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Reviewing the useful expressions
1. 寻找
in search of
2. 属于
belong to
3. 作为报答; 回报 in return
4. 处于交战状态 at war
5. 少于
less than
6. 拆开
take apart
7. 看重; 器重 think highly of
Once you see it, you’ll like it. be made into 被制成 由……制成(能看出原材料)be made of 由……制成(看不出原材料)be made from 由……组成/构成 be made up of 产于,生产于(某地/某时) be made in
1. The wood here will _b_e_m__a_d__e_i_n_t_o_ table.
The background of the Amber Room
1709年,生性豪奢的普鲁士国王腓特烈一世命令当时普鲁士最 有名的建筑师安·休鲁达和戈·德恩着手兴建“琥珀屋”(Amber Room)。完成后的琥珀屋面积约55平方米,共有全由琥珀制成的12块 护壁镶板和12个柱脚,其上饰有银箔,可任意拼装成各种形状。在当 时,琥珀的价值为黄金的13倍,因此“琥珀屋”无论从材料的贵重程 度还是工艺水平来说都堪称稀世奇珍,曾有“世界第八奇迹”之誉。
1. _su__r_v_i_v_e_ vi. 幸免; 幸存; 生还
2. __se__le_c__t_ vt. 挑选; 选择 3. __d_o_u__b_t__ n. 怀疑; 疑惑 vt. 怀疑; 不信 4. _f_o_r_m__e_r___ adj. 以前的; 从前的 5. __w__o_r_t_h___ adj. 值得的; 相当于…的价值
soldiers to the King of Prussia. C had the Amber Room made. D had it moved outside St
5 The Nazi army Petersburg.
6 The Russians and E gave it to the Czar as a gift.
Reading Comprehension II
Join the correct parts of the sentences together.
1 Frederick I 2 Frederick
William I 3 Peter the Great 4 Catherine II
A stole the Amber Room. B sent a troop of his best
2. The design for the room was of the fancy style popular in those days. (P1, L5) 琥珀 屋的设计具有当时那个年代最流行的奇 特风格。
fancy adj. 奇特的,花样的
I don’t feel like making a fancy meal.
1. Once it is heated, the amber room can be made into any shape. (P1, L4) 一旦加热,可以把琥珀 制作成任何形状。
once 为从属连词,意为“一旦”
Once you begin to do it, you must do it well.
我不能想象他做这样的事情。 I can’t _fa_n_c_y__ __h_i_s__ _d_o_in__g_ such a thing.
2. The bottle _i_s_m__a_d_e__o_f_ glass. 3. The kind of wine __is__m__a_d_e__fr_o_m____
4. This class _i_s_m__a_d_e__u_p__o_f60 students. 5. The machines __a_r_e_m__a_d__e_i_n__ china.
n. 价值;作用
6. ___lo_c__a_l__ adj. 本地的; 当地的
7. __d_e_b_a__te____ n. 争论; 辩论 vi. 争论; 辩论 8. _i_n_f_o_r_m__a__l_ adj. 非正式的 9. _v_a__lu__a_b_l_e__ adj. 贵重的,有价值的 10. ___r_a_r_e_____ adj. 稀罕的,稀有的,珍贵的
8. 用….装饰 be decorated with
Unit1 Cultural relics
Can you imagine what a room
made of amber looks like?
DAo iypnoicuSttukPrneeotwoefrwsthbheuarAtgpmiincbteRurruRessotihoaims is?
为了向俄国示好,加强两国间的军事同盟关系,腓特烈一世在1716 年决定将琥珀屋赠予俄国的彼得大帝。1717年,琥珀屋被运抵俄国的 圣彼得堡。后来,这座估计价值1亿5千万英镑的艺术珍品又被运到了 圣彼得堡郊外沙皇村(后更名为普希金城)的凯瑟琳宫。
德国入侵前苏联后,凯瑟琳宫的工匠曾打算用纱和假墙纸把琥珀屋 遮盖起来。不过,攻占皇宫的德军识破了伪装,将琥珀屋拆开运到了德 国。人们知道德国人曾把琥珀屋收藏在东普鲁士的哥尼斯堡,但自那以 后就再也没有人清楚它的下落。60年来,人们有过各种各样的揣测, 寻找,却始终不见其踪影。充满传奇色彩的琥珀屋成了全世界最重要的 失踪艺术品之一。
F built a new Amber Room
after studying pictures of
the old one.
The clue of the story
Peter the Great
Frederick WilliamⅠ
Post reading