



盘点《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》经典台词名句1.You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain . 要么作为英雄而死,要么苟活到目睹自己被逼成恶棍。

2.You see, madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push! 疯狂就像地心引力,需要做的只是轻轻一推。


Things always get worse before they get better4.Now I see the funny side,now I’m always smiling。


)5.“I’m like a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught one…I’d just do things.”“我就是只追着车跑的狗。


”6.Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if theplan is horrifying! 当事情“按计划”进行时,没有人会惊慌,即使这个计划是可怕的。




10.I just wanna see her smile again 我只想再见到她的笑容。



——小丑13.有时候,人们的信仰,应该得到回报. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded.14.这个城市缺少了点高品质的犯罪,如果没有,就由我来献上。



It’s not who you are underneath, but it's what you do that defines you你外表下的并不重要,你的所作所为才重要We take Gotham from the corrupt! The rich! The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity, and we give it back to you... the people. Gotham is yours. None shall interfere. Do as you please. Start by storming Blackgate, and freeing the oppressed! Step forward those who would serve. For and army will be raised. The powerful will be ripped from their decadent nests, and cast out into the cold world that we know and endure. Courts will be convened. Spoils will be enjoyed. Blood will be shed. The police will survive, as they learn to serve true justice. This great city... it will endure. Gotham will survive!那些腐败的官员!有钱的富翁!世世代代利用编造出来的机遇控制你们的压迫者们!我们从他们的手中夺回高谭市,在还给你们....人民。







蝙蝠侠经典语录名句赏析1Why so serious?“Let’s put a smile on that face!”脸上来点儿笑吧!i made my own luck.if you are good at something,never do it for free.now,i see the funny side.now,i'm always smiling.he's the hero Gotham deserves... but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not our hero...he's a silent guardian, a watchful protector... a dark knight.Because sometimes the truth isn't good enough......sometimes, people deserve more.dent:Then why was it only me who lost everything?BATMAN:It wasn't.Have you ever had to talk to the person you love most, wondering if you're about to listen to them die? You ever had to lie to that person? Tell them it's going to be all right, when you know it's not? Well, you're about to find out what that feels like. Then you'll be able to look me in the eye and tell me you're sorry.你有没有这种感觉,你明知道你最爱的人可能死去,你却只能对他们撒谎。

































2、戈登: 我认识哈维丹特,我曾是他的朋友,已经很久没有人...像他那样激励我们了,我相信哈维丹特。

3、塞琳娜:暴风雨要来了, 韦恩先生。













11、你有没有家庭? -总会有你关心的人,只有失去的时候才知道他们有多重要12、和平的时光让你变迟钝,胜利削弱了你的力量。













The Joker: Starting tonight... people will die. I'm a man of my word. 小丑:今晚开始……人们将会死去,我是个说话算数的人。

Bruce Wayne: I knew the mob wouldn't go down without a fight. But this is different. They crossed the line.Alfred Pennyworth: You crossed the line first, sir. You hammered them. And in their desperation they turned to a man they didn't fully understand. Some men aren't looking for anything logical. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.布鲁斯·韦恩:我知道暴徒是不会在没有经历战斗前就平静下来的,但是这一次不一样,他们很有两面性。



Bartender: Dent! I thought you were dead!Harvey Dent: Half...服务生:登特!我还以为你已经死了!哈维·登特:半死不活……Harvey Dent: Rachel's told me everything about you.Bruce Wayne: I certainly hope not.哈维·登特:雷切尔告诉了我有关你的一切。



蝙蝠侠黑暗骑士名言名句1.蝙蝠侠之黑暗骑士的经典语录1. “You… you just couldn't let me go could you? This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You are truly incorruptable aren't you. You won't kill me because of some misplaced sense of self-rightousness. And I won't kill you because…you're just too much fun. I get the feeling that you 諪絫。

2.蝙蝠侠之黑暗骑士的经典语录谢谢Gotham National Bank Manager: The criminals in this town used to believe in things. Honor. Respect. Look at you! What do you believe in? What do you believe in! The Joker: I believe what doesn't kill you simply makes you。

stranger. 高谭市国家银行经理:这个城市的罪犯有信仰,他们相信荣誉,还有尊敬。


Harvey Dent: You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. 哈维·登特:要么你就像一个英雄一样死去,要么就活着,直到看着自己变成了一个恶棍。
















蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起经典台词大全《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》是一部于202X年播出的科幻动作惊悚电影,影片主要由克里斯蒂安·贝尔和汤姆·哈迪等主演,影片中出现了很多的经典台词,一起欣赏吧!经典台词:Suffering builds character.困境可以升华你的人格。

你我之间没有任何言语交谈,但我明白,你过得很好,很快乐【You wouldn't say anything to me,nor me to you,But I know that you'd made it.That you were happy】当一个体制完全背离了人们的信任,法律不但无用武之地,反而成为枷锁,让坏人为所欲为。

面具不是用来保护你,而是用来保护你所爱的人The mask is not for you. It's to protect the people you care about.Why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded.有些时候,人们的信念必须得以回报。







"Suffering builds character.Peace has cost your strength, victory has defeated you.和平会消磨你的力量,胜利会挫败你的意志。



蝙蝠侠黑暗骑士小丑名言英文1.《蝙蝠侠:暗夜骑士》中小丑的经典台词个人最喜欢的台词是这句:“I believe… whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you…stranger.”我相信……那些杀不死你的,只会让你变得更离奇。

小丑口头禅是:why so serious?为何这么严肃?其他经典的台词还有:1、“Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos, I'm an agent of chaos , and you know the thing about chaos? It's fair.”制造点小小骚动,打乱原有的秩序,然后一切就变得混乱了,而我就是混乱的代表,你知道混乱的好处不?它能带来公平。

2、“Don't talk like one of them, you're not! Even if you'd like to be. To them,you're just a freak–like me. They need you right now. When they don't…they'll cast you out. Like a leper. See, their morals, their code: it's a bad joke. They're dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. You'll see, when the chips are down these civilized people will eat each other.”别跟他们那样满口仁义道德,你不是他们中的一员!再怎么着你都融不进去。





蝙蝠侠的经典语录【个性篇】1.You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain .要么作为英雄而死,要么苟活到目睹自己被逼成恶棍。

2.You see, madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes isa little push!疯狂就像地心引力,需要做的只是轻轻一推。

3.Why so serious?干嘛那么认真?4.The Joker:“Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos, I’m an agent of chaos , and you know the thing about chaos? It’s fair.”制造点小小骚动,打乱原有的秩序,然后一切就变得混乱了,而我就是混乱的代表,你知道混乱的好处不?它能带来公平。

5.Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying!当事情“按计划”进行时,没有人会惊慌,即使这个计划是可怕的。

6.I believe… whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you…stranger.我相信,那些没杀你的原因会让你变得更加······怪异。



蝙蝠侠的经典语录_关于蝙蝠侠的台词对白1.You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain .要么作为英雄而死,要么苟活到目睹自己被逼成恶棍。

2.You see, madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push!疯狂就像地心引力,需要做的只是轻轻一推。

3.Why so serious?干嘛那么认真?4.The Joker:“Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos, I’m an agent of chaos , and you know the thing about chaos? It’s fair.”制造点小小骚动,打乱原有的秩序,然后一切就变得混乱了,而我就是混乱的代表,你知道混乱的好处不?它能带来公平。

5.Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying!当事情“按计划”进行时,没有人会惊慌,即使这个计划是可怕的。

6.I believe… whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you…stranger.我相信,那些没杀你的原因会让你变得更加······怪异。

7.Let’s put a smile on that face!脸上来点儿笑吧!8.I’m like a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught one…I’d just do things.我就是只追着车跑的狗。


















蝙蝠侠经典语录Why so serious?“Let’s put a smile on that face!”脸上来点儿笑吧!i made my own luck.if you are good at something,never do it for free.now,i see the funny side.now,i'm always smiling....he's the hero Gotham deserves... but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not our hero...he's asilent guardian, a watchful protector... a dark knight.Because sometimes the truth isn't good enough......sometimes, people deserve more.dent:Then why was it only me who lost everything?BATMAN:It wasn't.Have you ever had to talk to the person you love most, wondering if you're about to listen to them die? You ever had to lie to that person? Tell themit's going to be all right, when you know it's not? Well, you're about to find out what that feels like. Then you'll be able to look me in the eye and tellme you're sorry.你有没有这种感觉,你明知道你最爱的人可能死去,你却只能对他们撒谎。



- 三个臭皮匠,开始干活喽 - 这就开始了?就咱们仨?Three of a kind, let's do this. That's it? Three guys?还有两个在楼顶,每人分一份五份可不是小数Two guys on the roof. Every guy gets a share. Five shares is plenty. 六份,别把策划人给忘了Six shares. Don't forget the guy who planned the job.他可倒好出了个小主意,就想坐着白吃He thinks he can sit it out and still take a slice.- 我知道为什么大家叫他“小丑” - 为什么?- I know why they call him the Joker. Why do they call him the Joker? - 听说他喜欢化妆? - 化妆?I heard he wears makeup. Makeup?对,用来吓唬人的比如说,战妆(战斗前涂脸的油彩)Yeah, to scare people. You know, war paint.所有人都给我举手低头!All right, everybody, hands up, heads down!我再说一遍!举手,低头!I said, hands up, heads down!过来,伙计我来提点钱Let's go, pal, I'm making a withdrawal here.- 没听见啊,举起手! - 别!- I said, hands up! - No!找到报警器了Here comes the silent alarm.这就废了它And there it goes.低头!Heads down!我说,小妞别跟我装缩头乌龟All right, tootsie, you're taking a dive with me.- 趴下!给我趴下! - 别伤害我!- Down! I said, stay down there! Don't hurt me!奇怪,竟然没打911 打的是一个私人号码Funny, it didn't dial 911. It was trying to reach a private number. - 有问题吗? - 没,已经搞定了Is it a problem? No, I'm done here.给我蹲下!蹲下!Sit down! Down!蹲下!都给我蹲下!Down! I said, stay down there!除了握紧自己的小命…Obviously we don't want you doing anything with your hands...两只手最好什么都别干...other than holding on for dear life.趴到地上!趴到地上别动!On the ground! Stay on the ground!谁也别动!都别动!Nobody make a move! Nobody! Stay down!嗨?Yeah!知道你们在偷谁的钱吗?You have any idea who you're stealing from?- 你们这帮人死定了 - 他没子弹了,对不?- You and your friends are dead. He's out, right?怎么…?What...?你他妈会不会数数?!Where did you learn to count?用五千伏的高压电做保护网…They wired this thing up with like 5000 volts.这他妈是什么银行?What kind of bank does that?黑帮银行难怪他们都说小丑是个疯子A Mob bank. I guess the Joker's as crazy as they say.拆警报的小子哪去了?Where's the alarm guy?老大说他搞定之后,就把他做了Boss told me when the guy was done, I should take him out.少一个人分钱,对吧?One less share, right?真有趣,他也这么跟我说的Funny, he told me something similar.他什么?不!不!He what? No! No!钱还真他妈多!That's a lot of money.如果小丑够聪明的话他真该让咱们开辆大点的车来If this Joker guy was so smart, he'd have had us bring a bigger car. 我敢说小丑交待过一旦装完钱,就让你杀了我I'm betting the Joker told you to kill me soon as we loaded the cash. 不,不,不我要杀的是大巴司机No, no, no, I kill the bus driver.大巴司机?Bus driver?什么大巴司机?What bus driver?学校放学了,该撤了School's out. Time to go.这小子看样子没气了That guy's not getting up, is he?钱真他妈多啊!That's a lot of money.其他人怎么了?What happened to the rest of the guys?你以为你很聪明?You think you're smart, huh?花钱雇你们的人…The guy that hired youse...会让你的下场跟他们一样...he'll just do the same to you.这城里的坏人向来是很讲原则的Oh, criminals in this town used to believe in things.荣誉…Honor...尊重…...respect.看看你,你能讲什么原则?Look at you. What do you believe in, huh?你他妈讲什么原则?What do you believe in?!我的原则就是杀不死你的东西,会让你变得…I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you...更加怪异...stranger.市长先生,人们选举了您来为这个城市除暴安良<i>Mr. Mayor, you were elected in a campaign to clean up the city.</i> - 您打算什么时候开始呢? - 我的人已经开始了<i>- When are you gonna start? I already have.</i>您是说蝙蝠侠?<i>Like this Batman.</i>据说他干得不错坏人们闻风丧胆<i>We're hearing he's doing good, criminals are running scared.</i> - 不,老兄,今晚不行 - 怎么不行?你还迷信啊?- No, man. I don't like it tonight. - What are you, superstitious?你中头彩的机会都比碰到他的机会大(指蝙蝠侠)You got more chance of winning the Powerball than running into him. 并非如此,重案组的人已经查出眉目了<i>That's not true. Our men in the Major Crimes Unit are close to an arrest.</i>嘿,乌尔茨市长说你就快抓到蝙蝠侠了Hey, Wuertz, mayor says you're closing in on the Batman.调查已经上了轨道The investigation is ongoing.除暴安良并非是一朝一夕的事<i>The process of cleaning up the streets is a long one.</i>我在竞选的时候曾经承诺过…<i>I pledged in my campaign, uh, to have...</i>队长,没想过再去看看老婆?Ever intending to see your wife again, lieutenant?我以为你回家照顾你母亲去了,探长I thought you had to go look after your mother, detective.我把她送回医院了Checked her back into the hospital.对不起I'm sorry.- 他还是没出现? - 他经常这样- So he hasn't shown up? - He often doesn't.我就是想告诉别人外面有个蝙蝠侠I like reminding everybody he's out there.他为什么不来?Why wouldn't he come?最好是…Hopefully...…因为他很忙...because he's busy.看来我们带狗带对了That's why we bring dogs.- 我的小王子 - 求你了- My little princes. Please.求求你们,我的嘴里好像有东西在爬求你把它弄出来吧Please, they're crawling in my mouth. Please, I beg you, get them off. 看看你的货把我的客人搞成什么样Look what your drugs do to my customers.买者自酌Buyer beware.我告诉过你我的货能让你神游一番I told you my compound would take you places.我可没说过去哪神游I never said they'd be places you wanted to go.我做生意,全靠回头客My business, repeat customers.你不喜欢我们的货…You don't like what I have to offer...可以找别人...you can buy from someone else.不过你最好保佑他还没成蝙蝠侠的刀下鬼Assuming Batman left anyone to buy from.我的狗可是饿坏了My dogs are hungry.真可惜,就你一个可喂啊Pity there's only one of you.- 什么…? - 那不是蝙蝠侠What...? That's not him.快放狗!Loose the dogs!这个是了That's more like it.别再让我看到你Don't let me find you out here again.- 我们只是想帮你 - 用不着你们帮- We're trying to help you. I don't need help.我看未必Not my diagnosis.谁给你的权利?你跟我有什么区别?What gives you the right? What's the difference between you and me? 我从不戴什么冰球护具I'm not wearing hockey pads.所有人都退后!Everybody back now!他不能一直隐藏自己的面目He can't resist showing us his face.他的白妆下到底隐藏着什么What's he hiding under that makeup?麻烦你们等下再进来好吗?Uh, can we get a minute, people, please?又是他,还有谁?Him again. Who are the others?又一群乌合之众Another bunch of smalltimers.是我给你的可追踪钞票?Some of the marked bills I gave you.我的人已经在他们那儿买了不少货My detectives have been making drug buys with them.这间银行是黑帮的又一个金库算起来有五个了This bank was another drop for the Mob. That makes five.- 我们已经查出赃款所在了 - 该出手了- We found the bulk of their dirty cash. - Time to move in.必须同时围剿所有银行动用特种部队,后备增援We'd have to hit all banks simultaneously. SWAT teams, backup.小丑怎么办?What about this Joker guy?你是要一棵树,还是一片森林?让他再多活两天One man or the entire Mob? He can wait.新上任的检察官听说之后也想插手这事When the new DA hears about this, he'll want in.- 你相信他吗? - 想不让他插手很难- Do you trust him? - Be hard to keep him out.听说他跟你一样固执I hear he's as stubborn as you are.韦恩企业私人财产请勿擅闯Be nice when Wayne Manor's rebuilt.等韦恩庄园重建之后就好了You can swap not sleeping in a penthouse...公寓的床和庄园的床睡哪张,不睡哪张…到时你任选...for not sleeping in a mansion.每次你自己缝伤口都搞得一踏糊涂Whenever you stitch yourself up, you do make a bloody mess.吃一堑,长一智嘛Yeah. It makes me learn from my mistakes.你现在对绣花肯定很有经验You ought to be pretty knowledgeable by now, then.我的盔甲My armor.它太重了我的动作需要更快I'm carrying too much weight. I need to be... I need to be faster. 福克斯先生肯定能帮上忙I'm sure Mr. Fox can oblige.- 你是不是让老虎咬了? - 是条狗- Did you get mauled by a tiger? - It was a dog.- 啊? - 好大一条狗- Huh? - It was a big dog.阿尔弗雷德,昨晚又有几个冒充蝙蝠侠的,还带着枪There were more copycats last night, Alfred, with guns.不如雇了他们周末给自己放个假?Why not hire them, take the weekend off?我的初衷是“鼓舞民众”…That wasn't exactly what I had in mind...可不是这样...when I said I wanted to inspire people.我知道I know.但是事情已经有了起色But things have improved.看看咱们的新上任的检察官Look at the new district attorney.正看呢,拉近点I am, closely.我得查查这人是不是信得过Need to know if he can be trusted.你是对他本人感兴趣还是对他的社交圈感兴趣呢?Are you interested in his character or his social circle?瑞秋跟谁交往是她自己的事Who Rachel spends her time with is her business.我休假的时候你没派人跟踪我吧I trust you don't have me followed on my day off.如果你真有休假,我也许会的If you ever took one, I might.是人总有极限,韦恩少爷Know your limits, Master Wayne.蝙蝠侠没有极限Batman has no limits.- 可是你有,少爷 - 我看还是装不知道的好- Well, you do, sir. - Well, can't afford to know them.万一有一天你知道了那怎么办?And what's gonna happen on the day that you find out?我知道你会说“我早告诉过你”We all know how much you like to say "I told you so. "要是真有那么一天,韦恩少爷On that day, Master Wayne, even I won't want to.可能我也会说不出口的Probably.不好意思,我迟到了Sorry I'm late, folks.- 你跑哪去了? - 担心要自己挑大梁?- Where were you? - Worried you'd have to step up?- 哈维,这些卷宗我都倒背如流了 - 那好…- Harvey, I know these briefs backwards. - Well, then...68大家讲公平...fair's fair.人头,我主辩字,你来Heads, I'll take it. Tails, he's all yours.你想通过抛个硬币来决定?Yeah? You wanna flip a coin to see who leads?这是我爸爸的幸运币是它保成了咱们的第一次约会My father's lucky coin. As I recall, it got me my first date with you.我不想拿这种事碰运气I wouldn't leave something like that up to chance.我不是碰,而是创造运气I don't. I make my own luck.全体起立有请弗利尔法官主持开庭All rise. The Honorable Judge Freel presiding.我以为检察官大人就喜欢跟市长打高尔夫呢I thought the DA just played golf with the mayor.一点半才开球不愁没时间送你进大牢,沙利Teeoff's 1:30. More than enough time to put you away for life, Sally. 既然卡迈尔·法尔肯进了精神病院…With Carmine Falcone in Arkham...那就得有个人站出来为所谓的“家族”主持大局...someone must have stepped up to run the so-called family.那个人今天在庭内吗?Is that man in this courtroom today?- 麻烦你帮我们指认他 - 你赢了,大律师- Could you identify him for us, please? - You win, counselor.那就是我It was me.这份证词你可是宣过誓的,这个人…I have a sworn statement from you that this man...萨尔瓦托·马洛尼才是法尔肯黑帮家族的新首领...Salvatore Maroni, is the new head of the Falcone crime family.马洛尼?他只是个傀儡我才是真正的头头Maroni? He's a fall guy. I'm the brains of the organization.- 肃静 - 请求判…Order. - Permission to treat...- 该证人为恶意作证 - 同意...the witness as hostile? - Granted.恶意?我让你看看什么叫恶意!- Hostile? I'll show you hostile!碳纤维的,点28口径,中国制造Carbon fiber,.28 caliber, made in China.如果你想除掉一个公职人员马洛尼先生…If you wanna kill a public servant, Mr. Maroni...我建议你买个美国货...I recommend you buy American.- 把他拖出去 - 可是法官大人,我还没问完呢Get him out of here. - But, Your Honor, I'm not done.枪肯定查不到马洛尼头上所以咱们告不了他We'll never be able to link the gun to Maroni, so we can't charge him. 不过他们试图杀你说明碰到了他们的痛处But they're trying to kill you, means we're getting to them.看你这么欣慰我也高兴,瑞秋不过你不必安慰我I'm glad you're so pleased, Rachel. I'm fine, by the way.别这样,哈维你可是高谭市的检察官Come on, Harvey. You're Gotham's DA.如果没人想杀你说明你工作没做好You're not getting shot at, you're not doing your job right.不过…But, you know...如果你说自己有些“受惊过度”我们今天可以休个假...if you said you were rattled, we could take the rest of the day off. 不行,我把重案组的队长拉来了Can't. I dragged the head of the Major Crimes Unit down here.噢,吉姆·戈登?他站在咱们这边,对他客气点Oh, Jim Gordon? He's a friend, actually. Try to be nice.听说你在庭上被翻供了I hear you got a hell of a right cross.没想到沙利就那么逍遥法外了It's a shame Sal's going to walk.好在狗改不了吃屎他们肯定还会给我机会的Yeah, well, good thing about the Mob is they keep giving you second chances.微光辐射钞票Lightly irradiated bills.警察也有这玩意?有人帮忙吗?Fancy stuff for a city cop. Have help?我们找过很多部门…We liaise with various agencies...省省吧,戈登,我想见他Save it, Gordon. I wanna meet him.官方的政策可是要逮捕蝙蝠侠Official policy is to arrest the vigilante known as Batman on sight. 那重案组楼顶的照明灯算怎么回事?Mm-hm. What about that floodlight on the top of MCU?如果你觉得设备有问题的话…If you got problems with malfunctioning equipment...我建议你直接送去维修站,大律师...I suggest you take them up with Maintenance, counselor.高谭市所有负责洗钱的人都被我关进了大牢I've put every money launderer in Gotham behind bars...可是黑帮照样能拿到钱...but the Mob is still getting its money out.我知道你和你的人准备为最后一战收网了I think you and your friend have found the last game in town.而且正中他们的要害他们腰包里的钱You're trying to hit them where it hurts, their wallets.很了不起It's bold.不想算我一个?You gonna count me in?在咱们城里,知道的人越少行动越安全In this town, the fewer people know something, the safer the operation. 戈登,我不是很喜欢你那个特别行动组…I don't like that you got your own special unit...尤其是其中大部份都是我在内务部调查的对象...and it's full of cops I investigated at Internal Affairs.如果我不跟这些人共事…If I didn't work with cops you'd investigated while at IA...那我岂不成了孤家寡人?...I'd be working alone.我可没什么“理想主义政治观”I don't get political points for being an idealist.手头有多少东西,就使多大能耐I do the best I can with what I have.你要我签发五家银行的搜查证…You want me to back warrants for search and seizure on five banks... 你连要干什么都不告诉我...without telling me what we're after.我可以告诉你银行的名字I can give you the names of the banks.还好,总算起个头儿Well, that's a start.我可以给你搜查证但我需要你的信任I'll get you your warrants, but I want your trust.噢,你用不着费这口舌,登特Oh, you don't have to sell me, Dent.谁都知道你是高谭市的光明骑士We all know you're Gotham's white knight.是吗,我可听说在重案组他们给我起了外号Yeah, well, I heard they have a different name for me down at MCU.那我就不知道了I wouldn't know about that.在中国,刘氏证券投资是新生力量的代表In China, Lau Security Investments stands for dynamic new growth.同中资企业合作韦恩商业必会名扬四海A joint Chinese venture with Wayne Enterprises will be a powerhouse. 刘先生Well, Mr. Lau...我谨代表董事会…...I speak for the rest of the board...以及韦恩先生表示诚挚谢意...and Mr. Wayne, in expressing our own excitement.先生,我知道韦恩先生对信托基金的托管要求很严…Sir, I know Mr. Wayne is curious about how his trust fund gets replenished...可是说实话刚才的一幕实在有失体统...but, frankly, this is embarrassing.你做好你的数据评估就行了,里斯先生You worry about the diligence, Mr. Reese.布鲁斯·韦恩的事用不着你操心I'll worry about Bruce Wayne.评估过了It's done.数据都没问题The numbers are solid.那就再做一遍Do them again.不能让我们的资金打水漂,是吧?Wouldn't want the trust fund to run out, now, would we?又熬夜了?Another long night?搞合资是你的主意而且投资顾问都很看好This joint venture was your idea, and the consultants love it.不过我觉得不妥But I'm not convinced.刘的公司收入非常稳定每年都能净增八个百分点Lau's company has grown by 8 percent annually like clockwork.这里面肯定有猫腻…His revenue stream must be off the books...很可能有违法行为...maybe even illegal.那好,取消合资计划Okay. Cancel the deal.你早知道了?You already knew.只不过想找借口查查他们的帐Just needed a closer look at their books.你给我找的麻烦还没完吧?Anything else you can trouble me for?我需要一套新行头I need a new suit.也是,三个扣的有点过时了,韦恩先生Yeah. Three buttons is a little '90s, Mr. Wayne.我不是说时尚,福克斯先生我是说功能I'm not talking fashion, Mr. Fox, so much as function.想让战袍方便转头?You wanna be able to turn your head.至少倒车时容易多了Sure make backing out of the driveway easier.我帮你看看I'll see what I can do.我花了三周才订到位子Took three weeks to get a reservation here.还得告诉他们我在政府工作I had to tell them I work for the government.- 真的? - 卫生督察…- Really? - Health inspector's...帮我走的后门...not afraid to pull strings.瑞秋,这么巧啊Rachel. Fancy that.是啊,布鲁斯,这么巧啊Yeah, Bruce. Fancy that.瑞秋,这位是娜塔莎娜塔莎,这位是瑞秋Rachel, Natascha. Natascha, Rachel.- 娜塔莎…你是那位… - 莫斯科芭蕾舞团的首席- Natascha. Are you the prima...? - Prima ballerina for the Moscow Ballet. - 哈维准备下周带我去看呢 - 真的?你们迷上芭蕾了?- Wow. Harvey's taking me next week. - Really? So you're into ballet? 布鲁斯,这位是哈维·登特Bruce. This is Harvey Dent.大名鼎鼎的布鲁斯·韦恩瑞秋把你的事都告诉我了The famous Bruce Wayne. Rachel's told me everything about you.我倒希望她没有I certainly hope not.- 咱们拼个桌吧 - 他们不会同意吧- Let's put a couple tables together. - I'm not sure that they'll let us. 他们会同意的这地方是我的Oh, they should. I own the place.这样的城市叫人怎么养小孩?How could you want to raise children in a city like this?我就是这长大的我没什么不妥啊Well, I was raised here. I turned out okay.韦恩庄园也算这个城市的?Is Wayne Manor in the city limits?也什么…?Is...? Heh-heh.是否在界内?当然了The Palisades? Sure.我说,做为新上任的检察官你可得弄清楚…You know, as our new DA, you might wanna figure out...你的地盘有多大...where your jurisdiction ends.我是想说,一个城市竟然崇拜一个带着面具的侠客I'm talking about the kind of city that idolizes a masked vigilante. 挺身而出,申张正义这位市民是高谭市的骄傲Gotham City is proud of an ordinary citizen standing up for what's right. 高谭市需要的英雄是你这样的人民选出来的…Gotham needs heroes like you, elected officials...而不是自认凌驾于法律之上的人...not a man who thinks he's above the law.谁给蝙蝠侠的权力?Who appointed the Batman?我们给的,我们这些看着恶人肆意横行坐视不管的人We did. All of us who stood by and let scum take control of our city. 但是我们讲的是民主,哈维But this is a democracy, Harvey.当敌军兵临城下的时候…When their enemies were at the gates...罗马人就不讲什么民主了而是希望有人能力挽狂澜...the Romans would suspend democracy and appoint one man to protect the city.那绝不是图什么虚名而是救民于水火It wasn't considered an honor, it was a public service.哈维,他们保护共和的…Harvey, the last man that they appointed...最后人选,就是凯撒...to protect the republic was named Caesar...- 结果他变成了独裁家 - 那好...and he never gave up his power. - Okay, fine.要么舍生取义…You either die a hero...要么坐视不管苟活到与恶人为伍...or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.不管蝙蝠侠是谁他不可能一辈子都干这个Whoever the Batman is, he doesn't wanna do this for the rest of his life. 蝙蝠侠一直在等人从他手中接过接力棒How could he? Batman is looking for someone to take up his mantle.比如你,登特先生?Someone like you, Mr. Dent?也许吧,如果我真想的话Maybe. If I'm up to it.如果哈维·登特正是这位蒙面飞侠呢?What if Harvey Dent is the Caped Crusader? Hm?如果每晚我都溜出去早就有人知道了If I were sneaking out every night, someone would've noticed by now. 我被说动了,登特我要为你办个募捐Well, I'm sold, Dent, and I'm gonna throw you a fundraiser.那太好了,只是未来三年我都不打算参选了That's nice, but I'm not up for reelection for three years.不,你不明白No, you don't understand.我这一次募捐…One fundraiser with my pals...别说三年,三辈子你都用不完...you'll never need another cent.这他妈什么东西?What the hell is this?大家都知道我们有间银行被抢了<i>As you're all aware, one of our deposits was stolen.</i>相对来说是个小数目,6800万<i>A relatively small amount, 68 million.</i>谁这么蠢,敢偷我们的钱?Who's stupid enough to steal from us?一个怪胎,一身廉价紫衣服,化着妆Two-bit wackjob, wears a cheap purple suit and makeup.主要问题不在他他是个无名小卒He's not the problem. He's a nobody.问题是我们的钱被条子盯上了The problem is our money being tracked by the cops.多亏马洛尼先生有可靠的内幕消息…<i>Thanks to Mr. Maroni's well-placed sources...</i>警察已经用可追踪钞票查出了我们的银行<i>...we know that police have indeed identified our banks using marked bills...</i>而且计划今天查封你们所有的资金<i>...and are planning to seize your funds today.</i>既然这位热心肠的新任检察官把我的同行都给扫清了…<i>And since the enthusiastic new D A has put all my competitors out of business...</i>- 我成了你们唯一的选择 - 那你的建议是?<i>...I'm your only option. MARONl: So, what are you proposing?</i> 把所有的钱转移到安全的地方但不是银行<i>Moving all deposits to one secure location, not a bank.</i>- 那是哪里? - 除了我没人知道<i>- Where, then? - No one can know but me.</i>否则一旦你们当中有谁落到警察手里…<i>If the police were to gain leverage over one of you...</i>所有的钱都会不保<i>...everyone's money would be at stake.</i>为什么他们就不能抓你?What stop them getting to you?我会去香港登特管不到那里…<i>I go to Hong Kong, far from Dent's jurisdiction...</i>中国也不会同意引渡自已的公民<i>...and the Chinese will not extradite one of their own.</i>多长时间才能把钱转走?<i>MARONl: How soon can you move the money?</i>已经转完了<i>I already have.</i>明摆着的等你们同意一切都晚了For obvious reasons, I couldn't wait for your permission.放心吧,你们的钱很安全<i>Rest assured, your money is safe.</i>噢,哈,啊哈,哈哈哈Oh, hee-hee, aha. Ha, ooh, hee, ha-ha, ha-ha.看来我的笑话不好笑And I thought my jokes were bad.要是你说不出个一二三我就把你脑袋拧下来!Give me one reason why I shouldn't have my boy pull your head off. 给大家变个戏法怎么样?How about a magic trick?我要把这支铅笔变没I'm gonna make this pencil disappear.嗒啦!Ta-da!它…It's...消失了It's gone.还有,这身衣服可不便宜Oh, and by the way, the suit, it wasn't cheap.- 你们知道,你们付的钱嘛 - 坐下- You ought to know, you bought it. Sit.我倒想听听他有什么建议I want to hear proposition.咱们从一年前说起吧Let's wind the clocks back a year.警察跟律师谁敢动你们一根毫毛These cops and lawyers wouldn't dare cross any of you.可现在,现在怎么了?I mean, what happened?你们的小弟弟掉了吗?Did your balls drop off? Hm?你看,像我这样的人…You see, a guy like me...- 怪胎 - 说得对- A freak. Damn right.像我这样的人…大伙儿听着A guy like me... Look, listen.我知道你们为什么在白天…I know why you choose to have your little, ahem...聚在一起做互助心理治疗...group-therapy sessions in broad daylight.我知道你们为什么晚上不敢出门I know why you're afraid to go out at night.因为蝙蝠侠The Batman.真不幸,蝙蝠侠让高谭市发现你们是胆小鬼See, Batman has shown Gotham your true colors, unfortunately. 登特,他只是个开始Dent, he's just the beginning.至于电视里那个所谓的“计划”…And as for the television's so-called plan...别忘了蝙蝠侠是从不讲法的...Batman has no jurisdiction.他会找到那小子,逼他全吐出来He'll find him and make him squeal.叛徒什么样我一眼就能看出来…I know the squealers when I see them...而他…...and...那你的意思是?What do you propose?很简单,杀了蝙蝠侠It's simple. We, uh, kill the Batman.如果真那么简单你怎么还没杀了他?If it's so simple, why haven't you done it already?如果你有过人的本事绝不能免费展示If you're good at something, never do it for free.你想要多少?How much you want?呃,一半吧Uh, half.- 你疯了 - 不,我没疯You're crazy. - No, I'm not.我没疯No, I'm not.如果不快点决定…If we don't deal with this now...很快…...soon...这位小甘博尔先生就会一分钱都捞不到了...little Gambol here won't be able to get a nickel for his grandma. 我受够你个小丑了!Enough from the clown!大家还是不要…Ah, ta-ta-ta. Let's not blow...- 妈的! - 把会议谈爆Shit! ... this out of proportion.你以为偷了我们的钱还能大摇大摆地一走了之?You think you can steal from us and just walk away?- 对呀 - 我现在就放出话- Yeah. I'm putting the word out.万要这个小丑的命Five hundred grand for this clown dead.活捉的话100万我好教教他礼数A million alive, so I can teach him some manners first.听着,如果你们想通了…All right. So, listen, why don't you give me a call...给我打电话咱们谈点儿正经的...when you wanna start taking things a little more seriously?这是我的名片Here's my card.唔呼!Mm-mm.你这人还真难找啊You're a hard man to reach.刘已经快到香港了Lau's halfway to Hong Kong.如果你早说一句我早就收了他的护照了If you'd have asked, I could have taken his passport.所有可追踪钞票都留在了钱库里All that was left in the vaults were marked bills.他们知道我们要去了自从你的部门插手之后…They knew we were coming. As soon as your office got involved...我的部门?My office?你成天跟乌尔茨、拉米尔茨这种杂碎打交道,现在反倒…You're sitting down there with scum like Wuertz and Ramirez and you're talking...对哦,上次破的诈骗案把你的那些菜鸟吓坏了吧Oh, yeah. I almost had your rookie cold on a racketeering beat.马洛尼肯定在你的部门安插了卧底你还狡辩什么,登特?Don't try and cloud the fact that clearly Maroni's got people in your office, Dent.我们得把刘弄回来…We need Lau back...可是中国从不引渡本国国民...but the Chinese won't extradite a national under any circumstances. 如果我抓他回来你能让他开口吗?If I get him to you, can you get him to talk?我能让他唱歌I'll get him to sing.我们这是在毁他们的命根子We're going after the Mob's life savings.事情会变得很危险Things will get ugly.我从干这行起,就想到这一天了,队长I knew the risk when I took this job, lieutenant.那你怎么弄他回来…?How will you get him back, any...?他总是这样的He does that.我还没来得及通知他取消合作这个中国小子就走了Our Chinese friends left town before I could tell them the deal was off. 我猜你一直想去香港逛逛吧Well, I'm sure that you've always wanted to go to Hong Kong.打个电话不就完了嘛?What's wrong with a phone call?刘先生非比寻常要格外关照一下I think Mr. Lau deserves a more personal touch.从这么高的地方跳下…Now, for high-altitude jumps...你需要氧气和平衡翼...you're going to need oxygen and stabilizers.我得说,相比你一惯的作风…。



蝙蝠侠经典语言第一篇:蝙蝠侠经典语言It’s not who you are underneath, but it's what you do that defines you你外表下的并不重要,你的所作所为才重要We take Gotham from the corrupt!The rich!The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity, and we give it back to you...the people.Gotham is yours.None shall interfere.Do as you please.Start by storming Blackgate, and freeing the oppressed!Step forward those who would serve.For and army will be raised.The powerful will be ripped from their decadent nests, and cast out into the cold world that we know and endure.Courts will be convened.Spoils will be enjoyed.Blood will be shed.The police will survive, as they learn to serve true justice.This great city...it will endure.Gotham will survive!那些腐败的官员!有钱的富翁!世世代代利用编造出来的机遇控制你们的压迫者们!我们从他们的手中夺回高谭市,在还给你们....人民。






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蝙蝠侠与黑暗骑士 解读小丑台词以及潜台词

蝙蝠侠与黑暗骑士 解读小丑台词以及潜台词







下面我就来试着分析并解读一下这部影史上最恶的反派角色“小丑”(The Joker),你会发现小丑的这些台词比任何一篇课文教给你的都要受用,而且小丑的观点再度发起了对人性善论的挑战。




1.“I believe…whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you…stranger.”(我相信,那些没杀你的原因会让你变得更加······怪异。




2.Let s not blow this out of proportion。





蝙蝠侠黑暗骑士语录蝙蝠侠黑暗骑士语录Joker:Don’t talk like one of them, you’re not! Even if you’d like to be. T o them,you’re just a freak–like me. They need you right now. When they don’t…they’ll cast you out. Like a leper. See, their morals, their code: it’s a bad joke. They’re dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the world allows them to be. You’ll see, when the chips are down these civilized people will eat each other.”小丑:别跟他们那样满口仁义道德,你不是他们中的一员!再怎么着你都融不进去。








Batman: You wanted me. Here I am.蝙蝠侠:你想找我。


Joker: I wanted to see what you’d do. And you didn’t disappoint. You let five people die. Then you let Dent take your place. Even to a guy like me, that’s cold.小丑:我想看看你想要做什么。



Jeff Jensen;小狐
【作者】Jeff Jensen;小狐
1.试析电影《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》中的后现代特征 [J], 胡莹
2.《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》——英雄无名,正义无悔 [J], 杨熠
3.《蝙蝠侠之黑暗骑士崛起》——蝙蝠战机 [J],
4.寻找光明的蝙蝠:浅析电影《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》 [J], 余桦
5.《蝙蝠侠前传3:黑暗骑士崛起》诺兰用更黑暗来告别 [J],

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Soetiespeopledeservetohavetheirfaithrearded. 有时人们的信念应该得到回报。
