

第一课:主语(名词、代词)She is my mother.They are beautiful.1、动名词(作主语):做过的、有经验、已经事实动词ingStuding english it is fine.2、未作的事情、目的、梦想、计划、理想用不定式(作主语)To 动词原形To buy sth is one of plans.To see him is my purpose.To study abroad is my dream.3、(不定式)主语太长,用it代替,不定式短语放在后面(动名词改成to不定式)It is my plan to study abroad with my friend jone.4、句子作主语要变成名词从句----前面用thatThat she studys hard is true.T hat he doesn't agree with me makes me angry.5、句子长时(作主语)用it代替It makes me angry that he doesn’t agree with me.名词从句有三种:戴慧怡:that引导;whether(yes、no回答的,问句变成的句子做主语)引导;疑问词开头(不能用yes、no回答的疑问句---特殊问句)That she studys hard is true.Is she beautiful ?Whether she is(不能倒装) beautiful remains to be seen.Where will he go?Where he will go(不能倒装) is still a question.To bo a teacher is my dream.Mingic daici budingshi juzi wenju zuoshuyi第三课1、及物动词两种语态:主动或被动我。
他I love her. 主动他被我。

W原是两个U组合面成的字母,故应念成“ double U”( da bu liu)。
其他字母如F、H、J、 L、M、R、S、V、X、Z等,许多人都会念错。
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh li Ji Kk LI Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
赖世雄中级美国英语 Lesson 1

赖世雄中级美国英语Lesson 11.Rome Wasn't Built in a Day 罗马不是一天建成的English is an international language. Therefore, it is necessary for us to learn it.It can be rewarding or just a waste of time. It's up to you.It depends on how you study it. Here are some tips about learning English.First, don't be afraid to make mistakes. You will learn from them.Second, you must not be shy. Be thick-skinned and speak up!Finally, you must be patient.Remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day."课文朗读:课文讲解:英语是国际语言。
"Vocabulary & Idioms1. Rome wasn't built in a day.罗马不是一天造成的。
(saying谚语)例:A: My new restaurant isn't doing very well.B: Don't worry. Rome wasn't built in a day.我刚开的餐厅生意不怎么好。
赖世雄高级美语 讲解


赖世雄美语从头学-入门篇的第一课真的是非常基础,lesson 1: Greetings。
1. Greetings,有加s,而且是必须加s,毕竟打招呼一句话解决不了2. bad和bed的区别,前者大e,后者小e3. thank不要吝啬,加s4. good afternoon也代表午安5. -See you later-Alligator 鳄鱼,没有具体意思,年轻人的俏皮话,和later尾音相似6. 问候语(下划线较常用)How are you? (多正式)How's it going?What's up? (年轻人)How are you doing? (熟朋友)How are you getting alone?How have you been?What's happening?7. 问候答句区别a. 都有youHow are you?=How are you doing?=How are you getting alone?answer:I'm fine, thank you. (跟fine有关的回答持保留意见,比较多说法是一般不用fine这种回答,我个人听到最多的就是good) Fine, thanks.Great, thanks.Not bad, thanks.So-so, thank you.b. How have you been?这个问法是完成时,所以不能用amanswer:I have been fine, thank you.Fine, thank you.c. How's it going?answer: Not bad, thank you.So-so, thank you.Great, thank you.Fine, thank you.d. What's up/What's happening?answer: Nothing much.Same as usual.8. 感谢Thanks a lot. (非正式)Thanks a million (俏皮话)Lesson 2 Courtesy (礼貌)Idiom: Courtesy costs nothing. 礼貌不花钱;礼多人不怪。

旅游口语从头学Chapter 1 行前事宜第一讲:计划旅行Planning a Trip计划旅行Tom: I am going to visit the Netherlands alone.Jane: Alone?Tom: Yes, I prefer DIY traveling to package tours.Jane: What are you planning to do during your stay there?Tom: Just tour around the city by bicycle.Jane: That sounds cool. How much is your budget?Tom: I'm not going to spend too much money on accommodation.Jane: Then maybe you could stay at a hostel like many backpackers do. Tom: What a good idea!汤姆:我打算独自去荷兰游玩。
简: 那么也许你可以像那些背包客一样,住在青年旅社。
汤姆:好主意!第二讲:咨询旅游信息Asking about Travel InformationSam: Hey, Nick I'm going to visit Thailand. You have been there before,right? Nick: Yes, do you want some suggestions?Sam: Yes.Nick: It's better to go to the seaside but try to avoid the peak season. Sam: I see. I don't want to be one of the dumplings boiling in the sea. Nick: That's what I said. Don't forget to have your room booked in advance. Sam: Of course.Nick: Be careful of the girls you meet at the pub.Sam: Why? Is it because they are gorgeous and dangerous?Nick: There is a chance that the girl you are kissing might be a guy.山姆:嘿,尼克。
赖世雄初级美语入门篇 第一课,打招呼

第一课,打招呼Lesson One Greetings
do not forget to see Greetings to Uncle Wang.
两人的对话1 Dialogue A
汤姆:小梅,早啊!T: Good morning Mei!
你好吗?How are you ?
小梅:嗨!汤姆,我还不错啊,那你呢?M: Hi Tom !I'm fine ,and you ?
汤姆:还不赖,谢谢了!T: Not bad thanks.
再见!M:Good see you!
汤姆:再见!T:Bye !
第一人称:I am
第二人称: You are
第三人称:He is
两人的对话2 Dialogue B
汤姆:嗨,小梅!T: Hi Mei!
近来如何啊?How's it going?
小梅:太棒了!M: Great!
那你呢?好不好啊?And how are you doing ?
T: Not bad.
小梅:好,呆会见M: OK see you later.
汤姆:保重T: Take care .
小梅:你也一样M: You too
Hi 是问候的礼貌用语。
Hey 是嘿的意思显得不礼貌。
Great 棒,太棒了。
也可以用cool 棒,棒极了。
how are you doing的缩写为how're you doing 这个缩写不知道是否正确。

1. Rome Wasn't Built in a Day p.1.English is an international language. Therefore, it is necessary(/ important) for us to learn it. It(/learning English) can be rewarding or just(/only) a waste of time. It's up to you. It depends on how you study it. Here are some tips about(/on) learning English.First, don't be afraid to make(/of making) mistakes. You will learn (something)from them(the mistakes that you make). Second, you must not be shy. Be thick-skinned and speak up! Finally, you must be patient. Remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day."Well, Rome does not refer to the city of Rome only, it refers to the Roman empire, that is the great country that Rome built more than 2000 years ago. It was a great empire and of course you can not build anything good or great in just a short time .the Roman Empire [ˈɛmˌpaɪr] 罗马帝国Empire--this word is spelled e-m-p-i-r-e. Now, I have this question: in what situation will you use this expression "Rome wasn't built in a day "? Please give us an example.Well, let's say that your friend wants to learn how to do something, like typing or swimming, and at first, your friend feels a little discouraged, because it is not easy to learn a new skill, but you tell him: Hey, come on. Rome wasn't built in a day. We want to encourage our friends with this saying.Your friend is learning how to type. He is a little bit discouraged.We can encourage our friends with this saying. 谚语We say that English is an international language, because English is spoken around the world. Of course, there are more speakers of Mandarin than of English, but English is spoken by more people in more countries than Mandarin is, so, when you travel or do business or study overseas, you can always find English speakers, and English TV programs and English newspapers.In other words, English is a universal/ an international language, that is why we should learn it. Mandarin 普通话,国语Bruce speaks beautiful Mandarin.[ˈmændərɪn]foul language 下流话Your stay here is just(or only) a waste of time.rewarding a.有(获)益的;值得做的,划算的.Teaching is a very rewarding profession.教书是一种很有价值的职业.Exercise is very rewarding for our health. It pays(/is rewarding) to exerciseIt is up to you. 随你吧Well, if Peter asks me: do you want to go to a restaurant first or see a movie first tonight? I might say: it's up to you.Do we go to the movies first or shall we go to a restaurant first? It's up to you .but I know the true answer. He enjoys eating more than anything, let's go to the restaurant first .In our studio[ˈstudioʊ], we have got a small studio over here and we have only two people here, that's Bruce and me, but Bruce is much too big, we have little room left here.by fits and starts adv.间歇地,断断续续地,一阵一阵地If you learn English by fits and starts, you’ll get no where.My brother studied accounting by fits and starts, so he failed.If you give me a tip, I’ll give some tips on how to learn English.if you are in a restaurant, and you leave a little money for the waiter, we say that is a tip小费. But then Peter said I'll give you some tips about learning English. -- some advice about learning English.建议advice un.tip①n.小费②n.建议,提示,技巧give sb. tips on/about sth= give sb. advice (on) sth. n.给某人关于某事的建议③vt.给小费Mr. Bruce, before leaving, don't forget to tip me.④vt.建议tip somebody on something (He tipped me on how to learing English)afraid两种用法:afraid to make(/of making) 即+不定式或+ of +动名词I’m afraid to talk to him. I’m afraid of talking to him.advice un. a good piece of advice 不说: a good adviceWell, you have to speak or write a language to really learn it. if you make a mistake while speaking, usually the listener will understand you anyway, because usually your mistake is just a grammar mistake or maybe a vocabulary mistake, but usually we understand you. But if we don't understand you, we will ask: what do you mean? And then you can try again.Only by making mistakes can we learn sth.Children are often shy around strangers.Well, this is often the case, but there is some situation in which adults are shy. For example, each time Bruce is with me he is shy.-- That's not shy, Peter, that's embarrassed. embarrassed stink vi.臭Peter, you stinks.be patient with sb.对...有耐心A good teacher must be patient with his studentsthick-skinnned a.厚颜的Eg:If you want to be a good salesman, you must be thick-skinned.Don’t be afraid to make mistake. 别怕犯错.It depends on how you study it.那要看你如何去学习.It depend on when you do it.那要看你何时去做.2. How to Improve Your English p.9.Mack is talking to his friend Don.M: Hi, Don! How are you doing in your English class?D: Not so well, I'm afraid. (原:I'm afraid I ’m not doing so well in my English class)M: What's the problem (省do you have with your English)?D: I'm not improving(/I’ve not been improving/ I’ve not made any improvement). Tell me, how come your English is so good?M: Well, uh…I have an American girlfriend.D: Aha! That's it. Now I know what to do. (He runs off.)(=runs away)M: Hey, Come back! I was just kidding!Well, probably they would like to hear you speak English only, so please introduce yourself in English again.However, this is basically an English teaching program. So, every now and then, of course, he ?? and speak Chinese. But most of time, he will explain the key points, if there is any inEnglish. so, lesson 2, we had a very short dialogue. now, by the way, what is the meaning of this word "dialogue "?dialogue/dialog A dialog is a conversation between two people. And that is spelled? Well,you can see it on page 9 here "dialogue", but it is also spelled "dialog". so, there are two spellings for this word. Their pronunciation is exactly the same.…O r sometimes just one person, Peter. because sometimes I hear you talking to yourself. Peter is going to be send to a kind of hospital--funny farm.funny farm疯人院正式:mental asylumHe was raised on the farm.Yesterday Peter was send to a nearby mental asylum, because he kept talking to himself. improve vt.vi. improvement n.-->improve sth = make improvement in sthHe improve d his English by studying every day.=He study everyday, so his English improved. Peter, you’ve made a lot of improvement in your Mandarin. improvement un-- Thank you Bruce for teaching me.because he studies hard, he has made a lot of improvement in his English.①talk to(/with) sb. about sth. vi. ②talk sb. into doing vt.+into说服talk nonsense胡说八道What are you talking about? The teachers were talking about the problem student.He is a problem student. --He keeps causing trouble.His girlfriend talk ed Mike into quitting smoking.When he gave the speech, we realized that he was just talking nonsense.He is a problem student.Hi和Hey区别:"Hi" as you just said, is a greeting. if I see my good friends or sometimes my students, I will say "hi", it's a friendly greeting. but "hey" means I want you to pay attention to me. I have something important to talk to you about or maybe to show you. Hey, come here!Hey, listen to me!--but "hey" in this case is not quite impolite, we should only use it between friends.回答Ok, and you?或者fine, thank you等how are you doing? How are you getting along?久违的老朋友还可以说:How are you? or How have you been?Howdy 美国南部招呼语answer: Howdy(=how do you do第一次见面)If you go to Texas or other southern states in the United States, many people will greet you with Howdy.afraid vt.恐怕+that从句(I think/guess)I am afraid (that省略) it is going to rain, so we can't go on the picnic. 我认为...(弱语气,后带内容比较负面)I’m afraid she is not good-looking. I’m going to have a blind date. blind date 相亲,盲目约会Look into the mirror yourself.What's the problem (with)? It seems that he has some problems with the work.= What's wrong?= What's the matter (with)?I'm not improving. 文中= I have not been improving =I have not made any improvement. how come(口) 无需要倒装=whyBruce, How come you look s o ugly/why do you..? Where’s the hankerchief? The truth hurts. why is he late for class again? how come he is late for class again?How come you failed your Chinese text? Why did you fail your Chinese text?Because I goofed around. I didn't study at all. goof around 浪费时间,混时间Aha, that's it. = Aha, I’v got it. = I understand.Aha, means I understand. I’ve got it. For example, if you are trying to think of the answer to a problem, Let's see, the capital of Canada is. .., aha, is Ottawa.If you try to think of a answer t o a problem, Let’s see: the capital of Canady is? Aha, is Ottawa. run off = run away kidding = joking3. The City of Song p.13Listening to music is the favorite pastime of many people all over the world. This is especially true for people living in Vienna, the city of song(un,=music). Being(可省) the home of Mozart, this city is the birthplace of classical music and the waltz.Music fills the air in Vienna. Going to public concerts is often free of charge. And don't forget, Vienna is also home to the world famous Vienna Boys' Choir. No wonder people say Austria is always alive with the sound of music.Oh, Bruce, you know something? I should leave this lesson to you. Because this lesson features one country and that’s? Austria. This country has a lot to do with your background. So, tell all of listeners, how come you have a very close connection with this country? --My mother was born in Yugoslavia, but her mother comes from Austria, and I still have many relatives living there, and I like to visit them every two or three years.I still have many relatives living there, and I like to visit them every two or there years. Austria Australia The city of song refers to the city of Vienna. --You've been to that city before. Tell us something about this city.Vienna is one of the most beautiful citys I have ever seen. I’m not kidding. It's a very old and beautiful city, full of culture, music and good beer.potbelly 大肚皮Well, if you go out with Peter, because he is a big potbelly, you might feel embarrassed..Jogging (/Going jog/Lifting heavy glasses of beer) is my favorite exercise. jog 慢跑What’s your pastime over the weekend? what's your favorite habit?How do you pass the time on your weekends(每逢周末)?Going to a restaurant and seeing a movie.the world over adv. = around/across the world = throughout the world = all over the world Mikle Jackson is famous the world over.song un=music CN歌曲a song You got to face the music.But here I’m a little bit curious again. Now that you just mention you have something to do with Vienna, how come you don't know anything about music?--That's a good question. Peter means I can't sing. I like to listen to music, but I can't sing.To face the music means that you must face your problem, you must try to solve your problem. He was sick of learning, he ran away from home (being) sick of learning, he …Mozart was one of the most famous classical musicians. maestro [ˈmaɪstroʊ] 艺术大师,名作曲家birthplace 发源地,诞生地what’s your birthplace?=where were you born?In fact, I was born in Nanjing, even though my hometown is in Guangxi province.Sure, this is true. When you go to Vienna, especially in the summer time, you can hear music being played, not from the radio or the CD player, but from the people who play music on the street or in the parks or in the concerts. You can hear music as you walk around the city.In other words, you can see a live shows/concerts on your own. live adj.现场的classical 古典的classic 经典的be free (of charge) 免费的--I work for Peter free of charger. In other words, I am enslaved by Peter.--In fact, the truth is I am a slave to Bruce.be enslaved by 被...奴役a slave toDon’t be enslaved by money= Don’t a slave to moneylet me give our students a better example here: This sample is free of charge.be home to 某地是…的发源地/出产地/聚集地/的故乡/ 老家be the home ofHe is a good boy, he often helps his mum with chores. chore 杂务(可数)You should do some chores.Chicago is home to some of the world’s tallest buildings.That island is home to some special birds.He studies hard, no wonder he passed the examination.no wonder + clause(主+v.)adv.难怪Eg:No wonder Bruce is in such good shape, he exercises every day.No w onder you’re so thin, you eat so little.he is in poor shape.be alive with=be filled with a.活的,充满的Eg:The room is alive with children’s laughter.sth. fill the air充满着某物Eg:Romatic love songs fill the air in that cozy Italian restaurant.那家温馨的意大利餐馆充满着罗曼蒂克的情歌.4. He Who Hesitates Is Lost p.21Mike is in Vienna with his girlfriend Daisy.M: Are you having a good time, Daisy?D: Are kidding? I'm having the time of my life(=having the greatest time). I loved the concerts.M: Concert going is fantastic but what else can we do?D: Biking along the banks of the river Danube could be fun.M: It sounds like a great idea!D: Let's do it then.M: You're right. As they say, "He who hesitates is lost."We have this title "he who hesitates is lost ". Now we have this word "he", in this case, "he" isthe subject. He means anyone or one, those. 凡是......的人He who(引导表语从句) hesitates is lost/a loser. 迟疑着将丧失良机I’m new here, I’ve just got lost. 走失,迷路.He who…+单数动词“凡是…的人….”= one who.. = those who +复数动词Eg:He(/anyone/one/anybody)who works hard will be successful.Those who work hard will be successful.hesitates to … 做…犹豫不决If you have question, don’t hesitate to ask me.I was lost in that music. "沉醉于"= be absorbed in one's workDon’t talk to Morris now, he is lost/absorbed in his work.daisy is a very beautiful little flower. but remember, if you talking about the flower, then we do not capitalized "d".Probably they are on vacation there.I’m sorry, Peter. I don't know what vacation means.In my dictionary, there is no such word as vacation. this means that I work all day/day and night for Peter.While (I was) on vacation last year, I visited France and Italy. 度假have a good time (省in) doing something in介词后只能跟动名词,即使in省have a good time +动名词He always has a good time in(in可省) camping.I had a good time dancing last night. Bruce always has a good time working for me.have difficulty, have a hard time. Forigners ~ learing how to write Chinese characters. Chinese characters “中国字” 不说Chinese wordsBut Bruce can write at least one word, that is 一.have a good time =have fun I had a lot of(/ lots of ) fun/a good time/a great time dancing yesterday.how many kids/children do you have?--I have two kids, same as you. n.小孩子,小山羊Mr. Wang who lives next to me has three ears ! come on ! you must be kidding (me) !are you kidding (me)? v.The artist will put on /hold an exhibit next month.put on/hold a concert/ an exhibit娱乐性、文教性hold a meetingThe artist will put on/hold an exhibit next month.House cleaning is Peter’s favorite pastime/activity.fantastic= wonderful, great, awesome, terrific (cool for the young) aweful = terrible 糟Mozart’s music is fantastic. What do you think of that movie? It was terrific!Biking along the banks could be/can be/must be/is fun. 可能性 大I bike/bicycle/cycle on weekends. n. v.Learning English is fun. fun n.好玩(=a good time) adj.有趣的与funny滑稽的含义不同fun man, funny man Bruce is fun, Peter looks funny. He is a fun man to be with."Fun" we always use with "have a good time ". If you like to do something and it's a good time, you say that's a lot of fun. But if something makes you laugh, then we say it's funny.Make fan of嘲笑The students made fun of the new kid of class. D on't make fun of people. It sounds like a great idea/sounds like a great idea/ sounds like great/ sounds great.I’m going to use a different verb of sense: Tastes like garbage.--Peter’s cooking.He picked up the garbage and threw it into the garbage can.--Let’s go see a movie tonight. --Sounds greathave 做“有”无进行时态Eg:I have a car. I have time.即,无法说"正在"的词,无进行时态I love you.Thanks for listening, see you next time.5. Bungee Jumping p.26Bungee jumping looks like It makes me nervous to watch someone do it. It certainly takes a lot of guts (/courage) to jump one thousand feet above the water with only a rope tied to your legs. It scares me just to think about it. However, it is something I really want to do one day.Some people think I'm crazy(/ a lunatic). They say to jump (/jumping) is foolish enough, but to have(/having) to pay for it is madness. I don't agree. For me, to live a short and exciting life is far better than to live a long and boring one. What do you think?On this page we have a new lesson, lesson five, and we have a picture here. This picture describes a person, and this person, or rather this is not a person, but an animal, but looks very familiar to me. What is it? -- it's wild Bruce, oh..., wild boar.wild boar 野猪This is not the case with Bruce. He would think that Bungee jumping is something that we should do. so, tell us some history about this activity. I think if I remember correctly, it originated in that country New Zealand.That's right, it originated in New Zealand. To originate simply means to start someplace, to start somewhere. New Zealand is an island nation in the south Pacific, is an English speaking country, and it's not very big in population, but some of the people there are really like to have an exciting fun time. so, they had the idea that you could jump from a bridge or jump from a tall building with a rope tied to your leg. Just as we see here in the picture, there is a rope tied to one of the wild boar's four legs, and that rope will stop you from hitting the ground.Paper originated in China. 起源于have the guts(口语)/courage to be. 有做…的勇气/胆量.looks like fun looks/sounds/tastes/smells good (vi.+adj.).looks /tastes /sounds like(prep.)+n 感官不及物动词后不接名词, 但+like+n. “象”looks like fun, tastes like fish感观动词vt. 加宾语后,后可直接接动词原形做宾补,表事实。
赖世雄美语从头学初级篇Lesson 1课文及讲解

Call当不完全及物动词; 年龄、籍贯的说法; there is /are初步(以后课程有更详细介绍)=======================Title==============================Lesson 1 Self introduction======================Article==============================My name is Robert. My friends call me Bob. I am twenty years old. I am Chinese. Icome from Beijing. There are six people in my family. I have one younger sister and two older brothers. We are not rich, but we are a happy family.======================Words==============================Name. What’s your name, please?Friend. He has many friends.Call. Cindy calls her doll Baby.Come. Come from…I come from Japan.People. (people只表示复数,单数用person)There are many people at the station.There is only one people in the room. 错There is only one person in the room.Family. He has a large family.Rich. The old man is rich, but he is not happy. In fact, he is very happy.Happy. I feel happy when I am with you.=====================Grammar==============================简单说明下,动词简单分两类(及物不及物)及物意思是动词后要表宾语, 而及物下又分完全及物,和不完全不及物I love you. 及物后跟宾语就完成句子了I call you Bob. 不完全及物,跟了宾语还不完全,所以加宾语补足语不及物He fainted. 他晕倒了. 跟上动词就完事了不能加宾语叫完全不及物He is a gentleman. (这里我并不是太懂怎么解释)不完全及物动词是动词后跟宾语意思还不完整My friends call me Bob. 这里call me后要跟Bob.They call the little girl…这里并没有结束后面必须加宾语补足语They call the little girl Mary.I am twenty years old.句子结构为人+be动词+数字+year(s) +old/of age.I am twenty years old.The baby is one year old.He is forty years of age.Age.看起来比实际年轻的用法Look young of one’s age. == Look younger than one really is.You look young of your age. You look younger than you are.He look young of his age. He younger than he really is.I am Chinese. = I am a Chinese.当形容词用不用加a,当名词用要加aThere are six people in my family.这里there are表示有(后面是复数) there同时也是副词”那里”的意思,但后面跟be动词is/are时表示有,以后会说到have这个有的区别Put the book there. 把书放在那里=======================讲解==============================Lesson one self introductionThe lesson is very good. 这一课相当不错Lesson one/two 第一/二课Part one第一部分reading 阅读My name is Robert.My 我的my bicycle我的自行车my home我家Name 名字What's your name, please? 请问你叫什么名字.=what is your name, please?My name is Peter. My name is Robert.please,请,但英美一般放句尾,please前通常放逗号Open the door, please.My friends call me Bob.Friend +s是朋友的复数,2个及以上call除了称某人为...还有打电话的意思Call me, please. 请打电话给我Call me when you have time. 有空给我电话Give me a call when you have time.在这句,call为名词(如果暂时不理解不是很重要)I am twenty years old.I am * year(s) old 我是多少岁,当一岁就用year没有复数,但你一岁也说不出这句. He is one year old.I am twenty years. (那就是我20年,没人理解是什么意思)old不能省,但也可以改用of age.I am twenty years of age.也可以直接I am twenty.How old are you? 你多大年龄,按中文说法就是: you are how old. 英语中疑问词需要放在句首(以后会具体讲)在英美环境,一般男的不能随便问女人年龄I am Chinese.I am a Chinese.这样也行,但不加也可以,一个是名词,一个是形容词(如果暂时不理解没关系) 单数名词要加冠词This is a book. He is a Chinese. Chinese同时也可作形容词. I amChinese.He is an American. 名词He is American.形容词I come from Beijing.come来, from从什么地方I come from Guangdong. He comes from Sichuan.I am from Beijing.也可以Where are you from? 你是哪里人,中文直接翻译是you are from where?但英文疑问词放句首(第二次讲了)Where do you come from? 你是哪里人,这里面有个do先讲一下,以后还会具体讲. come是一般动词,一般动词没办法与主语倒装,be动词才可以your name is what?-- What is your name? come不能直接写成: where come you from? 所以就加助动词do, where do you come from? 如果是be动词的, where are you from?这样可以There are six people in my family.在英文中have ,has是有的意思,但只有那些有生命的东西才能用这个有. In my family has six people.这样是错的,因为家庭不是指某个具体有生命的动物不能用have ,has,另外,in my family,这个由in引导的介词短语不能作主语(暂时记也可以),如果遇到这种介词短语的,那就用there is/are作主语,there are后面跟复数名词桌上有本书,中文本能on the desk has a book.由上可知这是错的,只能改用there is, there are.但这里是单数一本书,就用there is a book one thedesk.房间里有一只猫. There is a cat in the room.There are six people in my family.同理一个人用person.两个人或以上就用peopleOne person,一个人,两个人就用two peopleI have one younger sister and two older brothers.这里有have了,一般用have主语就是有生命的动物I have a book. He has a book. (第三人单数称用has)Younger sister表示妹妹,如果不加就是表示姐妹,可能是姐姐也可能是妹妹,older大的就是哥哥Younger sister, younger brother妹妹,弟弟Older brother哥哥,older sister姐姐We are not rich, but we are a happy family.but是连词,但是的意思rich富有的He is rich.他很有钱He is rich, but he is not happy.他有钱但不快乐.(骗人的,有钱的人都很快乐)======================Practice==============================What's your name?My name is Peter Wang. == I'm peter Wang.How old are you?I'm eighteen years old. == I'm eighteen years of age.Where are you from?I am from Shanxi. == I come from Shanxi.How many people are there in your family? There are five people in my family. == Five.。
赖世雄高级英语讲解 1到5课

赖世雄高级英语讲解 1到5課赖世雄高级英语讲解 1到5课高级英语是一门要求学生在扎实掌握英语基础知识的基础上,进一步提升英语能力的课程。
关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose等,它们在定语从句中代替被修饰的名词,并连接从句与主句。
赖世雄中级美语教程 (1)

赖世雄中级美语教程1. Rome Wasn't Built in a Day p.1. English is an international language. Therefore, it is necessary for us to learn it. It can be rewarding or just a waste of time. It's up to you. It depends on how you study it. Here are some tips about learning English. First, don't be afraid to make mistakes. You will learn from them. Second, you must not be shy. Be thick-skinned and speak up! Finally, you must be patient. Remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day." ☆foul language 下流话 Mandarin 普通话,国语 ☆Your stay here is just(or only) a waste of time. ☆rewarding a.有(获)益的;修得做的,划算的. Teaching is a very rewarding profession.教书是一种很有价值的职业. Exercise is a rewarding for our health. ☆by fits and starts. adv.间歇地,断断续续地,一阵一阵地 My brother studied accounting by fits and starts, so he failed. ☆tip n. ①建议②小费 ③提示,技巧 give sb. tips on/about sth. vt.给某人关于某事的建议 tip (about) = advice (on) a good piece of advice 不说: a good advice ☆stink vi.臭 stingy ☆be patient with sb. 对...有耐心 ☆thick-skinnned a.厚颜的 Eg :If you want to be a good salesman,you must be thick-skinned. ☆Don ’t be afraid to make mistake. 别怕犯错. ☆It depends on how you study it.那要看你如何去学习. It depend on when you do it.那要看你何时去做.2. How to Improve Your English p.9. Mack is talking to his friend Don. M: Hi, Don! How are you doing in your English class? D: Not so well, I'm afraid. M: What's the problem? D: I'm not improving. Tell me, how come your English is so good? M: Well, uh…I have an American girlfriend. D: Aha! That's it. Now I know what to do. (He runs off.) M: Hey, Come back! I was just kidding! ☆funny farm 疯人院 正式:mental asylum☆improve sth = make a lot of improvement in sth☆how come(口) 无需要倒装=why☆talk to(with) sb. about sth. vi. talk sb. into doing vt.说服☆When he gave a speech, we realized that he was just talking nonsense. ☆He is a problem studnet. ☆greeting 招呼语 How are you doing in ...? or: How are you getting along? 近来怎么样? 久违的老朋友还可以说:How are you? or How have you been? Howdy 美国南部招呼语 answer: Howdy ☆blind date 相亲,盲目约会 ☆I am afraid (that 省略) it is going to rain, so we can't go on a picnic. 我认为...(弱语气) ☆What's the problem (with)?= What's wrong? = What's the matter (with)? ☆goof around 浪费时间,混时间 ☆Aha, that's it. = Aha, I get it. = I understand. ☆kidding = joking 3. The City of Song p.13 Listening to music is the favorite pastime of many people all over the world. This is especially true for people living in Vienna, the city of song. Being the home of Mozart, this city is the birthplace of classical music and the waltz. Music fills the air in Vienna. Going to public concerts is often free of charge. And don't forget, Vienna is also home to the world famousVienna Boys' Choir. No wonder people say Austria is always alive with the sound of music. ☆Austria Australia jog 慢跑 chore 杂物(可数) potbelly 大肚皮 He is a potbelly.☆the world over adv. = around the world = throughout the world = all over the world ☆maestro 艺术大师,名作曲家☆birthplace 发源地,诞生日 classical 古典的 classic 经典的 ☆be free (of charge) 免费的 This sample is free of charge. ☆be enslaved by 被...奴役 be enslaved to a bad habit 改不掉坏习惯 ☆be home to 某地是…的所在地/出产地/聚集地 be the home of 某地是…的故乡/老家☆no wonder + clause(主+v. adv.难怪Eg:No wonder Bruce is such a good shape, excercises.No wonder you’re so you eat so little.☆be alive with a.活的,充满的Eg:The room is alive children’s laughter.sth. fill the air 充满着某物Eg:air in that cozy restaurant.那家温馨的意大利4. He Who Hesitates Is Lost p.21Mike is in Vienna with girlfriend Daisy.Daisy?time of my life. I loved concerts.M: Concert going isbut what else can we do?D: Biking along the banks the river Danube could be fun. M: It sounds like a great idea! D: Let's do it then.M: You're right. As they "He who hesitates is lost."☆He who(引导表语从句hesitates is lost. 迟疑着将丧失良机.hesitates to …做…决He who …+单数动词“凡是…的人….”= one who.. = those who +复数动词Eg:be successful. "He" anyone. or: one, those☆I was lost in that music. "沉醉于"= be absorbedWhile on vacation last year, I”(hold)ongreat,thecouldBungee jumping looks likejustIttoabovethe water with only a rope tiedto your legs. It scares me just toisdoI'mistodon'tshortbetterboringChina.)/couragetheguts to ask Marry to go out forbe tied to = be bound (bind)to 被...绑在That poor dog is tied/boundto the fence, he can not runaway.☆be scared of = be frightenedof Peter is scared of snakes.scare sb. to death 把某人吓的要死.He scared me todeath.☆He looked into the mirrorand found he looked mucholder. 照镜子☆cockroach(es) 蟑螂lunaticn.adj疯子luna 月亮(拉丁文)☆get some where 有出息getno where 没出息If you work hard you getsomewhere someday.☆I agree with you on this point,but I disable agree with you onthat point.☆agreeable 相处容易的: Ilike Marry, because she's a veryagreeable personality.☆live/lead + a/an +a. life 过着…生活The famous sight lives/leadsa simple life.☆boring a.令人厌烦的,无聊的(指事)So boring 真无聊boring daybe bored with a.感到厌烦的(指人)=be fed up with =be sick of=be tired of “受够了”“对…感厌烦”☆What do you think?你认为呢?☆looks /tastes /soundslike(prep.) 后接名词“象”☆知觉动词vt.看:see,watch,look at(注视) 听:hear,listion to 感觉:feel1)vt.+宾+宾补(动原)强调确有事情发生,表进行时态2)vt.+宾+宾补(现在分词)强调事情正在发生3)vt.+宾+宾补(过去分词) 强调被动的状态6. Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained p.35Lisa and Bill are talking about their future.L: What's your goal in life, Bill?B: To fly in the sky and feel as free as a bird.L: That's easy.B: What do you mean?L: Go bungee jumping.B: You mush be kidding. It's too dangerous.L: Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained.☆If nothing is ventured, nothing will be gained.☆Everybody shoule have a goal in life.My goal is to learn English better one day.☆Growing up is learning experience.☆pearl 珍珠Pearl 女人名☆carve out 雕刻出,开创出Eg:By going to school and studying hard, Sam carved out a good career of his future.☆attain/reach/fulfill one's goal ☆Peter and Bruce are as busy as bees.Ever since sam lived on his own, he has felt as free as a bird.山姆自从独立生活以来觉得自由极了.To fly in the sky and feel as free as a bird.象鸟儿一样在天气自由翱翔。

Welcome to Radio English on Sunday.This is Bruce./ and this is Peter Lai./Welcome to our show. Today we're going to look at unit one, on page one, but before we start, let's give you some idea of what you can expect to learn with us on Radio English on Sunday. We have lots and lots of interesting, useful and informative topics for you. We will be taking a look at some of the most interesting and important places in the world, (as) some interesting animals, and customs, culture, a little bit history, too. All these for you on Radio English on Sunday./ By the way, this is an article featured in the biggest city of the world, New York, is that all right?/ Well, that's the thing biggest English speaking city of the world and it's the biggest city in the US./ And Bruce is quite familiar with the city because he was brought up there and fortunately he's still a very good guy, right?/ Well, I love New York, and we have a lot of interesting things for you to find out about this great city on our program today.Well, what will we be doing for you for every article is reading them paragraph by paragraph, and then going back to give you first the main idea of each paragraph, and then Peter will choose some important or useful phrases for us spend a little more attention to.Let's Visit New York.New York, New York, the city is so nice, they named it twice. These words were used to describe New York when it was by far the largest, richest and most developed city in the US. Yew York still remains the largest and most famous city in the US today, but some of its nice reputation has fallen over the past thirty years with stories of (wrappon---->rampant) crime making headlines around the world. How true are these stories? Is New York still a nice place to visit? If so, what can a tourist do in New York? Let's take a closer look at the America's premier city.This paragraph tells us what you can expect to learn in today's article. We have all heard of New York, of course, and most people know that it is the largest city in the US, but some people have also heard that it has a kind of bad name--maybe a dangerous city to visit. Well, is it? We'll find out when we take a closer look at New York in today's article.本讲座Pan将不再记录中文的讲解部分。

赖世雄职场口语从头学职场口语从头学Chapter1第一讲:描述理想职业 Describing Your Ideal CareerOrlando: What kind of career do you want?Andrea: I want to work in marketing. I think it would be an incredible experience working on international ad campaigns.Orlando: Oh, then you have to be up to speed on different brands.Andrea: Absolutely. I'm already aware of current and future trends but I would need to increase my knowledge of the media and branding.Orlando: You really know what you want! Excellent.Andrea: You've been a journalist for about five years, right? Why did you choose to be a journalist?Orlando: Well, I've always had an affinity for analytical writing and current events. Plus, I'm interested in politics. Andrea: I see what you're saying. I always enjoy working on a team, especially when I get to use imagination to deliver messages using visual aids. So, we both matched our interests to our careers.Orlando: Definitely! What about your career expectations?Andrea: I would expect to be able to communicate creatively, and have the freedom to analyze markets. I also believe that a marketing job would provide great opportunities for my personal growth.Orlando: I agree. Being a journalist broadens my horizons. That is one of the main reasons I chose this job.参考译文描述理想职业奥兰多: 你向往哪一种职业呢?安德里亚: 我想要从事市场营销的工作。

精心整理WelcometoRadioEnglishonSunday.ThisisBruce./andthisisPeterLai.Let'sVisitNewYork.NewYork,NewYork,thecityissonice,theynamedittwice.ThesewordswereusedtodescribeNewYorkwhenitwasbyfarthe largest,richestandmostdevelopedcityintheUS.YewYorkstillremainsthelargestandmostfamouscityintheUStoday,but someofitsnicereputationhasfallenoverthepastthirtyyearswithstoriesof(wrappon---->rampant)crimemakingheadlin esaroundtheworld.Howtruearethesestories?IsNewYorkstillaniceplacetovisit?Ifso,whatcanatouristdoinNewYork?Le t'stakeacloserlookattheAmerica'spremiercity.本讲座/Wow,that'sreallygross!That'sdisgusting!/Peter'sstrangebehaviormadeheadlines."Premier"hasacoupleofmeanings.Hereitrefersasanadjective,somethingwhichisthebestorthemostimportant.ButaPr emierisapoliticalpositionatorneartheheadofagovernment.Sometimesitmeans"PrimeMinister"./Yeah,itdependsonthecountry.The"Premier"isapositionwhichinsomecountriesasPresidentandinothercountriesisPri meMinister.katthecrimerate,howmanycrimesperpopulationperyear?WefoundthatNewYorkcityisnotadangerouscitycomparedto mostotherAmericancities.California,Texis,(应该是德克萨斯Texas)Florida,Chicago,..bigcitesandbigstateshavemuchhighercrimeratesthanNewYorkorNewYorkstate.InfacttheNorthEa sternUS,东北,thisisthesafestregionoftheUS.10:15Here,"aspersonalandsocialsecurityarealwaysupmostinthemindsoftravelers,"ifsomethingisalwaysupmostinone'smi nd,/yes?cartheft,arepropertycrimes.mug:被人用刀,棒子,枪等抢劫。

《赖世雄美语从头学课文朗读版》Unit 1 Good Morning!Part 1 Let's LearnA: Good morning, Michael!B: Good morning, Sarah!A: Hello, Lisa. How are you?B: I'm fine, thank you. And you? A: I'm great, thanks. Goodbye, Lisa. B: Goodbye, Sarah.Part 2 Let's Practice1. Good morning!2. How are you?3. I'm fine, thank you.4. And you?5. Goodbye!Part 3 Let's SingGood morning, good morningIt's time to start our dayGood morning, good morning We'll smile and work and play Unit 2 At SchoolPart 1 Let's LearnA: What do you have on Monday? B: I have math and English.A: What about Tuesday?B: I have science and history.A: What's your favorite subject? B: I like art the best.A: I like PE, but I don't like history. B: I think history is interesting. Part 2 Let's Practice1. What do you have on Monday?2. I have math and English.3. What's your favorite subject?4. I like art the best.5. I think history is interesting. Part 3 Let's SingThe school days, the school daysDear old golden rule daysReading and writing and 'rithmeticTaught to the tune of the hickory stickUnit 3 Family and FriendsPart 1 Let's LearnA: This is my family.B: Who is in your family?A: This is my mom, dad, and brother.B: Nice to meet you.A: Who is your best friend?B: His name is Tom. He's very funny.A: I have a best friend too. Her name is Lily. B: That's great.Part 2 Let's Practice1. This is my family.2. Who is in your family?3. Who is your best friend?4. His name is Tom. He's very funny.5. I have a best friend too. Her name is Lily.Part 3 Let's SingMake new friends, but keep the oldOne is silver and the other's goldA circle's round, it has no endThat's how long I want to be your friend总结: 通过赖世雄美语从头学课文朗读版的学习,我们学习了打招呼、询问课程安排、介绍家庭和朋友等日常用语和对话,同时学习了一些英语歌曲,使学习更加生动有趣。
赖世雄高级美语 讲解


探索赖世雄经典英语作文的魅力:Unit 1-80的深度解读In the realm of English essay writing, Lai Shixiong's Classic English Essays, Units 1-80, stand as a beacon of guidance and inspiration. Spanning a diverse array of topics, these essays not only provide a solid foundation in English writing skills but also offer a window into the deeper cultural and intellectual discussions that are integral to the language.The essays cover a breadth of subjects, ranging from the personal reflections on life's journey to broader societal issues. Each essay is a thought-provoking narrative, filled with insights and perspectives that are both engaging and thought-provoking. Lai Shixiong's writing style is both accessible and profound, making the essays not only suitable for students but also appealing to the discerning reader.One of the most striking features of these essays is their emphasis on clear and concise language. LaiShixiong's use of vocabulary and sentence structure is a model of precision and clarity, making his writing a joy toread and learn from. This emphasis on clarity isparticularly valuable for students of English, who often struggle with the nuances of the language. Through Lai Shixiong's essays, they can learn to express their ideas more effectively and confidently.Beyond the purely linguistic aspects, these essays also offer a window into Chinese culture and thought. Byexploring topics that are unique to the Chinese context,Lai Shixiong invites readers to delve deeper into the rich intellectual traditions of his heritage. This cultural dimension is particularly important in today's globalized world, where an understanding of different cultures and perspectives is crucial for effective communication and understanding.The essays also serve as a platform for criticalthinking and analysis. By presenting diverse viewpoints and perspectives, Lai Shixiong encourages readers to question, challenge, and think beyond the boundaries of传统 thinking. This encouragement to critical thinking is crucial in cultivating a generation of thinkers who are not onlyproficient in the language but also have the ability to analyze and evaluate information critically.In conclusion, Lai Shixiong's Classic English Essays, Units 1-80, are a valuable resource for anyone interested in improving their English writing skills or deepeningtheir understanding of Chinese culture and thought. The essays are not only a guide to effective writing but also a bridge to cross-cultural understanding and intellectual growth. Through these essays, readers can embark on a journey of discovery, learning, and personal growth that is both enriching and rewarding.**探索赖世雄经典英语作文的魅力:Unit 1-80的深度解读** 在英语作文写作领域,赖世雄的经典英语作文系列——Unit 1-80,如同指引之光和灵感之源。
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盛产, 富于; 充满, 多
盛产, 富于; 充满, 多
(-->) , . ' . , . , ' .
, . , , , , . , , , . ,
. ' , .
' , , , . ' . ' , . , , ' , ' , .
, > ,
, . " , " 这个是介词,后面跟名词或动名词的。
, , , , , , ,
' . . , , , . , , , , !
? ' ? , , , ' . , , .
, , "",
" , " 精神病院. 这个在中级讲座中也提到过。
, , . , , . (在中级美语讲座第课中有这样的用法)
' , , . . () ( )电话名.
, . (地名), , , (地名) . . .
' . , .
() ...是什么什么中的胜地。
, () . () . ' () .
' .
这个什么, , 查了老半天,才发现正确的拼法.
. , . , .
, , . . . , , ' , ' .
, , .
" ".
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. . .
. . . 重听校正。
. , .
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这世界因为你的存在而更精彩! ! 本的详尽使用报告,包括大量图片