1、哈佛大学 Harvard UniversityLet Plato be your friend, and Aristotle, but more let your friend be truth.与亚里士多德为友,与柏拉图为友,更与真理为友.2、杜尔大学 Drew UniversityFreely have you received; freely give自由地接受;自由地给予3、夏威夷大学University of HawaiiAbove all nations is humanity人性超越国界/人性超越种族4、斯坦佛大学 Stanford UniversityThe wind of freedom blows愿学术自由之风劲吹斯坦福:让自由之风吹拂心灵5、约翰霍普金斯大学 Johns Hopkins UniversityThe truth shall make you free真理必叫你们得以自由这句话可追溯于新约圣经的约翰福音第八章32节“你们必晓得真理、真理必叫你们得以自由”英文是: “And ye (you) shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”(King James version)。
6、利哈伊大学 Lehigh UniversityMan, the servant and interpreter of nature人类是大自然的理解者和仆人或:理解自然;服务自然7、北达科他大学University of North DakotaIntelligence, the Basis of Civilization才智是文明的基础8、麻省理工学院 MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Mind and Hand既学会动脑,也学会动手这真是工程院校的校训。
反映了MIT的创建者的办学理想 - 教育的内容一定要有它的实践意义。
50个大学校训翻译1、北京大学(创建于1898年):爱国进步民主科学Peking University(founded in1898): Patriotism,Advancement,Democracy and Science2、清华大学(始建于1911年)自强不息德载物:Tsinghua University(founded as early as1911):Self-discipline and Social Com mitment3、中国人民大学(Renmin University of China):实事求是Seek Truth From Facts.4、复旦大学(Fudan University):博学而笃志,切问而近思Rich in Know-ledge and Tenacious of Purpose; Inquiring with Earnestness and Reflecting with Self-practice.5、浙江大学(Zhejiang University):求实创新:Seek Truth and Be Creative.6、同济大学(Tongji University):严谨求实,团结创新:Discipline、Practicality、Unity and Creativity.7、重庆大学(Chongqing University):耐劳苦尚俭朴勤学业爱国家:Endurance、Thrifty、Diligence、Patriotism.8、南京大学(Nanjing University):诚朴雄伟,励学敦行:Be Honest and Intelligent、 Study Hard and Act Sincerely.9、武汉大学(Wuhan University):自强弘毅,求是拓新:Improve Yoursel、 Carry forward Stamina, Seek Truth and Develop Innovations.另一译:Get Bestirred、Develop Perseverance、Aspire after Truth and Blaze New Trails.10、山东大学(Shandong University):气有浩然,学无止境:Noble in Spirit; Boundless in Knowledge.11、四川大学(Sichuan University):海纳百川,有容乃大:The Sea Encompasses Hundreds of River; Willingness to Accept All Is Virtuous.12、中山大学(Sun Yat-sen University):博学审问慎思明辨笃行:Study Extensively、Enquire Accurately 、Reflect Carefully, Discriminate Clearly、and Practise Earnestly.13、上海外国语大学(Shanghai International Studies University:格高志远学贯中外:Integrity、Vision and Academic Excellence.14、北京师范大学(Beijing Normal University):学为人师,行为世范Learn to Be an Excellent Teacher; Act as an Exemplary Person.15、中央民族大学(Minzu University of China):团结求实,文明创新:Seek Truth through Unity and Innovate for Our Civilization.16、中国传媒大学(Communication University of China):立德敬业,博学竞先:Build up the Character for the Career; Compete in Learning.17、北京外国语大学(Beijing Foreign Studies University):兼容并蓄,博学笃行:Learn with an Open Mind to Serve a Great Cause.18、中国科技大学(University of Science and Technology of China):红专并进,理实交融:Socialist-minded and Professionally Proficient:;Associating Truth with Fact.19、南开大学(Nankai University):允公允能,日新月异:Dedication to Public Interests;Acquisition of AII-round Capability;and Aspiration for Progress with Each Day.20、中南财经政法大学:博文明理厚德济世Zhongnan University of Economics and Law :Learned, Rational, Virtuous and Devoted.21、中国海洋大学:海纳百川至人至德1)、Vast ocean embraces streams to its tide; Norms received promise one far and wide.(2)、Vast ocean embraces streams to its tide; Norms received promise well and wide.22、中国政法大学:厚德明法,格物致公China University of Political Science and Law :keeping integrity and law in mind and studying for the people developing moral education, mastering the law, looking for truth and serving the public23、中国地质大学:艰苦朴素,求真务实China University of Geosciences:Work Hard,;Keep Modest; Flexibly Unit andpursue progress.24、华中科技大学:团结、求实、创新、进取Huazhong University of Science and Technology: Unity; Reality; Strictness and Initiation.25、华中师大:求实创新立德树人huazhong normal university :Seek truth; make innovations;enhance morality;foster talents.26、西南交大: 勤奋自信遵纪文明Cultivate Talents to Rejuvenate the Chinese Nation and Strive Unceasingly.27、东南大学:止于至善Southeast University: Strive for Perfection.28、上海大学:自强不息Strengthen PersistentlyShanghai University: to make unremitting efforts, and to pursue innovation and the truth.29、南航大学:智周万物,道济天下Nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics:Acquire knowledge; serve the people(吴鼎民)团结、俭朴、唯实、创新(老校训)cooperation; economical; practical and creative.30、国防科技大学:奉献求实National University of Defense Technology: Dedication and Practicality 31、哈尔滨工业大学:规格严格,功夫到家Harbin Institute of Technology: Strict Standard and Sufficient Effort.32、天津大学:实事求是Tianjin University: Seek Truth from Facts33、暨南大学:忠信笃敬Jinan University: Loyalty, Credibility, Sincerity, and Piety34、厦门大学:自强不息止于至善Xiamen University: Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection.35。
OutlineTitle: The Linguistic Feature and Translation of School Mottos of China’s Famous Universities.Thesis Statement:The School Motto is of great significance for a university for its Extraordinary Compactness and high representativeness of the university’s cultural connotation and essence as well as its aesthetic structure. Learning about the Linguistic Feature of School Mottos of China’s Famous Universities will help us to find effective ways of translating university’s school mottos accurately.OutlineIntroduction1. Standardizations of School Mottos1.1 high generality1.2 Brevity1.3 Contextual independence1.4 Commonly used/ Universality2 The Linguistic Feature of Chinese Universities’ School Motto s2.1 Semantic feature2.2 Pragmatical feature2.3 Syntactic feature3 The Translation of School Mottos of China’s Famous Universities.3.1 The general principals of the translation3.1.1 Information security3.1.2 Semantic equivalence3.1.3 Pragmatic equivalence3.2 The methods of translation3.2.1 The syntactic adjustment based on the semantic word-order3.2.2 Gain compensation based on the semantic equivalence3.2.3 Image switchover based on the pragmatic equivalence4 ConclusionAcknowledgementsReferencesAppendix目录题目:中国著名大学校训的语言学特征与翻译主题:提纲:1 校训(格言)标准化1.1 高度概括性1.2 简短性1.3 语境独立性1.4 通行性2 大学校训的语言学特征2.1 语义特征2.2 语用特征2.3 语法特征3 大学校训的翻译3.1 大学校训翻译的一般准则3.1.1 信息安全3.1.2 语义等值3.1.3 语用等效3.2 大学校训翻译的方法3.2.1 基于词序语义观的句法调整3.2.2 基于语义等值观的增益补偿3.2.3 基于语用等效观的意象切换功能对等理论视角下的时政术语翻译研究引言(课题阐释、研究现状、研究意义、研究方法、研究内容、以及功能对等理论翻译、文化内涵、大学校训等概念的解释。
1.Harvard 哈佛大學拉丁文:Amicus Plato,Amicus Aristotle,sed Magis VERITAS英文:Let Plato be your friend, and Aristotle, but more let your friend be truth。
2. University of Cambridge 劍橋大學英译:"Here light and sacred draughts"中文:剑桥——求知学习的理想之地3. University of Oxford 牛津大學拉丁文:“Dominus Illuminatio Mea”。
英译为:“The Lord Is My Illuminattion”中文:上帝乃知识之神4. Yale University US 耶鲁大学拉丁文:“Lux et Veritas”英译:“Truth and Light”中文:真理和光明5. Imperial College London UK 帝国理工学院英文:“work hard and play hard ”。
6.Princeton University US 普林斯顿大学英文:“In the Nation's Service and in the Service of All Nations”中文:为国家服务,为世界服务7.California Institute of Technology US 加州理工学院英文:The truth shall make you free中文:真理使人自由8.University of Chicago 芝加哥大學英文:Let knowledge increase so that life may be enriched.中文:让知识充实你得人生9. University College London 倫敦大學學院英文:Cuncti adsint meritaeque expectent praemia palmae中文:让所有因其价值而应得奖赏的人都来吧10. Massachusetts Institute of Technology US 麻省理工学院英文:Mind and hand.中文:理论与实践并重。
中国高校的校训 中英对照
![中国高校的校训 中英对照](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d15341a84bfe04a1b0717fd5360cba1aa8118c35.png)
1. 明德厚学:Cultivating Virtue and Knowledge
2. 精勤博学:Diligence and Broad Learning
3. 自强不息:Steadfastness and Perseverance
4. 进德修业:Practical Education and Moral Integrity
5. 勤奋好学:Diligence and Love of Learning
6. 博学笃志:Extensive Knowledge and Aspiration
7. 明理尚实:Emphasizing Reasoning and Practicality
8. 爱国敬业:Patriotism and Dedication
9. 诚信勤学:Integrity and Diligence in Study
10. 修身齐家治国平天下:Self-improvement, Family Harmony,
State Affairs and Peace for All
国外著名大学校训(中英对照版)1、哈佛大学 Harvard UniversityLet Plato be your friend, and Aristotle, but more let your friend be truth.与亚里士多德为友,与柏拉图为友,更与真理为友.2、杜尔大学 Drew UniversityFreely have you received; freely give自由地接受;自由地给予3、夏威夷大学 University of HawaiiAbove all nations is humanity人性超越国界/人性超越种族4、斯坦佛大学 Stanford UniversityThe wind of freedom blows愿学术自由之风劲吹5、约翰霍普金斯大学 Johns Hopkins UniversityThe truth shall make you free真理必叫你们得以自由这句话可追溯于新约圣经的约翰福音第八章32节“你们必晓得真理、真理必叫你们得以自由”英文是: “And ye (you) shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (King James version)。
6、利哈伊大学 Lehigh UniversityMan, the servant and interpreter of nature人类是大自然的理解者和仆人或:理解自然;服务自然7、北达科他大学 University of North DakotaIntelligence, the Basis of Civilization才智是文明的基础8、麻省理工学院 MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Mind and Hand既学会动脑,也学会动手这真是工程院校的校训。
OutlineTitle: The Linguistic Feature and Translation of School Mottos of China’s Famous Universities.Thesis Statement:The School Motto is of great significance for a university for its Extraordinary Compactness and high representativeness of the university’s cultural connotation and essence as well as its aesthetic structure. Learning about the Linguistic Feature of School Mottos of China’s Famous Universities will help us to find effective ways of translating university’s school mottos accurately.OutlineIntroduction1. Standardizations of School Mottos1.1 high generality1.2 Brevity1.3 Contextual independence1.4 Commonly used/ Universality2 The Linguistic Feature of Chinese Universities’ School Motto s2.1 Semantic feature2.2 Pragmatical feature2.3 Syntactic feature3 The Translation of School Mottos of China’s Famous Universities.3.1 The general principals of the translation3.1.1 Information security3.1.2 Semantic equivalence3.1.3 Pragmatic equivalence3.2 The methods of translation3.2.1 The syntactic adjustment based on the semantic word-order3.2.2 Gain compensation based on the semantic equivalence3.2.3 Image switchover based on the pragmatic equivalence4 ConclusionAcknowledgementsReferencesAppendix目录题目:中国著名大学校训的语言学特征与翻译主题:提纲:1 校训(格言)标准化1.1 高度概括性1.2 简短性1.3 语境独立性1.4 通行性2 大学校训的语言学特征2.1 语义特征2.2 语用特征2.3 语法特征3 大学校训的翻译3.1 大学校训翻译的一般准则3.1.1 信息安全3.1.2 语义等值3.1.3 语用等效3.2 大学校训翻译的方法3.2.1 基于词序语义观的句法调整3.2.2 基于语义等值观的增益补偿3.2.3 基于语用等效观的意象切换功能对等理论视角下的时政术语翻译研究引言(课题阐释、研究现状、研究意义、研究方法、研究内容、以及功能对等理论翻译、文化内涵、大学校训等概念的解释。
国外著名大学校训(中英对照版)1、哈佛大学 Harvard UniversityLet Plato be your friend, and Aristotle, but more let your friend be truth.与亚里士多德为友,与柏拉图为友,更与真理为友.2、杜尔大学 Drew UniversityFreely have you received; freely give自由地接受;自由地给予3、夏威夷大学 University of HawaiiAbove all nations is humanity人性超越国界/人性超越种族4、斯坦佛大学 Stanford UniversityThe wind of freedom blows愿学术自由之风劲吹5、约翰霍普金斯大学 Johns Hopkins UniversityThe truth shall make you free真理必叫你们得以自由这句话可追溯于新约圣经的约翰福音第八章32节“你们必晓得真理、真理必叫你们得以自由”英文是: “And ye (you) shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (King James version)。
6、利哈伊大学 Lehigh UniversityMan, the servant and interpreter of nature人类是大自然的理解者和仆人或:理解自然;服务自然7、北达科他大学 University of North DakotaIntelligence, the Basis of Civilization才智是文明的基础8、麻省理工学院 MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Mind and Hand既学会动脑,也学会动手这真是工程院校的校训。
南开大学(创建于1919年):允公允能 日新月异
Harbin Institute of Technology (founded in 1920): Strict Standard and Sufficient Effort
哈尔滨工业大学(创建于1920年):规格严格 工夫到家
中山大学(创建于1924年):博学 审问 慎思 明辨 笃行
Renmin University of China (date back to 1937): Seek Truth from Facts
Beijing Institute of Technology (founded in 1939): Solidarity, Diligence, Practicality and Creativity
北京大学(创建于1898年):爱国 进步 民主 科学
Tsinghua University (founded as early as 1911): Self-discipline and Social Commitment
清华大学(始建于1911年):自强不息 厚德载物
Wuhan University (date back to 1893): Improve Yourself, Carry Forward Stamina, Seek Truth and Develop Innovations
Peking University (founded in 1898): Patriotism, Advancement, Democracy and Science
国外著名大学校训1、哈佛大学Harvard UniversityLet Platobe your friend, and Aristo tle, but more let your friend be truth.与亚里士多德为友,与柏拉图为友,更与真理为友.2、杜尔大学Drew UniversityFreely have you receiv ed; freely give自由地接受;自由地给予3、夏威夷大学 U niversi tyof HawaiiAboveall nation s is humani ty人性超越国界/人性超越种族4、斯坦佛大学 S tanfo rd UniversityThe wind of freedo m blows愿学术自由之风劲吹5、约翰霍普金斯大学JohnsH opkin s UniversityThe truthshallmake you free真理必叫你们得以自由这句话可追溯于新约圣经的约翰福音第八章32节“你们必晓得真理、真理必叫你们得以自由”英文是: “And ye (you) shall know the truth, and the truthshall make you free.”(King Jamesversio n)。
6、利哈伊大学 L ehigh UniversityMan, the servan t and interp reter of nature人类是大自然的理解者和仆人或:理解自然;服务自然7、北达科他大学U niversityof NorthDakotaIntell igenc e, the Basisof Civili zatio n才智是文明的基础8、麻省理工学院MIT (Massachuset ts Instit ute of Technol ogy)Mind and Hand既学会动脑,也学会动手这真是工程院校的校训。
1.Oxford University :The lord is my illumination.牛津大学:上帝赐予我们知识。
2.Cambridge University:Here is light and sacred knowledge.剑桥大学:求知学习的理想之地。
3.University of Edinburgh:The learned can see twice.爱丁堡大学:智者能看到表象,也能发现内涵。
4.Harvard University:Let Plato be your friend,and Aristotle,but more let your friend be truth.哈佛大学:以柏拉图为友,以亚里士多德为友,更要以真理为友。
5.Yale University:Truth and light.耶鲁大学:真理、光明。
6.Princeton University:In the Nation's service and in the service of al nations.普林斯顿大学:为国家服务,为世界服务。
7.Columbia University:In the light shall we see light.哥伦比亚大学:在上帝的启示下我们寻找知识。
8.Dartmouth College:A voice crying in the wilderness.达特茅斯学院:广漠大地上(对知识)的呼唤。
9.United States Millitary Academy at WestPoint:Duty,Honor.西点军校:职责、荣誉、国家。
1、哈佛大学Harvard UniversityLet Plato be your friend, and Aristotle, but more let your friend be truth.与亚里士多德为友,与柏拉图为友,更与真理为友.2、杜尔大学Drew UniversityFreely have you received; freely give自由地接受;自由地给予3\ 夏威夷大学University of HawaiiAbove all nations is humanity人性超越国界/人性超越种族4、斯坦佛大学Stanford UniversityThe wind of freedom blows愿学术自由之风劲吹斯坦福:让自由之风吹拂心灵5、约翰霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins UniversityThe truth shall make you free真理必叫你们得以自由这句话可追溯于新约圣经的约翰福音第八章32节“你们必晓得真理、真理必叫你们得以自由”英文是: “And ye (you) shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”(King James version)。
6、利哈伊大学Lehigh UniversityMan, the servant and interpreter of nature人类是大自然的理解者和仆人或:理解自然;服务自然7、北达科他大学University of North DakotaIntelligence, the Basis of Civilization才智是文明的基础8、麻省理工学院MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Mind and Hand既学会动脑,也学会动手这真是工程院校的校训。
反映了MIT的创建者的办学理想- 教育的内容一定要有它的实践意义。
19.University of California,Berkeley:Let there be light.
20.University of Colombo:Wisdom Shines Forth Everywhere.
21.Hokkaido University:Boys,be ambitious!
22.University of Western Omtario:Truth and service.
23.McMaster University:All things cohere in Christ.
Sun Yat-sen University (founded in 1924): Study Extensively, Enquire Accurately, Reflect Carefully, Discriminate Clearly, Practise Earnestly
2.Cambridge University:Here is light and sacred knowledge.
3.University of Edinburgh:The learned can see twice.
Nankai University (founded in 1919): Dedication to Public Interests, Acquisition of All-round Capability, and Aspiration for Progress with Each Day
3.Principles of Translation of University Motto
◆3.2 meaning-conveyance(传意性原则)
南京航空航天大学:“智周万物,道济天下” 译文1:Intelligence Covers Everything and Norms Sever Mankind 译文2: Acquirement of Knowledge to Serve the Mankind
Motto Material
◆ 清华大学:自强不息 厚德载物 ◆ 复旦大学: 博学而笃志,切问而近思 ◆ 武汉大学:自强 弘毅 求是 拓新 ◆ Oxford University :The lord is my illumination ◆ Cambridge University:Here is light asacred and knowledge. ◆ United States Millitary Academy at West Point: Duty, Honor, Country
3.Principles of Translation of University Motto
◆3.3 terseness (简洁性原则 ) 中国海洋大学校训:“海纳百川,取则行远”
译文1:Vast Ocean Embraces Streams to its Tide, Norms Received Promise One Far and Wide.
3.Principles of Translation of University Motto
◆3.1 intertextuality (互文性原则)
牛津大学(University of Oxford)校训的拉丁文是Dominus illuminatio mea,出自《圣经》中的赞美诗第27篇。
英译为“The Lord is my light”或“The Lord is my illumination”,翻译成中文就是“主照亮我”。
耶鲁大学(Yale University)校训拉丁文是“Lux et Veritas”,英文是Ture and Light,中文译为“光明和真理”。
下面就来看看英国著名大学的校训都是什么!NO.1 牛津大学 University of Oxford校训:The Lord is my Light.翻译:主是我的光明。
NO.2 剑桥大学 University of Cambridge校训:From here, light and sacred draughts.翻译:剑桥——求知学习的理想之地。
NO.3 伦敦政治经济学院 London School of Economics and Political Science 校训:To understand the causes of things.翻译:为了了解事情的起因。
NO.4 帝国理工学院 Imperial College London校训:Knowledge is the adornment and safeguard of the Empire. 翻译:知识是帝国的装饰和保护。
NO.5 杜伦大学 Durham University校训:Her foundations are upon the holy hills.翻译:巍巍圣岭,乃吾基石。
NO.6 圣安德鲁斯大学 The University of St Andrews校训:Ever To Be The Best.翻译:曾经是最好的。
NO.7 伦敦大学学院 University College London校训:Let all come who by merit most deserve reward.翻译:让所有因优秀而得到奖赏的人都来吧。
NO.8 华威大学 University of Warwick校训:Mind over matter.翻译:意识决定物质。
basis tucson north校训
![basis tucson north校训](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/63dcd0888ad63186bceb19e8b8f67c1cfad6ee36.png)
basis tucson north校训(中英文实用版)Task Title: Basis Tucson North MottoThemotto of Basis Tucson North is "Excellence, Integrity, and Resilience." Thismotto embodies the core values that the school aims to instill in its students."Excellence"represents the pursuit of high academic standards and the strive for卓越.BasisTucson North is committed to providing a rigorous and challenging curriculum,encouraging students to reach their full potential and excel in all areas of life."Integrity"is the foundation of character and moral values.The school teaches students theimportance of honesty, responsibility, and ethical behavior.Students are encouragedto be truthful, fair, and trustworthy in all their dealings."Resilience"refers to the ability to overcome challenges and adapt to change.In a rapidly changingworld, it is essential for students to develop resilience and the ability to bounceback from setbacks.Basis Tucson North prepares students to face life"s challengeswith courage and determination.Insummary, the motto of Basis Tucson North reflects the school"s commitment to developingstudents who are not only academically excellent, but also morally upright andpsychologically strong.。
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Peking University (founded in 1898): Patriotism, Advancement, Democracy and Science 北京大学(创建于1898年):爱国进步民主科学
Tsinghua University (founded as early as 1911): Self-discipline and Social Commitment 清华大学(始建于1911年):自强不息厚德载物
Wuhan University (date back to 1893): Improve Yourself, Carry Forward Stamina, Seek Truth and Develop Innovations
Tianjin University (founded in 1895): Seek Truth from Facts
Zhejiang University (founded in 1897): Seek Truth and Be Creative
Shandong University (founded in 1901): Noble in Spirit; Boundless in Knowledge
Nanjing University (founded in 1902): Be Honest and Intelligent, Study Hard and Act Sincerely
Beijing Normal University (founded in 1902): Learn to be an Excellent Teacher; Act as an Exemplary Person
Southeast University (founded in 1902): Strive for Perfection
Fudan University (founded as early as 1905): Rich in Knowledge and Tenacious of Purpose; Inquiring with Earnestness and Reflecting with Self-practice
Jinan University (founded in 1906): Loyalty, Credibility, Sincerity, and Piety
Tongji University (founded in 1907): Discipline, Practicality, Unity and Creativity
Nankai University (founded in 1919): Dedication to Public Interests, Acquisition of All-round Capability, and Aspiration for Progress with Each Day
Harbin Institute of Technology (founded in 1920): Strict Standard and Sufficient Effort 哈尔滨工业大学(创建于1920年):规格严格工夫到家
Xiamen University (founded in1921): Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection
Sun Yat-sen University (founded in 1924): Study Extensively, Enquire Accurately, Reflect Carefully, Discriminate Clearly, Practise Earnestly
Renmin University of China (date back to 1937): Seek Truth from Facts
Beijing Institute of Technology (founded in 1939): Solidarity, Diligence, Practicality and Creativity
Beijing Foreign Studies University (founded in 1941): Be United, Alert, Earnest and Lively
National University of Defense Technology (founded in 1953): Dedication and Practicality
University of Science and Technology of China(founded in 1958): Socialist-minded and Professionally Proficient, Associating Truth with Fact
National Tai Wan University (date back to 1927):Cultivate Your Virtue, Advance Y our Intellect; Love Your Country and People
Hong Kong Polytechnic University (founded in 1937): To Learn and to Apply for the Benefit of Mankind
比如:西点军校的校训是:Duty, Honor, Country(责任荣誉国家);麻省理工大学的是:Mind and Hand(既会动脑也会动手);纽约大学的是:To Persist and Excel(坚持与超越)
北京大学:爱国进步民主科学Patriotism, Advancement, Democracy and Science 清华大学:自强不息厚德载物Self-discipline and Social Commitment
山东大学:气有浩然学无止境Noble in Spirit; Boundless in Knowledge
南京大学:诚朴雄伟励学敦行Sincerity with Aspiration and Perseverance with Integrity
暨南大学:忠信笃敬Loyalty, Credibility, Sincerity, and Piety
同济大学:严谨求实团结创新Discipline, Practicality, Unity and Creativity
南开大学:允公允能日新月异Dedication to Public Interests, Acquisition of All-round Capability, and Aspiration for Progress with Each Day
北京理工大学:团结勤奋求实创新Solidarity, Diligence, Practicality and Creativity 国防科学技术大学:奉献求实Dedication and Practicality
香港理工大学:开物成务励学利民To Learn and to Apply for the Benefit of Mankind 中国海洋大学:海纳百川取则行远Vast Ocean Embraces Streams to Its Tide; Norms Received Promise One Far and Wide
我的翻译是:To Cultivate Morality, to Establish Credibility, to Expand Knowledge and to Seek Truth
受到其他校训的启示,我觉得这样翻译更好:Virtues,Credibility,Knowledge and Truth。