FK系列 智能低压复合开关(白壳)


4.1 额定电压:AC380V±20%;额定频率:50Hz 4.2 使用寿命:100 万次 4.3 额定工作电流:2mA 4.4 直流控制电压:DC3~18V;直流控制电流:2~10mA 4.5 主要产品型号规格及数据表
补偿 型号规格 方式 HYFK-
控制容量 (kvar)
控制电 控制极 外型尺寸
Ka\Kb\Kc A相、B相、C相电容器投切控制信号,
指示灯 工作电压220V。
- 43 -
9 新品展示 RS485 通信方式 RS485 通信方式
1 插拔式接线 2 控制方式 RS485
10 RS485 通信型接线图示
- 44 -
1 用本公司的智能电容状态指示器作控制 2 用 RS485 通信线连接
A+B+C 134×100×96
A+B+C 126×156×128
A+B+C 215×108×90
17×28 77×142 17×28 77×138 84×193 84×193
5 外形及安装尺寸
134mm 35mm导轨
注:(常规型或 RS485 通信型 控制电流 45A 的产品) 外型尺寸:134×100×96 安装方式:采用 35mm 导轨安装 ; 或采用 φ4mm 螺栓安装 , 安装尺寸:17×28mm
6 其它
6.1 使用方法 6.1.1 用户使用 HYFK 系列智能电容器投切开关,建议选用我公司生产的 JKW、RPCF 动态系列无功 功率自动补偿控制器,若选用其它厂家的控制器,需选择晶闸管无触点开关专用控制器。RS485 通信 型智能电容器投切开关,应选用我公司智能电容无功补偿控制器。 6.1.2 在过流保护方面,应选用快速熔断器式隔离开关。短路分断能力≥ 35KA 产品,由于快速熔断器 式隔离开关及断路器在这里是作为过流及短路保护作用,因此应按下表选取断路器的额定电流。详细 电流参数见下表:

1.1 HWFK系列低压智能复合开关,是一种智能化环保型低压电容投切开关,融合了可控硅和接触器的优点。工作原理是将可控硅和继电器并接,使复合开关在投切的瞬间具有可控硅过零投切的优点,在正常接通期间又具有接触器无功耗的优点,弥补了可控硅和交流接触器在低压无功补偿应用方面各自的不足。
HW FK–□ □V-55A

FK系列智能复合开关产品使用说明书1. 产品简介FK系列智能复合开关(简称复合开关)有共补开关(FK300)和分补开关(FK100)两种,共补开关用于投切三相电容,即三角型接法的电容;分补开关用于投切单相电容,即分别接三只单相电容的一端,三只单相电容的另一端接零线。
2. 功能特点☆电压过零投入,电流过零切断;☆开关接通后低功耗,不用外加散热片;☆无需外接串联电抗器;☆输入信号与开关光电隔离;☆可直接与无功补偿控制器配合使用;☆内置控制电源,无需外配电源;☆具有开关状态指示灯,电容接通时,指示灯亮;☆抗干扰能力强,高EMC保护措施;3. 技术参数3.1 主电路3.2 控制电路3.3 电磁兼容3.4 工作条件①:除火灾、爆炸、水淹、强化学腐蚀等场所外的地方。
3.5 设备尺寸4.选型对照表①对分补开关而言,电容容量是指三只单相容量之和。
5. 接线说明下图是FK系列复合开关的三种面板示意图(以20kvar开关为例):智能复合开关智能复合开关智能复合开关①A1、B1、C1对应三相系统输入;A2、B2、C2对应三相输出,接电力电容。
K-TEK PS45-0200-1 点级联动气动开关说明书

1.0 Description (3)2.0 Application (3)3.0 Operation (3)4.0 Mounting & Installation ..................................................................................................................................... (4)5.0 Warranty Statement (5)6.0 RMA Form (6)1.0 DescriptionThe K-TEK PS45 is a point level (on - off) pneumatic switch device used in conjunction with the K-TEK KM26 Mag-netic Liquid Level Gauge (MLG), LS Series Mechanical Cage Level switch or an External Chamber. The unique magnetic coupling action eliminates the need for such things as seals, diaphragms, springs or torque tubes. Since process connections to the switch are eliminated, the user is insured complete isolation from the process. Valves are not required to block off the switch from the process for maintenance or operational testing. Preventive mainte-nance functions are greatly reduced since the switch never contacts the process fluid.2.0 ApplicationThe PS45 is designed to provide a provide a pneumatic control signal dependent on the liquid level within a vessel. The device is configurable such that actuation can occur on rising and falling level. When a magnetic float passes in the first direction, the PS45 will route the input supply gas through to its output port. When the float passes in the opposite direction, the supply gas is shut off (disconnected) from the output port and the output port typically vented to the atmosphere. The PS45 thus provides the user with a pneumatic signal that can be used to activate alarms and/or open and close control valves. An example application would be the pneumatic operation of safety shutdown systems on oil and gas production equipment.3.0 OperationThe PS45 switch mechanism consists of the following integral components:1. Actuating cam-spindle-magnet assembly2. Precision Micropilot™ valve assembly3. User connections.As the magnetic float travels past the switch, the cam-spindle-magnet assembly actuates the Micropilot™ valve as-sembly. The switch will then provide for a path for the supply gas to travel between ports A-C or B-C, depending on the position of the float relative to the switch (see Figure 1). A continuous gas supply is not required for normal op-eration since the PS45 is not a pilot operated device. The PS45 is easily configured in the field as direct or reverseacting by simply changing the field connections at ports A & B. All user connections are 1/8 inch FNPT.4.0 Mounting & InstallationThe simplicity of mounting the PS45 switch housing is such that the only necessary tool is a small screwdriver. The switch is attached to the KM26 via two small stainless steel variable clamps. These clamps allow the switch to be positioned anywhere over the entire length of the float chamber, thereby providing an infinitely variable trip point set-ting. Loosening the clamps will allow the PS45 to be easily moved to provide a new trip point. Other switches can be added at any time without the concern for additional process piping or valves.PS45 Mounted on KM26 Magnetic Level GaugePS45 Mounted on LS Series Mechanical Level Switchdetermine how the option filter and vent fitting are supplied from the factory. The filter and vent fitting are easily changed in the field. Reference PS45 Datasheet (PS45-0202-1) for ordering details.5.0 Warranty Statement5 YEAR WARRANTY FOR:KM26 Magnetic Liquid Level Gauges; MagWave Dual Chamber System; LS Series Mechanical Level Switches (LS500, LS550, LS600, LS700, LS800 & LS900) (does NOT include switching mechanisms, ie. MS30, MS40, MS41, PS35 & PS45); EC External Chambers, STW Stilling Wells and ST95 Seal Pots.3 YEAR WARRANTY FOR:KCAP300 & KCAP400 capacitance switches. BETA Pressure and Temperature Switches have a limited factory guarantee, excluding wetted parts & consumables.2 YEAR WARRANTY FOR:AT100, AT100S and AT200 series transmitters; RS80 and RS85 liquid vibrating fork switches; RLT100 and RLT200 reed switch level transmitters; TX, TS, TQ, IX and IM thermal dispersion switches; IR10 and PP10 External Relays; MT2000, MT5000, MT5100 and MT5200 radar level transmitters; RI100 Repeat Indicators; KP paddle switches; A02, A75 & A77 RF capacitance level switches and A38 RF capacitance level transmitters; Buoyancy Level Switches (MS50, MS10, MS8D & MS8F); Magnetic Level Switches (MS30, MS40, MS41, PS35 & PS45).1 YEAR WARRANTY FOR:KM50 gauging device; AT500 and AT600 series transmitters; LaserMeter and SureShot series laser transmitters; LPM200 digital indica-tor; DPM100 digital indicators; APM100 analog indicators; KVIEW series digital indicators and controllers; GRANUPOINT and SLUDGE-POINT vibrating fork switches, SOLITRAK Electro-Mechanical Continuous Measuring Devices, KSONIK ultrasonic level switches, trans-mitters & transducers, ChuteMaster Microwave Transmitter / Receiver and TiltMaster Switches.SPECIAL WARRANTY CONSIDERATIONS:K-TEK does not honor OEM warranties for items not manufactured by K-TEK (i.e. Palm Pilots). These claims should be handled directly with the OEM.K-TEK will repair or replace, at K-TEK’s election, defective items which are returned to K-TEK by the original purchaser within the period specified above from the shipment date of the item and which is found, upon examination by K-TEK, to its satisfaction, to contain de-fects in materials or workmanship which arose only under normal use and service and which were not the result of either alterations, misuse, abuse, improper or inadequate adjustments, applications or servicing of the product. K-TEK’s warranty does not cover the repair or replacement of units that fail from the effects of excessive vibration unless the units are originally designed for vibration application. In addition, K-TEK’s warranty does not include on-site repair or services. Field service rates can be supplied on request.If a product is believed to be defective, the original purchaser shall notify K-TEK and request a Returned Material Authorization before returning the material to K-TEK, with transportation prepaid by the purchaser. (To expedite all returns/repairs from outside of the United States, consult K-TEK’scustomerserviceteam(********************)todetermineanoptimalsolutionforshippingmethodandtu rn-around time.) The product, with repaired or replaced parts, shall be returned to the purchaser at any point in the world with transportation prepaid by K-TEK for best-way transportation only. K-TEK is not responsible for expedited shipping charges. If the product is shipped to K-TEK freight collect, then it will be returned to the customer freight collect.If inspection by K-TEK does not disclose any defects in material or workmanship, K-TEK’s normal charges for repair and shipment shall apply (minimum 250.00 USD). The materials of construction for all K-TEK products are clearly specified and it is the responsibility of the purchaser to determine the compatibility of the materials for the application.THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS K-TEK'S SOLE WARRANTY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, OR STATU-TORY, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE EX-CLUDED AND NEGATED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. NO PERSON OR REPRESENTATIVE IS AUTHOR-IZED TO EXTEND ANY OTHER WARRANTY OR CREATE FOR K-TEK ANY OTHER LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF K-TEK’S PRODUCTS. THE REMEDIES SET FORTH IN THIS WARRANTY ARE EXCLUSIVE OF ALL OTHER REMEDIES AGAINST K-TEK. K-TEK SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND. K-TEK’S SOLE OBLIGATION SHALL BE TO REPAIR OR REPLACE PARTS (FOUND TO BE DEFECTIVE IN MATERIALS ORWORKMANSHIP) WHICH ARE RETURNED BY THE PURCHASER TO K-TEK.6.0 RMA FormK-TEK18321 Swamp Road Prairieville, LA 70769Phone: +1 (225) 673-6100 Fax: +1 (225) 673-2525Email:********************Toll Free: (800) 735-5835*** IMPORTANT CUSTOMER NOTICE: PLEASE READ PRIOR TO RETURNING PRODUCTS TO K-TEK***Be sure to include the Return Authorization (RA) number on the shipping label or package to the attention: Customer Service. A copy of this document should also be included with the packing list. K-TEK wants to maintain a safe work environment for its em-ployees. In the event, the returned product or material has been in contact with a potentially hazardous chemical, per federal regu-lations, the customer must provide evidence of decontamination and the related chemical composition and characteristics. In order to expedite your return, please include the applicable Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and decontamination tags by affixing these documents in close proximity to the shipment label for identification purposes. (January 18, 2006)Completed by CustomerReasonProblem Found: NoneAction: None Requested:Is expedited return shipping requested? YesIf yes, please provide a purchase order or your shipper’s account number (ex. FedEx or UPS). K -TEK pays return transport via standard ground shipments only.If purchase order is issued, a copy of purchase order must be included with return documentation. Is K-TEK authorized to repair items determined to be non-warranty? YesIf yes, a copy of purchase order must be included with return documentation.Has product been in contact with any potentially hazardous chemical? YesIf yes, documentation product and forward MSDS to K-TEK, “ATTN: Customer Service”□ □ Customer PO: Account #: Date: □Return Repaired Product to AddressShipping Address:Billing Address:Ship Via:。

SFK系列低压复合开关使用说明书深圳市赛源电气技术有限公司目录1、概述 (3)2、选型 (3)3、技术参数 (4)4、外形图 (4)5、接线方法 (4)6、使用方法 (4)7、常见故障 (5)8、接线图 (5)1、概述关于本说明书本说明书旨在指导用户进行SFK系列低压复合开关的安装和使用。
使用条件1)环境温度:-25℃至 +70℃2)海拨高度:不超过2000M3)大气条件:空气湿度不超过90%4)环境条件:介质无导电尘埃2、选型S F K □□ C -□ DD:直流电压控制,共+极 3:三相型2:分相型(三个单相一体) C:电容器投切用45或55:额定电流FK:复合开关S:赛源公司代号共有4种规格:三相型:SFK45C-3D,SFK55C-3D分相型:SFK45C-2D,SFK55C-2D分相型是A|、B、C三相做成一体的,也即三台单相电容器只要用一只复合开关。

ZCK 智能复合开关Z CK系列智能复合开关是一种智能化的新型控制执行部件,主要针对可控硅和交流接触器在低压补偿应用方面存在的不足而精心研制开发的新一代低压电容复合开关(或称同步开关)。
符合标准:GB/T29312-2012、GB 18048.4Z C K -□-□-□□(□)默认为+12VDC直流控制信号RS485为通讯控制,AC220V/380V为交流控制信号S表示紧凑型产品, Y t表示一体式产品额定电流(A)额定电压(V)电容器接法:△-三相共补Y-单相分补智能复合开关企业代号主要型号配置表:备注: 1、新增AC220V/380V交流型复合开关,可以直接替代电容切换接触器CJ19;2、可特殊订做纯可控硅模块TSC智能低压动态无功调节器,如TSC--400-60A△电力电子及其它电器类正泰-智慧能源解决方案提供商 l 674 3.1 额定工作电压:共补380VAC±20%/分补220VAC±20%3.2 控制电容容量:三相≤50kvar,△型接法;单相≤15kvar,Y型接法3.3 额定电流:100A、60A、32A3.4 投入涌流倍数:≤3.0Ic3.5 功耗:<1.5W3.6 开关使用寿命:>20万次3.7 接触压降:≤100mV3.8 开关耐压:≥2500V3.9 动作响应时间:≤100mS3.10 每次接通与关断间隔:≥1S3.11 连续两次接通间隔时间:普通型≥120S,紧凑型≥0.5S,一体式≥5S4.1 过零投切:智能复合开关的基本工作原理是通过过零检测与逻辑判断,实现电压过零导通和电流过零切断。

河南省电力公司农网400VJP柜技术规范1 范围1.1 本规范规定了400V 户外农网配电箱柜和机井通电台区配电箱的使用条件、性能参数、技术要求、试验要求、标志、包装、运输和贮存等方面内容。
2 本规范适用于交流频率50Hz,额定电压为400V农村电网中,安装于容量为315kVA及以下变压器端,具备计量、测量、控制、保护、电能分配、动态无功补偿等功能为一体的户外低压配电箱。
其最新版本适用于本标准. GB4208-2008 外壳防保护等级(IP代码)(IEC 60529-2001,IDT)GB7251-2005 低压成套开关设备和控制设备GB/T 15576-1995 低压无功功率静态补偿装置总技术条件DL/T 842—2003 低压并联电容器装置使用技术条件GB/T 12747 自愈式低压并联电容器GB/T 1208 电流互感器DL/T 725—2000 电力用电流互感器订货技术条件GB/T 7251-2006 低压成套开关设备GB/T 3793 电控设备第二部分分装有电子器件的电控设备GB/T 2681 电工成套装置中导线颜色GB/T 2682 电工成套装置中的指标灯和按钮颜色GB/T 5585.1—2005 电工用铝、铝及其合金母线GB1497-85 低压电器基本标准GB9466 低压成套开关设备基本实验方法DL/T 620 交流电气装置的过电压保护和绝缘配合GB7251。
1-2005 低压成套开关设备与控制设备GB13955-2005 剩余电流动作保护装置安装和运行GB6829-1995 剩余电流保护器的一般要求JB8756—1998 剩余电流保护继电器GB 4942-1993 低压电气外壳防护等级GB 50052—1995 供配电系统设计规范GB/T 5231-2001 农村电网建设与改造技术导则DL/T621—1997 交流电气装置的接地GB/T 15576—2008 低压成套无功功率补偿装置3 使用条件3.1 环境条件要求本技术规范所规定设备,应能在下列环境条件使用:3。

SLFK(普通型)智能低压复合开关使用说明书目录第一章概述...................................1第二章技术参数. (2)第三章主要技术特点 (4)第四章型号命名 (5)第五章安接及接线 (7)一、概述SLFK(普通型)智能低压复合开关是新一代低压无功补偿装置中电容器的投切开关,是一种智能化的环保节能型控制执行部件,是我公司针对可控硅和交流接触器在低压无功补偿应用方面存在的先天不足而精心研制开发的最新科技成果。
- 1 -二、技术参数1.工作环境条件环境温度:-25℃~+65℃;相对湿度:40℃时,20%~90%;2.额定电压、额定电流、工作电源及控制电压额定工作电压:220/380V三相四线交流50HZ;允许偏差:三相电压同步变化不大于±20%;波形为正弦波,失真度小于5%;额定频率:50HZ±5%;工作电源:380V,50HZ;额定电流:45A/55A/70A。
3.主要技术指标:使用寿命:50万次以上相数:三相:△型接法(3相共补)单相:Y形接法(单台3相分补) 接电容器容量:.SLFK-△380V45A≤20KvarSLFK-△380V55A≤30KvarSLFK-Y220V45A≤20KvarSLFK-Y220V55A≤30Kvar 功耗:≤1.5VA- 2 -接触压降:≤100mV接点耐压:≥1600V每次接通与关断间隔:≥1秒连续两次接通间隔:三相(△型接法)≥180秒单相(Y形接法)≥180秒(注:接通间隔如客户有实际需求可定做)输入阻抗:≥6.8K,导通阻抗:≤0.003Ω安全保护功能:1)电压故障缺相保护;2)电源电压缺相保护;3)自诊断故障保护;4)空载保护;5)停电保护。

YXFK 系列复合开关使用说明书1、适用范围YXFK 系列复合开关(以下简称开关),主要用于交流50Hz 或60Hz,额定工作电压至400V、额定无功功率为40kVar 及以下的低压电力系统中,接通和分断低压并联电容器,以作为改善功率因数之用。
2、正常工作条件和安装条件2.1周围空气温度为:-5℃~+40℃,24h 内其平均值不超过+35℃;2.2大气条件:在+40℃时空气相对湿度不超过50%;在较低温度下可以有较高的相对湿度,最湿月的平均最低温度不超过+25℃,该月的月平均最大相对湿度不超过90%,并考虑到因温度变化发生在产品表面上的凝露。
2.3海拔高度:不超过2000m; 2.4安装条件2.4.1安装面与垂直面倾斜度不大于±5°2.4.2开关应安装和使用在无显著摇动、冲击和震动的地方。
改进设计序号 额定电压额定电流 相 数复合开关其中,YXFK 表示复合开关。
例如YXFK3-30/400,表示该开关用于3相,额定电压为400V 的电路中,控制额定功率为30kVar 电容,改进设计序号用于对产品进行重大改进时。
4主要参数及技术性能4.1开关的主要参数及技术性能指标见表1;电寿命 104次 80机械寿命 104次 8004.2开关额定电压控制电平电压Us:DC +12V 电流≥2mA线圈额定电压Us:50Hz,AC 380V4.3动作特性:启动电平电压:DC6~15V;关闭电平电压:0~2.3V线圈吸合电压:85%~110%Us;线圈释放电压:20%~75%Us;具有缺相保护的复合开关。

A88I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e sS u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e s K e y l o c k s R o t a r i e sP u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l e T o u c h T i l t4A @ 30V DC (On-On circuit) & 3A @ 30V DC (all other circuits) Logic Level (gold):0.4VA maximum @ 28V AC/DC maximum(Applicable Range 0.1mA ~ 0.1A @ 20mV ~ 28V) Logic/Power Level:Combines silver & gold ratings(gold over silver)Note: Find additional explanation of dual rating & operating range in Supplement section.Other Ratings Contact Resistance: 10 milliohms maximum for silver; 20 milliohms maximum for gold Insulation Resistance: 1,000 megohms minimum @ 500V DC Dielectric Strength: 1,000V AC minimum between contacts for 1 minute minimum;1,500V AC minimum between contacts & case for 1 minute minimum Mechanical Life:100,000 operations minimum Electrical Life:25,000 operations minimum for silver; 50,000 operations minimum for gold Contact Timing:Nonshorting (break-before-make) Angle of Throw:26°Materials & FinishesToggle/Lever: Brass with nickel plating Support Bracket: Brass with tin plating Bushing/Housing: Glass fiber reinforced polyamide (UL94V-0)Sealing Ring: Nitrile butadiene rubber Base: Glass fiber reinforced polyamide (UL94V-0)Movable Contacts:Silver alloy with silver plating (code W); copper or phosphor bronze with gold plating (code G);or silver alloy with gold plating (code A)Stationary Contacts:Silver alloy with silver plating (code W); copper or brass with gold plating (code G);or silver alloy with gold plating (code A)Terminals: Copper or brass with silver or gold plating Environmental DataOperating Temp Range: –30°C through +85°C (–22°F through +185°F)Humidity: 90 ~ 95% humidity for 96 hours @ 40°C (104°F)Vibration: 10 ~ 55Hz with peak-to-peak amplitude of 1.5mm traversing the frequency range & returning in1 minute; 3 right angled directions for2 hoursShock: 50G (490m/s 2) acceleration (tested in 6 right angled directions, with 5 shocks in each direction)PCB Processing Soldering: W ave Soldering Recommended: See Profile B in Supplement section.Cleaning: A utomated cleaning. See Cleaning specifications in Supplement section.Standards & Certifications Flammability Standards: UL94V-0 rated bushing/housing & base UL: File No. E44145 - Recognized only when ordered with marking on switch.Add “/U” or “/CUL” before first dash in part number to order UL recognized switch.Allmodelsrecognizedat6A@125VAC,3A@250VAC,&**************@28VDC.CSA: File No. 023535_0_000 - Certified only when ordered with marking on switch.Add “/C” to end of part number to order CSA certified switch.All models certified at 6A @ 125V AC, 3A @ 250V AC, & 4A @ 30V DC.7/11/17A89I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e s K e y l o c k s R o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l eT o u c h T i l t downward force on the toggle.Single unit construction of the bushing and top of the housing gives protection from cleaning fluids or other liquids.O-ring surrounding actuator at top of bushing interior prevents liquids from reaching switch mechanism.Ultrasonic welding of upper and lower housing seals out contaminants and allows automated soldering and cleaning.Terminals are epoxy sealed to prevent entry of flux, solvents, and other contaminants.Bracketed models have crimped legs to ensure secure PC mounting and prevent dislodging during automated soldering.Logic level and power capabilities are available to suit varying applications.Actual SizeA90I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n tT a c t i l e sK e y l o c k s R o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l e T o u c h T i l tSPDTON-NONE-ON Circuit.250” (6.35mm) Bushing with Double FlatDESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL ORDERING EXAMPLEM2T12SA5G03.500” (12.7mm)Bat LeverGold Contacts with 0.4VA Rating Straight PC TerminalsIMPORTANT:Switches are supplied without UL, cULus & CSA marking unless specified.UL, cULus & CSA recognized only when ordered with marking on the switch.Specific models, ratings & ordering instructions are noted on the General Specifications page.A91I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e s K e y l o c k s R o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n sI l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l eT o u c h T i l t ACTUATORS Note: This dual rated option is suitable when two or more identical switches are used in logic and in power circuits within the same application. See Supplement section for complete explanation of dual rating and operating range.W Gold over Brass or Copper Logic Level 0.4VA maximum @ 28V AC/DC maximum Silver over Silver Power Level 6A @ 125V AC & 3A @ 250V AC Gold over SilverS G A CONTACT MATERIALS & RATINGS Material:Nickel over Brass Material:Nickel over Brass Standard Combinations : S Bat Lever with straight terminals (code 03) with silver or gold plete explanation of operating range in Supplement section.Power Level 6A @ 125V AC or Logic Level or 0.4V A maximum @ 28V AC/DC maximum .500” (12.7mm) Bat Lever S4.300” (7.62mm) Bat Lever Standard Combinations : S4 Bat Lever with bracketed terminals (codes 13, 30, 40) with silver or gold contacts.BUSHING .250” (6.35mm) Double Flatted A5A92I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e s K e y l o c k s R o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l e T o u c h T i l t.150.150” (3.81mm) Right Angle 0330.150” (3.81mm) Vertical 40Straight with .460” (11.7mm) Bracket 13.390” (9.9mm)Extended PC 05.728” (18.5mm) Extended PC 06.945” (24.0mm) Extended PC07Thk = (0.8).031Thk = (0.8) .031Epoxy Seal Dimension A = terminal lengths as shown beside the terminal codes at the left.Single Pole Single PoleSingle Pole Single Pole Double PoleDouble PoleDouble Pole Double PoleSingle Pole Double PoleA93I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e s K e y l o c k s R o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l eT o u c h T i l t Single & Double Pole Straight PC • BracketActuator in Down Position M2T12SA5G03 Actuator in Down Position M2T22SA5G03 Double Pole Straight PCActuator in Down Position M2T12S4A5G13.046.046A94I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e sK e y l o c k s R o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l e T o u c h T i l tM2T12S4A5G30 Actuator in Down PositionRight Angle PC Double PoleM2T22S4A5G30Actuator in Down Position Vertical PC Single PoleM2T12S4A5G40Actuator in Down Position. n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e s K e y l o c k s R o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l eT o u c h T i lt Actuator in Down Position M2T22S4A5G40HANDLING PRECAUTION When an application employs M2T model with silver contacts, 5 to 6A @ 125V AC, and the switch will be actuated 100 or more times per day, note these instructions:Peel off the film seal on the switch body situated over the part number after cleaning.。

SFK系列复合开关使用说明书-赛源电气技术低压复合开关使用说明书深圳市赛源电气技术有限公司目录1、概述 (3)2、选型 (4)3、技术参数 (4)4、外形图 (5)5、接线方法 (5)6、使用方法 (6)7、常见故障 (6)8、接线图 (6)1、概述关于本说明书本说明书旨在指导用户进行SFK系列低压复合开关的安装和使用。
2)确定电源供电系统是0.4KV的系统,复合开关不可用于高于0.4KV 的供电系统3)确保该复合开关的工作电压(内部的相线已连接,外部接入零线N端)在AC220V±20%、50HZ±10%范围内。
使用条件1)环境温度:-25℃至+70℃2)海拨高度:不超过2000M3)大气条件:空气湿度不超过90%4)环境条件:介质无导电尘埃2、选型S F K □□ C -□ DD:直流电压控制,共+极3:三相型2:分相型(三个单相一体) C:电容器投切用45或55:额定电流FK:复合开关S:赛源公司代号共有4种规格:三相型:SFK45C-3D,SFK55C-3D分相型:SFK45C-2D,SFK55C-2D分相型是A|、B、C三相做成一体的,也即三台单相电容器只要用一只复合开关。

B40I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e sK e y l o c k sR o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e sP r o g r a m m a b l eT o u c h T i l tT o g g l e sGeneral SpecificationsElectrical Capacity (Resistive Load)Power Level: 10A @ 125/250V AC for JWM & JWMW models; 10A @ 30V DC for JWMW;16A @ 125/250V AC for JWL & JWLW models; 5A @ 72V DC for telecommunication applicationsOther RatingsContact Resistance: 10 milliohms maximum for JWM & JWMW; 20 milliohms maximum for JWL & JWLWInsulation Resistance: 1,000 megohms minimum @ 500V DCDielectric Strength: 2,000V AC minimum between contacts for 1 minute minimum;4,000V AC minimum between contacts & case for 1 minute minimumMechanical Life: 25,000 operations minimum Electrical Life: 25,000 operations minimumNominal Operating Force: JWM & JWMW Single Pole 3.92N & Double Pole 7.84NJWL Single Pole 5.00N & Double Pole 10.00N; JWLW Double Pole 10.00NAngle of Throw: 26°Materials & FinishesRocker:Polyphenylene ether (UL94V-0) Contacts: JWM & JWMW: Silver alloy with silver plating Housing/Frame & Barrier: Polyamide (UL94V-0) JWL & JWLW: Silver alloy plus copper with Interior Seal for JWM & JWL:Polyphenylene sulfide (UL94V-0) silver plating Case/Base:Melamine (UL94V-0) Terminals: Brass with silver platingEnvironmental DataOperating Temperature Range: –25°C through +70°C (–13°F through +158°F) for JWM & JWL;–25°C through +85°C (–13°F through +185°F) for panel seal JWMW & JWLW modelsHumidity: 90 ~ 95% humidity for 96 hours @ 40°C (104°F)Vibration: 10 ~ 55Hz with peak-to-peak amplitude of 1.5mm traversing the frequency range & returningin 1 minute; 3 right angled directions for 2 hoursShock: 50G (490m/s 2) acceleration (tested in 6 right angled directions, with 5 shocks in each direction)Sealing: IP67 of IEC60529 standard for panel seal JWMW & JWLW models; dust resistant inner seal for othersInstallationSoldering Time & Temperature: Manual Soldering: See Profile A in Supplement section.Standards & CertificationsFlammability Standards: UL94V-0 for rocker, housing, seal & case/base of JWL, JWM, JWMW & JWLW models TV Ratings for UL & CSA: JWM (TV-5) Overload Test @ 120V AC for 50 operations:Steady State Current (rms) 7.5A; Minimum Inrush Current (peak) 111A.JWM (TV-5) Endurance Test @ 120V AC for 25,000 operations:Steady State Current (rms) 5A; Minimum Inrush Current (peak) 78A.JWL (TV-8) Overload Test @ 120V AC for 50 operations:Steady State Current (rms) 12A; Minimum Inrush Current (peak) 163A.JWL (TV-8) Endurance Test @ 120V AC for 25,000 operations:Steady State Current (rms) 8A; Minimum Inrush Current (peak) 117A.UL: File No. E44145JWM & JWMW models recognized at 10A @ 250V AC. JWMW recognized at 10A @ 30V DC. JWL & JWLW models recognized at 16A @ 250V AC; JWL at 5A @ 72V DC.Models below recognized only when ordered with marking on switch. JWMW: add “/U” to end of part number to order UL mark on switch; add “/CUL” to end of part number to order cULus mark on switch. JWL: add “/U-DC” to end of part number to request UL rating on DC rated switch.CSA: File No. 023535_0_000JWM & JWMW models certified at 10A @ 250V AC; JWL models certified at 16A @ 250V AC VDE: License No. 115674JWM models approved at steady state 5A, inrush 80A, resistive 10A, & motor load 6A all at 250V AC; JWL models approved at steady state inrush 128A, resistive 16A, & motor load 8A all at 250V AC.Note: JWM & JWL Double Pole, Single Throw models approved only with the international ON-OFF symbols on the actuator.8/3/17B41I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e s K e y l o c k s R o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l e T o g g l esT o u c hT i l t Distinctive CharacteristicsActual Size JWMIndustry’s first molded rocker with TV rating. Designed to handle large inrush current, with high electrical capacity of 10 and 16 Amps. JWM models certified for TV-5 rating and JWL models for TV-8 rating.JWMW and JWLW panel seal versions meet IP67 of IEC60529 Standards (similar to NEMA 4 and 6). Prominent external insulating barriers increase insulation resistance and dielectric strength. Uniquely constructed to break light contact welds.Increased electrical life with speciallydesigned plate to minimize contact bounce. Constructed for dust resistance with interior cover between actuator and contact area. Terminals are molded in and epoxy sealed to lock out flux, dust, and other contaminants. Solder lug/quick connect terminals can be used with connector.Housing and case of heat resistant resin meet UL94V-0 standard.B42I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n tT a c t i l e sK e y l o c k s R o t a r i e sP u s h b u t t o n sI l l u m i n a t e d P BS l i d e sP r o g r a m m a b l eT o u c hT i l t T o g g l e sTYPICAL SWITCH ORDERING EXAMPLEDESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL ORDERING EXAMPLEJWLW21RA1ABlack HousingDPSTON-NONE-OFF CircuitBlack Rocker Cap withInternational ON-OFF Symbolsin Horizontal Orientation16A @ 125/250V ACB43I n d i c a t o r sA c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n tT a c t i l e sK e y l o c k sR o t a r i e sP u s h b u t t o n sI l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l e T o g g l esT o u c hT i l tM Panel Seal Power Level 10A @ 125/250V AC Power Level 10A @ 125/250V AC Power Level16A @ 125/250V ACMW LRATINGSBARRIER TYPES & COLORSBarrier type designates that either AT217 (for JWM) orAT218 (for JWL) is factory assembled.Dimensions for barriers are shown in the Accessories section.RFlange/Housing Material: PolyamideFinish: MatteBarrier Material: Polyamide Finish: MatteNo-barrier type has a flat flange which is an integral part of the switch.No BarrierBWith BarrierABlackHGrayBIvoryBarrier Colors Available:JWMW and JWLW panel seal devices have exterior seal of acrylonitrile butadiene rubber covering the flange.Panel SealPower Level16A @ 125/250V ACLWJWM JWL JWM JWLCAP COLORSCap Material: Polyphenelene Oxide Finish: MatteRocker cap is an integral part of the switch and not available separately.JWMW and JWLW available with black or red caps only.BlackIvoryRedGrayCap ColorsAvailable:ABCHB44I n d i c a t o r sA c c e s s o r i e sS u p p l e m e n tT a c t i l e sK e y l o c k sR o t a r i e sP u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P BS l i d e sP r o g r a m m a b l eT o u c hT i l t T o g g l e sTERMINALSJWMWBlackIvoryABHINSCRIPTIONSInscription forHorizontal MountingDPST models without inscriptions do not have VDE approval.Inscription for Vertical MountingThe IEC symbols for On-Off are supplied with Single Throw models only.Orientation of inscription must be selected.Inscription Colors: Black ink on Ivory or Gray cap. White ink on Black or Red cap.Contact factory for other inscriptions.12No InscriptionNo CodeJWM & JWMWMaterial: Polyamide Finish: MatteColors Available:JWMW and JWLW panel seal models available with black housing only.HOUSINGGrayJWL & JWLWThk = (0.5).020.024.026Thk = (0.8) .031JWMPanel Thickness RangeWithout Barrier (JWM & JWMW):.039” ~ .157” (1.0mm ~ 4.0mm)With Barrier (JWM):.024” ~ .126” (0.6mm ~ 3.2mm)PANEL CUTOUTSSolder Lug/Quick Connect .110” (2.8mm)Solder Lug/Quick Connect .187” (4.75mm)Panel Thickness RangeWithout Barrier (JWL & JWLW):.039” ~ .157” (1.0mm ~ 4.0mm)With Barrier (JWL):.024” ~ .126” (0.6mm ~ 3.2mm)JWLWJWLB45I n d i c a t o r sA c c e s s o r i e sS u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e sK e y l o c k sR o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l e T o g g l esT o u c h T i l t TYPICAL SWITCH DIMENSIONS FOR JWM & JWMWJWM11RC1AJWMW22RCASingle & Double Pole With Barrier • 10 AmpSingle & Double Pole Panel Seal • No Barrier • 10 AmpJWM11BCA-HSingle & Double PoleNo Barrier • 10 AmpSingle pole double throw models do not have terminals 2a, 2, & 2b; single throw models do not have 1a & 2a.B46I n d i c a t o r sA c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n tT a c t i l e sK e y l o c k sR o t a r i e sP u s h b u t t o n sI l l u m i n a t e d P BS l i d e sP r o g r a m m a b l eT o u c hT i l tT o g g l e sTYPICAL SWITCH DIMENSIONS FOR JWL & JWLWWith Barrier • 16 AmpSingle & Double PoleJWL11BCA-HSingle pole double throw models do not have terminals 2a, 2, & 2b; single throw models do not have 1a & 2a.Panel Seal • 16 Amp • InscriptionDouble Pole Single ThrowJWLW21RA1AJWL21RC2A Single pole double throw models do not have terminals 2a, 2, & 2b; single throw models do not have 1a & 2a.No Barrier • 16 AmpSingle & Double PoleB47I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e s K e y l o c k sR o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l e T o g g l esT o u c hT i l t OPTIONAL DUST COVERTop Side BottomAssembly Instructions:1. Insert bottom of switch through the base untilthe tabs lock into place.2. Snap the switch into the panel.3. Seat the lid into the grooves of the base .Notes1. The dust cover is not for use with JWLW.2. The dust cover cannot be used with the barrier option.AT4126Dust Cover for JWL RockerWhen installed, the Dust Cover protects the switch from an environment containing small particles and dust. The switch is operable with the Dust Cover in place.Materials:Recommended Temperature Range:Lid: Clear Polyvinyl Chloride –10° ~ +70°C (+14°F ~ +158°F)Base: Black PolyamideLoses pliability below 0°C (+32°F)Recommended Panel Thickness:.031” ~ .134” (0.8mm ~ 3.4mm)LidBaseTYPICAL SWITCH DIMENSIONS FOR JWLWDouble Pole Double ThrowPanel Seal • 16 Amp • No InscriptionJWLW22RAAB48I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e s K e y l o c k sR o t a r i e sP u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P BS l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l eT o u ch T i l t T o g g l e sPRECAUTIONS FOR HANDLING & STORAGE FOR JWMW/LW (PANEL SEAL TYPES)Operating Environment• Do not actuate switch if submerged in water or oil.• water may occur. In such an environment, a minimum 30° angle installation is advisable. If there is a possibility of freezing, install vertically so no moisture will be retained within switch housing.Panel Mounting• After mounting a switch, be sure there are no gaps between switch and panel. Lightly push into panel.• After installing into panel, do not apply excessive force.• After panel installation and wiring is completed, do not apply force horizontally or vertically from behind panel.corners of cutout to prevent level mounting.。

1 产品型号1.1 产品分类产品按电容补偿的连接方式的分为三角形和星形接法两类:²三相共补型:为三角形接法(用△表示)²三相分补型:为星形接法(用3Y表示)1.2 型号2 主要技术特点2.1 过零投切复合开关的基本工作原理是将可控硅开关和继电器并接,实现电压过零导通和电流过零切断,使复合开关在接通和断开的瞬间具有可控硅过零投切的优点,而在接通后又有接触器开关无功耗的优点。
2.2 保护功能采用单片机控制投切,智能监控可控硅、继电器以及输入电源和负载的运行状况,从而具有完善的保护功能。
l 电压故障缺相保护:系统电压缺相供电时,开关拒绝闭合;而在接通后若出现缺相则自动断开。
l 电源电压缺相保护:工作电源缺相供电时,开关拒绝闭合;接通后若出现缺相则自动断开。
l 自诊断故障保护:系统自动监控可控硅、继电器的运行状态,若出现故障,则拒绝闭合或自动断开。
l 空载保护:未接负载时开关拒绝闭合。
l 停电保护:接通后,若遇突然停电,自动断开。
2.3 功耗小可控硅和继电器只在投切瞬间耗电,平时不耗电,从而实现节能降耗。

TSC-F-△智能电子复合开关TSC-F-△智能电子复合开关的工作原理是将可控硅开关与接触器开关并接,使复合开关在接通和断开的瞬间具有可控硅开关过零投切的优点,在正常接通期间又具有接触器开关功耗小的优点,无需外接串联电抗器,无通断涌流,开关接通后微功耗,不发热,不用外加散热片, 抗干扰能力强,工作可靠。
基本功能1) 零电压投入,电流过零切断;2) 缺相供电时,开关拒绝闭合;接通后若出现缺相,自动切断;3) 开关接通后功耗小,不发热,不用外加散热片;4) 无需外接串联电抗器,无通断涌流;5) 输入信号与复合开关光电隔离;6) 抗干扰能力强,工作可靠。
主要技术参数1) 额定电压:380V±15%2) 额定工作电流/额定控制电容3)通断延时:≥30秒4) 机械寿命:100万次5) 电路功耗:≤5W6) 环境温度:-25℃~+55℃外形尺寸外形尺寸:213mm×142mm×105mm固定尺寸:194mm×126mmTSC-F系列智能电子符合开关TSC-F系列智能电子负荷开关既具有无触点开关过零投切的优点,又具有机械开关功耗极低的优点。

1、分补开关与电容连接采用Y形接法,即开关三个输出端接三只单相电容一端,电容另一端接零线 2、在谐波电流较大场合下使用复合开关,建议根据情况采取谐波治理或电容器串联消谐滤波电抗器措施。 3、复合开关不适合于频繁投切的场所,推荐投切间隔时间大于60秒。 4、垂直安装,对角固定,采取上下两层U形槽钢固定。 5、复合开关前级保护必须选择熔断器,熔断器额定电流考虑为电容器额定电流的1.5-2倍。 6、使用复合开关,要注意容量规格选择恰当,接线牢靠。 7、使用单相复合开关时单相电容器零线务必接触良好,否则将很可造成复合开关电源零线承载过高零线电流损坏。
无:普通型 K:快速型、高原型
控制方式 G:三相共补 F:单相分补
额定电流 60:60A(≤30KVar电容器) 100:100A(≤60KVar电容器) 系列 FK:低压复合开关
外形尺寸91 173.5
外形尺寸: 长X宽X深 191mmX116mmX82mm
开孔尺寸: 长X宽 173.5mmX35mm
com K1 com K2 com K3
K1 K2 K3
K V1 V2
备注: 1、AGFK-G共补型复合开关端子“K”接AGJK-12G/DC控制器“com”(+12V)端子上,“V”端子接到 AGJK-12G/DC控制器“K1~K12”(直流-12V)端子上。 2、AGFK-F分补型复合开关端子“K”接AGJK-12F/DC控制器“com”(+12V)端子上,“V1~V3”分别与 连接到控制器“K1~K3”(直流-12V)端子端子上,分别控制A、B、C相单相电容器。 3、复合开关前端必须选用快速熔断器进行过流,短路保护。

8SKC9215-3300、1140/660V(PLC)矿用隔爆型组合开关使用说明书山西长治贝克电气有限公司目录一、用途及概述 (1)二、使用条件 (1)三、主要技术参数和技术性能 (2)四、开关型号含义 (3)五、开关结构 (4)六、电气工作基本原理 (5)七、操作方法 (6)八、故障信息显示 (11)九、安装接线 (12)十、使用与维护 (13)十一、产品包装与保管 (14)十二、定货须知 (15)附录 (16)一、用途及概述8SKC9215系列矿用隔爆型组合开关适用于含有爆炸性危险气体(甲烷)和煤尘的矿井中,在交流50HZ,电压1140(660V)线路中,对三相鼠笼式电动机或双绕组鼠笼式异步电动机的起动、停止进行控制和保护,并可在停止时方便地进行换向。
二、使用条件a、海拔不超过2000m;b、运行环境温度-25ºC-+40ºC;c、周围空气相对湿度不大于95%(+25ºC);d、在有沼气爆炸性混合物矿井中;e、在无显著摇动和冲击的地方;f、与垂直在的安装倾斜度不超过15º;g、在无破坏绝缘的气体或蒸气的环境中;h、在无滴水的地方;I、污染等级:3级;J、安装类别:Ⅱ类(负载水平级);三、主要技术参数和技术性能3.1主要技术参数:3.1.1 额定电压:660V、1140V或3300V3.1.2 额定频率:50HZ3.1.3 额定工作电流:当电压为660V/1140V时:总电流450A~1800A;单台隔离开关450 A;单台接触器80~400 A;当电压为3300V时:总电流2000A;单台隔离开关1000 A;单台接触器160A、400A、600 A;3.1.4 最大控制功率:在660 V,ηcosΦ=0.75时单回路为240KW在1140 V,ηcosΦ=0.75时单回路为500KW在3300 V,ηcosΦ=0.75时单回路为2000KW3.1.5 8小时工作制;3.1.6 允许电压波动范围:85~110%;3.1.7 电流整定范围:0~400A;3.1.8 机械寿命:接触器大于150万次;隔离换向开关大于0.6万次;3.1.9 电寿命:大于6万次;3.1.10 引入电缆外径:进线3个可穿入不大于Φ70(Φ80)mm的橡套电缆;出线4~8个,可穿入不大于Φ70(Φ80)mm橡套电缆;控制线6~8个,可穿入不大于Φ23mm的橡套电缆;3.1.11 外型尺寸:长×宽×高=2800(3250)×880×990(mm)3.2技术性能:本组合开关具有短路,过载、断相、漏电闭锁、过、欠压等各种保护。

贯标:KN1A-202 ZZR-Q/MA20023A-2001
KN1A-102-M ZZR-Q/MA20191-2009
KN1A-202-M ZZR-Q/MA20219-2010
KN1-417 KN1-417-L
KN1-405 KN1-405-L
KN1-427 KN1-427-L
KN1-415 KN1-415-L
KN1-408 KN1-408-L

1、 必须与本公司 JKGHY 系列智能控制器配套使用 2、 用 RS485 通信线连接 3、最多连接 16 只通信型复合开关
9 订货须知
9.1 用户须提供产品控制容量、补偿方式等参数。 9.2 用户尽量提供使用场所的一些特征。
- 55 -
常规型 RS485 通信型 - 54 -
HYFK 系列智能复合开关
1 概述
流 (A) 数
安装尺寸 mm
三相 380-45- △(Z) ≤30
共补 380-70- △(Z) ≤40
分相 220-45-Y(Z) ≤10/ 相 ×3 45 补偿 220-70-Y(Z) ≤13/ 相 ×3 70
A+B+C 134×100×96
控制器配套使用 ( 最多连接 16 只通信型复合开关 )
6.2 注意事项: 使用前,一定要重点检查主回路接线端子螺钉必须紧固,否则在运行时螺钉松动易造成投切开关的损 坏。 (本产品进出线接线端已采用防松自锁螺母,有效的保障了产品在接线牢固后不因运输、颠簸等因素 造成接线二次松动)
7 接线图示
指示灯 工作电压380V。
Ka\Kb\Kc A相、B相、C相电容器投切控制信号,