










Conflict had existed between Spain and England since the 1570s. England wanted a share of the wealth that Spain had been taking from the lands it had claimed in the Americas.Elizabeth I, Queen of England, encouraged her staunch admiral of the navy, Sir Francis Drake, to raid Spanish ships and towns. Though these raids were on a small scale, Drake achieved dramatic success, adding gold and silver to England's treasury and diminishing Spain's omnipotence.Religious differences also caused conflict between the two countries. Whereas Spain was Roman Catholic, most of England had become Protestant. King Philip II of Spain wanted to claim the throne and make England a Catholic country again. To satisfy his ambition and also to retaliate against England's theft of his gold and silver, King Philip began to build his fleet of warships, the Armada, in January 1586.Philip intended his fleet to be indestructible. In addition to building new warships, he marshaled one hundred and thirty sailing vessels of all types and recruited more than nineteen thousand robust soldiers and eight thousand sailors. Although some of his ships lacked guns and others lacked ammunition, Philip was convinced that his Armada could withstand any battle with England.The martial Armada set sail from Lisbon, Portugal, on May 9,1588, but bad weather forced it back to port. The voyage resumed on July 22 after the weather became more stable.The Spanish fleet met the smaller, faster, and more maneuverable English ships in battle off the coast of Plymouth, England, first on July 31 and again on August 2. The two battles left Spain vulnerable, having lost several ships and with its ammunition depleted. On August 7, while the Armada lay at anchor on the French side of the Strait of Dover, England sent eight burning ships into the midst of the Spanish fleet to set it on fire. Blocked on one side, the Spanish ships could only drift away, their crews in panic and disorder. Before the Armada could regroup, the English attacked again on August 8.Although the Spaniards made a valiant effort to fight back, the fleet suffered extensive damage. During the eight hours of battle, the Armada drifted perilously close to the rocky coastline. At the moment when it seemed that the Spanish shipswould be driven onto the English shore, the wind shifted, and the Armada drifted out into the North Sea. The Spaniards recognized the superiority of the English fleet and returned home, defeated.20.Sir Francis Drake added wealth to the treasury and diminished Spain's ____.A. unlimited powerB. unrestricted growthC. territoryD. treatiesE. answer not available in article21. Philip recruited many ___soldiers and sailors.A. warlikeB. strongC. accomplishedD. timidE. non experienced22. The ____ Armada set sail on May 9, 1588.A. completeB. warlikeC. independentD. isolatedE. answer not available23. The two battles left the Spanish fleet ____.A. open to changeB. triumphantC. open to attackD. defeatedE. discouraged24. The Armada was ___ on one side.A. closed offB. damagedC. aloneD. circledE. answer not available in this article答案20. A 21. B 22. B 23. C 24. A考生可以在网上多下载一些SSAT考试真题作为自己备考的材料。

SSAT 阅读真题1

SSAT 阅读真题1

Passage 1There were moments of waiting. The youth thought of the village street at home before the arrival of the circus parade on a day in the spring. He remembered how he had stood, a small thrillful boy, prepared to follow the band in its faded chariot. He saw the yellow road, the lines of expectant people, and the sober houses. He particularly remembered an old fellow who used to sit upon a cracker box in front of the store and pretend to despise such exhibitions. A thousand details of color and form surged in his mind.Someone cried, "Here they come!" There was rustling and muttering among the men. They displayed a feverish desire to have every possible cartridge ready to their hands. The boxes were pulled around into various positions and adjusted with great care.The tall soldier, having prepared his rifle, produced a red handkerchief of some kind. He was engaged in knitting it about his throat with exquisite attention to its position, when the cry was repeated up and down the line in a muffled roar of sound. "Here they come! Here they come!” Gun locks clicked. Across the smoke-infested fields came a brown swarm of running men who were giving shrill yells. They came on, stooping and swinging their rifles at all angles. A flag, tilted forward, sped near the front.1. In the first paragraph, the youth is primarily concerned with(A) reliving a fond childhood memory(B) describing a turning point in his life.(C) preparing for the upcoming battle.(D) planning his day at the circus.(E) watching a soldier tie a handkerchief.2. What is meant by the exclamation "Here they come!" in line 12?(A) A band in a chariot is approaching.(B) The circus is coming to town(C) The enemy soldiers are advancing(D) A group of men selling handkerchiefs is on its way.(E) The youth's family is arriving to save him.3. The tone of the passage undergoes a change from the first to the second paragraph that can best be described as a movement from(A) anger to amusement.(B) reminiscence to anticipation.(C) informality to formality(D) reluctance to fear.(E) respect to indifference.4. According to the passage, all of the following are ways the soldiers prepare for battle EXCEPT(A) gathering cartridges.(B) positioning ammunition.(C) priming their guns.(D) tying handkerchiefs.(E) saddling horses.5. Why are the men in the last paragraph carrying a flag?(A) It is going to be raised in the youth's village.(B) It needs to be protected from gunfire.(C) It is going to be burned in a public demonstration.(D) It represents the side they are fighting for(E) It has been damaged and needs to be mended.Passage 2Acupuncture is a type of medical therapy that has been part of Chinese medicine since ancient times. It involves the insertion of thin, solid needles into specific sites on the body’s surface. The belief is that the application of a needle at one particular point produces a specific response at a second point. It is based on the ancient Chinese philosophy that human beings are miniature versions of the universe and that the forces that control nature also control health. These forces are divided between two main principles called the yin and the yang, which have an opposite but complementary effect on each other. For example, one force keeps the body's temperature from rising too high, and the other keeps it from dropping too low. When they are in balance, the body maintains a constant, normal state. Disease occurs when these forces get out of balance.Although acupuncture had been used in Western countries during many periods, it was not until the 1970s that it gained widespread interest, when it was determined that it could be used to control pain during surgery. The mechanism for its effectiveness is still a mystery, but it has become a very popular technique in many countries for the treatment of various diseases and medical problems.注:红色部分为长难句。

SSAT阅读 1

SSAT阅读 1

• and that significant observable differences in the composition of the upper layers of rocks deposited on either side of the split gives clues to the difference nature of the underlying igneous rocks.
当一个巴勒莫少女在结婚当天被法国士 兵强奸后,西西里开始了疯狂的报复, 他们袭击见到的每一个法国人,并提出 "Morto Alla Francica, Italia Anela"(意大 利文“消灭法国是意大利的渴求”), 而Mafia就是这个口号的字母缩写。这场 起义在欧洲史上被称作“西西里晚祷事 件”。同时,Mafia在阿拉伯语中,是 “避难地”的意思。即使历史可以推翻 重来,流淌着阿拉伯血液的黑手党仍然 会在西西里诞生,他们仍然会选择Mafia 作他们的标志。

• 黑手党(Mafia或是称为 Cosa Nostra)是指一种 秘密结社犯罪组织,最 早起源于十九世纪中叶 的意大利西西里岛。在 北美不只限 于西西里岛人。
• 狐猴是灵长目中 的一个科,即狐 猴科。它们是树 栖动物,主要分 布于马达加斯加 岛。狐猴的鼻子 短而尖,耳朵大 而尖,眼睛很大。 尾巴很长,呈弧 形,像浣熊的尾 巴,它们是用拥 有回声定位能力 的哺乳动物。
• 居里夫人 -科学家 • 玛丽亚· 斯克沃多夫斯卡-居里(波兰 语:Marie Skłodowska-Curie,1867年 11月7日-1934年7月4日),通常称 为玛丽· 居里或居里夫人,波兰裔法 国籍女物理学家、放射化学家。玛 丽· 居里的成就包括开创了放射性理 论,发明了分离放射性同位素的技术, 以及发现两种新元素钋(Po)和镭 (Ra)。在她的指导下,人们第一次 将放射性同位素用于治疗癌症。她是 巴黎大学第一位女教授,也是获得两 次诺贝尔奖的第一人。但她最终因接 触放射性物质,死于白血病。1995年, 她与丈夫皮埃尔· 居里一起移葬先贤 祠。




In the sixteenth century, an age of great marine and terrestrial exploration, Ferdinand Magellan led the first expedition to sail around the world. As a young Portuguese noble, he served the king of Portugal, but he became involved in the quagmire of political intrigue at court and lost the king's favor. After he was dismissed from service to the king of Portugal, he offered to serve the future Emperor Charles V of Spain.A papal decree of 1493 had assigned all land in the New World west of 50 degrees W longitude to Spain and all the land east of that line to Portugal. Magellan offered to prove that the East Indies fell under Spanish authority. On September 20, 1519, Magellan set sail from Spain with five ships. More than a year later, one of these ships was exploring the topography of South America in search of a water route across the continent. This ship sank, but the remaining four ships searched along the southern peninsula of South America. Finally they found the passage they sought near a latitude of 50 degrees S. Magellan named this passage the Strait of All Saints, but today we know it as the Strait of Magellan.One ship deserted while in this passage and returned to Spain, so fewer sailors were privileged to gaze at that first panorama of the Pacific Ocean. Those who remained crossed the meridian we now call the International Date Line in the early spring of 1521 after ninety-eight days on the Pacific Ocean. During those long days at sea, many of Magellan's men died of starvation and disease.Later Magellan became involved in an insular conflict in the Philippines and was killed in a tribal battle. Only one ship and seventeen sailors under the command of the Basque navigator Elcano survived to complete the westward journey to Spain and thus prove once and for all that the world is round, with no precipice at the edge.The sixteenth century was an age of great ___exploration.A. cosmicB. landC. mentalD. common manE. none of the above2. Magellan lost the favor of the king of Portugal when he became involved in a political ___.A. entanglementB. discussionC. negotiationD. problemsE. none of the above3. The Pope divided New World lands between Spain and Portugal according to their location on one side or the other of an imaginary geographical line 50 degrees west of Greenwich that extends in a ___ direction.A. north and southB. crosswiseC. easterlyD. south eastE. north and west4. One of Magellan's ships explored the ___ of South America for a passage across the continent.A. coastlineB. mountain rangeC. physical featuresD. islandsE. none of the above5. Four of the ships sought a passage along a southern ___.A. coastB. inlandC. body of land with water on three sidesD. borderE. answer not available6. The passage was found near 50 degrees S of ___.A. GreenwichB. The equatorC. SpainD. PortugalE. Madrid7. In the spring of 1521, the ships crossed the ___ now called the International Date Line.A. imaginary circle passing through the polesB. Imaginary line parallel to the equatorC. areaD. land massE. answer not found in article答案:1. B2. A3. A4. C5.C,6 B 7A以上就是整理的SSAT阅读考试真题及答案,通过真题来进行SSAT考试实战演练对于考试能力的提升还是比较明显的,希望对即将参加SSAT考试的同学们有所帮助。



点题班听写训练营全日制精英计划Charlies A.Lindbergh is remembered as the first person to make a nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic,in1927.This feat,when Lindbergh was only twenty-five years old,assured him a lifetime of fame and public attention.Charles Augustus Lindbergh was more interested in flying airplanes than he was in studying.He dropped out of the University of Wisconsin after two years to earn a living performing daredevil airplane stunts at country fairs.Two years later,he joined the United States Army so that he could go to the Army Air Service flight-training school.After completing his training,he was hired to fly mail between St.Louis and Chicago.Then came the historic flight across the Atlantic.In1919,a New York City hotel owner offered a prize of$25,000 to the first pilot to fly nonstop from New York to Paris.Nine St.Louis business leaders helped pay for the plane Lindbergh designed especially for the flight.Lindbergh tested the plane by flying it from San Diego to New York,with an overnight stop in St.Louis.The flight took only20hours and21minutes,a transcontinental record.Nine days later,on May20,1927,Lindbergh took off from Long Island,New York,at7:52A.M.He landed at Paris on May21at10:21P.M.He had flown more than3,600miles in less than thirty four hours.His flight made news around the world. He was given awards and parades everywhere he went.He was presented with the U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor and the first Distinguished Flying Cross.For a long time, Lindbergh toured the world as a U.S.goodwill ambassador.He met his future wife,Anne Morrow, in Mexico,where her father was the United States ambassador.During the1930s,Charles and Anne Lindbergh worked for various airline companies,charting new commercial air routes.In 1931,for a major airline,they charted a new route from the east coast of the United States to the Orient.The shortest,most efficient route was a great curve across Canada,over Alaska,and down to China and Japan.Most pilots familiar with the Arctic did not believe that such a route was possible.The Lindberghs took on the task of proving that it was.They arranged for fuel and supplies to be set out along the route.On July29,they took off from Long Island in a specially equipped small seaplane.They flew by day and each night landed on a lake or a river and camped. Near Nome,Alaska,they had their first serious emergency.Out of daylight and nearly out of fuel, they were forced down in a small ocean inlet.In the next morning´s light,they discovered they had landed on barely three feet of water.On September19,after two more emergency landings and numerous close calls,they landed in China with the maps for a safe airline passenger route. Even while actively engaged as a pioneering flier,Lindbergh was also working as an engineer.In 1935,he and Dr.Alexis Carrel were given a patent for an artificial heart.During World War I in the1940s,Lindbergh served as a civilian technical advisor in aviation.Although he was a civilian, he flew over fifty combat missions in the Pacific.In the1950s,Lindbergh helped design the famous747jet airliner.In the late1960s,he spoke widely on conservation issues.He died August 1974,having lived through aviation history from the time of the first powered flight to the first steps on the moon and having influenced a big part of that history himself.1.What did Lindbergh do before he crossed the Atlantic?A.He charted a route to China.B.He graduated from flight-training school.小马过河国际教育点题班听写训练营全日制精英计划C.He married Anne Morrow.D.He acted as a technical advisor during World War II.E.He was responsible for the fuel supply for planes.2.What happened immediately after Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic?A.He flew the mail between St.Louis and Chicago.B.He left college.C.He attended the Army flight-training school.D.He was given the Congressional Medal of Honor.E.He married Anne Morrow.3.When did Charles meet Anne Morrow?A.before he took off from Long IslandB.after he worked for an airlineC.before he was forced down in an ocean inletD.after he received the first Distinguished Flying CrossE.when visiting his parents4.When did the Lindberghs map an air route to China?A.before they worked for an airlineB.before Charles worked with Dr.CarrelC.after World War IID.while designing the747E.when he was thirty5.What event happened last?A.Lindbergh patented an artificial heart.B.The Lindberghs mapped a route to the Orient.C.Lindbergh helped design the747airline.D.Lindbergh flew fifty combat missions.E.Charles finally was given an honorary degree from college.小马过河国际教育。



ssat考试题及答案**SSAT考试题及答案**一、词汇题1. Which of the following words is most nearly the opposite of "elated"?A. DepressedB. AnnoyedC. IndifferentD. Elated答案:A. Depressed2. In the sentence, "The politician's speech was so persuasive that it swayed many undecided voters," what is the best synonym for "persuasive"?A. ConvincingB. BoringC. IndifferentD. Distracting答案:A. Convincing二、阅读题阅读以下段落,并回答问题。

"In the heart of the city, amidst the hustle and bustle of urban life, there lies a small park that serves as an oasis for the weary. The park, with its lush greenery and tranquil atmosphere, provides a respite from the noise and chaos that surrounds it. It is a place where people can escape the pressures of the day and find solace in nature's embrace."3. What is the main purpose of the park described in the passage?A. To provide a place for sports and gamesB. To serve as a place for community eventsC. To offer a quiet retreat from the city's noise and chaosD. To attract tourists with its unique attractions答案:C. To offer a quiet retreat from the city's noise and chaos4. According to the passage, what is the effect of the park on the people who visit it?A. It makes them feel more stressedB. It helps them forget their troublesC. It encourages them to engage in outdoor activitiesD. It makes them feel more connected to the city答案:B. It helps them forget their troubles三、数学题5. If the sum of two numbers is 50 and their difference is 10, what are the two numbers?A. 20 and 30B. 30 and 20C. 40 and 10D. 10 and 40答案:A. 20 and 306. A rectangle has a length that is twice its width. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 40 units, what is the length of the rectangle?A. 10 unitsB. 15 unitsC. 20 unitsD. 25 units答案:C. 20 units四、写作题7. Write an essay on the topic: "The Importance of Time Management in Student Life."答案:(此题为写作题,无固定答案,以下为参考范文)Time management is an essential skill for students to master, as it can significantly impact their academic performance and overall well-being. Effective time management allows students to balance their studies, extracurricular activities, and personal life, leading to a more fulfilling and successful student experience.First and foremost, managing time well helps students to avoid procrastination. By setting clear goals and deadlines, students can stay focused on their tasks and complete them in a timely manner. This prevents the stress and anxiety that often accompany last-minute cramming and rushed assignments.Secondly, time management enables students to allocate sufficient time for each subject, ensuring that they have a well-rounded understanding of the material. This is particularly important in a competitive academic environment where a comprehensive grasp of the curriculum is crucial for success.Additionally, effective time management allows students to maintain a healthy balance between their academic and personal lives. By prioritizing tasks and setting aside time for relaxation and social activities, students can prevent burnout and maintain their mental health.In conclusion, time management is a critical skill for students to develop. It not only improves academic performance but also contributes to a more balanced and enjoyable student life.请注意,以上提供的SSAT考试题及答案仅供参考,实际考试内容和难度可能会有所不同。



ssat试题及答案1. 阅读下列句子,选择最合适的词汇填入空白处。

句子:The cat was so _______ that it could fit into a small box.选项:A. tallB. wideC. smallD. heavy答案:C2. 根据所给的单词,完成句子。

单词:library句子:I often go to the _______ to read books.答案:library3. 选择正确的时态填空。

句子:She _______ her homework every day.选项:A. doB. doesC. didD. done答案:B4. 阅读下列段落,回答问题。

段落:In the forest, there lived a wise old owl. It was known for its exceptional wisdom and was often consulted byother animals for advice.问题:What was the wise old owl known for?答案:It was known for its exceptional wisdom.5. 将下列句子翻译成英文。


答案:He goes running in the park every morning.6. 根据所给的数学公式,计算结果。

公式:\[ \frac{2}{3} \times 4 \]答案:\[ \frac{8}{3} \]7. 阅读下列句子,选择最合适的词汇填入空白处。

句子:The _______ of the mountain was covered with snow.选项:A. topB. bottomC. sideD. peak答案:A8. 根据所给的单词,完成句子。

单词:happiness句子:The family's _______ was evident during their vacation.答案:happiness9. 选择正确的时态填空。

SSAT阅读 mid 1(OG)-推荐下载

SSAT阅读 mid 1(OG)-推荐下载

SECTION240 QuestionsRead each passage carefully and then answer the questions about it. For each question, decide on the basis of the passage which one of the choices best answers the question.Proudly wearing his Muslim robes, a chief butcher in a town in Ghana is an important man. It is his duty to slaughter the cattle that will be sold in market , andsince many people in this area of Africa are Muslims, the process must be carried outaccording to their religious regulations. The government requires that the butcher also Line 5 make sure that the cattle are in good health before he slaughters them.In Muslim areas of Ghana, chief butchers inherit their positions. Like tribal chiefs, they have their own bands of musicians who never play for anyone else. Themusicians go to the market in the morning. As soon as the meat arrives, they begin toplay. Their music continues as long as the supply of meat lasts. This way, everyone in Line10 town knows when the butcher shop is open. They can also tell when all of the meat has been sold.1.According to the passage, themusicians begin to play when(A)evening comes(B)they are hungry(C)the meat arrives(D)the butcher arrives(E)government officials visit2.Muslims in Ghana probably look onthe butcher with(A)respect(B)suspicion(C)confusion(D)amazement(E)dissatisfaction3.According to the passage, butchersare like tribal chiefs because they(A)are Muslims(B)wear splendid robes(C)have musicians play for them(D)are regulated by government(E)are taught to sing when they areyoung4.The author is most concerned withdescribing(A)African restaurants(B)how meat is prepared(C)a man and his occupation(D)musical instruments of Ghana(E)the appearance of Muslimgarments5.according to the passage , peopleknow when all the meat has been sold because(A)a bell is rung(B)the music stops(C)the butcher puts a sign out(D)the butcher’s door is locked(E)a special flag is hung outside theshopThe myths of the ancient Greeks described the world as managed by a multitude of ,beings who were like men but who had different powers. They loved and hated andquarreled with each other, like men. They were gods, though, and could not kill eachother because they were immortal. They were, however, subject to a higher power which Line 5 they called Necessity.Many of the myths are beautiful, but some are not. They seem to say that the gods rose from savagery, just as men did, and were not always sure what was good andnoble. The Greeks thought of the gods as friendly people, rather like themselves. Theyalso feared them as terrible and strong and ready to punish those who angered them.6.The author is primarily concernedwith(A)discussing life in ancient Greece(B)telling a story involving(C)explaining the role of Necessityin Greek myths(D)describing the Greek’s beliefabout their gods(E)explaining why the Greeksbelieved in many gods7.According to the passage, the godscould Not do which of the following?(A)punish men(B)kill one another(C)love one another(D)fight with one another(E)deal directly with them8.When the author mentions “being” inthe first sentence, he is referring to(A)the gods(B)Necessity(C)the Greek people(D)men and animals(E)people from different countries 9.The author suggests that the Greeksthought of their gods as(A)domineering and easily angered(B)friendly but possibly dangerous(C)cheerful and uninterested in men(D)easily surprised by men’sbehavior(E)dishonest and generallyirresponsible10.According to the passage, the Greekgods were subject to(A)the will of men(B)the will of other gods(C)good and noble judges(D)a power called Necessity(E)laws made by the godsthemselves11.The author concludes from the Greekmyths that the gods were(A)evil(B)unkind(C)imperfect(D)unnecessary(E)unconcernedLittle Jim was ,for the time, Engine Number 36, and he was making the run between Syracuse and Rochester. He was fourteen minutes behind time, and thethrottle was wide open. As a result, when he swung around the curve at the flowerbed, a wheel of his cart destroyed a tulip. Number 36 slowed down at once and looked Line 5 guiltily at his father, who was mowing the lawn. The doctor had his back to the accident, and he continued to pace slowly to and fro, pushing the mower.Jim dropped the handle of the cart. He looked at his father and at the broken flower. Finally, he went to the tulip and tried to stand it up, but it would only hanglimply from his hand. Jim could not repair it. He looked again toward his father.12.At the beginning of the passage, Jimwas pretending that he was(A)piloting an airplane(B)driving a tractor(C)a passenger on a train(D)a speeding railroad engine(E)running a race with a freight train13.The author is primarily concernedwith(A)describing Jim’s actions(B)ridiculing Jim’s mistakes(C)detailing Jim’s appearance(D)predicting the reactions of Jim’sfather(E)comparing Jim’s thoughts tothose of his father14.According to the passage, Jim’s fatherwas a(A)farmer(B)doctor(C)gardener(D)train engineer(E)business executive15.Jim apparently thought that when hisfather saw the broken flower hisreaction would be one of(A)fear(B)anger(C)curiosity(D)amusement(E)indifference16.The story apparently takes place in(A)a city park(B)a railroad station(C)the yard by Jim’s house(D)a meadow near the railroad track(E)the playground near Jim’s school17.At the time the tulip was broken, Jimwas probably(A)make a bouquet(B)mend its injury(C)use it in a game(D)give it to his father(E)move it out of the way18.Jim picked up the tulip because hewanted to(A)make a bouquet(B)mend its injury(C)use it in a game(D)give it to his father(E)move it out of the wayAs in all phases of mountaineering, on snow and ice the judgment of the probable safety of the climb rests with the leader. He must be able to estimate the length of theclimb, allowing for an early enough start to permit finishing. He must know at a glanceif there is avalanche danger. He must instantly recognize those situations in whichLine 5 speed is essential. He must know whether the capabilities of his party will meet the rest of a traverse across an ice slope. He must be alert to fatigue in others and adjust the paceaccordingly, even calling retreat if the physical condition of a member of his rope hasdeteriorated to the point wherein safety of the party many jeopardized.19.It can inferred that the most importantcharacteristic of the leader of amountain-climbing party is(A)great strength(B)good judgment(C)acrobatic agility(D)reckless courage(E)unusual endurance20.Which of the following titles bestsummarizes the content of thepassage?(A)Ideal Weather Conditions for aMountain Climb(B)Cooperation and Coordination:Essentials for Climbing(C)Dangers on a Mountain Climband How to Prevent Them(D)The Hazards of Mountaineering :Man’s Greatest Challenge(E)The Abilities Required of theLeader of a Mountain Climb21.According to the author, the leader ofa mountain climb may direct his partyto retreat if a member of the party(A)wishes to stop(B)becomes extremely tired(C)travels at a very erratic pace(D)refuses to comply with groupdecisions(E)does not recognize a dangeroussituation22.Knowledge of which of the followingis NOT mentioned by the author asbeing required of a leader of amountain-climbing expedition?(A)the indications of a sudden snowslide(B)the approximate length of timethe climb will require(C)the difficulties encountered byprevious climbers of themountain(D)the factors which make itnecessary for the party to movemore slowly(E)the factors which make itnecessary for the party to movemore quickly.Some “scientists” peering through microscopes thought they saw strange things which escaped their colleagues’ notice. In 1836, Andrew Crosse actually believed he sawmicroscopic insects appearing as a by-product of his research. He had wanted to createminerals artificially by sending an electrical current through certain chemicals. Crosse Line 5 recorded what he observed through his microscope-small, white projections growing from an electrified stone. He observed that, after he had electrified the stone, eachprojection became “a perfect insect, standing erect on a few bristles which formed its tail.” Crosse reported that the smaller insects had six legs and the larger ones, eight. Heguessed them to be a previously unobserved specimen genus Arcurus, said they flew10 about the laboratory, hiding in dark spots as though avoiding light.In 1872, Bastian, a noted English biologist, also claimed to have witnessed spontaneous development of life in his microscope. But when colleagues repeatedhis experiments, taking precautions against bacteria in the air, the results weredisappointing. In 1906, Burke, using radium, thought he had developed half-living,15 half-crystalline forms which he called “radiobes”. Other scientists, however, failed toconfirm Burke’s findings.23.When Andrew Crosse bean hisexperiments, he was trying to(A)determine the number of legscharacteristic of the genusArcurus(B)test the reactions of the genusArcurus to light(C)study certain minerals todetermine their ability to conductelectrical current(D)produce artificial mineralsthrough the application ofelectrical current to chemicals(E)prove that microscopic insectsgrow from electrified minerals24.According to the passage, Burkeclassified a “radiobe ” as which of the following?(A)a vegetable(B)an animal(C)a mineral(D)part vegetable and part animal(E)part living and part non-living 25.It can be inferred that the living formsthat Bastian observed with hismicroscope were actually(A)radiobe specimens(B)members of the genus Arcurus(C)multiplying bacteria in the air(D)insects capable of standing ontheir tails(E)projections from the electrifiedstone26.Which of the following would theauthor probably believe bestestablishes the truth or falsehood of ascientist’s claims?(A)reading the scientist’s notes(B)repeating the scientist’s originalexperiment(C)checking the scientist’sbackground and qualifications(D)examining the scientist’sequipment for defects(E)studying the previous scientificinvestigation in the field27.The passage is primarily concernedwith(A)proving that life cannot developout of mineral matter(B)describing how experiments canbe carefully controlled(C)showing how some scientistsmisunderstand what they see(D)demonstrating that amateurscientists often are moresuccessful than professionals(E)criticizing scientist for failure toconfirm the findings of Crosse,Bastian, and Burke28.According to the passage, AndrewCrosse believed that the things he saw in his(A)insects(B)chemicals(C)light rays(D)dark spots(E)electrical currents29.According to the passage, which ofthe following did Burke use inconducting his experiments?(A)radium(B)crystals(C)bacteria(D)radio waves(E)electrified stonesWomen played an important part in the Hopi society. Although Hopi political leaders and warriors were traditionally men, both genders took part in storytelling,music and artwork, and traditional medicine. The fields, the crops, the pueblos, belongedto women. Descent is traced through the women; a child belongs to its mother’s clan. If Line 5 a marriage is broken, women typically retain property rights.Each clan is divided into “lineages” whose members are all descended from a common ancestor. The clan organizations extend across all the villages. Children arenamed by the women of the father’s clan. On the twentieth day of a baby’s life, thewomen of the paternal clan gather, each woman bringing a name and a gift for the10 child. The parents selected the name that was to be used.Hopi children learned all domestic skills from their mother. Boys learned to weave, while girls cared for the infants, learned to grind corn, weave baskets and makepottery. Each clan was in charge of certain religious ceremonies throughout the year.The spirits of natural elements, animals, or deceased ancestors, known as kachinas, are 15 welcomed to the village each spring to dance and sing, bring rain for the harvest, andgive gifts to the children.Prior to each kachina ceremony, the men spend days carefully carving masked dolls in the likeness of the kachina represented in that particular ceremony. Followingthe ceremony, the dolls are hung on the walls of the pueblo and are studied in order to 20 learn the characteristics of that certain kachina. The revered dolls are then passed on toThe daughters of the village to give visual understanding to the spirits.30.Which of the following best expressesthe main idea of the passage?(A)The Hopis were governed by men(B)Hopi men brought about thekachina ceremony(C)Although the Hopi, women are ofgreat importance(D)Hopi children learned weavingfrom their mothers(E)Hopi women were responsible fornaming children31.If a Hopi marriage fails, the couple’sfields are probably(A)confiscated by the clan(B)held in trust for the children(C)turned over to the entire tribe(D)kept in the wife’s possession(E)reverted to the husband’s family32.We can infer from the passage thatkachinas are(A)feared by the children(B)valued for their ability to dance(C)former, deceased clan members(D)sacred spirits treasured by thetribe(E)chosen for their influence on theweather 33.According to the passage, woman wasusually(A)The main storyteller(B)Subjected to rule by men(C)The model for the kachina dolls(D)Responsible for politicalleadership(E)Considered the main propertyowner34.A carved kachina doll is most like(A)a spiritual aide(B)the head of a ceremony(C)a casual toy(D)a wall hanging(E)a member of the clan35.It is reasonable to infer that kachinadolls(A)signified a good harvest(B)identified a chief’s lineage(C)represented material wealth(D)were treated with reverence(E)were award to the best dancerMelanie’s purse was pink suede, and the purple patches on it were beautiful, but Alex was very tired of it. A colorful, braided yarn bracelet finished off the handle andmarked it as special; the bracelet greeted Alex whenever Melanie hung her bog on theback of her chair. It was there now. Thoughtfully, he took the bracelet’s strand between Line 5 his fingers, and, without disturbing Melanie, uncapped his black marker and doodled on it. He marked it with black lines and laid it out on his desk; though, a momentlarger when Melanie leaned forward, the bracelet moved off Alex’s desk and its still-wetmarkings were able to add some picturesque touches to Melanie’s suede purse.36.According to the passage, which ofthe following statements is true?(A)Alex’s markings were on nothingbut Melanie’s bracelet(B)Alex drew on Melanie’s braceletjust as she told him not to(C)Alex did not tell Melanie that hewas drawing on her bracelet(D)Alex did not mean to draw onMelanie’s bracelet with marker(E)Alex drew on Melanie’s braceletwith marker and ripped her purse37.Melanie sits(A)next to Alex(B)behind Alex(C)in front of Alex(D)two seats away from Alex(E)across the room from Alex 38.Alex found the sight of Melanie’spurse(A)tiresome(B)beautiful(C)refreshing(D)terrifying(E)ridiculous39.At the time Alex doodled on herbracelet, Melanie was(A)facing Alex(B)standing up(C)leaning back in her seat(D)leaning forward over a book(E)leaning over to pick up a pencile40.Alex is best described as(A)worried(B)studious(C)confused(D)considerate(E)mischievous。

ssat 阅读真题测试附带答案

ssat 阅读真题测试附带答案

SECTION 3 READING COMPREHENSION SKILLSEver wonder why we have wisdom teeth? If you're like most people, you’ll have your wisdom teeth removed before they even start to surface.How can we just throw away teeth without their absence having someimpact on the state of our mouths? The science of dentistry studiesquestions like this.5Although it dates back to 3700 B.C.in Egypt, dentistry as we know it did not emerge until the 19th century, when people began to studysystematically the mouth, gums, jaw, and teeth. Modern dentistry is anintrinsic part of our lives. Nowadays, we cannot go a day withouthearing something about teeth care, if only through our television sets.10If we have gingivitis, we can use mouthwash. If we have cavities, we canget fillings in a variety of colors and material types. If we have yellowteeth, we can make them white again in seven short days.And, if we have crooked teeth, we can get braces. In fact, people routinely get braces, so much so that we consider it an oddity if someone 15goes through their entire childhood without the experience of going to the orthodontist every month. Chances are that if someone does not getbraces, they lack money or time, not interest in having work done.The evolution of dentistry shows how medical science is changing the human being. Because of i ncreasingly good dental care, we don’t lose20our teeth and rely on our wisdom teeth coming in to give us a new set.To answer the question with which we began: We simply don’t needthose teeth anymore. Indeed, nowadays we have to pay to get ourredundant teeth taken out.1. The article says that we pull our wisdom teeth because______.(A) we have gingivitis(B) they cause crooked teeth(C) we don't need them anymore(D) we listen to information about teeth care daily on TV(E) they make our teeth yellow2. Which of the following statements is true based on the reading?(A) Braces are a common solution to yellowing teeth.(B) Egyptian dentists conducted dentistry much as we do today.(C) If we have gingivitis, we can treat it with fillings.(D) We don’t expect to lose our teeth because we have been taught how to care for them.(E) Braces are a rare experience while growing up.3. When did dentists pull the first tooth?(A) 3700 B.C.(B) 17th century(C) 18th century(D) 19th century(E) The article does not say.4. The writer’s main purpose is apparently______.(A) to answer frequently asked questions about teeth .(B) to talk a little about the history of dentistry(C) to explain dreams about teeth(D) to write the section on dentistry for a medical school text(E) to encourage people to cut down on sweets5. All but which of the following problems, according to the article, can dentists fix?(A) bad breath(B) yellowing teeth(C) crooked teeth(D) root canals(E) cavitiesI t’s easy, nowadays, to blame others for bad things that happen to us.We complain that we don’t have enough money because thegovernment takes our taxes. We blame carbohydrates for our fat count.We blame society for our embarrassingly low educational scores.Well, I disagree. I say we could save money by skipping McDonald’s5and buying the non-name-brand food items at the grocery. I say we’re fat beca use we don't exercise. I say we’re stupid because we watch toomuch TV and never read anything more difficult than sixth gradereading material.I say that it’s in our own hands if we are operating at less than our10potential.So, sometime, when you’re at a loss for something to do, change your life for the better. Crack open the dictionary at a random page and see what’s inside.Seriously.15Chances are you’ll find something interesting you didn’t know before. Reading the dictionary is like reading a thousand mininovels, for each word has a story.For example, we often hear someone referred to as a “spinster.” Most of us know that we use this term to describe an old, unmarried woman, 20but few of us know that the name originally had more meaning. Thereason that “spinster” came to refer to all old, unmarried women isbecause in earlier times old, unmarried women had to spin to earn their livings; old, unmarried women who could not spin nevertheless gotlumped in with the rest. Consider, also, the word “whirling dervish.”25We know that this word is used to refer to dancers or tornadoes.Originally, however, the word referred to Muslim priests who wandered the land as beggars; In addition to whirling dervishes, there existed also howling and dancing dervishes, too.So, take five minutes and re ad the dictionary next time you’re bored.30Seriously.6. What is the best title for this passage?(A) Unexpected Discoveries(B) Through the Eye of a Needle(C) A Thousand and One Words(D) Boring Facts and Trivia(E) On the Origin of the Word “Dervish”7. How would you describe the authors tone in this piece?(A) humorous and trivial(B) adamant and angry(C) friendly yet tired(D) amusing yet serious(E) sulky and sullen8. Who does the author say is responsible for the state of our lives?(A) the government(B) McDonald s(C) television(D) educators(E) we, ourselves9. Why does the author give the word seriously in line 12 its own paragraph?(A) The author thinks the reader will take his/her advice seriously; therefore s/he usesseriously to indicate s/he has made a joke.(B) The author must include nine paragraphs in the article and is cheating.(C) The author wishes the reader to look up the word seriously in a dictionary.(D) The author anticipates that the reader will scoff at the author's advice; the authorwishes to convey serious intent of his/her advice.(E) The author desires to confuse the reader at all costs.10. Which of the following words best defines the phrase lumped in?(A) left out(B) copied(C) combined with(D) evolved(E) destroyedPieter Brueghel, 16th century Flemish painter, has left for us a series of great paintings. One of his best works depicts the Greek myth ofIcarus.To understand Brueghel’s treatment of the piece, you must first recall the facts of the Icarus story. Icarus was the son of Deadalus, the most5brilliant thinker of his time. Deadalus had aided Ariadne in savingTheseus from the Minotaur. The king, angered by Deadalus’ action,swiftly imprisoned Deadalus and his son in a lonely tower on a deserted shore, visited only by birds. Eager to escape, however, Deadalus usedthe feathers and wax to create two sets of wings, and he and his son10made plans to fly to freedom. Unfortunately, Icarus, exhilarated by thefreedom he felt while flying, flew too close to the sun, despite hisfather’s warnings. The suns heat melted the wax on his wings, and heplummeted into the ocean and drowned. Deadalus, heartbroken,nevertheless, made it to safety.15Brueghel’s work depicts a huge, glorious scene of people working the land along a beautiful shoreline. Animals frolic; men work. Ships ladenwith goods plow through the waves. Amidst all the action captured inthe scene, one is hard pressed to locate Icarus. Finally, after somesearching, we see him. He is located in the lower, right-hand side of the 20painting. Even so, his depiction is small. Indeed, ail we see are two palelegs, kicking frantically in the surf.Brueghel’s work sends a clear message, one that underscores the largeness of the world and the relative insignificance of the individualtherein.2511. W hat will the author most likely discuss next?(A) artist Vincent van Gogh and how he cut off his ear(B) another artwork by Brueghel(C) an explanation of Brueghel’s message regarding the insignificance in the world(D) an expanded discussion of the crime that landed Dedalus in jail(E) nothing, the article is complete12. T he author’s purpose can best be described by which of the following statements?(A) to avoid discussing anything important(B) to advocate the talents of Brueghel(C) to relate the tale of Dedalus and Icarus(D) to argue that Brueghel is an untalented artist(E) to show how art can convey social comment.13. W hich of the following words can be substituted for the word exhilarated in line 11without changing the meaning of the sentence?(A) saddened(B) angered(C) joyous(D) frightened(E) advised14. What is the tone of this piece?(A) solemn(B) understanding(C) sarcastic(D) joyous(E) unintelligent15. All but which of the following words have the same meaning as plummeted in line 14?(A) fell(B) hung(C) dropped(D) sank(E) plunged16. Which of the following words has a meaning most nearly opposite to the wordfrantically in line 22?(A) feebly(B) wildly(C) enthusiastically(D) vigorously(E) angrily17. What caused Icarus’ wings to melt?(A) the cold ocean spray(B) the swooping, swirling seagulls(C) the dampness of the water(D) the heat of Dedalus’ wrath(E) the warmth of the sunHistory documents the bloody habits of Vlad Tepes (or Vlad the Impaler), an infamous general who lived in Transylvania from 1431 to1476. Stories about Vlad Tepes seem gruesome even by today'sstandards. Consider this story about a group of generals whom VladTepes was entertaining. Prior to their arrival, Vlad had punished several 5people by impaling them on long spikes surrounding the banquet area.One of the visiting generals complained of the smell; after all, he hadbeen invited to a dinner. Vlad apologized and then had the generalimpaled on an even longer spike. His reason? So that the general, being suspended above the other rotting bodies, would not have to smell what 10offended him.Other vampire tales come to us from this period, but they are clinical, historical accounts. The vampire legend grew popular only after the publication of Bram Stoker's Dracula in 1897. In his novel, Stokercreates a frightening combination of man and monster. His Dracula is15striking in appearance, ruthless, calculating, and quite intelligent. Sincethen, vampire stories have grown in popularity over the years, inspiring both serious and tongue-in-cheek treatments.The serious vampire offerings have grown increasingly enraptured by the idea of being undead. Take for example, the work of Anne Rice.20Rice’s books modernize the old vampire story. While Stokers novel tells about the exp loits of a single vampire, Rice’s novels explore an entirevampiric underworld that coexists with—and preys upon—the humanworld. Rice’s stories allow the old vampire lore to evolve into an entireworld view; they work out in great detail the logistical and philosophical 25problems that come into play, if vampires really exist en masse. Moreimportantly, however, Rice^ stories humanize the vampire. Many of her characters are guilt-stricken to the point of madness because they must drink human blood to survive; some rail against their undead state, forthey are frozen in time, unable to transit from one stage of human30maturity to the next.18. What does the word Tepes mean?(A) innocent(B) Dracula(C) impaler(D) bloody(E) ruler19. Which statement gives an acc urate description of Vlad Tepes’ character?(A) He is a wise and caring ruler.(B) He is a brilliant military strategist.(C) He was poor, despite his great power.(D) He was popular with women.(E) His sense of justice is very unconventional.20. Which is the best title for this passage?(A) An American Werewolf in London(B) Witches, Warlocks, and Other Halloween Nasties(C) The Vlad Dynasty: A Family Tree(D) The Enduring Zombie(E) Still Hungry After All These Years21. Which date approximates the time period when Anne Rice wrote?(A) 1431(B) 1476(C) 1789(D) 1897(E) 199022. The statement “Other vampire tales come to us from this period, but they are clinical,hi storical accounts” implies that_______.(A) vampire tales that come from this period are even more exciting than the Tepes story(B) interest in vampire lore died out altogether during this period(C) vampire stories that were written from this period were boring(D) stories about female vampires were especially popular during this period(E) Anne Rice was popular even during this periodExistentialism is a philosophy that focuses only on the actions that we humans make in the physical world that surrounds us. Because itadmits no afterlife of any sort, Existentialism takes the world veryseriously; every decision forces the Existentialist to ponder deeplythe consequences. She only gets one shot at life, so everything depends on 5her getting it right the first time. According to its tenets, life is absurdand filled with actions that seem pointless, futile, and ceaselessly endless.Camus illustrates Existentialism using the example of Sisyphus from Greek mythology. Sisyphus vastly enjoyed life but held little respect forthe gods. Upon his deathbed, Sisyphus instructed his wife to leave his10body unburied as a gesture of anger and resentment at dying. Sheagreed to do as he said, but when he died, she reneged on her word.Upon waking in Hades, Sisyphus knew immediately that his wife hadbetrayed him, and he asked permission from King Hades to go revengehimself upon her. Hades agreed on condition that Sisyphus return to15the underworld immediately after getting his revenge. However, as soonas Sisyphus reached the earth’s surface, he chose to give up his revengeand refused to return to the underworld. Only after great efforts didKing Hades recapture his prisoner.As punishment for his hubris or conceitedness, King Hades created a20special task for Sisyphus. He now spends eternity rolling an enormousrock up a great hill, only to have it come crashing down immediatelyupon reaching th e hill’s summit. Sisyphus’ task ill ustrates clearly thetenets of E xistentialism outlined here. Let’s see how.23. According to the article, the story of Sisyphus comes from______.(A) old wives’ tale s(B) Japanese tradition(C) Indian lore(D) Roman history(E) Greek myth24. What does Sisyphus initially want to do when he returns to earth?(A) Stay alive.(B) Get revenge on his brother.(C) Punish his wife.(D) See his family.(E) Negotiate a treaty.25. Which of the following most nearly means tenets as used in line 6?(A) beliefs(B) rules(C) portable buildings(D) woven strands of rope to catch fish(E) numbers26. What will probably come after paragraph three?(A) background information about Camus(B) more information about Sisyphus’ escapades(C) nothing; the author has made his/her point(D) a discussion of how Sisyphus’ story illustrates the tenets of Existentialism(E) an opinion from a philosophy professor at the University of Kentucky27. Which of the following words best represents an antonym for hubris?(A) daring(B) fearful(C) piety(D) miserable(E) perturbedHave you ever wondered why you aren’t supposed to wear white after Labor Day? It is a long-standing tradition, one that those of us from the South have had beaten into our heads from our very earliest memories.But from where does this rule come?People dispute the origin of this custom. Some say that the rule5developed from practicality. After all, everyone knows that wearingwhite in the summer is wise because the white reflects heat and helpsthe wearer keep cool; wearing dark colors is wise in the winter becausethe dark material absorbs heat and keeps the wearer warm. The rule ofthumb, they say, merely solidifies what was already well known, widely10accepted common knowledge.Others say that the custom developed out of practical concerns, but for cleanliness reasons not for warmth purposes. They argue that therule of white applies only to shoes, and that out of attempts to keepthem clean grew the rule of wearing white only in the warm months.15Still others say that the rule grew out of a class struggle that took place in the late 1800s. With the rise of manufacturing in America, anew class of wealthy people grew up, one that conflicted with the oldmoney class that had existed since the founding of the colonics in the18th century. The nouveau riche class wanted desperately to be accepted 20by the old money folk, but the old money people did not want toaccept them. Therefore, the old money folk used knowledge that theyhad created for use among themselves, unwritten customs and accepted ways of doing things unknown to the nouveau riche, to keep the newmoney folk away.25Whatever the reason, however, the rule remains in use today.28. Which of the following words can be substituted for the word solidifies withoutchanging the meaning of the sentence?(A) confirms(B) thickens(C) rebuilds(D) reconstitutes(E) goes against29. Which of the following statements is supported by the information in the passage?(A) Customs became a weapon used by those with new money to force those with oldmoney to let them became part of society.(B) Customs became a weapon used by those with old money to snub those with newmoney.(C) Customs regarding fashion quickly became out of date.(D) Customs regarding when to wear white changed to allow people to wear white year-round.(E) Customs always grow out of practical responses to issues of daily life.30. Which of the following statements is not true according to the article?(A) The issue over when to wear white may have originated in the 1800s.(B) The nouveau riche had a hard time getting respect.(C) People should wear dark clothes in the winter.(D) Wearing white originally applied to shoes rather than clothes.(E) Concerns over keeping clean were never a concern when the rules for wearing whitewere developed.31. All but which of the following inferences may be made about the author?(A) The author is willing to do research to find answers to interesting questions.(B) The author has studied some history.(C) The author is knowledgeable about fashion.(D) The author is female.(E) The author is from the South.32. What will come next in this discussion?(A) nothing; the author has finished the article(B) a discussion of other instances in which the new money and old money clashed(C) an account of some famous Southern wome n who defied the “no-white- after-Labor Day” rule(D) a complete list of insta nces in which one can break the “no-white-after- Labor-Day”rule(E) a handy mnemonic device to help us remember when to wear black33. This passage deals with all but which of the following topics?(A) social customs(B) historical data(C) human behavior(D) psychology(E) data analysis34. Based on your, reading of the article, what does nouveau riche mean?(A) newly married -(B) newly wealthy(C) newly graduated(D) newly born(E) newly bankrupted35. This article sets out to______.(A) set the record straight on old money in the South .(B) supply interesting, but trivial, information(C) support new money people in the North(D) explain the cause of the Civil War(E) convince people to wear white after Labor Day36. In which of the following publications would you most likely find this information?(A) the sports section of your local newspaper(B) the world news section of a weekly newsmagazine(C) the arts and leisure section of the Sunday paper(D) the science news section of a television news program(E) the comics page onlineMost, if not all, Americans are familiar with the concept of kamikaze, special Japanese pilots who fought in World War II. These men wereunique because they enlisted in the war effort knowing that they would be fighting to the death. They trained to be suicide pilots, whopurposely drove their planes headlong into their targets, exploding5themselves along with their planes and their targets.Few of us, however, have heard of the kaiten. The kaiten were small vessels, carried on submarines; they weighed eight tons and were loaded with explosive warheads. They had limited range (traveling a distanceranging from 12 miles at top speed and 30 miles at low speed) and10silent movement. But like the kamikaze planes, these kaiten wereunrecoverable; if they reached their target, they exploded, captain andall, and if they didn’t, they sank, carrying their captains with them.Both of these military strategies depended heavily on the concept of honor. Honorable death, especially by suicide for the sake of the15Emperor during battle, brought nobility to the soldier and his family.These fighters were idolized by their countrymen; they represented the highest ideals of the nation—that of total sacrifice on behalf oftheir ruler.37. Based on the article, which of the following actions would be seen as honorable byJapanese warriors in World War II?(A) becoming a kamikaze pilot but pulling out of the final dive at the lastminute(B) refusing to man the kaiten on which he had trained(C) defending Hiroshima as the atom bomb dropped(E) emigrating to Canada just after the war started(D) spying for the Americans38. Which of the following words best describes the kaiten?(A) luxury liners(B) floating coffins(C) bamboo tubes(D) warrior flutes(E) underwater kayaks39. W hat kind of ruler did Japan have during World War II, according to this article?(A) emperor(B) king(C) prince(D) president(E) chancellor40. W hich of the following gives an example of something that is unrecoverable}(A) a penny at the bottom of a wading pool(B) the moon when it is full(C) your shoe when it fails over a cliff(D) your book you left at your grandmother’s house(E) a sand dune at high tideReading1-5 C D E B D6-10 A D E D C 11-15C E C A B 16-20A E C E E 21-25 E C E C A 26-30 D C A B E 31-35D A E B B 36-40 C C B A C。

SSAT TEST 2 真题2 阅读 Section 3 Reading Comprehension S

SSAT TEST 2      真题2 阅读 Section 3 Reading Comprehension S

SSAT TEST 2 Section 3 Reading Comprehension SkillsUFO enthusiasts often attempt to prove the existence of aliens. They show fuzzy photos of floating white cigars and point to oddities in the way the world works as proof that “we are not alone.” They also point to the mysterious Anasazi culture. The Anasazi, historians say, were an ancient Native American tribe located near the desert area we now call Area 51 that suddenly began experiencing a huge cultural revolution. Some people attribute such miraculous cultural growth to a decision to farm beans, but others prefer to give credit to assistance to friendly aliens.Now, alien fans can add some weight to their argument that aliens exist—from the writings of Washington Irving. Irving (1783-1859) wrote the first fiction works in the colonial America. Among other things, Irving wrote about the history of New York and mythological stories; he also wrote satires, a powerful tool given the fledgling nation's political turmoil. However, he is best known for his stories, like “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and “Tales of a Traveler.”Of Irving's ouvre, it is Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle” to which UFO fans should direct their attention, for the argument has been made that Van Winkle's twenty-year sleep is actually a ease of alien abduction. As odd as this sounds, the ease deserves some investigation.1. What is the function of paragraph two?(A) to hook the reader’s attention so that s/he will continue reading(B) to move the discussion from the introduction to the highlight of the article(C) to give a detailed argument that “Rip Van Winkle” describes a UFO abduction(D) to tell biographical information about Washington Irving(E) to tell the story of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”2. Which of the following events happened around the time of Irving’s lifetime?(A) the Civil War(B) the Vietnam War(C) World War I(D) the American Revolution(E) World War II3. Which of the following inferences can be made about the Anasazi?(A) The beans probably gave them additional energy and cultural stability.(B) They lived near New England.(C) They all disappeared mysteriously.(D) They sacrificed children to the aliens.(E) They migrated freely until the 1980s.4. According to the article, for which of his writings was Irving famous?(A) “Tale of a Tub”(B) "Old Mother Hubbard"(C) “The Headless Horseman”(D) "Rip Van Winkle"(E) “The Life of Washington”5. Which of the following best describes the author’s tone?(A) rude but informative(B) knowledgeable but playful(C) Conceited but angry(D) Skeptical but pious(E) Sarcastic but rigorous6. The author’s main purpose in writing this piece is______.(A) to embarrass Washington Irving’s successors(B) to get the reader interested in reading mythology(C) to bring to light a little-known theory about Irving’s work(D) to argue that aliens do not exist(E) to refute the argument that George Washington believed in alien life.In the 1980s, theaters presented a new animated film called Anastasia. It told the story of a young, poverty-stricken Russian girl who comes to find out that she is the long-lost Princess Anastasia, daughter of Czar Nicholas II. By the end of the movie, she ascends her throne as a benevolent ruler. But fans of that movie must face an unpleasant truth: Either the writers got it all wrong, or they intentionally ignored history. On July 17, 1918, Anastasia, along with the rest of her family, was murdered before she reached the age of 18; there were no survivors. And although the film correctly targets Rasputin as a disreputable villain, it nevertheless caricatures his character and his ambitions.It's time to set the record straight.Rasputin, born Grigory Yefimovisc Novykh, was born in Siberia in 1872. He came from poverty-stricken, illiterate people, and he soon earned for himself a bad reputation for his wild lifestyle; indeed, his nickname “Rasputin” means debauched. For a time, Rasputin studied ata monastery, but he came to believe that the only means of salvation came through indulging one’s appetites. He then became a wandering, self-proclaimed holy man, and he traveled extensively, even into Greece and Jerusalem. Upon his return to Russia, Rasputin traveled to St. Petersburg. There he met Czar Nicholas II and his family. Unbelievably, despite his salacious lifestyle and his distaste for bathing, Rasputin ingratiated himself with the Czarina. For whatever reason, Rasputin proved repeatedly that he could comfort the crown prince Alexis, who was afflicted with hemophilia.Naturally, his close relationship with the ruling family threw a sour taste into the mouths of-the Russian nobility. They eventually plotted against Rasputin with" the goal of engineering his death. On December 29, 1916, a nobleman invited Rasputin to his home for drinks and conversation. There, he poisoned Rasputin^ drink and waited for himto die. Rasputin proved stronger than anticipated, and so the noble and his friends tried to shoot him instead. Again, Rasputin clung to life. Finally, the nobles had to drag him down to the river and drown him.Rasputin had his drawbacks. He was selfish. He was corrupt. He was politically ambitious. However, he does not deserve to be represented as he is in Anastasia.7. The author’s intent in writing this passage is______.(A) to further confound the information people have about Anastasia and her family(B) to desecrate Rasputin’s reputation(C) to praise the film Anastasia for its historical accuracy(D) to restore a little dignity to a powerful historical figure(E) to talk about Czar Nicholas II and his family8. When were Anastasia and her family murdered?(A) 1872(B) 1890(C) 1916(D) 1918(E) 19299. What did Rasputin consider himself?(A) a politician(B) a holy man(C) a czar(D) a noble(E) a spy10. Who, according to the article, had hemophilia?(A) Anastasia(B) the czar(C) the czarina(D) The crown prince(E) Rasputin11. The author writes this passage with(A) humility(B) fear(C) anxiety(D) serenity(E) outrageTurning and turning in the widening gyreThe falcon cannot hear the falconer;Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhereThe ceremony of innocence is drowned;The best lack all conviction, while the worstAre full of passionate intensity ...—William Butler Yeats (1920)12. Which of the following events take place in this poem?(A) The volcanoes are beginning to explode.(B) The falcon cannot hear the falconer.(C) The animals cannot find their way home.(D) The people cannot see the sun.(E) The tidal wave dashes the shore to pieces.13. What is let loose upon the world?(A) the blood-dimmed tide(B) the widening gyre(C) the falconer(D) the ceremony of innocence(E) mere anarchy14. What cannot hold?(A) the moon(B) the tide(C) the center(D) the world(E) the worst15. This poem tries to express the______.(A) fine skill of falconry(B) understandable injustice of death(C) great joy about life(D) deep pessimism about the world(E) appreciation for anarchy as a political system16. Why do you think that the author uses words like “blood-dimmed,” “anarchy,” and“drowned innocence”?(A) to give a happy tone to the poem(B) to give a sad tone to the poem(C) to give a menacing tone to the poem(D) to give a light-hearted tone to the poem(E) to give a proud tone to the poemScattered across the United States are countless statues of men on horseback. You can find them in cemeteries, in parks, and outside public service buildings. Normally, these statues depict men in uniform sitting astride horses. The main difference among these statues are the position the horses hold; they rear back on their hind legs with both hooves in the air, or hold one hoof aloft, or plant all four hooves firmly on the ground.Legend has it that you can look at statues of men on horseback, anywhere in the United States, and know how they died. If the rider sits atop a horse with one hoof held up, then that person was wounded in battle and later died of his wounds. If the horse rears back on both hind legs, then that person died in battle. And if the horse stands on all four hooves, the rider died of natural causes.Unfortunately, this story is a load of horse manure. It’s pr etty to think that all sculptors adhered to this rule, but they did not. A simple scan across the horse-and-rider statues will prove this point. In fact, the lore generally is true only for Civil War battlefields.17. You are in a graveyard located in Los Alamos, New Mexico. You see many statues of menon horseback. One in particular catches your attention; it is made of bronze, and the man sits astride a horse reared back on both hind legs. You infer that______.(A) this man died in battle(B) this man was wounded in battle and later died(C) this man died of natural causes(D) this man was a public servant(E) this man liked horses18. In what sort of publication would you likely find this article?(A) a science text(B) an almanac(C) a book of trivia(D) a history book(E) a comic book19. The best title for this passage would be______.(A) Urban Legends Explained(B) Ripley’s Believe It or Not(C) Secrets of Civil War Battlegrounds(D) The Story of the Civil War(E) The Art of Making Statues20. The author’s tone can be described as______.(A) heavyhanded(B) mathematical(C) dour(D) lighthearted(E) loquaciousIt has been said that “History is written by the winners,” and to a certain extent this statement is true. If nothing else, history has a very selective memory. As we study the events of World War II, stories continue to surface. Some of these are happy; others are sad. Still others are merely intriguing.One such story is that of Vasili Zeitsev, who fought for the Russian army against the invading Germans. Zeitsev, a deer hunter from the Urals, became a hero for his marksmanship; in one ten-day period, he shot 40 Germans. He was so good a shot, and so demoralizing for German soldiers, that the Germans shipped in their own sharpshooter, Colonel Heinz Thornwald, for the express purpose of killing Zeitsev. Unfortunately for Thornwald, Zeitsev proved the better soldier. Thornwald, after attempting a shot, stuck up his head for a quick look around; Zeitsev took the advantage and eliminated Thornwald. By the end of the war, Zeitsev alone defeated 242 Germans before he was blinded by a land mine.Anyone interested in Zeitsev’s story can watch the recent film Enemy at the Gates, starring Joseph Fiennes, Jude Law, and Ed Harris. Even though some details have been changed, for example the inclusion of a love triangle, the movie is quite exciting and informative.21. How many Germans did Zeitsev kill?(A) 142(B) 242(C) 342(D) 442(E) 54222. What does the phrase “History is written by the winners” mean?(A) The losers, because of their suffering, arc more interesting to listen to.(B) The soldiers, because of their sacrifice, are ignored.(C) The winners, because they are now more powerful, can control information flow.(D) The generals, because of their military skill, can remain silent.(E) The artists, because of their skill, will listen to the soldiers.23. What ended Zeitsev’s career?(A) He stepped on a land mine and blew himself up.(B) He went deaf after standing too near a tank when it fired its shot.(C) He drowned in the attack on Normandy.(D) He was blinded by a land mine.(E) He was paralyzed when the cavalry stampeded his tent.24. Zeitsev was ______.(A) American(B) French(C) German(D) neutral(E) Russian25. The author intended_______.(A) to anger the reader(B) to relate an interesting historical tidbit(C) to plug the movie Enemy at the Gates(D) to praise the Germans(E) to document the story of Heinz Thornwald26. What can we infer from Thornwald’s defeat?(A) If Thornwald had aimed to the left, Zeitsev would be dead.(B) If Zeitsev had been more careful about checking his shot, Thornwald would be alive.(C) If Thornwald had not eaten 15 minutes before making his shot, Zeitsev would be alive.(D) If Thornwald had not joined the German army, Zeitsev would not have joined theRussian army.(E) If Thornwald had been more careful about checking to see whether he hit, Zeitsev mightnot have gotten a shot.27. Because of his great aim, which of the following jobs was Zeitsev assigned?(A) sniper(B) radio man(C) gunner(D) pilot(E) cookAnyone who has lived in the United States for any length of time has seen, or heard of, graffiti. Graffiti is the scrawled artwork that defaces public buildings, street signs, and roadways. The subjects depicted by graffiti artists range widely; sometimes the graffiti is just gang names and logos, other times it is the artist’s name. Sometimes the graffiti is vaguely attractive, but more often than not, it is just a mass of obscene words.Linguists will tell you that the term graffiti comes from the Italian word graffito, which means to scratch. Artists will tell you that the art form (They call it an art form!) dates back to the dawn of humanity; even the cave men used graffiti on their cave walls, and don’t forget the caricature of Jesus on the Domus Gelotiana in Rome, now on display in a museum.These modern, politically correct yahoos would have you believe the garbage we sec scrawled on sidewalks and mailboxes every day is somehow contributing to our quality of life. By ridding ourselves of these “urban artworks,” they say, w e are discriminating against those whose artistic ideals are different from ours.Well, I say, our ideals arc different—and theirs arc wrong. Art does not deface property. Art is not vulgar. Art is not commercialism for gangland activities. And I urge you to join my opinion.28. From what language does the word graffiti come?(A) English(B) Russian(C) Italian(D) Latin(E) Hebrew29. In what context arc you likely to find this kind of writing?(A) the headlines(B) the opinions/editorial page(C) the gossip columns(D) the sports page(E) the real estate section30. 'Which position does the author likely endorse?(A) The city should set aside funding for grants to graffiti artists so they can continue theirwork.(B) The Museum of Modern Art should consider having a showcase for graffiti art.(C) Young children should be allowed to express their artistic impulses on sidewalks andschool buildings.(D) Urban artists should create their own wrapping paper design.(E) Graffiti artists should receive jail sentences.31. In what place docs this author likely live?(A) a rural town in Mississippi(B) a village in eastern Kentucky(C) N ew York City(D) the seaside in Florida(E) a resort in Alaska32. With what emotion does the author write?(A) satisfaction(B) joy(C) fear(D) exasperation(E) sorrowStudents study the theory of communism in school. They know that it was created and popularized by Marx and Engels. They know that it advocates putting the state's needs above the individual’s needs. They know many of the Russian leaders—like Stalin, Khrushchev, and Gorbachev.What they may not realize is that, in the late 1890s, many great European and American thinkers adamantly advocated communism. This was a time during which one could sec class division taking place. At that time, people generally fit into one of two categories; either they were rich, or striving to be rich, or they were dirt poor. The poor desired to be rich, and the rich had no desire to come into any contact with the poor. Communism offered a way out for the poor at the expense of the wealthy; classlessness offered a hopeful future for many.Take, for example, British author H. G. Wells. Wells, one of the first science fiction writers, wrote The Time Machine with the tenets of communism firmly in mind. The Time Machine warns about what will happen if society continues to split into two factions—the rich and the poverty-stricken. The book shows the poverty-stricken class finally rising up and taking revenge upon the rich. By contrast, Wells argues, communism, with its classless society, offers a much more hopeful future.Another writer who favored communism was American author John Steinbeck. In his The Grapes of Wraths for example, he sets up a story in which poverty-stricken folk are offered a dream—the American Dream—that will never come true for them. Steinbeck holds capitalism accountable for the poverty and despair that exists in the world. He does this by depicting the horrible events that befall the Joad family on their way to find work in California. Bankers take over their farm.Their car breaks down, and salesmen try to gyp them out of their cash. The Joads can’t find work in California because there is always someone willing to work at a lower wage. All of these traumas, Steinbeck insinuates, will come true under capitalism. Steinbeck offers only one harmonious event for the Joads: a camp that runs on the principlesof communism.33. According to the passage, what text did John Steinbeck write?(A) Marx and Engels(B) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(C) The Time Machine(D) Communism: The Way to Go(E) The Grapes of Wrath34. Which statement outlines the organization of these four paragraphs?(A) An introduction and an example with two opposite claims.(B) A conclusion, two supporting paragraphs, and an introduction.(C) An introduction, a claim, and two supporting paragraph-long examples.(D) Two claims with a supporting example.(E) An introduction, two supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion.35. We can infer from the passage that the author_______.(A) is neutral(B) is a communist(C) is a capitalist(D) is a novelist(E) is poor36. The author sets out to______.(A) argue that communism is an evil theory(B) give an explanation as to why people once took a great interest in communism(C) advocate a return to communism(D) recommend some good books to read(E) eradicate capitalism from the worldIf you are a fan of such shows as Days of Our Lives or Passions, you are enjoying a dramatic tradition over a thousand years old. Any fan of a soap opera knows that certain trademark characters will be a part of the show, whether or not you want them to be. Every soap opera has a naive, innocent character (usually female) who runs into trouble with an evil, conniving, manipulative character (also usually female) who has set her sights on the innocent character’s boyfriend. Every soap opera, additionally, has an earnest young man who, because he is in love with the naive, innocent character, finds himself in conflict with a calculating, boastful man. These recurring character types are modern versions of archetypes created by commedia dell’arte.Commedia dell'arte evolved from the standards set by Roman comedies that became particularly popular during the Renaissance. Roman comedy had become highly formalized, and it used six main types of characters around whom the story unfolded. These characters included the Sweet Young Thing (a naive, innocent, young female character), the Miles Gloriosus (the superficially bold but secretly cowardly soldier), the Old Man (who takes a highly inappropriate interest in the Sweet Young Thing), the Old Woman (usually a nurseor chaperone of the Sweet Young Thing), the Brave Young Man (who eventually weds the Sweet Young Thing), and the Clever Slave (who comically but cleverly aids the Brave Young Man and the Sweet Young Thing in their attempts to escape the evil clutches of the Old Man).Commedia dell'arte adopted these main characters, in particular the Clever Slave (often called the zanni) and the Brave Young Man and the Sweet Young Thing (also called The Lovers or Harlequin and Columbine) and expanded their number. Eventually, a typical commedia dell’arte company consisted of 10 or 12 actors, each specializing in one or two character types, who ad-libbed performances. Over time, people grew tired of these stereotypical characters, and drama turned to more realistic depictions of human traumas. Nevertheless, remnants of commedia d ell’arte exist--such as those in modem soap operas, as we shall see as we analyze some modern day examples.37. The author wants to make the point that(A) soap operas are a complete waste of time(B) commedia dell'arte is a modem art form(C) Days of our Lives is the best soap opera on TV(D) old things can sometimes be recreated in new ways(E) commedia dell’arte was a highly scripted art form38. The character in commedia dell'arte who is a secret coward is the______.(A) Sweet Young Thing(B) Miles Gloriosus(C) Clever Slave(D) Old Man(E) Brave Young Man39. What is the purpose of paragraph one?(A) to tell about the commedia dell’arte(B) to discuss the latest plot developments of Days of Our Lives(C) to talk about specific commedia dell’arte characters(D) to engage the reader’s attention(E) to waste the reader’s time40. What is the name of the pair of lovers in commedia dell'arte?(A) Romeo and Juliet(B) Abbot and Costello(C) Punch and Judy(D) Betty and Veronica(E) Harlequin and Columbine。



真题:美国SSAT考试阅读真题训练Conflict had existed between Spain and England since the 1570s. England wanted a share of the wealth that Spain had been taking from the lands it had claimed in the Americas.Elizabeth I, Queen of England, encouraged her staunch admiral of the navy, Sir Francis Drake, to raid Spanish ships and towns. Though these raids were on a small scale, Drake achieved dramatic success, adding gold and silver to England's treasury and diminishing Spain's omnipotence.Religious differences also caused conflict between the two countries. Whereas Spain was Roman Catholic, most of England had become Protestant. King Philip II of Spain wanted to claim the throne and make England a Catholic country again. To satisfy his ambition and also to retaliate against England's theft of his gold and silver, King Philip began to build his fleet of warships, the Armada, in January 1586.Philip intended his fleet to be indestructible. In addition to building new warships, he marshaled one hundred and thirty sailing vessels of all types and recruited more than nineteen thousand robust soldiers and eight thousand sailors. Although some of his ships lacked guns and others lacked ammunition, Philip was convinced that his Armada could withstand any battle with England.The martial Armada set sail from Lisbon, Portugal, on May 9,1588, but bad weather forced it back to port. The voyage resumed on July 22 after the weather became more stable.The Spanish fleet met the smaller, faster, and more maneuverable English ships in battle off the coast of Plymouth, England, first on July 31 and again on August 2. The two battles left Spain vulnerable, having lost several ships and with its ammunition depleted. On August 7, while the Armada lay at anchor on the French side of the Strait of Dover, England sent eight burning ships into the midst of the Spanish fleet to set it on fire. Blocked on one side, the Spanish ships could only drift away, their crews in panic and disorder. Before the Armada could regroup, the English attacked again on August 8.Although the Spaniards made a valiant effort to fight back, the fleet suffered extensive damage. During the eight hours of battle, the Armada drifted perilously close to the rockycoastline. At the moment when it seemed that the Spanish ships would be driven onto the English shore, the wind shifted, and the Armada drifted out into the North Sea. The Spaniards recognized the superiority of the English fleet and returned home, defeated.20.Sir Francis Drake added wealth to the treasury and diminished Spain's ____.A. unlimited powerB. unrestricted growthC. territoryD. treatiesE. answer not available in article21. Philip recruited many ___soldiers and sailors.A. warlikeB. strongC. accomplishedD. timidE. non experienced22. The ____ Armada set sail on May 9, 1588.A. completeB. warlikeC. independentD. isolatedE. answer not available23. The two battles left the Spanish fleet ____.A. open to changeB. triumphantC. open to attackD. defeatedE. discouraged24. The Armada was ___ on one side.A. closed offB. damagedC. aloneD. circledE. answer not available in this articleAnswer: 20. A 21. B 22. B 23. C 24. A。



SSAT考试阅读真题Although witnesses vouched that all the members of the Czar?s family had been executed, there were rumors suggesting that Anastasia had survived. Over the years, a number of women claimed to be Grand Duchess Anastasia. Perhaps the best ?nown claimant was Anastasia Tschaikovsky, who was also known as Anna Anderson.In 1920, eighteen months after the Czar?s execution, this terrified young woman was rescued from drowning in a Berlin river. She spent two years in a hospital, where she attempted to reclaim her health and shattered mind. The doctors and nurses thought that she resembled Anastasia and questioned heer about her background. She disclaimed any connection with the Czar?s family.Eight years later, though, she claimed that she was Anastasia. She said that she had been rescued by two Russian soldiers after the Czar and the rest of her family had been killed. Two brothers named Tschaikovsky had carried her into Romania. She had married one of the brothers, who had taken her to Berlin and left her there, penniless and without a vocation. Unable to invoke the aid of her mother?s family in Germany, she had tried to drown herself.During the next few years, scores of the Czar?s relatives, ex-servants, and acquaintances interviewed her. Many of these people said that her looks and mannerisms were evocative of the Anastasia that they had known. Her grandmother and other relatives denied that she was the real Anastasia, however.Tried of being accused of fraud, Anastasia immigrated to the United States in 1928 and took the name Anna Anderson. She still wished to prove that she was Anastasia, though, and returned to Germany in 1933 to bring suit against her mother?s family. There she declaimed to the court, asserting that she was indeed Anastasia and deserved her inheritance.In 1957, the court decided that it could neither confirm nor deny Anastasia?s identity. Although we will probably never know whether this woman was the Grand Duchess Anastasia, her search to establish her identity has been the subject of numerous books, plays, and movies.1. Some Russian peasants and workers___for social reform.A. longedB. cried outC. beggedD. hopedE. thought much2. Witnesses ___ that all members of the Czar?s family had been executed.上海SSAT培训,请关注环球SSAT。



SSAT Lower Level Practice Test IPassage 1(说明文)All matter is made of atoms. Different kinds of atoms can combine to form new substances. The page you are reading is made up of billions of atoms. So are you. An atom is an exceedingly tiny thing. For example, it would take a line of about 200 million hydrogen atoms, the smallest kind of atom, to span the distance of one inch.In the nineteenth century, many scientists thought that atoms were indivisible blobs of matter. Now we know that atoms are far more complicated. We also know that under the right conditions certain atoms can be split into smaller particles. When this happens, energy is given off. In certain circumstances it is possible to capture this energy in the form of heat, then use the heat to make electricity.1.This passage is primarily about主旨题(A)how matter is made(B)what atoms are like(C)nineteenth-century scientific discoveries(D)how to generate electricity(E)atomic energy heating systems2.As used in line 3, “exceedingly” means词汇题(A)somewhat(B)fortunately(C)extremely(D)unexpectedly(E)increasingly3.It can inferred from this passage that all of the following statements aboutatoms are correct EXCEPT:细节题(A)Solids, liquids, and gases are all made of atoms.(B)Atoms are composed of smaller particles.(C)Matter can be converted into energy.(D)Living things are composed of atoms.(E)All atoms are of the same size.4.According to the passage, what happens when an atom is broken apart?细节题(A)It forms small hydrogen atoms.(B)It captures heat.(C)It turns into electricity.(D)It gives off energy.(E)It creates billions of new atoms.5.The author’s style is best described as篇章组织题(A)dramatic(B)sarcastic(C)mysterious(D)informative(E)poeticPassage 2小说I was born on November 30, 1835, in the village of Florida, Missouri. My parents had moved to Missouri in the thirties; I do not remember just when, for I was not born then and cared nothing for such things. The village contained a hundred people and I increased the population by one percent. It is more than many of the best people in history could have done for a town. There is no record of a person doing as much --- not even Shakespeare.Recently someone in Missouri sent me a picture of the house I was born in. Heretofore I had a always stated that it was a palace but I shall be more guarded now.The village had two streets, each a couple of hundred yards long; the rest of the avenues were lane, with rail fences and cornfields on either side. Both the streets and the lanes were paved with the same material --- tough black mud in wet times, deep dust in dry.Most of the houses were of logs --- all of them, indeed, except three or four; these latter were frame ones. There were none of brick and none of stone. There was a log church, with a puncheon floor and slab benches. A puncheon floor is made of logs whose upper surfaces have been chipped flat with an adz. The cracks between the logs were not filled; there was no carpet; consequently, if you dropped anything smaller than a peach it was likely to go through. The church was perched upon short sections of logs, which elevated it two or three feet from the ground. Hogs slept under there, and whenever the dogs got after them during services, the minister had to wait till the disturbance was over. In winter there was always a refreshing breeze up through the puncheon floor; in summer there were fleas enough for all.6.The house that the author was born in was probably constructed of推断题(A)logs(B)concrete(C)stone(D)bricks(E)mud7.The hogs referred to in the passage were细节题(A)near the house(B)under the church(C)in a cornfield(D)by the barnyard(E)on the street8.According to the author, the hogs created a disturbance because细节题(A)fleas were annoying them(B)people were feeding them(C)the choir was singing(D)dogs were chasing them(E)they were cold9.An “adz” is probably a type of词汇题(A)floor covering(B)cutting tool(C)church bench(D)hog(E)peach10.According to the author, the most valuable contribution he made to the villageof Florida was细节题(A)building a palace(B)carpeting the church(C)paving the streets(D)introducing Shakespeare to the town(E)increasing the population by one percent11.The mood of this passage can best be described as篇章组织题(A)humorous(B)argumentative(C)analytical(D)tense(E)somberPassage 3From 1970, when a 55-mile stretch of Interstate 80 in Wyoming opened, to 1977, more than 1,000 deer were killed as they crossed between their winter and summer homes. Scientists counted deer tracks in the snow and found that 80 percent of the deer crossed the highway in a single eight mile stretch. Passageways under the highways were built specifically for the animals to use, and an eight-mile-long fence along both sides of the road was erected to funnel the animals into the underpasses. At first the seer appeared apprehensive and paced up and down the fence for as long as three months before crossing. Finally bait was used to lure stragglers, and the number of deer killed along the fenced stretch has been reduced from an average of 100 per year to near zoo.12.How did the scientists discover where most of the deer were crossing thehighway?细节题(A)They observed the deer crossing the highway.(B)They counted the deer that stopped to eat the bait.(C)They counted the deer tracks in the snow.(D)They knew there was only one stretch of road where the deer could cross.(E)They counted the bodies of deer killed by cars.13.It can be inferred that the deer didn’t use the underpasses at first because they推断题(A)were frightened by the cars going overhead(B)had seen other deer killed near there(C)had not encountered underpasses before(D)did not like the fences leading to underpasses(E)were frightened away by the smell of the bait14.What made the deer finally use the underpasses?细节题(A)After three months they got tired of pacing along the fences.(B)Scientists herded them together and pushed them through.(C)One deer led the others through.(D)Food they liked was placed nearby.(E)They found better feeding grounds on the opposite side of the highway.15.As it u sed in line 6, the word “funnel” most nearly means词汇题(A)summon(B)receive(C)guide(D)pour(E)transplant16.Which of the following questions is answered by the information in thepassage?细节题(A)How long did it take to build the underpasses?(B)How far do the deer travel each year to reach their winter homes?(C)Where was the deer’s winter home located?(D)Who assessed the value of the underpasses?(E)What was the reduction in the annual rate of deer killed in car accidents inthis area?17.Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage?主旨题(A)Many deer are killed annually in highway accidents.(B)People have found a way to help deer cross roads safely.(C)Scientists have discovered that deer migrate.(D)Many people in Wyoming care about wildlife.(E)It was a mistake to build Interstate 80.Passage 4演讲稿The following speech was delivered by Susan B. Anthony at her trail in 1873.Friends and fellow-citizens: I stand before you tonight under indictment for the alleged crime of having voted at the last Presidential election [1872], without having a lawful right to vote. It shall be my work this evening to prove to you that in thus voting, I not only committed no crime, but, instead, simply exercised my citizen’s right, guaranteed to me and all United States citizens by the National Constitution.It was we, the people; not we, the White male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves but to the whole people --- women as well as men. And it is a downright mockery to talk to women of their enjoyment of the blessings of liberty, while they are denied the use of the only means of securing them … --- the ballot …The only question left to be settled now is: Are women persons? And I hardly believe any of our opponents will have the hardihood to say they are not. Being persons, then, women are citizens; and no State has a right to make any law, or to enforce any old law, that shall abridge their privileges or immunities.18.In line1, Anthony’s use of “fellow-citizens” is ironic for which of thefollowing reasons?细节题(A)She was not fully a citizen because she had no right to vote.(B)The audience included people not of her sex, race, or religion.(C)Most of the citizens in the audience were females.(D)Those in the audience who were her friends were not necessarily citizens.(E)At that time women were not allowed to make speeches on public issues.19.What does Anthony mean by “I stand before you tonight under indictment”(line 1)?推断题(A)She has been framed by her opponents.(B)She was already in jail.(C)She had been falsely accused of voting in the last election.(D)She was on trial and might be sent to prison.(E)She had been allowed to speak by special permission.20.How does Anthony’s speech reflec t the idea in a speech by Abraham Lincolnin which he defended “government of the people, by the people, for the people”?细节题(A)It points out that all citizens should be able to elect their government.(B)It shows that educated women can solve the problems of government.(C)It shows that women can have only a theoretical interest in affairs of state.(D)It shows that by voting Anthony was overreaching her right as a citizen.(E)It demonstrates that laws in violation of the Constitution are null and void.21.Why does Anthony say that women’s right to vote is guaranteed by theConstitution?推断题(A)The Constitution explicitly gave women the right to vote.(B)One of the blessings of liberty is being allowed to vote.(C)The Constitution gave states the power to authorize women to vote.(D)Only children and criminals were denied the right to vote.(E)The Constitution begins, “We, the people,” which includes women.22.The purpose of Anthony’s speech was to推断题(A)influence the women on the jury in her favor(B)prove that the right to vote would produce racial equality(C)demonstrates that she and other women had the right to vote(D)convince people of the need for economic justice: equal pay for equal work(E)convince the jury that voting was only a tool to be used by women to gainother rightsPassage 5The Mahto band kept to a certain order when they traveled on the plain. And so Wanagi, the young seer, walked in back of the leader. They assigned this place in the procession of seventy persons to the one who carries the smoldering wood, the source of a cooking fire for these twelve Mahto families upon their arrival at the summer campground.The grandfathers had said that only good hands --- hands that never kill --- shall hold these smoldering remains of the winter campfire, a symbol of the continuity of the people. And that the Mahto women, when they start their new campfires from these embers, shall offer thanks to Pte --- the one and the herd --- for Pte, the true meat, shall sustain each generation of Dakota.23.According to the passage, all of the following are part of the rituals of theMahto EXCEPT the细节题(A)order in which they walk(B)role of the person who carries the embers(C)source of fire for the new campfires(D)size of their families(E)prayers that are offered when the campfire is started24.According to the passage, the smoldering wood must be推断题(A)kept safe from other tribes(B)carried only by a male(C)prayed over by the tribes as a group(D)used only in ceremonies(E)carried by someone who has never killed25.The embers Wanagi carries symbolize which of the following to the Dakota?细节题I.The beginning of hunting seasonII.The thankfulness of PteIII.The wisdom of their leaderIV.The continuity of their people(A)Ⅰ only(B)Ⅱ only(C)Ⅳ only(D)Ⅲ and Ⅳ only(E)Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅳ only26.This passage is primarily about主旨题(A) a Native American seer named Wanagi(B)the significance of fire to the Dakota(C)status symbols among Native Americans(D)the military history of the Dakota(E)the westward migration of the Dakota27.The attitude of the writer toward the subject is态度题(A)respectful(B)calculating(C)casual(D)accusing(E)cautiousPassage 6诗歌A wind sways the pines,And below,Not a breath of wild airStill as the mosses that glowOn the flooring and over the linesOf the roots here and there.The pine-tree drops its dead;They are quiet as under the sea.Overhead, overheadRushes life in a race,As the clouds the clouds chase;And we go,And we drop like the fruits of the tree,Even we,Even so.--------George MeridithThe Victorian Age, by Bowyer and Brooks.28.In the poem, our busy lives are compared to which of the following?细节题I.The mosses that glowII.The clouds blowing pastIII.Activity under the sea(A)Ⅰ only(B)Ⅱ only(C)Ⅲ only(D)Ⅰ and Ⅱ only(E)Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ29.“The pine-tree drops its dead” (line 7) suggests that推断题(A)wind has damages the tree beyond repair(B)the tree will no longer produce cones(C)the tree is dying and falling over(D)pine trees do not change color(E)pine needles and cones fall from the tree30.In this poem, the wind above and the stillness below most probably represent推断题(A)the sky and the sea(B)restlessness and contentment(C)happiness and sadness(D)human life and death(E)youth and old age31.With which of the following statements about death would the speaker bemost likely to agree?态度题(A)People should try not to think about death.(B)Having no appreciation of nature is like being dead.(C)Death is an inevitable part of life.(D)Death often comes suddenly and unannounced.(E)Death usually comes when life is quiet and still.Passage 7说明文Chopin’s own playing was the counterpart of his personality. Every characteristic that could be distinguished in the man was apparent in the pianist --- the same precision; the horror of excess and all that is careless and uncontrolled; the same good manners and high tone of character, combined with poetic warmth and a romantic fervor of expression. No one had ever heard such polished playing, although others could make a more overwhelming impression by their rush and violence. It is amistake, encouraged by sentimental legend, to believe that Chopin’s playing was limited by a delicacy which was equivalent to weakness. Even in the last stages of tuberculosis, he could rally and play with an energy that surprised the audience, who saw in front of them “a slight, frail-looking person.” At his final public appearance in November 1848, less than a year before the end, he managed to play “w ith his usual brilliance.”32.Although he performed while seriously ill with tuberculosis, Chopin surprisedthe audience with his细节题(A)frail appearance(B)polish(C)loss of control(D)violence(E)energetic playing33.The “end” mentioned in line 11 most likely refers to细节题(A)Chopin’s retirement from public life(B)the decline of Chopin’s genius(C)the invalidism caused by his illness(D)Chopin’s death in 1849(E)the end of the concert tour34.This passage deals primarily with Chopin’s主旨题(A)musical compositions(B)musical performance(C)debilitating illness(D)aristocratic personality(E)romantic fervor35.When discussing Chopin, the author’s tone in this passage could best bedescribed as态度题(A)admiring(B)brusque(C)ironic(D)hesitant(E)anguished36.The author would most likely agree that推断题(A)Chopin was made seriously ill by wide-spread misinterpretation of his music(B)Chopin’s behavior alternated between extreme self-control and outbursts ofviolence(C)Chopin’s character was a commendable blend of sensitivity and restraint(D)the delicacy of Chopin’s playing was due in large part to his health problems(E)Chopin prolonged his life in spite of his illness by keeping activePassage 8议论文I am not sure that I can draw an exact line between wit and humor, but I am positive that humor is the more comfortable and livable quality. Humorous persons, if their gift is genuine, are always agreeable companions and they sit through the evening best. They have pleasant mouths turned up at the corners. To those corners the great Master of marionettes has fixed the strings and holds them with nimble fingers that twitch them at the slightest jest. But the mouth of a merely witty person is hard and sour until the moment of its discharge. Nor is the flash from a witty person always comforting, whereas a humorous person radiates a general pleasure and is like another candle in the room.37.According to the author, a humorous person is like推断题(A)an expensive gift(B) a loaded gun(C)an unusual puppet(D) a comforting light(E) a mechanical toy38.The author uses the analogy of marionettes to illustrate that humorous people细节题(A)are never forgotten(B)smile frequently(C)control their companions(D)surprise their friends(E)attract many friends39.The author implies that witty people are likely to make remarks that are推断题(A)sentimental(B)emotional(C)displeasing(D)irrelevant(E)explanatory40.Which of the following best expresses the author’s main point?主旨题(A)It is more pleasant to be with humorous people than with witty people.(B)Humor is more difficult to achieve than wit.(C)Humorous people make friends easily.(D)Humor and wit are genuine gifts.(E)Witty people are not usually humorous, but humorous people are usuallywitty.SSAT Lower Level Practice Test IIPassage 1说明文The elephants added to the difficulty of the march. But they had and important role to play in Hannibal’s campaign. Elephants were the tanks of ancient warfare. Ever since they had first been encountered in battle by Alexander’s troops on the banks of the Hydaspes, their value as a substitute for war chariots has been recognized. They were extremely valuable pack animals and, although their behavior in battle was unpredictable, they could be useful against enemy calvary that had not been trained to meet them. But, above all, they were a powerful psychological weapon. Hannibal knew that his elephants would create panic among the Roman soldiers, who would never have seen such creatures before.1.According to the passage, elephants served all of the purposes in warfareEXCEPT:细节题(A)Behaving in a reliable manner(B)Fighting in battle(C)Confusing the enemy(D)Scaring the enemy(E)Transporting supplies2.Which of the following statements describes the author’s opinion of using theelephants in battle?细节题I.It was often not worth the risk because their behavior is unpredictable andthey make the march more difficult.II.There were many advantages to using elephants in warfare.III.The most important use of the elephants was as pack animals.(A)Ⅰonly(B)Ⅱonly(C)Ⅲonly(D)Ⅱand Ⅲ(E)Ⅰ, Ⅱand Ⅲ3.According to the passage, who was Hannibal fighting?推断题(A)Alexander(B)Elephants(C)Hydaspes(D)Romans(E)This information is not stated in the passage4.For what reason are the elephants described as a “powerful psychologicalweapon”?推断题(A)They are very large and intimidating.(B)They were unfamiliar to the enemy.(C)They were unpredictable(D)They gave Hannibal’s troops confidence.(E)Hannibal’s troops could hide behind them.5.Which of the following best describes Hannibal’s intent in using elephantsagainst his enemies?细节题(A)provoke anger(B)create surprise(C)inspire confidence(D)exploit weakness(E)undermine positionsPassage 2Moses may be said to have been the first dowser when be brought forth water by striking a rock with his rod. Outside of this biblical story, the first historical reference to dowsers is medieval. Martin Luther declared that dowsing was a sin, and there is a detailed account from the 1550s of German miners who used wooden sticks to locate minerals and ores.Today, thousands of people still practice dowsing, following a method that is not much different from the one employed by those medieval miners. These dowsers employ a diving rod or some other implement to locate water, metal ores, or other valuables hidden beneath the earth’s surface. The oldest and most commonly used dividing rod is a forked or loop-shaped rod made of wood. This rod is held firmly in the palms of the dowser’s hands, and any sudden swing, either upward or downward, is taken as a signal of the presence of underground water, metal deposits, or even buried treasure. There are still questions as to whether or not dowsing actually works, but there is no question that it is a popular practice throughout the world.Skeptics point out that studies have failed to validate dowsing or to provide any scientific basis for the practice. Dowsers, for instance, claim that the dowsing rod is animated by the presence of an underground water or mineral source. But careful observation has shown that the agitation of the instrument is due to slight muscular movements of the dowser, which may be subconscious, but are certainly not “magical.”Dowsers also feel that their talent to locate hidden objects is a special one, a psychic gift. Scientists sympathetic to their cause say that the dowsers are really responding to electromagnetic currents beneath the earth’s surface, which indicate the presence of minerals or water. Skeptics have a different explanation. They note that dowsers usually work on land that they know well and are familiar with all the signs, nature’s visual clues, that suggest the presence of water in an area.6.Which of the following best describe the author’s attitude towards dowsing?态度题(A)hostile(B)amused(C)positive(D)enthusiastic(E)dubious7.According to the passage, dowsing may involve all of the following EXCEPT:细节题(A)psychic gift(B)electromagnetic currents(C)magic(D)popular practice(E)visual clues8.The objective of the dowser is to 细节题(A)strike rocks.(B)discover underground matter.(C)perform magic.(D)find wood that has special location properties.(E)pick up signals from water and minerals.9.Which of the following best describe a dowser?推断题(A)Scientist(B)Mystic(C)Skeptic(D)Explorer(E)Sinner10.It is most reasonable to infer from the passage that推断题(A)dowsing is an anti-religious practice.(B)dowsing is somewhat successful since it continues to be used.(C)dowsers are itinerant practitioners.(D)wood has special locational properties.(E)underground water sends electromagnetic signals.Passage 2说明文Several legends surround the first American flag. Perhaps the best known and most widely accepted is that of Betsy Ross. Legend tells of George Washington, George Ross and Robert Morris being appointed in June 1776 to design a national flag. Supposedly, Washington made a crude design that was dispatched to Betsy Ross, wife of George Ross’s nephew and an expert seamstress, in Philadelphia. Taking the rough sketch and changing only the number of points on the stars from six to five, Mrs. Ross cut and sewed the first national flag for the United States.History tells us Betsy Ross was a twice-widowed seamstress in Philadelphia who may have made some navy flags. While it is documented that Washington was in Philadelphia for two weeks in 1776, the trip was made on urgent military business. It is doubtful he would have had time to design a flag and, in fact, there is no evidence of his being ordered to do so. Also, the Betsy Ross story was first told in 1870, 94 years after it supposedly took place. The story has all the proper ingredients --- hurried meetings, hasty sketches, patriotic widow sawing the new nation’s flag for the country her late husband died defending. However, history has proven it to be just a story.The origins of the Stars and Stripes are shrouded in mystery, legends and half-truths. Facts strongly suggest that the flag had no single designer but was a conglomeration of ideas and designs.11.Which of the following is the best title for the selection?主旨题(A)Legends Surrounding the First Official Flag(B)Debunking the Betsy Ross Story(C)The Stars and Stripes(D)Navy Flags to Nation’s Flag(E)Flag Maker of the United States12.Which of the following best describes the author’s opinion of Betsy Ross?态度题(A) A fraud(B) A hero(C)Talented(D)Victimized(E)Unskilled13.The author suggests that the flag was probably designed by推断题(A)George Washington, George Ross and Robert Morris(B)Betsy Ross(C)Betsy Ross’s deceased husband(D)Several unknown people(E) A group of seamstresses in Philadelphia14.The author suggests which of the following as reasons why it is unlikely thatBetsy Ross made the first flag?细节题(A)Betsy Ross lacked the necessary skill.(B)George Washington was insulted by the changes to his design that shesuggested.(C)Betsy Ross did not have enough time to make the flag.(D)George Washington never asked Betsy Ross to make the flag.(E)There is no direct evidence that Betsy Ross ever sewed the Stars and Stripes.15.What does the author mean when she says “The story has all the properingredients?”推断题(A)All of the facts support her theory.(B)The story is believable.(C)The story has been told in a way that makes people want to believe it.(D)The story has a beginning, a middle and an end.(E) A recipe for a myth is in the story.Passage 4说明文As earth whirls along its endless journey through space, it has a companion that is always beside it --- the moon. The moon is a small planet. It is only about one-fourth as big as the earth.The moon is our nearest neighbor in space. The stars are billions of miles away. The sun is millions of miles away. But the moon is only about 239,000 miles away. That makes the moon truly a next-door neighbor.In a way, the moon “belongs” to the earth. Just as earth moves around the sun, the moon moves around the earth. It is held in place by the tug o f earth’s stronger gravity.A planet that is held by another planet this way is called a satellite. The moon is earth’s satellite.The moon is a ball of gray rock, some of which is covered with dust. It has no air or water --- and, of course, no plants or animals. Its whole surface is nothing but mountains and plains of rock. When we look up at a full moon, we often see dark patches. These dark patches are the lowlands. They seem to form a shadowy face that people have named “the main in the moon.” The brig hter parts of the moon are the highlands.In ancient times, many people worshipped the moon. The Romans, who thought the moon was a goddess, named it Luna. Our word Lunar means “of the moon.”16.The author states that the moon “belongs” to earth because推断题(A)I t is earth’s nearest neighbor.(B)It is a satellite of the earth.(C)One can see the man in the moon from earth.(D)Ancient Romans considered it a goddess.(E)The moon could not exist without the earth.17.According to the passage, which of the following is on the surface of the moon?细节题(A)Air(B)Water(C)Mountains(D)Plants(E)Man。



SSAT 阅读精选练习题以下是资料下载小编为大家总结的 SSAT 阅读精选练习题,希望对大家 SSAT 备考有帮助,赶快下载全篇吧。

In the sixteenth century, an age of great marine and terrestrial exploration, Ferdinand Magellan led the first expedition to sail around the world. As a young Portuguese noble, he served the king of Portugal, but he became involved in the quagmire of political intrigue at court and lost the king’s favor. After he was dismissed from service to the king of Portugal, he offered to serve the future Emperor Charles V of Spain.A papal decree of 1493 had assigned all land in the New World west of 50 degrees W longitude to Spain and all the land east of that line to Portugal. Magellan offered to prove that the East Indies fell under Spanish authority. On September 20, 1519, Magellan set sail from Spain with five ships. More than a year later, one of these ships was exploring the topography of South America in search of a water route across the continent. This ship sank, but the remaining four ships searched along the southern peninsula of South America. Finally they found the passage they sought near a latitude of 50 degrees S. Magellan named this passage the Strait of All Saints, but today we know it as the Strait of Magellan.One ship deserted while in this passage and returned to Spain, so fewer sailors were privileged to gaze at that first panorama of the Pacific Ocean. Those who remained crossed the meridian we now call the International Date Line in the early spring of 1521 after ninety-eight days on the Pacific Ocean. During those long days at sea, many of Magellan’s men died of starvation and disease.Later Magellan became involved in an insular conflict in the Philippines and was killed in a tribal battle. Only one ship and seventeen sailors under the command of the Basque navigator Elcano survived to complete the westward journey to Spain and thus prove once and for all that the world is round, with no precipice at the edge.1.The sixteenth century was an age of great ___exploration.A. cosmicB. landC. mentalD. common manE. none of the above2. Magellan lost the favor of the king of Portugal when he became involved in a political ___.A. entanglementB. discussionC. negotiationE. none of the above3. The Pope divided New World lands between Spain and Portugal according to their location on one side or the other of an imaginary geographical line 50 degrees west of Greenwich that extends in a ___ direction.A. north and southB. crosswiseC. easterlyD. south eastE. north and west4. One of Magellan’s ships explored the ___ of South America for a passage across the continent.A. coastlineB. mountain rangeC. physical featuresD. islandsE. none of the above5. Four of the ships sought a passage along a southern ___.A. coastB. inlandC. body of land with water on three sidesD. borderE. answer not available6. The passage was found near 50 degrees S of ___.A. GreenwichB. The equatorD. PortugalE. Madrid7. In the spring of 1521, the ships crossed the ___ now called the International Date Line.A. imaginary circle passing through the polesB. Imaginary line parallel to the equatorC. areaD. land massE. answer not found in article答案:1. (B)2. (A)3. (A)4. (C)5. (C)6. (B)7. (A)。



ssat中级考试试题SSAT,全称为Secondary School Admission Test,是一项美国中学入学考试,用于评估学生的学术能力和适应程度。


阅读理解部分阅读以下短文,然后回答问题:Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Alice. She was curious about everything around her. One day, she followed a white rabbit into its burrow and found herself in a wonderful new world. This world was called Wonderland, and it was filled with fantastical creatures and mysterious adventures.What is the main idea of the story?Why did Alice follow the white rabbit?Name two fantastical creatures mentioned in the story.数学部分If a = 5 and b = 3, what is the value of 2a - b?On a scale of 1-10, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest, how would you rate your math ability?写作部分Write a paragraph about your favorite place to read. Include reasons why you like it and any special features it has that make it perfect for reading.批判性思维部分Consider the following statement: "All dogs are animals." Explain why this statement is true.Think of a time when you had to make a decision without any clear right or wrong answer. How did you approach this decision-making process?这只是一个非常基础的示例,实际的SSAT中级考试会更加深入和全面。



SSAT阅读真题及答案解析免费下载1、When you want to hang the American flag over the middle of a street, suspend it vertically with the blue field, called the union, to the north and east-west street. When the flag is displayed with another banner from crossed staffs, the American flag is on the right. Place the staff of the American flag in front of the other staff. Raise the flag quickly and lower it slowly and respectfully. When flying the flag at half-mast, hoist it to the top of the pole for a moment before lowering it to mid-pole. When flying the American flag with banners from states or cities, raise the nation's banner first and lower it last. Never allow the flag to touch the ground.What is the main idea of this passage?A. The American flag is the symbol of American freedom.B. The American flag has fifty stars.C. Placing the American flag inappropriately will draw government intervention.D. American flag should be flown differently in certain situations.","The flag should be lowered quickly and respectfully.2、. What if someone told you about a kind of grass that grows as tall as the tallest trees? A grass that can be made as strong as steel? A grass from which houses, furniture, boats, and hundreds of other useful things can be made? A grass that you would even enjoy eating? Would you believe that person? You should, for that grass is bamboo, the “wood” of 1,001 uses.Bamboo may look like wood, but it is part of the family of plants that includes wheat, oats, and barley. It is a kind of grass. This grass is not just a material for making useful products. Young bamboo is eaten, often mixed with other vegetables, in many Asian foods.Bamboo grows in many parts of the world. In the United States it grows in an area from Virginia west to Indiana and south to Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. Most bamboo, however, is found in warm, wet climates, especially in Asia and on the islandsof the South Pacific Ocean.In most Asian countries, bamboo is nearly as important as rice. Many Asians live in bamboo houses. They sit on bamboo chairs and sleep on bamboo mats. They fence their land with bamboo and use the wood for cages for chickens and pigs.Bamboo is used to build large buildings as well as homes. When it is glued in layers, it becomes as strong as steel. On some islands in the South Pacific, bamboo is even used for water pipes. This extraordinary material has many other uses. It is used to make musical instruments, such as flutes and recorders. Paper made from bamboo has been highly prized by artists for thousands of years.Bamboo is light and strong, and it bends without breaking. It is cheap, floats on water, almost never wears out, and is easy to grow. Nothing else on earth grows quite so fast as bamboo. At times you can even see it grow! Botanists have recorded growths of more than three feet in just twenty-four hours! Bamboo is hollow and has a strong root system that almost never stops growing and spreading. In fact, only after it flowers, an event that may happen only once every thirty years, will bamboo die.There are more than a thousand kinds of bamboo. The smallest is only three inches tall and one-tenth of an inch across. The largest reaches more than two hundred feet in height and seven inches in diameter. No wonder, then, that the lives of nearly half the people on earth would change enormously if there were no longer any bamboo. No wonder, too, that to many people bamboo is a symbol of happiness and good fortune.。

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在备考S SAT的过程中,阅读部分作为考试的难点所在,需要我们多花些时间练习,不断通过SSAT考试练习题加强熟练度。


下面我们来看一下阅读部分的美国S SAT考试真题。



S SAT阅读部分一直被认为是考试中的难点所在。


Conflict had existed between Spain and England since the 1570s. England wanted a share of the wealth that Spain had been taking from the lands it had claimed in the Americas.
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, encouraged her staunch admiral of the navy, Sir Francis Drake, to raid Spanish ships and towns. Though these raids were on a small scale, Drake achieved dramatic success, adding gold and silver to England's treasury and diminishing Spain's omnipotence.
Religious differences also caused conflict between the two countries. Whereas Spain was Roman Catholic, most of England had become Protestant. King Philip II of Spain wanted to claim the throne and make England a Catholic country again. To satisfy his ambition and also to retaliate against England's theft of his gold and silver, King Philip began to build his fleet of warships, the Armada, in January 1586.
Philip intended his fleet to be indestructible. In addition to building new warships, he marshaled one hundred and thirty sailing vessels of all types and recruited more than nineteen thousand robust soldiers and eight thousand sailors. Although some of his ships lacked guns and others lacked ammunition, Philip was convinced that his Armada could withstand any battle with England.
The martial Armada set sail from Lisbon, Portugal, on May 9,1588, but bad weather forced it back to port. The voyage resumed on July 22 after the weather became more stable.
The Spanish fleet met the smaller, faster, and more maneuverable English ships in battle off the coast of Plymouth, England, first on July 31 and again on August 2. The two battles left Spain vulnerable, having lost several ships and with its ammunition depleted. On August 7, while the Armada lay at anchor on the French side of the Strait of Dover, England sent eight burning ships into the midst of the Spanish fleet to set it on fire. Blocked on one side, the Spanish ships could only drift away, their crews in panic and disorder. Before the Armada could regroup, the English attacked again on August 8.
Although the Spaniards made a valiant effort to fight back, the fleet suffered extensive damage. During the eight hours of battle, the Armada drifted perilously close to the rocky coastline. At the moment when it seemed that the Spanish ships
would be driven onto the English shore, the wind shifted, and the Armada drifted out into the North Sea. The Spaniards recognized the superiority of the English fleet and returned home, defeated.
20.Sir Francis Drake added wealth to the treasury and diminished Spain's ____.
A. unlimited power
B. unrestricted growth
C. territory
D. treaties
E. answer not available in article
21. Philip recruited many ___soldiers and sailors.
A. warlike
B. strong
C. accomplished
D. timid
E. non experienced
22. The ____ Armada set sail on May 9, 1588.
A. complete
B. warlike
C. independent
D. isolated
E. answer not available
23. The two battles left the Spanish fleet ____.
A. open to change
B. triumphant
C. open to attack
D. defeated
E. discouraged
24. The Armada was ___ on one side.
A. closed off
B. damaged
C. alone
D. circled
E. answer not available in this article
答案20. A 21. B 22. B 23. C 24. A



