管理学 组织 案例

1. 谷歌公司的管理模式:谷歌公司以扁平化管理为特点,强调员工自主性和创新精神。
2. 乐高公司的组织结构:乐高公司采用模块化的组织结构,将不同部门划分为可独立操作的模块,提高了生产效率和灵活性,使得公司能够快速适应市场需求。
3. 苹果公司的领导风格:苹果公司的创始人乔布斯以他的强势和激情著称,他注重产品的创新和完美,通过激励和激励员工来实现公司目标。
4. 亚马逊公司的供应链管理:亚马逊公司通过建立全球化的物流网络,实现高效的供应链管理,确保商品能够及时送达客户手中。
5. 耐克公司的市场定位:耐克公司通过运动明星代言和创新的产品设计,成功地将自己定位为高端运动品牌,并在市场竞争中占据领先地位。
6. 微软公司的变革管理:微软公司在面临市场竞争和技术变革的压力下,进行了组织结构和文化的重塑,实现了公司的转型和发展。
7. 腾讯公司的创新管理:腾讯公司通过不断创新和投资,将自己打造成为全球领先的互联网公司,并在市场上取得了巨大的成功。
8. 三星公司的品牌管理:三星公司通过不断提高产品质量和品牌形象,成功地将自己打造成为全球知名的电子产品品牌。
9. 沃尔玛公司的供应链管理:沃尔玛公司通过建立高效的供应链网络,实现了快速货物流转和低成本运营,成为全球最大的零售商之一。
10. 联合利华公司的全球化战略:联合利华公司通过跨国并购和全球市场拓展,成功实现了品牌全球化和经济规模效益。

在《财富》杂志评出的“ 最 佳雇主”榜单中,谷歌连续四年 位居前五名,其中有两年位居榜 首。
谷歌为员工提供了丰富的福 利待遇,但仍有大量的谷歌人还 是跳槽或者放弃诱人的福利而选 择自己创业。
QUESTION1:在谷歌工作是怎么样的? 你对该公司的环境作何评价
来谈谈这种情况在员工激励方面给 你什么启示?
谷歌满足了员工的较低层 次的需求
谷歌的知识型员工对于 成就、自我满足、自我 实现的需要更为迫切。
企业不能将企业目标 与员工自我实现目标 相统一时,可能导致 知识型员工的跳槽。
外在因素与工 作不满意相关 (保健因素)
4、对于他们的本质工作给予相 当程度的支持与鼓励,交付 有挑战性的事业。
如果 你正在管理一个谷歌团队,你将如
1、针对个人设立相应的奖励制 度,完善绩效工资方案,强 化个人绩效的重要作用
2、为高度参与工作时间提供相 应的渠道
3、一同设立相对明确可行的计 划目标
如果 你正在管理一个谷歌团队,你将如 何保持员工积极性?
(1)期望理论 (2)公平理论 (3)三中需求理论 (4)工作特征模型
如果 你正在管理一个谷歌团队,你将如
1、将完整的、有意义的工作 整体交由其管理。
2、开拓相应的信息反馈渠 道, 建立各户关系。
拥有全球数十万广告商 全球规模最大的搜索引擎
管理学 课后案例分析参考答案(1-17章)

Answers to International Case Questions (Chapter 1-17)Chapter 1 McDonald’s: Serving Fast Food around the World (p.29)1. The biggest opportunity, which was realized, was to open the mass market fast-food business. Kroc did this through a balanced expansion of owned and franchise operations while maintaining quality control and not outstripping requirements for additional capital. He could have chosen to own all of the outlets or to restrict operations to certain regions. The threats were and still are alternate foods and alternate stores.2. McDonald’s was not without luck. At the time they expanded into Europe, American goods and styles were in fashion. In addition, McDonald’s maintained rigid quality and cost control. For example, while they were trying to develop a potato strain that could be grown in Europe they imported all of the potatoes from their suppliers in the U.S. This maintained their reputation for the “best fries,” one of the selling points for McDonald’s. The cultural differences between Asia and Europe are considerable and the trick was to find the commonalty between the two and the U.S. In Japan, for instance, heavy pre-opening advertising and large-scale locations, combined with contributions to the local community (similar to Toyota public relations in Asia and the U.S.), as well as inclusion of local specialties successfully launched McDonald’s name and products in Asia.3. The basic philosophy is expressed in the case: QSC&V. When he was alive, Ray Kroc personally visited locations and inspected the outside premises, inside food preparation areas and personnel. This set a tone for the corporation at the top. Its success is measured by the fact that you can get a Big Mac almost anywhere in the world.4. McDonald’s is expanding its menu in order to meet competition. It has expanded into competitors’ areas such as chicken and Mexican foods and in some European locations offers wine with meals. In the U.S., new low-carbohydrate diets emulate the Atkins model while low-fat menus were developed to appeal to that phase of American eating habits.5. Planning and attention to detail, combined with a thorough understanding of the local customs, have all contributed to McDonald’s success. The opening of McDonald’s in Moscow in 1990 illustrates som e of the factors in operation:∙It offered products not available elsewhere in a setting that was both interesting and conducive to a gathering of friends and family.∙The initial Canadian managers paid attention to training and the details of a fast-food operation before opening the restaurant. The cleanliness and sharp appearance were essential.∙The company engaged one of the few U.S. attorneys licensed to practice law in Russia to draw up the absolutely necessary contracts and agreements. The attorney, an Afro-American, was also a Don at Oxford at the time of opening.∙They located in a city where consumers had a huge pent-up demand and sufficient disposable income to act on it.Chapter 2 Spirituality in the Workplace (p.51)1.Relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit; concerned with religious values;concerned with the soul; of, from, or pertaining to God.2.A code of ethics is often the outcome of spirituality.3.Recent scandals such as Parmalat, WorldCom, Adelphia, Enron and Global Crossing point out the need for better ethical standards and corporate governance as a fiduciary responsibility.4.Against: If the business of business is business, then spirituality has no place.For: Since spirituality is part of the ecology in which businesses operate, it would be remiss not to take it into account.Chapter 3 Starbucks——Quality Plus Social Conscious Sells Around the World (p.74) 1. It created a friendly environment and initially provided “specialty” coffee drinks and a place to access the Internet.2. Standardization and theme.3. It is doing that through expanding its non-coffee drinks and snack selections.4. The challenges are already here, which requires reorganization and regrouping, as illustrated in the press release above.Chapter 4 Developing V erifiable Goals (p.109)1.A division manager can develop verifiable goals, as illustrated in the case. The problem here is that the division head does not know if these are the same goals that the president would have for the division. It is always a good idea to test reality by closing the loop with the boss.2.The division manager seems to have been swept away by the lecture. Even though he has articulated some objectives, we do not know if they were attainable. Clearly, the subordinates have to be given guidelines and premises. The resources of capital and manpower are always limited and to prioritize them takes a lot of skill and participation, something not apparent in the case.Chapter 5 The Road Ahead for Shanghai V olkswagen (p.127)1. The real answer to this question is not portrayed in the case. It is implied, however, as being due to careful steps and slowly building a controlled quality operation. Since the automobile industry was a protected one, forming a joint venture in China was the first important step. Shutting out the competition is probably grounded in the sophisticated politics of the joint venture, reinforcing the interests of China and V olkswagen. However, the industry is now in an expansion phase and transitioning from decentralized small manufacturers to large, integrated ones. VW was insightful to be up and running at the right time. An excellent reference for the automobile industry in China is China Car Times.2. Now approaching production of 1.6 million cars, V olkswagen’s share of the current 7.2 million cars and commercial vehicles produced in China in 2006 represents 22% of the market. Honda closed a joint venture with Dongfeng Motor Corp in late 2003 for initial production of 30,000 units annually. It has since grown substantially and currently Honda has a total annual capacity of 480,000 units in China: Dongfeng Honda, where Honda CR-V and Honda Civic are made, has total capacity of 120,000 units and Guangzhou Honda, where Honda Accord, Fit are made, has a total capacity of 360,000 units. As the competition increases, prices will fall and demand will rise.3. If it is truly a joint venture, then the risk was minimized. The technology is available worldwide by hiring the right experienced people.Chapter 6. Carrefour-Which Way to Go? (p.145)1. His target markets are already identified and his new concept stores are successful. The powerful image of Carrefours is his most important asset.2. Copying Wal-Mart’s strategy would imitate, not distinguish, and probably work against his progress to date.3. By focusing on choice, innovation, freshness, and own label as well as maintaining local price leadership.4. The characteristics of people in a shared place and time are largely dependent on generational influences and vary according to the country and its socio-economic environment. The eating and buying habits of each country are available through government agencies such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce and research groups such as A. C. Nielsen, which track consumer spending patterns.Chapter 7 Reengineering the business process at Procter & Gamble (p.182)1. Since the restructuring involved changes in authorities and responsibilities of specific personnel, the human system and policies had to be covered.2. If they did not become product line (group) managers, they were probably disgruntled, unless there were compensating factors such as increase in pay, visibility or opportunity for advancement.3. A restructuring such as P&G’s has to come from the top, with active participation and approval by the Board ofDirectors, the CEO and COO. It impacts too many people and redeploys assets at too high a cost to be otherwise.However, since organizational changes naturally create uncertainty, and uncertainty in turn produces anxiety, both can be eased through careful definition of the new structure and solicitation of input from the bottom up.Chapter 8 The restructuring of Daimler –Benz (p.199)1. The performance is reflected in the stock price of the company, which had fallen drastically when compared to competitors such as BMW and Renault. The aerospace buy-in was done at a time when there was obvious over capacity in the industry and when the giants such as Boeing and Airbus were struggling to maintain market share.2. The problem in this particular case is that the potential targeted companies such as Chrysler and Mitsubishi were in trouble before the merger or acquisition. One might question the wisdom of going ahead with an acquisition or merger, but once there, executing a turnaround plan calls for very close controls rather than autonomous operations.3. To answer this question, one needs to examine the background and psychological makeup of the principal drivers such as Schrempp. It can’t be done on leveraging the acquired company’s earnings. Daimler has now reduced its stake in EADS by a third and Schrempp has been replaced.4. He’s gone and Zetsche has increased EBIT from € .873 million in 2005 to €8.710 in 2007.Chapter 9 Ford’s European Organization Changes Strategy (p.212)1. There are great advantages in commonality as distinct from centralization or de-centralization in the automotive business. Modern technology has enabled designers and engineers to collaborate across borders as designs are discussed and approved in joint international conferences, and overnight transmissions of data and details to working groups at Ford. However, local tastes prevail both the United States and in other areas of the world. The cars that sell well in the Midwest may not be the cars of choice in Southern California and the peculiarities of the London market are distinct from those in Hamburg. The significant cost of an automobile assembly line mandates some centralization of production facilities, but the dealer networks and service centers argue for regional de-centralized territories.2. The rationale was to reduce costs, but the execution didn’t work.3. The vision was to rely on technology to bring about a new way of making and selling cars, but the infrastructure was not in place to sustain that vision. Ford allowed its costs to get out of control by focusing on the Internet instead of building good cars and trucks. Ford is re-centralizing to improve quality and reduce the costs of new products.margins. However, relocation costs to Irvine, California, and product problems contributed to significant losses and in 2008, Mulally reached definitive agreement with Tata Motors of India to sell the Jaguar Land Rover segments for $2.3 billion, substantially less than Ford had paid for the brands under Nasser.5. Ford is competing well in Europe, with new Mondeo and Kuga models, but trails GM in China. By concentrating on the Ford marque and reducing capacity in the U.S., Mulally is bringing new potential to the company and hopes that its new campaign Ford. Drive One! Can return customers to the showrooms and experience the improvements firsthand.Chapter 10 Restructuring at Korea’s Daewoo (p.227)1. Obviously the divisions got out of control and were not contributing to the welfare of the parent company. The advantages are motivation and flexibility to meet customer demands.2. The company’s reputation is so damaged, it is uncertain whether it can be competitive wi thout government support.3. Kim should respond by holding the managers responsible for making a profit. The controllable factors are providinga common sense of purpose and direction. The uncontrollable factors are economic conditions and competition.4. The Commission of European Communities in its declaration did not view GM’s acquisition of Daewoo’s automotive assets as a competitive threat. The success depends on how GM develops the dealer networks and which models are carried forward. GM has rebadged its cars and dropped the Daewoo marque.5. Ford was struggling with its turnaround plan and GM acquired only parts of the company that it wanted.6. It is difficult to say if the automotive successor company will grow, in light of the competition and other problems at GM.Chapter 11 Trials and Challenges for Mr. Barrett at Intel (p.266)1. Barrett is presently Chairman of the Board. He was replaced by Paul Otellini as CEO in 2005 and Otellini is presently running the organization, competing with AMD and focusing on 45nm technology, while expanding into WiMax and cellular products. The semiconductor industry is known for its roller coaster pattern in bill-to-book ratios.2. Frequent reorganizations create uncertainty and anxiety. Some of the reorganizing was in the interest of cost-cutting and improving margins and it continues into the present.3. All capital investments in the microprocessor lines are most substantial. They have risen from $100 million in 1985 to $2.0 billion today for a complete manufacturing facility. In high technology, one must focus on preparing now for the distant future, especially with research and development expenditures and capital expenditures, in order to remain competitive. The investments are so large that their return has to be calculated in years in the future.Chapter 12.Woman CEO Manages by the Textbook (p.286)1. We know from the results, especially turning around a company, that she must have been a strong, analytical leader. In turning a company around, one has to be very convincing to many constituencies and have a clear idea about what needs to be done. Her career path was grounded in high-tech and multinational companies.2. One can surmise that the problems that women encounter in the U.S. are compounded in Italy.3.It depends on what is meant by “managing by the textbook.” We understand that management’s underlying principlesand theory are universal, but many managers want to think that they are the ones with “something special,” implyi ng that it can’t be taught and must be learned “the hard way.” Experience is, of course, very valuable, but it can be enhanced with a good understanding of the theory involved.Chapter 13 Jack Welch leading organizational change at GE(p.305)1.This is really a case specific question because of the massive layoffs of over 100,000 employees. Some authors focuson the social consequences of restructuring and others detail the innovations and self-actualization processes that Welch initiated and which led to the rise of GE in corporate value.2.Personal feelings vary, but identifying issues and alternatives are universal.3.To enhance a company’s corporate image and to become visible in order to benefit shareholder value.4.Welch made sure that GE’s value system w as published and disseminated through the ranks. Values are difficult toappraise in performance, but since they were well known, some standard criteria were probably developed to measure both results and attitudes.5.Stretch objectives do make executives push, whether it is to exceed forecast or increase the rewards. They exist in alldynamic, growing companies, whether or not they are identified as such.6.Since rigorous succession planning was one of the key elements of Welch’s tenure, it would imply ra nking as amatter of course. As long as everyone knows the ground rules, ranking should be accepted as a practice, even if the specific results are questioned. The second part of the case question raises the issues of what makes one division “far superior?” It might be due to proprietary technology or other market factors, rather than the management team.7.The reorganization, which included divestitures as well as acquisitions, was dramatic. If the criterion is shareholdervalue, there is no question that the objective was achieved. If the criterion departs from that measure to include economic impact and social or ethical considerations, then the answer is arguable.Chapter 14 Managing the Hewlett-Packard way: will it continue? (p.342)1. Much of the old HP spirit has been restored by Mr. Hurd.2. The old managerial style was a direct reflection of the personalities of Hewlett and Packard. You would need similar managerial profiles for it to work elsewhere.3. Ms Fiorina was not successful at HP and was removed after conflict with HP heirs.Chapter 15 Profiles of two visionaries: Bill Gates and Steve Jobs (p.365)1. Both leaders brought their companies up from nothing to be leaders in the field. Microsoft dominates in PCs with over 90% of their operating systems market share and Jobs was responsible for the introduction of the iPod and iPhone, as well as for new models of its Mac Book (Mac Book Air) and graphics desktops. Their styles were charismatic, which was what was needed in the beginning. And Jobs’ vision restored Apple after Scully’s disappointing tenure as CEO. Gates style was probably more directed to crushing competitors while Jobs was focused on hardware andinnovations like the iTunes and iPod. Both were known for their excessive confidence, bordering on egomania and Jobs was known for his denigration of subordinates, which has moderated since his return. Gates has left Microsoft operations2. Jobs was described in Inc Magazine as being one of the most aggressive egotists in Silicon Valley, while the Justice Department pictured Gates as a monopolistic competitor. Gates had the good sense to back himself with good managers. Jobs got a CEO from PepsiCo who did not make the transition, and had to retake the reins of the company.3. Microsoft OS dominates, while Macintosh OS is a favorite with graphics intensive applications. Both have competitors around the corner, such as Linux, which is gaining on Microsoft at the server level as well as Google with its on line free applications. The question is alternately framed by asking: what is the future of Information Technology and how will it change the way we do things?Chapter 16 To merge or not to merge: that is the question for HP, Compaq, and CEO Fiorina (p.381)1. The pros for the merger centered around consolidation of product lines, which had an 80% overlap in the PC market, reduction of common costs and stronger presence in the services business. The cons brought in the efficiencies of competitor Dell, which had managed to increase its share with no inventory hangover while Compaq had months of unsold machines at the time of the deal, and questioning the wisdom of competing in the PC market. There were also doubts about the strength and profitability of the services part of Compaq joined with HP.2. The personal risk was her job as head of HP. She lost.3. The vote was a narrow victory of 51%, with rumors of reciprocal influence with institutional investors and overcoming a court challenge by heirs of the founders.4.Potentially cutting 15,000 jobs does not endear a CEO with the workers. In addition, she referred to the “new HP’which by inference devalued the legacy of the HP Way and its past supporters.paq’s head was appointed president of HP, but he left after six months to rescue MCI and take it out of theWorldCom bankruptcy. This would indicate unrest, if not a lack of confidence. She has also reworked her “Invent”slogan to incorporate cost factors and reorganized several departments more than once. The turmoil was terminal and she was replaced by an experienced CEO who turned the company around.Chapter 17 Could the challenger accident have been avoided (p.402)1. The principal lesson is the penalty managers pay for not speaking what is on their mind and how they must be emotionally free to do so.2. Organization intimidation expressed in a lack of communication and in an overemphasis to please the customer (NASA) regardless of the risk.。

• 谷歌公司之所以能够在长时间内保持在互联网界的霸主地位,与其 独特管理方法是离不开的
• 【组织结构】
Alphabet旗下公司包含谷歌(包括搜索、广告、 地图、Youtube视频服务和移动终端系统安 卓)、Calico(抗衰老生物技术)、Nest(物联网 相关)、Fiber(光纤宽带服务)、Google Ventures和Google Capital (风投和投资部门) 以及Google X(无人驾驶e一万名员工(包括那些参与产品开发) 中平均每个团队有3个工程师。甚至一个大的项 目,如Gmail可能占据30人,都会被拆分成3个 或4个人的小团队,每个小组负责一项具体的业 务即使很多人知道小规模团队的优点,很少人知 道如何去充分利用他们去防止团队的不断扩大而 谷歌公司就很好的做到了这点 三,沟通渠道:水平透明
1.营造气氛吸引人才 2.注重诚信 3.对员工的人文关怀 4.领导力在企业文化建设中的作用 5. 对用户的重视
• 傅世睿3168909322
• 秦中华3168909313 • 沈永明3168909329
周虎 3168909324



参考文献:- O'Reilly, C. and Tushman, M. (2013). "Organizational Ambidexterity in Action: How to Manage New and Core Businesses in Parallel". Harvard Business Review.。

管理学基础试题及答案1一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 管理学中的“计划”是指:A. 制定目标B. 组织资源C. 执行任务D. 控制过程答案:A2. 下列哪一项不是管理的四大职能之一?A. 计划B. 组织C. 领导D. 创新答案:D3. 马斯洛的需求层次理论中,最高层次的需求是:A. 生理需求B. 安全需求C. 社交需求D. 自我实现需求答案:D4. 泰勒的科学管理理论强调:A. 工作满意度B. 工作效率C. 人际关系D. 员工参与答案:B5. 以下哪个概念与“授权”无关?A. 分权B. 责任C. 监督D. 集中答案:D6. 组织文化的核心是:A. 组织结构B. 组织战略C. 组织价值观D. 组织目标答案:C7. 以下哪项不属于SWOT分析的内容?A. StrengthsB. WeaknessesC. OpportunitiesD. Goals答案:D8. 决策过程中的“评估”阶段是指:A. 确定问题B. 确定决策标准C. 评估备选方案D. 选择最佳方案答案:C9. 以下哪个不是有效沟通的特征?A. 清晰B. 简洁C. 冗长D. 准确答案:C10. 管理中的“控制”是指:A. 制定计划B. 监督执行C. 纠正偏差D. 组织资源答案:C二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述管理的基本职能。
2. 描述泰勒的科学管理理论的主要内容。
3. 解释什么是组织文化,并举例说明其对组织的影响。
google 案例分析

案例分析G o o g l e:人力资源管理使其出类拔萃2009年1月23日,《财富》杂志公布了2009年度美国最佳雇主百强名单,谷歌排名第四。
优信咨询(Universum)北美区CEO Claudia Tattanelli认为,Google已经成为一个享誉全球的品牌,汇集了全球最优秀的人才。
Google能够获得这一系列的殊荣,是因为它在人力资源管理方面付出了很多努力,正如Claudia Tattanelli所言:“在人力资源管理方面,Google引发了一场革命。
众所周知,Google 可以让员工感到快乐。

(2) 情感激励因素分析情感是人类所独具的。
(3) 职工参与激励据心理学研究发现,假如一个单位领导者能够充分发扬民主,给予广大下属参与决策和治理的机会,那么这个单位的生产、工作和群众情绪,内部团结都能处于最佳状态。
(4) 荣誉激励荣誉是贡献的象征,每一个职工都有一种强烈的荣誉感,当获得某种荣誉时,就能增强信心,就会对企业满腔热情,体会到自己生活在这个社会中的价值,因此,满足员工的荣誉感,可以迸发出强大的能量。

那年晚些时候,Google的“人事分析(peopleanalytics)”团队提交了或许可被称为“Google 高效经理人八大习惯”的研究成果。


(2) 情感激励因素分析ﻫ情感是人类所独具的.人们任何熟悉和行动都是在一定的情感推动下完成的。
(4) 荣誉激励荣誉是贡献的象征,每一个职工都有一种强烈的荣誉感,当获得某种荣誉时,就能增强信心,就会对企业满腔热情,体会到自己生活在这个社会中的价值,因此,满足员工的荣誉感,可以迸发出强大的能量。

案例分析参考答案第7章案例分析Underwater Chaos1. What’s your reaction to this story? What does it illustrate about decision making?With the vast sums of money invested into large projects like the Eurotunnel (approximately £9.5bn), it amazes observers that important information (i.e. the affect of the cold weather) would not be considered beforehand. However, this situation is fairly common in projects that use groundbreaking technologies in extreme environments. These types of projects occur under conditions of uncertainty and great risk. It is common for these projects to experience unexpected ‘hiccups.’ The best case scenario in these types of projects is to plan as to avoid life threatening catastrophes and to have contingencies plans in case of emergencies.2. How could the decision-making process have helped in both the response to the crisis situation and in preventing it from happening?Better planning is always suggested after the fact. Consideration of the effects of extreme weather could have been made part of the testing of the train and track equipment before it was put into use. While the situation was developing, emergency plans should have been in place to deal with a possible breakdown and better communication equipment made available. Eurostar should have been clued into possible problems when other forms of transportation broke down during the extreme weather. It is important to note that Eurostar did take the necessary actions after the incident to correct communication problems and retrofit train equipment.3. Could procedures, policies, and rules play any role in future crisis situations like this one? If so, how? If not, why not?Students may not be aware that most companies have plans for dealing with emergencies. Airlines are a good example of firms that practice risk management. These firms develop contingency plans for minor and worse case scenarios. Employees are trained in how to handle emergencies and backup/emergency equipment is distributed throughout the organization. However, unexpected emergencies are by their very nature difficult to plan for. It is almost impossible to plan for every emergency. For example, after the first space shuttle disaster, NASA grounded the entire program and put together a small army of engineers and scientists to mitigate risk to the crew. Unfortunately, the shuttle program by nature is risky and again suffered the loss of another ship and crew.4. What could other organizations learn from this incident?As the adage goes, ‘accidents happen.’Learning from mistakes and the actions that a company takes during an event like this is what’s important.Ask students if they have experienced a similar situation. Students may be able to relate to being stuck in a plane on a runway or in a hotel when services were down. How did the company respond?第9章案例分析Faded Signal1. What strategic mistakes did Nokia make in the U.S. market?While Nokia still does well in other countries, it has recently struggled in t he US. Nokia’s biggest mistake in the US was that it thought it knew better what the customer wanted than the customers themselves. Seeing the buzz created by the iphone, Nokia neglected the growing fondness for apps and touch screens and believed that its products were superior. Another mistake has to do with the different technologies used by cellphones (GSM vs. CDMA). Nokia was initially slow to adapt to the technology currently used by a majority of US cell phone users.2. Why do you think a “smart” company makes “dumb” mistakes?One of the paradoxes of businesses is that many times they are the victims of their own success. A good example of this phenomenon is Ford’s model T.Having designed a great car, Ford didn’t see the need to update the mod el it believed was superior to its competitors. While Ford rested on his laurels, other car manufacturers were listening to customers and providing the options and features that customers wanted.3. What strategies is Nokia using to revitalize its North American business?Nokia is using its partnerships with AT&T, Qualcomm, and Microsoft to expand their reach in the United States. On one hand, this could be viewed as a growth strategy. Take this statement from the case, “Everything you see us doing is to build the broad set of capabilities to take us broader and deeper into the U.S. market.” On the other hand, in light of their resent failures what they are doing could be viewed as a turnaround strategy.4. How could Nokia have done better at using strategic management? What does this case story tell you about strategic management?Obviously, Nokia made the mistake of underestimating the competition (i.e. Apple) and not paying attention to the customer. When companies fail to take these considerations into account when determining their strategy, then they are sure to fail. The principle that they neglected is that strategic management cannot be made in a vacuum. The external environment and the competitive environment must be considered when planning第12章案例分析Thinking Outside the Box1. What external factors were affecting UPS’s HR practices? How did UPS respond to these trends?The main challenge facing UPS has to do with a large number of projected retirements for delivery drivers. With many of the baby boomers nearing retirement age, UPS has taken steps to insure that they will have drivers ready to meet demand. Based upon the premise that younger drivers learn best by technology and hands on training, UPS has created several simulations and a videogames designed to aid in driver training2. Why is efficiency and safety so important to UPS? What role do the company’s industrial engineers play in how employees do their work?For UPS, it’s all about speed, accuracy, and safety. Because competit ion is fierce (i.e. the U.S. Postal Service, DHL, and Federal Express), UPS must keep cost low and customer satisfaction high. To increase the productivity of drivers, UPS has used their industrialengineers to design more efficient routes, loading & unloading procedures, and employee policies to help get the most from their employees in the field.3. What changes did the company make to its driver training program? What do you think of these changes?In addition to learning the company’s ‘340 Methods,’ a pplicants play a videogame where they’re in the driver’s seat and must identify obstacles. From computer simulations, they move to “Clarksville,” a mock village with miniature houses and faux businesses. There, they drive a real truck and “must successfully execute five deliveries in 19 minutes.” And, in the interest of safety and efficiency, trainees learn to carefully walk on ice with the slip and fall simulator.4. What advantages and drawbacks do you see to this training approach for (a) the trainee and(b) the company?It appears that the use of simulations and the other new programs implemented by UPS would have good transfer to work the drivers would be doing in the field. This is an advantage for the trainee and the company. A potential disadvantage would be if the applicant was not familiar with new technology, such as computer games, or other forms of electronic learning. These applicants may be successful in the job, but may not show proficiency in training due to the technological nature of the training. For the company, such programs are expensive but that can be balanced by the benefit of having a better trained workforce.问答题参考答案问题1:Discuss the three traditional organizational designs and highlight their strengths and weaknesses. Page Ref: 277-278Answer: The three traditional organizational designs are: the simple structure, functional structure, and divisional structure. These structures tend to be more mechanistic in nature.a. Simple structure - It is an organizational design with low departmentalization, wide spans of control, authority centralized in a single person, and little formalization. As employees are added, however, most do not remain as simple structures. The structure tends to become more specialized and formalized. Rules and regulations are introduced, work becomes specialized, departments are created, levels of management are added, and the organization becomes increasingly bureaucratic. At this point, managers might choose a functional structure or a divisional structure. These structures are fast, flexible, and inexpensive to maintain. On the negative side, these structures are not appropriate when the organization starts growing. Moreover, the reliance on one person is also very risky.b. Functional structure - A functional structure is an organizational design that groups similar or related occupational specialties together. This structure enjoys cost-saving advantages from specialization (economies of scale, minimal duplication of people and equipment). It also groups employees who have similar tasks with each other. On the negative side, the constant pursuit of functional goals can cause managers to losesight of what is best for the overall organization. Moreover, the functional specialists become insulated and have little understanding of what other units are doing.c. Divisional structure - It is an organizational structure made up of separate business units or divisions. In this structure, each division has limited autonomy, with a division manager who has authority over his or her unit and is responsible for performance. In divisional structures, however, the parent corporation typically acts as an external overseer to coordinate and control the various divisions, and often provides support services such as financial and legal. The major strength of this structure is that it focuses on results by holding division managers responsible for what happens to their products and services. But, the duplication of activities and resources encountered in such structures increases the cost and reduces the efficiency of the organization.问题2:Zhou San-duo, Robbins and Malik, respectively defines the nature of management in the following, discuss and interpret in the definitions for the clarity of the nature of management in terms of resources, process, efficiency and effectiveness.1)管理是指组织中的如下活动或过程:通过信息获取、决策、计划、组织、领导、控制和创新等职能的发挥来分配、协调包括人力资源在内的一切可以调用的资源,以实现单独的个人无法实现的目标.(Zhou San-duo)2)Management refers to coordinating and overseeing the work activities ofothers so that their activities are completed efficiently and effectively.(Robbins)3)Management is the transformation of the resources into values.(Malik)Key points:Similarities:a.Process or activitiesb.Efficiencyc.Effectivenessd.ResourcesDifferences:a.Purposes ( abstract or implicit outcome) –Clear orientationb.Values (explicit or clear outcome)-measurable results问题3:Identify and define the seven dimensions of an organization’s culture and explain how you understand them.Definitions:The seven dimensions of an organization’s culture are innovation and risk taking, attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness and stability.a.Innovation and risk taking refers to the degree to which employees areencouraged to be innovative and to take risks;b.Attention to detail refers to the degree to which employees areexpected to exhibit precision, analysis, and attention to detail;c.Outcome orientation refers to the degree to which managers focus onresults or outcomes rather than on how these outcomes are achieved;d.People orientation refers to the degree to which management decisionstake into account the effects on people in the organization;e.Team orientation refers to the degree to which work is organizedaround teams rather than individuals;f.Aggressiveness refers to the degree to which employees are aggressiveand competitive rather than cooperative;g.Stability refers to the degree to which organizational decisions andactions emphasize maintaining the status quo.Suggested Interpretations :a.The provision of measurable traits for building a strong culture for anorganization;b.To formalize OB;c.To strengthen the competitive edge;d.To help accomplish the organizational strategic goals;问题4:In a short essay, list and discuss five personality traits that have proven to be powerful in explaining individual behavior in organizations. Page382-383 a. Locus of control. Some people believe that they control their own fate. Others see themselves as pawns, believing that what happens to them in their lives is due to luck or chance. The locus of control in the first case is internal; these people believe that they control their own destiny. The locus of control in the second case is external; these people believe that their lives are controlled by outside forces. Research evidence indicates that employees who rate high on externality are less satisfied with their jobs, more alienated from the work setting, and less involved in their jobs than are those who rate high on internality.b. Machiavellianism. An individual who is high in Machiavellianism is pragmatic, maintains emotional distance, and believes that ends can justify means. In jobs that require bargaining skills or that have substantial rewards for winning, high Machs are productive. In jobs in which ends do not justify means or that lack absolute measures of performance, it's difficult to predict the performance of high Machs.c. Self-esteem. People differ in the degree to which they like or dislike themselves. This trait is called self-esteem (SE). The research on self-esteem offers some interesting insight into organizational behavior. For example, self-esteem is directly related to expectations for success. High SEs believe that they possess the ability theyneed in order to succeed at work. Individuals with high SEs will take more risks in job selection and are more likely to choose unconventional jobs than are people with low SE. A number of studies confirm that high SEs are more satisfied with their jobs than are low SEs.d. Self-monitoring. This refers to an individual's ability to adjust his or her behavior to external, situational factors. Individuals high in self-monitoring show considerable adaptability in adjusting their behavior. They're highly sensitive to external cues and can behave differently in different situations. High self-monitors are capable of presenting striking contradictions between their public persona and their private selves. Low self-monitors cannot adjust their behavior. They tend to display their true dispositions and attitudes in every situation, and there's high behavioral consistency between who they are and what they do.e. Risk taking. People differ in their willingness to take chances. Differences in the propensity to assume or to avoid risk have been shown to affect how long it takes managers to make a decision and how much information they require before making their choice. To maximize organizational effectiveness, managers should try to align employee risk-taking propensity with specific job demands. For instance, high risk-taking propensity may lead to effective performance for a commodities trader in a brokerage firm because this type of job demands rapid decision making. On the other hand, high risk-taking propensity might prove a major obstacle to accountants auditing financial statements.问题5:Explain Herzberg’s two-factor theory and tell what steps can managers take to maximize motivation according to the theory.Key Points:As manager of a large team of engineers, we notice that a team is falling short of its goals primarily because several team members are either not motivated to put in their best or are downright dissatisfied with their jobs.Herzberg’s two-factor theory helps maximizing motivation in the following way.The theory proposes that intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction, while extrinsic factors are associated with job dissatisfaction. Further, the theory argues that data suggested that the opposite of satisfaction was not dissatisfaction, as traditionally had been believed. Removing dissatisfying characteristics from a job would not necessarily make that job more satisfying (or motivating). Herzberg proposed that a dual continuum existed: The opposite of “satisfaction” is “no satisfaction,” and the opposite “dissatisfaction” is “no dissatisfaction.” Thus, managers can motivate employees who show no dissatisfaction by emphasizing motivator, the intrinsic factors having to do with the job itself. These factors include achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, advancement, and growth. However, to motivate dissatisfied employees, the extrinsic factors associated with job dissatisfaction must first be addressed. These factors caninclude supervision, company policy, relationship with supervisor, working conditions, salary, relationship with peers, personal life, relationship with subordinates, status, and security. Once the dissatisfaction has been removed, managers can maximize motivation by emphasizing the intrinsic factors.问题6:Compare the SWOT and BCG Matrix by defining the two tools and their marks of “opportunities, threats, strengths, weaknesses” and “stars, question marks, cash cows and dogs” and then discuss what tools they arefor what purposes they usedKey points:Definitions: OmittedSWOT: Strategic toolAnalysis of the external environment for opportunities and threats;Analysis of the internal environment for strengths and weaknesses;For the purpose or developing corporate strategies and competitivestrategiesBCG Matrix: strategic toolAnalysis of the SBUS’ businesses in relation to their independentattractiveness for deploying resources and retaining core competenciesfor their products and services.问题7:List and discuss the barriers to effective communication that managers face. Include a specific example of each barrier to support your answer. P409-410 a. Filtering This is the deliberate manipulation of information to make it appear more favorable to the receiver. For example, when a person tells his or her manager what the manager wants to hear, that individual is filtering information. The extent of filtering tends to be a function of the number of vertical levels in the organization and the organizational culture. The more vertical levels there are in an organization, the more opportunities there are for filtering.b. Emotions How a receiver feels when a message is received influences how he or she interprets it. Extreme emotions are most likely to hinder effective communication. In such instances, people often disregard rational and objective thinking processes and substitute emotional judgments.c. Information overload This occurs when the amount of information a person is required to work with exceeds that individual's processing capacity. What happens when individuals have more information than they can sort or use? They tend to select out, ignore, pass over, or forget information. Or, they may put off further processing until the overload situation is over.d. Defensiveness When people feel that they're being threatened, they tend to react in ways that reduce their ability to achieve mutual understanding. That is, they become defensive–engaging in behaviors such as verbally attacking others, making sarcastic remarks, being overly judgmental, and questioning others' motives.e. Language Words mean different things to different people. Age, education, and cultural background are three of the more obvious variables that influence the language a person uses and the definitions he or she gives to words. People may speak the same language, but use of that language is far from uniform. Senders tend to assume that the words and phrases they use mean the same to the receiver as they do to them. This is incorrect and creates communication barriers.f. National culture Interpersonal communication isn't conducted in the same way around the world. In the United States, communication patterns tend to be individual oriented and clearly spelled out. U.S. managers rely heavily on memoranda, announcements, position papers, and other formal forms of communication to state their positions on issues. In collectivist countries, such as Japan, there's more interaction for its own sake and a more informal manner of interpersonal contact.问题8:List the seven elements of the communication process and explain the process of interpersonal communication. Page 406The seven elements of the communication process are: (1) the communication source, (2) the message, (3) encoding, (4) the channel, (5) decoding, (6) the receiver, and (7) feedback. Before communication can take place, a purpose, expressed as a message to be conveyed, must exist. It passes between a source (the sender) and a receiver. The message is converted to a symbolic form (called encoding) and passed by way of some medium (channel) to the receiver, who retranslates the sender's message (called decoding). The result is the transfer of meaning from one person to another. The entire process is susceptible to noise disturbances that interfere with the transmission, receipt, or feedback of a message. Anything that interferes with understanding can be noise, and noise can create distortion at any point in the communication process.。

[单选题]A、职业生涯规划B、工作经验(正确答案)C、现任岗位名称D、薪酬及相关收入2、()是以法律共同体的长期实践为前提,以法律共同体的普遍的法律确信为基础[单选题] *A.法官法B.判例法C.习惯法(正确答案)D.成文法3、关于晋升培训的特点描述,不正确的是()。
[单选题]A、劳动力需求B、劳动力供给C、劳动力需求量(正确答案)D、劳动力供给量6、劳动关系当事人协议约定的劳动条件标准,( )的不具有法律约束力. [单选题]A.高于国家标准B.低于国家标准(正确答案)C.高于企业最低标准D.低于企业最低标准7、下列关于现代企业计划职能的重要作用,说法不正确的是()。
A 企业文化(正确答案)B 管理实务(正确答案)C 产品知识(正确答案)D 企业行为规范(正确答案)9、非经济性福利中的工作环境保护项目不包括()。
[单选题] *经济效益社会效益最低成本最大利润(正确答案)11、324根据目标不同,财政政策可以分为()。
A 摩擦性财政政策B 稳健性财政政策C 扩张性财政政策(正确答案)D 紧缩性财政政策(正确答案)12、()是根据劳动者所提供的劳动的数量和质量,按事先规定的标准和时间周期付给劳动者的相对稳定的劳动报酬。

谷歌的创始人拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)和谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin)也一度怀疑像谷歌这样的公司是否需要管理阶层。

管理1301邹玲玲学号41371013讨论题答案1. 谷歌公司管理的独特性:靠理念和非制度化的管理.在我们所了解的大部分上市公司对于管理的方法几乎都是靠制度化的管理,并针对所制定的制度再而制定一定的奖惩方法,来激发员工的工作积极性.不可否认的是,制度化管理具有广泛适用性,因为对于任何人都是在同一制度约束下活动,具有一定的公平性,这有利于公司的正常运转.然而每一项章程在建立之初,人们都会有这样那样的不适应和不舒服,这就需要管理者花费精力不厌其烦地去用严格的规章制度规范地引导.而对于谷歌来说,员工思维是解放的,上班没有固定的时间,员工可以自主安排时间,做自己喜欢的事情,来增强员工的归属感,培养员工的创新能力,它一直秉承着吸引最聪明的人来创新,就要先给人才创造一个非常开放、宽松的环境。
所谓的怪癖,愚蠢或者任性的企业文化最终证明是明智的.这种只靠理念和非制度化的管理,为谷歌能成为世界上技术一流的互联网公司做出了贡献.2. 谷歌个性化管理注重针对管理对象的不同特点,从管理的起点、过程以及到目标的实现,都会因为管理不同的对象而不同,也就是一种因人、因时、因地、因材、因过程和因结果而进行的独特的管理方式,然而这种所谓“人性化”管理对于不同性格的人影响是不同的,对于无心工作的人来说,无形中纵容了不好的行为,不过这只是对于极少数人来说的.我认为谷歌独特的管理方式能够坚持下去.因为尽管会有一部分员工在这样的人性化管理中稍微纵容自己,但在时间的作用下,这样的一部分人最终是会被淘汰的,毕竟我们处于这样一个竞争激烈的市场经济的调控之下,它几乎不允许任何人在安逸中变得强大.3.每一个公司的管理风格都有自己的独特与优势,然而却不一定适用于其他的企业,模仿得再好如果丢失了自己的企业灵魂,那也是毫无意义可言的,比如说不制定固定的上班时间.而值得借鉴的是他们选拔人才以及管理人才的方式,它倾向于让工程师掌握局面,让这些年轻人的头脑中不断迸发出新的思想.还有一点就是对员工日常生活上的关心,每天会免费提供三餐美味佳肴,还有各种休闲娱乐的地方,这让员工在疲惫的工作之后身心得到放松,这无疑大大提高了工作效率.(PS:关于管理方面的知识学生确实知之甚少,还请老师您多多提出批评意见,让我在不断的学习中不断进步,谢谢!@_@)。
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Set up a relatively clear plan feasible goal together In a larger extent, extend work, the more colorful
A total of 158 international domain names, 112 kinds of interface language
Gas station Massage therapist
Don't have to wear a suit Beauty salon free
Expectancy theory
Ordinary demand employees
Applicable to the expectancy theory
High achievement need employees
Don’t applicable to the expectancy theory
For general staff
For individuals to set up the correspondin pay plan, strengthen the important role of individual performance Provide the corresponding involved in working hours channel for highly
A year to every employee to provide $8000 for further study
Children give employees $500 in aid, to foster a child will get about $5000 for the adoption
Google people prefer to a company
Strong demand for achievement, willing to accept challenging work, work more autonomy and the decision is also required Loyal to their own professional, not business The freedom to choose enterprise, don't meet the demand of selfrealization, find another.
The Answer to
Discussion Questions
Question one
Has the world hundreds of thousands of advertisers The world's largest search engine
Accounted for about 85% of the global Internet search share
Step-by-step, hidebound, don't know how to motivate their employees.
Play too much
Too comfortable environment, corporate culture is not mature
The staff of entrepreneurial desire, senior positions are limited
Incentive mechanism too pay attention to hygiene factors, is carried out in bad incentive factors.
Google recruiting high threshold, the staff was very good, not content with the status quo.
Three-Needs Theory
Need for achievement
In Google, the most outstanding talent to do the most boring work Google is no longer a startup, the staff, the challenge is a matter of efficiency Google is very large, the staff unable to exert any influence
By a certain degree of efforts can get ideal awards
Don't care - performance, performance - reward, reward goal
Launched the incentive effect
Their incentives from their work
Develop the corresponding information feedback channel, to establish a family relationship.
Delivery considerable work autonomy.
For the work of the essence of their phase when the degree of support and encouragement, delivering challenging career
Using the model and theory
Expectancy theory
Equity theory Three-needs theory Job characteristics model
Employees need higher achievement
Will complete and meaningful management as a whole. work to its
The Answer to
Discussion Questions
Questions three
The office politics and bureaucracy
Middle management mediocrity, staff overqualified
Too much hierarchy and management division
The Answer to
Discussion Questions
Question two
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
Google meet the needs of the lower level employees Enterprises can't target with employees selffulfillment unifies, can lead to knowledge workers.
The integration of the work environment
Google's work
like at home to work longer
$5000 subsidies for buying a car Young mother 18 weeks paid vacation, father seven weeks
Loose management system Generous benefits Comfortable working environment No Dissatisfact ion Leaving
achievements potency
Pione ering
Internal No Satisfaction factors related Challenge to job satisfaction (Motivators) Satisfaction
Google's knowledge staff for achievement, selfgratification, selfactualization needs more urgent.
Herzberg’s Two –Factor Theory
External factors associated with job dissatisfactio n (Hygiene Factors)
The Answer to
Discussion Questions
Question four
For any team, different employees have been compared with different
background, position, I'm here In the United States, Britain, etc as the basic background or choose only scored low uncertainty avoidance, high Achievement demand, strong characteristic of individualism.