新人教版2019高中英语教材解读 课件英语精品公开课
2019新人教高中英语必修二Unit 4--Reading and Thinking 公开课课件

What is it used for?
It is used to show the four different countries that make up the UK and some of the major cities.
administrative zoning map
There were four sets of invaders and the last group were the Normans. They had castles (6)__b_u_i_lt____(build) all around England and made changes (7)___t_o____ the legal system. Studying the history of the country will make your visit much more (8)_e_n_j_o_y_a_b_le_(enjoy). The capital city London is (9)___an____ ancient port city that has a history (10)__d_a_t_in_g___(date) back to Roman times.
Look at the map and answer.
What do the different symbols (e.g., icons, circles, spots) and colours stand for?
The small circles stand for big cities, the red spot stands for the capital and different colours stand for different regions or countries.
It is used to show the four different countries that make up the UK and some of the major cities.
administrative zoning map
There were four sets of invaders and the last group were the Normans. They had castles (6)__b_u_i_lt____(build) all around England and made changes (7)___t_o____ the legal system. Studying the history of the country will make your visit much more (8)_e_n_j_o_y_a_b_le_(enjoy). The capital city London is (9)___an____ ancient port city that has a history (10)__d_a_t_in_g___(date) back to Roman times.
Look at the map and answer.
What do the different symbols (e.g., icons, circles, spots) and colours stand for?
The small circles stand for big cities, the red spot stands for the capital and different colours stand for different regions or countries.
2019新人教高中英语选择性必修一Unit5Using Language(P54-P55)公开课课件

1.What is FAO? What is its mission? FAO stands for Food and Agriculture Organization. Its aim is to eliminate world hunger.
2.What can seriously affect crop production? Droughts, floods and climate change.
your group members.
Sharing your opinions
I'd rather... Without a doubt... It's a pity that... I think/guess/believe...
In my eyes The advantages are... I'd prefer...because... From my point of view,...
2.What can people and countries do to help alleviate these causes? With droughts, we can invent new forms of agriculture that do not rely so much on water, and drought-resistant crops; floods can often be prevented by the building of dams and levees; poverty is best solved through economic development and programmes that give people more opportunities; war may be solved through international negotiation.

Post writing
➢ Exchange drafts. Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner’s draft.
✓ Does the writer explain why he/she changed/wants to change? ✓ Does the writer tell how the changes have improved or will improve
Food How can you make your meals healthier?
Write a page for a class wellness book. ➢ Use the ideas from your discussion to list some positive changes.
and contrast.
Lead in
Have you ever tried hard to lose your weight? What did you experience?
Before reading
A wellness book is a book in which a group of people exchange ideas about health and fitness. You are encouraged to write an article sharing your ideas involving how to keep healthy physically and mentally.
➢ Underline the words and phrases used in the text to show similarities and differences.

Information: a location for an event
• There are many reasons why people learn a foreign language.
Information: a reason for an action
• These were animal bones and shells on which symbols were carved by ancient Chinese people.
China was founded. 1949年10月1日是中华人民共和国成立的日子。 • I’ll never forget the time when (=during which) we visited Xi’an. 我永远不会忘记我们参观西安的那段时间。 • Do you remember the day when (=on which) we first met? 你还记得我们第一次见面的那一天吗?
• It was a time when people were divided geographically.
Information: a time for an event
• Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country where the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction.
当先行词是表示时间的名词时 , 既可以用when引导定语从句,也可以用that或 which引导定语从句,关键要看关系词在定语从句中作何种成分。若关系词在 定语从句中充当状语 , 则用 when引导 ; 若关系词在定语从句中充当主语或宾 语,则用that或which引导。 • Do you still remember the days (that/which) we spent together on the farm?
• There are many reasons why people learn a foreign language.
Information: a reason for an action
• These were animal bones and shells on which symbols were carved by ancient Chinese people.
China was founded. 1949年10月1日是中华人民共和国成立的日子。 • I’ll never forget the time when (=during which) we visited Xi’an. 我永远不会忘记我们参观西安的那段时间。 • Do you remember the day when (=on which) we first met? 你还记得我们第一次见面的那一天吗?
• It was a time when people were divided geographically.
Information: a time for an event
• Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country where the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction.
当先行词是表示时间的名词时 , 既可以用when引导定语从句,也可以用that或 which引导定语从句,关键要看关系词在定语从句中作何种成分。若关系词在 定语从句中充当状语 , 则用 when引导 ; 若关系词在定语从句中充当主语或宾 语,则用that或which引导。 • Do you still remember the days (that/which) we spent together on the farm?

Who are the two speakers?
What is the relationship between them?
When did they have the
Where did the conversation take place?
8. Find fun ways to learn new words
4. Use authentic (地道的) materials 9. Learn about the culture
5. Get online
10. Have fun!
Words and Expressions
1 How does Li Ming organise his thoughts? (P7) 李明是如何组织他的思路的?
1. Surround yourself with English 6. Set yourself realistic goals
2. Make English friends
7. Listen to real English
3. Find study partners
1. Why does Amy like group work?
She’s an outgoing person, so she likes to discuss things. Talking to others helps her remember things.
2. How does Li Ming organise his thoughts?
高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册:阅读理解及知识点讲解课件-Welcome Unit

教师的教学能力最终要转化为学生的学习能力,对高三学生而言,就是要通过 训练转化为学生的答题能力。一是严格限时训练。限时训练就是让学生在规定 时间内做完训练题目,既训练速度,又锻炼准确度。限时训练可短可长,可以 是课前十分钟,可以是一节课,但必须坚决做到即练即评,长期坚持,通过教 师评阅提升学生答题速度和效度,做到日日清,周周清,月月清,适应高考临 场答题要求。二是严格规范答题。要认真研究高考原题和高考答案,根据学生 的答题情况认真进行比对。要把学生在考试时的原生态答卷原汁原味地展示出 来,再让学生自己对照答案进行打分、评价,找出与标准答案的差距,小组内 相互交流、讨论,制定答题标准模板,保证将来一分不丢。三是突出变式训练 。对于临界生的典型错题或遗漏知识点,要进行变式训练,一题多变进行训练 ,把错题作为“母题”,至少进行一题五变以上,让学生写出每道题的解题思路 ,最后总结出此类变式的特点和解题入手点。
● 10:29 p.m. ● 晚上10:29 ● What a day! This morning, I was worried that no one would talk to me. But I was
wrong. I didn’t feel awkward or frightened at all. I miss my friends from junior high school,but I believe I will make new friends here, and there’s a lot to explore at senior high. I feel much more confident than I felt this morning. I think that tomorrow will be a great day! ● 多好的一天啊!今天早上,我担心没有人会跟我说话。但我错了。我一点儿也不觉得尴尬或害怕。 我想念我初中的朋友,但我相信我会在这里会结交到新朋友,而且高中有很多事物等着我去探索。 我感觉比今天早上自信多了。我相信,明天将是非常不错的一天!

Study the sentence str uctures.
主语+谓语+状语 SVA He talked too much. All students worked very hard. It rains heavily.
主语+谓语+宾语+状语 SVOA
I had my first maths class at senior high school. I go to the cinema every weekend. He loves his new bike a lot.
Study the sentence str uctures.
SVOC I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful. (形容词) They named their cat Huahua. (名词) She always keeps everything in good order. (介词短语) He found his teacher out when he called on him. (副词) My mother wants me to take a break from my work. (动词不定式) I suddenly found someone running down the street. (现在分词) We saw the road covered with snow. (过去分词)
主语+谓语+宾语+宾吾补足语 主 吾+谓语+状语 主语+谓语+宾语+状语 There be句型
Complete part 2 on page 6.
2019新人教高中英语必修二Unit 4--Listening and Speaking公开课课件

do to you. 己所不欲勿施于人
What else do you know about Confucius and his philosophy?
Education was one of Confucius' core values. He would help us know the future. He also thought education helped our confidence which would help bring peace and prosperity. He also thought it was important to use and apply what we have learnt in our education. Confucius was a great thinker, educator, and philosopher.
Think about a historic site that you have visited, and give an introduction to its history and importance.
Place name Location Appearance ...
History and origin Cultural/ Historic value Legends
A. There are famous halls in his hometown. B. There are no tall buildings in his hometown. C. Both places have a famous person who was born there. D. His hometown doesn't allow other buildings to be more noticeable than
What else do you know about Confucius and his philosophy?
Education was one of Confucius' core values. He would help us know the future. He also thought education helped our confidence which would help bring peace and prosperity. He also thought it was important to use and apply what we have learnt in our education. Confucius was a great thinker, educator, and philosopher.
Think about a historic site that you have visited, and give an introduction to its history and importance.
Place name Location Appearance ...
History and origin Cultural/ Historic value Legends
A. There are famous halls in his hometown. B. There are no tall buildings in his hometown. C. Both places have a famous person who was born there. D. His hometown doesn't allow other buildings to be more noticeable than
2019新人教高中英语选择性必修二Unit 1 Reading and Thinking公开课课件

John Snow
(1813-1858) Nationality: English Known for: Locating source of a cholera outbreak Fields: Epidemiology
What is the correct order of the following stages of scientific research? Discuss with your classmates.
Q1:Where can you find the passage?
A a science book C a travel guide
B novel D newspaper
Q2:What is the author's tone of writing the passage?
A subjective C positive
Summary--Add details to make the passage more flowing!
John snow wanted to find the cause of cholera. he thought that people became ill after eating the infected food. Then he made use of a deadly attack to test his idea. He found that the cause of cholera came from the polluted water by analyzing the data. Besides, the extra two deaths proved his conclusion. So the course was known and cholera could be defeated at last.
2019新人教高中英语选择性必修一Unit4Using Language(P44-P45)公开课课件

(hard).If students have their arms crossed in front of their chests
and their legs 9. closed
(close) or crossed,it shows they are
angry,afraid,or experiencing anxiety.
body language in classroom.
2. Help students to figure out the basic structure of the text.
3. Guide students to write a passage to describe the body
language of the person in your drawing.
get the most out of school.
As a teacher,I try to know 1.__________
each student is thinking by watching
their body language.Recognizing whether students are 2.____________(interest)
hiding her mouth with her hand, and from her eyes, it looks like she is
smiling. Perhaps she is happy that the other student is being scolded.
2.The boy is giving a first pump and smiling. This is normally done
(hard).If students have their arms crossed in front of their chests
and their legs 9. closed
(close) or crossed,it shows they are
angry,afraid,or experiencing anxiety.
body language in classroom.
2. Help students to figure out the basic structure of the text.
3. Guide students to write a passage to describe the body
language of the person in your drawing.
get the most out of school.
As a teacher,I try to know 1.__________
each student is thinking by watching
their body language.Recognizing whether students are 2.____________(interest)
hiding her mouth with her hand, and from her eyes, it looks like she is
smiling. Perhaps she is happy that the other student is being scolded.
2.The boy is giving a first pump and smiling. This is normally done

A Thando Gowon,
16, Grade 10 South Hill High
F to start his own
IT company
E play computer
B look good, think fast, and pla, age, grade, school B. Personality C. Favourite subject D. Learning style E. Hobbies F. Future plans and dreams
A Ann Wells, 15,
Grade 10, Lakeside High
Some words that might be useful
appearance: goodlooking, ordinarylooking, pretty, handsome, tall, short ...
dance, skate, love sports, play computer games, be interested in,
be fond of, hate, be tired of, be crazy about, enjoy ...
personality: active, outgoing, lovely, kindhearted, bright, clever, humorous,
talkative, patient, optimistic, pessimistic, curious ...
different kinds of questions out of curiosity. To meet their curiosity, we’d better answer them patiently. 孩子们总是对他们的所见所闻感到好奇。出于好奇,他们 会问各种各样的问题。为了满足他们的好奇心,我们最好耐心地回答他们。
2019新人教高中英语选择性必修二Unit3Using Language(P32-P33)公开课课件

tell your body that you are full. What this means is that people who 2. What's the function
chewcotnooviqnucicinkgly&end up eating too mucThofoliostdobrecaadudseintfhoerymstaitlilofneel of the research result? hungroyb. Ejeactitnigveslowly also allows your body to digest your food
2019新人教高中英语选择性必修二 Unit 3 Food And Culture---Using Language
Write about a healthy diet
Teaching objectives:
1.Enable students to read an expositions about healthy diet and grasp the structure, theme and language features of it. 2. Guide students to make use of linking words correctly and strengthen textual cohesion. 3. Help students to reflect on their own eating habit and write an article about a healthy diet.
Introduction Viewpoint Details
Reading for writing techniques—Paragraph 1
2019新人教高中英语选择性必修二Unit2 Using Language公开课课件

2. Why did Aisha want to become a teacher? She knew the important role language and cultural exchange would play in the future, so she wanted to become a teacher.
Answer the questions according to what you remember of the conversation.
1.What made Aisha feel like she was part of Ms. Hu's family? During Chinese New Year, families usually sit together and make dumplings. Eating those delicious dumplings together in Ms. Hu's home, they felt like family!
Listening for key details and fill in the poster.
Welcome to the Confucius Institute. Learn to _s_p_e_ak__C_h_in_e_s_e__ and all about __C_h_i_n_es_e_C_u_l_tu_r_e___! Our institute has grown! We started with _a_f_e_w_s_t_ud_e_n_t_s_a_n_d_t_ea_c_h_e_rs__ but now we have many more. It is a center for ______C_h_in_e_s_e_a_c_ti.vYitoieus can learn and practise fascinating Chinese traditions. Knowledge of the Chinese language and culture is important because of increasing ____________tr_a_d_e_b_e_tw_e_e_n_C__h_in_e_se. ManadnPyakstiustdaennts go on to great jobs in______________C__hi_n.ese companies Join us today to help break down language and __cu_l_tu_r_a_l_B_a_r_ri_e_rs_______, and bring the world together.
Answer the questions according to what you remember of the conversation.
1.What made Aisha feel like she was part of Ms. Hu's family? During Chinese New Year, families usually sit together and make dumplings. Eating those delicious dumplings together in Ms. Hu's home, they felt like family!
Listening for key details and fill in the poster.
Welcome to the Confucius Institute. Learn to _s_p_e_ak__C_h_in_e_s_e__ and all about __C_h_i_n_es_e_C_u_l_tu_r_e___! Our institute has grown! We started with _a_f_e_w_s_t_ud_e_n_t_s_a_n_d_t_ea_c_h_e_rs__ but now we have many more. It is a center for ______C_h_in_e_s_e_a_c_ti.vYitoieus can learn and practise fascinating Chinese traditions. Knowledge of the Chinese language and culture is important because of increasing ____________tr_a_d_e_b_e_tw_e_e_n_C__h_in_e_se. ManadnPyakstiustdaennts go on to great jobs in______________C__hi_n.ese companies Join us today to help break down language and __cu_l_tu_r_a_l_B_a_r_ri_e_rs_______, and bring the world together.
2019新人教高中英语选择性必修一Unit4 Reading and Thinking公开课课件

StepⅢ video-watching and discussion
Activity 1 Watch the video Smile Trial.
Activity 2 Discuss the following questions.
1. Smiles can be used to hide feelings like anger, fear, or worry. Can you describe a situation where you might smile when you don’t mean it
2019新人教高中英语选择性必修一 Unit 4 Body Language
Reading and Thinking
Teaching objectives:
1. Enable students to get a better understanding of body language. 2. Identify the feature of body language---culturalspecific. 3. Develop the sense of cross-cultural communication.
Activity 3 Scanning for specific information
1.What’s the type of the wrting? A. Narration B. Exposition C. Argumentation 2.How do we know what other people are thinking? A.By doing researches on their palms. B.By watching their body language. C.By making eye contact with them. D.By shaking hands with them.
新人教高中英语必修一Welcome Unit Reading and Thinking公开课课件

How we can describe time
• a.m. & p.m. • in the morning/ afternoon/ evening… • at noon/ at night • on Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday… • in January/ February/ March… • on January 1st…
Scanning for details
Task 1:Read the four parts of the text, answer the following questions.
1.Why did Han Jing feel anxious before school? 2.How was her first maths class? 3.What happened in the chemistry class? 4.What did Han Jing learn from her first day in senior high school?
2019新人教高中英语必修一 Welcome Unit
Reading and Thinking First Impressions
Teaching objectives
By the end of the class, you will be able to:
1.find out the key information in the passage through reading strategies. 2.describe the first day experiences and feelings following the time order. 3.identify the structure and language features of the text. 4.retell the passage and talk about their own first day experience using their own word bank or key sentences.
2019新人教高中英语选择性必修二Unit4 UsingLanguage(P44-P45)公开课课件

3.How did Jean-Philippe feel when the girls told him they had only one day in Montreal? A.He felt excited. B.He felt satisfied. C.He felt it a pity. D.He felt it an honor.
Scan the passage “Seeing the True North via Rail: Vancouver and the Hear of Canada” and mark the routes.
Reading for main idea Read the passage quickly and answer the questions. 1.What places and who are mentioned in the passage? 2.How many parts can the passage be divided into? And what’s the main idea of each part?
3.Can you think of some sentence patterns which might be
The scenery of ... was very beautiful.
used? We were impressed by the beautiful scenes of ...
After supper, we enjoyed the beautiful night scenes of ... I really enjoy traveling ... It was so amazing that ... ...is well worth visiting.
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➢ *Expanding Your World
12 ➢ *Video Time
红色:新增 蓝色:调整 灰色:继承
(2019)人教版 普通高中英语教科书 选择性必修
Student’s Book 学生用书
Workbook 练习册
1 ➢ Opening Page
2-3 ➢ Reading and thinking
of the unit?
Teenage life Sports and fitness
• 人与自我:学校生活、学习规划、社团活动、认识自我、完善自我
• 人与社会:社会服务与人际沟通 文学、艺术与体育 历史、社会与文化 科
学与技术 • 人与自然:自然环境、人与环境
Natural disaster Wildlife protection
高一年级教材分析,疑难问题突破 体现学科核心素养下的教学设计 学科各个环节的实践与思考
建 “立德树人、服务选才、 引导教学”
四层 建 “核心价值、学科素养、关键能力、必备知识” 新W教h材y设计内容
四翼 “基础性、综合性、应用性、创新性”
3 ➢ Listening and Speaking
元 板 块
8-9 writing
10- ➢ Assessing Your Progress 11 ➢ *Project
4-5 ➢ Reading and Writing
12 ➢ *Video Time
6-7 ➢ *Expanding Your World
红色:新增 蓝色:调整 灰色:继承
1. 主题真实性、时代性更强,语篇题材选材覆盖面广。既有国际视野,又有大量中国元素, 利于传播中华文化,讲好中国故事,更利于提高民族的文化自信。(如孔子的仁、义、 礼、智、信)、(航天科技、“一带一 路”成就等)和优秀人物(范仲淹、钱学森、林 巧稚、袁隆平、屠呦呦、黄 大年等)的内容;既包括英语国家的文化,又有非英语国家 (俄罗斯、法国、 秘鲁、埃及、西班牙等)的文化 ;为学生提供了 培养中国情怀、坚 定文化自信、增进文化沟通交流的丰富语言材料。
“语言教育不再作为单纯的语言教 学而存在,而是为了保证公民能在 多元文化背景下生存和发展,为了 保证公民能更快更好地利用信息化 和全球化发展的契机,实现创新, 谋求更大的发展空间。”
提高 要求
高考 要求
毕业 要求
选择性 必修
模块 册次
10 第三册 9 第二册 8 第一册 7 第四册 6 第三册 5 第二册 4 第一册 3 第三册 2 第二册 1 第一册
Workbook 练习册
1 ➢ Opening Page
必 修
➢ Listening and Speaking 2-3 ➢ Pronunciation 4-5 ➢ Reading and Thinking
➢ Using Words and Expressions
6 ➢ Discovering Useful
➢ Using Words and Expressions
➢ Learning about Language
4-5 • Build up your vocabulary
2 ➢ Using Structures
• Discover useful structures
➢ Using Language 6-7 • listening, talking, reading,
Student’s Book
Vocabulary 总Байду номын сангаас表
Workbook 练习册
Words and expressions in
each unit 单元词汇表
Notes 注释
Grammar 语法
• 整体介绍
(2019)人教版 普通高中英语教科书 必修
Student’s Book 学生用书
Opening Page, Book 1
必修 第二册 Unit 1
Theme and context
必修 第三册 Unit 1
Brainstorm Goals
Opening Page
➢ Why is this picture chosen? ➢ Why is this quote used here? ➢ How do they relate to theme
Cultural heritage Diverse Culture
• 引入单元主题,启发学生思考,理解主题内涵
• 调动学生的视觉感知,激发学习和探索兴趣 • 展示学习目标及活动任务,了解单元全貌 • 鼓励学生结合自身背景知识、体验和经历围绕话题参与讨论
Contents 目录
Irregular verbs 不规则动词表
• 发展英语学科核心素养,落实立德树人根本任务 • 构建高中英语共同基础,满足学生个性发展需求 • 实践英语学习活动观,着力提高学生学用能力 • 完善英语课程评价体系,促进核心素养有效形成 • 重视现代信息技术应用,丰富英语课程学习资源
建 Why
具体为听、说、读、看、写。 其中,“看”是新提出的一项 技能,指的是理解多模态语篇 的技能。多模态语篇指那些包 括文字、图形、表格、动画、 符号或视频的语篇,理解这类 语篇除了需要使用传统的文本 阅读技能之外,还需要观察图 表中的信息、理解符号和动画 的意义等。英语科考查内容未 将“看”单列为一项关键能力, 而是将其融合在“听”与“读”
➢ Using Structures
7 ➢ Listening and Talking
板 8-9 ➢ Reading for Writing
4-5 ➢ Reading and Writing
块 10-11 ➢ Assessing Your Progress
➢ *Project