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1.M ike tells me ________(not swim) here.

2.A re you good at ______(swim), Tom?

3.M y grandfather tells me many interesting ______(story).

4.W hat club ______Lisa ______(want ) to join?

5.D o you want _____(go ) to school with me?

6.M rs. Brown is an English teacher. She

_____(teach) us English.



March 9)

1.We need you __ __(help)

us with English.

2.This is my __ (parent)


3.How many _ __(people)

does your family have? 4.His sister and brother are _


5.He can't help you

__(do) your homework.6.They tell students ____ (not

be) late for school.

7.Our English teacher often

____(tell) us a story after


8.Can you____(write)your

name on the blackboard?

9.My brother wants

me____(join) the

swimming club.

10.She likes __ __ (talk)

to her teachers.

11.Can you __ __(show) me

your new bag?

12.Bill can't tell __ __(story).

e and __ __(dance) with us.

14.I want ____(have) a birthday party for

my brother.

15.—What can your brother do?

16.—He can sing, but he _ __(not dance).


()1. I know you can ____. You can join our ____club.

A.swim; swimming

B. swim; swim

C. swimming; swim

( ) 2. Tom can play the piano, _____he can’t play it ______.

A.but; good

B. or; good

C. but; well

( ) 3. Lucy can play ____drums, but Lily can play ____chess.

A.a; the

B. the; a

C. /; the

D. the; /

( )4. Mr. Li is good _____music. He can be good ____children in the music club. A.at; for B. at; with C. with; at

( )5.Mike can play basketball ____, and he is very _____ player.

A.well; good

B. good; well


well; good

( )6. –Are you good ____dancing?

--Yes, and I think I can help kids


A. at; with

B. at; to

C. with; at

Unit 2 What time do you get up?


1.Who is your ____(good) friend, Tom, Lily or Amy?

2.M y mother is a doctor . She saves many people’s____(life) every year.

3.Either you or he ____(be) right.

4.J ack gets up late. He eats breakfast

____(quick) and goes to school.

5.L inda ____(brush) her teeth in the morning every day.

6.Mike has a _____(health) life, but his sister doesn’t.

7.He usually has too much

______(homework) on school days. So he often _____(go) to bed late.

8.E veryone needs _____(brush) teeth after eating to have good teeth.

9.H e ____(have) a good job. He ____(work) at a radio station.
