管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 CH03-7E




1.计算机系统技术2.数据通信技术3.计算机网络技术4.数字式程控交换技术5.文字信息处理技术6.数据库技术1.作业合理化2.工作集成化3.企业转型化1.以产出为中心,而非以单任务为中心2.自己的“产出〞自己做3.将信息产生于信息处理在工作中结合起来 4.将分散资源视为一体 5.将并行工作联系起来 6.一次性的获取信息 7.现场决策1.坚持系统的思想,运用系统的分析方法2.内部条件与环境条件相结合3.客观性原则 4.定量分析与定性分析相结合 5.系统开发人员与用户相沟通,满足用户要求的原则 6.调查、分析、综合相结合 7.逻辑模型与物理模型分开考虑的原则问答题:试讨论当今信息系统面临哪些挑战?P22要点:〔1〕政治因素对信息系统的影响。












《管理信息系统》(第七版)-PPT 第11章_决策支持系统

《管理信息系统》(第七版)-PPT 第11章_决策支持系统
1 • 不受时间与空间的限制。 2 • 能让决策者相互之间便捷地交流信息与共享信息,减少片面性。
3 • 决策者可克服消极的心理影响,无保留地发表自己的意见。 4 • 能集思广益,激发决策者思路,使问题的方案尽可能趋于完美。 5 • 可防止小集体主义及个性对决策结果的影响。 6 • 可提高决策群体成员对决策结果的满意程度和置信度。 7 • 群体越大,效果越显著。
1.3 决策支持系统的应用
DSS已得到了广泛的应用,但由于显著的社会技术系统特点和情景依赖,DSS应用的 实际情况与理想还有较大的差距。很多DSS研究成果由于方法和技术上过于理想而 难以实现,开发出的DSS很多处于原型阶段而难以进入实际应用。概括起来,比较成 功的DSS应具有以下一些特点:
1 大都带有问题分析功能,有些实质上就是一类决策分析系统
20世纪90年代开始:DSS与计算机网络技术结合构成了能供异地决策者共同参与 决策的群体决策支持系统GDSS;为了支持范围更广的群体,包括大规模复杂决策, 又将分布式的数据库、模型库与知识库等决策资源有机地集成起来,构建分布式决 策支持系统DDS
今天,DSS开始与Web、智能系统和/或电子商务等相结合。诸如基于Web的决策 支持系统、智能谈判支持系统等将成为DSS研究、开发和应用的新热点

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch03-disc

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch03-disc

Chapter 3Answers to Discussion Questions:1.Porter’s Competitive Forces Model describes five competitive forces that shape the fate of a business:traditional competitors, new market entrants, substitute products and services, customers, and suppliers.Depending on the business, each of these can create tremendous problems or new opportunities.2.Four generic strategies for dealing with competitive forces include low-cost leadership, productdifferentiation, focus on market niche, and strengthen customer and supplier intimacies. Information systems can provide data and information that allow businesses to use one or a combination of these strategies to improve products and services, cut costs, and improve profits.3.The Internet allows traditional competitors to introduce new products and services and lure customersaway. It provides a low cost avenue for new market entrants. Consumers can easily and quickly find substitute products and services through the Internet. Customers can use information provided on the Internet to create new competition between companies while suppliers can increase their market power.4.Synergies between businesses allow the output of some units to be used as inputs to other units.Synergistic organizations can use information systems to pool markets and expertise and provide new services or products. Information systems allow a company to concentrate on its core competency and outsource support activities to other companies. Each organization concentrates on that which it is best at. Information systems can provide network economies and provide a low-cost method to createvirtual companies.5.Business process reengineering efforts fail because of the high cost and extended time they take toimplement. Business process reengineering involves rethinking work flows and business processes.Too often businesses fail to plan for the changes their employees and customers will experience.Many businesses simply don’t communicate with their people enough to make it work.。

《管理信息系统》(第七版)-PPT 第17章_管理系统模拟概论-2019修订

《管理信息系统》(第七版)-PPT 第17章_管理系统模拟概论-2019修订

日交易量、点击率、好评 率、商户信用、网站响应 速度
第十七章 管理系统模拟概论
1.3 管理系统的研究方法和模拟的意义
1. 直接法
• 对实际系统加以试验,或者不经试验就实施对系统的建立或改变。
2. 模型法
• 为管理系统建立一个或一系列描述模型,通过对模型的分析来得 到原来系统的解决方案。
第十七章 管理系统模拟概论
主讲人:XX 邮 箱:
第十七章 管理系统模拟概论
• 第一节 管理系统模拟概述 • 第二节 管理系统模拟研究的主要步骤 • 第三节 离散事件模拟 • 第四节 Multi-Agent系统模拟
第十七章 管理系统模拟概论
1.1 模拟的定义
模拟(Simulation)是通过模型来模仿现实系统及其运行,以实现认识和改进现实系统这一 目标的一种方法。
第十七章 管理系统模拟概论
3.1 模拟的类型
• 静态或动态模型;
• 确定或随机模型;
• 连续或离散模型。
第十七章 管理系统模拟概论
3.2 离散事件模拟的基本要素
3.属性和 全局变量
4.事件和 活动
5.模拟时 钟
通过模拟优化进行飞机跑道调度方案 增加机场运力、减少航班延误



管理信息系统试题及答案全HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】《管理信息系统》试题库 1一、填空题1.信息系统包括系统和系统两个方面。








二、选择题1.下列系统开发的各阶段中难度最大的是()A、系统分析B、系统设计C、系统实施D、系统规划2.数据库的组织结构中包括的模式有()A、内模式B、(概念)模式C、外模式D、前三个选项都对C矩阵的正确性检验没有包含的一种是:()A、完备性检验B、准确性检验 C、一致性检验D、无冗余性检验4.文件系统中最小的数据存取单位是()A、数据项B、记录C、文件D、数据库5.某公司把库存物资出入库和出入库财务记账处理综合成一个应用子系统,这种子系统是将()A、供销职能和生产职能关联在一起B、供销职能和财务职能关联在一起C、财务职能和生产职能关联在一起D、供销职能和市场职能关联在一起6.下列关于结构化方法和原型法的描述错误的是()A、结构化开发方法是以系统工程的思想和工程化的方法进行开发B、对于运算量大、逻辑性较强的程序模块可采用原型法来构造模型C、结构化方法要求严格区分开发阶段D、原型法要求的软件支撑环境比结构化方法高7.可行性分析的内容包括()A、业务上的可行性、管理上的可行性、决策上的可行性B、技术上的可行性、业务上的可行性、管理上的可行性C、经济上的可行性、技术上的可行性、管理上的可行性D、经济上的可行性、业务上的可行性、管理上的可行性8.数据库系统的核心是()A、数据库B、操作系统C、数据库管理系统D、数据库系统9.某企业建立了生产、销售、人事等从基层到高层的MIS,这种MIS的结构为()A、职能结构B、横向综合结构C、总的综合结构D、纵向综合结构10.绘制系统流程图的基础是()A、数据关系图B、数据流程图C、数据结构图D、功能结构图语言属于第()代计算机语言。

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 ESS_7E_testbank_CH03

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 ESS_7E_testbank_CH03

Chapter 3Achieving Competitive Advantage with Information SystemsTrue-False Questions1.AnalysisOne type of competitive advantage Amazon was able to implement was that of economies ofscale.Answer: True Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 75-78Analysis in terms of categorize2.AnalysisAmazon’s success in online bookselling illustrates the use of demand control to increaseprofits.Answer: False Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 75-78Analysis in terms of categorize3. A firm can be said to have competitive advantage when they have higher stock marketvaluations than their competitors.Answer: True Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 784.The competitive forces model was created for today’s digital firm.Answer: False Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 795.Customers are one of the competitive forces that affect an organization’s ability to compete.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 806. A transparent marketplace means that there is high product differentiation.Answer: False Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 807.In an efficient customer response system, digital answering systems are used to monitor andrespond to customer inquiries.Answer: False Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 818.Mass customization is a form of mass production.Answer: True Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 82 9.Strong linkages to customers and suppliers decrease switching costsAnswer: False Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 83 10.In the strategy of product differentiation, information systems are used to enable newproducts and servicesAnswer: True Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 85 11.The effect of the Internet has been to raise bargaining power over suppliersAnswer: True Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 87 12.In the age of the Internet, Porter’s traditiona l competitive forces model is still at work, butcompetitive rivalry has become much more intense.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 87 13.In the value chain model, primary activities are most directly related to the production anddistribution of the firm’s products and services that create value for the customer.Answer: True Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 88 14.The idea driving synergies is that when the output of some units can be used as inputs toother units, the relationship can lower cost and generate profits.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 90 15.The value chain model classifies all company activities as either primary or support.Answer: True Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 91 16.The law of diminishing returns always applies to digital, as well as traditional companies.Answer: False Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 91 17.The more people that use Microsoft Office software and related products, the greater itsvalue.Answer: False Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 9218.Studies have shown that probably the best single way to reduce quality problems is to reducecycle time.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 9619.Business process reengineering is the radical redesign of business processesAnswer: True Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 9720.New mortgage application processes have been made far more efficient by theimplementation of a digital, “desk-to-desk”sequential assembly-line approach.Answer: False Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 9921.Today’s e-business e nvironment involves much closer coordination of a firm’s businessprocesses with those of customers, suppliers, and other business partners than in the past.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 99Multiple-Choice Questions22.AnalysisAmazon’s use of the Internet as a platform to sell books illustrates a tactical use ofinformation services for:a.Low-cost leadershipb.Product differentiationc.Focusing on market niched.Strengthening customer intimacyAnswer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 75-76, 80-83Analysis in terms of categorize23.The four major types of competitive advantage are:a.Demand control, economies of scale, substitute products and services, and processefficiency.b.Demand control, economies of scale, barriers to entry that restrict supply, andprocess efficiency.c.Demand control, economies of scale, product differentiation, and processefficiency.d.Economies of scale, barriers to entry that restrict supply, substitute products andservices, and process efficiency.Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 7824.Demand control is achieved by:a.Preventing competitors from controlling pricing.ing switching costs to keep prices high.c.Reducing operation costs by merging with other firms.d.Reducing the number of competitive products.Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 7825.AnalysisA beverage distributor has acquired exclusive U.S. distribution rights for a new Italiansparkling water. What competitive advantage does this illustrate?a.Economy of scaleb.Demand controlc.Barrier to entry that restrict supplyd.Substitute products and servicesAnswer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 78 Analysis in terms of categorize26.The ______________________ model is used to describe the interaction of externalinfluences, specifically threats and opportunities that affect an organization’s strategyand ability to compete.work economicspetitive forcespetitive advantaged.demand controlAnswer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 7927.Which of the following is not one of the competitive forces:a.suppliers.b.other competitors.c.external environmentd.customers.Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: 79-8028.EvaluateA substitute product of most concern for a cable TV distributor is:a.Satellite TVb.Broadcast TVc.Satellite radiod.InternetAnswer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: 79Evaluate in terms of evaluate, assess, appraise29.EvaluateA manufacturer of deep-sea oil rigs may be least concerned about this marketplace force:a.product differentiation.b.traditional competitors.c.low number of suppliers.d.new market entrants.Answer: d Difficulty: Hard Reference: 79Evaluate in terms of evaluate, assess, appraise30.Which of the following industries has a low barrier to entry?a.Automotiveputer-chipc.Restaurantd.AirlineAnswer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p 79 31.Which of the following can force a business and its competitors to compete on pricealone?a.Transparent marketplaceb.High product differentiationc.Poor process efficiencyd.Demand controlAnswer: a Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 8032. A firm can exercise greater control over its suppliers by:a.having more suppliers.b.having fewer suppliers.c.having global suppliers.d.having local suppliers.Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 8033.The four basic strategies a company can employ to deal with competitive forces are:a.Increase process efficiency, implement demand control, focus on market niche,and low-cost leadership.b.Strengthen customer and supplier intimacy, focus on market niche, productdifferentiation, and implement demand control.c.Focus on market niche, product differentiation, mass customization, andimplement demand control.d.Strengthen customer and supplier intimacy, focus on market niche, productdifferentiation, and low-cost leadership.Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 8034.Wal-Mart’s continuous replenishment system allows it to:a.Provide mass customizationb.Provide an efficient customer response systemc.Strengthen customer intimacyd.Achieve economy of scaleAnswer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p.80-81 35.When a firm provides a specialized product or service for a narrow target market betterthan competitors, they are using a:a.Product differentiation strategy.b.Market niche strategy.c.Mass customization strategy.d.Process efficiency strategy.Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p.8236.__________________________is the ability to offer individually tailored products orservices using the same production resources as bulk production.a.Mass customizationb.Size customizationc.Magnitude customizationd.Dimension customizationAnswer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 8237.An information system can enable a company to focus on a market niche through:plex trend forecastingb.Tailoring products to the clientc.Intensive product trend analysisd.Intensive customer data analysisAnswer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p.8238.Hilton Hotels’ use of customer information software to identify the most profitablecustomers to direct services to is an example of using information systems to:a.Strengthen customer intimacyb.Differentiate their servicec.Focus on market niched.Increase efficiencyAnswer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p.8339.AnalysisCemex’s early challenges were:a.Unpredictable distribution methods, difficulties creating product demand, andbargaining power of customers.b.Unpredictable distribution needs, inefficient distribution methods, and difficultiescreating product demandc.Low profits, inefficient distribution methods, and lack of supplier intimacyd.Low profits, inefficient distribution methods, and bargaining power of customers.Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p.84Analysis in terms of appraise, categorize40.AnalysisCemex’s use of information technology illustrates the use of information syste ms toachieve:a.Low cost leadershipb.Focus on market nichec.Customer intimacyd.Product differentiationAnswer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p.84 Analysis in terms of appraise, categorize41.Which industries did the first wave of e-commerce transform?a.Air travel, books, bill paymentsb.Air travel, books, musicc.Real estate, air travel, booksd.Real estate, books, bill paymentsAnswer: b Difficulty: Hard Reference: p.8542.To what competitive force did the printed encyclopedia industry succumb?a.Positioning and rivalry among competitorsb.Low cost of entryc.Substitute products or servicesd.Customer’s bargaining powerAnswer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p.85 43.EvaluateSouthwest’s early, limited use of information systems for providing ticketing and reservation is an illustration of:ing the value chain model to highlight the points at which informationtechnology can be used most effectively.ing information systems to enhance core competencies.ing information systems to simplify the product.ing information systems to enhance efficiency.Answer: a Difficulty: Hard Reference: p.85 Evaluate in terms of assess, compare44.Internet technology:a.makes it easy for rivals to compete on price alone.b.imposes a significant cost of entry, due to infrastructure requirements.c.increases the difference between competitors because of the wide availability ofinformation.d.makes it easy to sustain operational advantages.Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p.8745.The Internet raises the bargaining power of customers by:a.creating new opportunities for building loyal customer bases.b.making more products available.c.making information available to everyone.d.lowering transaction costs.Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p.8746.The value chain model:a.c ategorizes five related advantages for adding value to a firm’s products orservices.b.sees the supply chain as the primary activity for adding value.c.categorizes four basic strategies a firm can use to enhance its value chain.d.helps a firm identify points at which information technology can most effectivelyto enhance its competitive position.Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p.8747.The primary activities of a firm include:a.inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, sales and marketing, andservice.b.inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, technology, and service.c.procurement, inbound logistics, operations, technology, and outbound logistics.d.procurement, operations, technology, sales and marketing, and service.Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p.8848.The secondary activities of a firm include:a.inbound logistics, technology, outbound logistics, sales and marketing, andservice.b.inbound logistics, organization infrastructure, outbound logistics, technology, andprocurement.anization infrastructure, human resources, sales and marketing,, andtechnology.anization infrastructure, human resources, technology, and procurement.Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p.8849.Benchmarking:pares the efficiency and effectiveness of your business processes against strictstandards.b.allows industry participants to develop industry-wide standards.c.is used to measure the speed and responsiveness of information technology.d.synchronizes the business processes of customers, suppliers, and trading partners.Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p.8950.The most successful solutions or methods for achieving a business objective are called:a.value processes.b.best processes.c.value practices.d.best practices.Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p.89 51. A ______________________ is a collection of independent firms that use informationtechnology to coordinate their value chains to produce a product or service for a market collectively.a.value chainb.business networkc.value webd.consortiaAnswer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 8952.How are information systems used at the industry level to achieve strategic advantage?a.Building industry-wide, IT-supported consortia and symposiab.By raising the bargaining power of suppliersc.By encouraging the entry of new competitorsd.By enforcing standards that reduce the differences between competitorsAnswer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p.89 53.When the output of some units can be used as inputs to other units, or if twoorganizations pool markets and expertise that result in lower costs and generate profits it is often referred to as creating:a.value web.b.value chain.c.synergies.d.core competencies.Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 9054.An information system can enhance core competencies by:a.providing better reporting facilities.b.creating educational opportunities for management.c.allowing operational employees to interact with management.d.encouraging the sharing of knowledge across business units.Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 9055.An example of synergy in business is:a.Cemex's use of Internet technology to allow customers to place orders directly.b.merging of JP Morgan Chase and Bank One Corporation.c.Blockbuster combining traditional video rental with online video rental.d.LL Bean’s use of German and Scandinavian styles of order fulfillment systems.Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 90 56.The more any given resource is applied to production, the lower the marginal gain inoutput, until a point is reached where the additional inputs produce no additional output is referred to as:a.the point of no return.b.the law of diminishing returns.c.supply and demand.d.inelasticity.Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 91work economics:a.applies the law of diminishing returns to communities of users.b.applies traditional economics to networked users.c.sees the cost of adding new members as inconsequential.d.balances the high cost of adding new members to a community against the lowercost of using network infrastructure.Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 9158.In network economics, the value of a commercial software vendor’s software products:a.increases as more people use them.b.decreases as more people use them.c.increases due to higher marginal gain in output.d.decreases according to the law of diminishing returns.Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 9159. A virtual company:es the capabilities of other companies without being physically tied to thosecompanies.es Internet technology to maintain a virtual storefront.es Internet technology to maintain a networked community of users.d.provides entirely Internet-driven services, or virtual products.Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 9160.Globalization allows:rmation systems to enhance core competencies.b.businesses to sell their products on a global scale.c.businesses to use the capabilities of other companies without being physically tiedto those companies.rmation systems to more fully utilize Internet capabilities.Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 9361.AnalysisThe greatest impact the Internet has had on globalization is:a.lowering the cost of labor.b.lowering the costs of telecommunications.c.lowering the costs of network infrastructure.d.lowering the cost of entry to global-scale operations.Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 93 Analysis in terms of categorization62. A business whose production facilities and sales facilities are in separate nations is a:a.virtual company.b.global organization.c.transnational business.d.micromultinational business.Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 9463.Psychological aspects play a significant role in the definition of quality for:a.customers only.b.producers only.c.both customers and producers.d.neither customers nor producers.Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 95 64.Seeing quality as the responsibility of all people and functions in an organization iscentral to the concept of:a.Six Sigma.b.TQM.c.Quality control.d.Cycle time reduction.Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 9665.The reduction of errors to 3.4 defects per million opportunities is central to the conceptof:a.Six sigma.b.TQM.c.Benchmarking.d.Cycle time reduction.Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 9666.Which of the following is not a benefit of implementing CAD systems:a.reducing the time spent on completing a design.b.reducing the time spent on benchmarking.c.ability to review designs for errors prior to production.d.ability to produce design specifications for the manufacturing process.Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 9767.Streamlining the steps taken to complete a business task more efficiently is called:a.workflow management.b.workflow reengineering.c.business process management.d.business process reengineering.Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 9968.Many reengineering projects do not achieve breakthrough gains in performance because:anizational change is difficult to manage.b.it is difficult to streamline many business processes.c.workflow management is difficult to achieve.d.document management is difficult to achieve.Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 9969.AnalysisBlockbuster’s move to include online movie rental as a part of its services illustrates the use of information systems for:petitive advantage.b.survival.c.new products and services.d.customer intimacy.Answer: b Difficulty: Hard Reference:Analysis in terms of appraise, analyze, categorize70.AnalysisWhich competitive force best categorizes the threat Netflix posed to Blockbuster?a.Rivalry among traditional competitorsb.Threat of new market entrantsc.Substitute products and servicesd.Bargaining power of customersAnswer: c Difficulty: Hard Reference:Analysis in terms of appraise, analyze, categorize71.AnalysisBlockbuster’s imp lementation of online movie rental is an example of using information technology to enhance which part of the value chain?a.Inbound logisticsb.Operationsc.Sales and marketingd.ProcurementAnswer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference:Analysis in terms of appraise, analyze, categorize72.EvaluateYou are working for a new company, Shazaam Shoes, a retail shoe store. Shazaam willbe selling discount sport shoes in a mall that already has another discount shoe store.Which of the following tactics will help Shazaam attain more demand control?a.Increase promotional effortsb.Sell shoes onlinec.Offer a store card that gives customers deep discounts on future purchasesd.Sell a greater variety of shoes than the competitorAnswer: c Difficulty: Hard Reference:Evaluate in terms of assess, compareFill In the Blanks73.The activity of measuring performance of your business processes against strict standards iscalled benchmarkingp. 8974. A virtual company/virtual organization uses networks to link people, assets, and ideas,enabling it to work with other companies to create products and services without beinglimited by traditional organizational boundaries or physical locations.9275.Business process reengineering /BPR is a radical rethinking of business processes to takeadvantage of information systems.9776.Six Sigma is the measure of quality that represents 3.4 defects per million opportunities9577.Quality control is seen as an end in itself in Total Quality Management (TQM)9578. A CAD/computer aided design system automates and the creation and revision of designsusing computers and sophisticated graphics softwarep. 9679.Mass customization is the ability to offer individually tailored products and services usingthe same production resources as mass production.Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 8280.The value chain model highlights the primary or support activities that add a margin of valueto a firm’s products or services where information systems can best be applied to achieve a competitive advantage.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 8781.A(n) primary activity is one that is directly related to the production and distribution of afirm’s products or services.Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 8882.A(n) support activity is a part of the organization’s infrastructure, human resources,technology, and procurement that makes the delivery of the firm’s products or servicespossible.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 8883.The value web is a collection of independent firms that use information technology tocoordinate their value chains to collectively produce a product or service for a market.Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 8984.Product differentiation is a competitive strategy for creating brand loyalty by developingnew and unique products and services that are not easily duplicated by competitors.Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 8185.Switching costs are the expenses incurred by a customer or company in lost time andresources when changing from one supplier or system to a competing supplier or system.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 7886.A(n) core competency is an activity at which a firm excels as a world-class leader.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 9087.Porter’s competitive forces model illustrates that a firm faces a number of external threatsand opportunities.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 7988.According to the law of diminishing returns the more any given resource is applied toproduction, the lower the marginal gain in output, until a point is reached where theadditional inputs produce no additional outputs.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 91Essay Questions89.Discuss the impact of the Internet on the competitive forces model.The traditional competitive forces are still at work, but the Internet has made competitiverivalry much more intense. Internet technology is based on universal standards that anycompany can use, making it easy for rivals to compete on price alone and for newcompetitors to enter the market. Easy access to information on the Internet raises thebargaining power of customers, who can quickly find the lowest-cost provider on the Web,lowering profits. At the same time, the Internet creates new opportunities for building brandsand building very large and loyal customer bases that are willing to pay a premium for thebrand. The traditional Porter model assumes a relatively static industry environment;relatively clear-cut industry boundaries; and a relatively stable set of suppliers, substitutes,and customers, with the focus on industry players in a market environment. Instead ofparticipating in a single industry, some of today’s firms participate in industry sets andbusiness ecosystems that —collections of industries that provide related services andproducts.90.Value chain analysis is useful at the business level to highlight specific activities in thebusiness where information systems are most likely to have a strategic impact. Discuss thismodel, identify the activities, and describe how the model can be applied to the concept ofinformation technology.The value chain model identifies specific, critical leverage points where a firm can useinformation technology most effectively to enhance its competitive positions. Exactly wherecan it obtain the greatest benefit from strategic information systems – what specific activitiescan be used to create new products and services, enhance market penetration, lock incustomers and suppliers, and lower operational costs? This model views the firm as a seriesor chain of basic activities that add a m argin of value to a firm’s products or services. Theseactivities can be categorized as either primary activities or support activities.•Primary activities – are most directly related to the production anddistribution of the firm’s products and services that create value for thecustomer. Primary activities include inbound logistics, operations, outboundlogistics, sales and marketing, and service.•Support activities – make the delivery of the primary activities possible andconsist of organization infrastructure (administration and management),human resources (employee recruiting, hiring, and training, technology(improving products and the production process), and procurement(purchasing input).Apply Porter’s competitive forces model to the Major League Baseball problems discussed in Chapter 1.petitors: MLB’s major competitor was television: fans would watch games onTV rather than attend in person.2.New Market Entrants: Because of a high barrier to entry, MLB faces little if anycompetition from similar businesses.3.Substitute products and services: In MLB’s case, a low-to-no price substitute isavailable by games being broadcast on TV.4.Customers: The bargaining power of MLB’s customers lies in their ability to choosetelevision broadcasts over live games.5.Suppliers: If baseball players can be seen as a key supplier, the bargaining power ofsuppliers is a constant challenge. The high cost of players results in high ticket costs.Analysis in terms of categorize, examine, analyze92.EvaluateThe text describes Michael Porter’s view of the Internet as somewhat negative. Whatnegative influences does Porter see? Describe several positive influences the Internet has on business. Do these outweigh the negative influences?An answer might be:Porter sees the Internet as creating ever more intense rivalry, through allowing newcompetitors to enter the market, and forcing competition on price alone, raising thebargaining power of customers, and dampening profits.Positive influences of the Internet would be lowering telecommunications costs, creatingnew opportunities for building brands and loyal customer bases, lowering costs ofglobalization. You could also view Porter’s negative take on lowering the barrier to entry asa positive for new companies.The Internet’s influence being negative or positive depends in part on the point of view from which the influence is being seen. For example, a telephone utility is impacted negatively by the emergence of Internet telephony, while other industries may be impacted positivelyeither through the use of this technology or through engaging in Internet telephony as abusiness.Evaluate in terms of assess, compare, evaluate。

《管理信息系统》(第七版)-PPT 第7章 管理信息系统的系统实施

《管理信息系统》(第七版)-PPT 第7章 管理信息系统的系统实施
• 一定范围内的网络,可以实现楼宇内部和邻近的几座大楼 之间的内部联系。
• 设备之间的通信,通常利用公共电信网络,实现远程设备 之间的通信。
第八章 管理信息系统的系统实施
• 第一节 物理系统的实施 • 第二节 程序设计 • 第三节 软件开发工具 • 第四节 程序和系统调试 • 第五节 系统切换
<命令组1> ELSE
结构二: IF <条件> <命令组> ENDIF
第八章 管理信息系统的系统实施
• 第一节 物理系统的实施 • 第二节 程序设计 • 第三节 软件开发工具 • 第四节 程序和系统调试 • 第五节 系统切换
• 调试过程中通常要编写测试数据。 • 1、用正常数据调试 • 2、用异常数据调试 • 3、用错误数据调试
• 面向程序应用环境,把程序看作一个“黑匣子”; • 认为程序只要满足应用功能上的需求,就是可行的。
第八章 管理信息系统的系统实施
系统的应用软件通常由多个功能模块组成, 每个模块由一个或几个程序构成。 在单个程序调试完成以后,尚需进行分调,即将一个功能内所有程序按次序串联起 来进行调试。目的是要保证各程序间具有正确的控制关系,测试模块的运行效率。
第八章 管理信息系统的系统实施

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch7-disc

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch7-disc

Chapter 7Answers to Discussion Questions:1.Wireless networks are more susceptible to security problems because they are built onthe 802.11 standard of transmission that allows computing devices to easily connect with each other and transfer data. The service set identifiers (SSID) identifying the access points in a Wi-Fi network are broadcast multiple times and can be picked up fairly easily by intruders’ sniffer programs. Corporations can protect their wireless systems through a combination of Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and virtualprivate network technology.2.Fault-tolerant computer systems promise continuous availability and eliminaterecovery time altogether. High-availability computer systems help firms recoverquickly from a crash.3.Employees pose serious threats to a security system because of lack of awarenessabout security vulnerabilities. Employees fail to adequately safeguard theirpasswords leaving the system open to theft and misuse of data. Employees may enter faulty data into the system or fail to process data correctly. They also can misuse the hardware.4.Three major laws recently passed by the U.S. government to help make data andinformation more secure include the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability &Accountability Act), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.rge corporations might appoint a chief security officer who is in charge of thesecurity group. The group is responsible for educating and training users, keeping management aware of threats, and maintaining tools to implement sound security policies. Security policies should cover acceptable use, user authorization, andauthorization management systems.。



Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.
Q5: What Data Characteristics Are Necessary for Quality Information?
Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.
Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.
Where Is Information?
• Graph is not, itself, information • Graph is data you, and others, use to conceive information • Ability to conceive information from data determined by
• BPMN doesn't show costs directly – Cost is labor to perform activity – Computer network, email, or other system needed to support data flows • Cost of infrastructure part of business process costs. Use an Information System to Store Vendor Data
Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.
Ethics Guide: I Know What’s Better, Really
• You believe that Alternative Two is vastly preferable

《管理信息系统》(第七版)-PPT 第10章_信息系统项目的管理与运维2019.4.7

《管理信息系统》(第七版)-PPT 第10章_信息系统项目的管理与运维2019.4.7

6.2 信息系统运行维护流程
• 确认问题需要 由项目系统小 组和终端用户 一起完成,通 过重新使用系 统,尽可能地 发现问题。
建立程序的评 价基准
• 在修改程序之 前,应该为程 序的执行和测 试建立一个基 准,这个基准 是程序维护之 后的评价基准。
经济可 行性
组织可 行性
第十章信息系统项目管理和运行维护பைடு நூலகம்
• 第一节 项目管理概念 • 第二节 项目启动 • 第三节 项目计划 • 第四节 项目实施和控制 • 第五节 项目收尾和后评价 • 第六节 信息系统运行与维护
制定一个综合计划 编写范围说明书 制定进度计划
制定成本计划 制定质量计划
制定风险计划 制定人力资源计划 制定采购计划
在项目计划中,成本计划尤为重要。其中成本估算可以为项目的实施所需资金的多 少进行估算,帮助项目管理者筹备所需的资金。一般来说,根据成本估算的不同时 期可将其分为三种:初步估算、控制估算和最终估算。
项目启动是通过需求分析,满足项目的条件而进行立项活动的过程。是否满足项目 条件的重要依据是项目的可行性分析,它是确定建设项目前具有决定性意义的工作。 项目可行性研究一般包括:
风险因 素及对

社会可 行性

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch10-disc

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch10-disc

Chapter 10Answers to Discussion Questions:1.MIS are used for structured decisions with reports based on routine flows of data.DSS are used for semi-structured or unstructured decisions and focus on specificdecisions or classes of decisions. DSS are better for executive decision makingbecause executives’ questions and problems are unstructured and rely on external environmental information as well as internal data.2.ESS must be flexible and easy to use because executives don’t have a lot of time orinclination to learn complex, difficult systems. The system must be as fluid as the information that is gathered. The system must allow executives to scout out problems and new opportunities, and to keep an eye on the competition. Rigid, difficultsystems may not allow that to happen.3.Structured knowledge systems were the first attempts at collecting enterprise-wideknowledge from text documents and reports. Semistructured knowledge systems piggybacked off the earlier systems by gathering knowledge from non-traditional communications such as email, chatrooms, voice mail, and instant messaging.Semistructured knowledge systems are sometimes called digital asset management system and incorporate a wider range of information than is available in structured knowledge systems.4.Expert systems require people to input all decision-making rules into the rule base. Aknowledge engineer pulls information from various sources and fits it into the expert system. A neural network builds upon a base of information and continually learns by itself. Very little human intervention is required for the neural network’sknowledge base to grow.5.Intelligent agents can be used as shopping agents on the Internet. They can also beused to ferret out information in less time than it would take a person to find theinformation.。

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch08-disc.answ-7E

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch08-disc.answ-7E

Ch叩ter 8Answers to Discussion Questions:1.Enterprise software uses predefines processes that require a business to adapt itself tothe software. The processes have been created by the software manufacturer based on industry-proven best practices. The processes are difficult to modify because the software is so complex. Any changes to one area make disable or distort another process in a different area.rmation about the demand for a product may be distorted between suppliers andbusinesses. Each entity in the supply chain alters its decisions about product demand and could cause an over- or under-supply of products. By providing immediate and accurate information up and down the supply chain, all partners can adjust theirsourcing, manufacturing, and distribution plans.3.Push-based supply models depend on the forecasts or best guesses of demand forproducts and are pushed to the customer by the manufacturer, Pull-based supplymodels are customer-driven and depend on actual customer orders or purchases before the manufacturer commits to building the product or providing the service. See Figure 8-5 in the text.4.Operational CRM are customer-facing applications, such as sales force automation,call center and customer service support, and marketing automation. Analytical CRM systems analyze customer data to provide information for improving businessperformance. Managers and executives use analytical CRM systems in conjunction with online analytical processing, data mining, and other data analysis techniques to create a total picture of the customer.。

管理信息系统(英文版第7版)题库chapter extension 03

管理信息系统(英文版第7版)题库chapter extension 03

Experiencing MIS, 7e (Kroenke)Chapter Extension 3 Mobile Systems1) ________ systems are information systems that support users in motion.A) DataB) MobileC) RemoteD) Web-basedAnswer: BAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.1: What are mobile systems?Classification: Concept2) Which of the following is a major element of mobile systems?A) wired connectivityB) users in specific locationC) cloud-based resourcesD) stationary devicesAnswer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.1: What are mobile systems?Classification: Concept3) Which of the following is a characteristic of a mobile device?A) It restricts data entry.B) It is a high power-consuming computing device.C) It is not capable of wireless connectivity.D) It is a small and lightweight device.Answer: DAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.1: What are mobile systems?Classification: Concept4) Mobile systems are information systems that support users in motion.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.1: What are mobile systems?Classification: Concept5) Mobile systems users only move geographically, not from device to device.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.1: What are mobile systems?Classification: Concept6) A mobile device is a small, lightweight, power-conserving computing device that is capable of wireless connectivity.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.1: What are mobile systems?Classification: Concept7) What are mobile systems?Answer: Mobile systems are information systems that support users in motion. Mobile systems users access the system from any place–at home, at work, while traveling–using any smart device, such as smartphone, tablet, or PC. Mobile systems users move not only geographically, they also move from device to device. The major elements in a mobile system are users in motion, mobile devices, wireless connectivity, and cloud-based resources.AACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.1: What are mobile systems?Classification: Concept8) In the context of industry changes, which of the following statements is true of mobile systems?A) They consist of data that create a premium on the ability to memorize vast quantities of product data.B) The scope of advertising is high.C) The usage of mobile systems results in organizations being effective with part-time employees and independent contractors.D) They consist of data that remove the premium for the ability to access, query, and present the data.Answer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.2: Why are mobile systems important?Classification: Concept9) Which of the following is true about the impact of mobile systems on data usage in information systems?A) More advertisements can be shown.B) Less device real estateC) Quantity of data available has been reduced.D) Organizations' data is securely stored.Answer: BAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.2: Why are mobile systems important?Classification: Concept10) Continually evolving software leads to a decline in entrepreneurial opportunities. Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.2: Why are mobile systems important?Classification: Concept11) Briefly describe the mobile system effect for each of the five components of an information system.Answer: The five components of an information system are: hardware, software, data, procedures, and people. The impact of mobile system growth on each of these components is as follows:Hardware: The increasing demand of mobile systems means sales of many more mobile devices, at the expense of PC sales.Software: The reduced size of mobile devices requires the invention of new, innovative, and compact interfaces. Applications will need to scale with the invention of new technology for active users.Data: Many more mobile systems mean an incredible amount of new data used to create much more information. Mobile systems can cause organizations to lose control over their data. Data leakage is inevitable.Procedures: Mobile systems are always on, and people who use mobile systems are equally always at work. Employee lifestyle becomes a hybrid of personal and professional.People: Mobile systems increase the speed of business, giving an advantage to those who can nimbly respond to changing conditions and succeed with the unexpected. Ability to thrive in a dynamic environment is more important.AACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.2: Why are mobile systems important?Classification: Concept12) A ________ application is a thick-client application that is designed to work with a particular operating system, and sometimes only with a particular mobile device that runs that operating system.A) nativeB) virtualC) remoteD) browser-basedAnswer: AAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Concept13) In a ________ application, the browser provides a relatively consistent platform for the application.A) virtualB) nativeC) thick-clientD) WebAnswer: DAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Concept14) ________ languages can be used to create difficult, complex applications, and, if used properly, will result in high-performance code that is easy to alter when requirements change.A) AssemblyB) Data-orientedC) Object-orientedD) Hardware descriptionAnswer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Concept15) Which of the following statements about native applications is true?A) They are developed by amateur programmers and business professionals.B) They use HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript as development languages.C) They only run on the operating system for which they are programmed.D) They are dependent on platforms provided by browsers.Answer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Concept16) Web applications can be developed by less-skilled, lesser-paid employees; they are considerably cheaper to develop than ________ applications.A) thin-clientB) user-codeC) remoteD) nativeAnswer: DAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Concept17) Web mobile applications ________.A) are limited by the capabilities of the browserB) are developed by professional programmers onlyC) run only on the operating system for which they are programmedD) are usually developed using Objective-C, Java, or Answer: AAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Concept18) Logan, a professional programmer and developer, develops a Web mobile application. The application allows users to book cabs for rides within the city. Which of the following languages is Logan most likely to have used to develop this app?A) B) HTML5C) C++D) Objective-CAnswer: BAACSB: Reflective ThinkingDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Application19) Which of the following statements is true of Web applications developed for mobile systems?A) They can be developed by professional programmers and technically oriented Web developers or business professionals.B) They are more expensive than native applications of equivalent complexity.C) It is easier to earn money from a thin-client application.D) Thin-client applications require multiple versions.Answer: AAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Concept20) A browser provides a more-or-less consistent environment for a Web application when it is developed to be run outside the browser.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Concept21) The cost of native applications is very low when compared to Web applications. Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Concept22) A native application is a thick-client application that is designed to work with a particular operating system.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Concept23) Native mobile applications only run on the operating system for which they are programmed. Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Concept24) Native mobile applications can be developed by technically oriented Web developers and business professionals.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Concept25) Professional programming languages such as Objective-C and are preferred to develop Web mobile applications.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Concept26) The advantages of using the HTML5 version of Web application are the support for graphics, animation, 2D animations, and other sophisticated user experiences.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Concept27) Web applications are limited by the capabilities of the browser.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Concept28) The major advantage of native applications over Web applications is that they will run on any operating system and mobile device.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Concept29) Unlike native applications, Web applications have one code base and one development team. Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Concept30) Differentiate between native and Web mobile applications.Answer: Native mobile applications are developed using serious, heavy-duty, professional programming languages such as Objective-C, Java, and . All of these languages are object-oriented, which means they can be used to create difficult, complex applications, and, if used properly, will result in high-performance code that is easy to alter when requirements change. Object-oriented languages can only be used by professional programmers who have devoted years to learning object-oriented design and coding skills. The downside of native applications is that they only run on the operating system for which they are programmed. As a general rule, the cost of native applications is high.Web development languages are HTML5, CSS3, and Java Script. Web applications can be written by professional programmers. However, it is possible for technically oriented Web developers and business professionals to develop them as well. Web applications are limited by the capabilities of the browser. While browsers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, they cannot offer the full capabilities of the underlying operating system and hardware. The major advantage of webs over native applications is that they will run on any operating system and mobile device.AACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.3: How do native and Web-based mobile applications compare? Classification: Concept31) Which of the following is true of quality mobile user experiences?A) Users' content must occupy limited display space on mobile systems.B) Use of content to drive application behavior is called indirect interaction.C) Applications must be designed to one scale, so that they fit one particular display appropriately.D) Power usage on mobile devices can be minimized by moving complex code to cloud servers. Answer: DAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.4: What characterizes quality mobile user experiences? Classification: Concept32) Megan has downloaded a new gaming application on her smartphone. When she starts using it, she realizes that command icons and a navigation bar, intended for better user interface, block more than half the screen on her phone. Megan is disappointed with the app and immediately deletes it. With reference to this scenario, which of the following features does the gaming application need to improve?A) refresh rateB) indirect interactionC) chromeD) roaming supportAnswer: CAACSB: Reflective ThinkingDifficulty: 3: ChallengingCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.4: What characterizes quality mobile user experiences? Classification: Application33) Some mobile applications provide ________ chrome, which pops up in the display when appropriate.A) context-sensitiveB) time-orientedC) data-sensitiveD) object-orientedAnswer: AAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.4: What characterizes quality mobile user experiences? Classification: Concept34) ________ occurs when users move their activities, especially long-running transactions, across devices.A) Cloud computingB) RoamingC) Direct interactionD) InterfacingAnswer: BAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.4: What characterizes quality mobile user experiences? Classification: Concept35) Which of the following is true of push data?A) It is data that a device requests from a server.B) It is less impressive to users than pull data.C) It is uploaded by the user onto a server.D) The user needs to do nothing to receive it.Answer: DAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.4: What characterizes quality mobile user experiences? Classification: Concept36) ________ data is data that the device requests from the server.A) NonlinearB) LinearC) PullD) PushAnswer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.4: What characterizes quality mobile user experiences? Classification: Concept37) Chrome is a term that refers to the visual overhead in a computer display.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.4: What characterizes quality mobile user experiences? Classification: Concept38) Direct interaction is the usage of content to drive application behavior.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.4: What characterizes quality mobile user experiences? Classification: Concept39) Context-sensitive chrome pops up in the display when appropriate.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.4: What characterizes quality mobile user experiences? Classification: Concept40) Charms refers to the ability to move activities, especially long-running transactions, across devices.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.4: What characterizes quality mobile user experiences? Classification: Concept41) Push data is data that the device requests from the server.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.4: What characterizes quality mobile user experiences? Classification: Concept42) When some applications move complex code onto powered and powerful cloud servers, it improves the security.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.4: What characterizes quality mobile user experiences? Classification: Concept43) Explain the role of feature content in a quality mobile application.Answer: Quality mobile user interfaces should place the primary emphasis on users' content, giving such content as much of the display as possible. Rather than show menus, toolbars, and heavy window borders, the content should be shown cleanly and in center stage. Chrome is a term that refers to the visual overhead in a computer display. It is the windows, the menus, and other apparatus that drive the application. Because mobile screen size is often limited, modern mobile applications eliminate it as much as possible. The use of content to drive application behavior is called direct interaction.AACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.4: What characterizes quality mobile user experiences? Classification: Concept44) State the primary characteristics of a quality mobile application.Answer: The primary characteristics of a quality mobile application are:1. Feature content and supporting direct interaction2. Using context-sensitive chrome when needed3. Providing animation and lively behavior4. Designing to scale and share (display and data)5. Using the cloudAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.4: What characterizes quality mobile user experiences? Classification: Concept45) What is roaming? What are its applications?Answer: Roaming occurs when users move their activities, especially long-running transactions (reading a book, for example) across devices. The best mobile applications do this transparently; the user need take no action. Kindle apps inform iPad users about the most recently viewed page of a book when they open it on an iPhone. This is done entirely automatically.Roaming can achieve greater power when mobile applications allow roaming for otherlong-running transactions as well; editing a document, spreadsheet, or other Office documents are examples. At some point, applications like CRM and ERP may support roaming as well. In this context, push data is data that the server sends to or pushes onto the device whereas pull data is data that the device requests from the server.AACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.4: What characterizes quality mobile user experiences? Classification: Concept46) UTN Technologies, a software company, allows its employees to use their mobile systems at work. The management noticed a significant increase in employee satisfaction after the policy was instated. Which of the following will be an added advantage to UTN as a result of the policy?A) cost savingsB) no risk of infectionC) lower compatibility problemsD) no real danger of lost or damaged dataAnswer: AAACSB: Reflective ThinkingDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.5: What are the challenges of personal mobile devices at work? Classification: Application47) Which of the following is a disadvantage of employees using their mobile systems at work?A) limited productivityB) lower employee satisfactionC) greater need for trainingD) greater support costsAnswer: DAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.5: What are the challenges of personal mobile devices at work? Classification: Concept48) The advantages of employees using their mobile systems at work include cost savings and greater employee satisfaction.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.5: What are the challenges of personal mobile devices at work? Classification: Concept49) The disadvantages of employees using mobile systems at work include a greater need for training.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.5: What are the challenges of personal mobile devices at work? Classification: Concept50) State the advantages and disadvantages of employee use of mobile systems at work. Answer: The advantages of employee use of mobile systems at work include cost savings. It also leads to greater employee satisfaction of using devices that employees chose according to their own preferences rather than organization-supplied PCs. Because employees are already using these devices for their own purposes, they need less training and can be more productive. This implies reduced support costs.On the other hand, employee use of mobile devices has significant disadvantages. There is the real danger of lost or damaged data. When data is brought into employee-owned computing devices, the organization loses control over where it goes or what happens to it. Organizations also lose control over the updating of software and the applications that users employ. This control loss leads to compatibility problems as well. Possibly the greatest disadvantage of employee use of their own devices is the risk of infection.AACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the major types of computer hardware and software used by companies. Learning Obj: LO 15.5: What are the challenges of personal mobile devices at work? Classification: Concept。

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Essentials of Business Information Systems, 7ELaudon & LaudonLecture Files by Barbara J. EllestadChapter 3 Achieving Competitive Advantage with Information SystemsThe changes that have taken place in computing have affected the business environment in a big way. Over 40 percent of business equipment investments in the last decade have been on technology. Organizations are finding more efficient ways to accomplish tasks via networking, either internal networks or by connecting to external networks. Technology has caused many changes in the way businesses connect to their customers, suppliers, and business partners to achieve a competitive advantage.3.1 Using Information Systems to Achieve Competitive AdvantageGoogle, Amazon, e-Bay–the giants of the Internet. They are successful and make loads of money. They could easily rest on their laurels, kick back, and relax. If they are so successful, why do they keep working so hard to continually introduce new products and services and improve the old ones? Because someone, somewhere, is trying to take their place and become the new giant. These companies must keep the competitive advantage and they are using information systems to do so.Type of Competitive AdvantageThere are four ways companies can create or keep the competitive advantage:1.Barriers to entry that restrict the supply: create supply monopolies.2.Demand control: create and control the switching costs customers wouldexperience if they moved to another supplier.3.Economies of scale: keep operating costs low while expanding sales byincreasing the amount of product or service you provide with the same equipment.4.Process efficiency: improve business processes to make them more efficient andcheaper.Some companies use just one of these to maintain a competitive advantage but most companies will use a combination of them.Porter’s Competitive Forces ModelPorter’s competitive forces model contends that much of the success or failure of a business depends on its ability to respond to its external environment. Figure 3-1 shows four external forces that every business must contend with at one time or another.Figure 3-1: Porter’s Competitive Forces Model.It’s important to understand from this model that a firm’s success is not predicated on how well it does internally. It must also pay attention to:•Traditional competitors: always nipping at your heals with new products and services trying to steal your customers.•New market entrants: not constrained by traditional ways of producing goods and services, they can easily jump into your markets and lure customers away with cheaper or better products and services.•Substitute products and services: customers may be willing to try substitute products and services if they decide your price is too high or the quality of yourproducts and services is too low.•Customers: fickle to say the least, they are now armed with new information resources that make it easier for them to jump to your competitors, new marketentrants, or substitute products.•Suppliers: the number of suppliers used may determine how easy or difficult your business will have in controlling the supply chain. Too few suppliers and you losea lot of control.Information System Strategies for Dealing with Competitive ForcesMany companies have found that effective and efficient information systems allow them to deal with external forces in one of four ways: low-cost leadership, product differentiation, focus on market niche, and strengthen customer and supplier intimacy. Low-Cost LeadershipBy using information systems to lower your operational costs you can lower your prices. That will make it difficult for traditional competitors and new market entrants to match your prices. This strategy works best with commodities such as computers or with household products retailers such as Wal-Mart.Efficient customer response systems provide a company and its suppliers with an integrated view of customers. These systems provide instantaneous information to the company and its suppliers. Every staff member can have access to the information in the system to help reduce costs and prices well below that of the competition. Processes such as supply replenishment are automated between companies and suppliers. When products reach a certain re-order point, the system automatically sends a message to the supplier who can quickly send out new stock. These systems help companies achieve low-cost leadership in their industry.Product DifferentiationA very effective use of strategic information systems is to create products or services that are so different that they create barriers for the competition. Product differentiation is at the heart of Dell Computer Corporation’s success. Its competitors, such as Compaq and IBM, have tried to duplicate Dell’s made-to-order strategic business model but have not been quite as successful.Apple uses product differentiation to help market its iPod and online music system to a broad swath of the population and create barriers that its competitors are having difficulty overcoming.People like to feel that they are unique individuals with their own needs and desires. One of the best strategies for dealing with competitors is to offer customers exactly what they want, when they want it, and how they want it. The Internet provides a new outlet for mass customization by allowing customers to order one-of-a-kind products. For instance, by visiting the Ping Golf Club Web site, an individual can step through a series of pages that will help design golf clubs to fit him/her. The customer answers questions on the site about his/her height, arm length, hand size, and level of play. The site then adviseshim/her on the exact type of club that best fits his/her needs and provides all of the information necessary to order the clubs. Once ordered, Ping can produce the product in a matter of hours and use a shipping partner to deliver the clubs in less than five days. The individual feels special and Ping has gained a new customer.Focus on Market NicheIf an organization is in a fiercely competitive market, it can choose to focus on a very narrow segment of the market rather than a broad general audience. Using data mining techniques a firm can gather very specific information about its customers and create a focused differentiation business strategy to market directly to those consumers. Being able to address the needs and wants of a very small market segment is why companies are so intent on gathering as much consumer information from a variety of sources as they can.Apple Computer uses focused differentiation to help sell its computers to a narrow target market of graphic designers and educators rather than the general population of computer users.Strengthen Customer and Supplier IntimacySupply chain management (SCM) systems increase supplier intimacy while customer relationship management systems increase customer intimacy. SCM systems create immense switching costs between a company and its suppliers because of the investment of hardware and software necessary to make the system successful. Customer relationship management systems allow companies to learn details about customers that give them the competitive advantage over traditional competitors and new market entrants.Implementing these competitive strategies requires precise coordination of people, technology and the organization. A company can pursue one or more of these strategies but cannot isolate any of the three dimensions of an information system. They must all work in concert together to have any hope of success.The Internet’s Impact on Competitive AdvantageTry to think of one industry that has not been touched by the Internet. Its impact on Porter’s Competitive Forces Model is apparent from entertainment to retail to travel to financial services. The Internet allows traditional competitors to introduce new products and services and lure customers away. It provides a low cost avenue for new market entrants. Consumers can easily and quickly find substitute products and services through the Internet. Customers can use information provided on the Internet to create new competition between companies while suppliers can increase their market power. Table 3.3 summarizes the impact the Internet is having on many industries.Not all of the news is bad though. The Internet provides new opportunities for companies to increase their customers and markets while reducing their costs. The companies we first mentioned in this section, Google, Amazon, and e-Bay are continually creating new products and services through the Internet. They are successful because they use information systems to continually improve their strategic competitive forces.The Business Value Chain ModelBe better than the competition. That’s the mantra of most companies that are serious about winning the game. Areas of the organization most affected by leveraging technology are in producing the product, getting it to the stores, and making the customer happy. Remember the WorldWide Candy Corporation from Chapter 2? Think of all the activities that go into getting the Cybernuts candy bar made, from procuring raw materials to actual production. Then consider how the candy bar gets from the factory to the store shelves. And what about all those commercials you see? These are primary activities. Just as important are support activities: human resources, accounting, and finance. These functions support the primary functions of production, shipping, and sales andmarketing. The value chain model shown below will help an organization focus on these activities and determine which are critical to its success.Figure 3-2: The Value Chain Model.By effectively using an information system in a strategic role at any, or preferably all, levels of the organization, a digital firm can provide more value in their products than the competition. If they can’t provide more value, then the strategic information system should help them provide the same value but at a lower price.Benchmarking provides a way for businesses to determine how they stand up against their competitors within the same industry. For instance, if the industry standard in producing golf clubs is ten days, Ping can benchmark their production schedule of five days and determine that they are successful. They can also research the best practices of other golf club manufacturers and decide if they should fine tune their business processes to wring even more resources from the production process.Information to formulate benchmarks and best practices can come from internal sources, other companies within the same industry, external industries, university research units, or the government.Extending the Value Chain: The Value WebMore and more companies are incorporating the Internet in their business strategies through the use of value webs. Ford Motor Company is forming many partnerships and alliances via the Web to offer services and products that otherwise would be too difficult, costly, or time-consuming.“Suppliers are an integral part of our business, and our success isinterdependent with theirs. We rely on more than 2,000 productionsuppliers to provide many of the parts that are assembled into Fordvehicles. Another 9,000 suppliers provide a wide range of nonproductiongoods and services, from production equipment to computers toadvertising.” ( Web site)Ford is using value webs to connect itself, suppliers, and business partners and share best practices so that each participant can improve its business processes. That in turn lowers supply costs for Ford and ensures a certain level of standardization through the manufacturing process. Suppliers can collaborate with each other via the value web to enhance their core competencies and improve the entire supply chain. Sharing information through the value web helps not just Ford but the entire vehicle manufacturing industry.Figure 3-3: The Value Web.Synergies, Core Competencies, and Network-Based StrategiesVery seldom will you find a business that provides all of its own services, supplies, and processes throughout the entire chain. It isn’t practical or efficient to do so. Almost every business relies on partnerships with other companies to produce goods and services. The most successful companies will determine the best synergies, core competencies and network-based strategies to reduce costs, improve products and services, and increase profits.SynergiesAOL has provided dial-up Internet access for consumers and businesses since the early 1990s. In addition to providing Internet access it also creates specific content that is available only to its customers. The last few years has seen a huge increase in the demand for broadband access by customers across the U.S. AOL simply doesn’t have the necessary infrastructure to provide what its customers want. But other telecommunications companies such as BellSouth and Verizon can help AOL answer the demand through their networks. AOL, in synergy with the other companies can now provide the services customers want.“David Scobey, President of BellSouth’s Retail Markets, said, “This newrelationship will make it easier for loyal AOL consumers to get all thebenefits of BellSouth DSL without losing their AOL service. We think thispromotion offers a compelling reason for AOL members to move tobroadband.” ( Web site)In early 2006, two telecommunication industry giants, Verizon and MCI, announced a partnership that will provide new services to large corporations and governments.“Verizon has joined forces with MCI to form Verizon Business, a leadingprovider of advanced communications services for large businesses,government, and international organizations. The vision: To create onetruly seamless, local-to-global IP network. One that works alongside oneof the world’s most reliable wireless networks, providing your businesswith every piece of the solution you need, including the most importantone of all: people.Consumers and small businesses will also benefit from combining MCI’sworld-class Internet backbone with Verizon’s broadband offerings,providing opportunities to advance our broadband services and keep pacewith the increasing demands of the multimedia marketplace.” ()Both companies have superior services. However, it would have been impossiblefor either company to alone provide the new service. Rather than forego the opportunity altogether, they combined their synergies to create new services for customers.Enhancing Core CompetenciesWhy did Ford Motor Company form an alliance with UPS instead of continuing its long-time practice of delivering vehicles to dealers itself? Because Ford wanted to concentrate on its core competency of manufacturing vehicles and let UPS concentrate on its core competency of delivering products.UPSLogistics’Web site says “By shaving four days off the delivery cycleand reengineering the network, Ford is realizing a $1 billion dollarreduction in vehicle inventory and more than $125 million in inventorycarrying-cost reductions on an annualized basis. ‘The savings willcontinue to grow as our precision, Web-enabled system reaches maturityand we surface and eliminate more non-value-added activities,’ saidTaylor. Ford and UPS Logistics Group launched the alliance a year ago toreengineer Ford’s vehicle delivery system amid rising consumer demandfor on-time vehicle delivery. UPS Logistics Group created UPSAutogistics as a business unit to manage the project. ‘With a singlenetwork manager in place to analyze any potential problems before theyoccur, we’ve managed to avoid bottlenecks, reduce the amount of assets inthe supply chain, and cut inventory carrying costs,’ said Tom Kolakowski,manager of Ford North Americ an Vehicle Logistics.”Network-Based StrategiesTechnology doesn’t automatically transform organizations. There is no magic wand companies can wave that will solve all their problems just because they installed the latest information system. People using technology efficiently and effectively, however, can transform organizations. Network technology can enhance communications up and down the organization and from one department to another on the same managerial level. Networks also provide a low-cost, efficient way to connect a firm to its external environment.It’s long been known in the economics field that the economics of manufacturing produces a diminishing return on investment at some point in time. But in network economics the opposite is true. Let’s say you have a small company with 15 employees operating on a client/server network. You’ve already paid for the server that can support 25 employees. When you hire the 16th employee, you won’t have to spend much money, if any, to support the new employee on the network. You’re actually increasing the server’s output without an associated increase in cost.Technology makes virtual organizations more feasible, cheaper, and easier to set up and tear down than before. Let’s say you own a small company in northern Arizona that offers white-water rafting trips through the Grand Canyon. You have a fleet of rafts and 35 full-time employees. Rather than you trying to manage the payroll and benefits program for your employees you could use a company that specializes in payroll, employee benefit programs, and even retirement plans. Intuit, who manufactures Quicken and QuickBooks, also provides an online service for businesses that does all of these things. You access Intuit’s Web site, enter the necessary data, and it takes care of the rest of the processes even down to filing the government tax forms. You can concentrate on your rafting business instead.The Boeing Company, manufacturer of airplanes, uses virtual organizations throughoutits design and manufacturing processes. It contracts with other businesses for certain types of work such as the development of new seat configurations. When the process is up, the outside vendor is released from the job.As more companies outsource work to other vendors, virtual organizations are becoming the norm. Network technologies based on Internet standards provide the infrastructure necessary to make them successful. Companies are no longer tied to suppliers and business partners located in specific geographical areas but can find the best service provider or business partner around the world.3.2 Competing on a Global ScaleThe world just keeps getting smaller and smaller. No company can afford to ignore foreign markets or the impact of foreign competition on the domestic business environment. You have to adapt to the changing faces, literally, of your competition and customers and devise a plan to bring your organization into its view.Globalization OpportunitiesThe Internet allows big companies to act small and small companies to act big. It also provides wider markets for products and services, cheaper labor, and reduced production and shipping costs. A rancher in northern Montana traditionally could only sell his beefto local markets. He can now sell his products to anyone in the world through the Internet. Customers access his Web site, make their selections, and the products are shipped overnight to any geographic location. The rancher has a wider market for his products with reduced costs.Other companies can use networks to outsource some or all of their work to far-flung geographic locations. A small entrepreneur can use a company in Poland to producetrinkets cheaper than anyone in the United States. The entrepreneur can use a global Web site to sell the products anywhere.The Internet totally changes the traditional ideas of where work needs to take place and where the customers are located. Online collaboration systems, which we will investigate in future chapters, allow workers to instantly share documents, graphics, messages, and even phone calls over the Internet at significant costs savings.Global Business and System StrategiesOne globe, one company. Daimler-Chrysler is the perfect example of a transnational corporation. Its Web site describes it as “the first automotive, transportation, and services company with a truly global structure.” Corporate headquarters are “located in Stuttgart, Germany and Auburn Hills, Michigan, U.S.A.” Daimler-Chrysler did business in 200 countries with 441,500 employees at the end of 1998. Much of this was made possible by system strategies that erase the global lines of demarcation.Information systems that allow a business to “time shift” its work can economize on its fixed capital costs. As their work day ends, employees in New York City can shift projects to employees in Seattle. When the Seattle employees leave for the day they can shift the projects over to Tokyo-based employees. Tokyo can move the project on to Frankfurt, Germany who will continue the work. As so it goes around the clock. Companies can produce information-based products and services almost 24/7 using these kinds of strategies.3.3 Competing on Quality and DesignWho wants to eat a candy bar that tastes horrible, drips all over your hands and clothes, and costs way more than it should? WorldWide Candy Corporation from Chapter 2 avoids those pitfalls better than the competition because it uses information systems to enhance the quality of the company and the product. The customer knows that Cybernuts is far superior to any other candy bar in taste, and it’s not that expensive. The customer doesn’t really focus on the fact that chocolate isn’t melting all over her hands. That’s an intriguing aspect of keeping the customer happy when you think about it. The customer doesn’t consider the quality of a product until it isn’t there. Then it may be too late for the producer to win back the customer.What Is Quality?Total quality management, making quality control everyone’s responsibility, relies onan excellent information system to supply workers and management with the data necessary to improve products and drive down costs. The lack of good, useful information may not be apparent until the organization can’t figure out what it’s doing wrong, or doing right. Data from all the types of information systems we’ve discussed can be fed into quality management programs and make it easier to develop and improve products that blow away the competition.Six Sigma is another initiative companies use to spot problems and correct them before they are too deeply embedded in the company’s processes. It just stands to reason that the longer a flaw is allowed to fester in the system, the more problems it may cause. And the more problems, the higher the costs. If you can identify the defects early on and eliminate them, you can achieve more efficient production at lower costs. That’s the premise behind Six Sigma.Neither of these initiatives should be viewed as one time events but rather as continuing processes.How Information Systems Improve QualityHere are some ways companies can use information systems to achieve total quality management:•Simplify processes by using information to determine what the processes are in the first place•Identify benchmark targets•Gather, process, and store customer feedback in information systems that are available company-wide•Reduce cycle time by providing information earlier in the process•Redesign the process or redesign the product by using information about the process•Improve production processes by using available information from internal and external sourcesComputer-aided design software programs can help a business achieve superior quality by incorporating the ideas above into its work processes. For instance, Ping can use CAD software to design new golf clubs and identify benchmarks used in the production process. The engineers can use customer feedback in the design process to determine what type of clubs sell the best.3.4 Competing on Business ProcessesWe often refer to the three dimensions of an information system: technology, the organization, and people. Nowhere is coordination among the three more important than in business process reengineering.Business Process ReengineeringVery few processes in business are as efficient as they can possibly be. It’s a fact of life. The idea behind successful BPR is to find improvements or even new opportunities. For instance, Federal Express and UPS both have online package tracking systems. That simple process was never economically feasible before the Internet. They had to reengineer their business processes to incorporate this new paradigm shift.In order to make BPR successful, you must first redesign the process, then apply computing power to the new processes. If problems existed in the process before the new system was installed and those problems aren’t resolved, the new system could actually make them worse.New information system software is giving businesses the methodology to more easily redesign their processes. Work flow management offers the opportunity to streamline procedures for companies whose primary business is oriented toward paperwork. Instead of 10 people handling a single bank loan application, you can install software that will speed up the process, allow several people to work on the document at the same time, and decrease the total number of people who handle it. Or, you can migrate the application process to the Web and make it even more efficient and customer-friendly. Wells Fargo Bank allows customers to complete an online application and receive a preliminary approval or disapproval within minutes. Wells Fargo’s computer system is connected to the credit reporting agencies’ computers for quick access of customer credit data. If customers have questions about the application or the types of loans available, they can initiate an instant messaging session with a bank employee and get all their questions answered on the spot. Once the application has been submitted, the customer can check the progress of it online. Once the loan is approved, the money is allocated to the customer through an online account. Wells Fargo processes more bank loans faster and more efficiently. The customer is happier with less effort. And all of this can take place 24/7.Steps in Effective ReengineeringBPR attempts fail 70 percent of the time. That’s an astonishing figure when you think about it. What if your car failed to start 70 percent of the time? Some of the reasons for the high failure rate are lack of planning, management’s inability to fully comprehend the enormity and complexity of the effort, and the fact that BPR usually takes much longer than expected.What can organizations, their managers, and workers do to help make BPR a success? It may be helpful to make a diagram of how your processes work now and then envision how they will work after they are redesigned. Figure 3-5 in the text shows an example of how mortgage processing was redesigned using BPR techniques. Try just a few processes to get your feet wet and then expand it to other units or processes within the organization. Document how much your current processes cost. You’ll be able to measure costs savings (or costs increases) better if you have a baseline for comparison.。
