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His entire school education added up to no more than a year. 他所有的学校教育加起来仅一年而已。 They expect nothing more than a peaceful life. 他们企盼的只是平静的生活而已。 His work is nothing more than a drop of water in the sea. 他的工作仅沧海一粟。 The work requires more than prudence. 这件工作不单单需要小心。 My trip to Beijing was more than sightseeing. 我的北京之行不单是观光。
John is no wiser than Dick. 约翰与迪克一样笨。 The man was no better than his wife. 夫妻二人是一丘之貉。 He is no richer than his neighbor. 他与邻居一样穷。 Jack is no diligent than John. 杰克与约翰一样懒。 I can no more play tennis than you. 我和你一样,都不会打网球。 A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. 正如马不是鱼一样,鲸也不是鱼。
就约翰.克莱姆的年龄而论,他的个子是很矮小的。但是他的勇气和意志 却大大弥补了个子矮小的不足。 Tom’s insolence is more than I can stand.汤姆傲慢无礼,我难以忍 受。 The road waLeabharlann Baidu something less than smooth. 那条道路极不平坦。 Clearly new China was more beloved abroad than Chinese knew. 显然,新中国在国外受到的爱戴,有些是中国人所不知道的。
He is more dead than alive. 与其说他活着,不如说他死了。 He is more brave than wise. 他有勇无谋。(勇敢有余而智谋不足。) He was more frightened than hurt. 与其说他是受伤,不如说他是受惊。 According to some scientists, accounting is more an art than a science. 有些科学家认为,会计学与其是一门科学,不如说是一门艺术。 He was less worried than annoyed when they didn’t come home. 他们没有回家,与其说他是担心,不如说他是生气。
Samuel made it clear that he regarded Web’s new testimony as far more than unreliable. 塞缪尔明确表示,他认为韦伯的新证词根本不可靠。 I pray to heaven in my heart that my boy, my more than son, might be safe. 我心中祈祷,祈求老天保佑我的儿子,我的心肝宝贝平安无事。 The discovery of new coal mines will more than increase the coal output of our country. 新煤矿的发现将极大地增加我国的煤产量。 Johnny Clem was small for his age, but what he lacked in size he more than made up for in courage and determination.
For years the party line on Martians has been that the environment is too hostile for them: it’s cold and it’s dry, and the thin atmosphere is no more effective against damaging solar radiation than a paper umbrella against hail.(GJYDp108) 多年来,人们认为火星上不能存在生命的关键是: 火星大气层不适合火星生命的诞生,大气层温度太 低,过于干燥,稀薄的大气层对有危害的太阳辐射 的抵制作用同用纸伞来抵御冰雹差不多。
The two men could not have been more different. 这两人的差别之大无以复加。 Nothing could have put the German dictator in a blacker and uglier mood. 对于这个德国独裁者来说,丢人之难看,莫此为甚。 You couldn’t have come at a better time. 你来得正是时候。 Seldom is a thing more prized than after it has been lost and regained. 最珍贵的莫过于失而复得的东西 However, each observation was too brief to allow more than general impressions. 可是,每次观察都太短了,只能得到一个最一般的印象。
He is no fond of playing chess any more than you are. 他同你一样,都不喜欢下棋。 It may be that when his life at last comes to an end he will leave no more trace of his sojourn on earth than a stone thrown into a river leaves on the surface of the water. 也许他的生命一旦结束之后,这一生在世界上没有留下什么痕 迹,正如一块石子投入河中没在水面上留下痕迹一样。 She is no less beautiful than her sister. 她与姐姐一样美丽。 It is a no less important question. 这是一个同样重要的问题。 He is no less active than he used to be. 他和从前一样活跃。
Our mother had only been able to get through third grade. But she was much brighter and smarter than we boys knew at the time.
How she managed to support her eight children after her husband died is more than I can tell. 我无法知道她丈夫去世后,她是怎么养活八个孩子的。
“Bags of fun” is no more a lazy substitute for thought in its appropriate setting than is “extremely gracious” in the setting that is appropriate for this expression. 如果在一定的场合用得恰如其分,”至为和蔼”不是轻率的表达, 同样,“非常过瘾”也并非轻率的表达. He is nothing less than a tyrant. 他与暴君一模一样。/ 他简直就是一个暴君。 It is nothing less than robbery to ask such a high price. 要价如此之高,这无异于抢劫。 He was little less than a puppet. 他只不过是个傀儡。
They were more than glad to help. 他们非常乐于帮忙。 He has more than repaid my kindness. 我对他的好意,他已经加倍回报了。 She was more than upset by the sight of physical suffering. 这种肉体受苦的情景使他极为不安。 It is more than probable that they will arrive late for their lessons. 他们很可能(十有八九)上课要迟到。 In doing the experiment you must be more than careful with the precision instruments. 做这项试验时,你必须特别当心那些精密仪器。
It was a curious exchange, less a debate than a quarrel between two aggressive men. 这是一次奇妙的交谈,与其说是两个好斗的人之间的辩论,不 如说是一次吵架。 I think I might do worse. 我认为我已经尽心竭力了。 The painting couldn’t be worse. 这幅画不能再糟了/糟透了。 A greater poet than he never walked the earth. 他是迄今世界上最伟大的诗人。 He couldn’t have been more scared. 他们害怕极了。
He has more books than he can read. 他的书多得读也读不完。 He earns more money than he can possibly spend. 他挣的钱多得花也花不完。 He never says a word more than absolutely necessary. 除非绝对必要,他一般不开口。 West Germany has more lignite, or brown coal, than it knows what to do. 西德的褐煤多得不知道该怎么办。 The beauty of Hangzhou is more than words can describe. 杭州之美,非笔墨所能描述。
Imperialism can no more change its true nature than the leopard can change its spots. 就像豹子不能改变自己身上的斑点一样,帝国主义也不会改变 它的本性。 He’s no more fit to be a minister than a schoolboy would be. 他不适合当部长,正像一个学童不适宜当部长一样。 He is no more able to read French than I am. 他和我都看不懂法语。 He can no more swim than I can fly. 他不会游泳,就好比我不会飞一样。 He is no more a god than we are. 他和我们一样不是神。
He more than complained; he threw the whole book of rules at me. 他不只是提意见,而是把那本语法规则书朝我扔来。 He is no less than the mayor. 他原来就是市长。 The writer is no less a personage than a prince. 那位作家乃是一位亲王。 No less a person than the President himself made the statement. 不是别人,正是总统本人发表了这一声明。 We expected nothing less than a revolution. 我们期待的正式革命。