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In order to reduce cost, local school board officials are discussing whether or not to continue providing money for after-school programs. 1 , there should be no discussion about whether or not to continue paying for them. After-school programs are 2 .

In many cities, lots of 3 have jobs, and they work long hours. So who's taking care of the kids until Mom or Dad gets home? A major benefit of after-school programs is 4 . They keep children occupied, and 5 children usually stay out of trouble. Besides, after-school programs provide educational, cultural, and personal 6 .

In terms of education, research has shown that students who participate in after-school programs have a better 7 , and as a result, they attend class regularly, get better grades, and have a(n) 8 chance of graduating from high school. Also, after-school programs can 9 field trips to concerts, museums, and places that show the history of our city for 10 purposes.

In after-school programs, young people may find out what they're really 11 in and decide on a future career. While they're doing a science project or preparing for a dance performance, students can develop their creativity and 12 skills. Many programs give students the chance to work together on a team.

Sure, after-school programs cost money, but they're worth every dollar. Besides, help is always 13 . Our school board can apply for funds(资金)from the government and ask for 14 from local business groups .There's no good reason to 15 programs that benefit our children.

1. A. Especially B. Hopefully C. Actually D. Similarly

2. A. fundamental B. useless C. convenient D. expensive

3. A. children B. officials C. students D. parents

4.A. knowledge B. money C. safety D. happiness

5.A.busy B. young C. lonely D .poor

6. A. backgrounds B advantages C. abilities D. views

7. A. attitude B. look C. future D. result

8.A. slight B. equal C. increased D. unique

9. A. suggest B. offer C. gain D. evaluate

10. A. musical B. historical C. professional D. cultural

11. A. interested B. involved C. stuck D. included

12. A. language B. research C. teamwork D. computer

13. A. valuable B. available C. necessary D. legal

14. A. permission B. employment C. information D. support

15. A. bring B. expect C. develop D. reduce


Orville and Wilbur Wright were the two American brothers that invented the first
