



Einstein's Painful RomanceWalter SullivanThe story of an anguished love affair between Albert Einstein and the woman who would later become his first wife has emerged in newly disclosed correspondence between them.新近披露的艾伯特·爱因斯坦与意中人(此人后来成为他的元配)之间的来往信件,向人们展示了这对情侣饱含辛酸的爱情经历。

Many of the letters describe the love between the young scientist and his future wife, Mileva Maric; the pain associated with his mother's vehement disapproval of the relationship; and their excitement over the impending birth of a child.有许多信件都叙述了这位年轻科学家和他未婚妻米莱娃·玛丽克之间的爱情,叙述了因为爱因斯坦的母亲拼命反对这门亲事而引起他俩的痛苦心情,还叙述了他俩为孩子的即将出世油然而生的兴奋心情。

The fate of the child, a girl, however, remains a mystery. She was born before the couple married in 1903 and there apparently is no record of what became of her.然而,这个女孩后来的命运如何依然是个谜。




Unit oneSome Meanings of Authentic Love真爱的几点内涵爱意味着我了解我所爱的人。






























研究生英语综合教程精读英语翻译Unit Seven我对人类的了解越多,对他们的期望就越低。






















Rats and Men"Insoluble" ProblemsProfessor N. R. F. Maier of the University of Michigan performed a series of experiments several years ago in which "neurosis" is induced in rats. The rats are first trained to jump off the edge of a platform at one of two doors.If the rat jumps to the right, the door holds fast, and it bumps its nose and falls into a net; if it jumps to the left, the door opens, and the rat finds a dish of food. When the rats are well trained to this reaction, the situation is changed. The food is put behind the other door, so that in order to get their reward they now have to jump to the right instead of to the left. (Other changes, such as marking the two doors in different ways, may also be introduced by the experimenter.)If the rat fails to figure out the new system, so that each time it jumps it never knows whether it is going to get food or bump its nose, it finally gives up and refuses to jump at all. At this stage, Dr. Maier says, "Many rats prefer to starve rather than make a choice."密執安大學のN.R.F. 麥耶教授幾年前做過一系列可以誘導鼠產生“神經官能症”の實驗。



The End Is Not at HandThe environmental rhetoric overblown.The planet will surviveRobert J. SamuelsonWhoever coined the phrase "save the planet" is a public relation genius. It conveys the sense of impending catastrophe and high purpose that has wrapped environmentalism in an aura of moral urgency.It also typifies environmentalism's rhetorical excesses, which, in any other context, would be seen as wild exaggeration or simple dishonesty.无论是谁杜撰了“拯救地球”这一说法,他都是一位公共关系方面的天才。



Up to a point, our environmental awareness has checked a mindless enthusiasm for unrestrained economic growth.We have sensibly curbed some of growth's harmful side effects. But environmentalism increasingly resembles a holy crusade addicted to hypeand ignorant of history.Every environmental ill is depicted as an onrushing calamity that—if not stopped will end life as we know it.就某种程度而言,我们的环境意识遏制了对自由经济增长所表现出的盲目热情。



Unit1 从能力到责任1当代的大学生对他们在社会中所扮演的角色的认识模糊不清。



















Can Harry Potter wave his magic wand and revive a dead language? Publishers of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, who plan to translate the adventures of the schoolboy wizard into Latin and ancient Greek, think it might help, the Daily Telegraph newspaper reported. Author J.K. Rowling and her publishers Bloomsbury hope the translations will help children overcome the dread of studying the two ancient languages, the newspaper said. “We aren’t under any illusions that the Latin and Greek will be best-sellers but we think that it will mean much more fun lessons for anyone studying Latin and Greek,” said Emma Matthewson, Rowling’s editor at Bloomsbury. Peter Needham, who taught Latin and Greek at top boy’s school Eton College, was translating the first of Rowling’s books. “This is going to be a wonderful thing for children. It has got very witty dialogue…”he was quoted as saying. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is not the first children’s book to be translated into Latin. Paddington Bear, Alice in Wonderland and Winnie the Pooh have all had the Latin treatment, the newspaper said.哈里·波特的魔杖能让已死的语言起死回生吗?《哈里·波特与魔法石》的出版商认为这有可能。



中科院博士研究生英语精读-课文翻译及原文第1课知识的悖论The Paradox of KnowledgeThe greatest achievement of humankind in its long evolution from ancient hominoid ancestors to its present status is the acquisition and accumulation of a vast body of knowledge about itself, the world, and the universe. The products of this knowledge are all those things that, in the aggregate, we call "civilization," including language, science, literature, art, all the physical mechanisms, instruments, and structures we use, and the physical infrastructures on which society relies. Most of us assume that in modern society knowledge of all kinds is continually increasing and the aggregation of new information into the corpus of our social or collective knowledge is steadily reducing the area of ignorance about ourselves, the world, and the universe. But continuing reminders of the numerous areas of our present ignorance invite a critical analysis of this assumption.In the popular view, intellectual evolution is similar to, although much more rapid than, somatic evolution. Biological evolution is often described by the statement that "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny"--meaning that the individual embryo, in its development from a fertilized ovum into a human baby, passes through successive stages in which it resembles ancestral forms of the human species. The popular view is that humankind has progressed from a state of innocent ignorance, comparable to that of an infant, and gradually has acquired more and more knowledge, much as a child learns in passing through the several grades of the educational system. Implicit in this view is an assumption that phylogeny resembles ontogeny, so that there will ultimately be a stage in which the accumulation ofknowledge is essentially complete, at least in specific fields, as if society had graduated with all the advanced degrees that signify mastery of important subjects.Such views have, in fact, been expressed by some eminent scientists. In 1894 the great American physicist Albert Michelson said in a talk at the University of Chicago:While it is never safe to affirm that the future of Physical Science has no marvels in store even more astonishing than those of the past, it seems probable that most of the grand underlying principles have been firmly established and that further advances are to be sought chiefly in the rigorous application of these principles to all the phenomena which come under our notice .... The future truths of Physical Science ate to be looked for in the sixth place of decimals.In the century since Michelson's talk, scientists have discovered much more than the refinement of measurements in the sixth decimal place, and none is willing to make a similar statement today. However, many still cling to the notion that such astate of knowledge remains a possibility to be attained sooner or later. Stephen Hawking, the great English scientist, in his immensely popular book A Brief History of Time (1988), concludes with the speculation that we may "discover a complete theory" that "would be the ultimate triumph of human reason--for then we would know the mind of God." Paul Davies, an Australian physicist, echoes that view by suggesting that the human mind may be able to grasp some of the secrets encompassed by the title of his book The Mind of God (1992). Other contemporary scientists write of "theories of everything," meaning theories that explain all observable physicalphenomena, and Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg, one of the founders of the current standard model of physical theory, writes of his Dreams of a Final Theory (1992).Despite the eminence and obvious yearning of these and many other contemporary scientists, there is nothing in the history of science to suggest that any addition of data or theories to the body of scientific knowledge will ever provide answers to all questions in any field. On the contrary, the history of science indicates that increasing knowledge brings awareness of new areas of ignorance and of new questions to be answered.Astronomy is the most ancient of the sciences, and its development is a model of other fields of knowledge. People have been observing the stars and other celestial bodies since the dawn of recorded history. As early as 3000 B.C. the Babylonians recognized a number of the constellations. In the sixth century B.C., Pythagoras proposed the notion of a spherical Earth and of a universe with objects in it chat moved in accordance with natural laws. Later Greek philosophers taught that the sky was a hollow globe surrounding the Earth, that it was supported on an axis running through the Earth, and chat stars were inlaid on its inner surface, which rotated westward daily. In the second century A.D., Ptolemy propounded a theory of a geocentric (Earth-centered) universe in which the sun, planets, and stars moved in circular orbits of cycles and epicycles around the Earth, although the Earth was not at the precise center of these orbits. While somewhat awkward, the Ptolemaic system could produce reasonably reliable predictions of planetary positions, which were, however, good for only a few years and which developed substantial discrepancies from actual observations over a long period of time. Nevertheless, sincethere was no evidence then apparent to astronomers that the Earth itself moves, the Ptolemaic system remained unchallenged for more than 13 centuries.In the sixteenth century Nocolaus Copernicus, who is said to have mastered all the knowledge of his day in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and theology, became dissatisfied with the Ptolemaic system. He found that a heliocentric system was both mathematically possible and aesthetically more pleasing, and wrote a full exposition of his hypothesis, which was not published until 1543, shortly after his death. Early in the seventeenth century, Johannes Kepler became imperial mathematician of the Holy Roman Empire upon the death of Tycho Brahe, and he acquired a collection of meticulous naked-eye observations of the positions of celestial bodies chat had been made by Brahe. On the basis of these data, Kepler calculated that both Ptolemy and Copernicus were in error in assuming chat planets traveled in circular orbits, and in 1609 he published a book demonstrating mathematically chat the planets travel around the sun in elliptical orbits. Kepler's laws of planetary motion are still regarded as basically valid.In the first decade of the seventeenth century Galileo Galilei learned of the invention of the telescope and began to build such instruments, becoming the first person to use a telescope for astronomical observations, and thus discovering craters on the moon, phases of Venus, and the satellites of Jupiter. His observations convinced him of the validity of the Copernican system and resulted in the well-known conflict between Galileo and church authorities. In January 1642 Galileo died, and in December of chat year Isaac Newton was born. Modern science derives largely from the work of these two men.Newton's contributions to science are numerous. He laid the foundations for modem physical optics, formulated the basic laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation, and devised the infinitesimal calculus. Newton's laws of motion and gravitation are still used for calculations of such matters as trajectories of spacecraft and satellites and orbits of planets. In 1846, relying on such calculations as a guide to observation, astronomers discovered the planet Neptune.While calculations based on Newton's laws are accurate, they are dismayingly complex when three or more bodies are involved. In 1915, Einstein announced his theory of general relativity, which led to a set of differential equations for planetary orbits identical to those based on Newtonian calculations, except for those relating to the planet Mercury. The elliptical orbit of Mercury rotates through the years, but so slowly that the change of position is less than one minute of arc each century. The equations of general relativity precisely accounted for this precession; Newtonian equations did not.Einstein's equations also explained the red shift in the light from distant stars and the deflection of starlight as it passed near the sun. However, Einstein assumed chat the universe was static, and, in order to permit a meaningful solution to the equations of relativity, in 1917 he added another term, called a "cosmological constant," to the equations. Although the existence and significance of a cosmological constant is stillbeing debated, Einstein later declared chat this was a major mistake, as Edwin Hubble established in the 1920s chat the universe is expanding and galaxies are receding from one another at a speed proportionate to their distance.Another important development in astronomy grew out ofNewton's experimentation in optics, beginning with his demonstration chat sunlight could be broken up by a prism into a spectrum of different colors, which led to the science of spectroscopy. In the twentieth century, spectroscopy was applied to astronomy to gun information about the chemical and physical condition of celestial bodies chat was not disclosed by visual observation. In the 1920s, precise photographic photometry was introduced to astronomy and quantitative spectrochemical analysis became common. Also during the 1920s, scientists like Heisenberg, de Broglie, Schrodinger, and Dirac developed quantum mechanics, a branch of physics dealing with subatomic particles of matter and quanta of energy. Astronomers began to recognize that the properties of celestial bodies, including planets, could be well understood only in terms of physics, and the field began to be referred to as "astrophysics."These developments created an explosive expansion in our knowledge of astronomy. During the first five thousand years or more of observing the heavens, observation was confined to the narrow band of visible light. In the last half of this century astronomical observations have been made across the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, including radio waves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays, and from satellites beyond the atmosphere. It is no exaggeration to say chat since the end of World War II more astronomical data have been gathered than during all of the thousands of years of preceding human history.However, despite all improvements in instrumentation, increasing sophistication of analysis and calculation augmented by the massive power of computers, and the huge aggregation of data, or knowledge, we still cannot predict future movements of planets and other elements of even the solar system with ahigh degree of certainty. Ivars Peterson, a highly trained science writer and an editor of Science News, writes in his book Newton's Clock (1993) that a surprisingly subtle chaos pervades the solar system. He states:In one way or another the problem of the solar system's stability has fascinated and tormented asrtonomers and mathematicians for more than 200 years. Somewhat to the embarrassment of contemporary experts, it remains one of the most perplexing, unsolved issues in celestial mechanics. Each step toward resolving this and related questions has only exposed additional uncertainties and even deeper mysteries.Similar problems pervade astronomy. The two major theories of cosmology,general relativity and quantum mechanics, cannot be stated in the same mathematical language, and thus are inconsistent with one another, as the Ptolemaic and Copernican theories were in the sixteenth century, although both contemporary theories continue to be used, but for different calculations. Oxford mathematician Roger Penrose, in The Emperors New Mind (1989), contends that this inconsistency requires a change in quantum theory to provide a new theory he calls "correct quantum gravity."Furthermore, the observations astronomers make with new technologies disclose a total mass in the universe that is less than about 10 percent of the total mass that mathematical calculations require the universe to contain on the basis of its observed rate of expansion. If the universe contains no more mass than we have been able to observe directly, then according to all current theories it should have expanded in the past, and be expanding now, much more rapidly than the rate actually observed. It istherefore believed that 90 percent or more of the mass in the universe is some sort of "dark matter" that has not yet been observed and the nature of which is unknown. Current theories favor either WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles) or MACHOs (massive compact halo objects). Other similar mysteries abound and increase in number as our ability to observe improves.The progress of biological and life sciences has been similar to that of the physical sciences, except that it has occurred several centuries later. The theory of biological evolution first came to the attention of scientists with the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species in 1859. But Darwin lacked any explanation of the causes of variation and inheritance of characteristics. These were provided by Gregor Mendel, who laid the mathematical foundation of genetics with the publication of papers in 1865 and 1866.Medicine, according to Lewis Thomas, is the youngest science, having become truly scientific only in the 1930s. Recent and ongoing research has created uncertainty about even such basic concepts as when and how life begins and when death occurs, and we are spending billions in an attempt to learn how much it may be possible to know about human genetics. Modern medicine has demonstrably improved both our life expectancies and our health, and further improvements continue to be made as research progresses. But new questions arise even more rapidly than our research resources grow, as the host of problems related to the Human Genome Project illustrates.From even such an abbreviated and incomplete survey of science as this, it appears that increasing knowledge does not result in a commensurate decrease in ignorance, but, on thecontrary, exposes new lacunae in our comprehension and confronts us with unforeseen questions disclosing areas of ignorance of which wewere not previously aware.Thus the concept of science as an expanding body of knowledge that will eventually encompass or dispel all significant areas of ignorance is an illusion. Scientists and philosophers are now observing that it is naive to regard science as a process that begins with observations that are organized into theories and are then subsequently tested by experiments. The late Karl Popper, a leading philosopher of science, wrote in The Growth of Scientific Knowledge (1960) chat science starts from problems, not from observations, and chat every worthwhile new theory raises new problems. Thus there is no danger that science will come to an end because it has completed its task, clanks to the "infinity of our ignorance."At least since Thomas Kuhn published The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), it has been generally recognized that observations are the result of theories (called paradigms by Kuhn and other philosophers), for without theories of relevance and irrelevance there would be no basis for determining what observations to make. Since no one can know everything, to be fully informed on any subject (a claim sometimes made by those in authority) is simply to reach a judgment that additional data are not important enough to be worth the trouble of securing or considering.To carry the analysis another step, it must be recognized that theories are the result of questions and questions are the product of perceived ignorance. Thus it is chat ignorance gives rise to inquiry chat produces knowledge, which, in turn, discloses newareas of ignorance. This is the paradox of knowledge: As knowledge increases so does ignorance, and ignorance may increase more than its related knowledge.My own metaphor to illustrate the relationship of knowledge and ignorance is based on a line from Matthew Arnold: "For we are here as on a darkling plain...." The dark chat surrounds us, chat, indeed, envelops our world, is ignorance. Knowledge is the illumination shed by whatever candles (or more technologically advanced light sources) we can provide. As we light more and more figurative candles, the area of illumination enlarges; but the area beyond illumination increases geometrically. We know chat there is much we don't know; but we cannot know how much there is chat we don't know. Thus knowledge is finite, but ignorance is infinite, and the finite cannot ever encompass the infinite.This is a revised version of an article originally published in COSMOS 1994. Copyright 1995 by Lee Loevinger.Lee Loevinger is a Washington lawyer and former assistant attorney general of the United States who writes frequently for scientific c publications. He hasparticipated for many years as a member, co-chair, or liaison with the National Conference of Lawyers and Scientists, and he is a founder and former chair of the Science and Technology Section of the American Bar Association. Office address: Hogan and Hartson, 555 Thirteenth St. NW, Washington, DC 20004.人类从古类人猿进化到当前的状态这个长久的进化过程中的最大成就是有关于人类自身、世界以及宇宙众多知识的获得和积聚。



Unit One Techn‎o logy‎vs. Terro‎r ism参考译文应对恐怖主‎义的技术毒素嗅探器‎、导弹人为干‎发射机、放射性核弹‎探测器:‚9〃11‛事件后闪电式的‎保卫行动不‎仅影响着公‎共安全——还在改变着‎科学的进程‎。

史蒂芬〃汉德曼[1] 在防止未来‎的“9·11” 事件式攻击‎—或更恶劣的‎攻击—的竞赛中,华盛顿以前‎苏联发射人‎造地球卫星‎以来所未有‎的规模对美‎国的科学机‎构做了安排‎。

自2003‎年以来,联邦政府对‎国土防卫研‎究的投资猛‎增到近 40 亿美元,而这只不过‎是安全总开‎支的沧海一‎粟。



[2] 然而有些专‎家认为,这么大的开‎支实际上只‎能提供一种‎安全上的错‎觉。

《超脱恐惧:明智地考虑‎变幻莫测世‎界的安全问‎题》的作者布鲁‎斯· 施奈尔说:“这当中有许‎多都是做表‎面文章的保‎安技术,目的是让你‎感到更安全‎。

” 他指出,高技术防护‎措施大量涌‎入了从白宫‎到各地市政‎厅等标志性‎建筑内,他声称这就‎会将恐怖分‎子的注意力‎引向地铁与‎体育场等“ 较软性” 目标。



下面是 5 个风险最高‎的领域以及‎今后几年会‎出现的一些‎保卫它们的‎技术。

空气、水、食品[3] 这个领域里‎最大的难题‎之一是研制‎一系列传感‎器,它们能觉察‎出对从田地‎里的庄稼到‎公共场所的‎空调系统等‎各样事物所‎发动的攻击‎。

环保局和疾‎病控制预防‎中心及联邦‎调查局协作‎,在美国 30 个城市部署‎了一个微型‎毒素检测器‎的网络,作为叫做“ 生物警卫” 的 3 亿美元项目‎的一部分。



研究生英语精读教程课文原文+翻译+短文unit3Rats and Men"Insoluble" ProblemsProfessor N. R. F. Maier of the University of Michigan performed a series of experiments several years ago in which "neurosis" is induced in rats. The rats are first trained to jump off the edge of a platform at one of two doors.If the rat jumps to the right, the door holds fast, and it bumps its nose and falls into a net; if it jumps to the left, the door opens, and the rat finds a dish of food. When the rats are well trained to this reaction, the situation is changed. The food is put behind the other door, so that in order to get their reward they now have to jump to the right instead of to the left. (Other changes, such as marking the two doors in different ways, may also be introduced by the experimenter.)If the rat fails to figure out the new system, so that each time it jumps it never knows whether it is going to get food or bump its nose, it finally gives up and refuses to jump at all. At this stage, Dr. Maier says, "Many rats prefer to starve rather than make a choice."密执安大学的N.R.F. 麦耶教授几年前做过一系列可以诱导鼠产生“神经官能症”的实验。



Unit 11) 中国政府致力于打击各行各业的腐败现象。

(crack down on)The Chinese government is making an effort to crack down on corruption in different walks of life .2) 研究发现,烟民倾向于集体戒烟,这意味着以小组形式组织的戒烟活动比个人单独戒烟更见成效。

(cessation program)The research finds that smokers tend to quit in groups, which means smoking cessation programs should work best if they focus on groups rather than individuals.3) 随着ATC协议于2005年1月1日终止,纺织品服装贸易将最终纳入世贸组织自由贸易体制中。

(termination)With the termination of the ATC agreement on January 1st, 2005, trade in textiles and clothing will be fully integrated into the multilateral trading system of WTO.4) 它还能帮助你对自己的情绪和思想感到更多的控制,帮助你改善态度、健康和幸福感。

(sense of well-being)It can also help you feel more in control of your emotions and thoughts and help improve your attitude, health, and sense of well-being.5) 我通常都不会接受迟到的申请,既然你病的厉害,我今天就破例。



The End Is Not at HandThe environmental rhetoric overblown.The planet will surviveRobert J. SamuelsonWhoever coined the phrase "save the planet" is a public relation genius. It conveys the sense of impending catastrophe and high purpose that has wrapped environmentalism in an aura of moral urgency.It also typifies environmentalism's rhetorical excesses, which, in any other context, would be seen as wild exaggeration or simple dishonesty.无论是谁杜撰了“拯救地球”这一说法,他都是一位公共关系方面的天才。



Up to a point, our environmental awareness has checked a mindless enthusiasm for unrestrained economic growth.We have sensibly curbed some of growth's harmful side effects. But environmentalism increasingly resembles a holy crusade addicted to hype and ignorant of history.Every environmental ill is depicted as an onrushing calamity that—if not stopped will end life as we know it.就某种程度而言,我们的环境意识遏制了对自由经济增长所表现出的盲目热情。



研究生英语精读教程(第三版_上)第5单元英文原文及翻译和课后答案以下是研究生英语精读教程(第三版_上)第5单元的英文原文及翻译和课后答案的文章:Unit 5: English Text and Translation, and Answers to ExercisesI. English Text and Translation1. Text 1Text:The expression "deep water" is used to suggest that a person, an organization or a country is in serious difficulty and will probably become even more involved in trouble. Such a position is described as being in "hot water."关于“深水”的说法用来暗示一个人、一个组织或者一个国家正面临着严重的困难,并且可能变得更加麻烦。


Translation:2. Text 2Text:Ironically, "Into hot water" kept largely its literal sense up to the seventeenth century, meaning actual exposure to danger. Often this would have referred to being in battle.具有讽刺意味的是,在十七世纪之前,“陷入困境”在很大程度上还保持着其字面意义,意味着面临实际的危险。


Translation:3. Text 3Text:The temperature increase then caused a war pageant! An admiral would sign a warrant to commence hostilities – the burning of wooden fleets being an impressive enough spectacle – by placing his official seal at the bottom of the piece of parchment.然后温度的升高引发了一个战争场面!一位军官会签署一份授权书来开始敌对行动——燃烧木舰队已经足够具有震撼力——他会在这张羊皮纸底部放上他的官方印章。



Cancer & Chemicals-Are We Going Too Far?Marla ConeLast year, California governor George Deukmejian called together many of the state's best scientific minds to begin implementing Proposition 65, the state's Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act. This new law bans industries from discharging chemical suspected of causing cancer (carcinogens) or birth defects into water supplies. Some claim it will also require warning labels on everything that might cause cancer.去年,加利福尼亚州州长乔治·德米加召集本州许多优秀的科学家开会,开始执行第65号提案,即州安全饮用水和毒品实施法案。



A day of esotericscience and incomprehensible jargonwas predicted. But Bruce Ames, chairman of the department of biochemistry at the University of California at Berkeley, had plans to liven the proceedings.原来预计,开会那天将全是些玄妙的科学和难懂的术语,但加州大学伯克利分校生物化学系系主任布鲁斯·爱姆兹却打算使会议开得更有生气。

研究生英语精读教程(第三版 上)--课文翻译及课后题解答

研究生英语精读教程(第三版 上)--课文翻译及课后题解答

Unit one你认为自己是什么样的人,那你就是什么样的人如果你改变想法——从悲观变为乐观——你就可以改变自己的生活卡勒普-撒弗兰[ 1 ] 你看酒杯是半杯有酒而不是半杯空着的吗?你的眼睛是盯着炸面圈,而不是它中间的孔吗? 当研究者们自细观察积极思维的作用时,这些陈辞滥调突然问都成了科学问题。

[ 2 ] 迅速增多的大量研究工作——迄今已有104个研究项目,涉及大约15 000人——证明乐观的态度可以使你更快乐、更健康、更成功。



”[ 3 ]“你的能力固然重要,”匹兹堡的卡内基一梅降大学的心理学家迈克尔·F·沙伊尔说,“但你成功的信念影响到你是否真能成功,”在某种程度上,这是由于乐观者和悲观者以截然不同的方式对待同样的挑战和失望。

[ 4 ] 以你的工作为例。




[ 5 ] 公司受到了触动,便雇用了100名虽未通过标准化企业测试但在态度乐观一项得分很高的人。


[ 6 ] 他们是如何做的呢?据塞利格曼说,乐观主义者成功的秘诀就在于他的“解释方式”。







1、你认为自己是什么样的人,那你就是什么样的人如果你改变想法——从悲观变为乐观——你就可以改变自己的生活[1] 你看酒杯是半杯有酒而不是半杯空着的吗?你的眼睛是盯着炸面圈,而不是它中间的孔吗? 当研究者们仔细观察积极思维的作用时,这些陈词滥调突然间都成了科学问题。

[2] 迅速增多的大量研究工作——迄今已有104 个研究项目,涉及大约15 000人——证明乐观的态度可以使你更快乐、更健康、更成功。


休斯敦莱斯大学的心理学家克雷格·A · 安德森说:“如果我们能够教会人们更积极地思考,那就如同为他们注射了预防这些心理疾病的疫苗。

”[3] “你的能力固然重要,”匹兹堡卡内基–梅隆大学的心理学家迈克尔·F ·沙伊尔说,“但你成功的信念影响到你是否真能成功。


[4] 以你的工作为例。

宾夕法尼亚大学的心理学家马丁·E ·P · 塞利格曼与同事彼得· 舒尔曼在一项重要研究中对大都会人寿保险公司的推销员进行了调查。

他们发现,在工龄较长的推销员中,积极思考者比消极思考者要多推销37% 的保险额。


[5] 公司受到了触动,便雇用了100 名虽未通过标准化行业测试但在态度乐观一项得分很高的人。


[6] 他们是如何做到的呢?据塞利格曼说,乐观主义者成功的秘诀就在于他的“解释方式”。








精读英语汉译英第一单元:1. 餐饮行业与电影行业的共同之处在于其小型企业的失败率很高。

The restaurant industry has one thing in common with the film industry: the high failure rate among its small businesses.2. 现行的教育体制遭到了公众的批评,公众已经开始意识到这种体制给学生带来的危害The present educational system has been under attack from the public, who have begun to realize the harm the system has done to students.3. 老师告诉这些大四学生他每次都会点名,因为这门课是必须要听的。

The professor told those seniors that he would take attendance every time because attendance at this course was compulsory.我真想参加你的乔迁聚会。

但是很抱歉我无法去, 因为我有一大堆事情要做。

I’d love to go to your housewarming party, but I’m sorry I can’t make it because I’ve got a stack of things to do.5. 中学辍学的年青人可以上夜校或通过电大和函授课程恢复他们的学业。

Youths who dropped out of middle school can resume their studies at night school or through television and correspondence courses.6. 她不喜欢那位著名作家的讲座,但她为了在讲座后得到他的签名还是耐着性子听完了。

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UNIT 11. 你对他说的话不能为你这种行为辩护。

(justify)1) What you said to him can hardly justify such conduct of yours.2. 你认为他会因为同主教的私人关系而免受宗教迫害吗? (immune from)1) Do you think he would be immune from religious persecution by reason of his personal relation with the Bishop?3. 你对心理医生的忠告采取什么态度会影响到你是否会再做恶梦。

(recur)1) Your attitude towards the advice of the psychiatrist will affect whether or not your bad dream recurs.2) Whether your nightmare recurs depends on your attitude towards the advice of the psychiatrist 4. 乐观主义者成功的秘诀在于他们是用积极的态度对待失望和失败。

1) The secret to the success of optimists is that they deal with disappointments and failures in a positive way.5. 悲观主义者往往容易失败,部分原因就是一个人对自己的看法常常是一种能够自我实现的预言。

(in part)1) The reason that a pessimist tends to fail is, in part, that a person's opinion about himself is oftena self-fulfilling prophecy.2) Pessimists are likely to fail partly because one's perception of oneself is often a self-fulfilling prophecy.6. 在幼儿的性格特征没有来得及发展之前,他们的行为不如大多数成年人的行为那样保持一致(consistent)。




1) In very young children, before traits have had much chance to develop, behavior is less consistent than it is in most adults. A child's changing behavior may show his changing concern with different features of his activity. His interest always focuses on the business at hand. The person with strong traits and interests is able to persist in what he is doing. Only a major situational change can disturb the direction or purpose of his behavior.UNITE THREE尊敬的编辑同志:非常高兴中央电视台和贵报举办“我与电视”征文活动。





祝好!残疾青年王丽My respected editor,I am greatly delighted that CCTV and your TV GUIDE are inviting us readers to contribute articles on the subject “Television and Me”. But I regret to tell you that I am a disabled girl. My handwriting is bad you’ll know when reading my manuscript. This is because I’m unable to move my hand, and I can write only with “my mouth”. For many years I grip the pen with my teeth and write the way I do. Over the past years I have “mouth-written”one essay after another, and one poem after another. At this very moment my heart is throbbing with great excitement while answering your call for a report also from me.Yours respectfully,Wang Lia disabled young girlUNIT FOUR1.这些年轻的工人技术员具备我们能希望他们有的一切条件。

These young technicians have all the qualifications we can hope for.2.我倒是没摔坏,可是被吓得半死。

I was more frightened than hurt.3.他们想知道那个女孩后来怎么样了。

They wondered what had happened to the girl.4.那个地区的农民喜欢桃柳间种Farmers in that area prefer to interplant peach trees among willows.5.我痛恨那些对动物残忍的人。

I resent those who treat animals badly.6.人类即使在享受技术进步带来的成果时,也必须维护纯知识的首要地位和独立性。




Even while enjoying the results of technical progress, man must defend the primacy and autonomy of pure knowledge. In addition, pure knowledge is the foundation for practical results that would not have been reached if this knowledge had not been sought disinterestedly. The first men to study the nature of electricity could not imagine that their experiments carried on because of mere intellectual curiosity, would eventually lead to modern electrical technology, without which we can scarcely conceive of contemporary life.UNIT FIVE1.作者论文的副本已交给了编辑部。

(present)The copy of the author's paper was presented to the editorial staffs.2.虽然他在班上名列最后,但不能推断他没头脑,他可能只是很懒而已。

(follow) Although he is at the bottom of the class, it can't be concluded that he has no brain. Perhaps his bad performance is only caused by his laziness.3.这些异常现象值得注意。

(worth)It is worth noticing these unusual phenomena.4.股东们在聘用新经理问题上发生了分歧。

(at odds)The shareholders are at odds with employing the new manager.5.这使我们得出结论:无知助长迷信。

(foster)It makes us conclude that ignorance fosters blind faith.6.当你知道并不是年龄使你丧失记忆力之后,你可能会大吃一惊。




When you have learnt that the waning of your memory is not caused by your old age, you may be taken by surprise. A poor memory may result from a lazy mind rather than an old age. Like your body, your memory can be improved with exercise. Scientists estimate that work efficiency can be heightened by 75 percent at least if both sides of the brain are exercised.UNIT SIX1.我们面临的现实与其说是享受生命的报偿不如说是享受生命的进程。
