
剑桥少儿英语一级词汇表Aa det 一、一个;add v 加;afternoon n 下午;again adv又、再;alphabet n字母表;am v 是;an det一、一个;and conj和;animal n 动物;Ann n 安;answer n 答案,回答;answer v 回答;apple n 苹果;are v 是;arm n 手臂;armchair n 扶手椅;ask v 问;at prep在,于,向,在……方面Bbaby n 婴孩;badminton羽毛球;bag n 袋子;ball n 球;banana n 香蕉;baseball n 棒球;basketball n 篮球;bath n淋浴,浴室;bathroom n浴室,盥洗室;be v是;beach n 海滩;bean n 豆;beautiful adj 美丽的,很好的;bed n 床;bedroom n 卧室;behi nd prep在……后面;Ben n 本(人名);between prep 在……中间;big adj 大的;bike n 自行车;Bill n 比尔(人名);bird n 鸟;birthday n 生日;black adj 黑色的;blue adj 蓝色的;board n 木板;boat n 小船,艇;body n身体;book n书;bookcase n书架,书柜;bounce v弹跳,(球)弹回;box n 盒子,箱;boy n男孩;bread n面包;breakfast n早餐;brother n兄弟;brown adj褐色的,棕色的;burger n汉堡包;bus n 公共汽车;bye(-bye)再见Ccake n蛋糕;camera n照相机;can/cannot/can't v能\不能;car n小汽车;carrot n 胡萝卜;cat n猫;catch v抓住;赶上(车船等);chair n椅子;chicken n小鸡,鸡肉;c hild/children n孩子/孩子们;class n班级;课;classroom n教室;clean adj干净的;clock n时钟;close v关,关闭;clothes n衣服;coconut n椰子;colour n颜色;colo ur (in) v涂色;computer n计算机;correct adj正确的;cow n奶牛;crocodile n鳄鱼;cross n叉;cross v横过;划叉;cupboard n壁橱Ddad(dy) n爸爸;day n天;日;desk n课桌;dining room n餐厅;dirty adj脏的;do/d on't v做/不做;dog n狗;doll n洋娃娃;door n门;draw v画;drawing n绘画;图画;dress n连衣裙;drink n+v饮料;喝;duck n鸭子Eear n耳朵;eat v吃;egg n鸡蛋;eight num八;elephant n大象;English n+adj英语;英国的;enjoy v喜欢;eraser n橡皮;example n例子;eye n眼睛Fface n脸;family n家庭;father n父亲;favourite adj最喜欢的;find v找到;发现;fish (s+pl) n鱼;fishing n钓鱼;five num五;floor n地面;楼层;flower n花;flyv飞;food n食物;foot/feet脚n;for prep为;给;替;four num四;French fries n 炸薯条;friend n朋友;frog n青蛙Ggame n游戏;garden n花园;giraffe n长颈鹿;girl n女孩;give v给;glasses眼镜;go v去;goat n山羊;good adj好的;good-bye再见;grandfather n祖父;爷爷;grand mother n祖母;奶奶;green adj绿色的;grey (or gray) adj灰色的;guitar n吉它Hhair n头发;hall n大厅;厅;hand n手;handbag手提包n;happy (birthday) adj快乐的;hat n帽子;have (got) v有;he pron他;head n头;helicopter n直升飞机;hel lo喂;你好;her pron她;here adv这里;him pron他;hippo n河马;his pron他的;hit v击;打;hobby n爱好;hockey n曲棍球;horse n马;house n房子;how many int 多少;how old int多大II pron我;ice cream n冰淇淋;in prep of place在……里面;in front of prep在……前面;is v是;it pro它nJjacket n夹克衫;jeans n牛仔裤;juice n果汁;jump v跳;跳跃Kkick v踢;Kim n 基姆(人名);kitchen n厨房;kite n飞筝;know (don't know) v知道;认识Llamp n台灯;灯;learn v学习;leg n腿;lemon n柠檬;lemonade n柠檬水;lesson n 课;letter (as in alphabet) n字母;like v+prep喜欢;像;lime n酸橙;line n线;l isten (to) v听;live v居住;生活;living room n起居室;lizard n晰蝎;long adj 长的;look v看;look at v看(某物);love v热爱;喜欢;lunch n午饭Mman/men n男人;mango n芒果;mat n小块地毯;May (girl's name) n梅(女名);me pr on我(宾格);meat n肉;milk n牛奶;mirror n镜子;monkey n猴子;monster n怪物;mother n母亲;motorbike n摩托车;mouse/mice n老鼠;mouth n嘴;mum(my) n妈妈;my det 我的Nname n名字;new adj新的;next to prep与……相邻的;Nick n尼克(男名);night n 晚上;nine num九;no det不;nose n鼻子;not adv不;没有;now现在;number n数字of prep属于……的;oh 阿;呀;OK dis行;可以;old adj老的;on prep在……上面;o ne num一;onion n洋葱;open v打开;or conj或者;否则;orange n桔子;our pron我们的Ppage n页;paint v颜料;涂颜色;painting n画;pardon inter请原谅;part n部分;P at n帕特(男名);pea n碗豆;pear n梨;pen n钢笔;pencil n铅笔;phone n+v电话;打电话;photo n照片;piano n钢琴;pick up v拾起;捡起;picture n图片;pineappl e n菠萝;pink adj粉红色;plane n飞机;play (with) v玩;please inter请;point v指(向);potato n土豆;purple adj紫色的;put v放;搁Qquestion n问题Rradio n收音机;read v读;阅读;red adj红色的;rice n米饭;ride n+v坐车;骑(车\马);right (=correct) adj+dis正确的;robot n机器人;room n房间;ruler n尺子;run v跑Ssad adj伤心的;Sam n山姆(男名);sausage n香肠;say v说;school学校n;sea n海;see v看见;sentence n句子;seven num七;she pron她;sheep (s+pl) n绵羊;shirt n衬衣;shoe n鞋;short adj短的;矮的;show v展示;sing v唱;sister n姐姐;妹妹;sit (down) v坐下;six num六;skirt n裙子;sleep v睡觉;small adj小的;snake n 蛇;;so dis这样;如此;soccer n足球;sock n袜子;sofa n沙发;some det一些;so ng n歌曲;sorry对不起;spell v拼写;spider n蜘蛛;sport n体育运动;stand (up) v站立;start v开始;stop n+v停止;story n故事;street n街道;Sue n苏(女名);sun n太阳;supper n晚饭;swim v游泳TT-shirt n T恤;table n桌子;table tennis n乒乓球;talk v谈话;teacher n老师;television/TV n电视;tell v告诉;ten num十;tennis n网球;test n+v测试;than k you谢谢你;that det+pron那,那个;the det指这个,那个(定冠词);their det他们的;她们的;它们的;them pron他们;她们;它们then dis 那时;那么;there adv那里;these det+p 这些;they pron他们;她们;它们;this det+pron这;those det+pron那些;three num三;throw v扔;tick n+v勾;打勾;tiger n老虎;to prep去某个方向;today adv今天;Tom n汤姆(男名);tomato n西红柿;toy n玩具;train n火车;tree n树;trousers n裤子;try v试一试;two num二ugly adj丑的;under prep在……下面;understand v明白;us pron我们(宾格)Vvery adv很;非常Wwalk v走路;wall n墙壁;want v想要;watch v观看;water n水;watermelon n西瓜;we pron我们;wear v穿;戴;well dis好;what int什么;where int哪里;which int 哪一个;white adj白色的;who int谁;whose int谁的;window n窗户;with pron和;woman/women n女人;word n词;write v写Yyellow adj黄色的;yes是,是的;you pron你;你们;young adj年轻的;your pron你的;你们的ZZoo n 动物园。

剑桥少儿英语一级各个类别单词汇总1动物animals:老虎tiger 狮子lion 大象elephant 斑马zebra 蜥蜴lizard 长颈鹿giraffe 猫cat 狗dog 鸭子duck鸡chicken 母鸡hen 公鸡cock 山羊goat 绵羊sheep 鳄鱼crocodile河马hippo 青蛙frog 熊bear 狐狸fox 兔子rabbit 鹿deer 骆驼camel 马horse 猴子monkey蛇snake 鸟bird 鹦鹉parrot2水果fruits: 苹果apple 梨pear 香蕉banana 橙子orange 柠檬lemon 酸橙lime 芒果mango菠萝pineapple 椰子coconut 葡萄grapes 葡萄柚grapefruit 草莓strawberry 蓝莓blueberry火龙果dragon fruit 桃子peach 西瓜watermelon3蔬菜vegetable: 胡萝卜carrot 洋葱onion 西红柿tomato 土豆potato 卷心菜cabbage豌豆pea 豆子bean 南瓜pumpkin 黄瓜cucumber 萝卜turnip4食物food : 牛肉beef 肉、肉类meat 面条noodles 米饭rice 汉堡包hamburger/burger鱼fish 三明治sandwich 香肠sausage 巧克力chocolate 鸡肉chicken 水果fruit蔬菜vegetable 面包bread5饮料drinks:牛奶milk 水water 果汁juice 咖啡coffee 柠檬水lemonade 可乐cola6学校物品school things:铅笔pencil 钢笔pen 橡皮eraser/rubber 文具盒pencil-case书本book 练习本exercise book 包bag 书包schoolbag 手提包handbag 尺子ruler教室classroom7颜色colour:红色red 黄色yellow 绿色green 蓝色blue 白色white 粉红色pink紫色purple 橙色orange 棕色brown 黑色black8交通工具vehicle: 小汽车car 火车train 摩托车motorbike 自行车bike 飞机plane小船boat 直升机helicopter 公交车bus 轮船ship 出租车taxi 游艇yacht9家庭family:爸爸dad 妈妈mum 父亲father 母亲mother 父母亲parent(外)祖父grandfather (外)祖母grandmother 祖父母、外祖父母grandparents 兄弟brother 姐妹sister 儿子son 外甥、侄子nephew (堂)表兄弟姐妹cousin 外甥女、侄女nephew 叔、伯、舅、姑父uncle 婶、伯母、姨母、姑母uncle 女儿daughter10房子house:卧室bedroom 起居室、客厅living room 厨房kitchen 餐厅dining room 阳台balcony 卫生间bathroom /washroom 橱柜cupboard 书柜bookcase 衣柜wardrobe 桌子table 书桌、课桌、办公桌desk 椅子chair 扶手椅armchair 沙发sofa 窗户window 门door 地板floor 墙wall 屋顶roof 门厅、大厅、过道、走廊hall 镜子mirror 相机camera 11衣物clothes:帽子hat 鸭舌帽cap 围巾scarf 毛衣sweater 外套coat 夹克衫jacket衬衫shirt T恤衫T-shirt 短裙skirt 连衣裙dress 短裤shorts 牛仔裤jeans长裤、裤子trousers/pants 袜子sock(s) 鞋子shoe(s) 手套glove(s) 打扮、穿戴整齐dress up 12身体body:头head 头发hair 鼻子nose 耳朵ear(s) 眼镜eye(s) 脸face 胳膊arm(s) 手hand(s) 腿leg(s) 脚foot(feet) 脚趾toe(toes) 身体、主体body 嘴巴mouth牙齿tooth(teeth) 胡须、络腮胡子beard 小胡子、八字胡moustache13运动sports: 跳jumping 单脚跳hopping 游泳swimming 打网球playing tennis踢足球playing football 打篮球playing basketball 打乒乓球playing table tennis打曲棍球playing hockey 打羽毛球playing badminton 爬山climbing mountains跑步running14科目subject:英语English 汉语Chinese 音乐music 数学maths 计算机computer15变成现在分词需双写末字母的动词:跑步run-running 游泳swim-swimming 单脚跳hop-hopping购物go shopping 拖地、拖mop-mopping 擦洗scrub-scrubbing 坐下sit-sitting 放、放下put-putting以上各类单词为一级主要的类别单词,其余重要单词会在今后的复习中进行总结。

fournum四French friesn炸薯条
lookv看look atv看(某物)
May (girl's name)n梅(女名)

剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(一)动物Animal剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(三)Home 家剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(五)Body and clothes身体和衣服剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(七)Place 地点剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(八)学校 School剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(九)剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(十一)其它 Other剑桥少儿英语一级分类词汇总结01 剑桥少儿英语一级分类词汇总结 Food 食物 1. hamburger / burger (hamburgers / burgers) 汉堡 2. rice 米饭 13. lamb 羊肉 3. noodles 面条 14. beef 牛肉 4. sausage (sausages) 香肠 16. steak 牛排 5. hot dog (hot dogs) 热狗 17. bread 面包 6. pizza 比萨饼 18. popcorn 爆米花 7. cake (cakes) 蛋糕 19. pasta 意大利面食(意大利同心粉) 8. French fries / chips 炸薯条 20. sandwich (sandwiches) 三明治 9. meat 肉 21. ice cream 冰激凌 22. salad 色拉 10. meal (meals) 饭11. chicken 鸡肉 12. fish 鱼肉Vegetable 蔬菜 1. potato (potatoes) 土豆 2. tomato (tomatoes) 西红柿 3. cucumber (cucumbers) 黄瓜 4. bean (beans) 豆角 Fruits 水果 1. apple (an apple / apples) 苹果 2. orange (an orange / oranges) 桔子 3. banana (bananas)香蕉 4. pear (pears) 梨 5. pineapple (pineapples) 菠萝 6. watermelon (watermelons) 西瓜 7. lemon (lemons) 柠檬 8. mango (mangoes) 芒果 9. grape (grapes) 葡萄 10. coconut (coconuts) 椰子11. nut (nuts) 坚果 5. pea (peas) 豌豆 6. carrot (carrots) 胡萝卜 7. egg (an egg / eggs) 鸡蛋 8. onion(an onion / onions) 洋葱Human Body 人体 1. head 头 2. neck 脖子 3. shoulder (shoulders) 肩膀 4. forehead 额头 5. nose 鼻子 6. mouth 嘴 7. eye (an eye / eyes)眼睛 8. ear ( an ear / ears) 耳朵 9. tooth (teeth) 牙齿 10. arm (an arm / arms) 胳膊 11. hand (hands) 手 12. leg ( legs ) 腿 13. foot (feet) 脚 14. knee (knees) 膝盖 15. face (faces) 脸 16. finger (fingers) 手指 17. pointer 食指 18. thumb 拇指 19. nail 指甲 20. child (children) 儿童 21. man (men) 男人 22. woman (women) 女人 23. baby (babies) 婴儿Animals 动物 1. bee (bees)蜜蜂 2. cat (cats)猫 3. dog (dogs)狗 4. bird (birds)鸟 5. rabbit (rabbits) 兔子 6. cow (cows)奶牛 7. tiger (tigers)老虎 8. lion(lions)狮子 9. giraffe (giraffes)长颈鹿 10. snake (snakes) 蛇 (snails)蜗牛 12. mouse (mice)老鼠 School 学校 1. teacher (teachers)老师 2. student (students)学生 3. pupil (pupils)小学生 4. ruler (rulers)尺子 5. eraser (erasers)橡皮 6. book (books)书 7. bag (bags)书包 8. pencil (pencils) 铅笔 9. pen (pens)钢笔 10. pencil-box (pencil-boxes) 铅笔盒11. pencil-case (pencil-cases) 文具12. classroom (classrooms) 教室 13. blackboard (blackboards) 黑板 14. chalk 粉笔15. table (tables)桌子 16. desk (desks) 课桌 17. computer (computers)电脑 18. playground 操 13. chick (chicks) 小鸡 14. sheep (sheep) 绵羊 15. goat (goats) 山羊16. fish (fish)鱼17. butterfly (butterflies)蝴蝶18. dragonfly (dragonflies)蜻蜓19. fly (flies) 苍蝇20. whale (whales)鲸鱼21. shark (sharks)鲨鱼 22. dolphin (dolphins) 海豚 23. hippo (hippos)河马 24. frog (frogs)青蛙 25. elephant (elephants)大象 26. duck (ducks)鸭子 27. horse (horses)马 28. pig (pigs) 猪 29. monkey (monkeys)猴子 30. spider (spiders) 蜘蛛 31. kangaroo (kangaroos) 袋鼠 32. parrot (parrots) 鹦鹉 33. bat (bats) 蝙蝠Colors 颜色 1. brown 棕色 2. yellow 黄色 3. orange 橙色 4. green 绿色 6. purple 紫色 7. gray 灰色 9. red 红色 10. white 白色 11. blue 蓝色 12. indigo 青紫色 13. violet 紫罗兰 14. black 黑色Vehicles 交通工具 1. car (cars)汽车 2. van (vans) 货车 3. bike (bikes)自行车 4. helicopter (helicopters)直升飞机 5. train (trains)火车 Family 家庭 1. father 爸爸 2. mother 妈妈 3. sister 姐姐、妹妹 4. brother 哥哥、弟弟 5. son 儿子 6. daughter 女儿 7. aunt 阿姨、婶婶、姑姑 8. uncle 叔、伯 9. nephew 侄子 10. niece 侄女 11. cousin 堂兄妹 12. grandfather / grandpa 爷爷、外公 13. grandmother / grandma / granny 奶奶、外婆 Preposition 介词 1. on 在…上面 2. in 在…里面 3. under 在…下面 4. over 垂直上方 5. above 在上方 6. next to 在旁边 7. between 在…之间 8. behind 在后面 9. in front of 在…的前面6. plane (planes) 飞机7. taxi / cab 出租车8. bus (buses)公共汽车14. study 书房 15. bedroom (bedrooms) 卧室 16. living-room / sitting-room 客厅 17. bathroom (bathrooms) 浴室 18. clock (clocks)时钟 19. TV 电视 20. photo (photos) 相片 21. flower (flowers) 花 22. door (doors) 门 23. window (windows) 窗户 24. bed (beds) 床 25. sofa (sofas) 沙发 26. bookcase (bookcases) 书柜 27. wardrobe (wardrobes) 衣柜10. of …的 11. among 在…之中 12. to 给… 向往 13. from 从…来 14. off 从…离开 15. up 向上 16. down 向下 17. on top of 在顶上 18. at the foot of 在…的脚下。

剑桥少儿英语一级考纲词汇表Numbersone two three four five six seven eight nine tenanimalsbird cat chicken cow crocodile dog duck elephant fish frog giraffe goat hippo horse lizard monkey mouse mice monster sheep snake spider tigerplantsflower treefruitsapple banana coconut lime lemon orange pineapple pear watermelon mangovegetablesbean carrot onion pea potato tomatofoodbread burger cake egg fries ice cream meat rice sausagedrinksjuice lemonnade milk watermealsbreakfast lunch supperbody partsarm ear eye face foot feet hair hand head leg nosewear clothes dress handbag hat jacket jeans shirt shoe skirt sock T-shirt trousersroomshouse room bathroom bedroom dining room hall kitchen living room door window floor walldaily furniturearmchair bed bookcase chair cupboard mat sofa table box camera clock lamp mirror phone radio television=TV watchschool lifeschool class classroom alphabet board blackboard English example line page part sentence word song story drawing picture painting bag book computer desk eraser glasses lesson letter pen pencil ruler teacher test draw learn listen listen to paint read spell sing tell writesportbasketball badminton baseball hockey soccer table tennis tennis play play with fly jump kick ride run swim throw walktoysdoll game toy kite robotcolour black blue brown grey green orange pink purple red white yellowadj.&adv.beautiful ugly happy sad clean dirty big small long short new old young old correct right of a lot of\lots sorry many OK good yes no again there here now not so then very wherenamesAnn Nick Ben Pat Bill Sam Kim Sue May TomFamilyFamily father\dad\daddy mother\mun\mummy grandfather\grandpa grandmother\grandma brother sisther photopersonsbaby boy child children girl friend people person man men woman womenvehiclesbike bus boat car helicopter motorbike plane train musical instrumentsguitar pianopronounsour their your him them us that those some this these who what which whose her his myplacesbeach garden sea streetprepositionsabout at behind between in in front of on under for of to withinterjectionshello good-bye bye oh welldaily lifebath live drink eat sleep stop the bus stopverbswatch look look at phone see sit sit down stand stand up start stop catch hit close open have enjoy have got love like say talk show understand thank please try want can cannot\can’t donot\don’t know cross bounce find add pick up point put tick ask answer questiontimeafternoon birthday day night today sunhobbiesfavourite fishing hobby reading剑桥少儿英语一级句型总汇表示问候:Nice to see you .Nice to see you too.Take a seat ,please .Hello,what’s your name ?Hello!I’m Lucy.His name is Bill. Bill is my friend.How are you ?Fine , thank you . And you ?I ’m fine .Make yourself at home .Let me help you .购物What would you like ,Sir?I want some apples .How many?I ’d like one,please.Would you like an orange?Yes ,please.Can I have two burgers,please ?Sure!Let’s buy 5 chips,5 fish and some sausages, OK ?No problem !What shall we buy ? Any ideas ?Do you often eat fish ? never .Which coloured balloon do you want ? Yellow , please .How much icecream do you want ?Lots ,please .学习You can find out about water in book 6 ,under w .Let’s play games in our English class . Hello , everyone . Please work in groups now .This is long , which is short ?We can match them .Where should I put the book ?Where is my shell ?It’s under your paper .What’s he doing?He’s cutting a new letter .I’m sorry , I ’m late .That’s OK . Don’t be late next time .Mr. Li , can I ask you a question ?Yes , please .Excuse me . May I come in ?Yes , sure .What’s the Chinese for “eraser” ?Xiangpi .You want it ,you say it and then you get it . You ’d better ask her .I have a new book to read .It’s about farm animals.This reading room is very nice . I like it .I come here every day .What books do you like reading ?I like picture books .Which book would you like to read ?I’d like to read a book on animals .Is it OK to say this ?Pardon ? What did you say ?I’m learning colours .I like paper-folding lessons .So do I !We are going to make a paper UFO today . May I use the sticky tape ?May I use the scissors ?Here you are !We can say a chant .We can mime the actions .Who wants to be the next ?I can make words with these letters . T-u-r-t-l-e.Who wants to try ?休闲活动It’s a nice day , isn’t it ?Look ! Lots of children are playing in the park .They are smelling the flowers .Let's go and join them .Good idea ! Let’s go .What is it for ?It’s for brain work .What does it say ?“One World ,One Dream”Our policeman is helping the grandmother cross the cross the street .The little girl is giving the policeman some water .What do you often do on Children’s Day ?I often go boating .We often play together .What a beautiful cake ?Each person can throw the shuttlecock three times .Who can jump highest ?Please watch carefully !What’s on the table now ?What can you see ?I can see a book .What can you hear ?I can hear a car .We can see with our eyes .We can hear with our ears .Which one do you want to play first ? Pick an apple and put it under the chair , Do you understand ?Where is Sam ?He must be in the lemon house .Let’s have a fruit and vegetable party . First ,let’s welcome Miss Pear.The house are very nice and beautiful .A lot of people live here .Let’s go and have a look .Is that your dress ? It’s beartiful .No .It’s hers ---Lily’s .Is that yours ?Yes ,this is mime .What is she wearing today ?She’s wearing a pink dress . Hello! What’s your name ?\ Who are you ? My name is ……./I am …….How old are you ?I am ……(years old).Where do you live ?I live in China.\Changsha./……How do you go to school everyday ?I go to school by bus.\by car .What’s your favourite colour? / food? / fruit ? / sport ? / animal? / ……My favourite colour is ……/food is ……/fruit is ……/sport is ……/animal is ……Who’s your favourite person ?My favourite person is …….Who’s your best friend ?My best friend is …….How are you ?I’m fine ,thank you . And you ?I’m fine too .Let me help you !Thank you very much .That’s OK. / Not at all . / You are welcome. What do you like doing ?I like swimming ./ going shopping ./……Yes ,I do . / Not often ,but sometimes . / No , never .What are you doing ?I’m reading a book ./……Where are you going ?I’m going to Beijing . / ……Which one do you like ?I like the blue one ./…….Where is my book ?Here it is . / It’s here .Excuse me . May I come in ?Come in , please .This way , please .What can you do ?I can writing . / ……Can you dance ?Yes , I can ./ No , I can’t .Just minute , it’s ready .I have a game to watch . I must go now . Let ’s go together .Good idea !Well done !Have fun !I ’ve never been here . I can see …….So do I ! / Me too .What do you often do on Children’s Day ?I often go boating ./……Who wants to try ?Let me try !Let’s welcome Miss Pear !Let’s go and have a look .Hurry up !Really ?Let’s count .Take a seat .Make yourself at home !Is that yours ?Yes , it’s mine .Do you like the pink dress ?Yes ,I do . / No , I don’t .Would you like a cup of tea ?Yes ,please . / No , thanks .。

剑桥少儿英语词汇表(一级-20天)Day 1 Animalsanimal n. 动物bird n. 鸟cat n. 猫chicken n. 鸡cow n. 奶牛crocodile n. 鳄鱼dog n. 狗duck n. 鸭子elephant n. 大象fish n. 鱼frog n. 青蛙giraffe n. 长颈鹿goat n. 山羊hippo n. 河马horse n. 马lizard n. 蜥蜴monkey n. 猴子mouse(pl.mice)n. 老鼠sheep n. 绵羊snake n. 蛇spider n. 蜘蛛zoo n. 动物园tiger n. 老虎Day 2 The body & facearm n. 手臂body n. 身体ear n. 耳朵face n. 脸foot(pl.feet)n. 脚hair n. 头发hand n. 手head n. 头leg n. 腿mouth n. 嘴巴nose n. 鼻子smile n. 微笑Day 3 Clothesclothes n. 衣服dress n. 连衣裙glasses n. 眼镜handbag n. 手提包hat n. 帽子jacket n. 夹克jeans n. 牛仔裤shirt n. 衬衫shoe n. 鞋skirt n. 短裙sock n. 袜子trouser n. 裤子T-shirt n. T恤watch n. 手表wear v. 穿baseball cap n. 棒球帽Day 4 Coloursblack adj. 黑色的blue adj. 蓝色的brown adj. 棕色的colour n.颜色green adj. 绿色的grey(USgray)adj. 灰色的orange adj. 橘红色的pink adj. 粉红色的purple adj. 紫色的red adj. 红色的white adj. 白色的yellow adj. 黄色的Day 5 Family & Friendsbaby n.婴儿boy n.男孩dad(dy) n.爸爸father n.父亲girl n.女孩child(pl.children) n.儿童grandfather n.祖父grandpa n.祖父grandmother n.祖母grandma n.祖母mum(my) n.妈妈mother n.母亲family n.家庭friend n.朋友brother n.兄弟sister n.姐妹cousin n. 堂兄弟姐妹live v. 居住man(pl.men) n.男士woman(pl.women) n.女士person n.人people n.人们old adj.老的young adj.年轻的Day 6 Food & Drinksapple n. 苹果banana n. 香蕉bean n. 豆bread n. 面包breakfast n. 早餐burger n. 汉堡cake n.蛋糕carrot n.胡萝卜chicken n.鸡肉chips(US fries) n.薯条coconut n. 椰子dinner n. 晚餐lunch n.午餐mango n.芒果drink n.&v. 饮料;喝eat v. 吃egg n. 蛋fish n. 鱼food n. 食物ice cream n. 冰淇淋fruit n. 水果lemon n. 柠檬juice n.果汁lime n. 酸橙lemonade n. 柠檬汽水milk n. 牛奶meat n. 肉Day 7 Food & Drinksonion n. 洋葱orange n. 橘子pear n. 梨pineapple n. 菠萝potato n. 马铃薯rice n. 米sausage n. 香肠supper n. 晚餐tomato n. 西红柿water n. 水watermelon n. 西瓜Day 8 The homeApartment (UK flat) n. 一套公寓房间armchair n. 扶手椅bath n. 沐浴bathroom n. 浴室bed n. 床bedroom n. 卧室bookcase n. 书架,书柜box n. 盒子camera n. 照相机chair n. 椅子clock n. 时钟computer n.电脑cupboard n.橱柜desk n.书桌dining room n. 饭厅doll n. 玩具娃娃door n. 门flower n.花garden n.花园hall n.球house n.房子kitchen n.厨房lamp n.台灯living room n.客厅mat n. 垫子mirror n.镜子painting n.油画phone n.电话Day 9 The homepicture n. 图画,图片radio n. 收音机room n. 房间sleep v. 睡觉sofa n. 沙发table n. 桌子television/TV n. 电视toy n. 玩具tree n. 树wall n. 墙watch n. 手表window n. 窗户Day 10 Numbersone 1 two 2three 3 four 4five 5 six 6seven 7 eight 8nine 9 ten 10eleven 11 twelve 12thirteen 13 fourteen 14fifteen 15 sixteen 16 seventeen 17 eighteen 18nineteen 19 twenty 20Day 11 Places & Directionsbehind prep. 在…后面between prep. 在…之间here adv. 在这里in prep. 在…里面in front of prep. 在…前面next to prep. 紧挨着on prep. 在…之上park n. 公园under prep. 在…下面street n. 街道there adv.在那里school n.学校shop(USstore) n.商店playground n.操场Day 12 Schoolalphabet n. 字母表answer n.&v. 回答ask v. 问board n. 黑板book n.书bookcase n. 书架class n. 班级classroom n. 教室close v. 关correct adj. 正确的cross v. 叉door n. 门window n. 窗户word n. 字,词draw v. 画English n. 英语eraser(UK rubber) n. 橡皮example n. 例子floor n. 地面find v. 找到,发现Day 13 Schoolknow v. 知道,理解learn v. 学习lesson n. 课程letter n. 字母;信line n. 线,列listen(to) v. 听look v. 看number n. 数字open v. 打开page n. 页test v. 试验,测试tick v. 画勾Day 14 Schoolpart n. 部分pen n. 钢笔pencil n. 铅笔picture n. 图画,图片wall n. 墙壁question n. 问题read v. 读right adj. 对的understand v. 理解ruler n. 尺子teacher n.老师sentence n. 句子spell v. 拼写story n. 故事write v. 写tell v. 告诉,说Day 15 Sport & Leisurebadminton n. 羽毛球ball n.球baseball n. 棒球basketball n.篮球beach n. 海滩bike n. 自行车boat n. 小船drawing n. 图片bounce v. 反弹,跳起enjoy v. 喜欢catch v. 抓住fly v. 飞draw v. 画game n. 游戏n. 足球drive v. 开车football(USsoccer)favourite adj. 最喜欢的song n.歌曲fishing n. 钓鱼Day16 Sport & Leisureguitar n. 吉他hit v. 打,击hobby n.业余爱好h ockey n. 曲棍球jump v. 跳kick v. 踢paint v. 油漆,画painting n. 画photo n. 照片piano n. 钢琴toy n. 玩具watch v. 看Day17 Sport & Leisurepicture n. 图片play(with) v. 玩radio n. 收音机run v. 跑ride v. 骑table tennis n. 乒乓球sing v. 唱歌tennis n. 网球kite n. 风筝sport n. 运动Day18 Time & Toysafternoon n. 下午birthday n. 生日clock n. 时钟day n. 天,白天end n. 结束evening n. 晚上morning n. 早晨night n. 夜晚today n.&adv.今天monster n. 怪物Day 19 Transportbike n. 自行车boat n. 小船bus n. 公共汽车c ar n. 汽车helicopter n. 直升飞机train n. 火车motorbike n. 摩托车lorry(US truck) n. 卡车ride v. 骑plane n. 飞机swim v. 游泳run v.跑Day 20 The world around us & phrasesbeach n. 海滩sand n. 沙子sea n. 海洋shell n. 贝壳sun n. 太阳play the piano v. 弹钢琴make a cake v. 做蛋糕play the guitar v. 弹吉他fly a kite v. 放风筝catch the ball v. 接球paint pictures v. 画油画bounce the ball v. 拍球kick the ball v. 踢球throw the ball v. 扔球see the ball v. 看见球hold the ball v. 托着球。

剑桥少儿英语级词汇表 Document number:BGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-2022剑桥少儿英语一级词汇表Aa 一、一个add 加afternoon下午again又、再alphabet字母表am 是an一、一个and和animal 动物Ann安answer答案,回答answer回答apple 苹果are是arm 手臂armchair 扶手椅ask问at在,于,向,在……方面Bbaby n 婴孩badminton 羽毛球bag n 袋子ball n 球banana n 香蕉baseball n 棒球basketball n 篮球bath n淋浴,浴室bathroom n浴室,盥洗室be v是beach n 海滩bean n 豆beautiful adj 美丽的,很好的bed n 床bedroom n 卧室behind prep在……后面Ben n 本(人名)between prep 在……中间big adj 大的bike n 自行车Bill n 比尔(人名)bird n 鸟birthday n 生日black adj 黑色的blue adj 蓝色的board n 木板boat n 小船,艇body n身体book n书bookcase n书架,书柜bounce v弹跳,(球)弹回box n 盒子,箱boy n男孩bread n面包breakfast n早餐brother n兄弟brown adj褐色的,棕色的burger n汉堡包bus n 公共汽车bye(-bye)再见Ccake n蛋糕camera n照相机can/cannot/can't v能\不能car n小汽车carrot n胡萝卜cat n猫catch v抓住;赶上(车船等)chair n椅子chicken n小鸡,鸡肉child/children n孩子/孩子们class n班级;课classroom n教室clean adj干净的clock n时钟close v关,关闭clothes n衣服coconut n椰子colour n颜色colour (in) v涂色computer n计算机correct adj正确的cow n奶牛crocodile n鳄鱼cross n叉cross v横过;划叉cupboard n壁橱Ddad(dy) n爸爸day n天;日desk n课桌dining room n餐厅dirty adj脏的do/don't v做/不做dog n狗doll n洋娃娃door n门draw v画drawing n绘画;图画dress n连衣裙drink n+v饮料;喝duck n鸭子Eear n耳朵eat v吃egg n鸡蛋eight num八elephant n大象English n+adj英语;英国的enjoy v喜欢eraser n橡皮example n例子eye n眼睛Fface n脸family n家庭father n父亲favourite adj最喜欢的find v找到;发现fish (s+pl) n鱼fishing n钓鱼five num五floor n地面;楼层flower n花fly v飞food n食物foot/feet 脚nfor prep为;给;替four num四French fries n炸薯条friend n朋友frog n青蛙Ggame n游戏garden n花园giraffe n长颈鹿girl n女孩give v给glasses 眼镜ngo v去goat n山羊good adj好的good-bye再见grandfather n祖父;爷爷grandmother n祖母;奶奶green adj绿色的grey (or gray) adj灰色的guitar n吉它Hhair n头发hall n大厅;厅hand n手handbag 手提包nhappy (birthday) adj快乐的hat n帽子have (got) v有he pron他head n头helicopter n直升飞机hello喂;你好her pron她here adv这里him pron他hippo n河马his pron他的hit v击;打hobby n爱好hockey n曲棍球horse n马house n房子how many int多少how old int多大II pron我ice cream n冰淇淋in prep of place在……里面in front of prep在……前面is v是it pro它nJjacket n夹克衫jeans n牛仔裤juice n果汁jump v跳;跳跃Kkick v踢Kim n 基姆(人名)kitchen n厨房kite n飞筝know (don't know) v知道;认识Llamp n台灯;灯learn v学习leg n腿lemon n柠檬lemonade n柠檬水lesson n课letter (as in alphabet) n字母like v+prep喜欢;像lime n酸橙line n线listen (to) v听live v居住;生活living room n起居室lizard n晰蝎long adj长的look v看look at v看(某物)love v热爱;喜欢lunch n午饭Mman/men n男人mango n芒果mat n小块地毯May (girl's name) n梅(女名)me pron我(宾格)meat n肉milk n牛奶mirror n镜子monkey n猴子monster n怪物mother n母亲motorbike n摩托车mouse/mice n老鼠mouth n嘴mum(my) n妈妈my det 我的Nname n名字new adj新的next to prep与……相邻的Nick n尼克(男名)night n晚上nine num九no det不nose n鼻子not adv不;没有now adv+dis现在number n数字Oof prep属于……的oh 阿;呀OK dis行;可以old adj老的on prep在……上面one num一onion n洋葱open v打开or conj或者;否则orange n桔子our pron我们的Ppage n页paint v颜料;涂颜色painting n画pardon inter请原谅part n部分Pat n帕特(男名)pea n碗豆pear n梨pen n钢笔pencil n铅笔phone n+v电话;打电话photo n照片piano n钢琴pick up v拾起;捡起picture n图片pineapple n菠萝pink adj粉红色plane n飞机play (with) v玩please inter请point v指(向)potato n土豆purple adj紫色的put v放;搁Qquestion n问题Rradio n收音机read v读;阅读red adj红色的rice n米饭ride n+v坐车;骑(车\马) right (=correct) adj+dis 正确的robot n机器人room n房间ruler n尺子run v跑Ssad adj伤心的Sam n山姆(男名)sausage n香肠say v说school 学校nsea n海see v看见sentence n句子seven num七she pron她sheep (s+pl) n绵羊shirt n衬衣shoe n鞋short adj短的;矮的show v展示sing v唱sister n姐姐;妹妹sit (down) v坐下six num六skirt n裙子sleep v睡觉small adj小的snake n蛇so dis这样;如此soccer n足球sock n袜子sofa n沙发some det一些song n歌曲sorry对不起spell v拼写spider n蜘蛛sport n体育运动stand (up) v站立start v开始stop n+v停止story n故事street n街道Sue n苏(女名)sun n太阳supper n晚饭swim v游泳TT-shirt n T恤table n桌子table tennis n乒乓球talk v谈话teacher n老师television/TV n电视tell v告诉ten num十tennis n网球test n+v测试thank you谢谢你that det+pron那,那个the det指这个,那个(定冠词)their det他们的;她们的;它们的them pron他们;她们;它们then dis 那时;那么there adv那里these det+p 这些they pron他们;她们;它们this det+pron这those det+pron那些three num三throw v扔tick n+v勾;打勾tiger n老虎to prep去某个方向today adv今天Tom n汤姆(男名)tomato n西红柿toy n玩具train n火车tree n树trousers n裤子try v试一试two num二Uugly adj丑的under prep在……下面understand v明白us pron我们(宾格)Vvery adv很;非常Wwalk v走路wall n墙壁want v想要watch v观看water n水watermelon n西瓜we pron我们wear v穿;戴well dis好what int什么where int哪里which int哪一个white adj白色的who int谁whose int谁的window n窗户with pron和woman/women n女人word n词write v写X(No words at this level) Yyellow adj黄色的yes是,是的you pron你;你们young adj年轻的your pron你的;你们的ZZoo n 动物园剑桥少儿英语二级词汇Aabout关于above prep 在…上面afraid adj 害怕的,(表示抱歉)恐怕;我想…after prep 在…之后all adj+pron+det 一切的,所有的a lot of det 许多always adv 总是another adj 另一个,再一个any adj+det任何的apartment n (=flat GB) 公寓;居室aunt n 伯母;婶母;舅母阿姨;大婶Bback n 背部bad adj 坏的badly adv 非常地balcony n 阳台bank n 银行basement n 地下室bat n 球棒;球拍bear n 熊beard n 胡子because conj 因为before adv+prep 在…之前below prep 在…下面best adj 最好的better adj 更好的;比较好的blanket n 毛毯blonde adj 金色的(指头发)bottle (of) n 瓶子bottom n 底部bowl (of) n 碗bus station n 汽车站but conj 但是可是;然而buy v 购买by prep 由,经;在…旁CCD n 光盘careful adj 小心谨慎的;认真的carefully adv 小心谨慎地;认真地carry v 搬运catch (a bus) v赶车cheese n 干酪choose v 选择cinema n 电影院city n 城市clean v eg. (his/herteeth)把…弄干净;清理adj.干净的climb v爬;攀登cloud n 云cloudy adj 多云的,阴天的clown n小丑;丑角coat n上衣;外衣coffee n咖啡cold adj+n 寒冷come v来comic n 连环画 adj.滑稽的;喜剧的(USA=comic book)cook v做饭;n.厨师cough n 咳嗽country(side) n 乡村cousin n 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹cry v哭cup (of) n杯子curly adj卷发的;卷曲的DDaisy n 雏菊dance v 跳舞daughter n 女儿difference n 不同;差异different adj 不同的difficult adj 困难的dolphin n 海豚down adv+prep 向下downstairs adv 楼下Eearache n 耳痛easy adj 容易的;简单的eighteen num 18eighth adj 第8eleven num 11evening n晚上every adj+det每个的,每一的excuse me inter 请原谅;打扰一下Ffair adj美好的;美丽的famous adj 着名的fan n 电扇;扇子farm n 农场fat adj 胖的field n 田地fifteen num 15fifth adj 第5film n 电影fine adj 好的first adj+adv 第一flat n 公寓floor (ground, 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.) n楼层fly n 飞forest n 森林fourteen num 14fourth adj 第四Friday n 星期五fruit n 水果Gget un/dressed v 脱衣/穿衣get up v 起床glass (of) n 玻璃goodmorning/afternoon/evening/nightgranddaughter n(外)孙女grandparent n(外)祖父母grandson n (外)孙grass n 草great! Inter好极了Hhave (got) to v不得不;have(got)有headache n头痛help v 帮助holiday n 节日;假日home n 家庭homework n 家庭作业hop v 单脚跳hospital n 医院hot adj 热的how adv 怎样how much adv 多少how often adv 多久hungry adj 饥饿的hurt v 伤害Iin prep 在…里inside prep+adv在…内;在内部Jjungle n 森林Kkangaroo n 袋鼠kick n 踢kind (=type) n种类Llake n 湖last adj+adv 最后的laugh v笑leaf/leaves n叶子library n图书馆lift (=USA elevator) n电梯lion n狮子a lot det+adv许多loud(ly) adj (adv)大声的(大声地)Mmap n地图market n市场mean v 意指mine pron 我的mistake n 错误Monday n星期一moon n月亮more adj+pron+adv更多的morning n早晨move v移动most adj+pron+adv最多的mountain n山moustache n胡子music n音乐must/must not/mustn't v 必须/不允许Nneck n颈need v需要never adv从不nineteen num19ninth adj第9nothing pron没有(东西),没有什么Ooff adv离,距;终止often adv经常OK inter可以;好的;好吗;on prep of time用于星期\几月几日\某年某月某日前only adv唯一的opposite prep相反的our(s) adj (pron)我们的out adv出;在外离家;离开our 我们的outside adv+prep外侧,外面;在外侧,在外面P panda n熊猫parent n父母park n公园parrot n鹦鹉party n晚会pasta n面食Paul n保罗person/people n人;人们pet n宠物Peter n彼得picnic n野餐pirate n海盗place n地方plant n植物playground n运动场Qquick(ly) adj (adv)快的(快地)quiet(ly) adj (adv)安静的(地)Rrabbit n兔子rain n+v雨;下雨rainbow n彩虹river n河road n道路rock n岩石round adj圆的Ssail v航海Sally n萨莉sandwich n三明治Saturday n星期六scarf n围巾second adj第二seventeen num 17seventh adj第7shall v将要shark n鲨鱼shop n+v商店shoulder n肩,肩膀shout v呼喊shower (have a shower) v淋浴sixteen num16sixth adj第6skate n+v滑冰skip v跳跃slow(ly) adj (adv)慢慢的(地)snow n+v雪;下雪something pron某事sometimes adv有时son n儿子soup n汤square n.正方形;广场stair(s) n楼梯star n星星stomach n胃stomach-ache n胃痛straight adj笔直的strong adj强壮的Sunday n星期天sunny adj晴朗的supermarket n超市sweater n毛衣Ttake v拿take pictures v照相take off (=get undressed) v脱掉tall adj高的tea n茶temperature n温度tenth num第10text n课文than conj比theirs pron他们的then conj+adj那时;那么thin adj瘦的;薄的thing n事物think v思考,考虑;想起third adj第三thirsty adj口渴的thirteen num十三Thursday n星期四tired adj累的tooth/teeth n牙齿toothache n牙痛toothbrush n牙刷top n 顶部towel n毛巾town n城镇treasure n宝物Tuesday n星期二twelve num12twenty num20Uuncle n叔叔up adv+pron向上upstairs adv楼上的;在楼上的Vvideo n录象village n乡村Wwait v等待wake (up) 叫醒vwash n+v洗waterfall n瀑布weak adj虚弱的weather n天气Wednesday n星期三week n周weekend 周末well adj+adv好地wet adj湿的whale n鲸what's the matter int怎么啦when adv什么时候why int为什么windy adj多风的with prep和work n+v工作world n世界worse adj.更坏的worst adj最坏的would/n't (like) v愿意/不愿意wrong adj错误的X(No additional words atthis level)Yyesterday n+adj昨天yours pron你们的Zzoo n动物园剑桥少儿英语词汇表(三级)A.上午a few adj少许, 少数a little det+pron少许, 少数a piece of adj一块across prepadv, prep横过;到对面;在对面actor n演员actress n女演员address n地址;住址ago advadv, adj以前(的),以往(的)agree vagreed, agreeing 同意;赞成;答应air n空气;天空;空中;航空airport n航空港,飞机场all right adv安全地(的);健康地(的)already adv已经also advadv也;同样ambulance n救护车anyone pron任何人;无论谁anything pronany任何+thing事pron东西;任何事物anywhere adv在什么地方;在任何地方April n 四月arrive v到达;抵达art n美术;艺术artist n 艺术家ask (for) v问,询问;请求August n 八月autumn n秋季,秋天(亦作: fall)away adv离开Bbegin v开始believe v相信;信任belt n腰带bicycle n自行车,脚踏车bin n垃圾箱biscuit n饼干bookshop n书店boring adj 令人厌烦的break vbroke, broken,breaking打破;碰破;折断;打碎bridge n桥bring v拿来;带来brush n and vbusiness n职业;职务买卖;交易businessman/woman nburn v燃烧bus stop n公共汽车站butter n黄油butterfly n 蝴蝶Ccafe/café n. 咖啡馆, 小餐馆call (what is 'X' called)v 称呼;打电话camel n骆驼camp v野营地card n卡片castle n城堡cave n洞;穴;地窖;窑洞century n世纪;百年cheap adj便宜的;廉价的chemist n化学家药剂师chocolate n巧克力chocolate cake 巧克力蛋糕chopsticks n筷子Christmas n圣诞节Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夕circus n马戏团clever adj聪明的;伶俐的;灵巧的closed adj关闭的;不公开的;只限少数人的;保密的club n俱乐部college n学院;大学comb n+v梳(头发);刷(毛)competition n比赛;竞赛cook n炊事员;厨师corner n角could v动词 can 的过去式cut v切;割Ddangerous adj危险的,不安全的dark adj黑暗的date n日期;日子dear adj亲爱的;可爱的December n十二月decide v(常与to, that, on, about用)决心;决定dentist n牙科医生diary n日记dictionary n词典;字典dinner n正餐dinosaur n恐龙doctor n博士医生drum n鼓dry adj干的during prep在…期间;在…期间的某一点Eeach pron+adj每,各;各自的early adj+adv早,早一些Easter n复活节eighteenth adjeighty numeleventh adjelse pron别的,其他,此外empty adj空的end n+v终点,末端engineer n工程师enough adj+pron足够的envelope n 信封environment (the) n环境,周围环境ever adv曾,曾经everyone proneverything pron每件事;每件东西;一切everywhere adv到处,处处exam (examination) n考试excellent! Inter 优秀的;杰出的expensive adj费钱的;昂贵的explain v解释;辩解extinct adj已熄灭的Ffactory n工厂fall v The book fell offthe shelf.这本书从架子上掉了下来。

剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(一)动物Animal1.animal动物2.bird鸟3.cat猫4.chicken鸡5.cow奶牛6.crocodile鳄鱼7.dog狗8.duck鸭子9.elephant大象10.fish鱼11.frog青蛙12.giraffe长颈鹿13.goat山羊14.hippo河马15.horse马16.lizard蜥蜴17.monkey猴子18.mouse/mice老鼠19.sheep绵羊20.snake蛇21.spider蜘蛛22.tail尾巴23.tiger老虎24.zoo动物园剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(二)食物和饮料Food&Drinks1.apple苹果2.banana香蕉3.bean豆4.bread面包5.breakfast早餐6.burger汉堡包7.cake蛋糕8.carrot胡萝卜9.chicken鸡肉10.chips炸薯条(UK)11.French fries炸薯条(US)12.coconut椰子13.dinner正餐14.drink饮料;喝15.eat吃16.egg蛋17.fish鱼18.food食物19.fruit水果20.grape葡萄21.ice cream冰淇淋22.juice果汁23.lemon柠檬24.lemonade柠檬水25.lime酸橙26.lunch午餐27.mango芒果28.meat肉k牛奶30.onion洋葱31.orange橘子32.pea豌豆33.pear梨34.pineapple菠萝35.potato土豆36.rice米37.sausage香肠38.supper晚餐39.tomato西红柿40.water水41.watermelon西瓜剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(三)Home家1.apartment公寓(US)2.flat公寓(UK)3.armchair扶手椅4.bath沐浴5.bathroom浴室6.bed床7.bedroom卧室8.bookcase书架,书柜9.box盒子10.camera照相机11.chair椅子12.clock时钟puter计算机14.cupboard柜橱15.desk书桌16.dining room餐厅17.doll玩具娃娃18.door门19.flower花20.garden花园21.hall大厅22.house房子23.kitchen厨房mp灯25.living room客厅26.mat垫子27.mirror镜子28.painting画29.phone电话30.picture图画,图片31.radio收音机32.room房间33.sleep睡觉34.sofa沙发35.table桌子36.television/TV电视37.toy玩具38.tree树39.wall墙40.watch手表;看41.window窗户剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(四)家庭Family1.baby婴儿2.boy男孩儿3.brother兄弟4.child/children孩子5.cousin堂(表)兄弟姐妹6.dad/daddy爸爸7.father父亲8.family家庭9.friend朋友10.girl女孩儿11.grandfather祖父12.grandpa爷爷13.grandmother祖母14.grandma奶奶15.live居住16.man/men男人17.mother母亲18.mum/mummy妈妈19.old年老的20.people人;人们21.person人22.sister姐妹23.woman/women女人24.young年轻的25.birthday生日26.happy快乐27..he他(主)28.him他(宾)29..his他的30.she她(主)31.her她(宾);她的32.I我(主)33.me我(宾)34.my我的35.you你(主);你(宾)36.your你的37.they他/她/它们(主)38.them他/她/它们(宾)39.their他/她/它们的40.we我们(主)我们(宾)剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(五)Body&Face and Clothes身体,五官和衣服1.arm胳膊2.body身体3.ear耳朵4.eye眼睛5.face脸6.foot/feet脚7.hair头发8.hand手9.head头10.leg腿11.mouth嘴12.nose鼻子13.smile微笑14.clothes衣服15.dress连衣裙16.glasses眼镜17.handbag手提包18.hat帽子19.jacket夹克20.jeans牛仔裤21.shirt衬衫22.shoe鞋23.skirt短裙24.sock短袜25.trousers/pants裤子26.T-shirt T恤衫27.watch手表;看28.wear穿;戴29.sneakers运动鞋30.coat外衣31.sweater毛衣32.shorts短裤32.boots长靴剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(六)Games and transport游戏和交通1.ball球2.baseball棒球3.basketball篮球4.bike自行车5.car汽车6.doll玩具娃娃7.football足球(UK)8.soccer足球(US)9.game游戏10.helicopter直升飞机11.kite风筝12.lorry卡车(UK) 13.truck卡车(US)14.monster怪物15.plane飞机16.robot机器人17.toy玩具18.train火车。

语法缩写注释说明adj adjective adv adverbprep preposition conj conjunctiondet determinerposs possessivedis discourse markerexcl exclamationv verbint interrogativen nounpron pronoun提示:本表按字母表顺序首字母单词A a detan detagain advalphabet nand conjanswer n + vAlex nabout prepanimal nAnn nAnna nadd varmchair nask vat prep of placeangry adjafternoon napartment napple narm nB baby nbadminton nbag nball nbanana nbaseball nbasketball nbath nbathroom nbe vbeach nbean nbeautiful adjbed nbedroom nbehind prepBen nbetween prepbig adjbike nBill nbird nbirthday nblack adjblue adjboard nboat nbody nbook nbookcase nbounce vbox nboy nbread nbreakfast nbrother nbrown adjburger nbus nbut conjbye (-bye) exclC cake ncamera ncan vcar ncarrot ncat ncatch (e.g. a ball)v chair nchicken nchild/children nchips n (US fries)choose vclass nclassroom nclean adj + vclock nclose vclosed adjclothes ncoconut ncolor n + vcome vcomplete vcomputer ncorrect adjcousin ncow ncrocodile ncross n + vcupboard nD dad(dy) nday ndesk ndining room ndinner ndirty adjdo vdog ndoll ndouble adjdraw vdrawing ndress ndrive vduck ndrink n + vdoor nE ear neat vegg nelephant nend nEnglish adj + nenjoy veraser n(UK rubber)example neye nevening nF face nfamily nfather nfavorite adjfind vfish (s + pl) nfishing nflat n(US apartment)floor nflower nfly vfoot/feet nfootball n(US soccer)for prepfriend nfries n (UK chips)from prepfruit nfunny adjfrog nfood nG game ngarden nget vgiraffe ngirl ngive vglasses ngo vgoat ngood adjgoodbye exclgreat adj + exclgrandma ngrandmother ngrandpa ngrape ngray adj (UK grey)green adjgrey adj(US gray)guitar ngrandfather nH hair nhall nhand nhandbag nhappy adjhat nhave vhockey nhave got vhe pronhead nhelicopter nhello exclher poss adj + pronhere advhers pronhim pronhippo nhis poss adj + pronhit vhobby nhold vhorse nhouse nhow inthow many inthow old intI I pronice cream nin prep of placein front of prepit pron its poss adj + pronJ jacket njeans nJill n jump v juice nK kick vKim nkitchen n know v kite nL lamp nlearn vleg nlemon nlemonade nlesson nlet’s vletter n (as a,b,c)like prep + vlime nline nlisten vlive vlizard nlong adjlook vlook at vlorry n (US truck) a lot adv + prona lot of detlots adv + pronlots of detlove vLucy nlunch nliving room nM make vman/men nmango nmany detmat nMay(girl’s name)me pronme too dismeat nmilk nmine pronmirror nMiss titlemonkey nmonster nmorning nmother nmotorbike nmouse/mice nmouth nMr. titleMrs. titlemum(my) nmy poss adjN name nnew adjnext to prepnice adjNick nnight nno adv + detnose nnot advnow advnumber nO of prepoh disoh dear exclOK adj + disold adjon prep of placeone det + pronopen adj + vor conjorange adj + nours pronour poss adjonion nP page npaint n + vpainting npardon intpark npart nPat npea npear npen npencil nperson/people nphone n + vphoto npiano npickup vpicture npineapple npink adjplane nplay vplayground nplease dispoint vpotato npurple adjput vQ question nR radio nread vred adjrice nride vright ad j (correct)right disrobot nroom nruler nrun vS sad adjSam nsand nsausage nsay vschool nsea nsee vsentence nshe pronsheep (s + pl) nshell nshirt nshoe nshop n (US store)short adjshow vsing vsister nsit vskirt nsleep vsmall adjsmile n + vsnake nso dissoccer n(UK football)sock nsofa nsome detsong nsorry adj + intspell vspider nstart vstop vstore n (UK shop)story nstreet nSue nsun nsupper nswim vstand vsport nT table ntable tennis ntail ntake a photo vtake a picture vtalk vteacher ntelevision/TV ntell vtennis ntest n + vthanks disthat det + pronthe dettheir poss adjtheirs pronthem pronthen adv + disthere advthese det + pronthey pronthose det + pronthrow vtick n + vtiger nto preptoday adv + nTom ntomato nTony ntoo advtrain ntree ntrousers ntruck n (UK lorry)try n + vT-shirt nTV/television ntoy nthis det + pronthank you disU ugly adj under prep understand v us pron V very advW walk vwall nwant vwatch n + vwater nwatermelon nwave vwe pronwear vwell diswell done diswhat intwhere intwhich intwhite adjwho intwhose intwindow nwith prepwoman/women nword nwould like vwow! exclwrite vX (No words at this l evel)Y yellow adjyes advyou pronyoung adjyour poss adjyours pronZ zoo nLetters & Numbers Candidates will be expected to understand and write the letters of the alp habet and numbers 1–20.Names Candidates will be expected to recognize and write the following names: Alex Ann Anna Ben Bill Jill Kim Lucy May Nick Pat Sam Sue Tom Tony。

剑桥少儿英语一年级单词表Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(一)动物Animal剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(二)食物Food剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(三)Home 家剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(四)家庭Family剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(五)Body and clothes身体和衣服剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(六)Games and transport 游戏和交通剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(七)Place 地点剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(八)学校 School剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(九)剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(十)Sports 运动娱乐剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(十一)其它 Other剑桥少儿英语一级分类词汇总结01 剑桥少儿英语一级分类词汇总结 Food 食物 1. hamburger / burger (hamburgers / burgers) 汉堡 2. rice 米饭 13. lamb 羊肉 3. noodles 面条 14. beef 牛肉 4. sausage (sausages) 香肠 16. steak 牛排 5. hot dog (hot dogs) 热狗 17. bread 面包6. pizza 比萨饼 18. popcorn 爆米花7. cake (cakes) 蛋糕 19. pasta 意大利面食(意大利同心粉)8. French fries / chips 炸薯条 20. sandwich (sandwiches) 三明治9. meat 肉 21. ice cream 冰激凌 22. salad 色拉 10. meal (meals) 饭11. chicken 鸡肉 12. fish 鱼肉Vegetable 蔬菜 1. potato (potatoes) 土豆 2. tomato (tomatoes) 西红柿 3. cucumber (cucumbers) 黄瓜 4. bean (beans) 豆角 Fruits 水果 1. apple (an apple / apples) 苹果 2. orange (an orange / oranges) 桔子 3. banana (bananas)香蕉 4. pear (pears) 梨 5. pineapple (pineapples) 菠萝 6. watermelon (watermelons) 西瓜 7. lemon (lemons) 柠檬 8. mango (mangoes) 芒果 9. grape (grapes) 葡萄 10. coconut (coconuts) 椰子 11. nut (nuts) 坚果 5. pea (peas) 豌豆 6. carrot (carrots) 胡萝卜 7. egg (an egg / eggs) 鸡蛋 8. onion(an onion / onions) 洋葱Human Body 人体 1. head 头 2. neck 脖子 3. shoulder (shoulders) 肩膀 4. forehead 额头 5. nose 鼻子 6. mouth 嘴 7. eye (an eye / eyes)眼睛 8. ear ( an ear / ears) 耳朵 9. tooth (teeth) 牙齿 10. arm (an arm / arms) 胳膊 11. hand (hands) 手 12. leg ( legs ) 腿 13. foot (feet) 脚 14. knee (knees) 膝盖 15. face (faces) 脸 16. finger (fingers) 手指 17. pointer 食指 18. thumb 拇指 19. nail 指甲 20. child (children) 儿童 21. man (men) 男人 22. woman (women) 女人 23. baby (babies) 婴儿Animals 动物 1. bee (bees)蜜蜂 2. cat (cats)猫 3. dog (dogs)狗 4. bird (birds)鸟 5. rabbit (rabbits) 兔子 6. cow (cows)奶牛 7. tiger (tigers)老虎 8. lion (lions)狮子 9. giraffe (giraffes)长颈鹿 10. snake (snakes) 蛇 (snails)蜗牛 12. mouse (mice)老鼠 School 学校 1. teacher (teachers)老师 2. student (students)学生 3. pupil (pupils)小学生 4. ruler (rulers)尺子 5. eraser (erasers)橡皮 6. book (books)书 7. bag (bags)书包 8. pencil (pencils) 铅笔 9. pen (pens)钢笔10. pencil-box (pencil-boxes) 铅笔盒 11. pencil-case (pencil-cases) 文具 12. classroom (classrooms) 教室 13. blackboard (blackboards) 黑板 14. chalk 粉笔 15. table (tables)桌子 16. desk (desks) 课桌 17. computer (computers)电脑 18. playground 操 13. chick (chicks) 小鸡14. sheep (sheep) 绵羊 15. goat (goats) 山羊 16. fish (fish)鱼 17. butterfly (butterflies)蝴蝶 18. dragonfly (dragonflies)蜻蜓 19. fly (flies) 苍蝇 20. whale (whales)鲸鱼 21. shark (sharks)鲨鱼 22. dolphin (dolphins) 海豚 23. hippo (hippos)河马 24. frog (frogs)青蛙 25. elephant (elephants)大象 26. duck (ducks)鸭子 27. horse (horses)马 28. pig (pigs) 猪 29. monkey (monkeys)猴子 30. spider (spiders) 蜘蛛 31. kangaroo (kangaroos) 袋鼠 32. parrot (parrots)鹦鹉 33. bat (bats) 蝙蝠Colors 颜色 1. brown 棕色 2. yellow 黄色 3. orange 橙色 4. green 绿色 6. purple 紫色 7. gray 灰色 9. red 红色 10. white 白色 11. blue 蓝色 12. indigo 青紫色 13. violet 紫罗兰 14. black黑色Vehicles 交通工具 1. car (cars)汽车 2. van (vans) 货车 3. bike (bikes)自行车 4. helicopter (helicopters)直升飞机 5. train (trains)火车 Family 家庭 1. father 爸爸 2. mother 妈妈 3. sister 姐姐、妹妹 4. brother 哥哥、弟弟 5. son 儿子 6. daughter 女儿 7. aunt 阿姨、婶婶、姑姑 8. uncle 叔、伯 9. nephew 侄子 10. niece 侄女 11. cousin 堂兄妹 12. grandfather / grandpa 爷爷、外公 13. grandmother / grandma / granny 奶奶、外婆 Preposition 介词 1. on 在…上面2. in 在…里面 3. under 在…下面 4. over 垂直上方 5. above 在上方 6. next to 在旁边 7. between 在…之间 8. behind 在后面 9. in front of 在…的前面6. plane (planes) 飞机7. taxi / cab 出租车8. bus (buses)公共汽车14. study 书房 15. bedroom (bedrooms) 卧室 16. living-room / sitting-room 客厅 17. bathroom (bathrooms) 浴室 18. clock (clocks)时钟 19. TV 电视 20. photo (photos) 相片 21. flower (flowers) 花 22. door (doors) 门 23. window (windows) 窗户 24. bed (beds) 床 25. sofa (sofas) 沙发 26. bookcase (bookcases) 书柜 27. wardrobe (wardrobes) 衣柜10. of …的 11. among 在…之中 12. to 给… 向往 13. from 从…来 14. off 从…离开 15. up 向上 16. down 向下 17. on top of 在顶上 18. at the foot of 在…的脚下。

剑桥少儿英语主题单词(一级目录表)1、动物类:25个2、五官类:14个3、衣服类:15个4、颜色类:12个5、家人朋友类:25个6、水果饮料类:42个7、家居类:42个8、数字类:20个9、地点方向类:12个10、校园类;56个11、休闲运动类;51个12、时间类:10个13、玩具类:20个14、交通工具类;15个15、其他类;10个剑桥少儿英语一级考试分类词汇表地点方向篇1 在这里5紧挨着92 商店(英)6商店(美)103 公园7街道114 在那里8在…下12剑桥少儿英语一级考试分类词汇表 ----- 动物篇动物鸡狗鱼山羊蜥蜴绵羊蜘蛛动物园鸟奶牛鸭子青蛙河马猴子蛇尾巴剑桥少儿英语一级考试分类词汇表家居篇1公寓(英)15沐浴29 2浴室16卧室30 3书柜17盒子31 4椅子18时钟32 5柜橱19书桌33 6花园20大厅34 7房子21厨房35 8客厅22垫子369镜子23电话3710 图片24房间3811 房间25睡觉3912 桌子26电视4013 手表27窗户4114 墙28公寓(美)42剑桥少儿英语一级考试分类词汇表家人朋友篇婴儿孩子家庭女孩儿祖母男人年老的姐妹年轻的小船卡车飞火车卡车男孩表兄弟父亲祖父爷爷母亲人们女人(单数)剑桥少儿英语一级考试分类词汇表交通工具篇汽车飞机去游泳骑剑桥少儿英语一级考试分类词汇表其他篇太阳教师沙子海洋街道太阳水剑桥少儿英语一级考试分类词汇表时间篇1、下午生日4、白天结束7、早晨夜晚10、手表少儿英语一级考试分类词汇表数字篇11721422815339164410175511186612197 7 13 20剑桥少儿英语一级考试分类词汇表水果饮料篇1、苹果香蕉4、面包7、蛋糕10、椰子13、吃16、食物19、喝22、果汁25、酸橙28、肉31、橘子34、菠萝37、香肠40、水1、篮球4、汽车7、游戏10、手表13、怪物16、玩具19、足球(英)1、胳膊4、眼睛7、头发10、头早餐鸡肉正餐蛋水果葡萄柠檬午餐牛奶豌豆马铃薯晚餐西瓜桥少儿英语一级考试分类词汇表 ----- 玩具篇棒球足球(美)风筝卡车飞机火车卡车(美)剑桥少儿英语一级考试分类词汇表----- 五官篇身体脸手腿13、鼻子微笑剑桥少儿英语一级考试分类词汇表休闲运动篇1、棒球篮球4、海滩小船7、反弹抓住10、球书13、图画画16、喜爱鱼19、钓鱼足球22、游戏吉他25、打击跳28、踢风筝31、油漆照片34、钢琴图片37、唱歌跑40、收音机读44、歌曲故事47、运动电视50、手表少儿英语一级考试分类词汇表衣服篇1、衣服4、手提包7、牛仔裤连衣裙帽子衬衫10、短裙短袜13、T恤衫手表表)地点方向篇在…之后在…之间在..前在…里物篇猫鳄鱼大象长颈鹿马老鼠(单)老鼠(复)老虎家居篇扶手椅床照相机计算机餐厅门花灯画收音机沙发玩具树玩具娃娃家人朋友篇兄弟朋友奶奶爸爸居住妈妈人女人(复数)交通工具篇自行车公共汽车直升飞机跑摩托车其他篇海滩贝壳树时间篇时钟晚上今天3水果饮料篇汉堡包胡萝卜饮料鱼炸薯条冰激凌柠檬汁芒果洋葱梨米西红柿炸薯条玩具篇球自行车玩具娃娃直升机机器人卡车(英)五官篇耳朵脚(单数)脚(复数)休闲运动篇羽毛球照相机玩具娃娃开车喜爱的飞业余爱好乒乓球曲棍球听玩骑足球玩具网球运动自行车眼镜夹克裤子戴。

剑桥少儿英语一级词汇表_单词表动物animal cat dog sheep duck elephant fish lizard butterfly动物猫狗绵羊鸭大象鱼蜥蜴蝴蝶crocodile cow goat hippo giraffe snake monkey rabbit bat鳄鱼母牛山羊河马长颈鹿蛇猴子兔子蝙蝠mouse tiger horse chick chicken bird spider lion bear老鼠老虎马小鸡鸡、鸡肉鸟蜘蛛狮子熊frog panda bee turtle tortois puppy monster zebra fox青蛙熊猫蜜蜂乌龟乌龟小狗妖怪斑马狐狸交通工具bike bus car motorbike plane helicopter ship自行车公共汽车轿车摩托车飞机直升飞机轮船train boat airplane火车船喷气式飞机食物、饮料、水果food drink fruit French fries fish chicken hot dog 食物饮料、喝水果薯条鱼鸡肉热狗rice carrot tomato pea sausage cake bread dinner 米饭胡萝卜西红柿豌豆香肠蛋糕面包正餐sandwich pizza onion coconut milk coffee juice burger 三明治比萨饼洋葱椰子牛奶咖啡果汁汉堡包meat ice cream orange banana apple lemon hamburger meal 肉冰淇淋橘子香蕉苹果柠檬汉堡包一餐pineapple pear peach watermelon melon grape potato leaf菠萝梨桃子西瓜甜瓜葡萄土豆叶子mango egg bean breakfast lunch supper lemonade strawberry 芒果鸡蛋豆早饭中饭晚饭柠檬汁草莓你每天做什么?What do you do every day?have breakfast drink milk eat cakes learn English read books吃早饭喝牛奶吃蛋糕学英语看书ride a bike sit on a chair throw a ball sing songs sleep in bed 骑自行车坐在椅子上扔球唱歌睡在床上tell stories learn Maths take a walk kick a ball play with a dog 讲故事学数学散步踢球和狗玩have a meeting ask and answer questions开会提出和回答问题一个忙碌的星期天早晨 A busy Sunday morningpainting flying standing eating walking sleeping drawing 着色、漆飞站吃走睡觉画画drinking reading running swimming sitting jumping writing 喝看书跑游泳坐跳写riding dancing phoning playing with a dog talking watching 骑跳舞打电话和狗玩讲话看spelling kicking the tomato运动sport badminton baseball table tennis soccer running cutting 运动羽毛球棒球乒乓球足球跑剪hockey tennis football basketball climbing three-leg running 曲棍球网球足球篮球爬3条腿跑frog jumping swinging counting fishing going to school going home青蛙跳荡秋千数数钓鱼去学校回家learning English drawing pictures having lunch riding a bike学英语画画吃中饭骑自行车kicking a ball drinking juice playing with a ball reading a book 踢球喝果汁和一个球玩看书listening to music playing computer games eating the leaves watching TV听音乐玩电脑游戏吃树叶看电视writing sentences playing in the water digging in the sandreading a newspaper making sand castle看报纸做沙子城堡数字、颜色one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twentyblack gray (grey) white orange purple brown yellow blue黑色灰色白色橙色紫色棕色黄色蓝色green red pink colour number绿色红色粉红色颜色数字学习用品pen pencil letter homework schoolbag ball—pen钢笔铅笔字母、信家庭作业书包圆珠笔bag eraser ruler book box书包橡皮尺书盒子人物family grandmother grandfather father mother家庭祖母祖父爸爸妈妈brother sister me uncle aunt parent womanman boy girl friend child children baby toy robot男人男孩女孩朋友孩子孩子们婴儿玩具机器人介词in on under behind beside next to in front of在里面在上面在下面在后面在旁边紧挨着在前面between inside near在中间在里面在附近家居、物品bookshelf photo wardrobe picture wall umbrella bed 书架照片衣橱图片墙伞床telephone phone desk bookcase computer cup television电话机电话机书桌书架电脑茶杯电视机cupboard scissors guitar armchair window newspaper garden 碗橱剪刀吉他扶手椅窗报纸花园mat bedroom bathroom kitchen chair living room sitting room 垫子卧室浴室厨房椅子客厅起居室table hat camera door piano mirror clock kite radio桌子帽子照相机门钢琴镜子钟风筝收音机watch flower lamp cap手表花台灯帽子head hair eye nose ear neck hand foot feet face头头发眼睛鼻子耳朵脖子手脚脚(pl。

Aarmchair ['ɑ:m'tʃɛə]alphabet ['ælfəbit]afternoon ['ɑ:ftə'nu:n]and [ænd, ənd] conj.和;而且arm [ɑ:m]a [ei, ə, æn, ən] det.一;一个Bboy [bɔi]breakfast ['brekfəst]brother ['brʌðə] n.哥哥;弟弟bye-bye ['bai-'bai] 再见box [bɔks]bounce [bauns] v.弹;弹回bag [bæg]badminton ['bædmintən]ball [bɔ:l]baseball ['beisbɔ:l]bathroom ['bɑ:θru:m]bath [bɑ:θ]be [bi:] (系动词)beach [bi:tʃ]blue [blu:]black [blæk]board [bɔ:d] n.木板;牌子boat [bəut]book [buk]body ['bɔdi]bird [bə:d]bike [baik]bed [bed]bean [bi:n] n.豆子;豆类物bedroom ['bedru:m]between [bi'twi:n] prep.在…之间big [big]cat [kæt]car [kɑ:]child [tʃduck [dʌk]eye [ai]eraser [i'reizə] n.橡皮擦;黑板擦English ['iŋgliʃ]eat [i:t]ear [iə]egg [eg]eight [eit]elephant ['elifənt]face [feis]family ['fæmili]father ['fɑ:ðə]five [faiv]fish [fiʃ]foot [fut]feet [fi:t]friend [frend]four [fɔ:]green [gri:n]good-bye ['gud'bai] 再见good [gud]goat [gəut]giraffe [dʒi'rɑ:f]girl [gə:l]glasses ['glɑ:siz]how old ['hau 'əuld] 多大年龄how many ['hau 'meni]house [haus]here [hiə]her [hə:] pron.她;她的him [him] pron.(宾格)他his [his]horse [hɔ:s]hello [hə'ləu] interj.喂;你好helicopter ['helikɔptə]hair [hɛə]happy ['hæpi]head [hed] n.头;头部he [hi:, hi] pron.(主格)他I [ai] pron.(主格)我ice cream ['aiskri:m]in [in] prep.在…里面it [it]is [iz]jacket ['dʒækit] n.夹克衫;外衣jeans [dʒi:ns]jump [dʒʌmp] v.跳;跳跃juice [dʒu:s]kitchen ['kitʃin]kite [kait]know [nəu] v.知道;认识lunch [lʌntʃ]lookletter ['letə]liveliving room ['liviŋ ru:m]longmum ['mʌm]motorbike ['məutəbaik]mummy ['mʌmi]my [mai]mother ['mʌðə]monster ['mɔnstə]me [mi:, mi] pron.(宾格)我mango ['mæŋgəu]milk [milk]mirror ['mirə]monkey ['mʌŋki]new [njnext to [nekst tu] prep.与…相邻的night [nait]nose [nəuz]nine not [nɔt] adv.不;没有now [nau]one [wʌn] num.一,一个on [ɔn] prep.在…上面open or [ɔ:] conj.或者;否则our ['auə]old [əuld]oh [əu] inter.啊;噢;呀ofpurple ['pə:pl]point [pɔint] v.指(向)put [put] v.放;搁please [pli:z]play [plei]photo ['fəutəu]pencil [pensl]piano [pi'ænəu]picture ['piktʃə]plane [plein]pen [pen]pear [pɛə]paint [peint] ;颜料v.涂颜色;绘画question ['kwestʃən]read [ri:d] v.读;阅读radio ['reidiəu]red [red]rice [rais]ruler ['ru:lə]room [ru:m]run [rʌn]shirt [ʃə:t]sheep [ʃi:p]shoe [ʃu:]sister ['sistə] n.姐姐;妹妹six [siks]sit down [ˌsit'daun] v.坐(下)she [ʃi:, ʃi] pron.(主格)她seven ['sevən]school [sku:l]seeskirt [skə:tstand (up) ['stænd (ʌp)] 站(起来)sun [sʌn]supper ['sʌpə]swim [swim]sorry ['sɔri]song [sɔŋ]soccer [sofa ['səufə]some [sʌm] det.一些;少许try [trai] v.试;努力tree [tri:] n.树;树木T-shirt ['ti: 'ʃə:t]two [tu:]train [trein]toy [tɔi]table ['teibl]table tennisteacher ['ti:tʃə]three [θri:]this [ðis]tomato [tə'mɑ:təu]today [tə'dei]they [ðei] pron.(主格)他们;她们then [ðen] adv.那时;那么thank you [θæŋk ju]谢谢你ten [ten]the [ði:, ðə]their [ðɛə] pron.他们的;她们的them [ðem, ðəm] pron.他们;她们(宾格) us [ʌs, əs]very [veri] adv.很;非常watch [wɔtʃ]water ['wɔ:tə]watermelon ['wɔ:təˌmelən]wear [wɛə] v.穿,戴we [wi:, wi]write [rait]word [wə:d]with [wið] prep.和…一起white [wait]which [witʃ]who [hu:]whose [hu:z]window ['windəu]yellow ['jeləu]yes [jes]you [ask [ɑ:sk] v.问:要求apple ['æpəl]answer ['ɑ:nsə]again [ə'gein] adv.再;再一次animal ['æniməl]add [æd] v.把…相加bus [bʌs]baby ['beibi]banana [bə'nɑ:nə]basketball ['bɑ:stkitbɔ:l]beautiful ['bju:təful]bookcase ['bukkeis]brown [braun] adj.褐色的;棕色的burger ['bə:gə]birthday ['bə:θdei]behind [bi'haind] prep.在…后面Ben [ben] 本(男名)chicken ['tʃikən] n.鸡;小鸡clean [kli:n]clock [klɔk]catch [kætʃ]carrot ['kærət]cannot ['kænɔt, 'kænət] 不能;不会can't [kɑ:nt] 不能;不会close [kləuz]clothes [kləuðz]cupboard ['kʌbəd]computer [kəm'pju:tə]correct [kə'rekt]can [kæn] 能;会doll [dɔl]draw [drɔ:]drink [driŋk]day [dei] n.天;日English ['iŋgliʃ]enjoy [in'dʒɔi]example [ig'zɑ:mpl]floor [flɔ:] n.地面;(楼的)层flower ['flauə]fly [flai]fishing ['fiʃiŋ]find [faind] v.发现;找到favourite ['feivərit]food [fu:d]French fries ['frentʃ 'fraiz]Friday ['fraidi]frog [frɔg]guitar [gi'tɑ:]grey [grei] gray [grei]grandmother ['grænˌmʌðə] grandfather ['grændˌfɑ:ðə]give [ghand [hænd]handbag ['hændbæg]hat [hæt]hall [hɔ:l] n.厅;大厅have (got) [hæv,həv] 有hippo ['hipəu]hit [hit] v.击;打hobby ['hɔbi]in front of prep.在…前面kick [kik]love [lʌv] v.热爱;喜欢like [laik]listen to ['lisn tu]lesson ['lesn]lemonade [ˌlemə'neid]learn [lə:n]leg [leg]men [men]mat [mæt]man [mæn]meat [mi:t]mouse [maus]mice [mais]mouth [mauθ] n.口;嘴not [nɔt] adv.不;没有number ['nʌmbə]no [nəu] adj.不;没有orange ['ɔrindʒ]or [ɔ:]onion ['ʌnjən]on [ɔn] prep.在…上面pea [pi:]phone [fəun]pick up 拾起;捡起part [pɑ:t]page [peidʒ]pineapple ['painˌæpl]pink [piŋk]potato [pə'teitəu]robot ['rəubɔt]right [rait]ride [raid] n.&v.坐车;乘车sad [sæd]sausage ['sɔ:sidʒ]say [sei]sea [si:]sleep [sli:p]so [səu] adv.这样;如此spell [spel]sing [siŋ]show [ʃəu] v.把…给人看sentence ['sentəns]short [ʃɔ:t]spider ['spaidə]sport [spɔ:t]Sunday ['sʌndi]stop [stɔp]story ['stɔ:ri]throw [θrəu] v.扔;投Thursday ['θə:zdi]tick [tik]these [ði:z]there [ðɛə]test [test]the [ðə, ði:]trousers ['trauzəz]tennis ['tenis]tell [tel]talk [tɔ:k]television ['teliviʒən]TV ['ti:'vi:] understand [ˌʌndə'stænd]well [wel]woman ['wumən]women ['wimin]want [wɔnt]wall [wɔ:l]walk [wɔ:k] v.走;散步。

剑桥一级第一单元:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten(红色)(黄色)(粉色)(绿色)(橘黄色)(紫色)red yellow pink green orange purple(蓝色)(黑色)(棕色)(白色)(灰色)blue black brown white gray/grey第二单元:book table chair eraser pen pencil书桌子椅子橡皮钢笔铅笔第三单元:car ball doll bike computer train小汽车球娃娃自行车电脑火车第四单元:sister brother father mother grandmother grandfather姐妹兄弟父亲母亲奶奶、外婆爷爷、外公第五单元:horse cat dog fish bird mouse马猫狗鱼鸟老鼠第六单元:teeth face ears eyes mouth nose牙齿脸耳朵眼睛嘴鼻子第七单元:hippo crocodile elephant giraffe tiger monkey snake河马鳄鱼大象长颈鹿老虎猴子蛇第八单元:socks jacket shoes skirt trousers T-shirt袜子夹克衫鞋短裙裤子T-恤衫第九单元:play football play basketball play tennis play the guitar踢足球打篮球打网球弹吉他play the piano swim ride a bike弹钢琴游泳骑自行车第十单元:b us lorry motorbike helicopter plane boat公共汽车货车摩托车直升飞机飞机小船第十一单元:living room bathroom bedroom dining room hall kitchen客厅洗手间卧室餐室、饭室大厅厨房第十二单元:orange apple banana burger cake chocolate ice cream 橘子、橙子苹果苹果汉堡蛋糕巧克力冰激淋。

剑桥少儿英语一级词汇表 Ben n 本(人名)clock n时钟close v关 ,关闭 between prep 在……中间Aclothes n衣服 big adj 大的一、一个acoconut n自行车椰子 bike n add 加colour n颜色Bill n 比尔(人名) afternoon下午colour (in) v涂色bird n 鸟 again又、再computer n计算机 birthday n 生日字母表alphabetcorrect adj正确的 black adj 黑色的是amcow n奶牛 blue adj 蓝色的 an一、一个crocodile nboard n 鳄鱼木板和andcross n叉boat n 小船,艇动物animalcross vbody n横过;身体划叉安Anncupboard n book n书壁橱 answer答案,回答D书架, 书柜bookcase n answer回答dad(dy) n ,(bounce v弹跳球)弹回爸爸 apple 苹果day n天;日箱box n 盒子, 是aredesk n 男孩课桌 boy n arm 手臂dining room nbread n面包餐厅扶手椅armchairdirty adj脏的 breakfast n早餐 ask问do/don't v做/不做兄弟brother n at在,于,向,在……方面dog n 狗 ,brown adj褐色的棕色的Bdoll nburger n洋娃娃汉堡包婴孩baby ndoor nbus n 公共汽车门 badminton 羽毛球draw v画 bye(-bye)再见 bag n 袋子drawing n绘画;图画Cball n 球dress n 连衣裙蛋糕cake n banana n 香蕉drink n+v饮料;喝 camera n照相机棒球baseball nduck n鸭子不能能can/cannot/can't v\ 篮球basketball nE小汽车 car n 淋浴bath n,浴室ear ncarrot n 胡萝卜耳朵浴室bathroom n,盥洗室eat v 猫吃 cat n be v是egg n车船等(赶上抓住catch v;) 鸡蛋海滩beach neight num椅子chair n八 bean n 豆elephant n小鸡chicken n大象鸡肉, ,美丽的beautiful adj 很好的孩子child/children n 英国的English n+adj/孩子们英语; 床bed n 班级class nenjoy v 课;喜欢卧室bedroom n教室classroom n eraser n橡皮 behind prep在……后面例子example n 干净的clean adj eye n眼睛 hall n大厅;厅 kite n飞筝know (don't know) v知道;认识F hand n手Lface n脸手提包nhandbaglamp n台灯 family n家庭 ;灯 happy (birthday) adj快乐的learn vhat n帽子学习父亲father nleg n有腿favourite adj最喜欢的 have (got) vlemon nhe pron他发现find v找到; 柠檬lemonade n头柠檬水 head nfish (s+pl) n鱼lesson nfishing n钓鱼 helicopter n直升飞机课letter (as in alphabet) n 字母 hellofive num五喂;你好like v+prepher pron她喜欢; 地面floor n;楼层像lime n酸橙花 here adv这里 flower nline n飞fly v 线 him pron他listen (to) vhippo n听 food n食物河马live v居住; his pron他的生活脚foot/feet nliving room n起居室打hit v击 ;for prep为;给替;lizard n 爱好晰蝎 hobby n四four numlong adjFrench fries n炸薯条hockey n曲棍球长的look v看朋友friend n horse n马look at v看(某物 frog n青蛙房子house n )love v热爱; how many intG多少喜欢lunch n午饭多大how old int game n游戏MI 花园garden nman/men n男人我 giraffe n长颈鹿I pronmango n芒果女孩girl n ice cream n冰淇淋mat n 小块地毯在……里面 give v给in prep of placeMay (girl's name) n梅(女名 in front of prepn 眼镜glasses 在……前面)me pron我是is v go v去 (宾格)meat nit pro它肉山羊goat n nmilk nJ牛奶好的good adjmirror n夹克衫jacket n镜子再见good-byemonkey n牛仔裤jeans n猴子爷爷;grandfather n祖父monster njuice n果汁奶奶;祖母grandmother n 怪物mother n 绿色的green adj跳跃;跳jump v母亲motorbike ngrey (or gray) adjK 摩托车灰色的吉它guitar n踢kick v老鼠 mouse/mice n H人名(基姆Kim n 嘴) mouth n 妈妈mum(my) n 厨房kitchen n 头发hair nmy det 我的 piano n钢琴 shoe n鞋short adj短的;矮的 pick up vN拾起;捡起show v 展示 picture n图片 name n名字sing vnew adj新的唱 pineapple n菠萝sister npink adj粉红色姐姐;next to prep与……相邻的妹妹sit (down) v坐下男名) plane n飞机 (Nick n尼克six num六night n晚上 play (with) v 玩skirt n裙子 please inter请 nine num九sleep v睡觉向) 不指point v(no detsmall adj小的nose n鼻子 potato n土豆snake n紫色的purple adj 蛇不not adv;没有so dis;put v放搁这样;如此now adv+dis现在soccer n足球Q数字number nsock n问题袜子Oquestion nsofa n沙发属于……的of prep Rsome det ;oh 阿呀一些 radio n收音机song n歌曲阅读;行OK dis;可以读read vsorryred adj红色的 old adj老的对不起spell v拼写米饭rice n 在……上面on prepspider n蜘蛛) \;ride n+v坐车骑( one num一车马sport n体育运动正确的right (=correct) adj+dis洋葱onion n打开stand (up) v站立机器人robot nopen v or conj 房间否则; 开始start vroom n或者 orange n桔子ruler n停止stop n+v 尺子我们的our pron run v跑故事story n 街道SP street n) 女名 sad adj伤心的苏(页page n Sue n () 涂颜色;paint v颜料男名sun n 太阳山姆Sam n supper n晚饭画painting n sausage n香肠 swim v pardon inter请原谅游泳说say vT学校school n 部分part nsea n 海) (帕特Pat n男名恤T-shirt n T 桌子table n 碗豆pea n see v看见 table tennis n句子梨pear nsentence n 乒乓球七seven num 钢笔pen n谈话 talk v she pron 铅笔pencil nteacher n老师她 ;电话phone n+v 绵羊打电话sheep (s+pl) n电视television/TV n 告诉tell v 衬衣shirt n 照片photo nten num十 want v想要watch v 观看 tennis n网球water ntest n+v测试水watermelon n谢谢你西瓜 thank youwe pron那that det+pron,那个我们wear v穿;戴指这个,那个(定冠词) the detwell dis 好它们的their det他们的;她们的;what intthem pron他们;她们;它们什么where int哪里then dis 那时;那么which int 那里哪一个 there advwhite adjthese det+p 这些白色的who int;;她们它们谁 they pron他们whose int谁的这this det+pronwindow n 那些窗户 those det+pronwith pronthree num和三woman/women nthrow v扔女人word n打勾勾tick n+v; 词write v写tiger n老虎X去某个方向to prep(No words at this level) today adv今天Y男名汤姆Tom n()yellow adj黄色的 tomato n西红柿yes是,玩具toy n 是的you pron你; 火车train n你们young adj树tree n 年轻的your prontrousers n裤子你的; 你们的Ztry v 试一试Zoo n 二two num动物园Uugly adj丑的在……下面under prep 明白understand v) 宾格(我们us pronV很very adv;非常W走路walk v 墙壁wall nbuy v 购买 difficult adj 剑桥少儿英语二级词汇困难的dolphin n 在…旁海豚 by prep A由,经;down adv+prep 向下about 关于 C downstairsadv 楼下 CD n above prep 在…上面光盘,(表示抱歉);认真的careful adj 小心谨慎的害怕的afraid adjearache n 耳痛恐怕;我想… carefully adv 小心谨慎地;认真地easy adj 容易的 ;简单的after prep 在…之后 carry v 搬运eighteen num 18 ,所有的 catch (a bus) v赶车 all adj+pron+det 一切的eighth adj 第8 a lot of det 许多 cheese n 干酪eleven num 11 always adv 总是选择choose vevening n晚上另一个another adj ,再一个 cinema n 电影院every adj+det每个的,每一的 city n any adj+det任何的城市excuse me inter 请原谅;打扰一下 clean v eg. (his/her teeth)把…公寓apartment n (=flat GB) ;居F干净的弄干净室;清理 adj.fair adj阿姨;美好的; climb v爬;攀登美丽的伯母;婶母;舅母aunt nfamous adj 大婶云著名的 cloud nfan n cloudy adj 多云的,阴天的B电扇; 扇子farm n 小丑;农场 back n 背部丑角 clown nfat adj ;coat n上衣外衣坏的bad adj 胖的field n 田地咖啡coffee n badly adv 非常地fifteen num 15 cold adj+n 寒冷阳台balcony nfifth adj 第5 bank n 银行come v来film n 电影; ic n 连环画地下室basement n 滑稽的喜剧fine adj (USA=comic book) 好的 ;bat n 球棒球拍的first adj+adv 第一 ;n.cook v 熊bear n 做饭厨师flat n 公寓咳嗽cough n beard n 胡子floor country(side) n 乡村(ground, 1st, 2nd, 3rd 因为because conj etc.)n姐妹表() 楼层堂;兄弟表堂cousin n 在…之前before adv+prep ()fly n 哭cry v飞在…下面below prepforest n cup (of) n 最好的森林杯子 best adjfourteen num 14 卷曲的;curly adj 比较好的;更好的better adj 卷发的fourth adj blanket n 毛毯第四DFriday n blonde adj Daisy n 星期五雏菊) 指头发(金色的fruit n 水果瓶子跳舞dance v bottle (of) nG女儿底部bottom n daughter nget un/dressed v 不同difference n ;脱衣/差异穿衣碗bowl (of) nget up v different adj 起床汽车站bus station n 不同的玻璃glass (of) n 但是可是;然而but conjgoodmorning/afternoon/evening/lion n狮子 out adv出;在外离家;离开our a lot det+advnight许多我们的outside adv+prep外侧,外面;loud(ly) adj (adv)外granddaughter n()孙女大声的(大声在外侧,地) 在外面 grandparent n(外)祖父母P孙M grandson n (外)panda n 草map n地图熊猫 grass nparent ngreat! Inter好极了父母 market n市场park nmean v 意指公园Hparrot n鹦鹉 ; have(got)我的mine pron vhave (got) to 不得不party n晚会有 mistake n 错误pasta n面食 Monday n headache n头痛星期一Paul n保罗 moon nhelp v 帮助月亮person/people n holiday n 节日;假日人更多的more adj+pron+adv ;人们pet n宠物home n 家庭 morning n早晨Peter n彼得 move v移动homework n 家庭作业picnic n野餐 most adj+pron+adv最多的单脚跳hop vpirate n 海盗 hospital n 医院山mountain nplace n地方 hot adj 热的 moustache n胡子plant n植物music n音乐 how adv 怎样playground n运动场 /must/must not/mustn't v必须多少how much adv 不Q允许 how often adv 多久quick(ly) adj (adv)快的(饥饿的hungry adj N 快地)quiet(ly) adj (adv)安静的(颈I hurt v 伤害neck n 地)Rneed v在…里in prep 需要rabbit n兔子从不never adv ;inside prep+adv在…内在内部rain n+vnineteen num19 雨J;下雨rainbow nninth adj 森林jungle n 彩虹第9river n Knothing pron没有河没有什),(东西road n kangaroo n 袋鼠道路么rock nkick n 岩石O 踢round adj圆的终止;距离off adv, kind (=type) n种类S经常L often advsail v好吗;好的;可以OK inter;航海 lake n 湖Sally n萨莉几月几\ 最后的last adj+adv on prep of time用于星期sandwich n某年某月某日前笑laugh v日\三明治Saturday n叶子leaf/leaves n星期六 only adv唯一的scarf nlibrary n 相反的图书馆opposite prep围巾第二second adj 我们的our(s) adj (pron) 电梯lift (=USA elevator) nseventeen num 17 than conj比 well adj+adv好地wet adj湿的 theirs pronseventh adj第7 他们的whale n鲸那么 then conj+adj那时shall v将要 ;what's the matter int怎么啦thin adj 瘦的;薄的 shark n鲨鱼when adv什么时候商店 thing n事物 shop n+vwhy int,shoulder n肩肩膀为什么想起think v思考,考虑;windy adjthird adj第三呼喊多风的 shout vwith prep shower (have a shower) v淋浴和thirsty adj口渴的work n+v工作 sixteen num16 thirteen num十三world n世界星期四Thursday n6 sixth adj第worse adj. 累的更坏的 tired adjskate n+v滑冰worst adjtooth/teeth n牙齿跳跃最坏的 skip vwould/n't (like) v慢慢的slow(ly) adj (adv)(地) 愿意/不愿意 toothache n牙痛错误的wrong adj牙刷toothbrush n ;snow n+v雪下雪X顶部某事something pron top n(No additional words at this sometimes adv有时towel n毛巾level) town n城镇儿子son n汤宝物treasure nsoup n Ysquare n.Tuesday n星期二广场正方形;stair(s) n楼梯yesterday n+adjtwelve num12 昨天你们的twenty num20 星星star n yours pron Zstomach n胃U胃痛stomach-ache n zoo n uncle n叔叔动物园向上笔直的up adv+pron straight adj strong adjupstairs adv楼上的 ;在楼上的强壮的V星期天Sunday n video n录象晴朗的sunny adj超市village n乡村supermarket n W毛衣sweater n wait v T 等待v 叫醒拿take v wake (up)take pictures v洗照相wash n+v off take 瀑布waterfall n脱掉undressed) (=get v weak adj虚弱的高的tall adj weather n天气茶tea n Wednesday n星期三温度temperature n 周week n10 第tenth num 周末weekend 课文text n剑桥少儿英语词汇表 begin v开始 circus n马戏团clever adj相信;信任聪明的;伶俐的;灵巧believe v (三级)的 belt n腰带Aclosed adj 关闭的;不公开的;只bicycle na.m.上午自行车,脚踏车限少数人的;保密的垃圾箱少许, 少数 bin na few adjclub n俱乐部biscuit na little det+pron少许, 少数饼干college n学院;大学书店 bookshop n a piece of adj一块comb n+v令人厌烦的boring adj across prepadv, prep 梳(头发);刷(毛)competition n比赛;竞赛横过;到对面;在对面 break vbroke, broken, breakingcook n炊事员;厨师演员打破;碰破;折断;打碎 actor ncorner n女演员actress n 角bridge n桥could v动词 can 的过去式address n地址;住址 bring v拿来;带来cut v切;割ago advadv, adj brush n and vD以前(的),以往(的)business n职业;职务dangerous adj危险的,不安全的买卖;交易 agree vagreed, agreeingdark adj黑暗的赞成;答应同意; businessman/woman ndate n日期;日子 air n空气;天空;空中;航空 burn v燃烧dear adj亲爱的;可爱的公共汽车站航空港,飞机场airport n bus stop nDecember nbutter n黄油十二月 all right adv安全地(的);健康decide v(常与to, that, on, 地(的)蝴蝶butterfly n about用)决心;决定已经already adv Cdentist n牙科医生 also advadv也;同样小餐馆咖啡馆écafe/caf n. ,diary nambulance n日记救护车称call (what is 'X' called?) vdictionary n词典;字典 anyone pron任何人;无论谁呼;打电话dinner nanything pronany 正餐事任何+thing camel n骆驼dinosaur n恐龙 pron东西;任何事物 camp v野营地doctor n博士在什么地方;在任何anywhere adv医生 card n卡片drum n 地方鼓 castle n城堡dry adj四月April n 干的洞;穴;地窖;窑洞cave nduring prep在…期间;在…期间的到达;抵达arrive v 世纪;百年century n某一点;艺术美术art n cheap adj便宜的;廉价的E艺术家artist n 药剂师化学家chemist neach pron+adj问,询问;请求ask (for) v每,各;各自的巧克力chocolate nearly adj+adv早,早一些八月August n chocolate cake 巧克力蛋糕Easter n亦作:(秋天nautumn 秋季,复活节) fall chopsticks n筷子eighteenth adj away adv 离开 Christmas n圣诞节eighty num BChristmas Eve 圣诞节前夕eleventh adjelse pron别的,其他,此外他是跑得很快的运动员。

Food ⾷物1. hamburger / burger (hamburgers / burgers) 汉堡2. rice ⽶饭3. noodles ⾯条4. sausage (sausages) ⾹肠5. hot dog (hot dogs) 热狗6. pizza ⽐萨饼7. cake (cakes) 蛋糕8. French fries / chips 炸薯条9. meat ⾁10. meal (meals) 饭 11. chicken 鸡⾁ 12. fish 鱼⾁ 13. lamb ⽺⾁ 14. beef ⽜⾁ 16. steak ⽜排17. bread⾯包 18. popcorn 爆⽶花 19. pasta 意⼤利⾯⾷(意⼤利同⼼粉)20. sandwich (sandwiches) 三明治21. ice cream 冰激凌 22. salad ⾊拉 Vegetable 蔬菜1. potato (potatoes) ⼟⾖2. tomato (tomatoes) 西红柿3. cucumber (cucumbers) 黄⽠4. bean (beans) ⾖⾓5. pea (peas)豌⾖6. carrot (carrots) 胡萝⼘7. egg (an egg / eggs) 鸡蛋8. onion(an onion / onions) 洋葱 Fruits ⽔果 1. apple (an apple / apples) 苹果 2. orange (an orange / oranges) 桔⼦ 3. banana (bananas)⾹蕉 4. pear (pears) 梨 5. pineapple (pineapples) 菠萝6. watermelon (watermelons) 西⽠7. lemon (lemons) 柠檬 8. mango (mangoes) 芒果 9. grape (grapes) 葡萄 10. coconut (coconuts) 椰⼦ 11. nut (nuts) 坚果 Human Body ⼈体 1. head 头 2. neck 脖⼦ 3. shoulder (shoulders) 肩膀 4. forehead 额头 5. nose ⿐⼦ 6. mouth 嘴 7. eye (an eye / eyes)眼睛 8. ear ( an ear / ears) ⽿朵 9. tooth (teeth) ⽛齿 10. arm (an arm / arms) 胳膊 11. hand (hands) ⼿ 12. leg ( legs ) 腿 13. foot (feet) 脚 14. knee (knees) 膝盖 15. face (faces) 脸 16. finger (fingers) ⼿指 17. pointer ⾷指 18. thumb 拇指 19. nail 指甲 20. child (children) ⼉童 21. man (men) 男⼈ 22. woman (women) ⼥⼈ 23. baby (babies) 婴⼉ Animals 动物 1. bee (bees)蜜蜂 2. cat (cats)猫 3. dog (dogs)狗 4. bird (birds)鸟 5. rabbit (rabbits) 兔⼦ 6. cow (cows)奶⽜ 7. tiger (tigers)⽼虎 8. lion (lions)狮⼦ 9. giraffe (giraffes)长颈⿅ 10. snake (snakes) 蛇 11.snail (snails)蜗⽜ 12. mouse (mice)⽼⿏ 13. chick (chicks) ⼩鸡 14. sheep (sheep) 绵⽺ 15. goat (goats) ⼭⽺ 16. fish (fish)鱼 17. butterfly (butterflies)蝴蝶 18. dragonfly (dragon flies)蜻蜓 19. fly (flies) 苍蝇 20. whale (whales)鲸鱼 21. shark (sharks)鲨鱼 22. dolphin (dolphins) 海豚 23. hippo (hippos)河马 24. frog (frogs)青蛙 25. elephant (elephants)⼤象 26. duck (ducks)鸭⼦ 27. horse (horses)马 28. pig (pigs) 猪 29. monkey (monkeys)猴⼦ 30. spider (spiders) 蜘蛛 31. kangaroo (kangaroos) 袋⿏ 31. parrot (parrots) 鹦鹉 32. bat (bats) 蝙蝠 School 学校 1. teacher (teachers)⽼师 2. student (students)学⽣ 3. pupil (pupils)⼩学⽣ 4. ruler (rulers)尺⼦ 5. eraser (erasers)橡⽪ 6. book (books)书 7. bag (bags)书包 8. pencil (pencils) 铅笔 9. pen (pens)钢笔 10. pencil-box (pencil-boxes)铅笔盒 11. pencil-case (pencil-cases) ⽂具 12. classroom (classrooms)教室 13. blackboard (blackboards)⿊板 14. chalk 粉笔 15. table (tables)桌⼦ 16. desk (desks) 课桌 17. computer (computers)电脑 18. playground操场 Colors 颜⾊ 1. brown 棕⾊ 2. yellow 黄⾊ 3. orange 橙⾊ 4. green 绿⾊ 6. purple 紫⾊ 7. gray 灰⾊ 9. red 红⾊ 10. white ⽩⾊ 11. blue 蓝⾊ 12. indigo 青紫⾊ 13. violet 紫罗兰 14. black ⿊⾊ Vehicles交通⼯具 1. car (cars)汽车 2. van (vans) 货车 3. bike (bikes)⾃⾏车 4. helicopter (helicopters)直升飞机 5. train (trains)⽕车 6. plane (planes) 飞机 7. taxi / cab 出租车 8. bus (buses)公共汽车 Family 家庭 1. father 爸爸 2. mother 妈妈 3. sister 姐姐、妹妹 4. brother 哥哥、弟弟 5. son ⼉⼦ 6. daughter ⼥⼉ 7. aunt 阿姨、婶婶、姑姑 8. uncle 叔、伯 9. nephew 侄⼦ 10. niece 侄⼥ 11. cousin 堂兄妹 12. grandfather / grandpa 爷爷、外公 13. grandmother / grandma / granny 奶奶、外婆 14. study 书房 15. bedroom (bedrooms) 卧室 16. living-room / sitting-room客厅 17. bathroom (bathrooms) 浴室 18. clock (clocks)时钟 19. TV 电视 20. photo (photos) 相⽚ 21. flower (flowers) 花 22. door (doors) 门 23. window (windows) 窗户 24. bed (beds) 床 25. sofa (sofas) 沙发 26. bookcase (bookcases) 书柜 27. wardrobe (wardrobes) ⾐柜 Preposition 介词 1. on 在…上⾯ 2. in 在…⾥⾯ 3. under 在…下⾯ 4. over 垂直上⽅ 5. above 在上⽅ 6. next to 在旁边 7. between 在…之间 8. behind 在后⾯ 9. in front of 在…的前⾯ 10. of …的 11. among 在…之中 12. to 给… 向往 13. from 从…来 14. off 从…离开 15. up 向上 16. down 向下 17. on top of 在顶上 18. at the foot of 在…的脚下。
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bird, cat, chicken, cow, crocodile, dog, duck, elephant, fish, frog, giraffe, goat, hippo, horse, lizard, monkey, mouse/mice, sheep, snake, spider, tail, tiger, zoo
2.The body &face
arm, body, ear, eye, face, foot/feet, hair, hand, head, leg, mouth, nose, smile
bag, clothes, dress, glasses, handbag, hat, jacket, jeans, shirt, shoe, skirt, sock, trousers, T-shirt, watch, wear
black, blue, brown, green, grey(gray), orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow 5.Family & friends
baby, boy, brother, child/children, cousin, dad(dy), family, father, friend, girl, grandfather, grandma, grandmother, grandpa, live, man/men, Miss, mother, Mr. Mrs., mum(my), old, person/people, sister, their, them, they, us, we, woman/women, you, young, your
6.Food & drink
apple, banana, bean, bread, breakfast, burger, cake, carrot, chicken, chips, coconut, dinner, drink(n&v), eat, egg, fish, food, fries, grape, ice cream, juice, lemon, lemonade, lime, lunch, mango, meat, milk,
onion, orange, pea, pear, pineapple, potato, rice, sausage, supper, tomato, water, watermelon
7.The home
apartment, armchair, bath, bathroom, bed, bedroom, bookcase, box, camera, chair, clock, computer, cupboard, desk, dining room, doll, door, flat, floor, flower, garden, hall, house, kitchen, lamp, living room, mat, mirror, painting, phone, picture, radio, room, sleep, sofa, table, television/TV, toy, tree, wall, watch, window
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty
9.Places & directions
behind, between, here, in, in front of, next to, on, park, shop(US store), store(UK shop), street, there, under
alphabet, answer, ask, board, book, bookcase, class, classroom, close, colour, computer, correct, cross, cupboard, desk, door, draw, English, eraser, example, find, floor, know, learn, lesson, letter, line, listen(to), look, name, number, open, page, part, pen, pencil, picture, playground, question, read, right, rubber, ruler, school, sentence, spell, story, teacher, tell, test, tick, understand, wall, window, word, write
11.Sports & leisure
badminton, ball, baseball, basketball, beach, bike, boat, book, bounce, camera, catch, doll, draw, drive, enjoy, favorite, fish, fly, football, game, guitar, hit, hobby, hockey, jump, kick, kite, listen, paint, photo, piano, picture, play(with), radio, read, ride(n&v), run, sing, soccer(UK football), song, sport, story, table tennis, television, tennis, throw, toy, watch
afternoon, birthday, clock, day, end, evening, morning, night, today, watch 13.Toys
ball, baseball, basketball, bike, car, doll, football, game, helicopter, kite, lorry (US truck), monster, plane, robot, toy, train, truck (US lorry)
bike, boat, bus, car, fly, go, helicopter, lorry (US truck), motorbike, plane, ride, run, swim, train, truck (UK lorry), walk
15.The Word Around Us: beach, sand, sea, shell, street, sun, tree, water
16.Weather: sun
17.Work: teacher
Alex, Ann, Anna, Ben, Bill, Jill, Kim, Lucy, May, Nick, Pat, Sam, Sue, Tom, Tony。