
暨南大学硕士学位论文来源于南海红树林底泥抗菌放线菌的活性化学成分研究Chemical Constituents of Antibiotic Actinomycete Strains from the Mangrove Zone of South China Sea作者姓名: 许琳雅指导教师姓名及学位、职称: 周光雄 博士 教授学科、专业名称: 药物化学论文提交日期: 2010年5月论文答辩日期: 2010年6月1日答辩委员会主席:漆淑华研究员答辩委员会成员:张德志教授高昊副教授论文评阅人:漆淑华研究员李药兰教授学位授予单位和日期:独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。
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利用硅胶开放柱色谱、ODS开放柱色谱、制备性HPLC和葡聚糖LH-20 排阻层析等多种色谱方法,从活性流分中分离得到得到21个单体样品、1个结晶和1个混晶,经MS、1D及2D-NMR或X-衍射等谱学方法鉴定了其中12个化合物结构。

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第二部分是文章的重点,包括第3章、第 4章、第 5章。
第 4章对语用模糊的成因进行了探讨,发现话题、外交合作原则和礼貌原则是其产生的重要原因。
第 5章是结束语部分。
关键词:语用模糊;词语;句子;话题;合作原则;礼貌原则;I- 暨南大学硕士学位论文ABSTRACT As a communication strategy of language use, pragmatic vagueness always is used in dailyconversation, especially in the context of news release conference. However, the previousresearches about it is still in the stage of the experience summary about the factual aspects,notreach the theory of a high degree of Linguistics .Therefore, this paper try to give a deepresearch on pragmatic vagueness from the linguistic levelThe paper is divided into three parts. The first part is the introduction and related literaturereview. The second part is the key point of the article, including chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5Chapter 3 firstly gives an analysis from the point of words. It shows that the scope vaguenesswords and the extent vagueness words are two important components in official news releaseSecondly we give a research about pragmatic vagueness from two types of sentences:vagueness declarative sentence and vagueness interrogative sentence, and the vaguenessdeclarative sentence is summarized as: vagueness of easing tone sentence, vagueness oftopic-shifting sentence, vagueness of shifting to the third part sentence, vagueness of logicsentence. Chapter 4 gives an analysis about the reason of pragmatic vagueness: topic,diplomatic cooperation principle and politeness principle are the important factors. Chapter 5 isthe Concluding part. The third part is composed by the note and the referenceKeywords: pragmatic vagueness; word; sentence; topic; cooperation principle; politenessprinciplII- 暨南大学硕士学位论文目录中文摘要 (Ⅰ)英文摘要 (Ⅱ)目录………………………………………………………………………Ⅲ第一章引言. 11.1 选题依据. 11.2 本文拟研究的问题11.3 研究范围21.4 语料和数据来源 21.5 研究方法2第二章相关文献的回顾 32.1 语用策略的相关研究32.2 模糊语言学的相关研究 42.3 答问语用模糊的相关研究62.4 外交辞令的相关研究. 82.5 本章小结9第三章外交部发言人语用策略中的模糊语言表现形式. 11 3.1 词语层面的模糊语用113.2 句子层面的模糊语用19I II- 暨南大学硕士学位论文3.3 本章小结 29第四章外交部发言人语用策略中的模糊言语根源分析. 31 4.1 话题314.2 合作原则与外交模糊言语 354.3 礼貌原则与外交模糊言语 384.4 外交辞令中合作原则与礼貌原则的关系. 414.5 本章小结 43第五章模糊言语在外交辞令中的作用445.1 积极作用. 445.2 消极作用. 48第六章结束语. 506.1 全文主要内容及观点总结. 506.2 本研究的局限及不足 50注释:. 51参考文献:. 52在学期间发表论文清单 55后记. 56I V- 暨南大学硕士学位论文第一章引言1.1 选题依据在中国外交部新闻发布会上,外交部发言人首先发布新闻,然后回答记者提问。

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麦都思是印刷工,是传教士,是报刊创办者,是语言学家,是翻译家,是出版家, 也可能是西方殖民者的先锋。
1817 年,麦都思来到南洋是协助当地教会的印刷工作。
至鸦片战争前,他参与编辑了多份的中文报刊,又编纂了《福建方言字典》和《华英词汇》等语言字典,用汉语、英语及马来语撰写的各种著述总数更超过 90 种。
自 19 世纪30年代至 50年代,他两次成为《圣经》修订、翻译的主要参与者和负责人。
第二部分麦都思先是对基督教新教在中国以及南洋地区的传教历史作扼要叙述,此后便集中记述了 1835 年他与史第芬在中国沿海航行和传教的一次经历,在叙述其游历的体会时,当中内容虽有偏颇,但也不乏精到的个人见解。
该书有近 600页,麦都思以?精炼、准确的语句,比较准确、客观的叙述和评论了中国社会制度的诸多方面以及其沿海游历的所见所闻。
[关键词]麦都思传教士中国:其现状与传教展望I暨南大学硕士学位论文麦都思及其《中国:其现状与传教展望》研究AbstractWalter Henry Medhurst, was the third missionary of the London MissionarySociety who visited to China. During his life, his primary mission and duty, was to bea missionary and preaching the Christianity to the Chinese. However, when summingup his achievements and activities, we would find that he actually had a series ofmultiple and different identities. Except the missionary, Rev. Medhurst was a printer,founder of some Chinese newspapers, linguist, translator, publisher, even the pioneerof the Western colonizers. In 1817, he used to be a printer in Nanyang 南洋,Southeast Asia to help the local churches with printing works. In 1819, he wasordained as a missionary and began preaching formally. Before the Opium War, hehad involved in editing a few Chinese newspapers, written more than 90 writings inChinese, English and Malay. From the 1830s to 1850s, he had been the mainparticipants and responsible person in revised the Bible translation twice times. Afterthe Opium war, he moved to Shanghai, and founded the London Missionary SocietyPress, which provided a strong impetus to the development of the Chinese modernprinting businessIn 1838, the Book China: Its State and Prospects was written and published byhim, which was a very influential book at that time. And this thesis is based on thisbook mainly. This book can divide into two parts. The first part introduced theChinese ancient civilization to the European readers comprehensively, and also madea description of the social status of the Qing Dynasty. In the second part, Medhurstmade a brief description of the history of the Protestant missionary in China andSoutheast Asia regionSince then, he concentrated to make a description of the China voyage withEdwin Stevens in 1835. When he made a description about his experience in China,he also liked to add a personal comment at the same time. Although some of thiscomments were biased, but there were still some subtlety opinions.China: Its Stateand Prospects was less than 600 pages with lots of the refined, related accuratestatements. Most of the statements were relate to the experiences and opinions ofMedhurst, some of them even were the first-hand materials, which needed the furtherreseachesKeywords: Walter Henry Medhurst Missionary China: Its State and ProspectsII暨南大学硕士学位论文麦都思及其《中国:其现状与传教展望》研究目录绪论1一、已有研究成果及其回顾..1二、本课题的价值与意义4三、本课题研究方法说明5第 1 章麦都思来华及其背景.81.1 新教“海外传教”活动的缘起91.2 中国政府的“禁教”政策与基督教新教的早期传教.101.3? 英国东印度公司和澳门天主教势力的阻挠..121.4?“恒河外方传道团”的兴起13第 2 章麦都思的在华活动172.1 来华之前的学习与传教经历172.1.1? 麦都思在南洋的传教活动..182.1.2? 麦都思进行的撰述与出版工作212.2? 上海之行.352.2.1? 伦敦会在上海的发展与开发“麦家圈”..362.2.2? 墨海书馆创建及其意义382.2.3? 麦都思与“青浦教案”及其影响..422.3? 麦都思晚年在华的活动经历..442.3.1? 主编《遐迩贯珍》..452.3.2? 对太平天国的态度与英国的政策..46第 3 章麦都思的汉学成就493.1? 麦都思的语言学成就..493.2? 麦都思与《圣经》中译.543.2.1? 麦都思“修订本”的改进..563.2.2? 围绕“修订本”的质疑与辩护583.2.3? 麦都思与《圣经》委办本..61III暨南大学硕士学位论文麦都思及其《中国:其现状与传教展望》研究3.2.4? 麦都思对《圣经》中译的影响643.2.5? 麦都思的译经策略与贡献..66第 4 章麦都思的中国观.694.1? 悠久灿烂的文明与停滞排外的民族性格734.2? 崇拜与迷信国度.774.3? 贫穷匮乏的人口大国..794.4? 社会道德的堕落.814.5? 虚弱的政府83结论.87参考文献90附录.92后记..104IV暨南大学硕士学位论文麦都思及其《中国:其现状与传教展望》研究绪论英国伦敦会传教士麦都思(Walter Henry Medhurst, 1796~1857),1817 年,麦都思以印刷工的身份来到南洋,协助当地教会的印刷工作。



关键词:人物纪录片,听障人士,叙事策略,叙事语言AbstractRelying on the records of the work and life of the characters or the crowd,the character documentary usually explores the relationship between people,between people and nature,and between people and society,which occupy an important position and unique meaning in the documentary.Nowadays,with the development of character documentaries and the improvement of the audience's aesthetic cognition,documentary creators no longer record a certain image in a simple manner.Instead,on the premise of respecting the objectivity and authenticity of the documentary,they are increasingly focusing on the subjective narrative expression of"recording",that is,to tell stories by using narrative strategies rationally and skillfully.In the meantime,the creators of character documentaries are no longer limited to show the glorious deeds of celebrities,but also often explore the true stories of ordinary people or marginal characters.For example,in the researcher's graduation project"silence"that reflects the employment and life status of the hearing impaired through the stories of the two sisters in Tang family.Focusing on the character documentary"Silence"and cutting in from the theoretical perspective of narratology,this study analyzes the three dimensions of the narrative strategy of this character documentary,that is,the positive effects of the sound elements,lens grammar and space settings in this character documentary on the narrative.Through the"guided narrative" constructed by the sound elements,the creator can express the emotional needs with background musics,extend the picture information with sound effects and build a linear structure with narrator’s commentary;at the same time,use the"binary narrative"created by the lens grammar to represent the balance of the identity through picture composition,to render the emotions of"joy and worry"through arranged lens,to highlight the noisy or quiet atmosphere with rhythmic changes;the setting of different spaces constructs different"scenario narratives", because the space's own meaning attributes make different spaces have different function of showing affection,embodying value and being actively involved.Keywords:Character documentary,hearing loss,narrative strategy,narrative language目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)1.绪论 (1)1.1研究背景 (1)1.2研究意义 (1)1.3文献综述 (2)1.4作品综述 (4)1.5研究方法 (6)2.“引导叙事”建构中的声音元素 (7)2.1表达情感需求的音乐 (8)2.2延展画面信息的音响 (10)2.3搭建线性结构的解说 (11)3.“对立叙事”建构中的镜头语法 (13)3.1平衡与失衡:构图中的身份表征 (13)3.2快乐与忧郁:镜头中的情绪渲染 (16)3.3喧闹与寂静:节奏中的氛围营造 (20)4.“场景叙事”建构中的空间设置 (22)4.1客厅与阳台:家庭空间的亲情展现 (23)4.2吧赫与元味:工作空间的价值体现 (24)4.3地铁与餐厅:休闲空间的主动融入 (26)5结论与讨论 (27)注释 (29)参考文献 (31)致谢 (36)1绪论1.1研究背景随着人民生活水平的不断提升,受众对影视作品的审美要求也日益提高。

论1990年代以来广州女作家的城市书写暨南大学硕士学位论文论 1990年代以来广州女作家的城市书写中文摘要在20世纪90年代异彩纷呈的城市书写中,女性作家的崛起成为了当代文坛一道不可忽略的文学景观。
关键词:广州女作家;城市书写;书写策略;城市形象I暨南大学硕士学位论文论 1990年代以来广州女作家的城市书写AbstractThe rising of female writers become unelectable in the splendid city writing in 1900s, in whichthe female writers living in Guangzhou began the literary creation which was once popular inreaders and market, and stroked the attention of the literary world By investigating the city literary creation of female writers inGuangzhou, it is found that thewriting of them is closed connected with the special regional culture background and thecontemporary mass culture context in Guangzhou. On the one hand, city life provides thematerial for the female writers, and the special city culture context affects the writing of femalewriters. One the other hand, by taking the city as the objective and backgrounds for aestheticappreciation, female writers describes the city scenery, present the citizen’s life and their spirits,and provide us the literary image of the cityThis thesis is in three parts. The first part is an introduction which mainly introduces the generalcondition of city writing of female writers in Guangzhou, and defines city writing and otherinterrelated concepts. The second part is from Chapter one to Cheaper Three. It tries to find outwhat the city mean to the female writers and their writing. And it analyzes the influence thatGuangzhou’s legion culture background and mass c ulture context make on the female writers’production. By analyzing the works of female writers in Guangzhou, we can draw the image ofGuangzhou in the works.The third part is a conclusion which is mainly about more opinions onfemale writer’s city writ ing and pointed out the significance of the Guangzhou city writingwriterKey word: Female Writers in Guangzhou ;City-writing;Writing Strategies; City Image II暨南大学硕士学位论文论 1990年代以来广州女作家的城市书写目录中文摘要. IAbstract II目录 III绪论1一、“城市书写”及相关概念界定1二、广州女作家城市书写概况2三、研究现状与方法 5第一章广州女作家城市书写的社会文化语境. 8一、城市?女性?文学8二、大众文化与城市书写11第二章、广州女作家的城市书写策略. 14一、怀旧情绪下的城市景观书写14二、都市日常生活书写 18三、都市传奇书写22第三章广州女作家笔下的广州城市形象. 26一、女性之城. 26二、平民之城. 30三、物质之城. 33结语 38注释 40参考文献. 45在学期间发表论文清单. 50后记 51III暨南大学硕士学位论文论 1990年代以来广州女作家的城市书写绪论一、“城市书写”及相关概念界定论及城市书写,必定要涉及“城市文学”和“都市文学”这两个概念。

关键词:IP,改编,跨媒介叙事,文本,受众AbstractSince 2014, IP has entered the market and audience's vision with a brutal growth attitude. In the context of the Internet, IP adaptation is pursued by capital and favored by audiences, and its number and influence in the film and TV drama market cannot be ignored. Although IP adaptation evolves from traditional adaptation, it is not a unique product in China, but an innovation of content production mode under the background of global media convergence.This paper focuses on the film and television practice of IP in the transmedia storytelling context, and focuses on the text of IP adaptation and audience participation. The method of content analysis and case study was used to obtain the market data of IP drama and the film review text of the audience on douban to explore the text flow and audience interaction of IP adaptation. It is found that IP adaptation involves the interrelation and interaction of various types of texts, and the difference of media drives the flow of IP texts to various media and narrative extension to facilitate the construction of "story world". In the transmedia storytelling adaptation, various "sub-texts" are produced around the film and television texts, which play an important role in expanding the meaning of film and television works. In addition, audiences are more deeply involved in the production system of IP by means of technology empowerment, but the improvement of their discourse power also depends on the power transfer of producers. The transmedia storytelling development of IP depends on the audience's demand for emotion and entertainment. Meanwhile, the review text of douban movie audience shows the "intersex" feature following the migration of IP text, and the production of multi-level IP text and the audience show a complementary relationship. Finally, the current IP adaptation in China should clarify the relationship between it and cross-media narration, draw lessons from the construction logic of its virtual world, and better integrate into the globalization transmedia storytelling narration.Key Words:IP;Adaptation;Transmedia storytelling;Text;The audience目录中文摘要 (I)Abstract (II)目录 (III)1绪论 (1)1.1研究背景 (1)1.2文献综述 (2)1.3研究问题 (12)1.4概念界定 (12)1.5 研究对象与研究方法 (14)1.6研究意义与创新 (15)2IP改编的演变:逻辑与动因 (16)2.1从改编到跨媒介叙事 (16)2.2跨媒介叙事下IP改编的逻辑 (20)2.3跨媒介叙事下IP改编的动因 (23)3文本的流动:跨媒介叙事下IP改编的文本互动 (28)3.1媒介差异驱动多类型文本互动 (28)3.2IP改编的文本迁移特性 (32)3.3副文本的生产与融合 (38)4受众的流动:跨媒介叙事下IP改编的受众互动 (42)4.1话语权的加冕:IP生产中的受众参与 (42)4.2跨媒介叙事中受众的“间性”审美 (46)5对IP改编互动的审视与改编优化策略 (55)5.1“IP崇拜”与受众参与式文化的困境 (55)5.2IP跨媒介叙事改编的优化策略 (58)6结语 (61)注释 (63)参考文献 (67)附录一:2014-2018年播放量排名前十电视剧 (70)附录二:2014-2018年票房排名前十电影 (72)在学期间发表的学术论文清单 (74)后记 (75)1绪论1.1研究背景IP即“Intellectual Property”的缩写,可译作“知识产权”,具体来说是可进行知识产权转化的文本、故事、人物形象等。
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暨南大学硕士学位论文题名(中英对照):《闲情偶寄》(节选)翻译报告A Translation Report on Xian Qing Ou Ji (Excerpts) 作者姓名:郭轶凡指导教师姓名及学位、职称:李国庆教授刘婷玉讲师学科、专业名称:英语笔译学位类型:专业学位论文提交日期:2018年6月27日论文答辩日期:2018年5月23日答辩委员会主席:曾蕾论文评阅人:学位授予单位和日期:AbstractThis thesis is a translation report on the excerpt (Chapter Yinzhuan and Chapter Zhongzhi) from Xian Qing Ou Ji(Casual Expressions of Idle Feeling), which was written by a famous litterateur Li Yu in the late-Ming and early-Qing dynasties. The book primarily presents the worldly custom and civilized living of Chinese people in the 17th century.With a view to the abundant cultural-loaded terms in the source text, the translator tries to analyze the translation under the guidance of Kwame Anthony Appiah’s Thick Translation Theory. This translation report consists of four parts. Chapter One: task description, a brief introduction to the translation task. Chapter Two: the process of translation, including preparations, the translation tools used and proofreading. Chapter Three: case study, the main body of the report, the analysis of the translation based on thick translation theory. Among all strategies, patatext is proved to be the most efficient and fluently used one. Chapter Four: conclusions and suggestions, including the experiences learned during the translation process and the unsolved problems.Key words: Thick Translation; Xian Qing Ou Ji; Li Yu.摘要本篇翻译报告以李渔(明末清初文学家、戏剧家)的《闲情偶寄》(节选)作为翻译材料。
关键词:《闲情偶寄》;深度翻译;李渔ContentsAbstract (I)摘要 (II)Contents III Chapter One Task Description (1)1.1 An Introduction to the Translation Task 11.1.1 About the Author (1)1.1.2 About the Work (2)1.1.3 About the Source Text (2)1.2 Requirements for the Task (4)Chapter Two Procedure Description (5)2.1 Preparations before Translation (5)2.1.1 Selection of the Source Text (5)2.1.2 Preparation Procedure (5)2.2 Translation Procedure (6)2.3 Proofreading (7)Chapter Three Case Study (8)3.1 Thick Translation (8)3.2 Case Study with Thick Translation Strategies (11)3.2.1 Paratext (11)3.2.2 Annotations within the Text (20)3.2.3 Literal Translation (24)3.2.4 Paraphrase (30)Chapter Four Summary (35)4.1 Report Overview (35)4.2 Reflections (36)Bibliography (37)Acknowledgments (39)Appendix (40)Chapter One Task Description1.1An Introduction to the Translation Task1.1.1 About the AuthorLi Yu (1610–1680 AD), with a courtesy name Li Liweng, was a Chinese playwright, novelist and publisher in the late-Ming and early-Qing dynasties. He was born in a rich family in Rugao, now Jiangsu Province.He was known as a gifted youth ever since he was a little boy because it was said that he could compose poems at the age of eight and he planned to become a government official. Although he passed the first stage of the imperial examination in 1635, he failed to pass the higher levels in 1639 before the political turmoil of the new dynasty, but instead turned to writing for the market.From 1666 to 1673, Li was an actor, producer, and director as well as a playwright, who traveled with his own family troupe that has brought him high reputations as well as considerable amount of money. His play Feng Zheng Wu (Errors caused by the Kite) is still one of the favorites in the Chinese Kun opera. His biographer Xu Baowei called him a "writer-entrepreneur" and the “most versatile and enterprising writer of his time”. In the meanwhile, Li summed up his daily life experiences, opera performance and script writing skills in his the book Xian Qing Ou Ji(Casual Expressions of Idle Feeling). Unfortunately, after the two famous leading actors of his troupe Qiao and Wang passing away in 1672 and 1673 respectively, Li began to live an idle life and died of illness at the age of seventy.Li has finished lots of works that has great impact to later generations. Li is the presumed author of Rou Pu Tuan(The Carnal Prayer Mat), a well-crafted comedy and a classic of Chinese erotic literature. He also wrote a book of short stories called Shi’er Lou (Twelve Towers). In his time, he was widely read and welcomed as well as appreciated for his daringly bold subject matter. Moreover, Li was also known for hisinformal essays and his gastronomical writings. Lin Yutang spoke highly of Li and translated several Li’s essays. Not only a productive writer, Li was also a publisher himself and establish a press (Jie Zi Yuan Press) to publish his works in order to prevent plagiarism.1.1.2 About the WorkThe report is written on the basis of the translation of Xian Qing Ou Ji (Casual Expressions of Idle Feeling). Xian Qing Ou Ji, a collection of around 300 essays, came out in 1671. It has been regarded as an encyclopedia of life in ancient China. The content of the book is divided into eight different fields, including Shengrong (Women and Beauty), Ciqu (Writing Plays) , Yanxi (Putting on Plays), Jushi (Houses and Gardens), Qiwan (Furniture, China and the like), Yinzhuan (Food and Drink), Zhongzhi (Flowers and Trees), Yiyang (Health and Pleasure).With simple words, humorous descriptions and elaborate contents, the book was sold out shortly after publication and has a profound influence to the readers both at that time and future. As an extensive record on Li Yu’s experiences in every aspects of life, this book was highly appraised by Lin Yutang(1895-1976), a Chinese writer, translator, linguist, philosopher and inventor, as “a miniature of living art of Chinese people” in Lin’s My Country and My People(1935). A number of well-known modern essayists like Zhou Zuoren, Liang Shiqiua all spoke highly of the book and considered it as a precious masterpiece.1.1.3 About the Source TextThis report selects Chapter Yinzhuan(Food and Drink) and several sections from Chapter Zhongzhi(Flowers and Trees) as the source text. The source text is about fourteen thousand Chinese words. As for the main contents of the source text, Li Yu proposed the secret recipes of his daily dishes and the perspectives on various food materials in the Chapter Yinzhuan and shared the planting methods and appreciation methods of trees and flowers in the Chapter Zhongzhi. At the same time, Li’s views oflife can be seen from his eating habits and planting preference, such as he preferred vegetables than meats and could not curb his anger when hearing the atrocity of the goose cook. Not only thought-provoking, those two chapters are also practical for many cooking methods and planting tips are still available today.According to Katharina Reiss’s text typology theory, Xian Qing Ou Ji,an ancient Chinese Prose, is an expressive text that could fully express the author’s emotions and attitudes. Xian Qing Ou Ji(Casual Expressions of Idle Feeling) is a Chinese classic written in classical Chinese that differs greatly from modern Chinese works. Hence, the translation process of the source text includes both intralingual translation that is from ancient Chinese to modern Chinese and interlingual translation that is from modern Chinese to English. It requires that the translator must be proficient in ancient Chinese, modern Chinese as well as English. Besides, the translator should have the knowledge of the cultural and historical backgrounds.It took the translator around nine months to finish the translation. Due to the well-rounded information provided, the extraordinary writing style presented and the fascinating insights displayed, the translation process is a precious learning experience for the translator.Chinese classics are the essence of traditional Chinese culture. With the trend of cultural globalization, the translation of Chinese classics is urgently needed with the purpose of spreading Chinese culture and the translation of this book is of practical significance nowadays.1.2Requirements for the TaskAs it was required by the supervisor, faithfulness and expressiveness are necessary in the translation of Xian Qing Ou Ji.Faithfulness, as the foremost requirement, must be strict followed. First, the translator must read the source text repeatedly to fully understand the main idea of the source text as well as the author’s intention. Secondly, the translator needs to have a solid understanding of cultural backgrounds, historical backgrounds, author’s backgrounds and experiences because the source text was finished three hundred years ago. Moreover, the book, written in ancient Chinese which is hard to understand even as a native speaker, requires the translator has certain intralingual translation ability. Thirdly, during the translation process, no missing translation, no redundant translation and no mistranslation is allowed which requires extreme carefulness and thoroughness.As the translated version is targeted for foreign readers, expressiveness is another important requirement. The translator should have certain English ability and skills to make sure that the target text is understandable and readable to target readers. As a famous essay collection, the source text is vivid and fluent. Therefore, the translated version should be able to reflect those characteristics in accordance with English expressions. Moreover, because of the various cultural information provided, necessary explains must be made for a clear illustration.After the translation work is done, the translator must go over it for at least three times to avoid grammar mistakes, needless duplication or pretermission. With the help of the supervisor, several times of modifications have been made so as to offer a good translation work.Chapter Two Procedure Description2.1 Preparations before Translation2.1.1 Selection of the Source TextWith the suggestion of her supervisor, the translator has chosen Chapter Yinzhuan(Food and Drink) and Chapter Zhongzhi(Trees and Flowers) from Xian Qing Ou Ji(Casual Expressions of Idle Feeling), a book written by Li Yu, as the source text. Chapter Yinzhuan and Chapter Zhongzhi, as shown in the title, mainly described everyday meals and plants that are available in ordinary people’s daily life.The source text has been chosen for three reasons: First, this book is distinguished from other books of its time because of the comprehensive information provided, the unique writing style presented and the original insights of the author. Besides, with the trend of cultural globalization, the translation of Chinese classics is urgently needed and the translation of this book is of practical significance. Second, the translator’s supervisor, Professor Li, dedicates herself to the studies of Chinese classics translation and has made great efforts to the translation of this book. Under the guidance of the professor, even though the translation of this book is rather demanding and difficult, the translator can benefit a lot from the guidance of Professor Li. Third, the translator is interested in Chinese classical culture and wants to take this opportunity to make a bold attempt to pay homage to traditional Chinese culture.2.1.2 Preparation ProcedureVarious kinds preparation works should be done before the translation. Firstly, since intralingual translation is required before interlingual translation, the translator must have a fully understanding of the source text written in classical Chinese. Thus,the translator prepared several dictionaries of classical Chinese, some books of common knowledge about traditional Chinese culture, some book reviews of Li Yu’s work made by Chinese writers and historical books of late-Ming and early-Qing dynasties. Secondly, various kinds of translation tools were prepared before translation, such as bilingual dictionaries and Wikipedia. These tools turned out to be quite helpful with difficult words and cultural images. Thirdly, with respect to those cultural-loaded terms, appropriate translation skills and methods could be of great help. Therefore, the translator went over some papers and related books about the translation of Chinese classics to get some experiences.2.2 Translation ProcedureAfter preliminary preparation, first, the translator read the source text thoroughly and borrowed several modern Chinese versions of the source text so that she could have a basic understanding of the source text.Second, the translator read those papers and works collected from network and school library about English version of Chinese classics and decided to finish the translation under the guidance of thick translation method after consulting the supervisor.Third, since the source text is mainly about food materials, flowers and trees, the translator searched lots of information about them to make the translation more accurate.Fourth, the translator compared several modern Chinese versions of the source text and finished the process of intralingual translation.Fifth, the translator translated the modified modern Chinese version into English and picked out all translation difficulties for further polishing.Finally, the translator tried her best to constantly modify the translation especially those difficult expressions to improve the quality with the help of classmates and supervisor.2.3 ProofreadingAfter overall translating, the translation work has been proofread for several times with the joint effort of the translator, her classmates, supervisor Li and associate supervisor Liu.First, the translator proofread the translation for three times to make sure that there are no grammar and spelling mistakes, redundant expressions and translation permissions. For those difficult expressions, the translator discussed it with her classmate Ms Yi who has a profound knowledge of traditional Chinese culture. After self-proofreading, Ms Chen, an earnest school mate of the translator, volunteered to further proofread the translation work to ensure the translation work is fluent, understandable, clear and coherent. The final proofreading was done by supervisor Li and associate supervisor Liu. With their solid language skills and profound theoretical foundation, they offered lots of valuable suggestions with which the translation was greatly polished.Chapter Three Case Study3.1 Thick TranslationIn this report, the translator applies Appiah’s thick translation method as the guiding theory. The concept of “thick translation”originates from an American anthropologist Clifford Geertz’s concept of thick description, which Geertz borrows from the philosopher Gilbert Ryle to characterize the work of an ethnographer. According to Geertz, the description of the ethnographer is to explicate explications. Such a description “requires not only detailed engagement with the phenomenon and its context, but also considerable interpretive effort” (Hermans 2003), namely, thick description.Inspired by Clifford Geertz, a translation scholar Appiah from Harvard University put forward in his cognominal essay the concept of thick translation, or thick contextualization. Appiah described thick translation as “a translation that seeks with its annotations and its accompanying glosses to locate the text in a rich cultural and linguistic context”. (Appiah 1993) According to Appiah, translation was not the accurate conversion from one language to another owing to the cultural distinctions. Since the barriers between source text and target text always exist, the translation can not fully express what the author wants to say by simply translating the literal meaning of the source text.Appiah emphasized the importance of intention, context and cultural differences. Taking the English translation of proverbs in Africa as an example, he pointed out that these proverbs have literal meaning but the literal meaning is only the conventional meaning of the combination of these words, and the real meaning should be to understand why the speaker said so, that is, to understand the speaker's intention. Appiah believed that in order to understand the speaker's intention, we must interpret the context correctly and do "thick contextualization". To truly understand the meaning of the proverbs, we should first understand the genre of the proverbs. The main feature of proverbs is that instead of their literal meaning, the truth orphilosophy expressed in the proverb really matters. Moreover, Appiah clearly pointed out that translation must be carried out with the awareness of cultural differences. Only with the understanding of cultural differences can the translator truly respect the culture of target readers.Appiah believed "thick translation" is a kind of “academic translation”, that is, putting the text in rich cultural and linguistic environment by annotating to preserve the culture characteristics of the source language. In 1994, Liu Miqing, a Chinese translator, put forward that from the cultural and historical perspective, the text should be viewed in historical background and add certain historical facts as the footnote. Moreover, the uncertainty of translation work could be verified through author's life experience, values and points of view that has been showed in author’s other works.Since the source text is written in ancient Chinese and includes lots of cultural connotations and cultural-loaded terms which are biggest obstacles of translating. In brief, culture is the entire way of life of a society and all forms of activities of a nation including clothes, food, production, education, politics, law, custom, historical allusions, thinking mode, value orientation, religion. Words, as the basic unit of language, is the most direct reflection of cultural factors. Scholars have shared different views on the definition of cultural-loaded words. Nida believes that culture-loaded words are words and expressions exclusive to a specific culture but can only find similar or even no corresponding substitutions in another culture. Mona Baker agrees that culture-loaded lexemes are soaked in and mirroring the cultural connotations of a language community. Liao Qiyi thinks culture-loaded words refer to words, phrases and idioms that define specific things in a certain culture. (Liao 2002) For the classification of culture-loaded words, Nida divided culture-loaded words into five categories according to five major elements of culture, namely, the ecological culture-loaded words, the religious culture-loaded words, the social culture-loaded words, the linguistic culture-loaded words and the material culture-loaded words.Combined translation strategies provided by thick translation has been used by famous translators in translating Chinese classics such as The Analects of Confuciusand Tao Te Ching and thick translation proved to be best applied in those classics to explicate the cultural and historical backgrounds.A successful example of applying thick translation is the translation of An Anthology of Chinese Discourse on Translation, done by professor Zhang Peiyao from Hong Kong Baptist University and a group of Chinese scholars. It is highly praised as a pioneering work of the translation of Chinese classics. Mario Tymoczko said, “(Zhang Peiyao) has set a good example for other academic researches. Her 'thick translation' allows readers to understand Chinese cultural concepts and terms related to translation, even if they know little about Chinese culture.” The success of the book lies in Zhang's unique compilation principles of selection and translation, especially the application of annotations. Zhang has added 328 notes in the anthology, excluding the 18 notes of the introduction, which provided detailed explanations, background information and research materials for source text. It could not only help the western readers to understand the original text but could also reinterpret the traditional translation theory from a new perspective.3.2 Case Study with Thick Translation Strategies3.2.1 ParatextA French literary theorist Gérard Genette defines paratext as the things such as the author's name, the title, preface or introduction, or illustrations in a published work that accompany the text. Genette states “More than a boundary or a sealed border, the paratext is, rather, a threshold.” It is “a zone between text and off-text, a zone not only of transition but also of transaction: a privileged place of pragmatics and a strategy, of an influence on the public, an influence that ... is at the service of a better reception for the text and a more pertinent reading of it”.From the definition given by Genette, paratext, though it is not the main body of the text, has certain impacts on the works and readers. When it comes to translation, paratext could exert positive effects on the target readers who expect to have a thorough and detailed understanding of the source text. Genette has classified the paratext into two types: peritext, including the author’s name, title, book cover, spine, preface, foreword, inscription, appendix and postscript, and epitext, including those interviews, comments, diaries and letters that are related to the text. In the translation of the source text, the translator has applied the method of paratext mainly through illustrations, annotations and commentaries.a)IllustrationsIllustrations are visual explanations of an article or a book that can usually help readers to understand the context. The source text, as a Chinese classic written in ancient Chinese, was finished in ancient China that some images in the work are unfamiliar to target readers. The translator tried to add some pictures in the translation with captions as illustrations to give an intuitive experience to target readers. Moreover, the appropriate usage of illustration has solved the difficulties of the translation of certain proper names. Thus, the translator believed the strategy of illustration is a sound exploration.。