unit 1 Financial system金融英语第一课


金融 Unit (1)

金融  Unit  (1)

1.Where does the conversation take place? 2.Who are in the conversation? 3.What does the customer come to the bank for?


Listen to the tape again and answer the questions below.
VOCABULARY 1.close /'kləuz/ v. 结清 close an account 结清账户 2. leave for 出发 (去……) 3. hope /həup/ v. 希望 4. enjoy /in'dʒɔi/ v. 享受 5. stay /stei/ n. 停留


Read the dialogue aloud after the tape, and then read aloud the dialogue with a partner. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

2. leave for 出发(去……), 表示离开一个地方去另一个 地方

e.g. He left for Shanghai yesterday. 他昨天去了上海。

3. the rest of 剩余的 e.g. the rest of money 剩余的钱

unit 1 Financial system金融英语第一课ppt课件

unit 1 Financial system金融英语第一课ppt课件

We have repaid the principal and interest.
As to the penalty, we must consult our principal.
Key words, phrases and special terms
7. portfolio
investment portfolios a portfolio of shares foreign portfolio investment
Warm up
If I had so much money, I would deposit $ 40,000 in the bank for a fixed period. The fixed deposit can earn steady interest for me. Since it has a good liquidity, I can draw on my deposit in need of cash.
current year.
2. allocation
allocation of capital allocation of resources
资本配置 资源配置
The total cost of the project was found on allocation to be the materials ₤ 255, labor ₤ 570, machine-hire ₤ 175, total ₤ 1000.
$ 20,000 would be put in various bonds, which are less liquid but more profitable. The prices of stocks fluctuate every day. I may risk losing my investment if choosing a wrong stock. I would only put in $ 20,000 in stocks.


English for Finance 金融英语
Chapter One Overview of the Financial System
• Case-study:
– Suppose that you want to start a business that manufactures a recently invented robot that cleans house, washes the car, but you have no funds to put this wonderful invention into production. While, Jack has plenty of savings. In this case, what would you do?
Primary market 初级市场 Vs. Secondary Market 二级市场
• Primary Market
– A primary market is a financial market in which new issues of a security(股票), such as a bond or a stock, are sold to initial buyers by the corporation or government agency borrowing the funds. A primary market for securities is not well known to the public because the selling of securities to initial buyers often takes place behind closed doors. An important financial institution (金融机构) that undertakes the initial sale of securities in the primary market is the investment bank (投资银行). It does this by underwriting (包销) securities: It guarantees a price for a company’s securities and then sell them to the pondary market is a financial market in which securities that have been previously issued (and are thus secondhand) can be resold. – Examples: • NYSE : New York Stock Exchange • Shanghai Stock Exchange • Shenzhen Stock Exchange – Dealer (交易员): Dealers link buyers and sellers by buying and selling securities at stated price



Chapter One Functions of Financial Markets 一.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.China’s banking industry is now supervised by the PBC and CBRC. In addition, the MOFis in charge of financial accounting and taxation part of banking regulation and management.目前中国银行业主要由中国人民银行和银监会进行监管。


2.Currently Chinese fund management companies are engaged in the following business:securities investment fund, entrusted asset management, investment consultancy, management of national social security funds, enterprise pension funds and QDII businesses.目前中国的基金管理公司主要从事以下业务:证券投资基金业务、受托资产管理业务、投资咨询业务、社保基金管理业务、企业年金管理业务和合格境内机构投资者业务等。

3.China's economy had 10% growth rate in the years before the world financial crisisof 2008. That economic expansion resulted from big trade surpluses and full investment.Now China is seeking to move away from that growth model. The country is working to balance exports with demand at home.在2008年世界经济危机之前的那些年,中国经济增长速度曾达到10%。












如果你买一股XYZ公司的股票,他们有100股流通股(按投资者持有),那么你就拥有公司1/100 的所有权。












Financial English 金融英语教程chapter 1 money-张铁军教材版本

Financial English 金融英语教程chapter 1 money-张铁军教材版本
1. Simple Interest I=PRn S=P+I=P(I+Rn)
2. Compound Interest S=P(I+R)n I=S-P
Page 24
1.4.2 Nominal and Real Interest Rates
1. The definition of nominal interest. P7, 1.4.2, L1-2 2. The definition of real interest. P7, 1.4.2, L3-4
Page 2
Financial English course will provide you with:
- Greater confidence when discussing financial documents and data
- Increased verbal fluency for face-to-face negotiations
Page 4
Part 1 Money
1. Definition of Money 2. Types of Money 3. Functions of Money 5. Interest and Interest Rate 6. Money Supply 7. China’s Monetary System
Page 5
Chapter 1 Money
Professional Terms
1.monetary area货币区 货币区是货币一体化的较高层次,它是指成员国之间的货
币建立紧密联系的地理区域。 货币区的初级阶段是固定汇率制度,包括货币局制度和美



Chapter One Functions of Financial Markets 一.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.China’s banking industry is now supervised by the PBC and CBRC. In addition, the MOFis in charge of financial accounting and taxation part of banking regulation and management.目前中国银行业主要由中国人民银行和银监会进行监管。


2.Currently Chinese fund management companies are engaged in the following business:securities investment fund, entrusted asset management, investment consultancy, management of national social security funds, enterprise pension funds and QDII businesses.目前中国的基金管理公司主要从事以下业务:证券投资基金业务、受托资产管理业务、投资咨询业务、社保基金管理业务、企业年金管理业务和合格境内机构投资者业务等。

3.China's economy had 10% growth rate in the years before the world financial crisisof 2008. That economic expansion resulted from big trade surpluses and full investment.Now China is seeking to move away from that growth model. The country is working to balance exports with demand at home.在2008年世界经济危机之前的那些年,中国经济增长速度曾达到10%。



“高职高专商务英语专业规划教材”Unit 1 Financial Market Research练习参考答案I.Read through the text and answer the following questions.1.A financial market is a mechanism that allows people to easily buy andsell (trade) financial securities (such as stocks and bonds), commodities (such as precious metals or agricultural goods), and other fungible items of value at low transaction costs and at prices that reflect the efficient-market hypothesis.2.The raising of capital ;the transfer of risk and international trade3.Capital markets,commodity markets,money markets, derivative markets,insurance markets and foreign exchange markets .4.Financial markets fit in the relationship between lenders andborrowers.5.Individuals, companies, governments, municipalities and publiccorporations.II. Paraphrase the following expressions or abbreviations and translate them into ChineseCheck the answers from the Special Term Lists.III. Fill in the blanks with the proper wordsThe global financial crisis, brewing for a while, really started to show its effects in the middle of 2007 and into 2008. Around the world stock markets have fallen, large financial institutions have collapsed or been bought out, and governments in even the wealthiest nations have had to come up with rescue packages to bail out their financial systems.On the one hand many people are concerned that those responsible for the financial problems are the ones being bailed out, while on the other hand, a global financial meltdown will affect the livelihoods of almost everyone in an increasingly inter-connected world. The problem could have been avoided, if ideologues supporting the current economics models weren’t so vocal, influential and inconsiderate of others’ viewpoints and concerns.IV.Translation.1.金融市场包括很多方面,包括资本市场,华尔街,甚至是市场本身。

金融英语 chapter 1 money

金融英语 chapter 1 money

Course Structure
• Chapter 1 Money, the Functions of Money and the Financial System • Chapter 2 The Banking system • Chapter 3 Interest Rate and Interest Rate Policies • Chapter 4 Money Market
• 铸币税(Seigniorage) • 也称为“货币税”。发行货币的组织或 国家的政府可以不需任何补偿地用纸制 货币向自己的居民换取实际经济资源, 从中攫取发行货币所产生的特定收益。 这部分由货币发行主体垄断性地享受 “通货币面价值超出生产成本”的收益, 就被定义为“铸币税”。Professional源自TermsQuestion
• When you buy a pair of jeans or a CD, for example, you never wonder whether the merchant will accept the bills and coins in your wallet as payment. • But suppose money didn't exist. How would you pay for the things you want to buy?
• 45.fund obligation基金负担
• 基金负担或称基金总数是指当时发行在 外的基金的总量
Professional Terms
• 58.monetary ease银根松动 • 银根monetary situation 指金融市场上的 资金供应。因中国1935年法币改革以前 曾采用银本位制,市场交易一般都用白 银,所以习惯上称资金供应为银根。 • 银根有紧松之分,判断依据是资金供需 状况。如果市场上资金供不应求,称为 “银根紧俏”或“银根紧”;市场上资 金供过于求,称为“银根松疲”或“银 根松”


• 金匠发现在为客户保护货币时,存款 和取款往往相互冲销,这样保留在保险 箱的存款余额还算是稳定。
• 8.The system of keeping one’s money on deposit with the goldsmith was safer than leaving money where it could be easily stolen, but it was a bit nuisance to have to visit the goldsmith each time money needed.
• 交易中介是交换所出售商品和服务时被 普遍接受的任何东西。玉米不是最终的 交换物而是最终交换物的中介。
• 5 . Rather than having to quote rate of exchange for each good in terms of every other good, as was the case in the barter economy, the price of everything could be measured in terms of corn.
• rate of inflation 通货膨胀率 scarce resources 稀缺资源
• social cost of funds 资 金 的 社 会 成 本 credit institution 信贷机构
• principal 资金 本金 基本财产 denomination
• 1. In any economy in which decision by individual economic units play a major role, interest rates perform several important function through which they exercise a pervasive influence over economic decision and performance, similar in scope to the influence of other economy-wide prices such as the exchange rate and the basic wage rate.


UNIT 1 Financial System
Li Shengnan 2016.7.26
Hale Waihona Puke Ⅰ. Lead in Ⅱ. New Words and Expressions Ⅲ. Class Practice
Ⅳ. Consolidation
V. Homework
Finance in Our Life
Finance in Our Life

credit card 信用卡 credit report 信用报告 to mortgage a house 按揭购 房 stock market 股市 gold 黄金 equity investment 股权投资 fund 基金 insurance保险

community bank 社区银行 micro institutions financing 小微金融 alipay 支付宝 credit loans 信用贷款 mobile finance 移动金融 internet finance互联网金融 wealth management 财富管 理
Ⅳ. Consolidation
1. Pay attention to the meaning of financial words and terms. 2. Don’t confuse the correspondence between the two pairs of terms: surplus unit VS deficit unit; borrower VS investor


To begin with, the machinery in the factory is going to wear 1 and therefore the 2 value shown in the balance sheet is probably too high. We 3 writing 4 the value by 20%. The total amount can then be written 5 after five years. Secondly, some of the 6 goods in the warehouse have a much lower 7 value because they are last year’s models. Finally, however, the value of some of the 8 goods on the production line can be increases as many of the materials were purchased last year and prices have risen since then. 1 down, off, out, up 2 market, book, actual, net 3 believe, undertake, assume, recommend 4 down, off, up, out 5 down, off, up, out 6 unfinished, finished, stored, qualified 7 book, market, realistic, net 8 unfinished, unqualified, finished, qualified




三、课程目标、教学目标与毕业要求对应关系Chapter 1 International Monetary Systems1、基本要求掌握与货币有关的英语专业词汇;能用英文对货币发展史进行简单介绍。

2、主要内容Text 1 History of Modern Global Monetary OrdersText 2 International Monetary Systems and Historical OverviewListening: Call for a “New Bretton Woods”Oral English practice::The correlation between a country’s economic power and its role in the international financial system.3、作业:课后习题Chapter 2 The International Monetary Fund1、基本要求了解国际货币基金组织的基本职能;掌握本单元英语生词;能用英文简单介绍国际货币基金组织的历史、成员及基本职能。

2、主要内容Text 1 An Overview of the IMFText 2 The Membership of the IMFListening: Tackling Global ChallengesOral English practice:: How should the IMF help low-income countries?3、作业:课后习题Chapter 4 Balance of Payments1、基本要求掌握本单元生词;理解收支平衡的含义;能用英文对收支平衡、收支顺差、收支逆差、赤字等概念进行介绍2、主要内容Text 1 China's Balance of PaymentsText 2 Balance of PaymentsListening: Current Account Deficit? Not Necessarily a Bad ThingOral English practice:: The disadvantages of current account deficits?3、作业:课后习题Chapter 5 Foreign Exchange and Exchange Rate1、基本要求掌握与外汇和汇率有关的英语专业词汇;了解外汇在国际金融与国际贸易中的重要性;能用英语对外汇汇率标价方法进行介绍。



TopicEight:OptionalReading 补充阅读

金融英语chapter 1

金融英语chapter 1
• —Income is a flow of earnings per unit of time;
• —Money is a stock: it is a certain amount at a given point in time.
Additional question
• What is difference between revenue and income?
— Fiat money has not only no particular value in use; it doesn’t even really have a value in exchange except that which is decreed that it would have.
Turnover of funds slow
Exchange for GBP1,250.00 Beijing,1 April,2003
At sight pay to the order of DEF Co.the sum
of Pounds one thousand two hundred and fifty only
To XYZ Bank,
For ABC Co., Beijing
End of 18 century
Foreign exchange bank
Evolution of Money
• Paper currency (fiat money) ( intrinsically worthless)
Medium of exchange
• Money is therefore essential in an economy it is a lubricant that allows the economy to run more smoothly by lowering transaction costs, thereby encouraging specialization and the division of labor.

经济与金融英语 (1)

经济与金融英语 (1)

• the causes and effects resulting from the sum of decisions made by all firms or households in many markets • (1-4题)
• Finance is the study of the financial or monetary aspects of production, spending, borrowing, and lending decisions
– they need to manage their money over time so that funds are available when goods and services are purchased
• Income that is not spent on consumption is called saving
The Financial System
• The financial system continually changes and evolves
– changes in government regulations – advances in computer technologies – innovations in the ways people spend, save, and borrow funds
U.S. Foreign Exchange Market
Financial Institutions
• Financial institutions are firms that provide financial services to net lenders and net borrowers

金融英语课件(unit 1)

金融英语课件(unit 1)

Financial market participants
Individuals or institutions that provide capital to
financial markets in the form of equity or debt investments.
Opening an Account
Placing Orders
Establishing a relationship with a financial institution by opening an account and depositing funds.
Instructing a broker or financial advisor to buy or sell financial products on your behalf.
Other Financial Institutions
In addition to commercial and investment banks, there are also insurance companies, pension funds, mutual funds, and other institutions that play important roles in the financial system.
Debt securities issued by governments or corporations, promising to pay the holder a fixed amount of interest over a specified period, and to repay the principal at maturity.



Unit 1Short DialogsMultiple ChoicesDialog 1W: Hi, Mike. Why do you look puzzled?M: I’ve learnt that there are four big commercial banks in your country.Would you please tell me what they are?W: Yes, it is a pleasure. They are Bank of China, China Construction Bank,Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Agricultural Bank ofChina.M: So, does CCB refer to China Construction Bank?W: I don’t see any reason why not. You can simply call them respectivelyBOC, CCB, ICBC and ABC.Question: Which of the following is NOT among the four major commercial banks of China? (D) 译文女:你好!麦克。



男:所以CCB 是指中国建设银行吗?女:一点不错。

你可以简单地分别称它们BOC, CCB, ICBC 和ABC。

Dialog 2M: It is reported that some joint-stock banks have been established in severalmajor cities.W: Exactly. They are allowed to offer various banking services to individualsand businesses just as the four big commercial banks do.M: You said it. Can you tell me some joint-stock banks?W: It is no sweat. China Minsheng Banking Corp. Ltd., China Citic Bank,Industrial Bank Co., Ltd., and Guangdong Development Bank are all joint stockbanks.M: What about Shenzhen Development Bank?W: Of course it is one of them.Question: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in their conversation? (A)译文男:有报道说在一些大城市已经建立了数家股份制银行。

金融英语教程 第一章

金融英语教程 第一章

Be tempered with 使调和,使缓和

Risk has clearly not disappeared financial market. Global imbalances, sustained high oil prices and soaring levels of household indebtedness - each alone, or in combination- could impair future global growth. However, they are unlikely to materialize any time soon.
before class 课前预习 Preparation for the class
Reading the text Finding out the new words Checking out the meanings of new words Trying to understand the main idea of the text Examining the Chinese concept of the professional financial term
Ordinary time study performance
2 If you don’t have 24 points (40%×60 points) for this part , you will not allowed to take the final exam.
What should you write on the cover of the exercise book as required:

财经英语unit 1

财经英语unit 1

three type of securities
1. Ordinary share or common stock By far the most common security which represent ownership in a company. Holders of ordinary shares exercise control by electing a board of directors and voting on company policy. Ordinary shareholders are on the bottom of the priority ladder for ownership structure. In the event of liquidation ordinary shareholders have rights to a company's assets only after bond holders, preferred shareholders, and other debt holders have been paid in full. 2. Preferred share or stock A class of ownership in a company with a stated dividend that must be paid before dividends to ordinary share holders. Preferred shares do not usually have voting rights. 3. Convertible share or convertible preferred stock A preferred share that can be converted into an ordinary share
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投资清单 股票清单 国外有价证券投资
Warm up
▪ Suppose you saved $ 100,000 and you wanted to make more money from it, how would you deal with the money? Why?
▪ Do you have any experience with banks or mutual funds? Name some banks and funds at home and abroad.
Key words, phrases and special terms
1. allocate
We allocated a quarter of the total expenditure to the
public services. 公用事业
They are allocated an exchange quota of $ 100,000 for the
We have repaid the principal and interest.
As to the penalty, we must consult our principal.
Key words, phrases and special terms
7. portfolio
investment portfolios a portfolio of shares foreign portfolio investment
Mutual funds might be a less risky choice, as they are a basket of stocks and bonds operated by a group of experts. A kind of profit-sharing insurance is also worth considering. So the rest $ 20,000 would be put in mutual funds or insurances.
33 system
Key words, phrases and special terms
1. allocate 2. deficit 3. investor 4. return 5. consumption 6. prospective 7. incentive 8. pose 9. maturity 10.mismatch 11. coordinate 12. intermediary 13. bond 14. stock
5. maturity
the maturity value
the maturity yield
date of maturity
the amount payable on maturity 到期应付款项
6. principal 本金,可生息的资产、资本
a principal of $ 5,000 5000美元的本金 我们已经偿还了本金和利息。
投资回报 总资产收益 规模报酬
returns inwards returns outwards
销货退回 购货退回
The book stores do not accept returns, even ones in good condition.
Key words, phrases and special terms
Warm up
If I had so much money, I would deposit $ 40,000 in the bank for a fixed period. The fixed deposit can earn steady interest for me. Since it has a good liquidity, I can draw on my deposit in need of cash.
Key words, phrases and special terms
3. deficit
trade deficit
make up the deficit deficit financing
4. return
returns on investment returns on total assets returns to scales
Unit 1
Financial System
Study objectives
Grasp terms relating to financial system
Understand the roles of financial system
Learn to express the constitution of financial
15. computer chip 16. periodically 17. mature 18. principal 19. ownership 20. claim 21. take in 22. deposit 23. depositor 24. proceeds 25. portfolio 26. shareholder
பைடு நூலகம்
current year.
2. allocation
allocation of capital allocation of resources
资本配置 资源配置
The total cost of the project was found on allocation to be the materials ₤ 255, labor ₤ 570, machine-hire ₤ 175, total ₤ 1000.
$ 20,000 would be put in various bonds, which are less liquid but more profitable. The prices of stocks fluctuate every day. I may risk losing my investment if choosing a wrong stock. I would only put in $ 20,000 in stocks.