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2 规范性引用文件 Normative reference 下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的
修改单(不包含勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究 是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。
4.6 当船厂、船东和涂料供应商三方对涂层破损面积百分比照片判定存有异议时,可参照附录 B 计算 涂层破损面积。
Provided the Buyer’s inspector, Builder’s inspector and Paint manufacturer’s inspector can not get an agreement on a certain inspection result, calculate the coating damaged area refering to Annex B.
4.3 通常在分段阶段,由于未进行水密性试验,水密舱壁液舱边界的角接焊缝(简称水密焊缝)不涂 覆涂层,在这种情况下,水密焊缝应视为合龙接缝,其表面处理方式同 4.2 规定的合拢接缝涂层破损处 理一致。
In general, there are no coat applied fillet weld (Abbr. Tightness weld) due to tightness tesing not be done at block stage. In this situation, the tightness weld shall be categorized as erection joint(“butt”). And the surface preparation grades is same as butt coating damage of 4.2. 4.4 除 4.2 规定的合拢接缝涂层破损以外的涂层破损的检查与破损面积的判定工作,应经船厂、船东 和涂料供应商三方协商,由具有美国腐蚀工程师协会(NACE)检查员 2 级及以上、挪威涂装检查专家专业 委员会(FROSIO)检查员 III 级资格、中国涂层检查员资格认证委员会(CCMCIC)检查员 2 级及以上或经主 管机关认可的同等资格的涂层检查人员完成。
近似图形 similar figure a
附录A 涂层破损面积百分比估算对照图片
Annex A
Examples of percentage of coating damages area 涂层破损面积百分比估算对照图片见图A.1~图A.4。 Estimate percentage of coating damages area using the visual examples in Fig.A.1, Fig.A.2, Fig.A.3 and Fig.A.4.
本标准适用于满足国际海事组织(IMO)制定的《所有类型船舶专用海水压载舱和散货船双舷侧处所 保护涂层性能标准》(英文缩写为PSPC)要求的船舶专用海水压载舱和散货船双舷侧处所涂装时涂层的 破损面积评估与计算。其它船舶舱室涂装时涂层的破损面积评估与计算亦可参照执行。
This guidance notes are prepared to apply the dedicated seawater ballast tanks of new ships and double-side skin spaces of bulk carriers required by IMO “Performance standard for protective coatings for dedicated seawater ballast tanks in all types of ships and double-side skin spaces of bulk carriers”. Also uses for reference to assessment and calculation method of defective areas of coating of other tanks.
Example A.4 Coating damages 2%
附录B 涂层破损面积近似计算方法
Annex B
Similar calculating method of coating damages area
B.1 单个破损涂层面积可由近似图形面积计算得出。例如:图B.1 给出的单个破损涂层面积s≈a×b。
Reserved Weld 预留焊缝
200 Butt(or seam) 合拢对接缝
200 200
Temporary Fitting 临时装配码
图1 合拢接缝涂层破损的面积范围示意图 Figure 1 Figure of butts coating damages
Erection butts between the blocks 3.3
合拢接缝涂层破损 butt coating damages 分段间合拢或预合拢时,在合拢接缝的两侧(含反面)由于电焊、火工或装配所引起的涂层破损。
Coating damages of double-side butts after pre-erection or erection, caused by weld, fire, or fabrication.
等。 This standard notes prescribe the terms and definitions of coating damages for ballast tanks of ships and the assessment and calculation method of defective areas of coating for ballast tanks of ships, etc.
4 涂层破损的检查与破损面积的评估与计算
Assessment and calculation method of defective areas of coating for ballast tanks of ships
4.1 船舶压载舱内的涂层破损分为合拢接缝涂层破损和非合拢接缝涂层破损两种。 Coating damages of ballast tanks of ships can be divided into two sorts in accordance
Assessment and calculating method for damaged coatings area for marine ballast tanks
1 范围 Scope 本标准规定了船舶压载舱涂层破损的术语和定义、检查方法及涂层破损区域面积的评估与计算方法
4.5 除 4.2 规定的合拢接缝涂层破损以外的涂层破损面积的确定,一般通过参照图片来估算其百分比。 附录 A 给出了涂层破损面积在 0.05%~2%之间的 4 张参照图片,这些图片是按 ISO 4628-3:2003 规定 的图片确定的。
Assessment and calculation of defective areas of coating for ballast tanks of ships, excluding butts coating damages, shall be carried out refering to illustrations. Annex A shows 4 illustrations showing percentage of coating damages between 0.05% and 2% according to ISO 4628-3:2003.
Assessment and calculation of defective areas of coating for ballast tanks of ships, excluding butts coating damages as 4.2 mentioned, shall be carried out by qualified coating inspectors certified to NACE Coating Inspector Level 2, FROSIO Inspector Level Ⅲ, CCMCIC Inspector Level 2 or equivalent as verified by the Administration.
with the difference of damaged method:
A) Butts coating damages
B) Non-butts coating damages 4.2 合拢接缝涂层破损的面积在图 1(阴影处)所示范围之内的不需估算,由图示直接给出。
The figure of butts coating damages sees the shadow of figure 1. The butts coating damages needn’t to be
Terms and definitions 下列术语和定义适用于本标准。 For the purpose of this Standard, the following definitions apply: 3.1
涂层破损 coating damage 在船舶建造过程中,因焊接、火工、机械碰撞等原因引起涂层损坏抵达钢材的现象。
ISO 4628-3:2003 色漆和清漆 涂层老化的评定 表面缺陷数量和大小以及均衡变化程度的评定 第3部分:锈蚀等级的评定
ISO 4628-3:2003 Paints and varnishes—Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings--- Designation of intensity, quantity and size of common types of defect---Part 3: Designation of degree of rusting 3 术语和定义
B.1 Each coating damages area can be calculated from similar figure area, such as Figure B.1 showing the
each coating damages area s≈a×b.
实际破损涂层 coating damages in truth
图 A.1 涂层破损 0.05%
Example A.1 Coating damages 0.05%
图 A.3 涂层破损 1%
Example A.3 Coating damages 1%
图 A.2 涂层破损 0.5%
Example A.2 Coating damages 0.5%
图A.4 涂层破损2%
The phenomenon of coating damages goes to the steel which is caused by weld, fire, machinery crash and soຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduon. 3.2
合拢接缝 butt (erection joint) 分段间的对接缝和角接缝。
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of these documents. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.