
英语四级作文篇一The Importance of Reading LiteratureLiterature is acknowledged as the most precious product of human civilization and wisdom, especially by our teachers. So they always ask their students to read as many as literary works. Just as the drawing shown above, a teacher gives a literary work to her student, saying: “Just think of it as if you’re reading a long text-message.”It is of great significance for us to appreciate literature due to the following reasons. Firstly, a good literature can get you to know a life experience through the eyes of someone other than yourself. The more experience you gain, the more knowledgeable you are. Secondly, a good literature allows you to learn about history in a personalized way. The stories told in the works can act as mirrors and help you adjust your own behaviors. Lastly, a good literature is an effective way for relaxation. The beautiful and moving scenes shown in the literature are helpful for one’s mental health.In short, literature is indispensable in our life. We, students, should catch our time to read more literatures.【总评】本次四级作文探讨的`话题是文学阅读的重要性。

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大学英语专业四级作文题目及范文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite TeacherEverybody has a favrit teacher, and mine is Miss Johnson. She is the nicest teacher ever! I love everything about her - her smily face, her pretty blue eyes, her kind voice, and even her flowry dresses. Miss Johnson is the best!Miss Johnson is my third grade teacher this year. On the first day of school, I was kinda nervous to have a new teacher. But as soon as Miss Johnson came in the classroom, I knew everything would be ok. She had a big smily face and said "Good morning, boys and girls! I'm so excited to have you in my class this year." Her voice was so gentle and kind.Then she told us all to come up one by one and say our names and somthing we like to do for fun. I almost didn't want to go cuz I was shy, but Miss Johnson made me feel comfortabull. When it was my turn, she smilled at me and said "Don't be scared, honey. Just tell us your name and a fun thing you like to do." So I took a deep breath and said "My name is Lily and I like to readbooks." Miss Johnson clapped and said "Wonderful! Reading is fantastic." After that, I wasn't nervous anymore.Everyday in class is fun with Miss Johnson. She makes learning feel like a game instead of work. In math, we don't just do a bunch of bore-ing problems. We might play bingo or go on a treasure hunt to practice our numbers. For spelling, we have competitions where we get to wear fun costumes if we get all the words right. Science is awsum too - we did a project where we made volcanos erubt with vinegar and baking soda! Every subject is an adventure.Miss Johnson is really smart and knows everything, but she doesn't show off like some stuck-up teachers. If somebody doesn't understand, she never gets mad or impatient. She just explains it a different way until we get it. Sometimes she uses puppets or acts it out to make the hard stuff more clear. Nobody feels dumb in her class.But my favrit thing about Miss Johnson is how much she cares about us, not just as students but as people. She always asks how we're feeling and if anything is worrying us at home or with friends. If somebody seems sad, she'll give them a big hug or crack a silly joke to make them laugh. Once, Timmy's dog ran away and Miss Johnson dropped everything to help him make"Lost Puppy" signs to put up around the neighborhood. Thankfully, his dog Buddy came back a few days later!Every Friday, we have Share Circle where anyone can talk about something happy or sad that happened that week. Miss Johnson always listens real close and never judges. One time, I got in a arguement with my best friend Amy and felt super bad about it. When I told the class, instead of saying "Don't fight with your friends," Miss Johnson said "Disagreements happen, even with people we love. The important thing is understanding each other and saying sorry." That made me feel a lot better.Besides teaching us all the school stuff, Miss Johnson also teaches us how to be good people. She says things like "Treat others how you want to be treated" and "A little kindness can brighten someone's whole day." Sometimes she reads us inspireing stories about kids showing courage or generosity. We even have a "Kindness Jar" where we put a puff ball every time someone does a nice deed, no matter how small. At the end of the month, whoever has the most puff balls gets a prize! I got one last week for sharing my crayons with Peter.I really look up to Miss Johnson and hope I can be as caring and fun as her someday. She makes third grade the best year ever. We're all so lucky to have her as our teacher. I'm gonna besuper sad to leave her class at the end of this year. But I'll always remember her lessons - the math and reading ones, but especially the lessons on being a good person. Miss Johnson is my role model forever!篇2My Dream JobHi there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. Today, I want to tell you all about my dream job. It's something I've been thinking about a lot lately. At first, I wanted to be a teacher because I love helping my little sister with her homework. But then I remembered how scary my third-grade teacher was, and I started having second thoughts.Instead, I think my dream job would be to work with animals, maybe at a zoo or an animal shelter. I just love furry (andnot-so-furry) creatures so much! My family has two dogs, a cat, and a bunch of fish. Taking care of them is one of my favorite things to do. I make sure they have fresh water and food every day. I also spend a lot of time playing with them and giving them belly rubs.Working at a zoo would be amazing because I'd get to see and learn about so many cool animals from all over the world.Can you imagine getting to hang out with lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!)? I'd be a little scared, but also super excited. I would try my best to make sure all the animals were happy and healthy.An animal shelter would be great too. My heart breaks whenever I see homeless dogs or cats looking sad and hungry on the street. At the shelter, I could help find loving families to adopt those poor animals. I'm really good at persuading my parents to let me have treats, so I bet I could convince people to take home a new furry friend!Whichever animal job I chose, I know it would be a lot of hard work. I'd have to clean out cages and pens, which doesn't sound like much fun. And some animals can be pretty smelly! But I wouldn't mind. To me, the chance to hang out with cute critters all day would be worth a little bit of yucky stuff.I should probably learn more about which animals are safe to be around though. My dad always reminds me not to go near stray dogs or cats because they could be dangerous. And I'm not sure how I'd feel about scooping up snake poop! Yuck! Maybe I'll just stick to the furry animals for now.One of the coolest parts about working with animals would be getting to learn their different habits and behaviors. Did you know that dogs are really smart and can learn hundreds of words?Or that cats spend a huge portion of their day just licking themselves? I'd get to observe all sorts of fascinating things like that.I could also teach others about how to properly care for pets.I already gave my cousin a very stern lecture when I found out he lets his goldfish go for days without cleaning out their bowl. That's just not right! All pets deserve a clean, loving environment.Spending time around animals always makes me feel so happy and calm. Whenever I'm having a bad day, I just have to snuggle up with my dogs or watch my cat chase a laser pointer for a few minutes. Instantly, my frown turns upside down! I think being around friendly, cuddly creatures would be the perfect job for me.For now, I just volunteer whenever I can. Sometimes I help my neighbors walk their dogs or scoop out the litter boxes for our classroom's pet rabbits. I also donate pet food, toys, and supplies to our local animal shelter. Maybe once I'm done with school, they'll let me come work there! A girl can dream, right?Well, that's my idea of the perfect job. Every day would be filled with playing, cuddling, and learning all about lots of cute, furry friends. I'd get to use my nurturing side to provide care and affection. And who knows, maybe I could even train the animalsto do fun tricks! Can't you just picture me riding around the zoo on an elephant's back? Now THAT would be living the dream!What about you? What's your dream job? I'll warn you now, if it has anything to do with hurting animals, we can't be friends! But if you want to join me in snuggling puppies and kittens all day, you've got my full support. Being an animal caretaker is the best gig out there, at least in this third-grader's opinion. Thanks for listening, and give your pet an extra treat from me tonight!篇3My Favorite TeacherHi, my name is Timmy and I'm in 5th grade. Today I want to tell you all about my favorite teacher, Mrs. Anderson. She is the best teacher ever! I've had her for reading and writing class the last two years and she makes learning so much fun.Mrs. Anderson always has a big smile on her face when she comes into the classroom. She gets really excited about the subjects she teaches and her energy gets us pumped up too. Reading used to be kind of boring to me before I had her class. But the way she reads the stories with different voices for each character makes them come alive! She also doesn't just lecture at us the whole time. She has us act out scenes from the books andcome up with our own creative endings. It's like a big improv show and lets us really use our imaginations.For writing, Mrs. Anderson doesn't just make us do boring grammar worksheets and essays. Although we do have to learn about nouns, verbs, adjectives and all that stuff, she has creative ways of teaching it. Like this one game where we have to toss a beach ball across the circle and whoever catches it has to name a verb, then toss it to someone else who has to name a noun, and it goes back and forth like that. We end up running around and getting some exercise while learning! She also let's us write about anything we want - fantasy stories, comics, movies we've seen, anything. As long as we're being creative and using proper grammar and spelling, she doesn't really limit us.Another thing I love about Mrs. Anderson is how she decorates her classroom. It's not just boring posters about math formulas and state capitals. She has awesome maps of imaginary lands from storybooks on the walls. She has a cozy reading corner with beanbags and fun lamps that look like pirates or aliens. She even grows plants and has an aquarium with fish in the back! It makes the room feel so vibrant and magical, definitely not the dull, drab classroom you'd expect.Mrs. Anderson herself is just a really cool, fun person too. At Halloween she always dresses up in an awesome costume - one year she was a vampire, another year a fairy princess. For our holiday party she plans cool games and activities like mummy wrapping competitions. And if we have reading time, sometimes she'll eat her lunch and read alongside us to model good habits. She definitely doesn't act like some boring, strict teacher that drones on and on. She's always lively and energetic.I've learned so much from being in Mrs. Anderson's class these past couple years. But even more than all the reading and writing skills, she's taught me positive values too. She's all about encouraging students to express themselves, letting our creativity run wild. She wants us to explore different worlds through literature and letting our imaginations soar.Mrs. Anderson has showed me how fun learning can be if you have the right attitude and environment. She doesn't try to force information into our brains, but gets us engaged through games, activities, art and storytelling. Instead of shushing us and making us sit still, she lets us be energetic kids as long as we're still focused and participating. I seriously look forward to her class every day because I know it'll be a fun, new adventure.So those are all the reasons why Mrs. Anderson is the best teacher ever in my book! She's made such a huge impact on me and I hope every kid can have a teacher like her. Someone who sparks their love of learning and inspires them to be creative. A teacher who breaks outside of the boring lectures and worksheets to make acquiring knowledge feel like an exciting journey. Not just someone who drones on endlessly about facts and formulas, but who connects with students and brings the subjects to life through passion and energy.I'm honestly kind of sad that I'll be moving on to middle school next year and won't have Mrs. Anderson as my teacher anymore. But the skills and values she's instilled in me will last forever. I'll never forget the way she opened my eyes to the magic of reading and writing. And I'll do my best to keep feeding my curiosity and imagination like she encouraged every day in her classroom. Thanks Mrs. Anderson - you're the best!篇4The Tough CET-4 TestHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm in 5th grade. My big sister Emily is a college student and she has to take this really hard test called the CET-4. I'm going to tell you all about it!The CET-4 stands for College English Test Band 4. Emily says it's a big important exam that all college students in China have to pass to get their degree. If you don't pass it, you can't graduate! So it's super duper important.Emily has been studying really really hard for it. She takes special classes and does tons of practice tests. Sometimes I see her books and papers all over the living room. The test has listening, reading, writing, and translation sections which sounds just awful to me!For the listening part, you have to listen to recordings and answer questions about what you heard. Emily practices by listening to english podcasts and movies. She says understanding different accents is really hard.For the reading, you have to read really long passages and answer comprehension questions. Emily reads English novels, magazines, and news articles to get ready. She has a huge vocabulary book too that she studies from.Then for the writing part, you have to write a short essay in a certain amount of time. Emily showed me some sample topics and they seemed pretty tricky to me. You have to give your opinion and support it with good reasons and examples.And finally, there's translation between Chinese and English in both directions. Emily says this part is one of the toughest because you have to really understand context and meaning, not just words.It all sounds incredibly difficult if you ask me! I'm just glad I'm still a kid and don't have to worry about that CET-4 monster yet. Phew!Emily takes her test next month and she's been feeling really stressed about it. I've been trying to help her stay positive. I make her tea and snacks while she studies. Sometimes I quiz her on vocabulary words for fun.I keep telling her "You're really smart Emily, you've worked so hard, you're totally going to pass!" I think a little encouragement from her kid brother goes a long way.The night before her test, I'm going to make her favorite dinner and bake her special good luck cookies. Then I'll wish her good luck and tell her to go get 'em! I'll be waiting at home cheering her on from here.Emily says once she passes the CET-4 it will be a huge relief and weight off her shoulders. She'll be able to focus more on hermajor classes and start thinking about life after graduation. Passing that test is a really big milestone.I really really hope my sister passes on her first try. She deserves it after all her late nights studying. If not, she'll have to take it again which would be such a bummer after all her hard work.Well, that's all I know about the CET-4 and why it's such an important test. It sounds crazy difficult if you ask me! I'm just glad I've got several more years before I need to start worrying about that one.Anyway, I've got to run - it's time for recess! I'll leave you with one last message for my big sis: YOU GOT THIS EMILY! I'm rooting for you! Love, Timmy篇5My Favorite PetHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 8 years old. Today I want to tell you all about my very best friend in the whole wide world - my dog Rufus!Rufus is a golden retriever and he's the most adorable, fluffiest, friendliest pup you'll ever meet. I've had him since I wasjust a little kid, like 5 years old. My parents got him for me for my birthday and I'll never forget the day they brought him home. He was just a tiny little ball of fur, yellowish-gold in color with the brightest eyes and a wagging tail that never stopped! From the moment I saw him I knew we were going to be inseparable.Rufus has been my constant companion ever since that day. We do everything together! In the mornings when I wake up, he's always right there waiting for me with his tail thumping on the floor. I give him a big hug and scratch behind his ears and he licks my face over and over. It's the best way to start the day. Then we head to the kitchen together and I feed him his breakfast while I eat mine. Rufus is pretty well-behaved but sometimes if I'm eating something really yummy like pancakes with syrup, he can't resist begging for a bite with those big puppy dog eyes. I usually sneak him a little piece when my parents aren't looking!After breakfast, Rufus and I go out to the backyard to play for a while before I have to leave for school. We have so much fun chasing each other around and playing fetch. Rufus can jump super high to catch his tennis ball. Sometimes I throw it really far and he has to run really fast to go get it. When he comes running back with it in his mouth, his ears are flopping all over the place -it's so silly and cute! I laugh so hard watching him. We also like to play hide and seek, where I go hide somewhere in the yard and Rufus has to sniff me out. His nose is amazing and he always finds me, even if I'm buried underneath a pile of leaves!The hardest part of my day is when I have to go to school and leave Rufus behind. I give him a million kisses and hugs and tell him I'll be back soon. While I'm at school, I know he just lounges around the house keeping my mom company. She sends me pictures sometimes of him napping on the couch or running around the yard. I can't wait to get home in the afternoon so I can play with him some more!When I get off the bus, Rufus is always waiting for me at the end of the driveway, jumping up and down with excitement to see me. I run up and we greet each other like we haven't seen each other in years! Then we head straight for the backyard or to the park to run around and have more playtime together. In the evenings, Rufus comes and snuggles with me on the couch while I'm doing my homework. He puts his head in my lap and I scratch his ears while I read or do my math problems. It makes the homework a lot more fun with him there.My favorite time with Rufus is bedtime though. After I take my bath and put on my pajamas, Rufus comes into my room withme. He has his very own little doggy bed on the floor right next to mine. I read him a bedtime story every night, even though I'm not sure if he actually understands what I'm saying. But he sits very patiently and lets me read to him anyway. Then I give Rufus one last hug and kiss, tell him I love him, and we both drift off to sleep.On the weekends, we have even more time for fun adventures together. Sometimes my parents take us on hikes in the woods. Rufus loves running along the trails and chasing any birds or squirrels he sees. Other times we'll go to the lake or beach and Rufus goes nuts playing in the water. He's such a strong swimmer and can jump really high to catch the sticks or toys I throw. We have a doggy pool at home too that Rufus spends hours in when it's hot outside.I really don't know what I'd do without my buddy Rufus. He's more than just a pet to me - he's my best friend in the whole world. We have so much fun together every single day. He's always there waiting for me with a wagging tail, ready to cheer me up if I'm sad or tired from school. Rufus never judges me and always gives me unconditional love, even if I'm having a bad day. He reminds me to stay playful and enjoy the simple things in life, like a long walk, a game of fetch, or a good belly rub. I feel solucky to have Rufus in my life. I'm going to keep making amazing memories with him for as long as I can!篇6My Day as an Elementary School KidHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 8 years old. I'm in 3rd grade at Oakwood Elementary School. Today I'm going to tell you all about a typical day in my life as an elementary school kid. It's a pretty fun life if you ask me!It all starts when my mom comes into my bedroom at 7am to wake me up for school. I never want to get out of my warm, cozy bed but she makes me. We have a morning routine we follow - I get dressed, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and head to the kitchen for breakfast. My favorite is waffles with syrup and strawberries!After breakfast, my mom packs my lunch for school. I always get a sandwich, some baby carrots, an apple, and a juice box. Sometimes I get a treat like chips or cookies too if I was extra good that week. Once my lunch is ready, I put on my backpack and head out the door with my mom to wait for the school bus.The bus picks me up right at my house at 8:15am. I love getting to ride the big yellow bus to school! I sit with my best friends Michael and Emma and we talk and laugh the whole way there. Sometimes we have bus buddies too which are the big 5th grade kids who help make sure we get to our classrooms okay once we arrive.School starts right at 9am on the dot. The first bell rings and we all line up by class to head inside from the playground. My teacher Mrs. Parker is really nice. She makes learning fun games and activities for us. In the morning we have reading group, math lessons, and time for writing stories or journaling. We take breaks for recess and P.E. too so we can run around and get our wiggles out.For lunch, we eat in the cafeteria at 11:30am. I always get so excited to see what the lunch ladies are serving that day. My favorite is pizza day! After lunch, we have recess again to play on the playground and gamefield. That's when I can play tag, tetherball, or just run around being silly with my friends before heading back inside for more learning.In the afternoon, we have science, social studies, computer lab, music, and art. Those are some of my favorite special classes.I love doing fun experiments, learning about history, codinggames on the computer, singing songs, and getting creative with arts and crafts. The afternoon goes by really quickly.Finally, at 3:30pm the final bell rings and it's time to go home!I meet my bus buddy and we walk to the line for my bus number. The ride home is a lot louder and crazier than the morning ride because we're all energized from our fun day at school. When I get home, I have a snack like graham crackers and apple slices, watch a little TV, and play outside before starting any homework I have.Once I finish up my homework, my mom makes dinner for us. We'll eat together as a family and I'll tell them all about my day over macaroni and cheese or chicken nuggets. Afterwards, I get to play for a little while until it's time for my bath and then bed around 8pm. Some nights I even get to pick a bedtime story for my dad to read to me!And that's what a typical day is like for me as a kid in elementary school. It's a lot of fun with my friends, lessons, activities, recess time, and then home to my family at night. Being a kid is hard work but it's the BEST! I hope you enjoyed this inside look at my daily life. Stay awesome!。

专四2023年作文真题及范文(通用5篇)For those who first live in a big city, they are confronted with multiple unexpected challenges, which, to some extent, may make or break them. So it is essential to be aware of the challenges.There are two major challenges for them. For one thing, the fast pace of social and professional life would be a hard bone to chew. It would become a struggle and terrible experience, if they cannot get used to the pace of life and work in big cities. For another, how to build a social network in big cities would be also a difficulty for those who want to start a new life in big cities. Without a social network, they would not have the sense of belonging.All in all, from what has been discussed above, the two major challenges are common for people struggling in big cities. The awareness of the potential problems and proper adjustment is necessary for all people going to big cities.Punctuality Is an Important VirtueTo be or not to be punctual is a habit. We often fail to appreciate the influence of habits in our life. The habitual practice of being late is often due to a lack of concern of being on time. In my opinion, being punctual is an important virtue for all of us.Punctuality is essential for people from all walks of life. For students,it is a great you are punctual, you leave a good impression on the teachers and classmates who may offer tremendous help in teamwork. In hospitals, punctuality can make all the difference between life and death. On the contrary, an unpunctual person generally causes inconvenience to person who is always late shows selfishness and thoughtlessness, and he is not a person that most people want for a friend. Furthermore, just as Thomas C. Haliburton said, ^v^Punctuality is the soul of business.^v^ Lateness is a sign of poor time management skills. When you are late for appointments, meetings or work, you show a lack of respect for other people's time as well as your own. If you want to be a successful businessman, being punctual is particularly important. Failing to arrive on time causes much inconvenience to the business and also to the rest of the staff. The failure to keep up an engagement punctually may mean a setback for the business.To sum ups, punctuality being so important in life, it is necessary for everybody to cultivate this habit froth the very beginning.(252 words)专四2023年作文真题及范文第5篇With globalization and industrialization increasing in recently years, more and more farmland and forests are being destroyed in the name of modernization. As a result, a couple of wild animals were killed or driven out of their original habitat. Tribal people who are in a peaceful life gradually lose their own lands. Survival’s Director Stephen Cory putforward his point of view about what conservationist should do. I agree with him.First, tribal people’s rights have to be acknowledged and respected. The conservationists must make it clear that they come to protect the environment rather than destroy it. They are supposed to respect tribal people, including their original habitat, culture and their lifestyles. As a matter of fact, they are not leaders but conservationists.Second, conservationists have to be treated as the best exports at defending their own people is an important part of the nature, and they know a lot about nature. Conservationists must realize it is they who are junior partners.To sum up,only in this way can the situation of conservationists be improved.Should College Students Hire Cleaners?It was recently reported that a few college students hired a help to do some cleaning in their dorm. These students attribute this behavior to their limited spare time. They claim that it can help them to save time and pay more attention to their studies. As far as I am concerned, such a chain of reasoning is seriously flawed, and they are just making an excuse for their laziness. College students should not hire a help for their dormitory cleaning.To begin with, it is not necessary for college students to hire acleaner. As boarding-school students living in tiny dorms, we don’t have much cleaning to do at all. What we need to do every day is just washing or some basic cleaning, which we learned to do in childhood. Undoubtedly we can manage them ourselves. In addition, cleaning up a dorm won’t take much time. Conversely, it may help us to divert our attention away from studies and reduce our pressure. As a result, we don’t need to hire a cleaner to keep our dorms clean.A more important reason why university students should not hire a cleaner is that university education involves both knowledge learning and character building. In the university we should try our best to be more independent and self-reliant. Otherwise, we cannot shoulder greater responsibility when we step into the society. If now we still rely on cleaners for dorm sanitation, how can we earn our own living in the future? Consequently, the most basic thing we should do now is to take care of ourselves and prepare for our future, instead of evading responsibility by hiring a help.In summary, college students should learn to stand on their own feet. Hiring a cleaner is definitely not a wise choice.。

英语专业四级作文范文1. How to Keep FitA healthy body is very important to every one of us. When you are sick, you feel painful all over your body, have no energy to work; and the only thing you want to do is lying on the bed. When you are healthy, you can eat well, sleep well, sing and jump happily, do all the things you like to enjoy life.The methods to keep us fit vary. In the morning, you can get up early, go outdoors, breathe the fresh air, and do physical exercises. Running and swimming are extremely helpful to keep one fit. If you are a busy person and have no special time allocated to do these things, there are still some ways useful for to keep fit. The easiest way is to walk to your office instead of riding a bike or taking a bus. You also have to take a routine physical check - up. Your doctor will know the condition of your body most clearly, and he will give you the most valuable advice to keep fit. You should always try to make yourself happy. If you feel happy, you can eat well, sleep well, and your body is sure to be in an excellent condition.Health is the most valuable possession a person expects inhis life. Try every means to keep fit is my advice to the people who want to live a happy life in this beautiful world.2. SupermarketsSince the first supermarket emerged fifty years ago, it has become the most popular shopping center in many large cities around the world. In China, supermarkets enjoy an increasing popularity among city dwellets, especially the common people with low incomes.Compared with other types of stores, supermarkets are getting popular for several reasons. First, fewer employees are required in supermarkets and management cost is reduced. Second, almost all goods are shipped directly from the producers and sold at considerably cheaper prices. Lastly, in supermarkets,ahnost every kind of daily necessity is available and placed on open shelves, so the customers can choose whatever they want from their shopping list and take the items to the checkout counter easily. As a result, instead of visiting many stores, customers can get the tiring shopping task done quickly and feel relaxed. What is more,many supermarkets stay open very late at night, and provide large parking spaces.In the last few years, supermarkets have mushroomed in Beijing and many other large cities in China. The conffort, economy and convenience of shopping in supermarkets please Chinese customers very much; and the supermarkets, steadily gaining popularity, are doing booming business in China.3. Income Sources of College StudentsAccording to the investigation of the income sources of students, the income of American and Chinese students comes from parents, part-time job and scholarship, However, the percentage of each income is quite different, Fifty percent of the American students income comes from their parents, fifteen percent comes from the scholarships granted by colleges and universities and the rest comes from part-time jobs. Ninety percent of Chinese students' income comes from their parents.In my opinion, the main reasons for the difference is that American students are taught to be independent when they are very young, while Chinese students are taken such good care of that it is very difficult for them to live on their own. What's more, Chinese students have fewer opportunities to find part-time jobs.Nowadays more and more Chinese students are seekingpart-time jobs. For one thing, some students come from poor areast and their parents can't afford the high cost of education. For another, they're eager to acquire some social skills and earn some money which will help them do more in school and live independently, AS far as American students are concerned, I think the sources of American students' income will remain the same.4. Campus loveNowadays, campus love is popular. Some college teachers argue that students should give up love for the sake of learning. They maintain that love is time consuming and influences one’s learning. Some students, however, hold that a student who falls in love will study harder and will make greater progress. They don't believe that a person in love lags behind in his studies.There are different kinds of love on campus. Some students regard love as killing time or adding color; some are pragmatic, thinking it's difficult to find a better partner after graduation; the purpose of others is for seeking the impetus of study. Anyhow, far away from home and alone, seeking friendship, understanding and love, the boys and girls easily find comfort and appreciation from one another.As a mater of fact, love is a sharp double-bladed knife. Having it will make you very happy; while losing it, you always feel disappointed and depressed. When the bond of love broken, going on studying as usual or sinking lament or even being crazy depend on us. We will not let romantic entanglement(纠缠) interfere(妨碍) with our studies.Love is a natural and quiet. During the process of love we will experience romantic love, frustrating love and critical love and real love. True love will overcome our pain and dismay, warm our heart, and spark our spirit with delight forces but not resistance.5. Competition and cooperationCompetition is a common phenomenon in our society . We compete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study, and there is constant competition for jobs, fame, wealth and so forth. Therefore,we can say that, in a certain sense, competition is one of the motive forces of the development of our modern society.It is often believed, that competition and cooperation are in opposition to each other. Some people stress competition, without which, in their eyes, there is no responsibility, no drive andultimately, no progress. Others advocate cooperation whatever they do. They are of the opinion that the dependence of people on one another has increased, without which the society we live in can not keep going smoothly. In reality, we find that in many cases competition goes hand in hand with cooperation. Lets take a football game for example. During the game, one team is competing against the other, but each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates. Otherwise, they would lose the game no matter how skillful each individual player might be. It is clear that competition has much to do with cooperation.As far as I'm concerned, I do not agree with the view that competition and cooperation are always in conflict with each other. In my opinion, while advocating competition. We should never forget cooperation. In our social life, cooperation is especially necessary because most work is fulfilled with or through other people. So Ive come to the conclusion that competition are equally important.6. Todays Luxuries Are Tomorrows NecessitiesBy "luxury", we mean "a pleasant and often expensive thing that is not necessary". From a historical point of view, things which Were a luxury when they first came into being all became necessitieslater. When the electric bulb was first invented in the U.S., it was such a luxury that only government bodies could afford to use it. Nowadays, however, it has reached every part of the world. It is the same case with telephone, TV, and a lot of others, which were all luxuries years ago.Anything, no matter how luxurious it is, will become a necessity when it is widely used. This is true of many of the present luxuries, including mobile phones, cars, computers and many other things. It is known to all that the purpose of the development of science is to make things easy for the mankind, not for only a small number of people. Therefore, the first thing to do after a new invention occurs is to spread it so as to benefit as many people as possible. In the course of the spread, the luxury becomes decreasingly luxurious until in the end it becomes a necessity. This is an objective law, nothing can be an exception.With the quick development of science and technology, the process for many things to become a necessity from a luxury will be greatly shortened. Anything that can be imagined will be invented and in no time becomes a necessity accessible to ordinary people.7. Wealth and happinessWealth has always been what some people long for. It is true that most of them try to acquire wealth by means of honest labor. Their efforts contribute to the welfare of society and at the same time to the accumulation of their wealth. This brings them happiness.There is no doubt that wealth brings happiness especially in modern society, where various kinds of modern conversation, new fashions and entertainments make their appearance with each passing day. These can improve a person’s life he or she has money to buy them.But wealth does always not go hand in hand with happiness. Wealth may encourage those weak-willed person to be addicted to some harmful habits such as drug taking or gambling and bring about their own ruin. Also a person may lose his reason and go astray if he is passionately devote to seeking wealth. Therefore, one can never count on wealth to achieve happiness.8. Traveling with a CompanionTraveling can be wonderful. It introduces us to new experiences, broadens our minds and helps us relax. However, not everyone likes to travel in the same way. Some people prefer to travel alone so that they can do what they like during their trip without havingto worry about anyone else. Others like to have a companion to share the experience with. I am one of the latter, because I believe that traveling with someone has many advantages.When I travel with a companion, I have someone with whom to share what I experience. We can talk over the day’s events and discoveries, and this will make them more interesting. In addition, it is often comforting to have a familiar person around when we are in a strange environment. When I am traveling in a foreign country, I may be unable to speak the language or may be confused by the local customs. With a travel companion, I will always have someone to talk and share my feelings with. Finally, a travel companion can make the journey easier and safer. We can help each other to take the journey easier and safer. We can help each other to take care of our bags and get information, as well as keep each other company while waiting in long lines.To sum up, I prefer to travel with a companion rather than travel alone. I believe it adds enjoyment and comfort to may trip. And when we return from our journey, my friends and I can share our wonderful memories.9. Living in university dormitories or apartments in the community?I think it is better for college students to live on campus during their first two years, and then move into an apartment for off-campus life, while juniors and seniors need the independence of off-campus life.student’s needs change over four years, so their housing should too.Living on-campus makes it easier to get oriented to the way things are done. You get the whole university experience. Plus, you interact more with other students. This includes not only your roommates, but everyone in your dormitory. The older students in the dormitory can be a big help for the new students. Keeping up with studies in your first year is hard enough. You should not have to worry about finding your way around and figuring out the university bureaucracy.Living in the dormitory also make a student feel more a part of the uniersity community. There are more opportunities for becoimg involved in university activities and networking with students and university administraction.Living off-campus, however, is a definite advantage for older students. Fingding an apartment, dealing with leases and the landlord’s regulations, cooking meals, and figuring out budgetsare all good practice for life after graducation. This kind of independence helps older students grow in adulthood.Off-campus housing also gives students a better perspective on what is going on around them. Campus can be like little worlds of their own. There are few children or older people and everyone is focused on education. Getting to know neighbors who are not students is good for students coming from difference places. It is a chance to find out what other people think and feel.I think a combination of two years on-campus and two years off-campus is a winning combination for most students.10. How to Achieve Team Work"Experience is the best teacher," people say. Indeed, the most important, and sometimes the hardest, lessons we learn in life come from our participation in situations. For my part, you can't learn everything from a book. And only practice makes you a successful person.To begin with, first-hand experience is important for a child. When we were children, we learned the fundamental lessons of life solely from experience. That is to say, parents teach us by experience such as how to walk steadily, how to cope with the adults, and soon and so forth. Secondly, first-hand experience is also important for an adolescent. At school, we do not learn everything from books, in that few books can teach us successfully how to meet new people and make more friends. Finally, as we leave adolescence behind and enter adult life, no book can teach us how to fall in love and get married. But experiencing our own triumphs and disasters is really the only way to learn how to live a successful life.To conclude, knowledge gained both from experience and from books have their respective roles to play in our life. However, in my view, I think the former one is more important than the latter one. The most important lessons can't be taught; they have to be experienced.11. Should college students do part-time jobs?In many countries it is common for teenagers to take part-time jobs while they are still in high school, while in other societies this is virtually unheard of. In the latter situation, students are expected to spend all of their time on their studies and consider schoolwork their "job". In my opinion, students benefit more from a more balanced lifestyle, which may include working at a part-time job. Therefore, I believe that it is a good idea for studentsto work while studying.While it is true that a student's most important goal must be to learn and to do well at his studies, it does not need to be the only goal. In fact, a life which consists of only study is not balanced and may cause the student to miss out on other valuable learning experiences. In addition to bringing more balance to a student's life, part-time work can broaden his range of experience. He will have the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life and will be faced with a wider variety of problems to solve. Furthermore, work helps a student to develop greater independence, and earning his own pocket money can teach him how to handle his finances. Finally, a part-time job can help a student to develop a greater sense of responsibility, both for his own work and for that of the team he works with.For all of these reasons, I firmly believe that most students would benefit from taking a part-time job while they are in high school. Of course, they must be careful not to let it take up too much of their time because study is still their primary responsibility. In sum, living a balanced life is the best way to be successful.12. Should college students be allowed to get married?There is no denying the fact that it is a hotly debated topic today whether college students should be allowed to get married. Some time ago, the ban was lifted by some universities on students getting married. To this people’s attitudes differ sharply. Some hold the positive view. They say that most college students are adults and that it is a basic right for those who have reached the appropriate ages to get married. Besides, they argue that with their biological and emotional needs met, these students will study better. The ban on this means a severe violation of human rights.Many others, however, hold the negative opposite view. They claim that the university or college is a place to study instead of a community to lead family life. Allowing college students to get married would adversely affect their study. For instance, they would spend too much time attending their family and love, unable to concentrate on their school work.As far as I am concerned, Weighing the arguments of both sides, I believe that college students should not be allowed to get married. Though mostly adults, they are actually immature psychologically. Their wishes to get married are, more often than not, impulses. Besides, as students, they are not ready to support a family financially.13.当今女性减肥已成为一种时尚。

2023年英语专业四级作文范文(12篇)Video Gamesgames have become mroe and more popular among the students.so i'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether students could play the video of the students think the video games can have a bad influence on younger video games are violent or about killing other players and they aer even worse than the violent films.if students play the video games,some of them will be addicted to the video games,so they will pay less attention to their studies or have no time to commuicate with others.on the other hand, 3% believe that playing video games will help us to take a good knowledge of computer,then we will become more and more creative and quickly 's more,video games makes students'brains relaxed so they can study effective.in my opinion, playing the video games is as middle school students, we should put all our into our studies.creative [kri'eitiv] adj. 创造性的popular ['pɔpjulə] adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的effective [i'fektiv] adj. 有效的,有影响的violent ['vaiələnt] adj. 暴力的,猛烈的,极端的relaxed [ri'lækst] adj. 放松的,松懈的,随意的relax的过去式2023年英语专业四级作文范文第5篇2023专四改G已尘埃落定,专四作文取消了原有的小作文(便条),大作文以材料作文为主题,约200词。

2023年英语专业四级考试真题作文〔通用11篇〕2023年英语专业四级考试真题作文〔通用11篇〕英语专业四级考试真题答案之写作篇篇1With Intelligent Machines to Do the Thinking, Will Our Brains Get Lazy?In my opinion, artificial intelligence will enable our brains to get more creative. Admittedly, a lot of work has been done by intelligent machines. It seems that the function of people has been weakened and people’s brains have been replaced. As a matter of fact, thanks to intelligent machines, people can expand their creative energy and add new varieties. Simply speaking, when people are free from tedious, repetitive, sometimes even dangerous work, work efficiency will undoubtedly be improved. As a result, people can spare more time to do what they want and pursue what they dream of, which is the premise of creativity. Moreover, creativity stems primarily fromknowledge and thinking. Once people have the opportunity to do more thinking and learning, their intelligence would be enhanced rather than weakened.Although artificial intelligence is the exhibition of people’s high degree of creative power, it should be noted that it is like a double-edged sword. The sensible choice is to embrace its advantages and cope with the problems it has aroused. This is what an advanced and rational society should be like.英语专业四级考试真题答案之写作篇篇2In recent years, with the increasingly fierce petition, more and more people are bearing great pressure from study, work and life. Under great pressure, many people begin to bee sad, hopeless and finally suffer from depression.近年来,随着竞争的日趋剧烈,越来越多的人正承受来自于学习、工作和生活的宏大压力。

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission.” You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of lifelong learning. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.It is widely accepted that to live and learn is a creed of many centuries. Even in contemporary society, life -long learning still carries great importance to personal happiness.Example:As a famous saying goes, “Never go out there to see what happens, go out there to make something happen。
” Simple as the saying is, its meaning is profound and thought-provoking, which is meant to tell us that we are supposed to be creative instead of acting as the onlooker。
Conspicuous are the impacts of being creative and I would like to explore the following aspects。

英语专四作文真题及范文(16篇)Wuzhen is an old water town in Zhejiang, located in the bank of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand C****. Wuzhen is attractive with lots of ancient bridges, Chinese-styled hotels and restaurants. The river system and life styles of Wuzhen stayed nearly unchanged over the past 1,000 years, and therefore Wuzhen became a museum displaying ancient civilization. All of the houses in Wuzhen were built of stone-wood. Residences and markets were constructed along the river by the local people over hundreds of years. Numberless spacious and beautiful yards are hided among houses, which give the tourists surprises as they step into each of them.——历年英语四级作文真题3篇英语专四作文真题及范文第10篇英语专四作文真题及范文第11篇英语专四作文真题及范文第15篇While we often hear some people say that they have great plans and fantastic dreams, they seldom put their plans into reality. These people are the talker not the actor. However, it is the actor not the talker who can achieve the goal.Rome was not built in one day. We should realize our dream step by step. Although one day’s improvement is little, it can finallybecome tremendous, so we should not look down upon the trival things. Takestudy for example, those who stand out in the class are often not the smart ones who ignore everyday actions but the ones who are deligent and devide their dreams into everyday’s action.Therefore, go out there to see what happens, and go out there to make something happen. Only when you go out to act everyday can you make your dreams come true.英语专四作文真题及范文第16篇In the past, a great many people used to use disposable plastic bags for shopping and other purposes. However, the excessive use of disposable plastic bags has led to great damages both to environment and to peoples health.过去,许多人在购物或其他时候常常使用一次性塑料袋。

文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!2022专四作文真题范文(优选6篇)20XX专四作文真题范文第1篇Directions:Study the following graph carefully and write an essay in which you should(1)analyze the graph, and?(2)give your comments on the trend.In recent years there has been a dramatic rise in the cell phones, which are now essential to millions of people as a convenient form of communication.In 2004 the number reached 315,000,000, with an average annual increase at 57,500,000.Some people can now no longer imagine life without their cell phones.The fact that they are so popular proves that they are useful and convenient.Cell phones enable people to easily and quickly communicate with one another; wherever you are,you can instantly reach somebody.Cell phones eliminate the trouble of not being able to meet someone in person, and therefore increase business’s efficiency.Mobile phones necessarily also harbor disadvantages.The radiation such phones emit is hazardous to one’s health.Furthermore, if people become too reliant on the use of cell phones, our face to face skills may decline.Any newinvention has its drawbacks, and such negative aspects cannot always diminish its popularity.Despite the negative effects of television,for eXample,the number of people who own televisions continues to grow at a tremendous rate.This is also the case with mobile phones.People won’t stop eating just because of the risk of choking.In addition,the swift development of science and technology will likely eliminate the hazards cell phones may cause.One can safely predict,therefore, that with the introduction of new techniques,mobile phones will have more applications and become even more appealing to customers.20XX专四作文真题范文第2篇The popularity of smartphones has eXerted great influence on the way people communicate, so much so that an increasing number of individuals contend that face-to-face communication is being replaced by teXts and images on the mobile phone.There are more than one angle to consider this phenomenon.On one hand, it is pleasantly acknowledged that smartphones shorten the distance between families and friends.Even people from different sides of the globe can share pictures, feelings and thoughts through various types of apps on the phone, thus building a long-distance connection.On theother hand, as the picture warns us, too much smartphone addiction interferes with peoples real-life communication.Statistics show that over 70 percent of face-to-face communication consists of facial eXpressions and body language, which is why people should stay away from mobile phones when they have the chance to actually talk and communicate with others.In a word, mobile phones act as an appropriate platform where people can always stay in tough however long the distance is, but a wise man should know when to put down his phone.20XX专四作文真题范文第3篇As is known to all, waste on campus has become a more and more serious problem.We can easily see many students dump a lot of food in the garbage can.Some students spend thousands of yuan buying fashionable clothes and so negative effects of waste can be shown in the following aspects.In the first place, it makes some students dependent on their parents for money, which is harmful to their development.If they don’t learn to support themselves, they will be “useless people” when they graduate.In the second place, it is not easy for our parents to arrange for our st but not the least important,there is no denying the fact that our country is stillpoor.There are many people who cannot go to university and many poor people still need our help.As far as i am concerned, i should set a good eXample to reduce waste on campus.First of all, i will refrain from wasting anything, from food to stationery.What’s more, i’m determined to call on more schoolmates to fight against waste.Only through these measures can we hope to reduce waste on campus.20XX专四作文真题范文第4篇It can be noticed that there are some unhealthy living habits among young people,especially college students.Typical eXamples include staying up late,being addicted to games, consuming in an inappropriate way.Thus,due attention should be paid to students’ daily habits.Apparently,these bad habits may generate negative impacts.To begin with, they may impair students’ physical health and psychological fitness.In addition, what worries many teachers is that they may also eXert negative influences on students’ academic performance.To conclude, never can we turn a blind eye to these phenomena.In view of the seriousness of this issue, it is time that we took effective measure.Firstly,it is suggested thatuniversities or colleges should cultivate students’ awareness of healthy living.Secondly,students themselves are well-advised to learn to regulate and control their own life appropriately.Only by doing so, can we hope to see the ideal scenes in which students enjoy their colorful and healthy life in Ivory Tower.20XX专四作文真题范文第5篇Dear all,I am writing this letter to eXpress my gratitude to my parents for teaching me to be positive and to be strong.“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” is the opinion held by Aristotle.It is the eXperience of our forefathers, however, it is correct even today, including my parenting.It is widely acknowledged that parenting, which can also be eXplained as family education, is of great significance in our character forming and manner acquiring.To be more detailed,setting good eXamples instead of just giving precepts is the greatest achievement of my parents.They not only taught me to think for the best and prepare for the worst; they taught me how.They not only told me the benefits of being strong in mind; they proved it.All those things require huge amount of time andwork, but it’s worth it.Without my parents’ contribution and education, I would never be who I am now.But most importantly, I would never be more gratitude to them than today.Yours,XXX20XX专四作文真题范文第6篇The picture shows us a dialogue between a father and a son.The son told his father,“Dad, I’m a bit worried about disposing of nuclear waste”.While his father told him,“If you can empty the dustbin here you can do anything”.It reveals the importance of doing small things well before undertaking something big.There is also an old Chinese saying to go with this that a person can’t sweep the world before he can sweep his own room.I agree on the point that it is of great importance for a person to do small things well before undertaking something big.First of all, doing small things well entail the qualities that needed in doing great things such as patience and ability of controlling time.For eXample, when we sweep our room, we need to manage our time and energy reasonably.Accordingly, if we sweep a bigger room, for eXample, a classroom with ourclassmates,we should learn how to cooperate and allot assignments as well.And a big advantage is that we can draw useful lessons from the failure of performing well because they didn’t cost a lot.In another word, though these things seem trivial, they reinforce our manipulative ability and thus our understanding to the world.Therefore, we should not ignore the small things.。

文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!四级真题英语作文范文(合集6篇)四级真题英语作文范文第1篇1.Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English Test .Some people argue that it is absolutely necessary to hold a test of spoken English in China because we have been informed frequently that a Chinese student who has been learning English for over ten years cannot even communicate with a native speaker.Sometimes even those top students who eXcel in grammar and writing skills find their English inadequate to eXpress their thoughts freely.A test of English will bring the college students an awareness of the importance of oral English, and will thus help them with their communicating skills.On the other hand, some others still maintain that a good command of reading and writing skills will be enough for the English learners.To some eXtent their opinion derives from the fact that students are already under considerable pressure from their coursework.Another required test will only add to their burden.Moreover,some students may take the shortcut by focusing on several guessed questions according to the fiXed format of the test, hoping for a coincidence to bring them goodluck.In my opinion, a test of spoken English will do more good than harm.Since China will continue its policy of opening and reform, the ability to speak English fluently is a must for anyone who wants to surpass others in a highly competitive society.Whether I take the test or not, I shall spare no efforts to practice oral English in the remaining years of my college study.大学英语四级真题作文5篇(扩展9)——英语四级作文真题及-英语四级作文往年真题 (菁选2篇) 四级真题英语作文范文第2篇【四级翻译真题】生活在X不同地区的人们饮食多种多样。

2022年专业四级作文真题及范文英文回答:Part A:In the realm of modern society, the influence of advertisement has become ubiquitous, reaching every nook and cranny of our lives. Its omnipresence has sparked a contentious debate regarding its ethical implications and profound impacts on individuals and society as a whole.On one hand, advocates of advertising extol its virtues as a catalyst for economic growth. By providing a platform for businesses to showcase their products and services, it stimulates healthy competition, innovation, and employment opportunities. Additionally, advertising plays a crucial role in informing consumers about available choices, empowering them with the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions.On the other hand, detractors of advertising paint a bleak picture, highlighting its manipulative nature and potential for harm. They argue that advertisements often employ deceptive techniques, preying on consumers' vulnerabilities and fostering a culture of consumerism that prioritizes material possessions over intrinsic values. Moreover, the relentless bombardment of advertising messages can lead to sensory overload, anxiety, and even mental health issues.To critically assess the ethical implications of advertising, it is imperative to consider its impact on both individuals and society. At the individual level, advertising can lead to:1. Psychological manipulation: Advertisements employ psychological triggers to arouse desires and create a sense of urgency, often leading consumers to make impulse purchases they may later regret.2. Body image issues: Advertising often perpetuates unrealistic body ideals, contributing to feelings ofinadequacy and disordered eating patterns.3. Materialistic values: Unrestrained consumption promoted by advertising can erode traditional values of sustainability, community, and human connection.At the societal level, advertising can have detrimental effects on:1. Economic inequality: Advertising often reinforces existing power structures by concentrating wealth in the hands of a few large corporations.2. Environmental degradation: The production and distribution of advertising materials contribute to pollution and waste.3. Political polarization: Advertising can exacerbate political divisions by promoting biased or misleading information.Part B:To mitigate the negative consequences of advertising while maximizing its potential benefits, a concerted effort is required from multiple stakeholders, including:1. Government regulation: Stronger regulations can curb deceptive and manipulative advertising practices while ensuring fair competition.2. Industry self-regulation: Advertising industry bodies can establish voluntary codes of conduct to promote ethical practices.3. Consumer education: Empowering consumers with media literacy skills can help them critically evaluate advertising messages and make informed choices.4. Alternative advertising models: Exploringalternative advertising models, such as cause-related marketing and user-generated content, can reduce the reliance on traditional persuasive advertising.By addressing the ethical implications of advertising and adopting a balanced approach that prioritizes both economic growth and societal well-being, we can harness the power of advertising for good while minimizing itspotential harms.中文回答:甲部分。

2022年专业英语四级作文真题及范文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇12022 TEM-8 Exam Writing Task and Sample ResponseHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm in 5th grade. Our teacher Mrs. Williams told us we would be learning about the TEM-8 exam today. That's a really important English test that older students have to take. She said the writing part is super hard, so we're going to practice it!The writing task for the 2022 TEM-8 exam asked test takers to read two passages. The first one was about online shopping becoming more popular than shopping in physical stores. It talked about the pros and cons of online shopping versusin-person shopping. The second passage was about the environmental impact of shipping for online orders and ways companies could make deliveries more eco-friendly.After reading the two passages, test takers had to write an essay stating their opinion on the following question: "Online shopping appears to be the future trend, but its environmental costs cannot be ignored. How can we balance the convenienceof online shopping and environmental protection?" Woah, that's kind of a tricky question for a kid like me!Here's how I would answer it if I had to take the TEM-8 exam:Online Shopping: The Need for a Green RevolutionIn today's busy world, online shopping has become thego-to choice for purchasing everything from clothes to furniture to groceries. The convenience of having items delivered straight to your doorstep with just a few clicks is unbeatable. However, this modern shopping method comes at a major environmental cost that cannot be ignored any longer.On one hand, online shopping eliminates the need for consumers to drive to physical stores, reducing vehicle emissions. Delivery trucks can group multiple orders together efficiently. And large online retailers have economies of scale to optimize logistics. So in some ways, online shopping is more eco-friendly than individual consumers driving separate trips to the store.On the other hand, the massive volumes of online orders require millions of packages to be shipped via carbon-emitting freight transportation each day. Cardboard boxes, plastic packaging, and other waste from e-commerce deliveries are becoming a serious pollution problem. Emissions from returns ofunwanted items add to the environmental toll as well. Clearly, creative solutions are needed to make online shopping more sustainable.In my opinion, companies, customers, and governments must all take responsibility and work together to reduce the environmental impact of booming e-commerce activities. Online retailers should invest in renewable energy sources to power their warehouses and delivery fleets. Improving packaging to use more recycled and recyclable materials is a must. Offering incentives for customers to group multiple items into single shipments could cut down on duplicate deliveries.Customers must also do their part by being thoughtful consumers. We should avoid impulsive or excessive online purchases that may get returned and go to waste. Recycling packaging properly and choosing eco-friendly shipping options when available is important. Consumers could even put pressure on retailers to prioritize environmental practices.Governments should also get involved by implementing policies to drive sustainable change. Raising fuel taxes or putting fees on disposable packaging could nudge companies to find greener logistics solutions. Investing in public transportation and electric vehicle infrastructure would help too. With cooperationbetween all parties, we can maintain the convenience of online shopping while protecting the environment.At the end of the day, online shopping is likely going to keep growing in popularity regardless of its impact. So we need to act quickly to transform e-commerce into an eco-friendly operation through smarter sourcing, better packaging, optimized shipping, consumer mindfulness, and government leadership. The future of online shopping depends on achieving true sustainability. Let's get to work!There you have it! Writing an essay isn't that easy, even for a grown-up taking the tough TEM-8 test. I had to introduce the topic, state my opinion, give examples from both sides, and propose some solutions. Phew, I'm glad I don't have to take that exam for real anytime soon! But now I know what to expect when I'm older. Thanks for reading my practice essay!篇22022 TEM-4 Writing Topics and Sample EssaysHi guys! Did you take the big English test for college students last year? My cousin is an English major and she told me all about the writing part. It was super hard but she studied reallyhard so I think she did a good job! Let me tell you what the essay questions were and how she answered them.The first question was about environmental protection. They asked what environmental problems people face these days and what can be done to protect the environment. My cousin wrote that pollution, climate change, deforestation and loss of animal habitats are huge problems caused by human activities. She said we need to reduce waste, use less plastic, drive less, and plant more trees to make the planet healthier. Governments should also make stricter laws and people need to change their bad habits.The next question was to discuss the pros and cons of social media and give opinions. My cousin wrote that social media helps people stay connected and informed about news and events. But she also said it can waste time, spread misinformation and negatively impact mental health if used too much. She thinks social media is a good thing overall if people use it properly and don't get addicted.Another topic was about the challenges and opportunities brought by artificial intelligence (AI) technology. That's like robots and computers that can think like humans! Isn't that wild? My cousin explained how AI can do many jobs better and fasterthan people. But she's worried that AI might make some human workers lose their jobs in the future. She thinks AI should be developed carefully with rules and humans still need to be in control.The last question was a really hard one comparing Eastern and Western cultural values. I don't even know what that means but my cousin tried her best. She contrasted ideas like individualism versus collectivism, modern versus traditional perspectives, and different attitudes about things like family, work, and social norms. She made sure to analyze both viewpoints without favoring one side too much.Phew, that was a lot of writing for the big test! I got pretty tired just explaining it all. My cousin said she wrote and rewrote her essays many times to make them clear, well-organized and persuasive. She also made sure to use proper vocabulary, grammar and formatting that her teachers taught her. It was definitely hard work but important practice for becoming an English expert.Well, that's all I can remember about the crazy TEM-4 writing test last year. I'm just a kid so writing at that level is still many years away for me. But I'll keep studying English diligently so I can take the test myself someday. Let me know if you have anyother questions! Study hard and good luck on your English exams!篇32022 Pro English Test Essay - By A Little KidHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 8 years old. My teacher Miss Martin asked us to write about the pro English test essay questions from last year. I don't really know much about that but I'll try my best!First off, what even is the pro English test? From what I understand, it's a very hard test that people take to show they are really really good at English. Like if you want to be a teacher or work for a big company, you might need to take this test. My big sister Sarah had to take it last year before she could get her job teaching English in another country. She studied soooooo much and was really stressed out about it.Anyway, on the pro English test you have to do stuff like read some long passages and answer questions about them. You also have to write an essay which is the part I'm gonna talk about. Sarah showed me one of the essay questions she had to write about and it was super hard! I'll try to explain it here:The question was like "These days, many companies are allowing employees to work remotely from home instead of coming into an office every day. What are some potential advantages and disadvantages of this trend towards remote work? Express and support your viewpoint on this issue."Wow that's a really long question with some tricky words! Let me break it down a bit. Basically they are asking what are some good things and bad things about people working from home instead of an office.Some good things could be:You don't have to get dressed up or travel to an office which saves timeYou can work from anywhere like a beach or a treehouseYou don't have to listen to loud coworkers talking around youYou can wear pajamas all day!But some bad things are:You might get lazy staying at home all the timeIt's harder to separate home and work timeYou can't bond with coworkers as muchYour mom might make you do chores during work hours!If I had to pick, I think I would want my future job to let me work remotely. Seems way more fun than being stuck in an office all day. But I can see why it's good to have people work together in-person sometimes too.So that's my thoughts on that essay question! Sarah's actual essay was like 3 pages long which is super long. I'll try to write a shorter example of how I would answer:I think work from home is good becuz you can have more fun. You can work outsides or wear PJs. But it can be bad too becuz you might get lazy or have to do chores. If it was me I would want to work from home so I can play video games on breaks and eat chicken nuggets anytime. But maybe sometimes go into an office so you can make friends. Companies should let people chose if they want a office or home.There, how's that? It's not as long as Sarah's but I tried to have a clear point of view and explain it. Let me know if you need me to write about any other essay questions from the pro English test! This one was really hard but I'll do my best. Thanks for reading, I need to go play outside now. Bye!篇4The Big Silly Writing Test for Grown-UpsHey kids! Today I'm going to tell you all about a very silly test that grown-ups have to take. It's called the TEM-4 and it's a big writing test for college students and workers who want to show off how good their English is. Isn't that just the silliest thing you've ever heard?Every year, thousands of grown-ups spend weeks and weeks practicing for this test. They read long, boring books and articles. They do lots of practice questions over and over again. All just to take a test that lasts a few hours! What a waste of time when they could be playing games or watching funny videos instead.The test has two main parts that the grown-ups have to do. Part one is writing letters and reports and other crinkly old documents. How dull! Who even writes letters anymore? If I want to tell my friends something, I just send them a chat message or record a video. Nice and easy!For part two, the grown-ups have to write a long essay about some topic the test picks for them. Can you imagine having to write a giant essay just because someone tells you to? No gymclass, no recess, just sitting at a desk and writing and writing for hours. No thank you!This year, one of the essay topics was about whether schools should have uniforms or let kids wear whatever they want. That's an easy one - kids should definitely get to wear whatever silly outfits they like! Schools with uniforms are no fun at all.Another topic was about social media and if it's good or bad for people. Based on the goofy dance videos I see online, I'd say social media is amazing! The grown-ups who run that test must be super out of touch.The test graders have to read all the grown-ups' essays and decide if their English is good enough. They use a rubric to give scores for content, organization, grammar, and more. It's like getting graded just for writing a pretend essay instead of actually doing anything useful. No wonder so many grown-ups get stressed about this test!When the scores finally come out weeks later, you can hear grown-ups cheering in the streets if they did well. Or groaning and pulling their hair out if they failed. It's hilarious! A bunch of adults going totally cuckoo over a writing test they spent months getting ready for.If you ask me, this whole TEM-4 thing is utterly ridiculous. Grown-ups need to stop worrying so much about tests and scores and resumes. They should spend more time playing, laughing, using their creativity, and enjoying life! Maybe someday when I'm all grown up, I'll tell them to skip the big writing test and just have fun instead.What do you think, kids? Doesn't the TEM-4 sound like the silliest grown-up activity ever? Let me know if your parents are stressing about taking it this year - I'll tell them to relax and go to the park with you instead! Tests like these are just too foolish for words.篇5The 2022 TEM-4 Exam and Sample EssaysHey kids! Do you know what the TEM-4 exam is? It's a big important test that older students have to take to show they are really good at using English for their jobs and studies. The TEM means "Test for English Majors" and the 4 means it's the fourth or hardest level. Lots of university students worked really hard to get ready for this exam in 2022.On the writing part of the TEM-4, the students had to write two essays. One was an argumentative essay where they had topick a side on an issue and convince the reader their opinion is right. The other was a data analysis essay where they looked at some charts and numbers and explained what the information meant.Let me tell you about one of the argumentative essay questions from last year. The prompt asked if social media is good or bad for society. That's a really interesting question to think about!Some students probably wrote essays saying social media is bad because it can be addicting and waste people's time. They may have argued that social media spreads misinformation and rumors that aren't true. Or that it makes people feel bad about themselves when they see others posting about their perfect lives.But other students likely argued that social media is good overall because it helps people stay connected with friends and family, even if they live far apart. Social media can educate people and raise awareness about important issues too. Companies use social media a lot for marketing their products and reaching customers.If I had to write this essay, I think I would say social media is a little bit good and a little bit bad. It can be a great tool whenused in a balanced, healthy way. But it can become a problematic habit if someone spends too much mindless time scrolling and comparing themselves to others online. Everything in moderation!Now let me tell you about one of the data analysis questions, because looking at charts and graphs is fun! One of the prompts asked students to analyze some line graphs showing the production and sales numbers for a company over several years.A good essay would have clearly described the main trends in the data first. Like if production increased overall while sales decreased. Or if they both peaked around the same year before declining. The essay should use lots of specific years and data points from the graphs as evidence.Then the essay would try to explain some potential reasons behind the trends shown in the graphs. If production went up but sales dropped, maybe they made too much inventory that didn't sell well. Or if they both declined, maybe the company's products became less popular or there was an economic recession.The essay should consider the graphs from multiple perspectives. Maybe from the company's point of view about their strategy. Or from the customer's viewpoint about demandfor the products. Economists might analyze the data differently than business managers.The most important thing is to really look closely at the information given in the charts and graphs. Don't just skim over it quickly and give a vague response. But also don't get too caught up in tiny details that aren't meaningful. It's all about striking a balance!Well, that's an overview of a couple exam questions from the 2022 TEM-4 test. Writing academic essays analysing complex topics and data is not easy. It takes a lot of practice to get the hang of it. But as long as you try your best and keep working hard, you'll keep improving your writing skills year after year.Just remember to have fun with your writing too! Use your creativity and imagine you're telling an interesting story with the essays you write, not just listing boring facts. The exam graders are people too who will appreciate a well-written, engaging essay.I hope this gives you an idea of what to expect if you keep pursuing English studies all the way up to the TEM-4 level some day. Study hard, believe in yourselves, and you can achieve anything! Let me know if you have any other questions.篇6The 2022 TEM-4 Writing TestHi everyone! My name is Lily and I'm in 5th grade. Today I want to tell you about the writing test I had to take last year for the TEM-4 exam. The TEM-4 is a big important test for university students studying English. I'm not in university yet, but I like to practice by looking at past exam topics!The writing test for the 2022 TEM-4 had two parts. For the first part, you had to write a composition of about 300 words. There were three choices for the composition topic. Let me tell you about them:Topic 1 was: "EveryoneHas a Story to Tell." For this topic, you had to write about an interesting person you know and share their life story. Maybe it could be about your grandparent, a teacher, or a friend who has an amazing story. You had to describe this person, explain what makes their life story special, and why it inspires you.Topic 2 was: "Tradition vs. Innovation." Oh boy, this one sounds kind of hard for a kid like me! For this topic, you had to discuss the importance of keeping traditions alive, but also embracing new innovations and ideas. You needed to giveexamples of valuable traditions and exciting innovations. Then you had to share your thoughts on how to balance respecting the past while also moving forward.The last topic was Topic 3: "The Value of Failure." This one is about how failing at something can actually be a good learning experience if you have the right mindset. You had to explain why failure is an important part of life, and share an example of a failure you overcame. Then you needed to discuss the lessons you learned and how it helped you grow.Whew, those were some pretty deep topics for university students to write about! I'm just a kid so some of those ideas were really hard for me to understand fully. But I tried my best to explain them simply.Okay, now let me quickly tell you about the second part of the writing test. For this part, you had to write a short response of around 200 words based on some reading materials they gave you. The topic was about whether AI technology will replace human workers or not. You had to state your opinion and use details from the reading materials as evidence to support your stance. That topic seemed really interesting to me since I love learning about robots and computers!So there you have it - that was the writing test for the 2022 TEM-4 exam in China. As a little kid, some of those topics felt too advanced for me. But I like looking at real test materials because it helps me keep practicing my English writing skills. One day when I'm older, I'll be ready to take the real TEM exams as an English major in university!Anyway, I hope this gave you a basic overview of the writing tasks students had to complete. Writing in English is hard work but keeping an open mind to learn about new topics makes it fun too. Let me know if you have any other questions!。

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1.with the advance of science and technology, ...随着科技的进步, ……
however, why do so many college students take the way of starting their own undertakings? firstly, college students are facing severe employment situations. many college graduates couldn’t find ideal jobs, which forces them to set up their own businesses. moreover, some ambitious college students are not satisfied with being employed by others. they want to develop and prove their talents by running their own businesses. besides, the government’s encouragement and the media’s reports on college students venture stars have stimulated more college students’ enthusiasm to take this way.

专四考试作文真题范文篇一《Should College Students Hire Cleaners?》These days, there's a hot topic floating around: should college students hire cleaners? I gotta say, this is like a spicy drama on campus.Let me tell you about my roommate, Tom. He's the laziest fella I've ever met. One day, he just said out of the blue, "I'm thinking of hiring a cleaner for our dorm. I'm so tired of this mess." We all looked at him like he was nuts. Our dorm wasn't exactly a pigsty, but it was a normal college dorm kind of messy - clothes on the chair, books piled up on the desk, and a few empty snack bags here and there.But Tom's idea got me thinking. College is supposed to be a place where we learn not just academic stuff but also life skills. Cleaning up our own space is one of those basic skills. If we start hiring cleaners while we're in college, what's next? Hiring someone to do our homework? Or even someone to go to class for us?Think about it, when we clean our own dorm, we learnresponsibility. One time, I spilled some coffee on the floor in the dorm. At first, I was like, "Ugh, I'll deal with it later." But later turned into days, and every time I walked by that stain, it was like a little voice in my head saying, "You're a slob." So finally, I got down on my hands and knees, grabbed some cleaning stuff, and scrubbed that stain till it disappeared. And I gotta tell you, I felt so good afterwards, like I had achieved something real.College students hiring cleaners is just a bad idea. It goes against what college is all about - growing up and taking care of our own lives. We should roll up our sleeves, pick up that broom, and clean our own mess.篇二《Is It Necessary to Attend Training Classes?》The whole deal about attending training classes is a real head - scratcher. Is it really necessary?Let me share an experience of mine. I wanted to learn to play the guitar. I thought about just teaching myself with YouTube videos and books. But then I saw this ad for a guitar training class. It promised to turn me into a rock star in no time. So, I signed up.The first day of the class was a circus. There were all kinds of people there, from little kids to middle - aged dudes like me trying to relive their youth. And the teacher, he was this intense guy with long hair that looked like it had seen better days.The thing is, I soon realized that a training class has its good and bad sides. On the plus side, the teacher could correct my hand positions right away. Like, when I was trying to strum, my fingers were all over the place, and he was able to show me exactly how to hold the pick and move my fingers correctly. But then, there were also times when I felt like I was being held back. There were some things that I could have learned faster on my own through trial and error.There were also rules in the class. We had to practice certain chords for a set amount of time every day as homework. And there was this old lady in the class. She was so determined, but she just didn't have a natural ear for music. The teacher had to keep repeating things for her, and I felt like I was wasting my time waiting for her to catch up sometimes.Attending a training class might be necessary for some things. If it's something really complex and dangerous, like learning to drive, having an instructor there is a must. But for other things, like my guitar playing, it might not be as crucial as we think. We can figure a lot of stuff out on our own if we put our minds to it and use the resources available like the Internet.篇三《Is It Better to Travel Alone or with a Group?》Traveling, man, that's one of the best things in life. But the big question is, do you go it alone or tag along with a group?I once went on a trip to a small mountain village. At first, I planned to go alone. I thought it would be so free - just me, my backpack, and the open road. I took this long, crazy bus ride to get there. The bus was so full that I had to stand for most of the way, and my legs felt like they were gonna fall off by the time I got off. But I was excited.When I got to the village, it was really beautiful. I started exploring all by myself. I walked along these little dirt paths, looking at the old houses and the gardens full of all kinds ofstrange - looking plants. But then, I realized that there were some things I didn't know. For example, I had no idea which way led to the best view of the sunset.Then I met this group of travelers. They were from all over, chatting and laughing while exploring. They had a guide with them who knew all the ins and outs of the village. I joined them for a while, and it was like a whole different world. The guide told us stories about the history of the village, about how the old well in the middle of the village had been used for generations. We went to a little local festival together where there were traditional dances and music. It was amazing.But on the other hand, traveling with a group has its downsides. There were times when I wanted to just sit still and watch the clouds roll by for an hour or two, but the group was on a strict schedule and we had to keep moving. And sometimes, not everyone in the group wanted to do the same things. There were these two guys in the group who were always arguing about which place to visit next.Traveling alone gives you ultimate freedom. But traveling with a group gives you company and more knowledge about the place. Ithink it depends on what kind of person you are and what you want out of your trip. If you're a lone wolf and like to discover at your own pace, then go solo. But if you like to share experiences and learn from others, a group might be the way to go.。

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如今报分数了,报啊报总算报到我了,我是二等奖,尽管很心寒但我尽力了,如今或是很高兴!For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Attend Your Classes Regularly。
You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.1. 如今大学校园里,晚到、早退、旷课是普遍的状况2. 确保学员的'出勤率对大学教育的必要性3. 做为一个在校大学生应当怎么做Attend Your Classes RegularlyNowadays it is a very common phenomenon that some university students are late for or even absent from classes. And still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers.In fact, it is very important for the students to attend their classes regularly. First, it will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your learning. That is very helpful to you if you want to do a good job in your study. Second, attending classes regularly is a way of showing respect toyour teachers ,too. Your teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes, which, in turn, will affect their teaching and be no good for the students. Third, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future.Therefore, we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And some day we’ll benefit from it.用英语介绍你的一日三餐:Hello, everyone! I don’t like sports, but I like eating very much.I eat a lot food every day. For breakfast, I like milk, eggs and bread a lot . For lunch, I like French fries, chicken, hamburgers and apples. For dinnerr, I like fruits, vegetables and rice.嗨,各位好!!我不喜欢健身运动,但我很喜欢吃。

2022英语四级作文(8篇)英语四级作文真题范文篇一Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay about the importance of developing a healthy lifestyle among college students. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.英语四级作文真题范文篇二Nowadays, it is not rare to see people displaying their wealth on the Internet. Some post pictures of luxury goods, such as brand clothes and bags, luxurious automobiles or jewelries. Some write about their experiences in which a lot of money is spent.People have different responses to this phenomenon. Some say that it is peoples right to share their possessions or experiences with others on the Internet, as long as the things are legal and the experiences real. However, some criticize that the rich people are too arrogant. Whats worse, there are also a few who are not actually rich but put fake photos only to satisfy their vanity.In my opinion, sharing is a good thing, and it is exactly the spirit of the Internet. But people should make careful choice on what they are sharing. After all, showing off is not very nice, not to mention faking.Directions:Study the following picture carefully and write a nessay in which you should1) describe the picture,2) interpret its meaning, and3) point out its implications in our life.This simple picture represents a situation that every person must face: when approaching a junction, which direction should one choose?Most viewers can empathize with the sense of hesitation and uncertainty embodied in such an image. Without exception, everyone has to make choices in life, whether they concern school, career, or love. While some choices are simple, one cannot avoid the task of making difficult decisions.Choices are often directly related to ones happiness. University students,for example, face a hard and crucial decision upon graduating. Many students have difficulty deciding whether to continue studying or begin developing a career. Every individual is different, and one must take the factors of ones personal life into consideration. In addition to an awareness of specific circumstances, however, making the right choice also depends on correct appraisal of oneself.In order to choose correctly, therefore, one must be both realistic and self , once having made a decision, one should seriously accept and pursue the path one has chosen, and strive towards the realization of ones goal with spirit.For thousands of years, people have accepted challenges in different fields. There are not only physical challenges, but also social and intellectual(聪明的) challenges. Some people risk(冒…险) their lives in playing sports to see how well they can do. Others try to make and invent(发明) something to make life easier. They all enjoy challenges.Why do people enjoy these challenges? There are probably many reasons. One is curiosity. The other is the personal feeling of success, of achievement, and nowadays, for some people, it is a business.Today, we still have many challengers before us. Medical science faces the challenges ofconquering many diseases which still attack human beings. Engineers and planners must build new cities, design and produce new kinds of transportation. Scientists must develop new forms of energy. In short, we live in an age of challenges.英语四级作文真题范文篇三Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Can Money Buy Happiness? You should write no less than 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1. 有人认为金钱是幸福之本(source of happiness)2. 也有人认为金钱是万恶之源(root of all evil)3. 我的看法参考范文:Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness.But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money. And in the Western countries, there is nothing that can’t be bought by money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it.I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can’t buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it can’t buy happiness.英语四级作文真题范文篇四写作第一套:the necessity ofdeveloping social skillsfor college student写作第二套:the importance of developing ahealthy lifestyleamong college students写作第三套:the role ofphysical exercisein achieving success at college英语四级作文真题范文篇五During my four years in the university, a great many classmates and teachers have exerted a positive influence on me and rendered me instant assistance when I got into trouble. Among those unforgettable people, Yin Fang, one of my roommates, is the most impressive one and leaves me numerous sweet memories.At the beginning of the new term, the first roommate I met in the university was Yin Fang who seemed to be accustomed to living on campus and encouraged me to adapt to the new environment as soon as possible. From that day on, we have become best friends in spite of occasional quarrels for trifles in life. In terms of character, my friend, optimistic and kind-hearted, always wore a friendly smile on her face, which made her popular among students. Most importantly, as the elder sister in her family, she took several part-time jobs during university in order to relieve burden of her parents and afford her own tuition fees.The acquaintance with my best friend, Yin Fang, is one of my luckiest things in my life. The first day on campus is the start of an enduring friendship, and I firmly believe that the friendship between us will be everlasting although we will be separated in different corners of the worldafter graduation.英语四级作文真题范文篇六In recent years, accompanied by the widespread expansion of network, Internet fraud has become an increasingly serious problem. As far as I am concerned, the following reasons could account for this problem.In the first place, quite a lot of lazy people are seeking wealth but do not want to do anything with their own hands, so they are trying all kinds of ways to defraud money and property on the Internet. Another reason is that those who are likely to be deceived are anxious to get things on the cheap. That makes the frauds possible.To avoid being deceived by the frauds, we should not be greedy for small advantages. At the same time, do not click unknown links. As long as we keep ourselves alert, frauds will have no chance.词汇学习:Internet fraud网络诈骗defraud money and property诈取财产on the Internet在网络上on the cheap便宜地deceived欺骗,蒙骗( deceive的过去式和过去分词)frauds骗子;欺诈( fraud的名词复数); 伪劣品;冒牌货英语四级作文真题范文篇七Write a composition entitled Is Stress a Bad should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chiness.1.有的人害怕压力;2.有的人认为压力并不是一件好事;3.我的看法。
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April 20, 2008
Dear my friend,
The summer vacation is coming next month. I hope you will visit our home town and stay with us. It’s very beautiful here with everything in bloom now. If possible, you can come here by the train No. 1010, which will arrive here at 18:00.I am looking forward to seeing you as soon as possible.
Should private car owners be taxed for pollution?私家车主是否应交污染税?
With the development of society, many people can afford a car. As the number of the cars is rising, we are facing some problems. One big problem is the pollution caused by the use of cars. In order to solve this problem, government agencies in some big cities recently suggest that a “pollution tax” should be put on private cars in order to control the number of cars and reduce pollution in the city. For my part, I agree to this viewpoint, and my reasons are as follows:
To begin with, cars contribute to the environmental pollution. For
example, a lot of big cities in China are now plagued by serious air pollution. Then it is the responsibility of these private car owners to pay for the pollution and they should be taxed. The purpose of collecting environmental pollution tax is to raise the fund, and then utilize the tax revenue lever to protect our environment.
Secondly, it is a good way to raise people’s environmental awareness by putting a pollution tax on private cars. If people suffer from the financial loss when making a decision, they will think more about their decision. Then they will consider more when deciding to buy a private car. Consequently, the increase rate of the number of the private cars can be controlled.
In a word, it is a very good and necessary attempt to use the means of taxation to treat the pollution. Of course, it must be kept in mind that all people, including the private car owners, should try their best to protect the environment.。