
In the short story Egg, egg as a symbol runs through the whole story and appears several times. It is considered as the introductory remark of the story all the time. Meanwhile, every time egg appears, it is able to link up it and Father’s destiny. Each has its own hint and symbol.
搬家的车上装着的一篮活着的小鸡,这 一群活着的小鸡象征着父亲对美国梦的 再一次的追求,同时也象征和暗示着这 次追求仍是不成功的。
• 红色部分为文本
• After the failure business of raising chickens, Mother urged Father to move to another town to embark in the restaurant business. We packed our belongings on a wagon including a basket of live chickens, a tiny caravan of hope looking for a new place from which to start on our upward journey through life. On one hand, Father wanted to start a new life and continued to seek his dream. But on the other hand, it represents that Father’s new try failed again. Father didn’t say goodbye to his past life when he began a new life. Past life deeply affected Father’s mind though it meant failure to him. In other words, Father didn’t really face the actuality. In deep of Father’s soul, past life just like a shadow played a negative role. With this state of mind, how could Father succeed in achieving his dream?

There are two famous riddles about chickens. One investigates the reasoning behind the chicken‟s desire to cross the road (“to get to the other side”), while the other poses the ontological quandary: “which came first, the chicken or the egg?”有两个关于小鸡的难解问题,一个是为什么小鸡喜欢过马路,另一个就是先有鸡还是先有蛋这个本体论难题。
We shan‟t attempt to answer the question in a philosophical or biologicalmanner, but we can answer it lexicographically. And, looking in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), we can reveal that the answer is… not conclusive.也许我们无法从哲学或生物学角度回答这个问题,但是我们可以从词汇涵义考虑它。
Chicken鸡Interesting, the earliest recorded use of chicken in English refers to the …young of the domestic fowl‟ in a simile. The word dates to an Old English interlinear gloss of the Lindisfarne Gospels: …Suæ henne somnigas cicceno hire.‟ This is taken from Matthew 23:37, where Jesus says of Jerusalem that He has …longed to gather your children together as a hen gathe rs her chicks under her wings‟ (in the New International Version).有趣的是,英语中chicken一词最早用来比喻还没长大的家禽。

双语阅读:Successandhappiness先有鸡还是先有蛋?We've heard the classic expression, 'Which came first, the chicken or the egg?' Chickens hatch from the eggs, but eggs are laid by the chickens, arousing endless debate over each side of the arguments.我们都听过这样一个经典的命题,'先有鸡,还是先有蛋?'鸡是从蛋里孵出来的,但是蛋又是鸡生下来的,围绕这两个论点引发了无休止的争论.I've come up with an equally controversial expression to perturb your mind, 'Which comes first, the success or the happiness?' Before you know the ropes, I want to warn you that arguments could be made to prove which gives rise to the other. Success comes from within, knowing the true worth of our human potential.同样地,我也提出了一个会使你困扰的具有争议的命题,'先有成功,还是先有幸福?'在你知道这个问题的答案之前,我想提醒你,这个争论是用来证明谁产生了谁.成功来源于内在,成功让我们认识到人类潜能的真正价值.I have several profound reasons to prove that happiness leads to success.我有几个充分的理由来证明是幸福通向成功.Positivity is the mother of success: We all know that positivity leads to attitude and unwavering faith to achieve success. In the history of the human race, no negative person has ever climbed the peaks of success; happiness is a virtue of positivity. Without happiness, positivity dies a horrible death.乐观是成功之母:我们都知道积极乐观能带来获得成功的态度和坚定信念.在人类历史上,不曾有悲观之人攀登上成功的顶峰.幸福是积极乐观的原动力.没有幸福,积极乐观的态度就会胎死腹中.It's all in my head: Success begins with self-affirmation. It'sthat staunch belief that when I love what I do, success has to come. When the mood is positive, we give rise to our self-esteem leading to relentless pursuit of success.我是这样认为的:成功来源于自我肯定.我有一个坚定的信念,当我热爱我所做的工作时,成功自然就来了.当情绪积极向上时,就会产生自尊,从而导致对成功的不懈追求.I succeed when others succeed: It is a known fact that success comes to those who invest in other people's success. Being happy is a prerequisite to have a pro-social attitude leading to generosity with time and money.当其他人成功时我也会成功:众所周知,那些懂得为他人成功投资的人自己也会成功.幸福是采取一种对社会的正面心态的先决条件,这种心态会使得人们对时间和金钱变得慷慨.I'm happy, so I am healthy: Happiness tends to instill positivity towards life goals including a healthy mind and healthy relationships. With the virtue of healthy mind, body and soul, I now am focused to achieve success.我幸福,所以我健康:幸福会给生活目标灌输积极乐观的态度,包括健康的头脑和良好的人际关系.有了健康的头脑、身体和灵魂,我现在就可以更加专注于追求成功了.Be confident: I've noticed that staying under sun energizes my mood and willingness to pursue my goals. Similarly, with happiness, I get an abundance of Confidence in my skills and in my resilience towards temporary failures to achieve success.保持自信:我注意到生活在阳光下使我更有心情和意愿来追求我的目标.同样地,拥有幸福,我从我的技能和对暂时性失败的恢复力中获得更多的信心来实现成功.Constancy of purpose: Success comes to those who have a definite purpose. Their relentless efforts towards definite purpose come from happiness within to affirm that victory is theonly acceptable outcome.恒久的目标:成功只给那些有明确目标的人.他们对既定目标所付出的持久努力来源于内在的幸福感,这种幸福感使他们确信胜利是唯一可接受的结果.Success holds no limits: Happiness leads to creative vision that seeks achievement without limits. My success is limited only to the limits I impose on my thoughts. With happiness, I take my self-esteem to unseen heights to achieve success beyond my wildest expectations.成功无界限:幸福带来充满创造力的视野,这种视野会无限制地追求成就感.我的成功只会被我自身的想法所限制.拥有幸福,我便拥有自信去达到从未企及过的、超越我想象的高峰.In the moment: Enjoying every moment with focus of mind, body and soul leads to happiness that shows in the activity that we engage in. I tend to be at my best when my mind is neither engaged in the past failures nor in the future fantasies. I am giving all I have to the task at hand with unbound happiness. I am destined to arrive at success.活在当下:集中思想,全心全意地去享受每时每刻带来的幸福感,这在我们所参与的活动中将有所体现.当我的思绪既不沉溺在过去的失败中、也不沉浸在对将来的幻想中时,我处于最佳的状态.我满心愉悦地尽全力做好手头的工作.我是注定要成功的.'Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.' -Mahatma Gandhi(1869-1948)Preeminent leader of Indian nationalism.印度民族独立运动的伟大领袖甘地(1869-1948)曾说,幸福就是你的所思、所言、所做都和谐无间.Our profound view towards success and happiness shapes our destiny. You may focus solely on success and sacrifice happiness with the belief that happiness will follow success. Thatmay prove to be wrong; sharing laughter with family, helping others, being personable and establishing social relations are all forms of happiness, essential to the health of you success.对成功和幸福的深刻见解将会决定我们的命运.你可能会只专注于成功,牺牲了幸福,你坚信幸福会随着成功而来.可是那可能被证明是错误的;和家人分享欢乐、帮助别人、风度翩翩、建立良好的社交关系都会带来幸福,而这些对你的成功必不可少.You may have arguments from the other side of the fence. If so, I'd love to hear why you think success gives rise to happiness.对此,你可能会持不同的看法.要是这样,我倒很想听听为什么你认为幸福来源于成功.。

阅读下面的小故事,根据情境,机智应对,再说说其中所运用的应对技巧。 1、 一位贵族夫人傲慢地对法国作家莫泊桑说:“你的小说没什么了不
起,不过说真的,你的胡子倒十分好看,你为什么要留这么个大胡子呢?” 莫泊桑淡淡地回答: “至少能给那些对文学一窍不通的人一个赞美我的东西。”
马克·吐温轶事 马克·吐温有一次因为看不惯国会议员在国会通过某个法案,因此在报纸上 刊登了一个广告,上面写着:“国 会议员有一半是混蛋。”报纸一卖出,许多抗 议电话随之而来,这些国会议员可不认为自己是混蛋,纷纷要求马克吐温更正 。马克吐温于是又刊登了一个更正:“我错了,国会议员,有一半不是混蛋。” 法国名人波盖取笑美国人历史太短,说:“美国人没事的时候,往往喜欢怀 念祖宗,可是一想到祖父一代,就不能不打住了。” 马克·吐温回敬说:“法国人没事的时候,总是想弄清他们的父亲是谁,可 是很难弄清楚。
3、孔融十岁的时候就表现出超乎寻常的聪明才智,得到人们的赞许 。有一个叫陈韪的官员却当众不以为然地说:“小时了了(聪明),大未 必佳。”孔融立即回应道:“想君小时,必当了了。”
巧换概念法。孔融巧换陈韪“小时了了(聪明),大未必佳”的概 念,不直接说陈韪“大未必佳”,而说陈韪“想君小时,必当了了” ,言外之意是陈韪现在并不聪明。
周恩来总理轶事 一位美国记者在采访周总理的过程中,无意中看到总理桌子上有一支美 国产的派克钢笔。那记者便以带有几分讥讽的口吻问道:“请问总理阁下, 你们堂堂的中国人,为什么还要用我们美国产的钢笔呢?”周总理听后,风趣 地说:“谈起这支钢笔,说来话长,这是一位朝鲜朋 友的抗美战利品,作为 礼物赠送给我的。我无功受禄,就拒收。朝鲜朋友说,留下做个纪念吧。我 觉得有意义,就留下了这支贵国的钢笔。”美国记者一听,顿时哑口无言。 什么叫自搬石头砸自己的脚?这就是一个典型事例。这位记者的本意是想挖 苦嘲讽周总理:你们中国人怎么连好一点的钢笔都不能生产,还要从我们美 国进口。结 果周总理说这是朝鲜战场的战利品,反而使这位记者丢尽颜面。

英语辩论赛用语汇总英语辩论赛用语汇总0213英语辩论赛用语汇总1. how to agree strongly with an opinion 完全同意i couldn;;t agree more! i;;m of the same opinion.i don;;t think anyone would disagree.i can;;t argue with that. i;;m sure you are right.i take your point. i;;d go along with you there.i share your view on that. i quite agree with you.i;;m with you on that. i;;m with you there.that;;s just what i was thinking. that;;s absolutely true! that;;s a good point. that;;s just how i see it.that;;s exactly my opinion. absolutely!you got it! that is true.2. how to half agree with an opinion 部分同意yes, perhaps. well, yes. yes, in a way. possibly.yes, i agree up to a point. well, you;;ve got a point there.there;;s something in that, i suppose.i guess you could be right.yes, i suppose so. that;;s worth thinking about.3. how to disagree politely with an opinion 有礼貌的否决i am not sure really. i can;;t possibly agree with you.do you really think so? well, it depends.i;;m not so certain. well, i;;m not so sure about that.no, i don;;t think so really.i;;m afraid i disagree. i;;m afraid i have a different opinion.i;;m afraid i don;;t share your opinion.i see your point, but i can;;t really agree with you.i don;;t think so. that;;s not (entirely) true.i find that hard to swallow. 对这一点我难以相信。
《Goldilocks and the three bears》基础知识PPT

There be句型主要用以表达“某处(某时)有某人(某物).”其基本结构为“There be+某物(某人)+某地(某时).”其中there是引导词, 主语是be后面的名词.There be句型中的be动词要用is还是are,需看其后的名词是单数还是复数.若是可数名词单数或不可数名词用is,否则就用are.
There's a glass of milk on the table.
What a beautiful house!
This soup is too cold.
This soup is too hot.
例如:( 1) There is a book and some pens on the floor.( 2) There are some books and a pencil on the floor.
Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears
- .
in front of
3.be afraid
4.in the forest
5.on the table
6.in the room
(优秀课件)-【英语练习】five eggs

five eggs (中班)five eggs (中班)Cla : MiddleTeacher: Mi ZhangTime:20 min一、Teacher Aims:1. Study the word “five”, let children learn it. The pronunciation and the meaning of them.2. Review the words: one, two, three and four.3. Study the phrase: five eggs二、Teaching preparationPicture (eggs in a box)三、Teaching procedure:T: Hello ,boys and girls.C: Hello ,Mi Zhang. How are you?T: Fine, Thank you. And you?C: I’m fine ,tooT: I have a riddle. Who is the most clever?(钩儿弯弯,挂在竹竿、竹杆短,钩钩大,我们记数要靠它)T: Gue , what’s it?C: 5T: Yes. Read after me “five, five ,five…”(Study the pronunciation of “five”)T: Let’s play a game, ok?/↑C:OK.T: I’ll do the action, all of you say the English word. OK?↑C: One ,two ,three, four, five.T: Let’s have a changeI’ll say the English word, All of you will do the action. OK?↑C: One, two, three, four five.(Go on)小的时候,我就像一个易碎的花瓶,因为体质差,吃饭挑肥拣瘦,总是厌食,还容易生病,可把父亲跟母亲给愁上了。
Lesson 7a

Warm up
关于“Excuse me!”的五种意思。
eg: One day, Peter walked in the street. Suddenly he saw a lot of people standing around something. He said,“Excuse me ! Excuse me !”But no one made any room for him, so he got a good idea. “This is my sister !” he said loudly. Everybody laughed. “Is this your sister?”a woman asked him. 大家猜一猜,在这个故事中"Excuse me !”是什么意思?
• across横越..., along沿着..., • around绕着..., round环绕..., • at朝着..., between…and…从…到..., by路过/通过..., for向..., from从/离..., • into进入..., near接近..., • off脱离/除..., out of向...外, • past经过/超过..., through穿过..., • to向/朝..., towards朝着..., • on to到...上面, away from远离...
快乐进步 不走弯路
快乐进步 不走弯路
• Is there a drug store on Main Street?
快乐进步 不走弯路
• Is there a clinic on Main Street?

Para.10 human
• Technical writing:科技写作 • “the reader over your shoulder”:the person
who is curious to get some information • Salicylic acid:水杨酸 • That defy a memorable turn of phrase: that
Para.11 humanity
• Stem from:起源于 • Vacuum:空间 • Hypothetical:假设的 • Subject matter:主题
Some tips in writing
• Use personal words, like “you””we”, to make the readers know you are interested in them or you are one of them.
• Write like you talk to give readers a feeling of warmness.
• Use words or terms to let the readers can picture what you are saying in their minds.
• Write in ways that the readers have experienced.
Para.9 the reference
• Superfluous:多余的 • Ornament:装饰 • No flippancy nor artifice: neither frivolity nor
cunning trick • A manly austerity: a gentlemanly simplicity • Between the severe lines: between the plain

Modern American Literature
American Literature between World War I and II (1914 —— 1945)
Features of the works
Freud’s psychoanalysis ,William James stream of consciousness theory and archetypal symbol had great impact on the writers of modern American writers. They pay special attention to the inner world of the people, during this period ,the most compelling literature movement is the writer’s self exile, also known as the second American renaissance
poets (imagists)意象派诗人
•Ezra Pound(伊兹拉. 庞德)—— the beginner of the Imagists •T. S. Eliot(艾略特)
➢dominated the Modernism in poetry
➢The Waste Land《荒原》(1922)
•Robert Frost(罗伯特. 弗罗斯特)
•F. Scott Fitzgerald (斯科特. 菲兹杰拉德)
《She had eggs and sausages》PPT课件

PPT模板:素材: PPT背景:图表: PPT下载:教程: 资料下载:范文下载: 试卷下载:教案下载: PPT论坛:课件: 语文课件:数学课件: 英语课件:美术课件: 科学课件:物理课件: 化学课件:生物课件: 地理课件:历史课件:
eggs and sausages sandwiches fish and chips
PPT模板:素材: PPT背景:图表: PPT下载:教程: 资料下载:范文下载: 试卷下载:教案下载: PPT论坛:课件: 语文课件:数学课件: 英语课件:美术课件: 科学课件:物理课件: 化学课件:生物课件: 地理课件:历史课件:
Module 3 Unit 1
She had eggs and sausages
New words
fish and chips sausages
What’s your favorite food?
• I like fish and chips.
1.Introduce English food to your parents.(向爸爸、妈妈介绍英国饮食)
2.Listen and repeat the new words and the text for three times.
What did he have for lunch?
12 o’clock
He had noodles and milk.