How to appreciate a poem


Chapter Two.How to Read a poem

Chapter Two.How to Read a poem

诗人把笔墨重点用在了他最擅胜场的方面——写景。 作者出使,恰在春天。途中见数行归雁北翔,诗人即景 设喻,用归雁自比,既叙事,又写景,一笔两到,贴切 自然。尤其是“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”一联,写进 入边塞后所看到的塞外奇特壮丽的风光,画面开阔,意 境雄浑,近人王国维称之为“千古壮观”的名句。边疆 沙漠,浩瀚无边,所以用了“大漠“的“大”字。边塞 荒凉,没有什么奇观异景,烽火台燃起的那一股浓烟就 显得格外醒目,因此称作“孤烟”。一个“孤”字写出 了景物的单调,紧接一个“直”字,却又表现了它的劲 拔、坚毅之美。沙漠上没有山峦林木,那横贯其间的黄 河,就非用一个“长”字不能表达诗人的感觉。
• 首句连用三个“鹅”字,表达了诗人对鹅十 分喜爱之情。这三个“鹅”字,可以理解为 孩子听到鹅叫了三声,也可以理解为孩子看 到鹅在水中嬉戏,十分欣喜,高兴地连呼三 声“鹅、鹅、鹅”。 次句“曲项向天歌”,描写鹅鸣叫的神态。 “曲项”二字形容鹅向天高歌之态,十分确 切。鹅的高歌与鸡鸣不同,鸡是引颈长鸣, 鹅是曲项高歌。
2. Take a deep breath and relax.
Read the poem once slowly aloud without writing or marking anything. Don't stop until you finish the poem, even if you don't know the meaning or pronunciation of a word. When you have finished, reflect for a moment on any words, images, and characters that caught your attention. Jot down these items in your notebook, along with one sentence in which you try to summarize the poem.



怎样去欣赏诗歌英语作文英文,To appreciate poetry, one must first understand the essence of the art form. Poetry is a means of expression that uses language and imagery to evoke emotions and convey ideas. It is a form of literary art that often employs rhythm and meter, as well as figurative language such as metaphors and similes. 。

One way to appreciate poetry is to read it aloud. The rhythm and sounds of the words can have a powerful impact when spoken, and can enhance the overall experience of the poem. For example, when I read a poem like "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost, I can feel the sense of contemplation and introspection as I speak the words out loud.Another way to appreciate poetry is to analyze its structure and form. Understanding the use of stanzas, rhyme scheme, and meter can provide insight into the poet's intentions and enhance the overall understanding of thepoem. For instance, when I study a poem like "Sonnet 18" by William Shakespeare, I can appreciate the skillful use of iambic pentameter and the intricacy of the rhyme scheme.Furthermore, it is important to pay attention to the imagery and symbolism used in poetry. Poets often use vivid and evocative language to create powerful images that resonate with the reader. For example, when I read a poem like "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, I can appreciate the haunting imagery and the symbolic significance of the raven as a harbinger of doom.In addition, understanding the historical and cultural context of a poem can also deepen one's appreciation for it. For example, when I learn about the social and political climate of Emily Dickinson's time, I can better understand the themes and messages in her poetry.Overall, to appreciate poetry, one must engage with it on a deeper level, paying attention to its language, structure, imagery, and context. By doing so, one can truly appreciate the artistry and beauty of poetry.中文,要欣赏诗歌,首先必须理解这种艺术形式的本质。

How to appreciate an English poem

How to appreciate an English poem

How to appreciate an English poemThe poetic forms of English poetry are in a great variety. There are the heroic couplet, which includes a pair of rhymed lines in each stanza( which consists of four lines); the blank verse, which is unrhymed; and the sonnet, which includes 14 lines with a fixed rhyming scheme.一、英雄偶体诗Heroic Couplet refers to lines of iambic pentameter which rhyme in pairs: aa, bb, cc, and so on. The adjective “heroic” was applied in the later seventeenth century because of the frequent use of such couplets in heroic poems and dramas. This verse form was introduced into English poetry by Geoffrey Chaucer. From the age of John Dryden through that of Samuel Johnson, the heroic couplet was the predominant English measure for all the poetic kinds; some poets, including Alexander Pope, used it almost to the exclusion of other meters.英雄偶体诗的诗句采用抑扬格五音步,韵式为:aa,bb,cc......。


Learn from the example
Read the example on page 57 and try to use some key words to summarize the features of the essay.
Can you summarize what kind of message did each paragraph express?
readers. 表达诗歌读后感 • ...sound nice and make the poem ... • Reading the ..., I feel deeply ... • Reading the ...., I think the poet is ... 表达诗歌意义 • I think the poet is... He / She wants us to... • ... in the ..., I will try my best to...
Basic information
Dream is written by Langston Hughes. Rhythming words are “die” and “fly”, “go”and “snow”
a bird flying, a field with lots of snow
How to write an essay
介绍诗歌作品 • The poem XX by XX is ... with ... lines. • Here is a poem entitled “...” by..., which enjoys great popularity among

how to appreciate poetry

how to appreciate poetry

Poetry --- the highest form of the languageBasic termsLine, stanza, quatrain, coupletCouplet双行体: two successive lines, usually of equal length and rhythmic节奏correspondence, with end-words that rhyme. Farwell, too little, and too lately kn own,Whom I began to think and call my own:Dryden To the memory of Mr. Oldham Basic of knowledge about poetryI. Elements of Poetry (Poetic form)1. Rhyme 韵the repetition at regular intervals in a line or lines of poetry of similar or identical sounds based on a correspondence between the vowels and the succeeding sounds远上寒山石径斜,白云深处有人家。

停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花杜牧<山行>{1} in terms of syllable 押韵的音节When the rhyming sounds involve only one syllable, it is called masculine rhyme男韵/单韵, 如:late, fate; hill, fill; enjoy, destroy.听起来短促,强劲有力Used to describe the hero or the battle.When the rhyming sounds involve two or more syllables, it is called feminine rhyme 押韵押在两个音节上,后一音节非重读音节,称女韵、双韵,听起来轻柔幽婉。



怎样去欣赏诗歌英语作文Appreciating poetry in English is a delightful journey that can enrich your understanding of language, culture, and emotions. Here are some tips on how to appreciate English poetry:1. Understand the Basics: Before delving deep into poetry, it's essential to grasp the basic elements such as rhyme, meter, imagery, and symbolism. Understanding these components helps in deciphering the poet's message and appreciating their craft.2. Read Aloud: Poetry is meant to be heard as well as read. Reading aloud allows you to experience the rhythm and flow of the language, enhancing your appreciation for the poet's choice of words and their arrangement. It also helps in understanding the intended tone and mood of the poem.3. Consider the Context: Context plays a significant role in understanding poetry. Familiarize yourself with thehistorical, cultural, and biographical background of the poet. This knowledge provides insights into the themes, motifs, and symbolism employed in the poem.4. Analyze the Structure: Pay attention to thestructure of the poem, including its form and organization. Different forms such as sonnets, ballads, or free versehave unique structures that influence the meaning andimpact of the poem.5. Explore Themes and Imagery: Look beyond the surface meaning of the words and explore the underlying themes and imagery. Poets often use metaphor, simile, and otherliterary devices to evoke emotions and convey complex ideas. Analyzing these elements deepens your understanding and appreciation of the poem.6. Interpretation and Personal Response: Poetry invites interpretation and personal reflection. Don't be afraid to interpret the poem in your own way and relate it to yourown experiences and emotions. Your personal response adds depth to your appreciation of the poem and allows you toconnect with it on a deeper level.7. Study Different Poets and Styles: Expose yourself toa variety of poets and poetic styles. Each poet has aunique voice and perspective, and exploring diverse works broadens your understanding of poetry as an art form. From the classical verses of Shakespeare to the modernist experiments of T.S. Eliot, there is a wealth of poetry to explore.8. Join a Poetry Group or Workshop: Engaging withothers who share your interest in poetry can enhance your appreciation and understanding. Joining a poetry group or workshop provides opportunities for discussion, feedback, and exposure to different interpretations, enriching your experience as a reader and enthusiast of poetry.9. Keep an Open Mind: Poetry can be challenging and ambiguous at times, but approaching it with an open mind allows you to appreciate its beauty and complexity. Embrace the ambiguity and explore multiple interpretations,allowing the poem to unfold its layers of meaning over time.In conclusion, appreciating English poetry is a rewarding endeavor that requires patience, curiosity, and an openness to interpretation. By understanding the basics, exploring diverse works, and engaging with the poetry community, you can deepen your appreciation and enjoyment of this timeless art form.。



The earliest poetic forms were epics and balllads sung by travelling bards and minstrels.

1. Definition of poetry
“Poetry is a kind of representation using rhythm, speech and melody.” —Aristotle "poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility" — William Wordsworth "Poetry , in a general sense, may be defined to be the expression of the imagination."—P.B.Shelly Poetry is to prose as dancing is to walking. —British novelist and poet,John Wain, 1976

Images Perceptual imagery: concrete , touch 实际, 感官意向 Appeals to: visual sense 圆规西施, 阿Q/ auditory sense 磨刀霍霍向猪羊/ olfactory sense: 嗅觉 臭豆腐/ tactile sense Conceptual imagery:figures of speech : emotive, cognitive

A Red ,Red Rose Robert Burns 1759–1796



怎样欣赏诗歌英文作文高中英文:Appreciating poetry is a unique experience that requires an open mind and a willingness to explore the depths of language and emotion. Here are some tips on how to appreciate poetry:1. Read the poem multiple times: Poetry often has layers of meaning that can only be uncovered through repeated readings. Take your time and read the poem slowly, paying attention to the language, imagery, and structure.2. Consider the context: Understanding the historical and cultural context in which the poem was written can help you appreciate its significance. Research the poet and the time period in which they lived to gain a deeper understanding of the poem.3. Pay attention to the sound and rhythm: Poetry ismeant to be read aloud, so pay attention to the way the words sound and flow together. Notice the rhythm and meter of the poem, and how it contributes to the overall meaning.4. Look for themes and symbols: Poetry often uses symbols and metaphors to convey deeper meanings. Look for recurring themes and symbols throughout the poem, and consider what they might represent.5. Connect with your emotions: Poetry can evoke strong emotions, so allow yourself to feel the words and connect with the emotions they convey. Don't be afraid to let the poem move you.For example, one of my favorite poems is "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot. The poem is full of complex language and imagery, but by reading it multiple times and considering the context in which it was written, I was able to appreciate its significance. The themes of isolation and insecurity resonated with me on a personal level, and the use of repetition and fragmented structure added to the overall feeling of unease in the poem.中文:欣赏诗歌是一种独特的体验,需要开放的心态和探索语言和情感深度的意愿。



学会欣赏英语古诗专题讲座英语作文Title: Learning to Appreciate English PoetryI have always believed that the appreciation of poetry is not only a valuable skill but also a gateway to understanding the depth and beauty of the English language. In this essay, I will share my insights on how to appreciate English poetry and the benefits it brings.Firstly, let us define what appreciation means in the context of poetry. It involves recognizing the artistic expression, emotional depth, and cultural significance of a poem. To appreciate English poetry, one must be willing to immerse themselves in the language, its rhythms, and its historical context.One effective way to appreciate English poetry is by reading it aloud. This allows you to experience the music of the words and the cadence of the lines. As you read, pay attention to the choice of words, the use of metaphors, and the overall structure of the poem. These elements contribute to the unique voice of each poet and their work.Another crucial aspect of appreciating English poetry is understanding its historical context. Many poems were written during specific periods in history and reflect the social, political, or cultural climate of that time. By familiarizing yourself with the background of a poem, you can gain a deeper appreciation for its meaning and impact.In addition to reading and analyzing poetry, attending lectures and workshops on English poetry can further enhance your appreciation. These events often provide expert insights into the works of famous poets and offer opportunities for discussion and interpretation. Through these experiences, you can broaden your understanding of different poetic styles and techniques.Appreciating English poetry not only enriches your knowledge of the language but also fosters a deeper connection to its culture and history. It allows you to appreciate the artistry behind the words and the emotions they convey. As an English teacher, I encourage my students to explore this beautiful aspect of our language and discover the joys of English poetry.。



17th century poets
• John Milton, his religious ideas are influential; • Lycidas, a famous elegy; Samson Agonistes, a tragedy; Paradise Lost, his masterpiece.
Prosperity of poetry in 16th century
• Edmund Spenser, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare. • Italian sonnet, introduced by Thomas Wyatt; • Rhyme: abba abba cddc ee • English rhyme: abab cdcd efef gg, also Shakespearean sonnet.
• A revival of classical standards of order, balance, and harmony in literature; • Alexander Pope
• Emotion and sentiment are emphasized; • Thomas Gray’s Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, a great meditative lyrics. • Other poets: Robert Burns, a lyrical poet and William Blake, a mystical poet.
How to Appreciate Poetry
A guide to poetry reading

how to appreciate poetry

how to appreciate poetry

Poetry --- the highest form of the languageBasic termsLine, stanza, quatrain, coupletCouplet双行体: two successive lines, usually of equal length and rhythmic节奏correspondence, with end-words that rhyme. Farwell, too little, and too lately kn own,Whom I began to think and call my own:Dryden To the memory of Mr. Oldham Basic of knowledge about poetryI. Elements of Poetry (Poetic form)1. Rhyme 韵the repetition at regular intervals in a line or lines of poetry of similar or identical sounds based on a correspondence between the vowels and the succeeding sounds远上寒山石径斜,白云深处有人家。

停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花杜牧<山行>{1} in terms of syllable 押韵的音节When the rhyming sounds involve only one syllable, it is called masculine rhyme男韵/单韵, 如:late, fate; hill, fill; enjoy, destroy.听起来短促,强劲有力Used to describe the hero or the battle.When the rhyming sounds involve two or more syllables, it is called feminine rhyme 押韵押在两个音节上,后一音节非重读音节,称女韵、双韵,听起来轻柔幽婉。


How to Appreciate English Poetry
What is poetry ? Elements of English poetry
Development of English poetry
Suggestions on Reading Poetry
What is Poetry?

Images Perceptual imagery: concrete , touch 实际, 感官意向 Appeals to: visual sense 圆规西施, 阿Q/ auditory sense 磨刀霍霍向猪羊/ olfactory sense: 嗅觉 臭豆腐/ tactile sense Conceptual imagery:figures of speech : emotive, cognitive

Iambic Trochee Anapest Dactyl
U/ (one foot) /U UU/ //U
control tiger contradict foolishness

These metrical feet , in repetition, build the rhythm of the poem. When a line of poetry is divided into metrical feet , the line is named after the number of feet contained therein. The type of lines are: Monometer one foot per line Dimeter two feet per line Trimeter three feet per line Tetrameter four feet per line Pentameter five feet per line e.g. To strive, / to seek, / to find, / and not / to yield Tennyson, Ulysses A lit / tle learn / ing is / a dange / rous thing Pope, An Essay on Criticism




Appreciating English poetry can be a daunting task for high school students, especially those who are not native speakers. However, with the right approach, it can also be a rewarding experience that enriches one's language skills and cultural knowledge. Here are some tips on how to appreciate English poetry:1. Read the poem several times: Before trying to analyze the poem, it's important to first read it several times to get a general sense of its tone, structure, and imagery. Pay attention to the words and phrases that stand out to you and try to visualize the scene or emotion the poem is conveying.2. Identify the theme: Once you have a basic understanding of the poem, try to identify its main theme or message. What is the poet trying to say? Is it areflection on human nature, a commentary on society, or a personal expression of emotions? Understanding the themewill help you appreciate the poem on a deeper level.3. Analyze the language: English poetry often uses figurative language, such as metaphors, similes, and personification, to convey its meaning. Look for these devices in the poem and try to interpret their significance. For example, if the poet uses a metaphor comparing love toa rose, what does that say about the nature of love?4. Consider the historical context: English poetry is often influenced by the historical and cultural context in which it was written. Researching the poet's life and the time period in which the poem was written can give you a better understanding of its meaning and significance.5. Connect with the poem: Finally, don't be afraid to connect with the poem on a personal level. Poetry is meantto evoke emotions and provoke thought, so if a particular line or image resonates with you, take the time to reflect on why that is.中文:对于高中学生来说,欣赏英文诗作可能是一项艰巨的任务,特别是对于那些非母语的学生来说。



如何欣赏诗歌英文作文When it comes to appreciating poetry, it's all about letting the words wash over you like a gentle wave, allowing the emotions and imagery to seep into your soul.It's about finding the beauty in the rhythm and the cadence of the words, and letting yourself be carried away by the emotions they evoke.Poetry is like a snapshot of a moment in time, frozenin verse. It captures the essence of an experience, a feeling, or a thought, and distills it into a few lines of carefully chosen words. It's about finding the universal in the specific, and the specific in the universal.The beauty of poetry lies in its ability to make you see the world in a new light, to make you feel things you never thought possible. It's about finding the extraordinary in the ordinary, and the profound in the mundane. It's about opening your mind and your heart to new possibilities, and allowing yourself to be moved by thepower of language.When you read a poem, it's important to let go of your preconceived notions of what poetry should be, and instead, allow yourself to be open to the experience. It's about being willing to be vulnerable, to let the words touch you in places you didn't know existed. It's about being open to the possibility of being changed by what you read.The best way to appreciate poetry is to read it out loud, to let the words roll off your tongue and fill theair around you. It's about letting the music of the language transport you to another world, and allowing yourself to be swept away by the power of the words. It's about finding the joy in the act of reading, and allowing yourself to be moved by the beauty of the human experience.。




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怎样欣赏诗歌的英文作文When it comes to appreciating poetry, it's all about letting the words wash over you like a gentle wave,allowing the emotions and imagery to seep into your soul.It's about finding the beauty in the rhythm and the cadence, and letting yourself be carried away by the power of the language.Poetry is like a window into the soul of the poet, a glimpse into their innermost thoughts and feelings. Whenyou read a poem, you are entering into a sacred space,where the poet's words become a bridge between their world and yours. It's a deeply personal experience, and one that can be incredibly moving and profound.One of the things I love most about poetry is itsability to evoke such a wide range of emotions. A single poem can make you feel joy, sadness, love, anger, and everything in between. It's like a rollercoaster for the heart, taking you on a journey through the full spectrum ofhuman experience.The beauty of poetry lies in its ability to capture the essence of a moment, to distill the complexity of life into a few carefully chosen words. A good poem can transport you to another time and place, or make you see the world in a whole new light. It's like a magic trick, using language to create a whole new reality right before your eyes.When I read a poem, I like to take my time and really savor each word and phrase. I let the imagery and the emotions wash over me, and I try to connect with the deeper meaning behind the words. It's a bit like solving a puzzle, piecing together the clues that the poet has left for me and trying to uncover the hidden truths within the lines.At the end of the day, poetry is all about connection. It's about finding common ground with the poet, and seeing the world through their eyes for a moment. It's a way of reaching out across time and space, and finding a shared humanity in the beauty of language. And that, to me, is the true magic of poetry.。



读诗的方法英文作文英文:When it comes to reading poetry, there are several methods that one can use to fully appreciate and understand the poem. The first method is to read the poem out loud. By reading the poem out loud, the reader can hear the rhythm and the flow of the words, which can help to convey the meaning of the poem. Additionally, reading the poem out loud can help the reader to understand the emotions and feelings that the poet is trying to convey.Another method is to read the poem multiple times. Each time the poem is read, the reader can gain a deeper understanding of the meaning and the emotions behind the poem. This method is especially useful for complex or abstract poems that may require more than one reading to fully comprehend.A third method is to analyze the poem. This involvesbreaking down the poem into its individual parts, such as the structure, rhyme scheme, and imagery. By analyzing these elements, the reader can gain a better understanding of the poem as a whole.Finally, it is important to approach the poem with an open mind and a willingness to explore new ideas and perspectives. Poetry is often open to interpretation, and by approaching the poem with an open mind, the reader can gain a deeper appreciation for the art form.中文:谈到阅读诗歌,有几种方法可以帮助我们更好地欣赏和理解诗歌。



如何欣赏诗歌英文作文英文:Appreciating poetry is a beautiful and enriching experience. It allows us to explore the depths of human emotions and the beauty of language. To truly appreciate poetry, one must first understand its form and structure. This includes understanding the rhyme scheme, meter, and other literary devices used by the poet.Once we have a basic understanding of the form, we can then delve into the meaning of the poem. This involves analyzing the language used by the poet and the themes present in the poem. It is important to read the poem multiple times to fully grasp its meaning and appreciate the nuances of the language used.Another important aspect of appreciating poetry is to connect with the emotions expressed in the poem. This involves tapping into our own emotions and experiences andrelating them to the poem. For example, if a poem expresses feelings of love and loss, we can connect with those emotions if we have experienced similar feelings in our own lives.In addition, it is helpful to understand the historical and cultural context in which the poem was written. This can provide insight into the themes and language used by the poet. For example, understanding the political and social climate of the time period in which the poem was written can help us understand the poet's perspective and message.Overall, appreciating poetry requires a combination of understanding the form and structure, analyzing the language and themes, connecting with our own emotions, and understanding the historical and cultural context. It is a beautiful and enriching experience that allows us to explore the depths of human emotion and the beauty of language.中文:欣赏诗歌是一种美丽而丰富的体验。

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How to appreciate a poemThe involved points to appreciate a poem:1. Form (rhyme, meter and scheme)2. Structure3. Image4. Language, diction (to solve the meanings of the words and syntactic structure)5. Musical and sound effects6. Theme (subject matter) and toneAppreciating Sonnet 18Shakespearean sonnets collections contains 154 sonnets, commonly thought to be written between 1593 and 1599, which may be roughly divided into three groups.1. Numbers 1-17 are variations on one theme.2. Numbers 18-126 are on a variety of themes associated with a handsome young man.3. After that, began a new series, principally about a married woman with dark hair and complexion, the so-called “dark lady of the sonnets”.赏析It is written in iambic pentameter rhymed abab cdcd efef gg. (3 quatrains, 1 couplet) Shall I /compare/ thee to/ a summ/er’s day?/Thou art/ more lo/vely and/ more tem/perate:/Rough winds/ do shake/ the dar/ling buds /of May,/And sum/er’s lease/ hath all/ too short/ a date:/2. In poetic structure, it can be divided into introducer, developer, modulator, and terminator. (起、承、转、合).3. Image: a summer’s day, rough winds, buds, sun.4. Lease: duration; the eye of heaven: the sun; complexion: appearance;Fair (the first): beautiful appearance; fair (second): beauty. Theme: Lines endows one’s beauty with immortality.6. Shakespeare deals with the traditional themes of time, beauty and poetry and expresses his feelings towards the addressee. The poem is a comparison between the man’s eternal beauty with summer’s temporal beauty, between the inconstancy of nature and the timelessness of poetry. Shakespeare poses the idea that through poetry, beauty gains immortality. This image of transience and eternity is used throughout the poem. More reflections: the theme of homosexual (internet information) Analysis of Sonnet 18Shakespeare’s sonnets, though they are well with the general tradition of Elizabethan sonnet cycles, are in several ways unique. The principle person addressed by the poet is not a woman but a young man; the dark lady, when she appears, is vastly different from the convention. More important, the depths of moral and aesthetic contemplation in Shakespeare’s sonnets are far more profound than we find in other Elizabethan cycle.With 3 exceptions (99, 126 and 154)Shakespeare uses the sonnet in popular English form, first fully developed by Shakespeare varies it. The couplet usually ties the sonnet to one of the general themes of the series, leaving the quatrains free todevelop the poetic intensity which makes the separate sonnets so memorable.Shakespeare’s sonnets constitute a vast landscape of metaphor, surprising often because it seems to anticipate the atmosphere of some of the later plays. In this landscape are some vividly recognizable figures---the poets, the friend, the Dark lady, more indefinite, the rival poet.Death, Be Not ProudDeath, be not proud, though some have called theeMighty and dreadful, for thou art not so,死神,你莫骄傲,尽管有人说你如何强大,如何可怕,你并不是这样;For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow,"overthrow" (conquer, overcome)[those whom you think you have conquered]Die not, poor death, nor yet canst thou kill me;你以为你把谁谁谁打倒了,其实,可怜的死神,他们没死;你现在也还杀不死我。

From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,Much pleasure, then from thee, much more must flow,(Sleep is just a picture of death)休息、睡眠,这些不过是你的写照,既能给人享受,那你本人提供的一定更多;And soonest our best men with thee doe goe,"doe goe" = "do go"我们最美好的人随你去得越早Rest of their bones, and soule's deliverie.Deliverie=freedom越能早日获得身体的休息,灵魂的解脱。

(With death, we can rest, and our souls are freed from the body. )Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,Not only does death not conquer us, but death itself is only a tool for -- a "slave to" -- fate (destiny), chance (accident, things that just happen), kings (men who order people to be put to death), and those for whom life is so unbearable, they kill themselves ("desperate men").So death has all these bosses over him whom he must obey你是命运、机会、君主、亡命徒的奴隶,And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,Dwell=liveAnd look at the horrible friends death has! Who wants to be around poison, war, and sickness?你和毒药、战争、疾病同住在一起,And poppie, or charmes can make us sleepe as well,罂粟和咒符和你的打击相比,同样,And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then? (Why do you swell withpride? )"thy stroke" is probably a reference to the Grim Reaper's scythe, that sickle with the huge, nasty-looking curved blade.甚至更能催我入睡;那你何必趾高气扬呢?One short sleepe past, wee wake eternally,(we do “sleep" for a short time, but then we wake up and live forever.)睡了一小觉之后,我们便永远觉醒了,And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.Death himself dies. Once past that short sleep, his so-called victims live eternally and joyfully in heaven, with God.再也不会有死亡,你死神也将死去。
