
Love时间:2011-12-14 09:29来源:美文网作者:Blue Wind 点击: 990 次一)full in love在什么时候爱上了你。
(二)the ex.致你的前度。
(三)split up其实我也想谈一场永不分手的恋爱。
(四)give up你不能放弃。
(五)believe in you我会学着无条件信任你。
(六)i love you没什么别的,我就是爱你。

1. **In Love** - 直接表达处于恋爱中的状态。
2. **Crazy in Love** - 表示极度恋爱中的状态,常用来形容恋爱初期的高度热情和疯狂。
3. **Head Over Heels** - 形容完全被爱情所征服,非常投入和开心。
4. **Smitten** - 表示被某人迷住,深深爱上。
5. **Giddy** -形容因为爱情而感到的快乐和晕眩。
6. **infatuated** - 表示对某人极度迷恋,通常带有一些不理智的成分。
7. **Enamored** - 表示深深爱着,非常着迷。
8. **Dazzled** - 形容因为爱情而感到眼花缭乱,不知所措。
9. **Over the Moon** - 表示非常高兴,欣喜若狂,通常是因为恋爱中的甜蜜。
10. **In a Cloud** - 形容因为恋爱而总是处于梦幻般的状态。
这些词汇可以单独使用,也可以与其他单词组合,形成更具体的描述,如 "head-over-heels in love" 或 "smitten
with someone"。

句子的类型有很多,你都知道吗?下面是小编帮大家整理的从A 到Z的26个字母浪漫爱情英语句子,欢迎阅读与收藏。
【A】 Always waiting for you.不管你要不要我,总是在原地等着你。
【B】Be with you.从开始到现在,目的只有一个:和你在一起。
【C】Calls you just to say Hi.打电话给你就是想说声我牵挂你。
【D】Dear.Good night.很想在以后的日子每晚温柔的对你说晚安。
【E】Expect the whole of you.在我的生命里,期待你的全部。
【F】Forever stand by you.好想,永远在你身边。
【G】Give you what you need.如果有以后,我想给你一切你需要的。
【H】Hope you enjoy your life.愿你享受你的生活。
【I】I love you.我爱你。
【J】You jump,I jump.一起憧憬我们如影随形。
【K】Kiss you when you wake.期待在每个清晨,在你醒来时偷偷吻你。
【L】Learn to know you.如果还有机会,我想学习懂你。
【M】Make more surprise in your life.然后再给你与众不同的生活。
【N】Never make you cry.我会永远呵护你,永远不让你哭。
【O】Offer supper.不管你做什么,我都支持你。
【P】Put you in my heart.而且我承诺,我只把你放在我的心底。
【Q】Quit your fears.用我的保护,来停止你的害怕。
【R】Run with you.和以前一样,牵着你的手,和你一起去未来。
【S】Sing a song for you.在结婚那天,为你唱一首属于你的歌。

J-- jealousy(妒忌)的确,妒忌吃醋能表示你对对方的重视,但切记是合情合理的吃醋;反之,毫不讲理,大发雷霆地吃醋必惹反感.K—kiss(吻)一吻胜过千言万语,轻轻的一吻已能代表你惜它,爱护她,所以请不要吝啬你的红唇.L—love(爱)都说是爱情,没有爱又怎么会有情呢?爱跟喜欢不同,爱一个人,你必定愿意为他做任何事情,不妨碍跟对方说句”我爱你!”M—mature(成熟)为什么一般人的初恋总是惨败,因为年轻人恋爱得比较幼稚。

什么叫 seeing 某人呢?就是你喜欢对方,对方对你也有好感,然后你们开始像恋人一样交往了——一起看看电影啊、吃吃饭啊、聊个天啊、接个吻啊、上个床啊。
你们互相称呼“baby”啊、“sweetheart”啊……但你们不说“I love you”!为什么不说呢?因为你们还没相爱!你们把对方当做男女朋友一样来对待(这种关系常常也是排他的。
就是说不会同时 seeing 其他人),但你们还不是男女朋友。
Seeing 的阶段就是你们在一起等待:看看这朵花到底开不开得出来?开出来就给它一个家啊!成为男女朋友,做这朵爱情之花的守护者;要是开不出来……你知道自己该干嘛……该干嘛干嘛去……是不是听起来很耳熟?放在我们的语境中,这便是“朋友之上、恋人未满”~~但是你发现了问题没有?——英语国家中的人把这个状态当作一个有益的尝试,甚至认为是恋爱关系确认前必不可少的阶段(常看美剧、欧美电影的人都知道“I love you” 这句话对欧美这群人来说是多么严重的一个表达。
一旦一方说了出口则往往导致 seeing 阶段的结束——如果对方发现自己也“爱”或者“愿意爱”则皆大欢喜,可以确立为男女朋友;不然则只好拜拜了,因为双方的感情已经有落差。
而有的时候,我们还能看见一对男女明明已经交往了相当长的一段时间,彼此也相处愉快,但就还是维持在 seeing 阶段,也没有对对方说“I love you”。

英文恋爱用语大全Supplementary Vocabulary1. ABOUT LOVE初恋:first love早恋:puppy love校园恋爱Campus love黄昏恋:twilight romance姐弟恋:romance with younger man三角恋:love triangle精神恋爱:platonic love单恋:unrequited love (unrequited passion 单相思.) 相思:lovesicka lovesick teenager失恋的,受爱情折磨的:lovelorn相亲:blind date闪电约会/速配:speed dating (whirlwind romance)试婚:trial marriage闪婚:flash marriage老情人:old flame一夜情:one-night stand网恋:cyber love/on-line dating异地恋:long-distance relationship情投意合的人;灵魂伴侣soul mate天生一对,绝配perfect match: a marriage or two people who are marriedThey're a perfect match./They are made for each other.情侣,恩爱夫妻:lovebirds同心结:love knot情书:love letter爱巢:love nest定情信物:love token爱恨交织的感情关系:love-hate relationship情敌:rival in love情夫:lover, fancy man情妇:mistress, fancy woman, kept woman情歌:love song爱情小说:love story双人沙发:love-seat私生子:love-child (euph 婉)/ illegitimate child情缘:predestined love山盟海誓:lovers’ vows情话:words of love/whispers爱情骗子:a love-rat用英语来恋爱吧!French may be the language of love, but English also has its share of romantic expressions. Here are some handy phrases to use when you talk about your girlfriend or boyfriend. 法文也许是公认的爱情的语言,但是英语也有多种表达浪漫方式的语句。

恋爱的阶段英语作文Title: The Stages of Love: A Journey Through RomanceLove, an emotion as complex and varied as the human heart itself, often unfolds in distinct stages, each with its own unique charm, challenges, and lessons. This journey, whether it leads to a lifelong partnership or a fleeting yet memorable experience, is rich in emotions and personal growth. Let's explore the stages of love, as they typically unfurl.Stage 1: Attraction and InfatuationThe first stage of love often begins with a spark of attraction. It's the moment when two individuals notice each other, and something inside them stirs. Infatuation, a powerful feeling of intense admiration and longing, quickly follows. In this phase, everything about the other person seems perfect, and the world seems brighter just because they're in it. Communication is effortless, laughter is contagious, and the mere thought of them can fill one's heart with joy. However, it's important to recognize that infatuation, while wonderful, is often fueled by idealization and may not reflect the true person behind the initial charm.Stage 2: Getting to Know Each OtherAs the infatuation begins to settle, both individuals enter a stage of discovery. This is where they delve deeper, learning about each other's interests, values, dreams, and fears. Conversations become more profound, and boundaries are gently tested. Trust starts to build as they share more intimate details of their lives. It's during this stage that couples realize if there's a solid foundation for a long-term relationship. Communication becomes crucial, and both parties must be open and honest about their feelings and expectations.Stage 3: Comfort and IntimacyOnce the initial getting-to-know-you phase has passed, couples often find themselves slipping into a comfortable routine. They develop a sense of familiarity and ease with each other, allowing for deeper levels of intimacy both physically and emotionally. In this stage, they may begin to share more personal secrets, support each other through challenges, and enjoy each other's company in both big and small ways. The relationship deepens, and they start to envision a future together.Stage 4: Commitment and CompromiseAs the relationship matures, the need for commitment becomes more apparent. Couples may decide to take their relationship to the next level, whether it's through exclusive dating, moving in together, or getting engaged. With commitment comes the understanding that relationships require effort, patience, and compromise. Differences in opinion, lifestyle choices, and personal habits may arise, necessitating open and respectful discussions. It's during this stage that couples learn to navigate conflict and work together to maintain a strong and healthy bond.Stage 5: Long-Term Love and PartnershipFor those lucky enough to reach this stage, love has evolved into a deep and enduring partnership. The infatuation may have faded, replaced by a profound and abiding affection. Couples have weathered the storms of life together, grown stronger through shared experiences, and continue to nurture their relationship with love, respect, and communication. They may start a family, build a home, and create a life filled with shared memories and aspirations. In this stage, love becomes a choice, a daily commitment to cherish and support each other through the ups and downs of life.In conclusion, the stages of love are a natural progression, each with its own beauty and challenges. While not every relationship follows this exact path, the journey is ultimately about self-discovery, personal growth, and the deepening of human connection. As the old saying goes, "Love is not a feeling, it's an action." It's in the act of loving, through all the stages, that we find true happiness and fulfillment.。

恋爱的阶段英语作文精选英文恋爱的阶段英语作文:Title: The Stages of Love: A Journey of Bliss and DiscoveryIn the tapestry of human emotions, love weaves a unique and intricate pattern, one that varies in hue and texture as it progresses through distinct stages. From the first blush of infatuation to the profound depths of commitment, each phase of a romantic relationship is a cherished chapter in the grand narrative of love. Let us embark on a journey to explore these enchanting stages.Stage 1: Attraction and InfatuationIt all begins with a spark, a fleeting glance or a chance encounter that ignites a flame within. This is the stage of attraction, where two souls find themselves drawn to each other like moths to a flame. Infatuation sets in, coloring the world in shades of rose and gold. Hearts race, thoughts are consumed, and every conversation, no matter how mundane, seems to hold the promise of a deeper connection. This phase is filled with anticipation, excitement, and the thrill of discovery, as both parties strive to uncover every facet of the other's being.Stage 2: Exploration and UnderstandingAs the infatuation begins to settle into a more grounded affection, the stage of exploration and understanding unfolds. Couples delve deeper into each other's lives, sharing stories, dreams, fears, and aspirations. This is when boundaries are tested, and trust begins to blossom. They learn to navigate each other's quirks and idiosyncrasies, celebrating the differences that make their relationship unique. Through shared experiences and opencommunication, they forge a stronger bond based on mutual respect and understanding.Stage 3: Comfort and IntimacyWith time, the relationship matures into a state of comfort and intimacy. In this phase, partners feel at ease in each other's company, able to be themselves without fear of judgment. They develop a language all their own, filled with inside jokes and unspoken understandings. Physical intimacy deepens, as they share moments of tenderness and passion that reinforce their emotional connection. This stage is marked by a profound sense of belonging and contentment, where each partner feels like a vital part of the other's life.Stage 4: Commitment and PartnershipAs the relationship evolves further, the stage of commitment and partnership becomes paramount. Couples make conscious decisions to stand by each other through thick and thin, acknowledging that love is not just a feeling but a choice. They may choose to formalize their union through marriage or other forms of commitment, signaling their dedication to building a future together. In this phase, they work as a team, supporting each other's goals, aspirations, and challenges. Their love transforms into a sturdy foundation upon which they build a shared life, filled with shared experiences, dreams, and memories.Stage 5: Enduring Love and CompanionshipFinally, after years of shared joys and sorrows, the relationship matures into a state of enduring love and companionship. This is the pinnacle of romantic relationships, where partners have grown not just together but into each other's lives. They understand that love is a journey, not a destination, and they cherish every moment spent by each other's side. Theirbond is unbreakable, nourished by the deep roots of trust, respect, and unconditional love that have grown over time. In this stage, love becomes a source of strength, comfort, and inspiration, guiding them through life's ups and downs with grace and resilience.In conclusion, the stages of love are a testament to the beauty and complexity of human emotions. Each phase is a vital step towards a deeper, more profound connection, where two souls merge into one in a dance of love that never ends.中文对照翻译:书名:爱的阶段:幸福与发现之旅在人类情感的挂毯中,爱编织了一个独特而复杂的图案,随着它在不同阶段的发展,图案的色调和质地会有所不同。

1. Attraction(吸引):这是爱情的开始阶段,两个人被对方的外貌、性格、才华等吸引。
2. Infatuation(热恋):这个阶段通常伴随着强烈的情感和激情,两个人彼此深深地吸引,希望尽可能多地在一起。
3. Commitment(承诺):当两个人的感情稳定下来,他们可能会决定建立更长久的关系,并做出承诺。
4. Intimacy(亲密):这是爱情的最后一个阶段,两个人彼此信任、理解和支持,建立起深厚的情感联系。

严正声明:以下内容纯系本着帮助同学的崇高目的转载的,与本人无关!!1. have a crush on 迷恋某人A: I'm having this huge crush on Ted. I'm going to try and see if I can ask him out this weekend.A: 我最近好喜欢Ted 喔! 我想看看能不能约他这个周末出来。
B: Well...But I heard that he is already seeing somebody.B: 嗯....但是我听说他已经有了交往的对象了ㄝ!美国人关于交友的用词和我们有些不同。
这里的"he is seeing somebody" 有可能指他刚正开始和某人交往, 也可能指他和对方已经交往了一阵子。
到目前为止, 我还不能找到一个很贴切的中文来代替它。
不过, 如果例句中的"...But I heard that heis already seeing somebody." 改成"...But I heard that he is already is a serious relationship with somebody." 就惨了。
因为那表示这个叫Ted 的男生不但是「死会」了, 而且是「非常地死会」。
2. play hard-to-get 欲擒故纵A: So she stood you up last night.A: 结果, 她昨晚放你鸽子啦?B: Well, I guess she's trying to play hard-to-get.B: 嗯, 大概想跟我玩「欲擒故纵」的游戏吧!"stand someone up" 是「放某人鸽子」的意思。

表示恋爱的在一起英语可用We are in love或是We fall in love表达。
love bubble 热恋期

Love bubble is the period of time immediately after falling in love when one's obligations, plans, communication with others, and sometimes necessities become neglected due to the desire to spend time with the loved one.
Love bubble指刚刚恋爱的那段时间,所有的工作、计划、与别人的交流以及生活中需要做的事情都被忽略,一心只想跟爱的人在一起,也就是我们所说的“热恋期”。
For example:
Upon meeting, Jack1 and Jill entered a particularly severe love bubble where they forgot to eat or sleep for an entire day, but it was of no matter to them.
1 jack
I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
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1. Single 单身第六感告诉双语君,我们的读者中单身居多,所以必须得有这一词条,“single”。
单身狗们最怕听到的话:►Are youseeing anyone?你谈对象了么?►How are you still single?You are such a catch.你咋还单着?你条件这么好!►Don't you everget lonely?你不觉得孤单吗?►Aren't you worried you won't be able tohave kids?你不担心自己不会有孩子吗?►You're justtoo picky.你就是太挑剔了!►There areplenty of fishin the sea.天涯何处无芳草。
►Don't give up.It'll happen.不要放弃治疗,总能找着对象的。
2. just friends 朋友而已如果被人误解你在和某人搞暧昧,你只好澄清一下,►We're just friends.我们只是普通朋友而已。
3. a platonic relationship 纯洁的男女关系Platonic,柏拉图式的,可不是指精神恋爱,而是指纯精神友谊的。
►Our relationship isstrictly platonic.我俩是绝对纯洁的男女关系。
4. unrequited love 暗恋暗恋是什么滋味,说多了都是泪。
Unrequited love用英文解释就是:►Loving someone whodoesn't love you back.爱上一个不会回报你的爱的人。
或者,►One person has feelings for another that isnot reciprocated.一个人对另一人的感情得不到回应。
例句:►I'min unrequited love withJohn.我单恋着John。
►Chrishas an unrequited lovefor her.Chris苦苦暗恋着她。
开启恋爱副本:Ready?Go!恋爱初期5. into (someone) 喜欢上两人初相识,互有好感(attracted to each other),你就可以说:you're"into" each other。
►I thinkhe's into me. I'mkind of into him too.我觉得他喜欢我。
6. asked (someone) out 约会男生主动约你(to go on a date),可以说成,►Heasked me out.他约我了。
7. hook up 勾搭上这是个俚语,有的恋爱关系不是循序渐进地发展,而是开门见山地展开,比如在正常交往前(before going out on a date),就已经有亲密举动,或发生关系,那么你就可以说,►He hashooked up withthat incredibly beautiful girl.他和那个颜值爆表的妹子勾搭上了。
通常,人们觉得hook up形容的是比较随意的肉体关系(casual sex),而非正经谈恋爱(in a serious relationship),是不以结婚为目的的耍流氓。
8. seeing each other 开始交往如果你们约会过几次,但还没有确认彼此要完全投入这段感情(not completely committed to each other),你就可以描述这个阶段为“seeing each other”。
►We'reseeing each other. It'snothing serious, though.我们正在交往,不过还不是特别严肃那种。
9. dating 恋爱中一旦你们确立了恋爱关系,你就可以对外宣布:►We're dating.我们恋爱了。
10. in a relationship 恋爱中正式一点的话,你可以这样描述自己的状态:►I'm in a relationship.我正在恋爱中。
11. going steady 确立关系►They've beengoing steadyfor 8 months now.他俩确立关系8个月了。
12. get engaged 订婚关系稳定后,你们决定结婚,首先当然要订婚(engagement)。
►Scott and I just got engaged!Scott和我刚刚订婚。
订过婚的人会说,►We're engaged.我们已经订婚了。
13. newlyweds 新婚燕尔婚后一两年内,人们都可以称这对夫妻为newlyweds:►Back when we were newlyweds, he'd bring home flowers once a week.我俩刚结婚那阵,他每周带花回家。
14. happily married 婚姻幸福过了新婚的阶段,一对夫妇就只是“a married couple”,人们通常用“happily married”来描述这种的状态。
►I'm happily married, with two kids, a boy and a girl.我婚姻幸福,有两个孩子,一个男孩,一个女孩。
15. partners 伴侣有些情侣恋爱多年,但没有结婚,原因可能是他们觉得结婚没有意义,也可能因为他们是同志,所在的地区同性婚姻尚未合法。
在这种情况下,你可以叫自己的伴侣为“partner”:►My partner and I took a trip to Italy last year.我和我的伴侣去年去意大利旅游了。
16. significant other 另一半;爱人结婚与否,你都可以把你的爱人或恋人称为“significant other”。
►A: Why's Roger always talking about his significant other? Why don't he just say girlfriend? Roger为什么老在说他的“爱人”,他直接说女朋友不就得了?►B: Because his "girlfriend" is a guy named Bruce.因为他的“女朋友”是个叫Bruce的男生。
BE线:最后我们没有在一起分手17. one-sided relationship 单方面的感情有时候,你会觉得恋爱中的两人的投入是不对等的,有时甚至是其中一方在努力维系彼此的关系,你们可能陷入了一种unhealthy relationship(不健康的恋爱关系),这就是one-sided relationship。
►If you date someone just because he is hot, you are at risk for a one-sided relationship.如果你找某人谈恋爱,仅仅因为对方长得帅,那你很有可能会陷入一种单方面付出的关系中。
这种关系还可以说成是:lop-sidedrelationship 不平衡的感情unfair/unequalrelationship 不对等的感情one wayrelationship 单方面感情18. broke up 分手►A: Where's Jane?Jane呢?►B: Actually, we broke up.其实,我们分手了。
19. through 掰了如果你们分手分得轰轰烈烈,各种撕破脸皮,你就可以这样说:►He and I arethrough!我和他掰了!►I amthrough withhim!我和他完了!20. dump 甩了一个把另一个甩了,像倒垃圾一样,就是dump,►I can't believehe dumped me!我不敢相信他竟然把我给甩了!21. separated 分居一对夫妻结束感情,通常叫separation(分居)。
►My wife and I are separated.我妻子和我分居了。
22. divorced 离婚有时候一对夫妻在分居(separation)一段时间后,还能重修旧好,如果不能,就用法律终结他们的婚姻(finalize their separation legally)。
►We're getting divorced.我们要离婚了。
23. exes 前任一对情侣或夫妻分手或离婚后,另一位就变成了“ex”。
►My ex took the house and the kids.我前任带走了房产和孩子。
►Hey, isn't that your ex-wife over there?嘿,那边那个不是你前妻么?好了,从恋爱到分手的词汇都教给你了,你现在处在什么阶段了?。