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The heroine
• Jane Eyre - the heroine, a strong personality, simple, independent and aggressive women. Her contempt for the arrogance of the rich and powerful, and laugh at their stupid show the personality and beautiful ideals of self-reliance. She has great vitality, never bow to fate. Have their own longing for a better life.
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Sentence Reviews
I miss him ,love him, hazing, indelible, is not the sun, dispel the sand storms blow can build a statue. 我思念他,挚爱他,刻骨铭心,不可 伍德学校
Synopsis of the novel
• This is a strong romantic colour realistic novel, mainly describes the novels of Jane love and the love of rochester. Jane eyre is a hero a pure, good at thinking of women, she lives in the bottom, and intermittently hardships. But she has a stubborn character and to the spirit of happiness for equality. sing praises love experience the cast off all the old customs and prejudice. Rooted in mutual understanding, mutual respect on the basis of the deep love, has strong shock of the mind force. Art The most successful in the shape of a dare to resist, dare to fight for freedom and equal status of women image.
Do you 师 think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton?—a machine without feelings?
你难道认为,我会留下来甘愿做一个对你无足轻重的人?你认为我是一架机 器,—一架没有感情的机器?
Jane Eyre
---- Charlotte
The author:
Charlotte Bronte
Charlotte Bronte British woman novelist, is active in the British literary Bronte sisters. She is the oldest of three sisters.
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