



Visitors may also
enjoy a wide
variety of
dl (chicken),
(roast pork), Schwe
inshaxe (grilled ha
m hock),
There are currently fourteen large tents and twenty small tents at the Oktoberfest .
The tents themselves are
structures which are
constructed and only
` Bierzelten (beer tent)
` Traditional food
` Amusement .
Since 1950, there has been a traditional festival opening: A twelve gun salute and the tapping of the first keg of Oktoberfest beer at 12:00 by the incumbent Mayor of Munich with the cry "O' zapft ist!" ("It's tapped) opens the Oktoberfest. The Mayor then gives the first beer to the Minister-President of the State of Bavaria.



每年从九月下旬到十月上旬,人们倾巢而出,亲朋 好友相伴,恋人情相依,欢聚在一起,喝着自制的鲜酿 啤酒,吃着德国独有的各式各样的香肠和面包,其间乐 队身着民族服装穿梭于人群之中,娴熟地演奏轻松欢快 的乐曲。
每年啤酒节的第一个 周日,来自全德国各个州 的人们穿上富有特色的民 族服装,演奏音乐,浩浩 荡荡的穿过慕尼黑的市中 心,最后来到啤酒节的现 场Theresienwiese。人 们把自己打扮成古代衣着 考究的贵族公爵,身披绫 罗绸缎的王妃贵妇,驾着 鲜花装扮的古典马车,风 度翩翩的从观众的目光中 走过。
( 啤 酒 节 )
啤酒节源于德国, 1810年的十月,为 了庆祝巴伐利亚的 路德维格王子和萨 克森国的希尔斯公 主的婚礼而举行的 盛大庆典。自那以 后,十月啤酒节就 作为巴伐利亚的一 个传统的民间节日 保留下来。
Байду номын сангаас
The Munich Oktoberfest
慕尼黑啤酒节又称“十月节”, 每年九月末到十月初在德国的慕尼黑 举行,持续两周,是慕尼黑一年中最 盛大的活动。活动一共举行16天,到 十月的第一个星期天为止,举行的地 点是一个叫“Theresienwiese”(黛 丽丝草场)的地方。 每逢十月节开幕那天,要举行盛 大的开幕式和由各大啤酒厂组织的五 彩缤纷的游行。开幕式在一个临时搭 起的大帐篷里由慕尼黑市市长主持。 中午12时,在12响礼炮声和音乐声 中,市长用一柄木槌把黄铜龙头敲进 一个大啤酒桶内,然后拧开龙头,把 啤酒放出来,盛在特制的大啤酒杯中。 市长饮下这第一杯,著名的十月节便 正式开始了。



德国慕尼黑啤酒节女士服装英语介绍The Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany is a world-renowned beer festival that attracts millions of visitors, both local and international, every year. It is a cultural phenomenon that celebrates Bavarian traditions, including the iconic Dirndl dress worn by women at the festival.在德国慕尼黑举行的十月啤酒节是一个举世闻名的啤酒节,每年吸引着成百上千万当地和国际游客。


The Dirndl is a traditional Bavarian dress that consists of a tight bodice, a blouse, a full skirt, and an apron. It is often worn with a white blouse and colorful apron, with the skirt length and design varying depending on the region of Bavaria. The traditional Dirndl is typically ankle-length, but modern variations can be shorter and more form-fitting.迪尔德尔是一种传统的巴伐利亚服饰,包括一件紧身上衣、一件衬衫、一条宽松的裙子和一块围裙。




• 啤酒节的游行队伍
• 啤酒帐篷
• 德语里称作“Bierzelten”,比一般的帐篷 装修更大也更豪华得多。
Oktoberfest 啤酒介绍
➢Weizen 多属淡色啤酒,口味较甜。 ➢Pilsner 色淡偏苦。 ➢Bock •Helles金黃色,较淡
•Dunkel深褐色,味道较重 •Doppel味道更浓烈 7.5~13%
• 啤酒节开幕式
• 每逢十月节开幕那天,要举行盛大的开幕式和由各大啤酒 厂组织的五彩缤纷的游行。开幕式在一个临时搭起的大帐 篷里由慕尼黑市市长主持。中午12时,在12响礼炮声和音 乐声中,市长用一柄木槌把黄铜龙头敲进一个大啤酒桶内, 然后拧开龙头,把啤酒放出来,盛在特制的大啤酒杯中。 市长饮下这第一杯,著名的十月节便正式开始了。
• 喝啤酒的大玻璃 酒杯是啤酒节最 具特征的纪念品
• 尽管有规定,不许 将啤酒杯拿走,但 1997年的啤酒 节期间还是丢失了 16万只啤酒杯。
• 特色餐饮
• 为了啤酒节活动专门酿制的一种啤酒叫做 “Wiesenbier”,比一般的啤酒颜色更深,酒劲 儿也更大,上酒的时候用的是一种叫做 “Maß”的容量为一升的大酒杯,现场搭建 起容纳三千到一万人的大帐篷,只有慕尼黑当地 的酒商才被允许在里边提供这种酒。酒客们也消 耗掉大量的食物,大多是传统的家常小吃如香肠、 烤小鸡、泡菜和烤牛尾等。
• 年轻人举起酒杯,站在桌子和椅子上,高呼:Prost! (干杯!!



2021年德国慕尼黑国际啤酒展览会Drinktec展会介绍展会时间:2021年09月13日举办周期:四年一届主办单位:德国慕尼黑国际博览集团展会地址:德国-慕尼黑-慕尼黑新国际博览中心Fairground trade center展会详情德国国际啤酒展览会Drinktec,是展示全球啤酒、饮料及液体食品技术产品的行业盛会,是业界全球市场的风向标,被誉为“饮料及液体食品技术的奥林匹克”。


Drinktec:Processing+Filling+Packaging+Marketing,World`sLeadingTradeFairfortheBeveragea ndLiquidFoodindustry.展品范围酿酒设备展区:发酵设备类、氮化设备类、调剂设备、蒸馏设备、啤酒厂设备、输送系统;换热器、离心分离机、冷却系统;管件、阀门、泵等啤酒桶及其配件等;水处理设备类、碳水处理类、过滤盒等过滤配套设备、澄清剂;清洗和消毒设备、洗瓶机、CIP清洗系统、玻璃器具、搅拌机;酒瓶罐桶等容器、开瓶器、软管/软管啤酒/夹具/喷嘴等、装瓶及罐装生产线等;包装设备展区:标签/包装设计类、贴标机、装箱机、压缩和包装设备、各种包装机、箔(瓶颈)等;控制系统类、质量控制设备类;检测系统、测量仪器、计量设备、温度和压力仪表;评估系统、分析设备、自动化系统;生物系统类、酒花制品、麦芽及其处理设备、糖化设备、啤酒酶、酵母处理;酿酒咨询和教育、实验设备服务与培训;财务和金融服务等。




brewery 啤酒厂 carriage 车辆 epaulet 肩章 vigor 精力
People with a splendid carriage shipping of beer, drink to one's content in large beer tents
festival's traditional clothing
德国人将喝酒视为每天的“必 修课”,各种酒馆、酒屋、小 客栈便多似天上的星星。仅人 口100万的慕尼黑就有3000多个 每天都座无虚席的啤酒馆。几 乎每个踏进酒馆的人至少都点 半升啤酒佐餐(最受欢迎的是 “比尔森”啤酒),但人们最常 点的还是一升。所以“一升” 在慕尼黑及整个巴伐利亚可说 是个“计量单位”,当地还盛 行一谚语“有节制地一天喝一 升,健康赛神仙”。人们也不 只是进餐时才喝酒,几乎是随 时随地喝。德国各地几乎都有 “啤酒公园”,只要太阳一露 脸,人们就蜂拥至啤酒公园, 尽情享受一下大自然。
• Munich always is the recognition “the beer all”, the autumn can hold in every year the world the scale biggest beer festival - - in October es from the world each place tourist to stream in, rushes Munich, one “the Bavaria beer”, and experiences the German people to joyfully celebrate by oneself the holiday liveliness and the joy.Actually, each from 1517, Germany 7 years can hold “dance of early the cooper” in Munich.This plants flowers the type dance is performs together by 18 people, they wave the barrel hoop unceasingly, and makes into them the royal crown, terminated spread at black death the age, these coopers are the first batch through the happy dance.

Munich's Oktoberfest 慕尼黑的啤酒节

Munich's Oktoberfest 慕尼黑的啤酒节

Munich’s Oktoberfest 慕尼黑的啤酒节From inside a wooden building come the sounds of laughter and the clink of glasses. Clapping begins as people in Bavarian costumes dance to the music of an oompah band. Munich’s famous Oktoberfest is underway. The 16-day festival began back in 1810 as a marriage celebration for Prince Ludwig I and his bride. People had so much fun that the party became an annual event. This year millions will enjoy Oktoberfest. They come to sample the beer and the hospitality of a city that makes visitors feel at home.从一栋木造建筑物里面传来了阵阵的笑声和玻璃的叮当声,当身着巴伐利亚传统服饰的人们,随着一个德国传统民俗乐团的音乐起舞时,四周响起了掌声。





Nestled close to the Bavarian Alps,Munich,or Munchen,reigns as Germany’s most popular tourist destination. The beauty of the city and its surroundings inspired Americannovelist Thomas Wolfe to write,“How can one speak of Munich but to say that it is a kind of German heaven?” Munich’s beautiful buildings and several churches were built by the Wittelsbach family that ruled the area for 750 years. They made the city a work of art.依偎着巴伐利亚阿尔卑斯山脉的慕尼黑,跃居德国最受欢迎的观光地点。



es from the world each place tourist to stream in, rushes Munich, one
世界各地的观光客纷至沓 来,涌向慕尼黑,一品
“the Bavaria beer”, and experiences the German people to joyfully celebrate by
Munich 慕尼黑
In September 17th 12 midday, with the mayor of Munich Unscrew the first tap of beer barrel, the 178th German Beer Festival kicked off in Munich
them the royal crown, terminated spread at black death the age, these coopers
死病终止蔓延的年代,这 些桶匠就是第一批通过欢
are the first batch through the
happy dance.
• Munich always is the
• 慕尼黑一向是公认的“啤
recognition “the beer all”, the autumn can hold in every year the world the scale bi上规模最大的啤
beer festival - - in October
required course” daily, each kind of tavern, the liquor room, the small inn will then resemble the space the star.Only population 1,000,000 Munich has more than 3000 every day full house alehouses.Each steps into the tavern a human at least all and half litre beer to be eaten with rice or bread (most receives welcome is nearly “Plzen” beer), but people most Chang Dian is a litre.Therefore “a litre” in Munich and the entire Bavaria may say is “the measuring unit”, the locality is also in vogue a proverb “to have controls one day to drink a litre, healthy match deity”.When the people also dine only then drinks, is nearly drinks anytime and anywhere.German each place nearly all has “the beer park”, as soon as so long as the sun beams with joy, the people swarm to the beer park, enjoys heartily the nature.






Munich: The Beer City啤酒之城──慕尼黑How would you like to sip a glass of cold beer while sitting in the shadow of a Chinese pagoda surrounded by English gardens in the middle of a southern German city? It may sound unlikely, but that is what millions of visitors from around the world experience in Munich in late September and early October every year. They come to celebrate Oktoberfest, probably the largest public festival in the world.在德国南部城市中,坐在为英式花园环抱的中国式宝塔的荫凉下,啜饮一杯冰凉的啤酒,这样的感觉,你有多心动?听起来也许像天方夜谭,但这就是每年九、十月之交,来自世界各地的百万游客,群集慕尼黑的亲身经历。


The first Oktoberfest was held in 1810 to celebrate the wedding of Prince Ludwig, who later became King Ludwig I of Bavaria. The celebration featured horse races, which were repeated the following year, and the festival became an annual event. Beer stands were introduced in 1818, and these were changed to the now-famous beer tents in 1896. The drink is a major feature of the event, and this year's visitors are expected to top last year's numbers of 5 million liters of beer and 650,000 pork sausages consumed.首届“啤酒节”于1810年举行,为了庆祝路德维格王子的婚礼,嗣后他成了巴伐利亚路德维格一世国王。


栈便多似天上的星星19 。
Only population 1,000,000 Munich
has more than 3000 every day
full house alehouses.
仅人口100万的慕尼黑 就有3000多个每天都 座无虚席的啤酒馆。
1810年的十月,为了庆祝巴伐利亚的路德维 格王子和萨克森国的希尔斯公主的婚礼而 举行了这个盛大庆典。为期五天的庆典里 ,人们举行赛马活动,赛马活动结束后, 人们痛饮啤酒以示庆贺,这个庆典沿袭下 来后,就成为今天的啤酒节。自那以后, 十月啤酒节就作为巴伐利亚的一个传统的 民间节日保留下来。此后民众持续这种热 烈的情绪,年复一年地举办该项活动。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
The German will drink regards as “the required course” daily, each kind of tavern, the liquor room, the small inn will then resemble the space the star.Only
The original "Oktoberfest" occurred in Munich, on October 12, 1810. For the public commemoration of their marriage that took place five days before, Crown Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen, namesake of the Theresienwiese festival grounds, organized a great horse race.



德国啤酒节作文英文英文:Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival, is held annually in Munich, Germany. It is a 16-day festival that starts in late September and ends in early October. The festival attracts millions of visitors from all over the world, who come to enjoy the traditional German beer, food, music, and culture.As a beer lover, I had the opportunity to attend Oktoberfest last year. It was an unforgettable experience. The festival grounds were huge, with dozens of beer tents and food stalls. The atmosphere was lively, with people singing, dancing, and cheering. I tried several types of German beer, and they were all delicious. The food was also amazing, with traditional German dishes like sausages, pretzels, and schnitzels.One of the highlights of the festival was the openingceremony, where the mayor of Munich taps the first keg of beer and declares "O'zapft is!" (meaning "It's tapped!"). This signals the start of the festival and the pouring of the beer.Another memorable moment was when I met some locals and had a conversation with them. They were friendly and welcoming, and we talked about our different cultures and traditions. It was a great opportunity to learn more about Germany and its people.Overall, Oktoberfest was an incredible experience that I will never forget. It was a celebration of beer, food, and culture, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves these things.中文:每年在德国慕尼黑举行的“啤酒节”是世界上最大的啤酒节。





慕尼黑啤酒节,原文 The Munich Oktoberfest,意思为“十月节”,源于1810年巴伐利亚邦的王储路德维希大婚,王府与民众举行一系列庆祝活动,当时正是啤酒花丰收时节,饮酒、唱歌、跳舞就是最主要的表现欢乐方式。



据说,每年啤酒节的第一天早上,身穿传统服装的德国各邦代表及其他国家的游行队伍聚在一起,由慕尼黑市长与酒厂老板带领游行至主要的举办场地——特蕾莎广场(Theresien wiese),那里架设起数座巨型帐篷,里面摆满了各厂牌的啤酒供人畅饮。












Title: The Oktoberfest: A Celebration of Bavarian Culture and BeerNestled in the heart of Bavaria, Germany, the Munich Oktoberfest is a grand celebration that not only showcases the rich cultural heritage of the region but also embodies the essence of community and joy. This annual festival, held in late September to early October, is a testament to the deep-seated love of beer and the celebration of life that Bavarians are renowned for.The Oktoberfest, originally known as the "Oktoberfest", was first held in 1810 to commemorate the marriage of Crown Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen. Since then, it has evolved into one of the world's largest and most renowned festivals, attracting millions of visitors from across the globe every year.The festival is a vibrant spectacle of color, sound, and flavor. The air is filled with the aroma of freshly brewed beer, and the streets are lined with festive tents, each offering its unique selection of beers and traditional Bavarian cuisine. The lively atmosphere is enhanced by the sounds of folk music and the laughter and chatter of revelers.But the Oktoberfest is not just about beer and food. It is a celebration of Bavarian culture and tradition. Visitors can witness the grandeur of traditional Bavarian costumes, participate in horse races and other cultural events, and even try their hand at traditional games like beer-stein holding contests.Moreover, the Oktoberfest is also a time for community bonding. People from all walks of life gather together to share stories, make new friends, and celebrate the spirit of unity and brotherhood. The festival truly embodies the essence of Bavarian "Gem ütlichkeit" - a feeling of warmth, coziness, and togetherness.In conclusion, the Munich Oktoberfest is not just a festival; it is a cultural phenomenon that brings people together, celebrates life, and honors the rich heritage of Bavaria. It is a must-visit for anyone who loves beer, culture, and the joy of celebration.。

The Munich Oktoberfest(慕尼黑啤酒节)

The Munich Oktoberfest(慕尼黑啤酒节)
啤酒节,除了喝啤酒当然还要尝尝当地的美食啦,德国以及巴伐 利亚州州有哪些特色美食呢?扭花面包、香肠、烤猪脚、土耳其烤肉 馍样样都不能错过哟~
During the beer festival,in addition to drink beer you can also try the local food, Germany and Bavaria, which features food is existence?Twisting bread, sausage, roast pork,Turkey barbecue buns and so on.you can not miss them ~
The Munich Oktoberfest is also called “Oktoberfest .It originated in October 12, 1810. Because the main drink is beer during the holiday, so people habitually called The Beer Festival. It is hold from the end of September to early October every year in Munich, Germany, last two weeks, until the first Sunday of October. And has a history of 203 years so far. It was stopped for 5 years because of the first world war, and 7 years for the second world war. The festival’s scale getting more and mor bigger since 1946, and really became a big folk festival.



Das OktoberfestHeute möchte ich Euch aus aktuellem Anlass etwas über das Oktoberfest erzählen. Denn das beginnt morgen hier in München. Ihr kennt es sicher alle, denn das Oktoberfest ist das größte Volksfest der Welt. Jedes Jahr besuchen rund sechs Millionen Menschen das Oktoberfest!(今天我想告诉你有关慕尼黑啤酒节。



每年约有600万人前往慕尼黑啤酒节!)Alles begann im Jahr 1810. Kronprinz Ludwig heiratete Prinzessin Therese damals im Oktober. Auf einer Wiese außerhalb der Stadt veranstalteten sie zur Feier des Tages ein Pferderennen. Seitdem heißt die Wiese Theresienwiese. Mittlerweile ist die Stadt so sehr gewachsen, dass die Wiese nicht mehr am Rand der Stadt liegt, sondern mittendrin. M ittlerweile haben wir hier auch so etwas ähnliches wie die Freiheitsstatue in New York: Die Bavaria wacht mit einem Löwen an ihrer Seite über die Wiese. Man kann in ihren Kopf klettern und hat von dort einen wunderbaren Ausblick über die Stadt.(这一切始于1810年。



啤酒节英语作文The beer festival is a traditional and popular event in many countries around the world. It is a time for people to come together and enjoy a wide variety of beers, as well as food, music, and other entertainment. The festival often features beer tasting, competitions, and cultural performances, making it a fun and lively experience for everyone involved.啤酒节是世界许多国家的传统和流行活动。



The origins of beer festivals can be traced back to ancient times when beer was an important part of religious and social ceremonies. Today, the festivals are a celebration of the brewing industry and a chance for people to come together and appreciate the art of beer making. It is also an opportunity for breweries to showcase their products and connect with beer enthusiasts from around the world.啤酒节的起源可以追溯到古代,当时啤酒是宗教和社会仪式的重要组成部分。

【最新推荐】雅思口语素材:The Munich Oktoberfest慕尼黑啤酒节-推荐word版 (1页)

【最新推荐】雅思口语素材:The Munich Oktoberfest慕尼黑啤酒节-推荐word版 (1页)

【最新推荐】雅思口语素材:The Munich Oktoberfest慕尼黑啤酒节-推荐word版本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==雅思口语素材:The Munich Oktoberfest慕尼黑啤酒节有关节日的雅思口语素材20 th September - 5 th October 201XThe Munich Oktoberfest is the biggest public festival in theworld and will be held in 201X for the 170 th time . Each year , the Oktoberfest is attended by around 6 million visitors , who drinkaround 5 million liters of beer and consume over 200,000 pairs ofpork sausages - mostly in the beer tents put up by the traditional Munich breweries .At the foot of the Bavaria statue , the huge Oktoberfest grounds also provide carousels , roller coasters and all the spectacular funof the fair for the enjoyment and excitement of visitors of all ages .The festivities are accompanied by a program of events ,including the Grand Entry of the Oktoberfest Landlords and Breweries and the Costume and Riflemens Procession .The History of the Oktoberfest dates back to the 19 th century . Crown Prince Ludwig , later to become King Ludwig I , was married to Princess Therese of Saxony - Hildburghausen on 12 th October 1810.The citizens of Munich were invited to attend the festivities held on the fields in front of the city gates to celebrate the happy royal event .Horse races in the presence of the Royal Family marked the closeof the event that was celebrated as a festival for the whole ofBavaria . The decision to repeat the horse races in the subsequentyear gave rise to the tradition of the Oktoberfest .。



(grilled fish on a
stick), Würstl (sausages) along with Brezn (Pretzel), Knödel (potato or
bread dumplings), Käsespätzle (cheese noodles), Reiberdatschi
Visitors may also
enjoy a wide
variety of
traditional food
as Hendl (chicken),
(roast pork), Schwe
inshaxe (grilled ha
m hock),
(potato pancakes), Sauerkraut or Rotkohl/Blaukraut (red cabbage)
along with such Bavarian delicacies as Obatzda (a spiced cheese-
butter spread) and Weisswurst (a wAhite sausage).
` Bierzelten (beer tent)
` Traditional food
` Amusement A
Since 1950, there has been a traditional festival opening: A twelve gun salute and the tapping of the first keg of Oktoberfest beer at 12:00 by the incumbent Mayor of Munich with the cry "O' zapft ist!" ("It's tapped) opens the Oktoberfest. The Mayor then gives the first beer to the Minister-President of the State of Bavaria.

高中英语 精华双语文章 啤酒之城慕尼黑素材

高中英语 精华双语文章 啤酒之城慕尼黑素材




Munich: The Beer City啤酒之城──慕尼黑How would you like to sip a glass of cold beer while sitting in the shadow of a Chinese pagoda surrounded by English gardens in the middle of a southern German city? It may sound unlikely, but that is what millions of visitors from around the world experience in Munich in late September and early October every year. They come to celebrate Oktoberfest, probably the largest public festival in the world.在德国南部城市中,坐在为英式花园环抱的中国式宝塔的荫凉下,啜饮一杯冰凉的啤酒,这样的感觉,你有多心动?听起来也许像天方夜谭,但这就是每年九、十月之交,来自世界各地的百万游客,群集慕尼黑的亲身经历。


The first Oktoberfest was held in 1810 to celebrate the wedding of Prince Ludwig, who later became King Ludwig I of Bavaria. The celebration featured horse races, which were repeated the following year, and the festival became an annual event. Beer stands were introduced in 1818, and these were changed to the now-famous beer tents in 1896. The drink is a major feature of the event, and this year's visitors are expected to top last year's numbers of 5 million liters of beer and 650,000 pork sausages consumed.首届“啤酒节”于1810年举行,为了庆祝路德维格王子的婚礼,嗣后他成了巴伐利亚路德维格一世国王。

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Muenchner Oktoberfest ( The Munich Oktoberfest )
· A general introduction video · Festival activities · ·
Since 1950, there has been a traditional festival opening: A twelve gun salute and the tapping of the first keg of Oktoberfest beer at 12:00 by the incumbent Mayor of Munich with the cry "O' zapft ist!" ("It's tapped) opens the Oktoberfest. The Mayor then gives the first beer to the Minister-President of the State of Bavaria.
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(grilled fish on a
stick), Würstl (sausages) along with Brezn (Pretzel), Knödel (potato or bread dumplings), Käsespätzle (cheese noodles), Reiberdatschi (potato pancakes), Sauerkraut or Rotkohl/Blaukraut (red cabbage) along with such Bavarian delicacies as Obatzda (a spiced cheesebutter spread) and Weisswurst (a white sausage).
Visitors may also enjoy a wide variety of traditional food such as Hendl (chicken), Schweinebraten (roast pork), Schwe inshaxe (grilled ha m hock), Steckerlfisch
There are currently fourteen large tents and twenty small tents at the Oktoberfest .
The tents themselves are non-permanent structures which are constructed and only used during the festival.
The beer served in each is in the accompanying table.
Only beer conforming to the Reinheitsgebot, at a minimum of 12.5% Stammwürze (app roximately 6% alcohol) may be served at Oktoberfest. The beer must also be brewed within the city limits of Munich. Beers meeting these criteria may be designated Oktoberfest Beer.