
Aability ableabout above abroad absence absent accept acceptable accident accidental according (to) account achieve achievemen tacid acrossactaction active activity actor actress actual actually addadditionadditionaladdressadjectiveadmirationadmireadmitadultadvancedadvantageadventureadverbadvertiseadvertisementadviceadviseaffairaffectaffordafraidafterafternoonafterwardsagainagainstageagoagreeagreementaheadaimairaircraftairportalcoholaliveallallowalmostalonealongalphabetalreadyalsoalthoughalwaysamongamountamuseamusementamusinganancientandangerangleangryanimalannounceannoyannoyinganotheransweranxietyanxiousanyanyoneanythinganywhereapartapartmentappearappearanceappleapprovalapproveareaargueargumentarmarmyaroundarrange arrangemen tarrival arriveartarticle artificial asas opposed toashamedaskasleep associatio natatomattack attempt attend attention attitude attract attractive authority autumn available averageavoidawakeawayawkwardBbabybackbackgroundbackward(s)badbagbakebalanceballbandbankbarbasebasicbasketbathbattlebebeachbeakbeambeanbearbeatbeautifulbeautybecausebecomebedbeerbeforebeginbeginningbehavebehaviorbehindbeliefbelievebellbelongbelowbeltbendbeneathbeside(s)bestbetterbetweenbeyondbicyclebigbillbirdbirthbitbitebitterblackbladeblameblindblockbloodblowblueboardboatbodyboilbombbonebookbootborderboredboringbornborrow bothbottle bottom bowlboxboybrain branch brave bread break breakfast breast breath breathe breedbrick bright bring broad broadcast brother brown brushbuild building bullet burnburstburybusbushbusinessbusybutbutterbuttonbuybyCcakecalculatecallcalmcameracampcancapcapitalcarcardcarecarefulcarelesscarriagecarrycasecastlecatcatchcattlecauseceilingcelebratecellcentralcentrecenturyceremonycertainchainchairchancechangecharacterchargechasecheapcheatcheckcheekcheerfulcheesechemicalchemistrycheckchestchickenchiefchildchildrenchinchocolatechoicechoosechurchcigarettecinemacirclecircularcitizencityclaimclassclaycleanclearclevercliffclimbclockclose cloth clothes clothing cloudclubcoalcoastcoat coffee coincoldcollar collect college color comb combinatio ncombine come comfort comfortabl e command committee common communicat ecommunicationcompanycomparecomparisoncompetecompetitioncompetitorcomplaincomplaintcompletecompletelycomplicatedcompoundcomputerconcernconcerningconcertconditionconfidenceconfidentconfuseconfusingconnectconnectionconsciousconsiderconsistcontaincontainercontinuecontinuouscontractcontrolconversationcookcopycorncornercorrectcostcottoncoughcouldcouncilcountcountrycountrysidecouragecoursecourtcovercowcrackcrashcrazycreamcreaturecrimecriminalcriticismcriticizecropcrosscrowdcruelcrushcrycupcupboardcurecurlcurrentcurtaincurvecustomcustomercutcycleDdaily damage dance danger dangerous darkdate daughter daydeaddealdeal with deathdebt decay deceive decide decision decorate decoration decrease deep defeat defense defend definite definitely degreedelaydeliberatedeliberatelydelicatedeliverdemanddepartmentdependdependentdepthdescribedescriptiondesertdeservedesigndesirabledesiredeskdestroydestructiondetaildeterminationdetermineddevelopdictionarydiedifferencedifferentdifficultdifficultydigdinnerdirectdirectiondirtdirtydisappointdisappointingdiscoverdiscoverydiscussdiscussiondiseasedishdismissdistancedistantdividedodoctordocumentdogdollardoordoubledoubtdowndrawdrawerdreamdressdrinkdrivedropdrugdrumdrunkdryduckdullduringdustdutyEeacheagerearearlyearneartheast eastern easyeat economic edge educate educated education effect effective efforteggeight either elbowelect election electric electricit y electronic else embarrass embarrassi ng emotionemphasizeemployemployeremploymentempty ax/jencloseencourageendenemyenergyengineengineerenjoyenjoyableenjoymentenoughenterentertainentertainmententranceenvelopeenvironmentequalequipmentescapeespeciallyestablisheveneveningeventevereveryeveryoneeverythingeverywhereevilexactexactlyexaminationexamineexampleexcellentexceptexchangeexciteexcitingexcuseexerciseexistexistenceexpectexpensiveexperienceexplainexplanationexplodeexplosionexplosiveexpressexpressionextremeextremelyeyeFfacefactfactoryfailfailurefairfairlyfaithfaithfulfallfalsefamiliarfamilyfamousfarfarm farmer fashion fashionabl efast fastenfatfather fault favorable favorite fear feather feature feedfeel feeling(s) female fence feverfewfieldfifthfight figurefillfilm finalfinallyfinancialfindfind outfinefingerfinishfirefirmfirstfishfitfivefixflagflameflashflatfleshflightfloatfloodfloorflourflowflowerflyfoldfollowfondfoodfootfootballforforceforeignforeignerforestforgetforgiveforkformformalformerfortunateforward(s)four(th)framefreefreedomfreezefrequentfreshfriendfriendlyfrightenfrighteningfromfront adzfruitfullfunfuneralfunnyfurfurniturefurtherfutureGgaingamegaragegardengasgategathergeneralgenerallygenerousgentlegentlemangetgiftgirlgivegladglassgluego ogoatgodgoldgood goodbye goods govern government graceful gradual grain gram grammar grand grandfathe r grandmothe r grandparen tgrass gratefulgravegreatgreengreetgreetinggreygroundgroupgrowgrowthguardguessguestguideguiltygunHhabithairhalfhallhammerhandhandlehanghappenhappyhardhardlyharmharmfulhathatehatredhaveheheadhealthhealthyhearheartheatheavenheavyheelheighthellohelphelpfulher(s)hereherselfhide ohighhillhimhimselfhishistoricalhistoryhitholdholeholidayhollowholyhomehonesthonorhookhopehopefulhornhorsehospitalhothotelhourhousehowhumanhumoroushumorhundred(th )hungry hunthurryhurt husbandIiceideaifignoreillillegal illness image imaginary imaginatio nimagine immediatel y importance important impressive improve improvemen t inincludeincludingincomeincreaseindependentindoor(s)industrialindustryinfectrefectionInfectiousinfluenceinforminformationinjurem juryinkinnerinsectinsideInsteadinstitutioninstructioninstrumentinsultinsultinginsuranceinsureintelligenceintelligentintendintentioninterestinterestinginternationalinterruptintointroduceintroductioninventinvitationinviteinvolveinwardsironislandititsJjawjeweljewelerjobjoinjointjokejourneyjudgejudgmentjuicejumpjustjusticeKkeenkeepkeykickkinkilokilogramkilometerkindkingkiss kitchen knee kneel knife knock knot know knowledge Llackladylake lamb lamp' land language largelastlate lately laugh laughter law lawyer laylayer lazy leadleafleanlearnleastleatherleaveleftleglegallendlengthlesslessonletlet go ofletterlevellibrarylidlielie downlifeliftlightlikelikelylimitlinelionlipliquidlistlistenliteratureliterlittleliveloadlocallocklonelylonglooklooklook afterlook forlook sth uplooselordloselosslotloudlovelowlowerloyalloyaltyluckluckylungMmachinemachinerymagazinemagicmailmainmakemake intomake upmalemanmanagemanagermannermanymapmarchmarkmarketmarriagemarriedmarry mass match material mathematic smatter maymemealmean meaning means measure measuremen tmeat medical medicine meet meeting melt member memory mental mention message metal methodmetermiddlemightmilemilitarymilkmillion(th)mindminemineralministerminutemirrormissmistmistakemixmixturemodelmodernmomentmoneymonkeymonthmoonmoralmoremorningmostmothermotormountainmousemouthmovemovementmuchmudmultiplymurdermuscle-musicmusicianmustmymysteriousmysteryNnailnamenarrownastynationnationalnaturalnaturenavynearnearlyneatnecessaryneckneedneedlenegativeneithernervenervousnetnetworknevernewnewsnewspapernextnicenightnineninthnonoisenonenonsense no onenornormal north northern nosenotnote nothing notice noticeable nounnow nowhere number nursenutOobey object obtain occasion oceano'clockofoff offence offendoffensiveofferofficeofficerofficialoftenoiloldold-fashionedononceoneoniononlyonly justontoopenoperateoperationopinionopponentopportunityopposeas opposedtooppositeoppositionororangeorderordinaryorganorganizeorganizationoriginoriginalotheroughtour(s)outoutdoor(s)outeroutsideoveroweownowneroxygenPpackpackagepagepainpainfulpaintpaintingpairpalepanpaperparallelparentparkparliamentpartparticipleparticularpartlypartnerpartypasspassagepassengerpastpathpatientpatternpausepaypaymentpeace peaceful penpence pencil people pepperper cent perfect perform performanc eperhaps period permanent permission person personal persuade petpetrol photograph phrase physical pianopickpick up picture piecepigpilepilotpinpinkpipepityplaceplainplanplaneplantplasticplateplaypleasantpleasepleasedpleasureplentypluralpocketpoempoetpoetrypointpointedpoisonpoisonouspolepolicepolishpolitepoliticalpoliticianpoliticspoolpoorpopularpopulationportpositionpositivepossesspossessionpossiblepossiblypossibilitypostpotpotatopoundpourpowderpowerpowerfulpracticalpracticepracticepraiseprayprayerpreferpreparationpreparepresentpreservepresidentpresspressurepretendprettypreventpreviouspricepriestprinceprincipleprintprisonprisonerprivate prize probably problem process produce product production profession profit program progress promise pronounce pronunciat ionproof proper property proposal protect protection protective protest proud prove provide public pullpumppunishpunishmentpupilpurepurplepurposepushputQqualityquantityquarrelquarterqueenquestionquickquietquiteRrabbitraceradiorailwayrainraiserangerankrapidrareratrateratherrawreachreactreactionreadreadyrealrealizereallyreasonreasonablereceiverecentrecentlyrecognizerecordredreducereductionrefusalrefuseregardregularrelatedrelativerelationrelationshiprelaxrelaxingreligionreligiousremainremarkrememberremindremoverentrepairrepeatreplacereplyreportrepresentrepresentativerequestrespectresponsiblerest restaurant restrict result return rewardricerichridriderightringriseriskriverroadrobrockroll romantic roofroomrootroperoserough roundrow royalrubrubberruderuinrulerulerrunrushSsadsafesafetysailsalesaltsamesandsatisfactionsatisfactorysatisfysavesayscalescattersceneschoolsciencescientificscientistscissorsscreenscrewseasearchseasonseatsecondsecretsecretaryseeseedseemsellsendsensesensiblesensitivesentenceseparateseriesseriousservantserveservicesetsettleseven(th)severalseveresexsexualshadeshadowshakeshallshameshapesharesharpshesheepsheetshelfshellsheltershineshinyshipshirtshockshockingshoe shoot shop shore short shot should shoulder shout show shutshysick side sideways sight sign signal silence silent silksilly silver similar simple since sincere sing singlesingularsinksistersitsituationsix(th)sizeskilfulskillskinskirtskysleepslideslightslipperyslopeslowsmallsmellsmilesmokesmoothsnakesnowsosoapsocialsocietysocksoftsoilsoldiersolidsolutionsolvesomesomehowsomeonesomethingsometimessomewheresonsongsoonsoresorrysortsoulsoundsoupsoursouthsouthernspacespeakspecialspecificspeechspeedspellspendspinspiritin spite ofsplitspoilspoonsportspotspreadspringsquarestagestairstampstandstandardstarstartstatestatementstationstay steady steal steam steel steep stemstepstick sticky stiffstill sting stitch stomach stone stop store storm story straight strange stream street strength stretch strict strike stringstrongstructurestrugglestudentstudystupidstylesubjectsubstancesucceedsuccesssuccessfulsuchsucksuddensuffersugarsuggestsuitsuitablesumsummersunsupply osupportsupposesuresurfacesurprisesurprisingsurround oswallowswearsweepsweetswellswimswingswordsympatheticsympathysystemTtabletailtaketalktalltastetaxtaxiteateachteamteartechnicaltelephonetelevisiontelltempertemperaturetemporarytentendtendencytennistensetentterribletestthanthankthatthetheatretheir(s)themthentherethereforethesetheythickthiefthinthingthinkthirdthis thorough those though thought thousand(t h)thread threat threaten threatenin gthree throat through throw thumb tickettidytietight timetiredtiringtitletotobaccotodaytoetogethertoilettomorrowtonguetonighttootooltoothtoptotaltouchtouristtowards'towertowntoytracktradetraditionaltraffictraintrainingtranslatetransparenttraptraveltreattreatmenttreetribetricktriptropicaltroubletrouserstruetrusttruthtrytubetuneturntwicetwisttwotypetypicaltireUuglyunderunderstandunderwearundounexpecteduniformunionunituniteuniverseuniversityunlessuntilunusualupupperuprightupsetupsidedownupstairsurgentUSuseuseful useless usualVvalley valuable value variety various vegetable vehicle verbvery victory view village violence violent visit voice vote vowelWwages waist wait wakewalk wallwantwarwarmwarmthwarnwarningwashwastewatchwaterwavewayweweakwealthweaponwear oweatherweaveweddingweekweighweightwelcomewellwestwesternwetwhatwhateverwheatwheelwhenwheneverwherewhetherwhichwhilewhipwhistlewhitewhowholewhosewhywidewidthwifewildwillwillingwinwindwindowwinewingwinterwirewisewishwithwithinwithoutwomanwoodwoodenwoolwordworkworldworryworseworstworthwouldwoundwrapwristwritewrongYyearyellow__________________________________________________yesyetyouyoungyour(s)Zzero。

aabilityaboutabove abroad absence absent accept acceptable accident accordance according according to accountacheacidacrossactactionactive activityactor actress actualaddaddition address adjective admiration admire admit admittance adult advance advantage adventure adverb advertise advertisement advice adviseaffairaffordafraidafter afternoon afterwards again againstageagoagreeagreementaheadaimairaircraftairforceairportalcoholalikealiveallallowalmostalonealongaloudalphabetalreadyalsoalthoughaltogetheralwaysamongamountamuseamusementamusinganancientandangerangleangryanimalankleannoyannoyanceanotheranswerantanxietyanxiousanyanyhowanyoneanythinganywhereapartapparatusappearappearanceappleappointapprovalapprovearchareaargueargumentarmarmorarmsarmyaroundarrangearrangementarrivalarriveartarticleartificialasashashamedasideaskasleepassociationatatomattackattemptattendattendanceattentionattractattractiveauntautumnaverageavoidawakeawayawkwardbabyback background backward backwards bacteria badbagbake balance ball banana bandbankbarbare barrel base basket bathbathe battlebebeak beam beanbear beardbeat beautiful beauty because become bedbeebeer beforebegbegin beginning behave behavior behind belief believebell belong belowbelt bendbeneathberrybesidebesidesbestbetterbetweenbeyondbicyclebigbillbindbirdbirthbirthdaybitbitebitterblackbladeblamebleedblessblindblockbloodblowblueboardboatbodyboilbombbonebookbootborderbornborrowbothbottlebottombowelsbowlboxboybrainbranchbrassbravebreadbreadthbreakbreakfastbreastbreathbreathebreedbrickbridgebrightbringbroadbroadcastbrotherbrownbrushbucketbuildBuildingBulletBunchburialburnburstburybusbushbusinessbusybutbutterbuttonbuybycagecakecalculatecalculatorcallcalmcameracampcancandlecapcapitalcaptaincarcard cardboard carecareful careless carriagecarrycartcasecastlecatcatchcattlecausecellcementcentcenter centimeter central century ceremony certainchainchair chairperson chalkchance change character chargecharmchasecheapcheatcheck [cheque] cheekcheer cheerful cheese chemical chemistry chest chickenchiefchild childhood childrenchimneychinchocolatechoicechoosechurchcigarettecinemacirclecircularcitizencitycivilizationclaimclassclaycleanclearclerkclevercliffclimbclockclockworkcloseclothclothesclothingcloudclubcoalcoastcoatcoffeecoincoldcollarcollectcollegecolorcombcombinationcombinecomecomfortcomfortablecommandcommitteecommoncompanioncompanycomparecomparisoncompetecompetitioncompetitorcomplaincomplaintcompletecompoundcomputerconcernconcerningconcertconditionconfidenceconfidentconfuseconnectconscienceconsciousconsiderconsistconsonantcontaincontentscontinuecontinuouscontractcontrolconvenientconversationcookcoolcoppercopycordcorncornercorrectcostcottoncoughcouldcouncilcountcountrycourage course court cover cow coward cowardly crack crash cream creature creep cricket crime criminal crop cross crowd cruel cruelty crushcry cultivate cup cupboard curecurl current curse curtain curve custom customer cutcycle daily damage dance danger dangerous dare daring darkdate daughter daydead dealdear deathdebtdecaydeceitdeceivedecidedecimaldecisiondeclarationdeclaredecoratedecorationdecreasedeepdeerdefeatdefenddefensedegreedelaydelicatedelightdeliverdemanddepartmentdependdependentdepthdescenddescribedescriptiondescriptivedesertdeservedesirabledesiredeskdestroydestructiondetaildeterminationdetermineddevelopdevildiamonddictionarydiedifferencedifferentdifficultdifficultydigdinnerdipdirectdirectiondirtdirtydisappointdiscouragediscouragementdiscoverdiscoverydishdismissdistancedistantditchdividedivisiondodoctordogdollardoordoorwaydotdoubledoubtdowndragdrawdrawerdreamdressdrinkdrivedropdrowndrugdrumdrunkdryduckdullduringdustdutyeacheagerearearlyearneartheasteasterneasyeatedgeeducate education effect effectiveefforteggeighteightheitherelasticelbowelectelection electric electricity elephantelseemploy employer employment empty enclose enclosure encourage encouragement endenemyengine engineer Englishenjoy enjoyment enoughenter entertain entertainment entrance envelope equalequalityescapeespeciallyestablishestablishmenteveneveningeventevereveryeveryoneeverythingeverywhereevilexactexaminationexamineexampleexcellentexceptexchangeexciteexcitedexcitingexcuseexerciseexistexistenceexpectexpensiveexperienceexplainexplanationexplodeexplosionexplosiveexpressexpressionextremeeyeeyelidfacefactfactoryfailfailurefaintfairfairyfaithfaithfulfallfalsefamefamiliarfamilyfamousfancyfarfarmfarmerfarmyardfashionfashionablefastfastenfatfatefatherfaultfavorfavorablefavoritefearfeatherfeedfeelfeelingfeelingsfellowfemalefencefeverfewfieldfiercefifthfightfigurefillfilmfindfinefingerfinishfirefireplacefirmfirstfish fisherman FitfiveFixflag flame flashflatflesh flight float flood floor flourflow flower Flyfold follow fond foodfool foolish foot football footpath footstep For forbid force forehead foreign foreigner forest forget forgive forkform formal former formerly fort fortunate fortune forward forwards FourFourthFoxFrameFreeFreedomFreezeFrequentFreshFriendFriendlyFrightenfrighteningFromFrontFruitFulfillFullFunFuneralFunnyFurFurnishFurnitureFurtherFutureGainGameGarageGardenGarmentGasgasoline [petrol]GateGatherGeneralGenerousGentlegentlemanGetGiftGirlGiveGladGlassGloryGlueGoGoatgodgoldgoldengoodgood-byegoodsgoverngovernmentgracegracefulgradualgraingramgrammargrandgrandfathergrandmothergrassgratefulgravegraygreatgreengreetgreetinggriefgrievegroundgroupgrowgrowthguardguessguestguidanceguideguiltgunhabithabitualhairhairyhalfhallhammerhandhandkerchiefhandlehanghappen happy hard harden hardly hardship harm harmful harmless hasty hathate hatred havehehead health healthy hear heart heat heaven heavy heel height help helpful henherhere hers herself hide highhillhim himself hirehis historical history hithold holiday hollow holy home honest honesty HonorhonorableHookHopeHopefulHopelessHorizonHornHorseHospitalHostHotHotelHourHourlyHouseHowHumanHumorhumorousHundredhundredthHungerHungryHuntHurryHurtHusbandHutIIceIcyIdeaIfIllImageimaginaryimaginationImagineimportanceimportantimproveimprovementinincludeincludingincomeincreaseindoorindoorsindustrialindustryinfectinfectioninfectiousinfluenceinfluentialinforminformationinkinnerinquireinquiryinsectinsideinsteadinstructinstructioninstrumentinsuranceinsureintendintentioninterestinterestinginternationalinterruptinterruptionintointroduceintroductioninventinventioninvitationinviteinwardsironislandititsitselfjawjealousjealousyjellyjeweljewelryjobjoinjointjoke journey joyjudge judgment juice jumpjust justice keen keepkeykickkillkilo kilogram kilometer kindking kingdom kiss kitchen knee kneel knife knock knot know knowledge laborlack ladder ladylakelamb lampland language largelastlatelately laugh laughter law lawyerlay lazyleadleafleanlearnleastleatherleaveleftleglegallendlengthlesslessonletletterlevellibrarylidlielifeliftlightlightninglikelikelylimblimitlinelionlipliquidlistlistenliterliteraturelittleliveloadloaflocallocklodginglodgingsloglonelylonglooklooselordloselosslotloudlovelowlowerloyalloyaltylucklumplungmachinemachinerymadmagazinemagicmagicianmailmainmakemalemanmanagemanagermannermanymapmarchmarkmarketmarriagemarrymassmastermatmatchmaterialmattermaymemealmeanmeaningmeansmeasuremeatmedical medicine meet meeting melt member memory mend mention merry message messenger metal meter method metric microscope middle mightmile military milk million millionth mind mine mineral minister minute mirror missmist mistake mix mixture model modern moment money monkey month monthly moon moral morals more morning most mother motormountainmousemouthmovemuchmudmultiplymurdermusclemusicmusicianmustmymyselfmysteriousmysterynailnamenarrownastynationnationalnaturenavalnavynearnearlyneatnecessaryneckneedneedleneighborneighborhoodneithernervenervousnestnetnetworknevernewnewsnewspapernextnicenightnineninthnono onenoblenoblemannoisenonenonsensenornorthnorthernnosenotnothingnoticenounnownowherenumbernursenutnylono'clockobedienceobedientobeyobjectobtainoccasionoceanoddofoffoffendoffenseoffensiveofferofficeofficerofficialoftenoiloldold-fashionedononceoneoneselfoniononlyopen operate operation opinion opponent oppose opposite opposition ororange order ordinary organ organization origin other otherwise oughtourours ourselves out outdoor outdoors outer outside overoweowing to own oxygen pack packet pagepain painful paint painting pair palacepalepanpaper parallel parcel parentpark parliament partparticipleparticularpartnerpartypasspassagepassengerpastpastrypathpatiencepatientpatternpausepaypaymentpeacepeacefulpenpencepencilpeoplepepperperperfectperformperhapsperiodpermissionpermitpersonpersonalpersuadepetphotographphotographyphrasephysicalpianopickpicturepiecepigpilepilotpinpinkpipepityplaceplainplanplaneplantplasticplateplaypleasantpleasepleasedpleasureplentypluralpocketpoempoetpoetrypointpointedpoisonpoisonouspolepolicepolishpolitepoliticalpoliticianpoliticspoolpoorpopularpopularitypopulationportpositionpossesspossessionpossibilitypossiblepossiblypostpotpotatopoundpourpowderpowerpowerful practical practice praiseprayprayer precious preparation prepare presence present preserve president press pressure pretend pretty preventpricepricklypridepriestprince principle printprison prisoner privateprize probability probable problem process procession produce product production profession profit promise pronounce pronunciation proofproper property protect protection protective proud proveprovideprovisionprovisionspublicpullpumppunishpunishmentpupilpurepurplepurposepushputqualityquantityquarrelquarterqueenquestionquickquietquiterabbitraceradiorailwayrainraiserangerankrapidrareratrateratherrawreachreadreadyrealreallyreasonreasonablereceiverecentrecentlyrecognitionrecognizerecordredreducereductionrefusalrefuseregardregularrelatedrelationrelativereligionreligiousremainremarkrememberremindremoverentrepairrepeatreplyreportrepresentrepresentativerepublicrequestrespectrespectfulresponsiblerestrestaurantresultreturnrewardricerichridriderightringriperiseriskriverroadrobrockrodrollroofroomrootroperose rough roundrowroyalrub rubber ruderuinrulerulerrunrushsadsafe safetysailsalesaltsame sand satisfaction satisfactory satisfy savesayscale scatter scene scenery school science scientific scientist scissors screwsea search season seat second secrecy secret secretaryseeseedseemseizesellsendsensationsensesenselesssensiblesensitivesentenceseparateseriousservantserveservicesetsettlesevenseventhseveralseveresewsexsexualshadeshadowshakeshallshameshapesharesharpshesheepsheetshelfshellsheltershieldshineshipshirtshockshoeshootshopshopkeepershoreshortshotshouldshouldershoutshowshutsicksidesidewayssightsignsignalsignaturesilencesilentsilksillysilversimilarsimilaritysimplesincesinceresingsinglesingularsinksistersitsituationsixsixthsizeskillskillfulskinskirtskyslavesleepslideslightslipslipperyslopeslowsmall smell smile smoke smooth snake snowsosoap social society socksoftsoil soldier solemn solid some somehow someone something sometimes somewhere sonsongsoonsore sorrow sorrysortsoul sound soupsour south southern space spacecraft spade speak spear special specialist speech speed spell spend spinspirit spitesplendidsplitspoilspoonsportspotspreadspringsquarestagestairstampstandstandardstarstartstatestationstaysteadystealsteamsteelsteepstemstepstickstickystiffstillstingstitchstomachstonestopstorestormstorystraightstrangestrangerstreamstreetstrengthstretchstrikestringstrokestrongstructurestrugglestudentstudystupidstylesubjectsubstancesubtractsucceedsuccesssuccessfulsuchsucksuddensuffersugarsuggestsuitsuitablesumsummersunsuppersupplysupportsupposesuresurfacesurprisesurroundswallowswearsweepsweetswellswimswingswordsympatheticsympathysystemtabletailtaketalktalltastetaxtaxiteateachteamtear telephone television telltemper temperature temple tend tendency tender tennis tensetent terrible terrortestthanthankthatthetheater theirtheirsthem themselves thenthere therefore thesetheythickthiefthinthingthinkthirdthirst thirstythis thorough those though thought thousand thousandththreadthreatthreatenthreethroatthroughthrowthumbthunderthustickettidytietigertighttimetimetabletintire [tyre]tiretitletotobaccotodaytoetogethertomorrowtonguetonighttootooltoothtoptotaltouchtourtouristtowardstowertowntoytracktradetraffictraintranslatetransparenttraptraveltreattreatmenttreetrembletribetricktriptropicaltroubletrouserstruetrunktrusttruthtrytubetuneturntwicetwisttypetypicaluglyuncleunderunderstandundouniformunionunituniteuniversaluniverseuniversityuntilupupperuprightupsetupside downupstairsurgeurgentususeusefuluselessusualvalley valuable value variety various vary vegetable vehicle verb very victory view village violence violent visit voice vote vowel voyage wages waist wait waiter wake walk wall wander want war warm warmth warn wash waste watch water wave waywe weak wealth weapon wear weather weave wedding week weekly weighweightwelcomewellwestwesternwetwhatwhateverwheatwheelwhenwheneverwherewhetherwhichwhicheverwhilewhipwhisperwhistlewhitewhowhoeverwholewhywickedwidewidespreadwidthwifewildwillwillingwinwindwindowwinewingwinterwirewisdomwisewishwithwithinwithoutwitnesswomanwonderwoodwoodenwoolwoolenwordworkworldwormworryworseworshipworstworthworthyworthy ofwouldwoundwrapwreckwristwritewrongwrongdoingyardyearyearlyyellowyesyesterdayyetyouyoungyouryoursyourselfyouthzero。

a abbreviation abilityableaboutabove adv, prep abroad absence absent adj accept acceptable accident accidental according to account n achieve achievement acidacrossactactionactiveactivityactor, actress actualactuallyaddaddition additional address adjective admiration admireadmitadult advanced advantage adventure n adverb advertise advertisement adviceadviseaffair affectaffordafraidafter adv, conj, prepafternoonafterwardsagainagainstage nagoagreeagreementaheadaimair naircraftairportalcoholaliveall adv, pron, determiner, pre-determiner allowalmostalonealongalphabetalreadyalsoalthoughalwaysamongamount namuseamusementamusinganancient adjandanger nangle nangryanimalannounceannoyannoyinganother answer anxiety anxiousanyanyone anything anywhere apart apartment appear appearance apple approval approve areaargue argument arm narmy around arrange arrangement arrival arriveart article artificialasas opposed to ashamedaskasleep associationatatomattack attempt attend attention attitude attract attractive authority autumn available average adj, n avoidawake adj away adv awkwardbabyback adj, adv, n background backward(s) adv badbag nbake vbalanceball nband nbank nbar nbase n, vbasicbasketbath nbattle nbe beach nbeakbeam nbeanbearbeatbeautiful beauty because becomebedbeerbeforebegin beginning behave behaviour behind adv, prep beliefbelievebellbelongbelowbelt nbendbeneath beside(s)bestbetter adj, adv between beyond adj, adv bicycle nbig adjbillbirdbirthbitbitebitter adjblack adj, n bladeblameblind adjblockbloodblowblueboard nboatbodyboilbombbone nbook nboot nborder nboredboringbornborrowboth bottle n bottom n bowl nbox nboybrain n branch n brave adj bread break v breakfast n breast breath breathe breedbrick bridge n brightbringbroad adj broadcast v brother brown adj, n brushbuild v building bulletburnburst vburybusbush business busybut conj butter n button nbuy vby prepcake n calculate call v calm adj camera camp n, vcancapcapital ncarcardcarecarefulcarelesscarriagecarrycase ncastlecatcatch vcattlecauseceilingcelebratecellcentralcentre ncenturyceremonycertain adj, determiner chain nchair nchance nchangecharacterchargechase vcheapcheat vcheckcheek ncheerfulcheesechemicalchemistrychequechestchickenchiefchildchildrenchin chocolate choice n choosechurch n cigarette cinemacircle ncircular ad j citizencityclaim vclass nclayclean adj, v clear adj, v clevercliffclimb vclock nclose adj, adv, v clothclothes clothingcloud nclub ncoalcoast ncoat ncoffeecoin ncold adj, n collar ncollect v collegecolourcomb combination combine v comecomfort comfortable command committee common adj communicate communicationcompany compare v comparison compete competition competitor complain complaint complete completely complicated compound n computer concern v concerning concert condition n confidence confident confuse confusing connect connection conscious consider consist contain container continue continuous contract n control conversation cook n, v copycorncorner n correct adj, v cost cotton cough could council n count v country n countryside courage course n court n covercow n crack n, v crash n, v crazy cream n creature crime criminal criticism criticize crop n cross n, v crowd cruel crush vcrycup n cupboard curecurl current n curtain n curve custom n customer cutcycle vdaily adj, adv damage dance danger dangerous dark date n daughter day dead adjdeal ndeal with deathdebtdecay deceive decide decision decorate decoration decrease deep adj defeat defence defend definite definitely degree delay deliberate adj deliberately delicate deliver demand department depend dependent depth describe description desert n deserve design desirable desiredesk destroy destruction detail n determination determined develop dictionarydie v difference different difficultdifficultydig vdinnerdirectdirectiondirtdirty adjdisappointdisappointingdiscoverdiscoverydiscussdiscussiondisease ndish ndismissdistancedistantdividedo vdoctor ndocument ndog ndollardoordouble adj, v, pre-determiner doubtdown adv, prepdraw vdrawerdreamdress n, vdrinkdrive n, vdropdrug ndrum ndrunk pastpart, adjdryduck ndull adjduringdust ndutyeacheagerearearlyearnearth neasteasterneasy adjeat economic edge n educate educated education effect n effective efforteggeighteitherelbowelect v election electric electricity electronic else embarrass embarrassing emotion emphasize employ v employer employment empty adj, v enclose encourage endenemy energy engine engineer n enjoy enjoyable enjoyment enoughenterentertain entertainment entrance n envelope environment equal adj, n equipment escape especially establisheven adj, adv eveningeventevereveryeveryone everything everywhereevilexact adjexactly examination examine example excellentexcept conj, prep exchangeexciteexcitingexcuse exerciseexistexistence expect expensive experience explain explanation explode explosionexplosive express v expression extreme adj extremely eyefacefactfactoryfail vfailurefair adjfairlyfaith faithful adj fallfalse familiar family famousfarfarm farmer fashion n fashionable fast adj, adv fastenfatfather n fault n favourable favourite adj fear n feather n feature n feed vfeel v feeling(s) female fence n feverfewfield nfifthfightfigure n fill vfilmfinal adjfinallyfinancialfind vfind outfine adjfinger nfinish vfirefirm adjfirst adj, determiner fishfit adj, vfivefix vflag nflame nflash n, vflat adjfleshflightfloat vfloodfloor nflour nflowflower nfly n, vfoldfollowfondfoodfoot nfootballfor prepforceforeignforeignerforest n forget forgivefork nformformal former fortunate forward(s) adv four(th) frame nfree freedom freeze v frequent adj fresh friend friendly frighten frightening fromfront adj, n fruit nfull adjfunfuneralfunnyfur nfurniture further adj, adv futuregain v game n garage n gardengas ngate gather v general adj generally generous gentle gentleman getgiftgirlgive vgladglass adj, n gluego vgoatgodgoldgood goodbye goods govern government graceful gradual graingram grammar grand adj grandfather grandmother grandparent grass n grateful grave n great adj greengreet greeting grey adj, n ground n group n grow growth guard v guess v guest n guideguiltygun nhabit hairhalfhall hammer n hand n handle hang v happen v happy hard hardly harm harmful hathate v hatred havehehead n health healthy hear heart heat heaven heavy adj heel n height hello help helpful her(s) here herself hide v high adj, adv hillhimhimselfhis historical historyhithold vhole holiday n hollow adj holyhome adv, n honest honour n hook nhope hopeful hornhorse n hospitalhot adjhotelhourhouse nhow adv human humorous humour hundred(th) hungryhunt vhurryhurt v husband nice n idea if ignore ill adj illegal illness image imaginary imagination imagine immediatelyimportance important impressive improve improvement in adv, prep include including income increase independent indoor(s) industrial industry infect infection infectious influence v inform information injureinjuryink ninnerinsect inside instead institution instruction instrument insult v insulting insurance insure intelligence intelligent intend intention interest interesting international adj interruptintointroduce introduction invent invitationinvite vinvolve inwardsiron adj, n islandit pronitsitselfjaw jewel jewellery jobjoinjoint joke journey n judge judgement juice jumpjust advjusticekeen keep v key n kickkill vkilo kilogram kilometre kind kingkiss kitchen knee n kneelknife n knock v knot know v knowledgelackladylakelamblamplandlanguagelargelast adv, determinerlatelatelylaughlaughterlawlawyerlay vlayer nlazylead vleaf nlean vlearnleastleatherleave vleftleg nlegallendlength adv, pron, determiner lesslessonlet vlet go ofletterlevel adv, adj, nlibrarylidlielie down lifeliftlightlike prep, v likelylimitline nlionlipliquidlist nlisten v literature litrelittlelive vloadlocal adj locklonelylong adj, adv look n, v look after look for look sth up loose adj lord nloselosslotloudlovelow adj lowerloyal loyaltyluck nluckylungmachine n machinery magazine magicmailmain adj make vmake into make up v maleman n manage manager manner manymap nmarch vmarkmarket n marriage married marrymass n match material n mathematics mattermay vmemealmean v meaning n means measure measurement meat medical adj medicine meet v meetingmelt member memory mental mention v message metal n method metre middle might vmilemiliary adj milk n million(th) mindmine n, pron mineral minister n minute n mirror n miss vmist n mistake n mix v mixture model n modern adj moment money monkey n month moon n moral adj more morning most mother n motor adj, n mountain mouse mouth n move v movement muchmud multiply murdermuscle n music musician must v my mysterious mysterynailnamenarrow adjnastynationnational adj natural adjnaturenavynear adj, adv, prep nearlyneatnecessaryneckneedneedle nnegative adj neithernerve nnervousnet nnetwork nnevernewnewsnewspaper next adj, advnicenightnineninthno adv, determiner noise nnone pron nonsenseno onenornormalnorthnorthernnose nnotnote nnothingnoticenoticeablenounnownowherenumber nnursenutobeyobject n obtain occasion n oceano’clockofoff adv, prep offence offend offensive adj offer officeofficer officialoftenoil noldold-fashioned on adv, prep once adv oneoniononlyonly justontoopen adj, v operate operation opinion opponent opportunity opposeas opposed to opposite oppositionororangeorder ordinary organ organize organization originoriginalotheroughtour(s)out adj, adv outdoor(s) outeroutsideover adv, prep oweownowner oxygenpack v package page npain n painfulpaint paintingpair npale adjpan npaper n parallel adj, n parentpark parliament part n participle particular adj partly partner n party npass v passage passenger pastpathpatient adj pattern n pausepay payment peace peaceful pen npence pencil n people n pepper nper cent perfect adj perform performance perhaps period n permanent permission person personal persuade pet npetrol photograph phrase n physical adjpiano n pick vpick up picture n piece npig npile npilot npinpink adj, n pipe npityplace plain adj, n plan plane n plant plastic plate n play pleasant please pleased pleasure n plenty pron plural pocket n poem poet poetry point pointed poison poisonous pole n police n polish v polite political politician politics pool n poor popular population port n position n positive possess possession possible adj possibly possibility postpot npotato pound npourpowder n power n powerful practical practice practise praiseprayprayerprefer preparation prepare present adj, n preserve v president press v pressure n pretend pretty adj prevent previous price npriestprince principle printprison prisoner private adj prize n probably adj problem process n produce vproduct production profession profit n programme progress n promise pronounce pronunciation proof n proper property proposal protect protection protective protest proud prove provide publicpullpump punish punishment pupilpure purple purpose n pushputquality quantity quarrel quarter n queen n question quick adj quiet adj, n quiterabbit n race radio n railway rain raise v range n rank n rapid adj rarerat n rate n rather raw reach v react reaction read v ready adj real realize really reason reasonable receive recent recently recognize record n, v red reduce reduction refusal refuse v regard v regular adj related relative relation relationship relax relaxingreligion religious remainremark n remember remind remove vrentrepairrepeat v replacereplyreport represent representative n request n respect responsible rest restaurant restrictresultreturn n, v rewardricerichridride right adj, adv, n ring nriseriskriverroadrobrock nroll vromantic adjroof nroom nroot nrope nroserough adjround adj, adv, prep rowroyal adjrub vrubberruderuin vrulerulerrunrush vsadsafe adj safetysailsalesalt n same sand n satisfaction satisfactory satisfy save vsay v scale n scatter v scene school nsciencescientificscientistscissorsscreen nscrewseasearchseason nseatsecond adv, n, determiner secretsecretarysee vseed nseemsell vsendsense n sensible sensitive sentence n separate adv, v seriesserious servantserveservice nset n, vsettle vseven(th) several severesex nsexualshade shadow n shakeshallshame n shapesharesharp adjshesheepsheetshelfshell nsheltershine vshinyship nshirtshock n, v shockingshoe nshoot vshopshore nshort adjshot n should shoulder n shout show n, v shutshysick adj side n sideways sight n sign signal silence n silentsilksillysilver similar simple since sincere n sing single adj singular sink v sistersit situation six(th) size n skilfulskillskin n skirt nsky n sleep slide v slight adj slippery slopeslowsmall smell smile smoke smooth adjsnake nsnowsosoap nsocial adjsocietysock nsoftsoil nsoldier nsolidsolutionsolvesome pron, determiner somehowsomeonesomething sometimes somewheresonsongsoonsore adjsorrysort nsoulsound n, vsoupsour adjsouthsouthernspace nspeakspecial adjspecificspeechspeed nspell vspendspin vspirit nin spite ofsplit vspoil vspoon nsport n spot nspread vspringsquare adj, n stage nstairstampstand v standardstar nstartstate statement station nstaysteady adj steal vsteam nsteel nsteep adjstem nstepstickstickystiff adjstill adj, adv stingstitchstomach n stone nstopstorestorm nstorystraight adj, adv strange stream nstreetstrength stretch vstrictstrike vstring nstrong structure n strugglestudent study stupid style n subject n substance succeed success successful suchsuck v sudden suffer sugar n suggest suit suitable sum n summer sun n supply n, v support n, v suppose sure adj surface n surprise surprising surround v swallow v swear sweep v sweet swell v swim swing sword sympathetic sympathy systemtable ntail ntake vtalktalltastetaxtaxi nteateachteam ntear technical telephone television telltemper n temperature temporary tentend tendency tennis tense n tentterribletestthanthankthat conj, pron, determiner thetheatretheir(s)themthen advtherethereforethesetheythick adjthiefthin adjthingthink vthirdthis pron, determiner thoroughthosethoughthought thousand(th) thread nthreatthreaten threateningthreethroatthrough adv, prep throwthumb nticket ntidy adj, vtietight adjtime ntiredtiringtitletotobaccotodaytoe ntogethertoilettomorrow tonguetonighttootool ntoothtop adj, ntotal adj, ntouchtourist towards tower n towntoy ntrack n trade n traditional traffic n train training translate transparent traptraveltreat v treatment treetribetrick n, v trip n tropical trouble trousers true adj trusttruthtry vtubetune nturntwicetwisttwotype n typicaltyreuglyunder prep understand underwear undo unexpected uniform n union unituniteuniverse university unlessuntilunusualup adj, adv, prepupperupright adj, adv upset v, adj upside down upstairs adj, adv urgent ususe useful useless usualvalley valuable adj value n variety various vegetable vehicle verbvery adv victory view n village violence violent visit voice n votevowelwageswaistwait vwake vwalkwall nwar nwarm adj, v warmthwarnwarningwashwastewatchwaterwavewayweweakwealth weaponwear v weather n weave v weddingweekweekly adj, adv weighweight nwelcomewell adj, adv, nwestwestern adjwet adjwhat pre-determiner, determiner, pron whateverwheatwheel nwhen adv, conjwheneverwherewhetherwhichwhile conjwhipwhistlewhitewhowholewhosewhy adv, conjwide adj, advwidthwifewild adj, adv willwillingwin vwind window wine n wing n winterwire nwise adj wishwithwithin without woman woodwoodenwoolword nworkworldworryworseworstworthwouldwoundwrap vwristwritewrong adj, adv, nyear yellow yes yet you young adj your(s)zero。

a indefinite article,determiner S1, W1 abandon v W3ability n S2, W1able adj S1, W1about prep S1, W1about adv S1, W1above adv, prep S2, W1above adj W3abroad adv S2, W3absence n S3, W2absolute adj S2, W3absolutely adv S1, W3absorb v W3abuse n S2, W3academic adj W2accept v S1, W1acceptable adj S3, W3access n S2, W1accident n S2, W2 accommodation n S2, W2 accompany v W2according to prep S2, W1account n S1, W1account v S3, W2accurate adj S2, W3accuse v W3achieve v S2, W1achievement n S3, W2acid n W3acknowledge v S3, W3acquire v W2across adv, prep S1, W1act n S1, W1act v S2, W1action n S1, W1active adj S2, W2activist n S3activity n S2, W1actor n W3actual adj S1, W2actually adv S1, W1ad n S3, W3adapt v W3add v S1, W1addition n S3, W1additional adj S3, W2address n S2, W2address v S2, W2adequate adj S3, W3adjust v W3 administration n S2, W2 administrative adj W3admire v S3admission n W3admit v S2, W1adopt v S3, W2adult n S2, W2adult adj W3advance n S2, W2advance v W3advanced adj W3advantage n S2, W1advert n S3advertise v S3, W3advertisement n S3advertising n W3advice n S2, W2advise v S2, W2adviser n S3, W3affair n S2, W1affect v S2, W1afford v S1, W3afraid adj S1, W2after prep, conj, adv S1, W1afternoon n S1, W2afterwards adv S2, W3again adv S1, W1against prep S1, W1age n S1, W1aged adj W3agency n S3, W1agent n S3, W2aggressive adj S3ago adv S1, W1agree v S1, W1agreement n S2, W1agriculture n W2ahead adv S1, W2aid n S2, W2aim n S2, W2aim v S2, W2air n S1, W1aircraft n S2, W2airline n S2, W3airport n S3, W3alarm n S2album n S3, W3alcohol n W3alive adj S2, W3all determiner, predeterminer, pron S1, W1all adv S1, W1allow v S1, W1allowance n S2, W3all right adj, adv, interjection S1, W2 almost adv S1, W1alone adj, adv S2, W1along adv S1, W1along prep S1, W1alongside adv, prep W3already adv S1, W1also adv S1, W1alter v S3, W3alternative adj S2, W2alternative n S2, W3although conj S1, W1altogether adv S2, W3always adv S1, W1amazing adj S2ambition n W3ambulance n S3among prep S2, W1amount n S1, W1an indefinite article, determiner S1, W1 analyse v W3analysis n S3, W1analyst n W2ancient adj W2and conj S1, W1anger n W3angle n S3, W3angry adj S3, W3animal n S1, W1announce v S2, W1announcement n S3, W3annoy v S3annual adj S2, W2another determiner, pron S1, W1 answer n S1, W1answer v S1, W2anticipate v S3anxiety n S3, W3anxious adj S3, W3any determiner, pron S1, W1any adv S2anybody pron S1, W3anyhow adv S3anyone pron S1, W1anything pron S1, W1anyway adv S1, W2anywhere adv S1, W3 apart adv, adj S2, W1 apartment n S2, W3 apologize v S2 apology n S3 apparent adj W2 apparently adv S1, W2 appeal n S2, W1 appeal v S3, W3 appear v S2, W1 appearance n W2 apple n S2, W3 application n S1, W1 apply v S1, W1 appoint v S2, W2 appointment n S2, W2 appreciate v S2, W3 approach n S2, W1 approach v S2, W2 appropriate adj S2, W1 approval n S2, W3 approve v S3, W2 approximate adj S3, W3 architect n W3 architecture n S3, W3 area n S1, W1argue v S2, W1 argument n S1, W1 arise v S3, W2arm n S1, W1armed adj S3, W3 army n S1, W1around adv, prep S1, W1 arrange v S2, W2 arrangement n S2, W2 arrest v W3arrival n W3arrive v S2, W1art n S1, W1article n S2, W1 artificial adj S3artist n S3, W2as conj S1, W1as prep, adv S1, W1 ashamed adj S3aside adv S3, W3ask v S1, W1asleep adj S2aspect n S2, W1 assess v S2, W2 assessment n S3, W2assignment n S2assist v S3, W3 assistance n S3, W2 assistant n S3 associate v S3, W2 association n S3, W1 assume v S2, W1 assumption n S2, W2 assure v S2, W3at prep S1, W1 atmosphere n S3, W2 attach v S2, W2attack n S2, W2attack v S3, W2 attempt n S2, W1 attempt v S2, W2 attend v S2, W2 attention n S2, W1 attitude n S2, W1 attorney n S2, W3 attract v S2, W2 attraction n W3 attractive adj S2, W2 audience n S2, W2aunt n S3, W3author n W2authority n W1 automatic adj S3 automatically adv S3, W3 autumn n W3available adj S1, W1 average adj S2, W2 average n S2avoid v S2, W1awake adj S3award n S3, W2award v W3aware adj S1, W1 awareness n W3away adv S1, W1awful adj S1awkward adj S3back adv S1, W1back n S1, W1back v S2, W3back adj S2, W3 background n S2, W2 backwards adv S3 bacon n S3bad adj S1, W1 badly adv S3, W3 bag n S1, W2bake v S3balance n S2, W2 balance v S3ball n S1, W2ban n W3band n S2, W2 bang v S3bang n S3bank n S1, W1bar n S1, W1 barrier n W3base v S1, W1 base n S2, W2 baseball n S3, W2 basic adj S2, W1 basically adv S1 basis n S2, W1 basket n S3bat n S3bath n S2, W3 bathroom n S2, W3 battery n S2battle n W2be auxiliary S1, W1 be v S1, W1beach n S2, W2 bean n S2bear v S2, W2 beard n S3beat v S2, W2beat n S3beautiful adj S1, W2 beauty n S3, W2 because conj S1, W1 because prep S1, W1 become v S1, W1 bed n S1, W1 bedroom n S1, W2 beef n S3beer n S2, W3 before adv S1, W1 before conj S1, W1 before prep S1, W1 beforehand adv S3 begin v S1, W1beginning n S1, W2 behalf n S3, W3 behave v S3, W3 behaviour n S2, W1 behind prep, adv S1, W1 being n S2, W3belief n S3, W2believe v S1, W1bell n S2, W3belong v S2, W2below adv, prep S2, W2 belt n S2, W3bench n S2, W3bend v S3, W3beneath adv, prep W2 benefit n S2, W1benefit v S2, W3beside prep S3, W2best adj S1, W1best adv S1, W2bet v S1bet n S3better adj S1, W1better adv S1, W1 between adv, prep S1, W1 beyond prep, adv S2, W1 bicycle n W3bid n W3big adj S1, W1bike n S2bill n S1, W1bin n S2bird n S2, W2birth n S2, W2birthday n S1, W3 biscuit n S2bit adv, pron S1, W1bit n S1, W1bite v S2bite n S3bitter adj S3, W3black adj S1, W1blade n S3blame v S2, W3blank adj S3bless v S3blind adj S2, W3block n S2, W2block v S3bloke n S2 blonde adj S3blood n S2, W1blow v S2, W3blow n S3, W3blue adj S1, W2board n S1, W1boat n S1, W2body n S1, W1boil v S3boiler n S3boiling adj S3bomb n S3, W3bone n S2, W2bonus n S2book n S1, W1book v S2boom n S3boot n S2, W3border n S3, W2bored adj S3boring adj S2born v S1, W2borrow v S2, W3boss n S2, W3both determiner, predeterminer, pron S1, W1 bother v S1, W3bottle n S1, W2bottom adj S1, W3bottom n S1, W3bounce v S3bound adj S2, W3bowl n S2, W3box n S1, W1boy n S1, W1boyfriend n S3brain n S2, W2branch n S2, W2brave adj S3bread n S2, W3break n S2, W2break v S1, W1breakfast n S2, W2breast n S3breath n S3, W2breathe v S3, W3brick n S2, W3bridge n S2, W2brief adj S2, W2briefly adv S2, W3bright adj S2, W2brilliant adj S2, W3 bring v S1, W1 broad adj S2, W2 brother n S1, W1 brown adj S2, W2 brush n S3brush v S3buck n S1bucket n S2 buddy n S3 budget n S1, W2 bug n S3build v S1, W1 builder n S3 building n S1, W1 bump v S3bunch n S2burn v S2, W3 burn n S3burst v W3bury v W3bus n S1, W2 business n S1, W1 busy adj S1, W2 but conj S1, W1 but prep S2, W3 but adv S2, W3 butcher n S3 butter n S2button n S2buy v S1, W1 buyer n S3, W3by adv S1, W1by prep S1, W1 bye interjection S1 bye n S3cabinet n S2, W2 cable n W3cake n S2, W3 calculate v S2, W3 calculation n S2 calculator n S3 calendar n S3call n S1, W1call v S1, W1 calm adj S3, W3 camera n S2, W3 camp n S3, W3 campaign n S2, W1 can modal S1, W1 can n S2cancel v S2cancer n S2, W2 candidate n W2 candle n S3candy n S3cap n S3capable adj S2, W2 capacity n S3, W2 capital n S3, W1 capital adj S2, W3 captain n W3 capture v W3car n S1, W1card n S1, W2care n S1, W1care v S1, W2 career n S2, W2 careful adj S1, W2 carefully adv S2, W2 carpet n S2, W3 carrot n S3carry v S1, W1 cartoon n S3case n S1, W1cash n S2, W2cash v S3cast v W3castle n W3cat n S1, W3 catalogue n W3 catch v S1, W1 category n S2, W2 cause v S1, W1 cause n S2, W1CD n S3, W3 cease v W3ceiling n S3, W3 celebrate v W3 celebration n S3cell n S3, W2 cellphone n S2, W3 cent n S1, W1 centimetre n S3, W3 central adj S1, W1 centre n S1, W1 century n S2, W1 cereal n S3certain adj S1, W1 certainly adv S1, W1 certificate n S3, W3 chain n S3, W2chair n S1, W2 chairman n S3, W1 challenge n S2, W2 challenge v S3, W3 champion n W3 championship n W3 chance n S1, W1 change n S1, W1 change v S1, W1 channel n S3, W2 chap n S2chapter n S3, W1 character n S1, W1 characteristic n S3, W2 characterize v W3 charge n S1, W1 charge v S1, W2 charity n S3, W3 chart n S3, W3chase v S3chat n S2cheap adj S1, W2 cheat v S3check v S1, W2 check n S1, W3 cheek n W3cheese n S2, W3 chemical adj W3 chemical n S3, W3 chemist n S3 chemistry n S2 cheque n S2cherry n S3chest n S2, W3 chicken n S2chief adj S2, W2 chief n W3child n S1, W1 childhood n W3chip n S2, W3 chocolate n S2 choice n S1, W1 choose v S1, W1 chop v S3chuck v S3church n S1, W1 cigarette n S2, W3 cinema n S3circle n S2, W2 circuit n W3 circumstance n S2, W1 citizen n S2, W2city n S1, W1civil adj S3, W2 claim n S2, W1claim v S1, W1class n S1, W1 classic adj W3 classical adj W3 classroom n S3, W3 clean adj S2, W2 clean v S1, W3 cleaner n S3clear adj S1, W1 clear v S1, W2 clearly adv S1, W1 clerk n S3clever adj S2click v S3client n S2, W1 climate n W3climb v W2clock n S2, W3close adj S1, W1 close adv S2, W2 close v S1, W1 closed adj S3closely adv S3, W2 closet n S3cloth n S3clothes n S2, W2 cloud n S3, W3club n S1, W1clue n S2coach n S3, W2coal n S2, W2coast n S3, W2coat n S2, W3code n S2, W2coffee n S1, W2coin n S3cold adj S1, W1 collapse v S3collar n S3 colleague n S2, W2 collect v S1, W2collection n S2, W1 college n S1, W2 colour n S1, W1 column n S3, W2 combination n S3, W2 combine v S3, W2 come v S1, W1 comfort n W3 comfortable adj S2, W3 command n W3 comment n S1, W2 comment v S3, W3 commercial adj S3, W2 commission n S3, W2 commit v S2, W2 commitment n S2, W2 committee n S3, W1 common adj S1, W1 communicate v S3, W3 communication n S2, W1 community n S1, W1 company n S1, W1 compare v S1, W1 comparison n S3, W2 compete v S3, W3 competition n S2, W1 competitive adj S3, W3 complain v S2, W3 complaint n S3, W3 complete adj S2, W1 complete v S2, W1 completely adv S1, W2 complex adj S3, W2 complicated adj S2 component n W2 comprehensive adj W3 comprise v W3 computer n S1, W1 concentrate v S2, W2 concentration n S3, W2 concept n S3, W2 concern n S1, W1 concern v W3 concerned adj S1, W1 concerning prep W3 concert n S3, W3 conclude v S3, W2 conclusion n S3, W2 condition n S2, W1 conduct n W3 conduct v W2 conference n S2, W1 confidence n S2, W2 confident adj S3, W3 confine v W3confirm v S2, W2 conflict n S3, W2 confused adj S3 confusing adj S3 confusion n S3, W3 congratulation n S3 connect v S2, W2 connection n S3, W2 conscious adj S2, W3 consciousness n W3 consent n W3 consequence n S3, W2 consider v S1, W1 considerable adj S3, W1 considerably adv S3 consideration n S2, W2 consist v W3 consistent adj S3, W3 constant adj S3, W3 constantly adv S3, W3 constitute v W3 construct v W3 construction n S3, W2 consult v S3, W3 consumer n S3, W2 consumption n W3 contact n S2, W2 contact v S2, W2 contain v S2, W1 contemporary adj W2 content n S3, W2 contest n W3context n S2, W2 continue v S1, W1 continuous adj S3, W3 contract n S1, W1 contrast n W2 contribute v S3, W2 contribution n S2, W2 control n S1, W1 control v S2, W1 convenient adj S3 convention n W2 conventional adj W3 conversation n S1, W2convert v W3 conviction n W3 convince v S3, W3 cook v S1, W3 cooker n S3cookie n S3, W3 cool adj S2, W3 cool v S2 cooperation n S3, W3 cope v S2, W3copy n S1, W2copy v S2core n W3corn n S3corner n S1, W2 correct adj S1, W2 correct v S3 corridor n S3, W3 cost n S1, W1cost v S1, W2 cottage n S3, W3 cotton n W3could modal S1, W1 council n S2, W2 count v S2, W3 counter n S3 country n S1, W1 countryside n S3, W3 county n W2 couple n S1, W1 courage n S3 course n S1, W1 court n S1, W1 cousin n S2cover n S1, W2 cover v S1, W1cow n S2crack v S3craft n W3crash n S3crazy adj S2create v S2, W1 creation n W2 creative adj W3 creature n W3credit n S2, W2 credit card n S3, W3 crew n S3, W3 crime n S2, W2 criminal adj S3, W2 crisis n S3, W2 criterion n W2critic n W3critical adj S3, W2 criticism n S3, W2 criticize v W3crop n W3cross adj S2cross n S3, W3 cross v S2, W2 crowd n S3, W2 crown n W3crucial adj W2cruel adj S3cry n W3cry v S2, W2 cultural adj W2 culture n S2, W1cup n S1, W1 cupboard n S2 curious adj S3 currency n W2 current adj S2, W2 current n W3 currently adv S2, W2 curtain n S3, W3 curve n S3, W3 cushion n S3 custom n W3 customer n S1, W1 cut n S2, W2cut v S1, W1cute adj S2cycle n S3, W3dad n S1, W3daddy n S1daft adj S3daily adj S3, W2 damage n S3, W2 damage v S3, W3 dance n S2, W3 dance v S2, W3 danger n S2, W2 dangerous adj S2, W2 dare v S3, W3dark adj S2, W1 darkness n W3 darling n S2data n S1, W1 database n S3, W3 date n S1, W1date v S3, W3 daughter n S1, W1 day n S1, W1dead adj S1, W1 dead adv S3deaf adj W3deal n S1, W1deal v S1, W1 dealer n W3dear adj S2, W2 dear interjection S1 dear n S2death n S1, W1 debate n S2, W2 debt n S3, W2 decade n W2 decent adj S3 decide v S1, W1 decision n S1, W1 declare v W2 decline n W2 decline v W3deep adj S2, W1 deep adv W3 deeply adv W3 defeat n W3defeat v W3 defence n S2, W1 defend v S3, W3 define v S2, W2 definite adj S3 definitely adv S1 definition n S2, W2 degree n S2, W1 delay n W3delay v W3 deliberately adv S3 deliver v S2, W2 delivery n S3, W3 demand n S2, W1 demand v W2 democracy n W2 democratic adj W2 demonstrate v S3, W2 demonstration n W3 dentist n S3deny v S3, W2 department n S2, W1 departure n W3 depend v S1, W2 dependent adj W3 deposit n S3, W3 depression n W3 depth n S3, W3 derive v W3 describe v S2, W1 description n S2, W2 desert n W3 deserve v S3, W3 design n S2, W1 design v S3, W1 designer n W3 desire n W2desk n S2, W2 desperate adj S3, W3 despite prep S3, W1 destroy v S2, W2 destruction n W3 detail n S2, W1 detailed adj W2 detect v W3 determination n W3 determine v W2 determined adj W3 develop v S2, W1 development n S1, W1 device n S3, W2 devil n S3diagram n S3 diamond n S3diary n S3die v S1, W1diet n S3, W2differ v W3 difference n S1, W1 different adj S1, W1 difficult adj S1, W1 difficulty n S2, W1 dig v S2dimension n W3 dinner n S1, W2 direct adj S2, W1 direct v S3, W2 direction n S1, W1 directly adv S2, W2 director n S2, W1 directory n S3dirt n S3dirty adj S2, W3 disabled adj S3, W3 disagree v S3 disappear v S2, W2 disappoint v W3 disappointed adj S3, W3 disaster n S3, W3disc n S2, W3 discipline n S3, W3 discount n S3 discover v S2, W1 discovery n W3 discuss v S2, W1 discussion n S2, W1 disease n S3, W1 disgusting adj S2dish n S2, W3disk n S2, W3dismiss v W3display n S3, W2 display v W2dispute n W2 distance n S2, W2 distant adj W3distinct adj W3 distinction n W3 distinguish v S3, W3 distribute v W2 distribution n W2 district n S3, W2 disturb v W3divide v S2, W2 division n S3, W1 divorce n S3do auxiliary S1, W1do v S1, W1doctor n S1, W1 document n S2, W2 dog n S1, W1dollar n S1, W2 domestic adj W2 dominant adj W3 dominate v W3door n S1, W1dot n S2double adj S1, W2 double v S3doubt n S1, W1doubt v S2 down adv, prep, adj S1, W1 downstairs adv S2 downtown adv S3, W3 dozen number S2, W3 draft n S2, W3drag v S3, W3drama n W3dramatic adj W3draw n S3draw v S1, W1drawer n S3drawing n S3, W3dream n S2, W2dream v S3, W3dress n S2, W2dress v S2, W2drink n S1, W2drink v S1, W2drive n S2, W2drive v S1, W1driver n S1, W2drop n S2, W3drop v S1, W2drug n S2, W1drunk adj S3dry adj S2, W2dry v S2, W3duck n S3dude n S3due adj S1, W1dull adj S3dumb adj S3dump v S3during prep S1, W1dust n S3, W3duty n S2, W1DVD n S3, W3each other pron S1, W1 ear n S2, W2early adj S1, W1early adv S1, W1earn v S2, W2earth n S2, W2ease v W3easily adv S2, W1east n S1, W2eastern adj S2, W2easy adj S1, W1easy adv S2eat v S1, W1economic adj S2, W1 economics n W3economy n S2, W1edge n S2, W2edition n W3editor n W2education n S1, W1 educational adj S3, W2effect n S1, W1effective adj S2, W1 effectively adv S3, W2 efficiency n W3efficient adj S3, W3effort n S1, W1egg n S1, W2either conj S1, W1either determiner, pron S1, W1 elderly adj S3, W2elect v S3, W3election n S2, W1electric adj S2, W3 electrical adj S3electricity n S2, W3 electronic adj S3, W3 element n S2, W1elevator n S3, W3else adv S1, W1elsewhere adv S3, W2email n S2, W2email v S2, W2 embarrassed adj S3emerge v W2emergency n S3, W3 emotion n W3emotional adj S3, W3 emphasis n S3, W2 emphasize v S3, W2empire n W3employ v S3, W2employee n S2, W2 employer n S2, W2 employment n S2, W1empty adj S2, W2enable v S3, W1encounter v W3encourage v S2, W1 encouraging adj S3 end n S1, W1end v S1, W1enemy n W2energy n S2, W1engage v W3engine n S2, W2engineer n S3, W3 engineering n S3, W3 enhance v W3enjoy v S1, W1enjoyable adj S3enormous adj S2, W3enough adv S1, W1enough determiner, pron S1, W2 enquiry n S2, W2ensure v S2, W1enter v S2, W1enterprise n W2 entertainment n S3, W3 enthusiasm n W3 enthusiastic adj S3entire adj S3, W2entirely adv S2, W2entitle v S3, W3entrance n S3, W3entry n S3, W2envelope n S3environment n S1, W1 environmental adj S2, W2 equal adj S1, W2equal v S2equally adv S3, W2 equipment n S2, W2 equivalent adj W3era n W3error n S3, W2escape n S3escape v S3, W2especially adv S1, W1essay n S3essential adj S3, W2 essentially adv S2, W3 establish v S2, W1 establishment n W2estate n S2, W2estimate n S3, W2estimate v S3, W2ethnic adj W3even adv S1, W1evening n S1, W1event n S1, W1 eventually adv S1, W2 ever adv S1, W1every determiner S1, W1 everybody pron S1, W3 everyone pron S1, W1 everything pron S1, W1 everywhere adv S2, W3 evidence n S2, W1evil adj S3, W3exact adj S3exactly adv S1, W2 exam n S1 examination n W2 examine v S3, W2 example n S1, W1 excellent adj S1, W2 except conj, prep S2, W2 exception n S3, W2 exchange n S2, W1 excitement n S3, W3 exciting adj S2, W3 exclude v W3excuse n S3excuse v S1executive adj W3 executive n S3, W2 exercise n S2, W2 exercise v S3, W2 exhibition n W2exist v S2, W1 existence n S3, W2 existing adj S2, W2exit n S3expand v S3, W3 expansion n W3 expect v S1, W1 expectation n S3, W2 expenditure n W3 expense n S3, W2 expensive adj S1, W2 experience n S1, W1 experience v S2, W2 experienced adj S3 experiment n S3, W2 experimental adj W3 expert adj W3expert n S3, W2 explain v S1, W1 explanation n S3, W2 explore v S3, W2 explosion n W3export n W2expose v W3express v S2, W1 expression n S2, W2 extend v S3, W2 extension n S3, W3 extensive adj W3 extent n S2, W1 external adj W2extra adj S1, W2 extraordinary adj S3, W3 extreme adj S3, W3 extremely adv S2, W2 eye n S1, W1face n S1, W1face v S1, W1facility n S2, W1fact n S1, W1factor n S3, W1factory n S2, W2fail v S2, W1failure n S3, W2fair adj S1, W2fair adv S2, W3fairly adv S1, W2faith n S3, W2fall n S2, W2fall v S1, W1false adj W3familiar adj S3, W2 family n S1, W1 famous adj S2, W2fan n S3, W2fancy adj S3fancy v S2fantastic adj S3far adj S1, W1far adv S1, W1farm n S2, W2farmer n S2, W2 fascinating adj S3 fashion n S3, W2fast adj S2, W2fast adv S2, W3fat adj S2, W3father n S1, W1fault n S2, W3favour n S2, W3favour v W3favourite adj S3, W3fear n S3, W1fear v W2feature n S2, W1feature v W3federal adj W1fee n S3, W3feed v S1, W2feedback n S3feel v S1, W1feeling n S1, W1fellow adj W3female adj S3, W2female n W3fence n S3festival n S3, W3fetch v S3few determiner, pron, adj S1, W1 field n S1, W1fight n S2, W3fight v S1, W1figure n S1, W1figure v S1, W3file n S1, W2file v S3, W3fill v S1, W1film n S1, W1filthy adj S3final adj S1, W1final n W3finally adv S2, W1finance n S3, W2finance v W3financial adj S2, W1find v S1, W1finding n W2fine adj S1, W1fine adv S3finger n S2, W2finish n S3finish v S1, W2fire n S1, W1fire v S3, W3firm adj S3, W2firm n S1, W1first adj S1, W1first adv S1, W2 firstly adv S3fish n S1, W1fish v S3fishing n S3fit adj S2, W3fit v S1, W2fix v S2, W2fixed adj S3, W3 flash v S3flat adj S2, W2flat n S2, W3 flavour n W3flesh n W3flight n S3, W2 flood v W3floor n S1, W1flow n S3, W2flow v W3flower n S2, W2fly v S2, W2focus n S3, W2 focus v S3, W2fold v W3folk n S2, W3 follow v S1, W1 following adj S3, W1 food n S1, W1foot n S1, W1 football n S1, W2 for prep S1, W1 force n S2, W1 force v S2, W1 foreign adj S3, W1 forest n S2, W2 forever adv S2, W3 forget v S1, W1 forgive v S3fork n S3form n S1, W1form v S2, W1 formal adj S2, W2 formally adv S3 formation n W3 former adj S2, W1 formula n S3, W3 forth adv S2 fortnight n S3 fortunate adj S3 fortune n S3, W3 forward adj S2, W3forward adv S1, W1 foundation n W2 frame n S3, W3 frankly adv S3free adj S1, W1free v S3, W3 freedom n S3, W2 freeway n S2, W3 freeze v S3, W3 freezer n S3 frequent adj W3 frequently adv S3, W2 fresh adj S2, W2 fridge n S2friend n S1, W1 friendly adj S2, W3 friendship n W3 frightened adj S3 from prep S1, W1 front adj S1, W2 front n S1, W1fruit n S2, W3fry v S3fuel n S3, W2fulfil v W3full adj S1, W1fully adv S2, W2fun adj S2, W3fun n S2, W3 function n S3, W1 fund n S3, W1fund v S3, W3 fundamental adj W2 funeral n S3funny adj S1, W3 furniture n S2, W3 further adv S1, W1 fuss n S3future adj S1, W1 future n S1, W1gain n W3gain v S3, W2 gallery n W3game n S1, W1gang n S3gap n S2, W2 garage n S2 garbage n S3 garden n S1, W1garlic n S3gas n S1, W2gasoline n S3, W3gate n S2, W2gather v S3, W2gay adj S3, W3gear n S3gene n S3, W3general adj S1, W1 generally adv S2, W1 generate v S3, W2 generation n S3, W2 generous adj W3gentle adj S3, W3 gentleman n S2, W2gently adv W3genuine adj S3, W3get v S1, W1giant adj W3gift n S2, W2girl n S1, W1girlfriend n S3give v S1, W1glad adj S2, W3glance n W3glass n S1, W1global adj W2glove n S3go n S1go v S1, W1goal n S2, W1god n S1, W1gold adj S3, W3gold n S2, W2golden adj W3golf n S2, W3good adj S1, W1good morning interjection S2 good night interjection S3 goodbye interjection S3 goodness n S2goods n S2, W2gorgeous adj S3gosh interjection S2 govern v W3government n S2, W1 governor n W3grab v S2, W3grade n S2, W3gradually adv S3, W3gram n S3grammar n S3, W3grand adj S2, W3grandad n S3grandfather n S3grandma n S2grandmother n S3grandpa n S3granny n S3grant n S2, W2grant v S2, W2graph n S3grass n S2, W2grateful adj S3, W3great adj S1, W1greatly adv W3green adj S1, W2green n S2, W3grey adj S2, W2grocery n S3gross adj S3ground n S1, W1group n S1, W1grow v S1, W1growth n S3, W1guarantee n S3guarantee v S2, W3guard n S3, W3guess n S3guess v S1, W3guest n S3, W2guidance n S3, W3guide n S3, W2guide v W3guilty adj S2, W3guitar n S3, W3gun n S2, W2guy n S1, W3habit n S3, W3hair n S1, W1half adv S2half n S1, W2half predeterminer, pron, adj S1, W1 halfway adj, adv S3hall n S2, W2hand n S1, W1hand v S2, W2 handbag n S3 handle n S3handle v S2, W2 handy adj S3hang v S1, W2 happen v S1, W1 happy adj S1, W1 hard adj S1, W1hard adv S1, W2 hardly adv S2, W2 harm n S3, W3hat n S1, W3hate v S1, W3have v S1, W1have v S1, W1have v S1, W3he pron S1, W1head n S1, W1head v S2, W2 headquarters n W3 health n S1, W1 healthy adj S3, W3 hear v S1, W1 hearing n S3, W2 heart n S1, W1heat n S2, W2heat v S3heater n S3heating n S3heaven n S3, W3 heavily adv W3 heavy adj S1, W1 height n S2, W3hell n S1, W3hello interjection, n S1 help n S1, W1help v S1, W1 helpful adj S2, W3 hence adv W3her determiner S1, W1 her pron S1, W1 here adv S1, W1 hero n W3hers pron S3, W3 herself pron S2, W1 hesitate v W3hi interjection S1 hide v S2, W2high adj S1, W1high adv S3highlight v W3highly adv S2, W2 highway n S3hill n S2, W2him pron S1, W1himself pron S1, W1hire v S2, W3his determiner, pron S1, W1 historian n W3historical adj W2history n S2, W1hit n S3, W3hit v S1, W2hold n S2, W3hold v S1, W1holder n W2holding n W3hole n S1, W2holiday n S1, W2holy adj W3home adv S1, W1home n S1, W1 homework n S2honest adj S1, W3 honestly adv S2honey n S2honour n W3hook n S3hook v S3hope n S2, W2hope v S1, W1hopefully adv S1 hopeless adj S3horrible adj S2horror n W3horse n S1, W1hospital n S1, W1host n W3hot adj S1, W2hotel n S2, W1hour n S1, W1house n S1, W1 household n S3, W2 housing n W2how adv, conj S1, W1 however adv S1, W1huge adj S1, W2human adj S2, W1human n W3hungry adj S2 hunt v W3hurry n S3hurry v S3hurt v S1, W2 husband n S1, W1ice n S2, W3ice cream n S2idea n S1, W1ideal adj S3, W3 ideally adv S3identify v S2, W1 identity n W2idiot n S3if conj S1, W1ignore v S2, W2ill adj S3, W2illegal adj W3illness n S3, W3 illustrate v W2image n S2, W1 imagination n S3, W3 imagine v S1, W2 immediate adj S3, W2 immediately adv S2, W1 impact n S3, W2 implement v W3 implication n S3, W2 imply v W2import n W3 importance n S3, W1 important adj S1, W1 impose v S3, W2 impossible adj S2, W2 impress v S3, W3 impression n S2, W2 impressive adj W3 improve v S2, W1 improvement n S3, W2 in adv S1, W1in prep S1, W1inch n S2, W3 incident n S3, W2 include v S1, W1 including prep S2, W1 income n S2, W1 incorporate v W3 increase n S2, W1increase v S2, W1 increasingly adv W2 incredible adj S3 incredibly adv S3 indeed adv S1, W1 independence n W2 independent adj S2, W2 index n W2indicate v S3, W1 indication n S3, W3 individual adj S2, W1 individual n S2, W1 industrial adj S3, W1 industry n S2, W1 inevitable adj W3 inevitably adv W3 infant n W3infection n W3 inflation n S3, W2 influence n S3, W1 influence v S3, W2 inform v S3, W3 informal adj W3 information n S1, W1 initial adj S3, W2 initially adv S3, W3 initiative n S3, W2 injure v W3injury n S3, W2inner adj S3, W2 innocent adj W3 innovation n W3input n W3inquiry n W2insect n W3inside adv, prep S2, W2 inside n S3insist v S3, W2 inspection n W3 inspector n S3, W3 install v W3instance n S3, W2 instant adj S3instead adv S1, W1 institute n W3 institution n W1 instruction n S3, W2 instrument n W2 insurance n S2, W2 intellectual adj W3 intelligence n S3, W3 intelligent adj S3 intend v S2, W1 intense adj W3 intention n S3, W2 interaction n W3 interest n S1, W1 interested adj S1, W2 interesting adj S1, W2 internal adj W2 international adj S2, W1 internet n S2, W2 interpret v W3 interpretation n W2 interval n W3 intervention n W3 interview n S2, W2 interview v S2into prep S1, W1 introduce v S2, W1 introduction n S3, W2 invest v S3, W3 investigate v W2 investigation n W2 investment n S2, W1 invite v S2, W2 involve v S2, W1 involved adj S2, W3 involvement n W3iron n S2, W3iron v S3island n S3, W2issue n S1, W1issue v S3, W2it pron S1, W1item n S3, W2its determiner S1, W1 itself pron S1, W1jacket n S2, W3jam n S3job n S1, W1join v S1, W1joint adj S2, W2joke n S2, W3joke v S3journalist n W3 journey n S3, W2joy n W3。

百度yuxiangdui注:S = Spoken English W = Written English1,2,3分别表示词频前1000,2000,3000,S4表示不在口语前3000中,W4表示不在书面语前3000中排序方式:S1W1 S1W2 S1W3 S1W4S2W1 S2W2 S2W3 S2W4S3W1 S3W2 S3W3 S3W4W1S4W2S4W3S4【S1W1】a indefinite article,determiner S1, W1able adj S1, W1about prep S1, W1about adv S1, W1accept v S1, W1account n S1, W1across adv, prep S1, W1act n S1, W1action n S1, W1actually adv S1, W1add v S1, W1after prep, conj, adv S1, W1again adv S1, W1against prep S1, W1age n S1, W1ago adv S1, W1agree v S1, W1air n S1, W1all determiner, predeterminer, pron S1, W1all adv S1, W1allow v S1, W1almost adv S1, W1along adv S1, W1along prep S1, W1already adv S1, W1also adv S1, W1an indefinite article, determiner S1, W1 and conj S1, W1animal n S1, W1another determiner, pron S1, W1 answer n S1, W1any determiner, pron S1, W1anyone pron S1, W1anything pron S1, W1application n S1, W1apply v S1, W1area n S1, W1argument n S1, W1arm n S1, W1army n S1, W1around adv, prep S1, W1art n S1, W1as conj S1, W1as prep, adv S1, W1ask v S1, W1at prep S1, W1available adj S1, W1aware adj S1, W1away adv S1, W1baby n S1, W1back adv S1, W1back n S1, W1bad adj S1, W1bank n S1, W1bar n S1, W1base v S1, W1be auxiliary S1, W1be v S1, W1because conj S1, W1because prep S1, W1become v S1, W1bed n S1, W1before adv S1, W1before conj S1, W1before prep S1, W1begin v S1, W1behind prep, adv S1, W1believe v S1, W1best adj S1, W1better adj S1, W1better adv S1, W1between adv, prep S1, W1big adj S1, W1board n S1, W1body n S1, W1book n S1, W1both determiner, predeterminer, pron S1, W1 box n S1, W1boy n S1, W1break v S1, W1bring v S1, W1brother n S1, W1build v S1, W1building n S1, W1business n S1, W1but conj S1, W1buy v S1, W1by adv S1, W1by prep S1, W1call n S1, W1call v S1, W1can modal S1, W1car n S1, W1care n S1, W1carry v S1, W1case n S1, W1catch v S1, W1cause v S1, W1cent n S1, W1central adj S1, W1centre n S1, W1certain adj S1, W1certainly adv S1, W1chance n S1, W1change n S1, W1change v S1, W1character n S1, W1charge n S1, W1child n S1, W1choice n S1, W1choose v S1, W1church n S1, W1city n S1, W1claim v S1, W1class n S1, W1clear adj S1, W1clearly adv S1, W1close adj S1, W1close v S1, W1common adj S1, W1 community n S1, W1 company n S1, W1 compare v S1, W1 computer n S1, W1 concern n S1, W1 concerned adj S1, W1 consider v S1, W1 continue v S1, W1 contract n S1, W1control n S1, W1cost n S1, W1could modal S1, W1 country n S1, W1couple n S1, W1course n S1, W1court n S1, W1cover v S1, W1cup n S1, W1customer n S1, W1cut v S1, W1data n S1, W1date n S1, W1daughter n S1, W1day n S1, W1dead adj S1, W1deal n S1, W1deal v S1, W1death n S1, W1decide v S1, W1 decision n S1, W1 development n S1, W1die v S1, W1difference n S1, W1 different adj S1, W1 difficult adj S1, W1 direction n S1, W1do auxiliary S1, W1do v S1, W1doctor n S1, W1dog n S1, W1door n S1, W1doubt n S1, W1down adv, prep, adj S1, W1 draw v S1, W1drive v S1, W1each other pron S1, W1early adj S1, W1early adv S1, W1easy adj S1, W1eat v S1, W1education n S1, W1effect n S1, W1effort n S1, W1either conj S1, W1either determiner, pron S1, W1 else adv S1, W1end n S1, W1end v S1, W1enjoy v S1, W1enough adv S1, W1 environment n S1, W1 especially adv S1, W1even adv S1, W1evening n S1, W1event n S1, W1ever adv S1, W1every determiner S1, W1 everyone pron S1, W1 everything pron S1, W1 example n S1, W1expect v S1, W1experience n S1, W1explain v S1, W1eye n S1, W1face n S1, W1face v S1, W1fact n S1, W1fall v S1, W1family n S1, W1far adj S1, W1far adv S1, W1father n S1, W1feel v S1, W1feeling n S1, W1few determiner, pron, adj S1, W1 field n S1, W1fight v S1, W1figure n S1, W1fill v S1, W1film n S1, W1final adj S1, W1find v S1, W1follow v S1, W1food n S1, W1foot n S1, W1for prep S1, W1forget v S1, W1form n S1, W1forward adv S1, W1free adj S1, W1friend n S1, W1from prep S1, W1front n S1, W1full adj S1, W1further adv S1, W1future adj S1, W1future n S1, W1game n S1, W1garden n S1, W1general adj S1, W1get v S1, W1girl n S1, W1give v S1, W1glass n S1, W1go v S1, W1god n S1, W1good adj S1, W1great adj S1, W1ground n S1, W1group n S1, W1grow v S1, W1hair n S1, W1half predeterminer, pron, adj S1, W1 hand n S1, W1happen v S1, W1happy adj S1, W1hard adj S1, W1have v S1, W1have v S1, W1he pron S1, W1head n S1, W1health n S1, W1hear v S1, W1heart n S1, W1heavy adj S1, W1help n S1, W1himself pron S1, W1his determiner, pron S1, W1 hold v S1, W1home adv S1, W1home n S1, W1hope v S1, W1horse n S1, W1hospital n S1, W1hour n S1, W1house n S1, W1how adv, conj S1, W1 however adv S1, W1 husband n S1, W1I pron S1, W1idea n S1, W1if conj S1, W1important adj S1, W1in adv S1, W1in prep S1, W1include v S1, W1indeed adv S1, W1 information n S1, W1 instead adv S1, W1 interest n S1, W1into prep S1, W1issue n S1, W1it pron S1, W1its determiner S1, W1 itself pron S1, W1job n S1, W1join v S1, W1just adv S1, W1keep v S1, W1kill v S1, W1kind n S1, W1know v S1, W1land n S1, W1language n S1, W1large adj S1, W1last adv S1, W1last determiner, adj S1, W1 last n, pron S1, W1late adj S1, W1later adv S1, W1least determiner, pron S1, W1 leave v S1, W1left adj S1, W1leg n S1, W1less adv S1, W1less determiner, pron S1, W1let v S1, W1letter n S1, W1level n S1, W1life n S1, W1light adj S1, W1light n S1, W1like prep S1, W1like v S1, W1likely adj S1, W1line n S1, W1list n S1, W1listen v S1, W1little adj S1, W1little adv S1, W1little determiner, pron S1, W1live v S1, W1local adj S1, W1long adj S1, W1long adv S1, W1look n S1, W1look v S1, W1lose v S1, W1lot pron, adv S1, W1love n S1, W1love v S1, W1low adj S1, W1machine n S1, W1main adj S1, W1major adj S1, W1make v S1, W1man n S1, W1manage v S1, W1 management n S1, W1manager n S1, W1many determiner, pron, adj S1, W1 market n S1, W1material n S1, W1matter n S1, W1may modal S1, W1maybe adv S1, W1me pron S1, W1member n S1, W1mention v S1, W1method n S1, W1might modal S1, W1mile n S1, W1mind n S1, W1minister n S1, W1minute n S1, W1modern adj S1, W1moment n S1, W1money n S1, W1month n S1, W1more adv S1, W1more determiner, pron S1, W1 morning n S1, W1most adv S1, W1most determiner, pron S1, W1 mother n S1, W1move v S1, W1movement n S1, W1much adv S1, W1much determiner, pron S1, W1 music n S1, W1must modal S1, W1my determiner S1, W1 myself pron S1, W1name n S1, W1national adj S1, W1nature n S1, W1near adv, prep S1, W1nearly adv S1, W1need n S1, W1need v S1, W1never adv S1, W1new adj S1, W1news n S1, W1next adv S1, W1next determiner, adj S1, W1 night n S1, W1no adv S1, W1no determiner S1, W1 normal adj S1, W1not adv S1, W1note n S1, W1nothing pron S1, W1now adv S1, W1number n S1, W1off adv, prep, adj S1, W1offer v S1, W1office n S1, W1officer n S1, W1often adv S1, W1old adj S1, W1on prep S1, W1on adj, adv S1, W1once adv S1, W1once conj S1, W1one number S1, W1one pron S1, W1one determiner S1, W1only adj S1, W1only adv S1, W1open adj S1, W1open v S1, W1operation n S1, W1opportunity n S1, W1or conj S1, W1order n S1, W1original adj S1, W1other determiner, adj, pron S1, W1 ought to modal S1, W1our determiner S1, W1out adv S1, W1out prep S1, W1outside adv, prep S1, W1over adv, adj S1, W1over prep S1, W1own adj, pron S1, W1page n S1, W1paper n S1, W1parent n S1, W1part n S1, W1particular adj S1, W1 particularly adv S1, W1party n S1, W1pass v S1, W1past adj S1, W1pay v S1, W1people n S1, W1perhaps adv S1, W1period n S1, W1person n S1, W1personal adj S1, W1pick v S1, W1plan n S1, W1plan v S1, W1play v S1, W1plenty pron S1, W1point n S1, W1police n S1, W1poor adj S1, W1position n S1, W1possible adj S1, W1power n S1, W1prepare v S1, W1pressure n S1, W1previous adj S1, W1price n S1, W1private adj S1, W1probably adv S1, W1problem n S1, W1process n S1, W1produce v S1, W1product n S1, W1production n S1, W1profit n S1, W1programme n S1, W1project n S1, W1provide v S1, W1public adj S1, W1pull v S1, W1put v S1, W1quality n S1, W1question n S1, W1quickly adv S1, W1quite predeterminer, adv S1, W1 raise v S1, W1range n S1, W1rate n S1, W1rather predeterminer, adv S1, W1 reach v S1, W1read v S1, W1real adj S1, W1realize v S1, W1really adv S1, W1reason n S1, W1receive v S1, W1recently adv S1, W1 recognize v S1, W1record n S1, W1red adj S1, W1relationship n S1, W1remain v S1, W1remember v S1, W1require v S1, W1respect n S1, W1response n S1, W1rest n S1, W1result n S1, W1right adj S1, W1right adv S1, W1right n S1, W1road n S1, W1room n S1, W1rule n S1, W1run v S1, W1sale n S1, W1same adv S1, W1same adj S1, W1same pron S1, W1save v S1, W1say v S1, W1school n S1, W1science n S1, W1second number S1, W1 section n S1, W1see v S1, W1seem v S1, W1sell v S1, W1send v S1, W1sense n S1, W1serious adj S1, W1serve v S1, W1service n S1, W1set n S1, W1set v S1, W1several determiner, pron S1, W1 shall modal S1, W1share n S1, W1share v S1, W1she pron S1, W1shop n S1, W1short adj S1, W1should modal S1, W1show n S1, W1show v S1, W1side n S1, W1similar adj S1, W1single adj S1, W1sister n S1, W1sit v S1, W1situation n S1, W1size n S1, W1small adj S1, W1so adv S1, W1social adj S1, W1society n S1, W1some determiner S1, W1 some pron S1, W1some adv S1, W1 someone pron S1, W1 something pron S1, W1 sometimes adv S1, W1 son n S1, W1soon adv S1, W1sort n S1, W1sound n S1, W1space n S1, W1speak v S1, W1special adj S1, W1 specific adj S1, W1 spend v S1, W1stage n S1, W1stamp v S1, W1stand v S1, W1start v S1, W1station n S1, W1stay v S1, W1still adv S1, W1stop v S1, W1store n S1, W1story n S1, W1street n S1, W1strong adj S1, W1 student n S1, W1 success n S1, W1 predeterminer, pron S1, W1 suddenly adv S1, W1 suffer v S1, W1suggest v S1, W1 summer n S1, W1 support n S1, W1 suppose v S1, W1sure adj S1, W1system n S1, W1teacher n S1, W1team n S1, W1television n S1, W1tell v S1, W1tend v S1, W1term n S1, W1test n S1, W1than conj, prep S1, W1that determiner, pron S1, W1that conj S1, W1the definite article, determiner S1, W1 their determiner S1, W1them pron S1, W1themselves pron S1, W1then adv S1, W1there adv S1, W1there pron S1, W1therefore adv S1, W1they pron S1, W1thing n S1, W1think v S1, W1this determiner, pron S1, W1though conj S1, W1thought n S1, W1through prep, adv S1, W1throw v S1, W1time n S1, W1to S1, W1to prep S1, W1today adv S1, W1together adv S1, W1too adv S1, W1top adj S1, W1total adj S1, W1towards prep S1, W1town n S1, W1tree n S1, W1true adj S1, W1try v S1, W1turn n S1, W1turn v S1, W1type n S1, W1under prep, adv S1, W1 understand v S1, W1union n S1, W1usually adv S1, W1various adj S1, W1very adv S1, W1view n S1, W1village n S1, W1wait v S1, W1walk v S1, W1wall n S1, W1want v S1, W1watch v S1, W1water n S1, W1way n S1, W1we pron S1, W1wear v S1, W1week n S1, W1well adv S1, W1well interjection S1, W1what pron, determiner, predeterminer S1, W1 whatever determiner, pron S1, W1when adv, conj, pron S1, W1where adv, conj, pron S1, W1whether conj S1, W1which determiner, pron S1, W1while conj S1, W1white adj S1, W1who pron S1, W1whole adj S1, W1why adv, conj S1, W1wide adj S1, W1wife n S1, W1will modal S1, W1win v S1, W1window n S1, W1wish v S1, W1with prep S1, W1within prep, adv S1, W1without prep, adv S1, W1woman n S1, W1word n S1, W1work n S1, W1work v S1, W1world n S1, W1would modal S1, W1young adj S1, W1your determiner S1, W1【S1W2】actual adj S1, W2afraid adj S1, W2afternoon n S1, W2ahead adv S1, W2all right adj, adv, interjection S1, W2 answer v S1, W2anyway adv S1, W2apparently adv S1, W2bag n S1, W2ball n S1, W2beautiful adj S1, W2bedroom n S1, W2beginning n S1, W2best adv S1, W2blue adj S1, W2boat n S1, W2born v S1, W2bottle n S1, W2budget n S1, W2bus n S1, W2busy adj S1, W2card n S1, W2care v S1, W2careful adj S1, W2chair n S1, W2charge v S1, W2cheap adj S1, W2check v S1, W2clear v S1, W2coffee n S1, W2collect v S1, W2college n S1, W2comment n S1, W2completely adv S1, W2 conversation n S1, W2copy n S1, W2corner n S1, W2correct adj S1, W2cost v S1, W2driver n S1, W2drop v S1, W2east n S1, W2egg n S1, W2enough determiner, pron S1, W2 equal adj S1, W2eventually adv S1, W2exactly adv S1, W2excellent adj S1, W2 expensive adj S1, W2extra adj S1, W2fair adj S1, W2fairly adv S1, W2feed v S1, W2file n S1, W2finish v S1, W2first adv S1, W2fit v S1, W2football n S1, W2front adj S1, W2gas n S1, W2green adj S1, W2half n S1, W2hang v S1, W2hard adv S1, W2hit v S1, W2hole n S1, W2holiday n S1, W2hot adj S1, W2huge adj S1, W2hurt v S1, W2imagine v S1, W2interested adj S1, W2 interesting adj S1, W2kid n S1, W2kitchen n S1, W2lady n S1, W2last v S1, W2lay v S1, W2level adj S1, W2lunch n S1, W2marry v S1, W2message n S1, W2no one pron S1, W2 nobody pron S1, W2 none pron S1, W2 normally adv S1, W2 north n S1, W2notice v S1, W2 obviously adv S1, W2 occasion n S1, W2onto prep S1, W2 opinion n S1, W2option n S1, W2 ordinary adj S1, W2 organize v S1, W2 otherwise adv S1, W2 panel n S1, W2park n S1, W2past n S1, W2past prep, adv S1, W2 pay n S1, W2phone n S1, W2play n S1, W2please interjection S1, W2 plus prep S1, W2 possibly adv S1, W2 pound n S1, W2press v S1, W2proper adj S1, W2 properly adv S1, W2 push v S1, W2quarter n S1, W2quick adj S1, W2radio n S1, W2ready adj S1, W2 reasonable adj S1, W2 regional adj S1, W2 remind v S1, W2ring n S1, W2ring v S1, W2roll v S1, W2round adj S1, W2 second n S1, W2 sentence n S1, W2sex n S1, W2slightly adv S1, W2 somewhere adv S1, W2 song n S1, W2sorry adj S1, W2 sound v S1, W2south n S1, W2start n S1, W2state n S1, W2 straight adv S1, W2 suggestion n S1, W2 support v S1, W2 surely adv S1, W2tea n S1, W2teach v S1, W2 telephone n S1, W2 thank v S1, W2that adv S1, W2ticket n S1, W2tired adj S1, W2 tomorrow adv S1, W2 tonight adv S1, W2 top n S1, W2totally adv S1, W2 traffic n S1, W2train n S1, W2train v S1, W2 trouble n S1, W2trust n S1, W2truth n S1, W2used adj S1, W2used to modal S1, W2 video n S1, W2 weather n S1, W2 weekend n S1, W2 weight n S1, W2well adj S1, W2west n S1, W2while n S1, W2 wonder v S1, W2 wonderful adj S1, W2 worry v S1, W2worth prep S1, W2 yourself pron S1, W2【S1W3】anywhere adv S1, W3 birthday n S1, W3 bother v S1, W3 bottom adj S1, W3 bottom n S1, W3cat n S1, W3check n S1, W3clean v S1, W3cook v S1, W3dad n S1, W3 everybody pron S1, W3 figure v S1, W3funny adj S1, W3 guess v S1, W3guy n S1, W3hat n S1, W3hate v S1, W3have v S1, W3hell n S1, W3honest adj S1, W3 knock v S1, W3load n S1, W3lovely adj S1, W3 matter v S1, W3now conj S1, W3o’clock adv S1, W3odd adj S1, W3 ourselves pron S1, W3 presumably adv S1, W3 pretty adv S1, W3 reckon v S1, W3shoe n S1, W3sick adj S1, W3sir n S1, W3so conj S1, W3 somebody pron S1, W3 sort v S1, W3stick v S1, W3stuff n S1, W3stupid adj S1, W3 terrible adj S1, W3 unfortunately adv S1, W3 wash v S1, W3yours pron S1, W3【S1W4】awful adj S1bye interjection S1 daddy n S1dear interjection S1 definitely adv S1exam n S1excuse v S1go n S1hello interjection, n S1hi interjection S1 hopefully adv S1like adv S1like conj S1mine pron S1mom n S1mummy n S1OK adj, adv S1OK interjection S1ours pron S1penny n S1phone v S1rid adj S1thanks interjection S1 though adv S1three number S1till prep, conj S1yeah adv S1yep interjection S1【S2W1】ability n S2, W1above adv, prep S2, W1 access n S2, W1 according to prep S2, W1 achieve v S2, W1act v S2, W1activity n S2, W1admit v S2, W1 advantage n S2, W1 affair n S2, W1affect v S2, W1 agreement n S2, W1 alone adj, adv S2, W1 among prep S2, W1 announce v S2, W1 apart adv, adj S2, W1 appeal n S2, W1 appear v S2, W1arrive v S2, W1article n S2, W1aspect n S2, W1 assume v S2, W1 attempt n S2, W1 attention n S2, W1 attitude n S2, W1avoid v S2, W1basic adj S2, W1basis n S2, W1 behaviour n S2, W1 benefit n S2, W1 beyond prep, adv S2, W1 blood n S2, W1 campaign n S2, W1 cause n S2, W1 century n S2, W1 circumstance n S2, W1 claim n S2, W1client n S2, W1 collection n S2, W1 communication n S2, W1 competition n S2, W1 complete adj S2, W1 complete v S2, W1 condition n S2, W1 conference n S2, W1 contain v S2, W1 control v S2, W1 create v S2, W1culture n S2, W1dark adj S2, W1deep adj S2, W1 defence n S2, W1 degree n S2, W1 demand n S2, W1 department n S2, W1 describe v S2, W1 design n S2, W1detail n S2, W1 develop v S2, W1 difficulty n S2, W1 direct adj S2, W1 director n S2, W1 discover v S2, W1 discuss v S2, W1 discussion n S2, W1economic adj S2, W1 economy n S2, W1 effective adj S2, W1 election n S2, W1 element n S2, W1 employment n S2, W1 encourage v S2, W1 energy n S2, W1 ensure v S2, W1enter v S2, W1 establish v S2, W1 evidence n S2, W1 exchange n S2, W1 exist v S2, W1 express v S2, W1 extent n S2, W1facility n S2, W1fail v S2, W1feature n S2, W1 finally adv S2, W1 financial adj S2, W1 force n S2, W1force v S2, W1form v S2, W1former adj S2, W1 generally adv S2, W1 goal n S2, W1 government n S2, W1 herself pron S2, W1 history n S2, W1hotel n S2, W1human adj S2, W1 identify v S2, W1 image n S2, W1 immediately adv S2, W1 improve v S2, W1 including prep S2, W1 income n S2, W1 increase n S2, W1 increase v S2, W1 individual adj S2, W1 individual n S2, W1 industry n S2, W1 intend v S2, W1 international adj S2, W1 introduce v S2, W1 investment n S2, W1lie v S2, W1loss n S2, W1 maintain v S2, W1 majority n S2, W1 meaning n S2, W1 memory n S2, W1 military adj S2, W1 model n S2, W1 mouth n S2, W1move n S2, W1 natural adj S2, W1 necessary adj S2, W1 nor conj, adv S2, W1 offer n S2, W1oil n S2, W1 organization n S2, W1 patient n S2, W1 pattern n S2, W1 payment n S2, W1 performance n S2, W1 physical adj S2, W1 place v S2, W1plant n S2, W1player n S2, W1 political adj S2, W1 popular adj S2, W1 population n S2, W1 practice n S2, W1 present v S2, W1 prevent v S2, W1 principle n S2, W1 professional adj S2, W1 property n S2, W1 proposal n S2, W1 prove v S2, W1pupil n S2, W1recent adj S2, W1 reference n S2, W1 reflect v S2, W1 refuse v S2, W1 regard v S2, W1 relate v S2, W1 relation n S2, W1 remove v S2, W1responsibility n S2, W1 return v S2, W1rise v S2, W1risk n S2, W1role n S2, W1scheme n S2, W1sea n S2, W1season n S2, W1seat n S2, W1secretary n S2, W1seek v S2, W1series n S2, W1significant adj S2, W1skill n S2, W1solution n S2, W1source n S2, W1speed n S2, W1statement n S2, W1step n S2, W1stone n S2, W1style n S2, W1subject n S2, W1successful adj S2, W1sun n S2, W1task n S2, W1technology n S2, W1text n S2, W1theory n S2, W1throughout prep, adv S2, W1 training n S2, W1treat v S2, W1treatment n S2, W1 university n S2, W1upon prep S2, W1value n S2, W1variety n S2, W1very adj S2, W1visit v S2, W1voice n S2, W1war n S2, W1whose determiner, pron S2, W1 worker n S2, W1【S2W2】administration n S2, W2 adult n S2, W2 advance n S2, W2 advice n S2, W2 advise v S2, W2aid n S2, W2aim n S2, W2aim v S2, W2aircraft n S2, W2 alternative adj S2, W2 annual adj S2, W2 appoint v S2, W2 appointment n S2, W2 approach v S2, W2 arrange v S2, W2 arrangement n S2, W2 assess v S2, W2 assumption n S2, W2 attach v S2, W2attack n S2, W2 attempt v S2, W2 attend v S2, W2 attract v S2, W2 attractive adj S2, W2 audience n S2, W2 average adj S2, W2 background n S2, W2 balance n S2, W2 band n S2, W2base n S2, W2beach n S2, W2bear v S2, W2beat v S2, W2belong v S2, W2 below adv, prep S2, W2 bird n S2, W2birth n S2, W2block n S2, W2bone n S2, W2brain n S2, W2 branch n S2, W2 break n S2, W2 breakfast n S2, W2 bridge n S2, W2brief adj S2, W2capable adj S2, W2 career n S2, W2 carefully adv S2, W2 cash n S2, W2 category n S2, W2 challenge n S2, W2 chief adj S2, W2 circle n S2, W2 citizen n S2, W2 clean adj S2, W2 close adv S2, W2 clothes n S2, W2coal n S2, W2code n S2, W2 colleague n S2, W2 commit v S2, W2 commitment n S2, W2 concentrate v S2, W2 confidence n S2, W2 confirm v S2, W2 connect v S2, W2 consideration n S2, W2 contact n S2, W2 contact v S2, W2 context n S2, W2 contribution n S2, W2 council n S2, W2 credit n S2, W2crime n S2, W2cross v S2, W2cry v S2, W2current adj S2, W2 currently adv S2, W2 cut n S2, W2danger n S2, W2 dangerous adj S2, W2 dear adj S2, W2 debate n S2, W2 define v S2, W2 definition n S2, W2 deliver v S2, W2 description n S2, W2 desk n S2, W2 destroy v S2, W2 directly adv S2, W2drive n S2, W2dry adj S2, W2ear n S2, W2earn v S2, W2earth n S2, W2eastern adj S2, W2edge n S2, W2email n S2, W2email v S2, W2 employee n S2, W2 employer n S2, W2 empty adj S2, W2 engine n S2, W2 enquiry n S2, W2 entirely adv S2, W2 environmental adj S2, W2 equipment n S2, W2 estate n S2, W2except conj, prep S2, W2 exercise n S2, W2 existing adj S2, W2 experience v S2, W2 expression n S2, W2 extremely adv S2, W2 factory n S2, W2fall n S2, W2famous adj S2, W2farm n S2, W2farmer n S2, W2fast adj S2, W2finger n S2, W2fix v S2, W2flat adj S2, W2flower n S2, W2fly v S2, W2forest n S2, W2formal adj S2, W2fresh adj S2, W2fully adv S2, W2gap n S2, W2gate n S2, W2 gentleman n S2, W2gift n S2, W2hall n S2, W2hand v S2, W2 handle v S2, W2 hardly adv S2, W2 head v S2, W2heat n S2, W2hide v S2, W2highly adv S2, W2hill n S2, W2hope n S2, W2ignore v S2, W2 impossible adj S2, W2 impression n S2, W2 independent adj S2, W2 inside adv, prep S2, W2 insurance n S2, W2 internet n S2, W2 interview n S2, W2 invite v S2, W2joint adj S2, W2judge n S2, W2key n S2, W2knee n S2, W2laugh v S2, W2lead n S2, W2leaf n S2, W2length n S2, W2lift v S2, W2limit n S2, W2loan n S2, W2 magazine n S2, W2 mainly adv S2, W2 map n S2, W2mark v S2, W2 marriage n S2, W2 married adj S2, W2 master n S2, W2 match n S2, W2meal n S2, W2 means n S2, W2 measure v S2, W2 media n S2, W2 medical adj S2, W2necessarily adv S2, W2 neck n S2, W2 negative adj S2, W2 neighbour n S2, W2 newspaper n S2, W2 noise n S2, W2 northern adj S2, W2 nose n S2, W2notice n S2, W2 obvious adj S2, W2 operate v S2, W2 opposite prep S2, W2 order v S2, W2 originally adv S2, W2 outside adj S2, W2 own v S2, W2owner n S2, W2 package n S2, W2 pain n S2, W2paint n S2, W2pair n S2, W2partly adv S2, W2 partner n S2, W2path n S2, W2peace n S2, W2 pension n S2, W2 perfect adj S2, W2 permanent adj S2, W2 photograph n S2, W2 plane n S2, W2 plastic n S2, W2plate n S2, W2 pleasure n S2, W2 pocket n S2, W2point v S2, W2 politics n S2, W2pool n S2, W2 positive adj S2, W2 possibility n S2, W2 post n S2, W2prefer v S2, W2 present adj S2, W2 president n S2, W2 press n S2, W2proportion n S2, W2 propose v S2, W2 protect v S2, W2 protection n S2, W2 public n S2, W2 purpose n S2, W2 queen n S2, W2quiet adj S2, W2race n S2, W2rail n S2, W2railway n S2, W2rain n S2, W2 reaction n S2, W2 reality n S2, W2 recommend v S2, W2 regular adj S2, W2 regulation n S2, W2 relatively adv S2, W2 release v S2, W2 relevant adj S2, W2 relief n S2, W2 religion n S2, W2 religious adj S2, W2 repeat v S2, W2 requirement n S2, W2 respond v S2, W2 responsible adj S2, W2 restaurant n S2, W2 return n S2, W2 review n S2, W2rich adj S2, W2ride v S2, W2river n S2, W2rock n S2, W2roof n S2, W2root n S2, W2round adv, prep S2, W2 row n S2, W2safe adj S2, W2 safety n S2, W2scale n S2, W2scene n S2, W2score n S2, W2shape n S2, W2ship n S2, W2 shock n S2, W2 shoot v S2, W2shot n S2, W2 shoulder n S2, W2 shout v S2, W2 sight n S2, W2sign v S2, W2 signal n S2, W2skin n S2, W2sky n S2, W2slow adj S2, W2 smart adj S2, W2 smile n S2, W2 smoke v S2, W2soft adj S2, W2 somehow adv S2, W2 southern adj S2, W2 speaker n S2, W2 speech n S2, W2 spirit n S2, W2 sport n S2, W2spot n S2, W2 spread v S2, W2 spring n S2, W2 staff n S2, W2 standard adj S2, W2 standard n S2, W2 star n S2, W2stock n S2, W2 strange adj S2, W2 stranger n S2, W2 strength n S2, W2 study v S2, W2 sufficient adj S2, W2 sum n S2, W2 supply n S2, W2 surgery n S2, W2 surprised adj S2, W2 survey n S2, W2 survive v S2, W2tall adj S2, W2temperature n S2, W2theatre n S2, W2theme n S2, W2thick adj S2, W2thin adj S2, W2tiny adj S2, W2tool n S2, W2tooth n S2, W2total n S2, W2touch n S2, W2touch v S2, W2tough adj S2, W2track n S2, W2tradition n S2, W2transport n S2, W2travel n S2, W2travel v S2, W2trip n S2, W2TV n S2, W2twice adv, predeterminer S2, W2 typical adj S2, W2 unemployment n S2, W2unit n S2, W2usual adj S2, W2vehicle n S2, W2version n S2, W2violence n S2, W2virtually adv S2, W2vote n S2, W2vote v S2, W2wage n S2, W2walk n S2, W2warm adj S2, W2web n S2, W2website n S2, W2welcome v S2, W2western adj S2, W2whereas conj S2, W2whole n S2, W2wild adj S2, W2will n S2, W2wind n S2, W2wine n S2, W2wing n S2, W2winter n S2, W2。

朗文3000词汇表aabandonabilityabortion n.流产,堕胎abroadabsence n.缺席;缺乏absoluteabsolutelyabsorbabstract n.抽象,摘要adj.抽象的academicacademy n.学会;学院;研究院accentacceptaccess vt.使用;接近n. 通路;使用权accident accompany vt.陪伴,伴随;伴奏accomplish vt.完成;实现;达到accord n.自愿;符合vt.使一致;给予; according toaccount n.解释;理由vi.导致;解释accounting n.会计accurate adj.精确的accuse vt.谴责;归咎于achieveachievementacid n.酸adj.酸的,刻薄的acknowledge acquireacre n. 英亩;土地,地产acrossactionactiveactivist n. 活动分子,积极分子activityactoractual adj. 真实的,目前的actuallyadaddadditionadditionaladdressadjustadministration n.管理行政administrative a. 行政的,管理的administrator n. 管理人;行政官admire v.钦佩,赞美admissionadmitadoptadultadvance adj. 预先的advancedadvantageadventureadvertising n.广告业,广告adviceadvise v.建议adviseradvocateaffair n.事情;事务;私事affectaffordafraidafterafternoonafterward adv.以后,后来againagainstageagencyagenda n.议事日程agent vt.由…代理n.特工,药剂aggressiveagoagreeagreementahead adv.领先,预先aidaide n. 副官;助手[eid]aimairaircraft n.飞机,飞行器airline n.航空公司;航线airplaneairportalarm n警报,警告器vt警告使惊恐albumalcohol n.酒精,乙醇alive adj. 活着的;活泼的allallegation n.辩解;主张,断言alleged a.被说成的,被指称的alliance n.联盟,联姻alligator n鳄鱼adj鳄鱼皮革的.allowall rightally n.伙伴;助手almostalonealong prep. 沿着adv. 一起alreadyalsoalter v.改变,更改alternative adj选择性的n. 供替代的选择althoughaltogetheralwaysamazingamendmentamidamong prep. 在…中间amount n. 数量;总额ananalysis n.分析;分解analyst n.分析者analyze vt.对…进行分析,分解ancient andangel n.天使,守护神['eind??l]angle n.角度,角angryanimalankle n.踝关节announceannouncement n. 通告;宣告;公告annoying adj. 恼人的;讨厌的annualanonymousanotheransweranswering machineanticipateanxietyanyanybodyanyhowanymore adv. 再也不anyoneanythinganytimeanywayanywhereapart adj.分离的apartment n.公寓apologizeapparentapparentlyappealappear vi. 出现appearance n. 外貌,出现appleapplicationapplyappoint v.任命,委派appointment appreciateapproachappropriate adj.适当的approval n.赞成;批准;认可approve v.批准,赞成area n.面积;区域argue v.争论,辩论argumentarise vi.出现;起立;上升armarmed adj.武装的army n.陆军,军队aroundarrangearrangementarrest n/v逮捕arrival n.到达;到达者arrivearrow ['?r?u] n.箭状物artarticleartist n. 艺术家;美术家asaside adv.在旁边n.旁白askasleepaspectassembly n.装配;集会assert vt.断言;主张;声称assessmentasset n.资产,有用的东西,优点, assignassignmentassist vi.出席;参加vt.帮助;促进assistance n. 帮助,援助assistant associateassociationassume vt.假定;承担assumption n.假定;设想,采取assure vt 保证;担保;使确信atathleteatmosphereattach vt贴上;系上attack n/v.抨击; 攻击attempt n/v企图,试图; attend v.出席,照料attention n.注意力;关心attitudeattorney n.理人;律师attorney general 检察官attract v.吸引attractiveaudienceauntauthorauthority n.权威;权力auto n. 自动;[美口]汽车automatic adj.必然的;无意识的n.自动机械automaticallyavailableaverageavoidawakeaward vt.授予;判定n.奖品;判决[?'w?:d]awareawayawesomeawfulawhile ad. 片刻,一会儿babe n.小孩babybackbackgroundbackward adv/adj向后的bacon n.熏猪肉;咸肉badbadlybagbake v.烤balancebalancedballbanbananaband n.一帮vi.联合,聚焦bank n.岸;浅滩,银行bankerbarbarbecuebarely adv. 仅仅,勉强;几乎不barkbasebaseballbasement n.地下室;地窖basic adj.基本的;基础的n.基础;要素basicallybasil n.罗勒属植物(用于调味)basis n.底部;基础;主要成分basketbasketballbatbatch n.批,成批,分批bathbathroombattery n.电池battlebay n.海湾;狗吠声bebeachbean n.豆bearbeat v.打;打败beautifulbeautybecausebecomebedbedroombeebeefbeerbeforebegbeginbeginning behave v运转;表现behaviorbehindbeingbeliefbelievebell n.铃,钟,钟状物belongbelow 在…下面beltbench n.长凳;工作台bend v.倾向;屈服beneath在…之下benefit besidebesidesbestbet n/v打赌betterbetweenbeyondbicyclebid n/v出价,竞标bigbig dealbillbind v.绑;约束birdbirthbirthdaybit adj.很小的adv有点儿.bite n/vt咬;咬伤;bizarre adj.奇异的[bi'zɑ:]blackblade n.刀片,刀锋;叶片;剑blah n. [俚]废话;空话;瞎说blameblankblanketbleed v流血;渗出bless vt祝福;保佑;赞美blindblock n.块;街区vt.限制;阻止bloodblowblueboardboatbodyboilbomb v轰炸,投弹;失败bondbone n.骨;骨骼bookboombootbooth n.货摊;公用电话亭borderboredboringbornborrowbossbothbotherbottle n.瓶子bottom adj.底部的bounce n.跳;活力vt.弹跳boundary n.分界线,边界;范围bowlboxboyboyfriendbra n.胸罩brain n.脑袋;头脑,智力brake n.闸,刹车;阻碍branch v分支;出现分歧brand n.商标,牌子/烙印brand-new adj.崭新的;最近获得的bread n.面包breakbreakfastbreastbreathbreathebreedbrick n.砖形物;砖vt.用砖砌bridgebrief adj.简短的,简洁的n.概要,诉书;摘要briefly brightbringbro n.兄弟broad adj.宽的,辽阔的brochure n.手册,小册子brokenbrotherbrown adj.棕色的brush n.刷子;画笔v刷bubble n.气泡v泡沫buck n.雄鹿;纨绔子弟[b?k]bucket n.铲斗;桶,水桶buddy n.伙伴,好朋友budget n/v预算bug n.小虫/窃听器/故障buildbuildingbulb n.球状物/电灯泡bull n.公牛,印玺adj.大型的;雄性的[bul] bullet n.子弹vi.射出bump n.肿块v.撞击bunch n.群,串burden n/v负担bureau n.局,处/办公桌burger n.汉堡包burnbury vt.埋葬;隐藏busbush n.矮树丛;灌木businessbusinessmanbust vi.破产;爆裂vt.逮捕busybutbutt n.靶垛;烟头butter n. 黄油;奶油;奉承话button n. [计]按钮;钮扣buybuyer n.买主,买方byecabin n.船舱;客舱cabinet n橱柜;内阁adj内阁的私下的cable n电缆vt.打电报cage n.笼,兽笼;牢房,监狱vt cakecalculate v以为;作打算calendar n.历法; 日历calf n.小牛;小牛皮callcalmcalorie n.卡(热量单位cameracampcampaigncampus['k?mp?s]cancancelcancercandidate n候选人,候补者;应试者candlecandycannotcapcapable adj.能干的,能胜任的capacity n.能力;容量;生产力;资格capital n.资金;资本家adj.重要的captain n.上尉; 船长capture vt俘获/夺得n.战利品cardcarecareercarefulcarefullycarpet n.地毯['kɑ:pit]carrier n.载体;货架;运送者carrot n.胡萝卜carrycartooncase n.箱;实例;情况cash n.现款,现金cast vt.计算;投射catcatalog n.目录,登记vt.为…编目录catchcategory n.种类,分类;范畴cattle n.牛;家畜causeCDceiling n.天花板;上限celebratecelebrity n.名人,名声cell n.电池;细胞cell phonecent n.分;一分的硬币centercentralcenturycereal n./adj谷类植物;谷类ceremonycertain adj确信,某一certainlycertificate n.证书;执照,文凭certified adj.经证明合格的['s?:tifaid]chain n.链;束缚vt.束缚chairchairmanchallengechamber n.会所;房间adj室内的;私人的championship n.冠军赛,冠军chancechangechannelchapter n.分/章,回charactercharacterizechargechart n.图纸;海图chase vi.奔跑;追逐cheapcheat v欺骗;骗取checkcheek n.面颊,脸颊cheesechemicalcherry n.樱桃;樱桃树chestchew vt/n嚼碎,咀嚼chickchickenchief n.首领; 酋长adj.首席的childchildhoodchili n.辣椒chip vt.削,凿;削成碎片chocolatechoicechoke vi.阻塞; 窒息vt.呛;抑制choosechopchunk n.大块;矮胖的人或物churchcigarettecirclecircumstance n.环境,情况;事件citecitizencitycivilcivil rightsclaim vt.需要;声称classclassicclassroomclause n.分句,从句,条款,款项cleanclearclearlycleverclick vt.点击;使发咔哒声client n.委托人;顾客;客户climbclinic n.诊所;临床clip vt.痛打;夹牢clockcloseclosedcloselyclothclotheclothesclothingcloudclubclue n.线索;情节vt.为…提供线索coach coal n.煤;煤块;木炭coalitioncoastcoat n.外套codecoffeecoldcollarcolleague n.同事,同僚['k?li:ɡ] collect collectioncollegecolorcolumn n. 圆柱,柱形物;纵队,列;专栏combination n.结合,联合combine comecomedycomfortcomfortablecomma n.逗号,停顿commandcommandercomment n.批评;意见commerce n.贸易,商业['k?m?:s] commercialcommission n.犯;佣金;委任vt.委任;委托制作commit vt.使…承担义务;犯罪,做错事commitment n.承诺,保证;承担义务committee n.委员会commoncommunicatecommunicationcommunist n.共产主义者;共产党员community n.社区;团体;共同体companycomparecomparison n. 比喻;比较competecompetitioncompetitivecompetitorcomplaincomplaintcompletecompletelycomplex adj.复杂的;合成的n.复合体complicated adj.难懂的,复杂的component adj.组成的n.成分;元件computerconcede v退让; 承认concentrateconcentrationconceptconcernconcernedconcertconcludeconclusionconditionconferenceconfidenceconfidentconfirmconflict n./vt斗争;争执confront vt.遭遇;比较;面对confusedconfusingcongress n.国会,代表大会congressional adj.会议的,议会的connect v连接,连结;联合connectedconnectionconscious adj.意识到的;故意的consciousnessconsent n/vi同意,赞成consequence conservative adj保守的n.保守派consider considerableconsiderationconsistent adj.始终如一的,一致的constantconstantlyconstitute vt.组成,构成;任命constitutionconstructconstructionconsult v查阅; 商量consultant n.顾问consumer n. 用户,顾客;消费者contactcontaincontainercontend v争论;斗争content n.满足;容量contest v竞争;争辩context n环境;上下文;来龙去脉continuecontract vi.收缩;订约contractor n.立契约的人,承包商contrast v.对比contributecontribution controlcontroversialcontroversy n.争论;辩论convenientconvention n.大会;协定;惯例;习俗conventionalconversationconvert vt.转换,使转变convict vt证明…有罪n.罪犯convictionconvinceconvincedcookcookie n.饼干coolcooler n.散热器,冷却器cooperation n.合作,协作;协力cop n.警察vt.抓住copycord n.束缚;绳索vt.用绳子捆绑core n.磁心;果心;要点corn n.鸡眼;谷物; 玉米corner n.困境,窘境;地区,偏僻处corporate adj. 法人的;共同的corporation n.公司;社团;法人corps n军队;兵种;学生联合会correctcorruptioncostcostumecouch n.床;卧榻vi埋伏;躺着cough n. 咳嗽,咳嗽声vt.咳出couldcouncil n.理事会;会议['kauns?l] counsel n.决策;讨论vt.劝告;建议counseling n. 顾问服务counselorcountcountercountrycounty n.郡,县couplecoupon n.试样(配给票,息票,附单coursecourtcousincovercoverage n.涉及范围cow n.奶牛,母牛;母兽vt.威胁,恐吓crab n.蟹肉;螃蟹vt.破坏;抱怨[kr?b]crack vi.爆裂;破裂cracker n.饼干,爆竹,crash n./v坠落;崩溃crawl v爬行;匍匐行进[kr?:l]crazycream n.奶油,乳脂;乳酪;createcreationcreativecreaturecredit n学分;信任vt.相信,信任credit card crew n.全体人员crimecriminalcrisis n.危机;危险期['kraisis]criticcriticalcriticismcriticizecrosscrowdcrucial adj决定性的;重要的cruise v巡航,巡游;漫游crust n.外壳;面包皮vi.结硬皮cryculturalculturecupcuriouscurrency n.货币;通货['k?r?nsi] current adj.草写的;最近的n.趋势;涌流currentlycurriculum n.课程[k?'rikjul?m] curtain n.窗帘;幕customercutcutecycledad n.爸爸daddydaily adj.每日的;日常的damagedancedangerdangerousdaredarkdarknessdata n.资料;数据datedaughterdaydeaddeal vt.分配;处理vi.讨论;对待;dealer n.商人;经销商deathdebate v辩论,争论,讨论debt n债务;借款;罪过decadedecent adj.得体的;正派的;相当好的decidedecisiondeck n.甲板;行李仓declare v声明,宣布decline n.斜面;衰退vi.谢绝;衰落deepdeeplydefeat vt.挫败;使…失败[di'fi:t] defend v防守;保卫defense n.防卫,防护;防御措施defensivedeficit n.赤字,不足,缺乏['defisit] definedefinite adj确切的;一定的definitelydefinitiondegree n程度,等级;度;学位delay v耽搁;延期delegate vt.委派…为代表n. 代表deliciousdeliver v交付;递送delivery n交付,递送,分娩demanddemocracy n.民主,民主主义;民主政治democratic adj.民主的demonstrate vt.展示;论证vi示威demonstration n.示范;示威游行dentist n.牙科医生deny v否认;拒绝departmentdependdeposit vt存放;使沉积n.存款depressiondepthdeputy adj.副的/代理的n.代理人describedescriptiondesert v逃掉; 遗弃['dez?t]deservedesigndesire vt.想要; 要求deskdespitedessert [di'z?:t] n.餐后甜点destroydetaildeterminedetermineddevelopdevelopmentdevicedial n.转盘; 钟面[dail]dialect n行话;同源语adj方言的dialogue diamond n.菱形;方块牌,钻石diaper n.尿布v.换尿布diedietdifferdifferencedifferentdifficultdifficultydig v挖掘,探究digital adj.数字的n.数字dime n.一角硬币dining roomdinnerdinosaur dip v/n浸,泡,倾斜,下降directdirectiondirectlydirectordirt n.污垢,泥土;灰尘dirty adj.暗淡的;恶劣的vi变脏disabilitydisagreedisappeardisappointeddisasterdisc n. 圆盘,唱片disciplinediscount n.折扣;贴现率discoverdiscoverydiscriminationdiscussdiscussiondiseasedisgustingdishwasherdiskdismiss vt.解雇;开除vi.解散disorder n.混乱;骚乱displaydisputedistancedistantdistinction n.差别;区别;特性distinguish v区别,区分;辨别distract vt.转移;分心distributedistributiondistrict n.区域;行政区;地方disturbdividedividend n.股息;被除数;奖金division n.除法;部门;分割;师divorcedodoctordocumentdogdoll n.玩具娃娃v.把…打扮花枝招展dollardomestic adj驯养的;家庭的n.国货dominate vt.控制; 支配donatedonationdot n点,圆点vi.打上点doubledoubtdowndownstairsdowntowndozendrag v拖累; 拖拉drain v排水;流干dramadramaticdraw v.拉,画drawer n.抽屉;开票人dreamdressdrinkdrivedriverdriveway n.车道drop v终止;下降drugdrum v击鼓;大力争取dry adj干的;口渴的vt弄干dryer n.干衣机,干燥剂duckdudeduedumb adj.哑的,不说话的[d?m] dump vt倾倒vi倒垃圾n.垃圾场duringdustdutyeach othereagerearearly earnearnings n.收入earringeartheaseeasilyeasteasterneasyeateconomic adj.经济的economics n.经济学economist n.经济学家economyedge n.锋利;刀刃edit vt.编辑;校订n.编辑工作editoreducateeducationeducationaleffecteffectiveeffectivelyefficientefforteggelbowelderlyelect adj.推选;卓越的;当选的electionelectricelectricalelectricityelectronicelementeliminate vt.消除,排除elseelsewhereemailembarrassedemerge vi.浮现暴露摆脱emergency n.非常时刻;突发事件emotionemotionalemphasisemphasizeempire n.帝国;帝王统治,君权employemployeeemployeremploymentemptyenable vt使能够,使成为可能encounter vt/n遭遇,邂逅encourageendorse vt.背书;签署;认可;赞同enemy n.敌人adj.敌人的energyenforceengage vt预定; 雇佣vi答应,从事engineengineerengineeringenhanceenjoyenormousenoughensureenterenterprise n. 企业;事业;进取心entertainentertainmententire adj全部的,整个的entirelyentity n.存在,实体entrepreneur n.企业家;承包人entry n入口;进入;登记envelope n.信封,封皮environmentenvironmentalepisode n插曲,一段情节['epis?ud] equalequally adv平等地,公平地equipmentequity n.公平,公正['ekw?ti] era n.时代;年代;纪元['ε?r?] erase v抹去;擦除[i'reis]error n错误;误差;过失escapeespeciallyessay n.试图;随笔vt尝试essentialessentiallyestablishestablishmentestimate vi/n估计,估价ethic n.道德规范,伦理['eθik]ethnic adj种族的,人种的evaluation n评价,评估eveneveningeventeventuallyevereveryeverybodyeveryoneeverythingeverywhere adv.到处n.每个地方evidenceevil adj讨厌的;有害的n罪恶,邪恶;不幸evolve v进化exact adj精确的;准确的vt.急需;要求exactlyexamexamine v检查;exampleexceed v胜过;超过excellentexceptexceptionexchangeexcitedexcitingexecutive adj.经营的;行政的n. 执行者;经理exerciseexhibit vt.提出;展览n.证据;展示会existexistence n. 存在;生存;存在物existingexitexpandexpansion n.膨胀;阐述;扩张物expectexpectationexpectedexpense n.消费; 开支expensiveexperienceexperiment n.实验vi.进行实验;尝试expertexplain v. 说明,解释explanation n.说明,解释;辩解explode v爆炸,爆发explore v探测;探险;探索explosion n爆炸;爆发;激增export n输出,出口vi.输出物资expose vt.使曝光;揭露,揭发expressexpressionextend vt.推广;扩大extension n伸展;扩大;延长extensive adj.广泛的;广阔的extent n. 范围;程度;长度extraordinaryextremelyeyefabulous adj.传说的,无根据的facefacility n设备/灵巧/容易factfactor n.要素;因数factoryfaculty n能力;全体教员;科,系fade v.凋谢;褪色fail vi.破产;衰退vt.舍弃;忘记[feil] failurefair adj.晴朗的; 公平的fairlyfaith n.信任;信念;信仰;忠实fall vi.减弱;变成n.下降;瀑布;秋天false a.不真实的,错误的, familiar adj亲近的;常见的n常客;密友familyfamous fanfancy n.幻想;爱好adj.昂贵的;奇特的fantastic adj.空想的;极好的fantasy n.幻想farfarmfarmerfashionfastfatfate n.命运vt注定fatherfault n.错误;毛病vi.弄错favor vt.像;赞成n.喜爱;好感favoritefax n/v传真fear n.敬畏;担心vt.敬畏; 害怕featurefederal adj.联邦的;同盟的fee n.费用;小费vt付费给feedfeedbackfeelfeelingfellow n.会员;家伙adj.同伴的,同事的femalefence n.剑术;围墙vt防护;练习剑术festivalfewfieldfight vi.打仗; 打架vt.打架;反对…提案fighter n.战士,斗争者;奋斗者figure n.价格;数字vi.计算; 出现file n.锉刀;档案vt.锉;琢磨fill vt.任职;满足vi.被充满,膨胀filmfilter vi.渗入;滤过n.筛选;过滤器finalfinallyfinance n财政;金融vt.负担经费financialfindfindingfinefinger n.手指;指针finishfire n.火;火灾vt.激动;点燃firmfirstfirst lady第一夫人first namefiscal a.财政的fishfit vt.安装;使…适应vi.合身; 适合fix vt.准备;修理vi.固定;注视flag vi.衰退;枯萎vt.标记;插旗flat adj.浅的;单调的adv.断然地;平直地flavor n.滋味,香料v.加味于flee vi消失,消散;逃走vt.逃避;逃跑flight n.逃走;班机flip vt.轻击;掷vi.用指轻弹;蹦跳floodfloat vt使漂浮;实行floorflow vi.飘扬;川流不息vt.淹没flowerflyfocusfold vt.笼罩;合拢n.信徒;羊栏folder n.文件夹;折叠机folk n.亲属;民族; 人们adj民间的followfoodfoolfootfootballforforceforeign adj.外国的forest vt.植树于,使成为森林n森林foreverforgetfork n/v叉formformalformat n/v设计,版式forth adv.向前,向外;自…以后fortune n.命运;财富vt.给予财富forum n.论坛,讨论会;法庭['f?:r?m] forward foundfoundation n.基础;地基;基金会frame n画面;结构fraud n欺骗;骗子;诡计[fr?:d]freak n怪人,怪事,反复无常[fri:k]freefreedomfreeway n.高速公路freezefreezerfrequency n频率;频繁frequentfrequentlyfreshfreshman n.大学一年级学生fridge n.电冰箱friendfriendlyfromfront n.正面;前线vt对付;朝向fruit n.水果;产物fryfuel n/v['fju?l]fullfullyfunfunctionfundfundamental adj.基本的n.基本原理funeral n.葬礼;[口]麻烦事funky a.畏缩的,怯懦的['f?nki]funnyfurniturefurtherfuturegaingal n.重力加速度单位伽(加仑)gallon n.加仑gamegang n.群;一组gap n.空白;间隙; 缺口vi.裂开garage n.车库;飞机库vt.把…送入车库garbage n垃圾,废物gardengarlic n.大蒜;蒜头gasgate n.门道;出入口; 大门gather vt.收割; 收集vi.皱起;化脓gay adj.艳丽的;放荡的; 快乐的n同性恋gear n.齿轮;传动装置vi.适合;搭上齿轮gee n.马gender n.性;性别genegeneralgenerallygenerate vt使形成;生殖;发生generation n.产生;一代人;生殖gentlemangetgiant n伟人;巨人adj.巨大的giftgirlgirlfriendgiveglassglobalglobe n.球体;地球glove n.手套[ɡl?v]gogoal n.终点; 目标godgoldgoldengolfgoodgood afternoongood morninggoodness n.优秀;真谛good nightgorgeous adj.华丽的,灿烂的;极好的governgovernmentgovernorgrab v霸占; 攫取grace n.魅力;恩惠;慈悲gradegraduallygraduategraduationgrammar grand adj.豪华的; 宏伟的n. 大钢琴;一千美元grandchildgrandfathergrandmagrandmothergrandpagrant vt.允许;承认vi.同意grape n. 葡萄;葡萄树;紫色;葡萄酒grassgravy n.肉汁,肉汤,不法利润gray adj.阴郁的;苍白的n.灰色greatgreengreet vt欢迎,迎接;致敬[ɡri:t]grocery store n.食品杂货店gross adj.恶劣的;粗野的n.总共收入ground n.战场;土地vt.使搁浅;打基础groupgrowgrowthguaranteeguard n.守卫v. 警戒guess v猜中;推测guest n. 客人,宾客;顾客[ɡest] guideguiltyguitargum n.橡皮; 树胶vt.使…有粘性gungut n.勇气,肠,剧情guygym n.健身房,体育馆habithairhalfhall n走廊;会堂;食堂;学生宿舍hallwayham n.火腿hamburgerhandhandle n.柄;把手vt.运用;处理handy adj. 手边的,就近的;便利的;容易取得的hang vt.装饰; 绞死happenhappyhardhardlyhat n. 帽子hatehaul n.捕获物;拖,拉vt.拖运;拖拉havehave toheheadheadacheheadquarters n. 总部;指挥部heal v治愈,痊愈;和解healthhealth carehealthyhearhearing n.听力;审讯,听讯heartheart attackheatheater n.加热器;加热工Heaven n.天堂;天空['hev?n] heavily adv.沉重地;沉闷地;猛烈地heavyheel n.脚后跟heighthelicopter n直升飞机hell n地狱;训斥;黑暗势力int.该死hellohelphelpfulherhereherohersherselfheyhi int.嗨!hide v.鞭打;隐瞒highhighlighthighlyhigh school highwayhike vi.上升; 远足vt.拉起; 提高;[haik] hilarioushill n小山;丘陵;斜坡himhimselfhip n臀部;adj.非常时尚的hire n./vt租金,工钱;雇用,租用hishistorian n.历史学家historichistoricalhistoryhit v.打;碰撞holdhole n.突破口;洞穴,穴vi.凿洞holidayholy adj圣洁的,神圣的;至善的['h?uli] homehomeworkhonesthonestlyhoneyhonor n.荣誉,头衔,信用v.尊敬,授予荣誉hook n.挂钩,吊钩vt钩住;引上钩;hopehopefullyhorrible adj.可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的horsehospitalHost n. [基督]圣体;圣饼;圣餐面包hothotelhourhousehouseholdhousinghowhoweverhugehumanhumorhundredhungryhunt v搜索;打猎hurryhurt vt.使痛心;使疼痛vi.带来痛苦husband vt.节约地使用n.丈夫hystericalIiceice creamideaidentify vt.确定; 识别vi. 认同;一致identity n.身份;同一性,一致idiot n.白痴;笨蛋ifignore vt.驳回诉讼,忽视illillegal adj.违法的; 非法的illnessillustrate vt.阐明,举例说明;图解imageimaginationimagineimmediate adj.直接的;立即的immediatelyimmigrant adj.移民的;迁入的n.移民immigration n.移居,移民impact vt.压紧;冲突vi.冲击;产生影响; implement vt.实现;实施,执行n. 工具implication n. 暗示;牵连; 含义implyimportanceimportantimpose vi.利用; 欺骗vt.强加;征税impossibleimpressimpressionimproveimprovementinincentive n.动机;刺激adj.激励的inch n.少许;身高incident n.事件,事变;插曲includeincludingincomeincreaseincreasingly incredibleincrediblyindeed adv.实在;的确int.真的independenceindependentindexindicate vt.指出;表明;象征individual adj.独特的;个人的n.个人industrial adj.来自勤劳的;供工业用的industry n.工业;产业;勤勉infant n.幼儿; 婴儿adj.婴儿的;幼稚的infection n.感染;传染;传染病inflation n.通货膨胀;膨胀;夸张influenceinform vt.报告;告诉vi告发,告密informationingredientinitial adj.最初的;字首的initially adv 最初,开头initiative n.主动权;首创精神adj. 起始的;主动的;自发的injure vt.伤害,损害injuryinnerinsane adj疯狂的,精神错乱的insideinsist v坚持,强调inspire vt.鼓舞;激发;启示install vt.任命;安装;安顿instance n.建议;情况vt.举...为例insteadinstitute vt.提起;创立n. 学会;学院institution n.制度;公共机构;建立instructioninstructor n.教员;指导者;指导书instrument n仪器;器械;手段;乐器insurance n.保险;保险费intellectual adj.理智的;聪明的intelligenceintelligentintendintense adj.强烈的;紧张的;热情的intentioninteraction n交互作用,相互作用interest n.同行;利息interestedinterestinginterest rateinternal adj国内的;内部的Internetinterpret vt.说明;口译vi.解释;翻译interrupt v打断;妨碍intersection n.交集,十字路口,交叉点intervalinterview n.面试,面谈;接见,采访intointroduceinventinvest vt.包围;耗费vi.投资,入股investigate v.调查,研究investigationinvestigatorinvestmentinvestorinvitationinviteinvolveinvolvedinvolvementironislandissueititem n.条款,项目;一则itsitselfjackjacketjail n.监牢; 监狱;拘留所jam vt.压碎;混杂vi.堵塞;轧住;jar n.罐;震动jealous adj.妒忌的;唯恐失;猜疑的jeansjelly n.果冻;胶状物['d?eli]jerkjet n.黑玉;喷气式飞机adj.墨黑的jewelry n.珠宝;珠宝类jobjoinjoint n.接缝; adj.连接的;共同的jokejournalist n.新闻工作者journey n.旅行;行程joyjudgejudgmentjuicejumpjuniorjunkjuror n.陪审员['d?u?r?] jury n.陪审团;评判委员会justjusticekeepkeykick vt/n. 踢;反冲kidkillkillerkindkingkisskit n.工具箱;成套工具v装备kitchenkitten n.小猫;小动物Kittykneeknifeknockknowknowledgelab n. [口]实验室,研究室labellabor n/v 工作,劳动,劳力laboratorylack。

朗文词典词汇说明S1/S2/S3分别表示该词属于英语口语中最为常用的1000/2000/3000/词W1/W2/W3分别表示该词属于英语书面语中最为常用的1000/2000/3000/词AC表示该词属于在英语环境中学习或撰写学术文章时需要掌握的重要词汇考研表示该词属于考研词汇范围高考表示该词属于高考词汇范围六级表示该词属于六级词汇范围四级表示该词属于四级词汇范围词性对照说明a/adj形容词ad/adv副词article冠词au某iliary 助动词conj/conjection连词determiner限定词interjection感叹词indefinite不定n(=noun)名词number数词phrv(=phraalverb)短语动词pl(=plural)复数形式poeive所有格predeterminer前位限定词prefi某前缀prep介词pron代词quantifier数量词,量词uffi某后缀verb动词[C]countable可数名词:有单数也有复数形式的名词[U]uncountable不可数名词:没有复数形式,不可计数的名词[I]intranitive不及物动词:不带宾语的动词[T]tranitive及物动词:带宾语的动词,宾语可以是名词短语,也可以是从句[ingular单数]只用单数、没有复数形式的名词[plural复数]只用复数、没有单数形式的名词[linkingverb连系动词]后接描写主语的名词补语或形容词补语的动词[alway+adv/prep]表示某个动词后面必须跟一个副词或介词[notinprogreive不用进行式]表示某个动词不能用于进行式,即不能用be+-ing的形式[onlybeforenoun仅用于名词前]表示某个形容词只能用于名词之前[notbeforenoun不用于名词前]表示某个形容词不能用于名词之前[onlyafternoun仅用于名词后]表示某个形容词只能紧跟在名词之后[entenceadverb句子副词]表示某个副词修饰整个句子[alo+pluralverbbrE英国英语中亦可用复数动词]表示某个集合名词在英国英语中可以用复数动词pt(=pattene)过去式pp(=patparticiple)过去分词THES(=theauru)词语辨析RELTD(=relatedword)相关词SYN(=ynonym)近义词OPP(=oppoite)反义词。

朗文定义词汇表(精简版)原来的Longman Defining Vocabulary共2193个词,是朗文词典在英英解释中所使用的最最最基础的单词,换句话来说,只要认识这2193个词,理论上,就能做到在英语世界里面词汇无障碍。
accordance n. 一致, 和谐; 授予; 符合; 给予ache v. 渴望; 觉得疼痛n. 疼痛acid n. 酸; 讥刺; 有酸味的东西; 迷幻药adj. 酸的, 有酸味的; 尖酸刻薄的; 酸性的; 敏锐的; 讽刺的afterwards adv. 后来地; 然后aim n. 瞄准; 目标, 目的; 瞄准的方向v. 瞄准; 对准, 瞄准; 意欲, 旨在, 致力altogether adv. 完全, 全然; 总而言之, 总之; 合计, 全部musing adv. 冥想地; 沉思地ankle n. 踝, 足踝; 踝关节ant n. 蚂蚁anxiety n. 忧虑, 焦虑, 焦虑的事anxious adj. 忧虑的, 渴望的, 热心的apart adv. 分别地; 分离; 分成零件apparatus n. 仪器, 器械; 器官; 设备, 装置; 机关, 机构, 政党组织arch n. 拱门, 弓形v. 使成弧形, 拱起, 使成弓形; 呈拱形覆盖; 形成弧形; 呈弧形移动adj. 调皮的, 淘气的; 为首的, 主要的arm n. 臂; 扶手; 臂状物; 杆#兵种v. 武装起来; 用武器装备; 提供, 配备armor n. 盔甲; 装甲部队; 装甲, 防护钢板; 保护层ash n. 灰, 灰烬; 废墟; 骨灰, 遗骸; 淡灰色#白蜡树atom n. 原子; 一点儿, 微量; 微小物awkward adj. 笨拙的backward adj. 向后的, 返回的, 反向的; 怕羞的, 畏缩的; 落后的, 发展迟缓的; 犹豫的adv. 向后地; 追溯; 相反地backwards adv. 向后; 往回, 向原处; 倒, 逆bare v. 使赤裸; 揭露; 露出; 透露adj. 赤裸的, 无遮蔽的, 极少的barrel n. 桶v. 装入桶内; 高速行进bathe n. 游泳v. 洗澡; 游泳; 日光浴; 沉浸; 沐浴, 用水洗beak n. 鸟嘴; 口; 喙状嘴; 鹰钩鼻; 治安法官, 治安推事beam n. 梁; 横梁; 桁; 秤杆, 天平横杆; 光线v. 照射, 照耀; 堆满笑容, 眉开眼笑; 以梁支撑; 将...对准; 用...照射; 流露, 发出bean n. 豆子, 可食用的豆类种子; (在爪哇因特网编程语言中) 用来演示一个明确任务的小应用程序v. 击...的头部bear v. 支持, 承受; 运送; 承担; 携带; 忍受, 压迫, 结果实v. 支持, 承受; 运送; 承担; 携带; 忍受, 压迫, 结果实n. 熊; 鲁莽的人; 似熊的动物; 笨拙的人beard n. 胡须, 山羊胡; 芒; 颌毛; 倒刺v. 使长胡须, 公开反对belt n. 带子; 地带v. 用皮带抽打; 用带标明; 用带捆住; 环绕bend n. 弯, 曲; 转弯处#俯; 弯腰, 行礼v. 使弯曲, 使屈服; 弯曲, 屈服berry v. 采莓果; 结莓果n. 莓果; 干果仁; 浆果; 干种子bind v. 捆, 绑; 包扎; 扎, 束; 装订; 粘结, 粘合; 装订; 过紧; 有约束力bite n. 咬, 叮; 便餐; 一口之量; 咬伤, 冻伤v. 咬; 叮, 蜇; 啃; 刺; 咬; 上钩; 叮; 上当bitter n. 苦味; 苦啤酒; 辛酸adj. 苦的; 怀恨的; 痛苦的blade n. 刀身, 剑身; 叶片, 叶身; 刀片; 叶片状物blame n. 责备, 指责; 责任v. 责备, 归咎于bless v. 祝福; 哎呀!我的天哪!; 保佑block n. 街区, 石块, 木块; 厚块; 障碍物; 一段, 为晚一些进行操作而作记号文字的一部分(计算机用语); 模具; 断头台, 绞架v. 阻塞, 使成块状, 封锁boil n. 沸腾; 翻滚; 煮沸#疖, 疮v. 沸腾, 滚, 开; 翻滚, 起泡; 煮熟; 激动, 激昂; 煮沸, 烧开; 使激动, 使发怒; 烹煮bomb n. 炸弹v. 轰炸, 投弹于; 轰炸, 投弹; 惨败border n. 边缘, 边沿; 边界, 国界, 边境; 饰边, 滚边; 应用视窗四面的框架(计算机用语) v. 与...接壤; 接近; 毗邻, 接界; 近似bottom n. 底; 下端; 底部; 屁股, 臀部v. 装底; 测量深浅; 查明真相; 基于, 根据; 降至最低点; 到达底部adj. 最低的; 最后的, 最下的bowels n. 肠, 内脏; 内部brass n. 黄铜; 黄铜制品, 铜器; 黄铜色; 铜管乐器breadth n. 宽度; 幅; 幅宽breed n. 品种; 种类, 类型v. 产, 孵; 养育; 使繁殖, 饲养; 培育; 生产; 繁殖, 育种; 孕育; 滋生, 产生brick n. 砖; 砖块状物; 砖块; 积木v. 用砖砌bright adj. 明亮的, 聪明的brown n. 褐色v. 使变成褐色; 变成褐色adj. 褐色的; 棕色的brush n. 刷, 刷子; 一刷, 一抹, 一拂#毛笔, 画笔#刷状物v. 刷; 画; 写; 擦掉, 推开, 拂去; 刷, 拂; 擦过, 掠过; 刷牙, 梳头发; 轻触, 擦到bucket n. 桶子, 屁股, 铲头v. 用桶提; 驾驶; 催拼命跑; 利用买空卖空; 下倾盆大雨; 乱跑; 急速行进, 驾车飞驶bullet n. 子弹; 弹夹, 枪的弹药; 放在一段文字前面作为强调的圆形符号(计算机用语) bunch n. 串, 扎v. 使成一串; 使打褶; 形成一串; 打褶; 突出, 隆起burst n. 破裂, 爆发, 突发v. 爆炸; 冲, 闯; 破裂; 突然出现; 使爆炸; 突然打开; 使破裂; 冲出bury v. 埋葬; 隐藏; 掩埋bush n. 灌木, 灌木丛; 乡村, 小镇; 未开垦的荒地; 蓬乱的头发butter n. 奶油, 黄油v. 涂奶油于, 以奶油调味; 以花言巧语讨好cage n. 鸟笼, 兽笼; 座厢; 起降机v. 关进笼内camera n. 照相机, 摄影机; 暗室camp n. 野营; 兵营; 营地; 帐篷#太过于做作而被认为可笑的东西v. 扎营; 露营; 宿营; 使扎营住宿; 临时安顿adj. 娘娘腔的; 搞同性恋的; 滑稽可笑的, 好玩的cap n. 无边帽, 帽子, 盖子#盖, 套, 罩v. 给...戴帽; 覆盖; 加盖于; 胜过captain n. 陆军上尉; 空军上尉; 海军上校; 船长; 首领v. 做首领cardboard n. 厚纸板carriage n. 马车, 四轮大马车; 儿童车, 婴儿车; 铁轨车; 运输; 在打印机上在下一页进机前做准备的机械(计算机用语); 大炮的基架; 走路, 走路的样子; 打字机的进纸处cart n. 二轮运货车; 小车, 手推车v. 用车装载castle n. 城堡, 棋子v. 置于城堡中, 筑城堡防御cattle n. 牛; 牲口, 家畜cent n. 分ceremony n. 仪式, 典礼; 形式; 礼仪, 礼节; 虚礼, 客套chain n. 链, 束缚, 连锁v. 用锁链拴住; 束缚; 拘禁chairperson n. 主席chalk n. 粉笔; 白垩v. 用粉笔写; 和以白垩charm n. 吸引力; 魅力; 魔力v. 迷住, 行魔法, 使陶醉; 用符咒; 有魔力chase n. 追逐; 追求; 追击; 打猎#狩猎地#槽, 沟; 管子槽, 暗管v. 追逐; 追踪; 追捕; 赶出, 驱逐; 追逐, 追赶; 追求; 追寻; 匆忙地走, 奔跑; 雕镂, 镂刻cheek n. 颊, 脸蛋, 厚颜v. 无礼地向...讲话; 对...无礼cheese n. 乳酪, 干酪; 扁圆的东西; 干酪状的东西#要人; 极好的东西v. 停止, 中止chest n. 胸腔; 箱; 胸膛chimney n. 烟囱; 灯罩chin n. 下巴; 下颚v. 用下巴夹住; 引体向上; 与...聊天; 聊天, 闲谈; 作引体向上动作clay n. 泥土, 粘土, 肉体clockwork n. 钟表的机械; 发条装置coal n. 煤, 木炭v. 给...加煤; 把...烧成炭; 上煤, 加煤coast n. 海岸; 滑坡v. 沿岸航行; 毫不费力地前进, 顺利进展; 滑行; 沿...岸航行collar n. 衣领, 颈间v. 给上领子; 抓住; 抓住...的领口; 逮捕comb n. 头梳, 鸡冠v. 用梳子梳理; 彻底搜查; 涌起compound n. 混合物; 复合物; 化合物; 复合字, 复合句#有围墙住宅群, 大院; 用围墙围起的场地, 院子v. 增加, 使恶化, 加重; 使化合; 使混合; 使合成; 妥协, 和解adj. 合成的, 混合的, 复合的concern n. 关心, 忧虑v. 涉及; 关系到concerning prep. 关于conscience n. 良心; 道德心conscious adj. 有意识的, 觉察的, 知觉的consonant n. 辅音; 辅音字母; 子音contents n. 内容contract n. 合约, 契约, 婚约v. 使缩短, 订约, 感染; 订约, 承包copper n. 铜; 铜币; 铜制品; 红铜色#警察v. 镀铜于; 覆以铜皮cord n. 绳索; 束缚v. 用绳子捆绑corn n. 小麦; 玉米; 谷物; 谷粒#鸡眼v. 使成粒状; 播种cotton n. 棉花; 棉线v. 和谐, 理解, 有好感cough n. 咳嗽v. 咳嗽; 咳出council n. 会议, 评议会, 地方议会cow n. 母牛; 母兽; 奶牛v. 恐吓, 威胁coward n. 懦弱的人; 胆小的人cowardly adj. 懦弱的, 胆小的, 卑怯的crack n. 裂缝, 爆裂声v. 爆裂, 发出爆裂声, 裂开; 使爆裂, 使破裂; 强行进入; 砸开, 砰地一声打开; 使霹啪作响adj. 最好的; 高明的cream n. 乳酪; 面霜; 奶油v. 结成乳脂; 结成乳脂状物; 把...打成乳脂状; 提取; 从提取乳脂; 选出creep n. 爬, 蠕动, 徐行v. 爬, 潜行, 蔓延cricket n. 蟋蟀#板球#搁脚木矮凳; 一按即发出唧唧声的金属小玩具cruel adj. 残酷的, 悲惨的cure n. 治疗; 疗法; 痊愈; 药v. 治愈; 纠正; 消除; 保存; 起治疗作用; 受治疗curl n. 卷毛, 卷发; 卷曲; 螺旋状物v. 使卷曲; 使卷起来; 缠绕; 卷曲; 缭绕curtain n. 帐, 窗帘, 幕v. 装帘子于, 遮掉dare n. 挑战, 大胆, 挑动v. 敢; 胆敢; 敢冒; 不惧daring n. 勇敢; 胆量adj. 大胆的deceit n. 欺骗; 谎言deceive v. 欺骗, 蒙蔽; 哄骗做; 欺诈, 行骗decimal n. 小数adj. 十进位的, 小数的declaration n. 宣告, 宣布, 说明declare v. 断言; 宣布; 宣称; 声明, 表示deer n. 鹿delicate adj. 细致优雅的, 美味的, 微妙的delight n. 高兴, 愉快v. 高兴; 取乐; 喜爱; 使高兴, 乐于deliver v. 递送; 释放; 陈述; 投递; 传送; 送货; 履行, 实现descend v. 下降, 屈尊, 传下; 下降desert n.沙漠; 荒野#应得的赏罚, 功过v.从...开小差; 抛弃; 擅离; 遗弃; 逃掉; 开小差; 逃亡desire n. 欲望, 要求v. 想要, 请求devil n. 魔王; 魔鬼, 恶魔; 撒旦; 恶棍v. 折磨, 困扰dip n.浸泡; 倾斜; 蘸湿; 下沉v.浸; 把伸入; 泡; 舀取, 汲出; 浸一下; 倾斜; 下沉, 下降; 舀, 掏discourage v. 使气馁, 阻碍discouragement n. 气馁; 劝阻; 挫折dismiss v. 解散; 开除; 下课distance n. 距离; 远处; 路程; 冷淡, 疏远v. 把...远远甩在后面; 使疏远distant adj. 远的; 疏远的; 关系远的ditch n. 沟渠v. 在...开沟; 掘沟; 作水上迫降doorway n. 门口dot n. 点, 小圆点; 微小的东西; 点状物; 少量, 一点儿#嫁妆; 妆奁v. 打点于, 在...上打点; 星罗棋布于; 用点构成; 布满; 打点, 加点drag n. 拖; 拉; 阻碍; 拖累; 纠缠不休; (计算机用语) 按键和压下鼠标器按钮并移动鼠标; 反作用力(比如反向飞机运动的力量) v. 拉, 拖; 用拖网等在...打捞; 拖着行进; 耙; 拖曳; 拖沓地进行; 慢吞吞地行进; 用拖网等打捞drop n. 滴, 落下, 微量v. 滴下; 掉下; 落下; 下降; 使滴下, 丢失, 放下drown v. 淹没; 溺死; 浸没; 沉没drum n. 鼓, 鼓声v. 击鼓; 作鼓声; 打鼓奏drunk n. 醉汉, 酒鬼; 酒宴, 闹饮adj. 喝醉了的duck n. 鸭子#迅速低头; 躲避; 迅速弯身#帆布; 帆布裤子; 粗布#亲爱的人, 宝贝儿; 零分v. 突然低下; 躲避; 将...按入; 回避; 迅速低头; 闪避; 迅速弯身; 躲避dust n. 灰尘, 粉末, 尘埃v. 拂去灰尘, 弄成粉末, 撒; 掸掉灰尘; 变得灰扑扑; 打扫;喷撒农药elbow n. 手肘, 扶手, 急弯v. 用肘推, 挤进; 用肘挤着前进enclose v. 围绕, 装入, 放入封套enclosure n. 附件, 围绕, 围墙entertain v. 娱乐, 怀抱, 招待; 款待, 请客entertainment n. 款待; 娱乐表演; 娱乐explode v. 爆炸, 激发, 爆发; 使爆炸eyelid n. 眼皮; 眼睑faint n. 昏晕; 昏倒v. 昏倒, 变得微弱adj. 微弱的, 模糊的, 无力的fair n. 女人; 情人; 美女; 美好的事物#集市, 庙会; 博览会; 商品展览会; 义卖会adj. 公正的; 诚实的; 公平的; 尚可的, 一般的adv. 公平地, 公正地; 清楚地; 正面地, 直接地fairy n. 仙女, 精灵adj. 仙女的false adj. 错误的; 假的; 虚伪的fame n. 名望, 传说fancy n. 想象力, 喜好, 幻想v. 想象, 相信, 设想adj. 想像的, 新奇的, 精美的fate n. 天数; 运气; 命运fear n. 恐怖; 担心; 害怕v. 害怕, 畏惧; 恐怕; 担心; 猜想; 害怕; 感到忧虑feather n. 羽毛v. 用羽毛装饰; 长羽毛fellow n. 人, 同事, 朋友adj. 同伴的; 同道的; 同事的fence n. 围墙, 剑术, 栅栏v. 用篱笆围住; 防护; 练习剑术; 击剑, 搪塞fever n. 发烧; 热病; 发热v. 使发烧; 使狂热; 使高度兴奋; 发烧; 狂热; 高度兴奋fireplace n. 壁炉firm n. 商号, 公司, 商行v. 使稳固; 使确定下来; 使牢固; 变牢固; 变坚实adj. 稳固的; 结实的; 牢固的; 坚定的, 坚决的adv. 稳固地; 牢固地flag n. 旗, 旗帜, 三角旗; 铺路石; 任何有细长树叶的植物(比如茸尾属植物, 蓝旗等);鸟脚上的一丛羽毛; 给特殊资料做标记的特别记号(计算机用语)v. 在...上竖旗子; 打旗号等使停下; 打旗号表示; 无力地下垂; 衰退, 低落; 萎垂; 铺石板flame n. 火焰, 热情, 火舌v. 燃烧, 起火, 火焰, 闪耀, 发光; 激动, 暴跳如雷; 在因特网上发送恐吓和使人不愉快的电子信件(计算机用语)flat n. 平面, 平坦部分; 浅滩; 沼地; 泄了气的轮胎#一层; 公寓大楼; 公寓房间adj. 平的, 平坦的; 平伏的, 平卧的; 浅的; 泄了气的adv. 平直地, 仰卧地; 恰恰, 正好; 以降调; 断然地flesh n. 肉, 肉体, 肉欲v. 用肉喂养; 使长肉, 使肥; 长肉, 发胖float n. 漂流物; 漂浮; 浮舟v. 浮动; 散播; 飘浮; 使漂浮; 淹没; 容纳flour n. 面粉, 碎粉, 粉沫v. 撒粉于; 把...磨成粉fold n. 折叠; 褶层; 褶, 褶痕; 团#羊栏; 羊群; 畜栏; 教会的信徒v. 折叠; 交叠, 交叉; 对折; 合拢; 可以折叠; 失败, 关闭, 垮台; 可以对折; 把...关进羊栏forehead n. 额, 前部, 前额fork n. 叉子, 分岔, 草叉v. 使成叉状; 耙; 叉起; 分歧, 分叉fort n. 堡垒, 要塞, 易货站frame n. 框; 体格; 结构; 身体构造; 情绪; 胶卷上的照片; (因特网用语) 包括头尾区域"数据封包" 的协议v. 构成; 制定; 设计; 有成功希望freeze n. 结冰, 凝固v. 冻结, 楞住, 冷冻; 使结冰, 使呆住, 使冻住frighten adj. 受惊的; 受恐吓的frightening adj. 令人恐惧的; 引起突然惊恐的gain n. 获得; 获利; 增加; 获得物v. 得到; 使得到; 获得, 赢得; 增加, 增添; 获利, 赚钱; 取得进展; 得益; 得到改善garment n. 衣服, 外表, 衣装gentle n. 出身高贵的人; 蛆adj. 温和的; 文雅的v. 使温和; 爱抚; 使驯服glue n. 胶, 胶水; 粘着剂v. 胶合; 粘合; 粘贴grace n. 优雅, 慈悲, 风度v. 使优美graceful adj. 优美的grain n. 谷物; 谷粒; 谷类v. 使成粒状; 对粒面进行处理; 使深深渗入; 成粒状, 结晶gram n. 克#鹰嘴豆; 绿豆; 双花扁豆grand n. 平台式钢琴, 大钢琴; 一千英镑; 一千美元adj. 壮观的, 神气活现的, 显赫的gray n. 灰色; 灰色衣服; 灰色颜料; 暗淡的光线v. 变灰色adj. 灰色的; 灰白头发的; 偏灰的; 苍白的hairy adj. 多毛的, 长毛的, 毛状的hall n. 门厅, 会堂, 走廊hammer n. 锤, 钉锤, 铁锤v. 锤打, 钉, 敲打; 锤击; 敲打; 锤打; 反复强调hasty adj. 匆匆的, 急忙的, 轻率的hollow n. 洞; 山谷; 窟窿v. 挖空; 弄凹; 形成空洞adj. 空的; 空腹的; 虚伪的holy adj. 神圣的, 至善的, 圣洁的honorable adj. 可敬的; 光荣的; 荣誉的hook n. 钩, 镰刀, 钩状v. 挂...于钩上, 引上钩, 钩住; 弯成钩状, 钩紧hunt n. 狩猎, 搜寻, 追捕v. 狩猎, 搜索, 打猎; 打猎; 搜寻; 猎食hut n. 小屋, 临时军营, 茅舍icy adj. 多冰的; 结满冰的; 覆盖着冰的; 冰冷的infect v. 传染; 感染infection n. 传染, 传染病, 影响infectious adj. 有传染性的; 有感染力的; 易传染的inquire v. 询问; 调查; 讯问; 调查; 查问inquiry n. 质询; 调查inwards adv. 向内; 向家里; 向中心; 向国内jaw n. 颚; 下巴; 颌v. 闲聊, 唠叨; 责骂, 数说jealous adj. 嫉妒的, 留心的, 羡慕的jealousy n. 妒忌, 羡慕, 猜忌jelly n.果冻, 胶状物, 果冻甜食v.使结冻, 使成胶状; 在...上加胶冻物; 冻结; 成胶状; 凝结jewel n. 珠宝, 镶珠宝的饰物, 贵重的物v. 用宝石装饰jewelry n. 珠宝; 首饰joint n. 连接处, 关节, 接合v. 连接; 使有接头; 接合adj. 共同的; 连接的; 联合的juice n. 汁, 体液, 活力v. 使有精神; 使有趣; 使活跃; 从...榨汁kneel v. 跪下knot n. 结; 蝴蝶结; 缠绕; 钩住; 打结; 海上的度量单位; 膨胀; 组; 复杂的问题; 海上的距离, 海里(航行用- 相当于6076 英尺) v. 把...打结; 使密切结合; 捆扎; 打结ladder n. 梯, 进身的阶梯v. 袜子抽丝; 装设梯子lamb n. 小羊; 羔羊v. 产羔羊lamp n. 灯leaf n. 叶, 花瓣, 树叶v. 生叶; 翻书页; 匆匆翻阅lean n. 倾斜; 倾向#瘦肉v. 倚靠; 依赖; 倾斜; 使倾斜; 把...靠在adj. 无脂肪的, 精瘦的; 贫瘠的; 瘦的; 贫乏的leather n. 皮革; 皮革制品v. 覆以皮革, 抽打, 鞭苔adj. 皮的; 皮革制的lid n. 盖子; 眼睑; 限制lightning n. 闪电adj. 闪电的; 闪电似的limb n. 肢; 脚; 臂; 翼#边缘; 叶边; 刻度圈, 分度弧v. 肢解; 从截去树枝; 给...截肢lion n. 狮子; 名人; 勇猛的人; 社交场合的明星lip n. 嘴唇; 口; 唇的周围; 唇状物liter n. 公升loaf n. 面包; 头脑, 脑袋; 圆锥形糖块; 长方形糕状菜肴v. 游荡, 闲逛; 懒散地工作lodging n. 寄宿, 借宿; 寄宿舍; 住所, 寓所; 租住的房间lodgings n. 寄宿; 借宿log n. 圆木; 日志; 对数; (计算机用语) 电脑或两台电脑之间出现的操作记录; 重东西v. 伐; 把锯成段木; 采伐的林木; 把...记入航海日志; 伐木lord n. 贵族; 领主, 君主; 统治者; 巨头, 大王v. 作威作福lump n. 团, 块; 小方块; 隆起, 肿块; 方v. 把...弄成一团; 把...混为一谈; 把...归并到一起; 笨重地移动; 结块; 笨重地行走; 起疙瘩; 沉重地坐下adj. 成块状的; 整个儿的, 总共的lung n. 肺, 空地, 肺脏mad adj. 疯狂的, 愚蠢的, 生气的mass n. 块; 质量; 大多数v. 使集合, 集中; 聚集adj. 群众的; 集中的; 大规模的master n. 主人, 母机, 硕士v. 征服; 精通; 控制adj. 主人的, 主要的mat n. 地席; 擦鞋垫; 草席; 垫子#无光表面; 无光毛面加工器v. 给...铺上席子; 使缠结; 缠结; 给配衬边adj. 无光泽的, 暗淡的; 表面粗糙的, 不光滑的melt v. 融化; 溶化; 熔化; 溶解; 使融化; 使溶解; 使熔化; 使软化mend n. 改进, 修补处, 改良v. 修改; 加快; 改进; 渐愈; 改过; 好转; 改善merry adj. 快乐的, 嬉戏作乐的, 愉快的metric adj. 公尺的; 韵律的; 公制的; 诗韵的mineral n. 矿物, 苏打水, 无机物adj. 矿物的, 矿质的; 无机的minister n. 部长, 公使, 牧师v. 服侍, 主持圣事, 救助motor n. 马达, 汽车, 原动力; 发动机, 电动机v. 驾驶汽车; 乘汽车; 推动, 以汽车载运adj. 马达的, 发动的, 汽车的mud n. 泥, 诽谤multiply v. 乘, 使相乘; 使繁殖; 使增加; 增加; 做乘法; 繁殖murder n. 谋杀v. 谋杀; 凶杀; 杀人, 犯杀人罪nail v. 用钉钉牢, 使集中于, 使固定n. 钉子, 指甲nasty adj. 污秽的, 险恶的, 下流的naval adj. 海军的, 有舰队的, 军舰的navy n. 海军, 海军军力, 海军人员neat adj. 整洁的; 工整的; 整齐的; 匀称的, 样子好的neck n. 脖子, 颈, 衣领v.搂着脖子亲吻; 变狭窄; 变细; 与...搂着脖子亲吻; 使变窄, 使变细nerve n. 神经; 忧虑, 焦躁; 神经过敏; 勇敢, 胆量v. 鼓起勇气nervous adj. 神经紧张的, 神经的, 不安的nest n. 巢, 休息所, 窝v. 筑巢, 找鸟巢; 造巢, 使套入noble n. 贵族adj. 高尚的, 高贵的, 贵族的nobleman n. 贵族noun n. 名词obedience n. 服从, 顺从; 辖区; 权威, 管辖; 辖区教徒obedient adj. 服从的, 孝顺的, 顺从的offend v. 冒犯; 伤害...的感情; 触怒; 使不舒服; 违反; 犯罪; 犯过错; 引起不舒服offense n. 罪过; 过错; 犯法; 冒犯offensive n. 进攻, 攻势adj. 讨厌的, 攻击性的, 无礼的onion n. 洋葱ordinary adj. 平常的, 平凡的, 普通的n. 推事ought v. 应当; 应该outer adj. 外部的, 在外的, 外面的owe v. 欠, 感激, 受到...的思想; 欠钱owing to 由于; 因...之缘故packet n. 储存器; 小包; 封套; 很多钱(俚语); (计算机用语) 通过网络传送的一包信息(包括发送人的地址和改错信息)pale n. 尖板条, 尖桩; 围起的地方, 围场; 界限, 范围; 管区, 辖区v. 用栅栏把...围起来; 使苍白, 使黯淡; 变苍白; 显得逊色; 变黯淡; 相形见绌adj. 苍白的, 灰白的; 微弱的, 暗淡的; 淡的pan n. 平底锅; 选矿锅; 秤盘; 盆地, 洼地#槟榔叶; 提神咀嚼物v. 淘洗; 严厉地批评; 淘; 烧; 淘金; 出金, 产金; 摇镜头; 摇摄; 使摇摄parallel n. 平行, 相匹敌之物, 对比v. 与...平行, 相比, 与...相似adj. 平行的, 相似的parcel n. 小包, 包裹; 一批, 一群; 一块, 一片; 一宗v. 打包, 捆扎parliament n. 国会, 议会participle n. 分词pastry n. 面粉糕饼, 馅饼皮pattern n. 花样, 图案; 格局; 形态, 样式; 样品, 样本v.模仿, 以图案装饰, 仿造; 形pence n. 便士名词penny的复数形式pencil n. 铅笔, 画笔, 色笔v. 用铅笔写或涂persuade v. 劝, 说服, 使相信pet n. 供玩赏的动物, 宠物; 宝贝; 宠儿#愠怒, 不开心adj. 作为玩赏动物豢养的; 表示亲昵的; 宠物的; 得意的v. 把...当作宠儿; 抚弄, 爱抚; 钟爱, 宠爱; 抚摸调情; 生气, 不开心pile n. 堆; 大量; 一堆; 大数目#柱, 桩#绒毛; 软毛, 茸毛v. 堆积, 叠; 把...堆在;累积; 装; 堆积; 拥, 挤; 累积; 把桩打入; 用桩支撑pilot n. 飞行员, 航船者, 领航员v.领航, 引导, 驾驶adj.引导的; 试验性的, 试点的; 导向的pin n. 大头针, 别针, 针; 大钉, 栓; 芯片上或电插销上的金属叉状物v. 钉住, 阻止, 别住pink n. 石竹; 粉红色, 桃红色; 红瞿麦; 最佳状态v. 刺, 戳, 扎; 在上打饰孔; 刺伤, 刺痛; 把剪成锯齿形adj. 粉红色的; 有点左倾的, 有点激进的; 桃红色的; 面红耳赤的pipe n. 管; 烟斗, 抽烟的管子; 导管, 气管; 笛子; 口哨; 口哨的声音, 嘟嘟声; 指导操作系统引导一个程序输出到另一个程序输入的符号(计算机用语) v. 以管输送, 吹哨子; 吹笛, 尖叫pity n. 憾事, 同情, 怜悯v. 怜悯; 同情; 可怜plain n. 平原, 草原adj. 简单的, 平常的, 明白的adv. 清楚地plate n. 盘子, 图版, 金属板v. 镀金, 给...装钢板, 电镀plural n. 复数adj. 复数的, 复性的, 两个以上的pocket n. 口袋; 财力; 钱; 贮藏器, 囊, 容器v. 装...在口袋里, 据为己有, 隐藏adj. 袖珍的; 钱的; 小型的; 零星花用的poem n. 诗poet n. 诗人poetry n. 诗, 韵文, 诗歌; 诗歌艺术; 作诗技巧; 诗意, 诗趣, 诗情pole n. 极; 电极; 地极区域, 极地; 磁极#杆; 竿; 柱v. 用杆支撑; 用篙撑; 用竿跳; 撑篙port n. 港, 机场, 航空站, 货物和乘客的入口; 是港口的城市, 港市; 船或飞机的左边; 端口, 把外部装置连接到计算机的界面(计算机用语); 从一个站台到另一个站台的程序传送(计算机用语)n. 港; 机场, 航空站; 港市, 口岸; 避风港, 避难场所#左舷#舷窗;枪眼, 炮眼; 舱口; 汽门, 风门v. 转向左; 转舵向左; 持, 握; 双手斜持possess v. 拥有, 持有; 占有; 具有; 懂得, 掌握possession n. 拥有; 所有物; 占有; 财产pot n. 罐; 锅; 壶; 一罐之量#坑v. 把...放在罐里; 向...射击; 把...栽在花盆里; 乱射;pound n. 磅; 镑; 英镑; 英镑的汇率#重击; 重击声#动物收容所, 走失动物认领栏; 汽车扣押场; 牲畜栏; 拘留处, 监禁所v. 捣碎; 敲打; 猛击; 灌输; 猛击; 剧跳; 敲打; 脚步沉重地走; 把关在栏内; 拘留, 监禁; 扣押powder n. 粉, 火药, 粉末v. 搽粉于, 使成粉末, 撒粉; 搽粉, 变成粉末presence n. 出席, 存在, 到场pretty adj. 漂亮的, 优美的, 可爱的adv. 相当, 颇v. 使漂亮; 美化; 使可爱prickly adj. 多刺的, 针刺般扎痛的, 满是针的pride n. 自豪, 骄傲, 自尊v. 使得意, 以...自豪priest n. 牧师, 僧侣, 神父prince n. 王子, 亲王; 贵族, 侯, 公; 国君; 巨子, 泰斗prison n. 监狱; 拘留所; 监禁provision n. 供应; 防备; 预备; 食物v. 向...供应粮食pump n. 泵, 唧筒; 抽吸; 一抽, 一吸#无带轻便舞鞋; 无带浅口有跟女鞋v. 用唧筒抽; 打; 用唧筒抽吸...中的水等; 为...打气; 使用唧筒; 一阵阵喷出; 唧筒似地运动purple n. 紫色adj. 紫色的, 华而不实的, 帝王的quarrel n. 争吵; 吵闹; 不和; 争吵的原因#方镞箭; 方形玻璃v. 吵架; 挑剔; 争论quarter n. 四分之一; 季度; 四等分之一; 一刻钟v. 把...四等分; 使驻扎; 供...住宿; 住宿; 驻扎rank n. 等级; 社会阶层; 地位, 身份; 军阶, 军衔v. 排列, 把...排成行; 把...评级; 把...分等; 等级高于; 列为; 列队行进; 列队; 处于最高地位adj. 繁茂的; 讨厌的; 恶臭的rat n. 鼠; 叛徒; 卑鄙小人; 告密者; 讨厌的人v. 捕鼠; 密告; 背叛refusal n. 拒绝, 优先决定权, 推却related adj. 有关的, 相关的; 有密切联系的; 有亲戚关系的; 讲述的, 叙述的remark n. 备注, 注意, 评论v. 评论, 谈及, 注意; 谈论, 议论; 评论rent n. 租金, 租费; 出租的财产#裂缝, 破洞v. 租用, 租入; 租出; 出租represent v. 描绘, 表现; 表示; 象征; 作为...的代表representative n. 代表, 典型, 众议员adj. 描写的, 代理的, 表现的republic n. 共和国, 团体, 共和政体request n. 请求, 请愿, 需要v. 请求, 邀请, 要求respect n. 敬重, 尊敬; 尊重, 重视, 注重; 敬意, 问候; 关系v. 尊敬, 敬重; 遵守; 尊重, 重视; 顾及respectful adj. 恭敬的; 尊敬人的, 尊重人的responsible adj. 有责任的, 责任重大的, 负责的rid v. 使免除; 从...清除; 使摆脱ring n. 圈; 环形物; 环; 戒指#铃声, 钟声; 语气; 按铃, 敲钟; 口气v. 包围; 使成环形; 围住; 成环形; 按铃; 敲钟; 摇铃; 鸣, 响; 按; 敲; 摇; 打电话给ripe adj. 熟的, 时机成熟的, 成熟的rock n. 岩, 磐石, 岩石; 冰糖; 石块, 石子; 棒棒糖#摇动; 摇滚舞, 摇滚乐v. 摇, 振动, 摆动; 奏摇滚乐, 跳摇滚舞; 摇动; 使震惊; 使摇晃rod n. 竿, 小枝, 笞鞭roll n. 卷, 名单, 滚动v. 滚, 飘流, 滚动; 使滚动, 绕, 卷roof n. 屋顶; 车顶; 顶部v. 盖屋顶, 遮蔽root n. 根; 根菜类; 地下茎; 根部v. 生根; 根源在于, 来源于; 固定; 使生根; 使固定; 使扎根; 根除; 用鼻拱翻; 搜寻; 用鼻拱土; 搜寻; 翻找; 打气; 声援; 喝彩rope n. 绳, 绞刑; 栏索; 一串v.捆, 缚, 扎; 用绳索套捉; 用绳捆起; 拧成绳状; 产生丝状黏质rough n. 高低不平的地面; 未加工状态; 深草区; 粗制品v. 使不平, 使粗糙; 粗制; 使蓬乱; 草拟, 画...的轮廓adj. 粗糙的, 草率的, 粗暴的adv. 粗糙地, 粗暴地row n. 列, 排; 街, 路; 座位; 行#划船v. 使成排, 划船, 划; 划船; 划船过去; 划;划船运送royal adj. 王室的, 盛大的, 皇家的rub n. 摩擦, 障碍, 困难v. 擦, 摩擦, 搓; 摩擦, 擦破rubber n. 橡胶; 橡胶制品; 合成橡胶; 橡皮套鞋#三局胜负制rude adj. 粗鲁无礼的, 粗暴的, 粗陋的rush n. 匆促; 急流; 冲进#灯心草v. 冲; 闯; 奔; 使冲; 突袭; 匆忙地做sail n. 帆, 蓬; 帆状物; 乘船航行, 乘船游览v. 航行, 游览; 飞行; 启航, 开船; 浮游; 在...上航行; 飞过; 飘过; 驾驶sale n. 卖, 出售; 营业; 销售业务; 推销scale n. 刻度; 刻度尺; 尺度; 比率#天平, 秤; 天平盘, 秤盘#鳞, 鱼鳞; 鳞状物; 介壳; 障眼物v. 攀登; 向上; 称重; 根据某比率来做; 刮去鳞片; 用石膏盖起来的; 把某物的尺寸改变; 调节图片的尺寸, 重新定图片的尺寸(计算机用语)scatter n. 消散; 溃散; 分散; 散播v. 使消散, 撒, 使分散; 消散; 溃散; 分散; 零落地出现scene n. 一场; 场面; 一个镜头; 事件scissors n. 剪刀screw n. 螺钉, 螺丝钉; 螺旋状物; 螺栓, 螺杆; 螺旋形, 螺旋体v. 旋, 拧; 固定; 操纵, 调节; 扭歪; 转动; 旋, 拧; 做螺旋形转动; 压榨secrecy n. 秘密, 保密sensation n. 感觉, 知觉; 轰动, 激动; 感觉能力, 知觉作用; 轰动的事件sense n. 感官; 感觉; 官能; 意识v. 感到, 认识, 理解sensible adj. 有感觉的, 明智的, 有判断力的servant n. 仆人, 雇工, 佣人; 事务员; 公务员, 公仆; 献身于神者settle n. 有背的长凳v. 决定, 安放, 整理; 坐下; 停息; 安顿下来; 下沉sew v. 缝合; 缝入; 缝上; 缝制; 缝, 做针线活shade n. 荫, 荫凉处, 阴暗; 遮光物v. 遮蔽, 使渐变, 使阴暗; 逐渐变化shake n. 摇动, 震动v. 摇动, 使震动, 动摇; 摇动; 发抖; 震动; 握手sharp n. 高调, 利刃, 内行v. 提高半音; 升音演唱adj. 锐利的, 明显的, 锋利的adv. 整, 急速地, 锐利地sheet n. 床单; 帆; 一张, 薄片, 薄板; 折帖#帆脚索v. 给...铺上被单; 覆盖; 用裹尸布包裹; 使成大片; 滂沱般落下; 成片展开; 成片流动shelf n. 架子, 搁板shell n. 贝壳; 一种动物的硬壳; 坚硬的保护层, 套子; 盔甲; 炸药筒, 爆破装置; 为操作系统提供方便的使用者界面的软件(计算机用语) v. 去壳, 炮轰, 脱落; 剥落, 脱壳shelter n. 遮盖物; 避难所; 躲避处; 掩蔽, 遮蔽v. 掩蔽, 遮蔽; 保护; 庇护; 躲避; 避难shield n. 盾; 庇护者; 保护者; 防护物v. 保护; 庇护; 保卫; 包庇; 起保护作用shine n. 光, 光亮; 光彩; 光泽; 磨光, 擦亮v. 照耀, 发亮, 发光; 使发光shopkeeper n. 零售商, 老板, 店主shore n. 岸, 滨; 涨潮线与退潮线中间的土地; 陆地#支柱, 撑柱v. 支撑; 支持shot n. 射击, 开枪; 射门; 枪声; 投篮adj. 摆脱了的; 织成杂色的; 结束了的; 精疲力尽的shoulder n. 肩, 侧翼, 肩部v. 肩负, 担任, 负担; 用肩推挤。

The Longman Defining VocabularyWords used in the definitions in this dictionaryAll the definitions in this dictionary have been written using the words in this list. If a definition includes a word that is not in the list, that word is shown in small capital letters.The Defining Vocabulary has been carefully chosen after a thorough study of all the well-known frequency lists of English words. Furthermore, only the most common and ‘entral’ meanings of the words in the list have actually been used in definitions. We have also used a special computer program that checks every entry to ensure that words from outside the Defining Vocabulary do not appear in definitions.Word class restrictionsFor some words in the list, a word class label such as n or adj is shown. This means that this particular word is used in definitions only in the word class shown. So anger, for example, is used only as a noun and not as a verb. But if no word class is shown for a word, it can be used in any of its usual word classes: answer, for example, is used in definitions both as a noun and as a verb.Compound wordsDefinitions occasionally include compound words formed from words in the Defining Vocabulary, but this is only done if the meaning is completely clear. For example, the word businessman (formed from business and man) is used in some definitions.Prefixes and suffixesThe main list is followed by a list of common prefixes and suffixes. These can be added to words in the main list to form derived words, provided the meaning is completely clear. For example, the word nervousness (formed by adding -ness to nervous) is used in some definitions.Phrasal verbsPhrasal verbs formed by combining words in the Defining Vocabulary (for example, put up with) are not used in definitions in the dictionary, except in a very small number of cases where the phrasal verb is extremely common and there is no common equivalent. So, for example, give up (as in give up smoking) and take off (as in the plane took off) are occasionally used.Proper namesThe Defining Vocabulary does not include the names of actual places, nationalities, religions, and so on, which are occasionally mentioned in definitions.Pearson Education Limited 1999a abbreviation abilityableaboutabove adv, prep abroad absence absent adj accept acceptable accident accidental according to account n achieve achievement acidacrossactactionactiveactivityactor, actress actualactuallyaddaddition additional address adjective admiration admireadmitadult advanced advantage adventure n adverb advertise advertisement adviceadviseaffair affectaffordafraidafter adv, conj, prepafternoonafterwardsagainagainstage nagoagreeagreementaheadaimair naircraftairportalcoholaliveall adv, pron, determiner, pre-determiner allowalmostalonealongalphabetalreadyalsoalthoughalwaysamongamount namuseamusementamusinganancient adjandanger nangle nangryanimalannounceannoyannoyinganother answer anxiety anxiousanyanyone anything anywhere apart apartment appear appearance apple approval approve areaargue argument arm narmy around arrange arrangement arrival arriveart article artificialasas opposed to ashamedaskasleep associationatatomattack attempt attend attention attitude attract attractive authority autumn available average adj, n avoidawake adj away adv awkwardbabyback adj, adv, n background backward(s) adv badbag nbake vbalanceball nband nbank nbar nbase n, vbasicbasketbath nbattle nbe beach nbeakbeam nbeanbearbeatbeautiful beauty because becomebedbeerbeforebegin beginning behave behaviour behind adv, prep beliefbelievebellbelongbelowbelt nbendbeneath beside(s)bestbetter adj, adv between beyond adj, adv bicycle nbig adjbillbirdbirthbitbitebitter adjblack adj, n bladeblameblind adjblockbloodblowblueboard nboatbodyboilbombbone nbook nboot nborder nboredboringbornborrowboth bottle n bottom n bowl nbox nboybrain n branch n brave adj bread break v breakfast n breast breath breathe breedbrick bridge n brightbringbroad adj broadcast v brother brown adj, n brushbuild v building bulletburnburst vburybusbush business busybut conj butter n button nbuy vby prepcake n calculate call v calm adj camera camp n, vcancapcapital ncarcardcarecarefulcarelesscarriagecarrycase ncastlecatcatch vcattlecauseceilingcelebratecellcentralcentre ncenturyceremonycertain adj, determiner chain nchair nchance nchangecharacterchargechase vcheapcheat vcheckcheek ncheerfulcheesechemicalchemistrychequechestchickenchiefchildchildrenchin chocolate choice n choosechurch n cigarette cinemacircle ncircular ad j citizencityclaim vclass nclayclean adj, v clear adj, v clevercliffclimb vclock nclose adj, adv, v clothclothes clothingcloud nclub ncoalcoast ncoat ncoffeecoin ncold adj, n collar ncollect v collegecolourcomb combination combine v comecomfort comfortable command committee common adj communicate communicationcompany compare v comparison compete competition competitor complain complaint complete completely complicated compound n computer concern v concerning concert condition n confidence confident confuse confusing connect connection conscious consider consist contain container continue continuous contract n control conversation cook n, v copycorncorner n correct adj, v cost cotton cough could council n count v country n countryside courage course n court n covercow n crack n, v crash n, v crazy cream n creature crime criminal criticism criticize crop n cross n, v crowd cruel crush vcrycup n cupboard curecurl current n curtain n curve custom n customer cutcycle vdaily adj, adv damage dance danger dangerous dark date n daughter day dead adjdeal ndeal with deathdebtdecay deceive decide decision decorate decoration decrease deep adj defeat defence defend definite definitely degree delay deliberate adj deliberately delicate deliver demand department depend dependent depth describe description desert n deserve design desirable desiredesk destroy destruction detail n determination determined develop dictionarydie v difference different difficultdifficultydig vdinnerdirectdirectiondirtdirty adjdisappointdisappointingdiscoverdiscoverydiscussdiscussiondisease ndish ndismissdistancedistantdividedo vdoctor ndocument ndog ndollardoordouble adj, v, pre-determiner doubtdown adv, prepdraw vdrawerdreamdress n, vdrinkdrive n, vdropdrug ndrum ndrunk pastpart, adjdryduck ndull adjduringdust ndutyeacheagerearearlyearnearth neasteasterneasy adjeat economic edge n educate educated education effect n effective efforteggeighteitherelbowelect v election electric electricity electronic else embarrass embarrassing emotion emphasize employ v employer employment empty adj, v enclose encourage endenemy energy engine engineer n enjoy enjoyable enjoyment enoughenterentertain entertainment entrance n envelope environment equal adj, n equipment escape especially establisheven adj, adv eveningeventevereveryeveryone everything everywhereevilexact adjexactly examination examine example excellentexcept conj, prep exchangeexciteexcitingexcuse exerciseexistexistence expect expensive experience explain explanation explode explosionexplosive express v expression extreme adj extremely eyefacefactfactoryfail vfailurefair adjfairlyfaith faithful adj fallfalse familiar family famousfarfarm farmer fashion n fashionable fast adj, adv fastenfatfather n fault n favourable favourite adj fear n feather n feature n feed vfeel v feeling(s) female fence n feverfewfield nfifthfightfigure n fill vfilmfinal adjfinallyfinancialfind vfind outfine adjfinger nfinish vfirefirm adjfirst adj, determiner fishfit adj, vfivefix vflag nflame nflash n, vflat adjfleshflightfloat vfloodfloor nflour nflowflower nfly n, vfoldfollowfondfoodfoot nfootballfor prepforceforeignforeignerforest n forget forgivefork nformformal former fortunate forward(s) adv four(th) frame nfree freedom freeze v frequent adj fresh friend friendly frighten frightening fromfront adj, n fruit nfull adjfunfuneralfunnyfur nfurniture further adj, adv futuregain v game n garage n gardengas ngate gather v general adj generally generous gentle gentleman getgiftgirlgive vgladglass adj, n gluego vgoatgodgoldgood goodbye goods govern government graceful gradual graingram grammar grand adj grandfather grandmother grandparent grass n grateful grave n great adj greengreet greeting grey adj, n ground n group n grow growth guard v guess v guest n guideguiltygun nhabit hairhalfhall hammer n hand n handle hang v happen v happy hard hardly harm harmful hathate v hatred havehehead n health healthy hear heart heat heaven heavy adj heel n height hello help helpful her(s) here herself hide v high adj, adv hillhimhimselfhis historical historyhithold vhole holiday n hollow adj holyhome adv, n honest honour n hook nhope hopeful hornhorse n hospitalhot adjhotelhourhouse nhow adv human humorous humour hundred(th) hungryhunt vhurryhurt v husband nice n idea if ignore ill adj illegal illness image imaginary imagination imagine immediatelyimportance important impressive improve improvement in adv, prep include including income increase independent indoor(s) industrial industry infect infection infectious influence v inform information injureinjuryink ninnerinsect inside instead institution instruction instrument insult v insulting insurance insure intelligence intelligent intend intention interest interesting international adj interruptintointroduce introduction invent invitationinvite vinvolve inwardsiron adj, n islandit pronitsitselfjaw jewel jewellery jobjoinjoint joke journey n judge judgement juice jumpjust advjusticekeen keep v key n kickkill vkilo kilogram kilometre kind kingkiss kitchen knee n kneelknife n knock v knot know v knowledgelackladylakelamblamplandlanguagelargelast adv, determinerlatelatelylaughlaughterlawlawyerlay vlayer nlazylead vleaf nlean vlearnleastleatherleave vleftleg nlegallendlength adv, pron, determiner lesslessonlet vlet go ofletterlevel adv, adj, nlibrarylidlielie down lifeliftlightlike prep, v likelylimitline nlionlipliquidlist nlisten v literature litrelittlelive vloadlocal adj locklonelylong adj, adv look n, v look after look for look sth up loose adj lord nloselosslotloudlovelow adj lowerloyal loyaltyluck nluckylungmachine n machinery magazine magicmailmain adj make vmake into make up v maleman n manage manager manner manymap nmarch vmarkmarket n marriage married marrymass n match material n mathematics mattermay vmemealmean v meaning n means measure measurement meat medical adj medicine meet v meetingmelt member memory mental mention v message metal n method metre middle might vmile military adj milk n million(th) mindmine n, pron mineral minister n minute n mirror n miss vmist n mistake n mix v mixture model n modern adj moment money monkey n month moon n moral adj more morning most mother n motor adj, n mountain mouse mouth n move v movement muchmud multiply murdermuscle n music musician must v my mysterious mysterynailnamenarrow adjnastynationnational adj natural adjnaturenavynear adj, adv, prep nearlyneatnecessaryneckneedneedle nnegative adj neithernerve nnervousnet nnetwork nnevernewnewsnewspaper next adj, advnicenightnineninthno adv, determiner noise nnone pron nonsenseno onenornormalnorthnorthernnose nnotnote nnothingnoticenoticeablenounnownowherenumber nnursenutobeyobject n obtain occasion n oceano’clockofoff adv, prep offence offend offensive adj offer officeofficer officialoftenoil noldold-fashioned on adv, prep once adv oneoniononlyonly justontoopen adj, v operate operation opinion opponent opportunity opposeas opposed to opposite oppositionororangeorder ordinary organ organize organization originoriginalotheroughtour(s)out adj, adv outdoor(s) outeroutsideover adv, prep oweownowner oxygenpack v package page npain n painfulpaint paintingpair npale adjpan npaper n parallel adj, n parentpark parliament part n participle particular adj partly partner n party npass v passage passenger pastpathpatient adj pattern n pausepay payment peace peaceful pen npence pencil n people n pepper nper cent perfect adj perform performance perhaps period n permanent permission person personal persuade pet npetrol photograph phrase n physical adjpiano n pick vpick up picture n piece npig npile npilot npinpink adj, n pipe npityplace plain adj, n plan plane n plant plastic plate n play pleasant please pleased pleasure n plenty pron plural pocket n poem poet poetry point pointed poison poisonous pole n police n polish v polite political politician politics pool n poor popular population port n position n positive possess possession possible adj possibly possibility postpot npotato pound npourpowder n power n powerful practical practice practise praiseprayprayerprefer preparation prepare present adj, n preserve v president press v pressure n pretend pretty adj prevent previous price npriestprince principle printprison prisoner private adj prize n probably adj problem process n produce vproduct production profession profit n programme progress n promise pronounce pronunciation proof n proper property proposal protect protection protective protest proud prove provide publicpullpump punish punishment pupilpure purple purpose n pushputquality quantity quarrel quarter n queen n question quick adj quiet adj, n quiterabbit n race radio n railway rain raise v range n rank n rapid adj rarerat n rate n rather raw reach v react reaction read v ready adj real realize really reason reasonable receive recent recently recognize record n, v red reduce reduction refusal refuse v regard v regular adj related relative relation relationship relax relaxingreligion religious remainremark n remember remind remove vrentrepairrepeat v replacereplyreport represent representative n request n respect responsible rest restaurant restrictresultreturn n, v rewardricerichridride right adj, adv, n ring nriseriskriverroadrobrock nroll vromantic adjroof nroom nroot nrope nroserough adjround adj, adv, prep rowroyal adjrub vrubberruderuin vrulerulerrunrush vsadsafe adj safetysailsalesalt n same sand n satisfaction satisfactory satisfy save vsay v scale n scatter v scene school nsciencescientificscientistscissorsscreen nscrewseasearchseason nseatsecond adv, n, determiner secretsecretarysee vseed nseemsell vsendsense n sensible sensitive sentence n separate adv, v seriesserious servantserveservice nset n, vsettle vseven(th) several severesex nsexualshade shadow n shakeshallshame n shapesharesharp adjshesheepsheetshelfshell nsheltershine vshinyship nshirtshock n, v shockingshoe nshoot vshopshore nshort adjshot n should shoulder n shout show n, v shutshysick adj side n sideways sight n sign signal silence n silentsilksillysilver similar simple since sincere n sing single adj singular sink v sistersit situation six(th) size n skilfulskillskin n skirt nsky n sleep slide v slight adj slippery slopeslowsmall smell smile smoke smooth adjsnake nsnowsosoap nsocial adjsocietysock nsoftsoil nsoldier nsolidsolutionsolvesome pron, determiner somehowsomeonesomething sometimes somewheresonsongsoonsore adjsorrysort nsoulsound n, vsoupsour adjsouthsouthernspace nspeakspecial adjspecificspeechspeed nspell vspendspin vspirit nin spite ofsplit vspoil vspoon nsport n spot nspread vspringsquare adj, n stage nstairstampstand v standardstar nstartstate statement station nstaysteady adj steal vsteam nsteel nsteep adjstem nstepstickstickystiff adjstill adj, adv stingstitchstomach n stone nstopstorestorm nstorystraight adj, adv strange stream nstreetstrength stretch vstrictstrike vstring nstrong structure n strugglestudent study stupid style n subject n substance succeed success successful suchsuck v sudden suffer sugar n suggest suit suitable sum n summer sun n supply n, v support n, v suppose sure adj surface n surprise surprising surround v swallow v swear sweep v sweet swell v swim swing sword sympathetic sympathy systemtable ntail ntake vtalktalltastetaxtaxi nteateachteam ntear technical telephone television telltemper n temperature temporary tentend tendency tennis tense n tentterribletestthanthankthat conj, pron, determiner thetheatretheir(s)themthen advtherethereforethesetheythick adjthiefthin adjthingthink vthirdthis pron, determiner thoroughthosethoughthought thousand(th) thread nthreatthreaten threateningthreethroatthrough adv, prep throwthumb nticket ntidy adj, vtietight adjtime ntiredtiringtitletotobaccotodaytoe ntogethertoilettomorrow tonguetonighttootool ntoothtop adj, ntotal adj, ntouchtourist towards tower n towntoy ntrack n trade n traditional traffic n train training translate transparent traptraveltreat v treatment treetribetrick n, v trip n tropical trouble trousers true adj trusttruthtry vtubetune nturntwicetwisttwotype n typicaltyreuglyunder prep understand underwear undo unexpected uniform n union unituniteuniverse university unlessuntilunusualup adj, adv, prepupperupright adj, adv upset v, adj upside down upstairs adj, adv urgent ususe useful useless usualvalley valuable adj value n variety various vegetable vehicle verbvery adv victory view n village violence violent visit voice n votevowelwageswaistwait vwake vwalkwall nwar nwarm adj, v warmthwarnwarningwashwastewatchwaterwavewayweweakwealth weaponwear v weather n weave v weddingweekweekly adj, adv weighweight nwelcomewell adj, adv, nwestwestern adjwet adjwhat pre-determiner, determiner, pron whateverwheatwheel nwhen adv, conjwheneverwherewhetherwhichwhile conjwhipwhistlewhitewhowholewhosewhy adv, conjwide adj, advwidthwifewild adj, adv willwillingwin vwind window wine n wing n winterwire nwise adj wishwithwithin without woman woodwoodenwoolword nworkworldworryworseworstworthwouldwoundwrap vwristwritewrong adj, adv, nyear yellow yes yet you young adj your(s)zero。

《朗文当代英语辞典》最常用词(1)(2010-03-11 11:05:07)"Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English" 95年版标示出口语和书面语中最常用的3000单词。
Spoken1000之1000词(实数895)单词+词性Aa art. ability n. able adj. about adv. & prep. absolutely adv. accept v. accident n. achieve v. across prep. & adv. act n. action n. activity n. actual adj. actually adv. add v. advantage n. advice n. affect v. afford vt. afraid adj. after conj. & prep. afternoon n. again adv. against prep. age n. ago adv. agree v. agreement n. air n. all adj. & adv. all right adj. allow vt. almost adv. along prep. & adv. already adv. also adv. although conj. always adv. among prep. amount n. an art. and conj. animal n. another adj. & pron. answer n. & v. any adj. & pron. anybody pron. anyone pron. anything pron. anyway adv. anywhere adv. apparently adv. appear v. application n. apply v. appointment n. appropriate adj. area n. argue v. argument n. arm n. army n. around prep. & adv. art n. as adv. & prep. & conj.ask v. assume v. at prep. attention n.Bbad adj. bag n. ball n. bank n. bar n. base vt. basic adj. basically adv. be v. beautiful adj. because conj. become v. bed n. bedroom n. before conj. & prep. & adv. attitude n. available adj. aware adj. away adv. awful adj. baby n. back adv. & n. begin v. beginning n. behind prep. believe v. best adj. & adv. bet v. better adj. & adv. between prep. big adj. bill n. bit n. black adj. blood n. blue adj. board n. boat n. body n. book n. born adj. both adj. bother v. bottle n. bottom n. & adj. box n. boy n. branch n. break v. bring v. brother n. buck n. budget n. build v. building n. bus n. business n. busy adj. but conj. buy v. by prep. & adv. bye int. bye-bye int.Ccall v. & n. can modal v. car n. card n. care v. careful adj. carry v. case n. cat n. catch v. cause vt. cent n. center n. central adj. centre n. century n. certain adj. certainly adv. chair n. chance n. change v. & n. character n. charge n. & v. cheap adj. check v. & n. child n. choice n. choose v. church n. circumstance n. city n. claim v. class n. clean v. clear adj. & v. clearly adv. close v. & adj.club n. coffee n. cold adj. collect v. college n. color n. colour n. come v. comment n. commission n. common adj. community n. company n. compare v. competition n. completely adv. computer n. concern n. concerned adj. condition n. consider v. consideration n. continue v. control n. conversation n. copy n. corner n. correct adj. cos conj. cost n. & v. could modal v. count v. country n. county n. couple n. course n. court n. cover vt. & n. create v. cup n. current adj. customer n. cut v.Ddad n. daddy n. data n. date n. daughter n. day n. dead adj. deal n. & v. dear int. death n. debate n. decide v. decision n. definitely adv. demand n. depend v. describe vt. die v. difference n. different adj. difficult adj. difficulty n. dinner n. direction n. divide v. do aux. v. & v. dog n. dollar n. door n. double adj. doubt n. down adv. & prep. draw v. drink n. drive v. driver n. drop v. due adj. during prep. duty n.Eeach adj. each other pron. early adv. & adj. easily adv. easy adj. eat v. education n. effect n. effort n. egg n. either adj. & conj. else adv. employer n. employment n. end n. & v. energy n. engine n.enjoy v. enough adv. & adj. & pron. enter v. environment n. environmental adj. equal adj. especially adv. even adv. evening n. event n. eventually adv. ever adv. every adj. everybody pron. everyone pron. everything pron. exactly adv. exam n. example n. excellent adj. exercise n. expect v. expensive adj. experience n. explain v. extra adj. extremely adv. eye n.Fface n. & vt. fact n. fair adj. fairly adv. fall v. family n. far adj. & adv. father n. favor n. favour n. feed v. feel v. & link. feeling n. few pron. field n. fight v. figure n. file n. fill v. final adj. find v. fine adj. finish v. fire n. firm n. first num. fit v floor n. follow v. food n. foot n. football n. for prep. forget v. form v & n. forward adv. free adj. friend n. from prep. front n. & adj. fucking adj. full adj. funny adj. further adv. future adj. & n.Ggame n. garden n. gas n. general adj. generally adv. get v. girl n. give v. glass n. go v. & n. good adj. grandma n. grandpa n. great adj. green adj. ground n. group n. grow v. guess v. guy n.Hhair n. half adj. & pron. hall n. hallo int. hand n. hang v. happen v. happy adj. hard adj. & adv. hate vt. have v. he pron. head n. health n. hear v. heart n. heavy adj. hell n. hello int. help n. & v. her pron. here adv. hi int. high adj. him pron. himself pron. his pron. hit v. hold v. hole n. home n. & adv. honest adj. hope v. hopefully adv. hot adj. hour n. house n. how adv. hullo int. husband n.II pron. idea n. if conj. important adj. in prep. & adv. information n. instead adv. interested adj. interesting adj. into prep. it pron. its adj. itself pron.Jjob n. join v. just adv.Kkeep v. kid n. kill v. kind n. kitchen n. knock v. know v.Lland n. large adj. last adv. & adj. & pron. & v. late adj. later adv.law n. lay v. lead v. learn v. least adj. & pron. leave v. left adj. leg n. less adj. & pron. & adv. let v. letter n. level n. & adj. life n. light n. & adj. like v. & prep. & adj. & adv. like conj. likely adj. line n. list n. listen v. little adj. & pron. & adv. live v. local adj. long adj. & adv. look v. & n. lose v. lot n. love n. & v. low adj. lunch n.Mmachine n. main adj. make v. man n. manage v. management n. manager n. many pron. market n. marry v. material n. matter n. & v. may modal v. maybe adv. me pron. mean v. meet v. meeting n. member n. memory n. mention vt. message n. method n. middle adj. & n. might mod. v. mile n. mind n. & v. mine pron. minister n. minute n. miss v. modern adj. mom n. moment n. money n. month n. more adv. & adj. morning n. most adj. & adv. mother n. move v. movement n. much adj. & adv. mum n. music n. must modal v. my pron. myself pron.Nname n. national adj. nature n. near prep. nearly adv. necessarily adv. necessary adj. need vt. & n. never adv. new adj. news n. next adj. & adv. nice adj. night n. no adv. & adj. no one pron. nobody pron. none pron. normal adj. normally adv. north n. not adv.note n. nothing pron. notice v. now adv. & conj. number n.Oobviously adv. occasion n. occur v. o'clock adv. odd adj. of prep. of course adv. off adv. & prep. offer v. office n. officer n. often adv. OK adj. & interj. okay adj. & interj. old adj. on prep. & adv. once conj. & adv. one num. & adj. & pron. only adv. & adj. onto prep. open adj. & v. operation n. opinion n. opportunity n. option n. or conj. order n. ordinary adj. organise v. organize v. original adj. other adj. otherwise adv. ought mod. v. our pron. ours pron. ourselves pron. out adv. & prep. outside prep. & adv. over prep. & adv. own adj.Ppage n. panel n. paper n. parent n. park n. part n. particular adj. particularly adv. party n. pass v. past adj. & prep. & n. pay v. & n. penny n. people n. person n. personal adj. phone n. & v. pick vt. picture n. piece n. place n. plan n. & v. play v. & n. please interj. plenty pron. plus prep. point n. & v. police n. poor adj. possible adj. possibly adv. pound n. power n. prepare v. press v. pressure n. presumably adv. previous adj. price n. private adj. probably adv. problem n. produce v. product n. production n. profit n. program n. programme n. project n. proper adj. properly adv. provide v.public adj. pull v. purpose n. push v. put v.Qquality n. quarter n. question n. quick adj. quickly adv. quite adv.Rradio n. range n. rate n. rather adv. reach v. read v. real adj. realise v. realize v. really adv. reason v. reasonable adj. receive vt. recently adv. recognise v. recognize v. record n. red adj. reduce v. refer v. region n. regional adj. relationship n. remain v. remember v. remind v. require vt. respect n. response n. rest n. result n. rid adj. right adj. & adv. ring n. & v. road n. roll v. room n. round adj. run v.Ssame adj. & pron. & adv. save v. say v. school n. science n. second num. & n. section n. see v. seem v. sell v. send v. sense n. sentence n. serious adj. serve v. service n. set n. & v. several pron. sex n. share n. & v. she pron. shop n. short adj. shot n. should v. show n. & v. shut v. sick adj. side n. similar adj. simple adj. simply adv. since conj. sing v. sister n. sit v. situation n. size n. sleep v. slightly adv. small adj. so adv. society n. some adj.somebody pron. someone pron. something pron. sometimes adv. somewhere adv. son n. sorry adj. sort n. & v. sound n. & v. south n. space n. speak v. special adj. specific adj. speed n. spend v. stage n. stamp v. stand v. station n. stay v. still adv. stop v. store n. straight adv. street n. strong adj. student n. stuff n. stupid adj. success n. such adj. suffer v. suggest vt. suggestion n. summer n. suppose vt. sure adj. surely adv. system n.Ttable n. take v. talk n. & v. tax n. tea n. teach v. teacher n. team n. telephone n. television n. tell v. tend v. term n. terrible adj. test n. than conj. & prep. thank v. thanks int. that adj.& pron. & conj. & adv. the art. their pron. them pron. themselves pron. then adv. there adv. they pron. thing n. think v. this adj. & pron. though conj. & adv. thought n. three num. through prep. & adv. throw v. ticket n. till conj.& prep. time n. tired adj. to prep. today adv. together adv. tomorrow adv. tonight adv. too adv. top adj. & n. total adj. totally adv. toward prep. towards prep. town n. traffic n. train v. & n. tree n. trouble n. true adj. trust n. truth n. try v. turn n. & v. type n.Uunder prep. understand v. unfortunately adv. union n. unless conj. until prep.& conj. up prep. & adv. us pron. use vt. & v. used adj. useful adj. usually adv.Vvarious adj. very adv. video n. view n. village n.Wwait v. walk v. wall n. want v. wash v. watch v. way n. we pron. wear v. weather n. week n. weekend n. weight n. well adv. & int. & adj. what pron. whatever pron. when adv. & conj. where adv. & conj. whether conj. which pron. & adj. while conj. & n. white adj. who pron. whole adj. why adv. & conj. wide adj. wife n. will aux. v. win v. window n. wish v. with prep. without prep. woman n. wonder v. wonderful adj. word n. work n. & v. working adj. world n. worry v. worth prep. would aux. v. write v. wrong adj.Yyeah adv. year n. yes adv. yesterday adv. yet adv. you pron. young adj. your pron. yours pron. yourself pron. yourselves pron.《朗文当代英语辞典》最常用词(2)(2010-03-11 11:10:28)"Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English" 95年版标示出口语和书面语中最常用的3000单词。
aabandonabilityableabortion n.流产,堕胎aboutaboveabroadabsence n.缺席;缺乏absoluteabsolutelyabsorbabstract n.抽象,摘要 adj.抽象的academicacademy n.学会;学院;研究院accentacceptaccess vt.使用;接近n. 通路;使用权accidentaccompany vt.陪伴,伴随;伴奏accomplish vt.完成;实现;达到accord n.自愿;符合vt.使一致;给予;according toaccount n.解释;理由vi.导致;解释accounting n.会计accurate adj.精确的accuse vt.谴责;归咎于achieveachievementacid n.酸adj.酸的,刻薄的acknowledgeacquireacre n. 英亩;土地,地产acrossactactionactiveactivist n. 活动分子,积极分子activityactoractual adj. 真实的,目前的actuallyadaddadditionadditionaladdressadjustadministration n.管理行政administrative a. 行政的,管理的administrator n. 管理人;行政官admire v.钦佩,赞美admissionadmitadoptadultadvance adj. 预先的advancedadvantageadventureadvertising n.广告业,广告adviceadvise v.建议adviseradvocateaffair n.事情;事务;私事affectaffordafraidafterafternoonafterward adv.以后,后来againagainstageagencyagenda n.议事日程agent vt.由…代理n.特工,药剂aggressiveagoagreeagreementahead adv.领先,预先aidaide n. 副官;助手[eid]aimairaircraft n.飞机,飞行器airline n.航空公司;航线airplaneairportalarm n警报,警告器vt警告使惊恐albumalcohol n.酒精,乙醇alive adj. 活着的;活泼的allallegation n.辩解;主张,断言alleged a.被说成的,被指称的alliance n.联盟,联姻alligator n鳄鱼adj鳄鱼皮革的.allowall rightally n.伙伴;助手almostalonealong prep. 沿着adv. 一起alreadyalsoalter v.改变,更改alternative adj选择性的n. 供替代的选择althoughaltogetheralwaysamazingamendmentamidamong prep. 在…中间amount n. 数量;总额ananalysis n.分析;分解analyst n.分析者analyze vt.对…进行分析,分解ancientandangel n.天使,守护神['eindʒəl]angle n.角度,角angry animalankle n.踝关节announceannouncement n. 通告;宣告;公告annoying adj. 恼人的;讨厌的annualanonymousanotheransweranswering machineanticipateanxietyanyanybodyanyhowanymore adv. 再也不anyoneanythinganytimeanywayanywhereapart adj.分离的apartment n.公寓apologizeapparentapparentlyappealappear vi. 出现appearance n. 外貌,出现appleapplicationapplyappoint v.任命,委派appointmentappreciateapproachappropriate adj.适当的approval n.赞成;批准;认可approve v.批准,赞成area n.面积;区域argue v.争论,辩论argumentarise vi.出现;起立;上升armarmed adj.武装的army n.陆军,军队aroundarrangearrangementarrest n/v逮捕arrival n.到达;到达者arrivearrow ['ærəu] n.箭状物artarticleartist n. 艺术家;美术家asaside adv.在旁边n.旁白askasleepaspectassembly n.装配;集会assert vt.断言;主张;声称assessmentasset n.资产,有用的东西,优点, assignassignmentassist vi.出席;参加vt.帮助;促进assistance n. 帮助,援助assistantassociateassociationassume vt.假定;承担assumption n.假定;设想,采取assure vt保证;担保;使确信atathleteatmosphereattach vt贴上;系上attack n/v.抨击; 攻击attempt n/v企图,试图; attend v.出席,照料attention n.注意力;关心attitudeattorney n.理人;律师attorney general 检察官attract v.吸引attractiveaudienceaunt authorauthority n.权威;权力auto n. 自动;[美口]汽车automatic adj.必然的;无意识的n.自动机械automaticallyavailableaverageavoidawakeaward vt.授予;判定n.奖品;判决[ə'wɔ:d]awareawayawesomeawfulawhile ad. 片刻,一会儿babe n.小孩babybackbackgroundbackward adv/adj向后的bacon n.熏猪肉;咸肉badbadlybagbake v.烤balancebalancedballbanbananaband n.一帮vi.联合,聚焦bank n.岸;浅滩,银行bankerbarbarbecuebarely adv. 仅仅,勉强;几乎不barkbasebaseballbasement n.地下室;地窖basic adj.基本的;基础的n.基础;要素basicallybasil n.罗勒属植物(用于调味)basis n.底部;基础;主要成分basketbasketballbatbatch n.批,成批,分批bathbathroombattery n.电池battlebay n.海湾;狗吠声bebeachbean n.豆bearbeat v.打;打败beautifulbeautybecausebecomebedbedroombeebeefbeerbeforebegbeginbeginning behave v运转;表现behaviorbehindbeingbeliefbelievebell n.铃,钟,钟状物belongbelow 在…下面beltbench n.长凳;工作台bend v.倾向;屈服beneath在…之下benefitbesidebesidesbestbet n/v打赌betterbetweenbeyondbicyclebid n/v出价,竞标bigbig dealbillbind v.绑;约束birdbirthbirthdaybit adj.很小的adv有点儿.bite n/vt咬;咬伤;bizarre adj.奇异的[bi'zɑ:]blackblade n.刀片,刀锋;叶片;剑blah n. [俚]废话;空话;瞎说blameblankblanketbleed v流血;渗出bless vt祝福;保佑;赞美blindblock n.块;街区vt.限制;阻止bloodblowblueboardboatbodyboilbomb v轰炸,投弹;失败bondbone n.骨;骨骼bookboombootbooth n.货摊;公用电话亭borderboredboringbornborrowbossbothbotherbottle n.瓶子bottom adj.底部的bounce n.跳;活力vt.弹跳boundary n.分界线,边界;范围bowlboxboyboyfriendbra n.胸罩brain n.脑袋;头脑,智力brake n.闸,刹车;阻碍branch v分支;出现分歧brand n.商标,牌子/烙印brand-new adj.崭新的;最近获得的bread n.面包breakbreakfastbreastbreathbreathebreedbrick n.砖形物;砖vt.用砖砌bridgebrief adj.简短的,简洁的n.概要,诉书;摘要brieflybrightbringbro n.兄弟broad adj.宽的,辽阔的brochure n.手册,小册子brokenbrotherbrown adj.棕色的brush n.刷子;画笔v刷bubble n.气泡v泡沫buck n.雄鹿;纨绔子弟[bʌk]bucket n.铲斗;桶,水桶buddy n.伙伴,好朋友budget n/v预算bug n.小虫/窃听器/故障buildbuildingbulb n.球状物/电灯泡bull n.公牛,印玺adj.大型的;雄性的[bul]bullet n.子弹vi.射出bump n.肿块v.撞击bunch n.群,串burden n/v负担bureau n.局,处/办公桌burger n.汉堡包burnbury vt.埋葬;隐藏busbush n.矮树丛;灌木businessbusinessmanbust vi.破产;爆裂vt.逮捕busybutbutt n.靶垛;烟头butter n. 黄油;奶油;奉承话button n. [计]按钮;钮扣buybuyer n.买主,买方bybyecabin n.船舱;客舱cabinet n橱柜;内阁adj内阁的私下的cable n电缆vt.打电报cage n.笼,兽笼;牢房,监狱vtcakecalculate v以为;作打算calendar n.历法; 日历calf n.小牛;小牛皮callcalmcalorie n.卡(热量单位cameracampcampaigncampus['kæmpəs]cancancelcancercandidate n候选人,候补者;应试者candlecandycannotcapcapable adj.能干的,能胜任的capacity n.能力;容量;生产力;资格capital n.资金;资本家adj.重要的captain n.上尉; 船长capture vt俘获/夺得n.战利品carcardcarecareercarefulcarefullycarpet n.地毯['kɑ:pit]carrier n.载体;货架;运送者carrot n.胡萝卜carrycartooncase n.箱;实例;情况cash n.现款,现金cast vt.计算;投射catcatalog n.目录,登记vt.为…编目录catchcategory n.种类,分类;范畴cattle n.牛;家畜causeCDceiling n.天花板;上限celebratecelebrity n.名人,名声cell n.电池;细胞cell phonecent n.分;一分的硬币centercentralcenturycereal n./adj谷类植物;谷类ceremonycertain adj确信,某一certainlycertificate n.证书;执照,文凭certified adj.经证明合格的['sə:tifaid] chain n.链;束缚vt.束缚chairchairman challengechamber n.会所;房间adj室内的;私人的championship n.冠军赛,冠军chancechangechannelchapter n.分/章,回charactercharacterizechargechart n.图纸;海图chase vi.奔跑;追逐cheapcheat v欺骗;骗取checkcheek n.面颊,脸颊cheesechemicalcherry n.樱桃;樱桃树chestchew vt/n嚼碎,咀嚼chickchickenchief n.首领; 酋长adj.首席的childchildhoodchili n.辣椒chip vt.削,凿;削成碎片chocolatechoicechoke vi.阻塞; 窒息vt.呛;抑制choosechopchunk n.大块;矮胖的人或物churchcigarettecirclecircumstance n.环境,情况;事件citecitizencitycivilcivil rightsclaim vt.需要;声称classclassicclassroomclause n.分句,从句,条款,款项cleanclearclearlycleverclick vt.点击;使发咔哒声client n.委托人;顾客;客户climbclinic n.诊所;临床clip vt.痛打;夹牢clockcloseclosedcloselyclothclotheclothesclothingcloudclubclue n.线索;情节vt.为…提供线索coachcoal n.煤;煤块;木炭coalitioncoastcoat n.外套codecoffeecoldcollarcolleague n.同事,同僚['kɔli:ɡ] collectcollectioncollegecolorcolumn n. 圆柱,柱形物;纵队,列;专栏combination n.结合,联合combinecomecomedycomfortcomfortable comma n.逗号,停顿commandcommandercomment n.批评;意见commerce n.贸易,商业['kɔmə:s]commercialcommission n.犯;佣金;委任vt.委任;委托制作commit vt.使…承担义务;犯罪,做错事commitment n.承诺,保证;承担义务committee n.委员会commoncommunicatecommunicationcommunist n.共产主义者;共产党员community n.社区;团体;共同体companycomparecomparison n. 比喻;比较competecompetitioncompetitivecompetitorcomplaincomplaintcompletecompletelycomplex adj.复杂的;合成的n.复合体complicated adj.难懂的,复杂的component adj.组成的n.成分;元件computerconcede v退让; 承认concentrateconcentrationconceptconcernconcernedconcertconcludeconclusionconditionconferenceconfidenceconfidentconfirmconflict n./vt斗争;争执confront vt.遭遇;比较;面对confusedconfusingcongress n.国会,代表大会congressional adj.会议的,议会的connect v连接,连结;联合connectedconnectionconscious adj.意识到的;故意的consciousnessconsent n/vi同意,赞成consequenceconservative adj保守的n.保守派considerconsiderableconsiderationconsistent adj.始终如一的,一致的constantconstantlyconstitute vt.组成,构成;任命constitutionconstructconstructionconsult v查阅; 商量consultant n.顾问consumer n. 用户,顾客;消费者contactcontaincontainercontend v争论;斗争content n.满足;容量contest v竞争;争辩context n环境;上下文;来龙去脉continuecontract vi.收缩;订约contractor n.立契约的人,承包商contrast v.对比contributecontributioncontrolcontroversialcontroversy n.争论;辩论convenient convention n.大会;协定;惯例;习俗conventionalconversationconvert vt.转换,使转变convict vt证明…有罪n.罪犯convictionconvinceconvincedcookcookie n.饼干coolcooler n.散热器,冷却器cooperation n.合作,协作;协力cop n.警察vt.抓住copycord n.束缚;绳索vt.用绳子捆绑core n.磁心;果心;要点corn n.鸡眼;谷物; 玉米corner n.困境,窘境;地区,偏僻处corporate adj. 法人的;共同的corporation n.公司;社团;法人corps n军队;兵种;学生联合会correctcorruptioncostcostumecouch n.床;卧榻vi埋伏;躺着cough n. 咳嗽,咳嗽声vt.咳出couldcouncil n.理事会;会议['kaunsəl]counsel n.决策;讨论vt.劝告;建议counseling n. 顾问服务counselorcountcountercountrycounty n.郡,县couplecoupon n.试样(配给票,息票,附单coursecourtcousincovercoverage n.涉及范围cow n.奶牛,母牛;母兽vt.威胁,恐吓crab n.蟹肉;螃蟹vt.破坏;抱怨[kræb]crack vi.爆裂;破裂cracker n.饼干,爆竹,crash n./v坠落;崩溃crawl v爬行;匍匐行进[krɔ:l]crazycream n.奶油,乳脂;乳酪;createcreationcreativecreaturecredit n学分;信任vt.相信,信任credit cardcrew n.全体人员crimecriminalcrisis n.危机;危险期['kraisis]criticcriticalcriticismcriticizecrosscrowdcrucial adj决定性的;重要的cruise v巡航,巡游;漫游crust n.外壳;面包皮vi.结硬皮cryculturalculturecupcuriouscurrency n.货币;通货['kərənsi] current adj.草写的;最近的n.趋势;涌流currentlycurriculum n.课程[kə'rikjuləm] curtain n.窗帘;幕customercutcutecycledad n.爸爸daddydaily adj.每日的;日常的damage dancedangerdangerousdaredarkdarknessdata n.资料;数据datedaughterdaydeaddeal vt.分配;处理vi.讨论;对待;dealer n.商人;经销商deathdebate v辩论,争论,讨论debt n债务;借款;罪过decadedecent adj.得体的;正派的;相当好的decidedecisiondeck n.甲板;行李仓declare v声明,宣布decline n.斜面;衰退vi.谢绝;衰落deepdeeplydefeat vt.挫败;使…失败[di'fi:t]defend v防守;保卫defense n.防卫,防护;防御措施defensivedeficit n.赤字,不足,缺乏['defisit]definedefinite adj确切的;一定的definitelydefinitiondegree n程度,等级;度;学位delay v耽搁;延期delegate vt.委派…为代表n. 代表deliciousdeliver v交付;递送delivery n交付,递送,分娩demanddemocracy n.民主,民主主义;民主政治democratic adj.民主的demonstrate vt.展示;论证vi示威demonstration n.示范;示威游行dentist n.牙科医生deny v否认;拒绝departmentdependdeposit vt存放;使沉积n.存款depressiondepthdeputy adj.副的/代理的n.代理人describedescriptiondesert v逃掉; 遗弃['dezət]deservedesigndesire vt.想要; 要求deskdespitedessert [di'zə:t] n.餐后甜点destroydetaildeterminedetermineddevelopdevelopmentdevicedial n.转盘; 钟面[dail]dialect n行话;同源语adj方言的dialoguediamond n.菱形;方块牌,钻石diaper n.尿布v.换尿布diedietdifferdifferencedifferentdifficultdifficultydig v挖掘,探究digital adj.数字的n.数字dime n.一角硬币dining roomdinnerdinosaurdip v/n浸,泡,倾斜,下降direct directiondirectlydirectordirt n.污垢,泥土;灰尘dirty adj.暗淡的;恶劣的vi变脏disabilitydisagreedisappeardisappointeddisasterdisc n. 圆盘,唱片disciplinediscount n.折扣;贴现率discoverdiscoverydiscriminationdiscussdiscussiondiseasedisgustingdishdishwasherdiskdismiss vt.解雇;开除vi.解散disorder n.混乱;骚乱displaydisputedistancedistantdistinction n.差别;区别;特性distinguish v区别,区分;辨别distract vt.转移;分心distributedistributiondistrict n.区域;行政区;地方disturbdividedividend n.股息;被除数;奖金division n.除法;部门;分割;师divorcedodoctordocumentdogdoll n.玩具娃娃v.把…打扮花枝招展dollardomestic adj驯养的;家庭的n.国货dominate vt.控制; 支配donatedonationdoordot n点,圆点vi.打上点doubledoubtdowndownstairsdowntowndozendrag v拖累; 拖拉drain v排水;流干dramadramaticdraw v.拉,画drawer n.抽屉;开票人dreamdressdrinkdrivedriverdriveway n.车道drop v终止;下降drugdrum v击鼓;大力争取dry adj干的;口渴的vt弄干dryer n.干衣机,干燥剂duckdudeduedumb adj.哑的,不说话的[dʌm] dump vt倾倒vi倒垃圾n.垃圾场duringdustdutyeacheach othereagerearearlyearnearnings n.收入earringeartheaseeasilyeasteasterneasyeateconomic adj.经济的economics n.经济学economist n.经济学家economyedge n.锋利;刀刃edit vt.编辑;校订n.编辑工作editoreducateeducationeducationaleffecteffectiveeffectivelyefficientefforteggeitherelbowelderlyelect adj.推选;卓越的;当选的electionelectricelectricalelectricityelectronicelementeliminate vt.消除,排除elseelsewhereemailembarrassedemerge vi.浮现暴露摆脱emergency n.非常时刻;突发事件emotionemotionalemphasisemphasizeempire n.帝国;帝王统治,君权employemployeeemployeremploymentemptyenable vt使能够,使成为可能encounter vt/n遭遇,邂逅encourageendendorse vt.背书;签署;认可;赞同enemy n.敌人adj.敌人的energyenforceengage vt预定; 雇佣vi答应,从事engineengineerengineeringenhanceenjoyenormousenoughensureenterenterprise n. 企业;事业;进取心entertainentertainmententire adj全部的,整个的entirelyentity n.存在,实体entrepreneur n.企业家;承包人entry n入口;进入;登记envelope n.信封,封皮environmentenvironmentalepisode n插曲,一段情节['episəud] equalequally adv平等地,公平地equipmentequity n.公平,公正['ekwəti] era n.时代;年代;纪元['εərə] erase v抹去;擦除[i'reis]error n错误;误差;过失escapeespecially essay n.试图;随笔vt尝试essentialessentiallyestablishestablishmentestimate vi/n估计,估价ethic n.道德规范,伦理['eθik]ethnic adj种族的,人种的evaluation n评价,评估eveneveningeventeventuallyevereveryeverybodyeveryoneeverythingeverywhere adv.到处n.每个地方evidenceevil adj讨厌的;有害的n罪恶,邪恶;不幸evolve v进化exact adj精确的;准确的vt.急需;要求exactlyexamexamine v检查;exampleexceed v胜过;超过excellentexceptexceptionexchangeexcitedexcitingexcuseexecutive adj.经营的;行政的n. 执行者;经理exerciseexhibit vt.提出;展览n.证据;展示会existexistence n. 存在;生存;存在物existingexitexpandexpansion n.膨胀;阐述;扩张物expectexpectationexpectedexpense n.消费; 开支expensiveexperienceexperiment n.实验vi.进行实验;尝试expertexplain v. 说明,解释explanation n.说明,解释;辩解explode v爆炸,爆发explore v探测;探险;探索explosion n爆炸;爆发;激增export n输出,出口vi.输出物资expose vt.使曝光;揭露,揭发expressexpressionextend vt.推广;扩大extension n伸展;扩大;延长extensive adj.广泛的;广阔的extent n. 范围;程度;长度extraextraordinaryextremelyeyefabulous adj.传说的,无根据的facefacility n设备/灵巧/容易factfactor n.要素;因数factoryfaculty n能力;全体教员;科,系fade v.凋谢;褪色fail vi.破产;衰退vt.舍弃;忘记[feil] failurefair adj.晴朗的; 公平的fairlyfaith n.信任;信念;信仰;忠实fall vi.减弱;变成n.下降;瀑布;秋天false a.不真实的,错误的,familiar adj亲近的;常见的n常客;密友familyfamousfanfancy n.幻想;爱好adj.昂贵的;奇特的fantastic adj.空想的;极好的fantasy n.幻想farfarmfarmerfashionfastfatfate n.命运vt注定fatherfault n.错误;毛病vi.弄错favor vt.像;赞成n.喜爱;好感favoritefax n/v传真fear n.敬畏;担心vt.敬畏; 害怕featurefederal adj.联邦的;同盟的fee n.费用;小费vt付费给feedfeedbackfeelfeelingfellow n.会员;家伙adj.同伴的,同事的femalefence n.剑术;围墙vt防护;练习剑术festivalfewfieldfight vi.打仗; 打架vt.打架;反对…提案fighter n.战士,斗争者;奋斗者figure n.价格;数字vi.计算; 出现file n.锉刀;档案vt.锉;琢磨fill vt.任职;满足vi.被充满,膨胀filmfilter vi.渗入;滤过n.筛选;过滤器finalfinallyfinance n财政;金融vt.负担经费financialfindfindingfinefinger n.手指;指针finishfire n.火;火灾vt.激动;点燃firmfirstfirst lady第一夫人first namefiscal a.财政的fishfit vt.安装;使…适应vi.合身; 适合fix vt.准备;修理vi.固定;注视flag vi.衰退;枯萎vt.标记;插旗flat adj.浅的;单调的adv.断然地;平直地flavor n.滋味,香料v.加味于flee vi消失,消散;逃走vt.逃避;逃跑flight n.逃走;班机flip vt.轻击;掷vi.用指轻弹;蹦跳floodfloat vt使漂浮;实行floorflow vi.飘扬;川流不息vt.淹没flowerflyfocusfold vt.笼罩;合拢n.信徒;羊栏folder n.文件夹;折叠机folk n.亲属;民族; 人们adj民间的followfoodfoolfootfootballforforceforeign adj.外国的forest vt.植树于,使成为森林n森林foreverforgetfork n/v叉formformalformat n/v设计,版式forth adv.向前,向外;自…以后fortune n.命运;财富vt.给予财富forum n.论坛,讨论会;法庭['fɔ:rəm] forwardfoundfoundation n.基础;地基;基金会frame n画面;结构fraud n欺骗;骗子;诡计[frɔ:d]freak n怪人,怪事,反复无常[fri:k]freefreedomfreeway n.高速公路freezefreezerfrequency n频率;频繁frequentfrequentlyfreshfreshman n.大学一年级学生fridge n.电冰箱friendfriendlyfromfront n.正面;前线vt对付;朝向fruit n.水果;产物fryfuel n/v['fjuəl]fullfullyfunfunctionfundfundamental adj.基本的n.基本原理funeral n.葬礼;[口]麻烦事funky a.畏缩的,怯懦的['fʌnki]funnyfurniturefurtherfuturegaingal n.重力加速度单位伽(加仑)gallon n.加仑gamegang n.群;一组gap n.空白;间隙; 缺口vi.裂开garage n.车库;飞机库vt.把…送入车库garbage n垃圾,废物gardengarlic n.大蒜;蒜头gasgate n.门道;出入口; 大门gather vt.收割; 收集vi.皱起;化脓gay adj.艳丽的;放荡的; 快乐的n同性恋gear n.齿轮;传动装置vi.适合;搭上齿轮gee n.马gender n.性;性别genegeneralgenerallygenerate vt使形成;生殖;发生generation n.产生;一代人;生殖gentlemangetgiant n伟人;巨人adj.巨大的giftgirlgirlfriendgiveglassglobalglobe n.球体;地球glove n.手套[ɡlʌv]gogoal n.终点; 目标godgoldgoldengolfgoodgood afternoongood morninggoodness n.优秀;真谛good nightgorgeous adj.华丽的,灿烂的;极好的governgovernmentgovernorgrab v霸占; 攫取grace n.魅力;恩惠;慈悲gradegraduallygraduategraduationgrammargrand adj.豪华的; 宏伟的n. 大钢琴;一千美元grandchildgrandfathergrandmagrandmothergrandpagrant vt.允许;承认vi.同意grape n. 葡萄;葡萄树;紫色;葡萄酒grassgravy n.肉汁,肉汤,不法利润gray adj.阴郁的;苍白的n.灰色greatgreengreet vt欢迎,迎接;致敬[ɡri:t]grocery store n.食品杂货店gross adj.恶劣的;粗野的n.总共收入ground n.战场;土地vt.使搁浅;打基础groupgrowgrowthguaranteeguard n.守卫v. 警戒guess v猜中;推测guest n. 客人,宾客;顾客[ɡest]guideguiltyguitargum n.橡皮; 树胶vt.使…有粘性gungut n.勇气,肠,剧情guygym n.健身房,体育馆habithairhalfhall n走廊;会堂;食堂;学生宿舍hallwayham n.火腿hamburgerhandhandle n.柄;把手vt.运用;处理handy adj. 手边的,就近的;便利的;容易取得的hang vt.装饰; 绞死happenhappyhardhardlyhat n. 帽子hatehaul n.捕获物;拖,拉vt.拖运;拖拉havehave toheheadheadacheheadquarters n. 总部;指挥部heal v治愈,痊愈;和解healthhealth carehealthyhearhearing n.听力;审讯,听讯heartheart attackheatheater n.加热器;加热工Heaven n.天堂;天空['hevən] heavily adv.沉重地;沉闷地;猛烈地heavyheel n.脚后跟heighthelicopter n直升飞机hell n地狱;训斥;黑暗势力int.该死hellohelphelpfulherhereherohersherselfheyhi int.嗨!hide v.鞭打;隐瞒highhighlighthighlyhigh schoolhighway hike vi.上升; 远足vt.拉起; 提高;[haik]hilarioushill n小山;丘陵;斜坡himhimselfhip n臀部;adj.非常时尚的hire n./vt租金,工钱;雇用,租用hishistorian n.历史学家historichistoricalhistoryhit v.打;碰撞holdhole n.突破口;洞穴,穴vi.凿洞holidayholy adj圣洁的,神圣的;至善的['həuli]homehomeworkhonesthonestlyhoneyhonor n.荣誉,头衔,信用v.尊敬,授予荣誉hook n.挂钩,吊钩vt钩住;引上钩;hopehopefullyhorrible adj.可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的horsehospitalHost n. [基督]圣体;圣饼;圣餐面包hothotelhourhousehouseholdhousinghowhoweverhugehumanhumorhundredhungryhunt v搜索;打猎hurryhurt vt.使痛心;使疼痛vi.带来痛苦husband vt.节约地使用n.丈夫hystericalIiceice creamideaidentify vt.确定; 识别vi. 认同;一致identity n.身份;同一性,一致idiot n.白痴;笨蛋ifignore vt.驳回诉讼,忽视illillegal adj.违法的; 非法的illnessillustrate vt.阐明,举例说明;图解imageimaginationimagineimmediate adj.直接的;立即的immediatelyimmigrant adj.移民的;迁入的n.移民immigration n.移居,移民impact vt.压紧;冲突vi.冲击;产生影响; implement vt.实现;实施,执行n. 工具implication n. 暗示;牵连; 含义implyimportanceimportantimpose vi.利用; 欺骗vt.强加;征税impossibleimpressimpressionimproveimprovementinincentive n.动机;刺激adj.激励的inch n.少许;身高incident n.事件,事变;插曲includeincludingincomeincreaseincreasinglyincredible incrediblyindeed adv.实在;的确int.真的independenceindependentindexindicate vt.指出;表明;象征individual adj.独特的;个人的n.个人industrial adj.来自勤劳的;供工业用的industry n.工业;产业;勤勉infant n.幼儿; 婴儿adj.婴儿的;幼稚的infection n.感染;传染;传染病inflation n.通货膨胀;膨胀;夸张influenceinform vt.报告;告诉vi告发,告密informationingredientinitial adj.最初的;字首的initially adv 最初,开头initiative n.主动权;首创精神adj. 起始的;主动的;自发的injure vt.伤害,损害injuryinnerinsane adj疯狂的,精神错乱的insideinsist v坚持,强调inspire vt.鼓舞;激发;启示install vt.任命;安装;安顿instance n.建议;情况vt.举...为例insteadinstitute vt.提起;创立n. 学会;学院institution n.制度;公共机构;建立instructioninstructor n.教员;指导者;指导书instrument n仪器;器械;手段;乐器insurance n.保险;保险费intellectual adj.理智的;聪明的intelligenceintelligentintendintense adj.强烈的;紧张的;热情的intentioninteraction n交互作用,相互作用interest n.同行;利息interestedinterestinginterest rateinternal adj国内的;内部的Internetinterpret vt.说明;口译vi.解释;翻译interrupt v打断;妨碍intersection n.交集,十字路口,交叉点intervalinterview n.面试,面谈;接见,采访intointroduceinventinvest vt.包围;耗费vi.投资,入股investigate v.调查,研究investigationinvestigatorinvestmentinvestorinvitationinviteinvolveinvolvedinvolvementironislandissueititem n.条款,项目;一则itsitselfjackjacketjail n.监牢; 监狱;拘留所jam vt.压碎;混杂vi.堵塞;轧住;jar n.罐;震动jealous adj.妒忌的;唯恐失;猜疑的jeansjelly n.果冻;胶状物['dʒeli]jerkjet n.黑玉;喷气式飞机adj.墨黑的jewelry n.珠宝;珠宝类jobjoinjoint n.接缝; adj.连接的;共同的joke journalist n.新闻工作者journey n.旅行;行程joyjudgejudgmentjuicejumpjuniorjunkjuror n.陪审员['dʒuərə]jury n.陪审团;评判委员会justjusticekeepkeykick vt/n. 踢;反冲kidkillkillerkindkingkisskit n.工具箱;成套工具v装备kitchenkitten n.小猫;小动物Kittykneeknifeknockknowknowledgelab n. [口]实验室,研究室labellabor n/v 工作,劳动,劳力laboratorylackladder n.途径;梯状物['lædə]ladylakelamp n.灯;照射器landlandscapelane n.小巷;航线;车道languagelap n.山坳;膝盖vt.包围; 拍打largelargelylaser n.激光['leizə]lastlast namelatelatelylaterlaughlaunch vt发射;使…下水vi.起飞;开始laundry n.洗衣店,洗衣房lawlawmaker n.立法者lawn n.草坪;草地lawsuit n.诉讼,控诉lawyerlaylayer n.层,阶层;地层lazyleadleaderleadershipleafleague n.范畴;社团[li:ɡ]leaklean vi.依赖;倚靠learnlearningleashleastleather n.皮革;皮革制品leavelectureleftleglegallegislation n.立法;法律[ledʒis'leiʃən] legislative adj.立法的;有立法权的legislature n.立法机关,立法机构lemonlendlengthlesslessonlet letterlettuce n.莴苣;生菜;纸币['letis]levelliberal adj.宽大的;不拘泥的.自由主义者librarylicenselick vt.舔;卷过vi.舔;轻轻拍打lid n.限制;眼睑; 盖子lielifelifetime n.终生;寿命adj.一生的liftlightlikelikelylimitlinelink n/vt联系,关系;链环,环节lip n.嘴唇;边缘listlistenliterallyliteraryliteraturelittleliveloadloan n.贷款;借款v借lobster n.龙虾locallocatelocationlocklonglong-termlookloose adj.散漫的;宽松的loseloss n.遗失;亏损;失败;减少lostlotlots n.堆loud adj.喧吵的;不断的lovelovelyloverlowlowerluckluckylunchlungmachinemad adj.发疯的;愚蠢的;着迷的magazinemagicmailmainmainlymaintain vt.维持;维修;供养;继续majormajority n.多数makemakermalemall n.购物商场;林荫路;铁圈球场mamamanmanagemanagementmanagermanner n.方式;习惯;种类;规矩;风俗manufacturer n.制造商;厂商manufacturing n.制造业a.制造业的manymapmarchmargin n.边缘;利润,余裕markmarketmarketing n.行销,销售marriagemarriedmarrymaskmass n.块,团;群众massagemassive adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的master vt.征服;精通n.教师;大师match matematerialmathmattermaymaybemayor n.市长memealmeanmeaningmeansmeanwhile adv/n.同时,其间measure vt.权衡;估量n.尺寸;程度meatmedal n.勋章,奖章;纪念章mediamedical adj.药的;内科的medication n.药物治疗,药物处理medicinemedium adj.中间的,中等的n.媒介;方法meetmeetingmelt v熔化,溶解;渐混membermembership n.成员资格;会员身分memorymental adj.疯的;脑力的n.精神病患者mentionmenumere adj.仅仅的;只不过的n.小湖;池塘merely ['miəli]merger n/v (企业等的)合并mess n.困境;混乱vt.毁坏;使就餐messagemetal n.金属;合金metermethod n.条理; 方法microwavemiddle adj.中间的,中部的;中级的midnight n.午夜,半夜12点钟mightmilemilitary adj.军人的; 军事的n.军队milkmillmindmineminimumminorminority n.未成年;少数派adj.少数的minus prep.减,减去n.负数;不足minutemirror n.榜样; 镜子vt反映,反射miserable adj.悲惨的;痛苦的missmissile n.导弹;投射物[-səl]mission n.布道;代表团adj派遣,传教mistakemixmixturemodel n.样式;模范modernmodestmommomentmommymoneymonitormonkeymonthmoodmoonmoral adj.道德的;精神上的n.道德;寓意moremoreovermorningmortgage n/vt.抵押['mɔ:ɡidʒ]mostmostlymothermotionmount v.增加; 爬上mountainmouse n.老鼠; 鼠标mauz]mouthmovemovementmoviemuch multiple adj.多重的;许多的murdermusclemuseummushroommusicmustmustard n.芥末;深黄色;强烈的兴趣mutual adj.相互的,彼此的;共同的mymyselfmysterymythnail n指甲;钉子vt.钉;揭露naked adj.裸体的;无装饰的;无证据的namenap n.细毛;孤注一掷napkinnarrownasty adj.险恶的;肮脏的['næs-]nationnationalnationwidenativenaturalnaturallynaturenearnearbynearlyneat adj.整洁的;未搀水的;优雅的necessarilynecessaryneck n.海峡;衣领[nek]necklaceneedneedle n.针;指针negativenegotiate vt.转让;越过vi.谈判,交涉negotiation n.谈判;转让neighborneighborhoodneithernephew n.侄子;外甥nervenervousnetnetworknevernevertheless adv.然而,不过;虽然如此newnewlynewsnewsletter n.时事通讯,时事分析newspapernextnext doornicenicelynightnonobodynodnoise n.噪音;杂音noisy adj.聒噪的;喧闹的nomination n.提名,任命,提名权nomineenonenonethelessnoonno onenope ad.不,没有nornormalnormallynorthnorthernnosenotnotenotebooknothingnoticenotionnovelnownowherenuclear adj.原子能的;中心的;细胞核的numbernumerous nursenutoak n.橡木色;橡木家具[əuk]object n.物体;客体objectiveobserveobserverobtain vi.获得;流行vt获得obviousobviouslyoccasionoccasionaloccasionallyoccupation n. 职业;占有;消遣occupyoccurocean n.海洋;广阔;[口]大量o'clockodd adj.零散的;古怪的n.奇数[ɔd]ofoffoffend vt.冒犯;使…不愉快offense n.犯罪,过错;触怒;进攻offerofficeofficer n.船长; 军官,警官official adj.公务的;官方的oftenoiloldolive oilononceoneoniononlyontoopenoperaoperate vi.运转;动手术vt.操作;经营operationoperatoropinionopponent n.敌手; 对手adj.对立的opportunityopposeoppositeoppositionoptionoptionalororange n.桔子;橙;橙色orderordinary adj.平凡的;平常的organizationorganizeorganizedorigin n出身;原点;起源;开端.original。
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79 and 1 angonne 1 animal 1 animals 1 annoying 1 annual 1 another 1 antelope 3 anthropologists 1 anthropology
1 antiseptic 1 anxious 2 any 1 apparently 1 application 17 are 1 areas 1 argonne 1 arid 1 arises 1 arm 2 around 1 aroused 1 arrest 4 art 1 artificial 27 as 1 associated 6 at 1 atlantic 1 attempted 1 attempting 1 attention 1 attitudes 1 attractive 1 aural 1 authorities 1 automobile 1 automobiles 1 avoid 1 aware 1b 1 backbreaking 1 backing 1 bald 1 bamboo 1 barrenness 1 based 2 basic 2 bats 1 battlefield 10 be 1 beaver 3 became 5 because 2 become 1 becomes 1 becoming 7 been 3 before 1 began 1 begun 1 behind 2 being
54 a 1 abandoned 3 ability 2 able 1 about 1 abstract 1 abundant 1 abundantly 1 according 1 accurate 1 acids 1 acquisitions 1 across 1 act 1 action 2 activities 1 actually 1 adding 1 advanced 1 affect 1 after 1 age 1 ago 1 aids 1 air 2 alexander 1 algae 3 all 2 almost 1 along 1 also 3 although 2 always 1 am 1 amazed 1 ambitions 2 america 3 american 1 among 3 amount

朗文基础高频三千词Longma nCommun icati on 3000View PDFa indefi nitearticl e S1, W1abando n v W3abilit y n S2, W1 able adj S1, W1 aboutprep S1, W1 aboutadv S1, W1 aboveadv S2, W1 aboveadj W3 abroad adv S2, W3 absenc e n S3, W2 absolu te adj S2, W3 absolu telyadv S1, W3absorb v W3abusen S2, W3 academ ic adj W2 accept v S1, W1 accept ableadj S3, W3access n S2, W1 accide nt n S2, W2 accomm odati on n S2, W2accomp any v W2 accord ing to prep S2, W1accoun t n S1, W1 accoun t v S3, W2 accura te adj S2, W3 accuse v W3achiev e v S2, W1 achiev ement n S3, W2acid n W3acknow ledge v S3, W3 acquir e v W2across adv S1, W1act n S1, W1act v S2, W1action n S1, W1active adj S2, W2activi st n S3activi ty n S2, W1actorn W3actual adj S1, W2actual ly adv S1, W1ad n S3, W3adaptv W3add v S1, W1additi on n S3, W1additi onaladj S3,W2addres s n S2, W2addres s v S2, W2adequa te adj S3, W3adjust v W3admini strat ion n S2,W2admini strat ive adjW3admire v S3admiss ion n W3admitv S2, W1adoptv S3, W2adultn S2, W2adultadj W3advanc e n S2, W2advanc e v W3advanc ed adj W3advant age n S2, W1advert n S3advert ise v S3, W3advert iseme nt n S3advert ising n W3advice n S2, W2advise v S2, W2advise r n S3, W3affair n S2, W1affect v S2, W1afford v S1, W3afraid adj S1, W2afterprep S1, W1aftern oon n S1, W2afterw ardsadv S2,W3againadv S1, W1agains t prep S1, W1age n S1, W1aged adj W3agency n S3, W1agentn S3, W2aggres siveadj S3ago adv S1, W1agreev S1, W1agreem ent n S2, W1agricu lture n W2aheadadv S1, W2aid n S2, W2aim n S2, W2aim v S2, W2air n S1, W1aircra ft n S2, W2airlin e n S2, W3airpor t n S3, W3alarmn S2albumn S3, W3alcoho l n W3aliveadj S2, W3all determ inerS1,W1all adv S1, W1allowv S1, W1allowa nce n S2, W3all rightadj S1, W2almost adv S1, W1aloneadj S2, W1alongadv S1, W1alongprep S1, W1alongs ide adv W3alread y adv S1, W1also adv S1, W1alterv S3, W3altern ative adj S2,W2altern ative n S2, W3althou ghconjun ction S1, W1altoge theradv S2,W3always adv S1, W1amazin g adj S2ambiti on n W3ambula nce n S3amongprep S2, W1amount n S1, W1an indefi nitearticl eS1, W1analys e v W3analys is n S3, W1analys t n W2ancien t adj W2and conjun ction S1,W1angern W3anglen S3, W3angryadj S3, W3animal n S1, W1announ ce v S2, W1announ cemen t n S3,W3annoyv S3annual adj S2, W2anothe r determ inerS1, W1answer n S1, W1answer v S1, W2antici patev S3anxiet y n S3, W3anxiou s adj S3, W3any determ inerS1,W1any adv S2anybod y pron S1,W3anyhow adv S3anyone pron S1, W1anythi ng pron S1,W1anyway adv S1, W2 anywhe re adv S1, W3apartadv S2, W1 apartm ent n S2, W3 apolog ize v S2 apolog y n S3 appare nt adj W2 appare ntlyadv S1, W2appeal n S2, W1 appeal v S3, W3 appear v S2, W1 appear ancen W2 applen S2, W3 applic ation n S1, W1applyv S1, W1 appoin t v S2, W2 appoin tment n S2, W2apprec iatev S2, W3 approa ch v S2, W2 approa ch n S2, W1 approp riate adj S2, W1approv al n S2, W3 approv e v S3, W2 approx imate adj S3, W3archit ect n W3 archit ectur e n S3, W3area n S1, W1 arguev S2, W1 argume nt n S1, W1 arisev S3, W2arm n S1, W1 armedadj S3, W3 army n S1, W1 around adv S1, W1 arrang e v S2, W2 arrang ement n S2, W2arrest v W3arriva l n W3arrive v S2, W1art n S1, W1articl e n S2, W1artifi cialadj S3artist n S3, W2as prep S1, W1as conjun ction S1,W1ashame d adj S3asideadv S3, W3ask v S1, W1asleep adj S2aspect n S2, W1assess v S2, W2assess mentn S3,W2assign mentn S2assist v S3, W3assist ancen S3, W2assist ant n S3associ ate v S3, W2associ ation n S3,W1assume v S2, W1assump tionn S2,W2assure v S2, W3at prep S1, W1atmosp heren S3,W2attach v S2, W2attack n S2, W2attack v S3, W2attemp t n S2, W1attemp t v S2, W2attend v S2, W2attent ion n S2, W1attitu de n S2, W1attorn ey n S2, W3attrac t v S2, W2attrac tionn W3attrac tiveadj S2,W2audien ce n S2, W2aunt n S3, W3author n W2author ity n W1automa tic adj S3automa tical ly advS3, W3autumn n W3availa ble adj S1, W1averag e adj S2, W2averag e n S2avoidv S2, W1awakeadj S3awardn S3, W2awardv W3awareadj S1, W1awaren ess n W3away adv S1, W1awfuladj S1awkwar d adj S3baby n S1, W1back adv S1, W1back n S1, W1back v S2, W3back adj S2, W3backgr oundn S2,W2backwa rds adv S3baconn S3bad adj S1, W1badlyadv S3, W3bag n S1, W2bake v S3balanc e n S2, W2balanc e v S3ball n S1, W2ban n W3band n S2, W2bang n S3bang v S3bank n S1, W1bar n S1, W1barrie r n W3base v S1, W1base n S2, W2baseba ll n S3, W2basicadj S2, W1basica lly adv S1basisn S2, W1basket n S3bat n S3bath n S2, W3bathro om n S2, W3batter y n S2battle n W2be auxili ary verb S1,W1be v S1, W1beachn S2, W2bean n S2bear v S2, W2beardn S3beat v S2, W2beat n S3beauti ful adj S1, W2beauty n S3, W2becaus e conjun ctionS1, W1becaus e prep S1,W1become v S1, W1bed n S1, W1bedroo m n S1, W2beef n S3beer n S2, W3before conjun ctionS1, W1before prep S1, W1before adv S1, W1before handadv S3beginv S1, W1beginn ing n S1, W2behalf n S3, W3behave v S3, W3behavi our n S2, W1 behind prep S1, W1 beingn S2, W3 belief n S3, W2 believ e v S1, W1 bell n S2, W3 belong v S2, W2 belowadv S2, W2 belt n S2, W3 benchn S2, W3 bend v S3, W3 beneat h adv W2 benefi t n S2, W1 benefi t v S2, W3 beside prep S3, W2 best adj S1, W1 best adv S1, W2 bet v S1bet n S3better adj S1, W1 better adv S1, W1 betwee n adv S1, W1 beyond prep S2, W1 bicycl e n W3bid n W3big adj S1, W1 bike n S2bill n S1, W1bin n S2bird n S2, W2birthn S2, W2 birthd ay n S1, W3 biscui t n S2bit adv S1, W1bit n S1, W1bite v S2bite n S3bitter adj S3, W3 blackadj S1, W1 bladen S3blamev S2, W3 blankadj S3blessv S3blindadj S2, W3 blockn S2, W2blockv S3bloken S2blonde adj S3bloodn S2, W1blow v S2, W3blow n S3, W3blue adj S1, W2boardn S1, W1boat n S1, W2body n S1, W1boil v S3boiler n S3boilin g adj, adv S3bomb n S3, W3bone n S2, W2bonusn S2book n S1, W1book v S2boom n S3boot n S2, W3border n S3, W2boredadj S3boring adj S2born v S1, W2borrow v S2, W3boss n S2, W3both determ inerS1,W1bother v S1, W3bottle n S1, W2bottom n S1, W3bottom adj S1, W3bounce v S3boundadj S2, W3bowl n S2, W3box n S1, W1boy n S1, W1boyfri end n S3brainn S2, W2branch n S2, W2braveadj S3breadn S2, W3breakv S1, W1breakn S2, W2breakf ast n S2, W2breast n S3breath n S3, W2breath e v S3, W3brickn S2, W3bridge n S2, W2briefadj S2, W2briefl y adv S2, W3bright adj S2, W2brilli ant adj S2, W3bringv S1, W1broadadj S2, W2brothe r n S1, W1brownadj S2, W2brushn S3brushv S3buck n S1bucket n S2buddyn S3budget n S1, W2bug n S3buildv S1, W1builde r n S3buildi ng n S1, W1bump v S3bunchn S2burn v S2, W3burn n S3burstv W3bury v W3bus n S1, W2busine ss n S1, W1busy adj S1, W2but conjun ction S1,W1but prep S2, W3but adv S2, W3butche r n S3butter n S2button n S2buy v S1, W1buyern S3, W3by prep S1, W1by adv S1, W1bye interj ectio n S1bye n S3cabine t n S2, W2cablen W3cake n S2, W3calcul ate v S2, W3calcul ation n S2calcul atorn S3calend ar n S3call v S1, W1call n S1, W1calm adj S3, W3camera n S2, W3camp n S3, W3campai gn n S2, W1can modalverb S1,W1can n S2cancel v S2cancer n S2, W2candid ate n W2candle n S3candyn S3cap n S3capabl e adj S2, W2capaci ty n S3, W2capita l n S3, W1capita l adj S2, W3captai n n W3captur e v W3car n S1, W1card n S1, W2care n S1, W1care v S1, W2career n S2, W2carefu l adj S1, W2carefu lly adv S2,W2carpet n S2, W3carrot n S3carryv S1, W1cartoo n n S3case n S1, W1 cash n S2, W2 cash v S3cast v W3castle n W3cat n S1, W3catalo gue n W3 catchv S1, W1 catego ry n S2, W2 causen S2, W1 causev S1, W1CD n S3, W3 ceasev W3ceilin g n S3, W3 celebr ate v W3 celebr ation n S3 cell n S3, W2cellph one n S2, W3 cent n S1, W1 centim etren S3, W3 centra l adj S1, W1 centre n S1, W1 centur y n S2, W1 cereal n S3certai n adj S1, W1 certai nly adv S1, W1certif icate n S3, W3 chainn S3, W2 chairn S1, W2 chairm an n S3, W1 challe nge n S2, W2 challe nge v S3, W3 champi on n W3 champi onshi p n W3 chance n S1, W1 change v S1, W1 change n S1, W1 channe l n S3, W2 chap n S2chapte r n S3, W1 charac ter n S1, W1 charac teris tic n S3, W2charac teriz e v W3charge n S1, W1charge v S1, W2charit y n S3, W3chartn S3, W3chasev S3chat n S2cheapadj S1, W2cheatv S3checkv S1, W2checkn S1, W3cheekn W3cheese n S2, W3chemic al n S3, W3chemic al adj W3chemis t n S3chemis try n S2cheque n S2cherry n S3chestn S2, W3chicke n n S2chiefadj S2, W2chiefn W3childn S1, W1childh ood n W3chip n S2, W3chocol ate n S2choice n S1, W1choose v S1, W1chop v S3chuckv S3church n S1, W1cigare tte n S2, W3cinema n S3circle n S2, W2circui t n W3circum stanc e n S2,W1citize n n S2, W2city n S1, W1civiladj S3, W2claimv S1, W1claimn S2, W1classn S1, W1classi c adj W3classi cal adj W3classr oom n S3, W3cleanadj S2, W2cleanv S1, W3cleane r n S3clearadj S1, W1clearv S1, W2clearl y adv S1, W1clerkn S3clever adj S2clickv S3client n S2, W1climat e n W3climbv W2clockn S2, W3closev S1, W1closeadj S1, W1closeadv S2, W2closed adj S3closel y adv S3, W2closet n S3clothn S3clothe s n S2, W2cloudn S3, W3club n S1, W1clue n S2coachn S3, W2coal n S2, W2coastn S3, W2coat n S2, W3code n S2, W2coffee n S1, W2coin n S3cold adj S1, W1collap se v S3collar n S3collea gue n S2, W2collec t v S1, W2collec tionn S2, W1colleg e n S1, W2colour n S1, W1column n S3, W2combin ation n S3,W2combin e v S3, W2come v S1, W1comfor t n W3comfor table adj S2,W3comman d n W3commen t n S1, W2commen t v S3, W3commer cialadj S3,W2commis sionn S3,W2commit v S2, W2commit mentn S2,W2commit tee n S3, W1common adj S1, W1commun icate v S3,W3commun icati on n S2,W1commun ity n S1,W1compan y n S1, W1compar e v S1, W1compar isonn S3,W2compet e v S3, W3compet ition n S2,W1compet itive adj S3,W3compla in v S2, W3compla int n S3, W3comple te adj S2,W1comple te v S2, W1comple telyadv S1,W2comple x adj S3, W2compli cated adj S2compon ent n W2compre hensi ve adj W3compri se v W3 comput er n S1, W1 concen trate v S2, W2concen trati on n S3, W2concep t n S3, W2 concer n n S1, W1 concer n v W3 concer ned adj S1, W1concer ningprep W3 concer t n S3, W3 conclu de v S3, W2 conclu sionn S3, W2 condit ion n S2, W1 conduc t v W2 conduc t n W3 confer encen S2, W1confid encen S2, W2confid ent adj S3, W3confin e v W3confir m v S2, W2 confli ct n S3, W2 confus ed adj S3 confus ing adj S3 confus ion n S3, W3 congra tulat ion n S3 connec t v S2, W2 connec tionn S3, W2consci ous adj S2, W3consci ousne ss n W3 consen t n W3 conseq uence n S3, W2consid er v S1, W1 consid erabl e adj S3, W1consid erabl y adv S3consid erati on n S2,W2consis t v W3consis tentadj S3,W3consta nt adj S3, W3consta ntlyadv S3,W3consti tutev W3constr uct v W3constr uctio n n S3,W2consul t v S3, W3consum er n S3, W2consum ption n W3contac t n S2, W2contac t v S2, W2contai n v S2, W1contem porar y adjW2conten t n S3, W2contes t n W3contex t n S2, W2contin ue v S1, W1contin uousadj S3,W3contra ct n S1, W1contra st n W2contri butev S3, W2contri butio n n S2,W2contro l n S1, W1contro l v S2, W1conven ientadj S3conven tionn W2conven tiona l adj W3conver satio n n S1,W2conver t v W3convic tionn W3convin ce v S3, W3cook v S1, W3cooker n S3cookie n S3, W3cool adj S2, W3cool v S2cooper ation n S3,W3cope v S2, W3copy n S1, W2copy v S2core n W3corn n S3corner n S1, W2correc t adj S1, W2correc t v S3corrid or n S2, W3cost n S1, W1cost v S1, W2cottag e n S3, W3cotton n W3couldmodalverb S1,W1counci l n S2, W2countv S2, W3counte r n S3countr y n S1, W1countr yside n S3,W3county n W2couple n S1, W1courag e n S3course n S1, W1courtn S1, W1cousin n S2coverv S1, W1covern S1, W2cow n S2crackv S3craftn W3crashn S3crazyadj S2create v S2, W1creati on n W2creati ve adj W3creatu re n W3credit n S2, W2credit card n S3, W3crew n S3, W3crimen S2, W2crimin al adj S3, W2crisis n S3, W2criter ion n W2critic n W3critic al adj S3, W2critic ism n S3, W2critic ize v W3crop n W3crossv S2, W2crossn S3, W3crossadj S2crowdn S3, W2crownn W3crucia l adj W2crueladj S3cry v S2, W2cry n W3cultur al adj W2cultur e n S2, W1cup n S1, W1cupboa rd n S2curiou s adj S3curren cy n W2curren t adj S2, W2curren t n W3curren tly adv S2,W2curtai n n S3, W3curven S3, W3cushio n n S3custom n W3custom er n S1, W1cut v S1, W1cut n S2, W2cute adj S2cyclen S3, W3dad n S1, W3daddyn S1daft adj S3dailyadj S3, W2 damage n S3, W2 damage v S3, W3 dancen S2, W3 dancev S2, W3 danger n S2, W2 danger ous adj S2, W2dare v S3, W3dark adj S2, W1 darkne ss n W3 darlin g n S2data n S1, W1 databa se n S3, W3 date n S1, W1date v S3, W3 daught er n S1, W1 day n S1, W1dead adj S1, W1 dead adv S3deaf adj W3deal n S1, W1deal v S1, W1 dealer n W3dear interj ectio n S1 dear n S2dear adj S2, W2 deathn S1, W1 debate n S2, W2 debt n S3, W2 decade n W2 decent adj S3 decide v S1, W1 decisi on n S1, W1 declar e v W2declin e n W2declin e v W3deep adj S2, W1 deep adv W3 deeply adv W3 defeat n W3defeat v W3defenc e n S2, W1 defend v S3, W3define v S2, W2defini te adj S3defini telyadv S1defini tionn S2, W2degree n S2, W1delayn W3delayv W3delibe ratel y adv S3delive r v S2, W2delive ry n S3, W3demand n S2, W1demand v W2democr acy n W2democr aticadj W2demons trate v S3,W2demons trati on n W3dentis t n S3deny v S3, W2depart mentn S2,W1depart ure n W3depend v S1, W2depend ent adj W3deposi t n S3, W3depres sionn W3depthn S3, W3derive v W3descri be v S2, W1descri ption n S2,W2desert n W3deserv e v S3, W3design n S2, W1design v S3, W1design er n W3desire n W2desk n S2, W2desper ate adj S3,W3despit e prep S3, W1destro y v S2, W2destru ction n W3detail n S2, W1detail ed adj W2detect v W3determ inati on n W3determ ine v W2determ inedadj W3develo p v S2, W1develo pment n S1,W1device n S3, W2deviln S3diagra m n S3diamon d n S3diaryn S3die v S1, W1diet n S3, W2differ v W3differ encen S1, W1differ ent adj S1, W1diffic ult adj S1, W1diffic ultyn S2, W1dig v S2dimens ion n W3dinner n S1, W2direct adj S2, W1direct v S3, W2direct ion n S1, W1direct ly adv S2, W2direct or n S2, W1direct ory n S3dirt n S3dirtyadj S2, W3disabl ed adj S3, W3disagr ee v S3disapp ear v S2, W2disapp ointv W3disapp ointe d adj S3,W3disast er n S3, W3disc n S2, W3discip linen S3, W3discou nt n S3discov er v S2, W1discov ery n W3discus s v S2, W1discus sionn S2, W1diseas e n S3, W1disgus tingadj S2dish n S2, W3disk n S2, W3dismis s v W3displa y n S3, W2displa y v W2disput e n W2distan ce n S2, W2distan t adj W3distin ct adj W3distin ction n W3distin guish v S3,W3distri butev W2distri butio n n W2distri ct n S3, W2distur b v W3divide v S2, W2divisi on n S3, W1divorc e n S3do auxili ary verb S1,W1do v S1, W1doctor n S1, W1docume nt n S2, W2dog n S1, W1dollar n S1, W2domest ic adj W2domina nt adj W3domina te v W3door n S1, W1dot n S2double adj S1, W2double v S3doubtn S1, W1doubtv S2down adv S1, W1downst airsadv S2downto wn adv S3,W3dozennumber S2,W3draftn S2, W3 drag v S3, W3 draman W3 dramat ic adj W3 draw v S1, W1 draw n S3drawer n S3drawin g n S3, W3 dreamn S2, W2 dreamv S3, W3 dressn S2, W2 dressv S2, W2 drinkv S1, W2 drinkn S1, W2 drivev S1, W1 driven S2, W2 driver n S1, W2 drop v S1, W2 drop n S2, W3 drug n S2, W1 drunkadj S3dry adj S2, W2dry v S2, W3duck n S3dude n S3due adj S1, W1dull adj S3dumb adj S3dump v S3during prep S1, W1 dust n S3, W3duty n S2, W1 DVD n S3, W3each determ inerS1, W1each otherpron S1, W1ear n S2, W2earlyadj S1, W1 earlyadv S1, W1 earn v S2, W2 earthn S2, W2ease v W3easily adv S2, W1east n S1, W2easter n adj S2, W2easy adj S1, W1easy adv S2eat v S1, W1econom ic adj S2,W1econom ics n W3econom y n S2, W1edge n S2, W2editio n n W3editor n W2educat ion n S1, W1educat ional adj S3,W2effect n S1, W1effect ive adj S2, W1effect ively adv S3,W2effici encyn W3effici ent adj S3, W3effort n S1, W1egg n S1, W2either conjun ctionS1, W1either determ inerS1,W1elderl y adj S3, W2electv S3, W3electi on n S2, W1electr ic adj S2, W3electr icaladj S3electr icity n S2, W3electr onicadj S3,W3elemen t n S2, W1elevat or n S3, W3else adv S1, W1elsewh ere adv S3,W2emailn S2, W2emailv S2, W2embarr assed adj S3emerge v W2emerge ncy n S3,W3emotio n n W3emotio nal adj S3,W3emphas is n S3, W2emphas ize v S3, W2empire n W3employ v S3, W2employ ee n S2, W2employ er n S2, W2employ mentn S2,W1emptyadj S2, W2enable v S3, W1encoun ter v W3encour age v S2, W1encour aging adj S3end n S1, W1end v S1, W1enemyn W2energy n S2, W1engage v W3engine n S2, W2engine er n S3, W3engine ering n S3,W3enhanc e v W3enjoyv S1, W1enjoya ble adj S3enormo us adj S2,W3enough adv S1, W1enough determ inerS1, W2enquir y n S2, W2ensure v S2, W1enterv S2, W1enterp risen W2entert ainme nt n S3,W3enthus iasmn W3enthus iasti c adj S3entire adj S3, W2entire ly adv S2, W2entitl e v S3, W3entran ce n S3, W3entryn S3, W2envelo pe n S3enviro nment n S1,W1enviro nment al adjS2, W2equaladj S1, W2equalv S2equall y adv S3, W2equipm ent n S2, W2equiva lentadj W3era n W3errorn S3, W2escape v S3, W2escape n S3especi allyadv S1,W1essayn S3essent ial adj S3, W2essent ially adv S2,W3establ ish v S2, W1establ ishme nt n W2estate n S2, W2estima te n S3, W2estima te v S3, W2ethnic adj W3even adv S1, W1evenin g n S1, W1eventn S1, W1eventu allyadv S1,W2ever adv S1, W1everydeterm inerS1,W1everyb ody pron S1,W3everyo ne pron S1,W1everyt hingpron S1, W1everyw hereadv S2, W3eviden ce n S2, W1 evil adj S3, W3 exactadj S3exactl y adv S1, W2 exam n S1examin ation n W2 examin e v S3, W2 exampl e n S1, W1 excell ent adj S1, W2 except conjun ction S2, W2except ion n S3, W2 exchan ge n S2, W1 excite mentn S3, W3exciti ng adj S2, W3 exclud e v W3 excuse v S1excuse n S3execut ive n S3, W2 execut ive adj W3 exerci se n S2, W2 exerci se v S3, W2 exhibi tionn W2 existv S2, W1 existe nce n S3, W2 existi ng adj S2, W2 exit n S3expand v S3, W3 expans ion n W3 expect v S1, W1 expect ation n S3, W2expend iture n W2 expens e n S3, W2 expens ive adj S1, W2experi encen S1, W1 experi encev S2, W2 experi enced adj S3experi mentn S3,W2experi menta l adjW3expert n S3, W2expert adj W3explai n v S1, W1explan ation n S3,W2explor e v S3, W2explos ion n W3export n W2expose v W3expres s v S2, W1expres sionn S2, W2extend v S3, W2extens ion n S3, W3extens ive adj W3extent n S2, W1extern al adj W2extraadj S1, W2extrao rdina ry adj S3,W3extrem e adj S3, W3extrem ely adv S2,W2eye n S1, W1face n S1, W1face v S1, W1facili ty n S2, W1fact n S1, W1factor n S3, W1factor y n S2, W2fail v S2, W1failur e n S3, W2fair adj S1, W2fair adv S2, W3fairly adv S1, W2faithn S3, W2fall v S1, W1fall n S2, W2falseadj W3famili ar adj S3, W2family n S1, W1famous adj S2, W2fan n S3, W2fancyv S2fancyadj S3fantas tic adj S3far adv S1, W1far adj S1, W1farm n S2, W2farmer n S2, W2fascin ating adj S3fashio n n S3, W2fast adv S2, W3fast adj S2, W2fat adj S2, W3father n S1, W1faultn S2, W3favour n S2, W3favour v W3favour ite adj S3, W3fear n S3, W1fear v W2featur e n S2, W1featur e v W3federa l adj W1fee n S3, W3feed v S1, W2feedba ck n S3feel v S1, W1feelin g n S1, W1fellow adj W3female adj S3, W2female n W3fencen S3festiv al n S3, W3fetchv S3few determ inerS1,W1fieldn S1, W1fightv S1, W1fightn S2, W3figure n S1, W1figure v S1, W3file n S1, W2file v S3, W3fill v S1, W1film n S1, W1filthy adj S3finaladj S1, W1finall y adv S2, W1financ e n S3, W2financ e v W3financ ial adj S2, W1find v S1, W1findin g n W2fine adj S1, W1fine adv S3finger n S2, W2finish v S1, W2finish n S3fire n S1, W1fire v S3, W3firm n S1, W1firm adj S3, W2firstadj S1, W1firstadv S1, W2firstl y adv S3fish n S1, W1fish v S3fishin g n S3fit v S1, W2fit adj S2, W3fix v S2, W2fixedadj S3, W3flashv S3flat adj S2, W2flat n S2, W3fleshn W3flight n S3, W2floodv W3floorn S1, W1flow n S3, W2flow v W3flower n S2, W2fly v S2, W2focusv S3, W2focusn S3, W2fold v W3folk n S2, W3follow v S1, W1 follow ing adj S3, W1food n S1, W1foot n S1, W1 footba ll n S1, W2 for prep S1, W1 forcen S2, W1 forcev S2, W1 foreig n adj S3, W1 forest n S2, W2 foreve r adv S2, W3 forget v S1, W1 forgiv e v S3fork n S3form n S1, W1 form v S2, W1 formal adj S2, W2 formal ly adv S3 format ion n W3 former adj S2, W1 formul a n S3, W3 forthadv S2fortni ght n S3fortun ate adj S3 fortun e n S3, W3 forwar d adv S1, W1 forwar d adj S2, W3 founda tionn W2 framen S3, W3 frankl y adv S3free adj S1, W1 free v S3, W3 freedo m n S3, W2 freewa y n S2, W3 freeze v S3, W3 freeze r n S3freque nt adj W3 freque ntlyadv S3, W2freshadj S2, W2 fridge n S2friend n S1, W1friend ly adj S2, W3friend shipn W3fright enedadj S3from prep S1, W1frontn S1, W1frontadj S1, W2fruitn S2, W3fry v S3fuel n S3, W2fulfil v W3full adj S1, W1fullyadv S2, W2fun n S2, W3fun adj S2, W3functi on n S3, W1fund n S3, W1fund v S3, W3fundam ental adj W2funera l n S3funnyadj S1, W3furnit ure n S2, W3furthe r adv S1, W1fuss n S3future adj S1, W1future n S1, W1gain v S3, W2gain n W3galler y n W3game n S1, W1gang n S3gap n S2, W2garage n S2garbag e n S3garden n S1, W1garlic n S3gas n S1, W2gasoli ne n S3, W3gate n S2, W2gather v S3, W2gay adj S3, W3gear n S3gene n S3, W3genera l adj S1, W1genera lly adv S2,W1genera te v S3, W2genera tionn S3, W2genero us adj W3gentle adj S3, W3gentle man n S2, W2gently adv W3genuin e adj S3, W3get v S1, W1giantadj W3gift n S2, W2girl n S1, W1girlfr iendn S3give v S1, W1glad adj S2, W3glance n W3glassn S1, W1global adj W2gloven S3go v S1, W1go n S1goal n S2, W1god n S1, W1gold n S2, W2gold adj S3, W3golden adj W3golf n S2, W3good adj S1, W1goodby e S3good mornin ginterj ectio n S2goodne ss n S2good nightS3goodsn S2, W2gorgeo us adj S3gosh interj ectio n S2govern v W3govern mentn S2,W1govern or n W3grab v S2, W3graden S2, W3gradua lly adv S3,W3gram n S3gramma r n S3, W3grandadj S2, W3granda d n S3grandf ather n S3grandm a n S2grandm other n S3grandp a n S3granny n S3grantv S2, W2grantn S2, W2graphn S3grassn S2, W2gratef ul adj S3, W3greatadj S1, W1greatl y adv W3greenadj S1, W2greenn S2, W3grey adj S2, W2grocer y n S3grossadj S3ground n S1, W1groupn S1, W1grow v S1, W1growth n S3, W1guaran tee v S2, W3guaran tee n S3guardn S3, W3guessv S1, W3guessn S3guestn S3, W2guidan ce n S3, W3guiden S3, W2guidev W3guilty adj S2, W3guitar n S3, W3gun n S2, W2guy n S1, W3。

Aabilityableaboutabove abroad absence absent accept acceptable accident accidental according (to) account achieve achievement acidacrossactactionactive activityactor actress actual actuallyadd addition additional address adjective admiration admire admitadult advanced advantage adventure adverb advertise advertisement advice adviseaffairaffectaffordafraidafter afternoon afterwards again againstageagoagree agreementaheadaimairaircraftairportalcoholaliveallallowalmostalonealongalphabetalreadyalsoalthoughalwaysamongamountamuseamusementamusinganancientandangerangleangryanimalannounceannoyannoyinganotheransweranxietyanxiousanyanyoneanythinganywhereapartapartmentappearappearanceappleapprovalapproveareaargueargumentarmarmyaroundarrangearrangementarrivalarriveartarticleartificialasas opposed toashamedaskasleepassociationatatomattackattemptattendattentionattitudeattractattractiveauthorityautumnavailableaverageavoidawakeawayawkwardBbabybackbackgroundbackward(s)badbagbakebalanceballbandbankbarbasebasicbasketbathbattlebebeachbeakbeambeanbearbeatbeautifulbeautybecausebecomebedbeerbeforebeginbeginningbehavebehaviorbehindbeliefbelievebellbelongbelowbeltbendbeneathbeside(s)bestbetterbetweenbeyondbicyclebigbillbirdbirthbitbitebitterblackbladeblameblindblockbloodblowblueboardboatbodyboilbombbonebookbootborderboredboringborn borrow both bottle bottom bowl boxboy brain branch brave bread break breakfast breast breath breathe breed brick bright bring broad broadcast brother brown brush build building bullet burn burst burybus bush business busybut butter button buybyCcake calculate call calm camera camp cancap capital carcard carecarefulcarelesscarriagecarrycasecastlecatcatchcattlecauseceilingcelebratecellcentralcentrecenturyceremonycertainchainchairchancechangecharacterchargechasecheapcheatcheckcheekcheerfulcheesechemicalchemistrycheckchestchickenchiefchildchildrenchinchocolatechoicechoosechurchcigarettecinemacirclecircularcitizencityclaimclassclaycleanclearclevercliffclimbclockcloseclothclothesclothingcloudclubcoalcoastcoatcoffeecoincoldcollarcollectcollegecolorcombcombinationcombinecomecomfortcomfortablecommandcommitteecommoncommunicatecommunicationcompanycomparecomparisoncompetecompetitioncompetitorcomplaincomplaintcompletecompletelycomplicatedcompoundcomputerconcernconcerningconcertconditionconfidenceconfidentconfuseconfusingconnectconnectionconsciousconsiderconsistcontaincontainercontinuecontinuouscontractcontrolconversationcookcopycorncornercorrectcostcottoncoughcouldcouncilcountcountrycountrysidecouragecoursecourtcovercowcrackcrashcrazycreamcreaturecrimecriminalcriticismcriticizecropcrosscrowdcruelcrushcrycupcupboardcurecurlcurrentcurtaincurvecustomcustomercutcycleDdaily damage dance danger dangerous darkdate daughterdaydeaddealdeal with deathdebtdecay deceive decide decision decorate decoration decrease deepdefeat defense defend definite definitely degree delay deliberate deliberately delicate deliver demand department depend dependent depth describe description desert deserve design desirable desiredesk destroy destruction detail determination determineddevelopdictionarydiedifferencedifferentdifficultdifficultydigdinnerdirectdirectiondirtdirtydisappointdisappointingdiscoverdiscoverydiscussdiscussiondiseasedishdismissdistancedistantdividedodoctordocumentdogdollardoordoubledoubtdowndrawdrawerdreamdressdrinkdrivedropdrugdrumdrunkdryduckdullduringdustdutyEeacheagerearearlyearneartheasteasterneasyeateconomicedgeeducateeducatededucationeffecteffectiveefforteggeighteitherelbowelectelectionelectricelectricityelectronicelseembarrassembarrassingemotionemphasizeemployemployeremploymentempty ax/jencloseencourageendenemyenergyengineengineerenjoyenjoyableenjoymentenoughenterentertainentertainmententranceenvelopeenvironmentequalequipmentescapeespeciallyestablisheveneveningeventevereveryeveryoneeverythingeverywhereevilexactexactlyexaminationexamineexampleexcellentexceptexchangeexciteexcitingexcuseexerciseexistexistenceexpectexpensiveexperienceexplainexplanationexplodeexplosionexplosiveexpressexpressionextremeextremelyeyeFfacefactfactoryfailfailurefairfairlyfaithfaithfulfallfalsefamiliarfamilyfamousfarfarm farmer fashion fashionable fast fastenfatfather fault favorable favorite fear feather feature feedfeel feeling(s) female fence feverfewfieldfifthfight figurefillfilmfinal finally financial findfind out fine finger finishfirefirmfirstfishfitfivefixflagflame flashflatfleshflightfloatfloodfloorflour flowflowerflyfoldfollowfondfoodfootfootballforforceforeignforeignerforestforgetforgiveforkformformalformerfortunateforward(s)four(th)framefreefreedomfreezefrequentfreshfriendfriendlyfrightenfrighteningfromfront adzfruitfullfunfuneralfunnyfurfurniturefurtherfutureGgaingamegaragegardengasgategathergeneralgenerallygenerousgentlegentlemangetgiftgirlgivegladglassgluego ogoatgodgoldgoodgoodbyegoodsgoverngovernmentgracefulgradualgraingramgrammargrandgrandfathergrandmothergrandparentgrassgratefulgravegreatgreengreetgreetinggreygroundgroupgrowgrowthguardguessguestguideguiltygunHhabithairhalfhallhammerhandhandlehanghappenhappyhardhardlyharmharmfulhathatehatredhaveheheadhealthhealthyhearheartheatheavenheavyheelheighthellohelphelpfulher(s)hereherselfhide ohighhillhimhimselfhishistoricalhistoryhitholdholeholidayhollowholyhomehonesthonorhookhopehopefulhornhorsehospitalhothotelhourhousehow human humorous humor hundred(th) hungryhunthurryhurt husbandIiceideaifignoreillillegal illness image imaginary imagination imagine immediately importance important impressive improve improvement ininclude including income increase independent indoor(s) industrial industry infect refection Infectious influence inform information injurem juryinkinnerinsect inside Instead institutioninstructioninstrumentinsultinsultinginsuranceinsureintelligenceintelligentintendintentioninterestinterestinginternationalinterruptintointroduceintroductioninventinvitationinviteinvolveinwardsironislandititsJjawjeweljewelerjobjoinjointjokejourneyjudgejudgmentjuicejumpjustjusticeKkeenkeepkeykickkinkilokilogramkilometerkindkingkisskitchenkneekneelknifeknockknotknowknowledgeLlackladylakelamblamp'landlanguagelargelastlatelatelylaughlaughterlawlawyerlaylayerlazyleadleafleanlearnleastleatherleaveleftleglegallendlengthlesslessonletlet go ofletterlevellibrarylidlielie downlifeliftlightlikelikelylimitlinelionlipliquidlistlistenliteratureliterlittleliveloadlocallocklonelylonglooklooklook afterlook forlook sth uplooselordloselosslotloudlovelowlowerloyalloyaltyluckluckylungMmachinemachinerymagazinemagicmailmainmakemake intomake upmalemanmanagemanagermannermanymapmarchmark market marriage married marrymassmatch material mathematics mattermaymemealmean meaning means measure measurement meat medical medicine meet meeting melt member memory mental mention message metal method meter middle mightmile militarymilkmillion(th) mindmine mineral minister minute mirrormissmist mistakemixmixture model modern momentmoneymonkeymonthmoonmoralmoremorningmostmothermotormountainmousemouthmovemovementmuchmudmultiplymurdermuscle-musicmusicianmustmymysteriousmysteryNnailnamenarrownastynationnationalnaturalnaturenavynearnearlyneatnecessaryneckneedneedlenegativeneithernervenervousnetnetworknevernewnewsnewspapernextnicenightnineninthnonoisenonenonsenseno onenornormalnorthnorthernnosenotnotenothingnoticenoticeablenounnownowherenumbernursenutOobeyobjectobtainoccasionoceano'clockofoffoffenceoffendoffensiveofferofficeofficerofficialoftenoiloldold-fashionedononceoneoniononlyonly justontoopenoperateoperationopinionopponentopportunityopposeas opposed tooppositeoppositionororangeorderordinaryorganorganizeorganizationoriginoriginalotheroughtour(s)outoutdoor(s)outeroutsideoveroweownowneroxygenPpackpackagepagepainpainfulpaintpaintingpairpalepanpaperparallelparentparkparliamentpartparticipleparticularpartlypartnerpartypass passage passenger pastpath patient pattern pausepay payment peace peaceful penpence pencil people pepperper cent perfect perform performance perhaps period permanent permission person personal persuade petpetrol photograph phrase physical pianopickpick up picture piecepigpilepilotpinpinkpipepityplaceplainplanplaneplant plastic plateplay pleasantpleasepleasedpleasureplentypluralpocketpoempoetpoetrypointpointedpoisonpoisonouspolepolicepolishpolitepoliticalpoliticianpoliticspoolpoorpopularpopulationportpositionpositivepossesspossessionpossiblepossiblypossibilitypostpotpotatopoundpourpowderpowerpowerfulpracticalpracticepracticepraiseprayprayerpreferpreparationpreparepresentpreservepresidentpresspressurepretendprettypreventpreviouspricepriestprinceprincipleprintprisonprisonerprivateprizeprobablyproblemprocessproduceproductproductionprofessionprofitprogramprogresspromisepronouncepronunciationproofproperpropertyproposalprotectprotectionprotectiveprotestproudproveprovidepublicpullpumppunishpunishmentpupilpurepurplepurposepushputQqualityquantityquarrelquarterqueenquestionquickquietquiteRrabbitraceradiorailwayrainraiserangerankrapidrareratrateratherrawreachreactreactionreadreadyrealrealizereallyreasonreasonablereceiverecentrecentlyrecognizerecordredreducereductionrefusalrefuseregardregularrelatedrelativerelationrelationshiprelaxrelaxingreligionreligiousremainremarkremember remind removerentrepair repeat replacereplyreport represent representative request respect responsible rest restaurant restrict resultreturn rewardricerichridriderightringriseriskriverroadrobrockroll romanticroofroomrootroperoseroughroundrowroyalrubrubberruderuinrulerulerrunrushSsadsafe safetysailsalesaltsamesandsatisfactionsatisfactorysatisfysavesayscalescattersceneschoolsciencescientificscientistscissorsscreenscrewseasearchseasonseatsecondsecretsecretaryseeseedseemsellsendsensesensiblesensitivesentenceseparateseriesseriousservantserveservicesetsettleseven(th)severalseveresexsexualshadeshadowshakeshallshameshapesharesharpshesheepsheetshelfshellsheltershineshinyshipshirtshockshockingshoeshootshopshoreshortshotshouldshouldershoutshowshutshysicksidesidewayssightsignsignalsilencesilentsilksillysilversimilarsimplesincesinceresingsinglesingularsinksistersitsituationsix(th)sizeskilfulskillskinskirtskysleepslideslightslipperyslopeslowsmallsmellsmilesmokesmoothsnakesnowsosoapsocialsocietysocksoftsoilsoldiersolidsolutionsolvesomesomehowsomeonesomethingsometimessomewheresonsongsoonsoresorrysortsoulsoundsoupsoursouthsouthernspacespeakspecialspecificspeechspeedspellspendspinspiritin spite of split spoil spoon sport spot spread spring square stage stair stamp stand standard starstart state statement station stay steady steal steam steel steep stem step stick sticky stiffstillsting stitch stomach stone stop store storm story straight strange stream street strength stretch strict strike string strong structure struggle student study stupidstylesubjectsubstancesucceedsuccesssuccessfulsuchsucksuddensuffersugarsuggestsuitsuitablesumsummersunsupply osupportsupposesuresurfacesurprisesurprisingsurround oswallowswearsweepsweetswellswimswingswordsympatheticsympathysystemTtabletailtaketalktalltastetaxtaxiteateachteamteartechnicaltelephonetelevisiontelltempertemperaturetemporarytentendtendencytennistensetentterribletestthanthankthatthetheatretheir(s)themthentherethereforethesetheythickthiefthinthingthinkthirdthisthoroughthosethoughthoughtthousand(th)threadthreatthreatenthreateningthreethroatthroughthrowthumbtickettidytietighttimetiredtiringtitletotobaccotodaytoetogethertoilettomorrowtonguetonighttootooltoothtoptotaltouchtouristtowards'towertowntoytracktradetraditionaltraffictraintrainingtranslatetransparenttraptraveltreattreatmenttreetribetricktriptropicaltroubletrouserstruetrusttruthtrytubetuneturntwicetwisttwotypetypicaltireUuglyunder understand underwear undo unexpected uniform unionunitunite universe university unlessuntil unusualupupper upright upset upside down upstairs urgentUSuseuseful useless usualVvalley valuable value variety various vegetable vehicle verbvery victory view village violence violentvisitvoicevotevowelWwages waistwaitwakewalkwall wantwarwarmwarmthwarnwarningwashwastewatchwaterwavewayweweakwealthweaponwear oweatherweaveweddingweekweighweightwelcomewellwestwesternwetwhatwhateverwheatwheelwhenwheneverwherewhetherwhichwhilewhipwhistlewhitewhowholewhosewhywidewidthwifewildwillwillingwinwindwindowwinewingwinterwirewisewishwithwithinwithoutwomanwoodwoodenwoolwordworkworldworryworseworstworthwouldwoundwrapwristwritewrongYyearyellowyesyetyouyoungyour(s)Zzero。

1)previously, adverb2)price1, noun3)pride1, noun4)primary1, adjective5)principle, noun6)print1, verb7)priority1, noun8)prison, noun9)prisoner, noun10)private1, adjective11)prize1, noun12)probably, adverb13)problem, noun14)procedure, noun15)proceed, verb16)process1, noun17)produce1, verb18)product, noun19)production, noun20)profession, noun21)professional1, adjective22)profit1, noun23)programme1, noun24)progress1, noun25)project1, noun26)projection, noun27)promise1, verb28)promise2, noun29)promote, verb30)promotion, noun31)proof1, noun32)proper1, adjective33)properly, adverb34)property, noun35)proportion1, noun36)proposal, noun37)propose, verb38)prospect1, noun39)protect, verb40)protection, noun41)proud, adjective42)prove, verb43)provide, verb44)provided, conjunction45)providing, conjunction46)provision1, noun47)pub, noun48)public1, adjective49)public2, noun50)publicity, noun51)publish, verb52)pudding, noun53)pull1, verb54)pump1, noun55)punch1, verb56)pupil, noun57)puppy, noun58)purchase1, verb59)purchase2, noun60)pure, adjective61)purely, adverb62)purpose, noun63)purse1, noun64)pursue, verb65)push1, verb66)put, verb67)qualification, noun68)qualified, adjective69)qualify, verb70)quality1, noun71)quantity, noun72)quarter1, noun73)queen1, noun74)question1, noun75)question2, verb76)queue1, noun77)quick1, adjective78)quick3, adverb79)quickly, adverb80)quid, noun81)quiet1, adjective82)quietly, adverb83)quite, predeterminer84)quote1, verb85)quote2, noun86)rabbit1, noun87)race1, noun88)racing1, noun89)radio1, noun90)raffle1, noun91)rail1, noun92)railway, noun93)rain1, noun94)raise1, verb95)range1, noun96)rare, adjective97)rate1, noun98)rather, predeterminer99)ratio, noun100)reach1, verb101)react, verb102)reaction, noun103)read1, verb104)reader, noun105)real1, adjective106)realistic, adjective 107)reality, noun108)realize, verb109)really, adverb110)reason1, noun111)reasonable, adjective 112)reasonably, adverb 113)recall1, verb114)receipt, noun115)receive, verb116)recent, adjective 117)recently, adverb118)recession, noun119)recipe, noun120)reckon, verb121)recognition, noun 122)recognize, verb123)recommend, verb124)record1, noun125)record2, verb126)red1, adjective127)reduce, verb128)reduction, noun129)redundancy, noun130)refer, verb131)reference1, noun132)reflect, verb133)reflection, noun134)refuse1, verb135)regard1, noun136)regard2, verb137)regarding, preposition 138)region, noun139)regional, adjective 140)register1, noun141)registration, noun 142)regular1, adjective 143)regularly, adverb 144)regulation1, noun 145)reject1, verb146)relate, verb147)related, adjective148)relation, noun149)relationship, noun 150)relative1, noun151)relatively, adverb 152)relax, verb153)release1, verb154)release2, noun155)relevant, adjective 156)relief, noun157)relieve, verb158)religion, noun159)religious, adjective 160)rely, verb161)remain, verb162)remark1, noun163)remember, verb164)remind, verb165)removal, noun166)remove1, verb167)rent1, verb168)repair1, verb169)repair2, noun170)repeat1, verb171)replace, verb172)reply1, verb173)reply2, noun174)report1, noun175)report2, verb176)reporter, noun177)represent, verb178)representation, noun 179)representative2, noun 180)request1, noun181)request2, verb182)require, verb183)requirement, noun 184)research1, noun185)reservation, noun 186)resident1, noun187)resistance, noun188)resource1, noun189)respect1, noun190)respond, verb191)response, noun192)responsibility, noun 193)responsible, adjective 194)rest1, noun195)rest2, verb196)restaurant, noun197)restrict, verb198)restriction, noun199)result1, noun200)retain, verb201)retire, verb202)retirement, noun203)return1, verb204)return2, noun205)reveal, verb206)review1, noun207)revolution, noun208)rich, adjective209)rid1, adjective210)ride1, verb211)ride2, noun212)ridiculous, adjective213)right1, adjective214)right3, adverb215)right4, noun216)ring1, noun217)ring2, verb218)riot1, noun219)rise1, verb220)risk1, noun221)river, noun222)road, noun223)rob, verb224)rock1, noun225)roll1, verb226)roof1, noun227)room1, noun228)root1, noun229)rope1, noun230)rose1, noun231)rough1, adjective232)roughly, adverb233)round1, adverb, preposition 234)round2, adjective235)row1, noun236)royal1, adjective237)rub1, verb238)rubbish1, noun239)rugby, noun240)ruin1, verb241)rule1, noun242)run1, verb243)run2, noun244)rush1, verb245)sad, adjective246)safe1, adjective 247)safety, noun248)sail1, verb249)sake1, noun250)sale, noun251)salt1, noun252)salvation, noun253)same1, adjective 254)same2, pronoun255)same3, adverb256)sample1, noun257)sandwich1, noun258)satisfaction, noun 259)satisfied, adjective 260)satisfy, verb261)sausage, noun262)save1, verb263)say1, verb264)scale1, noun265)scared, adjective 266)scene, noun267)schedule1, noun268)school1, noun269)science, noun270)scientific, adjective 271)scientist, noun272)score1, noun273)screen1, noun274)sea, noun275)seal1, noun276)search1, noun277)season1, noun278)seat1, noun279)second1, number280)second2, noun281)secret1, adjective 282)secret2, noun283)secretary, noun284)section1, noun285)secure1, adjective 286)see1, verb287)seed1, noun288)seeing, conjunction 289)seem, verb290)select1, verb291)selection, noun292)self, noun293)self-, prefix294)sell, verb295)send, verb296)sense1, noun297)sensible, adjective 298)sensitive, adjective 299)sentence1, noun 300)separate1, adjective 301)separate2, verb 302)series, noun303)serious, adjective 304)seriously, adverb 305)serve1, verb306)service1, noun307)session, noun308)set1, verb309)set2, noun310)settle, verb311)several1, determiner 312)severe, adjective 313)sex1, noun314)sexual, adjective 315)sh, interjection 316)shaft1, noun317)shake1, verb318)shall, modal verb 319)shame1, noun320)shape1, noun321)shape2, verb322)share1, verb323)share2, noun324)sharp1, adjective 325)shave1, verb326)she1, pronoun327)shed1, noun328)sheep, noun329)sheet, noun330)shelf, noun331)shine1, verb332)ship1, noun333)shirt, noun334)shit2, noun335)shock1, noun336)shocked, adjective 337)shocking, adjective 338)shoe1, noun339)shoot1, verb340)shop1, noun341)shop2, verb342)shopping, noun343)short1, adjective 344)should, modal verb 345)shoulder1, noun346)shout1, verb347)shove1, verb348)show1, verb349)show2, noun350)shower1, noun351)shut1, verb352)sick1, adjective353)side1, noun354)sight1, noun355)sign1, noun356)sign2, verb357)signal1, noun358)significant, adjective 359)significantly, adverb 360)silly1, adjective 361)silver1, noun362)similar, adjective 363)simple, adjective 364)simply, adverb365)sin1, noun366)since, preposition 367)sing, verb368)singer, noun369)single1, adjective 370)sister, noun371)sit, verb372)situation, noun373)size1, noun374)skill, noun375)skin1, noun376)skinny, adjective 377)sky, noun378)slap1, verb379)sleep1, verb380)sleep2, noun381)slight1, adjective 382)slightly, adverb383)slim1, adjective384)slip1, verb385)slow1, adjective386)slow2, verb387)small1, adjective 388)smart1, adjective 389)smell1, noun390)smell2, verb391)smile1, verb392)smile2, noun393)smoke1, noun394)smoke2, verb395)smoking, noun396)snake1, noun397)snow1, noun398)so1, adverb399)soak1, verb400)soap1, noun401)social1, adjective 402)society, noun403)sock1, noun404)soft, adjective 405)soldier1, noun406)solicitor, noun 407)solid1, adjective 408)solution, noun409)solve, verb410)some3, determiner 411)somebody1, pronoun 412)somehow, adverb 413)someone1, pronoun 414)something, pronoun 415)sometimes, adverb 416)somewhat, adverb 417)somewhere, adverb 418)son, noun419)song, noun420)soon, adverb421)sore1, adjective 422)sorry, adjective 423)sort1, noun424)sort2, verb425)soul, noun426)sound1, noun427)sound2, verb428)soup1, noun429)source1, noun430)south1, noun431)southern, adjective 432)space1, noun433)spare1, adjective 434)spare2, verb435)speak, verb436)speaker, noun437)special1, adjective 438)specialist, noun 439)specialize, verb 440)specific1, adjective441)specifically, adverb 442)speech, noun443)speed1, noun444)speed2, verb445)spell1, verb446)spelling, noun447)spend, verb448)spill1, verb449)spin1, verb450)spirit1, noun451)split1, verb452)sport1, noun453)spot1, noun454)spot2, verb455)spray1, verb456)spread1, verb457)spring1, noun458)square1, adjective 459)square2, noun460)ssh, interjection 461)staff1, noun462)stage1, noun463)stair, noun464)stall1, noun465)stamp1, noun466)stamp2, verb467)stand1, verb468)standard1, noun 469)standard2, adjective 470)star1, noun471)stare1, verb472)start1, verb473)start2, noun474)starve, verb475)state1, noun476)state2, verb477)statement1, noun 478)station1, noun479)statistic, noun 480)stay1, verb481)steal1, verb482)steel1, noun483)steep1, adjective 484)step1, noun485)stereo1, noun486)stick1, verb487)sticker, noun488)stiff1, adjective 489)still1, adverb490)stink1, verb491)stir1, verb492)stock1, noun493)stomach1, noun494)stone1, noun495)stop1, verb496)stop2, noun497)store1, noun498)store2, verb499)story, noun500)straight1, adverb501)straight2, adjective502)straightforward, adjective 503)strange1, adjective504)straw, noun505)strawberry, noun506)street, noun507)strength, noun508)stress1, noun509)stretch1, verb510)strict, adjective511)strike1, verb512)strike2, noun513)string1, noun514)stroke1, noun515)strong, adjective516)structure1, noun517)student, noun518)study1, noun519)study2, verb520)stuff1, noun521)stupid1, adjective522)style1, noun523)sub1, noun524)subject1, noun525)submission, noun526)submit, verb527)substantial, adjective 528)succeed, verb529)success, noun530)successful, adjective 531)such, determiner532)suck1, verb533)sudden, adjective534)suddenly, adverb535)suffer, verb539)suggestion, noun 540)suit1, noun541)suit2, verb542)suitable, adjective 543)sum1, noun544)summer1, noun545)sun1, noun546)sunshine, noun547)super1, adjective 548)supermarket, noun 549)supply1, noun550)supply2, verb551)support1, verb552)support2, noun553)supporter, noun554)suppose, verb555)sure1, adjective 556)surely, adverb557)surface1, noun558)surgery, noun559)surprise1, noun560)surprised, adjective 561)surprising, adjective 562)survey1, noun563)survive, verb564)suspect1, verb565)suspicious, adjective 566)swallow1, verb567)swap1, verb568)swear, verb569)sweep1, verb570)sweet1, adjective 571)sweet2, noun572)swimming, noun573)swing2, noun574)switch1, verb575)switch2, noun576)system, noun577)ta578)ta-ta579)table1, noun580)tackle1, verb581)tail1, noun582)take1, verb583)talent, noun584)talk1, verb588)tap1, noun589)tap2, verb590)tape1, noun591)tape2, verb592)target1, noun593)task1, noun594)taste1, noun595)tax1, noun596)tea, noun597)teach, verb598)teacher, noun599)teaching, noun600)team1, noun601)tear1, noun602)tear2, verb603)technical, adjective 604)technically, adverb 605)technique, noun606)technology, noun607)telephone1, noun608)television, noun609)tell, verb610)telly, noun611)temperature, noun 612)temporary, adjective 613)tempt, verb614)tenant, noun615)tend, verb616)tendency, noun617)tennis, noun618)tension, noun619)term1, noun620)terrible, adjective 621)terribly, adverb622)test1, noun623)test2, verb624)text1, noun625)than, conjunction 626)thank, verb627)thanks1, interjection 628)that1, determiner 629)that2, conjunction 630)that3, adverb631)the1, definite article 632)theatre, noun633)their, determiner637)themselves, pronoun 638)then1, adverb639)theory, noun640)there1, pronoun641)there2, adverb642)therefore, adverb643)they, pronoun644)thick1, adjective645)thin1, adjective646)thing, noun647)think1, verb648)this1, determiner649)though1, conjunction 650)though2, adverb651)thought2, noun652)threat, noun653)threaten, verb654)three, number655)throat, noun656)through1, preposition 657)throughout, preposition 658)throw1, verb659)ticket1, noun660)tie1, verb661)tie2, noun662)tight1, adjective663)tights, noun664)tile1, noun665)till1, preposition 666)time1, noun667)tin1, noun668)tiny, adjective669)tip1, noun670)tired, adjective671)title, noun672)to1673)to2, preposition674)toast1, noun675)today1, adverb676)toe1, noun677)together1, adverb678)toilet, noun679)tomato, noun680)tomorrow1, adverb681)ton, noun687)top1, noun688)top2, adjective689)total1, adjective 690)total2, noun691)totally, adverb692)touch1, verb693)touch2, noun694)tough1, adjective 695)towards, preposition 696)tower1, noun697)town, noun698)track1, noun699)trade1, noun700)trade2, verb701)tradition, noun702)traditional, adjective 703)traffic1, noun704)train1, noun705)train2, verb706)training, noun707)transaction, noun 708)transport1, noun709)transportation, noun 710)trap2, verb711)trash1, noun712)travel1, verb713)travel2, noun714)treat1, verb715)treatment, noun716)tree, noun717)tremendous, adjective 718)trend, noun719)trial1, noun720)trick1, noun721)tricky, adjective 722)trip1, noun723)troop1, noun724)trouble1, noun725)trousers, noun726)truck1, noun727)true1, adjective728)trust1, noun729)trust2, verb730)trustee, noun736)turn1, verb737)turn2, noun738)TV, noun739)twist1, verb740)type1, noun741)typical, adjective742)tyre, noun743)unable, adjective744)unbelievable, adjective 745)under, preposition746)underneath1, preposition 747)understand, verb748)unemployed1, adjective 749)unemployment, noun750)unfair, adjective751)unfortunate1, adjective 752)unfortunately, adverb 753)unhappy, adjective754)uniform1, noun755)union, noun756)unique, adjective757)university, noun758)unless, conjunction 759)unlikely, adjective 760)until, preposition761)unusual, adjective762)up1, adverb763)upon, preposition764)upset2, verb765)upstairs1, adverb766)urgent, adjective767)us, pronoun768)use1, verb769)use2, noun770)used1, adjective771)used to, modal verb 772)useful, adjective773)usual, adjective774)usually, adverb775)vacancy, noun776)vacation1, noun777)vague, adjective778)valley, noun779)value1, noun783)vary, verb784)vast, adjective 785)vegetable1, noun 786)vehicle, noun 787)very1, adverb 788)very2, adjective 789)vet1, noun790)vice, noun791)victim, noun792)video1, noun793)view1, noun794)village, noun 795)violence, noun 796)violent, adjective 797)virtually, adverb 798)vision, noun799)visit1, verb800)visitor, noun 801)voice1, noun802)vote1, verb803)voucher, noun 804)wait1, verb805)wake1, verb806)walk1, verb807)walk2, noun808)wall1, noun809)wander1, verb 810)want1, verb811)war, noun812)warm1, adjective 813)warn, verb814)warning1, noun 815)wash1, verb816)washing, noun817)waste1, noun818)waste2, verb819)watch1, verb820)watch2, noun821)water1, noun822)water2, verb823)wave1, noun824)wave2, verb825)way1, noun826)way2, adverb827)we, pronoun831)weather1, noun832)wedding, noun833)week, noun834)weekend1, noun835)weekly1, adjective 836)weigh, verb837)weight1, noun838)weird, adjective 839)welcome1, verb840)welcome2, adjective 841)welfare, noun842)well1, adverb843)well2, interjection 844)well3, adjective 845)west2, adjective 846)western1, adjective 847)wet1, adjective848)what, pronoun849)whatever1, determiner 850)whatsoever, adverb 851)wheel1, noun852)when, adverb853)whenever, adverb 854)where, adverb855)whereas, conjunction 856)whereby, adverb857)wherever, adverb 858)whether, conjunction 859)which, determiner 860)while1, conjunction 861)while2, noun862)whilst, conjunction 863)whisky, noun864)white1, adjective 865)white2, noun866)who, pronoun867)whoever, pronoun 868)whole1, adjective 869)whole2, noun870)whose, determiner 871)why1, adverb872)wide1, adjective 873)wide2, adverb874)wife, noun875)wild1, adjective 876)will1, modal verb880)wind1, noun881)window, noun882)windy, adjective 883)wine1, noun884)wing1, noun885)winner, noun886)winter1, noun887)wipe1, verb888)wire1, noun889)wise1, adjective 890)wish1, verb891)wish2, noun892)with, preposition 893)within, preposition 894)without, preposition 895)witness1, noun896)woman, noun897)wonder1, verb898)wonderful, adjective 899)wood, noun900)wooden, adjective 901)word1, noun902)work1, verb903)work2, noun904)worker, noun905)working1, adjective 906)workshop, noun907)world1, noun908)worried, adjective 909)worry1, verb910)worry2, noun911)worrying, adjective 912)worth1, preposition 913)worthwhile, adjective 914)would, modal verb 915)wrap1, verb916)wrist, noun917)write, verb918)writer, noun919)writing, noun920)wrong1, adjective 921)wrong2, adverb922)yard, noun923)yeah, adverb924)year, noun925)yellow1, adjective929)yoghurt, noun 930)you, pronoun 931)young1, adjective 932)your, determiner 933)yours, pronoun 934)yourself, pronoun 935)youth, noun。
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aabilityaboutabove abroad absence absent accept acceptable accident accordance according according to accountacheacidacrossactactionactive activityactor actress actualaddaddition address adjective admiration admire admit admittance adult advance advantage adventure adverb advertise advertisement advice adviseaffairafford Longman 2200afraidafterafternoonafterwardsagainagainstageagoagreeagreementaheadaimairaircraftairforceairportalcoholalikealiveallallowalmostalonealongaloudalphabetalreadyalsoalthoughaltogetheralwaysamongamountamuseamusementamusinganancientandangerangleangryanimalankleannoyannoyanceanotheranswerantanxietyanxiousanyanyhowanyoneanythinganywhereapartapparatusappearappearanceappleappointapprovalapprovearchareaargueargumentarmarmorarmsarmyaroundarrangearrangementarrivalarriveartarticleartificialasashashamedasideaskasleepassociation atatom attack attempt attend attendance attention attract attractive aunt autumn average avoid awake away awkward babyback background backward backwards bacteria badbagbake balance ball banana bandbankbarbare barrel base basket bathbathe battlebebeak beam beanbear beardbeatbeautifulbeautybecausebecomebedbeebeerbeforebegbeginbeginningbehavebehaviorbehindbeliefbelievebellbelongbelowbeltbendbeneathberrybesidebesidesbestbetterbetweenbeyondbicyclebigbillbindbirdbirthbirthdaybitbitebitterblackbladeblamebleedblessblindblockbloodblowblueboardboatbodyboilbombbonebookbootborderbornborrowbothbottlebottombowelsbowlboxboybrainbranchbrassbravebreadbreadthbreakbreakfastbreastbreathbreathebreedbrickbridgebrightbringbroadbroadcastbrotherbrown brush bucket build building bullet bunch burial burn burst burybusbush business busybut butter button buybycage cake calculate calculator callcalm camera camp can candle cap capital captain carcard cardboard care careful careless carriage carrycartcase castle catcatchcattlecausecellcementcentcentercentimetercentralcenturyceremonycertainchainchairchairpersonchalkchancechangecharacterchargecharmchasecheapcheatcheck [cheque]cheekcheercheerfulcheesechemicalchemistrychestchickenchiefchildchildhoodchildrenchimneychinchocolatechoicechoosechurchcigarettecinemacirclecircularcitizencitycivilizationclaimclassclaycleanclearclerkclevercliffclimbclockclockworkcloseclothclothesclothingcloudclubcoalcoastcoatcoffeecoincoldcollarcollectcollegecolorcombcombinationcombinecomecomfortcomfortablecommandcommitteecommoncompanioncompany compare comparison compete competition competitor complain complaint complete compound computer concern concerning concert condition confidence confident confuse connect conscience conscious consider consist consonant contain contents continue continuous contract control convenient conversation cookcool copper copycordcorncorner correctcostcotton cough could councilcountcountrycouragecoursecourtcovercowcowardcowardlycrackcrashcreamcreaturecreepcricketcrimecriminalcropcrosscrowdcruelcrueltycrushcrycultivatecupcupboardcurecurlcurrentcursecurtaincurvecustomcustomercutcycledailydamagedancedangerdangerousdaredaringdarkdatedaughterdaydeaddealdeardeathdebtdecaydeceitdeceivedecidedecimaldecisiondeclarationdeclaredecoratedecorationdecreasedeepdeerdefeatdefenddefensedegreedelaydelicatedelightdeliverdemanddepartmentdependdependentdepthdescenddescribedescriptiondescriptivedesertdeservedesirabledesiredeskdestroy destruction detail determination determined developdevildiamond dictionarydiedifference different difficult difficultydigdinnerdipdirect directiondirtdirty disappoint discourage discouragement discover discoverydishdismiss distance distantditchdividedivisiondodoctordogdollardoordoorwaydotdoubledoubtdown dragdrawdrawerdreamdressdrinkdrivedropdrowndrugdrumdrunkdryduckdullduringdustdutyeacheagerearearlyearneartheasteasterneasyeatedgeeducateeducationeffecteffectiveefforteggeighteightheitherelasticelbowelectelectionelectricelectricityelephantelseemployemployeremploymentemptyencloseenclosureencourageencouragementendenemyengineengineerEnglishenjoyenjoymentenoughenterentertainentertainmententranceenvelopeequalequalityescapeespeciallyestablishestablishmenteveneveningeventevereveryeveryoneeverythingeverywhereevilexactexaminationexamineexampleexcellentexceptexchange excite excited exciting excuse exercise exist existence expect expensive experience explain explanation explode explosion explosive express expression extreme eyeeyelidfacefact factoryfailfailure faintfairfairyfaith faithfulfallfalsefame familiar family famous fancyfarfarm farmer farmyard fashion fashionable fastfastenfatfatefatherfaultfavorfavorablefavoritefearfeatherfeedfeelfeelingfeelingsfellowfemalefencefeverfewfieldfiercefifthfightfigurefillfilmfindfinefingerfinishfirefireplacefirmfirstfishfishermanfitfivefixflagflameflashflatfleshflightfloatfloodfloorflourflowflowerflyfoldfollowfondfoodfoolfoolishfootfootballfootpathfootstepforforbidforceforeheadforeignforeignerforestforgetforgiveforkformformalformerformerlyfortfortunatefortuneforwardforwardsfourfourthfoxframefreefreedomfreeze frequentfreshfriendfriendly frighten frightening fromfrontfruitfulfillfullfunfuneralfunnyfurfurnish furniture furtherfuturegaingamegaragegarden garmentgasgasoline [petrol] gategathergeneral generous gentle gentlemangetgiftgirlgivegladglassglorygluegogoatgod goldgoldengoodgood-byegoodsgoverngovernmentgracegracefulgradualgraingramgrammargrandgrandfathergrandmothergrassgratefulgravegraygreatgreengreetgreetinggriefgrievegroundgroupgrowgrowthguardguessguestguidanceguideguiltgunhabithabitualhairhairyhalfhallhammerhandhandkerchiefhandlehanghappenhappyhardhardenhardlyhardshipharmharmfulharmlesshastyhathatehatredhaveheheadhealthhealthyhearheartheatheavenheavyheelheighthelphelpfulhenherherehersherselfhidehighhillhimhimselfhirehishistoricalhistoryhithold holiday hollow holy home honest honesty honor honorable hook hope hopeful hopeless horizon horn horse hospital hosthothotel hour hourly house how human humor humorous hundred hundredth hunger hungry hunt hurry hurt husband hutIiceicyideaifill imageimaginaryimaginationimagineimportanceimportantimproveimprovementinincludeincludingincomeincreaseindoorindoorsindustrialindustryinfectinfectioninfectiousinfluenceinfluentialinforminformationinkinnerinquireinquiryinsectinsideinsteadinstructinstructioninstrumentinsuranceinsureintendintentioninterestinterestinginternationalinterruptinterruptionintointroduceintroductioninventinventioninvitationinviteinwardsironislandititsitselfjawjealousjealousyjellyjeweljewelryjobjoinjointjokejourneyjoyjudgejudgmentjuicejumpjustjusticekeenkeepkeykickkillkilokilogramkilometerkindkingkingdomkisskitchenkneekneel knife knock knot know knowledge laborlack ladder ladylakelamb lampland language largelastlatelately laugh laughter law lawyerlaylazyleadleaflean learn least leather leaveleftleglegallend length less lessonletletter level librarylid lielifeliftlightlightninglikelikelylimblimitlinelionlipliquidlistlistenliterliteraturelittleliveloadloaflocallocklodginglodgingsloglonelylonglooklooselordloselosslotloudlovelowlowerloyalloyaltylucklumplungmachinemachinerymadmagazinemagicmagicianmailmainmakemalemanmanagemanagermannermanymapmarchmarkmarketmarriagemarrymassmastermatmatchmaterialmattermaymemealmeanmeaningmeansmeasuremeatmedicalmedicinemeetmeetingmeltmembermemorymendmentionmerrymessage messenger metal meter method metric microscope middle mightmile military milk million millionth mind mine mineral minister minute mirror missmist mistake mix mixture model modern moment money monkey month monthly moon moral morals more morning most mother motor mountain mouse mouth move muchmudmultiplymurdermusclemusicmusicianmustmymyselfmysteriousmysterynailnamenarrownastynationnationalnaturenavalnavynearnearlyneatnecessaryneckneedneedleneighborneighborhoodneithernervenervousnestnetnetworknevernewnewsnewspapernextnicenightnineninthnono onenoblenoblemannoisenonenonsensenornorthnorthernnosenotnothingnoticenounnownowherenumbernursenutnylono'clockobedienceobedientobeyobjectobtainoccasionoceanoddofoffoffendoffenseoffensiveofferofficeofficerofficialoftenoiloldold-fashionedononceone oneself oniononlyopen operate operation opinion opponent oppose opposite opposition ororange order ordinary organ organization origin other otherwise oughtourours ourselves out outdoor outdoors outer outside overoweowing to own oxygen pack packet pagepain painful paint painting pairpalacepalepanpaperparallelparcelparentparkparliamentpartparticipleparticularpartnerpartypasspassagepassengerpastpastrypathpatiencepatientpatternpausepaypaymentpeacepeacefulpenpencepencilpeoplepepperperperfectperformperhapsperiodpermissionpermitpersonpersonalpersuadepetphotographphotographyphrasephysicalpianopickpicturepiecepigpilepilotpinpinkpipepityplaceplainplanplaneplantplasticplateplaypleasantpleasepleasedpleasureplentypluralpocketpoempoetpoetrypointpointedpoisonpoisonouspolepolicepolishpolitepoliticalpoliticianpolitics poolpoor popular popularity population port position possess possession possibility possible possibly postpotpotato pound pour powder power powerful practical practice praise pray prayer precious preparation prepare presence present preserve president press pressure pretend pretty prevent price prickly pride priest prince principle printprisonprisonerprivateprizeprobabilityprobableproblemprocessprocessionproduceproductproductionprofessionprofitpromisepronouncepronunciationproofproperpropertyprotectprotectionprotectiveproudproveprovideprovisionprovisionspublicpullpumppunishpunishmentpupilpurepurplepurposepushputqualityquantityquarrelquarterqueenquestionquickquietquiterabbitraceradiorailwayrainraiserangerankrapidrareratrateratherrawreachreadreadyrealreallyreasonreasonablereceiverecentrecentlyrecognitionrecognizerecordredreducereductionrefusalrefuseregardregularrelatedrelationrelativereligionreligiousremain remark remember remind removerentrepair repeatreplyreport represent representative republic request respect respectful responsible rest restaurant resultreturn rewardricerichridriderightringriperiseriskriverroadrobrockrodrollroofroomrootroperoseroughround rowroyalrubrubberruderuinrulerulerrunrushsadsafesafetysailsalesaltsamesandsatisfactionsatisfactorysatisfysavesayscalescatterscenesceneryschoolsciencescientificscientistscissorsscrewseasearchseasonseatsecondsecrecysecretsecretaryseeseedseemseizesellsendsensationsensesenselesssensiblesensitivesentenceseparateseriousservantserveservicesetsettlesevenseventhseveralseveresewsexsexualshadeshadowshakeshallshameshapesharesharpshesheepsheetshelfshellsheltershieldshineshipshirtshockshoeshootshop shopkeeper shore shortshot should shoulder shout showshutsickside sideways sightsign signal signature silence silentsilksillysilver similar similarity simple since sincere sing single singular sinksistersit situation sixsixthsizeskill skillful skinskirtskyslave sleep slideslightslipslipperyslopeslowsmallsmellsmilesmokesmoothsnakesnowsosoapsocialsocietysocksoftsoilsoldiersolemnsolidsomesomehowsomeonesomethingsometimessomewheresonsongsoonsoresorrowsorrysortsoulsoundsoupsoursouthsouthernspacespacecraftspadespeakspearspecialspecialistspeechspeedspellspendspinspiritspitesplendidsplitspoilspoonsportspotspreadspringsquarestagestairstampstandstandardstarstartstatestationstaysteadystealsteamsteelsteepstemstepstickstickystiffstillstingstitchstomach stone stop store storm story straight strange stranger stream street strength stretch strike string stroke strong structure struggle student study stupid style subject substance subtract succeed success successful such suck sudden suffer sugar suggest suit suitable sum summer sun supper supply support suppose suresurfacesurprisesurroundswallowswearsweepsweetswellswimswingswordsympatheticsympathysystemtabletailtaketalktalltastetaxtaxiteateachteamteartelephonetelevisiontelltempertemperaturetempletendtendencytendertennistensetentterribleterrortestthanthankthatthetheatertheirtheirsthemthemselvesthentherethereforethesetheythickthiefthinthingthinkthirdthirstthirstythisthoroughthosethoughthoughtthousandthousandththreadthreatthreatenthreethroatthroughthrowthumbthunderthustickettidytietigertighttimetimetabletintire [tyre] tiretitleto tobacco todaytoe together tomorrow tongue tonighttootooltoothtoptotal touchtour tourist towards tower towntoytrack trade traffic train translate transparent traptraveltreat treatment tree tremble tribetricktrip tropical trouble trousers truetrunk trusttruthtrytubetuneturntwicetwisttypetypicaluglyuncleunderunderstandundouniformunionunituniteuniversaluniverseuniversityuntilupupperuprightupsetupside downupstairsurgeurgentususeusefuluselessusualvalleyvaluablevaluevarietyvariousvaryvegetablevehicleverbveryvictoryviewvillageviolenceviolentvisitvoicevotevowelvoyagewageswaistwaitwaiterwakewalkwallwanderwantwarwarmwarmthwarnwashwastewatchwaterwavewayweweakwealthweaponwearweatherweaveweddingweekweeklyweighweightwelcomewellwest western wetwhat whatever wheat wheel when whenever where whether which whichever while whip whisper whistle whitewho whoever wholewhy wicked wide widespread widthwifewildwill willingwinwind window winewing winter wire wisdom wisewishwith within without witness woman wonder wood wooden wool woolen wordwork world worm worry worse worship worst worth worthy worthy of would wound wrap wreck wristwrite wrong wrongdoing yardyear yearly yellowyes yesterday yetyouyoungyouryours yourself youthzero。