
twenty six years old 26岁
in one''s twenties 二十几岁
height 高
fairy short相当矮
medium height中等
pretty tall相当高
long/short/ straight/curly hair 长/短/直/卷发

pimples (痘痘 - 复数)wearing glasses 戴眼镜Topic: How to describe aperson?How to make friends?1. appearance( gorgeous 长相完美 average / plain / common looking 长相looking 长得好看)般 good(1)Facefair-skinned 白皮肤的 round face 圆脸 a pale complexion肤色暗淡的 oval face 瓜子脸slightly dark / tanned 肤色较深square face 方脸 oriental 黄皮肤的 , 东方人的 a haggardface 瘦削的脸 suntanned 棕褐色baby-faced 娃娃脸brown 棕色皮肤plump cheeks, chubby cheeks 胖乎乎的脸蛋 pale脸部 feature :( 2) Eyes:scar 伤疤twinkling / shining eyes dimple 酒窝睛freckles (雀斑 - 复数)陷的bright / 闪闪发光hazel eyesdeep-seta mole 黑痣出的spots 斑镜bulging/protruding肤色苍白sparkling /淡褐色的眼深陷的 / sunken 凹凸contact lenses 隐型眼thick bushy eyebrows 浓密独thin eye brows 淡眉毛 long eye lashes 长睫毛Stuff on face : beard 落腮胡 bristle, stubble 胡 moustache 上唇上的小胡(3) Nose: (4) mouth:High - bridged nose 高鼻梁 thin lips 薄嘴唇 / straight nose 直鼻梁 thick lips 厚嘴唇long nose 长鼻梁 cherry lips 樱桃嘴 noble nose 好看的鼻子 flat nose 塌鼻snub- nosed 朝天鼻,猪鼻子 upturned nose 朝天鼻aquiline / hooked nose 鹰钩鼻 a roman nose 鹰钩鼻 , 高鼻梁 (5) hair style: straight 直的 dyed 染色的 ; curly 卷发的golden 金黄色的 ; wavy hair 波浪发 jet-black 乌黑的 ;spiky hair 刺头,板寸头 blonde 淡黄色(金发美女) crew cut 平头 blond 淡黄的(金发男) bald 秃头的 fair 金色的 ;pigtails 辫子 brunette 浅黑色的 ; parted hair 分头 mousey 灰褐色的 ; ponynail 马尾 chestnut 栗色的 .Wrinkles / lines 皱纹 眉毛clean-shaven 胡子刮的干净的 unshaven 未剃胡子的 high cheek bones 高颧骨 pointedchin 尖尖的下巴 double chin 双下巴 even 整齐的 须茬儿 uneven 不整齐的 须fairly long 很长(正合适) bangs/fringes 刘海( 6)Figure/ build small / large fat 肥胖的(较贬义)overweight(较客气) chubby 胖乎乎很可爱 pudgy 又矮又胖 stout粗壮 buff=muscular 健美的strapping 魁梧的 blimp n. 胖子short and stout 矮胖 well-built身材魁梧 medium height 中等身材medium build 中等身材 fit 健康的beefcake 体格强壮的2. personality/dispositionthin 瘦的slim 苗条的tall 高的 ; plump 丰满 short 矮的 tallish 有些高的 ; overweight 超重 slight 瘦小的average height 一般身材 ;middle-sized 身高中等的 below average 低于平均身高 perfect figure 完美的身材confident/ assertive 自信的bubbly 活泼的carefree 无忧无虑的optimistic 乐观的pessimistic 悲观的 well-mannered 有礼貌的extroverted/sociable/outgoing 外向的introverted/shy 内向的 frugal 节俭的 diligent 勤奋的conscientious 勤奋敬业的ambitious 有抱负的 , 有野心的( =aspirating ) enthusiastic 热情的 ( hospitable ) versatile 多才多艺的 talented/gifted 有才华的intelligent 聪明的 witty 风趣的quick-witted 机智的,反应快的resourceful 深谋远虑的 , 足智多谋的 level-headed 遇事冷静的forward-looking 有远见的materialistic 过于现实的 amiable 和蔼可亲的 mild 温和的sympathetic 富有同情心的compassionate 有爱心的 sincere 真诚的 honest 诚实的 trustworthy 可信赖的 candid 直率的(=straightforward) modest 谦逊的(反: arrogant 傲慢的)humorous幽默的(amusing 更地道)funky 时髦的 , 古灵精怪的sensitive 感性的sensible 理性的 conservative 保守的 open-minded 开明的 considerate 考虑周到的 , 体贴的 careless 粗心大意的generous 慷慨的knowledgeable 有见地的 , 渊博的tough/tenacious 顽强的 original 有原创性的classy 很有品味的graceful 优雅的 punctual 守时的urbane 温文尔雅的,斯文的 low-key 低调的 articulate 口才好的dashing 有闯劲的 snobbish 势力的aggressive 霸道的 cheeky 厚颜无耻的 stubborn 顽固的 hypocritical 虚伪的 self-conceited 自负的( =pretentious ) self-centered 自私的 smug沾沾自喜的,自满的big-headed 妄自尊大的pushy 坚持己见的scatty 愚蠢的;健忘的bossy 跋扈的mediocre 平庸的shallow 肤浅的( =superficial ) nosy person 喜欢打听事情的人dazzling 耀眼的stunning 极好的hunky 健美有魅力sexy delicate 精致的breathtaking 令人激动的attractive alluring 诱人的eye candy 养眼,花瓶 arm candy 漂亮女人 shapely 身材匀称的vivacious 有生气的han dsome 帅manly 有男子汉气概的dashing 精神抖擞的charming 迷人的 dreamboat 梦中情人 dishy 诱人的friends=companions= buddies(更口语化的表达) fair-weather friends(类似中文里的“酒肉朋友” ) back-stabbers 出卖朋友的人hit it off 一拍即合 egar beaver 工作积极(地道表达)share and share alike 有福同享Sb. Has been around 某人阅历丰富。

外表:appearance 外貌have a good figure 身材好height/weight 身高/体重slender 苗条的slim 苗条的plump 丰满的chubby 肥嘟嘟的medium height 中等身高的tubby 矮胖的muscular 肌肉发达的good-looking 好看的dimple 酒窝double-chinned 有双下巴的well- featured 五官端正的wrinkle 皱纹neat bang 齐刘海straight/curly hair 直/卷发well-dressed 穿得好看的性格:outgoing 外向的passionate 热情的lovable 讨喜的intelligent 聪明的generous 大方的enthusiastic 热心的mature 成熟的easy-going 随和的thoughtful 体贴的humorous 幽默的positive 积极的active 活跃的warm-hearted 热心的optimistic 乐观的reliable 可靠的caring 有同情心的talkative 健谈的stubborn 固执的extroverted 外顷的introverted 内倾的rude粗鲁的大家背诵了之后可以试着练习以下几个P2话题,回答“who the person is”:1.Describe a person who has a great influence on you2.Describe one of your friends3.Describe a famous person in your country。

1. 有影响力的领袖:比如乔布斯、马云、特朗普等。
2. 卓越的科学家:比如爱因斯坦、霍金、牛顿等。
3. 杰出的文学家:比如莎士比亚、杜甫、罗曼·罗兰等。
4. 著名的艺术家:比如达芬奇、毕加索、范·高登等。
5. 突出的体育明星:比如贝克汉姆、科比、姚明等。
6. 其他领域的名人:比如牧师金、马丁·路德·金、女权主义者格蕾丝·凯利等。
1. 表达准确:要使用恰当的语言和词汇,不要出现语法错误或用词不当的情况。
2. 突出重点:要从名人的生平、成就、影响力等方面进行描述,突出重点,使文章更具有逻辑性和可读性。
3. 自我表达:除了描述名人的情况外,考生还要表达自己对该名人的观点和看法,展示自己的思考能力和语言表达能力。
4. 切入实际:如果可以,考生可以结合自己的实际经历或生活体验,展示自己的语言表达能力和思考能力,从而更好地回答问题。

雅思口语 Part2 人物类话题解析一、人物分人物能分两大:关系近和个人认识。
关系近常考朋友、居、老人、孩子、老、同学,比方describe your best friend 、describe your neighbor in your hometown 、Describe oneof your teachers 、Describe an old man in your family 等等。
个人熟悉常考人物、史人物、影角色、成功人士,比方describe a famous people、describe a people in yourtraditional culture 、describe a fairytale character 、describea person in your history 等等。
二、人物思路解析1.关系近Describe one of your teachers.我能从基本介、面貌、性格、科目、理解的、忘的事件等角度来表达,能通重描述或事件来充内容。
Introduction :name 姓名Appearance:nice 漂亮的 ;elegant 雅的 ;gorgeous 美俊的;handsome 气的 ;Personality :generous 大方的 ;warm-hearted 心的 ;kind 平易的 ;tough 的 ;Subject :English ,History ,Chinese⋯Time: primary school,high school,senior high school,university⋯Unforgettable event :help ,cultivate ,encourage , criticize⋯2.个人熟悉Describe a famous sportsman in your country.个目的关 a famous sportsman思路解析:体育目(track and field、basketball、football、Tennis 、Hurdle race 、100-meter dash 、marathon、swimming、driving ⋯)的原因:冠、打破世界、国争光、个人精神——毅力,斗,持等 ;重点:面个人熟悉的,我要重限制的描述。

人物类:●Describe a person you know who dresses well/ a person who isfashionable (aunt——Rayli,V ogue,Elle )Aunt---who is my mother’s colleaguedresses extremely well---especially in professional and formal clothing, like suitsappears to be confident, attractive and gives a stunning first impressioneven in a harsh and cold winter---would definitely wear a thin suit with no fearsAfter work, often wears T-shirt and jeans--really causal but looks very young and cozyHer garments are never dirty or messy--has great taste in fashion, keeping up with the latest trendsIn other words, never follow the crowd to wear one type of clothes--knows how to dress in different occasions, and then choose the best dress for the eventwhile for me, I think I really should buy some fashion magazines to help my dress better. Wish one day I could be like her.●Describe a person who can use/speak a secondlanguage--classmateone of my classmatesborn in korea and studying business in ChinaAlthough she is not a native speaker, her Chinese accent sounds as if it was her mother tongue.You wouldn’t know she is not a Chinese if she didn’t tell you.Since she is studying in China, she has to use Chinese every day.However, I am so curious about why she can speak Chinese so well as a foreigner.Then I asked that question, but the answer was surprising. I just thought that maybe because she had been in China for many years, while she said it was the first time that she came to China for study.Actually, the reason why she use Chinese so well is that she lives under a bilingual atmosphere, hermother is a Korean, and her father is a Chinese.So Chinese became her second language since she was 8, at that time her parents began to pay attention to train her spoken-chinese and was strict with no korean policy at home. Besides, she always watch chinese movies and programs. So she naturally handles chinese very well.I am inspired form her experience, when we learn a foreign language, communication is more important than just memorize vocabulary and grammar.●Describe a team you have been part ofestablished in 2000teachingteam memberspractical life skillsacquire knowledgesomething...●Describe a small and successful company you know●Describe a person you know who is good at cooking●Describe a family member you would like to work withFairyland--company sells organic food --one of the famous kind of dishes is saladA few days ago, I heard from my mother that my aunt would buy a luxurious car. I was surprised because she is just working for a small company. It is impossible for her to earn that amount of money.Actually,the company’s business is taking off lately, But it has made big progress-feature healthy ingredients and rich flavors by combining elements of French and Chinese cuisines. This adjustment makes Chinese people more adaptable for the flavors.--Besides, can also DIY by themselves, many ingredients ,like celery, lettuce, tomato, peas...different ingredients are marked with caloriesTill now--the company has opened a few online stores this year, so sales increase dramaticallyAs far as I know,though it has only about 10 employees, the level of success is definitely above many other small companiesThe healthy concept ,fresh idea and humanized service have made the company a successful one with good perspective●Describe a restaurant you like to go to /that impresses you Fairyland--selling organic food --one of the famous kind of dishes is saladThis particular restaurant is located within walking distance of my dormitory. I simply need to exit the main gate of my university and cross a road. The entrance is just opposite my school gate . feature healthy ingredients and rich flavors by combining elements of French and Chinese cuisines. This adjustment makes Chinese people more adaptable for the flavors.It’s furnished in a romantic style and specifically designed to be cozy and intimate:the atmosphere is quite relaxing and there are small round tables scattered throughout the restaurant.fancy wall paper, gorgeous paintings, amazing traditional background musicThe restaurant is very impressive:--can DIY by themselves, many ingredients ,like celery, lettuce, tomato, peas...different ingredients are marked with calories--In order to use the fresh seasoned materials, it changes with the season and every time you go, there's something new and wonderful to love.--The service is incredible and considerate. The waiters are well trained, well-presented and obviously hand-picked, so genuine and helpful.The healthy concept ,fresh idea and humanized service have made the company a successful one with good perspective●Describe someone who you don’t like but have to be friendly toa team to do a projectin order to finish this important, I have to be...team spirit is essential when people corporate with each other ..If not, awkward, cannot finish task, influence other;moodlast year university what project---practical experience,field work this girl gossip other team members inquisitiveupsetdisappointedeven irritatedbe nice to her,politerun smoothly without any troubles。

n 姓氏 sfamily name。
姓氏 flast name。
姓氏 lgiven name。
(姓名中的)名字gfirst name。
(姓名中的)名字 f luck。
n 运气superstitious。
adj 迷信的good fortune。
好运气family tree。
n 算命者,看相者painter。
n 画家dentist。
n 牙医surgeon。
n 外科医生physician。
n 内科医生nurse。
n 护士journalist。
n 记者engineer。
n 工程师programmer。
n 程序员architect。
n 建筑师designer。
n 设计师hairdresser。
n 美发师barber。
n 理发师tailor。
n 裁缝model。
n 模特photographer。
n 摄影师artist。
n 艺术家clerk。
n 职员construction worker。
建筑工人police officer。
警察computer operator。
n 机修工electrician。
n 电工plumber。
n 管子工firefighter。
n 消防人员fisherman。
n 渔夫florist。
n 花商grocer。
n 杂货商butcher。
n 屠夫baker。
n 面包师chef。
n 厨师waiter。
n 服务员waitress。
n 女服务员scientist。
n 科学家vet。
n 兽医pharmacist。
n 药剂师newscaster。
n 新闻播音员teller。
n 银行出纳员salesperson。
n 推销员,销货员diploma。
n 毕业证书certificate。
n 证书degree。
n 学位negotiate。
v 谈判teamwork。
n 团队协作experience。
n 经验discrimination。

雅思口语人物话题【常见口语话题】Describe a person in the news that you would like to meet. Describe a family member that you have spent most time with. Describe a person who can do well in work.Describe a person you know who dresses well.Describe a person who likes to travel by plane.Describe a person whose job is important to the society. Describe a person who can use/speak a second language.【常用答题思路】第一段:总体介绍第二段:人物的外貌描述第三段:具体特点的描述(结合题)第四个:人物的个性第五段:对人物的评价【常用口语词汇】可爱的 cute、adorable;勤奋的 hardworking;多才多艺的 ver 〔sat〕ile;听话的 obedient;守纪律的disciplined;尽职的dutiful;无私的selfless俭朴的frugal;好客的hospitable;谦逊的humble;幽默的humorous条理分明的logical;严守随时的punctual;有献身精神的devoted生气勃勃的spirited;有见识的knowledgeable;聪慧的intelligent有雄心壮志的ambitious;体贴的considerate;值得信赖的trustworthy有冒险精神的audacious;大方的generous【常用口语短语】strict upbringing n. 家教严;strong willpower n. 意志力强;seek common ground while reserving differences v. 求同存异;go from rags to riches v. 从贫困到富有的历程;hit it off v. 合得来,一拍即合;kindred spirit n. 志趣相投的人bosom friend n. 知己;知音;闺蜜;social anxiety disorder n. 交际恐惧症;nailed it v. 做到/搞定某事;joys and sorrows n. 喜怒哀乐3 4雅思口语外出野餐话题Describe an outdoor meal or picnic that you hadyou should sayWhere did it take placeWhat was the occasionWhat did you eat and drink thereand explain whether you enjoyed it or not雅思口语part2范文I can remember so many outdoor picnics with my friends and family members. In fact, we used to go outing and had our meals outside as part of the picnics very frequently even a few years back. One such picnic was a boat trip to a nearby island called (say a name) where we went 3-4 years ago. It was a small island and that island had some old buildings as well as a beautiful relaxing spot surrounded by natures. The water around the island gives the impression that you have come to an exotic land. We had our picnics on this island. There was no particular occasion for the picnic; as far as I recall the community people of our locality were planning for a picnic and they settled the day in the mid-summer. Onthe day we had a big boat that took us to the island and we spent the whole day there.I remember eating fried rice, roasted mutton, chicken, desert, different cookies fruits and some other food items throughout the whole day during our visit to the island. We drank plenty of waters as the weather was hot. We also drank fruit juices and soft drinks at different times of the day. It was a great occasion for me. All of my family members and neighbours were present in the picnic and that was a really relaxing occasion for me. I enjoyed the boat journey and the picnic spot a lot. I played and chatted with the neighbouring kids and that was a very interesting and enjoyable gathering in my opinion.。

1. 埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk):企业家、工程师、发明家和慈善家。
他是特斯拉汽车公司(Tesla Motors)、太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)和太阳城公司(SolarCity)等公司的创始人和CEO。
他也是星际飞船(Starship)和超级重型火箭(Super Heavy)的主要设计师之一。
2. 玛丽·居里(Marie Curie):物理学家和化学家,是第一个获得两项诺贝尔奖的女性科学家。
3. 莫扎特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart):奥地利作曲家,被认为是古典音乐史上最伟大的作曲家之一。
他创作了大量的交响乐、室内乐和歌剧作品,如《安魂曲》(Requiem)、《土耳其进行曲》(Turkish March)和《魔笛》(Magic Flute)等。
4. 马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King Jr.):美国黑人民权运动领袖,他倡导非暴力不合作运动,并提出了“我有一个梦想”(I Have a Dream)的著名口号。
5. 甘地(Gandhi):印度国父,他倡导非暴力不合作运动,并推动了印度的独立运动。

雅思考试口语高频话题词-人物描述篇adorable [əˈdɔːrəbl] a.可爱的;可敬重的adventurous [ədˈventʃərəs] a.爱冒险的;大胆开拓的;充满危险的aggressive [əˈɡresɪv] a.侵略的,有攻击性的;有进取心的,有闯劲的ambitious [æmˈbɪʃəs] a.有雄心的,野心勃勃的amiability [ˌeɪmiəˈbɪləti] n.和蔼可亲,友善amiable [ˈeɪmiəbl] a.和蔼可亲的,亲切的anxious [ˈæŋkʃəs] a.渴望的;忧虑的aspect [ˈæspekt] n.样子,外表,面貌;(问题等的)方面asset [ˈæset] n.优点;财产audacious [ɔːˈdeɪʃəs] a.大胆的;鲁莽的blonde [blɒnd] a.白肤金发的n.金发碧眼的女人blunt [blʌnt] a.钝的;率直的v.使钝;使减弱bonkers [ˈbɒŋkəz] a.疯狂的;愚蠢透顶的breathtaking [ˈbreθteɪkɪŋ] a.惊人的,令人激动的;惊险的brilliant [ˈbrɪliənt] a.光辉的,灿烂的;卓越的,有才华的characteristic [ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk] n.特性,特征a.特有的,典型的cheerful [ˈtʃɪəfl] a.快乐的;愉快的;高兴的compassionate [kəmˈpæʃənət] a.有同情心的competitive [kəmˈpetətɪv] a.竞争的;不逊于他人的;求胜心切的complacent [kəmˈpleɪsnt] a.自满的,沾沾自喜的considerate [kənˈsɪdərət] a.体贴的,体谅的;考虑周到的courageous [kəˈreɪdʒəs] a.勇敢的,有胆量的curiosity [ˌkjʊəriˈɒsəti] n.好奇,好奇心decent [ˈdiːsnt] a.体面的,像样的;正派的,合乎礼仪的delightful [dɪˈlaɪtfl] a.可爱的,可喜的,令人愉快的demerit [diːˈmerɪt] n.缺点,短处;过失disadvantage [ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ] n.缺点,不利disappoint [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt] v.使失望;使破灭disbelief [ˌdɪsbɪˈliːf] n.怀疑,不信dizzy [ˈdɪzi] a.头晕目眩的dull [dʌl] a.笨的;迟钝的;乏味的;不鲜明的v.使迟钝;使不鲜明;使麻木eager [ˈiːɡə(r)] a.渴望的;热切的efficient [ɪˈfɪʃnt] a.有效的;效率高的;有能力的,能胜任的engross [ɪnˈɡrəʊs] v.使全神贯注;用大字体书写evaluation [ɪˌvæljuˈeɪʃn] n.评价,评估fortitude [ˈfɔːtɪtjuːd] n.勇气,坚韧,不屈不挠frankly [ˈfræŋkli] ad.真诚地,坦白地frugal [ˈfruːɡl] a.节俭的;廉价的frustration [frʌˈstreɪʃn] n.受挫,沮丧glamour [ˈɡlæmə(r)] n.魅力;迷人的美gloomy [ˈɡluːmi] a.黑暗的;沮丧的greed [ɡriːd] n.贪婪,贪心heroic [həˈrəʊɪk] a.英勇的;非常大的,巨大的n.英勇行为hospitable [hɒˈspɪtəbl] a.热情友好的;好客的;(环境)舒适的humble [ˈhʌmbl] a.谦逊的;卑微的;简陋的v.使卑微;谦逊ideal [aɪˈdiːəl] a.理想的;空想的;理想主义的;唯心主义的n.理想;典范indifferent [ɪnˈdɪfrənt] a.漠不关心的;质量一般的innocent [ˈɪnəsnt] a.天真的;清白的;无害的intimate [ˈɪntɪmət] a.亲密的,密切的;小圈子内的;私人的;精通的,谙熟的insight [ˈɪnsaɪt] n.洞察力,深入的了解insightful [ɪnˈsaɪtfl] a.有深刻见解的,富有洞察力的insincerity [ˌɪnsɪnˈserəti] n.虚伪;无诚意intelligent [ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt] a.聪明的,理解力强的introvert [ˈɪntrəvɜːt] n.性格内向的人majority [məˈdʒɒrəti] n.多数,大多数malevolent [məˈlevələnt] a.恶毒的,有恶意的,坏心肠的merit [ˈmerɪt] n.优点;功绩v.值得mindful [ˈmaɪndfl] a.留心的;记住的;警觉的mischievous [ˈmɪstʃɪvəs] a.淘气的;(人、行为等)恶作剧的;有害的perseverance [ˌpɜːsəˈvɪərəns] n.坚持不懈persistent [pəˈsɪstənt] a.执着的,坚持的;持续的personality [ˌpɜːsəˈnæləti] n.人格,个性;人物potential [pəˈtenʃl] a.潜在的,可能的;势的,位的n.潜能,潜力present [ˈpreznt] a.出席的;目前的n.现在;礼物[prɪˈzent] v.赠送;介绍;提出recognize [ˈrekəɡnaɪz] v.认出,识别;承认,认可;明白,认识到revere [rɪˈvɪə(r)] v.敬畏;崇敬satisfactory [ˌsætɪsˈfæktəri] a.令人满意的sensitive [ˈsensətɪv] a.敏感的;易生气的shock [ʃɒk] n.休克;震惊;震动v.使震惊significance [sɪɡˈnɪfɪkəns] n.重要性;意义sincerely [sɪnˈsɪəli] ad.真诚地tender [ˈtendə(r)] a.脆弱的;嫩的;温柔的vigorous [ˈvɪɡərəs] a.朝气蓬勃的;有力的。

26个话题卡1.Describe a friend.2.Describe someone who does something very well.3.Describe a person you know who likes to helpothers.4.Describe a friend who you had at school.5.Describe your best friend.6.Describe a teenager who you know.7.Describe an occasion when someone gave youimportant help in a difficult situation8.Describe some good advice you received9.Describe a child you know.10.Describe a friend who you had when you were achild11.Describe a good neighbour of yours12.Describe a person who you once lived with13.Describe an old person you know who you admre14.Describe an interesting old person who you know15.Describe a person who you would like to besimilar to the future.16.Describe a person who is good at his or her job17.Describe the person in your family who you spendmost time with18.Describe a success you have had19.Describe a leader you admire20.Describe a creative person21.Describe the first time when you talked to aforeigner22.Describe a person you helped.23.Describe a positive change in your life24.Describe a person you would like to spend sometime with25.Describe a person who move in with you26.Describe a person who moves to a newaccommodation通用素材AppearanceShe is taller than most of her friends,skinny,and with Bob hair,we all call her “panda”,as she prefers black and white for clothes,and most mportantly ,there is a picture of panda on her pajama,which makes her looks so lovely.翻译:她比大多数朋友都高,瘦削,有着一头蓬松的头发,我们都叫她“熊猫”,因为她喜欢穿黑白相间的衣服,最重要的是,她的睡衣上有一张熊猫的照片,这让她看起来很可爱。

雅思口语高频词汇精编版雅思口语高频词汇(完整版)精编版1. 人物与描述- 乐观的(optimistic)- 热情的(enthusiastic)- 多才多艺的(versatile)- 友好的(friendly)- 随和的(easygoing)- 勇敢的(brave)- 有责任心的(responsible)- 天真的(naive)- 冷漠的(indifferent)- 自信的(confident)2. 爱好与兴趣- 阅读(reading)- 写作(writing)- 跑步(running)- 健身(fitness)- 游泳(swimming)- 养宠物(keeping pets)- 旅行(traveling)- 音乐(music)- 绘画(painting)- 烹饪(cooking)3. 教育与研究- 研究能力(learning ability)- 自主研究(self-learning)- 掌握技能(mastering skills)- 理论与实践(theory and practice)- 适应力(adaptability)- 创造力(creativity)- 功课(schoolwork)- 科目选择(subject choice)- 成绩优异(excellent grades)- 学校活动(school activities)4. 工作与职业- 团队合作(teamwork)- 解决问题(problem-solving)- 创业精神(entrepreneurship)- 领导才能(leadership skills)- 职业规划(career planning)- 实经验(internship experience)- 资格认证(professional qualifications)- 管理技能(management skills)- 工作经历(work experience)5. 社交与人际关系- 社交能力(social skills)- 集体活动(group activities)- 朋友圈子(circle of friends)- 社交媒体(social media)- 社会责任(social responsibility)- 合作伙伴(business partners)- 社交礼仪(social etiquette)- 社交场合(social occasions)- 社交技巧(social skills)6. 生活方式与惯- 健康生活(healthy lifestyle)- 饮食惯(dietary habits)- 环保意识(environmental awareness)- 节约能源(energy conservation)- 早起惯(morning routine)- 时间管理(time management)- 社交生活(social life)- 文化消费(cultural consumption)- 娱乐活动(entertainment activities)- 睡眠质量(quality of sleep)以上是一份关于雅思口语高频词汇的精编版,希望对你有所帮助。

1. 人物题分类:小孩、老人、名人、同龄人Child可爱的cute; adorable 天真的naive 仔细的conscientious勤奋的hardworking 大方的shy 奇怪的curious依靠的dependent 多才多艺的versatile 诚恳的honest懒散的lazy 听话的obedient 顽皮的naughty聪慧的smart 恶作剧的mischievous 守纪律的disciplinedOld people正直的candid 尽职的dutiful 无私的selfless宽厚的charitable 俭朴的frugal 好客的hospitable谦逊的humble 幽默的humorous 公正的impartial好心的kind-hearted 条理分明的logical 虚心的modest开明的open-minded 不屈不挠的persevering 严守时刻的punctual 实事求是的realistic 有献身精神的devoted 精通某门学问的learned生气勃勃的spirited 受过良好教育的well-educated 有见识的knowledgeablePeers 聪慧的intelligent 幽默的humorous 有进取心的aggressive乐观的optimistic 大方的generous 有雄心壮志的ambitious能干的competent 有信念的confident 爱护的considerate有合作精神的cooperative 精力充足的energetic 布满热忱的enthusiastic值得信任的trustworthy 有冒险精神的audacious 适应性强的adaptable2. 雅思口语常考人物题:1) A child;2) A friend you admire, a good neighbor, a family member you admire,a person you helped, one of your own good personalities, a person who is a good leader, the oldest person you know, a student with high scores, someone you know who has a healthy lifestyle, a childhood friend, two people from the same family3) An adventurous person, someone in the news you want to meet, a famous person, a successful person, a presenter you like.4) A character from a childhood story3. 常用开头:①I want to talk about…., who is….②I firstly knew him/her….from….③He/she is good-looking person with …., ….and….④Generally speaking, he/she is…., ….and…., so he/she is very popular with…4. 中间绽开:爱好爱好hobby① He is quite into watching cartoons.② (In fact, he began to watch cartoons at the age of two. )③ As soon as he arrives home, he turns on the T V to watch cartoons. He doesn’t stop until his mum asks him to have a dinner. On average, he can watch cartoons at least one hour per day. Every weekend, he will surely watch cartoons for two hours if his parents are not at home. Also, he likes stickers of cartoon characters. He told me that his favorite stickers are happy sheep and big, big wolf.性格personality① He is a modest guy, always very quite.② He never shows off what he knows or what he is good at, which is quite opposite of me.① She has got a quick temper. When she is happy, she smiles; when she is angry, she will let you know.② She just can’t cover her real emotion. Pretense is the last thing she will do.成就achievement① He is an excellent singer who has released more than 10 albums and held hundreds of concerts.② Many people like his songs, because his songs have pleasant melody and meaningful lyrics. ③ Along with that, he has written a lot ofsongs for other singers, including his ex-girlfriend, Jolin.④ Surprisingly, Jay can play nearly ten kinds of musical instruments.。

雅思口语常用词汇People Descriptionpersonality 个性, 人格, 人物, 名人warm-hearted 热心的kind 善良的hospitable 好客的versatile 通用的, 万能的, 多才多艺的, 多面手的intelligent 聪明的, 伶俐的, 有才智的active 活动的;活跃的easy-going 容易相处的happy-go-lucky 无忧无虑的tolerant 容忍的, 宽恕的, 有耐药力的energetic 精力充沛的, 积极的humorous 富幽默感的, 滑稽的, 诙谐的optimistic 乐观的introvert 格性内向的(人)extrovert 性格外向的(人)caring 人的,人道的,有同情心的appearance 外表,出现, 露面, 外貌, 外观be of the same height/weight 一样的身高/体重hair 头发curly/wavy 弯曲的,波状的, 摇摆的, 起浪的., 波动的, 不稳的straight 直的, 诚实的, 正直的, 率直的, 整齐的have one’s hair dyed/colored 染发figure 身材have a good figure 身材好heavy 胖的slender 苗条的; 纤细的;修长的slim 苗条的, 纤细的bony 多骨的, 瘦骨嶙峋的well-built (男)身材健美的plump 圆胖的, 丰满的Teacher Descriptionbe strict with sb. 对某人严格要求have rich/a lot of experience 经验丰富an experienced teacher 经验丰富的老师conscientious 凭良心的;谨慎的;尽责的responsible 有责任的, 可靠的, 可依赖的, 负责的friendly 友好的helpful 有帮助的, 有用的, 有益的have a good command of English 英语掌握得好unforgettable 忘不了的, 令人难忘的teaching methods 教学方法gain a lot from … 从某人学到很多influence sb. much 给某人很大的影响follow one’s advice 按照某人的建议做Friends Descriptionintimate/close friend 亲密的朋友bosom friend 知己handsome 英俊的, 大方的, 慷慨的, 美观的, 堂皇的capable 有能力的, 能干的, 有可能的, 可以...的reliable 可靠的, 可信赖的trustworthy 可信赖的supportive 支持的,支援的helpful有帮助的, 有用的, 有益的amiable 亲切的, 和蔼可亲的get to know each other 开始相互了解know each other for a long timeget on/along well with 与……相处得好be on good terms with 与……相处得好feel relaxed in each other’s co mpany 与……在一起感到轻松our friendship doesn’t fade as time goes by. 时光流逝,但我们的友谊依然不变。

人物:1. 家人Part Two: Describe a person in your family who is most similar to you You should say Who the person is What type of person he/she is Why you two are similar And explain why you think you two are similar.Part 3:1) Can you describe your family?2) Is your family a typical one in China?3) Has family structure changed a lot in China in the past years?4) How did women’s status change in the family?5) Who is responsible for household chores in Chinese families?2. 朋友Part Two: Describe one of your best friends You should say Who he or she is How he or she looks like What you and your best friend often do together Why you like your best friendPart 3:1) Are you good at keeping in touch with your friends even if you don’t see them regular ly?2) What does friendship mean to you?3) What kinds of characteristics must your friends have?4) What are the possible factors that cause friends to break up?5) Where do you usually make friends?6) What is the difference in requirements for making friends between now and in your childhood?7) What’s the most important thing between friends?8) Is it more difficult to make a bosom friend when one is grown up?3. 教师Part Two: Describe a teacher who has influenced you You should say When you had his / her class What subject he / she taught What is special about him / her And explain why you think he / she influenced you so much.Part 3:1) What do you think education should be?2) Are there any problems in education?3) How do you think the government can solve problems?4) Do you still remember your school days?5) What impressed you most when you were at university?4. 小孩Part Two: Describe a child / teenager you knew You should say Who the child / teenager is How old he / she is How the child look like Why special about this childPart 3:1) Who are luckier, children in the past or at present?2) What pressures are brought to children by their schools and parents?3) What do you think of primary school education in China?4) What are the improvements in education in the past years?5) What did you like when you were a child?6) How can parents educate their children?7) What are the difference between western children and Chinese children?8) What are the difference between western parents and Chinese parents?9) Do you think young people should have more freedom?10) Do you think parents care too much about children’s education?11) What’s your opinion of parents overindulging their children?5. 邻居Part Two: Describe a person who lives near to you You should say When you became neighbors How often you see each other What you do together And explain whether he/she is a good neighbor.Part 3:1) How do you get along with your neighbors?2) Are there differences between friends and neighbors?3) Is the relationship closer in the countryside or in the city?4) How did the relationship change between neighbors in the past years?5) Do you think you are a good neighbor?6) How important is the relationship between neighbors?7) What is the difference between living alone and in the community?8) Do you think people are more and more isolated?人物的外貌特征可以从以下几个方面描述:1) Age2) Height Young Tall In her/his 20s, 30s, 40s Average height Elderly (70+) short3) Weight4) Eye color Thin Blue Slim Green Average weight Brown heavyset dark5) Hairstyle6) Hair Color Long Black Short Light/ dark brown Straight Blond Curly gray For example: My classmate is in his twenties. He is average height-about 172 centimeters. He has short, straight, brown hair. He has dark brown eyes. He is clean-shaven, and he wears glasses.。
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1. 人物题分类:小孩、老人、名人、同龄人
可爱的cute; adorable 天真的naive 认真的conscientious
勤奋的hardworking 害羞的shy 好奇的curious
依赖的dependent 多才多艺的versatile 诚实的honest
懒惰的lazy 听话的obedient 顽皮的naughty
聪明的smart 恶作剧的mischievous 守纪律的disciplinedOld people
正直的candid 尽职的dutiful 无私的selfless
宽厚的charitable 俭朴的frugal 好客的hospitable
谦逊的humble 幽默的humorous 公正的impartial
好心的kind-hearted 条理分明的logical 谦虚的modest
开明的open-minded 不屈不挠的persevering 严守时刻的punctual
实事求是的realistic 有献身精神的devoted 精通某门学问的learned
生气勃勃的spirited 受过良好教育的well-educated 有见识的knowledgeablePeers
聪明的intelligent 幽默的humorous 有进取心的aggressive
乐观的optimistic 大方的generous 有雄心壮志的ambitious
能干的competent 有信心的confident 体贴的considerate
有合作精神的cooperative 精力充沛的energetic 充满热情的enthusiastic
值得信赖的trustworthy 有冒险精神的audacious 适应性强的adaptable2. 雅思口语常考人物题:
1) A child;
2) A friend you admire, a good neighbor, a family member you admire, a person you helped, one of your own good personalities, a person who is a good leader, the oldest person you know, a student with high scores, someone you know who has a healthy lifestyle, a childhood friend, two people from the same family
3) An adventurous person, someone in the news you want to meet, a famous person, a successful person, a presenter you like.
4) A character from a childhood story
3. 常用开头:
①I want to talk about…., who is….②I firstly knew him/her….from….③He/she is good-looking person with …., ….and….④Generally speaking, he/she is…., ….and…., so he/she is very popular with…
4. 中间展开:
①He is quite into watching cartoons.
②(In fact, he began to watch cartoons at the age of two. )
③As soon as he arrives home, he turns on the T V to watch cartoons. He doesn’t stop until his mum asks him to have a dinner. On average, he can watch cartoons at least one hour per day. Every weekend, he will surely watch cartoons for two hours if his parents are not at home. Also, he likes stickers of cartoon characters. He told me that his favorite stickers are happy sheep and big, big wolf.
①He is a modest guy, always very quite.
②He never shows off what he knows or what he is good at, which is quite opposite of me.
①She has got a quick temper. When she is happy, she smiles; when she is angry, she will let you know.
②She just can’t cover her real emotion. Pretense is the last thing she will do.
①He is an excellent singer who has released more than 10 albums and held hundreds of concerts.
②Many people like his songs, because his songs have pleasant melody and meaningful lyrics.
③Along with that, he has written a lot of songs for other singers, including his ex-girlfriend, Jolin.
④Surprisingly, Jay can play nearly ten kinds of musical instruments.。