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11. _c_h_a_ll_e_n_g_e_ n.挑战 12.mouse n.老鼠,鼠标 13.mentally adv. _精__神__上__ 14.netizen n.网民 15.physically adv. _身__体__上__ 16.positive adj. _积__极__的__,__肯__定__的__ 17.link vt.& n.连接,联系 18.surf v.冲浪
③Each of these systems has its advantages and
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(1)draw/come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion 得出结论
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1. with the development of随着……的发展 2.draw a conclusion _得__出__结__论__ 3.be _t_o__b_la_m__e_应该受责备 4.in addition也,另外,此外 5.shop on the Internet网购 6.lead to 导致,通向 7.send messages发信息 8.apart from _除__…__…__之__外__,__此__外__ 9.contribute _t_o_为……作贡献或捐款;有助 10.mobile phone手机
make a conclusion下结论
bring...to a conclusion使……结束
in conclusion 最后,作为结论地;总之
(2)conclude v.得出结论;断定,推断出;结束
to conclude 最后
①I have come to a conclusion that it would be unwise to
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11.be enthusiastic about对……热情 12.be strict _w_i_th_ sb对某人要求严格 13.physical products实物 14.broaden our knowledge开阔视野 15.be absorbed _i_n_专注于…… 16.online shop网店 17.information products信息产品 18.open 24 hours a day 24小时营业 19.be available可以利用的 20.become addicted _t_o_对……上瘾
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特 特别关注 1.advantage(3年2考)★★★★
have/win/gain an advantage over胜过;优于
take advantage of利用;利用(人或人的弱点)
to one's advantage 对某人有利
disadvantage n.(反义词)不利条件,劣势
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1. Some children become so addicted to the foreign snacks that they will go eating whenever possible. 有些孩子对洋快餐迷恋到了极点,一有可能就要去吃。
2.The sites are mainly used to trade physical products, such as clothes and books. 这些网站主要从事实物交易,例如服装和书籍。
3.Bicycles in all sizes,colours and designs are available from stock.我方能提供各种尺寸、颜色、样式的自行车 现货。
accept the proposal. 我得出的结论是接受这个建议是不明智的。
②In conclusion,I wish all of you good health and a long
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①The ability to be “connected” and “on” has many
advantages,as well as disadvantages.
②Men usually have an advantage over women when
hunting for jobs.找工作时,男性通常比女性有优势。
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1. _s_ci_e_n_t_if_ic_ adj.科学的 2. _te_c_h_n_o_l_o_g_y_ n.技术,工艺 3. c_o_n_v_e_n_i_e_n_c_e_ n.方便 4.conclude vi. _推__断__出__;__结__束__ 5.increasingly adv. _渐__增__地__ 6.popular adj.流行的,受欢迎的 7. _en__th_u_s_i_a_s_ti_c_ adj.热情的 8.isolation n. _孤__立__;__隔__离__ 9.crazy adj.疯狂的;沉迷的 10. _a_d_v_a_n_t_a_g_e n.优点
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4.Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.只有当你把太阳放 在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。