基于浪潮天梭K1系统的高可用解决方案浪潮集团2013.07目录1.方案背景 (1)1.1背景分析 (1)1.2基于浪潮天梭K1系统的高可用解决方案 (2)1.3解决方案拓扑图 (3)1.4推荐配置............................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.方案功能特色 (5)2.1可靠性 (5)2.2可扩展性 (7)2.3易管理 (8)3.客户价值 (8)4.成功案例 (9)4.1中国建设银行 (9)4.3中国进出口银行 (11)5.浪潮天梭K1系统简介 (12)1.方案背景1.1背景分析全球经济一体化的今天,企业的管理和运营已经离不开信息系统的支撑,因此企业信息系统的业务连续也成为决定企业生死存亡的重要因素之一。
For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use数据中心监控系统技术白皮书Data Center Monitoring SystemTechnical White Paper中国工程建设标准化协会信息通信专业委员会数据中心工作组2013年10月序言为促进数据中心的技术发展,2012年X月,数据中心工作组开始编制《数据中心监控系统技术白皮书》。
在应用过程中如有需要修改和补充的建议,请将有关资料XXXXXX主编单位:共济科技有限公司参编单位:银联结算上海数据中心……课题技术负责人:钟景华主编:易南昌参编:丁波饶云飞林德昌徐康华刘晓彬……审核:排版与文字校对:张莹目录/CONTENTS1 引言/INTRODUCTION (5)1.1编写目的/PURPOSE (5)1.2适用范围/SCOPE (5)1.3编写依据/REFERENCE (5)1.4编写原则/PRINCIPLE (6)2 数据中心分级与分类/DATA CENTER CLASSIFICATION (7)2.1概述/GENERAL (7)2.2数据中心等级/DATA CENTER TIER (7)2.3数据中心类别/DATA CENTER CLASS (8)2.4数据中心规模/DATA CENTER SCALE (9)2.5系统匹配设计基本原则/BASIC SYSTEM DESIGN PRINCIPLE (10)3 系统架构与功能/SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE & FUNCTION (12)3.1概述/GENERAL (12)3.2系统架构/SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE (12)3.3系统功能/SYSTEM FUNCTION (16)3.4系统性能/SYSTEM PERFORMANCE (23)3.5系统集成/SYSTEM INTEGRATION (24)4 系统基础构件与技术/SYSTEM BASIC MODULE & TECHNOLOGY (40)4.1概述/GENERAL (40)4.2软件系统基础构件/SOFTWARE BASIC MODULE (40)4.3硬件系统基础构件/HARDWARE BASIC MODULE (52)5 系统设计/SYSTEM DESIGN (57)5.1设计概要/GENERAL (57)5.2设计原则/SYSTEM DESIGN PRINCIPLE (58)5.3系统设计需求分析/SYSTEM REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS (59)5.4监控管理需求分析/MONITORING MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS (59)5.5需求分析其他相关问题/MISCELLANEOUS (67)5.6系统架构设计/SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE DESIGN (68)5.7系统功能设计/SYSTEM FUNCTION DESIGN (72)5.8系统性能设计/SYSTEM PERFORMANCE DESIGN (79)5.9设备选型/EQUIPMENT SELECTION (81)6 工程实施/IMPLEMENTATION (88)6.1工程实施概述/GENERAL (88)6.2前期准备/PREPARATION (88)6.3现场实施/IMPLEMENTATION & DEPLOYMENT (89)6.4验收交付/DELIVERY & ACCEPTANCE (98)7 总控中心场地建设/ECC CONSTRUCTION (103)7.1概述/GENERAL (103)7.2总控中心的组成/ECC CONSTITUTION (103)7.3总控中心的场地设计/ECC SITE DESIGN (103)7.4总控中心的工艺设计/ECC PROCESS DESIGN (104)7.5总控中心的施工技术要求/TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION (106)8 发展趋势/TREND (108)8.1发展回顾/OVERALL REVIEW (108)8.2顶层设计/TOP-LEVEL DESIGN (109)8.3监控管理技术发展/DEVELOPMENT OF MONITORING MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUE (109)8.4监控管理系统与绿色数据中心/MONITORING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM & GREEN DATA CENTER (110)8.5实用技术的应用/PRATICE OF RELATED TECHNIQUE (112)9 名词解释/GLOSSARY (117)1 引言提高现代数据中心可用性与降低运营管理成本是数据中心管理永恒的主题。
产品名称密级内部公开产品版本共173页GUL互操作白皮书(仅供内部使用)华为技术有限公司版权所有侵权必究目录1 概述 (4)2 约束.................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
3 特性/算法原理 (4)3.1 背景 (4)3.2 特性/算法详细描述 (4)3.2.1 重选 (5)3.2.2 重定向 (6)3.2.3 切换(Handover,HO) (7)4 LTE与UMTS,GSM重选,重定向 (28)4.1.1 设备需求................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
4.1.2 L到U的重选,重定向 (28)4.1.3 基于测量LTE到UMTS的PS Handover (66)4.1.4 LTE到UMTS PS Handover流程 (66)4.1.5 U到L小区重选、重定向 (70)4.1.6 UMTS到LTE PS业务基于业务的切换 (84)4.1.7 LTE到GSM小区重选 (89)4.1.8 GSM到LTE小区重选 (101)4.1.9 基于非测量LTE到GSM的重定向 (109)4.1.10 基于测量LTE到GSM的重定向 (113)5 LTE小区切换与重选 (113)5.1 参考资料 (113)5.2 LTE异频切换 (114)5.2.1 参数配置 (116)5.2.2 LTE异频测试步骤 (118)5.2.3 异频切换信令流程 (118)5.3 LTE同频切换 (131)5.3.1 参数配置 (131)5.3.2 LTE同频测试步骤 (133)5.3.3 同频切换信令流程 (133)5.3.4 小区优先级 (144)5.3.5 测量启动标准 (144)5.3.6 小区重选标准 (145)5.4 LTE同频小区重选 (146)5.4.1 参数配置 (146)5.4.2 同频小区重选标准 (148)5.4.3 LTE同频重选测试步骤 (150)5.4.4 同频重选信令流程 (150)5.5 LTE异频小区重选 (158)5.5.1 LTE异频同优先级小区重选 (158)5.5.2 LTE异频不同优先级小区重选 (158)5.5.3 公共参数配置 (158)5.5.4 异频小区重选标准 (160)5.5.5 LTE异频重选测试步骤 (163)5.5.6 同频切换信令流程 (164)GUL互操作白皮书关键词:摘要:缩略语清单:缩略语英文全名中文解释LTE Long Term Evolution 长期演进技术1 概述GUL互操作是LTE商用的重要特性之一,特别是在LTE的布网初期,在LTE还没有达到整个网络全面覆盖的情况下,严重需要依赖现有的网络制式,从而GUL之间的互操作的重要自然凸显而出。
Unified Scheduling for Enterprise (USE)
2.0 版
2014 年 6 月
USE2.0 白皮书
1. 概述...........................................................................................................................................3 1.1. 编写目的.......................................................................................................................3 1.2. 背景...............................................................................................................................3 1.3. 术语、缩略词说明.......................................................................................................4
Blueware APM 2.0白皮书v3
![Blueware APM 2.0白皮书v3](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8073466258fafab069dc027c.png)
B l u e w a r e A P M v2.0——白皮书V i s i o n:2.0文件编号:20130614-1编制:售前支持部门审核:售前支持部门审批:售前支持部门版本:V2.0修改状态:05受控状态:00目录1.引言 (3)1.1 白皮书使用范围 (3)1.2 版权说明 (4)2.产品背景 (5)3.产品概述 (7)3.1架构概述 (7)3.2运行环境 (8)3.2.1 SERVER端 (8)3.2.2 AGENT端 (8)4 功能描述 (10)4.1 监控功能 (10)4.1.1 监控产品描述 (10)4.1.2 Blueware能自动发现可以监控的软件和硬件资源 (11)4.1.3 灵活的自定义管理服务 (11)4.1.4 主要监控指标简介(详见附件-监控资源列表) (12)4.2 警报中心和事件中心 (14)4.2.1 警报中心-报警介绍 (14)4.2.2 事件中心 (17)4.3 IT资产管理及统一接口平台 (18)4.4 配置变更管理 (19)4.5 日志文件跟踪 (19)4.6 用户级别实现IT资源权限管理 (20)4.7 按照业务的拓扑展现 (20)4.8 智能机房 (22)5.产品实施运维方式说明 (23)5.1 产品交付物 (23)5.2 标准服务 (23)1.引言Blueware APM v2.0是一款IT资产管理及应用系统性能监控软件。
Blueware APM v2.0软件,可以帮助客户在自己错综复杂的应用系统环境中,对基础组件(数据库、应用服务器等)、服务(目录服务、邮件服务等)、操作系统、网络系统、虚拟化设备和相关硬件设备进行实时监测。
本白皮书包括Blueware APM v2.0软件的研发背景、软件概述、体系架构、运行环境、功能描述、主要监控内容和监控指标、产品特性和优势、典型案例。
TongWTP4技术白皮书T o n g T ec h?TongWTP4.0技术白皮书东方通科技公司技术白皮书(15)目录1.前言 (3)2.基本术语 (4)3.体系结构 (5)3.1.产品组成 (5)3.1.1.文件服务器 (5)3.1.2.接入服务器 (6)3.1.3.文件传输控件 (6)3.1.4.客户端API (6)3.1.5.传输管理中心 (7)3.1.6.Web传输应用 (7)3.2.产品部署 (7)4.主要功能 (8)4.1.文件传输功能 (8)4.2.灵活的身份验证机制 (8)4.3.传输加密功能 (8)4.4.多种灵活的传输控制 (9)4.5.定制文件传输的目标位置 (9)4.6.集中式配置监控管理 (9)4.6.1.管理方式 (9)4.6.2.服务器监控 (10)4.6.3.业务传输监控 (10)4.6.4.预警及故障告警 (10)4.6.5.服务器动态配置 (10)4.6.6.查询统计 (10)4.6.7.操作审计 (10)4.7.日志管理 (10)5.安全传输机制 (10)5.1.身份验证过程 (11)5.2.安全传输过程 (12)5.2.1.文件上传 (12)5.2.2.下载过程 (12)6.实施方法 (13)6.1.服务器端工作 (13)6.2.客户端工作 (14)7.系统特点 (14)7.1.安全性 (14)7.2.高效性 (15)7.3.易使用 (15)7.4.可扩展 (15)1.前言随着Internet的高速发展和普及,基于Internet的应用系统也越来越普遍,企业的经销商、业务合作伙伴和客户都可以通过互联网直接与企业进行信息的交换,而不需要依赖昂贵的电信专线。
4.3 支持主分中心两级结构
随着综合监控系统的不断普及,用户对综合监控提出了更高要求,要求能够 将分散的各个监控系统通过中央机构进行集中管理和监控(如轨道交通领域)。 根据这种需求,iCentroView5特别设计了主、分中心结构,主中心能够访问各个 分中心数据并能够对分中心进行控制。
4.4 强大的集中配置功能
传统的监控系统总需要在各个客户端和服务端进行各自的配置,拖慢了工程 实施进度。iCentroView5根据多年监控行业的经验,设计了集中配置系统,通过 登录同一套统一配置界面,可以完成iCentroView5系统中的各种节点的所有配 置,并能统一下发到所有节点,大大加快了工程实施,方便了使用和维护。
4 iCentroView5 技术特点
4.1 高性能后台服务
iCentroView5设计了高效实时的过程数据库,单节点每秒可以支持多达5万 点数据的读写访问(根据系统配置升级可以做到更大容量),单个节点就能够满 足大部分领域的实时监控需要。
对于一些超大规模的采集需求,iCentroView5通过分布式部署,提供整个系 统容量的弹性扩充。系统中的多个节点之间的数据可以根据需要进行共享,权限、 过程数据等信息会根据需要自动在各个节点之间同步。通过节点的分布式机制, iCentroView5可以支持每秒百万点以上的系统容量。
伴随着产品持续完善的是产品研发质量的不断提升。iCentroView的设计、 研发全过程符合软件能力成熟度CMMI5级(最高等级)的国际标准认证,以及 ISO9000得相关认证,并拥有强大的软件测试队伍保证,保证交付给用户产品的 稳定可靠。
本文档共分为四部分:第一部分为概述第二部分为产品简介,介绍产品体系结构及特点第三部分为SkylineGlobe系列软件工作流程第四部分为API开发接口介绍公司联系方式——东方道尔公司(EastDawn)地址:北京市海淀区海淀大街8号中钢国际广场A座10层,100080电话:+86-10-62686799 传真:+86-10-62686790官方论坛:技术支持:skyline@中国官网:/官网:/SkylineGlobe/corporate/home/index.aspx1.概述Skyline软件系统公司是全球领先的三维空间地理信息可视化软件供应商。
2 SkylineGlobe产品简介使用Skyline系列交互应用程序,用户可以创建自定义的虚拟三维可视化场景,并进行浏览、查询和分析。
XXXX 技术白皮书XX技术股份有限公司XXXX2011年1月目录第一章概述 3第二章平台架构 42.1平台整体架构 42.2平台技术架构 4第三章平台特点 53.1 稳定性 53.2 设备接入全面 53.3 智能 53.4 易用性 53.5 扩展性 53.6 开放性 53.7 标准性 53.8 组件化 53.9 传输能力 53.10 多级级联 5第四章平台特色功能 53.1 特色功能一 53.2特色功能二 53.3特色功能三 53.4特色功能四 63.5特色功能五 63.6特色功能六 6第五章平台技术参数 65.1服务器端配置要求 65.2管理员客户端配置要求 6 5.3操作员客户端配置要求 6 5.4 单服务器性能指标 65.5 客户端性能指标 6第六章行业案例 66.1 案例概述 66.2 案例特点 66.3 案例网络结构图 66.4 案例图例 6第一章概述第二章平台架构2.1平台整体架构2.2平台技术架构第三章平台特点3.1 稳定性3.2 设备接入全面3.3 智能3.4 易用性3.5 扩展性3.6 开放性3.7 标准性3.8 组件化3.9 传输能力3.10 多级级联第四章平台特色功能3.1 特色功能一3.2特色功能二3.3特色功能三3.4特色功能四3.5特色功能五3.6特色功能六第五章平台技术参数5.1服务器端配置要求5.2管理员客户端配置要求5.3操作员客户端配置要求5.4 单服务器性能指标5.5 客户端性能指标第六章行业案例6.1 案例概述6.2 案例特点6.3 案例网络结构图6.4 案例图例。
天融信异常流量管理与抗拒绝服务系统(TopADS系列)技术白皮书天融信TOPSEC®市海淀区上地东路1号华控大厦100085:(86)10-82776666传真:(86)10-82776677服务热线:400-610-5119800-810-5119Http: //目录1拒绝服务攻击背景 (1)1.1拒绝服务攻击定义 (1)1.2分布式拒绝服务攻击现状 (2)1.3僵尸网络现状 (3)1.4典型DD O S攻击原理 (4)2产品概述 (8)3产品技术架构 (9)4产品主要功能 (10)5产品优势与特点 (11)5.1先进的新一代S MART AMP并行处理技术架构 (12)5.2全面的拒绝服务攻击防御能力 (13)5.3全64位的原生IPV6支持 (13)5.4完善的应用层攻击防御功能 (13)5.5灵活多样的部署方式 (14)5.6针对运营需求的大客户两级保护对象策略 (14)5.7高可靠的业务保障能力 (15)5.8可视化的实时报表功能 (15)6产品典型部署方案 (15)6.1在线串接部署方式 (16)6.2旁路部署方式 (16)7产品型号和规格 (17)8产品资质 (18)1拒绝服务攻击背景1.1拒绝服务攻击定义拒绝服务攻击(DOS)定义。
DoS是Denial of Service的简称,即拒绝服务,造成DoS的攻击行为被称为DoS攻击,其目的是使计算机或网络无法提供正常的服务。
最常见的DoS 攻击有计算机网络带宽攻击和连通性攻击。
分布式拒绝服务(DDoS: Distributed Denial of Service)攻击指借助于客户/服务器技术,将多个计算机联合起来作为攻击平台,对一个或多个目标发动DDoS攻击,从而成倍地提高拒绝服务攻击的威力。
Ultimu BPM Suite 产品白皮书
![Ultimu BPM Suite 产品白皮书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d15baa1714791711cc79174f.png)
U LTIMUS BPM S UITE白皮书此白皮书的内容受到著作权法和国际商业协议之保护。
Copyright © 2005 Ultimus, Inc. 版权所有。
本文件内含的数据为 2007 年 6 月的正确版。
Ultimus China1 of 31目录1、软件的概述及体系架构 (3)1.1、引言 (3)1.2、产品理念 (3)1.3、体系架构 (3)2、功能模块及特色 (5)2.1、功能模块 (5)2.1.1、Ultimus BPM Server (BPM服务器) (5)2.1.2、Ultimus Organization Chart (组织结构图) (6)2.1.3、Ultimus Process Designer(流程建模工具) (8)2.1.3、Ultimus BPM Studio(协作式流程开发环境) (10)2.1.4、Ultimus Director(规则设计器) (13)2.1.5、Ultimus Client(流程客户端) (13)2.1.6、Ultimus Administrator (管理器) (14)2.1.7、Ultimus Reports (流程报表) (15)2.1.8、EIK:企业集成工具包 (16)2.2、软件的特色 (16)2.2.1、高性价比的BPM解决方案 (16)2.2.2、独一无二的Adaptive Discovery 技术 (17)2.2.3、良好的系统集成性/整合能力 (18)2.2.4、灵活适应企业流程的变化 (25)2.2.5、成熟稳定的平台产品 (26)4、关于Ultimus (27)4.1、产品发展历史 (27)4.2、公司介绍 (27)5、成功实施案例 (30)5.1、部分客户列表 (30)5.1.1、全球部分客户 (30)5.1.2、国内部分客户 (30)5.2、客户的声音 (31)2 of 311、软件的概述及体系架构1.1、引言Ultimus BPM Suite是Ultimus公司提供的一个完整业务流程管理系统,具有流程管理所要求的300个功能,这些功能可以非常好的满足企业各种流程自动化及管理的需求,而无需进行任何的代码开发。
UCMDB自监控通用CMDB November 2017白皮书说明书
![UCMDB自监控通用CMDB November 2017白皮书说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0253668d0d22590102020740be1e650e52eacff3.png)
White PaperUCMDBSelf-MonitoringUniversal CMDBNovember 2017White Paper UCMDB Self-Monitoring ContentsOverview (3)UCMDB Server (3)UCMDB Database (8)Universal Discovery (8)Store and Forward Server (11)2OverviewThis document lists items that you can monitor in order to understand whether UCMDB is working correctly and to help flag any anomalies that warrant further investigation.UCMDB Server•Monitor the UCMDB Server serviceo Windows: Monitor the UCMDB_Server service to make sure that it is running.o Linux: Search for the UCMDBServer process (the path to the process will resembleopt/hp/UCMDBServer/bin/wrapper).▪Monitor wrapper.exe. This is a "watchdog" process that monitors the UCMDB_Server process.▪Wrapper logs for UCMDB Server are saved tohp\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\runtime\log\wrapper.log.▪Log entries for starting UCMDB resemble the following:STATUS | wrapper | 2014/07/30 10:47:51.692 | Launching a JVM...INFO | jvm 1 | 2014/07/30 10:47:52.896 | -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:InitialHeapSize=1073741824 -XX:+ManagementServer -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=250 -XX:MaxHeapSize=4294967296 -XX:MaxNewSize=1073741824 -XX:MaxPermSize=201326592 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=6 -XX:OldPLABSize=16 -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:-UseLargePagesIndividualAllocation -XX:+UseParNewGCINFO | wrapper | 2014/07/30 10:48:06.658 | Waiting to start...INFO | jvm 1 | 2014/07/30 10:48:09.629 | WrapperManager: Initializing...INFO | jvm 1 | 2014/07/30 10:48:11.351 | 2014-07-30 10:48:11,336[WrapperSimpleAppMain] INFO - Starting cmdb serverSTATUS | wrapper | 2014/07/30 10:48:13.668 | UCMDB_Server started.▪Log entries for stopping UCMDB resemble the following:STATUS | wrapper | 2014/07/25 20:53:30.517 | on_exit triggermatched. Restarting the JVM. (Exit code: 1)INFO | wrapper | 2014/07/30 10:12:13.870 | Waiting to stop...STATUS | wrapper | 2014/07/30 10:12:17.473 | <-- Wrapper StoppedSTATUS | wrapper | 2014/07/30 10:12:18.876 | UCMDB_Server stopped.•Check the status of UCMDB Server. To do this, open <protocol>://<serverName>:<port>/status in a browser (access requires authentication). Possible statuses are Up, Starting, and Down.•If the UCMDB UI is not accessible, check that the status of the UI server is UP. To do this, open <protocol>://<serverName>:<port>/ucmdb-ui/status.jsp in a browser.•Monitor the amount of free space that is available on the server. The server creates files and uses disk space in the directory tree in which the server is installed (by default, hp\UCMDB\ UCMDBServer). If SOLR is enabled but a standalone SOLR approach is not used, full-text search indexes (UCMDBServer\search\) can occupy a significant amount of disk space and grow in proportion to the data model size. Check the Universal CMDB Support Matrix document for more information about free space.•Check that the UCMDB log levels are set to the default value.o Log levels in UCMDB are configured by changing the log settings in the \conf\logs directory in the UCMDB installation folder.o A more detailed log level (such as DEBUG) can impact UCMDB performance, as every action performed by the application is slowed down by disc I/O as the logs are written to the physical disk. Ingeneral, no logs should ever be set to the DEBUG level unless you are troubleshooting a specific issue. •If you experience slow performance, check the slow.log files.o Each operation that takes more than a certain time (by default, 5 seconds; configurable in operation.slow.log.threshold) is written to the log.o Each operation that exceeds a defined timeout (configurable in server.sync.session.timeout) is written to the log.o The log is written to every 60 seconds.o The log includes thread names and commulative time (how long the operation has taken currently) o The log includes all managers, their status, and their queue (Manager name (max threads), Busy=threads; Waiting=threads). If a manager has any threads that are in the Waiting state for morethan 10 minutes, UCMDB may experience a performance degradation. If there are more than 100serving threads, UCMDB Server may run slowly.o Check for operations that have an elapsed time greater than 10 minutes.o We recommend that you increase the number of slow.log log files to 100. This ensures that the logs capture a longer timeframe for analysis. Make sure that enough free disk space is available.o Historical and "Top 10 worst" operations are saved to \runtime\log\statistics.▪These logs are written to every 15 minutes.▪The logs record the operations executed, the different types of operation executed, the average time of operations, and the 10 worst operations.▪The logs record all operations during the last 15 minutes, together with the average and maximum duration, and the number of operations. You should investigate operations that take more than 10minutes.▪Ignore AutoDiscoveryOperationGetProbeTasks 30 seconds. This is the default operation timeout.NoteIt is normal for some operations to take a long time. For example, merging a lot of data, performing ahistory baseline, or purging data may take 20 to 30 minutes. However, this should occur only rarely; if it occurs regularly, you should investigate further.•Check UI statistics by invoking the getServicesStatisticsSortByAvgDuration JMX method.o If UCMDB users experience slow UI navigation or login, this JMX method can highlight potential slow areas.o Investigate any operations that take more than 60 seconds.•Check the thread count and memory usage in the jvm_statistics.log file.o Check that enough memory is assigned to the UCMDB server, based on the deployment type as recommended in the Universal CMDB Support Matrix document.INFO - HEAP - [USAGE: 3989.8, FREE: 3.9, TOTAL: 3993.6, MAX: 3993.6]; NON-HEAP -[USAGE: 181.6, FREE: 50.9, MAX: 240.0]; CLASSES - [Loaded: 26658, Unloaded: 1651,Left: 25007]; THREADS - [Count: 259]•Check the cmdb.dal.log file (cmdb.dal.slow) to identify queries that take more than 150 seconds.2017-07-18 12:47:32,226 [RequestProcessorAsyncPool-19858] 483705ms 863448635 755639820 1193357250 309891880 704983185 1216509861 SELECT CDM_ROOT_1.CMDB_ID FROM CDM_ROOT_1CDM_ROOT_1 …..•Check the output from the runSupportHandlersForAllCategories JMX method. This method generates a lot of useful statistics about UCMDB Server.o For more information about this JMX method, refer to the "How to Access Support Using the JMX Console" section in the Universal CMDB Administration Guide.•Check the number of active enrichments, TQLs, and pattern-based models.o This data can be found in the .zip file that is generated by using the Supportability Services JMX methods.o You can also use the retrieveTqlNames and retrieveAllEnrichmentNames JMX methods.•Use the System Health Services JMX method to check the active TQL count.o It is important to check the number of active TQLs. We recommend that you have a maintenance task to delete unused and test active TQLs and deactivate those that do not need to be active.o You can also view this information by running the retrieveTqlNames JMX method or by checking the runSupportHandlersForSpecificCategories output (TQL.properties file).•Check the cmdb.pattern.statistics.log log file, which displays TQLs and Views, together with statistics about how long each one took took, the average time, the maximum time, and the result size.o This log shows data for active TQLs only.o To check all UCMDB TQLs that are calculated, check the cmdb.tql.calculation.audit.log log file.Check for TQLs that take more than 600 seconds.Finished calculation of pattern [JDBCDataSrc_Database]:[JDBCDataSrc_Database Num of nodes [2] ; -10 - database ; -11 - jdbcdatasourceNum of links [1] ; -12(-11 --> -10) - join_f] Result size [12000] calculationtime = [JDBCDataSrc_Database= 920.016 ]Finished calculation of pattern [Probe Info]: [Probe Info Num of nodes [1] ; 1- discoveryprobegateway Num of links [0]] Result size [1] calculationtime = [Probe Info= 1.230 ]•Check the active TQL status. To do this, run the showFullReport JMX method.•Check the CPU usage for the UCMDB process.o In Linux environments, this is logged in the os_statistics.log file.USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMANDroot 29472 5.0 63.3 8621540 5071408 ? Sl 00:32 30:43/opt/hp/UCMDB/UCMDBServer/bin/jre/bin/ucmdb_server –servero In Windows environments, use Task Manager or other monitoring tools. This information is not stored in the UCMDB logs.•Check for model consistency using the newDbTool database tool. This is documented in the Universal CMDB Administration Guide.o Alternatively, you can run the use findBrokenLinks, deleteBrokenLinks, andcheckModelConsistency JMX methods.o The recommended approach is to use the newDbTool.bat tool (not in preview mode) to clean any inconsistent CIs.•You can check what UCMDB is doing at a specific time by invoking the following JMX methods. The JMX methods reveal which managers are running, together with a full stack trace. This enables you to see which UCMDB operations are running, and their callers.o viewOperationsInformationo viewFormattedServerSnapshoto viewServerSnapshoto viewThreadDumpo viewLocksInfo•Check the cmdb.reconciliation.audit.log file for the total time of discovery bulks.INFO - [ID=1612311824] [Customer ID=1] [Changer=UCMDBDiscovery: MZ_Basic node_Host Connection by WMI] [total time=120.625o The cmdb.reconciliation.audit.log file contains information to help you troubleshoot potential slow data-in issues.•Check the data-in throughput by using the following JMX methods (aging and automatic probe deletion is not included in these statistics):o viewDiscoveryProcessingStatisticso exportDiscoveryProcessingStatisticsToExcelFor more information about the meaning of the data saved in the Excel file, refer to the "Reconciliation" of the "Supportability Handlers" topic in the Administration guide.UCMDB Database•Check that the UCMDB Database is configured based on the recommendations in the Database guide.•Check if there are any UCMDB Database connection from JMX by using the viewDbConnectionSummary JMX method.o There should be no connections. Database connection leaks are displayed for many hours, until the server restarts.•Check if there are any inconsistencies between the UCMDB class model and the database tables by using the rebuildModelDBSchemaAndViews JMX method.o If inconsistencies exist, run the rebuildModelDBSchemaAndViews and rebuildModelViews JMX method.o The class model must be aligned with the Database tables and views.•Check if there are any missing indexes. To do this, run the showAndRebuildMissingIndexes JMX method.o One of the common root causes for a slow environment is index fragmentation.o Check the Universal CMDB Database Guide for details about how to monitor index fragmentation and how to create an index rebuild plan based on the discovery schedule and load of the UCMDB server.•Check the UCMDB connection to the Database by using the testConnectionToDB JMX method. The method displays a basic summary of few DB SQL statements.o Use the method to establish a baseline. Run the method when the system is busy and when it is idle.This can highlight possible UCMDB database configuration issues.•Fix any history tables inconsistencies by using the alignHistoryForType JMX method.o If there are inconsistencies in the history tables (for example, missing columns) data in operations will fail.•Delete any unused history tables from the Database to save disk space on the Database server. To do this, run the deleteUnboundHistoryTables JMX method.Universal Discovery•Monitor the following Windows services on the Data Flow Probe server to make sure the services are running:•"UCMDB_Probe_XmlEnricher" (Display name: "HP Universal Discovery XML Enricher")•"UCMDB_Probe" (Display name: "UCMDB Probe")•"UCMDB_Probe_DB" (Display name: "UCMDB_Probe_DB")•It is necessary to monitor the amount of free space available on the probe. The probe creates files and uses disk space in the directory tree in which the probe is installed (by default, C:\hp\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe).Scan files (especially if software scanning is enabled) can occupy a significant amount of disk space. If the free disk space is less than 100 Mb, you should free more space.•When you encounter problems, refer to the log files (by default, these are located inC:\hp\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\runtime\log). Logs that typically contain information about fatal errors are WrapperProbeGw.log and probe-error.log. If a log contains an entry that resembles the following example, you must address the issue:<2017-08-23 10:13:12,594> 50626250 [FATAL ] XXXXXXXX•Monitor the probe status using the MAM:service=Discovery manager::monitorDiscoveryProbes UCMDB server JMX method. The method displays information that resembles the following:RUBMYDGLNOMonitors Discovery ProbeLast Report Time: No reports yetReported 0 CIsLast Access Time: 08/24/2017 13:55:30Monitor the Last Access Time value. If the last access time is not updated for one minute, the probe is disconnected.•Run the JobsInformation>viewJobsStatuses probe JMX method.o This JMX method displays the number of stuck triggers in the probe.o When the number of stuck threads reaches 8, the probe will restart.o Monitor this JMX method to be alerted about probe restarts.•Run the GwTaskResultDistributer Probe JMX method.o Check "NumberOfUnsentResults". This is the number of pending bulks waiting in the probe to be sent to the server.o Drill down to the GwTaskResultDistributer >viewUnsentResults JMX method:▪Check how long each bulk is waiting in the probe queue before it is sent to server.▪Bulks may wait too long in the probe queue because of a server-side problem.If the number of unsent results is increasing and is more than 1 million, you should investigate further. •Monitor the probe JVM heap by checking the jvm_statistics.log file (located in\HP\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\runtime\log). The log contains content that resembles the following:<2017-07-12 12:58:58,660> [DEBUG] [Timer-1] (JVMMonitorInfo.java:13) - HEAP - [USAGE: 241.5, FREE: 253.5, TOTAL: 494.9, MAX: 1979.8]; NON-HEAP - [USAGE: 41.7, FREE: 0.9,TOTAL: 42.6, MAX: 1024.0]; CLASSES - [Loaded: 7093, Unloaded: 0, Left: 7093]; THREADS - [Count: 89]If the free size of HEAP is less than 10, increase the amount of memory allocated to the probe’s JVM. •Check the probeGW-taskResults.log file:o Example:<2014-07-24 12:08:37,925> 145673 [INFO ] (TaskResultsSenderThread.java:166) - Process Result Time Statistics - Total Time:5651, Results size:6, Time To get Tasks:9, Timeto send results: 78, Time until server gets the results:90132, Time to get resultsstatus:5016, Time to process Id Mapping:98, Time to update warnings:0, Time toactivate automatic deletion:378, Time to inform the sent results is:4, Time to finish deleting results:25, Total time to handle Successful results:505o The above entry is printed for each group of discovery results bulks. Each entry includes the following measurements:▪"Time until server gets the results": Select results from DB (in probe side)▪"Time to get results status": Server side work - reconciliation\model update▪"total time to handle Successful results": Update probe DB table•Check the result processing queue time on the server side in the mam.autodiscovery.results.stat.log log file (located in \HP\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\runtime\log).2017-07-12 16:47:12,046 INFO [Process Results Thread-Test Import Vector From File] - Processing result of 'Unix-Daily' from probe: 'USPMVAPP557' took 3948msec. Waiting time (in result processing queue): 133349If the waiting time is more than 120000, you should investigate further.•Check the queue size in the mam.autodiscover.log log file (located in\HP\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\runtime\log).2017-08-22 20:20:25,275 INFO [notification_publish_task0-130] - [DISPATCH] Adding dispatch task to queue. New queue size: 846. Task: Redispatch Trigger Cis•Enable the probe server Database performance log. To do this, follow these steps:1. Open the \HP\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\conf\log\mam.properties file, and then add the followingcode:########################################## DB.performance.appender #########################################log4j.category.mam.collectors.dal=DEBUG,db.performance.appenderlog4j.appender.db.performance.appender=com.mercury.topaz.cmdb.shared.base.log.BetterRollingFileAppenderlog4j.appender.db.performance.appender.File=${logs.dir}/db.performance.loglog4j.appender.db.performance.appender.MaxFileSize=${def.file.max.size}log4j.appender.db.performance.appender.MaxBackupIndex=${def.files.backup.count}yout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayoutyout.ConversionPattern=%d %-5p - %m%n2. Locate the db.performance.log file (located in \HP\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\runtime\log).2017-08-02 15:35:48,031 DEBUG -context=dalcollectors;operation=setCIs;duration=500349The unit of duration is milliseconds. If one operation exceeds 2 mins, investigate further.Store and Forward Server•Windows:o Monitor the following two Windows services to make sure the services are running:▪"hpudStoreAndForward" (Display name: "HP Universal Discovery Store and Forward Server")▪"hpudApacheSF" (Display name: "HP Universal Discovery Store and Forward Web Server") •Linux:o Monitor the following Store and Forward server processes to make sure they are still running: ▪storeNforward▪httpd (embedded Apache web server daemon)•The Store and Forward server also serves the XML status document showing the current status of the server over HTTP (or HTTPS depending on how the server is configured). The status is available at the following URL:http[s]://<StoreAndForwardServer>:<port>/server_status.xmlIf you view the server status in a browser, a user-friendly HTML page is displayed. However, monitoring software can read the XML itself. For example:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="server_status.xsl"?><StoreAndForwardStatus version="1.0"><statusDirBytes>0</statusDirBytes><incomingDirBytes>0</incomingDirBytes><inProgressDirBytes>0</inProgressDirBytes><resumeDirBytes>0</resumeDirBytes><freeDiskSpaceBytes>50882215936</freeDiskSpaceBytes><numIncomingFiles>0</numIncomingFiles><numInProgressFiles>0</numInProgressFiles>11<numResumeFiles>0</numResumeFiles><modifiedTime>06/22/14 08:23:30</modifiedTime></StoreAndForwardStatus>•It is important to monitor the amount of free disk space available on the disk that the store and forward server uses for its data. If there are network connectivity problems and the store and forward server is not able to send the files on a timely basis, the files will start to accumulate and consume disk space. The directories that are used for storage are configured in the config.ini file used by the store and forward server:[BaseDirectories]dataDir=xxxincomingDir=yyyMore details can be found in the UCMDB documentation.12White PaperMicro Focus Trademark InformationMICRO FOCUS and the Micro Focus logo, among others, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Micro Focus (IP) Limited or its subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, United States and other countries. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.Company DetailsCompany name: Micro Focus International plcPlace of registration: England and WalesRegistered number: 5134647Registered address: The Lawn, 22-30 Old Bath Road, Berkshire, RG14 1Q。
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