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This graduation design is a high-rise office building, the realism meaning and the imminency are self-evident. This design is combined with the concept of modern official business work,giving prominence to the theory of “all for user”. It adopt the technique of large-area independence disposal、central communication、annular dispose room and so on.In the appearance,the principal part contains three parts, trying to create towering vision impression.This structure adopts the picket-foundation.Thus it has the advantages such as agility plane 、better using capability、safe and logical etc. It can fulfil the using function in the near future, at the same time, it gives attention to rebuild in the future, consequently it provides the consumers a convenient 、comfort and concinnity space. In the disposal of total plane, we adopt the fashion that the main construction lies in the centre with the entertainment establishment in the around, and it can also guarantee the rationality of traffic and the require of fireproofing.

High-rise building has become one of the survival manners that can’t be evasive nowadays. This is the trend of population-assemble in the city, so it’s significant to design the high-rise building well.

Keywords high-rise office building picket-foundation



摘要......................................................................................................................... I Abstract .................................................................................................................. II 第1章绪论 . (7)

第2章设计任务书 (8)

2.1 项目名称 (8)

2.2 项目地点 (8)

2.3 项目简介 (8)

2.4 设计基本要求 (8)

2.5 设计条件 (8)

2.5.1 自然条件 (8)

2.5.2 设备条件 (9)

2.5.3 建筑层数与层高 (9)

2.5.4 房间组成与面积要求 (9)

2.6 设计内容 (10)

2.6.1 建筑部分 (10)

2.6.2 结构部分 (10)

2.6.3 地基基础 (11)

2.6.4 施工部分要求完成下列内容: (12)

第3章建筑设计 (13)

3.1 平面设计 (13)

3.1.1 使用部分的平面设计 (13)

3.1.2 辅助部分的平面设计 (13)

3.1.3交通部分平面设计 (14)

3.2 剖面设计 (14)

3.2.1 层数 (14)

3.2.2 层高 (14)

3.2.3 剖面组合设计 (15)

3.3 体型和立面设计 (15)

3.3.1 体型设计 (15)

3.3.2 立面设计 (15)


3.4 相关技术设计 (15)

3.4.1 垂直交通设计 (15)

3.4.2 防火疏散设计 (15)

3.4.3 构造设计 (16)

3.4.4 屋顶构造 (16)

3.4.5 楼梯设计 (16)

3.4.6 门窗构造 (16)

3.5 工程做法 (17)

3.5.1 散水 (17)

3.5.2 室外平台、踏步 (17)

3.5.3 地面 (17)

3.5.4 楼面 (17)

3.5.5 屋面 (18)

第4章结构设计 (19)

4.1 工程概况 (19)

4.2 截面尺寸估算 (19)

4.2.1 梁板截面尺寸估算 (19)

4.2.2 柱的截面尺寸估算 (19)

4.3 基本假定及计算简图 (21)

4.3.1 结构柱网布置及计算简图 (21)

4.3.2 结构的基本假定 (21)

4.4 荷载汇集 (23)

4.4.1 竖向荷载 (23)

4.4.2 水平风荷载 (25)

4.5 水平风荷载作用下框架内力及侧移计算 (26)

4.5.1 计算在风荷载作用下各楼层节点上集中力及各层剪力 (26)

4.5.2 计算各梁柱的线刚度b i和c i (28)

4.5.3 计算各柱抗侧移刚度D (28)

4.5.4 各柱剪力计算 (29)

4.5.5 确定柱的反弯点高度比y (32)

4.5.6 计算柱端弯矩 (32)

4.5.7 计算梁端弯矩 (35)

