













位于段首,选项D和E是综述性语言,而D选项中的“face in this way”又很有好感和,在段落中重现,所以D选项是正确答案。



的原则确定答案。如附(1)空__61__. __63__. _64__.分别对准选项B、A、C。


数词、连词、形容词)和关键句。在段落中重现次数最多(AA重现、AB重现)并代表该自然段主要内容的词或句就是关键词和关键句,再在5个选项中找出含有同样字眼的词、句的选项,它就是正确答案。例如附(1)中的空__62__.该段中出现最多的字眼是“face”,说明题意强调的是“face”,可初步选定B、D、E。B前面已确定对准空__61__.可排除,剩下D、E。再看段落中还有“face in this way”,所以,排除E,正确答案是D。_64_.空所在段落强调的字眼是“the music”,且反复出现,而选项C所强调的字眼正是“the music”,所以,C是正确答案。






有联系,要注意区别对待。如附(1);的空格__61__. _ 63__. __64__. 与上下文皆有联系,所以,上下文的内容都要关注,此类答案一般是个类说明的选项,对应选项A、B、C。空格__62___.、__65__.位于段首,与下文联系较紧密,所以,重点关注下文的内容,此类答案一般是综述类选项。对应选项A、E。再结合关键字句重现,不难确定各自对应的答案。










附:(1). 2016年河南省中考阅读理解D篇5选5题例:


There are so many expressions in American English that sound pleasant (令人愉快的)but are not. 61 . When someone says they have to "face the music", it does not mean they are going to a concert. "Facing the music" means to accept and deal with the punishment of an action.

62 _. For example, "I can't face another night of camping! It's cold and

rainy." Or "In life, you must face your fears."Face used in this way is very common.

But now, let's go back to facing the music. Imagine a friend asks you to take care of her beautiful red sports car. She gives you the keys and says, "Thanks so much for watching my car while I'm away. But please, do not drive it. It is an extremely (极其) fast car." 63 _. You want to show off to some friends. So, you drive it around town one night. As bad luck would have it, you lose control of the car and drive it into a stop sign. Bang!

When your friend returns you must tell her what you have done and "face

the music". ___64_ . It could be losing her friendship or paying for repairs to her sports car or both. Whatever the music is, you must face it.

__65__ . To "take your medicine" means to accept the results from something bad you have done. And if someone says, "You made your bed. Now lie in it." they mean you created a bad situation and now you will experience the results!


A. But you do not listen.

B. "Face the music" is a good example.

C. The "music" here is the result of your actions.

D. Americans often use the word "face" in this way.

E. There are other American expressions that mean the same thing as "face the music".

61.__________ 62._________ 63.________ 64.__________ 65.__________



Why is setting goals(目标) important? Because goals can help you do and experience everything you want in life. Instead of just letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen.

Successful people in life imagine how their life should be and set lots of goals. 61 . It's like having a sign to show you where you want to go. Think of it in this way. There are two drivers. One has a place to go to clearly in mind which can be found on a map. He can drive straight there surely without any wasted time. The other driver has no goal or a map. 62 . But he drivers aimlessly(无目的地)around, never getting anywhere, just using up oil. Which driver do you want to be?

63 . They decide what they want in life and then get there by setting goals and making plans. Unsuccessful people just let life happen by accident. Goals aren't difficult to set, and they aren't difficult to reach. 64 . You are the one who must decide what to achieve and in what direction to aim your life.

Research tells us that when we write a goal down we are more likely to achieve it. 65 . They are harder to forget. Also when you write your goals in your own way,you are able to make yourself realize situations that will bring you nearer to your goals.


A.Written goals can be reviewed usually

B.He starts off at the same time from the same place.

C.It's up to you to find out what your goals really are.

D.By setting goals you are taking control of your life.

E.Winners in life set goals and follow through on them.

61. _______ 62._______ 63._______ 64._______ 65._______



Your parents might not realize how important their health is to you. Now it’s your chance to let them know!

*Think about it before starting.

Before you talk with your parents, it helps to get clear on what you want them to do. __61__ Get more exercise? Get more sleep? If you want a parent to lose weight, you’d better find out the disadvantage of being heavy and how great they will feel after eating healthy food or exercising more.


Pick a moment when everyone’s relaxed and there’s time to talk. Say something like: “Dad, I care about your health and I worry you’re so busy that you don’t have time for exercise.” Let parents know you are willing to make the change yourself. For example, say you’d be willing to walk together after dinner.

Come up with a plan together

Has your mom or dad agreed to your ideas? Well done! Let’s say the change your mom or dad agreed to is eating healthier food.__63__. Examples are: I’ll eat five fruits every day. I’ll eat breakfast every morning.

Show your encouragement and understanding

It’s normal if your parents fail at first. If parents want to give up, encourage them to keep going. If you’re making a change together, you can say, “Well, I’m sorry. Let’s start fresh and go on with our plan tomorrow.” __64__. Let your parents know you love and care about them for what they’re doing and that it means a lot to you.

What if a parent says “No”?

If parents don’t follow you ideas, ask them(gently): “Could you at least think about it for me ?” __65__.How many times have you pushed back on something they asked you to do, but then later thought more about it?

Soon you’ll be grown and out of the house. Here’s your chance to set your parents on the right way.


A. Then give them a little time to consider.

B. Do you want a parent to eat better?

C. Work together to plan what they and you will do.

D. Offer your praise!

E. Talk to parents the same way you’d like them to talk to you.

61.____ 62.____ 63.____ 64.______ 65._____


附(1)答案:B D A C E

附(2)答案:D B E C A

附(3)答案:B E C D A


阅读理解整体分析 选材 ①阅读材料通常在150~250词之间 ②选材广泛,具有浓厚的时代气息 ③阅读语段生动活泼,语句富子变化 命题原则 ①要求考生既能理解具体的事实,也能理解抽象的概念; ②要求考生既能理解文章的表层意思,也能理解文章的深层含义; ③要求考生既能理解某句、某段的意思,也能理解全篇的逻辑关系; 中考阅读理解的应试策略 在解答阅读理解题时,要根据如下步骤进行解题。 1.浏览问题明确要求 先了解文章后面所要解决的问题再去看文章,能使思路更加清晰,做到心中有数。 2.略读全文,了解梗概 略读就是在尽可能短的时间内把握文章或段落的内容,略读时要特别注意主题。 3.通读寻读猎取信息 寻读时可把与答题无关的内容一扫而过,而与答题有关的重要信息要认真读。 4逐条分析,对号入座 即把寻读时所获得的信息与答题要求结合起来,逐条进行分析,对号人座。 5.复读全文,验证答案 再次仔细阅读全文,进一步加深对文章的理解,核实所选内容是否正确。 阅读理解不同题型解题技巧 基于不同的考查目的,阅读理解题通常可分类为“细节理解题”“主且大意题”“词义猜测题”与“推理判断题”,不同的考查目的,会有不同的设题特点可使用不同的解题技巧。 一、细节理解题解题技巧 细节理解题主要是考查who, what, which, when, where等文章细节些细节理解题比较简单,只需浏览文中所叙述的事实或细节,就可以作答。 但一些细节理解题则需要通过语句的同义或反义转换来考查学生对英语的理解能力,对文中个别难词、关键词、词组或句子作出解释或需要对有关的上下文提供的语境和信息、甚至对整篇文章的内容建立准确、立体的理解和判断。这些题的难度较大解答细节理解题时,要先看题于,然后带着问题读文章。同学们做这类题时可以边读边做记号,加强阅读的针对性提高做题的准确率, 1.语义转换题一跳读查找法。语义转换题通常考查对某句话或某几包话的理解,可根据题干内容从原文中找到相关句子,然后进行比较和分析,并确定最佳答案运用跳读查找法时,要特别注意试题及其选项与原文之间的语义变换,如同义变换、概念解析、归纳事实等 2.生活应用题一常识理解法。生活应用题要求学生在读懂文章的基础上结合定的生活常识进行判断。但有些时候,一些常识性判断题,甚至只看题干,就可选出最佳答案。 3.细节排序题一首尾定位法。这种试题要求学生根据动作发生的先后顺序和句子之间的逻辑关系,找出事件发生的正确顺序,做此类题时可采用“首尾定位第一个动作和最后一个动作,迅速缩小选择范围,从而快速选出正确答案 4.寻找值息题一干定位法。快速寻找信息题一般为功能阅读题,主要形式有广告、公告、演出信息、航班时间表、购物就餐等,做这类题时没有必要阅读全文,直采用“题干定位法,根据题干要求,直接从表格中查找相关信息


2020届中考英语阅读理解50篇 (绝对精品训练题,接近实战考题,值得下载练习) 1 When I was a kid in Minnesota, watermelon was expensive. One of my father’s friends, Bernie, was a rich businessman, who owned a large store in St. Paul. Every summer, when the first watermelons arrived, Bernie would call. Dad and I would go to Bernie’s place. We’d sit on the edge of the dock(码头), feet dangling(摇晃), and got ready for a big meal. Bernie would take his knife, cut our first watermelon, hand us both a big piece and sit down next to us. Then we’d bury our faces in watermelon, eating only the heart—the reddest, juiciest, firmest, sweetest, most seed-free part—and throw away the rest. Bernie was my father’s idea of a rich man. I always thought it was because he was such a successful businessman. Years later, I realized that it was not Bernie’s wealth itself but his way of dealing with it that my father liked. Bernie knew how to stop working, get together with friends and eat only the heart of the watermelon. What I learned from Bernie is that being rich is a state of mind. Some of us, no matter how much money we have, will never be free enough to eat only the heart of the watermelon. If you don’t take the time to dangle your feet over the dock and enjoy life’s small pleasure, your work is probably hurting your life. For many years, I forgot that lesson I’d learned as a kid on the loading dock. I was too busy making all the money I could. Well, I’ve relearned it. I hope I have time left to enjoy the success of others and to take pleasure in the day. That’s the heart of the watermelon. I have learned again to throw t he rest away. 1. We learned from the second paragraph that the writer and his father were feeling ______. A. relaxed B. worried C. hungry D. proud 2. How did the writer and his father eat the watermelon? A. They ate it in a polite way. B. They only ate its best part. C. They ate every part of it. D. They shared only one piece. 3. In the eyes of the writer’s father, Bernie ______. A. was just a rich businessman B. worked hard all the time C. lived a rich but healthy life D. knew how to make money


初中英语阅读理解--7选5专项练习 (1) While lead (铅) poisoning is serious, parents can take steps to reduce the risk for theirChildren 1 Take Notes : start by checking to see if you own any items recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Get rid of any toys with chipped paint, or other broken and damaged parts. Not sure it contains lead 2 Clean Up : to avoid leaf exposure from sources in the home, keep floors and other play areas clean and free of dust and pieces. 3 Store toys off the floor in a clean place. And if you live in house with lead pipes, running cold water for a few minutes and using a water filter (过滤器) can reduce lead levels. Buy Smart : avoid no-name produce and be careful when you buy items at dollar stores, street fairs, thrift stores or yard sales. 4 Even if they don’t contain lead, they could become a choking hazard(危险). Also make sure the arts and crafts supplies you buy are non-toxic and designed for children’s use. Get Tested : children with lead poisoning may not have easily recognizable symptoms. 5 This might mean that there will be a lot of tests that turn out normal, but it’s better than sitting around and worrying. Testing is especially important if you and your children live in a home with peeling paint or if your home was painted before 1978, when the Consumer Product Safety Commission banned the sale of lead-based paints.


阅读短文还原句子—1 阅读短文,从下列所给的五个句子中,选四句还原到短文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。其中有一个多余选项。 阅读短文,从下列所给的五个句子中,选四句还原到短文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。其中有一个多余选项。 In 1940, a little girl named Wilma Rudolph was born. She was small and sick. In her early childhood, Wilma had many serious illnesses. 61 When Wilma was four years old, doctors noticed her left leg was not straight. They told her family that she had polio(小儿麻痹症),and that she would never walk. Wilma and her family didn’t want to believe the doctors. Wilma exercised every day until she was able to walk with a brace(支架). 62 All her friends played basketball after school. Wilma sat and watched them every day, dreaming of being an athlete(运动员). Of course, people thought she was crazy. 63 By the time she was nine years old, she could walk without a brace! She began playing basketball. In middle school, she was the star of the basketball team. A running coach saw her play. He thought Wilma could be a great runner. Soon Wilma was training for the Olympics. When she was sixteen, she flew to Melbourne for the 1956 Olympic Games. 64 Over the next four years, Wilma continued to train as a runner. In 1960, Wilma went to the Rome Olympics, determined to do better. Two days before her first race, she twisted(扭伤) her ankle. She was worried that her chance was gone. But she won the 100-meter race. 65 After that, she and her teammates won the 400-meter relay race. Wilma Rudolph was the first American woman to win three gold medals in a single Olympics! 281words 61-64 阅读短文还原句子—2 阅读短文,根据短文内容从方框中选择恰当的句子把短文补充完整,将其代号填在答题卡相应的题号后。注意选项中有一个多余选项。


中考英语阅读理解精选篇一中考英语阅读理解 真题及答案 Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】

中考英语阅读理解100篇:中考英语阅读理解真题及答案(1) Edward rose early on the New-year morning. He looked in every room and wished a Happy New Year to his family. Then he ran into the street to repeat that to those he might meet. When he came back, his father gave him two bright, new silver dollars. His face lighted up as he took them. He had wished for a long time to buy some pretty books that he had seen at the bookstore. He left the house with a light heart, expecting to buy the books. As he ran down the street, he saw a poor family. “I wish you a Happy New Year.” said Edward, as he was passing on. The man shook his head. “You are no t from this country.” said Edward. The man again shook his head, for he could not understand or speak his language. But he pointed to his mouth and to the children shaking with cold, as if (好像) to say, “These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time.” Edward quickly understood that these poor people were in trouble. He took out his dollars and gave one to the man, and the other to his wife. They were excited and said something in their language, which doubtless meant, “We thank you so much that we will remember you all the time.” When Edward came home, his father asked what books he had bought. He hung his head a moment, but quickly looked up. “I have bought no books”, said he. “I gave my money to some poor people, who seemed to be very hu ngry then.” He went on, “I think I can wait for my books till next New Year.” “My dear boy,” said his father, “here are some books for you, more as a prize for your goodness of heart than as a New-year gift” “I saw you give the money cheerfully to the poor German family. It was nice for a little boy to do so. Be always ready to help others and every year of your life will be to you a Happy New Year.” 48. Edward expected to _________ with the money he got from his father. A. help the poor family B. buy something to eat C. buy some pretty books D. learn another language 49. Why did the poor man shake his head when Edward spoke to him A. He couldn’t understand the boy B. He wouldn’t accept the money C. He didn’t like the boy’s language D. He was too cold to say anything

中考英语阅读理解七选五真题及模拟专练15 篇

2020中考英语新题型阅读理解七选五模拟及真题专练(含答案)题目要求:根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳项选项中有两项为多余选项。 (一) 【2019江西中考】

(二) 【2019山东济南中考】 If you wear glasses,there's good news for you. 1 A new study has found that needing to wear glasses is connected with higher level k of intelligence. In the study,researchers from the University of Edinburgh studied data(数据) on brainpower and


need or they can provide.2. Another popular tool for finding a job is the Internet. For example,people around the world can use the Craigslist Website to buy things,meet people or find ajob.3. Another useful way to find a job is through a university. 4. Many college students like this way better.

At times,some experts(专业人士) can also help people find a job. Susan Miller has her own business called California Job Services in Los Angeles. She says her business helps people find a job by first helping them understand their strong points,aims and interests . 5. So with her help,many people have succeeded in finding a good job. you are lying to yourself. 4 ” “But have I not tried,father?” George asked again. “5 Come,for this afternoon lay aside that kite you are making,and give another effort to get your lesson ready. Be serious,and you will soon learn it” .

中考英语专题复习 专题十九 任务型阅读 第6讲 五选五+阅读表达

专题十九任务型阅读 第6讲(上)东城二模五选五 教学目标 1. 掌握本篇五选五中出现的高频词及长难句。 2. 掌握五选五的解题技巧, 并能够指出本篇五选五中运用到的解题技巧。 3. 通过五选五高频词、长难句等语料的积累, 及五选五解题技巧的练习, 灵活应对各种五选五习题。 名师点拨 知识篇 “巧妇难为无米之炊”, 在英语学习的过程中, 语料的积累至关重要。对于五选五高频词和长难句的梳理, 能够为我们今后的学习和提升打下良好的基础。 亲爱的同学, 老师已经为你梳理出了本篇文章中的一些高频词和长难句, 快来看看你掌握了吗? 高频词(课前检测学生的词汇量储备, 以教师提问的形式进行。能够准确翻译的为优, 模糊翻译的良, 不会翻译的为差。) 单词/短语词性词义拓展掌握情况 优良差however conj. 然而,可是 unfortunately adv. 不幸地opp. fortunat ely right away 立刻,马上 print v. 印刷,打印 worry about 焦虑…,担心… continue v. 继续 neighborhood n. 附近,街区 give up 放弃,交出 responsible adj. 负责的,可靠的 difficult adj. 困难的

长难句(课前检测学生的句型储备, 以教师提问的形式进行。能够准确翻译的为优, 模糊翻译的良, 不会翻译的为差。) 1. One very cold Saturday in January, I was told to take our dog out for a walk, but it was so cold that I didn't want to go outside.(优良差) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 句意:在一月一个非常寒冷的周六,我被让带我们的狗出去散步,但是外面太冷了以至于我不想出去。 本句中包含着一个中考高频句型“so…that…”,意为“如此…以至于…”. 2. What seems easy at first may turn out to be difficult in the end.(优良差) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 句意:起初看起来容易的事情也许到最后变得困难。 本句中包含着一个由what引导的主语从句。 方法篇 “方法得当, 事半功倍。”只有语料的积累, 没有好方法的辅助也是不够的。对于五选五解题方法的梳理, 能够帮助我们更好地理解五选五的命题逻辑, 在有足够语料积累的基础上, 能够帮助我们争取高分。 亲爱的同学, 老师已经为你精心整理了五选五的解题技巧, 快来看看你掌握了多少? 一、五选五解题步骤 第一步读选项,画关键词,暗排序通读选项,了解每个选项的意思,做到心中有数,至少能知道可供 选择的意思范围,以便在短时间内找出正确答案。 第二步读文章,抓过渡词,找逻辑通读文章,关注段中各句子之间的逻辑关系,抓住表示并列、转折、 因果关系及其他关系的过渡词,为下一步解题做准备。 第三步先易后难来解题先填较容易的空,例如文章的段首句、段尾句或与选项有明显逻辑 关系的句子;再填较难的空,这时选择范围会变小,可以反复对比 分析,进行选择。 第四步回读文章定答案全部题目做完后,把所选择的选项代入原文,检查文章前后是否连 贯,所选选项是否和文章的主旨大意相吻合,再次确定答案。 二、五选五解题技巧 在五选五题型中,设空位置一般为三种:段首、段尾和段中。正确选项与空格前后句子关系紧密,主要依赖句子之间的逻辑关系进行选择。接下来将从并列逻辑、转折逻辑、指代逻辑、因果逻辑和总分逻辑五方面进行说明。 题型题型一:并列逻辑 解题技巧如果空格所在段落要求补全说明本段主题的其他细节,通常选项中会出现表示并列或递进关系的关联词或与前文类似的句式结构,或出现同义词等其他线索。 典题精析例题:Make good word choices.When we’re not sure which word is the right one for a sentence, look it up in a dictionary. Many of us choose words in a hurry and don’t take the time to decide if they’re proper. 2 . 解析:本题考察的是并列逻辑。空格出现在第二段的段末,是用来对第二段的黑体小标题进行解释的,浏览选项可知E选项中的关键词good word choices与小标题一致,故选E,意为“好的词汇选择对好的作品是重要的”。 答案:E “Good word choices are necessary for good writing.”


中考英语阅读理解专项复习经典 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 Science fiction is a popular kind of writing, and many people think of Jules Verne(凡尔纳) as the father of science fiction. He was born in France in 1828. His father wanted him to become a lawyer, but from his early 20s Verne decided to become a writer. At first he wrote plays for the theater. Then, in 1863, he wrote a story called Five Weeks in a Balloon. The success of this book encouraged him to write more stories such as A Journey to the Center of the Earth(1864) and From the Earth to the Moon(1865). In the 19th century, many people were interested in science and inventions. Jules Verne wrote about scientific subjects in his stories and, as a result, they were very popular. Verne's writing included many predictions(预言)for the 20th century and many of them came true. He described space flight, movies, and air conditioning, a long time before they appeared. These books were very successful and they made Verne rich. Jules Verne's books have been the subjects for many movies. 20, 000 Leagues under the Sea was a successful movie for Walt Disney. It was the first time that Disney movie had used real actors instead of cartoon drawings. Around the World in Eighty Days is another famous movie based on one of Verne's books. The main character is an Englishman called Phileas Fogg. For him, the most important thing is to be always on time! (1)What does the phrase "the father of science fiction" mean? A. The father who has several children. B. The man who loves science and inventions. C. The writer whose father wrote science fiction. D. The man who first started writing science fiction successfully. (2)What encouraged Jules Verne to write more stories? A. The plays he wrote for the theater. B. The encouragement from his father. C. The success of Five Weeks in a Balloon. D. The scientific subjects in his stories. (3)Why were Jules Verne's books very popular in the 19th century? A. Because his books made him rich and famous. B. Because he wrote many plays for the theater at that time. C. Because his books were the subjects for many movies. D. Because many people were interested in science and inventions. (4)Which of the following has the main character called Phileas Fogg? A. Five Weeks in a Balloon. B. Around the World in Eighty Days. C. A Journey to the Center of the Earth. D. From the Earth to the Moon. (5)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. The space flight Verne described was different from others. B. The main characters in Verne's books are always on time. C. Jules Verne only wrote in the 19th century. D. Many of the predictions in Verne's stories came true.


中考英语阅读理解本章综合与测试(解析版)经典1 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.根据短文内容选择正确答案。 C Jodie’s Daddy is a Garbageman (垃圾清理工) Mr. Swales wanted to find out what his students’ parents did. He had just called Jodie when some girls burst out laughing. Shirley shouted, “Jodie’s Daddy is a Garbageman!” Everybody in the class laughed out loud, except Jodie. She felt her face turn red. “Silence!” Mr Swales said, “Being a garbagemen is a difficult and useful job. We should all be thankful to Jodie’s father.” Jodie’s father came to walk her home from school as usual, but she didn’t run up to him the way she always did. When they got back home, Jodie went to her room and cried for a long time. Her father came into her room, “What happened, Jodie? Why are you so sad?” Jodie told her father what had happened and looked at him. He didn’t seem angry or hurt. “Well,” he said, “they are right. Being a garbageman is a dirty job. Tomorrow’s Saturday. Come to work with me, Jodie.” The place really smell too go od. Jodie wrinkled her nose. “Don’t worry, kid. In five minutes you won’t smell a thing.” said her father. Everybody there was working hard, and they seemed to have a good time. Jodie’s father handed her a pair of gloves and told her to get the little plastic bags and throw them into the truck. It was fun, but also hard work. Jodie’s arms soom got tired. At last, no more garbage was left and Jodie felt very happy. “Garbage is disgusting, but when we clear it away, everything’s nice and cle an. You can make yourself happy only by making other happy. That’s why I like being a garbageman so much.” Jodie give her dirty, smeely garbageman daddy a big kiss(吻). She said, “When I grow up, I will be a garbagegirl!” Now whenever someone asks Jodie what her daddy does, she says, “He’s a garbageman! Everybody makes garbage, but my daddy takes it away!” (1)What happened in My Swale’s class? A. He wanted to show what job was the most useful. B. He asked an improper question. C. Jodie gave an honest answer. D. Jodie was laughed at. (2)Why did Jodie’s fathe r take her to his workplace? A. To make Jodie calm down B. To prove how dirty his job was.C To help Jodie learn about his job. C. To help Jodie learn about his job. D. To keep Jodie away from her classmates.


XX英语七选五试题 说明文(宁夏09) Gett ing your childre n to study can be a little like gett ing them to eat their vegetables. 71 Make a study time and have it at the same time every day. This will help your kids to lear n to schedule their day and will give them a sense of con trol over how they spe nd their time. Allow them to study in blocks of time, such as for half an hour with a five- minute break in the middle. 72 Ideal (理想的)study times are after dinner or right after school before dinner. Never allow your childre n to study in front of the televisi on, as that will en courage passive activity. 73 You' ll also n eed to help your kids find the right place to study. After you up a good study time for little lear ners, set up a good place where they can get those creative juices flow ing. 75 This in cludes help ing them out with their homework sometimes and being there for them with the an swers to any questi ons. The in put you give your childre n duri ng study periods will help form a bond and help make study ing enjoyable. A. Pick a place where your childre n can study properly. B. Hold them to the schedule they create for themselves. C. Fin ally, spe nd time with your kids whe n they ' re study ing. D. Keep the atmosphere light and offer lots of en courageme nt, too. F. Try to stop this bad habit by offeri ng some sort of reward. G. One of the best ways to form good study habits for your kids is to desig n a schedule that they keep to. 4. 说明文(北京2010) 1 / 22
