朗文交互英语第三级a1 reading答案

Conversation 1 - Expressing happiness
Jason: Hello, this is Jason. May I speak to Lily? Lily: Hello, Jason! Lily speaking. Jason: Oh, Lily, good news! I’ve picked up a smartphone for you. Lily: Great! What’s it like? Jason: This is a new kind of smartphone. It has every feature under the sun! Lily: Every feature? Jason: With a high-quality camera, it can take stunning pictures and record
anything you want to do. And it’s your favorite color! Lily: Thanks, I can’t tell you how delighted I’m about it. You’ve made my day!
videos. And it’s so easy to use that even a child could use it. Lily: Fantastic! That’s just the kind I wanted. Jason: You can also use it as an e-book reader and download apps for about
✔ 2 The smartphone Jason has got for Lily is (difficult / easy) to use.
E英语教程第三册Unit 1翻译及课后答案

一般说来,在朗读 英语句子时重要的 词要重读,不重要 的词不重读。也可 以说,句子中实词 重读,虚词不重 读。重读单词中的 重读音节一般要重 读。这样每个句子 都有了自己的重读 和非重读音节,轻 重高低,形成起伏, 也形成了英语动听 的节奏。
Come here. I‟d rather. Look out. Have a try. I‟d like to. What did you do? Ring me up. Sing us a song. Leave it alone. All right. Try again. Of course not.
Word tips
pick up 买;买到 smartphone n. 智 能手机 stunning adj. 极漂 亮的 fantastic adj. 太好 了 app n. 应用程序
1 Jason is telling Lily a piece of good news by (making a telephone call / speaking to her face to face). 2 The smartphone Jason has got for Lily is (difficult / easy) to use.
Conversation 1 - Expressing happiness
Jason: Hello, this is Jason. May I speak to Lily? Lily: Lily: Lily: Hello, Jason! Lily speaking. Great! What’s it like? Every feature?
This is a new type of laptop. Many of its features just meet your needs.
高中英语 牛津译林版必修第三册 unit 1 Reading默写版+答案

M3 U1 Reading默写版The Amazon rainforest: a ______ ______(自然奇观)The world we live in is full of natural wonders. The documentary script below describes the Amazon rainforest, which_____ _____ ____(是...的家园)a wide range of wildlife. Before you read the script, think about the following questions:• What plants or animals do you know about? What is special about them?• What do you think this script is about judging from the title and pict ures?Welcome to the _______(从林), a ______ _______ ______ ________(绿色的海洋) alive with the sounds of animals. This is the Amazon rainforest. ______(作为)the largest rainforest in the world, it _____ ______ _____ ______(扮演着重要的角色)in maintaining the fine balance of the Earth’s _______(生态系统).The Amazon rainforest _____ ______(跨越) eight countries, including Brazil and Peru, and one overseas region of France, all on the South American continent. With an area of around 6 million square kilometres, the Amazon rainforest is more than half thesize of China. The Amazon River, _______which the rainforest gets its name, is closeto 6,400 kilometres in length—roughly 100 kilometres longer than the YangtzeRiver. On its journey from the mountains to the ocean, the river supports manydifferent ecosystems. They give this area the richest _______(生物多样性)on the Earth: _____ _____ _______(十分之一) known species in the world can be found here.Of the 390,000 plant species known to us, more than 40,000 can be found in theAmazon. This tall and ancient brazil nut tree produces nuts that we can eat; these______ _______(睡莲)are big enough to ____ _____ _____(躺下). The forest’s different levels support an unbelievable variety of wildlife. At the bottom, there is a system of roots beneaththe ground. Above that is the mass of leaf litter on the dark forest floor. The nextlevel is made up of shorter plants with large leaves. Then there are the_______(高耸入云的) ancient hardwoods, and finally the tops of the tallest trees many metres above theground. Each level of the forest forms its own little world, home to different kindsof living things.More than 1,300 species of birds and over 400 species of mammals hide among the jungle’s plant life. This________(豹子) is one example. It has a yellowish-brown coat withblack spots. While a significant number of jaguars survive here, they are only oneelement of this forest’s food chain. They feed on at least 87 species, including frogs. These frogs, in turn, feed on insects which eat leaves and fruit. When a jaguar dies, a tiny army of___________(微生物) helps _____ ______(分解) its body and return the nutrients to the earth. The Amazon rainforest_____ _____ ______(注入新的活力) the planet by fixing carbon and producing over 20 per cent of all the Earth’s oxygen. Thus, it is often known as the “lungs of the planet”. Moreover, the Amazon rainforest is a treasure house of species that can be used for food or medicine. Yet there is one major danger to these irreplaceable plants and animals: us. Over the past 50 years, about 17 per cent of the rainforest has _______(消失) _____ ______(因为)human activities such as _______(农业) and cattle farming. As the impact of human activities continues to grow and the list of species in danger of extinction becomes longer, we are left with a question: can we afford to _______(伤害) the “lungs of the planet”?M3 U1 Reading答案版The Amazon rainforest: a natural wonderThe world we live in is full of natural wonders. The documentary script below describes the Amazon rainforest, which is home to a wide range of wildlife. Before you read the script, think about the following questions:• What plants or animals do you know about? What is special about them?• What do you think this script is about judging from the title and pictures?Welcome to the jungle, a huge sea of green alive with the sounds of animals. This is the Amazon rainforest. As the largest rainforest in the world, it plays a significant role in maintaining the fine balance of the Earth’s ecosystem.The Amazon rainforest crosses into eight countries, including Brazil and Peru, and one overseas region of France, all on the South American continent. With an area of around 6 million square kilometres, the Amazon rainforest is more than half thesize of China. The Amazon River, from which the rainforest gets its name, is closeto 6,400 kilometres in length—roughly 100 kilometres longer than the YangtzeRiver. On its journey from the mountains to the ocean, the river supports manydifferent ecosystems. They give this area the richest biodiversity on the Earth: one in ten known species in the world can be found here.Of the 390,000 plant species known to us, more than 40,000 can be found in theAmazon. This tall and ancient brazil nut tree produces nuts that we can eat; thesewater lilies are big enough to lie down on. The forest’s different levels support an unbelievable variety of wildlife. At the bottom, there is a system of roots beneaththe ground. Above that is the mass of leaf litter on the dark forest floor. The nextlevel is made up of shorter plants with large leaves. Then there are the toweringancient hardwoods, and finally the tops of the tallest trees many metres above theground. Each level of the forest forms its own little world, home to different kindsof living things.More than 1,300 species of birds and over 400 species of mammals hide among the jungle’s plant life. This jaguar is one example. It has a yellowish-brown coat withblack spots. While a significant number of jaguars survive here, they are only oneelement of this forest’s food chain. They feed on at least 87 species, including frogs. These frogs, in turn, feed on insects which eat leaves and fruit. When a jaguar dies, a tiny army of microorganisms helps break down its body and return the nutrients to the earth. The Amazon rainforest breathes life into the planet by fixing carbon and producing over 20 per cent of all the Earth’s oxygen. Thus, it is often known as the “lungs of the planet”. Moreover, the Amazon rainforest is a treasure house of species that can be used for food or medicine. Yet there is one major danger to these irreplaceable plants and animals: us. Over the past 50 years, about 17 per cent of the rainforest has disappeared due to human activities such as agriculture and cattle farming. As the impact of human activities continues to grow and the list of species in danger of extinction becomes longer, we are left with a question: can we afford to damage the “lungs of the planet”?。

牛津高中英语模块三Unit1Reading练习附答案WORD格式--可编写M3Unit1Reading单项选择1.Unless_______themostof,timewillnotbeenough.2.Theparentsaresad,fortheirchildrenare tobeseen.3.Nowhereelseintheworld______cheapertailoringthaninHongKong.4.Thenews ourathleteswonanothergoldmedalwasreportedinyesterday’snews.5.theenvironmentaldamageisdone,ittakesmanyyearsfortheecosystem(生态系统)torecover.Thehoursofhardwork_______whenhebecamethechampionofthegame.Inthereadingroom,shefoundherself_______atbyastranger,which madeheralittlenervous.8.Apasser-byobservedthelittlegirl_____byseveralstrangers.9.They____thetrainuntilitdisappearedinthedistance.10.Theoldcouplelookedattheplanewiththeirsononituntilitwas____.11.TolearnEnglishwell,weshouldfindopportunitiestohearEnglish____asmuchaswecan.12.Thoughhavinglivedabroadforyears,manyChinesestill____thetraditionalcustoms.13.Thesuggestion____Tomgavemewasthatwe____atonce.A.which,wouldstartB.that,wouldstartC.what,shouldstartD./,start14.___________fierceanimalssuchastigersandlionswhiletravellingintheforest.15.Whenfirst___________tothemarket,theseproductsenjoyedgreatsuccess.Allof_____sudden,Icaught______sightofmyteachersandclassmatesinthecrowd,andthenIfeltmuchmorecalm.A.a;/B./;/C.a;aD./;athere thathehaddonethework.y,layB.lying,layC.lying,liedD.lied,lying18.Aftersayinggoodbye,he forNanjing.thenextyear.’scar,it’sthecustomtoofferto____someoftheexpen牛津高中英语模块三Unit1Reading练习附答案---牛津高中英语模块三Unit1Reading练习附答案WORD格式--可编写完形填空Myfamily and Idecidedtotry tohelpthelessfortunate16 andranoutofthe 17 tocollectmoneyandcannedgoods.Some people 18 theirdoorsviolently in ourfacesand others told us they already19 20,thepeoplewhoweexpected tobethemostgenerousweren ’t.The“well-to-do 〞gavelittleornothingatall 21 thepoorest gaveeverythingtheycould 22 .Inthefirstcoupleofhours,we 23 $60andduringthe followingthreedaysofgoing 24,wecollectednearly$1,000.Wethenwenttothegrocerystoreandboughtrice,potatoes,macaroni( 通心粉)andjuice.Afterwards we 25 the food andput itinto twenty-five colored laundry baskets, 26alsocontainingathree-poundham.Finally right beforethe 27 ,my family andI 28 thedelivery ( 分送).Asthepeople 29theirdoorsandsawwhat wehadbrought,theywereextremely 30 .Big smilesontheonce-sadfaces 31 howhappytheytrulywere.Mostofthemreplied, “Nowwe canhaveanEaster 32 .〞Thiseventwasvery 33tookforgranted.Wealsolearnedthattoachieveagoal,hardworkandpatienceare 34 .I strongly advocate that all get 35 someaspectofcommunity surelyis an unforgettableexperience.牛津高中英语模块三Unit1Reading练习附答案32.33.34.35.单项选择1-5CDBDD6-10BACCB11-15CCDBB16-20ACDCA 完形16-20CDABD21-25BACCA26-30CBBDA31-35BADCD---。

课后练习题答案Unit 1a.Hi, this is Mei. (2)b.Hi, Mei. This is John. How are you? (2)c.I’m good, thanks. How are you? (3)a.What do you do? (2)b.I am a student. (2)a.Where are you from? (2)b.I’m from China. (2)a.What’s your phone number? (2)b.It’s 555-1234. (2)a.Excuse me. (1)b.Yes? (1)c.Do you speak English? (2)d.A little. (1)e.Can you help me, please? (2)Unit 2a.What did you do last night? (3)b.I watched TV. (2)a.What time do you usually get up? (4)b.I usually get up at six. (3)a.What’s your favorite color? (3)b.My favorite color is blue. (3)a.What do you like to do? (4)b.I like to read books. (3)a.Excuse me. (1)b.Yes? (1)c.How do you spell your name? (4)d.M-A-R-Y. (1)Unit 3a.Where did you go last weekend? (4)b.I went to the park. (3)a.What time do you go to bed? (5)b.I usually go to bed at 10 o’clock. (6)a.What’s your favorite food? (4)b.My favorite food is pizza. (3)a.What do you want to do this weekend? (4)b.I want to go shopping. (3)a.Excuse me. (1)b.Yes? (1)c.How do you say “早上好” in English? (5)d.Good morning. (2)结束语以上是朗文英语听说教程1-3教师手册中所附带的课后练习题答案。

Role play
Reference for oral work
hooray: a word that you shout to show that you are excited and happy about something
aah: used for showing that you are happy, satisfied, or surprised excellent: used for showing that you are very pleased about
✔ 2 The smartphone Jason has got for Lily is (difficult / easy) to use.
3 The smartphone is (the best one Lily has ever seen / just
✔ the kind Lily wanted).
Conversation 1 Exercises Functional language
Conversation 2 Exercises Functional language
Conversation 1 - Expressing happiness
1. Listen to a conversation and check (✔) the correct answers to complete the following sentences.

2009-01-01 | 新时代交互英语读写译答案level3(unit1-4) ......... - 1 - 2009-01-01 | 新时代交互英语读写译答案level3(unit5-8)................. - 9 -2009-01-01 | 新时代交互英语读写译答案level3(unit1-4)UNIT 1Reading 1(注:以下是书上的标号)Ⅲ⒈⑴feel comfortable about⑵improve one's reading abilities⑶prefer television to print⑷subjects at the level of highereducation/at the college level⑸retain new hnowledge/the retention of new knowledge⑹apply for and get a driver's license⑺something one benefits all one's life ⑻if you were in my position/if you were put in my position⑼extract some benefits from⑽Time flies by awfully fast⒉⑴look over⑵Getting a head start⑶is held off/will beheld off⑷devote ... to⑸in sum⑹In the light of⑺There's a likelihoodⅣ⑴~⑸EBAOC ⑹~⑽DGHKJⅤ⒈⑴Jack decided to readShakespeare'ssonnets aloud until hecan retain them.⑵How to cultivateone's long-termmemory? - Promptand repeated readingcan turn short - termmemory into long -term memory.⑶Cramming for a teston the last day beforeit can not really beeffective.⑷In the light of theimportance oftextbooks, you needto treat them as toolsof your job trade - justas you would need aninstruction manual ifyour jobrequired you to haveone.⑸The real secret forthe man's success isthat he always gets ahead start on theothers.⒉⑴记忆的信息会在接触后的24小时内逐渐遗忘。

第一单元3/16 BBB8/16 CABAC9/16 ABA 1211 take a break why not some other time party available listenwithout talk to you about researching background work on hoping for breakmay be it By the way1A/5 CBCAB1B/5 kind of it's about right I did past three years paid of earned breakthe case in comparison to depends on a lot harder in general my roommateway too for myself a balance2A/5 confident relaxed tense in a bad mood2B/5 1)How about 2)too 3)Why don't 4)enough 5)Let's 6)to walk3/5 1)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing4/5 ABBC5/5 3 1 1 2 3 1第二单元3/16 AAB8/16 AABB9/16 ABCC 221 get expert run broadcast competition In fact Speaking ought to give away Good thinking handle care audio expert fast on it You do hardto believe wake up smell the coffee crazy famous taking a bribe smart Ihope get in the way work on1A/5 BBCBA1B/5 heard about was caught they say what to think stuff you'd like toreally convinced actually natural athlete in the season any opinion aboutdisqualify for the sake of shame to in trouble with start rumors2A/5 BACEDF2B/5 12323/5 2123314/5 ACCC5/5 211132第三单元3/16 CCA8/16 ABB9/16 ABAA 3133 Bad news audio expert check urgent be sure absolutely sure have an idea may remember confide in reporter researcher chance lose onemore day only one more day won't be sorry story get tell me everythingdeserve a break story charming charm out of1A/5 BABBC1B/5 was thinking That would be ok this new mall having a sale kind of awhole lot less just really end up using little Well girl the whalesounded really good a lot a lot less you know what treat you to2A/5 1)figure it out 2)investigate 3) result 4)make sense 5)ruined2B/5 BCEDFA3A/5 1213 CB4/5 ABBB5/5 1311213第四单元3/16 BAB8/16 ABACC9/16 ABAA 2231 listen your side of the story Nope all alike judge me trust only goal helping win deal with mess charges serious threw a game gambling debts gave access to stop from Did you or didn't you throw the game get show viewers Take your pick innocent1A/5CCBBC1B/5 ran into my gosh doing fantastic the same old how exciting perfect for or something like thata boring job gets to telemarketing telephone company2A/5 ACCA2B/5 Take a pick /Take it easy/Take your time /Take a look3A/5 a a the a3B/5 aren't /will you/does she/could he/hasn't he/doesn't she/didn'tI/wasn't he4/5ABAAB5/5ABCACA测试A TEST A1/3 when did Lancebc2/3 Nick thinks thatab3/3 dca1/3 in a bad mood /exhausted2/3 trustworthy/dishonest3/3 which prase has theaacbcc1/3 are /am /Let's go /too much /why don't I2/3 1)aren't you 2)an 3)was 4)the 5)have seen 6)good 7)my 8)am able to 9)different 10)haven't been able to3/3 1)receiving 2)are going to 3)over 4)should 5)'d better/5ab2/5ddc3/5cb4/52435/5111/3332/36)if you put it that way^^^7)i will spend a lot too.....8)that't true9)i just don't feel like it10)let's go see the movie then3/3、1)到5)没有第五单元3/16 baa8/16 bcacc9/16 baab9/16 31239/16 sure sounds like stupid a minute deliberately from college works for recognize teammate both excuse us media you've got that right get it worry you getting some pressure sit out badly frankly win without you1A/5 cacaa1B/5 the whole story on the phone this rebate A hundred dollars supposed to of the camera nice about it serial number is gone Oh man 8002A/5 acba2B/5 1)do you feel 2)do you think 3)are loving 4)such 5)so 6)believe3/5 so /such a /so /such /so /such a4/5 baaab5/5 1)can I ask you to take a2)I have to take care of3)I'm tied uo at the moment4)Would you mind if5)Can you please check6)OK,no problem7)please fill this form第六单元3/16 dda8/16 bacaacb9/16 13219/16 Keep investigating have no choice going with beat us to it You've got to admit missing something as they seem in this case too trusting skeptical all right working on fair let my emotions color my judgment let me down won't be sorry1A/5 CBCAC (已修正,由Tracy提供,表示感谢)1B/5 says at bars to have their parents thirteen years old get drunk you know drinking irreponsibly their kids baby-sitter bar owners this is happening crazy2A/5 bdaec2B/51)deposited 2)bank account 3)As a matter of fact 4)Take it from me 5)For one thing 6)except for 7)go with 8)beat us to it 9)let us down3A/5 going/talking/eating/yourselves/myself/have knew/would have brought/crying over /enjoying3B/5 1)may 2)may not 3)Is he 4)will 5)might not 6)may 7)are going to8)might4/5 abab5/5bacacb第七单元3/16 cac8/16 bdababad9/16 bdcb9/16 13219/16 here it comes juice bar Aren't you Do I know you Not yet interesting proposition Keep going Let's say deal endorse athletic That's it business card on second thought pay visit1A/5 abccd1B/5 great opportunity audition for such a wonderful show the same night other plays coming along so perfect so great about be invited go for it2A/5 ababba2B/5 badac3A/5 1)was taking 2)called 3)checked 4)was playing 5)quicker 6)more concentrated3B/5 baab4/5 bbbaa5/5 bacacab第八单元3/16 ccb8/16 dcaaabbdc9/16 badd9/16 32239/16 dead for a moment angry yell at Maybe Probably guest dial in big trouble have trouble with used to memory to make matters worse ridiculous took lunch voice mail available odd telling the truth lying see a goodstory1A/5 bcbdc1B/5 looking for I mean quite a while at the desk Whatever Kind of hard for her name impossible totally screwed up pretty clear meet me lobby 4o'clock good idea try where she is why don't you how that goes2A/5 aaabba2B/5 ccada3A/5 222223B/5 someone / used to /didn't use to /something /anything /4/5 ababb测试BTest BTalia tells Nick that she believes him: {1.Nick meets Jackie baker2.Nick explains the deal he made to Talia.3.Talia decided to do see Jackie.The receptionist calls the office:{1.The receptionist gives the office location.2.The receptionist gives the directions to the office.3.The receptionist asks for a signature.Why did Nick not play in an important game:CBAGraham is always very:CBCDBADATalia Hi,mom: criticizing pressureWhich phrase has the same meaning ...:BACCMarcello Hi,Amy: get along get goingDear Mom,I hope you: used to be somebody who that person isanybody where she livesAmy,Hi,Ronnie.Ididn't see you: better were having moreintelligent was listening would rather就只有一题的:BWhich word do you hear,she or he : AABB / Can or can't:BAAOh,you're looking for Jack Baxter She's VP at Kick ShoesWhich word has the unstressed/ /:rumor together threeAmy,Hi,Ronnie.Ready for class: BCDean,Ijust got back from Cozumel: Oh,really? How was it going?That's great.Tony,Do you think I :CFDBAC第九单元3/16 bac8/16 dcdaccad9/16 addc9/16 2139/16 anything else someone else either In fact cheer up as bad as describe business suit excutive at all1A/5 acbad1B/5 favor wondering bring two of my friends definitely supposed to messed up have a great time decorations cast minute cooking things great to serve 6:30 three of you2A/5 aabbab2B/5 bcaba3A/5 1)rushed 2)was checking 3)was playing went3B/5cbbbab4/5 aabba第十单元3/16 BAB8/16 ACCBBCDC9/16 AADC9/16 13131A/5 BBCBC1B/5 on behalf of a couple of minutes greatly appreciated more time building classroom drom roomsobviously point better quality more people at least pretty nice spacious rental houses stay in mixedfeeling involved in helps them out definitely issue2A/5 BBABAA2B/5 DCCAB3A/5 on with/out /up3B/5 losing /saying/ to need/ to wait3C/5 until/when/have4/5 BAAAB5/5 BBCCCBA第十一单元3/16 BAC8/16 BCBABA9/16 ACAC9/16 32219/16 won't be sorry admit lied There you are are got reservations just around the corner doing business so much pleasant talk over over lunch sign basically says endorse the shoes tricked out of the way next in line star player amazing team office make sure1A/5 CBAAA1B/5 are responsible for Africa visual aid in the outline easy look thatup really quick have it all done due Wednesday need to meet I'm supposed to do compile get our project done off the Internet helpful use bring those in tomorrow2A/5 BAABB2B/5 BBADDBB3/5 CAAABA4/5 AABA5/5 BABAAC第12单元dcdbcadcaadbcBCBAACthe habitat of the animalsblue folder rest of the projectmap definitely different spotturned it in reliable sourcecoming to me instead of positively check withBACAABABfigure them out help you out put them away clean it up the most expensive the bestACCAI'm not quite sure what you're getting at. /Exactly./Do you mean that/ That's not what I mean./ Could you go over it again? / Are you saying that测试CTest CWhy does Nick ask to look at the :BCSpread on the mustard: {1.Put on the cheese and avocado.2. Put on the tomato and cucumber3.Add the secret ingredient.Gomez will earn bonus money: BCBNick is confused when the:{1.says he hasn't heard of Kicks shoes2.to help Nick3.eye color---------------MarcellHi,Amy: pulled it off pass onTalia:Hi,Mom: Keep cool play it by earThe food at the new : ACWhich phrasal verb means think of: BC---------------Talia:Ronnie: the luckiest pick him up best for dream this upTony:So,Talia: think of working could start was doing as difficult as Secretary: may to talk as easy as will givelooked up t up outRonnie:Hi Talia!: interesting to buy surprised to invite haveListen for the sound...: bbaListen to the sentence.: I want to get and itDo you hear the ordinary verb: AAListen to the sentence.Which word...: DCA---------------Chris:Sorry,...: CLouise:Do you want to... : BAJohn:How was...: Are you saying it didn't go well Yes,that's what Imean 过级最终测试Level Test1.There is a rumor that Nick: CBC2.What does Nick say the TV station is going: ABC3.OK, I'm wondering...: {couple sit-down silverware accommodateeasy-going understanding favor attractive settingsshe knows it's kind of out of your way for us to go to this party pick up anything else get somesome wine or dessert or bring anything4.Alex.My old boyfriend Alex.: {I looked really good toolook your bestNo way doing things and moving onhang out or something5.Nick says his life : ABAB----------------1.Patty:I can't believe ...: ABB2.Which phrase means to understand something?: BCA3.The government...: BCBA4.Throw a game: AAC5.Dean:Ican't believe.. : AAC6.Amy:What's wrong,Talia?: ABB-------------------1.Tony:I(选词) : want am having would rather anyone better2.Patty:Well,Icould : AC3. Dean:I think Nick ...: CA4. Talia:I: CCB-----------------1. men{tion}a{so}lutely2. can't used to3. (br)eak (str)eet4. Looked: single sound talented: extra syllable5. falling rising falling6.有五个选项的:forget debts talk。
人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册UNIT 1 Part I Reading and 同步练习含答案

课时把关练Part I Reading and Thinking基础知识练Ⅰ. 单词拼写1. Another way of setting r(现实的)goals is to analyze your short and long term objectives,keeping in mind your beliefs,values and strengths.2. The facilities on the campsite were very p(原始的).3. Wander in this frame of mind and you will open a new d(维度)to your life.4. Many people sacrificed for a n(高贵的)cause.5. They rose in the r(等级)not by being friendly but by smoking cigarettes,breaking rules and playing jokes on others,among whom I soon found myself.6. The moon e(出现)from behind the clouds.7. A person’s success in an interview depends heavily on the interviewer’s s(主观的)impression.8. S(后来的)studies have come up with similar results.Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成句子1. One kid (特别)would try to make me feel worse in every way he knew.2. His experience of Taichi (使他与……不同)his classmates.3. We (如此喜欢)our high intelligence that we assume that when it comes to brain power,more must be better.4. In high school I was very shy,content to hang around with my small group of friends and to(专心学习).5. We should (对……树立积极的态度)life.6. The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gifts from his patients,thus(赢得了良好的声誉).7. Mo’s win will (把焦点转移到)more previously unknown Chinese works.8. In this chapter I will (尝试解释)what led up to the revolution.Ⅲ. 单句语法填空1. This smart keyboard (precise)measures the cadence(节奏)with which one types and the pressure fingers apply to each key.2. Dunhuang Academy is a leading research center that manages the nearby Mogao Caves,an(influence)historical site of ancient Buddhist art dating back to the 4th century.3. They have different (religion)beliefs.4.She said social media firms were exposing children to major (emotion)risks,with some youngsters ill-equipped to cope with the pressure they faced online.5. Scientists made major breakthrough in cancer research.6. Good relationships are built mutual trust and considerations.7. However,the research suggested that as they headed toward their teens,they became(increasing)anxious online.8. What I suggest is (put)off the conference until next month when there is no panic among people.9. Despite their convenience,audio books are less (detail)than physical books you read.10. Turn an online instructor for help.Ⅳ. 练通句型【一句多译】1.虽然被敌人包围着,但我们还是设法前进了。

交互英语3答案第一篇:交互英语3答案交互英语3答案第1单元:乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一so such a so such so such a乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一keep investigating have no choice going with beat us to it You've got to admit missing something as they seem in this case 乐外教——在线外教一对一too trusting skeptical all right working on fair let my emotions color my judgment let me down won't be sorry 乐外教——在线外教一对一says at bars to have their parents thirteen years old get drunk you know drinking irresponsibly their乐外教——在线外教一对一kids baby-sitter bar owners this is happening crazy乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一here it comes juice bar Aren't you Do I know you Not yet intersting proposition Keep going Let's say deal endorse athletic That's it business card on second thought pay visit乐外教——在线外教一对一乐外教——在线外教一对一第二篇:三级交互英语答案what does----working why----workedwhat kind----journalism 8/19when will----work Taila works----know Talia is----reporter Tony is----boss Talia`s hair----take 10/19What does Amy----party What is----Background What does Tony----big 11/19Amy says----guy T alia tells----little Amy tells----konw T ony says----bit 12/19take/a/break/why/not/some/other/time/party/available/listen /without/talk/to/you/about /researching/background/work/on/hoping/for/break/may/be/it /By/the/way1A/5Which one----work What is----often How is----veryAbout Robin----any About Robin`s----class1B/5 kind/of/it's/about/right/I /did/past/three/years/paid/off /earned/break/the/case/in /comparison/to/depends/on/a/lot/harder/in/general/my/roommate/way/too/for/myself/a/balance 2A/5confident/relaxed/tense/in a bad mood 2B/51)How about 2)too 3)Why don't 4)enough 5)Let's 6)to walk 3/51)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing4/5unique/seriously/mention/journalism 5/5 1 1 2 3 1--------------------------我是罪恶的分隔线--------------------------第二单元3/19What are----Gossiping What do Tony----Nick The information----money 8/19In the----couldn'tAmy has----has fallen Last year----lostIf the information----won't 10/19Whar is Amy----Make a copy Why does----bribe What does----first Who knows----Talia 11/19Talia----tookTony says----doesn't Tony is----able 12/19get/expert/run/broadcast/competition/In/fact/Speaking/ought/to/give/away/Good/thinking/handle/care/audio/expert/fast/on/it/You/do/hard/to/believe/wake/up/smell/the/coffee/crazy/famous/taking/a/bribe/smart/I/hope/get/in/the/way/work/on1A/5What's her----She would What did----The rest Baesd on----There is Did she think----She thought Did she hear----little bit 1B/5heard/about/was/caught/they/say/what/to/think/stuff/you' d/like/to/really/convinced/actually/natural/athlete/in/the/seaso n/any/opinion/about/disqualify/for/the/sake/of/shame/to/in/trouble/with/start/rumors2A/5fall----come to owe arise----come upWhat----What a shame Thar's----That's not not take----sit outscandal----disgraceful 2B/5 1232 3/5 212331 4/5forward/eliminate/apparently/incredible 5/5 211132--------------------------我是罪恶的分隔线--------------------------第三单元3/19 Nick career star8/19 Morenotthe nike 10/19 1\The audio2\Don’t be 3\最长的4\to go and talk11/19 hasn’t finishheitnay trick her12/19 Bad news audio expert check urgent be sure absolutely sure have an idea may remember confide in reporter researcher chance l ose one more day only one more day won’t be sorry story get tell me everything deserve a break story charming charmout of1A/5 They didn’tshe didn’tshe neededpop cornIt’s a story1B/51)was thinking 2)That would be ok 3)this new mall 4)havinga sale 5)kind of 6)a whole lot less 7)just really 8)end up using little9)Well10)little girl 11)the whale 12)sounded really good 13)a lot 14)a lot less 15)you know what 16)treat you to 2A/5 1)figure it out 2)investigate 3)result 4)make sense 5)ruined 2B/5 urg对very to put对riskSem对one ofcharm对to persuade3A/5 Talia对is able toshe tell对be able toTony对is not ableTalia对is ab le 3B/5 yoursmine 5/5I have anwell,Idon’tIf youDo youWhat doit’s worthLet’s go第四单元2/1 9 the asked her :so:he rent her a littleN ick8/19 diffcultamusing disEnglishgland10/19 They couldDid He think allTo win 11/19 doesn’the canhe wantsangry12/19 istenyour side of the storyNopeall alikejudge metrustonly goalhelpingwindeal withmesscharges seriousthrew a game gambling debts gave access tostop fromDid you or didn’t youthrow the gameget show viewers T ake your pick innocent 1A/5Those RecentlyTime doesn’tHe worksHe looks really 1B/5 ran intomy goshdoing fantasticthe same oldhow excitingperfect foror something like thata boring jobtelemarketingtelephone company 2A/5 allowplanjoura part 2B/5 Take a pick /Take it easy/Take your time /Take a look 3A/5 a a the a 3B/5 aren’t /will you/does she/could he/hasn’t he/doesn’t she/didn’t I/wasn’t he 5/5 I think I know youHow have you beenNo,I’m sorryI’m afraid you’ve gotIt was greatHere’s my card第五单元3/19 It’s imHe was Shy8/19 veryshe plays he anything she wantsNick to knowunbelievable10/19 He’s notNickthe teamHE thinks 11/19 I’wouldTaliashockedannoyed 12/19sure sounds likea minutedeliberatelyfrom collegeworks for recognize teammate bothexcuse usmediayou’ve got that rightget itworry yougetting some pressuresit outbadlyfranklywin without you 1A/5 call Hershe couldn’tA little1B/5 the whole storyon the phonethis rebateA hundred dollars supposed toof the cameranice about itserial numberis goneOh man800 2A/5become excitlikebegin2B/5 1)do you feel 2)do you think 3)are loving 4)such 5)so 6)believe 3/5 so /such a /so/such /so /such a 5/5 1)can I ask you to take a2)I have to take care of3)I’m tied uo at the moment4)Would you mind if5)Can you please check6)OK,no problem7)please fill this form第六单元3/19 She wasNo the resultTalia8/19 1\Nick put50000 into hisbank account 2\she believes 3\he owes4\making money 5\people6\Ibel that7\can’t 9/16 keep investigating & nbsp;have no choicegoing withbeat us to itYou’ve got to admit missing somethingas they seemin this casetoo trustingskepticalall right working onfairlet my emotions color my judgment let me downwon’t be sorry10/19 skepticalHe believesshould workThe bank11/19 they have to airsomewantDony 1A/5 are allowWisestopIDDany1B/5 saysat barsto have their parentsthirteen years oldget drunkyou knowdrinking irresponsiblytheir kidsbaby-sitterbar ownersthis is happeningcrazy 2A/5 Take对we havewe don’t 对we decideFor对For onewe never对we are 2B/5 1)deposited 2)bank account 3)As a matter of fact 4)Take it from me 5)For one thing 6)except for 7)go with 8)beat us to it 9)let us down 3A/5 going/talking/eating/yourselves/myself/had known/would have brought/crying over /enjoying 3B/5 1)may 2)may not 3)Is he 4)will 5)might not 6)may 7)are going to 8)might 5/5 Do you thinkmightperhapsIt’s didn’tIs it possible that Nickdidn’t take the moneymight第七单元3/19He explained最长的annoyed 8/19 It’s brandHe agreedBecause+最长的 By cheatinggBecause he wants to amuse TaliaBecause angryshe was angryNick had not told here the truth 10/19 He wasn’t going to tellA business womanTO visitTo we ar11/19 He was curiusHe will wearit would She want to ……truth12/19 here it comesjuice barAren’t youDo I know youNot yetinteresting propositionKeep goingLet’s saydealendorse athleticThat’s itbusiness cardon second thoughtpayvisit 1A/5 They party+最长的Thefirst job in itshe wantedshe mightThefirst could go to earlier 1B/5 great opportunityaudition forsuch a wonderful showthe same nightother plays coming along so perfect so great about be invitedgo for it2A/5 They paid me so thatIchangedI want to knowThe shoes will beconeOk It doesn’tcome and experience2B/5 confirmedlinescone outbasicallyendorsed 3A/5 1)was taking 2)called 3)checked 4)was playing 5)quicker 6)more concentrated 3B/5 would rather prefer towould prefer to5/5 soundslike funor really?oh,really?IseeHow awfulHow did it goDid you have a good?第八单元3/19she was tryingTaliathere was8/19 he meant to makemeet jackhci had neverjackie has never workedTalia mightG owerBuildingFrustrashowforten years 10/19 Because she thought Nick had lied to her Neithershe was veryshe used the recoptionst’s11/19 he enjoy findingshow her angershe thinksconfsed12/19 dead for a moment angry yell at Maybe Probably guest dial in big trouble have trouble with used to memory to make matters worseridiculous took lunch voice mail available oddtelling the truthlyingsee a good story1A/5 she asked forTry toshe couldmeeting4321B/5 looking for I mean quite a while at the desk Whatever Kind of hard for her name impossible totally screwed up pretty clear meet me lobby 4 o’clock good idea try where she is why don’t you how that goes2A/5 please waitsorry+短的If you+长的Nick ……punishedTia+长的 The right now2B/5 oddAnywayIn that caseyell atridiculous 3A/5 where I canWhen thehow much itwhat kind ofused to 3B/5 someone / used to /didn’t use to /something /anything /第九单元3/19 5点looking forThere8/19 Because he neededthe recepthe was stillBecause he wondevedHe wasn’t veryHe overTo find 点 10/19 Because he was tryingTell theshe has bluehe just 11/19 I’m confusedhelpshe never12/19 anything else someone else either In fact cheer up as bad as describe business suit excutive at all 1A/5 she can bring cook forGo toAby’sEmily’s1B/5 favor wondering bring two of my friends definitely supposed to messed up have a great time decorations last minute cooking thingsgreat to serve6:30 three of you2A/5 the news+短的 Are you interestHey, canmay you +长的 I hend byshe +短的2B/5businessoverheardfollowdescribcheer up3A/5 1)rushed 2)was checking 3)was playing went 3B/5may as honest asas positive ascancouldas disgusting as 5/5 sorry,butNo,pr……surecan I leavemay be I canis it okDo you第十单元3/1 9 The womanThe inter……did not answerAn……Dear8/19 he got intohe made anhe could notThings wer badlyhe wantedthe womanthe soccerthe intertiew10/19 Dean’sThey wear bothshe felt sorryshe took 11/19 he wespectsshe hassarc……sorry12/19around lately ran into admired ruining his career pretty sure different changing the color wannabe tried out Except for took lunch performance beginning to unfold On the house in his favor soccer professionally 1A/5do a surveynoise is athe univer+长的 housingtherre should1B/5 on behalf of a couple of minutes greatly appreciated more time building classrooms dorm roomsobviously point better quality more people at least pretty nice spacious rental houses stay in mixed feelings involved inhelps them out definitely issue 2A/5will beget upstopto hisunexpbe made2B/5 uspendedpreformancecatch up onon the housetrying out3A/5 on with/out /up 3B/5 losing /saying/ to need/ to wait 3C/5 until/when/have 5/5 Actually T o tell you what do you I’m not really 同上 If you ask Frankly第三篇:交互英语第三级Module B和C的review quiz答案注:序号代表页码Module B第一单元1.bca2.nick calls out to........telia meets......coach haskins tells......coach haskins says.....3.bca4.acba5.cbb6.I’d be glad to......No,no0t at allI have to take....7.Do you feel....Do you think....lovesuchsobelieve8.cbab9.bab10.c a b11.caca第二单元1.a a c a2.C b b3.read about the personal lives of entertainers..everyone deserves to have a......entertainers should.....4.feel for feel him outfeel free tofeel up to5.b a c6.a c b7.c b a c b a8.b a c b9.a b a10.b a a11.b a e d第三单元1.a a b2.c c a b3.b a c4.an appointmentareactionan analysisa combination5.b a c6.a c a7.was checkingwas playingwas explainingwas having8.a a c9.cooler thanmore expensivecheaper10.b a a11.a b a12.dollarsassociationlocalaudience第四单元1. b a c b c cc b a a b c ca b a b b a a a b a a somethingused todidn’t use toanything8.atforof9.b a b10.b c a bModule C第一单元1. a c c a b a c b a b c a c aBe my guestThat’s nice of youNo,go ahead7.calledwas watchingwasmet8.a c c a b b9.b a d10.works in an officeleave in amet her in11.c b b c第二单元1. c a c b b bb c b look up tocatch up oncome up with6.b b c c7.I’m really.....I agree....8.a b b9.a b a b10.untilwhenhave11a b b11.b a a12.a c b a第三单元.1.Amy says....Talia tells....Nickswantsto.....Nick says that.....2.b a c3.c b a4.a b c a5.b a b6.really needneed youneed me7.c a a b8.have got to gomust gethave to talk9.interestingsurpriseddisappointed10.a b a11.a c12.c13.c a a b第四单元1.b c2.a a3. c b a a b b a c aa b Do you mean taht.No,taht’s not waht ImeanCould you go over it againAre you saying that8.a b c b9.b c a b c a10.plcrstr11.b a b12.Body language can help us communicate.......Body language changes from...In the United States.....Gestures help us.....第四篇:交互设计师交互设计师(国际站)职位责任:1、了解商业需求,给出产品的原型设计方案,并保证其基本的可用性;2、通过分析和讨论,用户研究,不断改进产品原型的设计;3、分析商业需求和技术可行性,在有限的项目资源内,给出双赢的解决方案;4、通过设计,解决项目实施过程中可能出现的界面问题,确保最终的用户体验;职位要求:1、有丰富的交互设计的经验者优先考虑;2、能够提供高质量的产品原型、流程图、线框图,清晰的表达设计方案;3、优秀的沟通和协调能力,能准确的挖掘用户需求,结合商业目标,快速调整设计方案,并获得最终的认可;4、良好的视觉设计能力,Photoshop、Dreamweaver等设计工具熟练运用,能给出高保真度的原型,熟悉XNTML、Javascript、ActionScript者优先;5、基本的程序开发知识,确保在前期设计时能综合开发成本并给出高效可行的设计方案;6、人及交互,软件工程,工业设计,视觉传达,或相关设计学科的学历;英文读写熟练,能阅读专业资料,能应付日常工作中和外籍同事的交资深交互设计师(中国站)工作地点:杭州职位描述:1、参与网站产品前期的规划构思,完善产品概念。

第一单元12/19 take a break why not some other time party available listen without talk to you about researching backgroundwork on hoping for break may be it By the way1A/5 she doesn’t work…… her sch…… she has…… she did not…… she ofte n1B/5 kind of it’s about right I did past three years paid of earned break the case in comparison to depends on a lot harder in general my roommate way too for myself a balance2A/5 confident relaxed tense in a bad mood2B/5 1)How about 2)too 3)Why don’t 4)enough 5)Let’s 6)to walk3/5 1)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing5/5 sorry I don’t I’m sorry That’d be第二单元3/19 money Goss They this on nick8/19 couldn’t has lost won’t-10/19 Tali Make He New story she can’t believe11/19 Nick too Talia doesn’t might not be12/19 get expert run broadcast competition In fact Speaking ought to give away Good thinking handle care audio expertfast on it You do hard to believe wake up smell the coffee crazy famous taking a bribe smart I hope get in the way work on1A/5alittleTherethoughtwould1B/5 heard about w as caught they say what to think stuff you’d like to really convinced actually natural athlete in theseason any opinion about disqualify for the sake of shame to in trouble with start rumors2A/5连线arise对comeupwhat对whatthat’s对that2B/5 truscroobogusauthentic3/5 HavehaveeveroughtlatelyYou’dbetter5/5 Idon’twowTheysayApheyyouYou’re第三单元3/19Nickcareerstar8/19Morenotthenike10/191\Theaudio2\Don’tbe3\最长的4\togoandtalk11/19hasn’tfinishheitnaytrickher12/19Bad news audio expert check urgent be sure absolutely sure have an idea may remember confide in reporterresearcher chance lose one more day only one more day won’t be sorry story get tell me everything deserve a break storycharming charm out of1A/5 Theydidn’tshedidn’tsheneededpopcornIt’sastory1B/5 1)was thinking 2)That would be ok 3)this new mall 4)having a sale 5)kind of 6)a whole lot less 7)just really 8)endup using little 9)Well 10)little girl 11)the whale 12)sounded really good 13)a lot 14)a lot less 15)you know what 16)treat you to2A/5 1)figure it out 2)investigate 3) result 4)make sense 5)ruined2B/5urg对verytoput对riskSem对oneofcharm对topersuade3A/5 Talia对isabletoshetell对beabletoTony对isnotableTalia对isable3B/5 yoursmine5/5 Ihaveanwell,Idon’tIfyouDoyouWhatdoit’sworthLet’sgo第四单元2/19theaskedher:so:herentheralittleNick8/19diffcultamusingdisEnglishgland10/19TheycouldDidHethinkallTowin11/19doesn’thecanhewantsangry12/19isten your side of the story Nope all alike judge me trust only goal helping win deal with mess charges serious threw a game gambling debts gave access to stop from Did you ordidn’t you throw the game get show viewers Take your pick innocent1A/5ThoseRecentlyTimedoesn’tHeworksHelooksreally1B/5 ran into my gosh doing fantastic the same old how exciting perfect for or something like thata boring job gets to telemarketing telephone company2A/5 allowplanjourapart2B/5 Take a pick /Take it easy/Take your time /Take a look3A/5 a a the a3B/5 aren’t /will you/does she/could he/hasn’t he/doesn’t she/didn’t I/wasn’t he5/5 IthinkIknowyouHowhaveyoubeenNo,I’msorryI’mafraidyou’vegotItwasgreatHere’smycard第五单元3/19It’simHewasShy8/19verysheplaysheanythingshewantsNicktoknowunbelievable10/19He’snotNickthe team HE thinks11/19I’wouldTaliashockedannoyed12/19sure sounds like stupid a minute deliberately from college works for recognize teammate bothexcuse us media you’ve got that right get it worry you getting some pressure sit out badlyfrankly win without you1A/5 callHershecouldn’t100Alittle1B/5 the whole story on the phone this rebate A hundred dollars supposed to of the camera nice aboutit serial number is gone Oh man 8002A/5becomeexcitsucc……likebegin2B/5 1)do you feel 2)do you think 3)are loving 4)such 5)so 6)believe3/5 so /such a /so /such /so /such a5/5 1)can I ask you to take a2)I have to take care of3)I’m tied uo at the moment4)Would you mind if5)Can you please check6)OK,no problem7)please fill this form第六单元3/19ShewasNotheresultTalia8/191\Nickput50000intohisbankaccount2\shebelieves3\heowes4\makingmoney5\people6\Ibelthat7\can’t9/16 keep investigating have no choice going with beat us to it You’ve got to admit missing something asthey seem in this case too trusting skeptical all right working on fair let my emotions color myjudgment let me down won’t be sorry10/19skepticalHebelievesshouldworkThebank11/19theyhavetoairsomewantDony1A/5areallowWisestopIDDany1B/5 says at bars to have their parents thirteen years old get drunk you know drinking irresponsiblytheir kids baby-sitter bar owners this is happening crazy2A/5 Take对wehavewedon’t对wedecideFor对Foronewenever对weare2B/51)deposited 2)bank account 3)As a matter of fact 4)Take it from me 5)For one thing 6)except for 7)go with 8)beat us to it9)let us down3A/5 going/talking/eating/yourselves/myself/had known/would have brought/crying over /enjoying3B/5 1)may 2)may not 3)Is he 4)will 5)might not 6)may 7)are going to 8)might5/5 DoyouthinkmightperhapsIt’sdidn’tIsitpossiblethatNickdidn’ttakethemoneymight第七单元3/19Heexplained最长的annoyed8/19It’sbrandHeagreedBecause+最长的BycheatinggBecausehewantstoamuseTaliaBecauseangryshewasangryNickhadnottoldherethetruth10/19Hewasn’tgoingtotellAbusinesswomanTOvisitTowear11/19HewascuriusHewillwearitwouldShewantto……truth12/19here it comes juice bar Aren’t you Do I know you Not yet interesting proposition Keep goingLet’s say deal endorse athletic That’s it business card on second thought pay visit1A/5 Theyparty+最长的ThefirstjobinitshewantedshemightThefirstcouldgotoearlier1B/5 great opportunity audition for such a wonderful show the same night other plays coming along so perfect sogreat about be invited go for it2A/5 TheypaidmesothatIchangedIwanttoknowTheshoeswillbeconeOkItdoesn’tcomeandexperience2B/5 confirmedlinesconeoutbasicallyendorsed3A/5 1)was taking 2)called 3)checked 4)was playing 5)quicker 6)more concentrated 3B/5 wouldratherprefertowouldpreferto5/5soundslikefunorreally?oh,really?IseeHowawfulHowdiditgoDidyouhaveagood?第八单元3/19shewastryingTaliatherewas8/19hemeanttomakemeetjackhcihadneverjackiehasneverworkedTaliamightGowerBuildingFrustrashowfortenyears10/19BecauseshethoughtNickhadliedtoherNeithershewasverysheusedtherecoptionst’s11/19heenjoyfindingshowherangershethinksconfsed12/19dead for a moment angry yell at Maybe Probably guest dial in big trouble have trouble with used to memory to makematters worse ridiculous took lunch voice mail available odd telling the truth lying see a good story1A/5 sheaskedforTrytoshecouldmeeting4321B/5 looking for I mean quite a while at the desk Whatever Kind of hard for her name impossible totally screwed up prettyclear meet me lobby 4 o’clock good idea try where she is why don’t yo u how that goes2A/5 pleasewaitsorry+短的Ifyou+长的Nick……punishedTia+长的Therightnow2B/5 oddAnywayInthatcaseyellatridiculous3A/5 whereIcanWhenthehowmuchitwhatkindofusedto3B/5 someone / used to /didn’t use to /some thing /anything /第九单元3/19 5点looking for There8/19 Because he needed the recept he was still Because he wondeved He wasn’t very He over To find 6点10/19 Because he was trying Tell the she has blue he just11/19 I’m confused help she never12/19 anything else someone else either In fact cheer up as bad as describe business suit excutive at all1A/5 she can bring cook for Go to Aby’s Emily’s1B/5 favor wondering bring two of my friends definitely supposed to messed up have a great time decorations last minutecooking things great to serve 6:30 three of you2A/5 the news+短的Are you interest Hey, can may you +长的I hend by she +短的2B/5business overheard follow describ cheer up3A/5 1)rushed 2)was checking 3)was playing went3B/5may as honest as as positive as can could as disgusting as5/5 sorry,but No,pr…… sure can I leave may be I can is it ok Do you第十单元3/1 9 The woman The inter……did not answer An……Dear8/19 he got into he made an he could not Things wer badly he wanted the woman the soccer the intertiew10/19 Dean’s They wear both she felt sorry she took11/19 he wespects she has sarc…… sorry12/19around lately ran into admired ruining his career prettysure different changing the color wannabe tried outExcept for took lunch performance beginning to unfoldOn the house in his favor soccer professionally1A/5 do a survey noise is a the univer+长的housing therre should1B/5 on behalf of a couple of minutes greatly appreciated more time building classrooms dorm roomsobviously point better quality more people at least pretty nice spacious rental houses stay in mixedfeelings involved in helps them out definitely issue2A/5will be get up stop to his unexp be made2B/5 uspended preformance catch up on on the house trying out 3A/5 on with/out /up3B/5 losing /saying/ to need/ to wait3C/5 until/when/have5/5 Actually To tell you what do you I’m not really 同上If you ask Frankly第十一单元3/19 she think To tell How good8/19 he understand she joked……reporter upset she know Nick Nick she talks……party10/19 It’s nicer he’s going……happened no kick+长的11/19she is angry she doesn’t Dean sorry,Nick12/19 won't be sorry admit lied There you are are got reservations just around the corner doing business so much pleasant talkover over lunch sign basically says endorse the shoes tricked out of the way next in line star player amazing team officemake sure1A/5 Sunday write Next w……4:30 M……1B/5 are responsible for Africa visual aid in the outline easy look that up really quick have it all done due Wednesday needto meet I'm supposed to do compile get our project done off the Internet helpful use bring those in tomorrow2A/5They+短的jose+短的jack+长的we+短的jane’s+短的2B/5 persuasive tricked persuade raise broke over out of this word3/5 went to see In orderto don’t have to help can’t to talk5/5 I’ve got to is there anything Nothing I really need to Do you That’ll be第十二单元---------3/19 To keep By working Nicknever had8/19 Nick is more To tell him he is That having money problem they have been hard to the so长的10/19 Surprisees长的He want’s ......truth To prove He didn’t (i)11/19he is N ick’s tell Nick 长的almost uncertain12/19buddy Tough rap really happened scheme talented plotting for dreamed up fake planning impressedtalking crazy expect figure out made up craziest stories pulled off typical so sure of popular prove----------1A/5 she could she turned长的 A map of Africa Tuesday3小时Teacher1B/5 the habitat of the animalsblue folder rest of the projectmap definitely different spotturned it in reliable sourcecoming to me instead of positively check with2/5 handed it in figured let you turn it3A/5 how long for since has been playing3B/5 figure them out help you out put them away clean it up the most expensive the best5/5 I’m not quite sure what you’re getting at. /Exactly./Do you mean that/NO,that’s not what I mean./ Could you go over it again? / Are you saying that。