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1. I need half________ hour to have__________ breakfast.

A. an; the

B. an; /

C. a; /

D. a; the

2. ______ he like the English corner?

A. Does

B. Do

C. Is

D. Are

3. Do you always speak English _______ your classmates?

A. in

B. on

C. with

D. at

4. —Whose trousers are they?


A.They are here

B. They are her

C. They are Jack

D. They are theirs

5. Michael works _______ a farm. His sister works ____ a factory.

A. in, in

B. on, on

C. in, on

D. on, in

6. Jim is __________ years old. His father is ___________.

A. fourteen, fourty

B. forteen, forty

C. forteen, fourty

D. fourteen, forty

7. —_________?

—Yes, please.

A. What would you like

B. What does he look like

C. Would you like some apple juice

D. What does he like

8. —Do you have________ books on Chinese food?

—Yes, I have______.

A. some, any

B. any, some

C. some, some

D. any, any

9. What about going shopping with me ________ ten o’clock ________ this Saturday morning?

A. at, /

B. in, /

C. at, on

D. in, on

10. It’s very kind _________ him __________ me home.

A. for, drive

B. of, drive

C. of, to drive

D. for, drive


1.My f____________ food is fish.

2.We don’t have ___________(一些)milk.

3.Please tell Mary __________ the plan.

4.Ann often helps me ________ my English.

5.Here is another __________[ˈprɒbləm] .

6.I’d like two __________(glass) of milk.

7.That would _________(is) very nice.

8.My mother asks me _______(buy) one ________[ˈki:ləʊ] of salt.

9.Kate ________(have) to get water ________us.

10.It’s a ________ to six. Let’s have dinner.

11.My father often __________(drive) his car to go to work.

12.Kids, help _________ to some ______________[ˈtʃɪkɪn] .

13._______ is my pet. ________ name is Polly. (it)

14.How _________(be) Miss Lee?

15.My brother ___________(not watch) TV every night.


Anna has a lucky jacket. When she wears it, good things ____1_____ to her. She wore it on her exam one time, and she did ____2____ in the class! The jacket is very dirty, because Anna never washes it. She is afraid that____3____ the jacket will wash away the luck.

Anna had a(n) ____4____ interview (面试)for a job.She was worried about it. She wanted to wear the jacket? But the ____5____was not right for the interview. She needed to wear nice clothes. In the end, she decided to wear the jacket____6_____a gray sweater, so others couldn't see the dirty jacket.

When Anna came into the interview room, she started to sweat (流汗). It was so ____7___.She sat down across from the interviewer. “Anna,you're sweating.You should take your ____8____ off.” “I’m fine. It's not too hot here,” she said. She left the interview____9____very worried. A week later,Anna got a phone call from the___10____. The boss gave her the job! The lucky jacket worked! It brought her great luck!

( )1. A.take B.become C.happen

( )2.A.good B.better C.best

( )3.A. washing B. wearing C. taking
