



奈达纽马克翻译对比为了达到相似的反应, 动态对等要求对译文进行相应的调整以满足不同接受者的要求。

对于对源语信息一无所知的读者, 面对晦涩难懂的翻译腔, 就如同看天书一般。

所以要完成翻译的任务, 即再现并传递信息,奈达的翻译理论是其在翻译《圣经》过程中总结而来, , 那么要有效地检验译文质量, 就必须看原文与译文接受者的反应是否一致。



这一理论是在翻译界长期围绕着直译和意译争论不休的奈达和纽马克相比较, 奈达的翻译理论过于集中在解决译文的可懂性和交际性问题上, 从而限制了自己的适用范围。

在翻译《圣经》以及类似的以信息或呼唤功能为主的原作时, 强调译文的可懂性是很有道理的。

但如果用于文学翻译, 则势必导致语言的简单化, 形式上的非文学化, 失去文学应有的魅力。

而纽马克在阐述具体使用哪种翻译方法时指出, 要视不同的文本类型来定。


以表达功能为主的文本中,如文学作品、私人信件等, 其核心是表情达意, 语言形式和内容同等重要, 应主要采用语义翻译; 以信息功能为主的文本, 如教科书、学术论文等, 其核心是语言之外的现实世界, 应采用交际法; 以呼唤功能为主的文本, 如通知、广告等, 其核心是号召读者去行动, 去思考, 应采用交际法。

因此不难看出, 纽马克的翻译理论适用范围更广。


在自身的翻译实践和理论界的评论中, 他们不断地改进和完善着自己的理论。

奈达在最初阐释动态对等时, 突出了“内容为主, 形式为次”的思想。

这引起了人们的误解, 认为翻译只是翻译内容, 不必顾及语言表达形式。


为此, 他在《从一种语言到另一种语言: 论圣经翻译中的功能对等》一书中, 把“动态对等”改为“功能对等”。

在功能对等中, 奈达对“信息”作了进一步的界定, 声明信息不仅包括思想内容, 还包括语言形式。








7. 卡特福德——翻译的定义也可以这样说:把一种语言(Source Language)中的篇章材料用另一种语言(Target Language)中的篇章材料来加以代替。


“ Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.” ---Eugene Nida纽马克——通常(虽然不能说总是如此),翻译就是把一个文本的意义按作者所想的方式移译入另一种文字(语言)。

“ Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language”. --- Peter Newmark10. “ Translation is the expression in one language (or target language 译入语 ) of what has been expressed in another language (source language 原语), preserving semantic and stylistic equivalences.” --- Dubois12.13.Translation or translating is a communicative activity or dynamic process in which the translator makes great effort to thoroughly comprehend a written message or text in the source language and works very hard to achieve an adequate or an almost identical reproduction in the target language version of the written source language message or text.二、翻译标准1.翻译的标准概括为言简意赅的四个字:“忠实(faithfulness)、通顺( smoothness)”。





标签:翻译;动态对等;语义翻译和交际翻译尤金·奈达(Eugine A·Nida,1914-)是著名的美国翻译理论家,当代西方翻译理论语言学派的创始人之一。






























(三)纽马克的“语义翻译”和“交际翻译” 纽马克认为,在众多翻译方法中,只有交际翻译和语义翻译能够做到准确和简练。



翻译学必读1语文和诠释学派二十世纪之前的翻译理论被纽马克(1981)称为翻译研究的‘前语言学时期’,人们围绕‘word-for-word’和‘sense-for-sense’ 展开激烈的讨论,核心是‘忠实’,‘神似’和‘真理’。

典型的代表有John Dryden, Tytler等,而Barnard, Steiner等人则是在他们的基础上进一步发展。





3话语分析Discourse Analysis(critical discourse analysis批评话语分析functional discourse analysis功能语篇分析Discourse analysis theory话语分析理论Discourse Analysis for Interpreters翻译专业演说分析Pragmatics & Discourse Analysis语用学positive discourse analysis积极话语分析rhetorical or discourse analysis语篇分析Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis语用学Mediated discourse analysis中介话语分析二十世纪七十年代到九十年代,作为应用语言学领域的一个分支,话语分析经历了产生和发展壮大的过程,其理论背景来自(韩礼德)的系统功能语法。


House(1997)提出的翻译质量模型就是基于韩礼德的理论,他吸收了其中的语域分析方法;Baker(1992) 则为培养译员提供了话语分析和语用分析的范本;Hatim 和 Mason(1997)将语域研究拓展到语用和符号学角度4目的学派目的学派于二十世纪七、八十年代在德国兴起,是从静态的语言学、语言类型学中剥离出来的。



近核心句的表达形式为孔子说:求学之人在家应 该孝敬父母,在外读书要尊敬师长,说话要谨慎,做 事要讲究信用,要热爱群众,多与仁德之人交往。 只有做 到这些,才有资格学习文化知识。”
传 译 重 组 后 的 译 文 为 : The master of
Confucius said, “a student when at home, should be filial, and when at school, respectful to his teachers and elders. He should be earnest in remark and truthful in behavior , he should show his love to all people, and cultivate the friendship with the kind. If only he could put all those features into practice, he would be qualified to learn the science and knowledge.”
A.核心句3修饰1的受事者way,核 心句2修饰核心句3实施者
B.核心句5与7是并列关系,核心句 6是5的目的
核 心 句 5 和 7 是 4 的 所 指 , 指 this land
Once, this land barred the way of travelers who was weary, while now this land becomes magical and wonderful and is a good land for travelers to spend their summer and winter vacations.

奈达翻译理论研究 第一章 笔记

奈达翻译理论研究 第一章   笔记

奈达翻译理论研究A Study on Nida’s Translation Theory 马会娟著English AbstractThis book makes a systematic research on Nida’s translation theory, clarify some misunderstandings concerning his theory, disclose its true nature and explore its validity and limitations in literary translations. Examples from Today’s English V ersion and Today’s Chinese V ersion of the Bible, which were translated, following Nida’s translation theory, demonstrate that Nida’s theory, contrary to some popular wrong assumptions, is applicable to translation practice between foreign languages and Chinese. A comparative study of Nida’s theory and Jin Di’s theory is made to reveal the similarities and differences between the two theories, and the reasons for their discrepancies are also explored. Examples from Jin’s Chinese translation of Ulysses are examined against the principle of “equivalent effect”. This book also explores the limitations of Nida’s theory in literary translation, pointing out that his theory fails to address the issue of transference of aesthetic values of literary work into another language. Attempts have been made to amend Nida’s theory in respect of transferring aesthetic values of literary work by means of “formal aesthetic markers”and “non-formal aesthetic markers”, with aim of marking it more suitable for literary translation between Chinese and English.CHAPTER ONE Introduction1.1 Reasons for further research on Nida’s translation theoryHis works on translation set off the study of modern translation as an academic field ( Snell—Hornby, Heylen, Baker)Before his theory was introduced into China in the 1980s, people mainly focused attention on traditional Chinese theories, especially Y an Fu’sthree—character principle of translation: faithfulness, smoothness and elegance.Since Nida’s theory was grounded solidly on contemporary developments of linguistics, communication theory, information theory, semiotics andanthropology, Chinese translation scholars took great interest in his theory.Chang Namfung summarizes 4 kinds of misunderstandings regarding Nida’s theory in China:1)“Dynamic equivalence” is only an ideal translation ctiterion2)Nida’s theory is unfit to guide translation practice between Chinese andEnglish because it grows out of translation experience amongIndo—European language3)Nida’s takes “reader’s response” as a translation criterion in evaluatingtranslation4)Nida doesn’t respect the cultural factors in the source language and hismaintenance of complete naturalization in translating is a kind ofcultural hegemonism.The term “equivalence” in Nida’s theory never means “identical”, but only “substantially the same”.“dynamic equivalence” is founded on information theory, and is has on directrelationship with “reception aesthetics” or “reader-response theory” at all.Nida’s discussion about kernels and deep structures is based on semantic level while Chomsky focuses on syntactical level.Nida’s “science of translation” is totally different from the debates of the debate of whether “translation is a science or an art” occurring among some Chinese scholars. When Nida talks about “science of translation”, what he means is that he tends to “deal with the process of translation in a scientific manner”, drawing on the theoriesof linguistics, information and communication, etc.1.2 A profile of Nida1.2.3 His academic contributions to modern linguistics and translationEric M. North, the former General Secretary of the American Bible Society of the American Bible society, divides Nida’s academic activity into 4 phases on his writings in chronological order:1)the phase of descriptive linguistics, 1943—19512)the phase of cross—cultural communication. 1952—19603)the translation phase, 1961—19734)the semantic phase, 1974—Message and Mission was the most significant book of the second phase. Gentzler suggested that it was in this book that Nida first outlined his translation theory. This book marked the beginning of the third phase.In the third phase, in the book, Toward a Science of Translating, Nida firsta dvanced the proposition of “dynamic equivalence”, and the three-stage model of the translation process:“analysis, transfer and restructuring”. It is commonly agreed that Toward a Science of Translating best summarizes the various aspects of his translation theory.For Nida, translating means translating meaning.The most representative book of this phase was From One Language to Another. In this book, Nida not only further explored the issues of meaning of adopting a sociosemiotics approach, but substituted “functional equivalence” for “dynamic equivalence” just to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.1.3 A survey of Nida’s translation theoryWe will review Nida’s translation theory from two important aspects:1)the scientific study of translating2)the principle of “ dynamic equivalence”1.3.1 Nida’s scientific study of translating“Science of translating” means “for just as linguistics may be classified as a descriptive science, so the transference of a message from one language to another is likewise a valid subject for scientific description. He suggests that it is more effective to transfer the meaning from the source language to the receptor language on the kernel lever, because on this lever the linguistic meaning of the original test is structurally the simplest and semantically most evident.Nida advances a three-step translation process: ○1to analyze source-languageexpressions in terms of basic kernel sentences ○2to transform the kernel forms of the source language into the equivalent kernel forms of the receptor language ○3to transform the kernel utterances of the receptor language into the stylistically appropriate expressionThis process of translating helps the translator consciously avoid literal translation.The principle of “dynamic equivalence” (which was later modified into “functional equivalence”) has a scientific basis as well. It is solidly founded on information theory or communication theory.Nida sees translation as a communication event.Nida holds that in translating, the first thing one should do is to understand thoroughly the meaning of the source text. Inadequate understanding of the original text is the major cause for failures in translation. In describing referential meaning of words or phrases, he uses various techniques of semantic theories such as chain analysis, hierarchical analysis and componential analysis.It is evident that Nida’s theory of translation is not merely linguistic—oriented, but sociolinguistic—oriented.1.3.2 The principle of dynamic equivalenceTranslating consists in producing in the receptor language the closet natural equivalent to the message of the source language, first in meaning and secondly in style.In his 1969 textbook The Theory and Practice of Translation, “dynamic equivalence” is defined “in terms of the degree to which the receptors of the message in the receptor language respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptors in the source language”.In From One Language to Another, the expression “dynamic equivalence” is superseded by “functional equivalence”. The substitution of “functional equivalence”is just to stress the concept of function and to avoid misunderstandings of the term “dynamic”.In Language, Culture and Translation, “functional equivalence” is further divided into categories on two levels: the minimal level and the maximal level.The minimal level is defined as “the readers of a translated text should be able to comprehend in to the point that they can conceive of how the original readers of the text must have understood and appreciated it”. The maximal level is stated as “the essentially the same manner as the original readers did”.In Nida’s theory, “dynamic equivalence” is defined with “receptors’ response”as its nature.Nida’s concept of translating shifts from “the form of message” to “the response of the receptor”.In Nida’s view, when determining whether a translation is faithful to the original text or not, the critic should not compare the formal structures between the source text and its translation, but compare the “receptors’ response”. If he finds that the the reader in the receptor language understands and appreciates the translated text in essentially the same manner and to the same degree as the reader inthe source language did, such a translation can be evaluated as a dynamic equivalent translation.Nida’s theory of “reader s’ response” emphasizes the importance of the acceptance of a translated text by the intended reader in the receptor language, and avoids the subjective evaluation of the critic.Nida’s theory has practical significance for literary translation in some aspects, but it is a fact that it fails to address the issue of transferring aesthetic values of literary work in literary translation.The inadequacy of Nida’s theory for literary translation is made manifest in 3 aspects: ○1Nida pays little attention to the transference of style in his translation process: ○2Nida’s discussion of style is very general and superficial: ○3Nida’s functional approach to style does not provide effective means to transfer aesthetic values of literary work.1.4 The guiding principles of the researchThe task of translation theory is to study translation problems, no translation problems, no translation theory (Newmark 1998).1.5 The methodological approachDifferent views of translation are determined by different views of language and culture.In Nida’s view, each language has its own genius, and there are no such things as superior or inferior languages. Anything that can be said in one language can be said in another, and human languages have more in common than in difference. It is this view of language that provides the theoretical basis for his belief in translatability.Nida insists that language and culture are closely related. Language is a part of culture, and the meaning of word or phrase cannot be determined out of linguistic and cultural contexts.。





















指翻译时不求文字表面的死板对应,而要在 两种语言间达成功能上的对等,是用最切近、 自然和对等的语言从语义到文体再现源语的 信息。 翻译不仅是词汇意义上的对等,还包 括语义、风格和文体的对等,翻译传达的信 息既有表层词汇信息,也有深层的文化信息.
奈达功能对等理论认为,在翻译过程中,为了 达到原文本与译本功能对等,可以采取一定的 方式弥补或调整。奈达还认为功能对等不是严 格意义上的逐字或逐句对等。“功能对等”理 论是一种比较客观的等效翻译理论,它追求译 文的效果,强调译文读者对译文的反应要基本 上与原文读者对原文的反应一致,并把这一点 作为评价译文好环的标准.
纽马克承认话语的主要功能是交际, 正如学外 语的主要目的也是为了用来交际, 而不是用来 思考, 因此可以说交际翻译是一种使用更广泛 的翻译方法, 它更能为读者提供信息, 给他们以 劝告或号召他们行动。
指在译入语语义和句法结构允许的可能准确地 再现原文上下文意义及保持原作的语言特色和 独特的表达方式 。
译文:“你打算以后要到什么地方去? 去找你那亲爱 的丈夫吗?”
她听了这种难堪的话,简直受不了。 “哦— — 我哪儿知道!”她辛酸激愤地说。“我还有丈
夫吗?” “实在不错,没有丈夫— — 照你那种意思,一点儿不
错,没有丈夫。不过你虽然没有丈夫,你可有朋友; 我已经打定了主意,非让你过个舒服日子不可,不管 你自己的意思怎么样。你待会儿回到家里,就能看见 我给你送去的那些东西了。
(1)在形式与内容的问题上, 奈达和纽马克的观点 既有相同之处, 也存在明显的差别
奈达认为:内容优先于 形式的原则适合翻译 所有的文本.






1. 《翻译研究概论》(An Introduction to Translation Studies) - Jeremy Munday这本书是一本广泛使用的翻译理论教材。



2. 《翻译研究中的问题与变革》(Translation Studies: Questions and Answers) - Gideon Toury这本书集中讨论了翻译研究中的一些重要问题,如翻译的定义、翻译的社会角色、译者的角色和责任等。



3. 《翻译研究的非西方视角》(Translation Studies from Non-Western Perspectives) - Kobus Marais这本书通过介绍一系列非西方的翻译研究案例,探讨了不同文化对翻译的理解和实践。



4. 《翻译素描》(Translation: A Very Short Introduction) -Matthew Reynolds这本书是一本简明的介绍翻译的入门读物。



5. 《翻译研究手册》(The Routledge Handbook of Translation Studies) - Carmen Millán and Francesca Bartrina这本手册提供了最新的翻译研究领域的综合性指导,包括各种不同的翻译理论和研究方法,以及研究中的关键主题。



第一单元Main issues of translation studiesThrough out history, it can be seen that the practice of translating is long established. Yet the study of translation as an academic subject has only really begun in the past fifty years and it developed into an academic discipline only in the second half of the twentieth century. Before that, translation had normally been merely an element of language learning in modern language courses. Besides, it is also studied as part of comparative literature, translation ‘workshops’and contrastive linguistics courses. The turning point happened when James S. Holmes, in his ‘The name and nature of translation studies’, proposed both a name and a structure for translation studies. In this seminal paper, Holmes crucially puts forward an overall framework, describing what translation studies covers, which makes it an important paper in the delineation of the potential of translation studies.The surge in translation studies since the 1970s has been different areas of Holmes’s map come to the fore. Contrastive analysis has fallen by the wayside. The late 1970s and the 1980s also saw the rise of a descriptive approach that had its origins in comparative literature and Russian Formalism. Afterwards, the 1990s saw the incorporation of new schools and concepts.This chapter also examines two very visible ways in which translation studies has become more prominent. First, there has been a proliferation of specialized translating and interpreting courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. In addition, the 1990s also saw a proliferation of conferences, books and journals on translation in many languages.For years, the practice of translation was considered to be derivative and secondary, an attitude the inevitably devalued any academic study of the activity. Now after much neglect and repression, translation studies have become well established. It is making swift advances worldwide, although not without a hint of trepidation. Translation and translation studies often continue to take place within the context of modern language departments, and the practice of translation is still often denied parity with other academic research.The interrelated branches of theoretical, descriptive and applied translation studies have structured much recent research and have assisted in bridging the gulf that had grown between the theory and practice of translation. Translation studies cover an extremely wide field, in which a considerable number of scholars and practitioners are active. Many translators have entered the area from the starting point of more traditional disciplines.译文: 纵观历史,翻译实践由来已久。

























文学研究-奈达翻译理论研究 第一章 笔记

文学研究-奈达翻译理论研究 第一章   笔记

奈达翻译理论研究第一章笔记奈达翻译理论研究A Study on Nida’s Translation Theory 马会娟著English AbstractThis book makes a systematic research on Nida’s translation theory, clarify some misunderstandings concerning his theory, disclose its true nature and explore its validity and limitations in literary translations. Examples from Today’s English V ersion and Today’s Chinese V ersion of the Bible, which were translated, following Nida’s translation theory, demonstrate that Nida’s theory, contrary to some popular wrong assumptions, is applicable to translation practice between foreign languages and Chinese. A comparative study of Nida’s theory and Jin Di’s theory is made to reveal the similarities and differences between the two theories, and the reasons for their discrepancies are also explored. Examples from Jin’s Chinese translation of Ulysses are examined against the principle of “equivalent effect”. This book also explores the limitations of Nida’s theory in literary translation, pointing out that his theory fails to address the issue of transference of aesthetic values of literary work into another language. Attempts have been made to amend Nida’s theory in respect of transferring aesthetic values of literary work by means of “formal aesthetic markers”and “non-formal aesthetic markers”, with aim of marking it more suitable for literary translation between Chinese and English.CHAPTER ONE Introduction1.1 Reasons for further research on Nida’s translation theoryHis works on translation set off the study of modern translation as an academic field ( Snell—Hornby, Heylen, Baker)Before his theory was introduced into China in the 1980s, people mainly focused attention on traditional Chinese theories, especially Y an Fu’sthree—character principle of translation: faithfulness, smoothness and elegance. Since Nida’s theory was grounded solidly on contemporary developments of linguistics, communication theory, information theory, semiotics and anthropology, Chinese translation scholars took great interest in his theory.Chang Namfung summarizes 4 kinds of misunderstandings regarding Nida’s theory in China:1)“Dynamic equivalence” is only an ideal translation ctiterion2)Nida’s theory is unfit to guide translation practice between Chinese andEnglish because it grows out of translation experience amongIndo—European language3)Nida’s takes “reader’s response” as a translation criterion in evaluating translation4)Nida doesn’t respect the cultural factors in the source language and his maintenance of complete naturalization in translating is a kind ofcultural hegemonism.The term “equivalence” in Nida’s theory never means “identical”, but only “substantially the same”.“dynamic equivalence” is founded on information theory, and is has on direct relationship with “reception aesthetics” or “reader-response theory” at all.Nida’s discussion about kernels and deep structures is based on semantic level while Chomsky focuses on syntactical level.Nida’s “science of translation” is totally different from the debates of the debate of whether “translation is a science or an art” occurring among some Chinese scholars. When Nida talks about “science of translation”, what he means is that he tends to “deal with the process of translation in a scientific manner”, drawing on the theories of linguistics, information and communication, etc.1.2 A profile of Nida1.2.3 His academic contributions to modern linguistics and translationEric M. North, the former General Secretary of the American Bible Society of the American Bible society, divides Nida’s academic activity into 4 phases on his writings in chronological order:1)the phase of descriptive linguistics, 1943—19512)the phase of cross—cultural communication. 1952—19603)the translation phase, 1961—19734)the semantic phase, 1974—Message and Mission was the most significant book of the second phase. Gentzler suggested that it was in this book that Nida first outlined his translation theory. This book marked the beginning of the third phase.In the third phase, in the book, Toward a Science of Translating, Nida firsta dvanced the proposition of “dynamic equivalence”, and the three-stage model of the translation process:“analysis, transfer and restructuring”. It is commonly agreedthat Toward a Science of Translating best summarizes the various aspects of his translation theory.For Nida, translating means translating meaning.The most representative book of this phase was From One Language to Another. In this book, Nida not only further explored the issues of meaning of adopting a sociosemiotics approach, but substituted “functional equivalence” for “dynamic equivalence” just to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.1.3 A survey of Nida’s translation theoryWe will review Nida’s translation theory from two important aspects:1)the scientific study of translating2)the principle of “ dynamic equivalence”1.3.1 Nida’s scientific study of translating“Science of translating” means “for just as linguistics may be classified as a descriptive science, so the transference of a message from one language to another is likewise a valid subject for scientific description. He suggests that it is more effective to transfer the meaning from the source language to the receptor language on the kernel lever, because on this lever the linguistic meaning of the original test is structurally the simplest and semantically most evident.Nida advances a three-step translation process: ○1to analyze source-language expressions in terms of basic kernel sentences ○2to transform the kernel forms of the source language into the equivalent kernel forms of the receptor language ○3to transform the kernel utterances of the receptor language into the stylistically appropriate expressionThis process of translating helps the translator consciously avoid literal translation. The principle of “dynamic equivalence” (which was later modified into “functional equivalence”) has a scientific basis as well. It is solidly founded on information theory or communication theory.Nida sees translation as a communication event.Nida holds that in translating, the first thing one should do is to understand thoroughly the meaning of the source text. Inadequate understanding of the original text is the major cause for failures in translation. In describing referential meaning of words or phrases, he uses various techniques of semantic theories such as chain analysis, hierarchical analysis and componential analysis.It is evident that Nida’s theory of translation is not merely linguistic—oriented, butsociolinguistic—oriented.1.3.2 The principle of dynamic equivalenceTranslating consists in producing in the receptor language the closet natural equivalent to the message of the source language, first in meaning and secondly in style.In his 1969 textbook The Theory and Practice of Translation, “dynamic equivalence” is defined “in terms of the degree to which the receptors of the message in the receptor language respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptors in the source language”.In From One Language to Another, the expression “dynamic equivalence” is superseded by “functional equivalence”. The substitution of “functional equivalence”is just to stress the concept of function and to avoid misunderstandings of the term “dynamic”.In Language, Culture and Translation, “functional equivalence” is further divided into categories on two levels: the minimal level and the maximal level.The minimal level is defined as “the readers of a translated text should be able to comprehend in to the point that they can conceive of how the original readers of the text must have understood and appreciated it”. The maximal level is stated as “the essentially the same manner as the original readers did”.In Nida’s theory, “dynamic equivalence” is defined with “receptors’ response”as its nature.Nida’s concept of translating shifts from “the form of message” to “the response of the receptor”.In Nida’s view, when determining whether a translation is faithful to the original text or not, the critic should not compare the formal structures between the source text and its translation, but compare the “receptors’ response”. If he finds that the the reader in the receptor language understands and appreciates the translated text in essentially the same manner and to the same degree as the reader inthe source language did, such a translation can be evaluated as a dynamic equivalent translation.Nida’s theory of “reader s’ response” emphasizes the importance of the acceptance of a translated text by the intended reader in the receptor language, and avoids the subjective evaluation of the critic.Nida’s theory has practical significance for literary translation in some aspects, but itis a fact that it fails to address the issue of transferring aesthetic values of literary work in literary translation.The inadequacy of Nida’s theory for literary translation is made manifest in 3 aspects: ○1Nida pays little attention to the transference of style in his translation process:○2Nida’s discussion of style is very general and superficial: ○3Nida’s functional approach to style does not provide effective means to transfer aesthetic values of literary work.1.4 The guiding principles of the researchThe task of translation theory is to study translation problems, no translation problems, no translation theory (Newmark 1998).1.5 The methodological approachDifferent views of translation are determined by different views of language and culture.In Nida’s view, each language has its own genius, and there are no such things as superior or inferior languages. Anything that can be said in one language can be said in another, and human languages have more in common than in difference. It is this view of language that provides the theoretical basis for his belief in translatability. Nida insists that language and culture are closely related. Language is a part of culture, and the meaning of word or phrase cannot be determined out of linguistic and cultural contexts.。

奈达翻译理论研究 第二章 笔记

奈达翻译理论研究  第二章   笔记

Chapter Two Reviews of Nida’s Translation Theory2.1 A survey of Chinese traditional translation theory before the 1980sChinese translation studies can be roughly divided into 2 phases, 1) traditional translation studies before the 1980s 2) modern translation studies from the 1980s to the present time.2.1.1 Debate over Literal and Free translation in Buddhist translationIt is generally agreed that the first recorded statements on translation were made by Zhi Qian(支谦), a translator of Buddhist scriptures in the period of The Three Kingdoms.Master Lao Zi says that beautiful words are not faithful, and faithful words are not beautiful.Confucius says that words cannot fully express one’s thoughts, and thoughts cannot express what one really means.Evidently, early discussions on translation not only touched upon the question of “difficulty”and “fidelity”of translation, but also revealed the conflict between “substance”(质) and “ornament”(文).Dao An(道安AD313—385) in the Eastern Jin Dynasty further emphasized the principle of “fidelity”, insisting that the translators of Buddhist sutras should adhere to the original text without any alteration at the expense of the original words and sentences.Since early Buddhist translators took “fidelity” as their translation principle and adhered too closely to the original, many translations were unintelligible word-for-word renderings. This situation in Buddhist translation did not change until AD 401 when Kumarajiva arrived in Chang’an to take charge of Buddhist translation. He was opposed to literal translation. He advocated free translation. He insisted that the text be translated with the target language usage, and the draft be polished for literary quality.Xuan Zang(602—664), the great Buddhist translator in the Tang Dynasty, who succeeded in regulating free translation and literal translation. He emphasized the importance of the transference of the style in translation.2.1.2 Translation principles in the late Qing DynastyMa Jianzhong, the eminent Chinese linguist, says the translated text should be similar to the original without any difference between them. The reader of the translation benefits from it almost the same as the reader does from the original. Ma could be considered the first person to have explored translation theory in modern China.The most influential translation principle in the history of Chinese translation theory was formulated by Y an Fu in 1898. And Y an’s postulation of the three—character translation principle does not point the way forward for the solution of literal translation versus free translation.During this period, Lin Shu, Y an’s contemporary, was the most renowned figure for literary translation. Lin knew no foreign language at all, but “translated”, or rewrote.2.1.3 The debates on “faithfulness” versus “smoothness” in the 1930sThe discussion of Y an’s principle began in the 1920s, and, in the 1930s, gradually evolved in heated debates over the dichotomy between “faithfulness”and “smoothness”.The two representatives of one of the two opposing schools were the eminent writers Lu Xun and Qu Qiubai, and the other school was represented by Zhao Jingshen. The former upheld that “faithfulness”as the fundamental principle, and preferred to literal translation with the purpose of enriching the target language; while the latter maintained that “smoothness” had priority over “faithfulness”, for the reader of the target language preferred a translation easy to read.金隄:he has taken the combination of “faithfulness” and “smoothness” as his translation criterion before he knew of Nida’s theory in the late 1970s.林语堂:he further developed the concept of Y an’s “elegance”from the perspective of literal translation.In his essay “On Translation”, he advanced “f aithfulness, fluency and beautifulness”(忠实,通顺,美)as translation criterion. He broadened the concept of “elegance”by replacing it with the aesthetic criterion “beautifulness”[Lin’s “beautifulness”criterion refers to the aesthetic nature of literary translation; while Y an’s “elegance”in his term means the usage of the classic Chinese language before the Han Dynasty].Lin’s “beautifulness” criterion reflected the emphasis on the aesthetic aspect of literary translation.2.1.4 Translation criterion acknowledged from the 1940 to the 1960s朱生豪: the dedicated translator of Shakespeare’s plays, he put forward his translation principle of “transference of spirit”.傅雷: the noted translator of Balzac’s novels, like Zhu Shenghao, he stressed the importance of “spirit” in translation.“Translation, in terms of effectiveness, is like copying paintings. What the translator seeks after is resemblance in spirit rather than in form.The term “spirit resemblance”, borrowed from the theory of Chinese classic painting, is his translation principle.钱钟书: in his treatise “Lin Shu’s Translation”proposed “sublimation”as an ideal translation criterion, and further emphasized the importance of reproduction of artistic effect in literary translation.Qian said, in a “sublimated”translation, on the one hand, there should be no trace of unnaturalness and stiffness of language resulting from the differences between the two languages. On the other hand, the flavor of the original is retained.Nida and Taber said the best translation does not sound like a translation.2.1.5 Translation studies during the “Cultural Revolution”Except for a few translation theories, such as Tytler’s translation principles and Fedorov’s theory of equivalent translation, almost no other western translation theories were ever introduced into China.2.1.6 The features of Chinese traditional translation theoriesFirstly, the dispute over literal versus free translation, content versus form hasnever been satisfactorily settled.In general, Chinese traditional translation theories prefer “naturalizing translation”, which requires a natural and idiomatic target language in the translation. This tendency to naturalization method provides grounds for the ready reception of Nida’s translation theory in China in the 1980s, for Nida advocates naturalizing translation in his theory.Secondly, Chinese traditional translation theories have roots in Chinese classical aesthetic and literary criticism. Chinese traditional translation theory has its own special characteristics with a set of unique and idiomatic expressions such as “雅”“气韵”“风骨”“意境”“神韵”“神似”“化境”.Thirdly, since most Chinese traditional translation theories are stated in the form of brief remarks by practioners, they merely focus on translation principles, criterion and methods. Issues like what concrete steps to be taken in the translation process, how to have an adequate understanding of the meaning of the original text, and how to analyze the style, are not dealt with in a systematic and scientific manner.In brief, the emphasis on the transference of aesthetic values of literary works contributes greatly to the high quality of translated literature into Chinese. Nida’s theory won the greatest popularity, for it possessed some features which were similar to Chinese translation studies, such as source—text oriented, preference for naturalization method.2.2 Nida’s translation in China2.2.1 Popularity of Nida’s theory from 1981 to the late 1980sThe first introductory article on Nida’s theory was Lin Shuwu’s “Introduction of Nida’s Translation Theory”published in 1981. Lin criticized Nida for his inappropriate incorporation of Chomsky’s transformational generative grammar into translation study.The year of 1982 saw two introductory articles on Nida’s translation theory. One was Tan Zaixi’Translating byNew Concept of Translation”a) Tan’s article, based on Nida’s Toward a Science of Translation ,reviewedcomparatively the main aspects Nida’s theory, including his view oflanguage, the function of translation, semantic analysis, translationprinciples and methoda.b) Zhuang’s article introduced Nida’s work The Theory and Practice ofTranslation. He made a comparative study between some passage of NewEnglish Bible, Good News Bible (also referred to as Today’s English Version)and the King James Version, and concluded that Good News Bible was betterin terms of intelligibility. Then he introduced Nida’s “new concept oftranslation”, which put emphasis on “the response of the receptor”instead of“the form of the message”.Also, during this period, three books were written on Nida’s theory 1) Nida on Translation by Tan Zaixi, 2) On Translation: with special reference to Chinese andEnglish by Nida and Jin Di, 3) In Search of the Principle of Equivalent Effect by Jin Di.解释:Jin held that the term “response”in Nida’s theory was not appropriate term for a general translation theory. According to Jin, since Nida’s theory was used to guide Bible translating, the emphasis on receptor’s response was to make the Christian believers react correspondingly when they read the Word of God. But in general translation practice, such response was not one of the fundamental steps of translation process. Therefore, he suggested that the term “effect”as in “equivalent effect” “only referred to the impact upon the receptor, but not the receptor’s response”.The three books mentioned above have played a decisive role in spreading Nida’s theory in China. Nida on Translation makes his theory easily accessible to most Chinese translation scholars. On Translation attempts to apply his theory to Chinese translation practice. In Search of the Principle of Equivalent Effect indicates that Chinese scholars begin to realize the limitations of his theory and try to modify it to make it more applicable to translation practice between Chinese and English.In On Translation, the authors argue that the conflict between literal and free translation is primarily a matter of focus. A literal approach attempts to preserve the formal elements of the source text while a free approach attempts to make the target text elegant and intelligible. The two approaches share something in common. Both of them focus on the comparison between the source text and the target text. A dynamic equivalent translation, however, shifts the focus from verbal comparison to reader’s response. So long as a translation produces an equivalent response, whichever method the translator adopts is acceptable. In this way the dispute over literal and free translation can be solved.Lao Long highly praised Nida’s theory, pointing out the significance of “dynamic equivalence”for Chinese translation. He asserted that “dynamic equivalence”, which took “reader’s response”as a translation criterion, was more specific, objective and specific than Chinese traditional criterion such as “faithfulness”, “spirit resemblance”etc in evaluating a translation.Nida’s theory was best represented in his Toward a Science of Translation and The Theory and Practice of Translation.2.2.2 Rethinking Nida’s theory freom the late 1980s through the Mid-1990sBy adopting Chomsky’s linguistic model, Nida formed his concept of “back-transformation”in his Toward a Science of Translation and advanced his three-step translation procedure:1) To back-transform the surface structure of the source text to its kernel,2) To transfer the meaning of the text from source language to receptor language at the kernel level,3) To transform the kernel to its surface structure in the receptor language.In 1990, Luo Xinzhang in his article “Some Views on Resemblance and Equivalence in Translation” questioned the concept of “equivalence”. Interestingly, he didn’t deny these “equivalence theories”. He asserted that western “equivalence”theories (西方的“等值”论) and Chinese “resemblance” theories (中国的“神似”论) were not contradictory, but supplementary.“equal value”(等值论)“equal effect”(等效论) and “spirit resemblance”(神似论)/ T he theory of “equal value” was faithful to the original text;The theory of “equal effect” was faithful to the reader,The theory of “spirit resemblance”was faithful to the aesthetic value of a literary work.It was not until Wu Yicheng published his article “On Problems of Translationuseless for Chinese translation.2.2.4 Problems in the studies of Nida’s theory in ChinaAdmittedly, Nida’s theory has its own weaknesses because it is based on Bible translation only. But problems do exsit in the way his theory is approached by Chinese scholars, such as:1)the significance of Nida’s theory is exaggerated2)There are mistaken renderings and reviews of Nida’a theory in someintroductory articles.Nida’a definition of translation: translation consists in reproducing in thereceptor language the closet natural equivalent of the source languagemessage, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. 所谓翻译,是指从语义到文体在译语中用最贴近而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息。






也适量收入了一些反映当代其他译学理论流派的著作,如Nord 、Snell-Hornby等人的著作。





英文部分(100本)ALVAREZ, Roman & VIDAL, M. Carmen-Africa. 1996. Translation, Power, Subversion.Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd.ANDERMAN, Gunilla & Margaret Rogers (ed.) 2003. Translation Today: Trends and Perspectives. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd.BAER, Brian James & Geoffrey S. Koby (ed.) 2003. Beyond the Ivory Tower: Rethinking Translation Pedagogy. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins PublishingCompany.BAKER, Mona (ed.) 1998. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies.London & New York: Routledge. (上海外语教育出版社国外翻译研究丛书之20)BAKER, Mona. 1992. In Other Words, A Coursebook on Translation.London & New York: Routledge.BASSNETT, Susan. & LEFEVERE, Andre. 1998. Constructing Cultures: Essays on Literary Translation. Clevedon:Multilingual Matters. (上海外语教育出版社国外翻译研究丛书之1)BASSNETT, Susan. & TRIVEDI, Harish. (ed.) 1999. Post-colonial Translation, Theory and Practice. London and New York: Routledge.BASSNETT, Susan. 2002. Translation Studies, Third edition. London & New York: Routledge.(上海外语教育出版社国外翻译研究丛书之27)BOWKER, Lynne & CRONIN, Michael & KENNY, Dorothy & PEARSON, Jennifer (ed.) 1998.Unity in Diversity? Current Trends in Translation Studies. Manchester: St. JeromePublishing.BURRELL, TODD & Sean K. Kelly. (ed.) 1995. Translation: Religion, Ideology, Politics: Translation Perspectives VIII. Center for Research in Translation, State Universityof New York at Binghamton.CATFORD. J.C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation: An Essay in Applied Linguistics.Oxford/London: Oxford University Press.CHESTERMAN, Andrew & WAGNER, Emma. 2002. Can Theory Help Translators? A Dialogue Between the Ivory Tower and the Wordface.Manchester: St. JeromePublishing.CHESTERMAN, Andrew (ed.) 1989. Readings in Translation Theory.Oy Finn Lectura Ab. CHESTERMAN, Andrew. 1997. Memes of Translation: The Spread of Ideas in Translation Theory. John Benjamins Publishing Company.CRONIN, Michael. 2003. Translation and Globalization. London & New York: Routledge. DAVIS, Kathleen. 2001. Deconstruction and Translation. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing.(上海外语教育出版社国外翻译研究丛书之13)DELISLE, Jean & WOODSWORTH, Judith (Edited and Directed) 1995. Translators Through History. Amsterdam/Philadelphia:John Benjamins Publishing Company / UNESCOPublishing.DELISLE, Jean. 1988. Translation: an Interpretive Approach. Ottawa, England: University of Ottawa Press.ELLIS, Roger & OAKLEY-BROWN, Liz (ed.) 2001. Translation and Nation: Towards a Cultural Politics of Englishness. Clevedon:Multilingual Matters Ltd. FAWCETT, Peter. 1997. Translation and Language, Linguistic Theories Explained.Manchester: St Jerome Publishing.FLOTOW, Luise von. 1997. Translation and Gender, Translating in the “Era of Feminism”.Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing. (上海外语教育出版社国外翻译研究丛书之17)GENTZLER, Edwin. 2001. Contemporary Translation Theories.(Second Revised Edition) Clevedon:Multilingual Matters LTD. (上海外语教育出版社国外翻译研究丛书之19)GILE, Daniel. 1995. Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training.Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.GRANGER, SYLVIANE & Jacques Lerot & Stephanie Petch-Tyson (ed.) 2003. Corpus-based Approaches to Contrastive Linguistics and Translation Studies. Amsterdam-NewYork: RodopiGUTT, Ernst-August. 2000. Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing.(上海外语教育出版社国外翻译研究丛书之18)Hasen, Gyde, Kirsten Malmkjar & Daniel Gile (eds.) 2004. Claims, Changes and Challenges in Translation Studies. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins PublishingCompany.HATIM, B. & MASON, I. 1990. Discourse and the Translator. London/New York: Longman.(上海外语教育出版社国外翻译研究丛书之8)HATIM, Basil & MASON, Ian. 1997. The Translator as Communicator.London & New York: Routledge.HATIM, Basil. 1997. Communication Across Cultures, Translation Theory and Contrastive Text Linguistics. Exeter: University of Exeter Press. (上海外语教育出版社国外翻译研究丛书之2)HATIM, Basil. 2001. 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确定核心句 1. this land barred the way 2. travelers were weary 3. travelers was on the way 4. this land becomes a land 5. this land is for winter and summer vacation 6. travelers spend winter and summer vacation 7. this land is magic and wonderful
1. this land barred the way 2. travelers were weary 3. travelers was on the way 4. this land becomes a land 5. this land is for winter and summer vacation 6. travelers spend winter and summer vacation 7. this land is magic and wonderful
Chomsky’s generative-transformational gr成语法把语言看作 是“一组有限或无限的语 句,每个语句都是有限长 的,由一组有限的语句成 分所构成。
转换生成语法的规则为:一 部分生成语言的核心句,即 那些基本的初级的语句;一 部分则可通过转换规则从核 心句转换成无数的派生句。
Chapter 3.2 - 3.4
Nida and ‘the science of translation’
Eugene A. Nida (1914–2011)
美国著名翻译家、翻译理论家和语言学家,长 期在圣经学会主持翻译工作,任语言学会主席
Bible Translating (1946) Toward a Science of Translating (1964) The Theory and Practice of Translation (1969)
转换生成语法以句法描 写为单位,包括三部分: 句法部分、语义部分和 语音部分。
The influence of Chomsky
奈达将乔姆斯基的转换生成语法融入了他的“翻译科学”之中。奈达认为 转换生成语法为翻译者提供对原语文本进行解码的技巧,以及对目的语文 本进行编码的程序。
不过在分析原语文本时,奈达却将转换生成语法倒序进行,即著名的“逆 转换”(back-transformation)。因此,原语文本的表层结构被分析为深层 结构基本成分;这些成分在翻译过程中被“转移”了,然后根据语义和文体
译文1:以前,筋疲力尽的旅游者到此就被挡去了去路,这地方现在已经成了冬 夏两季休假圣地,风光景物蔚为壮观。
译文2:以前,每当筋疲力尽的游客们走到这个地方,就得止步,不能前行;而现 在这里已经山河绮丽,景色迷人,是他们冬夏度假的首选之地。
The influence of Chomsky
事件(events) :通过但并 非总是由动词执行;
实体(objects) :通过但并 非总是由名词执行,
抽象概念(abstracts) :数 量和质量,包括形容词;
关系词(relations) :包 括性别、介词和连接词。
This land, which once barred the way of weary travelers, now has become a land for winter and summer vacations, a land of magic and wonder.
The influence of Chomsky
例: 表层结构: 神的旨意(will of God) 逆向转换:B (实体,God)执行A (事 件,wills )
奈达认为翻译是“在对原文进 行语法语义分析的基础上,将 其从表层结构逆转换为深层结 构,然后传译到译文深层结构, 最后再从译文深层结构传译到 译文的深层结构,最后再从译 文的深层结构转换为译文的表 层结构。”
A.核心句3修饰1的受事者way,核 心句2修饰核心句3实施者
B.核心句5与7是并列关系,核心句 6是5的目的
核 心 句 5 和 7 是 4 的 所 指 , 指 this land
Once, this land barred the way of travelers who was weary, while now this land becomes magical and wonderful and is a good land for travelers to spend their summer and winter vacations.
This land, which once barred the way of weary travelers, now has become a land for winter and summer vacations, a land of magic and wonder.
说明内隐成分之间的关系 Bar 的 受 事 者 是 travelers' way, 而 winter and summer vacations的受事者是travelers,且是this land的现存目的。
核心句 1.孔子说 2求学之人在家应该孝敬父母 3求学者在外读书应该尊敬师长 4.求学者说话要谨慎,做事要诚信 5求学者要热爱群众 6求学者要多与有仁得之人交往 7.只有做到这些,才有资格学习文化知识
核心句2、3、4、5、6、7都是(1)的宾语。 2、3、4、5、6是并列关系。 3、4、5、6又是7的前提。