Acoustic phonetics, Auditory phonetics.6. Giving four branches of macrolinguistics.Psycholinguistics心理语言学sociolinguistics社会语言学Anthropological linguistics人类语言学Computational linguistics 计算语言学.7. What are the seven function of language.Informative信息功能interpersonal function人际功能performative 施为功能Emotive function感情功能phatic communion寒暄功能recreational function娱乐功能metalingual function元语言功能。


英语语言学导论第三版课后答案第一单元1、P______ is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language. [填空题] *空1答案:honetics答案解析:语音学被定义为对语言的语音媒介的研究;它涉及所有出现在世界语言中的声音。
2、A______ phonetics, auditory phonetics, and acoustic phonetics respectively are three branches of phonetics. [填空题] *空1答案:rticulatory答案解析:发音语言学、声学语音学、感知语音学是语音学的三大研究领域。
3、Of all the speech organs, the t______ is the most flexible, and is responsible for varieties of articulation than any other. [填空题] *空1答案:ongue答案解析:舌头是最灵活的4、English consonants can be classified in terms of manner of articulation or in terms of p______ of articulation. [填空题] *空1答案:lace答案解析:英语辅音可以根据发音方式或者发音部位来分。
5、Phonology and phonetics both are studies of s______ sounds. [填空题] *空1答案:peech答案解析:音位学与语音学都涉及到语言的同一个方面——语音。
6、The rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language are calleds______ rules. [填空题] *空1答案:equential答案解析:某一特定语言的语言模式是受规则支配的。

一、语言学总论1. design feature of language(语言的定义特征)defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication1)Arbitrariness(任意性): 象似性iconicity定义:the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning.举例:书, book, livre喜欢,like,aimer2)Duality(二层性):定义:the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level.举例:Sounds > syllables > words > phrases > clauses > sentences> texts/discourses3)Creativity/Productivity(创造性):定义:Language can be used to create new meanings because of its duality.举例1:/k/ ,/a:/, /p/---- carp or park举例2:England, defeated, FranceEngland defeated France.France defeated England.4)Displacement(替代性、移位性):定义:Human languages enable their users to symbolize something which are not present at the moment of communication.5)Cultural Transmission(文化传递性):定义:language is passed on from generation to generation through teaching and learning rather than instinct.反例:印度狼孩2. Important Distinctions in Linguistics(语言学研究中几对重要的概念)1) Descriptive (描述性)vs. Prescriptive (规定性)Descriptive: describing how things are.prescriptive: prescribing how things ought to beImportant Distinctions in Linguistics举例:Don't say X.People don't say X.The first is a prescriptive command, while the second is a descriptive statement.2). Synchronic(共时性)vs. Diachronic (历时性)synchronic: takes a fixed instant as its point of observation.diachronic: the study of a language through the course of its history.举例:研究1800年的英语发音Synchronic studies (共时性研究)研究1800-1900的法语语法变化Diachronic studies (历时研究)3). langue(语言)& parole (言语)Theorist:Saussure(索绪尔), father of modern linguisticslangue: abstract linguistic systemparole: actual realization of langueImportant Distinctions in Linguistics4) Competence(语言能力)and performance (语言运用)theorist: Chomsky(乔姆斯基)competence: user's knowledge of rules about the linguistic system.performance: the actual realization of this knowledge in concrete situations.二、语音学和音系学1.语音学(phonetics)和音系学(phonology)的定义和区别2.语音学重要概念: 清音和浊音3.音系学重要概念: 音子,音位, 超音段特征Phonetics studies all speech sounds in human languages: how they are produced, transmitted and how they are received.Phonology: aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patternsand how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication.区别: meaning(是否研究和表达意义有关的语音)举例:too 和tea 中的/t/发too中的/t/时, 舌位更靠近口腔前部发tea中的/t/时,舌位更靠近口腔后部语音学要研究这种/t/发音的不同之处, 音系学不研究语音学分类articulatory phonetics(发音语音学): speakers productionacoustic phonetics(声学语音学): transmission’s mediumauditory phonetics(听觉语音学): receiver’s receptionHow speech sounds are madeSpeech organsPosition of the vocal folds(声带): voicing(浊音) and voiceless (清音)Voiceless(清音):vocal cords are drawn wide apart, letting the air stream go through without causing obstruction清音举例:[p,s,t]Voicing/Voiced(浊音):vocal cords held together, letting the air stream vibrates浊音: [b,z,d]The distinction between vowels and consonants lies in the obstruction of air stream.As there is no obstruction of air in the production of vowels, the description of the consonants and vowels cannot be done along the same lines.音系学重要概念:Phone(音子):a phonetic unit; the speech sounds we hear and produce during communication are all phones举例:too 和tea 中的/t/发too中的/t/时, 舌位更靠近口腔前部发tea中的/t/时,舌位更靠近口腔后部所以too 和tea 中的/t/两个不同的音子Phoneme(音位): phonological and abstract unit, a unit of distinctive value;the smallest unit of sound in a language which can distinguish two words.举例:tea 和sea, /t/和/s/是两个不同的音位morphemeSuprasegmental features (超音段特征)Suprasegmental features: phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments .The principal suprasegmentals are:stress (重音)举例: perfect (adj) 和perfect (v)tone (声调)/pitch (音高):定义: sound feature which are caused by the differing rate of vibration of the vocal folds.举例: mā妈, má麻, mă马,mà骂比较:英语单词,如meintonation (语调):pitch, stress, and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation.三、Morphology 形态学1. 学科定义2. 语素的定义和分类3. 词的分类(classification of words)形态学研究的基本单位1. morpheme(语素). The most basic element of meaning in language,an element that cannot be further divided into smaller units without altering its meaning.举例:ballfootballballsTypes of MorphemesFree morphemes vs. Bound morphemes(自由语素和黏着语素):Free morphemes: those that may constitute words by themselves, eg boy, girl, table, nation. Bound morphemes: those that cannot occur alone, eg -s, -ed, dis-, un-.Types of Bound MorphemeInflectional morpheme (屈折语素)=inflectional affix(屈折词缀):change the grammatical meaning (number, aspect, case, tense)Derivational morpheme(派生语素)=derivational affix (派生词缀): change the lexical meaningDerivational morpheme(改变词义):改变词义:dis-, un-, multi-, micro-改变词性:en-, -full, -mentInflectional morpheme(改变语法含义):改变名称的性,数,格:-ess, -s,改变动词的时, 态,体: -ing, -ed,改变形容词的级:-er, -est如何区分派生词(derivational word)和合成词(compound word) : 拆开后看各个组成的语素能否都单独成词,如果可以,就是合成词,如果不能就是派生词。


语言学导论复习一.名词解释1.Broad transcription(宽式音标):Broad transcription is the transcription with letter-symbols only. This is the transcription normally used in dictionaries and teaching textbooks for general purposes.ponential[.k?mp?'nen??l]analysis(成分分析): Componential analysis is a way proposed by the structural semanticists[s?'m?nt?sist]to analyze word meaning. The approach is based on the belief that the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components, called semantic features.3.Interlanguage(中介语;过渡语):Proposed by S. Pit Corder and Larry Selinker, the concept of interlanguage was established as learners’ independent system of the second language which is of neither the native language nor the second language, but a continuum [k?n'tinju?m]or approximation [?.pr?ksi'mei??n] n. 接近,近似from his native language to the target language.petence & performance(语言能力和语言行为):Chomsky defines competence as the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language, and performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.5. Context(语境): The notion of context is essential to the pragmatic study of language. It is generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer, such as cultural background, situation, the relationship between the speaker and the hearer, etc.nguage Acquisition(语言习得):Language acquisition refers to the child’s acquisition of his mother tongue, i.e. how the child comes to understand and speak the language of his community.7.Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis [hai'p?θisis](萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说):Sapir and Whorf, proclaimed that the structure of the language people habitually use influences the ways they think and behave. Sapir and Whorf believe that language filters过滤people’s p erception感官,观念and the way they categorize分类experiences. This interdependence互相依赖of language and thought is now known as Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis.nguage Acquisition Device(语言习得机制):The linguist Noam Chomsky claims that human beings are biologically [bai?'l?d?ikli] 生物学地programmed for language and that the language develops in the child just as other biological functions such as walking. Originally Chomsky referred to this innate天生的ability as Language Acquisition Device, (also known as LAD).二.论述题1. What are the major views concerning the study of meaning?(1) The naming theory命名论One of the oldest notions concerning meaning, and also the most primitive one, was the naming theory proposed by the ancient Greek scholar Plato.The view holds that words are just names or labels称谓for things.(2) The conceptualist view 概念论This viewholds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to (i.e. between language and the real world); rather, in theinterpretation解释of meaning they are linked through the mediation of concepts in the mind.(3)Contextualism语境论The view holds that meaning should be studied in terms of situation, use, context —elements closely linked with language behaviour.(4)Behaviorism行为主义论Behaviorists attempted to define the meaning of a language form as the “situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth 唤起,引起in the hearer”.(Bloomfield)2. According to Austin, what are the three acts a person is possibly performing while making an utterance. Give an example.According to Austin, a speaker might be performing three acts when speaking: locutionary [l?u'kju:??n?ri]act(言内行为), illocutionary act(言外行为) , and perlocutionary act. (言后行为)A locutionary act is the act of uttering words, phrases and clauses. It is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon and phonology.An illocutionary act is the act of expressing the speaker’s intention; it is the act performed in saying something. A perlocutionary act is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; it is the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance; it is the act performed by saying something.For example:“You have left the door wide open.” The locutionary act is the saying of it with its literal meaning: you have left the door open. The illocutionary act can be a request of the hearer to close the door, or making a complaint, depending on the context. The perlocutionary act refers to the effect of the utterance. It can be the hearer’s closing the door or his refusal to comply with the request.3. What are the main features of human language that have been specified by C. Hockett to show that it is essentially different from animal communication system?Design features refer to the defining properties of human language thatdistinguish it from any animal system of communication.(1)Arbitrariness(任意性)This means that there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. However, language is not entire arbitrary; certain words are motivated. Some compound words are also not entirely arbitrary. But non-arbitrary words make up only a small percentage of the vocabulary of a language.(2)Productivity (能产性)Language is productive or creative in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users. Productivity is unique to human language.(3)Duality(二层性)Language is a system, which consists of two sets of structures, or two levels. At the lower or the basic level there is a structure of sounds, which are meaningless by themselves. But the sounds of language can be grouped and regrouped into a large number of units of meaning, which are found at the higher level of the system. This duality of structure of language enables its users to talk about anything within their knowledge.(4) Displacement(移位性)Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker.(5) Cultural transmission(文化传承性)We were all born with the ability to acquire language, the details of any language system are not genetically transmitted, but instead have to be taught and learned. The process whereby凭借conj. language is passed on from one generation to the next is described as cultural transmission. Language is culturally transmitted. In contrast, animal call systems are genetically transmitted基因遗传.。

英语语言学导论知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新西安外国语大学第一章测试1.Which feature incorporates the capacity to talk messages that are unrelatedto here and now. ()参考答案:Displacement;ually grammar is divided into the components of().参考答案:phonetics and phonology;;morphology and syntax;;semantics.3.Although languages are different in many respects, such as sound patterns,vocabulary, word order, there are important grammatical principles andfeatures that hold commonly in all human languages. ( )参考答案:对4.What enables us to identify well-formed sentences from non-sentences is ourgood linguistic performance in that language other than linguisticcompetence. ( )参考答案:错5.The fact that a parrot can be taught to reproduce some human speech soundsproves that human language is not unique to us. ( )参考答案:错第二章测试1.How many morphemes are there in the word “frightening”? ( )参考答案:three2.Which of the following two-term sets shows the feature of complementarity?( )参考答案:single/married3.The word “man” is an alyzed as comprising the semantic features of[+human,+adult,+male]. ( )参考答案:对4.“-tain” in words like “maintain”, “sustain”, “retain” is a ( ).参考答案:bound root5.Tree diagrams are used to represent the linear structure of words. ( )参考答案:错第三章测试1.Phrase structure rules allow us to better understand _____________. ( )参考答案:All of the above.2.The sentence structure is ________. ( )参考答案:both linear and hierarchical3.The syntactic rules of any language are ____ in number. ( )参考答案:finite4.In English syntactic analysis, four phrasal categories are commonlyrecognized and discussed, namely, noun phrase, verb phrase, infinitivephrase, and auxiliary phrase. ( )参考答案:错5.What is actually internalized in the mind of a native speaker is a complete listof words and phrases rather than grammatical knowledge. ( )参考答案:错第四章测试1.Reflected meaning arises in cases of multiple conceptual meanings, when onesense is associated with another sense. ( )参考答案:对2.The lexical relationship between “bear” and “bare” is hyponymy. ( )参考答案:错3.The sentence It is hot is a one-place predication. ( )参考答案:错4.Pragmatics is the study of language meaning. ( )参考答案:错5.According to John Searle’s classification of speech acts, “he promises to cometomorrow” is ( ).参考答案:representative第五章测试1.Which one is different from the others according to place of articulation? ( )参考答案:[n]2.Which of the following is NOT a front vowel? ( )参考答案:[u:]3.[z] is a voiceless, alveolar fricative consonant while [j] is a palatalapproximant. ( )参考答案:错4.[p] is a voiced bilabial stop. ( )参考答案:错5.Perceptual phonetics is concerned with the perception of speech sounds. ( )参考答案:对第六章测试1.Distinctive features can be found running over a sequence of two or morephonemic segments. The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments are called ( ).参考答案:suprasegmental features2.How many morphemes are there in the word “discharged”? ( )参考答案:33.Which of the following statements about allophone is NOT correct? ( )参考答案:Allophones distinguish meaning.4. A phoneme in a language is a distinctive sound which is capable ofdistinguishing one word or one shape of a word from another. ( )参考答案:对5.Phonology is concerned with how the sounds can be classified into differentcategories. ( )参考答案:错第七章测试pared with langue, parole is chaotic and therefore impossible to study. ( )参考答案:错2.The common types of language variation are variation. ( )参考答案:all of above3.William Labov’s New York Department Store study is basically about regionalvariation of language. ( )参考答案:错nguage contact could lead to the death of a language. ( )参考答案:对5.When speakers from different languages interact with each other, one of thenative languages of the speakers could be used as a lingua franca. ()参考答案:错第八章测试1.There are five major stages in the history of English language change. ( )参考答案:对2.Who is the editor of Dictionary of the English language? ( )参考答案:Samuel Johnson3.The lexical change includes: ( )参考答案:borrowing or Loan Words;the addition of new words;change in lexical category;loss of words4.The word change from “bathe” to “bath” is syntactic change ( )参考答案:错5.Changes in a language are changes in the grammars. ()参考答案:错第九章测试1.Traditional behaviourists view language as a kind of behaviour and believethat language learning is simply a matter of imitation and habit formation. ( ) 参考答案:对2.Chomsky proposed that human beings are born with an innate ability knownas _______. ( )参考答案:Language Acquisition Device, or LAD3.Unlike L1 acquisition, which is uniformly successful across children andlanguages, adults vary considerably in their ability to acquire an L2completely. ( )参考答案:对4.What are the three interacting factors in determining language transfer insecond language learning? ( )参考答案:A learner’s perception of native-target language distance.;A learner’s actual knowledge of the target language.;A learner’s psychology, how a learner organizes his or her nativelanguage.5.The native language influences not only occur as direct linguistic reflexes atphonological, lexical, semantic, syntactical or discoursal levels but alsodirectly reflect underlying organizational principles of languages at thecognitive level. ( )参考答案:对第十章测试1.Which area of linguistics studies the cognitive processes of how we use ourlinguistic competence in speech production and comprehension? ( )参考答案:Psycholinguistics2.In psycholinguistic experiments which of the following is frequently used asan important measurement of how quick a person responds to linguisticsignals. ( )参考答案:Response time (RT)3. A central problem of speech perception is to explain how listeners carve upthe continuous speech signal into meaningful unit. This is referred to as the segmentation problem. ( )参考答案:对4.In Top-down processing listeners move step-by-step from the incomingsignal, to phonemes, morphemes, words and phrases and ultimately tosemantic interpretation. ( )参考答案:错5. A listener will respond faster at making lexical decision on related wordssuch as doctor and nurse than if he just heard unrelated word such as doctor and flower. This is possibly because words in the first pair are semantically related. ( )参考答案:对第十一章测试1.Many people use the search features of the Internet to find information.Typically, one enters a keyword, or perhaps several, and magically thecomputer returns the location of Web sites that contain information relatingto that key-word. This process is an example of ( ).参考答案:information retrieval2.Many crimes involve anonymous recorded messages in which it is importantto identify the speaker. ______ is the use of computers to assist in such a task,as opposed to ear witnessing, which relies on the judgment of humanlisteners. ( ).参考答案:Speaker identification3.The field of computational lexicography is concerned not only with themaking of standard dictionaries but also with the building of electronicdictionaries specifically designed for computational linguists. ( )参考答案:对4.Speech synthesis is a two-step process in which a text-to-speech programfirst converts text to phones or other basic units such as words or syllables. ( ) 参考答案:对5.The computational linguistics of speech understanding and speechgeneration has the subfields of computational phonetics and phonology,computational morphology, computational syntax, computational semantics, and computational pragmatics. ( )参考答案:对第十二章测试1.The history of writing includes____. ( )参考答案:Cuneiform Writing;pictograms and ideograms;from hieroglyphics to the Alphabet writing;the Rebus principle2.ʘrepresents the sound “___” ( )参考答案:sun3.The current English is a kind of picture system. ( )参考答案:错4.The Phoenician living in the area from hieroglyphics to the Alphabet writing.( )参考答案:对5.“cat cats cat’s cats’”have four morphemes. ( )参考答案:错第十三章测试1.The Prague School is a school of linguistic thought and analysis established inPrague in the 1920s by Mathesius. ()参考答案:对2.The major linguistic schools include ( )参考答案:The Formalism;The Functionalism;The Structuralism;The cognitivism3.The major scholars mentioned in American Structuralism are ( )参考答案:Franz Boas;Leonard Bloomfield;Edward Sapir4.The famous linguistic work Metaphors We live By is composed by RonaldLangacker。

Chapter 1 Introduction介绍1.语言定义What is languageLanguage is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.First, language is a system, i.e. elements of language are combined according to rules. This explains why “iblk” is not a possible sound combination in English, and also why “Been he wounded has” is not a grammatically acceptable sentence in English.Second, language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between a linguistic symbol and what the symbol stands for, for instance, between the word “pen” and the thing we write with. Different languages have different words for the same object. Words are just symbols. “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet”.Third, language is vocal because the primary medium for all languages is sound. All evidence points to the fact that writing systems came into being much later than the spoken forms and that they are only attempts to capture sounds and meaning on paper. The fact that children acquire spoken language before they can read or write also indicates that language is primarily vocal.2. 语言特征Design Features of LanguageDesign features refer to the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication.Charles Hockett (American) in 1960 : (5 of 13)①Arbitrariness 任意性: There is no logical connection between meanings and sounds.(A good example is the fact that different sounds are used to refer to the same object in different languages.) On the other hand, language is not entirely arbitrary, such like onomatopoeic words and some compound words.②Productivity 多产性: Language is productive or creative in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users.③Duality 双重性: Language is a system, which consists of two levels. The basic level is a structure of sounds, and the higher level is the units of meaning.④Displacement 移位性: Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker.⑤Cultural transmission 文化传承性: Language is passed on from one generation to the next through teaching and learning, rather than by instinct.3.语言功能Function of LanguageThree main functions : the descriptive function, the expressive function and the social function.①The descriptive function: also referred to differently as the cognitive, or referential, or propositional function, is assumed to be the primary function of language.It is the function to convey factual information, which can be asserted or denied, and in some cases even verified.②The expressive function: also called the emotive or attitudinal function, supplies information about the user’s feelings, preferences, prejudices, and values.③The social function: also referred to as the interpersonal function, serves to establish and maintain social relations between people.Roman Jakobson (Russian-born) :He identifies six elements of a speech event and relates each one of them to one specific language function.①Addresser, Emotive 情感功能The addresser expresses his attitude to the topic or situation of communication.②Addressee, Conative 意动功能The addresser aims to influence the addressee’s course of action or ways of thinking.③Context, Referential 信息功能The addresser conveys a message of information.④Message, Poetic 诗性功能The addresser uses language for the sole purpose of displaying the beauty of language itself.⑤Contact, Phatic communication 寒暄功能The addresser tries to establish or maintain good interpersonal relationship with the addressee.⑥Code.Metalinguistic 元语言,纯理功能The addresser uses language to make clear the meaning of language itself, e.g. “Let me tell you what the word ‘linguist’ means.”M.A.K. Halliday (British) in the early 1970s :He explored the functions of child language, and found that as a child grew into an adult the7 functions are gradually replaced by a more abstract system of functions.①Ideational 经验功能: The ideational function is to organize the speaker or writer’sexperience of the real or imaginary world. It corresponds closely to the descriptive function, but it is broader because it also includes the expression of the speaker’s attitude, evaluation, his feelings and emotions.②Interpersonal 人际功能: The interpersonal function is to establish or maintain socialrelationships between people.③Textual 语篇功能: The textual function is to organize written or spoken texts in such amanner that they are coherent within themselves and fit the particular situation in which they are used.4.语言学定义What is LinguisticsLinguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.(Linguistics studies not any particular language, but it studies languages in general.)(It is a scientific study because it is based on the systematic investigation of linguistic data, conducted with reference to some general theory of language structure.)5.语言学范围the scope of linguisticsRelatively independent branches within the area of linguistics, and also the core of linguistics:①Phonetics语音学: The study of sounds used in linguistic communication.②Phonology音位学: how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication.③Morphology形态学: The study of the way in which symbols are arranged and combined to form words.④Syntax 句法学: the study of rules that govern the combination of words to form grammatically permissible sentences in languages.⑤Semantics语义学: In most general terms language is used to convey meaning. The study of meaning is known as semantics.⑥Pragmatics语用学: Language communication does not occur in a vacuum, it always occurs in a context. The study of meaning in the context of language use is called pragmatics. Interdisciplinary branches of linguistic study: sociolinguistics社会语言学psycholinguistics 语言心理学applied linguistics 应用语言学。
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Is language a system?Yes.Is there intrinsic connection between form and meaning?No. It’s arbitrary .Language is a system whose parts can and must be considered in their synchronic solidarity. (de Saussure, 1916)[Language is] a set (finite or infinite) of sentences, each finite in length and constructed out of a finite set of elements. (Chomsky, 1957)Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.A system ----elements in it are arranged according to certain rules. They cannot bearranged at will.e.g. He the table cleaned. bkliArbitrary ----there is no intrinsic (logic) connection between a linguistic form and its meaning.Vocal --------the primary medium for all languages is sound, no matter how well developed their writing systems are.Writing systems came into being much later than the spoken forms.People with little or no literacy can also be competent language users.Symbols ----words are just the symbols associated with objects, actions, and ideas by convention.Human ----language is human-specific.Human beings have different kinds of brains and vocal capacity.“Language Acquisition Device” (LAD)语言习得机制Origin of language1.The divine theory 神论说--- God created language for human beings.2.The bow-wow theory 拟声说--- Language developed from the imitation of the calls ofanimals.3.The pooh-pooh theory 感叹说--- Language developed from instinctive sounds of pain,anger and joy of human beings.4.The “yo-he-ho” theory 韵律说--- Language developed from rhythmic grunts of peoplewhen they worked together.Properties of Language -Design featuresArbitrariness [‘a:bi,trərinis] 任意性•The arbitrary property of language means that there is no logical connection between sounds and meanings (form and meaning).Arbitrariness◆Arbitrary relationship between the sound of a morpheme and its meaning◆Arbitrariness at the syntactic levelThe sentence is less arbitrary than words.Correspondence between word order and natural event.◆Arbitrariness and conventionWhile arbitrariness makes language flexible and creative, convention makes it stable and laborious to learn.Conventionality is more important than arbitrariness in learning a language.Duality二元性•The duality nature of language means that language is a system, which consists of two sets of structure, or two levels.◆Two levels of structures•Primary level: meaningful units(e.g. words)•Secondary level: meaningless units(e.g. sounds)Productivity 多产性•The speaker is able to combine the basic linguistic units to form an infinite set of sentences, most of which are never before produced or heard.•Eg.•He bought a book / which was written by a teacher / who taught in a school / which was known for its graduates / who…•We can speak an endless number of sentences with a limited vocabulary, and one sentence can expand into endless theoretically possible sentences in the way of recurring. Cultural transmission 文化传递性How did you learn language?•While human capacity for language has a genetic basis, the details of any language are not genetically transmitted, but instead have to be taught and learned anew. It is passed down from one generation to the next through teaching and learning, rather than by instinct.Displacement 时间移位性•To symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present (in time and space) at the moment of communication.Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker. Functions of LanguagePractical functionsTo chat, to think, to buy and sell, to read and write, to greet people...Abstract functionsTo refer, to inform, to communicate…▪Halliday 2003•Three broad functions of language (Page10)▪Jakobson•Six key elements of communication•Six basic functions of language▪Hu et al: (7 functions)Functions of LanguageHalliday (born 1925)Functional GrammarIdeational Function 概念功能Interpersonal Function 人际功能Textual Function 语篇功能M.A.K. Halliday―Three broad functions of language→IdeationalLanguage expresses our perception of the world→InterpersonalLanguage enables us to communicate with people→TextualLanguage is used to organise texts: written and spokenFunctions of LanguageJakobsonSix key elements of communication-addresser, addressee, context, message, code, contactFramework of language functions-referential 所指功能poetic 诗学功能emotive 情感功能conative 意动功能phatic 交感功能metalingual 元语言功能●Addresser---emotive情感(to express attitudes,feelings and emotions)(e.g. 'Oh!' )●Addressee---Conative意动(to persuade andinfluence others through commands and entreaties)(eg. imperatives: Come here! )●Context---referential所指( to convey messageand information)(eg. The Earth is round ; Water boils at 100 degrees.)▪Code---metalingual 元语言(to clear up intentions, words and meanings).▪What do you mean by 'krill' ?▪Contact---Phatic 交感(to establish communion with others)▪(e.g. Good morning!)▪Message---Poetic 诗学(to indulge in language for its own sake)▪(e.g. 'Oh!' )胡壮麟Seven basic functions of languageInformative 信息功能Interpersonal 人际功能Performative 施为功能Emotive 感情功能Phatic 交感功能Recreational 娱乐性功能Metalingual 元语言功能Informative function of languageThe predominant function of language, also called ideational function in the framework of functional grammar.Language expresses our perception of the worldInterpersonal function of languageThe most important function in sociological use of language.1.To express the identity of the addresser and addressee. For example,①Physical identity: age, sex, voice print, etc.②Psychological identity: language, personality, intelligence, etc.③Geographical identity: accent, dialect, etc.④Ethnical and social identity: class, status, role, solidarity, distance, etc.2.To express the addresser's attitude toward what he speaks or writes about. (e.g.Dear Sir, Dear Professor, Johnny, yours, your obedient servant)Performative function of language1.To change the social status of persons.▪In marriage ceremonies: Now I pronounce you man and wife.▪In a law court: Now I sentence you to 3 three years imprisonment.▪In church: May God bless y’all.▪In a launching ceremony: Now I name the ship Elizabeth II.▪In cursing someone: God damn it.2.To control reality–in Chinese:岁岁平安-Every year be safe and happy.Emotive function of language1.To change the emotional status of an audience for or against someone or something.–What a sight, Wow, Ugh, Ow ...2.To express one’s own feelings without any implication of communicating with others–Damn! Man! Oh, boy! And hurrah!Phatic function of languageWe all use such small, seemingly meaningless expressions to maintain a comfortable relationship between people without involving any factual content.1.To start or end a conversation- “Nice day, isn’t it?”- “Hi, I’m William Blake.”- “I must go home, or my husband will beat me.”2.To help maintain a comfortable socio-interpersonal relationship between people.- “Good morning”- “吃饭了吗?”Recreational functionThe use of language for the sheer joy.1.To entertain people- nursery rhymes 童谣- nonsensical lyrics 无意义的歌词2.To show skills in the use of language.- poetry for its sheer beautyMetalingual function of languageThe use of language to talk about language.This makes the language infinitely self-reflexive: We human beings talk about talk and think about thinking, and thus only human beings can ask what it means to communicate, to think, to be human.。