

1、2016济南-Laura,how often do your family take a trip

-Hmm, .

A.since last week B.twice a month

C.for an hour D.ten days ago

考点频度how often.



解答答案:B;since last week自从上一周;twice a month一月两次;for an hour一小时;ten days ago十天以前;根据上句how often do your family take a trip可知是询问频率的;故选B

2、2016福州-________ is the nearest hospital from here

-Er,it's about ten minutes'walk.

A.How long B.How far C.How often

考点距离how far.



解答答案:B;How often多久一次对频率进行提问; How long 多长时间对时间多久进行提问;How far 多远对距离进行提问;根据答语it's about ten minutes'walk推知上句问的是距离;故选B.

3、2016北京- are these bananas


A.How much B.How long C.How heavy D.How big

考点数量how many/how much.


解答答案:A 根据答句﹩,可知答句中回答的是价格.how much多少钱;how long多长;how heavy多重;how big多大.故选A.

4、2016上海- Disney amusement parks are there in China


A.How many B.How often C.How soon D.How long

考点数量how many/how much.




根据回答可知数量,问数量用how many/how much来提问,而parks,可知是可数名词,对可数名词的提问需用how many,因此答案为A.

5、2016重庆---I'm sorry.I broke your tea cup.

---________.I have another one at home.

A.It doesn't matter B.You'd better not

C.My pleasure D.It's too bad




解答答案:A;It doesn't matter没关系;You'd better not 你最好不;My pleasure愿意为您效劳;It's too bad 太糟了.英文回答时一般要遵从以下几个原则:礼貌原则,利他原则和英语文化习惯;根据上文,I'm sorry非常抱歉,我打碎你的茶杯了.可知答语应为It doesn't matter;故选A

6、2016上海-The Art Festival is coming.We're going to watch the

play Twelfth Night.

- .

A.That's all right B.Never mind

C.You're welcome D.Enjoy your time





根据各个选项的意思A、That's all right 没关系;B、Never mind 不要紧,不用担心,没关系;C、You're welcome 不客气,不用谢,别客气;D、Enjoy your time,字面意思是享受属于您的时间通常是祝人玩得开心,玩得愉快.结合上文The Art Festival is coming.We're going to watch the play Twelfth Night.可知艺术节马上就要到了.对方打算去观看话剧第十二夜.故下文要向对方表达一个美好祝愿,祝愿对方享受这美好时光,即"祝你们过得愉快Enjoy your time",故选D

7、2016上海-Excuse me,where is the Moonlight Hotel

- .I'm a stranger myself.

A.Sorry,I don't know

B.No,I don't think so

C.It doesn't matter

D.Thank you all the asme



解答答案:A.答案A意思为"对不起,我不知道."答案B意思为"不,我不这样认为."答案C意思为"没关系."答案D意思为"同样感谢."根据第一句可知这是问路的句型,结合答语"I'm a stranger myself."可知我不知道月光宾馆在哪里.不能帮助别人时,可用sorry来表示歉意,故选:A 8、2016重庆---Maybe you can catch the last bus.

---_____.If not,I'll have to walk home.

A.Good job B.Just so-so C.Not at all D.I hope so





Good job.做得好.Just so-so.一般般啦.Not at all.不客气.I hope so.我希望如此.根据If not,I'll have to walk home.可知对方是希望赶上末班车的,故选D

9、2016重庆---Mrs.Black,I'm afraid that I'll fail the exam.

---________,dearTake it easy.I'm sure you'll pass it.

A.Sorry to hear that Be on

C.All right D.Good job




解答答案:B;Sorry to hear that听到那个我很难过;Come on加油;All right好的;Good job干得好;根据答语earTake it easy.I'm sure you'll pass it推知上句是鼓励性的话;故选项B符合题意;故选B.10、2016达州----Excuse me,can I sit here

----_____.The old man who sat here will be back soon.

A.You're welcome.B.Yes,please.

C.You'd better not.D.No problem.




解答答案:C;You're welcome.没关系;Yes,please是的,请;You'd better not最好不要;No problem没问题;根据答语The old man who sat here will be back soon推测对方答语应为:最好不要;表示委婉的拒绝;故选C.

11、2016湖北---______,or we'll be late for the meeting.

---It's only half past one by my watch.We have enough time left.A.Hurry up B.Don't worry

C.Never mind D.Be quiet





首先明确各选项的意思,A:快点;B:别担心;C:不要紧;D:安静;根据设空处后面的"or we'll be late for the meeting.否则我们会开会迟到的."推测设空处表达的意思是"快点"故选A

12、2016泉州-I hope I will win the English speaking competition tomorrow.


A.What a pity B.Congratulations

C.Good luck to you





根据"I hope I will win the English speaking competition tomorrow",可知说话人要参加比赛,当别人将要参加考试,面试等活动时,要祝福他们好运.A选项为"真遗憾".B表示"祝贺你".C表示"祝你好运"故选C

13、2016黑龙江-The box is heavy.Could you please help me carry it -______

A.My pleasure B.You are kidding

C.Good idea





首先明确各选项的意思,A:乐意效劳;B:你在开玩笑;C:好主意;根据问句Could you please help me carry it可以推测答语是"乐意效劳".故选A

14、2016黑龙江-Would you mind my opening the window

-______.It's so hot in the room.

A.Of course not B.Certainly

C.Better not





首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:当然不;B:当然;C:最好不要;根据设空处后面的It's so hot in the room"房间里这么热."可以推断设空处表达的是不介意对方打开窗户.故选A

15、2016苏州-I'd like to choose yellow as the colour of our bedroom.- .The colour brings me a warm and comfortable feeling.A.No way B.Sounds great

C.In your dreams D.I can't decide




解答答案:B;No way决不;Sounds great听起来好极了;In your dreams 梦中才有的;I can't decide我不能决定;根据答语The colour brings me a warm and comfortable feeling推知答语对上述意见表示赞成;故选B.

16、2016漳州-Would you like to join us in the card games

- ,for I have something important to do.

A.I will B.I'd love to

C.I'm afraid not





A.I will 我愿意 B.I'd love to 我愿意,我很乐意 C.I'm afarid not 我恐怕不能.根据回答的后一句话,我们可以得知回答者还有一些重要的事情要做,所以他可能不能参与卡片游戏.故答案为C.

17、2016重庆---I'm feeling terribleI have a bad cold.

---_______.You'd better see a doctor at once.

A.I'm afraid not B.Sorry to hear that

C.Sounds great D.You are right.



解答答案:B 解析:I'm feeling terribleI have a bad cold.由题干可知我感到很难受,我感冒了.后面应当接表示同情,难过的话.A.I'm afraid not 恐怕不是,很明显错误,与前句没什么关系.B.Sorry to hear that 很抱歉听到这个,表示同情难过,作为答句最为合适.C.sounds great 听起来很棒,很明显是不对的.D.You are right.你是对的,不符合回答,应当表示同情.故选B

18、2016滨州- Where there is a will,there is a way.

-Thanks,Mr.Li.I'll try my best to improve my English.

A.Best wishes B.Never give up

C.Have a good trip D.What a pity




解答答案:B 根据Where there is a will,there is a way可知,此句含义为有志者事竟成,可推测是李先生对对方的鼓励,劝其不要放弃.又知Best wishes意为最美好的祝愿,用于对对方的祝福;Never give up意为不要放弃;Have a good trip意为旅途愉快;What a pity意为真可惜,真可怜.所以此处应用Never give up,故选B.

19、2016德州-I'Ll have an important meeting this weekend,so I can't go fishing with you.

-___________.I thought we could have a nice time together.A.It's a pleasure B.You're welcome

C.What a pity D.I am sure




首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:不客气; B:不客气;C:真遗憾;D:我确定;根据前面一个人表达的意思是"这个周末我要参加一个重要会议,所以我不能和你一起去钓鱼了."和答语中的"我原以为我们可以一起开心的玩.",确定设空处应该填"真遗憾".故选C

20、2016桂林--I have won the first prize in the English writing competition.


A.No problem. B.You're welcome.







21、2016厦门---Would you like to go to Shanghai DisneylandIt opened this June.

---_____.I'm sure I'll have a great time there.

A.I'm afraid not B.It doesn't matter

C.That sounds like fun




解答答案:C;I'm afraid not恐怕不行;It doesn't matter不要紧;That sounds like fun这听起来很有趣;根据答语I'm sure I'll have a great time there推测对方很支持上述观点;故选C

22、2016随州-Next week I'll join in the oral English competition.-______

A.Have a nice day B.No problem

C.Good luck to you D.Not too bad




解答答案:C;Have a nice day祝你今天过得愉快;No problem没问题;Good luck to you祝你好运;Not too bad不太糟;根据上句句意Next week I'll join in the oral English competition下周我将参加英语口语比赛;可知对方应表示好的祝愿;故选C

23、2016齐齐哈尔-Thanks for cleaning the room,boy.

- .In fact,it's my to do so.

A.Not at all,duty B.All right,work





解答答案:A;Not at all不客气;All right"好"、"行","可以";OK好的;duty职责;work工作不可数;job工作可数;根据上句Thanks for cleaning the room,boy可知答语应是Not at all不客气;根据答语In fact,推测下句句意:这样做是我的责任;故选A

24、2016云南-My parents will bring me to Shanghai Disney land the day after tomorrow.

- .

A.I'm sorry to hear that

B.It's my pleasure

C.Best wishes to you

D.Have a good trip





首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:听说这件事我很遗憾;B:不客气;C:向你致以美好的祝愿;D:旅途愉快;联系前后语境根据,可知对话发生在旅行之前,所以推测后文应该希望旅行者旅途愉快;提出祝福应该用Have a good trip,故选D

25、2016云南-Jeff,could you tell me how to order a taxi through"Didi" - .

A.You're welcome B.Sure

C.Take it easy.D.It doesn't matter.








26、2016云南-Tim,how is it going with you

- ,I'm having fun.

A.Terrible B.Boring

C.Very tiring D.Pretty good





首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:糟糕的;B:无聊的;C:很累人的;D:相当不错;根据问句问的是"Tim,一切都好吗",和答语中的I'm having fun 确定设空处应该填"相当不错",故选D

27、2016昆明-What does your new classmate look like


A.He is from Australia

B.He is tall and of medium build

C.He is very nice to others

D.He has a pair of blue shoes






28、2016昆明-Would you like to see a movie with me tonight

-____.I have to do chores

A.Good luck B.Let's go

C.No problem D.I'm afraid not





首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:祝你好运;B:让我们去吧;C:没问题;D:恐怕不能;根据答语中设空处后面的句子I have to do chores判断不能和对方一起去看电影,故选D

29、2016荆州-Bill,can I get you anything to drink


A.You are welcome.

B.It doesn't matter.

C.No problem.

D.I wouldn't mind a coffee.







初中英语中考复习情景交际专项练习(选择题)1001-1100题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.一Daddy, can you come home for supper with us this weekend? 一,but I might be a little late. A.Well done B.I'm afraid not C.Of course D.Never mind 2.一It's nearly lunchtime. How about having some noodles and dumplings? 一 . A.You're welcome B.That's right C.That's nice of you D.That sounds good 3.一Excuse me, can I ask you some questions? 一 . A.Sure, go ahead B.Congratulations! C.That's right. 4.—______? —Yes. Go along the street and you’ll see it. A.Where’s the museum B.How far is the museum C.Do you want to go to the museum D.Can you tell me where the museum is 5.—I hope I will win the English speaking competition tomorrow. —________ A.What a pity! B.Congratulations! C.Good luck to you! D.Thank you. 6.—Could you please hang out with me this afternoon? —______. I have to make a plan for Clean-Up Day. A.Sorry, I couldn’t B.Sorry, I can’t


中考英语语法专题练习-情景交际(含答案) 1. (.黔南)—Would you like to watch the movie Dangal(《摔跤吧,爸爸!》) after school? —________. I have to look after my sister. A. Enjoy yourself B. No problem C. I'm afraid not D. It takes no time 2. (.宜昌)—May I have a look at the magazine China Today? —Certainly. ________. A. Here you are B. It’s a pity C. Thank you D. I’d like to 3. (.孝感)—My uncle hasn’t been back to our hometown for years. —________. He must miss his family very much. A. It’s a shame B. No way C. Good job D. No problem 4. (.眉山)—Ruby, could you please help me do some washing? —________. Mom, I'm studying for my English test. A. Go ahead B. No problem C. Sorry, I can’t D. Yes, of course 5. (.遂宁)—Would you mind if I take the seat next to you? —________. The person who was here has finished his lunch and left. A. Certainly not B. Enjoy yourself C. Don’t trouble me D. Yes, please 6. (.安顺)—Jeff, could you tell me how to take a taxi through “Didi”? —________. A. You're welcome B. Sure, I’d love to C. Take it easy D. It doesn’t matter 7. (.武威)— I passed my driving test yesterday. — Did you? ________ A. Forget it! B. Congratulations! C. Thanks. D. Don’t worry! 8. (.苏州)—I'm afraid I can't come to your wedding, Julia. —________!But why? A. How happy B. How lucky C. What a pity D. What nice news


初中英语中考复习情景交际-补全对话专项练习1-100篇学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、补全对话7选5 补全对话 A: What’s wrong, Jim? You look unhappy. B: Not good. I feel a little worried about my English. A: 1. B: I’m not getting along well with it. A: 2. B: Well, I seldom have chances to meet English people. A: 3. B: Where should I go? A: 4. B: But ... it seems English people never speak to me. A: Ah! You should speak first. B: 5. A: The weather! English people are always interested in weather. A.You should go to English Corner. B.What can I talk about? C.You should learn English well. D.What’s the problem? E.Why so? F.What can I do for you? G.You should go out more. A:Hey, Bruce! You seem unhappy.6. B:Yes. I’ve just come back from the zoo. A: Have you seen your favorite tigers? B:Yes.7. A:Why not? B:Because they had to stay in cages(笼子) and they were dirty.


中考英语历年情景交际真题练习及答案 情景交际是中考英语试题中的重要部分,它考察了学生在日常生活中与他人交流的能力。通过练习历年的中考情景交际题目,学生可以更好地了解题型,掌握答题技巧,并提高自己的交际能力。下面是一些历年的中考英语情景交际题目及答案,供大家参考和练习。 题目一: Lucy: Excuse me, is there a supermarket near here? John: ________ You can find one on Maple Street. 答案:Yes, there is 题目二: Mary: Could you help me carry the box upstairs? Tom: ________ I hurt my back yesterday. 答案:Sorry, I can't 题目三: Kate: What do you usually do on weekends? Peter: ________ I often play basketball with my friends. 答案:I usually play basketball with my friends. 题目四: Daniel: What time is it now?

Alice: Sorry, ________ I forgot to bring my watch today. 答案:I don't know 题目五: Lily: Excuse me, where is the nearest bus stop? David: ________ It's just around the corner. 答案:It's just around the corner. 题目六: Mike: Would you like some more tea? Mary: ________ Thank you, but I've had enough. 答案:No, thanks 题目七: Sara: Could you lend me your pen? John: ________ Of course, here you are. 答案:Sure 题目八: Tom: What are you going to do this summer holiday? Alice: ________ I'm going to visit my grandparents in the countryside.答案:I'm going to visit my grandparents in the countryside.


中考英语情景交际专项练习 1.A。Very well. 2.A。This is Mary. 3.D。Thank you. 4.B。So am I. 5.B。Fine。And you? 6.C。Nice to see you again. 7.B。How do you do? 8.A。how do you do! 1.After being greeted by Miss Green。the appropriate response is "Very well." 2.When introducing Mary to others。it is correct to say "This is Mary." 3.When XXX。the appropriate response is "Thank you." 4.When XXX happiness to see you。the appropriate response is "So am I." 5.When asked how you are after greeting someone。the appropriate response is "Fine。And you?"

6.When someone greets you after a long time apart。the appropriate response is "Nice to see you again." 7.When someone greets you with "How do you do?" the appropriate response is to repeat the greeting back to them. 8.When XXX for the first time。the appropriate greeting is "How do you do!" 9."Hello。I'm Lily。We're in the same class." "Glad to meet you." 10."I'd like you to meet my new friend。Jim." "How do you do。Jim?" 11."Could I have your name please。sir?" "It's kind of you." 12."Lucy。this is Jack Wilson." "Glad to meet you。Jack Wilson." 13."Thank you for having us。We had a very good time today." "It was my pleasure。Bye!" 14."Happy Teachers' Day。Miss Wang!" "You are so kind." 15."Your dress is just wonderful!" "Thank you。I appreciate it." 16."Hi。Bill。ns!" "Thank you。I'm XXX."


中考英语情景交际专训训练 1. —Your spoken English is much better! —______. A. Oh, no B. You’re right C. thank you D. Not at all 2. —Don’t make any noise in the living room! My baby is sleeping. —_______. A. Sorry, I won’t B. It doesn’t matter C. Excuse me, I’m wrong D. Certainly, I won’t 3. —I haven’t seen Jack for three days, is he ill? —_______. His mother told me that he was in hospital. A. I am afraid so B. I hope not C. I don’t expect D. I am afraid not 4. —Excuse me. May I use your computer? —_______. It’s broken. A. Sure B. Yes, here you are C. With pleasure D. I’m afraid not 5. —Can I get you something to drink, Mr Smith? —_______. I am thirsty. A. Here you are B. No, thank you C. You’re welcome D. Yes, please 6. —Your sweater is very beautiful, Joan! —_______. A. thank you all the same B. Not at all C. Just so-so D. thank you 7. —What do you do? —_______. A. I am thirteen B. I work hard C. I’m fine D. I’m a student 8. —Andy isn’t going out this evening, is she? —_______. She has to stay at home to look after her sick mother. A. Yes, she is B. No, she isn’t C. Yes, she isn’t D. No, she is 9. —Hello. May I speak to Mr. Wang? —Who’s calling, please. —_______. A. I’m Mr. Wang B. Mr. Wang is here C. This is Mr. Wang speaking D. Mr. Wang 10. —I fell and hurt my leg just not. —_______. A. Be careful B. It doesn’t matter C. I’m sorry to hear that D. Nothing serious 11. —_______. —thank you very much. I will. A. Congratulations! B. Best wishes to you 12. —If you have any trouble, be sure to call me. —_______. A. I am glad to hear that B. I will. thank you very much.


中考英语情景交际专项练习+答案 中考英语情景交际50题 ()1.—Nice to meet you, Miss Green. — A. Very well. B. Thank you. C. Nice to see you, too. D. How are you?()2.When you want to introduce Mary to others,you should say “_________” A. This is Mary. B. She is Mary C. Mary is. D.It’s Mary.()3.—Your English is quite good. —________ A. No, my English is still poor. B. I don’t think so. C. Do you really think so? D. Thank you. ()4.—I’m gladto see you. —_________. A. Thank you B. So am I C. See you later D. That’s all right() 5.—How are you? —Fine. Thank you. And you? —________

A. Fine. B. Fine. And you? C. Thank you. D. How are you?() 6.—Hi, Mike. We haven’t seen each other for a long time. —_________. A. Good luck B. That’s great C. Nice to see you again D. Best wishes to you ()7.—How do you do, Kate? —________ A. How are you? B. How do you do? C. How nice to see you. D. I’m OK. ()8.—Jack. I’d like you to meet my mother, Mrs. Brown. —Hello, Mrs. Brown, _________ —Hello, Jack, pleased to meet you, too. A. how do you do! B. are you OK? C. very pleased to meet you. D. the same to you. ()9.—Hello, I’m Lily .We’re in the same class. —________ A. Yes, we are. B. Glad to meet you. C. I’m sorry,but l don’t know you. D. Hello, may l introduce myself?()10.—I’d like you to meet my new friend,XXX. —_________


中考英语经典情景交际50题(含答案) 1."What's your name。please?" 2."Mom。XXX to you。His/her name is _________." 3."Do you know where my ruler is。please?" 4."Hi。Mary。How are you doing?" 5."Have a nice day。Tom!" 6."Good morning。XXX!" 7."What color is your mug。please?" 8."Have you XXX?" 9."Me too!" 10."Does dad have a baseball。mom?" 11."How do you say this in English?" 12."Helen。is this your green pen?" 13."Excuse me。who are you。I don't think we've met before." 14."You're e." 15.你想知道同学的姓氏是什么,应该这样问:Could you please tell me your last name?

16.你向老师介绍你的爷爷奶奶,应该这样说:I would like to XXX. 17.你向同学询问一个单词的拼写,应该这样问:Could you please spell the word for me? 18.你的笔友想知道我们这座城市哪家电影院最好,他会这么问你:XXX is the best in our city? 19.你问同桌多久锻炼一次,他/她这样回答:I XXX. 20.你刚去看完电影回来,妈妈问你这部电影怎么样,她会怎样问你:How was the movie? 21.妈妈想知道你长大以后想当什么,她会怎样问你:What do you want to be when you grow up? 22.奶奶要去北京旅游,出发前你会这么对她说:Have a safe trip to Beijing!


专项训练 中考英语情景交际50题 根据语境;从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择恰当的答案.. 1.— Nice to meet you; Miss Green. — A. Very well. B. Thank you. C. Nice to see you; too. D. How are you 2.When you want to introduce Mary to others; you should say “_________” A. This is Mary. B. She is Mary C. Mary is. D. It’s Mary. 3.—Your English is quite good. —________ A. No; my English is still poor. B. I don’t think so. C. Do you really think so D. Thank you. 4. —I’m glad to see you. — _________. A. Thank you B. So am I C. See you later D. That’s all right 5. — How are you —Fine. Thank you. And you —________ A. Fine. B. Fine. And you C. Thank you. D. How are you 6. —Hi; Mike. We haven’t seen each other for a long time. — _________. A. Good luck B. That’s great C. Nice to see you again D. Best wishes to you 7. — How do you do; Kate — ________ A. How are you B. How do you do C. How nice to see you. D. I’m OK. 8.—Jack. I’d like you to meet my mother; Mrs. Brown. — Hello; Mrs. Brown; _________ — Hello; Jack; pleased to meet you; too. A. how do you do B. are you OK C. very pleased to meet you. D. the same to you. 9. —Hello; I’m Lily .We’re in the same class. — ________ A. Yes; we are. B. Glad to meet you. C. I’m sorry;but l don’t know you. D. Hello; may l introduce myself 10. —I’d like you to meet my new friend; Jim. — _________ A. Hello; there. B. How do you do; Jim C. Nice to see; Jim. D. How are you; Jim 11.—Gould I have your name please; sir — _________. A. Oh; no B. You’re polite C. Call me Mary D. It’s kind of you 12.—Lucy; ________.


2023年中考英语复习专题十三——情景交际 ( )1.(2022·安徽)-Cooking helps us show love for family members. - .Every time I make dishes for Mum,she is very happy. A.I can't believe it B.Take it easy C.I couldn't agree more D.That depends ( )2.(2022·天津)-Do you know about rock music? - .Ask Robert.He is a fan of rock music. A.No idea B.No wonder C.No way D.No problem ( )3.(2022·连云港)Keep practising,and you’ll be an excellent football player. . A.No pain,no gain B.A friend in need is a friend indeed C.It never rains but it pours D.When in Rome,do as the Romans do ( )4.(2022·昆明)-Please be quiet.We are in the library. - . A.Well done B.OK,I will C.Enjoy yourself D.Long time no see ( )5.(2022·武威)-Shall we have an outdoor graduation party after the exam? - .I think everyone will love it. A.Good idea. B.No way.

2020中考英语备考 情景交际 练习试题 含答案

2020中考英语备考情景交际练习试题(含答案) 2020中考英语备考情景交际练习题 一.单项选择 1. ---May I use your computer, Mr. Black? ---_________. I will use my ipad instead. A Go ahead B. Thank you C. Sorry, you can't D. I'm afraid not 2. ---This is your order, a sandwich and an apple pie. ________? ---I'll have them here. A. For here or to go B. Something to drink C. Anything else D. Am I right 3.---_________? ---I'm afraid that I have got a bad cold A. What's the matter with you B. How old are you C. Have you taken your temperature D. What would you like 4. ---It's said that shopping online is safe ---_____. You' d better be careful A. I agree B. That depends C. I think so D. No problem 5. ---I'm awfully sorry for bringing you so much trouble. ---__________ A. Never mind B. It's a pleasure C. Of course not D. You are welcome 6. ---You look smart today! ---_________ A. Not good B. That' s OK C. What a shame! D. Thank you 7.---What's Han Mei like? ---__________ A. She is a volunteer B. She studies very hard C. She likes skating D. She is heavy but beautiful 8. ---Excuse me, where's the library? ---___. I'm new here, too ---Thank you all the same. A Sorry, I don' t know B. That way, please C. This is the library D. There it is 9. ---Hello, haven't seen you for a long time! You look fine! ---________ A. Oh, no B Thanks C. Great D. Not at all 10. ---So kind of you to give me a ride to the bus stop. ---__________ A. My pleasure B. Never mind C. It doesn't matter D. That's nothing to do 11. ---My friends and I are going out for a picnic tomorrow ---__________ A. My pleasure B. Have a good time! C. Help yourselves D. What a pity! 12.---__________? ---Yes. I'd like some beef noodles. A. May I take your order B. May I borrow your ruler C. What club do you want to join D. What size would you like 13. ---May I speak to Mr. Smith? ---_______, please. I'll see if he is in A. Sounds good B. Hold on C. Don't worry D. Come on 14. ---Let's invite Nick and Nora to Shanghai Disneyland with us. ---______. I'll give them a call right now. A. Sounds good B. That's too bad C. Don't worry D. Better not 15.---Would you like to travel with me after this exam? ---_____. I can't wait. A. That's all right B. Of course not C. Yes, I'd love to D. What a pity


情景交际题型专项练(一)-2024年初中英语中考 复习 情景交际 1.—Home is always the warmest place. —________ East or west, home is the best. A.I don’t think so.B.I’m afraid not. C.I couldn’t agree more.D.I hope not. 2.—Thank you for opening the window. —________! A.Come on B.No problem C.You’re welcome D.Never mind 3.— Hello, boys and girls! I’m your new teacher. ________ — Nice to meet you, too. A.Nice to meet you.B.What’s your name? C.Good morning.D.How are you? 4.—Oh, no! My mobile phone is missing! —________. Go to the lost and found office. They might have it. A.Don’t worry B.Thanks a lot C.It sounds great D.That’s cool 5.—I’ve made little progress in my maths, Li Ming. I’m really worried. —________, Liu Mei. It takes time. A.Sounds good B.Don’t mention it C.That’s a good idea D.Don’t worry 6.—Mom, can I talk to you about my job offer, please? —________. A.Go ahead B.I see C.Much better D.Never mind 7.— Amy, my class will visit the Bird’s Nest this afternoon. — ________ A.Good luck!B.Congratulations! C.Have a good time. D.That’s a good idea.

全国2021年中考英语试题专题练习 情景交际(含解析)

情景交际 1、(2016•济南)-Laura,how often do your family take a trip? -Hmm,.() A.since last week B.twice a month C.for an hour D.ten days ago 【考点】频度(how often). 【分析】-Laura,你的家人多长时间去旅行一次? -嗯,一月两次. 【解答】答案:B;since last week自从上一周;twice a month一月两次;for an hour 一小时;ten days ago十天以前;根据上句how often do your family take a trip?可知是询问频率的;故选B 2、(2016•福州)-________ is the nearest hospital from here? -Er,it's about ten minutes'walk.() A.How long B.How far C.How often 【考点】距离(how far). 【分析】-最近的医院离这儿有多远? -Er,大约步行十分钟. 【解答】答案:B;How often多久一次(对频率进行提问); How long 多长时间(对时间多久进行提问);How far 多远(对距离进行提问);根据答语it's about ten minutes'walk 推知上句问的是距离;故选B. 3、(2016•北京)- are these bananas? -﹩3.99.() A.How much B.How long C.How heavy D.How big 【考点】数量(how many/how much). 【分析】这些香蕉多少钱?--3.99美元. 【解答】答案:A 根据答句﹩3.99,可知答句中回答的是价格.how much多少钱;how long 多长;how heavy多重;how big多大.故选A. 4、(2016•上海)- Disney amusement parks are there in China? -Two.() A.How many B.How often C.How soon D.How long 【考点】数量(how many/how much). 【分析】--在中国有多少个迪士尼乐园? --两个. 【解答】答案为A 根据回答可知数量,问数量用how many/how much来提问,而parks,可知是可数名词,对可数名词的提问需用how many,因此答案为A. 5、(2016•重庆)---I'm sorry.I broke your tea cup. ---________.I have another one at home.() A.It doesn't matter B.You'd better not C.My pleasure D.It's too bad 【考点】常用日常交际用语. 【分析】-非常抱歉,我打碎你的茶杯了. -没关系,在家里我还有一个.


中考英语情景交际、综合运用专项练习 情景交际 ( ) 1.---May I speak to Mr. Brown? ---__________ . I’ll go and get him. A.Speaking B. Wrong number C. Hold on, please ( ) 2.---- Would you like some more soup? ---- _______. It is delicious, but I’ve had enough. A. Yes, please B. No, thank you C. Nothing more D. I’d like some ( )3.— Excuse me!— _____— How can I get to the nearest post office? A. Yes? B. That’s OK. C. What’s wrong? D. Pardon? ( )4.---Shall I give you a ride as you look so tired?---Thank you. ______ A. It’s your duty B. Don’t mention it C. Do as you like D. It couldn’t be better ( ) 5.---Would you mind putting out your cigarette ? ---___________.I forget it’s No-smoking Day. A. Not at all B. It doesn’t matter C. Yes, please D. Just a little ( ) 6.---I’m happy to be here for my six-month English course. ---___________.Cal me if you have any trouble. A. Help yourself B. Thanks a lot C. Be careful D. Enjoy your stay ()7.---Can you imagine that we’ve translated30%of the long article today? ---___________.You’re so smart and quick! A.It’s a pleasure B. I don’t mind


2021九年级中考英语总复习情景交际强化训练10套情景交际根据对话内容及所给选项完成对话,有一个多余的选项。 情景交际强化训练(1) A: Hi, Lisa. Do you know that people are talking about the future dreams a lot these days? B: 1 A: Do you have a plan for the future? I mean what your dream is. B: Yes. I have a lot of dreams. But the greatest one is that I want to be a teacher. A: Sounds nice. 2 B: Well, I’m going to study hard and do well in all the subjects. A: Anything more ? B: And I’m going to play more sports to keep fit. A: Where are you going to work? B: I’m going to work in a village school in the poor area. 3 I think to be a village school teacher is very great. A: That sounds exciting! But when are you going to start? B: 4 A: That’s good. 5 B: I hope so. Thank you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 情景交际强化训练(2) Ann: Thank you for the birthday gift, Dad. It's the best gift I have ever had
