



华南师范大学《美国文学》考试题库(2)及满分答案内容摘要:As a literary movement, American Realism came in the latter half of the nineteeth century, as a reaction against the lie of romanticism.答案:正...As a literary movement, American Realism came in the latter half of t he nineteeth century, as a reaction against the lie of romanticism.答案:正确The first American poet to be translated into Chinese is Walt Whitman. 答案:错误A Shakespearean Sonnet is a short poem with fourteen iambic pentameter lines rhymed ababcdcdefefgg.答案:正确thoreau was an active transcendentalist who was an escapist or a rec luse detached from the life of his day.答案:错误The Great Gatsby was a novel written by Fitzgerald partially based on his own life experience.答案:正确american naturalism, like romanticism, had come from germany.答案:错误“The Purloined Letter” is a detective story.答案:正确Puritan influence over American Romanticism was conspicuously noticea ble.答案:正确Henry David Thoreau once built a cabin beside the lake of Walden on t he land of his neighbor Ralph Waldo Emerson.答案:正确Poe was a predecessor of the later British detective writer Conan Doy le.答案:正确The most important Southern writer is Robert Penn Warren who was the author of the poem “All the King’s Men”.答案:错误Leatherstocking Tales is a novel of the series The Last of Mohicans w ritten by James Fenimore Cooper.答案:错误John Stwinbeck didn't win a Nobel Prize because he was sympathetic wi th the working class people.答案:错误Cooper’s claim to greatness in American literature lies in the fact that he created a myth about the formative period of the American nat ion.答案:正确The short story writer O.Henry was once put into prison because he wa s a Nazi.答案:错误Though Emily Dickinson married twice in her life, love had never been a major theme in her poetry.答案:错误"Declaration of Independence" was drafted by Benjamin Franklin alone. 答案:错误The poet Robert Frost wrote in traditional rhyme schemes, but his the mes are very modern.答案:正确An Italian Sonnet is a short poem with fourteen iambic pentameter lines rhymed abbaabbacdecde.答案:正确The Second World War led the American intellectuals to a bitter disil lusionment, breeding what is called modernism.答案:错误“The Premature Burial” is a detective story written by Poe.答案:错误The foundation of American national literature was laid by the early American romanticists.答案:正确Ralph Waldo Emerson was a representative figure of the American Trans cendentalism.答案:正确The Puritan style of writing is characterized by simplicity, which le ft an indelible imprint on American writings.答案:正确Stream of Consciousness is a minor technique that William Faulkner em ployed in his novels.答案:错误Hawthorne, who seemed to be haunted by his sense of sin and veil, ne ver showed a positive part of the life.答案:错误As a novelist, Nathaniel Hawthorne was deeply influenced by Puritanis m.答案:正确Emerson’s prose style was sometimes as highly individualistic as his dramas.答案:错误The famous philosopher Williams James was the novelist Henry James' brother.答案:正确Besides Moby Dick, Melville also wrote some other sea novels.答案:正确life and death is a major theme in emily dickinson’s poems.答案:正确Henry James’s greatest influence was exerted not on his own age but on the one that followed.答案:正确Jack London was usually considered as a romanticist for his portrayal of superman heroes.答案:错误Hemingway's novel For Whom the Bell Tolls was about the Spanish Civil War.答案:正确benjamin franklin was a prose stylist whose writing reflected the rom antic ideals of clarity, restraint, simplicity and balance.答案:错误The 19th century female poet Emily Dickinson was a forerunner of the modern Imagist poetry.答案:正确The detective created by Poe was named Dubin.答案:正确Longfellow’s poems belong to the darker aspect of the Romantic Movem ent.答案:错误emerson always applied the term transcendentalist to himself or to h is beliefs, for he was the acknowledged leader of the movement.答案:错误The House of the Seven Gables is a novel written by Nathaniel Hawthor ne based on his experience in the Brook Farm.答案:错误"In a Station of the Metro" is a short poem written by Ezra Pound. 答案:正确"Tell me not, in mournful numbers" is a line in Longfellow's poem "A Psalm of Life".答案:正确"A Rose for Emily" is a Gothic short story written by William Faulkne r.答案:正确Immediately after their arrival in america, the american puritans bec ame more preoccupied with business and profits, as they had to be in the grim struggle for survival.答案:正确Many of Poe’s Gothic tales bear the theme of claustrophobia.答案:正确"Tell me not, in mournful numbers" is a line in Longfellow's poem "A Psalm of Life".答案:正确By the end of the nineteenth century, the realists rejected the portr ayal of idealized characters and events.答案:正确。


Anne Bradstreet: "Contemplations (9)"
• Contemplations (9) • I heard the merry grasshopper then sing. • The black-clad cricket (蟋蟀) bear a second part; • They kept one tune and played on the same string, • Seeming to glory in their little art. • Shall creatures abject thus their voices raise • And in their kind resound their Maker's praise, • Whilst I, as mute, can warble (sing in a high voice but not
• Smith says of Pocahontas that she "hazarded the beating out of her owne braines to save mine."
Captain John Smith: Life experiences
• On September 10, 1608, Smith became president of the council in the colony and orchestrated (organize)such improvements as expanding the settlement around the fort and repairing many buildings.
• His importance is more seen in his Puritanical doctrines; a representative of the idealistic aspect of American Puritanism and an emblem of the Calvinist beliefs and tenets.



Henry Adams (1838–1918)
Adams, Henry, Born in Boston into one of the country's most prominent families - both his great-grandfather and his grandfather had been Presidents of the United States -, Adams graduated from Harvard in 1858. He travelled extensively, spending many years in Europe. His novel Democracy was published anonymously in 1880 and immediately became popular. However, only after Adams's death did his publisher reveal Adams's authorship. He is a writer and historian, born in Boston, son of Charles Francis Adams (1807–86). He was secretary (1861–68) to his father, then U.S. minister to Great Britain. Upon his return to the United States, having already abandoned the law and seeing no opportunity in the traditional Adams vocation of politics, he briefly pursued journalism. He reluctantly accepted (1870) an offer to teach medieval history at Harvard, but nonetheless stayed on seven years and also edited (1870–76) the North American Review. In 1877 Adams moved to Washington, D.C., his home thereafter. He wrote a good biography of Albert Gallatin (1879), a less satisfactory one of John Randolph (1882), and two novels (the first anonymously and the second under a pseudonym)—Democracy (1880), a cutting satire on politics, and Esther (1884).



美国文学课后答案集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)一Questions1.Why did Franklin write his AutobiographyFranklin says that because his son may wish to know about his life, he is taking his one week vacation in the English countryside to record his past. He also says that he has enjoyed his life and would like to repeat it2.What made Franklin decide to leave the brother to whom he had been apprenticedHis brother was passionate, and had often beaten him. The aversion to arbitrary power that has stuck to him through his whole life .After a brush with the law, Franklin left his brother.3.How did he arrive in PhiladephiaFirst he set out in a boat for Amboy, the boat dropped him off about 50 miles from Burlington, the next day he reached Burlington on foot, in Burlington he found a boat which was going towards Philadelphia, he arrived there about eight or nine o’clock, on the Sunday morning and landeda t t h e M a r k e t S t r e e t w h a r f.4.What features do you find in the style of the aboveselection?It is the pattern of Puritan simplicity, directness, and concision(言简意赅). The narrative is lucid(易懂的), the structure is simple, the imagery is homely(朴素的).二、Questions1.How many characters does Poe include in The Caskof Amontillado What are these namesMontresor, Fortunato and Luchesi2. What drink are the French most famous forWine3.DoesMontresor have something of great value to him which we might consider to be his treasure His pride and the pride of his French family heritage. Perhaps his devious plot ofrevenge.4.Does Montresor seem to have much respect for Italians Montresor does not have much respect for Italians. He feels the French are superior, especially with respect to wine.5.What was Fortunato's insult Poe does not tell us directly, but only implies it in the third paragraph6.Which wine does Montresor use to lure Fortunato into the catacombs"Amontillado" (the Spanish wine; Montresor's ruse to lead Fortunato down into the catacombs.7.Why does Montresor entertain Fortunato with wines from his collectionMontresor wants to get Fortunato drunk enough to be able to trap him in his plan of vengeance.8.In what two ways does Montresor imprison FortunatoHe fetters (chains and locks) Fortunato to the wall of the catacombs. He builds a wall to close Fortunato off in a small corner of the catacombs, where Montresor will leave him to die. 9.In what ways is The Cask of Amontillado grotesque First, which of Montresor's actions are abnormalThe whole obsessive plot of vengeance. The fettering and entombment of Fortunato. Montresor's sick sense of humor. 10.Is there anything grotesque about FortunatoHis obsession with alcohol. His drunkenness. Histendency to berate Luchesi (he may have been drunk and may have insulted Montresor in a similar fashion). His manic laughter. Questions1.Who is the narrator What wrong does he want to redressMontresor.Fortunato,one of wine experts insulted him, so he wanted to murder him.2.What is the pretext he uses to lure Fortunato to his wine cellarHe baits Fortunato by telling him he has obtained what he believes to be a cask of Amontillado a rare and valuable sherry wine. Fortunato is anxious to determine whether or not it is truly Amontillado, so he goes to the vault with Montresor.3.What happens to Fortunato in the endHe was walled up alive behind bricks in a winecellar.4.Describe briefly how Poe characterizes Montresor and Fortunato as contrastsPoe uses color imagery to characterize them. Montresor face is covered in a black silk mask, In contrast, Fortunato dresses the motley-colored costume of the court fool, who gets literally and tragically fooled by Montresor's masked motives. The color schemes here represent the irony of Fortunato's death sentence. Through the acts, words, and thoughts ofFortunato,we know He is greedy, he was lured into the dark and somber vaults just because a cask of Amontillado. This is also due to his bad habit of bibulosity(酗酒). He lost himself on hearing the wine. At the same time, hewas cheated by his enemy, which reflected his ignorance. When he heard the pretended compliment from Montresor, he becamevery boastful and arrogant.He was easily confused by the superficial phenomena and failed to watch out for others. He couldn’t tolerate that others were stronger than him. For example, Montresor always stimulated him with Luchresi who was good at connoisseur(鉴赏) in wine. Under the impulse of vanity, he fell into Montresor’s terrible trap. In fact, he was careless and foolish and didn’t find that the danger was approaching him. He looked down upon Montresor and others.He didn’t realize his foolishness until the death was coming. Talking from the appearance, Monstresor was a well-educated and “kind” businessman. He enjoyed the honor and respect in the city. But in fact, he was an evil and awful person. His inner feelings were so cruel that they even made people tremble. Under his rich appearance was the dirty soul and despicable character. We couldn’t see any glorious virtues in his mind. Instead, his heart was cold and dark. It was the revenge that threw Montresor into the deep evil valley.红字Questions :1.Why is the prison the setting of Chapter 1 No matter how optimistic the founders of new colonies may be, they are quick to establish a prison and a cemetery in their“Utopia,” for they know that misbehavior, evil, and death are unavoidable. This belief fits into the larger Puritan doctrine, which puts heavy emphasis on the idea of original sin—the notion that all people are born sinners because of the initial transgressions of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. he is therefore using the prison building to represent the crime and the punishment which are aspect of civilized lifeWhat is the implication of the description of the rosesThe rosebush symbolizes the ability of nature to endure and outlast man's activities. The narrator suggests that roses offer a reminder of Nature's kindness to the condemned; for his tale, he says,it will provide either a “sweet moral blossom” or else some relief in the face of unrelenting sorrow and gloom.2.Describe the appearance of Hester Prynne and the attitude of the people towards her.The second paragraph on page 30.The crowd in front of the jail is a mixture of men and women, all maintaining severe looks of disapproval. Several of the women begin to discuss Hester Prynne, and they soon vow that Hester would not have received such a light sentence for her crime if they had been the judges. One woman, the ugliest of the group, goes so far as to advocate death for Hester. 3.What has happened to Hester As a young woman, Hester married an elderly scholar,Chillingworth, who sent her ahead to America to live. While waiting for him, she had an affair with a Puritan minister named Dimmesdale, after which she gave birth to Pearl. The scarlet letter is her punishment for her sin and her secrecy. Why does she make the embroidery of the letter A so elaborateIt seems to declare that she is proud, rather than ashamed, of her sin. In reality, however, Hester simply accepts the “sin” and its symbol as part of herself, just as she accepts her child. And although she can hardly believe her present “realities,” she takes them as they are rather than resisting them or trying to atone for them.How does this tell us about her characterThroughout The Scarlet Letter Hester is portrayed as an intelligent, capable. It is the extraordinary circumstances shaping her that make her such an important figure.白鲸Questions1.What are the stories Ismael tells about Moby DickIshmael compares the legend of Moby Dick to his experience of the whale. He notes that sperm whale attacks have increased recently and that superstitious sailors have come to regard these attacks as having an intelligent, even supernatural origin. In particular, wild rumors about Moby Dick circulate among whalemen, suggesting that he can be in more than one place at the same time and that he is immortal. Ishmael remarksthat even the wildest of rumors usually contains some truth. Whales, for instance, have been known to travel with remarkable speed from the Atlantic to the Pacific; thus, it is possiblefor a whale to be caught in the Pacific with the harpoons of a Greenland ship in it.Moby Dick, who has defied capture numerous times, exhibits an “intelligent malignity”(狠毒) in his attacks on men2.Why does Ahab react so violently against the white whaleFirst, he lost one of his legs because of the white whale.Second,He considers Moby Dick the embodiment of evil in the world, and he pursues the White Whale,because he believes it his inescapable fate to destroy this evil.Ishmael suggests that Ahab is “crazy”and call him “a raving lunatic.” Do you agree with him Why or why notIshmael describes Ahab as mad in his narration, and it does indeed seem mad to try to fight the forces of nature or God. 3.What narrative features can you find in the selected chapterIn the selected charpter, Melville employed the technique of multiple view of his narrative to portray Moby Dick to achieve the effect of ambiguity and let readers judge the meaning.瓦尔登Questions1.Where indeed did Thoreau live, both at a physical level and at a spiritual levelHe lived in a cabin on Walden Pond, which belonged to Emerson’s property.2.HadThoreau ever bought a farm Why did he enjoy the act of buyingNo, he hadn’t. He avoided purchasing a farm because it would inevitably tie him down financially and complicate his life. Thoreau didn’t see the acquisition of wealth as the goal for human existence, he saw the goal of life to be an explorationof the mind and of the magnificent world around us. He regarded the places as an existence free of obligations and full of leisure.3.Is it significant that Thoreau mentioned the Fourthof July as the day on which he began to stay in the woods WhyYes, it is.Because The Fourth of July is known as Independence Day,the birthday ot the United States.Here Thoreau uses the day to express his beginning ofregeneration atWalden.It also means a symbol of his conquest of being. 4.How could you answer the question Thoreau asked at the end of this selection。



美国文学课后习题集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)U n i t2E d g a r A l l a n P o e 1)Who is the narrator What wrong does he want to redress2)It is Montresor. Fortunato has given Montresor thousands of injuries that he has to bear before he has this opportunity of taking revenge.3)What is the pretext Montresor uses to lure Fortunado to hiswine cellar?He claims that he has just got a cask of Amontilado and stores it in the wine cellar before he may find a connoisseur totestify to its authenticity.4)What happens to Fortunado in the end?The deceived Fortunado is killed because of his inability of getting out of the catacomb.5)Describe briefly how Poe characterizes Mortresor andFortunado as contrasts.Poe characterizes Mortresor and Fortunado as seemingly contrasting characters chiefly by presenting their identical habit in wine and their different manners towards each other, but actually he intends to show some similarly defective aspects in their nature. The similarity in their nature is also suggested by their names as synonyms in Italian: Mortresor means “fortune” while Fortunado “treasure”. Their defectivenature is highlighted when the revenger Mortresor, who is fully prepared on psychological and operating levels, throws the hardly prepared but totally deceived wrong-doer Fortunado into the deep and damp catacomb and blocks up its entrance with huge rocks.Unit 7 19th Century American Poets1.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(1)I Shot an Arrow…1. Why did the speaker lose sight of his arrow and song?The arrow flies too swiftly and too far away to be seen by the speaker; whereas the song is naturally invisible.2.In what circumstances did he find them again?He finds them unexpectedly years later from the trunk of a tree and the heart of a friend.3.What do arrow and song stand for in this poem?The images of arrow and song here may stand for friendship.(2) A Psalm of Life1. What kind of person is the speaker of this poem?The speaker is a man of action, always optimistic and cheerful, trying to achieve as much as possible in the short span of life.2. According to the poem, how should our lives be led to overcome the fact that each day brings us nearer to death?We should work harder and live happier.3. Interpret the metaphor of "Footprints on the sand of time" (line 28).The metaphor refers to human deeds in real life.2. Walt Whitman(1)One's Self I Sing1. What is the significance of singing about one's self?It is an exaltation of the individual spirit, which is typicalof American people.2. What is the difference between physiology and physiognomy? Physiology is a science that deals with the functions and life process of human beings, whereas physiognomy refers to an artof judging character from contours of face itself or the appearance of a person.3. What does Whitman mean by the term of "the Modern Man"He means that a man should be free from any prejudice and pride, totally different from the traditional one, that is full of bias.(3)O Captain! My Captain!1.Why is the word "Captain" capitalized throughout the poem?In this poem the word “Captain” specially refers to Abraham Lincoln, president of the United States.2.What overall metaphor does the poet employ in this poem?Life is a journey.3.Why do people on the shores exult and bells ring, while thespeaker remains so sad?They welcome the ship returning from its hard trip, whereas the speaker is sad because the captain fails to receive his own honor.3.Emily Dickinson(1) To Make a Prairie …1. What things are needed to "make" a prairie In what sense can one really do itSome grass and insects and small animals. People can make a prairie with their imagination.2. How can "revery alone" create a prairie?The prairie stays in one's mind.(2) Success Is Counted Sweetest1. Why is success "counted sweetest by those who ne'er succeed" Those who have tasted the bitterness of failure would have a keener desire for success.2. Who are "the purple host"The so-called successful people in the world.3. Who is "he" in the last stanza?Anyone who is pursuing his success.(3) I'm Nobody!1. Who are the "pair of us" and "they" in this poem?The "pair of us" refers to the speaker in the poem and the reader, and "they" refers to the public, especially those in power.2. What does "an admiring bog" really mean" (line 28).It Implies the vain and empty common people, who are always admiring and pursuing the celebrities.3. What is the theme of this poem?The real admirable life is a secluded and common one.4. Do you want to be "nobody" or "somebody"Explain your reasons.Different persons would have different answers to this question. Personally, I prefer to be nobody.Unit 17 20th-Century American Poets1. Ezra PoundIn A Station of the Metro1. Why does the poet call the faces of pedestrians "apparition"These pedestrians are all walking in a hurry amidst thedrizzling rain.2. What do "petals" and "bough" stand for?Petals refer to the faces while the bough stands for thefloating crowd.2. Wallace StevensAnecdote of the Jar1. What does the jar in poem symbolize Why does the speaker place it on top of a hillThe jar here symbolizes a certain perspective on looking atthis world. If the perspective of the viewing is creative and unique, it will change the conventional order of the old world. When a new perspective comes out, it will certainly hold attention from the rest.2. The jar is "round" and "of a port in air," meaning that it has a stately importance. What effect does it have on surroundings when placed on the ground?Maybe the round jar assumes the air of a domineering figure, which helps to form a certain order out of the disordered surrounding.3. How did the wilderness of Tennessee characterized What words or phrases does the poet use to describe itTennessee seems to a place full of life and energy. “Slovenly,” “sprawl” and “wild” are some of the words used to describe the place. (See Anecdote of the Jar )3. William Carlos WilliamsWilliam Carlos Williams1. How does the first two lines differ from the other pairs of lines?Each of the last three couplets creates a visual image (“a red wheelbarrow,” “glazed with rainwater,” and “the white chickens”), whereas the first one does not.2. What is the most visually compelling word in each of the last three pairs of lines?They are “red, glazed and white”. (See EXPLANATION: “The Red Wheelbarrow” below)3. What is the meaning of "depends upon" in the first pair of lines?The opening lines set the tone for the rest of the poem. Since the poem is composed of one sentence broken up at various intervals, it is truthful to say that 'so much depends upon' each line of the poem. This is so because the form of the poem is also its meaning. This may seem confusing, but by the end ofthe poem the image of the wheelbarrow is seen as the actual poem, as in a painting when one sees an image of an apple, the apple represents an actual object in reality, but since it is part of a painting the apple also becomes the actual piece of art. These lines are also important because they introduce the idea that 'so much depends upon' the wheelbarrow.SEE answer 1.4.Robert Frost(1)Fire and Ice1. What are the symbolic meanings of fire in this poem?Fire symbolizes natural disaster, human passion, as well as war.2. Why does the speaker say that ice is also great for destruction Explain what ice stands for here.Ice, oppose to fire, is also a dreadful natural disaster inthis world, and ice is always related to indifference, coldness, hatred, and the other negative sentiments of human beings.3. What is your opinion about fire and ice Which one is more destructiveBoth fire and ice can destroy this beautiful world if they are beyond control of human beings. Therefore we should be open-minded and reduce our prejudice and pride so as to keep this world in peace.(2)Stopping By Woods On a Snowy Evening1. In your opinion, what was the reason that made the speaker stop by the woods on a snowy evening?The poet was deeply attracted by the natural beauty of the scene at that very moment.2. Why did the horse give the harness bell a shake?The horse grew impatient by stopping in the middle of the dark, cold woods at midnight. It was eager to go home.3. Why couldn't the speaker stay longer by the woods to appreciate its mysterious beauty?He realized that it was late at night and he would have to hurry home to get some food and sleep, because the next morning he would have a lot of work to do.4. What is the effect of repetition in the last two lines?The refrain-like repetition in the last two lines reminds the reader a simple fact of life: whatever happens, one must go forward in the journey of his or her life.(3) The Road Not Taken1. What is the speaker's initial response to the divergence of the two roads?The speaker is at a loss which road he should choose, and he feels sorry that he cannot explore both roads at the same time.2. Describe the similarities and differences of these two roads. Which one does the speaker take?Two roads are similar except one of t hem is more “grassy,” which implies that it is less traveled by people. The speaker prefers the less traveled one, because he likes adventure.3. What might the two roads stand for in the speaker's mind? One road stands for the traditional one and the other is unconventional one and full of challenges and difficulties. To follow other people's footsteps or to open a new road forhimself is really not an easy decision for us to make in our lives.5. Langston Hughes(1)Dreams1. Why must we stick to our dreams?If God is not the first move in our life, surely our dreams are the same.2. What images does the poet employ to describe the life oncewe lose our dreams?Without dreams our life will be a broken bird and a barrenfield. I think without dream our life will be a grand ship drifting on the vast ocean, never knowing its destination.(2)Me And The Mule1. Why does the speaker identify himself with the mule?They share a lot in their life: hard-working and full of strength, submissiveness and kindness and honesty.2. What figure of speech does the poet employ in describing the mule?Personification.。



美国文学习题集(含答案)12012-10-15 19:10点击次数:141 Basic Literary KnowledgeⅠ. Fill in the blanks1. iambic foot, stressed2. repetition3. symbol4. couplet, heroic couplet5. trochaic1. The _____is the most commonly used foot in English poetry, in which an unstressed syllable comes first, followed by a ______syllable.2. Rhyme is the _____of sounds in two or more words or phrases that usually appear close to each other in a poem. For example: we/thee, man/can, and gold/hold.3. A _____is a sign that suggests more than its literal meaning.4. The two-line stanza form is called the _____, the best-known being the _____which is written in iambic pentameter with an end rhyme.5. The _____foot, which is the reverse of the iambic foot, also consists of one stressed and one unstressed syllables, but with the stressed one coming first.6. unstressed7. Washington Irving8. Edgar Allan Poe9. Bret Hart6. An anapestic foot is made up of two _____and one stressed syllables, with the two unstressed in front.7. American achievements in the short story have demanded international respect and admiration for more from ______in the early 19th century.poetics of the short stories.9. There were two other American writers who had made significant contributions to the literary form of short story: ______, with his stories of early life in California, started a vogue of local color stories and made the short story seem completely at home in the US, and Henry James, brought to the form a careful writing that made his stories models.10. In the 20th century, there have been many who have won fame abroad as well as in the US for their stories: ______, _______, _______, ________, and dozens of others.11. As you read from writer to writer, f rom ______‟s Rip Van Winkle to ______‟s A Good Man is Hard to Find, you will see the coming of a short story age, growing from an entertaining tale into a store which probes deep into human souls.12. Modern literary fiction has been dominated by two forms: _______13. Washing Irving, the father of American literature, developed the _____as a genre in American literature.14. ______is usually acknowledged as the originator of detective stories. He is also credited with developing many of the standardfeatures of detective fiction. His detective M August Dupin of Murders in the Rue Morgue and The Purloined Letter is the forerunner of a long line of fictional detectives who are eccentric and brilliant.16. stressed, unstressed17. stanza18. final consonant16. A dactylic foot is made up of one ______ and two _______syllables, with the stressed in front.17. The _____is a structured division of a poem, consisting of a series of verse lines which usually comprise a recurring pattern of meter and rhyme. In traditional English poetry, there are various forms containing two, there, four, five, six, seven, eight or nine lines.18. Consonance is the repetition of _____but with different preceding vowels e.g. heart/light, flag/plug. Unlike alliteration and assonance, consonance can serve as end rhythm.1-5 BDCBDⅡ. Multiple Choices1. Edgar Allan Poe wrote poems which are marvels of beauty and craftsmanship such as ________.A. I Hear America SingingB. The RavenC. To a WaterfowlD. The Fall of the House of Usher2. Which writer is not a poet?A. Michael WigglesworthB. Anne BradstreetC. Edward TaylorD. Thomas Hooker.3. The common thread throughout American literature has been the emphasis on the _______A. RevolutionismB. ReasonC. IndividualismD. Rationalism4. In American literature, the 18th century was the age of Enlightenment, ______was the dominant spirit.A. HumanismB. RationalismC. RevolutionD. Evolution5. Who was considered as the“poet of American revolution”?A. Michael WigglesworthB. Edward TaylorC. Anne BradstreetD. Philip Freneau6-10 BCADB6. Thomas Jefferson‟s attitude, that is, a firm belief in progress, and the pur suit of happiness, is typical of the period we now call _______.A. Age of EvolutionB. Age of ReasonC. Age of RomanticismD. Age of Regionalism7. Howells defined realism as “nothing more and nothing less than the truthful treatment of material”, and he best exemplified his theories in three novels: The Modern Instance, The Rise of Silas Laphan, and ______.A. White FangB. The last of the MohicansC. A Hazard of New FortunesD. The Prince and the Pauper8.Mark twain created, in ______, a masterpiece of American realism that is also one of the great books of world literature.A. Huckleberry FinnB. Tom SawyerC. The Man That Corrupted HadleyburyD. The Gilded Age9. The pessimism and deterministic ideas of naturalism pervaded the works of such American writers as ______.A. Mark TwainB. Francis Scott FitzgeraldC. Wait WhitmanD. Stephen Crane10. Although realism and naturalism were products of the 19th century, their final triumph came in the 20th century, with the popular and critical successes of such writers as Edwin Arlington, Willa Cather, Robert Frost, William Faulkner, and _____A. Edgar Allan PoeB. Sherwood AndersonC. Washington IrvingD. Ralph Ellison11-15 CAACA11. American literature produced only one female poet during the 19th century. She was ______.A. Anne BradstreetB. Jane AustenC. Emily DickensonD. Harriet Beecher12. Choose the well-known short stories written by William Sidney Porter.A. The Gift of the MagiB. Self-RelianceC. The Red Badge of CourageD. The Minister‟s Black Veil13. In 1900, Jack London published his first collection of short stories, named _____A. The Son of the WolfB. The Sea WolfC. The Law of LifeD. White Fang14. With Howells, James, and Mark Twain active on the scene, _______become the major trend in the seventies and eighties of the 19th century.A. sentimentalismB. romanticismC. realismD. naturalism15. Choose from the following writers a staunch advocate of 19th century American realism.A. Mark TwainB. Washington IrvingC. Stephen CraneD. Jack London16-20 DDECC16. Which writer has naturalist tendency?A. Frank NorrisB. William Dean HowellsC. Theodore DreiserD. Both A and B17. Early in the 20th century, ______published works that would change the nature of American poetry.A. Ezra PoundB. T. S. EliotC. Robert FrostD. Both A and B18. The American “Thirties” lasted from the Crash, though the ensuing Great Depression, until the outbreak of the Second Worl d WAR 1939. THIS WAS a period of “_______”A. PovertyB. BleaknessC. Important social movementsD.A new social consciousness19. The imagist writers followed three principles. They respectively are direct treatment, economy of expression and _______.A. local colorB. ironyC. clear rhythmD. blank verse20. “The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough.” This is the shortest written by ______.A. T. S. EliotB. Robert FrostC. Ezra PoundD. E .E. Cummings21-25 CEEDB21. Richard Cory and Miniver Cheevy are good examples of Arlington Robinson‟s_______ attitude.A. romanticB. fantasticC. realismD. materialistic22. Frost is famous for his lyric poems. Which of the following lyric poems was not written by Frost?A. BirchesB. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy EveningC. After Apple-PickingD. The Road Not TakenE. Richard Cory23. As a poet, Sandburg was associated with the Imagists and wrote well=known Imagist poems such as _______.A. FogB. LostC. MonotoneD. The HarborE. all of the above24. Sandburg had also taken interest in folk songs which he tried to collect and sing during his travels. These folk songs appeared eventually in print in his well-known _______.A. Good Morning, AmericaB. The People, YesC. In Rechless EcstasyD. The American Songbag25. ______, one of the essays in The Sacred Wood, is the earliest statement of T. S. Eliot‟s aesthetics, which provided a useful instrument for modern criticism.A. Sweeny AgonistesB. Tradition and the Individual TalentC. A Primer of Modern HeresyD. Gerontion26-30 AADCE26. T. S. Eliot‟s used a form, that is, the orc hestration of related themes in successive movements, in such works as ________.A. The Waste LandB. A Rose for EmilyC. The Scarlet LetterD. The Egg27. Eliot‟s first major poem (1917) _______ has been called the first m asterpiece of modernism in English.A. The Love Song of J. Alfred PrufrockB. The Waste LandC. Four QuartetsD. Preludes28. Choose the collections of short stories written by Fitzgerald.A. Flappers and PhilosophersB. Tales of the Jazz AgeC. All the Sad Yong MenD. All of the above29. The three poets Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot and ______opened the way to Modern poetry.A. O. HenryB. Henry David ThoreauC. E. E. CummingsD. Robert Frost30. In Paris, Hemingway, along with _______, accomplished a revolution in literary style and language.A. Gertrude SteinB. Ezra PoundC. T. S. EliotD. James Joyce31. In 1954, _______ was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature for his “mastery of the art of modern narration”.A. T. S. EliotB. Earnest HemingwayC. John SteinbeckD. William Faulkner31-33 BAE32. William Faulkner is one of the most important southern writer in the United States. ______, As I Lay Dying, Light in August, and Absalom, Absalom are works that ambitious critics tend to admire.A. The Sound and the FuryB. The Invisible ManC. A Good Man Is Hard to FindD. The Wrath of the Grapes33. Most of the important 20th American poets were related with Imagist movement, including _______.A. Ezra PoundB. Wallace StevensC. E. E. CummingsD. Carl SandburgE. all of the aboveⅢ. IdentificationⅢ. Identification.1. the American Crisis2. Thomas Paine3. Philip Freneau4. To a Caty-Did5. According to Freneau‟s note, a Caty-Did is a well-known insect. When full grown, it is about two inches in length, and of the exact color of a green leaf. It can sing such a song as Caty-Did in the evening toward autumn.6. Song of Myself7. Walt Whitman8. free verse9. Emily Dickinson 10. C11. C 12. Sister Carries13. Theodore DreiserPassage 1These are the times that try men‟s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, i n this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain toocheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to TAX) but” to BIND us in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER,” and if being bound in that manner, is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth. Even the expression is impious; for so unlimited a power can belong only to God.Questions:1. Which book is this passage taken from?2. Who is the author of the book?1. the American Crisis2. Thomas PainePassage 2But you would have uttered moreHad you known of nature‟s power;From the world when you retreat,And a leaf‟s your winding sheet,Long before your spirit fled,Who can tell but nature said,Live again, my Caty-did!Live, and chatter Caty-did.Questions:3. Who is the writer of these verses?4. What is the title of this lyrical poem?5. What is Caty-did?3. Philip Freneau4. To a Caty-Did5. According to Freneau‟s note, a Caty-Did is a well-known insect. When full grown, it is about two inches in length, and of the exact color of a green leaf. It can sing such a song as Caty-Did in the evening toward autumn.Passage 3I celebrate myself, and sing myself,And what I assume you shall assume,For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.I loafe and invite my soul,I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.My tongue, every atom of my blood, form‟d from this soil, this air,Born here of parents born here from parents the same, and their parents the same,I, now thirty-seven years old in perfect health begin,Hoping to cease not till death.Creeds and schools in abeyance,Retiring back a while sufficed at what they are, but never forgotten,I harbor for good or bad, I permit to speak at every hazard,Nature without check with original energy.Questions:6. This is the first two stanzas in the first section of a long poem entitled______.7. The name of the poet is _____.8. What is the verse structure?6. Song of Myself7. Walt Whitman8. free versePassage 4Because I could not stop for death,He kindly stopped for me;The carriage held but just ourselvesAnd immortality.We slowly drove, he knew no haste,And I had put awayMy labor and my leisure too,For his civility.We passed the school where children played,Their lessons scarcely done;We passed the fields of gazing grain,We passed the setting sun.We paused before a house that seemedA swelling of the ground;The roof was scarcely visible,The cornice but a mound.Since then ‟t is centuries; but eachFeels shorter than the dayI first surmised the hors es‟ headsWere toward eternity.Questions:9. Who is the writer of the lines?10. In which category would you place this poem?A. narrativeB. dramaticC. lyric9. Emily Dickinson 10. C11. The poet is noted for her uses of _____to achieve special effects.A. perfect rhymeB. exact rhymeC. slant rhymePassage 5When a girl leaves her home at eighteen, she does one of two things. Either she falls into saving hands and becomes better worse. Of an intermediate balance, under the circumstances, there is no possibility. The city has its cunning wiles, no less than the infinitely smaller and more human tempter. There are large forces which allure with all the soulfulness of expression possible in the most cultured human.The gleam of a thousand lights is often as effective as the persuasive light in a wooing and fascinating eye. Half the undoing of the unsophisticated and natural mind is accomplished by forces wholly superhuman. A blare of sound, a roar of life, vast array of human hives, appeal to the astonished senses in equivocal terms. Without a counselor at hand to whisper cautious interpretations, what falsehoods may not these things breathe into the unguarded ear! Unrecognized for what they are, their beauty, like music, too often relaxes, then weakens, then perverts the simpler human perceptions.Questions:12. From which novel is this paragraph taken?13. Who is the author of the novel?12. Sister Carries13. Theodore DreiserⅣ. Literary Terms1. Satire 12. Irony2. short story 13. Plot3. Stanza 14. Nonfiction4. Subtext 15. Narration5. tall story/tall tale 16. Imagery6. Verse 17. Simile and metaphor7. Rhythm 18. Character8. Foot 19. Surrealism9. Meter 20. Theatre of Absurdity10. Sonnet 21. Deconstructionism11. LyricⅤ. Questions and Answers1. How do you understand Mark Twain‟s use of Local Color in his writing?2. Discuss the reflection of realistic and naturalistic tendencies on the American 19th-century novels.3. Discuss the concept of Wasteland in relation to he works of those writers in the 20th century American literature.Ⅵ. Analysis of Literary WorksRip Van WinkleAt the foot of these fairy mountains, the voyager may have descried the light smoke curling up from a village, whose shingle-roofs gleam among the trees, just where the blue tints of the upland melt away into the fresh green of the nearer landscape. It is a little of great antiquity, having been founded by some of the Dutch colonists, in the early times of the province, just about the beginning ofthe government of the good Peter Stuyvesant, (may he rest in peace!) and there were some of the house of the original settlers standing within a few years, built of small yellow bricks brought from Holland, having latticed windows and gable fronts, surmounted with weather-cocks.In that same village, and in one of these very houses (which, to tell the precise truth, was sadly time-worn and weather-beaten), there lived many years since, while the country was yet a province of Great Britain, a simple good-natured fellow of the name of Rip Van Winkle. He was a descendant of the Van Winkles who figured so gallantly in the chivalrous days of Peter Stuyvesant, and accompanied him to the siege of Fort Christina. He inherited, however, but little of the martial character of his ancestors. I have observed that he was a simple good-natured man; he was, moreover, a kind neighbor, and an obedient hen-natured husband. Indeed, to the latter circumstance might be owing that meekness of spirit which gained him such universal popularity; for those men are most apt to be obsequious and conciliating abroad, who are under the discipline of shrews at home. Their tempers, doubtless, are rendered pliant and malleable in the fiery furnace of domestic tribulation; and a curtain lecture is worth all the sermons in the world for teaching the virtues of patience and long-suffering. A termagant wife may, therefore, in some respects, be considered a tolerable blessing; and if so, Rip Van Winkle was thrice blessed.Questions:1.Try to explain the setting by making reference to the above passage selected from Rip Van Winkle.1. By the setting of a story we mean its time and place-its geography, era, reason, and society. Most writers invoke particular places and particular times, and their stories establish these settings precisely. Precise setting helps to establish the truth of the story, to persuade the reader of the validity of the take. In “Rip Van Winkle”, by a detailed description of a remove, isolated “little village of great antiquity”, Irving creates a quiet, tranquil, ante-bellum social aura, which may betray his personal dislike of change, revolution and war; on the other hand, this setting prepares readers for the following exotic experience of Rip.Setting can give us information vital to plot and theme. Often, setting and character will reveal each other. At the start of A Rose for Emily, Faulkner depicts Emily Grierson‟s house, once handsome but now “an eyesore among eyesores” surrounded by a gas station. Still standing refusing to yield its old-time horse-and-buggy splendor to the age of the automobile, the house in “its stubborn and coquettish decay” embodies the character of its owner.In some stories, a writer will see to draw a setting mainly to evoke atmosphere. The atmosphere is the aura or mood, or the general pervasive feeling aroused by the work which shares the reader‟s attitudes and expectations. Gothic fiction and Edgar Allan Poe‟s horror stories abound with settings of this kind.2.Daisy MillerWinterbourne, who had returned to Geneva the day after his excursion to Chillon, went to Rome toward the end of January. His aunt had been established there for several weeks, and he had received a couple of letters from her.” Those people you were s o devoted to last summer at Vesey have turned up here, courier and all,” she wrote.” They seem to have made several acquaintances, but the courier continues to be the most in time. The young lady, however, is also very intimate with some third-rate Italians, with whom she packets about in a way that makes much talk. Bring of that pretty novel of Cherbuliez‟s---Paule-- Mere-and don‟t come later than the 23rd.”In the natural course of events, Winterbourne, on arriving in Rome, would presently have ascertained Mrs. Miller‟s address at the Am erican banker‟s and have gone to pay his compliments to Miss Daisy.” After what happened at Vevey, I think I May certainly call upon them,” he said to Mrs. Costello.“If, after what happens---at Vevey--- and everywhere-you desire to keep up the acquaintance, you are very welcome. Of course aman may know everyone. Men are welcome to the privilege!”“Pray what is it that happens-here, for instance?” Winterbourne demanded.”The girl goes about alone with her foreigners. As to what happens further, you must apply elsewhere for information .She has picked up half a dozen of the regular Roman fortune hunters, and she takes them about to people‟s houses. When she comes to a party she brings with her a gentleman with a good deal of manner and a wonderful mustache.”“And where is the mother?”“I haven‟t the least idea. They are very dreadful people.”Winterbourne meditated a moment.” They are very ignorant-very innocent only. Depend upon it they are not bad.”“They are hopelessly vulgar,” said Mrs. Costello. “Whether or on being hopelessly vulgar is being …bad‟ is a question for the metaphysicians. They are bad enough to dislike, at any rate; and for this short life that is quite enough.”The news that Dairy Miller was surrounded by half a dozen wonderful mustache s checked Winterbourne‟s impulse to in straightway to see her. He had, perhaps, not definitely flattered himself that he had made an ineffaceable impression upon her heart, but he was annoyed at hearing of a state of affairs so little in harmony with an image that had lately flitted in and out of his own meditations” the image of a very pretty girl looking out of an old Roman window and asking herself urgently when Mr. Winterbourne would arrive. If, however, he determined to wait a little before reminding Miss Miller of his claims to her consideration, he went very soon to call upon two or three other friends. One of these friends was an American lady who had spent several winters at Geneva, where she had placed her children at school. She was a very accomplished woman, and she lived in the Via Gregoriana. Winterbourne found her in a little crimson drawing room on a third floor; the room was filled with southern sunshine. He had not been there ten minutes when the servant came in, announcing” Madame Mila!” Th is announcement was presently followed by the entrance of little Randolph Miller, who stopped in the middle of the room and stood staring at Winterbourne. An instant later his pretty sister crossed the threshold; and then, after a considerable interval, Mrs. Miller slowly advanced.Questions:2. In his whole writing career James is concerned with “point of view”, which is at the centre of his aesthetic of the novel. Comment on the “point of view” in this story.2. The method of “point of view” as James term ed means observing events and people through the consciousness of his characters. In Daisy Miller Winterbourne is the objective spectator, through whose eyes James reveals the conflicts between Mrs. Walker and Dairy, through whose mind James illustrates the situation and characters clearly.3. Daisy defies European conventions and falls a victim to her own innocence. Discuss the character of Daisy.3. She is fresh, pure, brave, honest, and enthusiastic. She represents American independent spirit. She likes freedom and dares to challenge old European convention and tradition. But somehow she is not well-cultured or well-refined.4. In his story Winterbourne shows contradictory attitudes toward Daisy. He tries to decide whether she is a flirt or a native girl. Illustrate his attitude by citing some examples from the reading.4. “They‟re very ignorant-very innocent only, and utterly uncivilized. Depend on it they‟re not bad.” “The poor girl‟s only fault is her complete lack of education.”5. In this selected reading, when Daisy is taking a walk with Winterbourne and Giovanelli, Mrs. Walker gets there and tries to “rescue” her from her indiscretions. But Daisy refuses her. As an American Living in Europe, what do you think Mrs. Walker represents?5. She represents European conventional opinions. As an American living too long in Europe, she is overwhelmed by European over-refined, degenerated, and artificial sophistication.6. James‟ fame largely rested on his handing “the international theme”----American innocence in contrast with European sophistication. What is James‟s attitude towards the difference in morality of Daisy Miller from that of the Old World?6. James enjoys juxtaposing American moral innocence with the somber decadence of Europe and presenting the superiority of at least some of American values to those of the Old World. However, the final death of Dairy in Some indicates that European values are strong and overwhelming.To HelenHelen, thy beauty is to meLike those Nicean barks of yore,That ge ntly, o‟er a perfumed sea,The weary, wayworn wanderer boreTo his own native shore.Om desperate seas long wont to roam,Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face.Thy Naiad airs have brought me homeTo the glory that was GreeceAnd the grandeur that was Rome.Lo! In yon brilliant window-nicheHow statue-like I see thee standThe agate lamp within thy hand!Ah, Psyche, from the regions whichAre Holy Land!Questions:7. “To take sound away from poetry”, said one poet “is like tearing the wings from a bird”. Poets, like musicians, are sensitive to the effects of sounds. Analyze the lines from To Helen and explain the device of alliteration in your own words.O Captain! My Captain!O Captain! My Captain! Our fearful trip is done;The ship has weather‟d every rack, the prize we sought is won;The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:But O heart! heart! heart!O the bleeding drops of red,Where on the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.O Captain! My captain! Rise up and hear the bells:Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills;For you bouquets and ribbon‟d wreaths---for you the shores a-crowding;Here Captain! Dear father!This arm beneath your head;It is some dream that on the deck,You‟ve fallen cold and dead.My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;My father does not feel my arm; he has no pulse nor will;The ship is anchor‟d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won;Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!But I, with mournful tread,Walk the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.Questions:8. Read the poem lyrics of O Captain! My Captain! By Walt Whitman and analyze it terms of free verse.Invisible manXXV. The Hunting of the Invisible ManFor a space Kemp was too inarticulate to make Adye understand the swift things that had just happened. The tow men stood on the landing, Kemp speaking swiftly, the grasp something of the situation.“He‟s mad,” said Kemp; “inhuman. He is pure selfishness. He thinks of nothing but his own advantage, his own safety. I have listened to such a story this morning of brutal self-seeking! He has wounded men. He will kill them unless we can prevent him. He will create a panic. Nothing can stop him. He is going out now-furious!”“He must be caught,” said Adye. “That is certain.”“But how?” cried Kemp, and suddenly become full of ideas. “You must begin at once. You must set e very available man to work. You must prevent his leaving this district. Once he gets away he may go through the countryside as he wills, killing and maiming. He dreams of a reign of terror! A reign of terror, I tell you. You must set a watch on trains and roads and shipping. The garrison must help. You must write for help. The only thing that may keep him here is the thought of recovering some books of notes he counts of value. I will tell you of that! There is a man in your police station—Marvel.”“I know,” said Adye,” I know. Those books—yes.”“And you must prevent him from eating or sleeping; day and night the country must be astir for him. Food must be locked up and secured, all food, so that he will have to break his way to it. The houses everywhere must be barred against him. Heaven send。



interest in Emily ‘s poems
. different nature
The Homestead
Emily Dickinson lived with her unmarried sister Lavinia in an elegant house called The Homestead(霍姆斯特德).
At the same time , Dickinson is widely acknowledged as an innovative pre-modernist poet as well as a rebellious and courageous woman.
迪金森的诗谜一般充满奇思妙想,展现出非凡的创造力与想象力。她的作品受到17世 纪英格兰玄学派诗人的影响,同时带有清教的家庭背景的烙印。虽然她不相信家庭的传统 宗教,但她研究了圣经,许多诗歌在形式上也类似圣经。她对破折号的热爱,不规则的韵 律和韵脚,超乎寻常的比喻使她当之无愧地成. 为19世纪美国文坛最具创新意识的诗人9。
promineGnrat vlaewaynedr
我发生冲突。” Representative to Congress)
Same as their father’s career
Became ill when Emily was 25
Focus of attention and shows Close friend,though they share
On Nature
• Dickinson observed nature closely and described it vividly but never with the feeling of being lost in it, or altogether part of it, nor was she surprised when its creatures also kept their distance.


• When he woke up, he noticed that his joints were stiff and that his beard had grown a foot long. Returning to his village, he found it changed almost beyond recognition.
3) What does “this legendary superstition” refer to? (Para. 2) 4) What is “the general purport of this legendary superstition”? (Para. 3—Para. 4)
5) Is the “Legend of Sleepy Hollow” the story of the Headless Horseman? If not, what does the “Legend of Sleepy Hollow” deal with?
Literary Terms: 1.Protagonist: The leading character in a play or story, originally the leader of the CHORUS in the AGON (“contest”) of Greek drama, faced with the ANTAGONIST, the opposition.
6) How many major characters are mentioned in the “legend”? Who are they? And what’s the relationship between them? Who is the protagonist? And who is the antagonist?



美國文學【此为20课时的内容;2002级中文祝徐来记录】开场白:1. 鲁宾逊是谁?怎么成了美国文学的原型?2.皮袜子的故事:美国西部文学译丛3. 爱默生?超验主义?4.“遁世作家”塞林格《麦田里的守望者》是谁?第一讲文化的巨匠:爱德华兹、富兰克林、杰弗逊美国文学用一句话可以概括,先是写给故乡的信,然后是宗教或哲学上的辩论,再然后是摹仿的作品,最终才有表现新生活的独特而有机的作品([美] 斯皮勒语)1493年,哥伦布的《书信》奠定了美国文学的形式和观点;威廉·布雷德福:《普利茅斯种植园纪事》(动画片《风中奇缘》的背景:历史事实:弗吉利亚公司:约翰·史密斯/BOTAHANGTAISI(中译文:宝嘉康蒂)的婚姻(《世界七千年大事总揽》[美]))【影像网页:】《土著人的声音》(载于《哥伦比亚美国文学史》,同类书四大文献、后现代主义之作的首章)本章作者N·斯科特·罗曼特代表印第安文化的书《通向阴雨山的道路》《黑麋鹿如是说》(被尊为印第安人的圣经)一、爱纳森·爱德华兹(1703-1750)——自称“美国最后一位清教徒”的爱德华兹布道词《发怒于上帝手中的罪人》建立起美国最完善的思想体系和感情体系,后代很多诗人、戏剧家、诗人都在爱德华兹的这一体系当中,继承者:霍桑、麦尔维尔《白鲸》、奥尼尔、艾略特、福克纳温斯罗普《基督仁爱的典范》二、富兰克林:全名本杰明·富兰克林(1706-1790)——被誉为“第一个美国人”如果说爱德华兹是清教主义、宗教狂热最典型的象征,那么富兰克林就成了美国启蒙运动及理性时代的象征。






华师16秋《英美文学》在线作业答案一、单选题(共25 道试题,共50 分。

)V 1.Most of th poms in _____ sing of th “n-mss” n th slf s wll.. Lvs of Grss. rum Tps. North of oston. Th ntos尺度谜底:2.sgrt fition writr, Willim Fulkr vots most of his works to th sription of th lif n th popl in th __________________________. mrin Wst. Nw ngln in mri. mrin South. mrin North尺度谜底:3.Shkspr ws th son of_________________________.. lrk. lnlor. trr. lwyr尺度谜底:4.Most of Hry’s ltr works show his ___________ viw of lif.. optimisti. pssimisti. prtil. ironil尺度谜底:5.John Milton isgrt pot in th _____________________ Pori.. Rnissn. Nolssil. Romnti. Rlist尺度谜底:6.oring to Nthnil Hwthorn, thr is _________ in vry hrr, whih my rmin ltnt, prhps, through th whol lif; ut irumstns my rous it to tivity.. vil. virtu. kinnss. trgy尺度谜底:7.Mrk Twin’s first sussful litrry work is _____________________________.. Th lrt Jumping Frog of lvrs ounty. Lif on th Mississippi. Th vntur of Tom Swyr. Th vnturs of Huklrry Finn尺度谜底:8._______ is usully rgr slssi ook writtn for oys out thir prtiulr horrors n joys.. Th vnturs of Tom Swyr. Th vnturs of Huklrry Finn. Innonts ro. Lif on th Mississippi尺度谜底:9.on is not onlyssyist n philosophr, ut lso_________________.. lwyr. sintist. historin. rmtist尺度谜底:10.______ litrry worl turns out to most istur, tormnt n prolmtil on, whih hs muh to o with his “lk” vision of lif n humn ings.. Hrmn Mlvill’s. Wshington Irving’s. Nthnil Hwthorn’s. Wlt Whitmn’s尺度谜底:11.Willim Fulknr ws orn infmily of_______________________.. mrhnt. olonl. mngr. otor尺度谜底:12.Th novl Pri n prjui y ustn minly ntrs roun th rltionship twn __________.. Mr.nnt n Mrs.nnt. ry n lizth. ingly n Jn. Sir Willim n Lus尺度谜底:13.ront Sistrs r ll outstning ________________.. ssyists. plywrights. pots. novlists尺度谜底:14.ltogthr, mily ikinson wrot ______ poms, of whih only svrn h ppr uring hr liftim.. 1145. 1775. 897. 785尺度谜底:15.Pry Shlly’s grtst hivmnt is his four- t poti rm “_____________”.. Mn of ngln. Promthus Unoun. O to th Wst Win. Th Rvolt of Islm尺度谜底:16.Shkspr is on of th grtst plywrights n _________________________ th worl hs vr known. . pots. novlists. ssyists. ritis尺度谜底:17.In his poms, Whitmn tns to us ______.. orl nglish. th Ki ng’s nglish. mrin nglish. ol nglish尺度谜底:18.In ______, Hwthorn sts out to prov tht vryon posssss som vil srt.. “Th ustom-Hous”. “Young Goomn rown”. “Rppini’s ughtr”. “Th irthmrk"尺度谜底:19.mong th works of risr, th t known to th hins rrs is _________________.. n mrin Trgy. Sistr rri. Th Finnir. Th Titn尺度谜底:20.________ isply tht onrns th prolm of morn mn’s intity.. Th Hiry p. Long y’s Journy Into Night. Th Imn omth. Th mpror Jons尺度谜底:21.InRos for mily, Fulknr mks st us of th _______ vis in nrrtion.. Romnti. Rlisti. Gothi. Mornist尺度谜底:22.njmin Frnklin ws orn in th fmily ofsmll. Lnlor. mrhnt. lwyr. lrgymn尺度谜底:23.“____________________” is th ooprtiv work of Willim Worsworth n Smul olrig.. Tintrn y. Th Rim of th nint Mrinr. Lyril lls. Prlu尺度谜底:24.“_______________” is NOT on of th four grt trgis of Shkspr.. Othllo. King Lr. Romo n Julit. Mth尺度谜底:25.___________________ is Hmingwy’s mstrpi, whih tllsstory out th trgi lov ofwoun mrin solir withritish nurs..Frwll to rms. Th Sun lso Riss. For Whom th ll Tolls. In Our Tim尺度谜底:二、断定题(共25 道试题,共50 分。



James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851)
The Leatherstocking Tales were a series of novels about the frontier lives of American settlers.
The Pioneers was the first of The Leatherstocking Tales. The other four stories are The Last of the Mohicans, The
An Introduction to British and American Culture
William Faulkner (1897-1962)
The Sound and the Fury Light in August Absalom, Absalom! Go Down, Moses
An Introduction to British and American Culture
Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)
The Raven (1844) was one of his most enduring works.
The Fall of the House of Usher The Masque of Red Death Legia
An Introduction to British and American Culture
Charaters: Hester Prynne, Roger Chillingworth, Arthur Dimmesdale
An Introduction to British and American Culture



1.第1题Stylistically, Henry James’ fiction is characterized by _______.A.short, clear sentencesB.abundance of local imagesC.ordinary American speechD.highly refined language您的答案:D题目分数:2此题得分:2.02.第2题When we say that a poor young man from the West tried to make his fortune in the East but was disillusioned in the quest of an idealized dream, we are probably discussing about ______’s thematic concern in his fiction writing.A.Henry JamesB.Scott FitzgeraldC.HemingwayD.William Faulkne您的答案:B题目分数:2此题得分:2.03.第3题After the success of ____, Herman Melville became known as a man who lived among cannibals.A.TypeeB.White JacketC.OmooD.Moby Dick您的答案:A题目分数:2此题得分:2.04.第4题___ wrote Rights of Man in 1792 to suggest the overthrow of the British monarchy.A.Thomas PaineB.Benjamin FranklinC.George WashingtonD.Jefferson您的答案:A题目分数:2此题得分:2.05.第5题_______ does not belong to the school of naturalism in history.A.Stephen CraneB.Frank NorrisC.Jack LondonD.Walt Whitman您的答案:D题目分数:2此题得分:2.06.第6题William Sidney Porter was the real name of ________.A.Mark TwainB.O’ HenryC.Jack LondonD.William Dean Howells您的答案:B题目分数:2此题得分:2.07.第7题There is a good reason to state that New England Transcendentalism was actually ___ on the Puritan soil.A.RomanticismB.PuritanismC.mysticismD.Unitarianism您的答案:A题目分数:2此题得分:2.08.第8题____ made many translations, among which, Dante’s Divine Comedy was the best.A.William C. BryantB.Henry W. LongfellowC.EmersonD.Hawthorne您的答案:B题目分数:2此题得分:2.09.第9题____, first governor of Plymouth, left a wealth of letters after he died.A.William BradfordB.William WordsworthC.John WinthropD.John Eliot您的答案:A题目分数:2此题得分:2.010.第10题___ is not a name to refer to Natty Bumppo in Cooper’s frontier saga.A.deerslayerB.pathfinderC.hawkeyeD.Mohican您的答案:D题目分数:2此题得分:2.011.第11题______ is not a character in the novel The Scarlet Letter.A.Arthur DimmesdaleB.Roger ChillingworthC.Goodman BrownD.Pearl您的答案:C题目分数:2此题得分:2.012.第12题5. Puritan values do not include ____.A.hard workB.thriftC.sobrietyD.debauchery您的答案:D题目分数:2此题得分:2.013.第13题The first great American juvenile literature was _____.A.Sketch BookB.The Legend of Sleepy HollowC.WaldenD.Mardi您的答案:A题目分数:2此题得分:2.014.第14题1.牋牋?___ is not written by Ralph Waldo Emerson.A.Self-relianceB.NatureC.The American ScholarD.. The Bells您的答案:D题目分数:2此题得分:2.015.第15题______ translated the Bible into the Indian tongue.A.Benjamin FranklinB.Roger WilliamsC.. John EliotD.John Cotton您的答案:C题目分数:2此题得分:2.016.第16题The first writings that we may call American were the narratives and ___ of the early English settlements.A.. documentsB.journalsC.statementsD.files您的答案:D题目分数:2此题得分:2.017.第17题The Fall of the House of Usher was a horror story by ______.A.Nathaniel HawthorneB.Edgar Allan PoeC.MelvilleD.Longfellow您的答案:B题目分数:2此题得分:2.018.第18题The arbiter of nineteen-century literary realism in America was ______.A.Mark TwainB.Henry JamesC.O’HenryD.William Dean Howells您的答案:D题目分数:2此题得分:2.019.第19题Most of the poems in Whitman’s Leaves of Grass sing of man and ____.A.natureB.self-relianceC.selfD.life您的答案:A题目分数:2此题得分:2.020.第20题As a Modernist poet, Pound is noted for his active involvement in the ______A.cubist school of modern paintingB.Imagist MovementC.stream-of-consciousness techniqueD.German Expressionism您的答案:B题目分数:2此题得分:2.021.第21题Most critics have agreed that __ is both an insider and an outsider of the Jazz Age with a double vision.A.FitzgeraldB.FrostC.CummingsD.Hemingway您的答案:D题目分数:2此题得分:2.022.第22题in 1952, Hemingway portrayed an old fisherman named ___ in The old Man and the Sea.A.Natty BumppoB.PocahontasC.SantiagoD.Henry您的答案:C题目分数:2此题得分:2.023.第23题Mrs. Stowe’s did not ever write _______.A.The Man That Was a ThingB.Uncle Tom’s CabinC.The StoicD.Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp您的答案:C题目分数:2此题得分:2.024.第24题Where Mark Twain satirized European manners at times, ____ was an admirer.A.Harriet BeecherB.Jack LondonC.Henry JamesD.O’ Henry您的答案:C题目分数:2此题得分:2.025.第25题Eugene O’Neil did not write ______.A.The Emperor JonesB.Anna ChristieC.The Hairy ApeD.The Saloon您的答案:D题目分数:2此题得分:2.026.第26题With the precedent of Whitman, ___also undertook as a spokesman for the common pople. He was proud later to “favor simple poems for simple people.”A.Wallace StevensB.Edwin RobinsonC.Robert FrostD.Carl Sandburg您的答案:D题目分数:2此题得分:2.027.第27题The collections of his occasional lectures on poetry entitled ___ established Wallace Stevens as a major American poet.A.Ideas of OrderB.The Necessary AngelC.HarmoniumD.Parts of a World您的答案:B题目分数:2此题得分:2.028.第28题The novel which was described by a critic as “an outrage to American girlhood” is ____.A.Young Goodman BrownB.MardiC.Daisy MillerD.The Tragic Muse您的答案:C题目分数:2此题得分:2.029.第29题1.Realism, a literary doctrine that called for “reality and truth”in the depiction of ordinary life, originated in ______ ,A.GermanyB.FranceC.EnglandD.Italy您的答案:B题目分数:2此题得分:2.030.第30题Mark Twain’s first book is ________.A.Tom SawyerB.Huckleberry FinnC.The Gilded AgeD.Jumping Frog您的答案:D题目分数:2此题得分:2.031.第31题The novel which was described by a critic as “an outrage to American girlhood” is ____.A.Young Goodman BrownB.MardiC.Daisy MillerD.The Tragic Muse您的答案:C题目分数:2此题得分:2.032.第32题Franklin shaped his writings after the ____ of the English essayist Addison and Steel.A.Spectator papersB.WaldenC.. NatureD.The Sacred Wood您的答案:A题目分数:2此题得分:2.033.第33题“I heard the merry grasshopper then sing,/The black-clad cricket bear a second part” These lines written by ____________.A.Roger WilliamsB.John EliotC.Anne BradstreetD.Washington Irving您的答案:C题目分数:2此题得分:2.034.第34题1.Realism, a literary doctrine that called for “reality and truth”in the depiction of ordinary life, originated in ______ ,A.GermanyB.FranceC.EnglandD.Italy您的答案:B题目分数:2此题得分:2.035.第35题“We hold these truths to be elf-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” This sentence is taken from ___.mon SenseB.The Declaration of IndependenceC.The AutobiographyD.The American Crisis您的答案:B题目分数:2此题得分:2.036.第36题____ was considered to be the first American writer.A.Washington IrvingB.Benjamin FranklinC.John SmithD.Hoffman您的答案:C题目分数:2此题得分:2.037.第37题Which of the following works best illustrates the Calvinistic view of original sin?A.Stowe’s Uncle Ton’s CabinB.James’s The Portrait of a Lady.C.Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms ?D.Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter.您的答案:D题目分数:2此题得分:2.038.第38题Perhaps Dickinson's greatest rendering of the moment of is to be found in I Heard a Fly Buzz--When I Died---a poem universally considered one of her masterpieces.A.enthusiasmB.deathC.crisisD.fantasy您的答案:B题目分数:2此题得分:2.039.第39题1.牋牋?Franklin had never been _____.A.a printerB.a scientistC.a statesmanD.an atheist题目分数:2此题得分:2.040.第40题4. The most quoted among Franklin’s writings could be ___, an annual collection of proverbs.A.The AutobiographyB.Poor Richard’s AlmanacC.SpectatorD.. Nature您的答案:B题目分数:2此题得分:2.041.第41题The Declaration of Independence was the product of the joint efforts by ___,A.George WashingtonB.Thomas JeffersonC.Thomas AddisonD.Irving您的答案:B题目分数:2此题得分:2.042.第42题Mark Twain’s first book is ________.A.Tom SawyerB.Huckleberry FinnC.The Gilded AgeD.Jumping Frog您的答案:D题目分数:2此题得分:2.043.第43题Mark Twain had never been a _______.A.humoristB.ambassadorC.frontierD.lecturer.题目分数:2此题得分:2.044.第44题In all his novels Theodore Dreiser sets himself to project the ______ American values. For example, in Sister Carrie, there is not one character whose status is not determined economically.A.Puritan ?B.materialisticC.psychological ?D.religious您的答案:B题目分数:2此题得分:2.045.第45题___ might be considered as a great realist of human spirit.A.Mark TwainB.Henry JamesC.Jack LondonD.Theodore Dreiser您的答案:B题目分数:2此题得分:2.046.第46题My Lost Youth written by ____ is about his hometown of Portland, Maine.A.Henry W. LongfellowB.John CottonC.Carl SandburgD.Anne Bradstreet您的答案:A题目分数:2此题得分:2.047.第47题___’s A Map of Virginia: with a Description of the Country was a guide to the country and an invitation to the bold spirits needed to enlarge and strengthen the English plantation in the new land.A.John SmithB.William BradfordC.John WinthropD.John Cotton您的答案:A题目分数:2此题得分:2.048.第48题Puritans emphasized a ____God.A.mercifulB.wrathfulC.benevolentD.learned您的答案:B题目分数:2此题得分:2.049.第49题___ did not ever show his/her concern for the Indians.A.Anne BradstreetB.Philip FreneauC.Roger WilliamsD.John Eliot您的答案:A题目分数:2此题得分:2.050.第50题A Key into the Language of America was a significant work by____.A.Roger WilliamsB.John CottonC.John SmithD.Noah Webster您的答案:A题目分数:2此题得分:2.0。



Poetic Principles
To Poe, poetic meaning is in the poem’s own poem’ composition and utterance, thus there is no utterance, exterior or transcendental truth in a poem. This emphasis on the poem’s own integrity poem’ and that a poem being absolutely independent allows people to associate Poe with the school of “art for art’s sake” and to regard him art’ sake” as a precursor to the school of New Criticism in the 20th century America.
► Quoth
the Raven, Nevermore
► Original
Burial Place of Edgar Allan Poe From October 9, 1849 Until November 17, 1875 ► Mrs. Marian Clemm, His Mother-In-Law Mother-InLies Upon His Right And Virginia Poe His Wife, Upon His Left. Under The Monument Erected To Him In This Cemetery
► Before
he became editor of Southern Literary Messenger in 1835, he had published a number of short stories, including “MS Found in a Bottle” Bottle”. In his new position as editor, Poe soon established himself as a leading critic in literature. literature. His editorship and the vitality of his critical articles and his literary creation brought him increasing fame in literary circles but never wealth; even when he was at the peak of his career, he was “as … as ever I was in my life.” life. in 1847 his wife died, and then two more years of loneliness, poverty, intoxication and illness killed Poe at the age of 40.

21-美国文学-21新建 Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿

21-美国文学-21新建 Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿

• John Steinbeck (1902-1968), born in Salinas, California, came from a family of moderate means. He worked his way through college at Stanford University but never graduated. In 1925 he went to New York, where he tried for a few years to establish himself as a free-lance writer, but he failed and returned to California. After publishing some novels and short stories, Steinbeck first became widely known with Tortilla Flat (1935).
• Maria - A young woman with Pablo’s band who falls in love with Robert Jordan. The victim of rape at the hands of Fascists who took over her town, Maria is frequently described by means of earth imagery. Hemingway compares her movements to a colt’s, and Robert Jordan affectionately calls her “Rabbit.”
• Pablo - The leader of the guerrilla camp. Pablo is an individualist who feels responsible only to himself. Hemingway often compares him to a bull, a boar, and other burly, stubborn, and unpleasant animals. Pablo used to be a great fighter and a great man but has now started drinking and has “gone bad,” as many characters remark. Tired of the war and attached to his horses, Pablo is ready to betray the Republican cause at the start of the novel.



“Two roads diverged in a yellow woods”is the first line in a poem written by Robert Frost entitled __________.A.The Road Not TakenB.Mending WallC.Two Yellow RoadsD.After Apple Picking答案:A您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.02.第2题among the following three american writers, only one has never been married in his or her life. the person is ___.A. Edgar Ellan PoeB.Herman MelvilleC.Emily Dickinson答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.03.第3题Benjy is a central character in Faulkner's novel ---.A. As I Lay DyingB. A Rose For EmilyC.the sound and the fury答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.04.第4题Among the following authors, there is one sometimes referred to as the American Goldsmith. HeA.James Fenimore CooperB.Washington IrvingC.Daniel Webster答案:B您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.05.第5题The most famous sea story written by Jack London is _______.A.Martin EdenB.The Iron HeelC.The Sea WolfD.The Call of the Wild答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.06.第6题"Two roads diverged in a yellow woods" is a line in a poem written by ---.A.T. S. EliotB.Wallace StevensC.Robert Frost答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.07.第7题Billy Budd was a short novel written by the American novelist ---.A. Nathaniel HawthorneB.Herman MelvilleC.Walt Whitman答案:B您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.08.第8题robert frost once said that a poem should begin with delight and end in__________.A.pleasureB.uglinessC.deathD.wisdom答案:D您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.09.第9题Which of the following works best illustrates the Calvinistic view of original sin?A.Stowe’s Uncle Ton’s CabinB.James’s The Portrait of a Lady.C.Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms ?D.Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter.答案:D您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.010.第10题________ was the first writer of local color to achieve wide popularity.A.Mark TwainB.Harriet StoweC.Bret HarteD.Henry James答案:C您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.011.第11题Emily Grierson, the protagonist in Faulkner’s story A Rose for Emily, can be regarded as a symbol for all the following qualities except______.A.old valuesB.rigid ideas of social statusC.bigotry and eccentricityD.harmony and integrity答案:D您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.012.第12题The School Room Poets did not include _____.A.LongfellowB.LowellC.HolmesD.Poe答案:D您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.013.第20题the sound and the fury is a novel written by __________.A.Stephen CraneB.Theodore DreiserC.MacbethD.William Faulkner答案:D您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.014.第21题the lines “to the glory that was greece, /and the grandeur that was rome”were quoted from poe’s poem __________.A.The RavenB.To HelenC.Annabel Lee答案:B您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.015.第28题The first American writer to win an international fame is ___.A. Henry JamesB.James Fenimore CooperC.Washington Irving答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.016.第29题A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court was written by _______.A.Henry JamesB.Mark TwainC.Jack LondonD.Theodore Dreiser答案:B您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.017.第30题Among the following novels, only one was not written by Herman Melville. It is _____________.A.The Confidence-ManB.The PIlotC.Moby Dick答案:B您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.018.第31题The Waste Land was dedicated to another poet who was __________.A.Ernest HemingwayB.Ezra PoundC.T. S. EliotD.William Carlos Williams答案:B您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.019.第32题Of Mice and Men is a novel written by ---.A. John SteinbeckB.Sherwood AndersonC.Sinklair Lewis答案:A您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.020.第33题Among the following authors the one who received 4 pulitzer prizes was ---.A.Robert FrostB.Jack LondonC.Mark Twain答案:A您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.021.第34题Among the following novels, only one is not written by William Faulkner. It is _____________.A.Light in AugustsB.As I Lay DyingC.The Golden BowlD.Go Down, Moses答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.022.第35题Jack London did not write ______.A.The Sea WolfB.The Call of the WildC.The AmbassadorsD.White Fang答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.023.第36题____ was considered to be the first American writer.A.Washington IrvingB.Benjamin FranklinC.John SmithD.Hoffman答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.024.第37题"The American Scholar" is an essay written by the famous philosopher ---.A.Thomas CarlyleB.William JamesC. Ralph Waldo Emerson答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.025.第38题Twice-told Tales is a collection of stories written by ___.A.Nathaniel HowthorneB.Edgar Ellan PoeC.Washington Irving答案:A您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.026.第39题Among the following fictions written by John Steinbeck, only one is about the Second World War. It is ______________.A. “The Snake”B. The Grapes of WrathC. “The Moon Is Down”D.“The Pearl”答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.027.第40题In terms of subject matter, “The Turn of the Screw”is a ___.A.ghost storyB.science fictionC.romantic tale答案:A您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.028.第48题The first American writer who propounded that a piece of literary work should focus on the production of a single emotional effect is ___.A. Nathaniel HawthorneB.Herman MelvilleC.Edgar Ellan Poe答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.029.第49题"Lost Generation" is a term first coined by ---.A.Ernest HemingwayB.FitzgeraldC. Gertrude Stein答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.030.第50题The Iceberg style is most thoroughly reflected in the writings of the American novelist _____________.A.Jack LondonB.Ernest HemingwayC.Mark Twain答案:B您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.031.第51题The salesman whom Sister Carrie met with on her way to Chicago was named _____________.A.Charles DrouetB.HurstwoodC.Stephen CraneD.Frank Norris答案:A您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.032.第52题Among the following 3 poets the one who was once imprisoned for political reasons is ---.A.Carl SandburgB.Edwin Arlington RobinsonC.Ezra Pound答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.033.第53题In Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter, the central character Hester Prynne had a secret affair with _____________.A.ChillingworthB.PearlC.DimmesdaleD.Hester Prynne答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.034.第54题The arbiter of nineteen-century literary realism in America was ______.A.Mark TwainB.Henry JamesC.O’HenryD.William Dean Howells答案:D您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.035.第55题After the success of ____, Herman Melville became known as a man who lived among cannibals.A.TypeeB.White JacketC.OmooD.Moby Dick答案:A您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.036.第56题The most quoted among Franklin’s writings could be ___, an annual collection of proverbs.A.The AutobiographyB.Poor Richard’s AlmanacC.SpectatorD.. Nature答案:B您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.037.第57题The writer who once said that all american literature came from Mark Twain’s Huck Finn is ___.A.William FaulknerB.Stephen CraneC.Ernest HemingwayD.Chairman答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.038.第58题Pound’s poem “the river-merchant’s wife”was translated from a poem by the chinese poet __________.A.李白B.杜甫C.白居易D.王安石答案:A您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.039.第59题in 1836, a small book was published in the united states and has hence been called the manifestoof the american transcendentalism. its author was ___.A. Henry David ThoreauB. Walt WhitmanC.Ralph Waldo Emerson答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.040.第60题The leader of the American Transcendentalism is _________.A.Henry David ThoreauB.Ralph Waldo EmersonC.Henry James答案:B您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.041.第13题Henry James’s greatest influence was exerted not on his own age but on the one that followed. 答案:正确您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.042.第14题Emerson’s prose style was sometimes as highly individualistic as his dramas.答案:错误您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.043.第15题Hawthorne, who seemed to be haunted by his sense of sin and veil, never showed a positive part of the life.答案:错误您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.044.第16题Poe was a predecessor of the later British detective writer Conan Doyle.答案:正确您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.045.第17题Stream of Consciousness is a minor technique that William Faulkner employed in his novels.答案:错误您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.046.第18题Henry David Thoreau once built a cabin beside the lake of Walden on the land of his neighbor Ralph Waldo Emerson.答案:正确您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.047.第19题The detective created by Poe was named Dubin.答案:正确您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.048.第22题The foundation of American national literature was laid by the early American romanticists. 答案:正确您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.049.第23题Puritan influence over American Romanticism was conspicuously noticeable.答案:正确您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.050.第24题"Tell me not, in mournful numbers" is a line in Longfellow's poem "A Psalm of Life".答案:正确您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.051.第25题“The Premature Burial”is a detective story written by Poe.答案:错误您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.052.第26题Hemingway's novel For Whom the Bell Tolls was about the Spanish Civil War.答案:正确您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.053.第27题The House of the Seven Gables is a novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne based on his experience in the Brook Farm.答案:错误您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.054.第41题The Second World War led the American intellectuals to a bitter disillusionment, breeding what is called modernism.答案:错误您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.055.第42题thoreau was an active transcendentalist who was an escapist or a recluse detached from the life of his day.答案:错误您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.056.第43题"Declaration of Independence" was drafted by Benjamin Franklin alone. 答案:错误您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.057.第44题Many of Poe’s Gothic tales bear the theme of claustrophobia.答案:正确您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.058.第45题"A Rose for Emily" is a Gothic short story written by William Faulkner. 答案:正确您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.059.第46题"In a Station of the Metro" is a short poem written by Ezra Pound.答案:正确您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.060.第47题The first American poet to be translated into Chinese is Walt Whitman. 答案:错误您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.0作业总得分:97.0作业总批注:。



Unit10Americanliterature(最新版)-Word文档,下载后可任意编辑和处理-Unit 10 Americanliterature具体内容1. There was an electric bell thatdid not work, …work:to be active in a proper wayto make a person or a machine workto produce an effecteg.You need to find which method worksbest for you.The clock doesn’t work today.The color doesn’t work for me.2. Della finished crying andattended to her cheeks with the powder rag.Attend to sb. /sth.:give help to or direct one’sefforts and interest toeg.You’d better attend to that thingirl; she’s going to faint.I have argument matter to attendto.3. Expenses had been greater thanshe had calculated. Expense:cost esp. of money but also time oreffortAt a great/little/no expenseAt one’s expenseAt the expense ofeg.I bought a car at little expense.He tried to be clever at myexpense.He finished the job at the expenseof his health.4. There were two possessions ofthe James Dillingham Youngs in which they both took great pride.Take pride in:eg.She took great pride in her braveson.5. It was worthy of the watch.Worth:be worthWorthy:be worthy ofWorthwhile:adj. worth doingeg.The person who doesn’t help othersis not worth helping.He is worthy of dislike.The boss gave me a worthwhile job.【典型例题】[例1] I didn’t ______ the _____ seriousness of the country’s problemsuntil I went there myself.A. realize; trueB. recognize; realC. realize; realD. recognize; true答案:A解析:前项所缺的词,同意为“意识到”,后项所缺的词,同意为真正的严重性,true意为“真正的”,“与事实一致”的。



Brief Outline of American literature
7. The 1930s John Steinbeck Harlem Renaissance (Black American literature) Hughes Wright Ellison 8. American Drama Eugene O’Neill
1. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) (1) Works
• The Autobiography • Poor Richard’s Almanack
(2) Life
He was born into a poor candle-maker’s family. He had very little education. He learned in school only for two years, but he was a voracious reader. At 12, he was apprenticed to his elder halfbrother, a printer. At 16, he began to publish essays under the pseudonym “Silence Do good” . At 17, he ran away to Philadelphia to make his own fortune. He set himself up as an independent printer and publisher. In 1727 he founded the Junto club.
Unit 5 American Literature
Introduction Brief Outline of American Literature Part I Colonial Period Part II Revolutionary Period
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秋华师作业美国文学文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]美国文学作业选择:1.The scarlet letter “A” in the novel The Scarlet Letter at first stands for _____________. B.adultery2.Among the following stories written by Poe, only one belongs to the category of the detective story. It is ___.A.The Purloined Letter3.The famous pamphlet Common Sense appearing in 1776 was written by _____________. B.Thomas Paine4.the sound and the fury is a novel written by __________.D.William Faulkner5.The Wasteland is a long modern poem written by ---. C. T. S. Eliot6.the lines “to the glory that was greece, /and the grandeur that was rome” were quoted from poe’s poem __________. B.To Helen7.Among the following titles, only one is not among the Leather-Stoking Tales series. It is______.D.Moby Dick8.“I become a transparent eye-ball. i am nothing. i see all. the currents of the universal being circulate through me; i am part orparticle of god.” the passage above is quoted from emerson’sessay __________. B.Nature9.The short poem “The Red Wheelbarrow” was written by _________.B.William Carlos Williams10.The Author of the short story "A Gift for Maggie" is ---. A.O. Henry11.“by nature’s self in white arrayed\ she bade thee shun thevulgar eye,\ and planted here the guarding shade,\ and sent softwaters murmuring by; \ thus quietly thy summer goes,\ thy daysdeclining to repose.” the rhyme scheme of the lines above is______________. B.ababcc12.In Poe’s tale “The Fall of the House of Usher”, the majorfemale character Madeline is the titular hero Usher’s _____________.D.sister13.Of Mice and Men is a novel written by ---. A. JohnSteinbeck14.The central character’s name in James Fenimore Cooper’s novelseries The Leatherstocking Tales is ______________. B.Natty Bumpo 15.Puritans emphasized a ____God. B.wrathful16. In 1881, Henry James published his novel____, which isgenerally considered as his masterpiece.D.ThePortrait of a Lady17._______, the ruthless, amoral protagonist of the The Sea Wolf,best realizes the ideal of the “Superman.”B.Wolf Larsen18.___ is not a name to refer to Natty Bumppo in Cooper’s frontier saga. D.Mohican19.The School Room Poets did not include _____. D.Poe 20.According to Mathew Arnold, one poem written by William Cullen Bryant was the “most perfect brief poem in the language”. Thetitle of the poem is __________. B.“To a Waterfowl”21.“Civil Disobedience” is a famous essay written by ___________.B.Henry David Thoreau22.The first American writer to win an international fame is ___.C.Washington Irving23.A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court was written by_______. B.Mark Twain24.Among the following writers, only one does not belong to the naturalistic school. He is___. A.Henry James25.The American writer whose one essay greatly influenced latercivil right leader Martin Luther King is ___.C.Henry David Thoreau26.“all sappy as maples and flat as the prairie” is a comment made by james russell lowell on the female characters in novels written by______. B.James Fenimore Cooper27.Among the following short stories, only one is not written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is _________.D.the pit and the pendulum28.Among the following works written by T. S. Eliot, only one is not a poem. It is ___.D.Murder in the Cathedral29.Billy Budd was a short novel written by the American novelist ---. B.Herman Melville30.Martin Eden was an autobiographical novel written by ---. B.Jack London31.In Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter, the central character Hester Prynne had a secret affair with _____________.C.Dimmesdale32.Sister Carrie is a noel written by ___. A.Theodore Dreiser 33.robert frost once said that a poem should begin with delight and end in__________. D.wisdom34.Ernest Hemingway's Last important literary work is ---. A.the old man and the sea35.among the following three american writers, only one has never been married in his or her life. the person is ___. C.Emily Dickinson36. Among the following fictions, only one is not written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is ___________.D.The Fall of the House of Usher37.___ wrote Rights of Man in 1792 to suggest the overthrow of the British monarchy. A.Thomas Paine38.Hawthorne’s ____ deals with the effects of a curse. B.The House of Seven Gables39.The sentence “whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist” is quoted from Emerson’s essay _________. C.Self-Reliance40. Among the following authors, only one has been called the American Scott. He is _______.B.James Fenimore Cooper41.William Sidney Porter was the real name of ________. B.O’Henry42.Emily Grierson, the protagonist in Faulkner’s story A Rose forEmily, can be regarded as a symbol for all the following qualitiesexcept______. D.harmony and integrity43.Which of the following works best illustrates the Calvinisticview of original sin?D.Hawthorne’s TheScarlet Letter.44.“Two roads diverged in a yellow woods” is the first line in apoem written by Robert Frost entitled __________. A.The RoadNot Taken45.The novel Sister Carrie opens with a description of Carrie on atrain trip to the city of _______ looking for a factory job.D.Chicago1.According to Mathew Arnold, one poem written by William CullenBryant was the “most perfect brief poem in the language”. Thetitle of the poem is __________. B.“To a Waterfowl”2."The American Scholar" is an essay written by the famousphilosopher ---. C. Ralph Waldo Emerson3.Among the following, only one can not be a possible theme of thenovel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. It is _________.D.spiritual emptiness4.Among the following 3 authors the one who later became anaturalized British citizen was ---. C.Henry James5.Ernest Hemingway's Last important literary work is ---.A.the old man and the sea6.The leader of the American Transcendentalism is _________.B.Ralph Waldo Emerson7.The “green light” in The Great Gatsby symbolizes __________.D.the American dream8.the lines “to the glory that was greece, /and the grandeurthat was rome” were quoted from poe’s poem __________. B.To Helen9.The short novel The Turn of the Screw was written by ________.A.Henry James10.The Author of the short story "A Gift for Maggie" is ---. A. O. Henry11.Henry David Thoreau built his cabin beside the lake of Walden in the year ___. B.184512.The first American writer who propounded that a piece ofliterary work should focus on the production of a single emotional effect is ___. C.Edgar Ellan Poe13.Among the following 3 poets the one who was once imprisoned for political reasons is ---. C.Ezra Pound14.Among the following authors the one who once visited China was ---. C.Ernest Hemingway15.Emily Grierson, the protagonist in Faulkner’s story A Rose for Emily, can be regarded as a symbol for all the following qualities except______. D.harmony and integrity16.william faulkner once declared that ___ was the first truly american writer from whom we are descended.D.Mark Twain17.____ was considered to be the first American writer.C.John Smith18.William Sidney Porter was the real name of ________. B.O’Henry19.The poem “The Indian Burying Ground” was written by the American poet ---. C.Philip Freneau20.___ is not written by Ralph Waldo Emerson. D. The Bells 21.__was the only American of his generation who could chide the British with humor. B.Washington Irving22.Among the following philosophers, only one did not have an influence over the writings of Jack London. He is________.D.Foucault23.The Waste Land was dedicated to another poet who was __________.B.Ezra Pound24. Among the four novels written by Henry James, the one writtenfirst in chronological order is _________.A.The Portrait of a Lady25.The most popular novel to do with the abolition movement writtenby Harriet Beecher Stowe is ________.B.Uncle Tom’s Cabin26.The most famous sea story written by Jack London is _______.C.The Sea Wolf27.the village near boston in which both emerson and thoreau lived was called _________. B.Concord28.Martin Eden was an autobiographical novel written by ---.B.Jack London29.The writer who once said that all american literature came from Mark Twain’s Huck Finn is ___.C.Ernest Hemingway30.“The Black Cat” written by Poe is a _________. A.gothicStory31.Benjy is a central character in Faulkner's novel ---. C.the sound and the fury32.Among the following fictions written by John Steinbeck, only one is about the Second World War. It is ______________. C. “The Moon Is Down”33.among the following three american writers, only one has never been married in his or her life. the person is ___. C.Emily Dickinson34.The famous pamphlet Common Sense appearing in 1776 was written by __________. B.Thomas Paine35. Among the following fictions, only one is not written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is ___________.36.“Ishmale” is the name of the narrator in the novel ___. A. Moby Dick37.The American writer whose one essay greatly influenced latercivil right leader Martin Luther King is ___.C.Henry David Thoreau38.“I become a transparent eye-ball. i am nothing. i see all. the currents of the universal being circulate through me; i am part or particle of god.” the passage above is quoted from emerson’s essay _____. B.Nature39.The Iceberg style is most thoroughly reflected in the writingsof the American novelist ____.B.Ernest Hemingway40.____ Bryant’s best-known poem, was written when he was only sixteen years old. B.Thanatopsis41.After the success of ____, Herman Melville became known as a man who lived among cannibals. A.Typee42.Jack London did not write ______. C.The Ambassadors43.. the jazz age, characterized by frivolity and carelessness, refers to ________. B.1920s44._______, the ruthless, amoral protagonist of the The Sea Wolf, best realizes the ideal of the “Superman.”B.Wolf Larsen45.___ is not a name to refer to Natty Bumppo in Cooper’s frontier saga. D.Mohican判断:46. american naturalism, like romanticism, had come from germany. 答案:错误47.Puritan influence over American Romanticism was conspicuously noticeable. 答案:正确48.Cooper’s claim to greatness in American literature lies in the fact that he created a myth about the formative period of the American nation. 答案:正确49.The 19th century female poet Emily Dickinson was a forerunner of the modern Imagist poetry. 答案:正确50.The short story writer O.Henry was once put into prison because he was a Nazi. 答案:错误51.Though Emily Dickinson married twice in her life, love had never been a major theme in her poetry.答案:错误52."In a Station of the Metro" is a short poem written by Ezra Pound. 答案:正确53.Henry David Thoreau once built a cabin beside the lake of Walden on the land of his neighbor Ralph Waldo Emerson. 答案:正确46. emerson always applied the term transcendentalist to himself or to his beliefs, for he was the acknowledged leader of the movement. 答案:错误47.The famous philosopher Williams James was the novelist Henry James' brother. 答案:正确48.Puritan influence over American Romanticism was conspicuously noticeable. 答案:正确49. The Second World War led the American intellectuals to a bitter disillusionment, breeding what is called modernism. 答案:错误50.The foundation of American national literature was laid by the early American romanticists. 答案:正确51.Cooper’s claim to greatness in American literature lies in the fact that he created a myth about the formative period of the American nation. 答案:正确52. Hawthorne, who seemed to be haunted by his sense of sin and veil, never showed a positive part of the life.答案:错误53.“The Premature Burial” is a detective story written by Poe. 答案:错误填空:54.The iceberg style refers to the writing style of the American writer __________. 答案:Ernest Hemingway55.Isabel Archer is the heroine of the novel ___, Henry James’s masterpiece. 答案:The Portrait of a Lady56.Ezra pound’s major work of poetry is a long poem called ____. 答案:The Cantos57.the title of the novel the sound and the fury comes from aplay written by ____.答案:William Shakespeare58.The first edition of Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass was published in the year______. 答案:185559.The short novel The Mysterious Stranger was written by__________. 答案:Mark Twain60.“The Young Housewife” is a poem written by __________. 答案:William Carlos Williams61.The poet who won Nobel Prize in 1948 was _________. 答案: T. S. Eliot62.The novelist Henry James had a brother who was famous for his study in psychology. The brother’s name is _______. 答案:William James63.The poem “The Slave’s Dream” was written by ___________. 答案:Henry Wadsworth Longfellow64.One of Edwin Arlington Robinson’s early books, Captain Craig, came to the attention of president _____, who then offered him a clerk’s job in a customhouse. 答案:Theodore Roosevelt65.Sister Carrie traces the material rise of carrie meeber and the tragic decline of _____.答案:G. W. Hurstwood66.in the 1920s, faulkner wrote a novel the first part of which was narrated from the view point of an idiot. the novel is _________. 答案:the sound and the fury67.The American author who was a direct predecessor of Conan Doyle was _________.答案:Edgar Allan Poe68.Ezra Pound’s most famous short poem “In the Station of the Metro” has only ______ lines. 答案:two54.The first permanent English settlement in North was establishedat ____ , Virginia. 答案:Jamestown55. _____ is the novel into which Jack London put most of himself. 答案:Martin Eden56.The iceberg style refers to the writing style of the American writer __________. 答案:Ernest Hemingway57.According to the Chinese scholar 钱钟书, the first English poemto be translated into Chinese was _____________. 答案:A Psalm of Life58."Out of the Cradle, Endlessly Rocking” is a poem written by__________. 答案:Walt Whitman59.The novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne that bears a direct allusion to the notorious Salem witchcraft trials is________________. 答案:The House of the Seven Gables60.The first line in the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” is _________.答案:Whose woods these areI think I know61. After his publication of ____, Whitman was praised by Emerson,who saw some transcendentalist trace in the poet. 答案:Leaves ofGrass62. At the inauguration of John F. Kennedy, ____ was invited toread his poetry when he was eighty-seven.答案:Robert Frost63. The novelist Henry James had a brother who was famous for hisstudy in psychology. The brother’s name is _______. 答案:WilliamJames64.“he was a gentleman from sole to crown,/ clean favored, and imperially slim” are lines quoted from edwin arlington robinson’spoem _______. 答案:Richard Cory65.The American writer who won Nobel Prize for literature in 1962was _______. 答案:Ernest Hemingway66.In Dickinson’s poem “Because I could not stop for Death”, the image of the “School” in the third stanza stands for _____________. 答案:youth67.The second line in Pound’s poem “In a Station of the Metro”is _____.答案:Petals on a wet, black bough.68.The famous poem “The British Prison Ship” was written by_______________.答案:Philip Freneau阅读理解题第69题 during the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, i had been passing alone, on horseback, through asingularly dreary tract of country; and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy house of usher. i know not how it was --but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit. 1.what is the title of the work from which this passage is taken 答案 The Fall of the House of Usher2.Who was the author? 答案 Edgar Allan Poe3 What is the author's writing style as indicated by this passage?答案 All the words should work for a single aim of effect. 第70题i celebrate myself, and sing myself,and what i assume you shall assume, The Fall of the House of Usher for every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.i loafe and invite my soul,i lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.my tongue, every atom of my blood, form'd from this soil, this air, born here of parents born here from parents the same, and their parents the same,i, now thirty-seven years old in perfect health begin,hoping to cease not till death.AR3.3 (2.0) 分 who is the poet who wrote these lines Walt Whitman2.AR3.3 (2.0) 分 what is the title of the poem from which the quoted lines are taken? Song of Myself3.AR3.3 (2.0) 分 What’s the poet’s style as these lines manifest? free and passionate第71题 (6.0) 分When Caroline Meeber boarded the afternoon train for chicago, her total outfit consisted of a small trunk, a cheap imitationalligator-skin satchel, a small lunch in a paper box, and a yellow leather snap purse, containing her ticket, a scrap of paper with her sister's address in van buren street, and four dollars in money. it was in august, 1889. she was eighteen years of age, bright, timid, and full of the illusions of ignorance and youth. caroline, or sister carrie, as she had been half affectionately termed by the family, was possessed of a mind rudimentary in its power of observation and analysis. self-interest with her was high, but not strong. it was, nevertheless, her guiding characteristic. warm with the fancies of youth, pretty with the insipid prettiness of the formative period, possessed of a figure promising eventual shapeliness and an eye alight with certain native intelligence, she was a fairexample of the middle american class—two generations removed from the emigrant.1.AR4.1 (2.0) 分 who was the author of the work from which the words are taken Theodore Dreiser2.AR4.1 (2.0) 分what is the title of the story from which the words are taken Sister Carrie3.AR4.1 (1.0) 分 What is the meaning of the underlined word “sister?” a way to address a girl4.AR4.1 (1.0) 分 What does this quoted passage indicate Sister Carrie was a country girl full of dreams for life.第72题 (6.0) 分isabel archer was a young person of many theories; her imagination was remarkably active. it had been her fortune to possess a finer mind than most of the persons among whom her lot was cast; to have a larger perception of surrounding facts and to care for knowledge that was tinged with the unfamiliar. it is true that among her contemporaries she passed for a young woman of extraordinary profundity; for these excellent people never withheld their admiration from a reach of intellect of which they themselves were not conscious, and spoke of isabel as a prodigy of learning, a creature reported to have read the classic authors--in translations. her paternal aunt, mrs. varian, once spread the rumor that isabelwas writing a book--mrs. varian having a reverence for books, and averred that the girl would distinguish herself in print. mrs. varian thought highly of literature, for which she entertained that esteem that is connected with a sense of privation.1.AR4.2 (2.0) 分 who was the author of the work from which the words are taken Henry James2.AR4.2 (2.0) 分 what is the title of the story from which the words are taken The Portrait of a Lady3. What does this quoted passage indicateIsabel Archer was a talented woman ignorant of social vices.第73题 (6.0) 分hester prynne’s term of confinement was now at an end. her prison–door was thrown open, and she came forth into the sunshine, which, falling on all alike, seemed, to her sick and morbid heart, as if meant for no other purpose than to reveal the scarlet letter on her breast. perhaps there was a more real torture in her first unattended footsteps from the threshold of the prison than even in the procession and spectacle that have been described, where she was made the common infamy, at which all mankind was summoned to point its finger. then, she was supported by an unnatural tension of the nerves, and by all the combative energy of her character, which enabled her to convert the scene into a kind of lurid triumph. itwas, moreover, a separate and insulated event, to occur but once in her lifetime, and to meet which, therefore, reckless of economy, she might call up the vital strength that would have sufficed for many quiet years. the very law that condemned her—a giant of stem featured but with vigor to support, as well as to annihilate, in his iron arm—had held her up through the terrible ordeal of her ignominy. but now, with this unattended walk from her prison door, began the daily custom; and she must either sustain and carry it forward by the ordinary resources of her nature, or sink beneath it.1.AR3.1 (2.0) 分 Who wrote the passage quoted here? Nathniel Hawthorne2.AR3.1 (2.0) 分 what is the title of the story from which the quoted passage is taken? The Scarlet Letter3.AR3.1 (2.0) 分 What is the theme of the storysinning and redemption作业1.第1题Puritans emphasized a ____God.A.mercifulB.wrathfulC.benevolentD.learned答案:B标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.02.第2题After the success of ____, Herman Melville became known as a man who lived among cannibals.A.TypeeB.White JacketC.OmooD.Moby Dick答案:A标准答案:A您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.03.第3题_______ does not belong to the school of naturalism in history.A.Stephen CraneB.Frank NorrisC.Jack LondonD.Walt Whitman答案:D标准答案:D您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.04.第4题The best of Cooper’s sea romances was ____.A.The prairieB.The PilotC.The PoineersD.the pathfinder答案:B标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.05.第5题______ is not a character in the novel The Scarlet Letter.A.Arthur DimmesdaleB.Roger ChillingworthC.Goodman BrownD.Pearl答案:C标准答案:C您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.06.第6题“Civil Disobedience” is a famous essay written by ___________.A.Ralph Waldo EmersonB.Henry David ThoreauC.E. B. White答案:B标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.07.第7题Poe invented the detective story, however he was also a first rate poet, and his most important poem is ___.A.The RavenB.The Fall of the House of ArthurC.To Hellen答案:A标准答案:A您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.08.第8题“Two roads diverged in a yellow woods” is the first line in a poem written by Robert Frost entitled __________.A.The Road Not TakenB.Mending WallC.Two Yellow RoadsD.After Apple Picking答案:A标准答案:A您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.09.第9题Among the following stories written by Poe, only one belongs to the category of the detective story. It is ___.A.The Purloined LetterB. LigeiaC.The Tell-tale Heart答案:A标准答案:A您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.010.第10题Tales of a Traveller was written by the American author__________.A.James Fenimore CooperB.Washington IrvingC.Nathaniel Hawthorne答案:B标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.011.第11题Among the following fictions, only one is not written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is ___________.A.The Scarlet LetterB.The Blithedale RomanceC.The Marble FaunD.The Fall of the House of Usher答案:D标准答案:D您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.012.第12题The first American writer to win an international fame is ___.A. Henry JamesB.James Fenimore CooperC.Washington Irving答案:C标准答案:C您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.013.第13题Among the following, only one is not a representative feature of O Henry’s short stories. It is _________.A. conversational openingB.improbable coincidenceC.Surprise endingD.multiple points of view答案:D标准答案:D您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.014.第14题The Wasteland is a long modern poem written by ---.A. Ezra PoundB. Sylvia PlathC. T. S. Eliot答案:C标准答案:C您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.015.第15题the lines “to the glory that was greece, /and the grandeur that was rome” were quoted from poe’s poem __________.A.The RavenB.To HelenC.Annabel Lee答案:B标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.016.第16题Among the following writers, only one does not belong to the naturalistic school. He is___.A.Henry JamesB.Stephen CraneC.Theodore Dreiser答案:A标准答案:A您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.017.第17题The Iceberg style is most thoroughly reflected in the writings of the American novelist _____________.A.Jack LondonB.Ernest HemingwayC.Mark Twain答案:B标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.018.第18题The Author of the short story "A Gift for Maggie" is ---.A. O. HenryB. Mark TwainC.Jack London答案:A标准答案:A您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.019.第19题Of Mice and Men is a novel written by ---.A. John SteinbeckB.Sherwood AndersonC.Sinklair Lewis答案:A标准答案:A您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.020.第20题the village near boston in which both emerson and thoreau lived was called _________.A.BostonB.ConcordC.Jamestown答案:B标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.021.第21题In Poe’s tale “The Fall of the House of Usher”, the major female character Madeline is the titular hero Usher’s _____________.A.wifeernessC.cousinD.sister答案:D标准答案:D您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.022.第35题The arbiter of nineteen-century literary realism in America was ______.A.Mark TwainB.Henry JamesC.O’HenryD.William Dean Howells答案:D标准答案:D您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.023.第36题The Fall of the House of Usher was a horror story by ______.A.Nathaniel HawthorneB.Edgar Allan PoeC.MelvilleD.Longfellow答案:B标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.024.第46题Which of the following works best illustrates the Calvinistic view of original sin?A.Stowe’s Uncle Ton’s CabinB.James’s The Portrait of a Lady.C.Hemingway’s A Farewell to ArmsD.Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter.答案:D标准答案:D您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.025.第47题when we say that a poor young man from the west tried to make his fortune in the east but was disillusioned in the quest of anidealized dream, we are probably discussing about ______’s thematic concern in his fiction writing.A.Henry JamesB.Scott FitzgeraldC.HemingwayD.William Faulkner答案:B标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.026.第48题_____was the only American of his generation who could chide the British with humor.A.CooperB.Washington IrvingC.ThoreauD.Edgar Allan Poe答案:B标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.027.第49题________ was the first writer of local color to achieve wide popularity.A.Mark TwainB.Harriet StoweC.Bret HarteD.Henry James答案:C标准答案:C您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.028.第50题William Sidney Porter was the real name of ________.A.Mark TwainB.O’ HenryC.Jack LondonD.William Dean Howells答案:B标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.029.第51题_______, the ruthless, amoral protagonist of the The Sea Wolf, best realizes the ideal of the “Superman.”A.HurstwoodB.Wolf LarsenC.PrufrockD.Santiago答案:B标准答案:B您的答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.030.第52题The School Room Poets did not include _____.A.LongfellowB.LowellC.HolmesD.Poe答案:D标准答案:D。
