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( )1. about short ( )2. out mouth ( )3.

mouse house

( )4.through shout ( )5. should would


1. 一个健康的饮食习惯

2. much food

3. 几个苹果

4. have some


5. 一点水

6. get out

7. 每天 8. see some drinks

9. 一次 10. remember these


11. 刷牙12. 把……整理的井井有条

13. 迟睡觉 14. feel sleepy

15. at night 16.keep…clean and tidy

17. know…well 18.walk fast


1. Nancy (go) to the park in Shanghai every year.

2. I have (many) milk.

3. I want (eat) a hamburger. Can you buy one for ( I )?

4. There (be not ) any meat on my plate.

5.My brother had a lot of (apple) juice last night.

6. I like (sweet) food, but Helen (do not).

7. Mary (have) some fish every day.

8. It’s seven o’clock. You have (go) to school now.


( )1. The child eating ice creams.

A. are

B. like

C. likes

D. wants

( )2. My sisters like meat.

A. aren’t

B. d oesn’t

C. don’t

D. isn’t

( )3. Do you want a glass of water?

A. eat

B. to eat

C. have

D. to drink

( )4. I some rice and vegetables today.

A. have only

B. has only

C. only has

D. only have ( )5.─What do you often have breakfast? ─Some noodles.

A. in

B. for

C. about

D. of

( )6. ─Would you like bread?

─Yes, please.

A. a

B. any

C. an

D. some

( )7. Here a lot of meat for the party.

A. are


C. that

D. no

( )8. I have beautiful caps in my bedroom.

A. a little

B. little

C. a few

D. lot of

( )9. She an egg for breakfast this morning.

A. eat

B. have

C. had

D. eating

( )10. I need vegetables. Please give me some .

A. mangoes

B. oranges

C. tomatoes

D. grapes ( )11. There many animals in the forest.

A. were

B. was

C. be

( )12. Be ,please. You shouldn’t talk______ in the library.

A. quiet, loud

B. quietly, loudly

C. quiet, loudly

( )13. Our teacher is .She dances .

A. beautiful, beautiful

B. beautiful, beautifully

C. beautifully, beautiful

( )14. Let your brother clothes.

A. wash

B. washes

C. washed

( )15. He the meat and ate it.

A. bite

B. bites

C. bit

( )16. your sister the floor this morning?

A. Did, cleaned

B. Did, clean

C. Is, clean

( )17. My mother a big cake last week.

A. makes

B.is making

C. made

( )18. He help me yesterday.

A. doesn’t

B. wasn’t

C. didn’t


1. did lunch yesterday have for what you (?)

2. noodles breakfast parents some for my have often ( .)

3. little house is a in their there mouse ( .)

4. the glass is milk in there much not (.)

5. lot table there a cakes the are of on (?)


1. 我爷爷每天早餐吃一些面包和牛奶。

My grandpa some bread milk breakfast day.

2. 我们每周必须吃几个鸡蛋。

must have eggs .

3. 现在我需要许多水。

I a of now.


into for at with by out

1. My grandpa caught fish a big net.

2. Please open the do or,I can’t get .

3. Who poured the water my shoes?

4. A teacher walked and they stopped.

5. Your sister is good dancing.

6. Mike is going to have a football match. I am going to

cheer him.


1.My brother swam (quick).We were very (excited).
