天龙DENON AVR-1601 1681AV环绕接收机服务手册
YAV 8AD-16高精度采集卡技术手册V17

YAV 8AD-16高精度采集卡技术手册V1701武汉亚为电子科技有限公司YAV 6542注意序号版本号编写人编写日期支持对象应用时间特别说明1 1.0 郑先科2014.10 YAV 8AD-16采集卡2 2.0 郑先科2015.01 YAV 8AD-16采集卡3 3.0 郑先科2017.01 YAV 8AD-16采集卡目录功能概述 (5)技术指标 (5)1.模拟信号输入 (5)2.通信总线 ......................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.温度条件 ......................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
硬件特点 (6)原理框图 (6)端子信息 (7)1.端子排列 (7)2.端子描述 (8)电气参数 (9)通信 (9)采集卡指示灯 (9)机械规格 (9)模拟量输入功能 (11)模拟量输入 (11)输入采样原理 (11)输入接线 (11)采样值计算 (12)1.无符号整型 (12)2.ADC数据类型 (12)3.模拟量值 (13)通信协议 (14)MODBUS-RTU通信协议 (14)应用实例 (17)采集卡连接 (17)发现硬件 (18)软件功能 (18)软件应用 (18)bVIEW (18)2.MODBUS RTU通信 (19)3.组态及PLC (19)注意事项及故障排除 (22)注意事项 (22)1.存储说明 (22)2.出货清单 (22)3.质保及售后 (22)4.特别说明 (22)故障排除 (23)1.无法正常采集数据 (23)2.VI文件打不开 (23)3.多卡不识别 (24)4.不显示波形 (24)5.采集速度不够 (24)6.软件弹出错误 (24)性能测试 (25)安全规范 (25)耐电压范围测试 (25)环境适应性测试 (26)文档权利及免责声明 (27)联系方式 (28)V智能体验 (29)功能概述模块有12路16位AI,电源电压为12V。
3B S CIENTIFIC 宽带大音频器说明书

3B SCIENTIFIC ® PHYSICS1Istruzioni per l'uso09/15 ALFL'altoparlante a banda larga può produrre volumi estremi. Non dimenticare che una pressione sonora alta non solo affatica rapidamente l'udito, ma può anche danneggiarlo in modo permanente.∙ Badare sempre che il volume sia adeguato. L'altoparlante a banda larga serve da sorgente sonora per esperimenti acustici nel range di frequenza da 60 Hz a 23 Hz.L'apparecchio è un altoparlante a 2 vie con un altoparlante per toni bassi da 5½“ e un altoparlante per toni alti da ½“. Esso si contraddistingue per un range di frequenza completamente costante tra 60 Hz e 23 kHz. L'altoparlante è dotato di un circuitodi protezione da sovraccarico con funzione di reset automatico per la protezione dell'altoparlante per toni alti.Range di frequenza: 60 Hz … 23 kHz (-10 dB) Capacità di carico:100 W (secondo IEC 268-5)Impedenza: 4 Ω Altoparlante per toni alti: ½" Ø Altoparlante per toni bassi: 5 ½" Ø Frequenza di crossover: 5000 Hz Collegamenti: Spina di sicurezza da 4 mm Dimensioni: 225 x 150 x 142 mm 3Massa: ca. 1,8 kg 1 Generatore sinusoidale 1001038 1 Trasformatore @230 V 1000866 oppure1 Trasformatore @115 V10008653B Scientific GmbH ▪ Rudorffweg 8 ▪ 21031 Amburgo ▪ Germania ▪ Con riserva di modifiche tecniche © Copyright 2015 3B Scientific GmbH∙Non collegare l'altoparlante a una sorgente di tensione continua.Una superficie, che può vibrare leggermente, è inadatta all'altoparlante.∙ Posizionare l'altoparlante fondamentalmentesoltanto su superfici piane, fisse.∙ Non usare questo dispositivo vicinoall'acqua.∙ Badare che attraverso le aperture nell'internodell'alloggiamento non possa giungere nessun oggetto o liquido.∙ Non bloccare alcuna fessura di ventilazione.∙ Collegare l'altoparlante per toni bassi algeneratore sinusoidale.∙ Impostare tutti i regolatori del generatoresinusoidale su zero (battuta a sinistra).∙ Collegare il generatore sinusoidale alla retetramite il trasformatore.∙ Impostare i valori desiderati (frequenza,ampiezza) sul generatore sinusoidale.In caso di funzionamento prolungato nell'intervallo del massimo assorbimento di potenza, il circuito di protezione dell'altoparlante per toni alti può essere spento provvisoriamente. In questo caso non si presentano danneggiamenti.∙ Ridurre l'ampiezza, perché l'altoparlante pertoni alti si inserisca autonomamente.L'assistenza tecnica è necessaria nel caso in cui l'unità sia danneggiata, rovesciamento di liquidi od oggetti caduti nell'apparecchio, esposizione alla pioggia o all'umidità, anomalie di funzionamento o cadute dell'apparecchio.∙ Per l'assistenza tecnica rivolgersi apersonale qualificato.∙Pulire solo con uno strofinaccio asciutto.∙ Smaltire l'imballo presso i centri di raccolta e riciclaggio locali. ∙Non gettare l'apparecchio nei rifiuti domestici. Perlo smaltimento delle appare- cchiature elettriche, rispet- tare le disposizioni vigenti a livello locale.∙Non gettare le batterie esaurite nei rifiuti domestici. Rispettare le disposizioni legali locali (D: BattG; EU: 2006/66/EG).。
Denon 音频系统设置指南说明书

Getting St arted MMS SetupSwitch SwitchWired ConnectionsMake the connections as follows:1. Connect the MMS and eSeries amplifier to the home network via anetwork switch.NOTE: The switch should be connected to a modem/router for internetaccess.2. Connect the amplifier to the speakers.3. Connect other music sources, such as a CD player to the amplifier.NOTE: A benefit of connecting these sources to the amplifier is that theybecome available anywhere on the network.4. Connect a MAC or PC to the network switch for web and networkconfiguration.5. Supply power to the system components.WiFi Connected SystemA 1e streamer and 120e amplifier can be paired as a wireless system.This combination allows music to be played in a zone that cannot have awired connection.Make the connections as follows:1. Connect the MMS 1e via an ethernet cable to the 120e amplifier.NOTE: The 1e/120e must have internet access via a modem/routerconnection.OR1. Connect the 1e to any amplifier via the digital coax or left and rightanalog inputs.2. Congifure the 1e for wireless mode. See “Configuration” below formore information.NOTE: Ensure power is supplied to the 1e.ConfigurationAll streamers and amps are defaulted to DHCP for easy initial setup.IMPORTANT: See the Autonomic eSeries product manual for in-depthnetwork setup information.OvrCAll eSeries products are OvrC enabled.1. Log in to OvrC, go to the customer location, and claim all devices.2. Enter each device interface and ensure the latest firmware is installed.3. After completing any necessary updates, go to the “System Tab” andname all streamers and amplifiers in the system.NOTE: The default system ID will be “1” for all components. Onlychange this value for components that need to be part of a separatesystem.4. Go to the amplifier section and name the source inputs and zones.25. Go to the “Content” tab to enter credentials for online streamingcontent, add network storage or sync computers.Web Configuration1. Open a web browser (IE or Chrome recommended) and enter theMMS Web Configuration URL:http://<Server-IP>/config where “<Server-IP>” is the IP address ofthe MMS. EX: To find the Server IP address, use any IP sniffer to find the IPaddress of each device on the network.2. Go to the “Firmware” tab to update the MMS to the latest OS.3. Go to the “System Tab” and click the server gear icon in the Systemtab to change the default name, then name all streamers andamplifiers in the system. The name can also be changed on the“Machine Tab” as well.NOTE: The default system ID will be “1” for all components. Onlychange this value for components that need to be part of a separatesystem.4. Go to the amplifier section on the “System Tab”, click the gear iconand name the source inputs and zones.NOTE:• The Output Format, Audio Connections (physical or eAudioCast),Volume and Rate (important for use with 3rd party amps and controlsystems) settings can also be adjusted here as well.• System functionality can be verified at this point by playing the sampletrack. Access the track by entering the streamer IP address in a computer,then click “Loaded Content” to play.5. Go to the “Content” tab to enter credentials for online streamingcontent, add network storage or sync computers.34©2006–2018 Autonomic Controls, Inc. Autonomic and TuneBridge are registered trademarks of Autonomic Controls, Inc. All othertrademarks are property of their respective owners. 180411Controlling PlaybackMMS iOS and Android ControlSupport for iPhone, iPad and Android devices available by downloadingthe Tunebridge app from the Apple App Store or Google Play store.。
ONKYO TX-NR1008 AV接收机 说明书

1. 阅读说明。
2. 保存好说明书。
3. 注意所有警告信息。
4. 按照说明进行操作。
5. 不要在靠近水的地方使用本设备。
6. 只能用干布清洁。
7. 不要挡住通风口,根据厂家的指示说明进行安
连接 AV 接收机 .......................................................................................13 连接扬声器................................................................... 13 关于 AV 连接................................................................ 17 将您的设备与 HDMI 连接.............................................. 18 连接您的设备 ............................................................... 19 连接 Onkyo V 设备..................................................... 20 安装天线 ...................................................................... 21 连接电源线................................................................... 21 我该使用哪一种连接方式?.......................................... 22
天龙 AVR-1611中文说明书


而很多资深的发烧友也借着这波次世代的浪潮升级了自己的功放.在几个功放厂商中,天龙以其合适的价格,强劲的功能和火爆的影院效果吸引了很多烧友. 然而天龙的说明书读起来相对晦涩,而设置菜单不但往往为英文,而且做得也不够人性化,以致于很多烧友在新机器到家以后摸索半天,也往往还不能发出美妙的声音。
记得把电视机也打开,在进行设置时,看电视机上的OSD 比看功放上的小屏幕要舒服多了。
这一步可以通过两种方式来做,一是自动设置(Auto Setup),二是手动设置(Manual Setup)。
某些初次使用功放的玩家可能不会信任自动设置功能,事实上这是一个相当强大的功能.天龙功放使用的自动设置功能来自于第三方的Audyssey公司.使用方法为将机器带的麦克风置于听音位置,机器发出测试音,然后对麦克风收到的声音进行分析计算后得出适合各声道音箱的设置.对于大多数没有声压计的烧友,笔者都建议至少跑一遍Auto Setup然后手动进行微调。
天龙DENON AVR-1610 中文说明书

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备注: ○:在该零部件的所有均质材料中的有毒有害物质的含量不超过在SJ/T11363-2006标准规定的限量要求 ×:在该零部件中至少一种均质材料中的有毒有害物质的含量超过在SJ/T11363-2006标准规定的限量要求(×判定:包括EU RoHS的豁免项目)
感谢您选购DENON产品。为确保正确操作,在使用本产品前请仔细阅读操作说明书。 阅读之后,请务必妥善保管以备将来参考。
AudysseyTM Auto Setup(Audyssey自动设置)(v第19页)
此标志是根据2006/2/28颁布的「电子信息产品污染控制管理办法」,以及「电子信息产 品污染控制标识要求」,适用于在中国销售的电子信息产品的环保使用期限。 在此产品相关的安全和使用上遵守注意事项,在从生产日期起计算的此年限内,产品中 的有害物质不会往外泄漏,或者引起突然变异而给环境污染,人体或财产带来重大影响。 另外,包装在一起的电池等消耗品的环保期限是技术寿命5年。 适当地使用完后废弃的情况,请协助遵守各自治体的电子信息产品回收·再利用相关的 法律·规定。
检查状态(Information(信息)) 便捷功能
...................... 43
菜单图 ................................................... 17 屏幕显示和前方显示屏的示例 ............................... 18 自动对所连接的扬声器进行最佳设定 (AudysseyTM Auto Setup(Audyssey自动设置)) ................. 19 进行详细设定(Manual Setup(手动设置)) ..................... 24 进行输入设定(Input Setup(输入设置)) ...................... 30
天龙DENON AVR-1705 1685 AV环绕接收机服务手册

(2) Playback the color-bar 75% of the Test Disc (Title 12) using the DVD Video Player, and check that Y and C levels of the S terminal output are within the specified output levels. If they are out of the specified levels, adjust with the variable resister inside of the unit.
(7) Adjust the Variable Resistors of other channels in the same way.
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准备拆开包装3概览4音质4设计4操作4特性与功能5充电7开启电源9关闭电源9连接方法蓝牙操作10配对10连接101 :首次连接112 :重新连接已配对的设备133 :重新连接NFC设备14同时连接多个蓝牙设备(多点功能)15操作调节音量16进行基本操作16使用有线连接听音乐17使用Envaya Mini进行免提通话操作18故障诊断提示20故障诊断22更改显示在蓝牙设备上的Envaya Mini设备名称27重新启动Envaya Mini28附录播放蓝牙设备29关于防飞溅功能的说明29商标信息30规格31索引33感谢您购买本产品。
使用Envaya Mini前请务必阅读本操作说明书。
拆开包装打开Envaya Mini的包装并检查是否包含以下项目。
概览音质0尽管Envaya Mini体积紧凑,通过使用磁路中的钕磁铁并利用无源辐射器中的独创环绕声形状,可产生强劲的播放声音。
0Envaya Mini兼容各种编码,包括高音质的aptX、AAC和SBC 编码。
Envaya Mini自动为您的蓝牙设备(智能手机或平板电脑)选择高级兼容编码,因此让您可以欣赏高级无线传输的声音。
设计0Envaya Mini采用纤细棒形设计,便于携带。
因此可以采取更多的使用方式,如在户外使用Envaya Mini。
操作0使用Envaya Mini上的按钮可进行基本操作(播放/暂停/跳过)。
0通过与蓝牙兼容手机进行配对,可使用Envaya Mini进行免提通话。
Envaya Mini配备CVC(清晰语音捕捉)技术以实现回声极小的低噪音通话。
0Envaya Mini可与多个蓝牙设备配对,并且带有NFC功能的移动设备可更轻松的配对和连接,将需配对设备一碰Envaya Mini的顶部即可。

用户手册DBW系列单相隔离稳压系统10-160KVAL D C T e c h n o l o g y I N C. 青岛艾迪森科技有限公司Tel. +86 532 87882666、87883999 Fax. +86 532 87885388E-mail: LDCUPS@ Http:// 1. 安全指南 12. 简述 32.1 可靠性及质量标准 (3)2.2 DBW系列AVR规格 (3)2.3 保修期 (3)2.4 延长保修期 (4)3. 系统分析 53.1 主要特点. (5)3.2工作原理 (5)3.3基本部件 (7)3.4 DBW系列马达式稳压器技术参数 (8)4. 安装94.1 介绍 (9)4.1.1 AVR到货 (9)4.1.2 标识牌 (9)4.2 运输及存放 (9)4.3 拆除包装 (10)4.4 定位 (10)4.5 连线 (12)4.5.1 电缆的准备 (12)4.5.2 接地 (13)4.5.3 输入输出电缆的连接 (13)5. 操作155.1 开关机 (15)6. 保养176.1介绍 (17)6.2用户责任 (17)6.3例行保养 (17)7. 故障排除18USE MANNUALPage 1 sur 23请妥善保存此手册以备将来查阅。
此台马达调压式AVR 必须由专业工程人员启动或使用。
请不要尝试由你自己给AVR 进行维护。
请不要随便打开或拆下AVR 的外壳,危险!关于AVR, 若有任何疑问,请联系我们:青岛艾迪森科技有限公司Tel. +86 532 87882666、87883999、87980999Fax. +86 532 87885388e-mail: LDCUPS@http:// 对于您对此台马达调压式AVR 的误操作或误控制,LDC 公司将不负任何责任。
LDC 公司认真编写了这本内容正确,完整及容易理解的用户手册,但对于那些由于翻译错误或手册中偶然的错误导致的直接,间接或意外的人身或设备上的损坏,LDC 公司将不负任何责任。

2. 设备安装 .....................................................................................................................................4 2.1. 装箱清单 .............................................................................................................................4 2.2. 硬件连接 .............................................................................................................................4 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.3. 2.2.4. 接地线连接 ..............................................................................................................4 电源线连接 ..............................................................................................................4 网线连接 ..................................................................................................................4 射频电缆连接 ..........................................................................................................4

记得把电视机也打开,在进行设置时,看电视机上的OSD 比看功放上的小屏幕要舒服多了。
这一步可以通过两种方式来做,一是自动设置(Auto Setup),二是手动设置(Manual Setup)。

PMA-A110 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER 操作说明书附件4安装电池5遥控器的操作范围5部件名称与功能6前面板6后面板9遥控器11连接方法连接扬声器14扬声器连接16连接播放设备17连接录音设备18连接带有数字音频输出端子的设备19连接计算机或Mac20连接前置放大器21连接电源线22播放开启电源24切换电源至待机24选择输入源25调节主音量25暂时关闭声音(静音)25调节音调和平衡25切换显示屏亮度26播放CD27连接和播放计算机(USB-DAC)28连接和播放数字设备(同轴/光纤1/光纤2/光纤3)37录音38设置设置电视机自动播放功能39设置自动待机模式40提示提示42故障诊断43电源无法开启/电源关闭44使用遥控器无法执行操作45本机显示屏不显示内容45不发出声音46所需声音没有发出46声音中断或出现噪音47计算机或Mac上的音乐文件无法播放48不可播放数字设备的音频(同轴/光纤)49输入源切换为“Optical 1”、“Optical 2”、“Optical3”或“Coaxial”49保修和修理50附录数模转换器51术语解释51规格53索引56感谢您购买本Denon产品。
注0为防止损坏电池或电池漏液 :0请勿将新旧电池混合使用。
(v第24页)B电源指示灯根据电源状态,指示灯如下所示 :0通电: 白色0待机 : 熄灭0电源关闭 : 熄灭C遥控感应窗接收来自遥控器的信号。

以下是连接音响设备的步骤:1. 主音箱连接:a. 将主音箱的电源线插入电源插座。
b. 使用音频信号线将音频源(如电视、音响播放器等)连接到主音箱的音频输入端口。
c. 检查所有连接是否牢固。
2. 子音箱连接:a. 如果您使用了包含子音箱的音响设备,请将子音箱的电源线插入电源插座。
b. 使用音频信号线将主音箱的音频输出端口连接到子音箱的音频输入端口。
c. 确保所有连接均牢固可靠。
3. 额外音频设备连接:a. 如果您希望连接额外的音频设备(如麦克风、乐器等),请根据设备规格进行连接。
b. 使用适当的音频线连接额外音频设备到音响设备的音频输入端口。
c. 检查所有连接是否正确连接。
以下是调试音响设备的步骤:1. 开启音响设备:a. 打开主音箱的电源开关,并确认指示灯亮起。
b. 如适用,打开子音箱的电源开关,并确认指示灯亮起。
2. 调节音量:a. 将音频源(电视、音响播放器等)的音量调至适当位置。
b. 逐渐调节主音箱的音量旋钮,以达到理想的音响效果。
c. 如适用,逐渐调节子音箱的音量旋钮,使其与主音箱平衡。
3. 声道平衡调整:a. 如您使用了具有多个声道的音响设备,请根据设备规格调整每个声道的音量平衡,以获得最佳音效。
4. 音效调节:a. 根据个人喜好,使用音响设备提供的音效调节功能,如均衡器、混响效果等,对音质进行调整。
5. 测试音效:a. 播放不同类型的音频内容(如音乐、电影、游戏等),以确保音响设备能够输出清晰、平衡的声音。
四、安全注意事项为确保您的安全和设备的正常运行,请务必注意以下事项:1. 使用标准电源插座,并避免使用损坏的电源线或插头。

天龙功放设置1(更新完毕)天龙3808的安装及调试方法( 也对应AVC-2808,AVR-1908 )AVC-3808的安装调试步骤为例,主要分为6大部分:1、电源处理2、器材连接及摆位3、调低音炮4、自动测试5、菜单设定6、其它一、电源处理完成设备摆位以后(先不要连接各设备),就要注意电源部分的处理。
一般来说,安装在家庭中的音响系统最基本要注意两点:1、电源的分配:要有好的效果,就一定要将音源部分如DVD、CD 的电源与功放和低音炮分开。
将两脚插头插入电源后,然后将万用表拨到AC 3V档(尽量小的档位),将万用表测针一端接机壳螺丝(低音炮则接RCA 端子的外表),手握另一端,读数最小的为正确的电源接法。

Leviton Mfg. Co., Inc. Lighting & Energy Solutions20497 SW Teton Avenue, Tualatin, OR 97062 1-800-736-6682 Tech Line: 1-800-959-6004 Fax: 503-404-5594 /les © 2013 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.O D C S e r i e s U l t r a s o n i c O c c u p a n c y S e n s o r sODC Series Ultrasonic (U/S) Occupancy SensorsDESCRIPTIONThe Leviton ODC Series combines line voltage occupancy sensors and photocells into a self-contained unit. The integrated design alleviates the need for separate power pack and occupancy sensor wiring making it a low-cost, efficient energy solution for new construction and retrofits.For true Daylight Harvesting applications, integrated photocells provide consistent Daylight Design Levels by actively switching the connected load(s) ON and OFF in response to available natural light to maximize energy savings. Vacancy timers continually analyze and adjust to changing conditions using the latest microprocessor-based technology to optimize performance. Auto ON/ Auto OFF automatically turns lights ON and keeps them ON when occupancy is detected and automatically turns lights OFF when the spaceis vacant or unoccupied. Wire terminals allow for simple connection to a line-voltage circuit and are ideal for existing buildings with limited access to wiring and new construction. APPLICATIONS• Daylight Harvesting• CA Title 20 Compliant Occupancy Sensor• Auto-ON/Auto-OFF• Manual-ON/Auto-OFFFEATURES• Utilizes sensors which emit non-audible sound waves and sense movement. Any movementwithin the sensor’s field-of-view causes a shift in the original emitted frequency. The sensoridentifies the change as movement andcontrols light accordingly. U/S models areimmune to external ultrasonic signals fromother sources such as white-boards delivering uninterrupted performance.• Auto-Adapting: Time delay and sensitivity are continually adjusted to occupancy pattern of use• Configurable for Manual ON/Auto OFF or Auto ON/Auto OFF• Vacancy Sensing Time Outs:• Delayed OFF Timer: The sensor will turn lights OFF if no motion is detected after a specified time• Exclusive Walk-through Feature: Providesincreased energy savings by not leaving the lights ON for an extended period after only momentary occupancy• Time delay and saved settings are protected during power outages and will return to the last known state• Output short circuit protection• Industry-exclusive self-configuring local manual switch input: Momentary or maintained switches are supported• Presentation Mode feature for slide or film presentations allows push buttons to turn lights OFF and keep them OFF while the room is occupied• Adjustable Time Delay: 30s, 5min, 10min,20min, 30min• Test Mode for simplified commissioning• Manual Switch and Emergency Override are Class 1 or Class 2 circuits. Class 2 circuits provided for flexibility• Industry-exclusive “fail-safe” circuitry: In the event of product failure, Return-to-Closed feature causes the relay to default ON which eliminates life safety concerns• Industry-exclusive H.I.S. (High Inrush Stability) technology designed to handle today’s high inrush electronic ballast loads and offer unmatched durability and serviceLight PipeFEATURES• Robust and reliable mechanically held 10A latching relay provides dependability and robust performance for all load types and provides energy savings over electronically held relays• Field of View: Units from 500 to 2000 square feet available• Visual LED indicators for all states:• Green - Blinks during U/S detection and is solid during auto-calibration• Yellow - Blinks during test mode; solid with emergency/BMS input• Blue - Blinks when knob settings are changed and during photocell overrideRATINGS AND TESTING•Zero-crossing circuitry for extended life of the relay • Tested to exceed 1 million switching cycles under standard loads• Multiple compliance and regulatory UL testing - con -sult factory for details• Passed rigorous NEMA 410 testing for electronic ballast rating• BMS Input/Emergency Override: UL 924 listed for Emergency and Egress lighting control• Meets Energy Star® Requirements for multi-tech and ultrasonicsPhotocell Features• Daylight Harvesting Applications:• Auto-Calibration (Automatic DaylightCalibration): Photocell intelligently measures light levels to determine optimal daylight design levels for closed loop applications • Closed loop: Photocell detects total photometric light from natural light or electric sources in the space• Open loop: Photocell detects daylight or electric light only; requires manual calibration • Adjustable daylight design levels: Normal (OFF), Manual (ON/OFF) and Auto Calibration• Integrated photocell tested to less than 1 Fc accuracy• Open and closed loop photocell included INSTALLATION• Easy installation into junction boxes with Leviton- exclusive screw guides, coasters and terminal blocks• Front cover snaps on and off for ease of installationPHOTOCELL OPERATIONNote: Long side of angled light pipe must face toward natural light source (window)PHOTOCELL PLACEMENT*Closed Loop Application - Flat Light PipeOpen Loop Application - Angled Light PipeOpen Loop - Angled Light Pipe*May require more than one occupancy sensor for total room coverageO D C S e r i e s U l t r a s o n i c O c c u p a n c y S e n s o r sLeviton Mfg. Co., Inc. Lighting & Energy Solutions20497 SW Teton Avenue, Tualatin, OR 97062 1-800-736-6682 Tech Line: 1-800-959-6004 Fax: 503-404-5594 /les© 2013 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.Sensors conveniently mount to a standard 4” x 4” square or octagon electrical box per NEC standards.4”x4” Cosmetic AdapterAngled light pipeScrew GuidesFlat light pipeODC05-UDW ODC10-UDW ODC20-UDWTOP VIEW11.511.58.58.5TOP VIEW23231717Minor Motion, UltrasonicMajor Motion, UltrasonicTOP VIEWFIELD OF VIEWSSPECIFICATIONSLeviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Global Headquarters201 N. Service Rd. Melville, NY 11747-3138 • Tech Line: 1-800-824-3005 • Fax: 1-800-832-9538Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Lighting & Energy Solutions20497 SW Teton Avenue, Tualatin, OR 97062 • Tele: 1-800-736-6682 • FAX: 503-404-5594 • Tech Line (6:00AM-4:00PM P.S.T. Mon-Fri): 1-800-959-6004 Leviton Manufacturing of Canada, Ltd.165 Hymus Boulevard, Pointe Claire, Quebec H9R 1E9 • Telephone: 1-800-469-7890 • FAX: 1-800-563-1853Leviton S. de R.L. de C.V.Lago Tana 43, Mexico DF, Mexico CP 11290 • Tel. (+52) 55-5082-1040 • FAX: (+52) 5386-1797 • .mxVisit our Website at: /lesG-9126/I13-aa © 2013 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.。

会议功能允许用户在呼叫中最多与六方(包括用户自己)进行会议讨论。 要将另一方加入到呼叫中 1. 按CONFERENCE键。 2. 听到拨号音时,请拨打希望添加到呼叫中的会议成员的号码。 3. 等待应答。 4. 要将其添加到呼叫中,请再按一次CONFERENCE键。 要将保持的呼叫添加到正在进行的呼叫中 1. 按CONFERENCE键。 2. 听到拨号音时,按下对应于保持呼叫的呼叫通道按钮。
• 导航箭头键 — 用于在屏幕页面间移动、滚动显示呼叫记录条目和快速拨号条目,并
• 呼叫处理按钮 — 用于进行呼叫处理操作 • 拨号键盘 — 供用户拨打电话号码的标准12键键盘. • 音量控制按钮 — 用于调整扬声器、话筒、耳机或铃声/按键的音量(取决于正在使用
• 静音按钮 — 关闭话筒、耳机或扬声器上的扩音器。当静音功能开启时,相关指示
• 呼叫通道/功能按钮 — 用于访问呼入/呼出线路和编程功能。可以按对应的按
• 显示屏 — 显示呼叫通道的状态、某一呼叫的信息,以及由 Avaya 呼叫服务
器、主屏幕、Speed Dial(快速拨号)屏幕、Call Log(呼叫记录)屏幕和 Options(选项)屏幕提供的信息
• 16音量控制: 调节听筒、扬声器、耳机或振铃器的音量,具体取决于正在使
用的项目。当您增大或减小音量时,顶部显示区域将显示一个图标,指示您 正在调节其音量的项目。图标跟一个显示音量级别的可视“音量计”。此按 钮还控制击键声的音量。当您按电话上的固定按钮(如拨号盘或自定义功能 键)时,会发出击键声。