
金融学第一章货币与货币制度一、单选题1.在商品赊销、预付工资等活动中,货币执行的是职能;A.价值尺度B.流通手段C.支付手段D.贮藏手段2.货币职能中,最基本的两大职能为A、价值尺度与流通手段B、价值尺度与支付手段C、流通手段与贮藏手段D、流通手段与支付手段3.历史上最早出现的货币形态是 ;A.实物货币B.代用货币C.信用货币D.电子货币4.如果金银的法定比价是1∶10,而市场比价是1∶12,那么充斥市场的将是 ;A.金币B.银币C.金币、银币共同流通,没有区别D.金币、银币都无人使用5.我国的人民币制度属于;A.金本位制 B.银本位制 C.金银复本位制 D.不兑现信用货币制度6.在布雷顿森林会议之后,以为中心的布雷顿森林体系建立;A.英镑 B.法国法郎 C.美元 D.德国马克7.货币的本质特征是充当 ;A、特殊等价物B、一般等价物C、普通商品D、特殊商品8.在下列货币制度中劣币驱逐良币现象出现在 ;A、金本位制B、银本位制C、金银复本位制D、金汇兑本位制9.对布雷顿森林体系内在矛盾的理论总结称为 ;A、特里芬难题B、米德冲突C、马歇尔—勒纳条件D、一体化三难10.欧元正式投入使用是在A、1998年6月1日B、1999年1月1日C、2002年1月1日D、2002年7月1日二、判断题1.流通中的辅币是我国使用的信用货币之一;2.流通手段不是货币的最基本职能;3.货币的流动性是各国中央银行在确定货币层次时的标准;4.执行流通手段职能的货币不一定是现实的货币;5.国际金本位体系下由黄金充当国际货币,各国货币之间的汇率稳定 ,波动很小;6.布雷顿森林体系的制度缺陷被称为“特里芬难题”;7.我国现行的货币制度是人民币制度,它是一种信用货币制度;三、简答题1.货币制度的构成要素有哪些2.不兑现的信用货币制度有哪些特点CAABD CBCAB∨×∨×∨∨∨第二章信用一、单选题1.信用的基本特征是 ;A、无条件的价值单方面让渡B、以偿还和付息为条件的价值单方面转移C、无偿的赠与或援助D、平等的价值交换2.以下不属于国际商业信用形式的是 ;A、国际租赁B、补偿贸易C、分期付款D、延期付款3.工商企业之间以赊销方式提供的信用是 ;A、商业信用B、银行信用C、消费信用D、国家信用4.货币运动与信用活动相互渗透相互连接所形成的新范畴是 ;A、信用货币B、证券C、金融D、金融市场5.国家信用的主要工具是 ;A、政府债券B、银行贷款C、银行透支D、发行银行券6.现代信用制度的基础是 ;A、商业信用B、银行信用C、国家信用D、消费信用7. 在规模、范围以及期限灵活性上都大大超过了其他信用形式,在信用领域居于主导地位;A、银行信用B、商业信用C、国家信用D、消费信用8.银行向消费者提供的住房贷款属于 ;A、商业信用B、银行信用C、国家信用D、消费信用9.现代经济中,信用活动与货币运动紧密相联,信用的扩张意味着货币供给的 ;A、增加B、减少C、不变D、不确定二、判断题1.商业信用是以货币形态提供的信用;2.商业信用的具体形式有赊销、赊购、银行汇票及预付货款;3.从历史发展的视角来看,银行信用先于商业信用而存在;4.由于银行信用克服了商业信用的局限性,因此它最终可以取代商业信用;5.现代市场经济的本质就是信用经济;6.个人部门从整体上看,是属于资金盈余部门,是金融市场上资金的主要供给者;三、简答题1.信用的作用有哪些2.简述消费信用的积极作用与消极作用;四、论述题你对如何构建我国的市场经济信用秩序有何建议BCACA AADA×∨××∨∨第三章利率与汇率一、单选题1.提出“利息剩余价值学说”的经济学家是 ;A、亚当·斯密B、庞巴维克C、马克思D、凯恩斯2.在多种利率并存的条件下起决定作用的利率是 ;A、差别利率B、实际利率C、公定利率D、基准利率3.下列利率决定理论中,哪种理论是着重强调储蓄与投资对利率的决定作用的;A、马克思的利率理论B、流动偏好理论C、可贷资金理论D、实际利率理论4.当前我国银行同业拆借利率属于 ;A、官定利率B、市场利率C、公定利率D、基准利率5.我国习惯上将年息、月息、拆息都以“厘”做单位,但实际含义却不同,若年息6厘、月息4厘、拆息 2厘,则分别是指 ;A、年利率为6%,月利率为%,日利率为%B、年利率为%,月利率为%,日利率为%C、年利率为%,月利率为%,日利率为2%D、年利率为6%,月利率为%,日利率为%6.在直接标价法下,一定单位的外币折算的本国货币增多,说明本币汇率 ;A.上升B.下降C.不变D.不确定7.金本位制下外汇汇率上下波动的幅度受制于 ;A.通货膨胀率B.铸币平价C.黄金输送点D.购买力平价年人民币汇率制度改革的内容不包括 ;A.实行单一的、有管理的浮动汇率制B.实行银行结售汇制C.建立银行之间的外汇交易市场D.实行人民币双轨汇率制9.目前,我国人民币实施的汇率制度是 ;A、固定汇率制B、弹性汇率制C、有管理浮动汇率制D、钉住汇率制10.在采用直接标价的前提下,如果需要比原来更少的本币就能兑换一定数量的外国货币,这表明 ;A、本币币值上升,外币币值下降,通常称为外汇汇率上升B、本币币值下降,外币币值上升,通常称为外汇汇率上升C、本币币值上升,外面币值下降,通常称为外汇汇率下降D、本币币值下降,外币币值上升,通常称为外汇汇率下降二、判断题1.凯恩斯认为,利率仅仅决定于两个因素:货币供给与货币需求;2.实际利率是以实物为标准计算的,即物价不变,货币购买力不变条件下的利率;3.“流动性陷阱”可以用来解释扩张性货币政策的有效性问题;4.一笔为期5年,年利率为6%的10万元贷款,用单利计算法计算的到期本利和是130000元;5.外汇就是外国的钱;6.在间接标价法下,单位本币所能换取的外国货币数量越多,说明本币币值越低,外币币值越高;7.我国汇率采用直接标价法,而美国采用间接标价法;三、简答题1.简述利率的经济杠杆功能;2.影响利率大小的风险因素有哪些ADDBD BCDCC∨∨∨××∨∨第四章金融市场一、单项选择1.某企业一方面通过发行债券,另一方面通过向银行申请贷款来解决其扩大生产经营所需的资金;下列说法正确的是 ;A.前者属于直接融资,后者属于间接融资B.前者属于间接融资,后者属于直接融资C.两者均属于间接融资D.两者均属于直接融资2.某种债券面值100元,偿还期为2年,每年支付利息一次,每次6元;某投资者在债券发行1年后以98元购得;如果该投资者没有提前卖出债券,那么在债券到期时该债券的平均收益率是 ;% %3.金融机构之间融通资金以解决临时资金不足的市场是 ;A.货币市场B.资本市场C.同业拆借市场D.股票市场4.某银行出售某证券的同时,与买方约定31天后按照双方事先商定的价格将等量的该证券再买回来;这种融资方式是 ;A.贴现B.承兑C.回购D.拆借5.公开向社会非特定的投资者发行证券的方式被称为 ;A.公募发行B.私募发行C.直接发行D.间接发行6.货币市场有许多子市场,下列不属于货币市场;A.票据与贴现市场B.银行同业拆借市场C.长期债券市场D.回购市场7. 下列不属于直接金融工具的是A、可转让大额定期存单B、公司债券C、股票D、政府债券8. 下列不属于货币市场的是A、银行同业拆借市场B、贴现市场C、短期债券市场D、证券市场9. 金融工具的价格与其盈利率和市场利率分别是那种变动关系A、反方向,反方向B、同方向,同方向C、反方向,同方向D、同方向,反方向10. 远期合约买方可能形成的收益或损失状况是A、收益无限大,损失有限大B、收益有限大,损失无限大C、收益有限大,损失有限大D、收益无限大,损失无限大11. 按金融交易的交割期限可以把金融市场划分为A、现货市场和期货市场B、货币市场和期货市场C、长期存贷市场和现货市场D、证券市场和现货市场12. 以下属于利率衍生工具的有A、债券期货和债券期权B、债券期货与外汇期货C、外汇期货和外汇期权D、债券期权和外汇期权二、判断题1.金融市场发达与否是一国金融发达程度及制度选择取向的重要标志;2.期权买方的损失可能无限大;3. 债券回购交易实质是一种以有价证券作为抵押品拆借资金的信用行为;4.二级市场的主要场所是证券交易所,但也扩及交易所之外;5. 货币市场的利率一般低于资本市场利率,是一国利率体系中的最低水平;6. 有价证券从发行者手中转移到投资者手中,这类交易属于二级市场交易;7.相对于私募发行而言,公募发行要向社会公布内部信息,发行费用较高;8.场外交易市场通过议价方式进行证券交易;四、简答题1.金融市场的功能是什么2.金融工具有哪些特征3.货币市场的特点是什么五、论述题证券交易所交易和场外交易有什么区别ADCCA CADDD AA∨×∨∨∨×∨∨第六章金融机构体系一、单项选择1.不属于我国政策性银行是 ;A.国家开发银行B.中国投资银行C.中国农业发展银行D. 中国进出口银行2. 中央银行作为国家银行,它代理国库,集中 ;A.银行存款B.企业存款C.个人存款D.国库存款3. 下列哪一项不能体现中央银行是“银行的银行” ;A.发行货币B.最后贷款人C. 组织全国范围内的资金清算D.集中存款准备金4. 真正最早全面发挥中央银行职能的是 ;A.英格兰银行B.德意志银行C.法兰西银行D.瑞典银行5.下列属于中央银行的资产业务的是 ;A.贴现业务B.贷款业务C.存款业务D. 货币发行业务6.下列不属于我国商业银行业务范围的是;A、发行金融债券B、监管其他金融机构C、买卖政府债券D、买卖外汇7.商业银行的基本职能包括 ;A.调节经济B.信用中介C.支付中介D.信用创造8.商业银行的基本职能包括 ;A. 金融服务B. 调节经济C.支付中介D.信用创造9.以下属于商业银行资金来源的是 ;A.自有资本和库存现金B.自有资本和贷款C.自有资本和贴现D.自有资本和同业拆借10. 是金融机构体系中处于主体地位的金融机构;A.中央银行B.商业银行C.投资银行D.专业银行11. 商业银行向中央银行借款通常有两种方式 ;A.再贷款和转贴现B. 转贴现和政府作担保C.再贴现和信贷配给D.再贴现和再贷款12. 下列属于我国非银行金融机构的有;A、信托投资公司B、中国农业银行C、财务公司D、邮政储蓄机构13.某企业持面额300万元4个月到期的银行承兑汇票到某银行申请贴现;如果年贴现率为9%,那么该银行将付给该企业万元;.9 C二、判断题1. 政策性银行一般不接受存款,而是依靠财政拨款、发行政策性金融债券等方式获得资金;2. 对于发达国家的中央银行来说,其最大的负债业务是流通中的现金,最大的资产业务是各种债券;3. 中央银行作为特殊的金融机构,一般不经营商业银行和其他金融机构的普通金融业务;4. 各国中央银行的独立程度虽然存在较大差异,但没有一家中央银行能够完全独立于政府之外;5. 中央银行是发行的银行,所以,除中央银行外,任何其他金融机构的行为都不会影响货币供给;6.通过变更再贴现率,中央银行可以对整个社会的资金供求状况和利率产生影响;7.一般地说,中央银行只能在公开市场上买卖市场属性好、流动性强的证券,来进行公开市场操作;8.信用创造是商业银行所特有的职能,也是其区别于其他金融机构的重要特征;9. 担保类中间业务属于无风险的中间业务类型;四、简答题1. 简述西方国家的金融中介体系的基本构成;2. 现代商业银行的基本职能是什么3. 商业银行资金运用的方式有哪些4. 中央银行的基本职能有哪些BDAAB BAADB DA∨∨∨∨×∨∨∨×第八章货币需求理论一、单项选择题1.人们对货币需求量的考察,通常选择从角度来进行的;A.时间B.空间C.存量D.流量2.货币需求包括了对和的需求;A.债券、黄金B.现金、股票C.现金、存款货币D.股票、存款货币3.在决定货币需求的各个因素中,收入水平和利率水平的高低对货币需求的影响是 ;A.正相关、正相关B.正相关、负相关C.负相关、正相关D.负相关、负相关4.在货币需求的微观影响因素中,其首要影响因素是 ;A.心理及习惯B.市场价格水平C.利率与金融资产收益率D.收入水平5.在货币需求的宏观影响因素中, 和都会与货币需求呈现反方向的变动关系;A.货币流通速度、信用发达程度B.一般物价水平、商品与劳务总量C.信用发达程度、一般物价水平D.商品与劳务总量、货币流通速度6.凯恩斯提出的最有特色的货币需求动机是 ;A.交易动机B.预防动机C.投资动机D.投机动机7.凯恩斯的货币需求函数非常重视 ;A.永久性收人的作用B.货币供应量的作用C.利率的作用D.汇率的作用8.凯恩斯认为,如果人们预期利率上升,则会 ;A、多买债券、少存货币B、少存货币、多买债券C、卖出债券、多存货币D、少买债券、少存货币9.弗里德曼的货币需求函数强调的是 ;A、永久性收入的影响B、人力资本的影响C、利率的主导作用D、汇率的主导作用二、判断题1.当人们预期利率下降时,货币需求会大量增加,甚至会形成流动性陷阱;2.根据凯恩斯的流动性偏好理论,当预期利率上升时,人们就会抛出货币而持有债券;3.在弗里德曼看来,永久性收入相对稳定,货币流通速度则相对不稳定;4.在弗里德曼的货币需求理论中,永久性收入是用以衡量财富的指标;5.机会成本变量是指持有货币尤其是持有现金和定期存款等形式的货币所放弃的收益;三、简答题1.什么是货币需求的特点2. 费雪方程式与剑桥方程式的区别;3.什么是“流动性陷阱”四、论述题1.请论述凯恩斯理论与弗里德曼理论的差异;CCBDA DCCA×××∨×第九章二、单项选择1、相对于货币需求量,货币供给量是一个A、预测值B、确切值C、预测区间D、理想值2、假设央行从A中购进国债100元,而A将所得存入银行B中,其存款准备金率若为20%,则在简单存款创造机制下,这100元的原始存款最终将变为元;A、100B、300C、400D、5003、高能货币是人们对的另一个称谓;A、金币B、银币C、债券D、基础货币4、央行通过公开市场业务购入一定数额的证券,将会使基础货币呈现的变动情况;A、减少相应数额B、增加相应数额C、保持不变D、不确定5、政府为了应对财政赤字所采用的政策,会对基础货币产生间接影响;A、增加税收B、减少转移支付C、发行债券D、发行货币二、判断题改错题1、二元银行体制是由中央银行和政策性银行所组成的;2、准货币就是活期存款、定期存款、储蓄存款和外汇存款的总和;3、货币当局可以直接调控货币供给数量;4、中央银行可以通过公开市场业务增加或减少基础货币;5、存款准备金率是通过影响商业银行借款成本来调控基础货币的;6、基础货币就是流通中的现金和银行存款的总和;7、由于基础货币中的银行准备金具有存款创造功能,所以货币乘数一般都是大于1的;8、由于货币供给主要是由中央银行、银行和非银行公众三者共同决定的,所以不会受到来自预算赤字、外汇市场等方面的影响;四、简答题1、简述商业银行简单存款创造机制;4、简述影响基础货币的因素;五、论述题货币供给的决定主体及作用BDDBC×××∨××∨×第十章二、单项选择题;1、对总需求和货币供给之间关系的正确理解是 ;A、总需求决定货币供给B、总需求等于货币供给C、货币供给是总需求的载体D、货币供给决定总需求2、货币失衡的需求型调节针对的是 ;A、货币供应量B、先是货币需求量,后是货币供应量C、货币需求量D、先是货币供应量,后是货币需求量3、滞胀现象可以用下列哪种通货膨胀理论来解释 ;A、需求拉上说B、成本推动说C、结构说D、混合说4、成本推动理论从方面找寻通货膨胀的根源;A、总需求B、总供给C、货币需求D、货币供给5、需求拉上理论解释通货膨胀时的一个重要假设是 ;A、总需求稳定B、货币需求稳定C、总供给稳定D、货币供给稳定6、认为由物价上涨造成的收入再分配是通货膨胀的 ;A、强制储蓄效应B、收入分配效应C、资产结构调整效应D、财富分配效应7、在治理通货膨胀时,多数国家使用最多的手段是 ;A、宏观紧缩政策B、收入紧缩政策C、宽松货币政策D、宽松财政政策8、通货紧缩在本质上是一种现象;A、经济B、货币C、供不应求D、供过于求三、判断题;1、社会总需求的膨胀往往是由货币供应过多引起的;2、任何物价上涨都是通货膨胀;3、在高通货膨胀的环境下,人们持有货币的机会成本很低;4、“工资——价格螺旋”出现所引发的通货膨胀属于需求拉上型通货膨胀;5、通货膨胀促进论是指通货膨胀具有正的产出效应;四、简答题;1、如何理解货币供求与市场总供求之间的关系;2、简述治理通货膨胀的宏观紧缩政策;五、论述题;1、分析中国2009年以后通货膨胀的成因;CCBBC BAB∨×××∨第十一章二、单项选择题;1、因具备调控力度大、效果好、灵活性大等优点,而成为各国进行宏观经济调控最常用的手段是 ;A、财政政策B、货币政策C、产业政策D、收入政策2、自20世纪90年代以来,主要发达国家都把作为其货币政策的唯一目标;A、稳定物价B、经济增长C、充分就业D、国际收支均衡3、中介目标必须与最终目标密切相关,是指中介目标具备 ;A、相容性B、可控性C、相关性D、准确性4、中央银行降低法定存款准备金率,意味着商业银行的 ;A、可贷资金量减少B、可贷资金量增加C、可贷资金量不受影响D、可贷资金量不确定5、凯恩斯学派主张以作为货币政策的中介目标;A、货币供给量B、利率C、法定准备金D、超额准备金6、货币学派认为在货币政策传导机制中起主要作用的是 ;A、货币供应量B、基础货币C、利率D、超额准备金7、下列不是货币政策最终目标之间的主要冲突的是 ;A、稳定物价与充分就业B、稳定物价与国际收支平衡C、经济增长与国际收支平衡D、经济增长与充分就业8、法定准备金率政策可以通过影响商业银行的而发挥作用;A、资金成本B、超额准备金C、贷款利率D、存款利率9、公开市场业务可以通过影响商业银行的而发挥作用;A、资金成本B、准备金C、贷款利率D、存款利率10、在调节货币和信用时,迫使中央银行处于被动地位的政策工具是 ;A、公开市场业务B、再贴现政策C、法定存款准备金政策D、利率管制11、一般来说,中央银行提高再贴现率,会使商业银行 ;A、提高贷款利率B、降低贷款利率C、贷款利率升降不确定D、贷款利率不受影响12、下列属于紧缩的货币政策的是 ;A、降低法定存款准备金率B、降低再贴现利率C、加强公开市场业务D、扩大消费者信用二、判断题;1、中央银行的货币政策目标与政府的宏观经济目标是一致的;2、菲利普斯曲线描述的是稳定物价与经济增长之间的此消彼长的置换关系;3、中央银行的各种政策工具不可能直接作用于最终目标;4、在一般性货币政策工具中,中央银行实施再贴现政策时具有较强的主动性;5、运用公开市场业务有利于中央银行进行经常性、连续性的货币政策操作;6、一般而言,中央银行对基础货币的控制能力弱于对货币供应量的控制;7、衡量货币政策的效应时,最主要的还是衡量效应发挥的快慢,而不是效应发挥的大小;8、货币政策时滞越短,越有利于实现货币政策目标;9、一般而言,运用货币政策比运用财政政策更有利于实现经济扩张的目标;三、简答题1、中央银行的一般性政策工具包括哪些,有什么优缺点2、简述货币政策传导过程的三个阶段BACBB ADBBB AC∨×∨×∨××∨×。

一国居民持有的外汇在本国境内是否具有货币的各种职能? 答:(1)一般地,可以将外汇定义为一切外国货币。



A.创新金融工具B.衍生金融工具C. 基础金融工具D.现代金融工具C2.可转换证券通常是指其持有者可以将一定数量的证券转换为一定数量的( )的证券。
A.债券 B.公司债券 C.优先股 D.普通股D3.看跌期权也称为( ),投资者之所以买入它,是因为预期该看跌期权的标的资产的市场价格将下跌。
A.买入期权 B.卖出期权 C.欧式期权 D.货币资产期权B4.金融衍生工具产生的直接动因是( )。
A.规避风险和套期保值 B.金融创新C.投机者投机的需要 D.金融衍生工具的高风险高收益刺激A5.金融期货是以( )为对象的期货交易品种。
A.股票 B.债券 C.金融期货合约 D.金融证券C6.利率期货以( )作为交易的标的物。
A.浮动利率 B.固定利率 C.市场利率 D.固定利率的有价证券D7.金融衍生工具产生的最基本原因是( )。
A.跨期交易 B.规避风险 C.杠杆效应 D.套期保值与投机套利B8.金融期货交易结算所所实行的每日清算制度是一种( )。
A.无资产的结算制度 B.有资产的结算制度C.无负债的结算制度 D.有负债的结算制度C9.看跌期权的买方对标的金融资产具有()的权利。
A.买入 B.卖出 C.持有 D.注销B10.可转换证券的转换价格取决于可转换证券面值与()之比。
A.转换比例 B.转换价值 C.转换期限 D.转换数量A11.看跌期权也称为()。
A.买入期权 B.卖出期权 C.欧式期权 D.货币资产期权B12.可在期权到期日或到期日之前的任一个营业日执行的期权是( )。
A.美式期权 B.欧式期权 C.看涨期权 D.看跌期权A13.金融期权的()取决于期权的协定价格与基础资产的市场价格之间的关系。
A.市场价值 B.内在价值 C.时间价值 D.票面价值B14.根据金融期货交易中的大户报告制度,通常交易所大户报告限额( )。
金融学基础章节练习题及答案(共12章)第7章 中央银行

5.基础货币答:基础货币,又称储备货币(reserve money)、高能货币(high-powered-money),由流通中货币和银行准备金存款构成,后者是指其他存款性金融公司在中央银行的法定准备金存款和超额准备金存款。
《金融学(第二版)》讲义大纲及课后习题答案详解 第五章

CHAPTER 5LIFE-CYCLE FINANCIAL PLANNINGObjectivesIn this chapter you will learn how to analyze:•How much to save for retirement.•Whether to defer taxes or pay them now.•Whether to get a professional degree.•Whether to buy or rent an apartment.•How to minimize estate taxes.Outline5.1 A Life-Cycle Model of Saving5.2 Taking Account of Social Security5.3 Deferring Taxes Through Voluntary Retirement Plans5.4 Should You Invest in a Professional Degree?5.5 Should You Buy or Rent?Summary•In making lifetime saving/consumption decisions:(1) Do the analysis in real terms (constant dollars) to simplify the calculations and to avoid having toforecast inflation.(2) Start by computing the present value of your lifetime resources. The present value of your lifetimespending cannot exceed this amount.•Social security or any other forced saving program will offset voluntary saving. It may have a positive or a negative effect on the present value of your total lifetime resources.•Tax-deferred retirement accounts are advantageous because they allow you to earn a before-tax rate of return until money is withdrawn from the account. They are advantageous if you are in the same tax bracket before and after you retire, and even more so if your tax bracket is lower after you retire. •Getting a professional degree can be evaluated as an investment in human capital. As such, it should be undertaken if the present value of the benefits (such as increase in your earnings) exceeds the present value of the costs (such as tuition and forgone salary.)•In deciding whether to buy or rent an apartment or a consumer durable, choose the alternative with the lower present value of costsSolutions to Problems at End of ChapterSaving for Retirement1. Assume that you are 40 years old and wish to retire at age 65. You expect to be able to average a 6% annual rate of interest on your savings over your lifetime (both prior to retirement and after retirement). You would like to save enough money to provide $8,000 per year beginning at age 66 in retirement income to supplement other sources (social security, pension plans, etc.). Suppose you decide that the extra income needs to be provided for only 15 years (up to age 80). Assume that your first contribution to the savings plan will take place one year from NOW.a.How much must you save each year between now and retirement to achieve your goal?b.If the rate of inflation turns out to be 6% per year between now and retirement, how much willyour first $8000 withdrawal be worth in terms of today’s purchasing power?SOLUTION:a. Age 40 41 65 66 80Time 0 1 25 26 40. . . .X X 8,000 8,000It is a 2 part computation. First compute the amount needed at age 65 to finance the $8,000 per year annuityin terms of today’s purchasing power.2. You are saving for retirement and you come across the following table. It shows the percentage of your current salary that you should save for your retirement in order to retire with an annuity equal to 70% of your salary if you have not yet saved anything. It assumes that your annual salary will remain constant in real terms until retirement, and that you will live for 25 years after retiring. For instance, if you have 35 years left before you retire and earn3.5% per year on your investments, then you should save 17.3% of your current salary.a. Fill in the missing number in Table A.SOLUTION:The method for computing how much saving is needed to reach the desired target (70%) consists of two steps:First compute the amount you need to have accumulated in your personal retirement account when you reach the retirement age. (We’ll do the calculations as percentages of real salary)Then compute the annual amount of saving needed to reach that future value59.79% if you have 15 years to retire29.62% if you have 25 years to retire17.30% if you have 35 years to retireb. Now fill in Table B. It assumes that instead of targeting a 70% replacement rate of preretirement income, your goal is to maintain the same level of consumption spending both before and after retirement.First compute the amount you need to have accumulated in your personal retirement account when you reach the retirement age. (We’ll do the calculations as percentages of real salary)Then compute the annual amount of saving needed to reach that future value85.41% if you have 15 years to retire42.31% if you have 25 years to retire24.72% if you have 35 years to retire3. You are saving for retirement and you come across the following the table. It shows the increase in the annual benefit you can receive in retirement per dollar that you increase your annual retirement saving in the years before retirement. It assumes that you will live for 20 years after retiring. For instance, if you have 30 years left before you retire and earn an interest rate of 3% per year, then you will obtain an increase of $3.20 in your annual retirement benefit for every $1 per year increase in annual saving. Fill in the missing table values.4. George Thriftless is 45 years old, earns $50,000 per year, and expects that his future earnings will keep pace with inflation, but will not exceed inflation. He has not yet saved anything towards his retirement. His company does not offer any pension plan. George pays Social Security taxes equal to 7.5% of his salary, and he assumes that when he retires at age 65, he will receive $12,000 per year in inflation-adjusted Social Security benefits for the rest of his life. His life expectancy is age 85.George buys a book on retirement planning that recommends saving enough so that when private savings and Social Security are combined, he can replace 80% of his preretirement salary. George buys a financial calculator and goes through the following calculations:First, he computes the amount he will need to receive in each year of retirement to replace 80% of his salary: .8 x $50,000 = $40,000.Since he expects to receive $12,000 per year in Social Security benefits, he calculates that he will have to provide the other $28,000 per year from his own retirement fund.Using the 8% interest rate on long-term default-free bonds, George computes the amount he will need to have at age 65 as $274,908 (the present value of $28,000 for 20 years at 8% per year). Then he computes the amount he will have to save in each of the next 20 years to reach that future accumulation as $6,007 (the annual payment that will produce a future value of $274,908 at an interest rate of 8% per year). George feels pretty confident that he can save 12% of his salary (i.e., $6,007/$50,000) in order to insure a comfortable retirement.a.If the expected long-term real interest rate is 3% per year, approximately what is the long-term expected rate of inflation?b.Has George correctly taken account of inflation in his calculations? If not, how would youcorrect him?c.How much should George save in each of the next 20 years (until age 65) if he wants tomaintain a constant level of consumption over the remaining 40 years of his life (from age 45 to age 85)?Ignore income taxes.SOLUTION:a. The long-term expected rate of inflation can be approximated by subtracting the expected real rate ofinterest (3% per year) from the long-term nominal interest rate (8% per year). The expected rate of inflation is therefore approximately 5% per year.The exact value can be calculated using:1+nom= (1+real)(1+inf)hence, the inflation rate is 4.854% per year.b. George has used the nominal interest rate to discount real cash flows. As a result, he has seriouslyunderestimated how much saving he must do to achieve an 80% replacement rate. The time line for this problem is:Age 45 46 65 66 85Time 0 1 20 21 40. . . .X X 28,000 28,000Using the real rate of 3% per year in the calculations results in a needed accumulation at age 65 of $416,569.30:The annual saving needed to achieve this accumulation at a 3% real rate is $15,502.92:So instead of $6,007 per year, George must save $15,502.92 per year. This is 31% of his salary rather than 12%.c. The time line for this problem is:Age 45 46 65 66 85Time 0 1 20 21 40. . . .Inflows 46,250 46,250 12,000 12,000Outflows C CIf George wants to maintain a constant level of consumption both before and after retirement, he must find C , where C is the solution to the following equation:∑∑∑===+=40140212010310001203125046031t t tt t t .,.,.C Equation 1 says that the present value of consumption spending over the next 40 years equals the present value of labor income over the next 20 years (after paying Social Security taxes) plus the present value of Social Security benefits received after retirement.First we find the value on the right side of the equation, the PV of George’s lifetime resources:Step 4: Find PV of lifetime resources as of age 45:688,083.21 + 98,847.56 = 786,930.78So each year between the ages of 46 and 65 George must save $12,205.50, the difference between his income after SS tax ($46,250) and his consumption spending ($34,044.50).Now let us check to make sure that by saving this amount George will indeed have enough to provide the same constant level of consumption spending after retirement as before.Thus, by saving $12,205.50 per year for 20 years earning a real rate of 3% per year, he will have at age 65 an accumulation of $327,966.36.Adding this annuity to the SS benefit we get:$22,044.50 + $12,000 = $34,044.505. George’s company has a defined-benefit pension plan. Suppose the plan pays a benefit equal to 1% of final salary per year of service. George is 40 years old and has worked for the company for 15 years. His last year’s salary was $50,000 and is expected to remain so in real terms until retirement. The expected rate of inflation is 4%.a.If normal retirement age is 65, the interest rate is 8%, and Geor ge’s life expectancy is 80, what isthe present value of his accrued pension benefit?b.What effect should his pension benefit have on George’s planned saving assuming he has a 75%target replacement rate?SOLUTION:a.George’s last year salary $50,000 has a r eal growth rate of 0%, hence it will keep up with inflation untilretirement but not beat it. At retirement, he would have worked for the company for a total of forty years. Hence his annual pension benefit will be equal to 1% x (50,000x 1.0425) x 40 = $53,316.73. We must first find the value of those annual payments in the year when he retires, then discount that back to today.PV65 = $456,363.4140b.For a 75% replacement rate, George expects to have an annual income of 0.75 x 50,000 =$37,500 inreal terms after retirement. Since his pension benefit is providing him with part of his financial needs after retirement, he would only need to worry about the difference between his target income and what the pension is providing him, hence decreasing his planned savings before retirement.6.Analyze the “expert’s” responses to the following questions:Question: How early do you recommend people begin saving for retirement? Would it be too early for my 14-year-old to start saving?Expert: It’s never too early.Question: For a college student , what would you suggest for a savings plan?Expert: I’d suggest deciding on a specific a mount to set aside each month, then making sure you do it, no matter the temptations not to.SOLUTION:a.Because of the time value of money, obviously, the earlier you start saving for retirement the morevalue you’ll have for each dollar saved.Suppose you save $1 at age 15 and you expect to retire at age 65, this dollar will be worth at 8% interest rate $46.9. Of course there’s a trade-off because you’ll also be postponing your spending (enjoying life) to your retirement.b.Again, because of the time value of money, each dollar you save as a college student will earn youmore than a dollar saved later on in your life. That’s why, you must decide on a certain amount you can afford to save and stick with it.Investing in Human Capital7. You are 30 years old and are considering full-time study for an MBA degree. Tuition and other direct costs will be $15,000 per year for two years. In addition you will have to give up a job with a salary of $30,000 per year. Assume tuition is paid and salary received at the end of the year. By how much does your salary have to increase (in real terms) as a result of getting your MBA degree to justify the investment? Assume a real interest rate of 3% per year and ignore taxes. Also assume that the salary increase is a constant real amount that starts after you complete your degree (at the end of the year following graduation) and lasts until retirement at age 65.SOLUTION:Buy or Rent?8. Suppose you currently rent an apartment and have an option to buy it for $200,000. Property taxes are $2,000 per year and are deductible for income tax purposes. Annual maintenance costs on the property are $1,500 per year and are not tax deductible. You expect property taxes and maintenance costs to increase at the rate of inflation. Your income tax rate is 40%, you can earn an after-tax real interest rate of 2% per year, and you plan to keep the apartment forever. What is the “break-even” annual rent such that you would buy it if the rent exceeds this amount? SOLUTION:The after-tax annual outlay if you buy is:$1,500 + .6 x $2,000 = $2,700The PV of this is $2700/.02 = $135,000.The PV of the costs of owning are $135,000 + $200,000 = $335,000.The break-even rent is .02 x $335,000 = $6,700 per year.Buy or lease a car9. You have decided to acquire a new car which costs $30,000. You are considering whether to lease it for 3 years or to purchase it and finance the purchase with a 3-year installment loan. The lease requires no down payment and lasts for 3 years. Lease payments are $400 monthly starting immediately, whereas the installment loan will require monthly payments starting a month from now at an annual percentage rate (APR) of 8%.a.If you expect the resale value of the car to be $20,000 3 years from now, should you buy or leaseit?b.What is the break-even resale price of the car 3 years from now, such that you would beindifferent between buying and leasing it?SOLUTION:a.We have to compare the NPVs of the two alternatives:Since in this case, the car is costing me more, I should choose the first alternative of leasing the car.b. In order to be indifferent among the two alternatives, their respective NPV must be equal, i.e. –12,850.Hence, the PV of the resale price is 30,000-12,850=17,15010. Analyze the following newspaper column:“Many of us who started families late share a nightmare image: having to pay huge college bills just as we’re giving up paychecks and shouldering the ste ep costs of retirement. In fact, the double whammy might not be so bad, assuming the parents have prepared properly. On the plus side, older parents are likely to have enjoyed their best earnings years before the college costs begin, allowing them to put a side more than younger parents can. They’ve also had more years for investments to compound. In the ideal situation, older parents can avoid borrowing to meet college costs, taking the preferred route of earning interest on investments rather than paying i t on student loans.” (Excerpted from Jeff Brown’s Personal Finance column in the Philadelphia Inquirer, May 11, 1998.) SOLUTION:As it is mentioned in the newspaper column, ideally older parents can avoid borrowing to meet college costs provided that they had prepared properly and started saving early in their lives.However, one can argue that with no children in the household, parents have less incentive to save (and enjoy their younger years) and might in fact be faced with this nightmare image of having to pay huge college bills just as they are giving up paychecks.11. Analyze the following newspaper column:“What’s the best age for a person to start collecting Social Security benefits? According to conventional wisdom, retirement starts at age 65. I t’s true that full benefits don’t start until age 65, but 62 year olds can retire and collect 80% of their benefits.Take the hypothetical cases of John and Mary, who have the same birthday and who are both slated to start drawing $1,000 a month in Social Security benefits at age 65. On his 62nd birthday, John decides to go ahead and start claiming his benefits of $800 a month (80% of $1000). Mary decides to wait until she’s 65, when she can claim the full $1000. Three years later, Mary turns 65 and begins receiving $1,000 a month from the Social Security Administration. John continues to receive $800 a month. But he has already been paid $28,800 while Mary received nothing.Five years go by, with Mary drawing $1,000 a month and John $800 a month. At 70, John has received $76,800, compared to Mary’s $60,000. When they reach 77, Mary will pull ahead. So, it seems if a person doesn’t live past 76, it would better to start collecting Social Security benefits at 62. For those who reach their upper 70’s, it pays to wait until they are 65 to collect Social Security. (adapted from 1998, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Gary Summer Contributing writer, June 29, 1998.) SOLUTION:The analysis in this newspaper column ignores the time value of money. The best way to look at this situation is to assume an interest rate, say 5%.The FV at age 65 of the $800 payments that John was taking is:At age 65, when Mary decides to start receiving the benefits from SSA, John has been paid $31,003. Not $28,800 as mentioned in the article.Now, in order to see when Mary will pull ahead, we have to see how many $200 payments (=1000-800) are the $31,003 worth.After 250 month, i.e. at age 85 and 10 months, Mary will eventually pull ahead.Personal Balance Sheets12. Using the finance concepts presented in this chapter, construct a personal balance sheet showing your assets, liabilities and net worth.a.Did you value your assets at cost or at current market value? Why?b.Did you include your human capital as an asset? Why?c.Did you include deferred taxes as a liability? Why?a.I valued my assets at current market value because their cost is irrelevant to me.b.Even though human capital is probably anyone’s biggest asset, I didn’t include it in the balance sheetbecause it’s uncert ain, hard to quantify and I will need to make too many assumptions concerning the PV of my future earnings.c.Once again, I haven’t.Home ownership Over the Life Cycle13. Suppose you buy a house for $200,000 when you are 35 years old. You make a 20% down payment and borrow the other 80% from a mortgage lender. The mortgage loan is at a fixed interest rate of 8% per year for 30 years and requires level annual payments. At age 65, you plan to take out a “reverse-mortgage” loan which will allow you to borrow a constant annual amount for the rest of your life to be paid off by the sale of your house when you die. Your life expectancy is age 85. The interest rate on both the original mortgage loan and the reverse mortgage will be 8% per year.a.Suppose that you expect the inflation rate to be 3% per year and you can rent an equivalenthouse for $10,000 per year. Is it worth buying the house?b.Show how buying the house will affect your assets, liabilities and cash flow over the next 50 years.c.In Making the Most of your money, JB Quinn has written: “ Over the long run, the value ofhomes should follow the inflation rate. But over the time that you won your particular house, its value might rise or fall or stall. You can’t predict. But there are reasons other than profit for owning a house.•Mortgage payments force to save, while rental payments don’t.•You get tax deductions, and can tax-shelter your capital gains.•You’re landlord free.•You know the deep contentment of holding a spot of ground that others can enter by invitation only.•You won’t lose your lease.•You can renovate to suit.• A house is collateral for a loan.Comment.SOLUTION:a.In order to compare the two alternatives, we have to compare their NPVs.Buy Alternative:Basically, this alternative consists of buying the house now at $200,000 and selling it 50 years from now at its market value, accounting for inflation:The FV of the house is:The house will be worth : $876,781 when you are 85.Now, to calculate the NPV of this alternative, we have to discount at 8% to account for the mortgage and the reverse mortgage.Hence the NPV of this option is: -200,000 + 18,694 = -181,306Rent Alternative:We assume that rent will be $10,000 in real terms and hence must be discounted at the real interest rate = 4.854%Hence, it is more economical to buy the house.c. Most of the points mentioned by JB Quinn were discussed in this exercise, namely the fact thatmortgage payments force you to save and that a house can serve as collateral for a loan. She also presents in his discussion some “intangible” benefits from owning a house such as not having a landlord and renovating to suit.。

1•价值2•时间3•复利4•贴现率5•普通年金6•终值1.ABCD2.ABE3.A4.B5.A6.A7.C8.C 1•什么是货币的时间价值,怎样计算货币的时间价值?货币资金的时间价值是指货币经历一定时间的投资和再投资所增加的价值。
货币时间价值有两种表示方法:(1)绝对数,即增值额(△G): (2)相对数,即增值额(△G)和本金(P)的比率,它是相当于在没有风险和通货膨胀条件下的社会平均资金利润率。
单利计算公式为:I=P • r•nS=P(l+r • n)式中,I表示利息额,P表示本金,r表示利息率,n表示借贷期限,S表示本金和利息Z 和,简称本息和。
其计算公式为:S=P - (1+r)*I=S - P在复利计息方式下,在到期R之前每一年所生的利息将被进行再投资并获得利息,即利滚利。
如果我们用PV表示初始的资金,用r表示利率, 用n表示计息的期数,则FV二PV(l+r)%现值是在复利计息方式下,未來一定金额按照某一利率折算到现在的价值,或者说为取得将来一定的本利和,现在需要付出的本金。
3.年度百分率和有效年利率之间的关系是怎样的?年度百分比率(annual percent age rate, APR )是指银行等金融机构提供 的利率,也叫做报价利率。
《金融学(第二版)》讲义大纲及课后习题答案详解 第七章

《金融学〔第二版〕》讲义大纲及课后习题答案详解第七章CHAPTER 7PRINCIPLES OF ASSET VALUATIONObjectives? Understand why asset valuation is important in finance.? Explain the Law of One Price as the principle underlying all asset-valuation procedures. ? Explain the meaning and role of valuation models.? Explain how information gets reflected in security prices.Outline7.1 The Relation Between an Asset’s Value and Its Price 7.2 Value Maximization and Financial Decisions 7.3 The Law of One Price and Arbitrage7.4 Arbitrage and the Prices of Financial Assets 7.5 Exchange Rates and Triangular Arbitrage 7.6 Interest Rates and the Law of One Price 7.7 Valuation Using Comparables 7.8 Valuation Models7.9 Accounting Measures of Value7.10 How Information Gets Reflected in Security Prices 7.11 The Efficient Markets HypothesisSummary? In finance the measure of an asset’s value is the price it would fetch if it were sold in a competitive market. Theability to accurately value assets is at the heart of the discipline of finance because many personal and corporate financial decisions can be made by selecting the alternative that maximizes value.? The Law of One Price states that in a competitive market, if two assets are equivalent they will tend to have thesame price. The law is enforced by a process called arbitrage, the purchase and immediate sale of equivalent assets in order to earn a sure profit from a difference in their prices.? Even if arbitrage cannot be carried out in practice to enforce the Law of One Price, unknown asset values canstill be inferred from the prices of comparable assets whose prices are known.? The quantitative method used to infer an asset’s value from information about the prices of comparable assets iscalled a valuation model. The best valuation model to employ varies with the information available and the intended use of the estimated value. ? The book value of an asset or a liability as reported in a firm’s financial statements often differs from its currentmarket value.? In making most financial decisions, it is a good idea to start by assuming that for assets that are bought and soldin competitive markets, price is a pretty accurate reflection of fundamental value. This assumption is generally warranted precisely because there are many well-informed professionals looking for mispriced assets who profit by eliminating discrepancies between the market prices and the fundamental values of assets. The proposition that an asset’s current price fully reflects all publicly-available information about future economic fundamentals affecting the asset’s value is known as the Efficient Markets Hypothesis.? The prices of traded assets reflect information about the fundamental economic determinants of their value.Analysts are constantly searching for assets whose prices are different from their fundamental value in order to buy/sell these “bargains.〞 In deciding the best strategy for the purchase/sale of a “bargain,〞 theanalyst has to evaluate the accuracy of her information. The market price of an asset reflects the weighted average of all analysts opinions with heavier weights for analysts who control large amounts of money and for those analysts who have better than average information.Instructor’s ManualChapter 7 Page 106Solutions to Problems at End of ChapterLaw of One Price and Arbitrage1. IBX stock is trading for $35 on the NYSE and $33 on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Assume that the costs of buying and selling the stock are negligible. a. How could you make an arbitrage profit?b. Over time what would you expect to happen to the stock prices in New York and Tokyo?c. Now assume that the cost of buying or selling shares of IBX is 1% per transaction. How does this affectyour answer?SOLUTION:a. Buy IBX stock in Tokyo and simultaneously sell them in NY. Your arbitrage profit is $2 per share.b. The prices would converge.c. Instead of the prices becoming exactly equal, there can remain a 2% discrepancy between them, roughly $.70 inthis case.2. Suppose you live in the state of Taxachusetts which has a 16% sales tax on liquor. A neighboring state called Taxfree has no tax on liquor. The price of a case of beer is $25 in Taxfree and it is $29 in Taxachusetts.a. Is this a violation of the Law of One Price?b. Are liquor stores in Taxachusetts near the border with Taxfree going to prosper?SOLUTION:a. This is not a violation of the Law of One Price because it is due to a tax imposed in one state but not in the other.Illegal arbitrage will probably occur, with lawbreakers buying large quantities of liquor in Taxfree and selling it in Taxachusetts without paying the tax.b. It is likely that liquor stores will locate in Taxfree near the border with Taxachusetts. Residents of both stateswill buy their liquor in the stores located in Taxfree, and liquor stores in Taxachusetts will go out of business.Triangular Arbitrage3. Suppose the price of gold is 155 marks per ounce.a. If the dollar price of gold is $100 per ounce, what should you expect the dollar price of a mark to be?b. If it actually only costs $0.60 to purchase one mark, how could one make arbitrage profits?SOLUTION:a. $100 buys the same amount of gold (1 ounce) as 155 DM, so 1 DM should cost 100/155 or $.645.b. The marks are “cheaper〞 than they should be, so the arbitrage transaction requires you to buy marks at thecheap price, use them to purchase gold, and sell the gold for dollars. Example:1. Start with $1 million, which you borrow for only enough time to carry out the arbitrage transaction.2. Use the million dollars to buy 1,666,667 marks (1,000,000 / 0.60)3. Buy 10,752.69 ounces of gold (1,666,667 / 155)4. Sell the gold for $1,075,269 (10752.69 x 100)Your risk-free arbitrage profit is $75,269.4. You observe that the dollar price of the Italian lira is $0.0006 and the dollar price of the yen is $0.01. What must be the exchange rate between lira and yen for there to be no arbitrage opportunity?SOLUTION:.0006$/lira?.06Yen/lira.01$/YenInstructor’s ManualChapter 7 Page 1075. Fill in the missing exchange rates in the following table: US dollar British pound German mark Yen US dollar $1 $1.50 $.5 $.01 British pound £0.67 German mark DM2.0 Japanese ¥100 Yen SOLUTION: US dollar British pound German mark Japanese Yen US dollar $1 $1.50 $.5 $.01 British pound £0.67 1 = .67 / 2 = .67 / 100 German mark DM2.0 = 2 / .67 1 = 2 / 100 Japanese ¥100 = 100 / .67 = 100 / 2 1 Yen US dollar British pound German mark Japanese Yen US dollar $1 $1.50 $.5 $.01 British pound £0.67 £1 £.33 £.0067 German mark DM2.0 DM3.0 DM1.0 DM.02 Japanese ¥100 ¥150 ¥50 ¥1 Yen Valuation Using Comparables6. Suppose you own a home that you purchased four years ago for $475,000. The tax assessor’s office has just informed you that they are increasing the taxable value of your home to $525,000. a. How might you gather information to help you appeal the new assessment?b. Suppose the house next door is comparable to yours except that it has one fewer bedroom. It just sold for$490,000. How might you use that information to argue your case? What inference must you make about the value of an additional bedroom?SOLUTION:a. You should retrieve as much information as you can about recent sales of comparable homes. If you canconvince the assessor’s office that your home is comparable (and the market value of the recent sales is less than $525,000) you should have a good case. You can gather the information about home sales from a real estate broker.b. The difference between your house’s assessed value and the actual market value of the home next door is$35,000 ($525,000 - $490,000). If you can convince the tax assessor’s office that the value of a bedroom is less than $35,000, then the assessor must agree that your home is worth less than $525,000. For example, if comparable sales figures show that one additional bedroom (all else reasonably equivalent) is worth only $10,000, then you should be able to argue that your home is worth $500,000 rather than $525,000.7. The P/E ratio of ITT Corporation is currently 6 while the P/E ratio of the S&P 500 is 10. What might account for the difference? SOLUTION: There are several possible reasons:? ITT may be riskier than the S&P500 either because it is in a relatively risky industry or has a relatively higherdebt ratio.? ITT’s reported earnings may be higher than they are expected to be in the future, or they may be inflated due tospecial accounting methods used by ITT.Instructor’s ManualChapter 7 Page 1088. Suppose you are chief financial officer of a private toy company. The chief executive officer has asked you to come up with an estimate for the company’s price per share. Your company’s earnings per share were $2.00 in the year just ended. You know that you should look at public company comparables, however, they seem to fall into two camps. Those with P/E ratios of 8x earnings and those with P/E ratios of 14x earnings. You are perplexed at the difference until you notice that on average, the lower P/E companies have higher leverage than the higher P/E group. The 8x P/E group has a debt/equity ratio of 2:1. The 14x P/E group has a debt/equityratio of 1:1. If your toy company has a debt/equity ratio of 1.5:1, what might you tell the CEO about your company’s equity value per share? SOLUTION:It would be reasonable to apply a P/E of 11x earnings (= (8 + 14) / 2) because your leverage is midway between the two groups. Hence, your company’s price per share would be: 11x $2.00 = $22.00 per share.9. Assume that you have operated your business for 15 years. Sales for the most recent fiscal year were $12,000,000. Net income for the most recent fiscal year was $1,000,000. Your book value is $10,500,000. A similar company recently sold for the following statistics: Multiple of Sales: 0.8x Multiple of Net Income 12x Multiple of Book Value 0.9xa. What is an appropriate range of value for your company?b. If you know that your company has future investment opportunities that are far more profitable than thecompany above, what does that say about your company’s likely valuation? SOLUTION:a. Multiple of Sales: .8x = $12 million x .8 Multiple of Net Income 12x = $1 million x 12 Multiple of Book Value .9x = $10.5 million x .9 An appropriate range might be 9 to 12 millionb. Higher end of the range = $9.6 million = $12 million = $9.45 millionEfficient Markets Hypothesis10. The price of Fuddy Co. stock recently jumped when the sudden unexpected death of its CEO was announced. What might account for such a market reaction?SOLUTION:Investors may believe that the company’s future prospects look better(i.e., either higher earnings or less risky) without the deceased CEO.11. Your analysis leads you to believe that the price of Outel’s stock should be $25 per share. Its current market price is $30.a. If you do not believe that you have access to special information about the company, what do you do?b. If you are an analyst with much better than average information, what do you do?SOLUTION:a. If you believe that the market for Outel stock is an informationally efficient one then the $30 market price(which is a weighted average of the valuations of all analysts) is the best estimate of the stock’s true value. You should question whether your own analysis is correct.b. You sell the stock because you think you have superior information. Real Interest Rate Parity12. Assume that the world-wide risk-free real rate of interest is 3% per year. Inflation in Switzerland is 2% per year and in the United States it is 5% per year. Assuming there is no uncertainty about inflation, what are the implied nominal interest rates denominated in Swiss francs and in US dollars?SOLUTION: Switzerland: (1.03 x 1.02) =1.0506 hence nominal interest rate = 5.06% US: (1.03 x 1.05) = 1 .0815 hence nominal interest rate = 8.15%Instructor’s ManualChapter 7 Page 109Integrative Problem13. Suppose an aunt has passed away and bequeathed to you and your siblings (one brother, one sister) a variety of assets. The original cost of these assets follows:ITEM COST WHEN PURCHASEDJewelry $500 by Grandmother 75 years ago House 1,200,000 10 years ago Stocks and Bonds 1,000,000 3 years ago Vintage (used) Car 200,000 2 months ago Furniture 15,000 various dates during last 40 yearsBecause you are taking a course in finance, your siblings put you in charge of dividing the assets fairly among the three of you. Before you start, your brother approaches you and says: “I’d really like the car for myself, so when you divide up the assets, just give me the car and deduct the $200,000 from my share.〞Hearing that, your sister says: “That sounds fair, because I really like the jewelry and you can assign that to me and deduct the $500 from my share.〞You have always loved your aunt’s house and its furnishings, so you would like to keep the house and the furniture.a. How do you respond to your brother and sister’s requests? Justify your responses.b. How would you go about determining appropriate values for each asset?SOLUTION:a. Because the market price of the car is close to the what your brother is willing to give up for it, your brother’srequest is reasonable. It is, however, quite possible (even likely), that the antique jewelry is worth much more today than what your relative’s grandmother paid for it in the past. Assigning only its acquisition cost to your sister’s share is quite likely a gross miscalculation. If she wants the jewelry, she should be “charged〞 an amount equal to today’s market value. It does not matter that your sister does not want to sell the jewelry for a profit, because the jewelry has VALUE even if you do not sell it. Fairness is all about equal VALUE.b. You would probably have to hire a professional appraiser for the furniture and the jewelry. You can look up thevalue of the stocks and bonds in a financial newspaper. You can estimate the value of the house by inquiring for how much similar houses in the same neighborhood have recently been sold. The car was purchased only twomonths ago, so it is probably reasonable to assume that the current market price is very close to what your distant relative paid for the car. Instructor’s ManualChapter 7 Page 110。

二、教学目标1. 使学生了解金融市场的基本概念、类型和功能,理解金融市场在现代经济体系中的重要性。
2. 帮助学生掌握货币市场和资本市场的基本运作方式,了解金融市场的参与者及其角色。
3. 培养学生分析金融市场宏观调控作用和风险管理的能力,提高学生的金融素养。
五、教学过程1. 实践情景引入:通过一则关于金融市场的新闻报道,引发学生对金融市场的兴趣,引出本节课的主题。
2. 知识讲解:讲解金融市场的定义、分类、功能和参与者,货币市场和资本市场的基本概念和运作方式,金融市场的宏观调控作用以及金融市场的风险管理。
3. 例题讲解:分析典型金融市场案例,帮助学生理解金融市场的实际运作。
4. 随堂练习:针对讲解的内容,设计相关练习题目,让学生及时巩固所学知识。
5. 课堂讨论:组织学生就金融市场的某个话题展开讨论,培养学生的思考和分析能力。
7. 板书设计:将本节课的主要知识点以板书形式呈现,方便学生复习。
六、板书设计金融市场:定义:资金融通的场所和机制类型:货币市场、资本市场功能:资源配置、风险分散、价格发现、宏观调控参与者:企业、政府、金融机构、个人货币市场:短期融资工具:商业票据、银行承兑汇票、回购协议运作方式:市场利率、交易主体、交易工具资本市场:长期融资工具:股票、债券运作方式:发行、交易、投资金融市场宏观调控:货币政策:利率、信贷、存款准备金财政政策:税收、政府支出金融市场风险管理:风险类型:市场风险、信用风险、流动性风险管理手段:风险分散、风险转移、风险规避、风险补偿七、作业设计1. 请简述金融市场的概念、类型和功能。
金融学 第七章 金融市场与功能结构 习题及答案

第七章金融市场与功能结构第七章金融市场与功能结构一、判断题1-5:××√×√ 6-10:√×××√二、单选题1-5:C B B C A三、多选题1-5:ABC AC AC ABCD ABC一、判断题1、金融市场都是有形的市场,即都在固定的交易场所进行。
A、债券市场B、资本市场C、票据市场D、股票市场5、交易协议在2个交易日内进行交割的市场称为()A、现货市场B、期货市场C、远期市场D、期权市场三、多选题1、当前世界上三大外汇交易中心是指()A、纽约B、伦敦C、东京D、香港2、狭义的资本市场包括 ( )。
A.中长期债券市场B.国库券市场C.股票市场D.中长期银行贷款市场3、在金融市场中,主要的资金筹资主体包括 ( )。


精品行业资料,仅供参考,需要可下载并修改后使用!《金融基础知识》课后习题答案第7章习题答案 1. (1)交易成本的假设:BS 模型假定无交易成本,可以连续进行动态的套期保值,但事实上交易成本总是客观存在的。
(3)不确定的参数:BS 模型假设波动率、利率、股利等参数都是已知的常数(或是已知的确定函数)。
2. 交易成本的存在,会影响我们进行套期保值的次数和期权价格:交易成本一方面会使得调整次数受到限制,使基于连续组合调整的BS 模型定价成为一种近似;另一方面,交易成本也直接影响到期权价格本身,使得合理的期权价格成为一个区间而不是单个数值。
3. 在放松布莱克-舒尔斯模型假设之后,常常出现非线性的偏微分方程,这意味着同一个组合中的期权头寸可能出现互相对冲和保值,减少了保值调整成本,从而使得整个组合的价值并不等于每个期权价值之和,因此组合中一份衍生证券合约的价值往往取决于该组合中其他合约的价值。
4. 应用期权的市场价格和BS 公式推算出来的隐含波动率具有以下两个方面的变动规律:(1)“波动率微笑”:隐含波动率会随着期权执行价格不同而不同;(2)波动率期限结构:隐含波动率会随期权到期时间不同而变化。
波动率微笑和波动率期限结构的存在,证明了BS 公式关于波动率为常数的基本假设是不成立的,至少期权市场不是这样预期的。

A.资产业务 B.负债业务C.中间业务 D.表外业务8、1999年11月美国国会通过了意在取消金融业分业经营的法案是A、《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法》B、《美国联邦储备银行法》C、《美国商业银行法》D、《金融服务现代化法案》9、商业银行信用创造的基础在于规模。
A 、10% B、 5% C、 6% D、 50%第二部分是非判断题1、在我国政府机关、企业单位的所有存款都不能称之为储蓄存款。

24.2 课后 习题详解
25.1 复习 笔记
25.2 课后 习题详解
第5篇 金融发展与稳定机制
第26章 货币经济 与实际经济
第27章 金融发展 与经济增长
第28章 金融脆弱 性与金融危机
第29章 金融监管
26.1 复习 笔记
26.2 课后 习题详解
27.1 复习 笔记
27.2 课后 习题详解
8.1 复习笔 记
8.2 课后习 题详解
9.1 复习笔 记
9.2 课后习 题详解
10.1 复习 笔记
10.2 课后 习题详解
11.1 复习 笔记
11.2 课后 习题详解
第3篇 货币均衡与宏观政策
第12章 利率的决 定及作用
第13章 货币需求
第14章 现代货币 的创造机 制
14.1 复习 笔记
14.2 课后 习题详解
15.1 复习 笔记
15.2 课后 习题详解
16.1 复习 笔记
16.2 课后 习题详解
17.1 复习 笔记
17.2 课后 习题详解
18.1 复习 笔记
18.2 课后 习题详解
19.1 复习 笔记
19.2 课后 习题详解
20.1 复习 笔记
20.2 课后 习题详解
28.1 复习 笔记
28.2 课后 习题详解
29.1 复习 笔记
29.2 课后 习题详解
第15章 货币供给
第17章 开放经济 的均衡
第16章 货币均衡 与总供求
第18章 通货膨胀 与通货紧缩
第19章 货币政策


版权所有,翻版必究第五章习题答案1. 已知某10年期零息票债券兑现值为1000,试对收益率为10%和9%分别计算当前价格。
解:(1)记P为买价,则有价值方程:P1(1 + 10%)10 = 1000P2(1 + 9%)10 = 1000解得:P1 = 385.54元P2 = 422.41元(2)收益率下降后P1(1 + 10% ×90%)10 = 1000P2(1 + 9% ×90%)10 = 1000解得:P1 = 422.41元,上涨百分比:9.56%; P2 = 458.93元,上涨百分比:8.65%。
2. 已知26周的短期国债的发行价格为9600元,到期兑现10,000元。
解:(1)由短期国债的定价公式10000(1 −Y dt360) = 9600解得:Y d = 7.91%(2)由定义设年换算收益率为i,则:9600(1 + i)12 = 10000解得:i = 8.51%3. 短期国债的贴现率均为8%,计算52 周国债与13 周短期国债的年利率之比。
4. 某10年期面值为100元的债券半年名息率10%,到期兑现105元,如果收益率为半年换算8%,计算债券的买价。
北京大学数学科学学院金融数学系第1 页版权所有,翻版必究解:由基本公式:P = Fra n p i + Cv n = 100 ×5% ×13.5903 + 105 ×1.04¡20 = 115.875. 由债券价格计算公式,给出以下导数的计算公式,并解释其含义。
1) ∂P∂i , ∂P∂n和∂P∂g2) ∂n∂P和∂n∂P解:(1.1)由基本公式对i求导:∂P∂i= Fr(Da)n p i −nP(n + 1, i) < 0解释:债券的买价随着年限的增加而递减。

•地方政府发行的债券称为地方公债,以地方政 府财政收入为保证,目的主要是为地方建设筹 集资金,其信用风险仅次于国债。 •金融债券是由银行或非银行的金融机构发行的 债券。发行的目的一般是为了筹集长期资金, 信用风险要低于公司债券,利率水平也相应低 于公司债券。
•公司债券又称为企业债券,是由工商企业为筹 集资金所发行的债券。
学习目的与要求: •了解金融市场的种类 •理解金融市场的基本含义与构成要素 •理解金融市场的功能
一、金融市场的含义 金融市场是指资金供求双方借助金融工 具进行货币资金融通与配臵的市场。 金融市场的含义可以从狭义和广义两个 方面来理解。 •狭义金融市场仅包括直接金融市场。 •广义金融市场包括直接金融市场和间接 金融市场。
债券: (1)含义: 债券是政府、金融机构、工商企业等直接向 社会借债筹集资金时向投资者出具的、承诺 按约定条件支付利息和到期归还本金的债权 债务凭证。 (2)债券的类型: ①按债券的发行主体不同可将债券分为政府 债券、金融债券和公司债券三种类型。 ②按债券利率的确定方式不同可分为固定利 率债券、浮动利率债券和指数债券。
政府部门资金需求者 中央银行货币政策操作 各类金融机构资金供给者、资金需 求者 企业部门资金攻击者、资金需求者 居民个人资金供应者
Байду номын сангаас
金融工具是指金融市场中货币资金交易的载 体。 1、金融工具的特征 •期限性、流动性、风险性和收益性 2、两种重要的金融工具:债券和股票
•首先,股票一般无偿还期,而债券都是有偿还 期限的。 •其次,股东从公司税后利润中分享的股息和红 利的多少与公司的经营状况有关,而债券持有 者从公司税前利润中得到的是固定利息收入。 •第三,当公司由于经营不善等原因破产时,债 券持有者优先取得公司财产,其次是优先股股 东,最后是普通股股东。
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A 、10%B、5%C、6%D、50%第二部分是非判断题1、在我国政府机关、企业单位的所有存款都不能称之为储蓄存款。
A安全性B稳定性C竞争性D盈利性E流动性3. 银行用于结算的工具主要是“三票一卡”,即()。
A支票B本票C汇票D银行卡 E 存折4.商业银行向中央银行的借款不能用于()。
A向中央银行借款B同业拆借C发行中长期债券D证券回购 E 国际金融市场融资6. 在西方国家商业银行存款中的非交易帐户主要有:()。
A 储蓄存款B 货币市场存款帐户C 定期存款D 活期存款E 可转让支付命令帐户(NOWS)7. 下列属于无风险的中间业务的有()。
A支付结算B金融期权C担保 D .基金托管E代理8. 担保贷款依据其担保的形式和内容又可分为()A 抵押贷款B 票据贴现C 质押贷款D 保证贷款9.商业银行贷款风险的主要类型有()A信用风险B流动性风险C利率风险D管理风险10. 《巴塞尔协议》规定的银行资本金包括()A附属资本B呆账准备金C核心资本D混合资本答案:一、单项选择题1、C2、A3、C4、B5、D6、A7、C8、D 9、C 10、C二、是非判断题1、对2、错3、对4、错5、错6、错7、对8、错9、对10、对三、多项选择题1.(A C E)2.(A D E)3.( A B C D)4.( B C)5.( A B C D E)6.(A C)7. (A D E)8. (A C D) 9.( A B C D) 10.(A C)第六章中央银行第一部分单项选择题1.中国人民银行开始专门行使中央银行职能的时间是( )A.1982年B.1983年C.1984年D.1985年2.中央银行的窗口指导是( )A.间接性信用控制B.直接性信用控制C.选择性货币政策工具D.一般性货币政策工具3. 商业银行转变为中央银行最重要特征是()A垄断货币发行 B 主持货币清算C 享有资产调度权D 拥有监管权4.道义劝告作用的基础是中央银行在金融体系中的( )A.行政地位B.核心地位和威望C.资金实力D.监管权力5. 从90年代中期起,人民银行对中介目标监测重点开始转向()A M1B M2C M3D M06. 公认的中央银行的鼻祖是()银行。
A 瑞士B英格兰 C 美国联邦储备体系 D 日本7. 以下对中央银行性质的描述中,不属于中央银行性质的是( )A.制定执行货币金融政策B.监督管理金融业C.业务经营具有特殊性D. 以盈利为目的8.《巴塞尔协议》中资本充足率是指资本与()的比率。
A总资产 B 加权风险资产 C 核心资产 D 附属资本9.现代中央银行的独立性是指()A.完全独立于政府B凌驾于政府之上C相对独立性D独立于商业银行10.《中国人民银行法》颁布时间是()。
A1993年5月B1994年5月C1995年3月 D 1995年9月第二部分判断题1.中央银行是国家机构的重要组成部分。
( )3.我国货币政策目标是“保持经济增长,并以此促进货币币值稳定”。
( )4.在一般情况下,中央银行发行货币是对社会公众的现金负债,是一种长期无须清偿的债务。
( )5.中国人民银行行长由全国人大决定,国务院总理任免。
( )6.中央银行的资本无论属于哪种形式,都不对央行的性质或职能产生实质性的影响。
( )7.金融监管的职能必须由中央银行来执行。
( )8.为防止经济出现大波动,各国经常采用“逆经济周期调节”的货币政策。
( )9.《有效银行监管的核心原则》的核心是对银行业进行全方位风险监控。
( )第三部分多选题1、中央银行的核心地位主要表现在它是()A.发行的银行B.银行的银行C.政府的银行D.企业的银行2. 中央银行保管、经营黄金、外汇储备的意义在于()A.稳定币值B.稳定汇价C.平衡国际收支D.稳定利率3、下列属于中央银行的是()A.花旗银行B.英格兰银行C.中国银行D.美国联邦储备体系4.中央银行负债业务主要有()。
A 货币发行B 资本业务C 再贷款D 集中存款准备金5. 中央银行业务的基本原则是()。
A、主动性B、完全独立性C、流动性D、非赢利性6. 若中央银行要紧缩银根,可采取措施有()。
A降低再贴现率B提高法定准备金率C卖出国债D大量发放再贷款7. 存款准备金一般包括( ).A 法定准备金B 超额准备金C 同业存款D 库存现金8. 金融监管的目标是()A 控制货币B 维护金融体系的安全与稳定C保护存款人利益 D 保证金融机构和金融市场健康发展9. 构成一国国际储备的主要是()A 黄金B在IMF的储备头寸C外汇D未动用的特别提款权答案:一、单项选择题1、( C )2、(A )3、(A )4、( B )5、( B )6、( B )7、( D )8、( B )9、( C )10、(C)二、判断题1、(√)2、(×)3、(×)4、(√)5、(√)6、(√)7、(×)8、(√)9、(√)10、(×)三、多项选择题1、(ABC )2、(ABC )3、(BD )4、(ABD )5、(ACD )6、(BC )7、(ABD )8、(BCD )9(ABCD)第七章金融体系第一部分单项选择题1、是投资银行最基本的传统业务。
A保险公司B养老基金C投资银行D共同基金3、投资型金融机构主要包括()A金融公司B共同基金 C 货币市场共同基金D商业银行4、投资基金的机制特点是()A投资组合B分散风险C专家理财D规模经济5、根据的组织形式不同,共同基金可以分为。