Funny English Translations-有趣的英文翻译

"now THATS customer satisfaction""I speak fluent cellphone!" HTML"That's what SHE said!"HTMLBBcode3.2 by 53 huffers∙Random Picture∙Next PictureFunny Engrish Pictures"This isn't engrish, just a very stuckup no smoking sign.""Your Shirt Seen Dumb""chinese line up the english the fail"HTMLBBcode"Not funny at all..."Mind your head" is perfect English...""I shall finally know!""you no sleep on grass, grass sleep on you""theres totally no harm in biting a ski""YEAH! acid discharged beef FTW!!!"HTMLBBcode"Just courtesy. Don't want your dead body bothering other patrons."HTMLBBcode"You son of a bitch! These bobs are not for you to rook at as you prease! "HTMLBBcode"They still love public Hangings ""wtf is that product? it has small parts, fire, no ultraviolet radiation and children must play with it under adults........"Image ∙ 3.5 out of 48 votes ∙1∙2∙3∙4∙53.5 by 48 huffers∙Random Picture∙Next PictureFunny Engrish Pictures"I disagree with your agreement! THUS your agreement for me to agree has failed."HTMLBBcode3.4 by 42 huffers∙Random Picture∙Next PictureFunny Engrish Pictures"I'm so confused! D:"HTMLBBcode"Neo, you have to decide . . ."3.4 by 43 huffers∙Random Picture∙Next PictureFunny Engrish Pictures"the n is dotted instead of the i."HTMLBBcode"uhh...wut?"3.3 by 52 huffers∙Random Picture∙Next PictureFunny Engrish Pictures"Photo was taken in the 60's."3.9 by 49 huffers∙Random Picture∙Next PictureFunny Engrish Pictures"yuck that just curls my poo!!"HTMLBBcode"I agree,**** it."3.2 by 39 huffers∙Random Picture∙Next PictureFunny Engrish Pictures"you gotta respect the honesty"3.4 by 34 huffers∙Random Picture∙Next PictureFunny Engrish Pictures"Not Just China...THE China"HTMLBBcode"FINDERS KEEPERS"4.0 by 64 huffers∙Random Picture∙Next PictureFunny Engrish Pictures"Less cholesterol that mayo."3.1 by 46 huffers∙Random Picture∙Next PictureFunny Engrish Pictures"I prefer to do women... Birds are too small."HTMLBBcode"OH GOD. I'm not sure if I'm a prostitute or not, maybe this place can help me out. I don't want to break any rules or anything."HTMLBBcode"its just the wron **** bookstore.... you have to get over to the right one"HTML"Then what is it?""not to be confused with STP's Song"HTMLBBcode"Vigilante justice never tasted SOO good...""ooh dirty dirty boy""Face the truth""I think my wife's been using this"HTMLBBcode"Moree likee Ying'see Spellingee Failuree""translation: head to toe massage with happy ending!!"HTMLBBcode"I thought Asians is smart? ""Im not a follower""This is a fail shoop, can still see the original letters underneath"HTMLBBcode3.5 by 42 huffers∙Random Picture∙Next PictureFunny Engrish Pictures"CHICKANZ"HTMLBBcode"Look for Jew's nose fungus, is much larger""forget peanut butter and chocolate, THIS is a match made in heaven!"HTML"All this sounds like sheet. ""I wanna be the first one in!!!!"HTMLBBcode"Just stay good"HTMLBBcode"I'm the photographer and uploader and I must say this is Engrish at its finest: little technically wrong with what is written but such an asian thing to write. It's like the signwriter's trying tohave a full on conversation with the would-be grass trampler LOL."HTMLBBcode"Grass can't be smiling that much with all that snow on its face D:"BBcode""ONE **** bookstore in all of Asia?! You got to be kidding me!" no, it's the WRONG **** bookstore.""...Then what is it?"BBcode"Sparer ribs are sparer than spare ribs! Said the Chef.""after spending hours and hours on this site, that text on the board kinda makes sense now...insane how stuff works""Short bus sold seperately."HTMLBBcode。
“有趣”和 interesting

“有趣”和 interesting作者:陈德彰来源:《英语世界》2019年第05期“有趣”是一個常用词,学英语的人都知道“有趣”的英文是interesting。
可是你真的掌握了这两个词的用法吗?它们真的对等(totally equivalent)吗?不错,说某事物interesting一般是“有趣”的意思;而说某人interesting是说这个人会逗人,说话和动作让人感到好玩,有时还可表示有点古怪的意思。
一个人对某事物“感兴趣”说be interested (in),其实这是被动语态,因为这一说法表示的是客观事物造成的主观反应。
英文很注重区分主观和客观,例如,英语还可以说“It really interests me. / Can I interest you in this matter?”,这类说法很难直译成中文。
我国学英语的人常把“有意义”译为it’s significant,其实很多情况下用interesting也许更合适。
如果说someone is in interest of some business(也可说take an interest in some business),实际上是说该人愿意参与此事,甚至为之付出终生精力。
所以,英文do something out of interest的含义也比中文“凭兴趣”的意思要重得多。
除此之外,interest 还有“利益”(多用复数形式)、“利息”等意思。
例如,“兴趣”是interest,“乐趣”是pleasure,“雅趣”是elegant或refined interest/taste,“兴趣盎然”是full of interest,“兴趣索然”一般说insipid或借用英语形象的习语dry as dust。

翻译:I like reading books.2.你喜欢什么科目?翻译:What subjects do you like?3.这是我的朋友,杰克。
翻译:This is my friend, Jack.4.我们一起打篮球吧。
翻译: Let's play basketball together.5.你能告诉我你的电话号码吗?翻译:Can you tell me your phone number?6.我们在学校见面吧。
翻译: Let's meet at school.7.这个故事很有趣。
翻译: This story is very interesting.8.你在哪所学校读书?翻译:Which school do you study in?9.我经常在公园里跑步。
翻译:I often run in the park.10.你想吃什么?翻译:What do you want to eat?11.我们一起去看电影吧。
翻译: Let's go watch a movie together.12.我的狗喜欢追着球跑。
翻译: My dog likes to chase the ball.13.我喜欢在雨中散步。
翻译:I like walking in the rain.14.你能帮我一下吗?翻译:Can you help me?15.我在家里做作业。
翻译: I do my homework at home.16.这个蛋糕真好吃。
翻译:This cake is really delicious.17.我们今天要打扫教室。
翻译:We are going to clean the classroom today.18.你喜欢看什么电视节目?翻译:What TV shows do you like to watch?19.我的妈妈是一名医生。
翻译:My mother is a doctor.20.我们一起分享这个苹果吧。

目录初中英语词汇表 (01)七年级上册 (01)Starter Unit 1 (01)Starter Unit 2 (01)Starter Unit 3 (01)Unit 1 (02)Unit 2 (02)Unit 3 (03)Unit 4 (04)Unit 5 (04)Unit 6 (05)Unit 7 (06)Unit 8 (06)Unit 9 (07)七年级下册 (07)Unit 1 (07)Unit 2 (08)Unit 3 (08)Unit 4 (09)Unit 5 (10)Unit 6 (10)Unit 8 (12)Unit 9 (12)Unit 10 (13)Unit 11 (14)Unit 12 (15)八年级上册 (15)Unit 1 (15)Unit 2 (16)Unit 3 (17)Unit 4 (17)Unit 5 (18)Unit 6 (18)Unit 7 (19)Unit 8 (20)Unit 9 (20)Unit 10 (21)八年级下册 (21)Unit 1 (21)Unit 2 (22)Unit 3 (23)Unit 4 (24)Unit 6 (25)Unit 7 (26)Unit 8 (27)Unit 9 (28)Unit 10 (28)九年级 (29)Unit 1 (29)Unit 2 (30)Unit 3 (31)Unit 4 (31)Unit 5 (32)Unit 6 (33)Unit 7 (33)Unit 8 (34)Unit 9 (35)Unit 10 (35)Unit 11 (36)Unit 12 (37)Unit 13 (37)Unit 14 (38)特殊词汇类记表 (40)表日期的词汇 (42)可数名词变复数规则 (44)动词变化规则 (45)代词表 (47)不规则动词表 (48)英语构词法 (52)初中英语词汇表七年级上册Starter Unit 1good /gud/ adj. 好的morning /'mɔ:niŋ/ n. 早晨;上午Good morning! 早上好!hi /hai/ interj. (用于打招呼)嗨;喂hello /hə'ləu/ interj. 你好;喂afternoon /,a:ftə'nu:n/ n. 下午Good afternoon! 下午好!evening /'i:vniŋ/ n. 晚上;傍晚Good evening! 晚上好!how /hau/ adv. 怎样;如何are /a:/ v. 是you /ju:/ pron. 你;你们How are you? 你好吗?I /ai/ pron. 我am /æm/ v. 是fine /fain/ adj. 健康的;美好的thanks /θæŋks/ interj.&n. 感谢;谢谢OK /əu'kei/ interj.& adv. 好;可以Starter Unit 2what /wɔt/ pron.&adj. 什么is /iz/ v. 是this /ðis/ pron. 这;这个in /in/ prep. (表示使用语言、材料等)用;以English /'iŋgliʃ/ n. 英语adj. 英格兰的;英语的in English 用英语map /mæp/ n. 地图cup /kʌp/ n. 杯子ruler /'ru:lə/ n. 尺;直尺pen /pen/ n. 笔;钢笔orange /'ɔrindʒ/ n. 橙子jacket /'dʒækit/ n. 夹克衫;短上衣key /ki:/ n. 钥匙quilt /kwilt/ n. 被子;床罩it /it/ pron. 它a /ə/ art. (用于单数可数名词前)一(人、事、物) that /ðæt/ pron. 那;那个spell /spel/ v. 用字母拼;拼写please /pli:z/ interj. (用于客气地请求或吩咐)请Starter Unit 3color /'kʌlə/ n. (=colour) 颜色red /red/ adj.& n. 红色(的)yellow /'jeləu/ adj.& n. 黄色(的)green /gri:n/ adj.& n. 绿色(的)blue /blu:/ adj.& n. 蓝色(的)black /blæk/ adj.& n. 黑色(的)white /wait/ adj.& n. 白色(的)purple /'pə:pl/ adj.& n. 紫色(的)brown /braun/ adj.& n. 棕色(的);褐色(的)the /ði; ðə/ art. 指已提到或易领会到的人或事now /nau/ adv. 现在;目前see /si:/ v. 理解;明白can /kæn/ modal v. 能;会say /sei/ v. 说;讲my /mai/ pron. 我的Unit 1name /neim/ n. 名字;名称nice /nais/ adj. 令人愉快的;宜人的to /tu:/ 常用于原形动词之前,该动词为不定式meet /mi:t/ v. 遇见;相逢too /tu:/ adv. 也;又;太your /jɔ:/ pron. 你的;你们的Ms. /miz/ (于女子的姓名前,不指明婚否)女士his /hiz/ pron. 他的and /ænd/ conj. 和;又;而her /hə:/ pron, 她的yes /jes/ interj. 是的;可以she /ʃi:/ pron. 她he /hi:/ pron. 他no /nəu/ interj. 不;没有;不是not /nɔt/ adv. 不;没有zero /'ziərəu/ num. 零one /wʌn/ num. 一two /tu:/ num. 二three /θri:/ num. 三four /fɔ:/ num. 四five /faiv/ num. 五six /siks/ num. 六seven /'sevn/ num. 七eight /eit/ num. 八nine /nain/ num. 九telephone /'telifəun/ n. 电话;电话机number /'nʌmbə/ n. 号码;数字phone /fəun/ n. 电话;电话机telephone/phone number 电话号码first /fə:st/ adj. 第一first name 名字last /la:st/ adj. 最后的;末尾的last name 姓friend /frend/ n. 朋友China /'tʃainə/ 中国middle /'midl/ adj. 中间的;中间school /sku:l/ n. 学校middle school 中学;初中Unit 2sister /'sistə/ n. 姐;妹mother /'mʌðə/ n. 母亲;妈妈father /'fa:ðə/ n. 父亲;爸爸parent /'peərənt/ n. 父(母)亲brother /'brʌðə/ n. 兄;弟grandmother /'grænmʌðə/ n.(外)祖母;奶奶grandfather /'grænfa:ðə/ n. (外)祖父;爷爷;grandparent/'grænpeərənt/ n.祖父(母);family /'fæməli/ n. 家;家庭those /ðəuz/ pron. 那些who /hu:/ pron. 谁;什么人oh /əu/ interj. 哦;啊these /ði:z/ pron. 这些they /ðei/ pron. 他(她、它)们well /wel/ interj. 嗯;好吧have /hæv/ v. 经受;经历Have a good day! (表示祝愿)过得愉快!bye /bai/ interj. (=goodbye)再见son /sʌn/ n. 儿子cousin /'kʌzn/ n. 堂兄(弟、姐、妹);表兄grandpa /'grænpa:/ n. (外)祖父;爷爷;外公mom /mɔm/, /ma:m/ n. (=mum)妈妈aunt /a:nt/ n. 姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母grandma /'grænma:/ n.(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;dad /dæd/ n. 爸爸uncle /'ʌŋkl/ n. 舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;舅父daughter /'dɔ:tə/ n. 女儿here /hiə/ adv. (用以介绍人或物)这就是;在这里photo /'fəutəu/ n. 照片of /ɔv, əv/ prep. 属于(人或物);关于(人或物) next /nekst/ adj.&n. 下一个(的);接下来(的)picture /'piktʃə/ n. 照片;图画girl /gə:l/ n. 女孩dog /dɔg/ n. 狗Unit 3pencil /'pensl/ n. 铅笔book /buk/ n. 书eraser /i'reizə/ n. 橡皮box /bɒks/ n. 箱;盒pencil box 铅笔盒;文具盒school bag /'sku:lbæg/ n. 书包dictionary /'dikʃənəri/ n. 词典;字典his /hiz/ pron. 他的mine /main/ pron. 我的hers /hə:z/ pron. 她的excuse /ik'skju:z/ v. 原谅;宽恕me /mi:/ pron. (I的宾格)我excuse me 劳驾;请原谅thank /θæŋk/ v. 感谢;谢谢teacher /'ti:tʃə/ n. 老师;教师about //ə'baut/ prep. 关于What about...?(询问消息或提出建议..怎么样?yours /jɔ:z/ pron. 你的;你们的for /fɔ:/ prep. 为了;给;对thank you for... 为......而感谢help /help/ v.&n. 帮助;援助welcome /'welkəm/ adj. 受欢迎的You're welcome. 别客气。

这几天,刚刚结束的英语四六级考试, 不少考生的翻译绝对达到“神级”, 戳中无数人的笑点。
此次四级考试中有一道题是将一篇中 文短文翻译为英语,涉及中国园林、 丝绸之路、中秋节等传统历史文化。 考生们的翻译五花八门:
Four Great Inventions
四大发明音译成Star Farming 诸侯成了pig monkey(猪猴)
你说你喜欢雨, 但是下雨的时候你 却撑开了伞; 你说你喜欢阳光, 但当阳光播撒的时 候,你你却躲在阴 凉之地;
You say that you love the wind, but you close your windows when wind blows. This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too.
指南针摇身一变成了高端大气的GPS royal 火药则是霸气的TNT/fire medicine mid-autumn 皇家是yellow home(黄色的家) festival 中秋节就是“圆月的节日”Full moon moon cake festival printing 月饼更是中外结合成了pizza yue, 印刷译成copy-paste(复制粘贴)
子言慕雨,启伞避之。 子言好阳,寻荫拒之。 子言喜风,阖户离之。 子言偕老,吾所畏之。
君乐风兮栏帐起, 君乐吾兮吾心噬。

Bigger than bigger
精选e whatever U change. 电流不随电压改变而改变。
(提示一下:电流:安培“I”;电压:伏特 “U”)
4). There was so much dust that we couldn't see what was happening.
尘土如此之大,以至于我们看不清发生了什 么事。
5). How can you expect your children to be truthful when you yourself tell lies?

有趣的英文翻译Interesting English TranslationHere are some interesting English translations for you:1. "猫咪" (māo mī) - "Cat Rice" – This translation is a result of a literal translation of the Chinese word for cat. It is a funny and quirky way to refer to our furry feline friends.2. "拜拜" (bài bài) - "Bye Bye" – This is a common way of saying goodbye in Chinese. But when translated into English, it sounds amusing and catchy.3. "饭店" (fàn diàn) - "Rice Shop" – In Chinese, "饭" (fàn) refers to a meal or cooked rice, and "店" (diàn) means shop. However, when directly translated to English, it becomes a funny way to refer to a restaurant.4. "歪果仁" (wāi guǒ rén) - "Crooked Fruit Person" – In Chinese, this term is used to refer to foreigners. It is a humorous translation that portrays foreigners as crooked, but it is not meant to be offensive. It is just a playful way of referring to people from other countries.5. "麻烦" (má fan) - "Hemp Rice" – In Chinese, "麻" (má) refers to hemp, and "烦" (fan) means trouble or annoying. But when translated into English, it becomes a funny phrase that portrays a dish made out of hemp seeds, instead of referring to something troublesome.6. "马上" (mǎ shàng) - "Horse Above" – In Chinese, this term means "immediately" or "at once." But when translated into English, it gives a literal image of a horse being above something, making it amusing and memorable.7. "电脑" (diàn nǎo) - "Electric Brain" – In Chinese, "电" (diàn) means electric, and "脑" (nǎo) means brain. When combined, it refers to a computer. However, when translated into English, it creates an interesting and humorous image of an electric brain.8. "有空" (yǒu kòng) - "Have Air" – In Chinese, this phrase means "to have free time." But when translated into English, it sounds funny as if you are saying you have air instead of being available.9. "星期五" (xīng qī wǔ) - "Thursday" – In Chinese, "星期五" literally means "Friday," but due to a mistranslation, it became "Thursday." It is an interesting and humorous translation error that is still used by some Chinese speakers today.10. "火锅" (huǒ guō) - "Fire Pot" – In Chinese, this refers to a hotpot. However, when translated into English, it creates an amusing image of a pot on fire, which is certainly not what we want when we're trying to enjoy a delicious meal.These translations show how language and cultural differences can lead to humorous and interesting interpretations. They add a playful touch to communication and make learning languages even more enjoyable.。

答案是以上5句的正常版均由老美出品,因为丢到英(fu)国(guo), 整个画风都变了!
“Wow, your mom has the nicest pants!”
美式英语:长裤 英式英语:内裤 (如果对方是英国人„„呃,这误会估计就大了去了。)
“I used to always get food caught in my braces as a kid.”
所以,如果你跟一个美国人说你要 wash your hands in the toilet,老美的内心一定是这样的↓↓↓
其实英语中还有不少这样纠结的词儿,英国人和美国人说出来完全不是一个意思,用错了那 就是一个大写的尴尬…… 比如下面这5句话,分别出自英国人还是美国人之口呢?
• Wow, your mom has the nicest pants! • I used to always get food caught in my braces as a kid.
Thank you for listening...
• Work out with trainers? What do I look like, a millionaire?!
• Nothin’sexier than a pair of assless chaps! • Sorry that I’m late for work. I got a parking ticket and I’m pissed.
“Sorry that I’m late for work. I got a parking ticket and I’m pissed.”

超级有趣的英文翻译1、I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn‘t work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.开始我直接求上帝赐辆自行车,后来我琢磨上帝办事儿不是这个路数,于是老子偷了一辆然后求上帝宽恕。
2、I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather.Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car.我希望能像爷爷那样,安静地在睡梦中死去,而不是要像他开的车上那些惨叫滴乘客一样死法啊!3、Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.你永远不能战胜一个纯SB,因为他会把你的智商拉到跟他个水平,然后用丰富的经验打败你。
4、The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it‘s still on the list.直译:在这个世界上,我最不愿意做的事就是伤害你,但是这件事仍在我的考虑之列。
5、The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.a. 早起滴小鸟有虫虫!晚到的老鼠有奶酪!b. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃,早起的虫儿被鸟吃。
6、We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police.在咱们这噶哒送外卖的都比警察来的快.7、Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason.政客和纸尿布有一个共同点就是:他们都很有规律地被替换,而且因为同一个理由——脏了!8、War does not determine who is right – only who is left.战争不能决出正义,但能判出哪方出局。

第三册英语单词表Unit 11.回来2.回来3.年级4.班级;课5.学生6.有(p 、pp )7.学期8.很多;较多;更多9.表(堂)兄妹10.布莱恩11.像……一样12.照片13.照片14.希望15.小姐(称谓)16.考克斯17.桑德拉18.(用以表示惊奇)是吗;的确;非常;事实上19.也20.不喜欢21.憎恨;讨厌22.也(用在否定句中)23.兴趣24.小提琴25.音乐26.梳子;用梳子梳头27.恐龙28.牛仔裤29.周末30.周而复始地;圆的31.熨斗;用熨斗熨衣服32.羊毛33.棉布34.女衬衫35.整齐的36.由……制成37.克里斯特38.再;还39.不再40.灰色的(= )41.彼得42.画;涂;涂料;颜料43.吉娜44.非常45.背包46.嗓音47.傻的48.女士49.完成50.介绍51.特别的;专门的52.夫人(称谓)53.英国54.结婚的55.结婚的56.丈夫57.先生(称谓)58.钢琴59.歌手60.紧张的61.日记62.给……取名;命名;提名63.后来;过后;过一会儿64.父亲或母亲Unit21.科目;主题2.美术3.希望4.展示5.在某时6.绘画;绘画作品7.擅长于8.画家9.时间表10.开始11.赶紧12.晚(的);迟(的)13.学习14.身体的;肉体的15.教育16.……的缩写;简称17.体育课18.除了……之外19.数学20.数学21.方式;方法22.课题;计划23.考试24.考试25.今晚26.比赛;测试27.大厅28.中午29.组;群;团体30.社会的31.(中小学的)社会科学课程32.一切事物33.很棒的;凉的34.……点钟35.艺术作品36.钟表37.拍手;鼓掌;喝彩38.(用手指)打响指;噼啪声39.钟表的滴答声40.还;仍旧41.一半42.半小时43.刻;四分之一44.(指时间)晚于;在……之后45.比尔46.图书馆47.图书管理员48.一排;一行49.(墙壁、书橱等的)隔架50.携带;搬运51.丽莎52.声音;噪音;骚动53.办公室;职务54.放松;松驰55.也许;可能56.伊凡57.有趣的58.旅行59.节日60.母亲节61.父亲节62.北京(= )63.船64.卡伦65.物理学66.最后,终于Unit31.中秋节2.月亮;月球3.月饼=4.国家的;民族的5.国庆节6.n.庆祝;庆贺7.感恩节8.v.庆祝9.(外)祖母10.(外)祖父11.加拿大(人)的;n.加拿大人12.好奇;想知道13.火鸡14.极大的;巨大的15.美味的16.甜点17.馅饼;肉饼18.晚饭19.离……一段距离;离开20.礼物21.衣物22.吹(p 、pp )23.吹灭24.尺寸;大小25.好像;和……一样26.试27.试穿28.合适;合身(p 或;pp 或)29.无论如何30.种类31.另一个的32.鲜明的;发光的33.款式34.宴会35.意思是(p 、pp )36.(外)祖父或(外)祖母37.拥抱38.厨房39.硬纸板40.盒子41.胶带42.地址43.邮寄[英]44.邮局45.邮寄[美]46.风尚;方式47.时尚48.帽子49.关掉,关上;离开50.适当的;正确的Unit4.1.居民区;邻近的地区2.在去……的路上3.角落;拐角4.横穿5.经过6.面包店7.经过8.书店9.足球10.咖啡11.地点12.穿过;从一边到另一边13.在这儿14.录像带(= )15.音像制品店16.音乐会17.页18.中心;中央19.购物中心20.银行21.停车场22.在……的旁边;经过23.横过……;从……一边到另一边24.在……的对面25.电影院26.大的;巨大的27.沿着……28.人行道29.迈克尔30.热巧克力饮料31.花费(p 、pp )32.食糖33.舒适的;安逸的34.然而;不过35.打扫;清扫(p 、pp )36.地面;地板37.烹调;n.厨师38.自己的39.家务劳动40.张;片41.一片;一张42.直的;径直43.直到……为止(= )44.错的45.走失;迷路46.电影院47.十字路口48.大门49.大卫50.保留;保持(p 、pp )51.信封Unit51.未来2.吓人的3.也许4.小心地;仔细地5.病的6.预测7.年刊;年报8.抱负;雄心9.停留;住10.某天11.预测12.查看;核对13.劝告14.折叠;对折15.钻石16.一种游戏的名字17.选择(p 、pp )18.拼写(p 或;pp 或)19.数字;号码20.回答;答复21.当……的时候22.没有人23.相反(的)24.富裕的25.贫穷的26.某个地方27.介于(两者)之间28.成为;变为(p 、pp )29.即使;假如30.卢卡斯31.律师32.正确地33.建筑物34.目标35.妻子36.小孩37.锁v.锁上38.钥匙39.除……以外;此外40.提高;改进41.海伦42.著名的43.(男)演员Unit61.主意;想法2.电话v.打电话3.鼓励4.明白;跟随5.重复6.句子7.理解(p 、pp )8.欢迎9.语言10.令人兴奋的11.必须的;必然的12.墨西哥13.西班牙(人)的;n.西班牙语14.一百万15.官方的16.法国(人)的;n.法语17.主要的18.联合的;团结的19.民族;国家20.联合国21.依然;依旧22.意思23.伙伴;朋友24.笔友25.杰西卡26.一套房间;公寓27.米;公尺28.舌头;语言29.名词30.动词31.美国的;n.美国人32.杰出的33.字典;词典34.特里萨35.以前36.香港37.发……的音38.马丁39.故事40.技巧41.工作42.译者43.翻译44.公司45.外交官46.代表;象征47.外国的48.交流49.商业;职业50.程序设计员51.计算机程序设计员52.国际互联网53.工人54.国际的55.科学家56.记者57.对……感兴趣58.新闻;消息59.文章60.约翰61.美洲;美国62.南美洲63.机会64.重要的65.教授66.威尔逊67.电台68.电视(= )69.最多70.节目71.信息72.知识;学问Unit71.爱好2.猜3.卖;出卖(p 、pp )4.框架5.墙6.指示;7.说明8.卷状物9.快乐;愉快10.雷克斯11.收集;集合12.真实的事物;事实13.自豪的14.巨人;伟人;巨大的15.宽的16.瑞典17.报告18.用……进行交换;交易19.园艺(学)20.收藏品21.花园、果园等园地;v.从事园艺活动22.种植;增加(p 、pp )23.频道24.植物;v.种植25.园丁26.令人愉快的27.新的;新鲜的28.流行的29.玫瑰30.嗅;闻起来(p 或;pp 或)31.极好的;令人惊奇的32.困难的33.电视观众;观察者34.要求将某物取来或送到35.马尼托巴省36.瞬间;片刻37.独自(的)38.活动39.模型40.光盘41.保罗42.火箭43.修建;创建(p 、pp )44.我自己45.木头46.胶水;v.用胶水将物体粘合47.发射;使……运动;送上轨道48.田野;地方;领域49.陆地;v.登陆;降落50.参加51.俱乐部;社团52.成员53.成年人;adj.发育成熟的;成年的54.竞争;比赛55.建得最好的56.奖品57.或者……或者……58.满的59.组织60.青少年;少男少女61.边;侧边62.穿过63.记号;招牌64.易碎的65.真正的;确实的66.参加Unit81.描述;描写2.我们自己3.我自己4.独特的5.才赋;天赋6.个人的7.长处;力量8.你自己9.除……以外;其它10.某事;任何事物11.乔治亚12.希腊13.出生的(动词bear的过去分词)14.出生于15.返回16.希腊(人)的17.初级(的);儿童(的)18.得分;比分19.因……而自豪/自豪20.几乎;差不多21.奥林匹克竞赛;奥运会22.大学23.已经24.努力25.在……方面有才能26.他(她、它)们自己27.带头人28.先锋;先驱者29.少先队员30.引以自豪的事物(或人);骄傲31.自信的32.奋力做(p pp )33.相当34.欢呼35.学院;大学36.自信37.因为38.拼法39.手指40.二者(的)41.对……有信心42.他自己43.支起;建造44.装饰45.装饰品;装饰物46.德国47.在……之下48.无;不使用49.顺便说一句50.帐篷。

1. American plan 包食宿2. American cloth 彩色防水布3. China ink 黑汁4. Chinese cabbage 大白菜5. Chinese checkers 跳棋6. Dutch bargain 不公平交易7. Dutch wife 枕头8. double Dutch 莫名其妙的话9. spoil the Egyptians 夺取敌人的财物10. French fries 炸土豆条11. French window 落地窗12. take French leave 不辞而别13. French grey 浅灰色14. India paper 印刷纸15. Indian rubble 橡胶16. Irish bull 自相矛盾的说法17. Irish potato 马玲薯18.Jndia cedar 柳杉19.Jordan almond 杏仁20.Mexican bean beetle 瓢虫21.Perucian bark 金鸡纳树皮22.Russian olive 沙枣23.Russian dressing 蛋黄酱24.Swiss roll 面包卷25. .Swiss cheese 一种硬干酪26.Scotch broth 牛肉蔬菜汤27 Scotch collops 洋葱肉片28. Scotch cousin 远亲29.Spainish athlete 好吹牛的人30.Turkish bath 蒸汽浴31.Turkish paste 拌砂软糖32.go Dutch 各自付帐33.china shop 瓷器店lover 情人(不是"爱人")busboy 餐馆勤杂工(不是"公汽售票员")busybody 爱管闲事的人(不是"大忙人")dry goods (美)纺织品;(英)谷物(不是"干货")heartman 换心人(不是"有心人")mad doctor 精神病科医生(不是"发疯的医生")eleventh hour 最后时刻(不是"十一点")blind date (由第三者安排的)男女初次会面(并非"盲目约会"或"瞎约会")dead president 美钞(上印有总统头像)(并非"死了的总统")personal remark 人身攻击(不是"个人评论")sweet water 淡水(不是"糖水"或"甜水")confidence man 骗子(不是"信得过的人")criminal lawyer 刑事律师(不是"犯罪的律师")service station 加油站(不是"服务站")rest room 厕所(不是"休息室")dressing room 化妆室(不是"试衣室"或"更衣室")sporting house 妓院(不是"体育室")horse sense 常识(不是"马的感觉")capital idea 好主意(不是"资本主义思想")familiar talk 庸俗的交谈(不是"熟悉的谈话")black tea 红茶(不是"黑茶")black art 妖术(不是"黑色艺术")black stranger 完全陌生的人(不是"陌生的黑人")white coal (作动力来源用的)水(不是"白煤")white man 忠实可靠的人(不是"皮肤白的人")yellow book 黄皮书(法国政府报告书,以黄纸为封)(不是"黄色书籍")red tape 官僚习气(不是"红色带子")green hand 新手(不是"绿手")blue stocking 女学者、女才子(不是"蓝色长统袜")China policy 对华政策(不是"中国政策")Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是"中国龙")American beauty 红蔷薇(不是"美国美女")English disease 软骨病(不是"英国病")Indian summer 愉快宁静的晚年(不是"印度的夏日")Greek gift 害人的礼品(不是"希腊礼物")Spanish athlete 吹牛的人(不是"西班牙运动员")French chalk 滑石粉(不是"法国粉笔")2.成语类False Friendspull one's leg 开玩笑(不是"拉后腿")in one's birthday suit 赤身裸体(不是"穿着生日礼服")eat one's words 收回前言(不是"食言")an apple of love 西红柿(不是"爱情之果")handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆(不是"大字报")bring down the house 博得全场喝彩(不是"推倒房子")have a fit 勃然大怒(不是"试穿")make one's hair stand on end 令人毛骨悚然—恐惧(不是"令人发指——气愤")be taken in 受骗,上当(不是"被接纳")think a great deal of oneself 高看或看重自己(不是"为自己想得很多")pull up one's socks 鼓起勇气(不是"提上袜子")have the heart to do (用于否定句)忍心做......不是"有心做"或"有意做")3.表达方式类False FriendsLook out! 当心!(不是"向外看")What a shame! 多可惜!真遗憾!(不是"多可耻")You don't say! 是吗!(不是"你别说")You can say that again! 说得好!(不是"你可以再说一遍")I haven't slept better. 我睡得好极了。

形容有趣的英语单词"Funny" is a very common and straightforward word to describe something interesting. For example, "That joke is really funny." It's easy to understand and widely used in daily conversations."Amusing" is also a great word. It gives the feeling that something can make you smile or laugh gently. You might say, "The little puppy's behavior was so amusing." It has a bit of a refined touch compared to "funny"."Entertaining" is used when something can hold your attention and give you pleasure. Like a good movie or a great performance. "The circus show was extremely entertaining." It implies that it has the ability to engage you for a while."Hilarious" is for those things that are extremely funny, often making you laugh out loud uncontrollably. "His impression of the famous actor was hilarious." It's a stronger word than "funny" and really emphasizes the level of humor."Comical" is often used to describe things that are funny in a bit of a silly or absurd way. "The way he tripped over his own feet was comical." It focuses on the humorous aspect that comes from something being a bit clumsy or unexpected."Jocular" is a more sophisticated word. It refers to someone or something that is humorous in a jovial and good - natured way. "The old man was very jocular, always telling funny stories." It's not as commonly used as some of the others but adds a touch of elegance when you want to describe a person's humorous nature."Whimsical" can be used to describe something that is interesting in a very imaginative and slightly odd way. "The artist's paintings are full of whimsical ideas." It has a sense of creativity and quirkiness to it.。

有趣的英文翻译lover 情人(不是“爱人”)busboy 餐馆勤杂工(不是“公汽售票员”)busybody 爱管闲事的人(不是“大忙人”)dry goods (美)纺织品;(英)谷物(不是“干货”)heartman 做心脏移植手术的人(不是“有心人”)mad doctor 精神病科医生(不是“发疯的医生”)eleventh hour 最后时刻(不是“十一点”)blind date (由第三者安排的)男女初次会面(并非“盲目约会”或“瞎约会”)dead president 美钞(上印有总统头像)(并非“死了的总统”)personal remark 人身攻击(不是“个人评论”)sweet water 淡水(不是“糖水”)confidence man 骗子(不是“信得过的人”)criminal lawyer 刑事律师(不是“犯罪的律师”)service station 加油站rest room 厕所(不是“休息室”)dressing room 化妆室(不是“试衣室”或“更衣室”)sporting house 妓院(不是“体育室”)horse sense 常识(不是“马的感觉”)capital idea 好主意(不是“资本主义思想”)familiar talk 庸俗的交谈(不是“熟悉的谈话”)black tea 红茶(不是“黑茶”)black art 妖术(不是“黑色艺术”)black stranger 完全陌生的人(不是“陌生的黑人”)white coal (作动力来源用的)水white man 忠实可靠的人(不是“皮肤白的人”)yellow book 黄皮书(法国政府报告书,以黄纸为封)(不是“黄色书籍”)red tape 官僚习气(不是“红色带子”)green hand 新手(不是“绿手”)blue stocking 女学者、女才子(不是“蓝色长统袜”)China policy 对华政策(不是“中国政策”)Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是“中国龙”)American beauty 红蔷薇(不是“美国美女”)English disease 气管炎(不是“英国病”)Indian summer 愉快宁静的晚年(不是“印度的夏日”)Greek gift 害人的礼品(不是“希腊礼物”)Spanish athlete 吹牛的人(不是“西班牙运动员”)French chalk 滑石粉(不是“法国粉笔”)pull one’s leg 开玩笑(不是“拉后腿”)in one’s birthday suit 赤身裸体(不是“穿着生日礼服”)eat one’s words 收回前言(不是“吃话”)an apple of love 西红柿(不是“爱情之果”)handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆(不是“大字报”)bring down the house 博得全场喝彩(不是“推倒房子”)have a fit 勃然大怒(不是“试穿”)make one’s hair stand on end 令人毛骨悚然—恐惧(不是“令人发指——气愤”)be taken in 受骗,上当(不是“被接纳”)think a great deal of oneself 高看或看重自己(不是“为自己想得很多”)pull up one’s socks 鼓起勇气(不是“提上袜子”)have the heart to do (用于否定句)忍心做……不是“有心做”或“有意做”)Look out! 当心!(不是“向外看”)What a shame! 多可惜!真遗憾!(不是“多可耻”)You don’t say! 是吗!(不是“你别说”)You can say that again! 说得好!(不是“你可以再说一遍”)I haven’t slept better. 我睡得好极了。

英 ['nt()rst] 美 ['ntrst]
adj. 有趣的;引起兴趣的,令人关注的
very interesting 非常有趣 ; 很有趣 ; 很有意思 ; 非常有看头
something interesting 一些有趣的东西 ; 有趣的事情 ; 一些有趣的事情 ; 一个有趣
Interesting English 趣味英语 ; 有趣的英语 ; 趣味英文 ; 兴趣英语
interesting a 引人入胜的 ; 有趣的 ; 引人人胜的
more interesting 更有趣 ; 物理比化学要有趣得多 ; 比较感兴趣 ; 人多有意思
Interesting Racks 趣味衣架
interesting episode 趣事
anything interesting 有趣的事 ; 什么有趣的 ; 任何有趣 ; 什么有趣的东西
interesting thing 有趣的东西 ; 有趣的事
to be interesting 怀孕;怀胎
interesting places 好玩的地方;名胜;胜地
look interesting 好像很有趣
1. She volunteered an interesting piece of news.
2. I tumbled upon an interesting book in the library.
3. An interesting experiment is being tried by Prof. Zhou.