



gmat试题中文及答案GMAT试题中文及答案一、数学题1. 如果一个数的平方等于该数本身,那么这个数可能是多少?A. 0B. 1C. -1D. A和B答案:D2. 一个圆的半径是5,它的面积是多少?A. 25πB. 50πC. 75πD. 100π答案:B二、逻辑题1. 所有的猫都怕水,如果一只动物怕水,那么它不是猫。

以下哪项如果为真,最能支持上述论断?A. 有些猫不怕水。

B. 有些动物怕水但不是猫。

C. 所有怕水的动物都是猫。

D. 有些动物不怕水并且是猫。

答案:B2. 如果一个公司想要提高其市场份额,它应该降低其产品的价格。

以下哪项如果为真,最能削弱上述观点?A. 降价可能会损害公司的品牌形象。

B. 消费者通常认为价格高的产品质量更好。

C. 竞争对手也降低了他们的产品价格。

D. 公司的产品在市场上已经是最低价。







问题:1. 20世纪初,汽车工业的发展导致了什么?A. 道路数量的减少B. 对耐用道路的需求增长C. 汽车价格的上升D. 工程师数量的增加答案:B2. 工程师们如何解决土路容易受到天气影响的问题?A. 减少汽车的使用B. 建造更耐用的道路C. 增加土路的数量D. 限制天气变化答案:B四、语法题1. 尽管他很年轻,但他已经是一位经验丰富的工程师。

A. 尽管他很年轻,但他已经是一位经验丰富的工程师。

B. 尽管他很年轻,但他是一位经验丰富的工程师。

C. 虽然他很年轻,但他已经是一位经验丰富的工程师。

D. 虽然他很年轻,但他是一位经验丰富的工程师。

答案:A2. 这家公司不仅提供了高质量的产品,而且它的服务也非常出色。



5.lottery$16billion,separateasgifts,governmentpayment,and expense,givetherelationofpaymentandgifttherelationofpayment andpresentation,askthepaymentin$amount

GMAT考试GMAT 数学XDF500 题(DS 部分)(解释完整版)

GMAT考试GMAT 数学XDF500 题(DS 部分)(解释完整版)

考试复习GMAT数学XDF500题(DS部分)A garden store purchased a number of shovels and a number of rakes. If the cost of each shovel was $14 and the cost of each rake was $9, what was the total cost of the shovels and rakes purchased by the store?(1) The ratio of the number of shovels to the number of rakes purchased by the store was 2 to 3.(2) The total number of shovels and rakes purchased by the store was 50.答案 C考点 方程难度 2思路 需要知道S和R各自的具体数量才可以算出总的cost 则两个条件分别可以列出两个方程 不充分 合并条件为二元一次方程组 可解出一组值 充分2Of the students who eat in a certain cafeteria, each student either likes or dislikes lima beans2dislike lima and each student either likes or dislikes brussels sprouts. Of these students,33also dislike brussels sprouts. How many of beans; and of those who dislike lima beans,5the students like brussels sprouts but dislike lima beans?(1) 120 students eat in the cafeteria.(2) 40 of the students like lima beans.答案 D考点 集合难度 3思路 将所有学生按两种属性分类 喜欢或不喜欢L 喜欢或不喜欢B 总数2/3不喜欢L 那么喜欢L的1/3 不喜欢L的人里面又有3/5不喜欢B 则两者都不喜欢的占2/5 那么可以推出喜欢B 但不喜欢L的占2/3 - 2/5 =4/15 但是问题求人数 所以需要知道总人数条件1 给了总人数 充分条件2 也可以算出总人数 充分1How many different prime numbers are factors of the positive integer n ?(1) Four different prime numbers are factors of 2n.(2) Four different prime numbers are factors of n2.答案 B考点 质数 因数难度 4思路 此题比较抽象 问N含有多少个不同质因数条件1 2N有4个不同质因数 那么这4个质因数中一定含有2 其余3个因数未知 但是含有2的多少次方无法确定 如果2N含有2的1次方 则N没有 只有3个质因数 如果2N含有大于等于2次方的2 那么N中含有2以及另外3个总4个质因数 不充分条件2 N平方即为N乘以本身得出 所以N平方和N应该含有相同的质因数 只是指数不同而已 不影响个数 所以N应该含有4个不同质因数 唯一确定 充分4Is the product of a certain pair of integers even?(1) The sum of the integers is odd.(2) One of the integers is even and the other is odd.答案 D考点 奇偶难度 2思路条件1 可推出两个数字一奇一偶 所以乘积一定为偶数 充分条件2 和条件一的形式一样 一奇一偶 那么也充分5If k is an integer and 2 < k < 8, what is the value of k ?(1) k is a factor of 30.(2) k is a factor of 12.答案 E考点 因数难度 2思路条件1 K可以为3 5 6 不充分条件2 K可以为3 4 6 不充分合并条件还是可以3或6 不充分2On the number line above, is the product of w, x, y, and z negative?(1) z is positive.(2) The product of w and x is positive.答案 E考点 正负难度 2思路 若使得4个数乘积为负 则需要1或3个负数条件1 负数个数可以为0-3个 正负未知 不充分条件2 W和X同号 那么负数个数为0-4个 不充分合并条件 若WXZ为负 则乘积为负 都是正的四个数 乘积为正 不确定 不充分7If y and z are integers, is y(z + 1) odd?(1) y is odd(2) z is even.答案 C考点 奇偶难度 2思路 相乘为奇 必须前面所有数都是奇数条件1 Z不知道奇偶 不确定条件2 不知道Y奇偶 不确定合并条件 两项奇偶都确定 充分3If n and m are positive integers, what is the remainder when 3^(4n + 2 + m) is divided by 10 ?(1) n = 2(2) m = 1答案 B考点 余数个位数难度 4思路 题干式子中的除数为10 则不需要求出被除数具体值 求出个位数即可 底数为3 随着指数从1增加之后 个位数字循环规律为3 9 7 1 四位一循环 所以用指数除以4即可知道个位数值条件1 因为N的系数为4 所以不影响除以4的余数 不能确定条件2 M的值可以确定被除数个位数的情况 那么充分9If x is a positive integer, is x < 16 ?(1) x is less than the average (arithmetic mean) of the first ten positive integers.(2) x is the square of an integer.答案 A考点 不等式难度 2思路条件1 X为1-10的平均数 一定小于16 充分条件2 X可以为1 4 9 16 25。



gmat数学试题及答案GMAT数学试题及答案1. 题目:如果一个数列的前三项分别是2,4,8,那么这个数列的第四项是多少?答案:这个数列的第四项是16。

2. 题目:一个长方形的长是宽的两倍,如果宽增加10%,长减少10%,那么新的长方形面积比原来增加了多少百分比?答案:新的长方形面积比原来减少了1%。

3. 题目:一个工厂生产了1000个零件,其中90%是合格的。


4. 题目:如果一个圆的半径增加10%,那么它的面积增加了多少百分比?答案:它的面积增加了21%。

5. 题目:一个投资组合由两种股票组成,股票A占60%,股票B占40%。


6. 题目:一个班级有50名学生,其中30%是女生。


7. 题目:一个商店销售两种类型的电视机,A型和B型。


8. 题目:如果一个数的平方根是4,那么这个数的立方根是多少?答案:这个数的立方根是8。




GMAT数学实战习题集(二十一)1.10到99,inclusive,有多少个数能被3或7整除?A. 30B. 34C. 39D. 43E. 492. 一个人买了50磅的土豆,每磅1美金买的,有20%没卖出去,剩下的卖出去了,利润是最开始买入价格的40%. 问剩下的一多少美金一磅卖出去的?A. 1.75B. 1.65C. 1.55D. 1.45E. 1.253. 8^88 /88^8=?A. 8^80/11^8B. 8^88/11^8C. 8^80/88^8D. 8^81/11^8E. 8^80/11^94. 一件事,x 机器工作了六个小时,y机器公做了四个小时,两个机器一起工作了两个小时,剩下的给y做要做几分钟?A. 20B. 30C. 40D. 50E. 605. △ACD是直角三角形,C是直角.B,E是AC,AD的中点,问S△ABE/S四边形BCDE?A. 1/2B. 1/3C. 1/4D. 2/5E. 3/86. 某年有个公司的special dividend,全年4个quarter里3个发的$5/ a share,平时regular dividend都是全年每个quarter 40。

问这年的比正常年的dividend.A. `12/120B. 12/160C. 15/120D. 15/160E. 15/2007. 两个机器A,B. A单独工作每小时生产3onze, B单独工作生产4onze.两个机器工作一共生产了77onze东西,总共工作了14小时,而且任何时候都至少有一台机器在工作.问A,B一起工作的最小小时是多少?A. 8.75B. 8.5C. 8D. 7.5E. 78. 有个游泳池的深度是从2米到8米,一共24米长,问在离最深处4米的地方有多深?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 7E. 89. 一堆东西,A有3/4,A里面是B的有5/6,是B的全是A,问你非B的占总数好多?A. 1/6B. 1/4C. 3/8D. 1/2E. 5/810. 说(X+1)^2和(X+3)^2被3除都余1,问(X-1)^2被3除余几。



gmat试题及答案1. 问题:在以下句子中,哪个词是多余的?- A. 我昨天去超市买了一些水果。

- B. 我昨天去超市买了一些蔬菜。

- C. 我昨天去超市买了一些水果和蔬菜。

- D. 我昨天去超市买了一些蔬菜和水果。

答案:D2. 问题:以下哪个选项是正确的数学表达式?- A. \(2x + 3 = 5\) 解为 \(x = 1\)- B. \(3x - 2 = 7\) 解为 \(x = 3\)- C. \(4x^2 - 9 = 0\) 解为 \(x = 3\)- D. \(5x + 6 = 11\) 解为 \(x = 1\)答案:B3. 问题:根据以下信息,确定哪个国家是正确的?- A. 法国的首都是伦敦。

- B. 澳大利亚的首都是悉尼。

- C. 巴西的首都是里约热内卢。

- D. 印度的首都是新德里。

答案:D4. 问题:在逻辑推理中,以下哪个选项是有效的论证?- A. 如果下雨,地面就会湿。


- B. 如果天黑了,灯就会亮。


- C. 如果风大,风筝会飞得高。


- D. 如果下雪,交通会堵塞。


答案:C5. 问题:在以下句子中,哪个词组是正确的?- A. 他经常去图书馆借书。

- B. 他经常去图书馆借书和杂志。

- C. 他经常去图书馆借书和借杂志。

- D. 他经常去图书馆借书或杂志。

答案:A6. 问题:以下哪个选项是正确的语法结构?- A. 我喜欢吃苹果和香蕉。

- B. 我喜欢吃苹果和香蕉,并且我也喜欢橘子。

- C. 我喜欢吃苹果和香蕉,但是我也喜欢橘子。

- D. 我喜欢吃苹果和香蕉,或我也喜欢橘子。

答案:B7. 问题:在以下句子中,哪个词是正确的形容词形式?- A. 这个女孩非常美丽。

- B. 这个女孩非常漂亮。

- C. 这个女孩非常聪明。

- D. 这个女孩非常聪明,并且也很美丽。

答案:D8. 问题:以下哪个选项是正确的动词时态?- A. 我正在去图书馆。



77. 2)x 除以 4 的余数是 0 x=4b 4
余数为 1
78. 【答案 D】
79. 80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------81.
23. 10 到 99 之间能被 3 整除得有:(99/3)-(10/3)=30
24. 10 到 99 之间能被 7 整除得有:(99/7)-(10/7)=13
25. 10 到 99 之间能被 21 整除得有: (99/21)-(10/21)=4
26. 所以一共有 30+13-4=39 个!
64. 【解释】 65. (1) a=5k+1, b=5k+2, c=5k+3 66. n=15k+6=5*(3k+1)+1 余 1 S 67. (2) x=5k+1, y=5k+2, z=5k+3 68. n= (5k+1)(5k+2)(5k+3)=175k3+150k2+60k+9=整除+整除+整除+1 余 4 S 69. D 70. 71. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
114.先把 3 4 拿出来,剩下四个数继续改写排序 2,3,2,4,
115.那么剩下只需要比较 3 4 和 3 的大小
116. 3 4 和 3 6 16、6 27



gmat数学试题及答案GMAT数学试题及答案一、选择题1. 如果一个圆的半径是5,那么它的面积是多少?A. 25πB. 50πC. 75πD. 100π答案:B2. 一个直角三角形的两条直角边分别为3和4,那么斜边的长度是多少?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8答案:A3. 一个数列的前三项是2,4,8,这个数列的第四项是多少?A. 12B. 16C. 32D. 64答案:C二、填空题4. 如果一个数的平方根是7,那么这个数是______。

答案:495. 一个数的50%是25,那么这个数是______。

答案:506. 如果一个数的1/4加上5等于10,那么这个数是______。

答案:28三、简答题7. 一个工厂在一个月内生产了1000个产品,如果每个产品的利润是10元,那么这个工厂这个月的总利润是多少?答案:10000元8. 如果一个投资者在一年内投资了10000元,年利率是5%,那么一年后的总金额是多少?答案:10500元9. 一个班级有30名学生,如果每名学生的平均分是85分,那么这个班级的总分是多少?答案:2550分四、应用题10. 一个公司计划在两年内将销售额翻倍。

如果第一年的销售额是100万,那么第二年的销售额应该是多少?答案:200万11. 一个长方形的长是20米,宽是15米,求这个长方形的面积。

答案:300平方米12. 一个圆的直径是14厘米,求这个圆的周长。

答案:43.96厘米(使用公式C = πd,其中d是直径)注意:以上试题及答案仅供参考,实际GMAT数学试题可能会有不同的题型和难度。



历年GMAT考试真题精选GMAT(Graduate Management Admission Test,研究生管理入学考试)是全球范围内被广泛认可的一种用于评估商学院研究生入学资格的标准化考试。


一、数学部分1. 算术(一般占据GMAT数学部分的20%)题目: 一个农场主种植了10颗苹果树和15颗橙子树。


如果农场主将所有果实都卖掉,总共可以卖出多少个水果?2. 代数(一般占据GMAT数学部分的30%)题目: 如果x+2y=6,而3x-4y=-8,求x和y的值。

3. 几何(一般占据GMAT数学部分的40%)题目: 在一个直角三角形中,两条边长分别为5和12。


二、语文部分1. 阅读理解(占据GMAT语文部分的25%)题目: 根据以下文章回答问题:Hermione Granger is one of the main characters in the Harry Potter series written by J.K. Rowling. She is known for her intelligence, bravery, and strong magical abilities. Throughout the series, she is portrayed as a highly skilled witch, often using her knowledge of spells and potions to help her friends. Hermione is a role model for many young readers, as she demonstrates the importance of hard work, dedication, and loyalty.问题:Hermione Granger在哈利波特系列中的角色特点是什么?2. 句子改错(占据GMAT语文部分的15%)题目: 找出以下句子中的错误,并进行改正:The company's new marketing campaign have been very successful, resulting in a significant increase in sales and customer awareness.3. 逻辑推理(占据GMAT语文部分的30%)题目: 根据以下描述判断答案的真假:所有人类都是哺乳动物。





(1/4)同一面有两种情形:故1/8+1/8=1/42. 11球,6红,5蓝,without replacement, 问取一蓝一红的possibility. 6/11第一次取蓝的情形C15*C16 .第一次取红的情形: C16*C15,总共的情形为C111C110=110 那么概率为60/110=6/113. 大于700的三位整数中,有多少是奇数,要求每一个数字都不为零,且每位数字都不同。

答案:91 How to get the answer?4. is xy>z? 我感觉是C(1). xyz=1 (2). xyz^2>1 KEY: e why not C? (as NOT is also an answer)5.X,Y,Z是三角形的三个边, 且X2^1/2).1/2XYsin(a)=1 而1/2XYsin(a)<1/2Y^2sin(a)故1<1/2Y^2sin(a) => Y^2>2/sin(a)>2因此Y>2^1/26.OX XX X XX X X XX X X X XM M M M上图第一行"O"表一小球, 第2,3,4行的"X"表障碍物, 第6行表小槽. 小球从上落下,在第三行时受到障碍物的阻止, 其向左或右的机率相等, 各占50%. 以下仍然. 问最后球掉到第六行的第二个M的机率? (3/8)对每一行落到X的概率都表示出来,然后即可得出结论为3/87. TWO KEYS,放到已有5把钥匙chain中,问这两把钥匙相邻的概率?NO.3 应该是环形的. 上面答案是机井上的. 我的答案是5/P2,10 = 1/9 不知对吗?在环形CHAIN上, 共有五个空位, 每一个可放一个或二个KEY, 可得P2,10相临情形为五个.取得1/98.给出标准方差公式,有一组数1,3,5,7。

GMAT考试GMAT 数学XDF500 题(PS 部分)(解释完整版)

GMAT考试GMAT 数学XDF500 题(PS 部分)(解释完整版)
(A) between 2 and 10 (B) between 10 and 20 (C) between 20 and 30 (D) between 30 and 40 (E) greater than 40
答案 E 考点 定义新运算 质数 因数 难度 4 思路 h(100)可以被 2—50 任何数整除 那么加 1 之后不能被 2—50 任何数整除
(A) 18 (B) 23 (C) 29 (D) 47 (E) 51
答案 C 考点 比例 单位换算 难度 2 思路 纯碎单位之间转化 代入计算即可
17 In a certain game, the units of currency of three countries are the crown, the shield, and the pound, respectively. If 2 crowns equal 3 shields and 3 shields equal 4 pounds, how many crowns equal 18 pounds?
15 If a = 1 and b = -2, then (2a^2 + b)(x + y) + (a + b)(x - y) = (A) 0 (B) 2x (C) y - x (D) x - y (E) x + y 答案 C 考点 解方程 难度 1 思路 代入计算即可
16 The formula F = 9C/5 + 32 gives the relationship between the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, F, and the temperature given in degrees Celsius, C. If the temperature is 85 degrees Fahrenheit, what is the temperature, to the nearest degree, in degrees Celsius?





根据题意有:X = Y +0.25Y。

化简得到:X = 1.25Y。

解方程可得:Y = X / 1.25。





根据勾股定理可得:DE = sqrt(2^2 + (4/2)^2) = sqrt(4 + 4) = sqrt(8) =2sqrt(2) cm。

因此,EF的长度为2DE = 2*2sqrt(2) = 4sqrt(2) cm。

问题3:若a = 3^2^2,b = 2^3^4,c = (ab)^(1/2),求c的值。

解答3:首先计算a的值:a = 3^2^2 = 3^4 = 81。

然后计算b的值:b = 2^3^4 = 2^81。

由于指数运算满足指数法则,即a^b^c =a^(b*c),所以b = 2^(3*4) = 2^12。

将a和b的值代入c的表达式可得:c = (81*2^12)^(1/2) = (81*2^12)^(1/2) = sqrt(81*2^12)。

化简得:c = 9*2^6 = 576。

第二部分:语言问题1:选择最佳替代词以完善以下句子:“He is a ______artist and has won numerous awards.”a) talentedb) stubbornc) cautiousd) curious解答1:a) talented。

问题2:填入正确的介词以完善以下句子:“I'm looking forward ______ the weekend.”a) tob) inc) atd) for解答2:a) to。



1.y=2x2+7x – 3x y2.The figure above shows the graph of a function f, defined by f(x)=|2x|+4 for all numbers x. For which of the following functions g defined for all numbers x does the graph of g intersect the graph of f ?A g(x) x–2B g(x) x 3C g(x) 2x – 2D g(x) 2x 3E g(x) 3x – 23.Each employee of a certain company is in either Department X or Department Y, and there are more than twice as many employees in Department X as in Department Y. The average (arithmetic mean) salary is $25,000 for the employees in Department X and is $35,000 for the employees in Department Y. Which of the following amounts could be the average salary for all of the employees in the company?Indicate all such amounts.A $26,000B $28,000C $29,000D $30,000E $31,000F $32,000G $34,0004.Working alone at its constant rate, machine A produces k car parts in 10minutes. Working alone at its constant rate, machine B produces k car parts in 15 minutes. How many minutes does it take machines A and B, working simultaneously at their respective constant rates, to produce k car parts?____________minutes5.1)If the dollar amount of sales at Store P was $800,000 for 2006, what was the dollar amount of sales at that store for 2008 ?A $727,200B $792,000C $800,000D $880,000E $968,0002)At Store T, the dollar amount of sales for 2007 was what percent of the dollar amount of sales for 2008 ?Give your answer to the nearest 0.1 percent.___________%3)Which of the following statements must be true?Indicate all such statements.A For 2008 the dollar amount of sales at Store R was greater than that at each of the other four stores.B The dollar amount of sales at Store S for 2008 was 22 percent lessthan that for 2006.C The dollar amount of sales at Store R for 2008 was more than 17 percent greater than that for 2006.6.A certain store sells two types of pens: one type for $2 per pen and the other type for $3 per pen. If a customer can spend up to $25 to buy pens at the store and there is no sales tax, what is the greatest number of pens the customer can buy?A 9B 10C 11D 12E 207.A list of numbers has a mean of 8 and a standard deviation of 2.5. If x is a number in the list that is 2 standard deviations above the mean, what is thevalue of x ?x=______8.Frequency Distribution for List XNumber 1 2 3 5Frequency 10 20 18 12Frequency Distribution for List YNumber 6 7 8 9Frequency 24 17 10 9List X and list Y each contain 60 numbers. Frequency distributions for each list are given above. The average (arithmetic mean) of the numbers in list X is 2.7, and the average of the numbers in list Y is 7.1. List Z contains 120 numbers: the 60 numbers in list X and the 60 numbers in list Y.Quantity A Quantity BThe average of the 120numbers in list Z The median of the 120 numbers in list Z 9.The figure above shows the graph of the function f in the xy-plane. What isthe value of f ( f (–1)) ?A –2B –1C 0D 1E 210.By weight, liquid A makes up 8 percent of solution R and 18 percent of solution S. If 3 grams of solution R are mixed with 7 grams of solution S, then liquid A accounts for what percent of the weight of the resulting solution?A 10%B 13%C 15%D 19%E 26%11.Of the 700 members of a certain organization, 120 are lawyers. Two members of the organization will be selected at random. Which of the following is closest to the probability that neither of the members selected will be a lawyer?A 0.5B 0.6C 0.7D 0.8E 0.912.Line k lies in the xy-plane. The x-intercept of line k is –4, and line k passes through the midpoint of the line segment whose endpoints are (2, 9) and (2, 0). What is the slope of line k ?Give your answer as a fraction._______13.In the course of an experiment, 95 measurements were recorded, and all of the measurements were integers. The 95 measurements were then grouped into 7 measurement intervals. The graph above shows the frequency distribution of the 95 measurements by measurement interval.Quantity A Quantity BThe average (arithmetic The median of the 95mean) of the 95 measurementsMeasurements14.The random variable X is normally distributed. The values 650 and 850 are at the 60th and 90th percentiles of the distribution of X, respectively.Quantity A Quantity BThe value at the 75th750percentile of thedistribution of X15.If 1+x+x2+x3=60, then the average (arithmetic mean) of x, x2, x3, andx4 is equal to which of the following?A 12xB 15xC 20xD 30xE 60x16.Parallelogram OPQR lies in the xy-plane, as shown in the figure above. The coordinates of point P are (2, 4) and the coordinates of point Q are (8, 6).What are the coordinates of point R ?A (3, 2)B (3, 3)C (4, 4)D (5, 2)E (6, 2)17.Let S be the set of all positive integers n such that n2 is a multiple of both24 and 108. Which of the following integers are divisors of every integer nin S ?Indicate all such integers.A 12B 24C 36D 7218.The range of the heights of the female students in a certain class is 13.2 inches, and the range of the heights of the male students in the class is 15.4inches.Which of the following statements individually provide(s) sufficient additional information to determine the range of the heights of all the students in the class? Indicate all such statements.A The tallest male student in the class is 5.8 inches taller than the tallest female student in the class.B The median height of the male students in the class is 1.1 inches greater than the median height of the female students in the class.C The average (arithmetic mean) height of the male students in the class is 4.6 inches greater than the average height of the female students in the class.19.A random variable Y is normally distributed with a mean of 200 and a standard deviation of 10.Quantity A Quantity BThe probability of the event 1/6that the value of Y isgreater than 22020.In a graduating class of 236 students, 142 took algebra and 121 took chemistry. What is the greatest possible number of students that could have taken bothalgebra and chemistry?__________students21.The total amount that Mary paid for a book was equal to the price of the book plusa sales tax that was 4 percent of the price of the book. Mary paid for the book with a $10 bill and received the correct change, which was less than $3.00. Which of the following statements must be true?Indicate all such statements.A The price of the book was less than $9.50.B The price of the book was greater than $6.90.C The sales tax was less than $0.45.22.Which of the following statements individually provide(s) sufficient additional information to determine the area of triangle ABC above? Indicate all such statements.A DBC is an equilateral triangle.B ABD is an isosceles triangle.C The length of BC is equal to the length of AD.D The length of BC is 10.E The length of AD is 1023.The fabric needed to make 3 curtains sells for $8.00 per yard and can be purchased only by the full yard. If the length of fabric required for eachcurtain is 1.6 yards and all of the fabric is purchased as a single length,what is the total cost of the fabric that needs to be purchased for the 3curtains?A $40.00B $38.40C $24.00D $16.00E $12.8024.The fabric needed to make 3 curtains sells for $8.00 per yard and can be purchased only by the full yard. If the length of fabric required for each curtain is 1.6 yards and all of the fabric is purchased as a single length,what is the total cost of the fabric that needs to be purchased for the 3 curtains?A $40.00B $38.40C $24.00D $16.00E $12.8025.In the xy-plane, the point with coordinates (–6, –7) is the center of circle C. The point with coordinates (–6, 5) lies inside C, and the point with coordinates (8, –7) lies outside C. If m is the radius of C and m is an integer, what is the value of m ?m =_____26.What is the least positive integer that is not a factor of 25! and is not a prime number?A 26B 28C 36D 56E 5827If 1 is expressed as a terminating decimal, how many nonzero digits1/[(211)(517)]will the decimal have?A OneB TwoC FourD SixE Eleven28.Eight hundred insects were weighed, and the resulting measurements, in milligrams, are summarized in the boxplot below.(a) What are the range, the three quartiles, and the interquartile range of the measurements?(b) If the 80th percentile of the measurements is 130 milligrams, about how many measurements are between 126 milligrams and 130 milligrams?29.The figure shows a normal distribution with mean m and standard deviation d, including approximate percents of the distribution corresponding to the six regions shown.Suppose the heights of a population of 3,000 adult penguins are approximately normally distributed with a mean of 65 centimeters and a standard deviation of 5 centimeters.(a) Approximately how many of the adult penguins are between 65 centimeters and 75 centimeters tall?(b) If an adult penguin is chosen at random from the population, approximately what is the probability that the penguin’s height will be less than 60 centimeters? Give your answer to the nearest 0.05机经题:8月5选11. 3个数的平均数是30,把这3个数翻倍之后也加在这个list中。



(x 1)2 10. X 是正整数,问 4 癿余数是什举?
1) x 除以 2 癿余数是 0 2)x 除以 4 癿余数是 0 【解释】
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. DS,7m 除以 5 余数为几?
(1)m 除以 4 余 1 (2)m 除以 3 余 2
2 5
【答案】 5
x2 y 3
xy2 3
(1) x y
(2) x y yx
【解释】 (1) x, y 绝对值相等,正负未知 NS (2)正负依然未知 NS (1)+(2)同上 正负未知 NS 【答案】E
9.DS,说 a<b<c, x<y<z,分别是三个连续整数,好像说了都大亍 0,然后 n=a+b+c, n=xyz,问能否确
定 n 除以 5,余几 (1)a 被 5 除余 1 (2)x 被 5 除余 1 【解释】 (1) a=5k+1, b=5k+2, c=5k+3 n=15k+6=5*(3k+1)+1 余 1 S (2) x=5k+1, y=5k+2, z=5k+3 n= (5k+1)(5k+2)(5k+3)=175k3+150k2+60k+9=整除+整除+整除+1 余 4 S D

【数学】GMAT数学习题 15套习题集(九)

【数学】GMAT数学习题 15套习题集(九)


A. 60/ΠB. 90/ΠC. 120/ΠD. 150/ΠE. 180/Π2. 1+1/(1+1/(3+0.5)) 是多少?A. 7/9B. 9/16C. 16/9D. 7/16E. 16/73. 1/100+1/101 ……+1/150的范围A. 1/3-1/2B. 1/4-1/3C. 1/5-1/4D. 1/6-1/5E. 1/7-1/64. 一个硬币抛六次,抛到连续两次都不重复的概率是多少?A. 1/6B. 1/8C. 1/16D. 1/32E. 1/645. 两个圆.小圆直径L,大圆直径2+L,问大圆的周长减去小圆周长是多少?A.ΠB. 1.5ΠC. 2ΠD. 2.5ΠE. 3Π6.一个三角形ABC,AB的中点是E,延长BC到D,连接DE交AC于F,F刚好是ED的中点,已知三角形AFD的面积是1,求三角形ABD的面积A.3B. 4C. 5D. 6E. 77. 定义一个f(x),求 f(3)和f(-6)的product是多少?A. 1/6B. 3C. 19/6D. 1/2E. 188. 比较下列个数,选出最小的那个。

0.3^2, 0.03^2, (3/10)^2, 3/(10^3)A. 0.3^2B. 0.03^2C. (3/10)^2D. 3/(10^2)E. 3/(10^3)9. 一个三角形,每边上分别有中点,求DEF 与ABC面积之比。

A. 1B. 1/2C. 1/3D. 1/4E. 1/510. 原来的果汁是8L,A,B,C三种成分比例是1:2:1,然后喝到2L了,这时候服务生发现比例错了,应该是1:1:2,所以他又分别把A,B,C三种东西加回去到8L,问你新加的C占新加的所有液体的百分比是多少?A. 5/12B. 6/12C. 7/12D. 8/12E. 9/1211. 一个人做了45题中的50道,作对一道给2分,做错了扣1分,不做扣0.5,一个人得了66.5分,问作对了多少题?A. 4B. 22C. 32D. 34E. 3812. DS题:问直线l与x轴交点是不是positive。

【数学】GMAT数学习题 15套习题集( 一 )

【数学】GMAT数学习题 15套习题集( 一 )

GMAT数学实战习题集(一)1. DS题:【X】表示最接近X的整数,问Y是否大于-31) 【Y/2】=02) 【Y/4】=02. DS题:有8个数问中值是否大于201) 8个数中有5个大于202) 8个数的平均数大于203.一共有60人,买A的有48人,买B的35人,买C的27人,在AC都买了的19个人里面有12个还买了B,买B了的35个人都买了A。

问什么都没买的有几个人?A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 3E. 44.哪个能说明x<0?1) X^3<X^22) X^3<X^45. DS题:说两个班第一个版3男都j岁,3女都k岁,然后第二个班1男j岁,3女k岁,问能求第二个班平均年龄的标准差嘛?条件1:j=k条件2:第一个班的标准差0。



7. 40个学spanish, 20个人学A, 10个人学B。



2). 班上的总人数。

8.DS题:A.B两人走同样的路线经过同样的距离从甲地到乙地,A、B的average speed 分别是XX和XXX(数字忘了),问两地间的distance是多少1)A比B少用3个小时2)AB总共用了XX小时9. DS 一个箱子里有red brown blue三种球,问blue是不是比brown多1)blue和brown总共有XX个2)red有XXX个10. 三个数,mean是15 求median1)两个数之和为302)有一个数为1511. DS 10个整数升序排列,为2 4 6 7 x y 11 z 14 15,求median1)x=82)z=1212. x+2y+3z=5 和 x+3y+5z=7 问x+y+z=?A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 513. 一个人星期三开始写日记,每天一篇,问第一千篇是星期几A. 星期天B. 星期一C. 星期二D. 星期三E. 星期四14. b的四次方能被81整除,问b被9除余数可能是A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 7E. 815. DS:两个事件x和y独立,问同时发生概率<0.3吗1) x发生概率0.12) y不发生概率 0.716. 问R<S?(1)R+S<1(2)R^2<2S17. 某 P L C三人,问P比C多多少(1)P比L多300,L比C多200(2)PLC三人一共120018. 问X/Y+Y/X>2?(1)X不等于Y(2)X=1.1Y19. 一条直线经过(1,2)和(2,1), 问你(a,b)是否在直线上?1). ab=02).(a-3)*(b-3)=020. 1/100<x<1, 50<y<100, 1/x+1/y有可能是哪个?A. 0.075B. 0.75C. 75D. 175E. 75021. .purchase了12个东西,每个16又3/4,平分给每人1/4个,问一共有多少人A. 768B. 788 C . 792 D. 796 E. 80422. k和j两人的suitcases混在15个箱子中,问一次抽两箱子正好是K和J的箱子的概率?A. 1/15B. 1/105C. 2/225D. 1/210 E . 1/22523. 三角形RST,其中斜边ST=10.两直角边rs和rt的边长之和为12,问三角形的面积?A. 6B. 11C. 12D. 22E. 2424. 一个X,Y组成的直角坐标系,A点坐标(0,0),B点坐标(3,1),AB=AC,C点坐标一共有6种可能(1,3)(-1,3)(-3,1)(-3,-1)(-1,-3)(1,-3),问BC的长度一共有几种可能,A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5E. 625. (3^20) * (33^22)最接近100的多少次方A. 21B. 22C. 23D. 24E. 2526. xy plane上有8点,没有3个在同一条直线上, 求能组成多少个三角形A. C83B. A83C. 8^3D. 65E. 33527. 64个小立方体,只有一面涂蓝色,然后组成大正方体,问大正方体表面是蓝色的概率,A. 2/3B. 3/4C. 1/2D. 7/12 E 1/628. 一個長方體長增加10%,寬減少10%,高增加1%,問體積的變化?A -0.1B -0.01C 0.01D 0.1 E. 029. 一个罐子里都是纯酒精,a同学第一次倒出1/2,加满水,又倒出1/3,加满水,又倒出1/4, 加满水,问最后酒精纯度?A. 20%B. 25%C. 1/3D. 50%E. 75%30. 100-500之间多少个数的个位,十位,百位都是不同的,A. 64B. 128C. 144D. 196E. 28831. 根号26分之一+0.0099^1/2约等于多少A. 0.2B. 0.3C. 0.03D. 0.06E. 0.0932. 几个数比较,最小的是那个?A. 0.3^2 B. 0.03^2 C. (10/3)^2 D. 3/(10^3) E. 0.3^2/1033. 有一批人352个, 7月出生的人比其他任何一个月的人数都要多, 7月出生的人最不可能的是:A.30B.31C.32D.33E.3434. 有一个容器里面有80瓶饮料,每个运动员分得一样的瓶数以后,余下的饮料的数量比运动员的数量小4,问一下哪个数最不可能是运动员的数量?A. 12B. 14C. 21D. 24E.2835. 一个人做了50题中的45道,作对一道给2分,做错了扣1分,不做扣0.5,一个人得了66.5分,问作对了多少题?A. 22B. 32C. 34D. 38E. 4236. An=2A(n-1) - 1, A1=3。



GMAT数学经典习题举例和详解GMAT数学经典习题举例和详解1、Thereare1200respondentstoapoll,eachfavoringtheirpreferencef orcandidatesA,B,andC.54%favoredA,48%favoredB,and42%favoredC,andthereis30%favoredbothAandB.What’sthelargestpossiblenum berofrespondentsfavoringC,butnotC&B,norC&A.【答案】1200×0.28=336【思路】题目问只选C的最大可能数是多少,要使这个数最大,就要满足所有选C的人,都不会同时选A或者B。


2、Aplanefliedadistanceof800milesat360m/hwithwindspeed.Andflie dbackat260m/hwithwindagainstit.What’stheaveragespeedofther ound-trip?【答案】约等于302m/h。




3、Totraveltripof40miles…thespeedforthefirstYmileswasX,andthe speedfortheremaining40-yis1.2X.Whataveragespeed?(1)x=12m/h(2)y=20m/h【思路】根据题意,(2)应该为y=20m。

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2. 11球,6红,5蓝,without replacement, 问取一蓝一红的possibility. 6/11
第一次取蓝的情况C15*C16 .第一次取红的情况: C16*C15,总共的情况为C111C110=110 则概率为60/110=6/11
3. 大于700的三位整数中,有多少是奇数,要求每个数字都不为零,且每位数字都不同。

答案:91 How to get the answer?
4. is xy>z? 我觉得是C
(1). xyz=1 (2). xyz^2>1 KEY: e why not C? (as NOT is also an answer)
5.X,Y,Z是三角形的三个边, 且X2^1/2)
.1/2XYsin(a)=1 而1/2XYsin(a)<1/2Y^2sin(a)
故1<1/2Y^2sin(a) => Y^2>2/sin(a)>2
上图第一行"O"表一小球, 第2,3,4行的"X"表障碍物, 第6行表小槽. 小球从上落下,在第三行时受到障碍物的阻止, 其向左或右的机率相等, 各占50%. 以下依然. 问最后球掉到第六行的第二个
M的机率? (3/8)
7. TWO KEYS,放到已有5把钥匙chain中,问这两把钥匙相邻的概率?
NO.3 应该是环形的. 上面答案是机井上的. 我的答案是5/P2,10 = 1/9 不知对吗?在环形CHAIN上, 共有五个空位, 每个可放一个或二个KEY, 可得P2,10

19 ,现在变动一下,问新表准方差A,B,C,D,E的MEAN是16,E为40,且E>D>C>B>A,求C的最大可能值?
sqrt((a1-a)^2+(a2-a)^2+...+(an-a)^2) 其中a=(a1+a2+..+an)/n,。

9.某餐厅有2种不同水果, 6种不同蛋糕, 若餐后甜品每次都以a same number of kinds of fruit and cake, 则该餐厅有几种餐后甜点? 根据我的理解, C2,1C6,1+C2,2C6,2=12+15=27。



10. 某个公司职员大于10人小于40人, 开会时若每4人用一个桌子, 余3人独用一个; 若每5人用一个, 则余3人独用一个. 问现6人用一个桌子, 将余几个独用一个桌子.

10<4a+3<40 10<5b+3<40 则此数为: 23 则被6除余5

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