
XX年商务英语(BEC)初级口语词汇词汇是构筑英语城堡的基石,以下的xx年(BEC)初级口语词汇,希望对大家有所帮助,更多信息请关注!1.arrangement n.安排;布置【商务用语】e to an arrangement 达成协议【例句】Tell me the arrangement of time and place for the meeting.告诉我会议时间和地点的安排。
2.arrears n.到期末付款,欠账【商务英语】in arrears 欠债3.assay vt.分析;验定;尝试 vi.经检验证明内含成分 n.鉴定【商务用语】assay certificate 鉴定证明书assay a situation 衡量情况【例句】The ore assays high in gold.这矿石经检验证明含金量很高。
4.assertive adj.断定的,过分自信的【例句】He is an assertive boy,always insisting on his own rights and opinions.他是个固执的孩子,总是坚持自己的权利和主意。
5.assess vt.估定,确定数额;征收;评估【商务英语】assess a tax on one's property 对某人的财产征税【例句】Damages were assessed at 1,000 RMB.损失估计达1,000元人民币。
6.approximate vt.使接近;约计 vi.近于 adj.近于准确的;近似的【商务用语】approximate cost 预计本钱approximate market 市价概算额approximate price 估价,近似价approximate value 近似值,概算价值【例句】His ine approximated ten thousand dollars a year.他的年收入近1万美元。

商务英语口语01、商务场景下1.what time would be convenient for you?你看什么时间比较方便?2.I'd like to suggest a toast to our cooperation.我想建议为我们的合作干一杯。
3.Here is to our next project!为我们下一个项目干杯!4.Would you please tell me when you are free?请问你什么时候有空?5.Glad to have the opportunity of visting your ompany andI hope to conclude some business with you。
6.what I care about is the quality of the goods.我关心的是货物的质量。
7.please have a look at those samples.请给我看一下那些样品。
8.I'd like to know any business connections abroad.我想多了解一些你们公司。
9.I would be happy to supply samples and a price list for you.我很乐意提供样品和价格单给你。
10.can I have your price list?你能给我价格单吗?11.will you give us an indication of prices?你可以给我报一个指示性的价格吗?12.I am in charge of export business.我负责出口生意。
13.I'm thinking of ordering some of your goods.我正考虑向你们订货。
14.what about the prices?那价格方面怎么样?15.Let's call it a deal.好,成交!16.our product is the best seller.我们的产品最畅销。

bec商务英语初级词汇以下是BEC商务英语初级词汇列表:- abroad:adv. 在国外,出国,广泛流传- absence:n. 缺席,离开- absent:adj. 不在,不参与- absenteeism:n. (经常性)旷工,旷职- absorb:v. 吸收,减轻(冲击、困难等)作用或影响- abstract:n. 摘要- access:n. 接近(或进入)的机会,享用权 v. 获得使用计算机数据库的权利- accommodation:n. 设施,住宿- account:n. 会计帐目- accountancy:n. 会计工作- accountant:n. 会计- accounts:n. 往来帐目- account for:解释,说明- account executive:n. (广告公司)客户经理- accruals:n. 增值,应计- achieve:v. 获得或达到,实现,完成- acknowledged:v. 承认,告知已收到(某物),承认某人- acquire:v. 获得,得到- acquisition:n. 收购,被收购的公司或股份- acting:adj. 代理的- activity:n. 业务类型- actual:adj. 实在的,实际的,确实的- adapt:v. 修改,适应- adjust:v. 整理,使适应- administration:n. 实施,经营,行政- administer:v. 管理,实施- adopt:v. 采纳,批准,挑选某人作候选人- advertised:v. 公布,做广告- ad:n. 做广告,登广告- advertisement:n. 出公告,做广告- advertising:n. 广告业- after-sales service:n. 售后服务- agenda:n. 议事日程- agent:n. 代理人,经纪人- allocate:v. 分配,配给- amalgamation:n. 合并,重组- ambition:n. 强烈的欲望,野心- amortise:v. 摊还这些词汇都是BEC商务英语初级考试中常见的,熟练掌握这些词汇有助于提高英语水平和商务沟通能力。

商务英语订货及确认话题的初级口语1、We can now confirm you the order for 500 bed sheets and pillow cases.我方现在可以确认贵方所订购的500床床单和枕套。
2、We are glad to receive your order and confirm the aeptance for it.很快乐接到贵方订单,并确认予以承受。
3、This is the confirmation of your order place last week.这是我方对贵方上周订单确实认。
4、This is our sales confirmation confirming your order No 26 of April 10th.这是我方的销售确认书,确认贵方4/10的第26号订单。
5、We have booked your order No 267 for optical instruments.我们承受你方有关光学仪器的第267号订单。
6、We have aepted your order of June 10th for 300 typewriters.我方已的承受贵方6/10关于300台打字机的订单。
7、We acknowledged your order of May 5th for 100 unit motorcycle P180.我方按受贵方5/5关于100台p180摩托车的订单。
8、We have decided to aept your order in spite of the current shortage of the goods.尽管现在的供应非常紧张,但我方还是承受贵方的订单。
9、We have now decided to supply you with all the parts as itemized in your order and going to apply to the government agencies concern for export licenses.我方现决定向贵方提供贵方所订购的所有部件并准备向政府有关部门申请出口许可证。

BEC商务英语初级口语词汇(1)1.The price for food are subject to variation.食品的价格可能变更。
重点词语:variation n.变化,变更商务用语:the variation of opinion 意见的改变2.The shopping-center sells a variety of goods.这个购物中心出售许多种商品。
重点词语:variety n. 多样化商务用语:a variety of 多种做样的3.She looked at the vendor who cheated her the other day with distaste.她厌恶地望着那个前几天曾经欺骗过她的小贩。
重点词语:vendor n. 卖主(公司或个人)商务用语:a news vendor 报贩4.He ventured all his assets in the new business.他把所有资产投放在新的企业。
重点词语:venture n. ①企业②商业冒险v.①冒险②投机商务用语:joint venture 合资企业venture capital 风险资本5.Teaching is my vocation and writing is my avocation.教书是我的职业,写作是我的副业。
重点词语:vocation n. ①行业②职业③胜任,适合商务用语:agricultural vocations 农务commercial vocation 商务行业have no vocation for arts 不适合搞文艺6.Her position has been upgraded to executive level.她的职位已提高到经理级。
重点词语:upgrade n./v. 升级,提升商务用语:on the upgrade 改善的,进步的7.Her retirement has left the position of company manager vacant.她退休后,公司经理一职空缺。

基础的商务英语口语3篇基础的商务英语口语(1)1. The letter of credit for each order shall reach us 30 days.每批货物的信用证应在发货日前30天寄达我方。
2. 15-20 days prior to the date of delivery, you should pay against the presentation of the drawn on the opening bank.在交货期15-20天前,贵方应凭开户银行开具的汇票付款。
3. The payment shall be made by telegraphic transfer tothe bank of China, Head office, Beijing, China, for our account, within five business days after the contractsignature date.货款必须在合同签署日后的第5个营业日内,用电汇方式汇入我方在中国银行,中国北京总行的账户。
4. Advance payment of 25% of the contract value shall be paid within 30 days of the date of signing the contract.合同签订之日后30天内预付合同价值的25%。
5. The payment shall be made by five annual installmentsof 20% each.货款将在5年内分期付款,每年支付20%。
6. We require full payment within 45 days with a 15% discount for cash payment in advance.我方要求在45天内付清所有货款,如果预付现金则享有15%的折扣。

国际商务英语口语初级1. 国际商务英语口语初级?嘿,这就像是打开世界商务大门的一把小钥匙呢!你要是想和外国客户简单聊聊生意,这初级口语可太重要了。
比如说,你在展会上遇到个外国伙伴,你想介绍下你的产品,你得会说“This is our new product. It's very popular in our market.”(这是我们的新产品,在我们的市场很受欢迎。
2. 国际商务英语口语初级呀,就像建房子的第一块砖。
像“Ni ce to meet you. Have a seat, please.”(很高兴见到你,请坐。
你可不想给人留下这样的印象吧?3. 你知道国际商务英语口语初级有多有用不?它就像是你在商务海洋里的小救生圈。
比如说你打电话给国外供应商询问价格,你得说“How much is this product?”(这个产品多少钱?)这简单的一句话,要是不会说,你可能就错过一个好的进货价格了。
4. 国际商务英语口语初级啊,就像是你和外国友人交流的小桥梁。
想象一下,在国际会议上,你想表达自己的观点,你得说“I think this plan is very good.”(我认为这个计划非常好。
你肯定不想这样吧?5. 嗨,国际商务英语口语初级可不能小瞧哦。
当你在国外的办公室里,想要一杯咖啡提神,你得说“May I have a cup of coffee?”(我可以喝一杯咖啡吗?)如果不会说,你可能就得渴着,那感觉就像在沙漠里没水喝一样难受。
6. 国际商务英语口语初级呢,就像你参加商务舞会的第一支舞。
比如你和外国同事聊兴趣爱好,你说“I like reading books in my free time.”(我空闲时间喜欢读书。

商务英语初级口语词汇:订购货物mail order company:邮购计划headquarters:n.(公司)总部catalogue:n.商品目录单vendor:n. 销售商recommendation:n.推荐信、建议item:n. 产品、货物in standard length:标准长度的article:n. 商品、项目measurements charts:尺寸图knitted skirts:针织裙子asap(as soon as possible)尽快商务英语初级口语词汇:顾客reorganise:n.改组,改编loan:n.银行贷款forecast:n.预测consume:v.消费,消耗venture:n.风险项目warranty:n.(产品的)保证书oval:椭圆形finalise:v. 确定,最后定下backlog:n.积压未办的事情substantial:adj.重大的,可观的,坚固的,有影响的商务英语初级口语词汇:自学和考试实践continental breakfast:欧式早餐bilingual applicants:具有双语能力的申请者end-of-year party:年终聚会job advertisement:招工广告marketing secretary:营销部秘书P.A. (Personal Assistant):私人助理administrative support:行政管理上的支持secretarial skills:文秘技能communications skills:沟通能力,交际技能science marketing assistant:科技营销助理an internal recruitment policy:内部招工政策work overtime:加班official working hours:正式的工作时间long-term employment:长期雇用production manager:生产经理take legal action against:对…提出诉讼settle the dispute:解决纠纷unforeseen circumstances:难以预料的情况up-to-date information technology:最新的信息技术meet agreed delivery dates:按约定的日期准时送货secretarial and administrative staff:文秘及行政人员cater for:承办place your order with:向…定货outlet:n.代销店,专卖店legal advisers:法律顾问established customers:老顾客bring…up:把…提出来give…priority:优先考虑,处理某事a backlog of orders:积压的订单at one’s disposal:由…自由支配on…basis:在…基础上be popular with ab.:为惯用搭配,深受喜爱look forward to sth.:期盼,盼望 price前一把用介词at value for money:物有所值an overview of…:对…的概述call in:来访 call by: 顺道访问推迟到某个时间用postpone till/until… a long way from:离…还差得很远BEC商务英语初级口语词汇1.The price for food are subject to variation.食品的价格可能变更。

absentee n. 缺勤者absenteeism n. 缺勤现象accessaccountant n.会计accounts n.账目acquisition n.收购advertising campaign n.系列广告agenda 议程aisle n.过道anonymousapplicant 求职者appoint vt.任命appraisal n.评估appraisee被评估的员工appraiser 做评估的主管approach n.方法assemble vt.组装assembly n.组装asset n,associate n.合作人,伙伴atmosphereat the cutting edge处于发展领先地位audiovisual equipment音像设备auditn./v.审计authorise v.授权autonomy n.自主权average n.award n.backfire vi.事与愿违,适得其反backlog n.积压的工作balance sheet资产负债表ban v.banker’s card/ cheque card银行卡,借记卡,信用卡,支票卡bankrupt adj.banner n. 横幅,旗帜,网站顶端的广告bar chart/graph柱状图be based in主要在某地bear marketbull marketbillboard 露天大广告牌blade n.刃blend vt.混合、block booking团体预订,集体购票boarding card/pass登机牌body languagebond n.证券,债券bonus n.奖息,额外津贴booked up 预订一空的bookkeeping n.记账branch n.部门brand n.商标,品牌brand identity品牌识别break down barriers打破(了解、沟通)障碍,打破(贸易)壁垒break the ice打破僵局break even 收支相抵break the news宣布(坏)消息broadband 宽带broker n.(股票)经纪人,中间人,掮客budgetbudget holder 预算负责人building society建房贷款委员会business plan商业计划书cable 电缆call offcandidate 求职者capacitycapital employed动用资金card index 档案盒carrier 承运人cashflowcatalogue 商品目录catering n.餐饮服务chain n.chairman/chairwomen/chairperson (会议)主持challengingdistribution channel分销/销售渠道charitable trust公益信托,慈善信托chase payment 追债check-in desk登记手续办理处classified ad/small ad分类广告close a deal 成交cluttered 混乱的(充满不必要的事物)colleaguecollective n.集体commemorate v.纪念commercial n.(电视或广播上的)广告commission n.佣金,手续费committedcommoditycompact adj.紧凑的n.合同competitivecompetitorcomponent adj.组成的n.组件,成分compromise n./v.妥协computer-literate adj.能使用计算机的conflict n.connection n.转车,转机consultancy n.咨询公司consultant n.顾问convert v.cooperatecooperativecoordinatecorporate rate 合同价corporation 法人(团体)correspondence 信函counseling n.辅导,建议courier n.快递员,信使courteous 谦恭的cover costs v.支付费用craftsman 手艺人,工匠crash v.突然崩坏crate n.条板箱creativecredibility 可信度credit checking信用审查creditor 债权人,贷方debtor 债务人crisiscurriculum vitae =resume 简历,履历表customs 海关cut offdata managementdeadlinedeal n.decline n./v.deficit n.delegate n.demanding 要求高的demonstratedepartment store百货公司departure lounge 候机室depression 萧条desalination 海水淡化devicedip n./v.下降discount n.dismantle v. 拆卸dismiss = fire = sack =make sb. redundantdissolve v.溶解diversedividend n.股利dividend yield股息生息率dominatedowngradedownturn n.(经济)衰退,低迷,下滑draw n.抽签duty free shopemail overload电子邮件超载mailbox 邮箱engaged 占线entertain vt.款待entrepreneurequity 普通股ethos 社会思潮,民族精神etiquette 礼节,礼仪evaporate 蒸发exchange rateexecutive n.经理,中高级管理人员exhibitionexpenditure 支出expertise n.专业知识extend 表达extension 电话分机extract 提取,提炼eye-opening令人大开眼界的,有启发性的eye-openerfare n.(乘客)费用fasten v.faulty 有错的fee (咨询、服务)费feedback n.filing cabinet 文件柜financial yearflipchart 挂图float v.首次上市flood v.大量到达flotation = floatation首次上市fluctuationfolder (电脑)文件夹follow-up adj./n.后续的,跟进的forecast v.format n.格式(化)frameworkfreight 货物freight forwarding specialist 货运代理专家fulfilling 有意义的,能实现个人抱负的gadget 小工具,小玩意,小配件,潮流装备get down to 开始做/.开始关注get throughgiant 巨头gimmick n.花招glamour n.魅力glove compartment(汽车仪表板上的)储物箱goalgraphic n.gross domestic product gymnasiumhand in your notice表达辞职意向handling charge 装卸费handout n.讲义,文字资料hang up = ring off挂电话hard copy (来自电脑信息的纸质)复印件,复印文本harmonyheadquartersheavy duty adj. 重型的(加强型,能在恶劣环境下工作)heavy goods trainhectic 繁忙的highlight 突出,强调high-techhold on = hold the linehole punch 打孔机hospitalityhuman resources 人事部iconIDD phone(international directdialling)国际长途直播电话implement v.impressedin due course 在适当的时候income statement 损益表inheritin-house (公司)内部的innovationinsolvency n.无力偿付,破产,资不抵债intellectual property (IP)知识产权interactinterviewerin-tray n.公文格invoice n。

Unir1:银行业务banking 银行业务general business 一般业务ATM 自动柜员机You can change your PIN at the ATM. 1你可以在自动柜员机上修改密码automatic bill payment自动转帐服务Tina pays her phone bill with an automatic bill payment.蒂娜利用自动转帐服务付电话帐单balance差额余额If you keep a balance of $1,000, you won't have to pay the $20 monthly-service fee.如果你保持1000美元的余额,就不必付每月20美元的服务费了bank account帐户How do I open a bank account here?我要怎么开户bank holiday银行公休日国定休息日What happens if payday falls on a bank holiday?如果发薪日正好碰上了国休日那该怎么办banking银行业务Could you sign me up for online banking? 2你能帮我申请网络银行服务么banknote纸币钞票Wads of banknotes were hidden in the bag.包里藏了几数叠钞票certificate of deposit定期存款Redeeming your certificate of deposit before maturity may result in withdrawal penalties.如果你在定期前解约可能要付提前解约金checking account 支票存款帐户I need to make a withdrawal from my checking account.我要从我的支票帐户中提款deposit存款I didn't get my pay deposit this month.我这个月的薪水存款没有入帐discount rate 贴现率The discount rate is set by the Fed.贴现率是由联储决定的Individual Retirement Account 个人退休帐户Does it matter where I open an Individual Retirement Account?我到哪开个人退休帐户重要么?interest利率Interest rates are not expected to increase.利率应不会再涨safe-deposit box (银行)保险箱She kept her jewels in her safe-deposit box.她把珠宝放在银行保险箱里savings account 储蓄存款帐户I need to transfer money from my savings account to my checking account.我要把钱从储蓄存款帐户转到支票存款帐户signature 签名Tom forged his boss's signature to steal company funds.汤姆伪造了他老板的签名盗取了公司的资金teller出纳员Marcy started as a bank teller, but now she's a loan officer. 玛希刚开始是当出纳员,但是现在是贷款员transfer转账The money has been transferred into my account.钱已经转入我的帐户wire汇款Judy's father wired money to her bank account.朱迪的父亲将钱汇入了她的帐户withdraw取款I withdrew $300 from my savings account.我从我的储蓄存款帐户提取了300美元。

tackle v. 解决,处理
takeover n. 收购
take on v. 雇用,接纳
target customer 目标客户
task force n..工作队
tax relief 税收减免,减税
teamwork n. 合作(精神),团队精神
textile n. 纺织品adj.纺织的textile industry 纺织业
top management n. 高层管理人员(middle management 中层管理人员)
trade fair n. 商品交易会
trainee n. 实习生(apprentice n. 实习生,见习生)
transit n. 运输
trial period 试用期trial version 试用版
tryover n. 试用
turnaround n. (经济, 营业等的)突然好转
undercut v. 廉价出售;削价:低于…价格出售
unit n. 装置,设备; 机械部件或组件
vacant adj. (职位、房屋)空缺的
venue n. 会议地点,比赛地点
warehouse n. 仓库
warranty n. 合同担保;保修证书warrantee n. 被保证人, 被担保人workforce n. 员工总数,工人总数workshop n. 研讨班; 培训班。

xx年11月商务英语初级口语词汇详解(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE),简称BEC,指的是剑桥商务英语资格考试。
1.built-in adj.内置的,嵌入的;必要的;固有的 n.内置【商务用语】a built-in escape clause 必要性的免责条款2.bulky adj.大的,笨重的【商务用语】a bulky cargo 体积庞大的货物bulky goods 笨重货物bulky product 笨重的商品bulky parcel 大体积包裹3.bundle n.捆扎装 vt.捆,束【商务用语】bundle carrier 禾捆积运器bundle loader 禾运装卸机4.burglar n.夜贼【相关词组】burglar alarm 防盗警报器5.buyout n.全部收买;全部买下(市上产品)【例句】If the workers do approve the buyout, their pany will bee the nation's largest employee-owned enterprise.6.cable n.电缆;海底电报【商务用语】cable address 电报挂号cable advice 电报通知【例句】We have already advised you by cable.我们已去电通知你方。
7.cafeteria n.自助餐厅【例句】This cafeteria serves good honest food.这家食堂供给的饭菜品质优良,价格公正。
8.cannibalize v.拆用配件;调补人员【例句】It bees necessary to cannibalize unsuessful projects to fund those which can proceed.当务之急是将不成功工程中的资金抽调出来以支持那些可行工程。

BEC商务英语初级听力及口语常用词汇1accommodation n. (提供)食宿advertising campaign n. 广告活动,广告宣传adviser n. 顾问: financial adviser 财务顾问; legal adviser 法律顾问after-sale service n. 售后服务agenda n. 议程annual report 年报annual revenue 全年收入额appendix n. 附录best seller n. 畅销书,畅销产品bid n. v. 出价,投标board meeting n. 董事会议bonus n. 奖金: performance bonus 绩效奖,annual bonus 年终奖book signing n. 签名售书briefing n. 简报budget n. 预算brochure n. 小册子(常包括推销材料或产品信息) : sales brochure 推广小册子, 宣传品camcorder n. 摄像机case study 案例分析,个案研究cash flow n. 现金流,(公司、政府等的)现金流转BEC商务英语初级听力及口语常用词汇2centralize n. 集中,统一 centralized adj. 集中的,统一的:centralized ordering 统一订购certificate n. 证书chief executive n. 最高主管clause n. 条款 penalty clause 罚款条款; cancellation clause (定单)取消条款commission n. 佣金commuting n. 通勤,往返上班compensate v. 补偿,赔偿 compensation n.complimentary adj. 免费赠送的component n. 零部件 plastic/metal/optical component 塑料/金属/光学零件consignment n. 托运物, 发货consultant n. 顾问,咨询者 external consultant 外部顾问,外聘顾问contractor n. 承包人,承包商coordinator n. 协调人,调度员,负责人corporate n. 企业: corporate register 企业注册customer service n. 客户服务database n. 资料库,数据库delegate n. 代表 v. 委任, 委托discount n. 折扣dismissal n. 解雇distributor n. 经销商dividend n. 股息,红利dock n. 码头,船坞downturn n. 低迷(时期)BEC商务英语初级听力及口语常用词汇3edge n. 优势 (competitive edge )enterprise board n. 企业板entertainment industry 娱乐业entrepreneur n. 企业家events company 活动策划公司exclusive contract 独家合同expense claim n. 报销expertise n. 专家的意见, 专门技术,专家expire v. 到期express service n. 快递服务extension line 分机线 an extension number 电话分机号码feedback form n. 反馈表fire drill 消防演习flexible working 弹性工作focus meeting 专题会议freelance n. 自由职业者Head office n. 总公司headhunter n. 猎头公司incentive n. 刺激,鼓励rindustrial relations 劳资关系installation n. 安装in-house adj. 机构内部的,内部的 in-house training 内部培训innovative adj. 创新的,革新的 innovation n. 创新intangible adj. 无形的: intangible assets 无形资产 (tangible assets 有形资产)invoice n. 发票, 发货单BEC商务英语初级听力及口语常用词汇4job description n. 职责描述, 岗位说明书keynote n. 基调,主旨 keynote of the press conference 记者招待会的基调launch v.发动/开展layout n. 规划,设计,布局legislation n. 法律,法规legal obligation 法律义务(如合同契约等)liability n. 债务,负债 (与asset相对)line manager n. 生产线经理,部门经理literature n. 资料 (sales literature)logistics n. 后勤logo n. 标识,商标,标识语loss leader n. 为招揽顾客而削本出售的商品loyal customer n. 忠诚客户luxury n. 奢侈品mail shot n. 邮购maintenance n. 维护,保养margin n. 利润,盈余 net margin n. 净利润;gross margin n. 毛利润marketing mix 综合营销策略,指定价、促销、产品等策略的配合market share 市场占有率,市场份额media mix 媒体组合merge v. 吞并, 兼并, (企业等)合并 merger n. (企业等的)并吞, 合并minutes n. 会议记录monopoly n. 垄断,独占motivate v. 激励 staff motivation n. 员工激励multi-cultural company 多元文化的公司necessity n. 必需品nine to five 朝9晚5 (的工作方式)niche market 小众市场,缝隙市场operating profits 营业利润order n. 订购,订单orientation n. 熟悉,介绍情况outgoing adj. 即将离职的outsource v. 外购产品或由外单位制做产品overheads n. 企业日常管理费用。

商务英语词汇表1. abandon v.舍弃;抛弃2. list n.倾侧;表,一览表;3. numerous a.众多的,许多的,无数的4. monopoly n.垄断,专利5. aboard ad.船<飞机>上;上船,登机6. lively a.生动的,活泼的7. nylon n.尼龙8. mood n.情绪,心情9. absolute a.绝对的;专制的;完全的10. load v.&n.装;加载;负载11. object n.物,物体;目标;客体12. mop v.擦,洗,抹13. accident n.事故14. local a.地方的;区域的15. objective a.&n.客观的;目标16. mortgage n.&v.抵押17. accomplish v.完成18. location n.定位;位置19. oblige v.迫使20. motel n.汽车旅客旅馆21. accountant n.会计22. lodging n.寄宿,住宿23. observe v.观察24. motive n.&a.动机;发动的25. account receivable 应收帐款26. long-distance a.长途的27. obtain v.获得;买到28. mount v.登,爬上;装上29. acknowledgement n.承认;告知收到30. loosen v.放松;<解,松>开31. occasion n.原因,理由;需要;场合;情况32. movement n.运动,移动;<社会>运动33. acre n.英亩34. loss n.丧失;亏损35. occupation n.行业;职业36. multitude n.众多,大群37. active a.积极的38. loyal a.忠诚的39. occurrence n.发生,出现40. muscular a.肌肉发达的,强健的41. adapt v.适应;改编42. lubricate v.润滑43. odour n.气味44. mysterious a.神秘的;帮弄玄虚的45. adequate a.足够的,恰当的46. lumber v.伐木47. office n.办公室48. namely ad.即,就是49. admit v.让…进入,接纳;容纳50. luxurious a.奢侈,豪华,昂贵1. omission n.省略;删去2. narration n.叙述3. advance n.&v.进展;前进4. machinery n.<总称>机械,机器5. only a.&ad.仅仅,只6. natural a.天然的,本来的7. advantage n.优点;优越性8. magnificent a.壮丽的,华丽的9. open an account 开户10. nearby a.&ad.附近的,在附近11. advertisement n.广告12. magnitude n.巨大;量值大小13. openly ad.公开地14. necessarily ad.必定,必然,当然15. agenda n.议事日程16. main a.最主要的,最重要的17. operator n.操作人员18. necessity n.需要,必要性19. agreement n.一致;协议20. maintain v.保持;维持21. opportunity n.机会22. needle n.针23. alike a.相像的24. major a.较大的;较多的;较重要的25. opposite a.对立的,相对的26. negative a.否定的;反的;负的27. ally n.&v.同盟;使结盟28. make v.造,制作,使…29. optional a.可以任选的30. negotiate v.谈判;疏通31. altogether ad.完全;总共32. manager n.经理;管理人33. ore n.矿石34. neighbourhood n.邻接;邻居关系;地区35. ambition n.志向,抱负;野心36. manipulate v.操纵,摆布37. organize v.组织起来38. net a.网39. amuse v.逗乐40. mansion n.大厦41. ornament n.&v.装饰物;装饰42. nevertheless ad.&conj.不过;然而43. anchor n.锚v.抛锚,固定44. manufacture v.<大量>制造,加工45. ounce n.盎司46. nickel n.镍币,镍47. announce v.宣布,宣告48. manufacturer n.制造商;制造厂49. outdoors a.户外的,野外的50. nominate v.提名,命名1. anyhow ad.无论如何,不管怎样2. marine a.&n.海上的,海运业3. outlet n.输出口;销路;引出线4. none pron.没有人5. apartment n.<一套>住宅<住房>6. market n.市场,行情7. outlook n.眼界,景色8. normally ad.正常地9. appeal v.呼吁;有吸引力10. marvelous a.惊人的,奇迹般的11. outstanding a.杰出的12. notation n.标志13. application n.申请,申请书14. mask n.面罩15. overall a.全面的,总体的16. notice v.注意到17. appreciate v.感激;欣赏18. massive a.庞大的19. overestimate v.估计过高20. nought n.零,无21. approve v.赞成,批准22. masterpiece n.杰作,名作23. overlap v.重迭24. novel a.新颖的25. arise v.起来;发生,起因于26. mate n.&v.伙伴,助手,配偶;交配27. overlook v.监督;指导28. nowhere ad.任何地方都不29. arrive v.到达,抵达某地30. mature a.成熟的31. overseas a.海外的32. null a.无效的,等于零的33. Asian a.亚洲的34. meadow n.草地,牧场35. owe v.欠;归功于36. abide v.遵守,坚持<by>37. assent v.同意;赞成;认可38. means n.方法,手段39. ownership n.所有权40. abroad ad.到国外,在国外41. assignable a.可转让的;可过户的42. meantime ad.与此同时43. pace n.<一>步,步态<调>44. abundant a.充裕的45. associate v.联系;交往46. measure v.&n.测量;量度47. pack v.包,捆48. accommodation n.<舱室、床位等>招待设施;调停49. assure v.使确信,保证50. mechanic n.机修工,机械工1. packet n.小包,袋2. account n.帐目,##3. attempt v.尝试;试图4. medal n.奖章,勋章5. painting n.绘画,油画6. accounting n.会计学;清算帐目7. attest v.证实;证明8. medicine n.<内服>药9. pamphlet n.小册子10. achieve v.获得<胜利>,达到<目的>11. attractive a.有吸引力的,动人的12. melt v.熔化,融化,溶解13. paper n.纸14. acquaintance n.了解;熟人15. auditor n.审计员;查帐员16. memorial n.纪念物;纪念碑17. paragraph n.段落18. act v.&n.行动;行为,动作19. authorization n.授权;批准20. memorandum n.便笺;备忘录21. memo n.便笺;备忘录22. parcel n.小包;邮包23. actually ad.实际上24. available a.可用的25. mention v.提及,说起26. parliament n.<英>下议院,国会27. in addition to 除…以外28. averse a.不愿意的;嫌恶的29. merchandise n.&v.商品;经商30. partial a.偏袒的;部分的31. adjust v.调整,校准32. awfully ad.异常,非常33. mercury n.水银34. particular a.特殊的,特别的35. admission n.接纳,收容,允许进入36. baggage n.行李37. mess n.混乱,一团糟38. particularly ad.特别,尤其39. advance payment 预付货款40. banking n.银行业;金融41. metal n.金属42. party n.聚会43. adverse a.逆的,相反的;不利的44. bargain v.&n.计价还价,成交;买卖合同45. metre n.公尺,米46. passenger n.乘客,旅客47. affect v.影响;感动48. battery n.炮组;电池49. mighty a.强有力的50. passport n.护照1. agency n.代理处,代办处2. beach n.海滩,湖滨3. mild a.温和,温柔的4. patent n.&a.专利<权>,专利的5. aid n.援助;辅助6. beginning n.开端,开始7. mill n.磨坊;工厂8. patron n.保护人;赞助人9. alloy n.合金10. behavior n.行为,表现11. millionaire n.&v.定金;存款;沉淀12. pause n.&v.暂停,中止13. alternative a.选择的 n.可供选择的方法14. beneath prep.&ad.在下方15. mineral n.矿物,无机物;<pl.>矿泉水16. pavement n.人行道17. amateur n.&a.业余的,非专业的;业余活动者18. bet v.打赌19. minimum n.最小值20. payment n.支付,付款21. amicable a.友善的,和平的22. bind v.凝结,凝固23. minor a.较小的,较少的24. peculiar a.特别的;奇异的25. analysis v.分析26. blend v.&n.混合,掺合27. minus a.&prep.负的,减;负号28. pedlar n.小贩29. angle n.角30. bond n.联结,结合,约束31. minutes n.会议记录32. penetrate v.穿过,透过,渗透过33. anticipate v.预期;预先…34. bound v.跳跃,弹起,边界35. missing a.失去的,失踪的,失落的36. penny n.分<美国辅币>37. apparatus n.器械;仪器;装置38. branch n.树枝,分枝39. misunderstand v.误解40. perceive v.察觉,领悟41. apology n.道歉,认错42. broad a.广阔,宽的,辽阔43. mobile a.灵活多变的,机动的44. perfect a.完美的;完全的45. appendix n.附录;附庸;盲肠46. broker n.经马人,掮客47. model n.模型48. performance n.演出;性能49. appoint v.任命,指定50. brush v.&n.刷子;画笔1. agency n.代理处,代办处2. beach n.海滩,湖滨3. mild a.温和,温柔的4. patent n.&a.专利<权>,专利的5. aid n.援助;辅助6. beginning n.开端,开始7. mill n.磨坊;工厂8. patron n.保护人;赞助人 9. alloy n.合金10. behavior n.行为,表现11. millionaire n.&v.定金;存款;沉淀12. pause n.&v.暂停,中止13. alternative a.选择的 n.可供选择的方法14. beneath prep.&ad.在下方15. mineral n.矿物,无机物;<pl.>矿泉水16. pavement n.人行道17. amateur n.&a.业余的,非专业的;业余活动者18. bet v.打赌19. minimum n.最小值20. payment n.支付,付款21. amicable a.友善的,和平的22. bind v.凝结,凝固23. minor a.较小的,较少的24. peculiar a.特别的;奇异的25. analysis v.分析26. blend v.&n.混合,掺合27. minus a.&prep.负的,减;负号28. pedlar n.小贩29. angle n.角30. bond n.联结,结合,约束31. minutes n.会议记录32. penetrate v.穿过,透过,渗透过33. anticipate v.预期;预先…34. bound v.跳跃,弹起,边界35. missing a.失去的,失踪的,失落的36. penny n.分<美国辅币>37. apparatus n.器械;仪器;装置38. branch n.树枝,分枝39. misunderstand v.误解40. perceive v.察觉,领悟41. apology n.道歉,认错42. broad a.广阔,宽的,辽阔43. mobile a.灵活多变的,机动的44. perfect a.完美的;完全的45. appendix n.附录;附庸;盲肠46. broker n.经马人,掮客47. model n.模型48. performance n.演出;性能49. appoint v.任命,指定50. brush v.&n.刷子;画笔1. modify v.修饰;更改;缓和2. periodical n.期刊3. approach v.接近;与…打交道4. bulk order 大宗订购5. molecule n.分子6. permission n.答应;允许7. argue v.争辩8. bureau n.局,署,处9. monitor v.班长10. perpetual a.永久的,永恒的11. arrange v.安排12. buy v.买13. ability n.能力;才能14. personal a.个人的;亲自的15. article n.冠词16. calculate v.计算,核算,打算17. absence n.缺席;缺乏18. personnel n.全体人员,全体职员19. can n.能20. accept v.接受21. persuade v.说服22. asset n.<单项>财产23. candy n.糖果24. accompany v.交往;同伴25. pest n.害虫,瘟疫26. assist v.协助27. capital n.首都;省会28. on account of 因为,由于29. petroleum n.石油30. assume v.承担;呈现31. career n.生涯32. accounts payable 应付帐款33. phenomenon n.现象;奇迹34. atmosphere n.大气,大气层;氯氛35. carry v.运送;手提,肩挑36. achievement n.功绩;成就37. phrase n.短语;警句38. attendant n.服务员,侍者39. in case 万一;在…情况下;以防40. acquire v.获得,学到<知识等>41. picnic n.野餐42. attract v.吸引43. cast v.投掷44. action n.行动;作用45. pillar n.柱子46. audience n.听众,观众;倾听;<正式>接见47. caution n.&v.谨慎,慎重48. ad n.广告49. pioneer n.先锋50. authority n.权威,权力1. censor n.监察员2. address v.&n.演说;讲话3. piston n.活塞4. automatic a.自动化的5. central a.中心的,中央的6. administration n.管理;行政机关<署,局>7. plan n.计划8. average n.&a.平均<的>9. certain a.一定的 pron.某几个,某些10. adopt v.采纳11. pleasure n.愉快;满足12. award v.授予13. challenge v.&n.挑战14. advanced a.先进的;高级的15. plug n.塞子;插头16. background n.背景17. chapter n.章,回18. advertise v.做广告,宣扬19. P.M. ad.下午,午后20. p.m. ad.下午,午后21. band n.一帮,一伙22. chart n.海图;图表23. afford v.提供;出产;付得起24. poll n.&v.投票数;投票,民意测验25. banquet n.宴会26. cheque n.支票27. agreeable a.同意的;一致的;令人愉快的28. pollution n.污染29. basement n.地下室30. choice n.选择,挑选31. airmail n.航空32. population n.人口33. bazaar n.集市,市场34. circular a.圆形的,循环的35. allowance n.津贴,补助<费>36. portable a.轻便的37. because of 因为38. citizen n.公民,市民39. altitude n.<海拔>高度40. positive a.积极的41. on behalf of 代表,为了42. classify v.分类43. amaze v.使惊异44. possession n.占据,占有45. belong to vi.属于46. climate n.气候47. amount n.&v.合计;总数;相当于48. possibly ad.可能地;也许49. beneficial a.有益的50. club n.俱乐部 1. analyse v.分析,分解2. postage n.邮费3. bid v.表达;喊价;叫牌<体>4. coin n.&v.硬币;铸币5. anniversary n.周年纪念6. potential a.&n.潜在的,潜力;可能的,电压7. blame v.责备,责难8. collective n.集体9. anxious a.焦急的,担心的;渴望的10. power n.强权,权力11. board n.会议桌,全体委员,委员会12. comfortable a.舒服的13. apart ad.分开,离开14. precede v.高于…;先于…15. border n.边界16. commerce n.商业,贸易17. apparent a.明显的;表面的;外观的18. precise a.精确的,精密的;严谨的19. bow v.鞠躬;点头20. commodity n.日用品21. applicant n.申请者22. predominant a.主要的,占优势的23. brief a.简短的,短暂的24. communicate v.传递,传送;通信25. appointment n.约定,约会26. prefer v.更喜欢,宁愿27. brochure n.小册子28. companion n.同伴;同事29. approval n.赞同,批准30. preferential a.偏重的31. bronze n.青铜,古铜32. comparison n.比较,对照33. argument n.论据34. prepare v.准备;预备35. bulb n.电灯泡36. competition n.竞赛37. arrangement n.安排;筹备;整理38. prescribe v.指示,处方39. bunch n.一<束、串>40. complement n.补充物,补足物,定额41. ascertain v.查明,确定42. present v.&n.礼物43. on business 因公,因事44. comply v.服从,照办45. assembly n.集会,会议46. presently adv.一会儿,不久47. cable n.电缆;发电报48. comprise v.包含,包括;构成49. assign v.分配;指定50. preserve v.保存;保护1. camera n.照相机;摄象机2. concentrate v.集中3. assistant n.助手;图书管理员4. press v.压5. cancel v.取消,撤消6. conduct v.引导,传导7. assumption n.假定;采取8. prestige n.威望,声望9. capable a.有…能力的10. confident a.有信心的11. attach v.附上,贴上;属于12. prevail v.流行,盛行,占优势13. carbon n.碳14. confirmation n.确认;确认书15. attention n.注意16. price n.价格17. carpet n.地毯18. connection n.连接;联系19. attraction n.有吸引力的人或事物20. primary a.初级的;首要的21. case n.情况22. conservation n.保存,保护23. audit v.审计,查帐24. principal a.&n.主要的;主要人物25. cash n.现金26. consignee n.收货人;承销人27. authorize v.授权;核准,认可28. private a.私人的,非公开的29. category n.种类;类目30. constant a.坚定的,坚贞的31. automobile n.汽车32. probable a.可能的,大概的33. celebrate v.庆祝,赞颂;举行仪式34. consume v.消费,消耗35. on the average 平均,一般说来36. process n.过程37. per cent n.百分之38. contain v.容纳;遏制39. await vt.等候40. product n.产物,产品41. century n.世纪42. content v.<使>满足43. badly ad.坏;恶劣地44. professional a.职业的45. chain n.链,链条;一连串46. continent n.大陆47. banker n.银行主48. profit n.利益,利润49. change v.变化50. contracted n.已约定的1. bar n.杠上运动;酒吧2. profound a.深奥的;深厚的;深刻的3. characteristic n.<个、特>性,特征4. convenience n.方便5. basic a.基本的,基础的;碱的6. progressive a.进步的7. check v.检查;核对8. convertible a.可改变的,可兑换的9. B.C. 公元前10. project v.&n.规划,设计;工程11. childhood n.幼年<时代>,童年12. co-operative a.合作的13. beforehand ad.预先,事先14. promising a.有希望的,有前途的15. circle n.圆16. cordial a.诚恳的,亲切的,热诚的17. behave v.举止,表现18. promotion n.推销19. circulation n.循环,流通,传播20. correspondence n.一致;通信;相应21. below ad.&prep.在下面;向下22. proof v.检验;校对23. claim v.声称;要求24. council n.理事会25. bestow v.把…赠与,把…授予;花费26. property n.性质,性能27. clerk n.职员,店员28. course n.进程29. bill n.招贴,广告30. proposal n.提议,建议31. clinic n.诊所32. craft n.技艺,工艺33. blank n.空白;完全的;没有表情的34. prosperity n.繁荣;昌盛35. coast n.海岸36. creditor n.贷方,债权人37. on board 在船上,在飞机上38. proprietor n.所有者39. collect v.聚集40. critical a.临界的41. boss n.老板42. protest v.抗议`反对43. combination n.结合44. cubic a.立方体的45. box n.盒子46. provision n.给养,口粮47. commend v.称赞;推荐48. current a.流行的;当前的49. brilliant a.&n.光辉的,辉煌的;卓越的;宝石50. publication n.发表;出版物1. commission n.委员会2. custom n.习俗,惯例3. broken a.破碎的,破坏了的4. pump n.泵,抽水机5. in common 共用,共有6. cylinder n.圆柱体7. brown n.&a.棕色8. punishment n.惩罚9. community n.社区,社会10. daring a.胆大的,敢作敢为11. bulk n.大块;体积;大量12. pure a.纯净的;纯洁的13. comparative a.比较的,相当的14. up to date 现代的;最近的,最新的15. burden v.使负担16. purple n.&a.紫色<的>17. compete v.竞争,比赛18. debit v.借方;将…记入借方19. button n.钮扣20. pursue v.追赶,追求,从事21. complain v.抱怨22. deceive v.欺骗,欺诈23. cafeteria n.自助食堂24. qualification n.资格;合格证;规定25. complicated a.结构复杂的;难懂的26. decline v.下倾,下降27. campaign n.战役;<政治或群众>运动28. quality n.&a.质量;合格的29. composition n.作文;写作30. deem v.认为;相信31. candidate n.候选人,报考者32. quarantine n.&v.<被隔离>检疫33. computer n.计算机,电子计算机34. definition n.定义35. capacity n.能力;容量36. quarter n.一刻钟,四分之一37. conclude v.得出结论,议定38. delay v.延迟;耽搁39. card n.卡片;名片40. quartz n.石英41. conference n.<正式>会议42. delight v.使高兴43. carrier n.带菌者;载体;航空母舰44. questionnaire n.调查表45. confine n.限制;使不出门46. demonstrate v.说明,论证,证实,表示47. in any case 无论如何,总之48. quiet a.安静的,平静的49. congratulate v.祝贺50. depend on 依赖,依靠1. cassette n.盒子,盒式磁带,暗盒2. quotation n.引证;行情;报价单3. consequence ad.因而,所以4. depth n.深度5. cause n.原因6. radical a.<政治的>激进的7. considerate a.考虑周到的,体谅的8. deserve v.应受,值得9. cement n.水泥;胶粘剂10. rainbow n.虹11. consist v.存在于…12. despite prep.不管,不顾13. centigrade a.百分度的,摄氏温度的14. raise v.使升高;提高;增加15. construction n.建筑,建造16. determinable a.可确定的17. ceremony n.典礼,仪式;礼节18. random a.随便的;任意的;随机的19. consumption n.消费20. device n.装置,器件21. chair n.椅子22. rank n.军衔23. contemplate v.凝视;沉思24. diameter n.直径25. channel n.航道,水道;海峡26. rarely ad.难得,很少27. context n.<文章的>上下文,前后关系28. dictation n.口授笔录,听写29. charge v.&n.装满<电荷、负荷>,使承受责任30. at any rate 不管如何31. continuous a.连续不断的32. digest n.文摘33. chemical a.化学的34. would rather 宁愿,但愿35. contrast v.对比,对照36. diminish v.使减少;缩小37. china n.瓷器,瓷料38. rational a.理性的,合理的39. convenient a.方便的40. directly ad.径直地;直接地41. circuit n.&v.环行;绕行;电路42. ray n.光线,射线43. convince v.使确信;使认识<错误等>44. disappointed a.失望的45. circumstance n.情况46. react v.起作用;起反应47. copper n.铜48. discovery a.发现;发现物49. classic n.名著,杰作50. reality n.现实1. corporation n.公司,法人团体2. display v.展示,显示3. client n.委托人;当事人;顾客4. reasonable a.有道理的5. cost v.花费,价值6. distance n.距离7. closet n.私室;密室;小房间8. receipt n.收到;收据;收入9. count on 依靠,指望10. distribute v.分发,散布11. code n.法典,准那么12. receiver n.接受者;接收机13. courtesy n.礼貌,谦恭14. divisible a.可分的;可割的15. collection n.收集16. reception n.接待,欢迎17. creative a.创造性的;引起的18. dollar n.美元19. combine v.&n.<使>联合;兼有;集团20. recipe n.烹饪法;处方;菜谱21. crisis n.危机;转折点22. dot n.圆点23. comment n.&vi.评论24. reciprocal a.互惠的,互相的25. crystal n.水晶26. draft v.&n.[美]征兵;分遣队27. committee n.委员会28. recognition n.认识29. curl v.<使>卷曲,卷缩30. drawee n.<支票或汇票等的>付款人31. commonly ad.一般地;共同地32. recommendation n.建议,劝告,推荐33. curve n.&v.曲线;<使>弯曲34. duly adv.按时,及时地35. compact a.紧凑的,紧密的36. recorder n.录音机37. cut back 削减,减少38. during prep.在…期间39. compare v.比较40. rectangle n.长方形、矩形41. dam n.水坝42. dwelling n.住所43. competent a.有能力的,应该做的,足够的44. reduction n.减少,缩小45. date n.日期46. earnings n.收入,利润47. complaint n.抱怨;控告;疾病48. refer v.把…归于;提到49. deadline n.期限,有效期50. effect n.结果;影响;效果1. compliment n.&v.赞美的话;祝贺,致意2. reference v.参考;提及,提交;关联3. debtor n.借方,债务人4. effort n.努力,尽力5. comprehensive a.综合的;有理解力的6. reflection n.反对;水中映像7. declaration n.宣告,宣布,宣言8. electrical a.电的,电气科学的9. conceive v.想象,设想10. refrigerator n.冰箱11. decrease v.减少12. elementary a.基础的,初步的13. conclusion n.结束;结论14. regard v.注重,注意,认为,问候15. defence n.防御;保卫16. embarrass v.使为难,使窘迫17. confidence n.信心18. regardless of 不管19. degrade v.降级;使堕落20. emphasize v.强调;重压21. confirm v.认可,批准22. register v.登记,注册23. delicate a.精美的24. employment n.职业,工作,雇用25. congress n.大会,国会<美>26. regular a.有规律的;固定的;定期的27. delivery n.传递,传送,交付28. endeavour v.尽力29. consequently ad.因此30. regulation n.规定,规那么31. department n.部门,系32. endow v.捐赠33. consign v.把…托付给,寄存34. relate v.叙述35. deposit v.存放,寄存36. engage v.雇<聘>用;从事于37. consistent a.坚固的,坚实的;始终如一的38. relative n.&a.亲戚;相对的39. derive v.导致40. enjoy v.喜欢;享受…乐趣41. consult v.商议;请教;查阅<字典等>42. relay v.换班,接力,中继43. desirable a.全乎需要的;便利的44. ensure v.保障;保险45. contact v.<使>接触46. reliable a.可靠的47. detail n.细节48. entertainment n.娱乐49. contemporary a.当代的50. relieve v.救;解除1. develop v.发展2. envelope n.信封3. context n.<文章的>上下文,前后关系4. reluctant a.不愿的,勉强的5. diagram n.&v.图表;用图解法表示6. equality n.同等,平等7. contract v.使收缩;皱8. remain v.剩下,余留;保持9. diary n.日记;日记簿10. essential a.基本的,必不可少的11. contribute v.贡献12. remarkable a.显著的13. on diet 节食14. etc. 等待15. conversation n.谈话;会话16. remit v.宽恕;赦免17. diligent a.勤勉的,用功的18. evidence n.明显;证据19. co-operate v.合作;协作20. rent v.&n.租用;出租;租金21. diplomatic a.外交的22. example n.例子;榜样23. copy n.&v.副本24. replace v.取代25. disadvantage n.缺点26. except prep.除…之外27. correspond v.通信28. report n.&v.报告,汇报29. discharge v.&n.解散30. excessive a.过度的31. costly a.昂贵的,贵重的32. representative n.代表;象征33. dislike n.&v.不喜欢;厌恶34. execution n.实行;实施35. courageous a.勇敢的36. reputation n.名誉;声望37. dispute v.争辨,争执;争夺38. exhibit v.展览,展出39. cover n.封面40. require v.需要;要求41. distinction n.区别,差别;级别42. expect v.期待;指望43. credit n.&v.信任;信用44. research v.调查;研究45. district n.区域46. expire v.终止,到期47. criterion n.准那么48. resemble v.像,类似49. dock v.削减<费用>50. exploration n.考察,探索1. cube n.立方体2. reserve v.贮备,保存3. dominate v.支配,统治4. extend v.伸延5. currency n.通货,货币6. residence n.住处,住宅7. doubtful a.怀疑的8. external a.外部的,[药]外用的9. cushion n.坐垫10. resign v.辞<职>;放弃11. dramatic a.戏剧<性>的12. extremely ad.极,非常13. cut down 削减,减少,降低14. resolute a.坚决的15. drawing n.图<指素描或工程图>16. factor n.因素;因数,代理人17. damage v.&n.损坏18. resolve v.解决;分解19. durable a.耐用的20. failure n.失败;失灵21. out of date 过时的,陈旧的22. resource n.资源;办法,智谋23. off duty 下班24. fake v.&n.伪造;虚构;赝品25. debate v.争论26. respective a.个别的,各个的27. eager a.渴望的;热心的28. as far as 至于;就…;直到29. decade n.十年;十个<天>30. response v.回答;响应31. economy n.经济32. fashionable a.流行的,时髦的33. declare v.宣布34. responsible a.负责的35. effective a.有效的36. feature n.外貌,特征37. dedicate v.奉献,专用38. restore v.寻回;恢复;重建39. elaborate v.精心制作40. female a.女性的,雌的41. define v.限定42. result n.结果,效果43. elegant a.优雅的44. file n.&v.文卷;归档45. degree n.等级,程度46. resume v.再开始,再继续;恢复47. elevator n.电梯,升降机48. finance n.财政,金融49. delicious a.芳香的,可口的;妙的50. retailer n.零售商1. emergency n.紧急事件,紧急情况2. fiscal a.国库的,财政的3. demand v.要求4. retire v.退却,引退,退休5. employee n.雇员6. flexible a.柔韧的;灵活的7. departure n.出发;背离8. in return 作为报答9. enclose v.围住,封入10. flour n.面粉,粉11. deprive v.剥夺12. reveal v.展现;揭示,揭露13. endorsement n.背书;变更保险X 围的条款14. fold v.折叠15. description n.描写;说明书16. reverse v.&n.颠倒;相反17. energy n.<物>能,能量18. foodstuff n.食品,食料19. dispatch n.急件;快件20. revise v.修改;校订21. engine n.发动机;机车22. foreign a.外国的23. detain v.使留住,阻住;拘留24. reward n.酬金,奖25. enormous a.巨大的26. forgive v.原谅,宽恕27. development n.发展28. rise v.升高;增长29. enterprise n.事业;企业30. formula n.公式,程式31. dial n.&v.日晷;拨号盘,刻度盘;拨号32. risk n.&v.风险;冒险33. entrance n.进入,入口34. fortune n.命运;运气;财产35. dictate v.规定36. robot n.机器人37. epoch n.<新>纪元,<新>时代38. foundation n.基础;基金39. differential a.微分的40. roll v.滚动41. equivalent n.&a.等价;等值的42. frame n.构架,框架43. dimension n.尺寸;空间维数44. route n.路;路线45. estate n.等级;阶层46. freight n.货物,货运,货车47. direction n.方向;指导48. row n.排,行49. event n.事件,重大事件50. friendly a.友好的1. disagree vi.意见不同;不一致2. ruby n.红宝石3. exact v.确切的4. fully ad.完全地;足足5. discount n.&v.折扣;打折扣6. rule v.&n.规那么;规定7. excel v.胜过;杰出8. fundamental a.基本的,根本的9. dismiss v.解雇,开除10. run v.跑11. exceptional a.特殊的;额外的12. furniture n.家具13. dissolve v.分解,使溶解14. rust n.&v.锈;生锈15. exclude v.排除16. gain v.&n.获得;获利17. distinguish v.区别;识别18. safe a.安全的19. exert v.尽力,努力;使用权力20. garage n.车库21. dividend n.股息,红利;被除数22. sake n.目的;缘故23. existence n.存在24. gather v.聚集25. document n.文件26. salary n.薪水27. expensive a.昂贵的28. generally ad.一般地29. dose v.&n.给…服药;剂量30. on sale 上市,出售31. explanation n.解释,说明32. geographical a.地理学上的,地理的33. dozen n.一打34. same a.同样的35. express v.&a.表达;可表达的;明确的36. globe n.地球,天体37. draw v.画,绘制38. sample n.&v.样品,取样39. extensive a.广博的,广泛的40. gold n.金子41. due a.应当的42. satisfaction n.满意43. extraneous a.体外的;外来的;外部的44. govern v.统治45. duration n.持久,持续时间46. saving n.储蓄47. face value 票面价值;票面额48. graduate a.&n.大学毕业后的;研究生49. on duty 值班,当班50. scale v.标度;比例尺;规模;攀登1. Fahrenheit n.&a.华氏温度;华氏温度计<的>2. grateful a.感激的3. earn v.赚得4. scarce a.缺乏的;稀有的5. faith n.信任;信仰6. greeting n.欢迎,致敬,问候7. edition n.版本8. scarcity n.缺乏9. fame n.名声10. gross a.总的,全部的;十足的11. efficient a.效率高的,有能力的12. scarlet n.&a.猩红色,鲜红的13. farther a.较远的;更远的14. guidance n.引导,指导15. elastic a.弹性的16. scenery n.风景,背景17. favour n.喜爱;赞许18. gulf n.海湾;深渊19. element n.元素;元件;因素20. on schedule 按预定时间21. fee n.费用22. in half 成两半23. eliminate v.消除,排除24. scholarship n.学问;奖学金25. fibre n.纤维26. handy a.顺手的,手边的27. emphasis n.强调;重点28. scope n.X围29. fill out 填好,填写30. hardware n.五金,金属制品31. employer n.雇主;雇用者32. screen n.幕;荧光屏33. firm a.坚固的;坚定的34. hasty a.急速的;草率的35. enclosure n.圈地,围场36. scrub v.擦洗37. flavour n.滋味,风味,情趣38. heading n.标题39. endorser n.背书人40. seal n.&v.封印,加封,盖章41. flock v.成群聚集42. heartily ad.衷心地,热心地43. enforce v.执行;强制44. search v.搜查;探索45. fluent a.流畅的46. height n.高度47. engineering n.工程48. seat n.座位49. following a.下列的,其次的50. hence ad.因此,此后1. enroll v.登记,编入,招收2. secondary a.中级的;第二位的3. forbid v.禁止;阻止4. hereof ad.在本文件中;关于此点5. entertain v.款待6. secretary n.书记,秘书7. foresee v.预见,预知8. highway n.公路9. entry n.条目10. secure a.&v.安全的;保证,获得11. formal a.外形的,形式的;正式的12. historical a.历史的,有关历史的13. equal a.相等的14. segment n.&v.部分;段;分割15. fortnight n.两周16. honour vt.给…以荣誉17. era n.时代,年代;纪元18. select v.&a.选;精选的19. forward a.&ad.向前的;向前20. horizon n.地平线21. estimate v.估计;评价22. selfish a.自私的,利己的23. fragment n.碎片24. household n.家庭,户;家务25. eventually ad.最终26. senior n.&a.高年级;上级,长辈<的>27. free a.&v.空闲的;自由的28. humour n.幽默29. examination n.检查;考试30. in a sense 从某种意义上说31. frequently ad.经常32. ideal n.&a.观仿,理想,理想<观念>化的33. excellent a.极好的,优秀的34. separation n.分离;要开35. fuel n.燃料36. i.e. 也就是,即37. excess n.过量;超过38. series n.一连串,系列39. functional a.起作用的40. illustration n.插图41. execute v.执行42. service n.服务;业务43. furnace n.炉子,熔炉;磨炼44. imitate v.模仿45. exhaust v.抽空,使精疲力竭46. set v.装置,设备47. furthermore ad.而且,此外48. impartial a.公正的49. exit n.出口50. settle v.安排,安置;处置1. gamble v.&n.赌博;投机2. importance n.重要,重大;显要3. experience n.经验4. several a.&pron.几个,数个5. garment n.外衣6. impressive a.给人深刻印象的7. exploit v.&n.开拓,开发;功绩8. shaft n.矛;杆9. in general ad.通常,一般来说10. incentive n.刺激,鼓励11. expressly ad. 明确地;特意地12. sham v.&n.假装;骗人之物13. generation n.<一>代<人>;产生14. income n.收入15. extent n.广度;程度16. share n.&v.一份;股份;分享,分担17. giant a.&n.巨大的;巨大18. indicate v.指示;表明19. extraordinary a.非常的;不平凡的20. sharply ad.急剧地,尖锐地21. glue n.胶;粘合22. induce v.诱导;引起23. facility n.容易;熟练24. sheet n.薄片、薄板;被单,纸X25. golf n.高尔夫球26. inferior a.低级的;次要的27. failing prep.如果没有…;若无….28. shell n.壳;甲壳,贝壳29. grade n.年级30. inform v.通知;告诉31. faithfully ad.忠诚地32. shilling n.先令33. grant v.同意,允许34. inherent a.内在的;固有的35. familiar with 熟悉的;通晓的36. shipment n.装货,装船37. gravity n.地心引力38. injury n.伤害,损害,伤害处39. fashion n.时样;时髦,方式40. short a.短的41. grocer n.杂货商42. inquiry n.探究;调查;询问43. favourite n.宠物44. shortly ad.立刻;简短地45. growth n.生长,发展46. insistent a.坚持的;显著的47. feedback n.反馈48. shoulder n.肩部49. guilty a.有罪的,内疚的50. inspector n.学监1. figure n.数字2. shutter n.百叶窗3. gymnasium n.体育馆,健身房4. installment n.一期,一集5. final a.最终的6. signatory n.签署者;签约国7. hammer n.锤,槌 8. instead of 代替9. first-rate a.头等的,第一流的10. significant a.重大的,重要的11. harbour n.港口12. instruct v.教导,指示13. fleet v.飞过;掠过14. silver n.银15. harmony n.和谐,融洽16. insurance n.保险17. flood n.洪水;水灾18. simplify v.简化,使单纯19. hazard v.&n.冒险;危险;公害20. intelligent a.聪慧的;理解力强的21. focus n.焦点22. simultaneous a.同时的23. headquarter n.总部;总局24. intentional a.故意的,有意识的25. fond a.喜爱的;爱好的26. sincere a.真诚的,诚恳的27. heating n.加热,供暖,供暧装置28. interior a.&n.内部<的>;内地<的>29. forecast v.预报,预测30. site n.地点31. helpful a.有帮助的;有益的32. internal a.内部的;国内的33. forge v.稳步前进;突然加速前进34. situation n.情况;形势35. herein ad.于此处36. interrupt v.打断<讲话>;打扰37. former a.从前的,往时的38. size n.尺寸,大小39. hereunder ad.在下面40. intimate v.通告;暗示41. fortunate a.幸运的,带来好运的42. skill n.技能43. hint v.&n.暗示44. invest v.投资45. found v.成立,建立46. skillful a.灵巧的,娴熟的47. holder n.保持者;占有者;架;柄48. invisible a.看不见的;无形的49. fragrant a.芬芳的,香的50. slack a.懒散的,松松垮垮的;呆滞的1. hook n.&v.钩子,钩引2. inward a.内在的;向内的3. freely ad.自由地;随意地4. slightly ad.轻微地5. hospitality n.好客,殷勤,款待6. issue n.问题争论点7. fresh a.新鲜的8. slope v.&n.<使>斜;斜度9. humble a.谦卑的10. jam v.塞进;阻塞11. fulfill v.完成,履行12. smooth a.平滑,流畅的13. hydrogen n.氢14. jewel n.宝石15. fund n.资金,基金,款项16. so-called a.所谓的17. identify v.认为…相同;验明18. judge v.&n.法官19. furnish v.提供;装备20. society n.社会21. illegal a.非法的22. junior n.&a.低年级,晚辈<的>23. future n.将来24. software n.软件25. imaginary a.虚构的,幻想的26. keen a.热心的;渴望的27. gap n.裂口,缺口28. solvency n.偿付能力29. immense a.广大的,巨大的。

商务英语BEC初级口语词汇(精选7篇)篇一:2020年初级商务英语口语例句篇一1、We’d like to express out desire to establish business relations with you on the basis of equally, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods.我方希望能在平等、互利、互通有无的基础上与贵司建立业务关系。
2、 In order to extend our export business to your country, we wish to enter into direct business relations with you.为了能在贵国拓宽我方的出口()业务,我们希望能与你们直接建立业务关系。
3、 Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us.我们希望双方能建立互惠的贸易关系。
4、 We look forward to a further extension of pleasant business relations.希望我们之间友好的业务关系得到进一步的发展。
5、It’s our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with you.我方希望能够继续同贵方保持大量的业务往来。
6、 We look forward to receiving your quotation very soon.我方期待着尽快收到贵方的报价。
7、I hope you’ll see from th e reduction that we are really doing our utmost.希望贵方能从这一降价中看出我方真的在尽最大的努力。
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【商务用语】original binding 原装,原来装订 a binding agreement 需要遵守的合约worn binding 破损本,装订残损本volume binding (期刊的)合订本
【例句】This regulation is binding on everybody. 本规则人人皆需遵守。
4.blank adj.空白的n.空白;表格
【商务用语】address blank 空地址application blank 空白申请书
income tax return blank 空白所得税申报表order blank 订货单
【例句】Write your name, address and telephone number in the blank spaces at the top of the page. 在这一页顶端的空白处写上你的姓名、地址和电话号码。
5.blanket adj.总括的;综合的
【商务用语】blanket price 一揽子价格blanket order 总括订购单
blanket mortgage 总括抵押(即以债务人全部资产作抵押)
blanket insurance 综合保险,总括保险
【例句】A blanket insurance policy insures a car against all kinds of accidents.
6.bootleg vt.非法制造酒等;走私
【例句】The company bootlegged corn whiskey during Prohibition.
7.bottleneck n.瓶颈状态;薄弱环节;阻塞现象;影响生产流程的因素vt.阻塞,妨碍
【商务用语】bottleneck commodity 稀缺商品bottleneck problem 薄弱环节问题
bottleneck inflation 瓶颈式通货膨胀,短线涨价bottleneck industry 薄弱环节产业
【例句】Production of material has bottlenecked. 原料的生产受到了阻碍。
8.bounty n.奖励金,补助金
【商务用语】export bounty 出口津贴import bounty 进口奖励金
【例句】We received a bounty from the government. 我们收到政府给予的一笔补助金。
9.boycott n.联合抵制vt.联合抵制;联合排斥某国货物或与某国绝交;联合拒购
【商务用语】credit boycott 拒付货款primary boycott 直接抵制
boycott a commercial product 抵制某种商品boycott a nation 对某国实行抵制
【例句】They are boycotting the shop because the people who work there are on strike to boycott a meeting.
10.brainstorm n.灵机一动vt.集中各人智慧猛攻
【例句】We need to brainstorm a more permanent solution to a problem.
1.breach n.违背
【商务用语】breach of arrestment 擅自处理已查封的财产
breach of duty 失职,玩忽职守breach of faith 违约;失信
breach of trust 受托人违反信托约定;违约
【例句】Your company is in breach of the contract. 你们公司违反了合同。
2.breakage n.破损;(舱内装货后的)剩余的空位;损耗补偿(款额)
【商务用语】breakage allowance 破损折扣breakage clause 破碎险条款
3.breakeven adj.无亏损的n.收支平衡
【商务英语】breakeven point 盈亏平衡点,平衡转效点
breakeven weight growth 无损耗的重量增长
4.bridging n.桥接,跨接
【商务用语】bridging loan 过渡性货款
bridging loss 桥接损耗bridging telephone 并联电话,同线电话
5.brisk adj.敏锐的,活泼的vt.使活泼vi.活泼起来
【商务用语】brisk sales 销路畅旺brisk market 景气的市
brisk trade 贸易繁荣,交易活跃
【例句】The market brisked up.市场兴旺起来了。
6.broadband n.宽带
【商务用语】broadband communications 宽频带通讯
7.broker n.掮客,经纪人
【商务用语】arbitrage broker 套利掮客
authorized broker 核准经纪人bill broker 票据经纪人
chartering broker 租船经纪人broker agent 经纪人兼代理人
8.brokerage n.经纪人业务;经纪费;回扣,佣金
【商务用语】exchange brokerage 交易所经纪人费用
stock brokerage 证券经纪业,股票经纪业
brokerage charge 佣金费用brokerage fee 经纪人佣金brokerage lease 经纪租赁
9.bubble n.泡沫,高风险投资
【商务用语】bubble data 泡沫数据
10.buffer n.缓冲的人或物
【商务用语】buffer fund 缓冲基金,平准基金。