



荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术在产前诊断中的应用发表时间:2011-12-15T08:56:32.513Z 来源:《中外健康文摘》2011年第33期供稿作者:杨国安王宏坤葛华陈鹏[导读] 产前诊断作为出生缺陷干预的重点内容近年来发展迅速。

杨国安王宏坤葛华陈鹏(内蒙古包头医学院第一附属医院中心实验室 014010)【中图分类号】R714【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1672-5085(2011)33-0078-02 【摘要】目的探讨FISH技术在产前诊断中的应用前景。

方法应用国产探针(CSP18 /CSPX/CSPY探针组和 GLP13 /G LP21探针组 ) 对 50例羊水中的细胞进行检测, 从而判断胎儿13、18、21、X和Y染色体的数目有无异常,同时与50例羊水染色体培养结果进行对比。

结果严格按照实验流程操作, 50例羊水的FISH均检测成功,与胎儿羊水染色体核型分析的结果相比较, 准确率为100%。

但部分F I S H检测结果中出现少量带有异常杂交信号的核。

结论 F I S H技术相比羊水培养具有时间周期短,准确率高等特点,具有重要的应用价值,但并不能完全取代羊水培养在产前诊断中的作用。

【关键词】荧光原位杂交产前诊断羊水【Abstract】 Objective To study application of fluorescence in situ hybridization(FISH) technology in prenataldiagnosis. Methods Applying national probe (probe group CSP18 /CSPX/CSPY and probegroup GLP13 /GLP21)to detect fifty amniotic fluid cells, then deciding whether the numbers of chromosomal 13,18,21,X,Y are normal,and comparing with consequence of fifty amniotic fluid cell culture. Results According to experiment flow-sheetstrictly, fift FISH detects are successful, and its accuracy rate is 100% compared with consequence of fifty amnioticfluid chromosomal karyotype analysis. But part of FISH detects appeared few hybridization signal. ConclusionFISH technology has a few features including short time cycle and high accuracy rate compared with amniotic fluidculture. Although FISH has important application value, it cant’t totally displace effect of mniotic fluid culture inprenatal diagnosis. 【Key words】fluorescence in situ hybridization prenatal diagnosis amniotic fluid 我国计划生育政策执行30多年来,人口数量得到了显著控制,目前的计生工作重点已经从单纯的控制人口数量转变到提高人口素质。



哈尔滨师范大学学年论文题目 FISH技术及其在环境微生物中的应用学生李晓晶指导教师王继华教授年级 2009级专业生物科学系别生物学系学院生命科学与技术学院哈尔滨师范大学2012年4月论文提要荧光原位杂交与微量自动照相集成技术(FISH)能够同时在单细胞水平原位进行细胞的分类鉴定和细胞对底物的吸收特性研究,这是微生物学研究领域的一大突破。


污染水体的原位强化净化及其生态修复与微生物也有着密切的关系,因此,这一技术的应用不仅能够提高工程系统污水处理效率, 也将为受损水生态系统的原位修复提供科学依据。












遗传学 、 肿瘤生物学和产前诊断等领域 , 尤其在肿 瘤筛查 、 早 期诊 断及指导 临床用药方 面具有很好 的应 用价值。
A P E ) 是一种 以异 常早幼 粒 细胞 增 生 为主 的 急性 髓 系 白血 病 。A P L的一个特 异标 志是 P ML / R A R A融合 基 因的 出现 , 用F IS H技术检测 P ML / R A R A融 合基 Байду номын сангаас可辅 助诊 断急性 早

42 6 - - — —
放射免疫学 杂志 2 0 1 3年第 2 6卷第 4期 J o f R a d i o i m mu n o l o g v 2 0 1 3 , 2 6 ( 4
缓解 机体 的炎症状 况 ; 而在治疗后 , 观察组患者 的 T N F . 、 I L 一 8 、 C R P和 D — D等指标 的值均 明显低 于对 照组 , 且差异存在着 统计 学意义( P< 0 . 0 1 或 P<0 . 0 5 ) , 说 明在传 统 的西 医治疗
灵敏度高及探针可长期保存等优 点 , 目前 已广泛应用 于细胞
宋 秀军 吕 进
江其 生
2 2 q l 1 , 9 q 3 4或第 3号染色体进行定 位 J 。以融合信 号模 式
为特征 的三色双融合荧光 F I S H系统研究 B C R . A B L 1+9 q 3 4 用于 C ML的病情监测 。 急性 早幼 粒 细 胞 白血 病 ( a c u t e p r o m y e l o c y t i c l e u k e m i a ,
基础 上加用中药内服 , 机体 的炎 症情况 得 到更 好 的缓解 ; 治 疗 1 4 d后 , 对 照 组 患者 的治 疗 的 总有 效 人 数 为 2 8人 ( 7 0 . O %) , 而观 察 组 患 者 的 治 疗 的 总 有 效 人 数 为 3 8人



浅谈荧光原位杂交技术(FISH)在诊断精子多倍体中的应用研究进展浅谈荧光原位杂交技术(FISH)在诊断精子多倍体中的应用研究进展摘要:近年来,由于FISH 技术具有安全、快速及灵敏度高的特点,在诊断精子多倍体中得到了广泛应用,本文主要对荧光原位杂交技术(FISH)在诊断精子多倍体中的应用研究进展进行综述。

关键词:FISH技术精子多倍体1、荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术的概念及原理荧光原位杂交(fluorescence in situ hybridization, FISH)是在20世纪80年代末在放射性原位杂交技术的基础上发展起来的一种非放射性分子细胞遗传技术,以荧光标记取代同位素标记而形成的一种新的原位杂交方法,FISH的基本原理是将DNA(或RNA)探针用特殊的核苷酸分子标记,然后将探针直接杂交到染色体或DNA纤维切片上,再用与荧光素分子偶联的单克隆抗体与探针分子特异性结合来检测DNA序列在染色体或DNA纤维切片上的定性、定位、相对定量分析.FISH具有安全、快速、灵敏度高、探针能长期保存、能同时显示多种颜色等优点,不但能显示中期分裂相,还能显示于间期核。




3、 FISH技术检测非整倍体的优点非整倍体是导致人类胚胎丢失和染色体疾病的主要原因之一,而非整倍体的产生是由于生殖细胞减数分裂过程中的染色体不分离造成的,因此,阐明非整倍体产生的机制具有重要的意义。






2. 实验原理荧光原位杂交(Fluorescence in situ hybridization FISH)是一门新兴的分子细胞遗传学技术,是20世纪80年代末期在原有放射性原位杂交技术的基础上发展起来的一种非放射性原位杂交技术。










FISH检测在临床上的应用FISH检测在临床上的应用一、简介- FISH(Fluorescence in situ hybridization)即原位荧光杂交技术,是一种用于研究基因组和染色体结构的分子生物学技术。

- FISH检测在临床应用中可以提供重要的染色体遗传学信息,用于诊断和监测某些疾病。

二、FISH检测的原理- FISH技术基于荧光标记的核酸探针与细胞或组织标本中的特定DNA序列发生互补杂交,通过荧光显微镜观察以检测特定基因组或染色体的异常。

- FISH检测可以提供高度准确的定量和定位信息,特别适用于检测具有微小或亚显性突变的染色体异常。

三、临床应用领域1、适用于癌症诊断和分型- FISH检测可以检测染色体上的特定基因重排,从而辅助癌症的诊断、分型和治疗方案的选择。

- 例如,FISH检测可以用于检测BCR-ABL融合基因以确认慢性髓性白血病的诊断。

2、适用于先天性遗传病的筛选和诊断- FISH检测可用于检测染色体异常,如唐氏综合征(21三体综合征)、爱德华氏综合征(18三体综合征)和智商障碍相关的染色体异常,用于婴儿和先天性遗传病的筛选和诊断。

3、适用于遗传性肿瘤相关基因的检测- FISH检测可以用于检测和定位遗传性肿瘤相关基因的异常,如BRCA1和BRCA2基因异常与乳腺癌和卵巢癌的遗传风险相关。

4、适用于感染性疾病的诊断和追踪- FISH检测可以用于检测和定位细菌、和寄生虫等感染性病原体的核酸序列,辅助感染性疾病的诊断和追踪。

四、技术要点和注意事项1、样本处理- 对于固定的细胞或组织标本,需要进行脱脂、脱水等预处理步骤。

- 不同类型的标本可能需要不同的处理方法,如骨髓涂片、组织切片等。

- 样本处理过程中需注意保持核酸完整性和避免污染。

2、探针设计与标记- 根据要检测的目标基因或染色体序列设计特异性的核酸探针。

- 核酸探针需要选择适当的荧光染料进行标记,以便在荧光显微镜中观察到。

- 标记的探针需要存储在适当的条件下,以保持标记稳定性和活性。


c r mo o s h o s me ,wh c a h a i o l i e p n a n r ls x—dfe n it n p t n s i h W te b s f i c t r y i b o ma e s s cn h a i r t i ai t. e ao e
s i :I v b o ma e u t n f ea n r ls x—dfee t t n c e .W e f u d t a h e o lm a e in s s i i rn i i a s ao s o n h tt r ft e h d r d sg a 。wh c e r s ne c r mo o s e l l i h r p e td Y h o s me . e whl w rs ne r e i a s me n n h o s me .C n lso i t o p e e td g e n s l a i g X c r mo e n g o s o cu in:T ee o I H mp v d t e d a n ss o n n w r e h r fr F S i r e h ig o i fu k o n ma k r e o
n t rl e e s p i g ,te a p i g r y r i d b h mb s o P X a d CE a u ai d t a l s h n S z h m n m l swee h b d z y t e p e fCE n P Y,a d f al e—d e y DAP I Re n i e n nl r i y ydb I. ・
oecnei suhb d ao , IH) rsec i yr i tn FS 技术运 用 、 n t i zi 发展和成熟 ,



FISH实验标准操作程序(成都新基因格实验室内部完整版)一实验目的通过荧光原位杂交实验,辅助临床医疗诊断:提高优生优育(产前诊断中的应用)、提前预防及治疗病患(产后诊断及膀胱癌诊断等)、对肿瘤确诊病人评估预后及中位生存期、无病痛生存期(Dsease-Free Srvival,DFS),指导用药及治疗方案(针对乳腺癌、胃癌患者的HER-2基因诊断,针对CML患者的bcr/abl融合基因诊断等)。

二实验原理利用DNA碱基对的互补性,将直接标记了荧光的单链DNA(探针)和与其互补的目标样本的DNA(玻片上的标本)杂交,通过观察荧光信号在染色体上的位置反映相应染色体的情况 三仪器设备及耗材(一) 仪器设备:①:全自动分子杂交仪②:荧光显微镜及分析软件③:恒温水浴箱3个以上(小型号)④:冰箱2台(提供试剂和标本存放,4摄氏度和-20摄氏度)⑤:离心机(用于羊水标本以及血液标本,绒毛标本处理过程的离心)⑥:通风橱(配固定液,等操作)⑦:迷你离心机(探针,缓冲液的离心。







试剂:4%NaOH液、0.1%NP-40、20XSSC、2XSSC、0.075M Kcl、1M Hcl、PBS缓冲液、0.08mg/ml 胃蛋白酶工作液、200ug/ml蛋白酶K工作液、检测试剂盒等。





2. 实验原理荧光原位杂交(Fluorescence in situ hybridization FISH)是一门新兴的分子细胞遗传学技术,是20世纪80年代末期在原有放射性原位杂交技术的基础上发展起来的一种非放射性原位杂交技术。










i i fm c o g n s t e p o e so fx ngo i r or a im s h r c s f yh i i a in h iu. o e h rwlh t e f u e a h rd z to st t g t e t h ut r ppl a i ns i to c
收 稿 日期 :2 0 — 0 0 ; 回 日期 : 0 0 1 — 8 001—9 悔 20 —20
未 污 染的 河 口 水 体 湾
活性 污泥 沉积 物 土壤
按 CF 测 定的百 分 比 U
01 3 .~
1 5 ~1 02 .5 03 .
基金项 目:国家走出青年科学基叠, (9 2 0 7 豇日 3 9 5 0 )和
0 I H i h n io me t 1 ir b oO T r to u e fF S n t e e v r n n a e o il gf& e i r d c d m n
Ke r s f oecn t y r i t n(IH)dtc;ni n na mi o ioy ywo d : ursetnsuhhi z i FS ; eetevr metl c bo g l i i dao o r l 微生物 对整 个 生态系统具 有重要 的影 响 微 生 物链 中的初 级生产者 ,同时在 自然界 的元 素转 化 中 微生物 也是 一个 不可缺 少 的成 员 ,因此 ,了解和 检 测微 生物 的种类 和作 用具有十分 重要 的意 义 检测 微生物 的常规 方法是培 养法,不同类 群的微生物 需 要 特殊 的培养基 这 种方法不 但费 时费力 ,而且 绝 大多数 细菌不 能或很难 培养 。据 统计通 常环境 中可

研 究与 应 用 .



荧光原位杂交实验(FISH)荧光原位杂交(Fluorescence in situ hybridization FISH)是一门新兴的分子细胞遗传学技术,是20世纪80年代末期在原有的放射性原位杂交技术的基础上发展起来的一种非放射性原位杂交技术。


1实验方法原理:荧光原位杂交(Fluorescence in situ hybridization FISH)是一门新兴的分子细胞遗传学技术,是20世纪80年代末期在原有的放射性原位杂交技术的基础上发展起来的一种非放射性原位杂交技术。


FISH 的基本原理是用已知的标记单链核酸为探针,按照碱基互补的原则,与待检材料中未知的单链核酸进行异性结合,形成可被检测的杂交双链核酸。
















背景信号有可能位于比正常FISH 信号更高的平面上。





























对16S rRNA的对比分析显示,大多数活性污泥里的氨氧化菌系统的跟ß-变形菌有关联。







上尿路尿道上皮癌( upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma,UUT-UC) 主要指肾盂尿道上皮癌和输尿 管尿道上皮癌。UUT-UC 发病率低,非常见恶性肿 瘤。在所有的尿道上皮癌中占 5% ~ 7% ,且 90% 以 上的上 尿 路 恶 性 肿 瘤 为 尿 道 上 皮 癌。约 75% 的 UUT-UC 的患者会出现肉眼血尿或者镜下血尿[1]。 引起血尿的原因除 UUT-UC 以外,膀胱尿道上皮癌 和多数良性 疾 病 如 尿 路 感 染、肾 或 膀 胱 结 石,多 囊 肾,前列腺增生等也会出现血尿症状[2 - 4]。在临床
WANG Jian-dong1 ,WU Jin-rong1 ,CHENG Wen2 ,WANG Xuan1 ,SHI Shan-shan1 ,ZHOU Xiao-Jun1 ( 1 Department of Pathology,2 Department of Urology,Nanjing General Hospital of Nanjing Military Command,Nanjing 210002,China) Abstract: Purpose To evaluate the clinical utility of a fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH) assay as a non-invasively molecular test to distinguish urothelial carcinoma in upper urinary tract ( UUT-UC) from benign lesions presenting with hematuria. Methods The chromosomal abnormalities of chromosomes 3,7,17,and 9 ( p16) in hematuria specimens from 34 patients with UUT-UC and 33 patients with benign disorders were detected by using a set of fluorescently labeled DNA probes. The abnormalities of chromosomes were determined and analyzed between UUT-UC and benign disorders. Results The abnormalities of chromosomes were detected in 25 out of 34 ( 73. 5% ) patients with UUT UC and in 2 out of 33 ( 6. 1% ) patients with benign disorders ( P < 0. 001) . Conclusions FISH assay of chromosomes 3,7,9,and 17 performed on exfoliated cells from voided urine specimens could be used as a non-invasive method to distinguish urothelial carcinoma in upper urinary tract from benign disorders presenting with hematuria. Key words: urethral neoplasms; urothelial carcinoma; hematuria; fluorescence in situ hybridization



第40卷 第4期2008年4月哈 尔 滨 工 业 大 学 学 报JOURNAL OF HARB I N I N STI T UTE OF TECHNOLOGYVol 140No 14Ap r .2008微生物荧光原位杂交(FI SH)实验技术陈 瑛1,2,任南琪1,李永峰1,程 瑶1(1.哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院,哈尔滨150090;2.哈尔滨师范大学生物系,哈尔滨150080,E 2mail:chenyinglady@yahoo )摘 要:为更好地应用荧光原位杂交(F I S H )实验进行微生物群落生态研究工作,对F I SH 实验原理和影响F I SH 实验结果准确性的主要因素进行分析和讨论,包括寡核苷酸探针的选择与标记、样品的预处理、杂交液和杂交条件的选择等步骤.总结了一些实验心得,提出关键步骤的操作要点和注意事项,以及F I SH 技术与其他实验手段相结合的发展前景.建议根据不同检测对象和实验目的,对关键步骤进行改进可以提高实验准确性、简化操作和降低成本.关键词:微生物生态学;环境微生物;荧光原位杂交;寡核苷酸探针中图分类号:Q93文献标识码:A 文章编号:0367-6234(2008)04-0546-04M i crob i ology exper i m en t of fluorescence i n situ hybr i d i za ti on(F I SH)techn i queCHE N Ying 1,2,RE N Nan 2qi 1,L I Yong 2feng 1,CHENG Yao1(1.School of M unici pal and Envir on mental Engineering,Harbin I nstitute of Technol ogy,Harbin 150090,China;2.Dep t .of B i ol ogy,Harbin Nor mal University,Harbin 150080,China,E 2mail:chenyinglady@yahoo )Abstract:I n order t o study the ecol ogy of m icr obial communities by app lying Fluorescence in situ hybridiza 2ti on (F I SH )technique,this paper analyzed the p rinci p le of F I SH and the influencing fact ors of the experi m en 2tal accuracy .These fact ors include choosing and marking the oligonucleotide p r obes,p retreating the sa mp les,and choosing the hybridizing s oluti on and hybridizing conditi ons .The experi m ental results were su mmarized and the main operati on points of key p r ocedures were suggested .The future of F I SH combining with other techniques was expected .This paper suggests that the increase of the accuracy,the si m p lificati on of the p r oce 2dure and the decrease of the cost can be achieved by i m p r oving key p r ocedures according t o different sa mp les and researching goals .Key words:m icr obial ecol ogy;envir onmental m icr oorganis m;fluorescence in situ hybridizati on (F I SH );oli 2gonucleotied p r obe收稿日期:2006-03-17.基金项目:国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目(50125823);国家重点基础研究发展计划资助项目(G2000026402).作者简介:陈 瑛(1972—),女,博士;任南琪(1959—),男,教授,博士生导师,长江学者特聘教授. 1969年,Pardue [1]和John [2]两个研究小组建立了原位杂交技术(I SH ),这一技术可以在保持细胞形态完整性的条件下,检测出细胞内特定核酸序列,即采用DNA 或RNA 探针,通过原位杂交的方法,将特定的DNA 或RNA 序列在细胞或染色体上显示出来.最初是采用同位素标记的方法,通过放射自显影,将已结合在靶位上的探针显示出来.后来改进了标记的材料,用包括荧光酶、地高辛、生物素等荧光物质代替了同位素,从而形成了荧光原位杂交(F I SH )技术.荧光物质的使用提高了分辨率,简化了检测步骤,增强了安全性,为同时检测不同的探针提供了可能,从而发展出了多重原位杂交,并被广泛应用.1988年,Gi ovan 2noni 等[3]首次将F I SH 技术引入细菌学的研究.1989年,Del ong [4]首次使用荧光标记寡核苷酸探针检测单个微生物细胞.近几年,F I SH技术由于其灵敏、快速、使用安全、特异性好等特点,已经成为医学、生态学、遗传学、环境微生物学研究的有力工具.1 F I SH原理和实验步骤F I SH是将细胞原位杂交技术和荧光技术有机结合而形成的新技术.其原理是基于碱基互补的原则,用荧光素标记的已知外源DNA或RNA 作探针,与载玻片上的组织切片、细胞涂片、染色体制片等杂交,与待测核酸的靶序列专一性结合,通过检测杂交位点荧光来显示特定核苷酸序列的存在、数目和定位[5].目前,荧光原位杂交在微生物系统发育、微生物诊断和环境微生物生态学研究中应用较多.由于微生物的16S r DNA、23S r DNA以及它们的间隔区的核苷酸序列具有稳定的种属特异性,通常以它们特定的核苷酸序列为模板,设计互补的寡核苷酸探针,通过与微生物细胞杂交,鉴定微生物的种类、数目以及空间分布等.利用对r RNA(主要是16S和23S r RNA)序列专一的探针进行杂交已经成为微生物鉴定的标准方法.近几年,已对2500多种细菌的16S r RNA 进行了测序,在系统发育水平上得到了大量的有用信息[6].F I SH技术的基本操作过程对染色体、细胞和组织切片来说基本相同,主要包括4个步骤: 1)制备和标记探针;2)准备杂交样品;3)原位杂交;4)信号处理及观察记录.根据不同的实验目的和研究对象,每一步骤的要求和细节会有所变化.对于微生物F I SH实验而言,解决好如下关键步骤的技术问题是获得科学结果的保证.2 F I SH实验关键步骤和方法211 核酸探针的准备核酸探针是指能与特定核苷酸序列发生特异互补杂交,而后又能被特殊方法检测的被标记的已知核苷酸链.根据来源和性质可将核酸分子探针分为基因组DNA探针、c DNA探针、RNA探针以及人工合成的寡核苷酸探针几类.可以针对不同的研究目的选用不同的核酸探针,选择的基本原则是探针应具有高度特异性.核酸探针的制备是F I SH技术关键的一步,影响着该技术的应用与发展.近年来,随着DNA 合成技术的发展,可以根据需要随心所欲地合成相应的核酸序列,因此,人工合成寡核苷酸探针被广泛采用.这种探针与天然核酸探针相比具有特异性高、容易获得、杂交迅速、成本低廉等优点.寡核苷酸探针是根据已知靶序列设计的.一般应遵循如下的设计原则:1)探针长度: 10~50bp.越短则特异性越差,太长则延长杂交时间.2)G+C%应在40%~60%,否则降低特异性.3)探针不要有内部互补序列,以免形成“发夹”结构.4)避免同一碱基连续重复出现.5)与非靶序列区域同源性<70%[7].目前,已有大量寡核苷酸探针被设计合成,并且建立了有关探针的数据库,研究者可以很方便地通过互联网查询所需的探针或设计探针的资料和软件.例如,Loy A.,Horn M.,W angerM.等建立的p r obe Base寡核苷酸数据库,就可以提供以r RNA为目标的寡核苷酸探针的相关资料以及检验探针专一性的软件系统[8].常用于环境微生物检测的寡核苷酸探针见表1.表1 常用于环境微生物检测的寡核苷酸探针探针名称目标微生物E UB338most BacteriaUN I V1390all O rganis m sChis150most of the C lostrid ium h istoly ticum gr oup(C lostrid ium cluster I and II)Clit135s ome of the C lostrid ium litusebu rense gr oup(C lostrid ium cluster X I)LGC354F ir m icu tes(Gram-positive bacteriawith l ow G+C content)HGC A ctinobacteria(high G+C Gram-positive bacteria) ENT183En terobacteriaceaeMg1004M ethy lo m icrobiumMB311M ethanobacteria lesAmx368all ANAMMOX bacteriaN I T3N itrobacter sppNS O B etaproteobacteria l amm on ia-ox id izing bacteriaACA652A cinetobacter 设计或选定的寡核苷酸探针可以用DNA合成仪很方便地合成,然后用荧光素进行标记.常用的荧光素有:异硫氰酸荧光素(F I TC)、羧基荧光素(F AM)、四氯荧光素(TET)、六氯荧光素(HEX)、四甲6羧罗丹明(T AMRA)、吲哚二羧菁(Cy3,Cy5)等[9].这些荧光素具有不同的激发和吸收波长,一般需要选择两种以上的探针同时杂交时,要给这几种探针分别标记不同的荧光素.标记的方法分为间接标记和直接标记.目前,有人在多彩色荧光原位杂交实验中,采用混合调色法和比例调色法,仅用2~3种荧光素就可以给4~7・745・第4期陈 瑛,等:微生物荧光原位杂交(F I S H)实验技术种探针标记上不同的颜色[10].探针的合成与标记可以根据条件自己进行或选择相应的生物技术公司来完成.标记好的探针通常放在-20℃、避光保存.使用前,将探针稀释到5ng/mL的质量浓度,分装备用.212 杂交样品的准备对于微生物原位杂交,首先涉及的是微生物样品的收集.既要求尽可能多地收集到样品中的微生物,又要尽量减少样品中杂质对杂交结果的影响.因此,无论是来自人工培养基的,或是自然环境的,还是污水处理设备的微生物样品,必须先经过打碎、离心、清洗等处理步骤.目的是使微生物细胞与杂质分离、除去杂质、收集细胞.可以用灭菌玻璃珠震荡将样品打碎,1000r/m in离心2m in,取上清液,将上清液5000~8000r/m in离心2m in,弃上清液,再用P BS将收集到的微生物冲洗一次.上述过程每一步可重复2~3次.然后,需要对收集的样品进行固定和预处理.这一步要求微生物细胞保持形态基本不变,同时要增大细胞壁的通透性,保证探针顺利进入与DNA或RNA杂交.一般先用4%多聚甲醛溶液固定,4℃过夜.如果不能马上进行杂交实验,可将固定好的样品暂时放在50%乙醇/P BS溶液中, -20℃保存.杂交实验前,用P BS液清洗,离心收集.用蛋白酶K,3730m in,减少蛋白质对杂交的影响.再用溶菌酶处理10m in,以增加细胞的通透性.最后用梯度酒精(50%,80%,95%, 100%)依次脱水.213 杂交这一步首先涉及配制杂交液.一般的荧光原位杂交液的组成成分有:氯化钠、Tris-cl缓冲液、S DS或Tri onx-100、甲酰胺以及硫酸葡聚糖.各种成分的浓度见表2.S DS和Trit onx-100的作用是去污,二者取一即可.硫酸葡聚糖的作用是增加探针的相对浓度.甲酰胺的浓度直接影响杂交的特异性,因此,需根据不同的探针和杂交温度加以选择.一般情况下,甲酰胺的浓度和杂交温度越高,探针的特异性越强,反之,探针的特异性降低.探针在杂交前加入杂交液中,使其终质量浓度为015ng/mL.表2 荧光原位杂交液的组成成分NaCl/ (mol・L-1)Tris-cl/(mmol・L-1)S DS/%甲酰胺/%01920011~15~55 杂交在载玻片上进行,取经过预处理的样品涂于载片,充分干燥后,加杂交液.在微生物F I SH 实验中,样品与杂交液的比例大约为1∶2,通常是10μL样品加20μL杂交液,置于46℃杂交炉中,避光杂交2~4h.由于杂交温度较高,杂交液又很少,容易蒸发干燥,因此,需使用密闭湿盒.杂交完成后,要用洗脱液将多余的探针除去.常用洗脱液为SET或SSC,洗脱温度低于50℃.洗脱是否充分会影响杂交结果的准确性,因此,常采用多梯度、多次的洗脱方法.如果检测同一样品中的多种微生物,往往需要使用二种以上的探针,只要在洗脱后,在新的杂交液中再加入其他16S r RNA探针溶液,按上述步骤杂交即可.214 结果观察和分析全部操作完成后,加少量对苯二胺-甘油溶液覆盖样品,防止荧光淬灭,再封片.结果用荧光显微镜或激光共聚焦显微镜(CLS M)观察、照相并进行分析.共聚焦显微镜空间分辨力强、敏感性高、可屏蔽自发荧光的干扰.其与数字成像系统结合,可进行量化分析和自动化分析,已越来越多地应用于F I SH信号检测[6].另外利用流式细胞仪可以对于每一个靶细胞-探针杂交物的荧光强度进行定量测定.下列图片中显示了CLS M拍摄下的、用上述方法进行的F I SH实验结果.其中,图1是分别用红色ROX和黄色TET标记的两种探针双杂交实验结果,图2为分别用RDX、TET、绿色(F I TC)染料标记的探针的单杂交实验结果.检测的样品是活性污泥中收集来的混合细菌.图1 双色探针杂交实验(使用显微镜倍数×63oil)) 215 F I SH技术存在的问题和解决方案F I SH技术在某些方面也存在缺陷.例如,在营养饥饿状态下,细菌的染色体含量降低,因而细胞中的16S r RNA减少,会导致荧光杂交信号减弱形成假阴性结果.为了增强杂交信号,研究了一些荧光增强方法,如多重探测、生物素、亲合素标记等方法.Prescott和Fricker[11]利用核酸肽・845・哈 尔 滨 工 业 大 学 学 报 第40卷 (P NA )作为探针进行原位杂交,检测自来水中的E .coli,取得了与传统的平板计数法相一致的结果.P NA 探针具有稳定、不易降解和较高的杂交亲和力等特性,检测细菌细胞的r RNA 具有较高的灵敏性,即使是细菌死亡一段时间后也可能被检测到.而且,由于其主链骨架是中性的,并且通常比寡核苷酸探针短,能够通过疏水的细胞壁,具有较好的渗透性,因此,可以大大提高F I SH 实验的灵敏性[12].使用显微镜倍数为×63oil图2 单杂交实验 另外,细菌普遍存在的自发荧光现象及探针的特异性不足还可能导致假阳性结果.使用窄波段的滤镜和信号放大系统可能降低自身背景荧光,不同激发波长对自身背景荧光强度也有影响,因此,在检测未知混合微生物时,要进行相应处理.共聚焦显微成像系统(CLS M )可以较好地解决这一问题.探针的特异性需要通过严格的杂交条件控制和设置阳性对照来保证.在进行微生物生态学研究中应结合传统的培养、镜检等方法及现代分子生物学的多种方法,使得到的结果更加可信.3 F I SH 技术的发展F I SH 技术逐渐形成了从单色到多色、从中期染色体到粗线期染色体再向DNA 纤维的发展趋势,灵敏度和分辨率正在由mb 向kb 、百分距离向碱基对、多拷贝向单拷贝、大片段向小片段再向BAC /Y AC 等方向深入[13].F I SH 技术还与其他技术相结合,为环境微生物的研究提供更多信息.例如,O r phan [14]等人利用F I SH 与次级离子质谱(SI M S )结合对厌氧条件下的甲烷氧化菌进行了鉴定;Lee [15]等人采用F I SH 与显微放射自显影技术研究了生化物质在细胞内的合成、转移和转化等代谢过程;Sekigu 2chi [16]等人利用共聚焦激光扫描显微镜与F I SH 技术得到了不同菌种在颗粒污泥内部成层分布的高清晰照片[17].与生物传感器结合也是F I SH 技术在环境微生物研究中应用的新手段.随着技术的不断进步,F I 的准确性和灵敏度将进一步提高,必将在微生物生态学研究领域得到更加充分的应用.参考文献:[1]P ARDUE M L,G ALL J G .Molecular hybridizati on ofradi o active DNA t o the DNA of cyt ol ogical p reparati ons [J ].Pr oc Natl Acad Sci US A,1969,6464:600-604.[2]JOHN H,B I RNSTI E L M,JONES K .RNA:DNA hybridisatthe cyt ogenetical level[J ].Nature,1969,223:582-587.[3]GI O VANNON I S J,DE LONG E F,OLSE N G J,et a l .Phyl ogenetic gr oup s pecific oligodeocy nucleotide p r obes f or identificati on of single m icr obial cells[J ].J Bacteri 2ol,1988,170:720-726.[4]DE LONG E F,W I CKHAM G S,P ACE N R.Phyl onge 2netic stains:ribos omal RNA based p r obes for the identi 2ficati on of single m icr obial cells [J ].Science,1989,65:5554-5563.[5]逄兵,蒋学之,倪祖尧,等.荧光原位杂交原理及其在染色体畸变研究中的应用[J ].劳动医学,1997,14(1):52-56.[6]王建龙.荧光原位杂交(F I SH )技术检测水体中大肠菌群研究[J ].中国生物工程杂志,2004,24(2):70-73.[7]卢圣栋.现代分子生物学实验技术[M ].2版,北京:中国协和医科大学出版社,1999.[8]LOY A,HORN M ,WAG NER M.Pr 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[9 ] [10] [6 ] [8 ] [13]
213 利用 FISH 技术检测 Enterobacteriaceae 对于总大肠菌群这一组微生物, 不可能设计出
专一性的 16S rRNA 探针。这是因 为, 水的卫生学 检验上定义的大肠菌群包含了在分类学上属于不
同属的一组细菌。因此, 开发的探针主要是针对于 肠杆菌科 ( Enterobacteriaceae) , 而不是总大肠菌群。 肠杆菌科是由一大群形态相似的革兰氏阴性小杆
菌组成, 包括埃希氏菌属( Escherichia ) 、沙门氏菌属 ( Sa lmonella ) 、志贺氏菌 属( Shigella ) 。这些微生物 兼性厌氧, 能够发酵糖类产酸, 通常不产气, 周生鞭 毛, 可以运动。这些细菌通常栖居在人和动物的肠 道, 也存在于土壤和水域中。沙门氏菌和志贺氏菌 是食物和水传播的肠道病原菌。
2 核酸杂交技术在大肠菌群检测中的应用
211 核酸探针及其标记 探针是能够与特定核苷酸序列发生特异性结
合的、己知碱基序列的核酸片段。它可以是长探针 ( 10~ 1000bp) , 也可以是短核苷酸片段( 10~ 50bp) , 可以是从 RNA 制备的 cDNA 探 针, 也可 以是 PCR 扩增产物或人工合成的寡核苷酸探针。探针既可 以用放射性核苷酸标记, 也可以用非放射性分子标 记。核酸杂交试验并不要求探针与靶核酸序列之
大肠菌群( coliforms) 是一类需氧或兼性厌氧、 革兰氏阴性、无芽孢的杆菌。大肠菌群包括: 大肠 埃希氏菌、产气杆菌和副大肠杆菌。大肠菌群被广 泛作为饮用水的细菌学检验指标。传统的检测和 计数方 法有多管发酵法 ( multiple- tube fermentation, MTF) 和滤膜法( membrane filter, MF) 。然而, 这些方 法都存在一定的缺点, 如培养时间长、拮抗微生物 的干扰、专一性差等。因此, 研究快速、灵敏和专一 的大肠菌群检测方法十分必要。这些新技术包括: 酶分析法、免疫法、PCR 法以及 FISH 法等[1 ] 。




FISH的全称是Fluorescence in situ hybridization,即荧光原位杂交。




















华中科技大学硕士学位论文FISH检测快速诊断曲霉菌感染的临床价值华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院儿科 430022硕士研究生:肖晶导师:孟浦副教授摘要目的曲霉菌是自然界广泛存在的真菌,是引起侵袭性真菌感染(IFI)的主要病原菌。





以上分组采用经地高辛末端标记的与曲霉菌18S rRNA序列互补的18S-1寡核苷酸探针分别进行FISH检测,同时对组织石蜡切片进行HE及PAS染色。








关键词曲霉菌;荧光原位杂交;侵袭性真菌感染;早期诊断华中科技大学硕士学位论文The clinical Value of FISH in the Detection of Aspergillus Infectionfor rapid DiagnosisAbstractObjective The object of this study is to evaluate the application of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technology in the diagnosis of pediatric invasive fungal infections. As widespread existence in nature, Aspergillus is the major pathogenicbacteria of invasive fungal infections (IFI). Not only is IFI more common in immunocompromised people and higher mortality rate, but also it lacks rapid diagnostic methods in clinical.Methods 27 formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded specimens from patients with fungal infection were included in this research. Aspergillus was detected by FISH as a positive control. 12 specimens without fungal infection were used as a negative control. 23-base pair oligonucleotide, which complement to 18S (18S-1 probes) rRNA of Aspergillus and labeled with digoxigenin (DIG) was used as probe. Simultaneously these tissue specimens were stained by HE and PAS.Results The results shown that, 14 cases FISH detection of Aspergillus rDNA were positive by using the 18S-1 probe. Positive control also showed specific hybridization. The green granular hybridization signals focused or scattered on slides. No signals were detected in negative controls and blank samples. The result of FISH was corresponded with that of HE and PAS staining.HE and PAS staining were suspected fungal infection in 23 cases and 27 cases. Some tissue showed fungal mycelium. HE staining showed red mycelium and PAS staining showed magenta. But they couldn't identify fungal genus.Conclusion FISH can detect Aspergillus hyphal elements in the formalin-fixed华中科技大学硕士学位论文and paraffin-embedded tissue specimens. It can identify different fungus according to species-specific probes. While HE and PAS staining can only observe fungus morphologically but not identify different fungus. So FISH is a useful method for rapid and accurate identification of Aspergillus in tissues.Key words Aspergillus; Fluorescence in situ hybridization; invasive fungal infections;early diagnosis华中科技大学硕士学位论文英文缩写注释表英文缩写英文全名汉语译名FISH Fluorescence in situ hybridization 荧光原位杂交ISH In situ hybridization 原位杂交PCR polymerase chain reaction 聚合酶链式反应BSA Bovine serum albumin 小牛血清白蛋白DAPI 4’6-diamidino-2-phenylindole 4,6-二氨基-2-苯基吲哚FITC Fluorescein isothiocyanate 异硫氰酸荧光素PBS Phosphate buffered saline 磷酸缓冲液SSC saline sodium citrate 柠檬酸钠缓冲液SSB Single stranded DNA binding protein 单链DNA结合蛋白ssDNA Salmon sperm DNA 鲑鱼精子DNA IFI invasive fungal infections 侵袭性真菌感染HE hematoxylin-eosin staining 苏木精—伊红染色法PAS periodic acid Schiff 过碘酸雪夫染色DIG digoxin 地高辛GM galactomannan 半乳甘露聚糖BDG1,3-beta-d-glucan 1,3-β-D-葡聚糖ELISA enzymelinked immunosorbentassy酶联免疫吸附试验ICU Intensive Care Unit 重症加强护理病房FDA Food and Drug Administration食品和药物管理局bp Base pair碱基对TE Tris- Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid 氨基丁三醇-乙二胺四乙酸PNA peptide nucleic acid 肽核酸华中科技大学硕士学位论文独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。

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Video ArticleFluorescent in situ Hybridization on Mitotic Chromosomes of MosquitoesVladimir A. Timoshevskiy1, Atashi Sharma1, Igor V. Sharakhov1, Maria V. Sharakhova11Department of Entomology, Virginia TechCorrespondence to: Maria V. Sharakhova at msharakh@URL: /video/4215DOI: doi:10.3791/4215Keywords: Immunology, Issue 67, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Entomology, Infectious Disease, imaginal discs, mitotic chromosomes, genome mapping, FISH, fluorescent in situ hybridization, mosquitoes, Anopheles, Aedes, CulexDate Published: 9/17/2012Citation: Timoshevskiy, V.A., Sharma, A., Sharakhov, I.V., Sharakhova, M.V. Fluorescent in situ Hybridization on Mitotic Chromosomes of Mosquitoes. J. Vis. Exp. (67), e4215, doi:10.3791/4215 (2012).AbstractFluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) is a technique routinely used by many laboratories to determine the chromosomal position of DNA and RNA probes.One important application of this method is the development of high-quality physical maps useful for improving the genome assemblies for various organisms.The natural banding pattern of polytene and mitotic chromosomes provides guidance for the precise ordering and orientation of the genomic supercontigs.Among the three mosquito genera, namely Anopheles, Aedes, and Culex, a well-established chromosome-based mapping technique has been developed only for Anopheles, whose members possess readable polytene chromosomes 1. As a result of genome mapping efforts, 88% of the An. gambiae genome has been placed to precise chromosome positions 2,3 . Two other mosquito genera, Aedes and Culex, have poorly polytenized chromosomes because of significant overrepresentation of transposable elements in their genomes 4, 5, 6. Only 31 and 9% of the genomic supercontings have been assigned without order or orientation to chromosomes of Ae. aegypti 7 and Cx.quinquefasciatus 8, respectively. Mitotic chromosome preparation for these two species had previously been limited to brain ganglia and cell lines. However, chromosome slides prepared from the brain ganglia of mosquitoes usually contain low numbers of metaphase plates 9. Also, although a FISH technique has been developed for mitotic chromosomes from a cell line of Ae. aegypti 10, the accumulation of multiple chromosomal rearrangements in cell line chromosomes 11 makes them useless for genome mapping. Here we describe a simple, robust technique for obtaining high-quality mitotic chromosome preparations from imaginal discs (IDs) of 4th instar larvae which can be used for all three genera of mosquitoes. A standard FISH protocol 12 is optimized for using BAC clones of genomic DNA as a probe on mitotic chromosomes of Ae. aegypti and Cx.quinquefasciatus, and for utilizing an intergenic spacer (IGS) region of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) as a probe on An. gambiae chromosomes. In addition to physical mapping, the developed technique can be applied to population cytogenetics and chromosome taxonomy/systematics of mosquitoes and other insect groups.Video LinkThe video component of this article can be found at /video/4215/Protocol1. Chromosome PreparationMosquito larvae were reared using a standard protocol described in Methods in Anopheles Research available at the website of the Malaria Research and Reference Reagent Resource Center(MR4) 13. The temperatures of mosquito rearing were modified to provide the highest number of chromosomes in imaginal discs and lowest mortality of the larvae. The stages of mosquito larvae development were determined based on the sizes of their head capsules 13.1.Hatch mosquito eggs at 28 °C, and after 2-3 days, transfer 2nd or 3rd instar larvae to 16 °C for Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus and to 22 °C for An.gambiae.2.Place 4th instar larvae on ice for several minutes for immobilization.3.Transfer larva to a slide with a drop of cold hypotonic solution (0.5% sodium citrate or 0.075 M potassium chloride), and place it under the stereomicroscope.4.Select larva with oval IDs (Figure 1B) for further dissection.5.Decapitate larva, and cut the cuticle from the ventral side of the larval thorax using dissecting scissors (Figure 2A). Make additional cut in second or thirdabdominal segment to dissect the gut from the larva. The directions of the cuts are shown by arrows.6.Open the cuticle, and remove the gut and fat body from the larva. Remove the hypotonic solution from the slide using filter paper, and add a fresh drop ofhypotonic solution directly to the IDs (Figure 2B). Keep larva in hypotonic solution for 10 min at RT.7.Remove hypotonic solution using filter paper, and apply Carnoy's solution (ethanol/acetic acid in 3:1 ratio). After adding fixative solution, IDs immediatelyturn white and become easily visible under the microscope (Figure 2C).ing dissecting needles, remove IDs from the larva (Figure 2D), and transfer them to a drop of 50% propionic acid. Remove any other tissues, such as thegut and fat body, from the slide. Cover IDs with an unsiliconized 22x22 cover slip, and keep for 10 min at RT.9.Cover the slide with filter paper, and squash the tissue by tapping the eraser of a pencil on the perimeter of the cover slip.10.Briefly analyze the quality of the slide using the phase-contrast microscope at 100x or 200x magnification (Figure 3). Preparations with >50 chromosomespreads can be considered suitable for FISH.11.Dip and hold the slide in liquid nitrogen until it stops bubbling. Remove the cover slip from the slide using a razor blade, and transfer the slide immediatelyto a container of 70% ethanol chilled at -20 °C. Store at 4 °C for at least 1 hr for the best dehydration result (if necessary, slides can be stored at this step from several minutes to several days).12.Dehydrate slides in a series of ethanol (70%, 80%, 100%) at 4 °C for 5 min each, and air dry at RT.13.Store dry slides at -20 °C before utilizing them for FISH.2. Extraction of Repetitive DNA FractionsPerforming FISH of the BAC clone DNA probe on chromosomes from Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus requires using unlabeled repetitive DNA fractions to block unspecific hybridization of the DNA repeats to the chromosomes. The reassociation of single-strand DNA fragmented into pieces of several hundred bp follows a C0t curve where C0 is the initial concentration of single-stranded DNA and t is the reannealing time. DNA fractions with C0t values equal to 10-4-10-1 or 10°-102 are considered as highly and moderately repetitive, respectively.1.Extract 400-500 µg of the genomic DNA from entire adult mosquito using Qiagen Blood and Cell Culture Maxikit, and prepare 100-1,000 ng/µl DNAsolution in 1.2x SSC.2.Denature DNA by placing a safe-lock tube with genomic DNA into a heating block prewarmed to 120 °C for 2 min. High temperature helps to range DNAinto 200-500 bp fragments.3.Depending on the DNA concentration, reassociate DNA by placing the tube at 60 °C for 15-150 min to obtain C0t DNA fractions up to C0t3 (Table 1).4.Place the tube with DNA on ice for 2 min.5.Transfer the DNA to 42 °C, add preheated 10x S1 nuclease buffer and S1 nuclease to a final concentration of 100 U per 1 mg of DNA, and incubate for 1hr.6.Precipitate DNA by adding 0.1 volume of 3 M sodium acetate and 1 volume of isopropanol at RT.7.Centrifuge at 14,000 rpm for 20 min at 4 °C.8.Wash DNA in 70% ethanol, and centrifuge again at 14,000 rpm for 10 min at 4 °C.9.Air-dry and dissolve DNA pellet in TE buffer.10.Measure the DNA concentration, and visualize by gel electrophoresis. Usually the final quantity of repetitive DNA fractions represents 35-50% of theoriginal DNA amount.3. DNA Probe LabelingTwo different protocols were used for the labeling BAC clone DNA probe and IGS rDNA probe.3.1 BAC clone labeling using nick-translation1.Extract BAC clone DNA from the BAC library using Qiagen Large Construct Kit.2.Prepare reaction mixture for nick-translation labeling on ice with final volume of 50 µl: 1 µg isolated BAC clone DNA, 0.05 mM each of unlabeled dATP,dCTP, and dGTP and 0.015 mM of dTTP; 1 µl of Cy3-dUTP (or another fluorochrome); 0.05 mg/ml of BSA, 5 µl of 10x nick-translation buffer, 20 U of DNA-polymerase I, and 0.0012 U of DNase.3.Incubate at 15 °C for 2.5 hr.4.Stop reaction by adding 1 µl of 0.5 M EDTA.5.Store probe at -20 °C in a dark place.3.2 IGS rDNA labeling using PCR1.Prepare reaction mixture on ice with final volume of 50 µl: 200 ng of genomic DNA; 0.05 mM each of unlabeled dATP, dCTP, and dGTP; 0.015 mM ofdTTP; 1 µl of Cy3-dUTP (or another fluorochrome); 5 µl of 10x PCR-buffer; 50 pmol of forward; UN (GTGTGCCCCTTCCTCGATGT) and reverse; GA (CTGGTTTGGTCGGCACGTTT) primers for IGS amplification; and 10 U of Taq DNA polymerase 14.2.Perform PCR reaction using standard PCR parameters for IGS amplification: 95 °C /5 min x 1 cycle; (95 °C /30 sec, 50 °C /30 sec, 72 °C /30 sec) x 30cycles; 72 °C /5 min x 1 cycle; and 4 °C hold 14.3.Store probe at -20 °C in a dark place.4. Fluorescent in situ HybridizationThis FISH protocol includes two variations: the first for using BAC clone DNA as a probe on mitotic chromosomes of Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus and the second for using IGS rDNA on mitotic chromosomes of An. gambiae. If using BAC clone DNA probes, skip RNase treatment steps 4.3, 4.4, and simultaneous slide/probe denaturation step 4.19. If using IGS rDNA probe, prepare hybridization mixture without C0t DNA fractions, and skip separate slide/ probe denaturing steps 4.10, 4.11, 4.16, and 4.17.1.Incubate slides in 2x SSC for 30 min at 37 °C.2.Dehydrate slides in series of 70%, 80%, and 100% ethanol for 5 min each at RT, and air dry. If performing FISH with BAC clone DNA, proceed directly tostep 4.5.3.Incubate chromosome preparation in 0.1 mg/ml RNase solution under parafilm for 30 min at 37 °C.4.Wash twice in 2x SSC for 5 min each at 37 °C.5.Put slides in a jar with 0.01% pepsin and 0.037% HCl solution, and incubate for 5 min at 37 °C.6.Wash slides in 1x PBS for 5 min at RT.7.Fix chromosome preparation in a jar with 1% formalin in 1x PBS prepared from 10% neutral-buffered formalin for 10 min at RT.8.Wash slides in 1x PBS for 5 min at RT.9.Dehydrate slides in series of 70%, 80%, and 100% ethanol for 5 min each at RT, and air dry preparations at 37 °C. If performing FISH with IGS, proceeddirectly to step 4.1210.Denature slides in a jar with prewarmed 70% formamide for 2 min at 72 °C.11.Dehydrate slides in series of cold (-20 °C) 70%, 80%, and 100% ethanol for 5 min each, and air dry at 37 °C.12.Prepare hybridization mixture: 5 µl of labeled probe DNA from step 3, 10 µl of C0t DNA from step 2 with final concentration of 0.5 ng/µl, and 5 µl of 1 µg/µl sonicated salmon sperm DNA. For FISH with IGS rDNA, prepare hybridization mixture without C0t DNA fractions.13.Precipitate DNA by adding 0.1 volume of 3 M sodium acetate and 2 volumes of ethanol. Keep at -20 °C for 1-3 hr.14.Centrifuge at 14,000 rpm at 4 °C for 20 min, remove the ethanol, and air dry the pellet at RT.15.Thoroughly dissolve the pellet in 10 µl of hybridization buffer: 50% formamide, 20% dextran sulfate, 2x SSC. If performing FISH with IGS, proceeddirectly to step 4.1816.Denature hybridization mixture for 7 min at 97 °C, and immediately put on ice for 1 min.17.Prehybridize mixture at 37 °C for 30 min to prevent unspecific hybridization of repetitive DNA to the chromosomes.18.Place 10 µl of the hybridization mixture on the slide, and cover with a 22x22 cover slip. Prevent bubble formation - air bubbles should be removed withgentle pressure to the coverslip. If performing FISH with BAC clone DNA, proceed directly to step 4.2019.Denature the probe and chromosome DNA simultaneously using a heating block at 75 °C for 5 min.20.Glue cover slip around the perimeter using rubber cement.21.Perform overnight hybridization in a humid chamber at 37 °C.22.Remove rubber cement and coverslip from the slide.23.Wash slide 2 min in prewarmed Solution 1 (0.4x SSC, 0.3% Nonidet-P40) at 73 °C.24.Wash slides in Solution 2 (2x SSC, 0.1% Nonidet-P40) for 5 min at RT.25.Counterstain slide using 0.001 mM YOYO-1 in 1x PBS for 10 min in humid chamber at RT.26.Mount in a small amount of Prolong Gold antifade reagent with a cover slip.27.Analyze preparations under a fluorescent microscope using appropriate filter sets at 1,000x magnification (Figure 4).5. Representative ResultsInsect IDs are located in each segment of the larva. Depending on the position, they transform into different tissues at the adult stage of the insect. The IDs, which are used for the chromosome preparation in this protocol, develop into legs at the adult stage of the mosquito. These IDs are located at the ventral side of the larval thorax and are clearly visible through the cuticle under the microscope (Figure 1). At the early 4th instar larval stage, IDs have a round shape (Figure 1A). The largest numbers of mitosis, ~175 in one ID 9, are accumulated at a later "oval shaped" stage (Figure 1B), which must be considered the optimal stage for slide preparation. At this time, the intermediate ID splits into two: one transforms into a leg and another one transforms into a wing. We prefer using the large leg IDs at the "oval-shaped" stage for the chromosome slide preparation. Figure 1C represents IDs at the latest stage of 4th instar larva development. At this stage, the IDs are already developed into legs and wings, and contain a significant amount of differentiated tissues and a low number of mitosis. This stage of ID development should be avoided for chromosome slide preparation. We also recommend rearing mosquito larvae at low temperatures: 16 °C for Aedes and Culex and 22 °C for Anopheles. This helps to increase the amount of mitosis in IDs 9.Figure 2 illustrates ID dissection from the thorax of 4th instar larva. Because the cuticle of a live insect is hard to dissect, we recommend using dissecting scissors instead of the needles commonly used for larva preparation. The most crucial procedure for obtaining high-quality chromosome preparation is the hypotonic solution treatment. For best results, we remove the gut and fat body from the larval thorax before this treatment. Swelling of the ID cells during this procedure helps to spread chromosomes on a slide (Figure 3A). The appropriate quality of the hypotonic solution treatment can be easily recognized by the round shape of cells in the preparations (Figure 3A, B). Cells with an oval shape indicate insufficient hypotonic solution treatment (Figure 3C). To be selected for FISH, chromosome preparation should contain at least 50 high-quality chromosome spreads. Normally, ~90% of the slides prepared using this protocol have sufficient quality for FISH 9.We present two slightly different FISH protocols: an advanced protocol for FISH using genomic BAC clone DNA probe on mitotic chromosomes of Aedes and Culex and a simple FISH protocol for IGS rDNA probe on mitotic chromosomes of Anopheles. The genomes of Aedes and Culex are highly repetitive because of the overrepresentation of transposable elements 7,8. Thus, performing FISH, which utilizes genomic BAC clone DNA as a probe, requires adding unlabeled repetitive DNA fractions to the probe to block unspecific hybridization of the DNA repeats to chromosomes. For the extraction of the repetitive DNA fractions, genomic DNA is denatured at 120 °C for 2 min. Boiling DNA at a high temperature also helps to obtain DNA in fragments of 200-500 bp. DNA is allowed to reassociate after this treatment. The highly repetitive DNA fragments tend to find their mate for reassociation faster than DNA with unique sequences does. As a result, the reassociation of DNA follows a C0x t curve where C0 is the initial concentration of single-stranded DNA, and t is the reannealing time.DNA fractions with C0t values equal to 10-4--10-1 or 100-102 are considered highly and moderately repetitive, respectively. The time of the reassociation for different C0t DNA fractions can be calculated using the formula t= C0t X × 4.98/C0 , where t - time of incubation, C0t X - C0t fraction (C0t1=1, C0t2=2, etc.) and C0 - initial DNA concentration in µg/µl15 (Table 1). After reassociation, the single-stranded DNA is digested using S1 nuclease. We prefer using all C0t DNA fractions up to C0t3 together instead of the commonly used C0t1 DNA fraction. These C0t fractions include some of the moderately repetitive DNA sequences and together usually represent 35-50% of the original amount of the genomic DNA in Ae. aegypti. The correct proportion between labeled DNA probe and unlabeled C0t DNA fraction depends on the repetitive DNA component in each particular BAC clone. On average, we use 1:20 probe to C0t DNA fraction proportion for obtaining an acceptable signals/background ratio of the FISH result. Prehybridization of the DNA probe with C0t DNA fractions in a tube for 30 min before the actual hybridization on the slide also helps to reduce background. Labeling, hybridization itself, and washing in this protocol are performed using standard conditions 12.The FISH results of two differently labeled BAC clone DNA probes on mitotic chromosomes of Ae. aegypti and Cx.quinquefasciatus are shown in Figures 4A and B, respectively. The BAC clone DNA probes produce strong signals in a single position on the chromosomes. Chromosomes shown in Figure 1 are counterstained with YOYO-1 iodide. This dye produces the best banding patterns on Ae. aegypti chromosomes 9. Alternatively, other fluorescent dyes, such as DAPI or propidium iodide, can be utilized for the chromosome counterstaining. For suppressing photobleaching of the slides, we use Prolong Gold antifade mounting medium. This reagent has good signal preservation abilities and also can be easily removed from the slide by rinsing in 1x PBS if it is necessary to use the same slide for several hybridizations.A simple version of the FISH protocol is designed for hybridization of IGS rDNA probe on mitotic chromosomes of Anopheles. Ribosomal genes in Anophelesare represented as a polymorphic cluster of genes located on sex chromosomes 16. A DNA probe in this protocol is labeled using standard PCR reaction by adding fluorescently labeled Cy3 or Cy5 dNTPs. Because blocking unspecific hybridization of repetitive DNA in euchromatin is not needed, all steps related to using C0t DNA fractions are omitted. Instead, chromosome preparations are pretreated with RNase for preventing hybridization of the IGS rDNA probe to thenucleolus. Chromosomes and the DNA probe are denatured simultaneously by heating the slide together with a probe in a hybridization system at 75 °C for 5min. Hybridization and washing in this protocol are also performed using standard conditions for FISH 12. The result of FISH is demonstrated in Figure 4C: the polymorphism of the IGS rDNA hybridization between two X chromosomes is clearly visible.DNA concentration µg/µl Reannealing time,min0.11000.3330.5200.7140.911C 0t 21100.11500.3500.5300.7210.917C 0t 3115Table 1. DNA concentration and reannealing times for preparation of C 0t2 and C 0t3 fractions.Figure 1. Stages of the ID development in 4th instar larva: A) an early "round shape" stage; B) an intermediate "oval shape" stage - optimal for thechromosome preparation; C) a late stage - inappropriate for chromosome preparations. The positions of IDs are indicated by arrows on the ventral side of the larval thorax.Figure 2. Steps of ID dissection: A) decapitated larva (the direction of cuts are indicated by arrows); B) larvae with dissected gut under hypotonic solution treatment (IDs swell and become almost invisible); C) larva after Carnoy's solution application (IDs become white and clearly visible); D) dissected IDs in Carnoy's solution. Positions of IDs in larva are indicated by asterisks.Figure 3. Different qualities of the chromosome spreads: A) a perfect chromosome spread - round shape of the cells demonstrates sufficient treatment of the IDs in hypotonic solution; B) a perfect hypotonic treatment - chromosomes are slightly undersquashed; C) a poor chromosome spread - the result of insufficient hypotonic treatment is indicated by oval shape of the cells.Figure 4. Examples of FISH with BAC clones (A, B) and IGS rDNA (C) in the chromosomes of Ae. aegypti (A), Cx.quinquefasciatus (B), and An. gambiae(C). 1, 2 and 3 - are numbers of chromosomes; X - female sex chromosome in An. gambiae.DiscussionNonfluorescent in situ hybridization on mitotic chromosomes of mosquitoes was performed for the first time in 1990 by A. Kumar and K. Rai 17. In that study, 18S and 28S ribosomal DNA genes, cloned together in one plasmid, were placed to the chromosomes of 20 species of mosquitoes. The DNA probe was radioactively labeled and hybridized to the chromosomes from brain ganglia. Among three mosquito genera, a FISH technique has been developed only for mitotic chromosomes from the cell line of Ae. aegypti10,18,19 and has never been performed on mitotic chromosomes from live mosquitoes. Recently, we developed a simple, robust technique for obtaining high-quality chromosome preparations from IDs of 4th instar larvae 9. This method allows a high number of chromosomes to be obtained in one slide and can be universally used for all species of mosquitoes. The necessity of using only larval, not pupal or adult stages of mosquitoes, for slide preparation is probably the only limitation of the method. The standard FISH method 12 was optimized for using genomic BAC clone and IGS rDNA as probes for the mitotic chromosomes of Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles.In addition to these specific applications, the FISH protocols described here can also be used for other purposes. The advanced FISH protocol, which utilizes C0t DNA fractions for blocking unspecific hybridization, can also be applied for the hybridization of BAC clones or any other large DNA fragments in heterochromatic regions of Anopheles. Heterochromatic regions are enriched with transposable elements and other repeats, and probes from these regions normally produce strong background on the chromosomes3. Using unlabeled C0t DNA fractions will help to reduce unspecific hybridization of the probe to the chromosomes. The simple version of the FISH protocol can be used for any rDNA or repetitive DNA probes on mitotic chromosomes of mosquitoes and other insects. In addition, it also can be applied for the hybridization of BAC clone DNA in species with low repetitive DNA content in euchromatic regions such as Anopheles or Drosophila. The protocol proposed here will help to obtain highly-finished chromosome-based genome assemblies for mosquitoes and can be broadly used for various cytogenetic applications in other groups of insects.DisclosuresNo conflicts of interest declared.AcknowledgementsWe thank Sergei Demin and Tatyana Karamysheva for their help with chromosome preparation and FISH on Anopheles. We also thank David Severson for providing us Aedes and Culex genomic DNA BAC clones and Melissa Wade for editing the text. This work was supported by two grants from the National Institutes of Health: 1R21 AI88035-01 to Maria V. Sharakhova and 1R21 AI094289-01 to Igor V. Sharakhov.References1.Sharakhov, I.V. & Sharakhova, M.V. In: Chromosome Mapping Research Developments., Verrity, J.F. & Abbington, L.E., eds., Nova Science Publishers,Inc., (2008).2.Holt, R.A., et al. The genome sequence of the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae. Science.298, 129-149, doi:10.1126/science.1076181 (2002).3.Sharakhova, M.V., et al. 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