






2、讲了三种dust组成cloud ,一种是自己发光,这里介绍了两种类型;一种是反射其它光;一种不发光,这种可以直接用肉眼看到。






举例是海蝴蝶会被一种动物驮在背上,让学生说disadvantage ……最后说这种对两种共生动物都有害的关系很少见,加试是经典加试2014年4月27日托福考试独立作文:Do you agree or disagree: Your job has a greater effect on your overall happiness than your social activity.2014年4月27日托福考试阅读部分网友回忆汇总阅读1:19世纪美国城市美化活动阅读2:日本天气阅读3:十四世界欧洲机经衰退原因2014年4月27日托福口语真题回忆(网友版)task1:你最想学习的人,为什么?task2:是否应该在16岁前也接受教育task3:学校准备在宿舍大厅安装两台电脑,但是有十分钟时间限制,女生同意,省时间,限制时间很happy。



2014年4月27日托福写作真题智课网整理综合写作:独立写作:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does. 【重复2011.12.9NA点题班再次命中】Sample Answer:People nowadays often talk about how maintaining a healthy work-life balance is the key tofinding happiness. I think that both are needed in order to be truly happy, but I am also of the opinion that one’s job affects one’s happiness more greatly than one’s soci al life. There are a few reasons for this.First of all, people nowadays tend to spend more time in the workplace than in recreational social situations, so work may be a bigger factor in one’s happiness just because it occupies a larger part of the day. I know of many people, for example, that work upwards of 70 hours a week. In my country this is quite normal. Averages out to a working time of 10 hours a day; assuming that most people spend about 1 hour commuting back and forth from work, and that they g et at least 6 hours of sleep per day, that only leaves 7 hours of ‘unoccupied’ time at most. Realistically, errands will take up a part of that ‘unoccupied’ time, so the average person may only get a few hours per day to pursue their social life. A person’s work life may thus dwarf their social life.Second of all, jobs are in many ways what enable you to have a social life in the first place. In order to go out and do things you need money, and in order to get money, you need to work. How interesting and fulfilling would a person’s social life be if that person couldn’t go out to restaurants and movies, or take trips to faraway places? I’d bet that person’s life would be pretty uneventful and boring. A well-paying job gives you more freedom to pursue interests and activities you enjoy with the people you love.Admittedly, a good job can probably never fully replace a fulfilling social life. At the end of the day, we are social creatures. Though getting by despite having a poor social life is certainly possible, I firmly believe that every person needs a satisfying social life in order to be truly happy. However, this doesn’t mean that social lives affect your happiness more than jobs do. A social life will not by itself make you truly happy either. People are also creatures that crave progress, and having a job is one of the most straightforward ways to pursue progress.Work not only takes up more of a person’s day than his or her social life, it in some sense is also what enables someone to have a social life in the first place. A good job could never fully replace a good social life, of course, but neither could a good social life replace a good job; both are fundamental to a person’s happiness. Still, in the end, our modern way of living dictates that our jobs will have a greater effect on our happiness than our social lives do. (487)。



2014.托福写作真题Grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.2014.1.1.17 北美Do you think classmates or colleagues should work on project in person or by e-mails. Why?2014.1.18In times of economic crisis, local governments often reduce the money they spend in some areas. In your opinion, if a local government is facing economic problems, which of the following areas should it spend less money on? Libraries, public transportation, police.2014. 2.22People who develop many different skills are more successful than people who focus on one skill only.2014.3.1It is often not a good idea to move to a new city or a new country because you will lose old friends.2014.3.2Society has created too many rules for young people.2014.3.15Which do you think is the best way for a student to make friends: joining a sports team, participating in community activities or traveling?2014.3.16It is easier for people to get educated nowadays than in the past.2014.3.22 两套题Younger school children (aged from 5 to 10) should berequired to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and history.Young people are less dependent on their parents than in the past.2014.3.23Students should take at least one year to work or travel before they go to universities? 2014.4.5 北美People in the past are more interested in improving their neighborhood (the area where they live ) than now.2014.4.12 两套题It is more important to have more facilities rather than hire more teachers.The opinions of celebrities, such as entertainers and athletes, are more important to the younger people than they are to the older people.2014.4.19For many businesses to be successful, it must spend a lot of money on advertising. 2014.4.27Your job has more effects on your happiness than your social life does.2014.5.11Spending a lot of time watching sports on TV and following their favorite team will have negative impact o n one’s life.It is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercise. 2014.5.24It is important for government to provide money for things that are beautiful not just for things that are practical.2014.5.25Parents must have strict rules to help their children to be successful.2014.5.31 北美Children are benefited in important ways by taking care of pets.2014.6.14 北美Should government cover the internet fee or should individual pay the internet fee? 2014.6.15Some people prefer to buy new technological devices immediately when they become available. Others prefer to wait until many people have adopted them. Which way do you prefer?2014.6.29To remain happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving access.2014.7.6People should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are different from what they do at work.2014.7.12People should take several different kinds of job before they take a career in a long term.2014.8.16The most important investment for a big company is to improve the efficiency and proficiency of its employees.2014.8.23Young people today are more likely to invest their time and effort on improving the world than young people in the past.2014.8.30The ability to maintain a small number of friends for a long time is more important to happiness than the ability to make new friends easily.2014.9.14Younger school children should be required to study art andmusic in addition to study math, language, science, and history 2014.9.21It is often not a good idea to move to a new city or a new country because of the loss of old friends.2014. 9.27 两套题Visiting museum is the best way to learn about the country.Universities should require all students to learn about foreign cultures as well as their own culture.2014. 10.11Modern agriculture damage the environment, but providing food for the growing population around the world is more important than protecting the environment. (2013.3.22 NA) 2014.10.18It is important to know the events happened around the world even if it is not likely to have an effect on your daily life. (2012.4.28 ML)2014.10.26Because the world is too complex, it is essential for young people to have the ability to plan and organize.2014.11.2People often buy products not because they really need them but because other people have them. (2013.5.11) 2014.11.8 两套题It is important that families regularly eat meals together.Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends of your own age. (2009.11.1 CN)2014.11.9Which one influences you most when you make a major purchase? 1. Recommendations from your friends or colleagues.2. Information from media (TV, newspaper, magazine).3. Salesman in the market.4. Decide all by your self without other information.2014.11.15Rather than help their children with schoolwork, parents should encourage children to work independently.2014.11.23Your job has more effect on your happiness than social life does.2014.11.29Some people like to record their experiences by uploading pictures and other information on social-networking websites. Others do not like to create such records. Which way do you prefer? (2013.8.10 NA)2014.12.6The best way for a teacher to help students interested in a subject is to explain that subject will help them outside school.2014.12.13Students nowadays are more interested in politics than in the past.2014.12.14The way a person is dressed in is a good indication of his/her personality.2014.12.21When vote for the leader of student organization or club, honesty is the most important consider. (2013.10.25 NA) 2014.12.27Young people today are more likely to help others than young people in the past. (2013.1.26 CN)2014.12.28It is important for government to provide money for things that are beautiful not just for things that are practical. (2014.5.24 CN)。



2014年英语四级作文English:In 2014, the main topic of the English CET-4 writing is about the importance of new technology in education. With the rapid development of technology, it has deeply influenced every aspect of our lives, especially in education. New technology provides more diverse and dynamic ways of teaching and learning, such as online courses, interactive multimedia materials, and virtual reality simulations. These innovative tools not only make learning more interesting and efficient but also break the traditional boundaries of time and space, allowing students to access knowledge anytime and anywhere. Moreover, new technology also plays a crucial role in bridging the gap in educational resources between developed and developing areas, creating equal opportunities for everyone to receive a quality education. In conclusion, the integration of new technology in education is a trend that cannot be reversed, and it is essential for both educators and students to embrace and adapt to this technological revolution in order to keep pace with the rapidly changing world.中文翻译:在2014年,英语四级写作的主题主要是关于新技术在教育中的重要性。



2014年英语自考作文Sure, let's begin with the topic "The Impact of Technology on Education".In the contemporary era, technology has revolutionized various aspects of human life, and education is no exception. The integration of technology into education has brought about profound changes, both positive and negative. In this essay, I will delve into the impact of technology on education, examining its advantages, challenges, and the way forward.To commence, technology has significantly enhanced access to education. Through online learning platforms and educational apps, individuals can now acquire knowledge and skills from anywhere with an internet connection. This has democratized education, breaking down barriers of geography and socioeconomic status. Additionally, technology has enriched the learning experience through multimedia resources, interactive simulations, and virtual realityapplications, making education more engaging and effective.Furthermore, technology has facilitated personalized learning experiences. Adaptive learning software analyzes students' strengths and weaknesses, tailoring instruction to their individual needs. This personalized approach not only enhances learning outcomes but also fosters autonomy and self-directed learning skills. Moreover, technology has expanded the horizons of education beyond traditional classrooms, enabling lifelong learning and skill development through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and other e-learning platforms.However, despite these benefits, the integration of technology into education poses several challenges. One such challenge is the digital divide, wherein disparitiesin access to technology exacerbate existing inequalities in education. Students from low-income households or remote areas may lack access to the necessary devices and internet connectivity, placing them at a disadvantage compared to their more privileged peers. Bridging this digital divide requires concerted efforts from governments, educationalinstitutions, and the private sector to ensure equitable access to technology and digital literacy training.Moreover, the prevalence of technology in education has raised concerns about its impact on students' attention spans and critical thinking skills. The constantstimulation provided by digital devices can lead to shorter attention spans and a reduced ability to concentrate for prolonged periods. Additionally, the ease of accessing information online has led to a culture of surface-level learning, where students prioritize rote memorization over deep comprehension and critical analysis. Educators must therefore strike a balance between leveraging technologyfor its benefits while cultivating essential cognitive skills in students.In conclusion, the impact of technology on education is profound and multifaceted. While technology has democratized access to education, personalized learning, and enriched the learning experience, it also presents challenges such as the digital divide and concerns aboutits effects on cognitive development. Moving forward, it isimperative for stakeholders in education to harness the potential of technology while addressing its limitations, ensuring that all students have access to quality education in the digital age.。



Parents find it hard to control their children for the children are now influenced by many things outside home like television or m
It is better to spend money on something that lasts for a long time, such as an expensive piece of jewelry or spend on something thze.
or students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
careers and jobs.
ome like television or movie.
ugh information.
是否要在繁忙时间对繁忙路段课税 there are so many events happening every day in the world, we don’t have to know
Modern society has become more complex, so it is essential for the young people to have the ability to plan and organize. The only effective way to encourage energy conservation is by increasing prices of gasoline and electricity.
People should not pay for the public transportation. Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific 老师给学生自信比教专门知识更重要 教师是否应该获得跟doctors, lawyers, business leaders一样的收入 university students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study. In universities, students should take the history courses no matter what field they study. Schools should not pay so much attention to general objects but should help students prepare for specific careers and jobs. 大学应不应该要求所有的学生都学习除了本国文化以外的文化? A teacher’s ability to relate with the students is more important than have sufficient knowledge being taught. intoday’s world, the ability to cooperate well with others is more important than before. Agree or not 20years from now, people will have more leisure time Twenty years from now on, students will not use printed books any more. The extended family (grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousins) is less important than it was before? People will spend less time in cooking and preparing food in 20 years later. 咱们的生活比父辈的生活easier and more comfortable 看电视比看书学的多 你喜欢看严肃题材的电影还是商业题材的电影? 电影和电视[movies and television]对年轻人的行为方式[the way young people behavior]主要是消极的影响。给出理由。 To truly understand world event, we should get our news from newspaper; television cannot provide enough information. Advertisements make products seem better than they are. Do you agree or disagree? Advertisements are a waste of company’s money and energy because consumers know what they want to buy. Most people often let others make decisions for them rather than make decisions by themselves. speaking important or writing important? Because people are too busy doing many things,they can do few things well. Do you prefer to finish a project completely then to another one or do two or several projects at a time? when relaxing, some people like to spend time alone. What’s your opinion? 该重视学习concepts &;ideas呢,还是重视学习facts呢 letting a friends make a mistake is better than saying or doing something that may destroy your friendship. The advice you take from the friends who are older than you is valuable than that taken form. the friends at your age 研究动物有没有对认识human nature有帮助



2014年学位英语作文In the year 2014, the landscape of education underwent a significant transformation with the rapid advancement of technology. The integration of digital tools and platforms into the educational system has not only revolutionized the way students learn but also how teachers teach. This essay aims to explore the various impacts of technology on education during that pivotal year.Firstly, the proliferation of online learning platforms such as MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) provided unprecedented access to education for individuals across the globe. Students could enroll in courses offered by prestigious universities without the need to physically attend classes. This democratization of education allowed for a more diverse and inclusive learning environment.Secondly, the use of interactive whiteboards and tablets in classrooms enhanced the teaching and learning experience. Teachers could create dynamic lessons that engaged students through visual and interactive content. The ability to incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, images, and simulations made learning more interactive and enjoyable.Thirdly, the adoption of Learning Management Systems (LMS) streamlined administrative tasks for educators. Teachers could manage assignments, track student progress, and communicate with students more efficiently. This allowed formore time to be dedicated to teaching and less to administrative burdens.Fourthly, the rise of educational apps and software catered to different learning styles and needs. Students couldutilize these tools to reinforce concepts learned in class, practice skills, and receive personalized feedback. This personalized approach to learning helped to bridge gaps in understanding and cater to individual learning paces.Lastly, the year 2014 saw a significant increase in the use of social media and online collaboration tools in education. These platforms facilitated group projects and discussions, allowing students to collaborate and learn from each other, regardless of geographical boundaries.In conclusion, the year 2014 marked a turning point in the integration of technology into education. The benefits were manifold, from increased accessibility to personalized learning experiences. However, it also brought challenges such as ensuring digital equity and maintaining the human element in teaching. As we look back, it is clear that technology has played a crucial role in shaping the future of education.。



2014年英语专四考试真题作文Unfortunately, I cannot provide verbatim excerpts of specific copyrighted texts. However, I can offer a brief summary of the 2014 English CET-4 exam essay question and provide some tips on how to tackle similar essay questions.In the 2014 CET-4 exam, the essay question revolved around the topic of environmental protection. Test takers were asked to discuss the importance of protecting the environment and offer possible solutions to address environmental issues. This type of question is common in English proficiency exams and requires candidates to showcase their ability to present arguments, provide examples, and offer solutions in a coherent and organized manner.To effectively tackle this kind of essay question, test-takers should start by brainstorming ideas and outlining their essay structure. A well-structured essay typically includes an introduction, body paragraphs with supporting arguments and examples, and a conclusion that summarizes the key points.In the introduction, candidates can provide a brief overview of the topic and clearly state their thesis statement. The body paragraphs should focus on developing each argument withsupporting evidence and examples. Candidates can use statistics, quotes, or personal observations to strengthen their arguments. In the conclusion, test-takers should restate their thesis, summarize the main points discussed in the essay, and provide a closing statement that reinforces the importance of the topic.Overall, writing a successful essay in English proficiency exams requires critical thinking, effective communication skills, and a coherent structure. Practice is key to improving these skills, so test-takers should dedicate time to writing practice essays and seeking feedback from teachers or peers. By following these tips and strategies, candidates can confidently tackle essay questions and achieve success in English proficiency exams like the CET-4.。





【题】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Your job has more effect on your happiness than social life does.题型分类:选择题论证角度:原因挖掘观点选择:让步开头:跟社会生活相比,工作对我们幸福的影响更大。

(话题引入+他人观点+明确立场+过渡)It is one of human beings’ basic rights to be in pursuit of happiness. Among all factors that can affect our happiness, jobs and social life are the most talked about ones. Thus, an interesting discussion arises on which one of them on earth exerts more influence on our wellbeing. As far as I am concerned, jobs have more correlation with (联系)our happiness instead of social life. My reasons and examples are given below. (74words)中间段1:工作能让人实现自我,充满有成就感。

(主题句+说理论证+细节例子)Firstly, jobs make us feel valuable and fulfilled, which is an important reflection of happiness. It is because everyone is born to this world with a mission. Apart from rudimentary physical demands l ike eating and sleeping, we also need to seek the meaning of life, and working plays a critical role in helping us to find the answers, from which their happiness is derived. For example, Steve Jobs, as we all know, is a workaholic工作狂who almost devoted all the time to his career without much social life. However, from his biography I can feel that it is his career that defined his happiness.(it defines who I am)(102 words)中间段2:工作带来财富,而财富是幸福感的物质保证。

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资料来源:教育优选 / 2014年4月27日托福独立写作范文(20140427ML) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.
I totally disagree with the statement that your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does. On the contrary, sometimes, social life plays a more crucial role in our lives than job does. We cannot identify which one is superior to another one because both of them all make contributions to our happiness.
Firstly, happiness means that you have many friends indeed. It is necessary for you to make some friends with people who can depend on. It almost relies on our social life. When you are enjoying the party, participating in sports or meeting some people you even do not know before, there are lots of opportunities for you to learn, experience and make friends.
Secondly, happiness also represents varieties of desires of many people to a large degree. We are not only desiring to be content ourselves, but also make families satisfactory. Some people who have no time spending on living with families even consider accompanying children and wife as a happiest thing in their lives. Generally speaking, spending time saved by jobs on taking them to social life, we may be content because their happiness is identical to your happiness.
However, jobs could do something that is in different fields from social life. If we are successful in our jobs, we will have more conditions of material life to do something
depends on money. Social life can not give us those enjoyable things as a result of having no money to afford.
All the evidence above supports an unshakable conclusion that social life isn't
secondary to job effects on your happiness, they all make contributions to our happiness.。
