
• 苔丝是美的象征和爱的化身,代 表着威塞克斯人的一切优秀的方 面:美丽、纯洁、善良、质朴、 仁爱和容忍。
• 暮色笼罩着辽阔的田野,一群少女穿着白色的连衣 裙,带着白花编成的花冠,踏着明快的乡村舞节奏, 在草坪上跳舞。她们中间有个姑娘叫苔丝,生得秀 丽、端庄,周围没一个姑娘比得上她。
• 维多利亚女王(1819—1901年),英国历史上在位时间最长的君主 (64年)。在位期间(1837-1901年),是英国最强盛的所谓“日 不落帝国”时期。维多利亚时代正值英国自由资本主义由方兴未艾 到鼎盛、进而过渡到垄断资本主义的转变时期,经济、文化空前繁 荣,君主立宪制得到充分发展,使维多利亚女王成了英国和平与繁 荣的象征。
从人道主义的角度,考察战争给人们带来的心理创痛, 揭露战争的残酷性和荒诞性
渴求一种精神寄 ,但又认为,传统宗教因其是迷信和 蒙昧的产物而无法作为人类摆脱生存困境的精神力量
残酷是贯穿自然界和人类社会的法则,人们必须面对残 酷的现实,而不能奢望从自然中寻求解脱
时间给物质生活带来的变化以及这些变化给人们带来的 心理创痛,探索人们应当如何面对残酷的时间
• 女权/女性主义运动、思潮兴起。 • 追求纯洁、平等的两性关系一直是女性内心最顽强的情结。
• 1.不受羁于物质而追求高尚爱情和人文理想的女性
简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen,1775~1817)《傲慢与偏见》中 的伊丽莎白。婚姻观:为了财产、金钱和地位而结婚是错误的; 而结婚不考虑上述因素也是愚蠢的。因此,她既反对为金钱而结 婚,也反对把婚姻当儿戏。她强调理想婚姻的重要性,并把男女 双方感情作为缔结理想婚姻的基石。
德伯家的苔丝 PPT课件1

哈代在小说扉页引用莎士比亚诗句:“可怜你 这受了伤的名字!我的胸膛就是卧榻,要供你 休息。”表明他对失身妇女的同情态度。为此 他受到英国上流社会的攻击。
哈代反对传统妇女贞操观。 “一切有机体都 有恢复原状的能力,为什么单单处女的贞节就该没 有呢?”
树木都有眼睛,来叮问你,有没有?----我 这是说,仿佛有眼睛。河水也说:—— 你 为什么拿你的面目来搅合我?同时好像有 好多好多的明天,通排成一行,站在你面 前,头一个顶大,顶清楚,越站在后面的 就越小,但是它们却好像一概都是很凶恶、 很残忍的,仿佛说:“我来啦,留我的神 吧!留我的神吧!” 可是你,先生,会用
《苔丝》的故事由春夏秋冬的季节时间与 季节色调体系构成,暖色调与冷色调交替。 一年四季是一个循环往复,永无止境的时 间结构,由第一年的春(跳舞,遇到安吉 克莱),秋(春瑞脊受辱)循环;到第二 年的夏(生孩子,麦地劳动)秋(奶牛场 恋爱)冬(结婚被抛弃),第三年冬(农 场做工,重新被亚雷占有),第四年春4、 5月(杀死亚雷,被捕)。开始是春天, 结尾也是春天。
空间的特征是不断延伸,在不断伸延中包含着许 多点片和区域。在户外空间,作者有许多关于路的描 写,“大路”、“小路”、“小径”、“平路”、 “山脊路”比比皆是,孤立地看这些路的描写,似乎 没有多大意义,可是把它们纳入到系统中,它们便具 有了自身所没有的整体性能,它们在复合系统内部, 排列组合成了贯穿故事空间始终的漫漫长路,构成了 人物运动的轨迹和衔接巧合情节的媒介。
运用的色彩词汇有40多 种,仅红色就有正红、朱红、 猩红、紫红、粉红、玫瑰红 和樱桃红。

rdy Nationality: British Date of birth: 1840 June 2 Death date: in 1928 Career: writer, poet novelist Graduate school: London university Representative work: “Wei Wessex poetry anthology", "the early and late lyric poetry", "Alicia diary, Famous lines: people always generous point, just worthy of thankfully.
The beautiful future is destroyed by the people who loved her. That is the saddest thing in life. Her father’s love of money is the root of all evil. The man who just has carnal desire push her into the abyss. And the name is Angle but weak people finally lead her to tragedy. Sorrow is always the mistake which happened before our eyes, but we can’t stop it. All these are dictated by particular historical, cultural tradition and background of the times. But I believe it also happened in our life. So we should know what is really valuable things. Don’t forget your initial determination. Don’t let the material desire to make you blind.
The beautiful future is destroyed by the people who loved her. That is the saddest thing in life. Her father’s love of money is the root of all evil. The man who just has carnal desire push her into the abyss. And the name is Angle but weak people finally lead her to tragedy. Sorrow is always the mistake which happened before our eyes, but we can’t stop it. All these are dictated by particular historical, cultural tradition and background of the times. But I believe it also happened in our life. So we should know what is really valuable things. Don’t forget your initial determination. Don’t let the material desire to make you blind.

人类生存在一个异己的、压抑个性和自然感情的世界里, 生存是悲剧性的,死亡是摆脱生存痛苦的一种途径
• 威塞克斯小说是19世纪英国现实主义小说家哈代所创作的一种小说 类型。哈代在他这一系列小说中详尽记叙了英国西南部农村社会的 发展史,描写了在现代资本主义文明的侵蚀下,依然保持着古老宗 法传统的“威塞克斯”地区从稳定到动荡、从繁荣到衰亡的历史, 表现了农民阶级的理想与追求、痛苦与灾难,揭示了在维多利亚盛 世帷幕掩盖下英国社会的深刻危机。
• 克莱在巴西经历了许多磨难,对自己抛弃苔丝的行为十分后悔。他写信
• 三、克莱始恋终弃,摧毁了她的精神和心灵,使她走到了生命的边缘。 • 安琪·克莱在苔丝心中是个天使。他博览群书,相信科学,怀疑基督教义,瞧不
起等级、财富等差异,具有民主、平等思想,对社会习俗和礼仪明显表示冷淡, 是个当时社会中理想化的人物。他崇尚自然的生活和品格,他的理想是将来经营 自己的农场为人类服务。他能克服中产阶级身份感和奶场的人打成一片,像理解 朋友一样理解他们,能欣赏他们的性格和才能。他对苔丝的爱具有初恋的纯洁、 炽热与真诚,深深地为苔丝的天真、纯朴所倾倒,在他眼里苔丝达到了物质美和 精神美的极致,是美好的化身。他说苔丝“真是浑身洋溢着诗意;她就是诗的化 身,她过的就是诗的生活——那种生活舞文弄墨的诗人只能在纸上写写罢了”。 他对苔丝的爱带有强烈的理想化色彩,是纯洁的、柏拉图式的、带着田园牧歌的 情调。他是持着尊重态度、郑重的婚姻意识和苔丝接近的,在遭到拒绝时很痛苦 却总耐心等待,决心是很坚定的。但是,在新婚之夜,苔丝向他讲述了她的过去 之后,一向思想开明的克莱陷入了深深的痛苦之中,他伤心、失望、苦恼,遭受 着严重的精神折磨,甚至半夜跑到苔丝的房间抱起她梦游,走过佛鲁姆河,几乎 把两人都淹死,口中念念有词“死了,死了”。他宁愿相信苔丝所说的是假的, 一次又一次请苔丝否定所讲的一切,根本听不进苔丝自己是受害者的解释。当他 确定这一切都无法挽回时,他选择了逃避,他不能谅解她。有人把克莱的思想归 为“资产阶级的传统观念”,这种说法显然是武断的。在这件事上,克莱也是悲 剧角色,他对爱情纯洁美好的追求,虽然对他这个也有过荒唐事的人来说,带有 明显的男权意识,但对他这个个体而言,不应该受到过分的指责,他的追求被无 情的现实撕破了,他的痛苦不能简单地用阶级的概念去评判,这是人类文化长期 发展的结果,仅从个人而言,克莱是受害者。在这一点上,苔丝是认可的。不然 不会有后来追赶克莱,也不会有把自己的妹妹交给克莱。但是,正是这个同样是 受害者的人,无情地伤害了苔丝,这使得苔丝的悲剧更具有了悲剧特质。可以说, 亚雷的丑行残暴得毁了苔丝的洁白之身,克莱的远离则无情地摧跨了苔丝的纯真 之心。他的痛苦在一定条件下是可以理解的,但他对苔丝的伤害不亚于亚雷对她 的伤害,是致命的。
• 威塞克斯小说是19世纪英国现实主义小说家哈代所创作的一种小说 类型。哈代在他这一系列小说中详尽记叙了英国西南部农村社会的 发展史,描写了在现代资本主义文明的侵蚀下,依然保持着古老宗 法传统的“威塞克斯”地区从稳定到动荡、从繁荣到衰亡的历史, 表现了农民阶级的理想与追求、痛苦与灾难,揭示了在维多利亚盛 世帷幕掩盖下英国社会的深刻危机。
• 克莱在巴西经历了许多磨难,对自己抛弃苔丝的行为十分后悔。他写信
• 三、克莱始恋终弃,摧毁了她的精神和心灵,使她走到了生命的边缘。 • 安琪·克莱在苔丝心中是个天使。他博览群书,相信科学,怀疑基督教义,瞧不
起等级、财富等差异,具有民主、平等思想,对社会习俗和礼仪明显表示冷淡, 是个当时社会中理想化的人物。他崇尚自然的生活和品格,他的理想是将来经营 自己的农场为人类服务。他能克服中产阶级身份感和奶场的人打成一片,像理解 朋友一样理解他们,能欣赏他们的性格和才能。他对苔丝的爱具有初恋的纯洁、 炽热与真诚,深深地为苔丝的天真、纯朴所倾倒,在他眼里苔丝达到了物质美和 精神美的极致,是美好的化身。他说苔丝“真是浑身洋溢着诗意;她就是诗的化 身,她过的就是诗的生活——那种生活舞文弄墨的诗人只能在纸上写写罢了”。 他对苔丝的爱带有强烈的理想化色彩,是纯洁的、柏拉图式的、带着田园牧歌的 情调。他是持着尊重态度、郑重的婚姻意识和苔丝接近的,在遭到拒绝时很痛苦 却总耐心等待,决心是很坚定的。但是,在新婚之夜,苔丝向他讲述了她的过去 之后,一向思想开明的克莱陷入了深深的痛苦之中,他伤心、失望、苦恼,遭受 着严重的精神折磨,甚至半夜跑到苔丝的房间抱起她梦游,走过佛鲁姆河,几乎 把两人都淹死,口中念念有词“死了,死了”。他宁愿相信苔丝所说的是假的, 一次又一次请苔丝否定所讲的一切,根本听不进苔丝自己是受害者的解释。当他 确定这一切都无法挽回时,他选择了逃避,他不能谅解她。有人把克莱的思想归 为“资产阶级的传统观念”,这种说法显然是武断的。在这件事上,克莱也是悲 剧角色,他对爱情纯洁美好的追求,虽然对他这个也有过荒唐事的人来说,带有 明显的男权意识,但对他这个个体而言,不应该受到过分的指责,他的追求被无 情的现实撕破了,他的痛苦不能简单地用阶级的概念去评判,这是人类文化长期 发展的结果,仅从个人而言,克莱是受害者。在这一点上,苔丝是认可的。不然 不会有后来追赶克莱,也不会有把自己的妹妹交给克莱。但是,正是这个同样是 受害者的人,无情地伤害了苔丝,这使得苔丝的悲剧更具有了悲剧特质。可以说, 亚雷的丑行残暴得毁了苔丝的洁白之身,克莱的远离则无情地摧跨了苔丝的纯真 之心。他的痛苦在一定条件下是可以理解的,但他对苔丝的伤害不亚于亚雷对她 的伤害,是致命的。

Creative background
• It is against this historical background, she became the most tragic and the most compassionate image of rural women in the history of English literature . • Hardy describe a pure destruction of innocent women. The book reflect the spirit of human kindhearted, simplism, hard-working, self-sacrifice, the thirst for freedom. • Tess is the artistic charm of its own destruction in order to defend human dignity, values and virtues, it grab all our compassion and sympathy
3. Novels of Character and Environment Under the Greenwood Tree (1872) 《绿荫下》
Far from the Madding Crowd (1874) 《远离尘嚣》 The Return of the Native (1878) 《还乡》 The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886) 《卡斯特桥
Tess is taken advantage by Mr. d'Urberville and leaves his house, returning home to have their child, who subsequently dies. Throughout the rest of this fascinating novel, Tess is tormented by guilt at the thought of her impurity and vows to never marry. She is tested when she meets Angel, the clever son of a priest, and falls in love with him. After days of pleading, Tess gives in to Angel and consents to marry him. Angel deserts Tess when he finds the innocent country girl he fell in love with is not so pure.
分析哈代及徳伯家的苔丝 ppt课件

而且,你生性单纯, 包不住话,答应我 绝不要在言行之中 透露半点你过去的 事情,我这也是为 你的幸福着想,在 你离开家门的时候, 你已经郑重答应过 我了。我没有把你 婚前苦恼的事情告 诉你父亲,他这个 人有点呆头呆脑, 喜欢到处张扬。
Dear Tess keep up your Spirits and we mean to send you a Hogshead of Cyder for your wedding knowing there is not much in your parts and thin Sour Stuff what there is. So no more at present and with kind love to your Young Man.
英国西南部的多塞特郡。 1849年,进入多塞特郡学校 学习。 1856年—1862年,跟一名建 筑师做学徒。 1862年前往伦敦学习建筑, 并从事文学、神学和近代语 言的研究。接受了不可知论。 获得过两项建筑奖。 1883年哈代携妻子离开伦敦, 在家乡为自己设计并建造了 麦克斯门宅第。一生基本在 家乡度过。
主人公苔丝是一位美丽的农家少女,因受假 冒的少爷亚历克诱迫而失身怀孕。她后来和 安奇尔结婚,说给了她听,她丈夫觉得这是不可 接受的事情,离开了她.从此,这一耻辱的事实 剥夺了她接受,她重见亚历克,亚历克当了牧 师.不料,就在这时她丈夫回来了。苔丝为了 自己真正的爱,毅然杀死同居的少爷,在与 丈夫欢聚五天后,走上了绞刑台。
ppt课件 4
September 17, 1874 Married Emma Gifford.

Thomas Hardy (1840~1928)
Thomas Hardy
• Life • Works • Theme & Style • Position & Evaluation
Thomas Hardy was an English novelist, short writer and poet.
• 1867 The Poor Man and The Lady • 1871 Desperate Remedies • 1872 Under the Greenwood Tree • 1873 A Pair of Blue Eyes • 1874 Far From the Madding Crowd • 1878 The Return of the Native • 1886 The Mayor of Casterbridge • 1887 The Woodlanders • 1891 Tess of the D' Urebevilles • 1895 Jude the Obscure
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)
17112303 顾蓉 17112307 蒋爱家
• The Author • Analysis on Characters • Main Idea • Plot of the Text • Analysis on the Text
Romantic during the first third of the nineteenth century artistic philosophy reliance upon emotion and natural passions unique nature of the individual
Thomas Hardy (1840~1928)
Thomas Hardy
• Life • Works • Theme & Style • Position & Evaluation
Thomas Hardy was an English novelist, short writer and poet.
• 1867 The Poor Man and The Lady • 1871 Desperate Remedies • 1872 Under the Greenwood Tree • 1873 A Pair of Blue Eyes • 1874 Far From the Madding Crowd • 1878 The Return of the Native • 1886 The Mayor of Casterbridge • 1887 The Woodlanders • 1891 Tess of the D' Urebevilles • 1895 Jude the Obscure
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)
17112303 顾蓉 17112307 蒋爱家
• The Author • Analysis on Characters • Main Idea • Plot of the Text • Analysis on the Text
Romantic during the first third of the nineteenth century artistic philosophy reliance upon emotion and natural passions unique nature of the individual

这是一本忧伤的 书…… 一位少女的生命被慢 慢地、但确确实实地 毁了 不是被她的敌人,而 是被那些Байду номын сангаас称爱她的 人。
再 也 不 盛 见 开 的 , 盛 开
悲哀总是在眼睁睁地目睹错误发生 却又无力阻拦之时产生。苔丝是一 个快乐的姑娘,她的生活本该十分 幸福——但合适的人儿犹豫着,不 当的人却捷足先登。
小说作者托马 斯·哈代(1840- 1928)是英国最伟大 的作家之一。他的 大部分作品,包括 《苔丝》,都是以 他的故乡,英国南 海岸的多尔塞特为 背景的。
苔丝,一个善良美丽的农家姑娘,却不幸的被地主 少爷亚历克玷污,怀着身孕回到家乡。孩子夭折后,他 遇到了安琪· 克莱尔 ,两人产生爱情。新婚之夜,苔丝 出于一片忠诚向克莱尔坦白。却为丈夫所不容,克莱尔 立即丢下妻子,独自前往巴西。 后来,在父亲去世,母亲重病,弟妹失学,一家人 沦落街头,克莱尔有杳无音信之际,苔丝只好“舍身救 家”,答应与地主少爷亚历克同居。谁知克莱尔回心转 意,从巴西回来寻找苔丝。苔丝悔恨交加,失手刺死欺 骗自己的亚历克。他在逃亡过程中与丈夫克莱尔共同度 过了几日幸福生活,终被逮捕并判处死刑。
生在资本主义社会的苔丝,其悲剧命运是社会规律的 必然反映。所以造成她悲剧命运的根源就是当时的资本 主义社会。是当时的社会背景造成的。 我想:其实,在那种社会,受害者不仅仅是苔丝,也 许还有上百个甚至上千个苔丝式的悲剧发生。托马斯•哈 代笔下的苔丝只是一个受害者,而他想说明的也许就是 当时社会的不公吧。作者认为最好的、最崇高的悲剧是 有价值的东西为不可抗拒的力量所毁灭的悲剧。美丽、 纯洁的大自然之女毁灭了,是苔丝的悲剧,也是人类的 悲剧。
12级经济学班 赵雅倩 2012150152

Everybody will daydream sometimes.but we wil not care it anytime,Tess’s father was a dreamer,we must think about ourselves.when somebody tells us a thing which is far away from our daily life,we must think about it carefully and investigate the fact.
Tess of the D’urbervilles is a novel, which ends by the tragedy. It narrates the fate of a young and beautiful country girl whose name is Tess. It is a novel with a plot which is basically very simple: a girl is seduced by a man and she marries another man, who deserts her after knowing her past. She has to become the first man’s mistress because of poor life. Finally, when her husband returns to her, she hates the first man and kills him. Consequently, she is arrested and executed. Tess’s fate is dual. On one hand, it is personal, because she happens to be so beautiful, so pure, so innocent, so obedient and so poor and because she happened to get involved with the two men who, though apparent rivals, actually join their forces in bringing about her destruction. On the other hand, her fate is a social one. It can be the fate of all the peasants who are driven out of their land and home and forced to seek somewhere else for sustenance. By 袁亚
Tess of the D’urbervilles is a novel, which ends by the tragedy. It narrates the fate of a young and beautiful country girl whose name is Tess. It is a novel with a plot which is basically very simple: a girl is seduced by a man and she marries another man, who deserts her after knowing her past. She has to become the first man’s mistress because of poor life. Finally, when her husband returns to her, she hates the first man and kills him. Consequently, she is arrested and executed. Tess’s fate is dual. On one hand, it is personal, because she happens to be so beautiful, so pure, so innocent, so obedient and so poor and because she happened to get involved with the two men who, though apparent rivals, actually join their forces in bringing about her destruction. On the other hand, her fate is a social one. It can be the fate of all the peasants who are driven out of their land and home and forced to seek somewhere else for sustenance. By 袁亚
Hardy and plot of Tess苔丝PPT

The tone of his works
Because his works mainly depict the harsh realities of the bourgeois society, the tone of his works is extremely pessimistic.
The philosophy embedded in his works
Due to family poverty, Tess’s parents force her to visit the d'Urbervilles to “claim kin” with this rich relation.
Tess meets the libertine son Alec who secures her a position as poultry keeper. Alec immediately begins making advances by taking advantage of her.
Hardy’s principal works are called Wessex Novels, i.e. the novels describing the characters and environment of his native countryside called Wessex.
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)
Hardy is a British Novelist and poet at the turn of the 19th century.
He is one of the representatives of English critical realism with a touch of naturalism.

Main Characters
•Tess •Alec
• • • • • Nature Pure Brave Weakness Rebell
• Tess is a good, beautiful and strong country girl.
• However, due to various reasons, to recognize her own in the process, the humiliation of being raped.
Tess’s father died. Their house was taken away. The lover didn’t forgive her.
Tess with hatred and for his family went back to Alec
Angle came back They spent a happy few days
wet behind the ears(少不 更事的)
met the wily Alec
Meet Angle again
Fell in love with each other
• The child
They decided to get married
• Confess to each other • He can not accept her past • The lovers separated with each other in grief.
• In my mind, love is grand and unselfishness. If you love somebody deeply, please receive all her past, which is also a part of her, a part of her soul. In contrast, you can not enter her inner world if you refuse to receive her past. Love is understanding and forgiving. Love is the only reason why we live now.

• ventured to creep out of their chamber, and explore the house, leaving Tess asleep. There was no food on the premises房屋, but there was water, and he took advantage of the fog to emerge from the mansion, and fetch tea, bread, and butter from a shop in a little place two miles beyond, as also a small tin kettle and spirit-lamp, that they might get fire without smoke. His reentry awoke her; and they breakfasted on what he had brought.
Tess drew her breath fearfully, and Angel, perplexed困惑, said--
• `What can it be?'
• Feeling sideways they encountered another tower-like pillar, square and uncompromising as the first; beyond it another and another. The place was all doors and pillars, some connected above by continuous architraves`A very Temple of the Winds,' he said.

Main Characters
• John D’Urbeyfield • Joan D’Urbeyfield • Tess D’Urbeyfield • Alec Stoke D’Urberville: • Mrs Simon Stoke • Richard Crick • Angle Clare • Jame Clare • ’Liza-Lu
Return of the Native
The Gist of the Novel Setting(time):The 1880s and 1890s
Setting(place):Wessex, the southwest of England
Protagonist:Tess D’Urbeyfield
Phase the Fifth --The Woman Pays (Chap.35)
Not Forgive
Angel Clare
As his name—in French, close to “Bright Angel”—suggests, Angel is not quite of this world, but floats above it in a transcendent sphere of his own. The narrator says that Angel shines rather than burns .His moral system is readjusted as he is brought down to Earth. Ironically, it is not the angel who guides the human in this novel, but the human who instructs the angel, although at the cost of her own life.
Main Characters
• John D’Urbeyfield • Joan D’Urbeyfield • Tess D’Urbeyfield • Alec Stoke D’Urberville: • Mrs Simon Stoke • Richard Crick • Angle Clare • Jame Clare • ’Liza-Lu
Return of the Native
The Gist of the Novel Setting(time):The 1880s and 1890s
Setting(place):Wessex, the southwest of England
Protagonist:Tess D’Urbeyfield
Phase the Fifth --The Woman Pays (Chap.35)
Not Forgive
Angel Clare
As his name—in French, close to “Bright Angel”—suggests, Angel is not quite of this world, but floats above it in a transcendent sphere of his own. The narrator says that Angel shines rather than burns .His moral system is readjusted as he is brought down to Earth. Ironically, it is not the angel who guides the human in this novel, but the human who instructs the angel, although at the cost of her own life.
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His love for Tess may be abstract, as we guess when he calls her “Daughter of Nature” or “Demeter.” Like Tess, Angel has a past, when he was nearly lead into a relationship with a woman in London. When Tess relates her own tale, he seems to have forgotten his own lurid tale and denies Tess the forgiveness that she so willingly grants him.
She possesses an education that her unschooled parents lack and has passed the Sixth Standard of the National Schools. She has curiosity that goes beyond her basic education, as demonstrated when she debates religious and moral issues with both Angel and Alec.
hardy and unselfish
She accepts blame for Prince's death; the death of her infant son, Sorrow; the loss of Angel and the destruction of her marriage. she suggests to the other milkmaids at Talbothays and Angel, that Izz, Retty, and Marian are all more acceptable for marriage to Angel than she is.
His gentlemanly ways also come to the fore when he offers to carry all four dairymaids over a swollen creek when the girls are on their way to church. It is a perfect excuse for all of the girls — Izz, Retty, Marian, and Tess — to get closer to their desire, Angel Clare himself.
Analysis of r characters
1 2
Tess Durbeyfield
Alec d’Urberville
Angel Clare
Tess Durbeyfield
Strikingly attractive and passionate hardy and unselfish intelligent innocent
she is unschooled "in the ways of the world" and therefore unable to protect herself. Tess chides her mother for not telling her full truth about a less-than-kind world: "Why didn't you tell me there was danger in men-folk?"
Freethinking Gentlemanly impractical, idealistic
A freethinking son born into the family of a provincial parson and determined to set himself up as a farmer instead of going to Cambridge like his conformist brothers, Angel represents a rebellious striving toward a personal vision of goodness. His love for Tess, a mere milkmaid and his social inferior, is one expression of his disdain for tradition.
rich Evil and wicked Worldly and Sophisticated Crazy in love with Tess
An insouciant twenty-four-year-old man, heir to a fortune, and bearer of a name that his father purchased, Alec is the downfall of Tess’s life. Alec woos Tess with his suave talk and conspicuous wealth.
Strikingly attractive and passionate Throughout the novel, Hardy develops Tess as a character and describes her simple beauty. She is attractive to all men, and even her attempts to change her appearance are not enough to hide her natural beauty. She strays from her marriage only when it appears that Angel may not return to her from South America and when there is no other way to . help her destitute family. She tries to kill herself to free Angel from their marriage and refuses to ask Angel's parents for any additional money during Angel's sojourn to Brazil.
Alec buys a horse for Tess’s family in order to take advantage of her, but Tess continues to rebuff his advances at every opportunity. It is not until he rescues her from a fight, in Chapter 10, with other Trantridge workers that her fate is sealed. Sensing a chance to have Tess, Alec purposefully becomes lost in a trek through the woods. He rapes Tess while she sleeps awaiting his return. It could be argued that even after seducing Tess, Alec does indeed fall in love with her and makes his plans to have her as his own a second time.