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1. 守口如瓶:Keep the lips shut 。

2. 千里之行,始于足下:A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step 。

3. 水落石出:Truth will out 。

4. 望梅止渴:Longing for the success of a loved one 。

6. 饮鸩止渴:Drink poison to quench thirst 。

7. 力挽狂澜:Stem a tide of disasters 。

8. 旁门左道:Unconventional ways 。

9. 聚精会神:Focus on one thing with full attention 。

10. 无中生有:Something out of nothing 。

11. 因材施教:Instruction based on one‘s capabilities 。

12. 风起云涌:The rising of the wind and the rolling of the clouds 。

13. 闻鸡起舞:Be up and doing when the cock crows 。

14. 风马牛不相及:Horse and oxen don't associate with each other 。

15. 出口成章:Speak fluently and eloquently 。

16. 锱铢必较:Arguing even over minor details 。

17. 山高路远:High mountains and far away roads 。

18. 乘风破浪:Ride the wind and crest the wave 。

19. 百里挑一:One out of a thousand 。

20. 满载而归:Return full of gifts 。

21. 吃一堑,长一智:Learn from the mistakes of others 。

22. 泰山压顶:Pressurizing 。

23. 心急吃不了热豆腐:Impatience won't get you anywhere 。

24. 狗急跳墙:Take desperate measures 。

25. 一石二鸟:Kill two birds with one stone 。

26. 吊死问疾:Ask questions before it's too late 。

27. 趋炎附势:Flattering the powerful 。

28. 平步青云:Rise in the world quickly 。

29. 心有余而力不足:Inability to act because of lack of strength 。
