

Chapter2.5 Melville

Chapter2.5 Melville

Main Characters

Ishmael: narrator of the story
The name came from the Old Testament. Ishmael was the son of Abraham, who was cast out after the birth of Isaac.

2. Later period: Melville’s public fame began to decline and never recovered during his lifetime. Pierre(1852): a popular romance The Confidence Man (1857): explores the paradoxes of belief and the optimisms and hypocrisies of American life. Billy Budd (1891): again deals with the sea and sailors.
Three Important Things in his life:

Going out to the sea. His adventures furnished him with abundant raw materials for most of his major fictions and his imaginative vision of life. His marriage. Melville married above him and had to do hackwork for the money to keep his wife in extravagant style. Friendship with Hawthorne. Outlook on life and world; understanding of evil, the blackness of vision; a change in Moby-Dick.

Lecture 7 Herman Melville

Lecture 7 Herman Melville

V. The Analysis of Moby Dick
1. Both Ishmael (the narrator) and Ahab (the captain) seek knowledge, but while Ishmael learns about love and humanity, Ahab pursues revenge with craze. Melville drew upon his rich nautical experience in writing his fiction, which is known for its symbolism and adventurous narrative. “Call me Ishmael. Some years ago-- never mind how long, precisely having little or no money in my purse and nothing particular to interest me on shore I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation.” -- The beginning of Moby Dick
Herman Melville (18191891) 赫尔曼· 麦尔维尔
The masterpiece
Herman Melville (1819-1891)
I. Life -- born in New York City, the third son of a well-to-do family His father was a successful importer of fine clothing until economic wnturn and debts ruined his business. Broken and mentally ill, the father died in 1832, leaving his once-proud family destitute. -- becoming a cabin boy, desperate for a pay-check, aboard a ship bound for England in 1839 --being aboard the whaling ship Acushnet in 1841 -- coming back to write about his sea experience in 1844

Herman Melville 5美国文学梅尔维尔课件

Herman Melville 5美国文学梅尔维尔课件

Religious Backgrounds Concerning Ishmael
Ishmael was a figure in the Bible and was Abraham's first child. He was born of Abraham's marriage to Sarah's handmaiden Hagar. According to the Genesis account, he died at the age of 137. This name thus becomes symbol of exiles, orphans, wanders and social outcasts. In Moby Dick, Ishmael is depicted as an escapist but later realizes the importance of companionship.
Major Works
Early works(1846-1852): Typee (1846, the cannibals); Omoo (1847); Mardi (1849); Redburn (1849); White Jacket (1850) ; Moby Dick (1851);
Features: They defy God and are enthusiastic about setting out on a quest for the meaning of the universe, which is best reflected in Moby Dick. 他曾经梦想改变世界……
Ishmael’s Changes
Starts out feeling bad Hopes to find an ideal life Realizes the folly of Ahab seeking to conquer nature Feels the importance of love and company Learns to accept an attitude which ensures his survival



Moby Dick- Themes
• symbolic work £ natural history. • obsession, religion, idealism, • pragmatism, revenge, racism, sanity, • hierarchical relationships and politics.
Moby -Dick
Moby Dick:
❖ To the author, it symbols nature, it is complex, unfathomable and dangerous;
❖ To the captain Ahab, it is evil, is a wall. ❖ To the narrator, Ishmael, it is a mystery. ❖ As a part of the natural world, it represents the
destruction of the environment
Moby -Dick
❖ Starbuck: the prime symbol of good ❖ Ahab: with an overwhelming obsession to kill
the whale-evil, but with a baleful fire become himself an evil in his thirst to kill evil. ❖ Its whiteness: a paradoxical color, signifying death and corruption, purity, innocence, and youth.

Lecture 7 Herman Melville and Moby DickPPT课件

Lecture 7 Herman Melville and Moby DickPPT课件
• [,mɑnə'menɪ,æ k] • a person suffering from monomania • n. 对一事热狂的人,偏执狂者
Character Analysis & Summary
• Moby-Dick - The white bull sperm whale who is the object of all of Captain Ahab's wrath, the main antagonist in the novel.
•Rokovoko or Kokovoko is the fictional island home of the character Queequeg, as described in Herman Melville's 1851 novel Moby-Dick.
• Typee《泰皮》 (1846) : A Peep at Polynesian Life (波利尼西亚(人)的)
• Omoo《欧穆》 (1847): A Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas
• Mardi 《玛地》 (1849): Romances of the South Sea islands From his adventures among the people of the South Pacific islands
was called as “Master of Philosophical Allegory” • Two things which deserve mentioned: • 1. Going out to sea
• 2. Friendship with Hawthorne.

美国文学课件Herman Melville

美国文学课件Herman Melville
legory in Moby-Dick
1) 2) 3) 4) Land : a symbol of safety Sea: adventure and danger The Pequod: the human world The voyage:tends to imply the voyage of
Elizabeth Shaw (daughter of Chief Justice of Boston )
Extravagant lifestyle
Writing for money
Friendship with Hawthorne
Meeting Hawthorne in the summer of 1850 Influenced by his black vision
Herman Melville
Occupation, Life story
3 4
Analysis of Moby Dick
Bank clerk Salesman Farm-hand Teacher Sailor Customs inspector Novelist Poet American’s Shakespeare
D. H. Lawrence on H. Melville
“He records also, almost beyond pain or pleasure, the extreme transitions of the isolated, far-driven soul, the soul which is now alone, without any real human contact”



麦尔维尔的小说作品还有《皮埃尔》 (1852)和《伊斯雷尔· 波特》 (1855)。他 的短篇小说和散文有《代笔者巴特贝》 (1853)、《迷惘的岛屿》(1854)、《 班尼托· 西兰诺》 (1855)等,后来集成《广场故事》于1856年出版。1857年 出版的长篇小说《骗子的化装表演》 。他去世前所写的一部长篇小说是《毕 利· 伯德》 (1924),在他死后30多年才出版。麦尔维尔晚年转而写诗。1866年 他自费印行第1部诗集《战事集》 。1876年又自费出版以宗教为题材的18000 行长诗《克拉瑞尔》 ,1888年和1891年自费出版诗集《约韩· 玛尔和其他水 手》和诗集《梯摩里昂》 ,各印25册。

航海生涯 麦尔维尔作品 1837年,18岁的麦尔维尔怀着满腔的忿懑和对社会的抵触,逃 上了一艘帆船,开始了他的航海生涯。第一次的航海只是激起了他更 强烈的愿望,1839年,到一艘往返于美国纽约和英国利物浦之间的轮 船上当服务员,开始了5年海上生活。其间曾在几艘捕鲸船和邮轮上 当过渔叉手和普通水手,足迹踏遍四大洋,还曾流落到塔希提岛和马 克萨斯岛上,在有食人风气的土著部落中生活过一个时期,并作为水 兵在美国号战舰上服过役。从1841年起,他开始登上捕鲸船做水手了 。在随后的3年间,麦尔维尔随着捕鲸船到了世界上的很多地方,大 大开阔了眼界。不仅如此,他还和捕鲸船上的其他伙伴一起,同捕鲸 船上的专制行为做了一定的斗争,并且还曾因暴动等原因被监禁。后 来,麦尔维尔加入了美国军舰“美国号”,在舰上服役,直到1844年 他在波士顿上岸,结束自己的航海生涯。这些经历为日后他的创作提 供了丰富的素材。

He died soon afterward, leaving his family penniless, when Herman was 12. Although Maria had well-off kin, they were concerned with protecting their own inheritances and taking advantage of investment opportunities rather than settling their mother's estate so Maria's family would be more secure. Herman's younger brother, Thomas Melville, eventually became a governor of Sailors Snug Harbor.



Early working life (4)

For three weeks he lived among the Typee natives, who were called cannibals by the two other tribal groups on the island -- though they treated Melville very well. His book Typee was Melville's first novel. It describes a brief love affair with a beautiful native girl, Fayaway, who generally "wore the garb of Eden" and came to epitomize the guileless noble savage in the popular imagination. We have no independent evidence, however, of Melville's actual activities among the islanders.
Plot (3)

Eventually the white whale appears, and the Pequod begins its doomed fight against it. On the first day the whale smashes a whaleboat. The second day, another boat is swamped, the captain’s ivory leg is snapped off.
Plot (2)

英美文学欣赏最新版教学课件美国文学Unit 2 Herman Melville

英美文学欣赏最新版教学课件美国文学Unit 2 Herman Melville
小说结构层层推进,节奏缓急有序,文字描写很有诗意。它把鲸鱼 知识与捕鲸故事穿插叙述,对大海的描写波澜壮阔,气势磅礴。捕 鲸场面则惊险刺激,动人心魄。英国小说家劳伦斯说它是迄今为止 写海洋的最伟大的作品,它在灵魂中唤起敬畏。这也是英国小说家 毛姆所著的《巨匠与杰作》中所列十位作家中唯一入选的美国小说, 称赞作品风格壮观、雄辩,达到了完美的地步。
四年的海上生涯给了他无尽的写作素材。他的早期作品多是海上 小说,主要有:《波里尼西亚三部曲》,包括《泰比》(Typee, 1846)、《奥姆》(Omoo,1847)、《玛迪》(Mardi,1849), 以及《白外套》(White-Jacket,1850)。这些小说融游记、历险、 随笔、哲思为一体,为梅尔维尔赢得了名声。其他作品还有《广场 的故事》(Piazza Tales,1856)与《水手比利·巴德》(Billy Budd, 1924)。《白鲸》(Moby-Dick,1851)是他的代表作,被认为是美 国最伟大的小说之一。美国内战爆发之后,转向诗歌写作,出版诗 集《战事集:内战诗歌》(Battle Pieces: Civil War poems,1866)。
他出生纽约名门,家境富足,兄妹 八人,他排行第三,幼年博览群书。十 一岁时,经商的父亲破产。梅尔维尔辍 学做工,补贴家用。先后做过的工作包 括:银行职员,农场工人,皮货店伙计, 小学教师等各种职业,二十岁到货船上 当水手,去了英国利物浦。后来到一条 捕鲸船上当水手,在漫无归期的漂泊中, 因为难耐孤独,他离船上岛,在南太平 洋一个有食人生番之称的部落里生活一 个多月。后来搭另一艘捕鲸船离开,又 卷入一场暴乱,被船长放逐在塔希提岛。 麦尔维尔逃脱后在另一条捕鲸船上当镖 枪手。船行至夏威夷,他参加美国海军, 退役后回到美国波士顿,开始小说写作。

Unit 5 Herman Melville ppt课件

Unit 5 Herman Melville ppt课件
笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……” • “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”
• 你怎么称呼老师? • 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你
是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进? • 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭 • “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我
Melville’s Major Works
▪ 1) Typee «泰皮»
from his adventures
▪ 2) Omoo «欧穆»
among the people of the South
▪ 3) Mardi «玛地»
Pacific islands an account of
Moby Dick ---Chapter 41
▪ Ishmael explains that Ahab lost his leg when he tried to attack Moby Dick with a knife after the whale destroyed his boats. Far from land, Ahab did not have access to much in the way of medical care and thus underwent unimaginable physical and mental suffering on the ship’s return to Nantucket. Ishmael deduces that Ahab’s madness and his single-minded drive to destroy the whale must have originated during his bedridden agony.



Moby Dick is a negative reflection upon
a victim of extreme Ahab: too much of a self-reliant individualism individual to be a good human being
1. Which body part has Ahab lost to Moby Dick? (A) His leg (B) His arm (C) His eye (D) His fingers A
2. What is the name of Ahab’s ship? (A) The Town-Ho (B) The Rachel (C) The Samuel Enderby (D) The Pequod D
Themes of Moby Dick

Melville's bleak view (negative attitude): the sense of futility and meaninglessness of the world. His attitude to life is “Everlasting Nay” Man in this universe lives a meaningless and futile life, meaningless because futile. Man cannot overcome nature. Once he attempts to seek power over it he is doomed.
1) 2) 3)


Moby Dick 《白鲸记》
赫尔曼· 梅尔维尔
He is an American novelist, essayist(散文家) and poet. Because of the poor family, he worked as a famer, staff member, teacher, sailor, navy(海军) and some other duties. In 1839, he served on a merchant ship, which bounded for(前往) Liverpool,England, was exposed to(接触到) the sea; this experience had a great impact on his later writing. In 1841, the year when he was 22, he worked as a sailor on a whaler(捕鲸船), sailing in the area of South Pacific Ocean. His later masterpiece Moby Dick is drawn from(取材于) the life at sea. In August 1843, he became a sailor on a warship(军舰), retired in October 1844 in Boston. Then he began to write and became a novelist. Taking the experiences at sea for the factual basis, the novel Moby Dick had come into being and been considered as one of the greatest novels in America. Melville is known as the American Shakespeare. British writer Somerset Maugham (毛姆) gave his evaluation on Moby Dick in the book the world‘s top ten novelists and their masterpieces, which is far higher than other American writers like Edgar Allan Poe (艾伦·坡)and Mark Twain.

美国文学Herman Melville

美国文学Herman Melville

Quest (of truth, knowledge, of identity, etc.) The limits of knowledge; alienation Fate Exploitation Religion

The whaling journey—quest of experience, knowledge and truth Pequod—1) symbol of doom and death; 2) symbol of American society or human world White or whiteness: 1) symbol of threat; 2) to some people, esp. to Ahab, symbol of evil; 3) symbol of death or corruption; 4) symbol of mystery (or mysterious, unnatural power)

Major works

Typee(1846) 《泰皮》(描写了他在马克萨斯岛上的食人部落泰
比人中的惊险经历,揭示了资本主义文明给当地土著人的淳 朴生活带来的破坏,因此受到教会的谴责)
Mardi(1849) 《玛地》 Omoo(1847) 《欧穆》 Each of these books drew from his adventures among the people of the South Pacific islands.
Symbolically, it is concerned with the hunt for absolute truth, and self-discovery.

Herman Melville

Herman Melville

Soon gathering the crewmen together, with a rousing speech Ahab secures their support for his single, secret purpose for this voyage: hunting down and killing Moby Dick, an old, very large sperm whale, with a snow-white hump 背部 and mottled 斑点的 skin, that crippled Ahab on his last whaling voyage. Only Starbuck shows any sign of resistance to the charismatic but monomaniacal captain. The first mate argues repeatedly that the ship‟s purpose should be to hunt whales for their oil, with luck returning home profitably, safely, and quickly, but not to seek out and kill Moby Dick in particular — and especially not for revenge. Eventually even Starbuck acquiesces to Ahab‟s will, though harboring misgivings.
Herman Melville (1819-1891) 赫尔曼· 梅尔维尔
一直活了72岁的麦尔维尔留下来的资料很少,只知道他28岁结婚,对象 是州最高法院首席大法官之女,两人共生育了四个孩子。结婚第二年,他遇 到了挚友纳撒尼尔· 霍桑,写出了一生最重要的小说《白鲸》。之后,命运女 神马上阻止了这一连串幸福,先是霍桑搬走,一场大火烧毁了麦尔维尔的书 房。再后来,他最钟爱的大儿子18岁时自杀,妻子又公开宣布:丈夫已经精 神失常,甚至想把他送到疯人院去。接着,他的二儿子成了一个流浪汉,35 岁在旧金山的一家医院孤独地死于肺结核。 经历了丧子之痛、家庭破裂,麦尔维尔同时也在承受文学前途上的黯淡 。在饱受困顿的海关稽查员的低位上,一坐就是十九年。在一些后来暴露的 家庭通信中,麦尔维尔殴打妻子的暴行、躁狂抑郁症患者的面目也陆续被披 露出来。总的来说,这个《圣经》和莎士比亚崇拜者的世俗生活很不幸福。


ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

麦尔维尔的小说作品还有《皮埃尔》 (1852)和《伊斯雷尔· 波特》 (1855)。他 的短篇小说和散文有《代笔者巴特贝》 (1853)、《迷惘的岛屿》(1854)、《 班尼托· 西兰诺》 (1855)等,后来集成《广场故事》于1856年出版。1857年 出版的长篇小说《骗子的化装表演》 。他去世前所写的一部长篇小说是《毕 利· 伯德》 (1924),在他死后30多年才出版。麦尔维尔晚年转而写诗。1866年 他自费印行第1部诗集《战事集》 。1876年又自费出版以宗教为题材的18000 行长诗《克拉瑞尔》 ,1888年和1891年自费出版诗集《约韩· 玛尔和其他水 手》和诗集《梯摩里昂》 ,各印25册。

丰富的经历 1841年到1844年的航海生涯对麦尔维尔的一生影响很大,而这其 中,相当的时间是在捕鲸船上,这样,麦尔维尔的思想基本上被奠定 了。坎坷的经历、丰富的生活和强烈的思想构成了以后麦尔维尔写作 生涯的基础。他的作品是他生活的写照,也是他思想的写照。 创作生活 1844年,麦尔维尔退伍回到纽约,开始创作生活。最初的长篇小 说《泰比》、《奥穆》、 《马尔迪》都是以他在南太平洋的生活为依 据写成。其中《泰比》描写了他在马克萨斯岛上的食人部落泰比人中 的惊险经历,揭示了资本主义文明给当地土著人的淳朴生活带来的破 坏,因此受到教会的谴责。另外两部长篇小说《雷德本》和《白外套 》也是描写海洋生活的。这些作品给美国文学带来了崭新的领域和内 容,在美国读者中广受欢迎,作者因此赢得了海洋文学家的称誉。
Herman Melville

Herman Melville 赫尔曼梅尔维尔 (1819-1891) Early life, Education, and Family Herman Melville was born in New York City on August 1, 1819. He was a descendent of English and Dutch colonial families in whom he took great pride. His father, once a successful dry-goods.
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