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(We love animals)


T: Hello,boys and girls! Ss: Hello,Miss Zhou! T: Nice to meet you! Ss: Nice to meet you, too !


T:Let’s chant,OK? Ss: OK (播放课件)

Ss:I have a pencil. Me, too! I have a book. Me, too! I have a ruler. Me, too!…三、新授知识:

T: Great!We have pencils ,books, rulers … . We bring them with us .They are our good friends .

T:Today we have six new friends .Do you want to know them? (想认识他们吗?)

Ss: Yes ! T:Look ! They’re coming mow.(播放课件)

Ss: Wow! T: Can you tell me who are they?(引导学生说出动物的名字)

Ss:(整体感知) A cat,a dog,a rabbit,a monkey,a duck and a panda.

T:Now, let’s know them one by one. (咱们逐个认识一下吧!)Ss:Great!

T: Now ,please listen ! Mew ! Mew ! who’s coming ? SS: (Ss listen and guess )A cat.

T: Yes, a cat . Now , Look !I have a cat ,too . It’s cool.(出示图片cat)

Ss:(学生看到搞笑的小猫,脱口而出)Wow , cool!

T:Now,read after me. ↗Cat,↗cat ,↘cat. Ss:↗Cat,↗cat ,↘cat.

(教师示范拼读单词,并把单词写在黑板的四线三格内,强调字母a 的发音。)

T:Look ,I can do an action ! Mew! Mew!(教师示范表演)T: Can you act like a cat ? Please try!

Ss:(学生模仿)Mew ! Mew ! ↗Cat,↗cat ,↘cat. T:Cool ! Who can come to the front ? Act llike a cat.

S1: ↗Cat,↗cat ,↘cat. Act llike a cat. S2:…

(Teach “dog” in the same way . )

T: Let’s go on .Please look and listen!(手偶) Hello , I’m Little Duck , Q uack ! Quack ! Quack! Let’s be friends , OK?Ss :OK , Little Duck. T:看,Little duck 多有礼貌啊!咱们用学过的英语也给他问好吧!S1:Hi,Duck!S2:Good morning , Duck ! S3:Nice to meet you, Duck! S4:How are you, Duck!

T:(随机进行思想教育) 以后呀咱们也要向duck那样,学会用英语向别人问好,比一比看谁最懂礼貌。

Ss:OK! T: Who’s the next friend ? Oh , It has red eyes and long ears . It can jump .

SS: A rabbit T: Now ,act like a rabbit.

Ss: Rabbit,rabbit,rabbit,act like a rabbit. T:Now listen!I have big eyes .I’m black and white.I’m fat.What am I?Ss:A panda. T:Yes .He‘s our “国宝”.Do you like him?Ss:I like him. T:Me too! We all like him very much. (Teach monkey in the same way)

T: You’re great.四.趣味操练

T:Now let’s play games.First,a guessing game. Now listen!(课件播放动物声音,学生根据声音猜动物)

T: Great! Now let’s go on. This time I say you do. Act like a panda.

Ss:(学生边做动作边说) Panda,panda,panda. Act like a panda.

T : Act like a monkey.

Ss: Monkey, monkey , monkey. Act like a monkey.

T:Who wants to be a teacher? Please come here.Let’s go on.

(one student says ,the others do.then one studentdo ,the others say)

T:Today we’ve known a monkey , a cat, a rabbit , a duck, a panda and a dog .They are our friends. They are animals . I like animals very much .Do you like animals ?

Ss:Me, too.

T:Great!We love animals(板书).The animals are in the zoo(动物园)(板书zoo)

T: (point to the blackboard) Now, look ! I have a zoo .It’s super !(引出super,出示卡片教读),

T: (播放课件)Now boys and girls,Mike has a zoo, too. Please watch and listen!

T: What did he say?

S1.Look!I have a rabbit.

S2.Look! I have a panda….

T:Open your books at Page 40 .Let’s read the text .

T: Super! Let’s sing the song “Hello!”

Ss: Hello, Sarah , do, oh, do.

Hello, John, do, oh, do …

